August 22, 2018

"President Donald Trump's former lawyer and fixer Michael Cohen will 'under no circumstances' accept a pardon from his former boss, Cohen's attorney Lanny Davis said Wednesday."

Politico reports:
Asked whether his client would seek a pardon from the president, Cohen's attorney Lanny Davis said... "His answer would be no, I do not want a pardon from this man.... Under no circumstances, since he came to the judgment after Mr. Trump's election to the presidency of the United States that his suitability is a serious risk to our country. And certainly after Helsinki, creates serious questions about his loyalty to our country."...

"Michael Cohen knows information that would be of interest to the special counsel, in my opinion, regarding both knowledge about a conspiracy to corrupt American democracy by the Russians and the failure to report that knowledge to the FBI," Davis said. "Donald Trump violated criminal law. He may not be able to be indicted. That's an unclear question, but there's no dispute here. He directed Michael Cohen to do something that was criminal. Michael did it and admitted to it."
There's a little slippage between the quote and the headline. Davis said Cohen would not seek a pardon, not that he wouldn't accept a pardon. But obviously, Cohen, working with Davis, does not have a strategy of pleasing Trump.


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Inga...Allie Oop said...

My point is ...for the dense.

Trump: Lied about having sex with women outside his marriage.

Clinton: Lied about having sex with women outside his marriage.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

So tell the class, Inga, is adultery grounds for impeachment?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Bimbo, no.

But there are other things that are.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Inga blurs the details for her team.

Bill Clinton had sex with a young intern WHILE SERVING AS PRESIDENT. In the Oval Office.

Did Trump?

Answer the question, Inga.

walk don't run said...

My sense is that Trump is one of those very unusual people who can not only live with chaos but in fact thrives on chaos. Most of us run away from chaos and its cousin, confrontation, Trump embraces it. So not surprisingly he seems relatively calm as he tweets about Cohen’s defection. As someone who constantly lives on the edge, these are just short term setbacks that he believes the “Donald” will solve and turn to his advantage. So far to the amazement of all of his opponents, he’s been able to do that!

His greatest advantage at this point is that his many opponents continue to overreact and overreach in every way possible to achieve their goal of removing him from office. In this case the Mueller team has persuaded Cohen to cop to a guilty plea for an offence that may or may not be a crime solely because it may implicate Trump. As Mark Penn states in the Hill,

“What’s clear in this plea deal is that, in exchange for overall leniency on his massive tax evasion, Cohen is pleading guilty to these other charges as an attempt to give prosecutors what they want — a Trump connection.”

This is exactly what Trump loves and gives him the opening to tweet,

“Michael Cohen plead guilty to two counts of campaign finance violations that are not a crime. President Obama had a big campaign finance violation and it was easily settled!”

In two sentences he gets across the ambiguity of the potential charges and reminds people of the leniency faced by Obama when his campaign was found guilty of campaign finance violations - a brilliant counterpunch that will only anger his opponents into even further overreach. Once again his opponents are playing into his hand. To add insult to injury they are stupidly using a Clinton surrogate, Lanny Davis who negotiated this crazy Cohen deal, as their lead spokesman.

At this point Mueller may have won the Cohen battle but in the process his team has given Trump an excess supply of ammunition to win the war. Watch out!!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Other things! Like what? - digging for dirt on precious holy Hillary? Is that illegal?

Qwinn said...

Here, let me put it this way. Given the massive rewards that his enemies lavish on anyone willing to make an accusation against Trump (true or false, evidence or no evidence is obviously irrelevant to them) and given the complete lack of consequences for lying, can you possibly envision any universe in which Trump WON'T be subjected to false accusations? I can't.

Brian said...

"Is it possible that Cohen said that Trump directed him to spend the money to "influence the campaign" (or whatever the language was), not because the SDNY office required it for the deal, but instead because Lanny Davis told him to say it?"

We'll never know, but my guess it's for the money. Nobody on the #resistance is going to give him money unless they think he flipped. The tell is Lanny Davis saying that Helsinki is what changed Cohen's mind about Trump. Riiiighhht.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

I do feel like I’m teaching a special ed class, now that you mention it Bimbo, lol.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Like what? - digging for dirt on precious holy Hillary? Is that illegal?”

Criminal conspiracy and obstruction of justice are still illegal last I heard.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Meetings with Russians... = illegal!

Beating iIllary = illegal.

Joking about Hillary's 30,000 deleted e-mails = collusion with Russians.

and on and on.... Lanny and his media said so.

wwww said...

Impeachment has never been a legal question. It is a political question.

Andrew Johnson was impeached because?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

What criminal conspiracy? What obstruction of justice?

Achilles said...

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Completely different than Bill Clinton.”

Lordie, what a dummy you are. Clinton didn’t rape Monica Lewinsky, he took advantage of her youth, but the sex was consensual. Clinton had allegations of rape, no convictions. Guess what? Trump also had allegations of rape made against him, one by a girl who was 13 years old at the time. Why are allegations of rape OK for Trump, but not Clinton? Both men are despicable, but you people seem to forgive or disbelieve such allegations only when it comes to Trump.

So you are admitting you voted for a known rapist and that there are zero credible accusations of Trump attacking women.

Just admitting you are stupid would take a lot fewer words.

Wince said...

Who's the media "fixer" who's getting all the left-leaning outlets to use the term "fixer" in reference to Cohen and Trump, but not Lanny Davis and the Clintons?

FullMoon said...

Forgive me if Chuck already posted this from WSJ best of the web:

Cohen Joins the Resistance

Trump’s former lawyer engages a Clinton associate to criticize the President.

Michael Cohen ’s lawyer is on the talk-show circuit teasing the possibility that his client might have the long-sought evidence of Russian collusion for special counsel Robert Mueller. Mr. Mueller for his part must be wondering why Team Cohen seems to be doing everything it can to present the former Trump attorney as an unserious partisan axe-grinder rather than a credible witness.

The website Mediaite asks:

So why, exactly, has Lanny Davis been all over television and radio Wednesday morning — hours after his client, Michael Cohen, accepted a deal to plead guilty on eight counts of various violations?

The answer came into focus a bit on Megyn Kelly Today, as the lawyer made a direct appeal to viewers to give money to Cohen so that he can “continue to tell the truth.”

Mr. Davis expressed the hope that Americans would visit a website,, to donate money. Mr. Davis may have been confused about the name of the site. As of this afternoon the address brings web visitors to a Trump campaign website. It seems unlikely that those attending the Kelly show were aware that Mr. Davis was inadvertently sending potential donors to Team Trump, but they seemed amused anyway. According to Mediaite:

The audience straight up laughed at Davis’s plea for cash.

“I don’t know if they’re ready to donate, Lanny,” host Megyn Kelly said.

But that didn’t stop the attorney from trying to get in the pockets of those watching at home.

“I would say the reaction of your audience may be they are not as interested in getting the truth out about Donald Trump as many other people in the country,” Davis said. “Approximately 60 percent of the country would not have the reaction of your audience.”

This last comment brought murmurs and boos from a clearly skeptical crowd.

More skepticism may result as people ponder the unique representation that Mr. Davis is providing to Mr. Cohen. The Washington Post notes:

Asked on NPR whether Cohen would accept a pardon for his admitted crimes from Trump, Davis gave an emphatic “no.”

“I know that Mr. Cohen would never accept a pardon from a man that he considers to be both corrupt and a dangerous person in the Oval Office, and he has flatly authorized me to say under no circumstances would he accept a pardon from Mr. Trump,” Davis said.

Now what kind of lawyer seeks to rule out a pardon for a client who has just pleaded guilty to a series of crimes? And if the client really did have something important to say about collusion allegations, wouldn’t he already have said it while negotiating a plea agreement?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Inga blurs the details for her team.

Bill Clinton had sex with a young intern WHILE SERVING AS PRESIDENT. In the Oval Office.

Did Trump?

Answer the question, Inga.

let me guess - Russian conspiracy and collusion and obstruction, and because reasons and said so and leftwing hivemind.

Achilles said...

Inga...Allie Oop said...

My point is ...for the dense.

Trump: Lied about having sex with women outside his marriage.

Clinton: Lied about having sex with women outside his marriage.

One of these cases was under oath.

In a court deposition in a case where the woman accused Clinton of violently raping her.

With several witnesses.

And documented injuries.

And Clinton paid her $900,000.

Other than that no difference.

Gospace said...

Bill Clinton changed one big thing while in office.

Prior to Bill CLinton doing it, the textbook example of sexual abuse in every sexual harassment waste of time I was forced to attend was- a powerful man in the hierarchy taking advantage of a lower ranking woman in the hierarchy.

