In her interview with NPR's Rachel Martin, Manigault Newman claims to have heard the tape and heard Trump using that slur on the tape."Unhinged" is such a common insult these days, but I heard some comedian say something like: "They said I was 'unhinged,' but I don't even have hinges." I'm just going to guess it was Kathy Griffin, because I can't find the joke on the internet and I recently sat through her 3-hour show. I liked that joke, and I'm tired of the insult "unhinged" (and all the other insults that rest on the premise of mental illness, a condition that warrants empathy (including my own longstanding tag "Trump derangement syndrome")).
But that's not what it says in her tell-all book, Unhinged, due out on Tuesday.
When asked by Martin about the discrepancy during the interview, Manigault Newman insisted Martin must not have read the book (she had) and pointed to a section at the very end of it. But in that section, Manigault Newman doesn't actually describe hearing the tape. She writes of calling one of her "sources" who had a lead on the "N-word tape."
I can also see that when the comedian Michelle Wolf was called "unhinged," she reacted with the joke, "Now is not the time to be hinged," but I like "I don't even have hinges" much better, because it takes you immediately to the concrete image — a person with hinges. This is what I picture:
That man — his name is Jeff Warner — is really good at operating that toy and I like his voice too. It reminds me of Jim Kweskin. The toy is called a "limberjack" or a "jig doll." I was a little worried that the term "jig doll" in a post involving Omarosa might strike some people as racist, especially since the song Warner is singing is "Buffalo Gals." But a "jig" is a dance, and these dolls — also called "limberjacks" — have been around for hundreds of years and don't seem connected to the racial slur that begins with those 3 letters and that can be shortened to those 3 letters. But here are some Pinterest images of jig dolls, and you'll see that some of them depict black people in a way that is easily interpreted as racist (like this one).
As for "Buffalo Gals"... are they supposed to be black women? I've never thought about this before. From Wikipedia:
"Buffalo Gals" is a traditional American song, written and published as "Lubly Fan" in 1844 by the blackface minstrel John Hodges, who performed as "Cool White." The song was widely popular throughout the United States. Because of its popularity, minstrels altered the lyrics to suit the local audience, so it might be performed as "New York Gals" in New York City or "Boston Gals" in Boston or "Alabama Girls" in Alabama (as in the version recorded by Alan Lomax and Shirley Collins on a field recording trip in 1959). The best-known version is named after Buffalo, New York.Hmm. So "Buffalo" is not a way to refer to black people. It's just Buffalo, New York. But it is an old blackface minstrel song! What a strange set of facts to encounter as I put some extra effort into steering away from anything arguably racist. And I don't want to be unfair to Jeff Warner, who just seems delightful to me. Here's the most famous version of the song:
"Buffalo Gals" is also what the slave character Jim is singing when we first encounter him in Mark Twain's "Tom Sawyer":
Tom appeared on the sidewalk with a bucket of whitewash and a long-handled brush. He surveyed the fence, and all gladness left him and a deep melancholy settled down upon his spirit. Thirty yards of board fence nine feet high. Life to him seemed hollow, and existence but a burden. Sighing, he dipped his brush and passed it along the topmost plank; repeated the operation; did it again; compared the insignificant whitewashed streak with the far-reaching continent of unwhitewashed fence, and sat down on a tree-box discouraged. Jim came skipping out at the gate with a tin pail, and singing Buffalo Gals. Bringing water from the town pump had always been hateful work in Tom's eyes, before, but now it did not strike him so. He remembered that there was company at the pump. White, mulatto, and negro boys and girls were always there waiting their turns, resting, trading playthings, quarrelling, fighting, skylarking. And he remembered that although the pump was only a hundred and fifty yards off, Jim never got back with a bucket of water under an hour--and even then somebody generally had to go after him. Tom said:I didn't have to censor the "N-word" in that passage. It does appear elsewhere in "Tom Sawyer," but not (as in "Huckleberry Finn") as part of Jim's name. But Mark Twain's use of the African American Vernacular English is on vivid display. The white author completely failed to follow the Roxane Gay directive to "know your lane" and stay in it.
"Say, Jim, I'll fetch the water if you'll whitewash some."
Jim shook his head and said: "Can't, Mars Tom. Ole missis, she tole me I got to go an' git dis water an' not stop foolin' roun' wid anybody. She say she spec' Mars Tom gwine to ax me to whitewash, an' so she tole me go 'long an' 'tend to my own business--she 'lowed SHE'D 'tend to de whitewashin'."
“Oh, never you mind what she said, Jim. That's the way she always talks. Gimme the bucket--I won't be gone only a a minute. SHE won't ever know."
“Oh, I dasn't, Mars Tom. Ole missis she'd take an' tar de head off'n me. 'Deed she would."
And now, if you need a book to read, you can't be thinking of reading "Unhinged." That would be nuts. Don't you feel like reading "Tom Sawyer"? "Life to him seemed hollow, and existence but a burden." That's great stuff. And I love running into words that it seems we've been forgetting to use, like "skylarking."
"Skylark" is also a song. Here, this is nice:
I think the "skylark" there is the bird. Not the prankish horseplay. And not the Buick...

Bonus: The French word for the "skylark" (the bird) is "alouette" — as in...
Je te plumerai la tĂȘte = I'll pluck the feathers out of your head.
And that's where I'm going with all this: I'll pluck all thoughts of Omarosa out of your head.
1 – 200 of 265 Newer› Newest»The word "Unhinged" appears on the cover.
Is that the name of the book, or a description of the author?
It's a short walk from "Buffalo" Soldiers to "Buffalo" Gals.
Hinged sounds like anchored, but on land. IIR Dionysius invented getting drunk on Fries day night just to unhinge oneself.
I always hated reading dialect, esp Twain's. It's just annoyingly slow reading. Especially "gwine"? Did it really sound like that?
"I was a little worried that the term "jig doll" in a post involving Omarosa might strike some people as racist, especially since the song Warner is singing is "Buffalo Gals.""
That went right by me without a notice. I haven't researched the "Buffalo" origins, though "Buffalo Soldiers" does refer to black cowboys. And Malcolm McLaren did do <A HREF="”>”Buffalo Gals”</A> as a call-out to black girls back in the early 80s, though it's hard to say what he was thinking, beyond mashing up two facets of original American culture (Country and Rap) to produce the Hip-Hop hybrid.
I wouldn't worry about offending Omarosa: black women know who she is.
I'd be very surprised if Trump said nigger. The word is not in the culture he was brought up in so it not likely to come out except in eenie meenie miney moe.
If he wants an insult it would be something else.
As a freshman at Washington U in St. Louis, I was paired with another native son of Missouri as a roommate. We occasionally enjoyed speaking to each other in the black vernacular of our great State just for the joy of it. It was part of our heritage. The language of the Nigger Jim. But that was 1974. By 1979, such behavior might have caused problems.
Carol said...
"I always hated reading dialect, esp Twain's. It's just annoyingly slow reading. Especially "gwine"? Did it really sound like that?"
When I say "Man" it comes out sounding like "Main".
I have trouble reading Elizabeth Anscombe, who is always shewing instead of showing.
Okay Mrs. OED. Give us a better and more descriptive word than "unhinged" that accurately conveys the insanity of the today's Left.
Oso Negro said...
"As a freshman at Washington U in St. Louis, I was paired with another native son of Missouri as a roommate. We occasionally enjoyed speaking to each other in the black vernacular of our great State just for the joy of it. It was part of our heritage. The language of the Nigger Jim. But that was 1974. By 1979, such behavior might have caused problems."
I am actually weirded out by people who are weirded out by nigger. We're Americans and it's a word we use. I call whites nigga all the time. I call my black friends "nigga" ALL THE TIME. It's only in mixed company that people might get political over it.
I think Americans should be free to talk the way they want.
“Not likely to come out except in eenie meenie miney moe.”
Which I thought went on to “catch a *tiger* by the toe” until as a young adult I saw the rednecks in Pulp Fiction. And even then I thought it was just a Tarantino-ism.
