August 13, 2018

"'Nobody even told me about it,' Trump says in the recording of a phone call that Newman says is from the day after she was fired from her White House communications post in December."

"'I didn’t know it. I didn’t know that. Goddammit. I don’t love you leaving at all.'... Newman, in a combative interview on Today, dodged questions about whether Trump was lying on the phone call, saying that she was 'not certain.' She added that Trump, in general, is 'absolutely' a serial liar, but said she 'never expected him to lie to the country.' She said she was locked in a room before Kelly told her she was fired, and characterized the meeting as 'false imprisonment.' 'It’s not acceptable for four men to take a woman into a room, lock the door and tell her wait, and tell her that she cannot leave,' she said. 'It also is unacceptable to not allow her to have her lawyer or her counsel, and the moment I said I would like to leave and they said I can’t go, it became false imprisonment."

CNN reports.


ADDED: Trump reacts to his antagonist in 2 tweets this morning:
Wacky Omarosa, who got fired 3 times on the Apprentice, now got fired for the last time. She never made it, never will. She begged me for a job, tears in her eyes, I said Ok. People in the White House hated her. She was vicious, but not smart. I would rarely see her but heard....

...really bad things. Nasty to people & would constantly miss meetings & work. When Gen. Kelly came on board he told me she was a loser & nothing but problems. I told him to try working it out, if possible, because she only said GREAT things about me - until she got fired!
ALSO: I'm amused by the phrase "She was vicious, but not smart." It implies (inadvertently) that it might be good to be vicious if you are smart... or okay to be dumb if you're not vicious. Song cue:

That song is actually about Andy Warhol — Andy Warhol as seen by Andy Warhol:
[Warhol] said, ‘Why don’t you write a song called 'Vicious, and I said, 'What kind of vicious?’ ‘Oh, you know, vicious like I hit you with a flower.’ And I wrote it down literally.
ALSO: Speaking of "vicious, but not smart"... there's a popular notion that Andy Warhol had an IQ of 86, and Gore Vidal once quipped, "Andy Warhol is the only genius I’ve ever known with an I.Q. of 60." I may have already connected that to Trump. I should search my archive, but I'll just say there's a style of using language that looks stupid to people who don't see why it's brilliant, and these uncomprehending people often puzzle aloud — perhaps using big words and long sentences — about how that idiot could be so successful.

AND: One more Trump tweet:
While I know it’s “not presidential” to take on a lowlife like Omarosa, and while I would rather not be doing so, this is a modern day form of communication and I know the Fake News Media will be working overtime to make even Wacky Omarosa look legitimate as possible. Sorry!
Wacky Omarosa already has a fully signed Non-Disclosure Agreement!


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Anonymous said...

Having seen her on "The Apprentice," I came to the quick conclusion that Omarosa not only had issues, but she had a lifetime subscription.

Why she was hired for the White House is beyond me.

Hagar said...

Good looking and wants to capitalize on it, but are, or rather was, in way over her head.

NKP said...

Trump made Omarosa a Star. Omarosa chose to be a cunt. See Ya.

MikeR said...

Seems there's a new cottage industry, former Trump people turning on him. They are well rewarded for doing so.
Weird (one-way) "revolving door": Trump's administration to anti-Trump media.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Why did Trump ever let her come along? She is a loser.

Fernandinande said...

I gather there is a "Trump exception" to all the various eavesdropping laws.

Michael K said...

Her race was her only defense and then that wasn't enough.

Her 15 minutes will be over soon.

readering said...

Well he composes his own tweets at least sometimes.

madAsHell said...

CNN reports!!

stevew said...

What she describes is just plain imprisonment, adding false, if accurate, defeats her argument.


Sebastian said...

I guess Trump is done paying for NDAs.

Thanks, Stormy!

Mike Sylwester said...

Many years ago, I read Andy Warhol's book The Philosophy of Andy Warhol (From A to B and Back Again), and I enjoyed it. The book is a series of short, trivial, amusing statements -- none longer than a couple of paragraphs.

The Amazon page about the book reports that 66% of the readers gave the book five stars and 20% gave it four stars. The webpage's Editorial Review provided the following examples.


* Andy on love: "People should fall in love with their eyes closed. Just close your eyes. Don't look."

* Andy on beauty: "I really don't care that much about 'Beauties.' What I really like are Talkers."

* Andy on money: "It's always good to get abstract when it comes to economics."

* Andy on class: "The rich have many advantages over the poor, but the most important one, as far as I'm concerned, is knowing how to talk and eat at the same time."

* Andy on underwear: "I would rather watch somebody buy their underwear than read a book they wrote."


His "philosophical idea" that has stuck in my mind ever since I read the book was about having sex for the first time. Warhol wrote that after a person had sex for the first time, all his friends and relatives should get together and grieve together that the happy part of that person's life had ended.

Kevin said...

"It's come to my attention over the last few months that there's been some pretty, in my opinion, significant integrity issues," Kelly said.

In audio NBC published online, Kelly tells Manigault Newman his concerns involve the "use of government vehicles and some other issues," and adds, "there's some money issues and other things, but from my view the integrity issues are very serious."

Depending on what those were it's very likely they put her in a room, locked the door, and didn't let her talk to anyone. When you work for the White House and have access to information, they need to get to the bottom of things before they let you walk around or leave the property.

Mike Sylwester said...

"Nobody even told me about it," Trump says in the recording of a phone call that Newman says is from the day after she was fired from her White House communications post in December.

A poorly written sentence.

Chuck said...

The Trumpists attacks on Omarosa are going to be so rich.

She's a woman who would never, ever, have been hired by any Republican presidential administration. (Trump = "Republican," not Republican.)

Trump hired her because he has some weird vision of his administration as a continuation of his shitshow reality television production.

Bot Omarosa and Trump are essentially and simultaneously correct, aren't they? Trump called her a "lowlife." And she's calling Trump a serial liar. They're both true statements.

Suck on it, TrumpWorld. I don't think The Donald is going to let this go easily. This is the sort of thing that he obsesses about. NFL players kneeling. "Short-fingered vulgarian." Obama's birth certificate. Because very much unlike something complicated like health care reform, Trump can pontificate about this sort of silliness and remain satisfied the he's the smartest guy in the room.

I'll bet Althouse wishes the Omarosa story would go away. I don't think it will. And the reason it will hang around so long is that Trump himself will fixate on it.