President-intern. There's no more uneven power balance in teh entirety of the United States.

Oops, it was consensual! She wanted it! Probably even initiated it! And WTH, it's all about sex so who cares!

Every sexual harassment seminar attended since then has not only been a complete waste of time, but an exercise in pure hypocrisy, because condemning William Jefferson Clinton for engaging in textbook sexual harassment is a prohibited exercise.

Sex between men and women happens. And has Trump so crudely put it- women often both want and initiate it when it's with a powerful rich man.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Bill Clinton had sex with a young intern WHILE SERVING AS PRESIDENT. In the Oval Office.”

Good grief. You still don’t get my point. Oh well, I didn’t expect you to, but maybe some of the more honest and intelligent commenters might.

wwww said...

talking about impeachment is a waste of time. He may be impeached, but he will not be removed from office by the Senate.

predictions for the future:

Cohen will want a deal. You can make a deal before sentencing, after sentencing, when ever. He wants to talk. We'll see more of him. Probably under oath before the House after 2018.

Tax fraud & political and financial corruption will be far more pertinent then sex in the upcoming scandals.

Prediction for CAL-50
The steam games and airline ticket for his rabbit are gonna end up in a campaign commercial.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Your point is that Trump and Bill are the same. In reality, Trump has yet to have sex in the oval office with an intern.

Wince said...

My earliest suspicions at the outset of the Cohen representation confirmed, I don't see this ending well for the conflicted Lanny Davis.

How is Cohen "flipping" on Davis with a malpractice claim and receiving a pardon from Trump any different than the plea deal the prosecutors offered Cohen?

Brian said...

Impeachment has never been a legal question. It is a political question. Andrew Johnson was impeached because?

Because he was lenient to the southern states (and a Democrat) and tried to fire Secretary of War Stanton.

Impeached but not convicted (i.e. no removal). See how hard it is to remove someone? It's supposed to be hard. If you are going to impeach the man you better have the votes for removal too, which I figure means having around 75% of the population for removing. The country is a long way away from that.

What's one thing that polls in the 70's? That we are all united around?

wwww said...


Rick Wilson says some people would not turn on Trump if he had sex with Stormy Daniels on the lawn of the White House.

He could shoot someone on 5th Avenue in NYC.

He could do anything. Literally. Anything.

Stop expecting anything else and it'll make sense.

Partisanship is a heck of a drug.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Lying under oath IS an impeachable offense, I agree. That is why Trump won’t submit to being interviewed by Mueller. He can’t not lie. It’s impossible for him. And this doesn’t seem to bother you people.

My point again is that you people don’t seem to mind that Trump lied about his moral failures, just like Clinton. But you folks don’t mind. That’s where you are revealed to be huge hypocrites.

buwaya said...

Unlike Edwards Trump did not require campaign funds to pay anyone, and his campaign was largely self funded anyway, at least until the last couple of months.
How could one distinguish campaign funds from his own money?

Edwards was himself a wealthy man, but almost two orders of manitude less so than Trump, and wasn't in a position to self-finance a national political camoaign.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Rick Wilson says some people would not turn on Trump if he had sex with Stormy Daniels on the lawn of the White House.”

No doubt. Just read the Althouse comments sections.

Achilles said...

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Bill Clinton had sex with a young intern WHILE SERVING AS PRESIDENT. In the Oval Office.”

Good grief. You still don’t get my point. Oh well, I didn’t expect you to, but maybe some of the more honest and intelligent commenters might.

We get your point.

You want history to reflect a world where you are not an amoral power hungry bitch who wants power over her political opponents so she can sick her violent friends on them and take their money to give it to other people.

But history is there in black and white. It started long before you want it to start.

You voted for a known rapist.

You voted for more than one candidate that literally sold us out to Russia.

You want to ignore all of that because an election didn't go your way.

Nobody wants your open borders and your corruption and your political violence.

Trump is going to be president for 6.5 more years.

Because you are awful people.

wwww said...

If you are going to impeach the man you better have the votes for removal too,

Like I said, it's not a legal question. It's a political question. They may not care if they have the votes for removal.

Removal is not going to happen. There's no way the Senate moves to impeach unless McConnell determines Trump is no longer of any use to him.

Achilles said...

Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...

Your point is that Trump and Bill are the same. In reality, Trump has yet to have sex in the oval office with an intern.

Or rape anyone.

Wince said...

Inga said...
That is why Trump won’t submit to being interviewed by Mueller. He can’t not lie. It’s impossible for him. And this doesn’t seem to bother you people.

With those words I almost believed Inga understood how a perjury trap works... almost.

BTW perjury traps do bother me.

Achilles said...

wwww said...


Rick Wilson says some people would not turn on Trump if he had sex with Stormy Daniels on the lawn of the White House.

He could shoot someone on 5th Avenue in NYC.

He could do anything. Literally. Anything.

Stop expecting anything else and it'll make sense.

Partisanship is a heck of a drug.

Democrats under Obama spied on political opponents.

Democrats under Obama used the IRS and several other federal agencies to persecute us. Their political opponents.

There are hundreds of examples of democrats not prosecuting each other and allowing brazen illegal acts.

We know who you are.

You are awful people who abuse the rule of law. We will no longer let you get away with your double standards.

One set of rules fuckhead.

Ajnal said...

Wow. The twisting of logic and principles in here is nothing short of AMAZING!

just think when the really big stuff hits the fan.

Thank you.

Molly said...


wwww said:
"A better moral analogy is John Edwards adultery & paying his mistress campaign funds. Non-hypocrites were not ok with both, or were ok with both. Someone who is happy with one but not the other guy you think is on your "team"...

"btw- the legal question for the jury was "is he hiding it from his wife or using the funds to influence the election." It's a question for the jury after looking at the evidence.

"Edwards did not get convicted because the jury thought Edwards used the $$ to hide the baby and mistress from his wife. The law says the jury should convict if they thought it was to influence the election."

Edwards analogy entirely unapt (or inept). He was paying mistress with campaign funds. Trump was (or wasn't) paying these ladies with his own money.

Two different fact patterns.

As a matter of law, one could argue that Stormy was blackmailing Trump. Don't think there's any law against blackmail victim paying blackmailer.

And there will be no jury to look at the Trump "case."

Achilles said...

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Lying under oath IS an impeachable offense, I agree. That is why Trump won’t submit to being interviewed by Mueller. He can’t not lie. It’s impossible for him. And this doesn’t seem to bother you people.

My point again is that you people don’t seem to mind that Trump lied about his moral failures, just like Clinton. But you folks don’t mind. That’s where you are revealed to be huge hypocrites.

It is almost as if Inga is on the cusp of a huge revelation. I think EDH at 3:46 is on to something.

But we all know better.

She is just too stupid for that.

buwaya said...

You are in a partisan moment.

Indeed, you are in an ever escalating cultural war, where mutual hatred comes out of anything at all.

The problem is well described in Thucydides, in his Third book on the Pelopponesian war, the famous part on the nature of faction, on the matter of Corcyra. You are already in such a dreadful state.

You can complain all you like about lack of virtue, but that is plain blindness at best. Your own virtue in this sense was gone long ago. There is no virtue left to cite, other than as ammunition in a purely amoral contest. You are in hell already, pretending to be angels.

It does, perhaps, take being an outsider to see the absurdity of it.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Wow. The twisting of logic and principles in here is nothing short of AMAZING!

just think when the really big stuff hits the fan.”


wwww said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
buwaya said...

Btw, if a professor cites Thucydides in the colleges of California, or worse requires reading it, it is likely to evoke an ideological complaint of some sort.

That is the state you are in, as plain as that. The American mind is not only closed, but quite dead. If you are not aware of that it is because you are behind the times and missed notice of the funeral.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

"just think when the really big stuff hits the fan.”

Inga, are you emptying your colostomy bag near a running electric fan, you retarded old whore?

Qwinn said...

I guess I also missed when Stormy brought out her version of the blue dress.

Up until that blue dress, every Democrat everywhere claimed the accusations were all lies.

Nothing even remotely like Stormy having a blue dress, and every single Democrat everywhere says the accusations are true.

I wonder what the difference is.

Martin said...

The biggest question for me is the same one I have had for some time--why did Cohen retain Lanny Davis to represent him? There can be no question that Davis will not properly represent his client, as he will put the interests of the Clintons and Democrats in general ahead of Cohen's interests.