""I always hated reading dialect, esp Twain's. It's just annoyingly slow reading. Especially "gwine"? Did it really sound like that?""
I agree that "dialect" slows you down a lot when you're reading silently. At some point, you think, I get it, can't I just see the words in their conventional spelling and I'll "hear" it the way I'm supposed to.
But if people were reading the book aloud to others, it might have been appreciated. In the days before radio and TV, I think there was much more reading out loud and the person doing the reading would be helped in giving a comic rendition of the book (and helped in making it more racist, if that's what the reader wanted to do).
I had not read that Trump was supposed to have used the n word.
I thought the uproar was that he called a Filipino a "flip".
I thought that was pretty weak tea. There were lots of Filipinos in the Navy in the 60s and flip was slightly impolite but not offensive. Along the lines of calling a Canadian a Canuck or someone from Arkansas a hillbilly.
John Henry
What's his name British car show host was fired over saying eenie meenie miney moe (just those words) when making an arbitrary choice.
How about if black people refrain from wiping their asses for a week, line up on Main St., drop their drawers, and the white folk line up to bury their noses in shitty black assholes and kiss ass?
Would this warm up your cold pimp heart, Crack?
This S&M game was worn out a couple of decades ago.
Blacks can go fuck themselves. They get nothing from me.
How offensive is the word flip these days?
John Henry
There were lots of Filipinos in the Navy in the 60s and flip was slightly impolite but not offensive.
Not as offensive as Pineapple.
@ The Crack Emcee - Yes! Americans should be free to talk the way they want. We enjoyed talking that way because it just felt good and sounded cool. Interestingly, there was one white guy from East St. Louis who normally spoke like a black guy. We thought that was really amazing. But it is what he grew up hearing, it was just how he talked.
When I was a young child, I heard "Eeny meenie minie mo" with the N-word, which just sounded like another one of the nonsense words to me. I learned to say the rhyme like that, and one day another child told me that word made "colored people" feel bad. I understood that only on the level of accepting that the mysterious people who lived in the part of town called "the slum" had some special feelings that I shouldn't hurt and therefore wouldn't. It was the 1950s, and the town was Wilmington, Delaware.
Have you been to Wilmington lately?
The black neighborhoods are still shitholes. Contempt for education. Gang violence. Pimping and whoring and dealing are the kids' dream occupations.
It's their own fucking fault. They chose it.
JPS said...
“Not likely to come out except in eenie meenie miney moe.”
"Which I thought went on to “catch a *tiger* by the toe” until as a young adult I saw the rednecks in Pulp Fiction. And even then I thought it was just a Tarantino-ism."
JPS, this is not a diss of you or your post, but it's CRAZY to me how people can drift through American life, unaware of such things. How it gets buried, so only <A HREF="”>mostly blacks hear it,</A> whether someone says "tiger" or not.
How much of that occurs in a day, or a lifetime, would be wild to calculate.
"rhhardin said...
What's his name British car show host was fired over saying eenie meenie miney moe (just those words) when making an arbitrary choice."
Jeremy Clarkson. And no he wasn't. He was fired a few years later for punching one of the shows producers.
Unlike you, Althouse, I am only two generations removed from being as poor as any black and the inheritor of a tradition of alcoholism, lack of respect for education, etc.
Here's what changed it. My dad. He went mostly dry. He encouraged his children to get an education. He stopped the violence in my family. Although he wasn't particularly religious, he sent his kids to church to learn basic morality and self-discipline.
My entire family is now educated, sober and prosperous.
Waiting for the state or for nice white ladies to fix these things for you is bullshit. You fix it yourself.
"They said I was 'unhinged,' but I don't even have hinges."
What a great admission against interest. Kathy Griffin and the rest of them freely admit that they are disconnected from facts and reality. They aren't even funny. They are emotional and superficial. They just hate Trump. They hate men. They especially hate white men. Their leader is Hillary.
The laugher is that they want to be put in charge.
Manigault is the name of a rich slave-owning family in Charleston, SC. They built one of its finest mansions, now a tourist attraction.
When my great-aunt died in 1975, her '68 Skylark had 4,000 miles on it. It flew like a bird and steered like a boat.
Jesus Christ, Crack, you're so fucking weak and stupid that you fall apart because somebody calls you a name.
What a pathetic turd you are. A contemptible weakling.
There's also "eye dialect," where the words are written the way everybody says them but altered to indicate lower class
"We quit attendin' pitcher shows because the rest o' the audience wasn't the kind o' people you'd care to mix with."
Re. Buffalo Gals and the Tom Sawyer reference. Timing would be about right for Buffalo, NY.
Erie Canal, Albany to Buffalo, opened in 1825. Facilitated transit from New York, Hudson River to Lake Erie, Ohio River and Mississippi River. Started major migration into Midwest.
Canal boat crews, mule drivers, and male passengers might be seeking female "entertainment" at the western canal terminus.
A reference to the buffalo bison less likely, as Buffalo Soldiers, exploitation of the buffalo, etc. were post Civil War.
Oh, maybe "unhinged" is a good word after all...
Oso Negro said...
"There was one white guy from East St. Louis who normally spoke like a black guy. We thought that was really amazing. But it is what he grew up hearing, it was just how he talked."
There was this kid I used to sell cars with, named Travis, who looked like Archie (from the comics) but I called him Elvis because he was blacker then I was when it came to vernacular and mannerisms. 100% totally natural to him. Another older black guy and I took him under our wing, because he was always acting out to bring attention to himself - screwing female customers in the cars on the lot, boosting new clothes from stores to impress the customers, just pure ghetto behavior that few black men could get away with. (The white guys thought he was a GOD.)
He eventually went too far with some black guys and got his ass tore up. He came by my place in a mess. I did what I could for him but there wasn't much. I'm not sure what became of him, but I also don't like to think about it too much:
Guys like that don't last.
Crack: "I am actually weirded out by people who are weirded out by nigger. We're Americans and it's a word we use."
Whaddya mean "we", paleface?
Do you foresee any point in the future, Althouse, when you will consider blacks to be capable of agency and responsible for the outcomes of their own lives?
Or will they always be our dependent, misbehaving children?
Omarosa is trying to play in a league she is not big enough to play in.
I recall watching the series of shows - Trump's show in its early days, and Omarosa was on there. She was the most miserable back-stabbing freak show ever. I have no idea why Trump thought it was a good idea to include her in any part of his life.
Song lyrics by Andy Razaf (1895 - 1973)
The Joint is Jumpin'
The joint is jumpin'
It's really jumpin'
Come in, cats,
And check your hats.
The piano's thumpin',
The dancers are bumpin'
This here spot
Is more than hot.
In fact,
The joint is jumpin'.
Check your weapons at the door.
Be sure to pay your quarter.
Burn your leather on the floor.
Grab anybody's daughter.
The roof is rockin'.
The neighbors are knockin'.
We're all bums
When the wagon comes.
They have a new expression
Along the Harlem way
That tells you when a party
Is ten times more than gay.
To say that things are "jumpin'"
Leaves not a single doubt
That everything is in full swing
When you hear somebody shout:
"This joint is jumpin',
"It's really jumpin'"
No time for talkin'.
This place is walkin'.
Hit the jug
And cut a rug.
Get your pig feet, beer and gin.
There's plenty in the kitchen.
What is that who just came in?
Just see the way he's switchin'.
Don't mind the hour,
'Cause I'm in power.
I've got bail
If we go to jail.
So keep this joint a-jumpin'.
Sung by Fats Waller
Recommended Character for Laslo Spatula: "The Overly Polite and Politically Correct Klansman Who Attended Boarding School In Switzerland And Whose Great-Great Grandfather Conditioned His Inheritance On Maintainibg Membership In The Klan"
Blogger The Crack Emcee said...
There was this kid I used to sell cars with, named Travis, who looked like Archie (from the comics) but I called him Elvis because he was blacker then I was when it came to vernacular and mannerisms. 100% totally natural to him. Another older black guy...