Rob said...

So Trump says that even though Omarosa was a terrible employee, he was willing to keep her on because she said GREAT things about him. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I voted for him in 2016 and I’ll vote for him in 2020, but the man is an idiot.

readering said...

Funny that a senior WH official's cv can include dismissed from reality tv program multiple times.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

I think Trump is smart and capable, but hiring Omarosa was just dumb. She was a flake on The Apprentice and once a flake, always a flake. An unforced error.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

I would not be surprised if the guy who made a fortune for drawing pictures of Campbell's soup cans had an IQ of 50. Being There in the Art World of frivolous millionaires and drugged up narcissists.

Amexpat said...

Trump brags about only hiring the best and being a good judge of character. As soon as they leave or are fired he disparages them. Can't have it both ways.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

Trump brags about only hiring the best and being a good judge of character. As soon as they leave or are fired he disparages them. Can't have it both ways.

That's Trump's genius, he figured out that you can have it both ways.

gspencer said...

I saw the word "Unhinged" on the title page of her book, but I couldn't tell if it was the name of the book or a description of the author.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Mike Sylwester @9:22 provides quotes to support my suspicion. Warhol was Chance the gardener with a paintbrush.

Darrell said...

Chuck--she would have been in your Department of Black People, wouldn't she?

Kevin said...

I'll bet Althouse wishes the Omarosa story would go away. I don't think it will.

Kids in cages didn't last 48 hours.

Why are you so blinded that you cannot see?

Ron Winkleheimer said...

Omarosa seems to be poor at impulse control and long term planning. She's attractive and black. All she had to do was play well with others during Trump's first term and she would pretty much have been guaranteed a spot on the FNC. Sure, there's money in disparaging Trump, but that field is already pretty crowded. But a black woman who spoke approvingly about Trump, FNC gold.

Ralph L said...

I'm open to the possibility that this is contrived. Trump gets another smoke screen and she becomes a hero to the other side.

Dave Begley said...

Recall what Trump learned from his WWF days. There has to be a "face" or villain in the "matches."

Trump is the good guy. Omarosa is the face. This is all a set-up to distract and build support with Trump's base. Omarosa is in on it. It is a fake fight just like WWF or WWE, whatever it is called these days.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

"This is the sort of thing that he obsesses about" says the deranged stalker still furious that the president "lied" about the number of people who attended his inauguration.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

The thing is, I don't know anybody whose first choice for President would be Trump. But the choice wasn't between Trump and some theoretical "perfect for the position" candidate, it was between Trump and Hillary Clinton. A lot of people looked at that and decided that Trump was a better choice. The Democrat party still hasn't come to terms with that.


rcocean said...

I'm appalled at Nepal.

I want to go wee in Paris.

And yeah, its not Chill-ee. You pronounce every letter in spanish (with a few exceptions).

rcocean said...

JFK said Cue-burr

I never could figure out how he got the R in Cuba.

Amexpat said...

"That's Trump's genius, he figured out that you can have it both ways."

No, his genius is getting a significant portion of the population to not hold him accountable. Some look the other way because he's producing, or think he's producing, results they want. Others, the Trumpkins, genuinely believe he can do no wrong.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

I'll bet that Chuck wishes that the ongoing calling out of his racist "department of black people" comment would would go away. I don't think it will.

Chuck said...

President-Mom-Jeans said...
I'll bet that Chuck wishes that the ongoing calling out of his racist "department of black people" comment would would go away. I don't think it will.

No, I just wish that worthless lying shit heads like you would quote my entire post in context and link to it. So that everyone could see the truth of what you were trying to do with my quote.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Nobody cares what some lifelong incel pretending to be a Republican and an attorney wishes, you pathetic little cunt.

Feel free to impotently whine and rage and call for mommy althouse to make the mean people on the internet stop pointing out what a racist loser you are though.

Darrell said...

Chuck said...
She was always a good, solid, credible nominee.

Completely unlike many other Trump nominations. Like Trump's nomination of Dr. Ricky Bobby for the Veteran's Administration. Or Ben Carson for Department of Black People. Or Scaramucci for anything.

I think that there is general relief that Trump didn't nominate Agent Maxwell Smart for head of the CIA.

5/9/18, 4:29 PM

Chuck said...

Darrell said...
Chuck--she would have been in your Department of Black People, wouldn't she?

Omarosa wouldn't have been in any department if I had anything to say about it. Thomas Sowell; sure. Shelby Steele; for sure. Condi Rice; yes.

Omarosa was in the White House for one and only on reason; Donald Trump's own twisted, personal view of staffing. Which has been a moderate-to-major disaster from the start. Omarosa can't be blamed on the Washington Swamp, or the GOP establishment. If Trump had listened to the GOP establishment, there never would have been an Omarosa in the White House.

Andrew said...

"I should search my archive, but I'll just say there's a style of using language that looks stupid to people who don't see why it's brilliant, and these uncomprehending people often puzzle aloud — perhaps using big words and long sentences — about how that idiot could be so successful."

That reminds me of the wonderful (true) story of Winston Churchill meeting the songwriter Irving Berlin, thinking he was the great philosopher Isaiah Berlin. Irving couldn't figure out why Churchill was badgering him with political questions, and Churchill came away thinking that he was an overrated idiot.

Ralph L said...

Let the Chuck wars begin.
I'm closing the tab.

Chuck said...


Michael Fitzgerald said...

Amexpat@9:51 I'd say Trump's "genius" in getting a significant portion of the population to not hold him accountable for provocative and innocuous statements he's said has a lot to do with the significant portion of the population who still refuses to hold the previous president accountable for egregious deceits, outrageous lies, and boldly criminal behavior.

eric said...

Chuck, this story is going to go away after her 15 minutes and here is why.

Many on the left can't stand her.

It's as simple as that.

Normally, if you leave the right (Never Trump) it practically gaurantees you a spot on CNN and a column at the WaPo.

But no one can stand her. April Ryan, no fan of Trump, said she was evil.

I saw her on the apprentice and my wife and I knew she was crazy then.

Some people are going to pretend they don't know why Trump hired her. I think I've got it figured out. He made a calculation. And if this doesn't end up hurting him (I don't think it will) then his calculation paid off.

Hagar said...