The only reason I can think of is that 'someone' told Cohen to have Davis represent him and do whatever Davis says, and he (Cohen) would be 'taken care of.' Which would be in keeping with the kind of sleaze Cohen obviously is.

But, wow, can Trump pick 'em? Bannon, Omarosa, Stormy Daniels, Michael Cohen, Manafort, Page, and a host of weird people who have faded from the daily headlines. His judgment in personnel is probably his single weakness that gives me the most concern... except maybe that he is just like them.

I just finished "The Age of Eisenhower," and boy have we fallen in the last 60 years!

Qwinn said...


I usually really enjoy your posts, but I am very disappointed in the last few. It appears the Left has conned you into the "both sides are just as bad" con.

wwww said...

"I just finished "The Age of Eisenhower," and boy have we fallen in the last 60 years!"

Yeah we have fallen. I have been thinking about Eisenhower the past few days.

Gospace said...

And about CA-50. I can guarantee that the CA Supreme Court will not find that the people have a right to choose between two candidates when Duncan Hunter stops campaigning. The jungle primary rules don't allow it. Unlike in NJ, where when Toricelli dropped out, he was replaced because the people needed a choice. The six other candidates on the general election ballot weren't a choice- had to be a Democrat on the ballot or the people didn't have choice. Green, Libertarian, Conservative, Socialist and Republican candidates weren't enough of a choice. Plus- NJ allows writ in votes. CA doesn't. So in many area of CA, and for most statewide races, you have a choice of Democrat A or Democrat B.

Drago said...

The funniest comment of all on this thread is LLR and Dick Durbin cuckholster Chuck attempting to resurrect the Cohen to Prague farce!!

Gee, all Cohen actually did was go to the Univ of Southern California to watch his son play baseball with about a zillion witnesses.

And that was another proven lie in the hoax dossier, which Inga actually believes has "held up pretty well"! (\

But don't ask her what specific claims made in the hoax dossier have "held up", as no one ever really answers that question...for obvious reasons. Usually it boils down to things like, there is a dude named Carter Page, he did go to Russia (which was public knowledge and never hidden, Page did give a speech (always public and never denied), there is a nation called "Russia", and Prague is a city in Europe!!



Alas, LLR Chuck and Inga (peas in a pod) hardest hit. As always.

On the plus side, they will always have each other as they struggle mightily to return the dems to power!

You know, it is in those fiery crucibles of conflict and turmoil that real relationships can form, and with so much in common, here's hoping Inga and Chuck can make it work! Just think of all the money they'll save in ordering obama speeches on CD, cable subscriptions for the Maddow show and democrat party fundraising!

Drago said...

wwww: "Yeah we have fallen. I have been thinking about Eisenhower the past few days"

The democrats claimed Eisenhower was a doddering old fool and a nazi to boot!

Democrat William Clay actually said of Reagan: "trying to replace the Bill of Rights with fascist precepts lifted verbatim from Mein Kampf.'"


Oh yes, the "good old days" when democrats and lefties called every republican a fascist nazi murderer. So much better than these days when democrats and lefties call every republican a fascist nazi murderer!!

Drago said...

Hey, remember GW Bush?

He's a good guy, right? LOL

Vice President Al Gore: "(George W. Bush's) executive branch has made it a practice to try and control and intimidate news organizations, from PBS to CBS to Newsweek. ... And every day, they unleash squadrons of digital brown shirts to harass and hector any journalist who is critical of the President."

Achilles said...

buwaya said...

You are in a partisan moment.

Indeed, you are in an ever escalating cultural war, where mutual hatred comes out of anything at all.

The problem is well described in Thucydides, in his Third book on the Pelopponesian war, the famous part on the nature of faction, on the matter of Corcyra. You are already in such a dreadful state.

You can complain all you like about lack of virtue, but that is plain blindness at best. Your own virtue in this sense was gone long ago. There is no virtue left to cite, other than as ammunition in a purely amoral contest. You are in hell already, pretending to be angels.

It does, perhaps, take being an outsider to see the absurdity of it.

The left has successfully destroyed institution after institution that used to give us common community.

The NFL is just the latest and most obvious example.

They are doing their best to turn the internet into a fascist paradise now.

We see all that.

We are past the point you describe.

But the situation is not that dire. The globalists are so vastly outnumbered and outmatched in any real confrontation there probably wont be one.

They have an army of idiots made up of Antifa, illegal immigrants, and people like Inga. We have millions of US Veterans, the non-com US military, and almost all of the armed citizens of the country which hovers around 40-50 million people.

They should just adjust to the new reality.

Howard said...

Blogger bagoh20 said...

Pretty simple: Clinton lied under oath. That's was his crime. If he wasn't under oath, there is no crime, he wouldn't have been impeached, and he wouldn't have lost his Law license.

Completely unrelated to Whitewater, just like the petty shit regarding illegal loans and hooker payoffs you guys are pissing about now it's dem v trump instead of gingrich v clinton.

Molly said...


Buwaya, maybe it's my pro-American bias, but I think for all its flaws, America's in better shape than Corcyra was.

And don't assume that all Americans would be stupefied by and hostile to Thucydides.

Jim at said...

just think when the really big stuff hits the fan.

You mean, like a war? An actual shooting war?
Because that's what you assholes are pushing for.

You people have no idea the hell you're trying to unleash.

wwww said...

Trump on the hush money payments: "They didn't come out of the campaign. They came from me." (via Fox)

-josh barro, twitter

Achilles said...

Qwinn said...


I usually really enjoy your posts, but I am very disappointed in the last few. It appears the Left has conned you into the "both sides are just as bad" con.

He is just boiling it down for you. But he is talking directly to people like you.

It wont matter who is more moral or correct when this all goes down.

Whomever wins will determine who was more moral and correct.

The competing visions part determines who is on your side in the conflict. Our vision of freedom is obviously appealing to many when compared to the globalist open border serf/master vision.

But in the end it only matters who wins.

You people need to figure that out.

buwaya said...


I certainly do favor one of your factions, but I don't fool myself as to the nature of the struggle. Both sides abandon what used to be considered virtue as the conflict escalates. There simply is no way to win otherwise.

In the Second World War the "good guys" committed horrors against innocents without much of a quibble. The RAF and the USAAC burned hundreds of thousands of blameless people in the course of it, and their navies starved many more. The moral argument is difficult to make, as it always is a question of the ends justifying the means, which never gets you off the hook. To fight demons in real life one cannot help becoming tainted.

This was a point Tolkien was careful to make in his parable.

The classic case that I have often mentioned, is of the famous confrontation in Salamanca, between Unamuno and Millan Astray. Both were conservatives supporting the Nationalist faction in the Spanish Civil War, but I think Unamuno till then had not realized just what war meant. A genuinely good and honest man, he was unworldly and for the first time met in Millan Astray a true avatar of the god of war.

wwww said...

(Also, the McDougal payment came from neither him nor the campaign)

-Josh Barro, exasperated, on twitter

Drago said...

buwaya: "The problem is well described in Thucydides, in his Third book on the Pelopponesian war,..."

And this one won't end because somebody had a bad day at Syracuse....

Drago said...

Oh no!!!

Josh Barro now says so!!

That's even better than Lanny Davis saying it!!

Or Maddow!!

I mean, how much more authoritative can you get?

Drago said...

Howard: "Completely unrelated to Whitewater,...."

But completely related to using the power of his office to intimidate employees under his direct control.

You're welcome.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Gadfly, Cohen can “confess” all he wants but it does not implicate Trump. He spent Trump’s money not campaign cash. He wasn’t even part of the campaign. Even if what Cohen did was wrong, he can’t use the kindergarten excuse that “Trump made me do it.”

Drago said...

Has Cohen confessed to and implicated Trump in the Lindbergh kidnapping yet?

If not, what's the hold up?

Achilles said...

Jim at said...

just think when the really big stuff hits the fan.

You mean, like a war? An actual shooting war?
Because that's what you assholes are pushing for.

You people have no idea the hell you're trying to unleash.

You are wrong.

They are doing it in South America right now. They just started seizing white owned farms.

They did it in Venezuela and we are seeing the completion of their efforts.

Libya, Syria, Nigeria, Cuba, Soviet Union, Cambodia, Vietnam, Germany, and on and on...

These people have done this dozens of times in dozens of countries.

They know exactly what they are doing.

They other their political opponents. They take all of their stuff. They kill off millions of them.

They almost always win as well. Why would they expect anything different here?

Drago said...

I understand that Cohen has also copped to not paying a sufficient tip for dinner and that Trump directed him to do it! (I mean, at this point, why not admit to that?....)

Drago said...