Sometimes you sound like Lazlo, Crack. Except that I believe his stories are mostly invented and I believe yours are mostly real.
I like both.
When I say you sound like Lazlo, I mean that as a compliment.
John Henry
The lyrics of "Skylark" were written by Johnny Mercer, and the music was composed by Hoagy Carmichael. The song was released in 1942.
The skylark in the lyrics was Judy Garland, with whom Mercer was having an affair. They became lovers when she was 18 and he was 30 years old and married.
Essayist Robert Fulford writes:
Much of his [Mercer's] success was grounded in his ability to capture the feelings evoked by nostalgia for an earlier America. He filled his songs with haunting train whistles, meadowlarks, folks sitting quietly on porches and blues in the night, putting to good use his boyhood in Savannah, Georgia.
Skylark, have you anything to say to me?
Won't you tell me where my love can be?
Is there a meadow in the mist
Where someone's waiting to be kissed?
Skylark, have you seen a valley green with spring
Where my heart can go a-journeying
Over the shadows and the rain
To a blossom-covered lane?
And in your lonely flight
Haven't you heard the music of the night?
Wonderful music, faint as a will-'o-the-wisp, crazy as a loon,
Sad as a gypsy serenading the moon.
Skylark, I don't know if you can find these things,
But my heart is riding on your wings.
So if you see them anywhere,
Won't you lead me there?
Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...
"I recall watching the series of shows - Trump's show in its early days, and Omarosa was on there. She was the most miserable back-stabbing freak show ever. I have no idea why Trump thought it was a good idea to include her in any part of his life."
There are some things about Trump I don't think we'll EVER understand.
Always good to see another Fats Waller fan.
John Henry
Huh, Flannery O'Connor managed to write about southern whites who had daily interactions with blacks, without the annoying dialect, or at least, I managed to read nearly everything she wrote..I must go back and see how she did that.
I was taught that there are certain words and phrases a lady or gentleman just didn't use. If a word or phrase is meant to insult or demean, it's tacky.
I was also taught that history exists in its own context. Dialect conveys region and class. Dickens used dialect as much as Twain did as a method of characterization.
Before Hide and Seek, we'd always "Eenie Meenie Mynie Moe, call a Tiger by the Toe. If he hollers let him go, eenie meenie mynie moe. My mother said to pick this very best one and out goes y - o - u." Alternatively, 'If he hollers make him pay 50 dollars every day'
Either that or Bubble Gum Bubble Gum in a dish. How many pieces do you wish? (at which point you would select a number and feet would be counted and one would be removed) about mixed up cultures as revealed by language, Gus Lee wrote a semi-autobiographical novel about a Chinese boy growing up in a thoroughly Chinese family living in a San Francisco black ghetto. "China Boy" here:
Lee's Wiki page is here:
Oh well, time to do something else.
Althouse is such an interesting legal mind... until she veers into identity politics.
I'm completely fed up with the whining and accusations from gays, blacks and women, and I'm too fucking old to put up with it any more.
If gays, blacks or women want to give me this shit, they'll get it back tenfold from me. You want to play S&M with me, you'd better be prepared to lose or to pay such a horrifying price for winning that you'll wish you'd never played.
I just followed a Drudge link to an NPR story about Omarosa. Sheesh! What a nutcase she seems.
And I think this story was trying to present her in a favorable light.
Re this alleged tape, I doubt it. If it existed, it would have come out during the campaign.
Maybe it exists but my default position on anything like this is that it is bullshit until someone actually produces it along with context and proof.
Context is important. Suppose Trump was reading Tom Sawyer to Barron and someone taped it. We would have him saying the word on tape. Isolate it and you can make it anything you want.
Play it in context and you could complain that Tom Sawyer is an inappropriate book but you could not complain about trump using the word in a racist manner.
John Henry
Then there's the now-forbidden name for Brazil nuts. said...
"Sometimes you sound like Lazlo, Crack. Except that I believe his stories are mostly invented and I believe yours are mostly real.
I like both.
When I say you sound like Lazlo, I mean that as a compliment."
Thank you. My stories are real. And I got a lot of 'em.
This period of self-imposed isolation (now going on three years) is about the first time I've ever had an extended period where nothing "odd" has happened to me. (Unless you consider that guy with a gun, I mentioned a few days ago, running up to say he liked the new tune and wanted to work with me, or having an Indian kid who thinks I'm a guru as "odd." I get a lot of criminal types for fans with this title.) Except for my friends turning on me, but unable to get to me, it's just been quiet now - and I LIKE it.
So, hopefully, new "crazy" installments will slowly come to an end - one day.
I recall watching the series of shows - Trump's show in its early days, and Omarosa was on there. She was the most miserable back-stabbing freak show ever. I have no idea why Trump thought it was a good idea to include her in any part of his life.
Omarosa was a diabolical genius on that show. Lie, cheat and steal. And she had 'Mr.Trump' wrapped around her finger. He just couldn't see through her. Of course, probably kepr her on for ratings, too.
Worse than Erica Kane.
The Crack Emcee, 9:20:
I know. No diss taken - I made that comment knowing it shows me naive and out of touch. There’s a lot I’ve realized surprisingly late.
"My entire family is now educated, sober and prosperous"
Yeah? Well we don't need that kind of virtue-signaling identity politics played around here. This is a blog for sinners, not saints.
DuBose Hayward was guilty of cultural appropriation. Does it count as an affirmative defense that his lyrics for Summertime can be counted as among the greatest poetry in the English language.......I've never read his novel Porgy, and I expect it would be full of embarrassing and stupid observations. But there's no denying that Summertime is about as good as music and poetry can get, and that Gershwin and Hayward didn't stay in their lane.
Norm Macdonald was on Dennis Miller's radio show several years ago and said that the solution to the Huckleberry Finn problem was to make Huck Finn black.
During Omarosa's appearance on the first season of The Apprentice, she falsely accused another cast member of using the n-word. The only thing she does not seem to be totally incompetent at is being an attention-starved fame whore.
Trump gave Omarosa special treatment because he likes her sort of person. He’s shown this over and over again by those he’s picked for his cabinet and other positions in his administration. It’s no mystery.
...and all the other insults that rest on the premise of mental illness, a condition that warrants empathy (including my own longstanding tag "Trump derangement syndrome")
Wow. Sociopathy and narcissism do not "warrant empathy." These people have diseases that prevent them from interacting normally with other people and cannot be extended the empathy that they only know how to take advantage of. Empathy is not a one-way street. These are diseases of social functioning. A sociopath might kill you. A narcissist will ruin you. The only respect they're entitled to is whatever rights they haven't violated, and that's it. It's a fences/neighbor policy for the very sort of people for whom outreach - emotional or otherwise - is basically if not entirely useless.
People who do not like Trump are not mentally ill. They are reacting in an entirely appropriate way to a pathological liar and narcissist's infliction of his disease onto the rest of the country. An inability to be honest or hold others' rights/wellbeing above your own renders one incompetent/unqualified to function or hold office in any sort of government other than a tyranny.
His link worked for me, Inga. Is the problem at your end?
I wish other people would go to the trouble, hint hint.
Trump's derangement is a serious matter. How can someone that dishonest and narcissistic be considered fit to hold office? Why does it escape his apologists the necessity of honesty and sacrifice in leading a democratic republic?
“His link worked for me, Inga. Is the problem at your end?
I wish other people would go to the trouble, hint hint.”
Ralph, the first link he posted @ 8:59 didn’t work ( for him) because he had quotation marks in it. That is the one I was referring to. Also, I sometimes use hyperlinks, sometimes I don’t if I’m being lazy. Sometimes I don’t because I want people to see exactly where the quote came from before clicking on it.
@President Pee-Pee Tape:
Trump's derangement is a serious matter. How can someone that dishonest and narcissistic be considered fit to hold office? Why does it escape his apologists the necessity of honesty and sacrifice in leading a democratic republic?
Leaving aside critiques of personality, many of which I largely agree with, what is it that Trump has actually done that you find so damaging to the Republic?