It is not necessarily good to be smart if you are vicious, but it does take longer before it catches up with you.

Darrell said...

Donald Trump's own twisted, personal view of staffing

How many employees has Donald Trump hired worldwide in his lifetime?
How many employees have you ever hired, Chuck?

I'll go with Trump.

Ray - SoCal said...

Firing Omarosa makes Trump’s WH look good.

The dumpster fire after, with many of Omarosa‘s claims being shown to be crazy, may immunize Trump and make him more sympathetic.

And Omarosa does not seem to be well liked in the Black community.

The WH reporter April Ryan seems to have issues with her.

And Omarosa recorded many of her interactions with reporters.

Reminds me of Cohen, another sleazeball, that also recorded reporter interactions.

Trump is getting a WH that is more competent, less drama.

john said...

Has Kelly now scoured the White House and finally removed everyone who had anything to do with "The Apprentice"?

Oh. Nevermind.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Writing in ALL CAPS doesn't make what you said not racist, you spergy buffoon, you were being racist to Ben Carlson.

I wonder if Crack approves of your racism.

What say thee, Crack? Are you going to let this honky pretend lawyer talk like that about Ben Carson?

Darrell said...


There is nothing in your 5/9/18 comment that didn't come out of your head, not Trump's. You probably can't tell the difference anymore.

Molly said...


Trump had a soft spot for Omarosa--maybe because she was so obviously always trying to claw her way to the top. Maybe he identified with her single-mindedness.

This is a case where -- don't laugh -- Trump was too soft-hearted with her to see that she was a double-barreled disaster from Day One.

He was trying to reward her for whatever she supposedly did for his campaign (nothing, really), and he forgot the ending of that poem he used to read at campaign rallies.

wwww said...

this is, of course, absurd.

Chuck said...

Oh; and here is THE LINK to that entire comments page. Where I was talking about Trump's nomination for Director of Central Intelligence (a career CIA officer) as being a good and credible pick for the job.

Michael K said...

Chuck, thread killer.

Chuck said...

Darrell said...
Donald Trump's own twisted, personal view of staffing

How many employees has Donald Trump hired worldwide in his lifetime?
How many employees have you ever hired, Chuck?

I'll go with Trump.

My hires who have gone on to be indicted = 0.

My hires who have pled guilty in federal court = 0.

Number of my racial discrimination consent judgments with the U.S. government = 0.

Number of my appearances on the Alex Jones radio show = 0.

Yancey Ward said...

I hate to tell her this, but when you are in the White House, you don't have rights to go/leave where and when you wish; and if you have been fired, but don't yet know it, it is perfectly legal to hold you in position until you can be informed and physically escorted out the door.

Omarosa publicly supports her own firing by appearing to have recorded conversations in the White House secretly. Good riddance to such a person!

Curious George said...

Chuck said...
Darrell said...
Donald Trump's own twisted, personal view of staffing

How many employees has Donald Trump hired worldwide in his lifetime?
How many employees have you ever hired, Chuck?

I'll go with Trump.

My hires who have gone on to be indicted = 0.

My hires who have pled guilty in federal court = 0.

Number of my racial discrimination consent judgments with the U.S. government = 0.

Number of my appearances on the Alex Jones radio show = 0.

Number of friends in lifetime: 0

Number of dogs that liked you: 0

Number of cases won: 0

Chuck said...

eric, isn't it clear why Trump hired her? Trump wanted a black face around the White House, and she had a face that was familiar to Trump from the tv show, and Trump thought she might be useful. They probably told Trump that his other black friend, Mike Tyson, was out of the question.

It was a reckless, undisciplined hiring decision by Trump. (So what else is new?) This is a story that should unite the broadest possible coalition of Trump haters. Lefties and activists who will eat up news about Trump using racial slurs, possibly on voice recordings. Democrats who just want to hurt Trump. Republicans who have at least some affinity with policies in the Trump Administration and who all along thought that an Omarosa in the White House was a terrible and inexplicable idea. Mainstream American independents who think that these sorts of taunting wars involving a U.S. President are a national embarrassment. All together; all thinking that they just want to shut off this incredible reality show.

Yancey Ward said...

Chuck have you decided on a method I can pay off our bet without giving my credit card number to a stranger over the phone? If so, e-mail me the details of how to do this to

readering said...

Vicious, but not smart. Where have I seen that?

chickelit said...

Has anyone ever seen Crack and Chuck together?

chickelit said...

Althouse comment thread rule #1: Every successful comment thread (over 200) needs an antagonist like Chuck, Inga, Ritmo, or Crack. If one of them doesn’t show, make it happen.

Bay Area Guy said...

This is where Trump falters a bit. Regardless of the reasons he hired Omarosa, he still hired her and needs to take responsibility for that. He also needs to take responsibility for firing her. Yes, she is a crazy woman, but still, you hired the crazy woman. Now, the crazy woman is trying to bite you in the butt. What a surprise.

chickelit said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ray - SoCal said...

Very insightful!

Heads he gets a loyal, articulate, famous Black outreach director.

Tails she shows she is a snake: disloyal, can’t be trusted, backstabber, that Trump gave every chance too.

Eric said:

>Some people are going to pretend they don't know why Trump hired her. I think I've got it figured out. He made a calculation. And if this
>doesn't end up hurting him (I don't think it will) then his calculation paid o

Bay Area Guy said...

Note: the above comment was made without reading any of the Chuck flame-wars. I am like neutral Switzerland on those.

traditionalguy said...

Trump hired her for appearances that he could use her talents and "get along with her" Trouble was she is an encounter generator using her status to encounter and then run over the mere 4 star Marine General that she worked under. Kelly , once he got over laughing, was not going to let that Hollywood crap ruin his White House discipline. So Trump hired well.

In the meantime, the Democrat Press has another rabbit to chase while Trump finishes off the swamp.

Curious George said...

"Чикелит said...
Has anyone ever seen Crack and Chuck together?

ChucKKK would never be seen with Crack.

readering said...

Some folks here being "not presidential."

Inga...Allie Oop said...

No, his genius is getting a significant portion of the population to not hold him accountable. Some look the other way because he's producing, or think he's producing, results they want. Others, the Trumpkins, genuinely believe he can do no wrong.”

Indeed! Sounds cultish, spiteful, or just plain dumb.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga...Allie Oop said...