"They are doing it in South America right now. They just started seizing white owned farms."

South Africa.

But Venezuela was in your next line so it's clear why that mistake was made in a rush.

buwaya said...


I am not condemning "all Americans". These things are relevant within those circles that struggle for power, always a minority. In the case of Thucydides, or indeed in that mass of material that once was considered necessary to know in order to be educated, it is relevant to that class of person that undertakes your cursus honorum.

A society always consists of the politically relevant and the irrelevant, the leaders and the led. Your leaders have lost their minds, and it does not matter, in the long term, what your common people think. Thats why your universities are so critical.

Achilles said...

wwww said...

(Also, the McDougal payment came from neither him nor the campaign)

-Josh Barro, exasperated, on twitter

blah blah blah

Trump paid some women to shut up about sex.

We knew that. We don't care. It isn't illegal.

Be decent people and accept the results of the election. We will make America great again. We will have borders. We will have prosperity for the middle class.

We can all be friends.

If you pull Trump down because of this there will be no quarter. We will not allow you to do what you are doing to South Africa right now.

Drago said...

CNN's BERMAN: I want to get one last question in here because it is a story, a very important story in the news, it has to do with Mollie Tibbetts, the young woman in Iowa who was murdered; her body believed to be found yesterday. A person has been charged with it, this person is an undocumented immigrant. Mike Pence and the President have suggested the immigration laws need to be stronger so that people like this man who was accused of this murder were not in the country. Your reaction?

Sen "High Cheek bones" WARREN: I’m so sorry for the family here and I know this is hard not only for the family but for the people in her community, the people throughout Iowa. But one of the things we have to remember is we need an immigration system that is effective that focuses on where real problems are.

Sen Elizabeth Warren telling the family of the murdered Iowa student to basically suck it up, shut up and focus on what really matters. Not their dead daughter or anything.

What an absolutely perfect example of the lefty/dem/LLR thought process.

Drago said...

Achilles: "We knew that. We don't care. It isn't illegal."


You wouldn't want to violate the Josh Barro Clause of the Constitution, would you?

Achilles said...

Drago said...

"They are doing it in South America right now. They just started seizing white owned farms."

South Africa.

But Venezuela was in your next line so it's clear why that mistake was made in a rush.

If I was like Trump I would say I meant Argentina and Brazil.

Which would be true. Both countries are being looted by corrupt leftist governments and turned into socialist shitholes as we speak. Just slower and with less oil than Venezuela.

But I did mean South Africa.

They succeed everywhere they go. Except here.

buwaya said...


Hell is coming, like it or not. Its not a question of anyone unleashing it, it is inevitable as the next California wildfire.

Its why I have moved assets abroad. Its a hedge. We can survive, I hope, and maybe that will still be true even after I'm not around, which will probably be sooner than later.

Provide for your own is my advice.

Howard said...

Drago: Also, Clinton had his best numbers north of 60% approval after he was impeached

Drago said...

Howard: "Drago: Also, Clinton had his best numbers north of 60% approval after he was impeached"

Life is a funny funny thing.

History follows its own course though many attempt to direct it.

Drago said...

Achilles: "They succeed everywhere they go. Except here."

So far......

Rusty said...

Jim at said...
"just think when the really big stuff hits the fan.

You mean, like a war? An actual shooting war?
Because that's what you assholes are pushing for.

You people have no idea the hell you're trying to unleash.

You know. I pray that it doesn't happen. It will be brutal in the extreme. But what they do not realize that every time the left pullse this shit. Every time that antifa breaks a few conservative heads. Those bonds that bind a civil society get just a little looser. And the people that finally take it to the streets will be the TEA party types. And when those guys finally say ,"fuck it." There will be blood in the streets.

Achilles said...

Drago said...

Achilles: "They succeed everywhere they go. Except here."

So far......

Totally up to us.

They have a couple hundred thousand armed federal agents, some little shitheads with black face masks that don't take enough showers, and some stupid women with stupid hats.

I know a bunch of the federal agents. Out here away from DC they are none to happy with the DC leadership.

We have 40 million armed citizens and the vast majority of the enlisted armed forces.

Even the chair force pilots who would ostensibly be defending the DC fascists would hesitate to support the globalists by gunning down people in the streets knowing their parents were probably in the group surrounding DC and burning it down.

It is entirely up to us.

buwaya said...

California burns when the fuel piles up and dries out. Which it will.
One day, when the wind blows in a certain way, any random thing will set it off.
Its false to think that there is someone or something to blame for starting it, though it may well be that some careless or malicious person did.

Because there will be a careless or malicious person as inevitably are there will be lightning.

In the US you have piled up an immense amount of dry fuel.

bagoh20 said...

If Trump did have sex with Daniels on the WH lawn, I bet he would give her something more than a stained dress and a cigar for pleasure, and he wouldn't be having sex with a very young subordinate in the workplace, in secret, while letting her imagine some kind of romantic connection. Trump would be fucking a professional fucker, not taking advantage of a young girl.

It's cool that we can have this discussion - thanks to Slick Willie.

bagoh20 said...

As to the validity of the dossier:

"Lanny Davis, the Clinton-connected attorney for Michael Cohen, said Wednesday that the former Trump lawyer had never been to Prague, as the infamous Steele dossier alleges.

“Thirteen references to Mr. Cohen are false in the dossier, but he has never been to Prague in his life,” Davis said Wednesday in an interview on Bloomberg."

Qwinn said...

Okay, I REALLY REALLY want to know what Chuck, Inga, gadfly, wwww etc. have to say about this:

Did You Know:

Lanny Davis is a registered foreign agent for Dmytro Firtash, a pro-Russia Ukrainian oligarch wanted by the US government

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Inga still has, that I can see, made her “point” clear. WTF was the “they both lied” bullshit supposed to impart? In 2016 every sentient being knew Trump was a horn-dog. In fact, the only Clinton-like attributes he has are his horndoggery, the compulsion to lie about it and he is now president. In 1992 Clinton lied about being a horn-dog and had his fixers Davis and Steppenoverit payingvthem off and threatening them as needed. Hillary went out and lied for him in the “pretty in pink” press conference to cover his horndoggery. The difference in their two stories is when Clinton lied under oath, committing a crime.

Now what is your point?

Achilles said...

It is really quite sad when you boil down how few people there are pushing this open borders sellout trade deal democrat corruption garbage.

Qwinn said...

And btw... is it not supposed to matter that every crime Manafort was just convicted of, he was working for Hillary campaign manager Podesta at the time?

Achilles said...

Qwinn said...

Okay, I REALLY REALLY want to know what Chuck, Inga, gadfly, wwww etc. have to say about this:

Did You Know:

Lanny Davis is a registered foreign agent for Dmytro Firtash, a pro-Russia Ukrainian oligarch wanted by the US government

That is easy.

Lanny Davis is Cohen's lawyer and Cohen used to be Trump's lawyer so this is obvious proof of Trump Russia collusion.

Stop trying to reason with these people. They are not here in good faith. They know the people they support have been doing everything they claim Trump was doing. Mueller took money from the same Ukranian Manafort took money from and gave immunity to Podesta for the exact same crimes.

There is no reason or decency left. It is time to put up or shut up.

Jim at said...

And the people that finally take it to the streets will be the TEA party types. And when those guys finally say ,"fuck it." There will be blood in the streets.


What the left refuses to understand is most of us are very slow to anger. I mean, if we were half as violent as they accuse us of being, they'd be dead already. Yet, there they sit. Pushing it and pushing it and pushing it.

I, too, would rather not have it come to war. But we're not the ones pushing in the direction. But people are only going to take so much before, well, yeah. Fuck it.

Will they listen to the warnings? No. And then it won't matter who's to blame. It'll be too late.

Chuck said...


Since Lanny Davis is registered, he won't be facing the kinds of federal criminal charges that Manafort is looking forward to in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia on September 17.

Maybe Manafort should've hired Lanny Davis about five years ago.

Qwinn said...

Chuck: Oh, I see, so it's totes okay to collude with Russia as long as you fill out the proper paperwork first? Who knew the sturm and drang over the last two years is entirely over a demand for allegiance to bureaucratic processes.

hombre said...

Inga is still here singing the song of the peaceful, pussy-hatted women.

Is it even possible that she cannot see the absurdity of pussy-hatted women?

Or perhaps a time when there are no pussies, only "front holes?" (Althouse blog post 8/21)

Or perhaps a time when men no longer tolerate the foolishness of women whose pussies are on their heads.

Silly women. Silly Inga.

Francisco D said...

"Stop trying to reason with these people. They are not here in good faith."