“Trump's derangement is a serious matter. How can someone that dishonest and narcissistic be considered fit to hold office? Why does it escape his apologists the necessity of honesty and sacrifice in leading a democratic republic?”
I think those who still support him either do so because they are oppostionally defiant, the “cut their own nose off to spite their face” syndrome, or are now behaving in a cultish manner and can no longer separate themselves from the Cult Leader.
He’s still riding high on the Politics of Spite.
Shouting Thomas shouting.
J. Farmer said...
Norm Macdonald was on Dennis Miller's radio show several years ago and said that the solution to the Huckleberry Finn problem was to make Huck Finn black.
The book wouldn't make any sense if Huck was black.
I enjoyed the dialect. I read both Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer earlier this year and, once you get used to the dialect, it goes just as fast as normal. On the other hand, it's fun to slow down at times and read it out loud for the poetry of it.
Forgot to say that Huck Finn is probably the most anti-racist book I've ever read.
I wasn't hinting to you, Inga, but the people who cut and paste looong stuff (and narciso).
The Native Americans they fought against gave the name “Buffalo Soldiers” to cavalry units composed of Black troopers, so the likelihood that “Buffalo Gals” is related to Buffalo Soldiers is not high. Most sources agree that the Natives were struck by the resemblance of their short, dark, tightly curling hair to the dark, tightly curling hair of a full grown buffalo. There is no question that they respected their Buffalo Soldier adversaries.
The book wouldn't make any sense if Huck was black.
Macdonald was making a joke.
Forgot to say that Huck Finn is probably the most anti-racist book I've ever read.
You and Macdonald are on the same page. From his Twitter: "Yes, even though it is the greatest American novel and the most anti-racist book ever."
@Inga...Allie Oop:
I think those who still support him either do so because they are oppostionally defiant, the “cut their own nose off to spite their face” syndrome, or are now behaving in a cultish manner and can no longer separate themselves from the Cult Leader.
Presidents of any stripe will always have cultish supporters. It is unfortunately baked into the system.
But I think there is a distinction to be made between supporting Trump and supporting Trumpism. If the President can succeed in stemming immigration (legal and illegal) and does not get us involved in more stupid pointless wars, then his presidency will be a success (from my point of view). The fact that it was accomplished by a boorish narcissist is irrelevant.
It's like Chip Ahoy is writing your blogpost now.
J. Farmer said...
"Norm Macdonald was on Dennis Miller's radio show several years ago and said that the solution to the Huckleberry Finn problem was to make Huck Finn black."
"Where we goin', Huck?" "I don't know,..."
Leaving aside critiques of personality, many of which I largely agree with, what is it that Trump has actually done that you find so damaging to the Republic?
You're insane.
1. Explicitly reinstate white supremacist nationalism as an important political consideration in the Oval Office.
2. Tell more demonstrably proven lies in any given day, week, month or year than any other president.
3. Decide that a free press is a huge problem for him and assault that concept daily.
4. Elevate all those petty problems for him (not for us) into presidential priorities.
5. Refuse to accept the precedent of revealing/cleaning his financial conflicts.
6. Inflict a presidential culture/standard of personal loyalty over constitutional loyalty among his staff.
7. Pretending to want to do something about a hollowed-out working class while doing more instead for his fellow billionaires (who populate his cabinet at record levels) than ever before.
8. Run up a trillion dollar deficit in the process.
9. Institutionalize a politicized, anti-science agenda in several departments, and an ethos that believes in country over planet.
10. Normalize the idea that political foes should be jailed.
11. Be a poodle to Putin and his agenda of weakening NATO and the EU.
12. Be a poodle to Putin and his agenda to damage our election process.
13. Challenge longstanding constitutional precedent regarding the executive-legislative relationship at every turn.
14. Be a lazy fatass who wears a robe and watches cable news and gorilla documentaries all day.
15. Encourages the country to view the presidency as a gameshow/reality tv show.
You know. Nothing that you so-called serious debaters have any problem with.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
"Trump gave Omarosa special treatment because he likes her sort of person. He’s shown this over and over again by those he’s picked for his cabinet and other positions in his administration. It’s no mystery."
As I've said repeatedly, I think Trump likes "the blacks" and wants to do what he can - honestly. He may feel he's uninformed, or unqualified to decide on what that might entail, but I think he's game AND I think black's current behavior towards him, after decades of treating him like a cousin of sorts, probably wounds him deeply.
I does me, because I see an opportunity lost for blacks and the country.
I think those who still support him either do so because they are oppostionally defiant, the “cut their own nose off to spite their face” syndrome.
That describes 2/3rds of the Republican/Republicultist commenters regularly visiting here, easily. They are more comfortable with destruction than disagreement, cost be damned.
Since the name Huckleberry and a Johnny Mercer song have been mentioned in the above article, I now will explain Mercer's song "Moon River".
Moon River,
Wider than a mile,
I'm crossing you in style
Some day.
Oh, dream maker,
You heart-breaker,
Wherever you're going,
I'm going your way.
Two drifters
Off to see the world.
There's such a lot of world
To see.
We're after the same rainbow's end--
Waiting 'round the bend,
My huckleberry friend
Moon River -- and me.
The "huckleberrry friend" in the lyrics is Moon River, which flowed near Mercer's childhood home in Savannah, Georgia. Mercer picked huckleberries along Moon River, and so he nicknamed the river "my huckleberry friend".
In his lyrics, Mercer addresses the river as you.
... I'm crossing you in style ...
... you dream maker
... you heart-breaker
... whereever you're going
... I'm going your way ...
He addresses the river also as we
... We're after the same rainbow's end
In fact, Mercer states explicitly that his huckleberry friend is Moon River.
My huckleberry friend
Moon River -- and me.
[ocntinued in my following comment]
President Pee-Pee Tape:
And none of those things (though several of them are bullshit) are as bad as destroying an entire country, destabilizing North Africa, and creating a massive refugee crisis in the Mediterranean. So, just out of curiosity, where do you put Obama in the presidential pantheon?
so this is a 'Seinfeld story,' a story about nothing, she has no evidence, but much like the dossier it's printed and utilized as if it was real, what we waste our time on not to deal on the economy, on our more aggressive posture against Russia, Nicaragua, Venezuela, and turkey,
everywhere Obama ignored.
@J. Farmer
Thanks for the clarification.
Continued from my comment at 11:07 AM
Now I explain the entire song as follows:
Moon River,
Wider than a mile,
I'm crossing you in style
Some day.
The first verse provides the remembered perspective of the singer as a child. The river near his home seemed a mile wide. Some day in the future, he will return to this river and cross its bridge in an expensive new automobile.
Oh, dream-maker,
You heart-breaker,
Wherever you're going,
I'm going your way.
The second verse recalls how the river prompted the singer's young desire to travel away from his home in order to fulfill his dreams. The desire to fulfill dreams will necessarily cause, however, also much frustration and disappointment -- the singer's heart will be broken many times in his endeavors.
Two drifters
Off to see the world.
There's such a lot of world
To see.
The third verse identifies two drifters. One drifter is the river itself, which drifts downstream. The second drifter is the singer, who will drift along on the river.
We're after the same rainbow's end--
Waiting 'round the bend,
My huckleberry friend
Moon River -- and me.
The fourth verse depicts a beautiful scene as the singer drifts on the drifting river. The singer sees a rainbow ahead, with one end of the rainbow curving down to a side location, toward which the river will soon turn. So, the river and the singer are traveling toward the place at the end of the rainbow, where there will be a pot of gold.
The river's proper name is "Moon River", but the singer's affectionate name for the river is "my huckleberry friend", because the singer loved to pick huckleberries that grew along the river's banks.
The song is not about friendship or romance.
Rather, the song is about solitude and independent endeavor.
J. Farmer
What are you, a North African? I'm an American. I'm concnerned first and foremost with what a president does here, esp. as it regards constitutional law. Obama may or may not have made a mistake, but not anywhere nearly as personally driven or with as much destructive malice aforethought.