Trump is a a true Prince among Presidents. US History will be interesting to highschool kids when they cover the Trump years. I can’t wait to see how they end.

I Callahan said...

The Trumpists attacks on Omarosa are going to be so rich. She's a woman who would never, ever, have been hired by any Republican presidential administration. (Trump = "Republican," not Republican.)

Chuck, you truly have lost all ability to reason. This is a evidence of a much deeper problem. Please - get help.

chickelit said...

“Trump is a a true Prince among Presidents. US History will be interesting to highschool “

A prince he is not. But Trump was a far better choice than Hillary,

I Callahan said...

So Trump says that even though Omarosa was a terrible employee, he was willing to keep her on because she said GREAT things about him. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I voted for him in 2016 and I’ll vote for him in 2020, but the man is an idiot.

I don’t know about this. In Washington, you need any allies you can get. Being incompetent but still on his side describes just about every one of Obama’s advisors.

Drago said...


This is the most important thing happening in Chucks world!!!


Meanwhile, the Mexico side of the Trade deal appears to be moving expeditiously and will be a huge improvement for us.

Canada has screwed themselves by thinking they could depend on LLR Chuck and his dem/lefty allies and the US will cutoff their NAFTA backdoor violations.

Has anyone been keeping track of Trump admin policy squeezing of islamic radical Erdogan?

How about Iraq agreeing to Iran sanctiions (something Chucks beloved dems said couldnt happen)

What about those naval task forces transitting the red sea/straights of Hormuz in top of Israel positioning attack aircraft in Saudi Arabia (yes, you read that correctly)--Trump has Iran and Ergogan on their heels.

Also the US Navy has stepped up South China Sea Patrols and Xi in China is feeling the pressure of the sanctions is taking its toll.

The economy roars, confidence is up across the board...

...but our little fake lawyer from MI and solid dem-lovin self-described Smear Merchant and racist poster Chuck thinks he's got something here!!

What a glorious day after LLR Chuck Antifa allies embarrassed themselves on video so badly that even Chucks best pal Inga couldnt deal with it!


And dont get me started on the continued exposure of the deep state morons being exposed!

What a great Monday!

Bay Area Guy said...

Omarosa getting fired -- not a big deal. Minor irritant.

Peter Stork getting fired -- is a big deal. Great day to be an American!

Earnest Prole said...

I’m shocked at the way this soap opera ended.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Chuck said...

Really? You're proud of writing this?

She was always a good, solid, credible nominee.

Completely unlike many other Trump nominations. Like Trump's nomination of Dr. Ricky Bobby for the Veteran's Administration. Or Ben Carson for Department of Black People. Or Scaramucci for anything.

If it was supposed to be humor, it missed the mark. If it was satire, it failed. If you are being racist, it hit the target. How does your "department of Black People" elucidate any of Trump's alleged failures?

I Callahan said...

Molly has the most realistic take on this. Maybe he just didn’t want to screw over someone who was loyal to him.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“This is the most important thing happening in Chucks world!!!”

Um... Drago? It wasn’t Chuck who wrote this blogpost.

Drago said...

Poor LLR Chuck. His clear racism shone thru like the bright sun and his after the fact and pathetic efforts to transfer his moral failings to Trump were so transparently stupid it is to laugh!

President-Mom-Jeans said...

"US History will be interesting to highschool kids when they cover the Trump years. I can’t wait to see how they end."

I doubt you will live to the end of Trump's second term, based on your obesity and geriatric status.

Actuarial Tables don't lie, Inga.

Big Mike said...

If you’re going to be vicious then you’d best be smart about it. Friends come and friends go, but once you’ve made an enemy it’s an enemy for life.

Francisco D said...

"This is where Trump falters a bit. Regardless of the reasons he hired Omarosa, he still hired her and needs to take responsibility for that. He also needs to take responsibility for firing her. Yes, she is a crazy woman, but still, you hired the crazy woman. Now, the crazy woman is trying to bite you in the butt. What a surprise."

Agreed. However, I have a somewhat different take.

I think he knew that he would get drama and internal feuding with Omarosa. He seems to relish it because he likes having people on edge. It keeps them alert and motivated.

Trump has shown the ability to thrive on chaos. When his enemies don't create it, he instigates it. It may also be a motivator for him. After all, he is 72 and has accomplished an awful lot n his life.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Drago never fails to try to divert the attention of commenters from the topic of the blog post to yet one more obsessive boring attack on Chuck.

Drago said...

Inga...Allie Oop: "um... Drago? It wasn’t Chuck who wrote
this blogpost."

Your comment in no way negates my observation.

Logic. Its a real thing. Look into it!


Inga, have you begun to internalize the leftist assaults on media, police, bystanders yet?

Or are you still in denial?

The good news is lunatic lefty Inga always stands ready to defend her political ally Chuck.

Its really rather sweet!

bagoh20 said...

Her poor character was clear all along, but Trump hired her out of compassion and a hope that she might widen his appeal and counter the lies of his racism. Unfortunately, character is everything, and hers always sucked.

I've hired people like that out of compassion and a stupid belief that such an act might change them, and they always suggest it will, but it does not. Every single time it's backfired. I've been robbed, backstabbed, let down, lied to and lied about by such people, but you keep hoping it will work out the next time. That idea of redemption is a powerful one for some of us, but I've never seen it work.

I've hired people who have made mistakes and spent time in jail, and sometimes those do work out, becuase it was a mistake they made, not a serious character flaw, but Amorosa, will never be redeemed, becuase people like her never are. She will however make a lot of money solely becuase of Trump, just like all the liars in the media, despite being wrong about Trump on a daily basis who still get people to listen to them.

Drago said...

Inga is clearly not comfortable with LLR Chucks racist comment, but really, what else is there to do but double down?

Etienne said...

Food for thought:

According to IBM, 60% of the attackers are insiders who likely have privileged access.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Trump is a sociopath and he hires sociopaths, he then fires said sociopaths, it’s all just a reality show to him. That Americans of normal intelligence still support him is more of a concern. The US can survive Trump, but can the US survive Trump Cultists?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Inga, have you begun to internalize the leftist assaults on media, police, bystanders yet?

Or are you still in denial?”

“The Press is the enemy of the People”
Donald Trump

Big Mike said...

From where I sit, the press is the enemy of the people. No question about it.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

his genius is getting a significant portion of the population to not hold him accountable.