Truer words were never spoken. Allow me to amplify:

Stop trying to reason with these people. They are not here in good faith.

Achilles said...

On Tuesday MSNBC guest and Fordham University professor Christina Greer dismissed the murder of university student Mollie Tibbetts as “some girl in Iowa” that “FOX News is talking about.”

They are probably not going to be quite as shocked in November as they were 2 years ago.

But they still wont get why Trump is winning and they are losing.

Disgusting people.

buwaya said...

Nobody is ever here in good faith.
There is no such thing as good faith, anymore.
Everyone is tainted to some degree.
I think one side conceded reality much later than another, so was "pure" till much later, and for a very long time were chumps in that they gave the other the benefit of the doubt on the matter of good faith.

One side were human when the other had become entirely inhuman, insects say.

But that is obviously over. It should have been over years ago. There are still a few who don't grok reality yet, still living in the past. But even they will get it soon enough.

Really, there is nothing left to talk about.
It is insect politics, and insects don't argue.
They just bite and sting.

Matt Sablan said...

"Chuck: Oh, I see, so it's totes okay to collude with Russia as long as you fill out the proper paperwork first?"

-- Actually, kind of yes. The problem is that Mueller gave people he didn't want to get in trouble, like Podesta, a chance to retroactively file paperwork, while he targeted the people he didn't like. If he'd applied the law equally, there'd be a lot less complaining.

Francisco D said...

I have a hard time believing that anyone could be as stupid as Inga presents herself or as blatantly dishonest as Chuckles.

They are just trolling the thread for kicks. They come and go, probably depending on when Chuckles is drying out and Inga is recharging the batteries for her special toy.

Don't get frustrated. Make sure you vote this November.

For Democrats out there, the election is in December. Don't annoy the workers at your polling place until then. :-)

le Douanier said...

""trying to replace the Bill of Rights with fascist precepts lifted verbatim from Mein Kampf.'""

le Douanier said...

"It is insect politics, and insects don't argue.
They just bite and sting."

That's not the bad thing. Boring biting and stinging. That's bad.

Chuck said...

Qwinn said...
Chuck: Oh, I see, so it's totes okay to collude with Russia as long as you fill out the proper paperwork first? Who knew the sturm and drang over the last two years is entirely over a demand for allegiance to bureaucratic processes.

I don't understand your point. Being a legal, registered agent for a foreign national is not a crime. Best if you do all the proper registration stuff. Not like Manafort.

So I'm not clear on what you mean by "collude." What do you think that Davis did that was illegal?

I don't even understand why Lanny Davis is a story at all. He's not accused of anything. I know I don't care a whole lot what happens to him. Michael Cohen is the guy who hired Lanny Davis. And Jared Kushner is the guy who hired Jamie Gorelick and Abbe Lowell. They're like Mafiosi, these Trumps. Hiring the best-connected mouthpieces. Actually, that's not really true. Mobsters hire mob lawyers. They wouldn't trust anybody else. No; the Trumps are like Washington, D.C. Swamp-dwellers. Sticking with the Democrat mouthpieces.

le Douanier said...

"Maybe Manafort should've hired Lanny Davis about five years ago."

Can he be paid w/ bank wires from foreign banks? Like buying a million dollars of suits.

FIDO said...

The Clintons bought him

Chuck said...

Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...
Juanita Broderick is far more credible than Stormy Daniels.

For starters, Juanita Broderick started out on team Clinton. Broderick was a Clinton campaign volunteer.

If Stormy's account of sex with Trump is true, it was consensual... and many years ago., Trump wasn't even in politics.

Nobody cares! Or, to be more precise, nobody who matters cares about that. You may care, but you don't matter. You're not in the Speical Counsel's office. You aren't an Assistant U.S. Attorney in New York or Washington.

I don't give a damn about Stormy Daniels. All that I have to say about Stormy Daniels, "Yuck; that's the sort of woman that Donald Trump would fuck."

Stormy Daniels' credibility is no longer an issue. The FBI has all of Michael Cohen's phones and hard drives, and it looks like he is going to cooperate with them. They might have 30 more charges ready to go against Cohen, on things outside of the SDNY. There might be things that are so sensitive right now, they can't put that plea deal or that agreement into what was filed yesterday on the 21st.

Nobody except the abused current Mrs. Trump would have cared; but Trump went and bought her silence in connection with the campaign. A charge so potent, that Cohen pled guilty without there being a published indictment. Cohen made a deal, ASAP. I think he'll make some more deals.

How weird is it, that Trump hires these people -- Scaramucci, Omarosa, Cohen, Flynn, etc., etc., etc. -- and tells us what fantastic people they are, and then when things go sideways, Trump declares them all to be total untrustworthy scumbags. After all that, the one thing that I do know is to not believe Trump. I won't believe Trump when he says somebody or something is great, and I won't believe Trump when he says they are terrible.

Trump coined the term, "Failing New York Times." Then he met with the Times Editorial Board, and called the paper "a great jewel [of American media]." Then, within that week, he was again savaging the Times.

Trump's a sociopath.

bagoh20 said...

Obama and the Clintons have had more and worse scandals than Trump has so far, but can you imagine any of them being under this prosecutorial attack and then waiving their rights to lawyer/client privilege on the recordings, and letting their lawyers be interrogated by the independent council for 30 hours? It clearly shows that the Trump team knows they are innocent of any wrongdoing. How else can you explain that unprecedented level of transparency while under attack? I'm frankly surprised they did that even believing him innocent.

Michael K said...

I have not seen all the evidence, but paying 2 women a few weeks before the election might not look good to a jury. I would not want to roll the dice to see how the jurors vote.

What evidence ? There is none. There is a photo at a golf tournament.

Michael K said...

Trump's a sociopath.

Takes one to know one ?

3% of American (and probably all) males are sociopaths, or at least psychopaths.

le Douanier said...

"waiving their rights to lawyer/client privilege on the recordings"

Didn't go ta law school, but I didn't know that contriving to break laws (e.g. campaign funding law) and come up w/ ways to hide such w/ your lawyer is privilege.

Learn somethin' new every day.

Clark said...

The case (about a pardon needing to be accepted) is Burdick v. U.S., 236 U.S. 79 (1915). Witness, you must testify. Witness says,I plead the fifth. President Wilson gives witness a pardon. O.k. witness, now you must testify. Witness says, I do not accept the pardon, and I continue to plead the fifth. "May plaintiff in error, having the means of immunity at hand, that is, the pardon of the President, refuse to testify on the ground that his testimony may have an incriminating effect? A superficial consideration might dictate a negative answer, but the answer would confound rights which are distinct and independent. It is to be borne in mind that the power of the President under the Constitution to grant pardons and the right of a witness must be kept in accommodation. Both have sanction in the Constitution, and it should therefore be the anxiety of the law to preserve both -- to leave to each its proper place. In this as in other conflicts between personal rights and the powers of government, technical -- even nice -- distinctions are proper to be regarded. Granting, then, that the pardon was legally issued and was sufficient for immunity, it was Burdick's right to refuse it, as we have seen, and it therefore not becoming effective, his right under the Constitution to decline to testify remained to be asserted, and the reasons for his action were personal." (at 93–94)

bagoh20 said...

Chuck, none of that matters to the state or future of our nation. It's all just trivia compared to what Trump is accomplishing. He's like a plumber with bad language and plenty of butt crack, but who fixes your plumbing in half the time and better than it's ever been. Just ignore what he says and stop looking at his ass. The job is getting done, and a lot better than usual with the well-dressed plumbers that spend more effort on the billing than the work.

Enjoy it like a scary ride at the amusement park. When it's over, you're gonna want to get on again.

narciso said...

Things to cinsider:

le Douanier said...


Is it also ok if the efficient plumber Fs yur fourteen yo daughter?

Michael K said...

Thats why your universities are so critical.

I am completely done with American universities.

I talked to a kid today who just graduated from a college in Canada. It was a combination business and international trade program. He spent 6 months in Singapore. The program he was in involved one semester in classes and the next working for a company, then he would switch each semester. He ended with two years of class and two years of work experience, six months of which was in Singapore.

Sounds like a great program; sort of like German Engineering programs.

Of course, he had to learn French for Canada and he also took six months of Mandarin.

bagoh20 said...

"Learn somethin' new every day."

What do think lawyer/client privilege is for? If he commited a crime that is on those tapes, then why did he let the prosecution hear them, and publish them?

Michael K said...

Learn somethin' new every day.

No, just spewing the same old crap, Peanut.

Marcus said...