Go take your globalist criticism elsewhere and work to stop global warming if you want Mediterranean farmers to be able to live off their crops without feeling the pinch of a needy dictator mowing them down, asshole.
See? All your problems start with something your right-wing mind did wrong in the first place.
President Pee-Pee Tape said...
"People who do not like Trump are not mentally ill. They are reacting in an entirely appropriate way to a pathological liar and narcissist's infliction of his disease onto the rest of the country."
I beg to differ. They are acting like the worst of the Republicans. Trump is a habitual liar - not pathological - which can be saved for the likes of Oprah saying "The Secret" was science - a lie worth millions I still don't see a single Democrat outraged by, while they berate Trump over innocuous business like crowd sizes - and the spread of yoga studios around the country spreading narcissism to not a peep from the likes of the Lululemon Left. They accept it. They're a cult. Only when they see their reflection, in Trump, do they stir to action.
"An inability to be honest or hold others' rights/wellbeing above your own renders one incompetent/unqualified to function or hold office in any sort of government other than a tyranny."
Obama was presented to us by the most well-known charlatan in America, Oprah Winfrey, and, together, they said "HOPE" was a political platform.
Now blacks have - literally - nothing to show for the First Black President's term but some lame bragging rights that we reached a milestone.
Don't tell me about the need for honesty until you learn how to determine it yourself.
“But I think there is a distinction to be made between supporting Trump and supporting Trumpism.”
It is Trump himself that is the creator of Trumpism. Those who still support him after these last 18 months or so haven’t seen the need to separate themselves from him yet? Jesus. Why would anyone continue to be in favor of “the ends justify the means”? What does this say about one?
Who is this single-monikered "Omarosa" person? I clicked on the Omarosa tag, and I see Althouse has posts on her(?) going clear back to 2004, but all I gather from that is that she had something to do with a televised or cable show called The Apprentice, which means she had interactions with Trump back at that time. Is she now peddling "Trump did a bad, bad thing" stories?
@Inga...Allie Oop:
"I think those who still support him either do so because they are oppostionally defiant, the “cut their own nose off to spite their face” syndrome, or are now behaving in a cultish manner and can no longer separate themselves from the Cult Leader."
With all the crazy cultism on the Left - what? 100 or so in San Francisco alone? - I find it hard to believe any liberal would want to mention the word publicly in any context.
President Pee-Pee Tape:
What are you, a North African? I'm an American.
So I take it you had no opinion on the Iraq War, right? After all, we're not Iraqis.
I'm concnerned first and foremost with what a president does here, esp. as it regards constitutional law.
What constitutional law has been violated?
That's the propagandist word for when America causes massive destruction and gets thousands of people killed. A mere "mistake." Oops, our bad. Good luck with all that.
Go take your globalist criticism elsewhere and work to stop global warming if you want Mediterranean farmers to be able to live off their crops without feeling the pinch of a needy dictator mowing them down, asshole.
Why care about "Mediterranean farmers?" They're not Americans.
See? All your problems start with something your right-wing mind did wrong in the first place.
Obama was working to do something about global warming and still decided to do a regime change operation. And remember the other candidate was the one who said, "We came, we saw, he died," followed by a big belly laugh. But who cares that Libya is an anarchic hell hole breeding ISIS terrorism. No Americans were killed in the destruction of that country. No problem!
Lol. Oprah is the huge constitutional danger, HOPELESSNESS is better politics, and the rank-and-file mainstream of the country who can't stand the constitutional buggerer Trump are as bad as the worst Republicans. No wonder you found an appreciation for the alleged power of crystals to be such a threat to your mind, Crackie. Keep on fighting the good fight against 1980s America feel-good mythology; I suppose transitioning to Tony Robbins and the psycho-preneurial charlatans is better. And keep on being a Republican, too. Yup. My reality really needs readjusting by a guy who feels that crystal-based magic is a threat to his (and everyone's) thinking. And those hard rock album sales made us satanists. Tell Tipper Gore I said hi.
Your fear of mind control (especially if done with a positive attitude) belies the weakness of both your own mind and your own sense of negativity. I'll make sure to take crosses and garlic with me into the next spirit shop or Lord of the Rings Comic-Con.
What a farce you can be.
Crack, Trump is an anti vaxxer. That is bullshit, not based on evidence based medicine. Doesn’t it bother you that Trump supports this new age idiocy?
Successful con men don't create their marks, they tell them exactly what they want to hear while they themselves believe none of it. Trump unites cults of racists, mysogynisists, the religious right and gun nuts into his base.
@Inga...Allie Oop:
It is Trump himself that is the creator of Trumpism.
No, it isn't. Pat Buchanan ran on a Trumpist platform a quarter century ago.
Those who still support him after these last 18 months or so haven’t seen the need to separate themselves from him yet?
You will have to take that up with him. I was never "connected" to him, so I don't know what it means to "separate" from them.
Why would anyone continue to be in favor of “the ends justify the means”? What does this say about one?
It means that one favors opposing the demographic dispossession of their country and destructive military adventurism more than one favors opposing Trumps' twitter feed.
So I take it you had no opinion on the Iraq War, right? After all, we're not Iraqis.
If you want to equate your own citizenship with that of another country's, go move there.
Other than that, what do I care? We're an empire and will want to go to war as casually as empires do. So what? You can protest against it but not without getting off of oil, dotard.
Obama was working to do something about global warming and still decided to do a regime change operation.
See above. Also, see a chemist who understands hydrology cycles. Get to the origin of the problem instead of masturbating around its margins.
And remember the other candidate was the one who said, "We came, we saw, he died," followed by a big belly laugh. But who cares that Libya is an anarchic hell hole breeding ISIS terrorism. No Americans were killed in the destruction of that country. No problem!
Not as big as Trump. "We campaigned, we did Putin's bidding, we turned America into something more Russian. No problem!"
Trump is a great way to remind everyone that anything horrible about Hillary pales in comparison to the fact that she still has stronger internal boundaries than he does. Trump thinks that if he tweets it, he can do it. Hillary didn't want to uproot the constitutional relationships and boundaries root and branch, and she certainly didn't want to start a race war in America to do it.
Go back to 1930s Germany.
Omarosa was paid, of course.
There are immense benefits promised to any that have an angle to play vs Trump.
The stakes in this game are enormous, greater than that of any (non-violent) political conflict in history, in whichever analytical direction you choose.
Ross Perot also ran on a Trumpist platform.
And said much the same things about a cronyist system.
I suppose a rabid dog cannot choose but bite. But if not rabid, the difference between a dog and a man (speaking of Twain) is that if they are starving, and you feed them, the dog will not bite you.
I suppose this Omarosa person, despite everything Donald Trump has done for her, could only form the notion of profit by falsely traducing and betraying her benefactor. Perhaps it is the history of drug abuse that destroyed her personality and morality. Or who is to blame? Who got to her and put this in her head? Who drove her off the rails?
Of course President Trump is innocent of whatever she may accuse him of. That's not even in question. But let's even suppose as a hypothetical that he did whatever she says he did. She still owes him her life. And moreover, not being noble bit being selfish, she could still be riding the gravy train just by being a good girl and shutting up.
She will get nothing for this except the equivalent of a free high. Nobody will ever be her friend. She ceases to be a person and becomes a thing to be moved and used. Not to be ironic but... Sad!
Funny thing is, when she lands in the gutter again, Trump will probably pick her up again. May e that's why she felt safe betraying him. People who betray, or even offend, Democrats like Obama or Clinton, wind up broken, ruined, or dead.
Do you think the FBI should be given the traditional leeway to investigate the executive and campaign law violations or not? Because Trump seems to think they should not. That's a basic constitutional crisis right there. "IF the president does it, it's not a crime." Famous last career proclamations by the guy who made Trump his political protege, Richard Nixon.
Hillary Clinton got overzealous with her role in the Watergate hearings but I'm pretty sure she never saw herself as one to outdo Nixon. So congratulations on that.