Doesn't that describe just about every successful politician? In any event, Trump is the outlier of politicians, he actually tries to fulfill his campaign promises, and in many cases succeeds.

bagoh20 said...

Vicious and smart can be useful, especially when having to combat other vicious people.

"Vicious" implies focussed, and not susceptible to mistakes or weakness that compassion can lead to, like hiring an Amorosa. Trump is smart and effective, but not vicious, and hiring Amorosa is the proof.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Trump hired a Omarosa because he liked her viciousness, he related to it. He once said on the campaign trail that he likes rich people, probably because he relates to them better than he does poor people, same thing with vicious people, same thing with liars, same thing with fraudulent people, same thing with people lacking normal levels of decency and morals.

Humperdink said...

Trump always plays the long game. His opponents do not. Cohen sinking like the Titanic. Stormy and her attorney will not see nothing but storm clouds ahead. And now we have Omarosa.

Trump gave her a shot. And now, as she departs, she records several conversations. May go to jail. But thinking long term, who will hire her? Would you?

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

JFK said Cue-burr

I never could figure out how he got the R in Cuba.

I think they get the R from car.

"Pahk the cah in the bahn and leave the pizzer by the winder "

bagoh20 said...

What would you call someone who purposefully, and continuously tries to deceive you while also denigrating you, your values, and your judgement?

I call that an enemy. Another giveaway is when they consider you their enemy.

This describes a huge portion of the press.

Conclusion: enemy of the people, especially the ones who support Trump, but they are not doing any favors for the rest of you either. They are misleading you as well. If the Dems win control again, it will hurt the economy, your paycheck, employment, trade, and The U.S. position in the world. The people who support that are not your friends.

Seeing Red said...

The Press is the enemy of the People”
Donald Trump

And they show it every day.

wwww said...

"But thinking long term, who will hire her? Would you?" no i wouldn't hire her for a serious job.

Her credentials from the Apprentice did not leap out as qualifying for much of anything, aside from a reality TV job.

not for a serious job. for Reality TV.

buwaya said...

The press, most of it, is simply a political asset for a small number of conglomerates that are attempting to use these "news" operations to further their political interests, which are all bound up in manipulating regulations and oversight. They live off these government benefits.

And it remains to be seen how much these five or six conglomerates are independent of each other. Their press assets are obviously colluding with each other to such a degree that one cannot avoid the conclusion that they are centrally directed.

Curious George said...

"Inga...Allie Oop said...
Trump hired a Omarosa because he liked her viciousness, he related to it. He once said on the campaign trail that he likes rich people, probably because he relates to them better than he does poor people, same thing with vicious people, same thing with liars, same thing with fraudulent people, same thing with people lacking normal levels of decency and morals."

Our resident dullard #IngaKnew thinks she has Trump all figured out. But give her a ball point pen and she'd be like a fucking monkey with a coconut.

TreeJoe said...

It blows me away that in D.C., of all places, only one party need to consent to recording of the call and the other party does not even need to know the call isbeing recorded.

Humperdink said...

“The Press is the enemy of the People”

A truer statement has not been uttered. The press should be neutral observers and reporters of all things newsworthy. They are not and haven't been in my lifetime.

I recall Dan Rather standing up to Richard Nixon at a news conference. I cheered. I was a young snot-nosed liberal at the time. In later years, I waited patiently for Rather to hold President Clinton to the same standard. He did not. Instead he turned into a Democrat cheerleader. And it's been that way across broad press spectrum, save Fox News. This is not arguable.

When the press distorts, omits, or picks sides, they are in fact the enemy of the people. Just like Pravda.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

“The Press is the enemy of the People”
Donald Trump

Is that an actual quote or more fake news?

So I googled it. This is what Trump said:

The FAKE NEWS media (failing @nytimes, @NBCNews, @ABC, @CBS, @CNN) is not my enemy, it is the enemy of the American People!

5:48 PM - Feb 17, 2017

Is he wrong? Is fake news not an enemy of the people? I wouldn't like it but I wouldn't blame him for saying the media is an enemy of the people. Too many of the media have abandoned their obligation to report without fear or favor.

That's not Trump's fault.

walter said...

"fired for the last time"?
Clearly Trump is going to kill her!

NBC via Meet the press engaged in creative audio editing again w.r.t. Omarosa's firing tape. I heard the unedited passage they used and the difference is yuuuuge.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Our resident dullard #IngaKnew thinks she has Trump all figured out. But give her a ball point pen and she'd be like a fucking monkey with a coconut.”

Our resident monkey takes time out from grooming his monkey friends to try to put together a cogent comment on an interesting thread.

Chuck said...

Mike said...
"Chuck said...

Really? You're proud of writing this?

"She was always a good, solid, credible nominee.

Completely unlike many other Trump nominations. Like Trump's nomination of Dr. Ricky Bobby for the Veteran's Administration. Or Ben Carson for Department of Black People. Or Scaramucci for anything."

If it was supposed to be humor, it missed the mark. If it was satire, it failed. If you are being racist, it hit the target. How does your "department of Black People" elucidate any of Trump's alleged failures?

I'm sure that no one in TrumpWorld thought it was funny; but I'm not trying to please them or even entertain them.

And of course what I have written in the past on this blog about Dr. Carson is that I first met him in the 1980's, and had the rare pleasure of seeing him testify in a trial court in a big-money medical malpractice claim. He was a brilliant witness (testifying for the defense) and the defense won the case. I've never written an unkind word about Dr. Carson personally (although his being picked to run the Department of Housing and Urban Development is odd, since Dr. Carson had almost no relevant experience). My comment about the "Department of Black People" was sarcasm aimed at Trump.

Trump, the guy who reportedly (and Trump says he probably said it) said that he didn't want black people counting his money, he wanted little guys wearing yarmulkes counting his money.

Trump, the guy who was sued by the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Jujstice for racial discrimination, and who settled the case with a consent judgment.

Trump, the guy who said of Dr. Ben Carson: ""He was a doctor, perhaps an OK doctor, by the way. You should check that out too. We're not talking about a great [doctor]. He was an OK doctor..."

buwaya said...

She was supposed to be a pretty face, PR for the administration.
I doubt she was expected to actually do anything.

The root cause of her problems, I suspect, is that she was bought.
To leak, initially, and now this.
Trumps opponents have nearly infinite resources.