Lavrentiy Beria: “Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime.”

Just finished the DVD "The Death of Stalin". The actor who played Beria was great. A amusing black comedy. See it just for Steve Buscemi playing Nikita Khrushchev.

bagoh20 said...

Sitter, Your inner troll is showing.

Francisco D said...

"3% of American (and probably all) males are sociopaths, or at least psychopaths."

You are on target Michael.

According to the DSM-IV, up to 3.3 percent of the population can be diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder, the vast majority of whom are males. Prevalence increases with "adverse socioeconomic or sociocultural factors." There is a PC factor in the language.

le Douanier said...

"What do think lawyer/client privilege is for?"

Yur funny.

BTW, although I'm not a lawyer, I do know that it's not privilege to conspire w/ a lawyer to break laws--so I was making an inquiry where I knew the answer, like a lawyer!

Francisco D said...

Make that DSM-V.

FIDO said...

As long as the Clintons are not FAIRLY investigated, without a Strozk to pardon everyone and destroy the evidence time and time and time again, I'm still standing by Trump.

You don't get selective rule of law. You don't get prosecutorial malfeasance like this and get away with it.

I personally feel that Huma Abudin be arrested and REALLY questioned...a lot! No kid gloves. Let her pay big bucks for a lawyer. And Podesta. One little lie and bring them in and shake them down.

Team Clinton thinks they are immune to the law, and as long as laughable lawyers like Chuck provide all this cover, ignoring malfeasance totally on the Left, they will continue to try to corrupt things.

What a fucking disgrace. Bill Clinton can go nail underage kids in Thailand with his pedophile friends, Menendez can get off AS A CURRENT SENATOR, Keith Ellison can pound on women...and the Left just looks away. Diane Feinstein had a Chinese spy.

Cricket cricket.

Trump nailed a whore and gave her money. THIS has your panties in a twist.

If Cohen had jack shit, he'd be Mueller's favorite cockholster. He doesn't.

At some point, Republicans are going to respond the same way with punitive prosecutorial chicanery.

Strokz and Page are a good start. Comey and Brennan are also pretty good. Let Strokz family try to live on 'Gofundme' money as he rots in jail.

Big Mike said...

@Chuck, yup. Bannon, Omarosa, Cohen, were all bad hires.

But st least he didn’t stoop so low as to hire you.

rehajm said...

I’m satisfied with policy. I’d prefer to see more...

le Douanier said...

Althouse --> Kilpatrick
Ya DJTers here --> true believers

Gospace said...

Inga...Allie Oop said...
Lying under oath IS an impeachable offense, I agree

SO show us a copy of the blog post or letter or anything that showed you supporting the impeachment and removal of William Jefferson Clinton from office. Looking at your posting frequnecy there should be lot's of examples. The internet never forgets.

BJM said...

Cohen's charging docs are online, maybe Althouse can parse them for us.

Michael K said...

Narciso's link explains it.

Let’s say that this candidate settles a lawsuit that was initiated before he becomes a candidate. And he says to his personal lawyer, I want you to pay, settle that lawsuit. You can use my corporate funds, my private funds, whatever it is. That is perfectly legal, too.

The prosecutor would say, but that influenced the election. So what? There are certain things you do that influence an election that are legal and certain things you do to influence an election that are illegal.

Let’s say a candidate gets a non-disclosure agreement from a disgruntled employee, and he wants to quiet that disgruntled employee as he goes into the election. He pays the funds out of his pocket or through his corporation. Perfectly legal.

Nothing here was spent out of the campaign. Nothing was done with the campaign or to the campaign. This is exactly what the federal law is.

And Mr. Lanny Davis had his client plead guilty to two offenses that aren’t offenses that the prosecutor insisted were offenses. That’s why he is no good. That is Michael Cohen against Donald Trump.

Easy answer. NO crime. Cohen has burned his bridges with Trump and chosen Lanny Davis.

He can blather about refusing a pardon because there is zero chance he would ever be offered one after this.

One difference between Trump of the other Republicans. He does not forgive enemies.

Gospace said...

buwaya said...

A society always consists of the politically relevant and the irrelevant, the leaders and the led. Your leaders have lost their minds, and it does not matter, in the long term, what your common people think. That's why your universities are so critical.

Not how the United States is designed. POTUS, Governors, Senators, Congresscritters, mayors, town supervisors, whatever, are not our leaders. In the case of executives, from town supervisor to POTUS, they're administrators temporarily in place, hired by us, the people, to ensure the smooth continuance of government and impartially administer the law. Democrats have lost that impartial part, if indeeed they ever had it. Senators, congresscritters, and other lawmakers, down to Boards of Chosen Freeholders and town Councilmen, are our representatives. And are hired by us to look after our interests. POTUS, whether Trump or the last abomination we had as POTUS, leads the military and the executive branch. POTUS is not my leader, he's the head of my government. And the less I need to worry about government, the better off I am. Democrats are making sure I need to care. Which is why I detest them.

narciso said...

Some didn't care about the evidence:

Chuck said...

Big Mike said...
@Chuck, yup. Bannon, Omarosa, Cohen, were all bad hires.

But st least he didn’t stoop so low as to hire you.

Go fuck yourself. When I said that Cohen could be charged with banking, tax and election law violations, I was attacked on these pages.

Thank you very little, you nasty freaks.

le Douanier said...

Doc Mike,

The problem is that this happened in what? 2006? And, then it sorta was blowing up in what? 2011? W/ the InTouch piece. And, even w/ the 2016 election there was no effort to make the payoff. Until...the pussy grabbing tape. Then, DJT and his (now singing law-dude) conspired to make and hide a payoff so more gal voters (and non-sociopath dude voters) didn't get fussy re the election = $.

Plenty of time to payoff for non-election reasons = no payoff.

Chuck said...

Hey, Michael K; did you hear? Michael Cohen pled guilty! And per his plea, he knows he may be looking at 4 years in jail. And he did that for "NO crime"?

narciso said...

Because it would be unethical and borderline illegal to do So, but that has been Mueller track record, khuzaimi the point person has a similar profile.

narciso said...

Because a trial is long and expensive, Cohen was already overlevereged when he signed over that mortgage, and take your chances with a new York jury, just shoot your foot twice.

buwaya said...

Gospace, you look at it too narrowly.

Elected officials are only a minor part of what consitutes your leadership class.
Consider the leaders in EVERY field. The upper management of the F1000, of financial firms, of professional organizations, of educational institutions, of everything.
Just in government consider who actually makes the decisions, the senior bureaucrats over which elected officials have no effective control, or who rubber-stamp whatever the permanent government decides.

It does not matter what form of government or economic system you have, there will be a leadership class. And if you aren't in it you have no control over them. Certainly not on who they are.

Bay Area Guy said...

Here's my new proposed legal/political game plan:

1. Pardon Manafort
2. Fire Mueller
3. Fire Sessions - Replace with Rudy
4. Fire Rosenstein
5. Indict Hillary (If they can indict and convict Manafort for old charges, let's re-examine her emails)

narciso said...

Yes but Grassley won't go for 3, and probably 2 even though he's seem what a fraud the dossier is,

le Douanier said...

"let's re-examine her emails"

The problem is that the bad 30,000 were deleted.

The only records that still exist are w/ the folks she was emailing. So, we'd need to get them from Russia, Iran, NK and ISIS.

Seems doable, w/o the deep state running our intelligence agencies.

Dad29 said...

Jared Kushner's lawyers are also Clinton insiders, fixers and sinecures; Jamie Gorelick and Abbe Lowell.

Kushner is the Lefty side of the family, along with his wife. That said, Gorelick and Lowell have a LONG way to go to get to Slimeball-Davis territory. At least 20 years more practice....

Drago said...

Has Cohen confessed to being the one who squeezed the Charmin yet?

Drago said...

LLR Chuck: "Hey, Michael K; did you hear? Michael Cohen pled guilty! And per his plea, he knows he may be looking at 4 years in jail. And he did that for "NO crime"?"


le Douanier said...

"Has Cohen confessed to being the one who squeezed the Charmin yet?"

No, but he definitely knows:

Nineteen Eighty-Four

Birkel said...

There were tax charges that are real. There are bank fraud charges that are real.

The campaign finance charges are nonsense.

Mueller tied the latter to the former as part of Cohen’s agreement. Cohen took the deal. That doesn’t make the charges legit. It means Cohen gets his deal.

Buckley v Valeo is the law. Everything else is nonsense. Trump can spend unlimited funds on his own campaign.

narciso said...

Meanwhile master card has pulled the plug on David Horowitz freedom center.

le Douanier said...