“No, it isn't. Pat Buchanan ran on a Trumpist platform a quarter century ago.”
Buchanan and Perot were similar in a few ways, but very different in others. Trumpism is unique to Trump and brings populism, white supremacy, spite, misogyny and bigotry together in a caldron of bubbling hate. I think those still making excuses for Trump at this point will be trying hard to explain their support for him when this is all said and done. And it won’t end well for Trump.
Trump's pardoning of Joe Arpaio and Dinesh D'Souza so early into his term shows that he does not look at pardoning as an act of clemency, but a rank political tool and a way to signal a protection from sentencing on the part of any of his political allies who also value personal loyalty over rule of law. That is not a culture of lawfulness, let alone constitutionalism. Talk about abusing a privilege. He doesn't even make a pretense to care about being perceived as placing himself above the law and like Napoleon equates himself with the state.
“And said much the same things about a cronyist system.”
And you haven’t noticed a Trump’s own blatant cronyism?
@President Pee-Pee Tape:
See above. Also, see a chemist who understands hydrology cycles. Get to the origin of the problem instead of masturbating around its margins.
Even if we accept that the opposition to Gadaffi was 100% driven by climate change, that has nothing to do with the President of the Untied States deciding to destroy the state. So I will stand by my assertion that nothing in your list is as bad as killing thousands of people, even if they were (gasp) non-Americans.
"We campaigned, we did Putin's bidding, we turned America into something more Russian. No problem!"
US sanctions 'categorically unacceptable,' says Putin spokesman
More of the U.S. doing Trump's bidding.
Hillary didn't want to uproot the constitutional relationships and boundaries root and branch, and she certainly didn't want to start a race war in America to do it.
Trump has punted to Congress on most issues and abides by court orders. What constitutional relationships and boundaries have been uprooted?
“It means that one favors opposing the demographic dispossession of their country”
How is this anymore your country than any immigrants country? Are you Native American?
“and destructive military adventurism more than one favors opposing Trumps' twitter feed.”
Trump wanted to invade Venezuela for pity sake until his General’s told him it was a bad idea, lol.
I don't think these Buffalo Gals are black.
@Inga...Allie Oop:
Trumpism is unique to Trump and brings populism, white supremacy, spite, misogyny and bigotry together in a caldron of bubbling hate.
Interesting. Those were all exactly the same epithets thrown at Pat Buchanan in 1992. It's almost as if those are the stock attacks against anyone who opposes unfettered immigration.
"Larks were and are considered as game, so people would FIRST kill them, then pluck them, then cook them and at last eat them.”
Man-o-man, there has to be a whole-lot-of-pluckin' going on, considering that an alouette weighs between 0.5 oz an 2.5 oz fully loaded with feathers.
Les Alouettes de Montréal are a professional Canadian football team named in honor of the 425th Squadron of the Royal Canadian Air Force which took the name for the lark renowned for its tenacity.
Trump is using his position of President to enrich himself. Blatant violations of the Emoluments Clause. There’s another case in the courts now.
“Interesting. Those were all exactly the same epithets thrown at Pat Buchanan in 1992. It's almost as if those are the stock attacks against anyone who opposes unfettered immigration.”
And maybe rightfully so. However Trumpism goes beyond what Buchanan or Perot were pushing. “Unfettered immigration”, asylum seeking be damned.
I think writing dialect is important for historical context. When Zora Neale Hurston wrote Cudjoe Lewis's story from his own words, she used his dialect. There was a lot of pushback, because it seemed racist. But of course any racism in it is because white people kept black people from education, and that was the language as they were raised to speak it. It's only racist if you think it's all black people were capable of.
We don't want to end up King James-ing all the dialects that our country has had. Before the recorded word told us how people sound, only the written word could, and we need it to be true.
It would be great if the Trump n***er tape and the Michelle Obama hate whitey tape were the same tape, and it was just the two of them repeating those epithets over and over to each other.
@Inga...Allie Oop:
How is this anymore your country than any immigrants country? Are you Native American?
Native Americans did not build this country, English settlers did. Whatever one thinks about the founding of the country, the country exists and has borders and every country has a right to defend those borders.
Trump wanted to invade Venezuela for pity sake until his General’s told him it was a bad idea, lol.
He floated it as a possibility, insanely, yes. I have already criticized Trump's actions in Syria, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Afghanistan. If he does something foolish in Venezuela, I'll oppose that, too. Just as I opposed Obama's foreign policies and just as I opposed Bush's foreign policy.
Trump has punted to Congress on most issues
Congress won't or can't do its job. The Roman Senate had similar problems in its waning decades in power. Scares me more than Trump or Obama or the Mexican invasion.
"Larks were and are considered as game, so people would FIRST kill them, then pluck them, then cook them and at last eat them.”
Man-o-man, there has to be a whole-lot-of-pluckin' going on, considering that an alouette weighs between 0.5 oz an 2.5 oz fully loaded with feathers.
Les Alouettes de Montréal are a professional Canadian football team named in honor of the 425th Squadron of the Royal Canadian Air Force which took the name for the lark renowned for its tenacity.
Even if we accept that the opposition to Gadaffi was...
You have a pretty small mind, don't you? You can't even get the situation right. I had no support for/interest in what was done there, or how it was laughed off. But Hillary thought Gadaffi was a sucker. Trump thinks the entire American people are suckers. So maybe you should trade places with Gadaffi. Are your objects of anal affection more limited than his were?
So you get your assessment on the effectiveness of U.S. policy based on the propaganda that his KGB-groomed Russian backer puts out there. Maybe you can try looking up the word "gullible" in the dictionary.
If you think the FBI director should swear a personal loyalty oath to Trump and disregard his constitutional oath, just say so.
Are you into S&M? I detect strong authoritarian impulses in you. Or maybe just incredibly naive ones. Trump will be accepting applications to serve as psychological "daddy" to many disaffected gay men like yourself. Maybe discuss this policy under the guise of addressing the Magnitsky Act.
@Inga...Allie Oop:
However Trumpism goes beyond what Buchanan or Perot were pushing.
For example?
“For example?”
Are you serious? One example after another has been provided by either myself or President PPT.
President Pee-Pee Tape:
For someone so opposed to Trump, you certainly seem to share his affection for boorish juvenile personal attacks. I apologize for believing a rational conversation with you about the issues was possible.
Are you into S&M? I detect strong authoritarian impulses in you. Or maybe just incredibly naive ones. Trump will be accepting applications to serve as psychological "daddy" to many disaffected gay men like yourself.
See "projection."
@Inga...Allie Oop:
Are you serious? One example after another has been provided by either myself or President PPT
No, I specifically said that there was a distinction between Trump and Trumpism, that you can support the latter without being a lick-spittle for the former.
The Elephant Man meets the Buffalo Gal.
For someone so opposed to Trump, you certainly seem to share his affection for boorish juvenile personal attacks.
It works when anonymous commenting, not so much when "presidenting."
But by all means, if you want President Trump as your daddy, let me do the job instead. I will discipline you into a sane and successful middle-aged man much more effectively then he will, whatever your Freudian issues are.
I apologize for believing a rational conversation with you about the issues was possible.
It is not rational for you to believe the word of Putin. That makes you "credulous."
You can rationalize yourself into pretzels. Also not rational. You are forgetting that facts matter. Warping yourself into a logic loop because you cannot rank the importance or likelihood of several "facts" just makes you anti-empirical, not rational.
You still haven't told me your thoughts on FBI directors taking personal presidential loyalty oaths as if their oaths to the constitution should be invalid.
You never will, either. It goes against your Authoritarian Daddy Defense System.
And there’s damn good reason that Buchanan was rejected in his runs for President. People were more constrained in their bigotry and racism than they are now. It was considered shameful and deplorable. Trumpism would’ve gone down in flames back then too, rightfully so.
Inga, nothing gives me more pleasure than that a cretin like you is pissed off the Trump is president.
Stick your bigotry and racism ranting up your rancid cunt.
“For someone so opposed to Trump, you certainly seem to share his affection for boorish juvenile personal attacks.”