They can and have personally threatened appointees and their families, in terms of careers and personal relationships, offered rich rewards to others.

n.n said...

Trump recognized her character, but gave her a chance to prove her mettle. Perhaps he recognized a spark, a small spark, of a great potential. She was ambitious, but not smart, jumped the ass, and was ultimately fired.

James K said...

This is where Trump falters a bit. Regardless of the reasons he hired Omarosa, he still hired her and needs to take responsibility for that.

Sure, though when you hire thousands of people there are bound to be mistakes. I'm not sure by what process she was fired, but she apparently reported to, and was fired by, the Chief of Staff. I doubt Trump was directly involved.

buwaya said...

A free press assumes a range of interests and opinions.
The US has a vastly skewed professional press.
Long before Trump the MSM did not reflect the range of opinion and world view of the US public. This was so for several reasons, some cultural, some economic.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“When the press distorts, omits, or picks sides, they are in fact the enemy of the people. Just like Pravda.”

I guess you’d rather the Press truly comported themselves as Pravda and only wrote “truth” that was complimentary to the Leader. It is the responsibility of the Press to report all the news, not just the news that makes Trump look good.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I think he knew that he would get drama and internal feuding with Omarosa. He seems to relish it because he likes having people on edge. It keeps them alert and motivated.

Probably true. He also thought he was getting someone who would reach out to the Black community, but instead she blocked any other Black appointees who she thought would have access to Trump. She was still playing the Apprentice although Trump had transitioned into executive admin mode. She had an awesome opportunity. Too bad she blew it.

rcocean said...

Trump was thought she was vicious but smart.

Which is why he hired her, plus she claimed to be his biggest supporter.

Of course, this is all Trump's fault. It always is - to the Trump haters.

rcocean said...

Enemy of the People.

A good phrase for the MSM.

When they stop supporting open borders and lying about Trump 24/7, then maybe they can redeem themselves.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

This is where Trump falters a bit. Regardless of the reasons he hired Omarosa, he still hired her and needs to take responsibility for that.

As Obama ever taken responsibility for his disasterous hires? His foreign policy team was horrible. Brennan, Clapper and Clinton.

They were responsible for the syria and Libya disasters that may cause the fall of European Union.

And of course, Clinton was allowed to use a home brewed email service (to avoid transparency) that caused an FBI investigation that probably sunk her slam dunk candidacy and destroyed Obama's legacy.

So let's get back to talking about some low level White House hire.

Drago said...

Inga: "I guess you’d rather the Press truly comported themselves as Pravda and only wrote “truth” that was complimentary to the Leader."

I think we saw clearly from 2009 thru 2017 why that shouldn't be the case in our nation.

Michael K said...

So let's get back to talking about some low level White House TOKEN hire.

Loyalty to underlings in DC is always punished.

Drago said...

Bill: "As Obama ever taken responsibility for his disasterous hires? His foreign policy team was horrible. Brennan, Clapper and Clinton."

Ben frickin' Rhodes.

Lit major.

Couldn't get a clearance.

Point man on the Iran deal giveaway.

No apologies required.

Why, even mentioning that is likely to drive LLR Chuck over the edge into Rapid Dem Defense Mode!

Drago said...

"Brian Stelter Republican" Chuck: "I'm sure that no one in TrumpWorld thought it was funny; but I'm not trying to please them or even entertain them."

You have stated quite clearly you are only here to smear Trump and help get him impeached.

Just like every other lefty.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Hillary hired a Blumenthal because she liked his viciousness, she related to it. She once said on the campaign trail that she likes stupid people, probably because she relates to them better than she does smart people, same thing with vicious people, same thing with liars, same thing with fraudulent people, same thing with people lacking normal levels of decency and morals.


Bay Area Guy said...

If I were forced to choose between sleeping with Omarosa or sleeping with Stormy Daniels, I'd be in a real pickle.

I would choose to go celibate for a few months, roaming around the countryside like Cain in Kung Fu.

Michael K said...

It is the responsibility of the Press to report all the news,

But they don't do they ?

Examples every day.




Every one of those stories is a lie. The first doesn't mention her party until the end.

The second is just insane.

The third ignores the Fascist violence and calls them "Anti hate."

Drago said...

LLR Chuck: "Trump, the guy who reportedly (and Trump says he probably said it) said that he didn't want black people counting his money, he wanted little guys wearing yarmulkes counting his money"


I think we will need an actual quote on that, smear merchant.

Meanwhile, here in the real world, with real evidence (as opposed to lefty operational allies like Chuck (though he isn't very competent)), here's a video of Jesse Jackson himself giving Donald Trump an award for a lifetime of service to African Americans.

Actual video.

Real video.

A real award.

From Jesse Jackson to Donald Trump.

For his commitment and his "beyond argument success".

LLR Chuck and Inga and other loony lefties hardest hit:

Chuck, you are really going to have to up your game to get your antifa and Inga allies over the line this November!

Drago said...

I'll bet LLR Chuck is the only moron left to buy blocks of tickets on Billy Kristol's "lets elect democrats now" boat cruise!!

Chuck said...

rcocean said...
Trump was thought she was vicious but smart.

Which is why he hired her, plus she claimed to be his biggest supporter.

Of course, this is all Trump's fault. It always is - to the Trump haters.

How is this NOT Trump's fault? Whatever Trump says about her character; Trump picked her. Trump hired her, when absolutely no serious Republican in Washington would hire her. They were right; Trump's reality-show mentality blew up in his face. She had no business being in a Republican White House.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Hillary hired a Blumenthal because she liked his viciousness, she related to it. She once said on the campaign trail that she likes stupid people, probably because she relates to them better than she does smart people, same thing with vicious people, same thing with liars, same thing with fraudulent people, same thing with people lacking normal levels of decency and morals.


Am I supposed to care about Hillary?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Chuck whiffs again. You have failed to explain why your "Department of Black People" is a slam at Trump. HE didn't say it. YOU did. Is the joke supposed to be it sounds like something Trump might have said. Is that the hook you're hanging your "entertainment" on? Weak. Very weak sauce, Chuck. Don't try your "stand up" act in public. It ain't ready.

Drago said...

What is funniest about the entire omarosa situation is that it perfectly mirrors that of LLR Chuck on this blog!