"Trump can spend unlimited funds on his own campaign."

W/O reporting and w/ conspiring w/ yer lawyer to hide the spending?

Birkel said...

I gave you the Supreme Court decision.
I cannot understand it for you.

le Douanier said...


I was hoping you'd understand it for you.

Francisco D said...

Chuckles said: "Go fuck yourself. "

Oh what a smooth talker you are Chuckles. You continue to amuse.

Ask Inga for her pleasure tool. That way you can do to yourself what you suggest to others.

Sober up first. I would not want you to hurt yourself.

CWJ said...

walk Don't Run


grackle said...

I, too, would rather not have it come to war. But we're not the ones pushing in the direction. But people are only going to take so much before, well, yeah. Fuck it.

Interesting. And this:

And the people that finally take it to the streets will be the TEA party types. And when those guys finally say ,"fuck it." There will be blood in the streets.

The first commentor condones – or at least comes very close to it; the second merely predicts – which is not the same. I do not believe the prediction of violent insurrection on a large scale will occur, although this commentor and I have been in agreement about much else. I am not familiar with the first commentor but I recognize the attitude.

I believe that it is quite possible that a few insurrection-minded idiots on the fringe (like Timothy McVeigh) could pull off some act(s) of perfidy. But large-scale? I just don’t see it.

Browndog said...

Clintonites seem to live forever...those that oppose them seem to commit suicide at a young age.


I remember when Lanny was the 'last noble and honest' a paid contributor on Fox News some 10 years ago.

Birkel said...

I do understand it.
The First Amendment supersedes any statute governing campaign finance.
Buckley v Valeo establishes that a candidate may spend as much as they want from personal funds.

Welcome to reality, ignorant commenter.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Inga insists the Dossier is all true. LOL.


wholelottasplainin said...

“He {Trotsky] specifically admitted to paying off both Kirov and Bukharin (the latter through Pravda) at the direction of "a candidate for the Politburo" (aka Kamenev) to aid the campaign. That is an illegal campaign contribution in kind. "

See any resemblance, comrades?

wildswan said...

Basically the mountain of the Mueller inquiry - 100 lawyers and $20,000,000, has produced a mouse - Stormy Daniels got some of Trump's money, Paul Manafort cheated on his taxes awhile back.

Basically, Trump will be impeached by the Democrats for being elected President if the Republicans lose the House. And then ... nothing. The Senate will negative it. It's just like Walker - a lot of time wasted by the other party. The Republic is going to survive. We're just waiting for enough people to walkaway from the soft coup.

Meanwhile Trump will be doing things to make America prosperous and great.

Drago said...

LLR Chuck: "Go fuck yourself. When I said that Cohen could be charged with banking, tax and election law violations, I was attacked on these pages."


le Douanier said...


Time fer you to get a refund from your online law school. [I didn't know TrumpU did law.] Looks like reporting is required, and conspiring w/ yer law-dude re ways to hide the spending is not allowed:

Shocking news!

Drago said...

LLR Chuck, still peddling the Cohen/Prague hoax trip!

It doesn't get any funnier than that.

Next up for Dick Durbin Cuckholster Chuck: George HW Bush really did fly an SR-71 to Paris in 1980 to collude with the Ayatollah!!!

narciso said...

I reminded him of that drago.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Sad is the left who hold out hope over the collective hivemind lie about "obstruction!" and "Conclusion with Russia!"

So pathetic. It's real in their minds, because wish-facts.

Jaq said...

I am not a fan of Mark Levin, but he is on to something here. This is an attempt to bootstrap impeachment with no actual crime.

“Mr. Lanny Davis had his client plead guilty to two offenses that aren’t offenses that the prosecutor insisted were offenses.

Jaq said...

What kind of squeeze did they put on Cohen to take this sleaze ball as his lawyer, and why does anybody give this Clinton partisan hack any credibility at all whatsoever?

Qwinn said...

Chuck, no one attacked you because they thought Cohen *couldn't* be brought up on those charges. Everyone here knows Mueller will charge anyone with anything to get them to turn on Trump, with or without evidence. You were attacked for attempting to lend legitimacy to the bullshit witchhunt. Which you're still doing.

Narayanan said...

Amidst all the brouhaha we've not had stories of Trump paying for abortions!!
Quite revealing "toxic masculine"

Qwinn said...

And yes, I know Mueller passed it off to other people to indict the ham sandwich, and you'll make a big deal about this distinction without a difference, cause technicalities matter when it's convenient for you and never otherwise.

le Douanier said...

"I am not a fan of Mark Levin"

You can listen to his radio show w/o commercials for free. The podcast of it. Same for Mike Savage.

I do pay for CRTV, but almost never login. And, have never listened to Levin there. For a while I was into Crowder. But, I lose interest when I always know what someone will say re everything. What's the point of listening at that point? IMHO.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jaq said...

Cohen denounces Trump through his lawyer, Clinton hatchet man Lanny Davis. You know who has always been big on denouncements, the extreme left, as in the Soviets, The ChiComs, the Norks.

Here is the original statement that Lanny Davis wrote up, but Mueller thought it was a little overdone.

WASHINGTON DC — Upon hearing the report of the Central Committee, the National Defence Commission of the Democratic People’s Party promised to issue stern judgement to the slanderous Donald Trump.

Absolute is the trust of the army and people of the USA in its ability to vanquish Trump, the enemy of the party, revolution and people and heinous betrayer of the nation.

All the crimes committed by the accused will be proved in the course of the hearing and will be admitted to.

Due to Trump’s persistent moves to create illusion and idolization, his flatterers and followers in the department and organs under it praised Trump as “No. 1 comrade.” They went the lengths of denying even the party’s instructions, and would please Trump at any cost.

Trump did serious harm to the youth movement in our country, being part of the group of renegades and traitors in the field of youth work bribed by enemies. Even after they were disclosed and purged by the resolute measure of the party, Trump patronized those cat’s paws and let them hold important posts of the party and state.

Trump is isolated and snubbed, drenched various parts of the world in blood, and has had their true colors glaringly revealed.

Trump committed such anti-party acts as systematically denying the party line and policies and its organizational will. These acts were a revelation of deliberate and sinister attempt to create extreme illusion and idolization of Trump by appearing as a special being who can overrule issues decided by the party or its line.

Trump committed such anti-party acts as systematically denying the party line and policies and its organizational will. These acts were a revelation of deliberate and sinister attempt to create extreme illusion and idolization of Trump by appearing as a special being who can overrule issues decided by the party or its line.

All facts go to clearly prove that Trump is a thrice-cursed traitor without an equal in the world, who had desperately worked for years to destabilize and bring down the DPRK. The hateful and despicable nature of these anti-party, anti-state and unpopular crimes will be fully disclosed in the course of the trial. No matter how much water flows under the bridge and no matter how frequently a generation is replaced by new one, the lineage of Clinton will remain unchanged and irreplaceable.

No one in the world can stand in the way of the army and people who are advancing single-mindedly united around supreme leader Hillary Clinton under the banner of Democratic People's Party.

Jaq said...

Far as falsifying loan applications, true, but a bullshit charge. Plenty of average middle class non millionaires have done the same thing.

Bernie Sanders' wife, maybe?

le Douanier said...


Savage had a notable show recently.

Based on ten seconds of Google, I think it was this:

Plenty of lulls. But also moments that got out of the muck.


Jaq said...

You can listen to his radio show w/o commercials for free.

Great, so I can hear him hectoring rapid fire about tri-corner hats and fifes and drums? Nah! Commercials would be a godsend,

le Douanier said...


The way Levin is constantly repeating words is unlistenable. Really horrible.


Jaq said...

Was Cohen allowed to keep ill-gotten gains and let off of other prosecutions in return for his denouncing Trump?

Jaq said...

Lanny Davis needn't have gone to all of that work, you can get your own denunciation of Trump autogenerated here:

Loudmouthed Reactionary Donald Trump Condemned

Narayanan said...

How then can campaign finance law put limit on first amendment rights on contribution by supporters ... your Conclusion should go further

Q is what held them back - politics not logic

Jaq said...

This one captures the sputtering rage of the left pretty well:

Shameless Gangster Donald Trump Condemned
...Trump was worse than a dog.

Trump encouraged money-making under various pretexts to secure funds necessary for gratifying political greed and was engrossed in irregularities and corruption. Trump thus took the lead in spreading indolent, careless and undisciplined virus in our society.

Trump is an incompetent and rude individual who is senseless and ignorant, did great damage to the building of a thriving nation and the drive for the improvement of the people’s living standard, and set out to undermine the party’s monolithic leadership system and single-minded unity.