Why are Trump supporters still OK with this aspect of Trump? He is POTUS for pity sake. Why do they even love it? It’s spite.
Inga, you're a dumb fucking bitch.
I don't give a fuck about bigotry or racism. As I said, pull the worms out of your rancid cunt and stuff that obsession up in its place.
Trump is winning. I'll vote for him again in 2020. Hopefully, you'll croak by then and improve the general atmosphere of the universe.
...nothing gives me more pleasure than...
...tormenting others? How is someone with that mindset supposed to stay married? I mean, unless his spouse was so tormented that she became ill.
Nice bit of misogyny there too, with the "c-word." What did vaginas ever do to you, Shouting Thomas? I mean, other than spitting your baby-ass out into this world that you feel treats you so cruelly?
Oh. That and tire of your endless crudities as if they could substitute for a superior man's charm.
Hahaha, Shouting Thomas, you’re a has been. Your style of invective is old and worn out, dull, dim witted and unimaginative.
@President Pee-Pee Tape:
You still haven't told me your thoughts on FBI directors taking personal presidential loyalty oaths as if their oaths to the constitution should be invalid.
The FBI was created by legislation, and the director of the FBI can be hired and fired by the President for any reason, up to and including because he does not like the smell of his breath. The President also can direct the FBI to back off any investigations he wants. It is foolish for the FBI to investigate the President. That power rightly belongs to the Congress who can form investigative commissions with subpoena power.
Now if I were writing Constitution 2.0, I would not make the Attorney General subordinate to the President. And I would not fuse the head of state and the head of government into a single Executive.
You never will, either. It goes against your Authoritarian Daddy Defense System.
Sweet of you to say so, thanks.
Franklin Roosevelt, a Democrat served three terms.
Has a Republican President ever been given that opportunity?
Time Has Come Today,
“...tormenting others? How is someone with that mindset supposed to stay married? I mean, unless his spouse was so tormented that she became ill.”
Ritmo, I suspect that his marriage was one in which there was a lot of sadomasochism.
@Inga...Allie Oop:
Why are Trump supporters still OK with this aspect of Trump? He is POTUS for pity sake. Why do they even love it? It’s spite.
I agree that it is spite, and a lot of people love the fact that Trump is mixing it up with his ideological enemies. But you should not act as if one side is blameless in this conflict. There has been a culture war in this country for decades and those on the conservative side have been denigrated as evil fascists for the same amount of time.
Ritmo, have you gotten the scratch together to move out of your mommy's basement?
Shirley your not serious?
Sadly, I was. Every once in a while my charitable disposition overrides my rational senses.
And don't call me Shirley.
Try an insult that doesn't predate the last 20 years of internet tough talk, old timer Thomas.
I haven't gotten out and worked for a candidate since I was in college.
Listening to the dumb bitching and moaning of dumb cunts like Inga might motivate me to get out there and work for The Donald in 2020.
J. Farmer, I can say this about you. You always provide a polite argument. You’re a better man than I am, well if I were a man that is, lol. It’s difficult to discuss issues when the lunatics hit the thread. Thanks for a good discussion.
TRUMP 2028
How's the hamburger flipping going, Ritmo?
As I said, I have a nephew who lived in my mom's basement until he was 45.
He was a misunderstood genius, like you.
The only difference I see vs Perot is that Trump has been (relatively) successful.
Perot failed largely because he depended on reasonable argument. One should be able to convince with flip charts, if the people you are speaking to are intelligent and virtuous. But of course very few are.
He was opposed by unreasonable rhetoric, plus various dirty tricks, and misunderstood their effectiveness. He was naive about the low and evil nature of politics.
Trump understands low and evil things very well. His inaugural address spoke to the same fatal flaws in the US that Perot campaigned against, but that Perot did not fully comprehend - what Perot decried was worse, by far, than Perot realized.
Trump does more attacking of the system, and his enemies, than selling of policies as Perot tried, because it is obvious that what truly matters is the opposition. Selling policies is putting the cart before the horse. Its opponents need to be destroyed or weakened first. It is the military equivalent of selecting, as ones target, the opposing army, as against territorial gain. This is the Napoleonic approach. This was Moltke in 1870.
All the doctors within 50 miles visited my nephew in the basement for advice.
Just like you, Ritmo.
Your willingness to re-write the constitution aside, Trump is violating longstanding constitutional norms, if not laws. The laws didn't envision the degree to which Trump would abuse them. You either find that to be a problem or you don't. If you don't, then you must think his character and virtue alone can vouch for his willing adherence to the spirit of the laws, if not their letter - or the guts of the even more spineless and lower approved of Congress to block him. Or else you just think that a president who finds any constitutional loophole to evade is a fine cup of tea to add to our Andrew Johnsons, and Richard Nixons, and James Buchanans, etc., etc., ad nauseam ad infinitum.
Warner is quite talented with the Limberjack. He sounds a lot like Doc Watson to me.
Listening to the dumb bitching and moaning of dumb cunts like Inga might motivate me to get out there and work for The Donald in 2020.
LOL. Oh yeah, that'll work. He's ripped off much finer free (unpaid) labor than yours, Grouchy.
But by all means, go knock on all the doors of your fellow Woodstockonians. I'm sure they'll get the bug. New Yorkers love someone as obnoxious as the worst of them without any of the class. Maybe his trillion dollar deficits and continued bankrupting of the country will convince them more than his five personal bankruptcies failed to convince them to vote for their hometown son in 2016.
You are one funny and ridiculous twat.
Ritmo, you've been lying outrageously on the blog for years about what you do for a living.
You're a joke.
Maybe you should shut up and quit disgracing yourself with the lies.
This is what happens to threads when Doc Mike isn't here to provide geriatric stuporvision
@Inga...Allie Oop:
Thanks for a good discussion.
Welcome. Some of my best friends are Clinton supporters ;)
As I said, I have a nephew who lived in my mom's basement until he was 45.
That apple don't fall far from the tree!
Is it break time at McD's Ritmo?
Perot lost because he runned as a third party candidate
Shouting Thomas said...
I haven't gotten out and worked...
AIn't that the truth.
I have a doctor here who wants to consult with you, Ritmo?
How much ketchup and mustard should he put on his burger?
@President Pee-Pee Tape:
As I said, I think it is the job of the Congress to investigate the Presidency for potential violations of the law and not a a department that is under Presidential control.
One of my microbiologist acquaintances would like to know how you really crisp up the fries.
I have a doctor here who wants to consult with you, Ritmo?
How much ketchup and mustard should he put on his burger?
It's not my business how he conducts your prostate examination.
And, last but not least, the local brain surgeon wants to know how many pickles you normally place on a burger.
The extent of your knowledge of pickles, fries, ketchup, mustard and burgers is impressive for highly demanded worker in the knowledge economy.
Go visit your once better (and apparently very tormented) half. Tell her what a bad boy you've been.
Have you moved up to cleaning out the grease pit, Ritmo?
One of my college friends did that and he loved it. Got up early in the morning and was his own boss.
He had a doctor consulting biz in the alley behind the store, too. Amazing the number of misunderstood geniuses who are into that.
It doesn't take a genius to find you to be the perennially angry discontented fool that you are.
Enjoy your day! And the continued occupation by your asshole of your entire personality.
In fact, a number of nuclear physicists visited my college friend daily behind the McD's.
A little problem with a submarine nuclear reactor that they couldn't quite figure out.
“This is what happens to threads when Doc Mike isn't here to provide geriatric stuporvision.””
LOL! Yes, where is he, I hope he’s doing well.
No, Inga, this is what happens when a shithead like you starts babbling about bigotry and racism.
You get your ass kicked. And you thoroughly deserve it.
Try shutting the fuck up.
“As I said, I have a nephew who lived in my mom's basement until he was 45.”
“That apple don't fall far from the tree!”
Ha, I bet his nephew thinks he’s a talented musician too.
Say hi to Myrna for me, ST(D). Hope she approves of what you're doing here.