Absolutely no difference.

I know that my comparing LLR Chuck to someone he thinks belongs in a "Dept of Black People" may be upsetting to him, but that's too bad.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mary Beth said...

From what I've read in other articles, the "locked room" was the Situation Room. It is a SCIF and by definition, access is controlled. She should not have had any means to record anything with her, but that would only matter to her if she had security clearance and didn't want to lose it.

I don't know why they picked that room, other than they could be sure they wouldn't be interrupted and if she threw a screaming tantrum, no one on the outside would hear her. Both of these seem as much for her benefit as for theirs.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Hiring her (again) was a mistake. I guess we found a sliver of agreement here.

Drago said...

Mike: "Chuck whiffs again. You have failed to explain why your "Department of Black People" is a slam at Trump."

He can't.

He can only deflect and turn his smear-dial up to 11....but even that's not enough.

In the same way that he tried to back off his attacks on a (then) 10 year old child during the inaugural time simply because that was a talking point on the lunatic left and LLR Chuck always, and I mean ALWAYS, advances every lefty narrative no matter how despicable and regardless of whether the sliming is directed at a child.

That's just how LLR and #StrongDemDefender Chuck rolls...

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Am I supposed to care about Hillary?

You don't know? You're the self-professed caring liberal. What do you think?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Chuck, you are really going to have to up your game to get your antifa and Inga allies over the line this November!”

No he won’t. The vast amount of people who turned up to push back against racism in DC and Charlottesville this weekend is an indicator of the energy on the left. November can’t get here soon enough.

walter said...

Kasich was also on Meet the Press..Chuck Todd really hoping he runs in 2020.
Kasich was all Aw shucks "I don't know what I'm doing." (in 2020, presumably)
He went biblical a couple of times..Todd kept moving past that.
And back to Newman!, her bombshell is supposedly hearing a recording of Trump using the N word, being held for an October surprise.

Drago said...

Inga: "he vast amount of people who turned up to push back against racism in DC and Charlottesville this weekend is an indicator of the energy on the left."


Inga and LLR Chuck's pals attack MSM members, the police, passersby and chant for the end of the USA and Inga still can't admit it!

All we have is video after video after video of them doing just that.

Yeah, Inga and Chuck, just keep having your shock troops out there attacking everyone in sight while screaming they are anti-hate!!

You and Chuck are such jokes!

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“You don't know? You're the self-professed caring liberal. What do you think?”

I was a Bernie supporter. I didn’t vote for Hillary, and I allowed a cretin like Trump to win.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Peter Strozk - FIRED.


Drago said...

walter: "her bombshell is supposedly hearing a recording of Trump using the N word, being held for an October surprise."

I think the new LLR Chuck-like fall back line for omarosa is she claims someone else heard the tape and heard that!


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Camp Hillary and her media allowed Trump to suck all the air out of the room.

Then, came the insurance policy.

Seth Rich - still dead.

Drago said...

Inga: "I was a Bernie supporter. I didn’t vote for Hillary, and I allowed a cretin like Trump to win"

Why not.

He's never had a real job and the only thing he ever tried to do was the biggest joke ever: fired from a commie commune for being too lazy!!

And he vacationed in the Soviet Union. In the '70's. Out of respect!

What a perfect Inga candidate. Absolutely perfect.

walter said...

Bernie created "Berno".

Drago said...

And old Bernie knew how to take orders from Hillary.

Who can forget the Hillary-Jedi mind-trick she played on Bernie when she basically directed him to say no one cared about the emails!!

And what did Bernie do? He just about took a knee and groveled for absolution from Hillary and then he basically stayed in his little corner like a good little boy.


What a "tiger"!

Not even LLR Chuck on his best "help all my dem allies" day could make that scene look any better.

hstad said...

"Blogger Chuck said...Trump wanted a black face around the White House..."

So your mean that HW Bush hired General Powell for his "black face". Your TDS disease has made you an ugly person in words as well as in your head. Truly amazing how you've morphed into a real dunce and outright racist!

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“And he vacationed in the Soviet Union. In the '70's. Out of respect!

What a perfect Inga candidate. Absolutely perfect.”

And Drago sees nothing wrong with Trump being a BFF to Putin. The mental contortions this must take is astounding.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The American people are sick and tired of October surprises that only travel in one direction.

John Edwards--->? no.

Drago said...

hstad: "So your mean that HW Bush hired General Powell for his "black face". Your TDS disease has made you an ugly person in words as well as in your head. Truly amazing how you've morphed into a real dunce and outright racist!"

Chuck is now who he always was.

Meanwhile, Trump was winning awards for years from African-American groups because Trump is also now who he always was.

Good for Trump. Not good for racists like Chuck.

buwaya said...

The value of reading the foreign press is to get an idea of the range of world views currently in play, and how this drives the perception of what constitutes “news”. By global standards the US press is remarkably myopic and parochial.

It’s difficult to put across the sheer ridiculousness of the US MSM to people lacking such a perspective though.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hillary and Obama were Putin's little bitches.

+Plus mega bucks for secret uranium deals.

walter said...

To his rarely deserved credit, Todd did press her on whether she heard it herself.
But to his more typical discredit (and Omarosa's), he failed to mention the significant editing of the recording they played. But it's ok so long as no one notices.

Drago said...

Inga: 'And Drago sees nothing wrong with Trump being a BFF to Putin"


The moron continues.

Quick question for Inga (but like the antifa violence questions) she will ignore:

Why did Putin want Trump to kill 300 Russian mercenaries in Syria?
Why does Putin want a stronger NATO?
Why does Putin want a massive increase in the US military?
Why does Putin want Trump to oppose the Russian/German gas pipeline?
Why does Putin want the even stronger sanctions Trump has imposed?
Why does Putin want the US to be the biggest energy producer in the world?
Why does Putin want Trump squeezing the snot out of Putin's allies Iran?

Already in papers across the world the lie about Trump/Putin is already put to bed because it's so obviously a lie.

But in little corners of Inga's and Chuck's minds its always true!

Go ahead Inga, why does Putin want 3 American naval task forces positioned in the Persian Gulf while having the Israel/Arab (Egypt, Saudi, Jordan) alliance grow stronger with Israel moving aircraft into Saudi Arabia to put an even stronger military squeeze on Iran?


Too funny.

buwaya said...