Trump dreamed such a foolish dream as to seize power by a base method, then reveal despicable true colors as a “reformist” known to the outside world.

Michael K said...

Blogger Drago said...
LLR Chuck: "Hey, Michael K; did you hear? Michael Cohen pled guilty! And per his plea, he knows he may be looking at 4 years in jail. And he did that for "NO crime"?"

Chuck you poor dope. Cohen decided to plead to a charge that is not a crime.

Lanny Davis knows very well what a crime is since he has been committing them for years for the Clintons.

Why Cohen chose him is still a mystery.

Narayanan said...

I'm inclined to commend Trump on breaching the logjam in legal philosophy for the Constitution.

If the Republic survives may be able to build more consistent legal structure.

walter said...

From shitter's link:
"When candidates use their personal funds for campaign purposes, they are making contributions to their campaigns. Unlike other contributions, these candidate contributions are not subject to any limits. They must, however, be reported."

Interesting..just heard Lani saying whether personal or of the campaign, limits are the same.

FullMoon said...

tim in vermont said...

Far as falsifying loan applications, true, but a bullshit charge. Plenty of average middle class non millionaires have done the same thing.

Bernie Sanders' wife, maybe?

8/22/18, 10:34 PM

I took out a loan in 2006 to buy a foreclosure and do a fix and flip. Loan officer looked at my application and suggested I pump it up a little bit just to be sure.
Surprised me.
That is part of the reason so many people got into houses they could not afford and defaulted later

walter said...

The other question, assuming the lack of reporting the issue, what the penalty is.
Are all violations "criminal"?

walter said...

Michael K said...Why Cohen chose him is still a mystery.
Uh..methinks Cohen and Co. chose..him.

walter said...

You gotta love Cohen's born again Patriot story..including a "reset button" conatruct.
Ya..Lani to the rescue.."reset" Clinton Inc connection AT ALL.

azbadger said...

"Michael Cohen knows information that would be of interest to the special counsel, in my opinion, regarding both knowledge about a conspiracy to corrupt American democracy by the Russians and the failure to report that knowledge to the FBI," Davis said. "Donald Trump violated criminal law."

With that, Mr. Davis, your client is also guilty Misprision of felony.

walter said...

noun: misprision of felony

the deliberate concealment of one's knowledge of a treasonable act or a felony.

Michael The Magnificent said...

By the way, sleeping with a porn star and playboy centerfold was a stupid move.

Yup. Anyone who professionally whores around for $$$ is going to be willing whore around for more $$$ after the fact. Witness these two bimbos.

Next time, Trump, pick a mistress that has at least as much to lose as you do, should the story ever come out.

walter said...

So what is the IRS reporting status of the recipients?

walter said...

George Ferko,
Lani gives precisely 3/4 of a shit about his "client".

Chuck said...

Michael K said...

... Cohen decided to plead to a charge that is not a crime...

What? What does that mean? Cohen decided to plead (guilty) to a charge that is not a crime?

And actually, Cohen pled guilty to EIGHT different charges as itemized in the information.

So NONE of them are "crimes"? The first five were income tax evasion. Income tax evasion is no longer a crime? Count six was a crime involving the making of false statements to a lending institution in connection with a loan application. Counts seven and eight dealt with the making of illegal corporate and personal campaign contributions. And on that, Cohen allocuted that he knew that the payments were being made to influence an election.

Birkel said...

Cohen never went to Prague, ever.
Lanny Davis admits the dossier’s author(s) lies.

And the FEC rules apply to campaign spending. We are allowing, arguendo, that Trump’s payments were campaign spending. But that argument is tenuous and a loser if it went to court.

And those rules do not give rise to criminal penalty. A small fine, if anything, is standard. It’s a civil infraction. Ask Obama.

Birkel said...

Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire,
The deal Cohen got was predicated on six real crimes and two nonsense allegations that are useful for the Soft Coup.

It’s not complicated.

Jaq said...

Counts seven and eight dealt with the making of illegal corporate and personal campaign contributions. And on that, Cohen allocuted that he knew that the payments were being made to influence an election.

So we have the opinion of Mueller, and under threat of far harsher prosecution, we have the Opinion of Cohen and Hilary Clinton's lawyer/PR/hatchet man. But not the opinion of any court.

Birkel said...

On the other end of the spectrum:

It is now filtering into respectable news sources that the FBI lied about investigating Clinton/Abedin/Weiner.
Leftist supporters of the Deep State get passes for obvious criminal behavior.

gerry said...

Because you are awful people. (3:42 Achilles addressed to Inga...Alley Oop)

A perfect summary. Thank you, Achilles. And I REALLY loved your use of the word bitch. Again, perfect.

Have a nice day.

Jaq said...

Mr. Cohen and his public implication of Mr. Trump were among the strongest outcomes prosecutors could have hoped for, according to former federal prosecutors. For prosecutors, the guilty plea meant they could avoid a contentious trial . - WSJ

As the Church Lady used to say: "How conveeeenient!"

Jaq said...

Basically, per the WSJ, Mueller turned Cohen by threatening to bankrupt him. Now he just denounces Trump and gets to not be bankrupt!

Matt Sablan said...

"It is now filtering into respectable news sources that the FBI lied about investigating Clinton/Abedin/Weiner."

-- Then the investigation needs to be re-done. And anyone who told official investigators they did that should be charged with perjury. I don't expect it, of course. Awan walks free of stealing government data/property, while Cohen and Manafort are crippled and brought to heel by the same people.

Manafort's biggest mistake wasn't committing the crimes, it was leaving the Podesta group and not realizing he was also leaving their protection behind.

Matt Sablan said...

"Count six was a crime involving the making of false statements to a lending institution in connection with a loan application."

-- The FBI has determined it isn't a crime to lie to them, when the person is a Democrat, so, I don't see why Cohen should get hit with this when the FBI let Abedin and others walk for lying too.

I mean, I know WHY the FBI is doing it that way, but they shouldn't. One rule, please.

Bruce Hayden said...

"So NONE of them are "crimes"? The first five were income tax evasion. Income tax evasion is no longer a crime? Count six was a crime involving the making of false statements to a lending institution in connection with a loan application. Counts seven and eight dealt with the making of illegal corporate and personal campaign contributions. And on that, Cohen allocuted that he knew that the payments were being made to influence an election. "

This has been beat to death here, but several things were glossed over there. First and foremost, Cohen was operating as Trump's attorney, and, thus, his legal alter ego. Candidates can make unlimited campaign donations. It's a 1st Amdt thing. And that apparently also applies to corporations that are alter egos of candidates. Secondly, the legal standard is not that a contribution is mixed use, partially personal and partially a campaign use, or to influence an election, but rather that there be no personal use or benefit. Putting it all together means that the only possible ways that Cohen could have committed a crime were if he didn't have Trump's permission, as his attorney, explicitly or implicitly, to make the payments (and thus were Cohen's, not Trump's campaign contributions), OR the payments were made by a corporation that was not an alter ego of Trump AND there was no non-campaign benefit to Trump for making the expenditures. Trump could defeat the latter with one word: "Melania", thereby making the expenditures mixed use and legitimate.

Bruce Hayden said...

"It is now filtering into respectable news sources that the FBI lied about investigating Clinton/Abedin/Weiner.
Leftist supporters of the Deep State get passes for obvious criminal behavior."

It keeps filtering out and getting squelched. Three FBI people were tasked with this job, and the one in charge is no other than the infamous Peter Strzok, the same guy who sat on knowledge of the Clinton emails on the Weiner/Abedilen laptop for roughly a month, from late Sept until late Oct, 2016, on the grounds that his work onCrossfire Hurricane (Trump Russian collusion) and was higher priority than his work on Midyear Exam (Clinton email). He and his team couldn't do both, so concentrated on the one that would most likely achieve his stated goal (in his text messages with Page) of preventing Trump from being elected President. He was trying to run out the clock, but got caught by an FBI analyst in NYC and two USAs there in the SDNY who didn't want to be seen as having elected Crooked Hillary. Strzok is apparently the one who assured Comey that there was nothing new in those emails. It should also be noted that he was, apparently, the one who allowed Clinton to supply paper printouts from the 30k emails that she did supply his FBI team, eliminating most of the metadata (that were part of the official records), thus making the deduplication attempted by his team in late Oct against the Weiner/Abedelin laptop extremely difficult and time consuming. (By far, the easiest and fastest way to deduplicate email is by comparing certain hidden fields in the email headers).

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