Someone who's as good as you are at losing your mind should try getting lost more often.
ST(D)'s "music" sounds like nursery school rhymes. No joke.
Ha, I bet his nephew thinks he’s a talented musician too.
I don't give a fuck whether or not anybody, including myself, thinks I'm a talented musician.
I made (and continue to make) money. The check is in the bank.
So, stuff it up your cunt.
“You get your ass kicked. And you thoroughly deserve it.”
You’re kicking your own ass.
Now, I've got Ritmo ready to explode in rage. Your insane tirades are joy to my ears, burger flipper.
Let it rip!
I made (and continue to make) money. The check is in the bank.
So, stuff it up your cunt.
Sounds like a very low value check. You could just as easily burn it as assault others with it, you know.
“I made (and continue to make) money. The check is in the bank.
So, stuff it up your cunt.”
Sure, sure, I bet there are a few people who like hearing a wild boar trying to sing through his snout.
Let it rip!
Sniffing your own farts has ceased to amuse you?
But, wait a minute, while I call a local surgeon.
He's been desperate to ask you some questions, Ritmo.
You keep bringing up doctors a lot today, ST(D).
No, they didn't kill Myrna. You did.
Tell me when the next break happens at McD's, Ritmo.
I'll put the surgeon on hold.
President Pee-Pee Tape said...
1. Explicitly reinstate white supremacist nationalism as an important political consideration in the Oval Office.
2. Tell more demonstrably proven lies in any given day, week, month or year than any other president.
Crowd sizes - carney schtick. Oprah was on for 30 years, 5 days a week, telling whoppers - introducing America to every cult leader in the US - and the Democrat's reaction? She's a God.
3. Decide that a free press is a huge problem for him and assault that concept daily.
I’m a confirmed news junkie. In the early 90s, all the Ted Koppell-sized reporters went apeshit over news consolidation, and delivered warnings journalism would SUCK. After the internet, they blamed it for performance. Now the reporters lie we don't know what we're getting. I'm getting every journalist, politician, celebrity, and rich person with more money than sense going to Theranos and one sees the operation is a scam. I'm GRATEFUL to the president.
4. Elevate all those petty problems for him (not for us) into presidential priorities.
So you know my priorities? You who think a vindictive press is peachy?
5. Refuse to accept the precedent of revealing/cleaning his financial conflicts.
He got elected like Washington.
6. Inflict a presidential culture/standard of personal loyalty over constitutional loyalty among his staff.
I have no idea what that means.
7. Pretending to want to do something about a hollowed-out working class while doing more instead for his fellow billionaires (who populate his cabinet at record levels) than ever before.
He's doing "more" for some? That means he's doing SOMETHING, right? You make the perfect the enemy of the good.
8. Run up a trillion dollar deficit in the process.
No Democrat can complain about deficits.
9. Institutionalize a politicized, anti-science agenda in several departments, and an ethos that believes in country over planet.
Whole Foods is a temple to pseudoscience. Tear it down. Then explain why The Washington Post said Trump banned "Science-based" just as the movie "The Post" came out, declaring itt had integrity because - in the movie - in takes on a story The NYT covered in real life. Then, tell me how alternative medicine became multi-billion dollar if the Left thinks science is important, because there's none in it.
10. Normalize the idea that political foes should be jailed.
Example, please.
11. Be a poodle to Putin and his agenda of weakening NATO and the EU.
Opinion, posited as fact - next.
12. Be a poodle to Putin and his agenda to damage our election process.
The Russians have ALWAYS interfered. And you know who knows it? Guess.
13. Challenge longstanding constitutional precedent regarding the executive-legislative relationship at every turn.
What's he supposed to do?!?
14. Be a lazy fatass who wears a robe and watches cable news and gorilla documentaries all day.
You can't hate the guy for being gross if you're gross. Not in politics. You have to be BETTER. That's the game you set up: We're the "Deplorables" and you are our betters. Or shut-the-fuck-up.
15. Encourages the country to view the presidency as a gameshow/reality tv show.
If he ever screams "Jim Acosta, you get a NEW CAR!" I'm gonna die and go to Heaven.
Someone doesn't have anyone to play with today, it seems.
Every asinine remark you dispense takes you one brain cell further away from Myrna.
Wait a minute, Ritmo!
The surgeon had to go. He has to operate.
Here's his question: "Would you recommend immediate surgery for dingle berries?"
I know you have deep experience on this subject. We're counting on you.
We still awaiting breathlessly that standard, brilliant conversational tactic we've learned to love from Ritmo:
"Have you ever read a book?"
That's such an incredibly awesome chestnut you pull out regularly.
FullMoon said...
"Your very own, brand new, Ford Focus!!."
Spoken like someone who wouldn't appreciate a free Ford Focus.
That's sad, Man...
This thread reminds me of a professional tag team wrestling match.
Ritmo and Inga are perfect "over the top" villains.
J. Farmer is the rational and reasonable babyface" while Shouting Thomas comes to the match as a more edgy and angry partner.
This is somewhat entertaining.
Thanks for the suggestions.
I've been reading Pimp: The Story of My life by Iceberg Slim.
I was inspired by the return of Crack.
President Trump would never drop the "N" word. As someone who grew up in the world of New York Real estate in the 1970's he would use the appropriate term of that era Shvartze.
I never use the "N" word either. I am old fashioned and prefer to use spook, shine or shade. When in the presences of such it is also preferable to call them "Canadians."
Obviously Omarosa is full of shit and turned on the man who made her a star.
Just what you would expect from a Canadian. They will turn on every time.
You know the weird thing about the pimp?
He never fucks. Well, maybe once when he's still romancing the whore and trying to get her in his stable.
Once she's hooked, the beatings begin.
"Have you ever read a book?"
That's such an incredibly awesome chestnut you pull out regularly.
It seems to reveal how proud you are of being a moron.
He bankrupted himself (five times)...
He bankrupted Atlantic City...
He's bankrupting the country by another trillion dollars every year.
Isn't it time you gave him a chance to bankrupt you?
Selling the debt you owe to the Chinese, Trump vows to cut his own tax "burden" (not that anyone knows what it is) even further should you return him to Washington.
Isn't that worth indebting your country to China? Do it for TRUMP!
Inga said:
Also I’ve known for months already that Langford Peel is Trooper York. Peel commented about some cheesy reality shows recently that he likes, which were very similar to the ones Trooper York always talked about. There were other giveaways, which I won’t mention until the time is right.
Ominous music:
If Trump were to actually give Acosta a new car, walk over and hand him the keys right there and then...
Its an interesting idea. The message discipline would crack, for a while, as the directorate of the MSM may take a while to process it.
It would be an insult of course, to Acosta, all the reporters assembled, and all their organizations. They are all bought, and they can be bought.
Or better yet, give him a $1 million check. That might take Acosta right out of the picture, no matter what he does with the check. It would be a most Trumpian gesture, gilded contempt.
Lol. Describing a book you read is a "conversational tactic," according to FullMoonie.
THat's funny. I don't doubt that he has difficulty with conversations and needs to sprinkle them with "tactics...." such as, "Hey I know I seem like a self-conscious moron but I'm really not! It's bad to read."
Yeah, that's an even better one.
We still awaiting breathlessly...
Standard Ebonics. One can only hope that FullMoon stops breathing.
He bankrupted himself (five times)...
Now that you've stepped out of your area of competency, that is advising surgeons and microbiologists about burgers, Ritmo, you've lost your edge.
Trump has never filed for personal bankruptcy. Four entities within his massive holding company have filed for bankruptcy. This is remarkably different than personal bankruptcy.
I worked in IT in corporate law for 20 years for a firm with a big role in managing corporate holding companies. Trump's performance and tactics are SOP. You acquire companies, try to turn them around, and you shed them or restructure them through bankruptcy if they don't produce the results you want.
Now, flip a burger. You'd better study if you want to advise corporate lawyers.
It's not jealousy to judge you by your own standard. Everyone knows that you like/identify with wealth because no one likes you and you have no worth as a person.
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