Considering how little influence Colin Powell had on the Bush administration, it’s hard to avoid the conclusion that he was chosen for public relations only. I believe even Colin Powell came to realize this. We will not understand these dynamics fully until several of these people are dead.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Inga and LLR Chuck's pals attack MSM members, the police, passersby and chant for the end of the USA and Inga still can't admit it!

And then the media calls them "anti-hate" protesters.

That made Pravda blush.

Michael said...

Jeez, forgot that Japan still has an Emperor. He's an Emperor with no empire.

Drago said...

You can always tell who the anti-hate protestors are: they are ones physically attacking police, the media, passersby, calling for the end of the US, declaring the police to be one and the same with the KKK...etc.

You know, stuff like that.

The commercials for November write themselves and you just know how much it's going to drive LLR Chuck crazy to have his lunatic lefty allies exposed like that!

walter said...

"..Trump being a BFF to Putin The mental contortions this must take is astounding."
You are our very own Zlata that way

Drago said...

Inga is going to be hitting that "history begins anew" reset button quite often today!!


The Crack Emcee said...

Baby lost her job, huh?

traditionalguy said...

Chuck is right again. Trump is not a Republican elder playing at pretend politics while the United States of America was being broken up and sold off for money. He is an actual leader who risks it all for us every day. And he has a sense of humor. For example his latest Presidential order was that Chik-fil-A open franchises on all US Military bases. The progressives had banned the stores on bases because they support Christianity. That's funny.

Drago said...

The Crack Emcee: "Baby lost her job, huh?"

Not really, when you consider that omarosa is always about "the next job".

This is her coming out party for the left but as with the earlier Michael Wolff book that so entranced the weak-minded LLR Chuck, this too will be "The Biggest Story Evah!" for about 72 hours then onto the next "Worst Thing That Has Ever Happened".

You know the drill.

Drago said...

tradguy: "For example his latest Presidential order was that Chik-fil-A open franchises on all US Military bases."

I can't begin to tell you how happy this will make the troops.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Achilles said...

Chuck said...

President-Mom-Jeans said...
I'll bet that Chuck wishes that the ongoing calling out of his racist "department of black people" comment would would go away. I don't think it will.

No, I just wish that worthless lying shit heads like you would quote my entire post in context and link to it. So that everyone could see the truth of what you were trying to do with my quote.

This is one of those times when the context just confirms you are a racist piece of shit.

The republican party is ours now.

Bye Felicia.

Jim at said...

This is the sort of thing that he obsesses about.

That's Chuck. Prattling on about obsessions.

Etienne said...

"Melissa Marie Fox, DOB 12/25/71, does not have a degree from Miami University"

So ends the Republican campaign for Florida state legislature of Melissa Howard, who posed with her mother and her fake diploma.

These diplomas, in the form she showed, are very expensive to buy. But as it turned out, the school had no such degree, and the signatures were from the wrong people.

Don't you hate it when counterfeiters are lazy?

Her husband had a heart attack, but was recently released from the hospital. Her mother is in hiding, and Melissa is busy shutting down her social media.

You'd think the Republican Party would vet their candidates.

The Christmas baby is a monster

Jim at said...

Recall what Trump learned from his WWF days. There has to be a "face" or villain in the "matches."

A 'face' (babyface) is not the villain. Face is the hero.
Heel is the villain.

hstad said...

"Blogger Inga...Allie Oop said...I allowed a cretin like Trump to win...."8/13/18, 12:11 PM

My God what an ego and lack of self-awareness! The fact that you voted for Sanders tells us everything. Just another "Socialist" hugster who believes that only his view of the World counts. For your information, a lot of dictators, like Mao, Stalin, Castro, etc. also had such an opinion of themselves.

Etienne said...

P.S. I bought a certificate that ordains me a Minister, and I can officiate at marriages (hetero and homo).

I've not used it yet for elective office :-)

Darkisland said...

Blogger Inga...Allie Oop said...

“The Press is the enemy of the People”
Donald Trump

To quote a great man: "You are fake news" [Inga]

When did President Trump ever say that the media is the enemy of the people? Got a link to a video of him or a tweet by him saying this or even something close to this?

Not a link to someone saying he said it.

As far as I know, he never has. What he has said is that "Fake news is the enemy of the people." He has said that numerous times.

I would think you would agree with that, wouldn't you? Or do you think fake news is a good thing?

SOme examples of fake news

Rolling Stone Rape Story – Manufactured Fake News
NBC rigs a truck to explode – Manufactured Fake News
Fake News Media Lying About The George Zimmerman Tape
Rathergate George Bush Story - Manufactured Fake News
Elizabeth Warren endorsed Bernie Sanders - Manufactured Fake News
Sheriff David A. Clarke (an African American) is a KKK member - Manufactured Fake News
WaPo Janet Cooke’s imaginary 8-year-old heroin addict - Manufactured Fake News
NYT Jayson Blair made scapegoat for hundreds of Manufactured Fake News Stories
MSNBC Phony Tea Party gun scare - Manufactured Fake News
George Zimmerman’s media edited 911 call - Manufactured Fake News
Brian Williams, NBC Denied Knowledge of all his lies - Manufactured Fake News
CNN gave Hillary advance copy of debate questions – Manufactured Cheat, Corruption News

John Henry

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Trump, just another huckster who believes that only his view of the World counts. For your information, a lot of dictators, like Mao, Stalin, Castro, etc. also had such an opinion of themselves.

Drago said...

Still waiting for Inga to tell us why Putin wants all those things Trump has put into place.

Still waiting for Inga to explain why its okay for her pals to physically attack the media, the police and innocent bystanders.

She better huddle up with her bestest lefty ally Chuck quick because their "performance" today is far below what will be necessary for their lefty pals to succeed.

I suggest a regroup/feedback/post-mortem conference call immediately!!

walter said...

"I allowed a cretin like Trump to win."
A less charitable bumper sticker Gadfly should consider.

Darkisland said...

Inga, you seem confused. Certainly confusing.

Are you saying that the fascists (progressives, antifas) who beat the reporters were inspired by President Trump's comments on the fakeness of much of the news media? That they are doing his bidding by physically attacking the press?

You need to go lie down and take a nice long nap. You get weirder by the day.

John Henry

buwaya said...

"He's an Emperor with no empire."

Japan was an empire within itself, across its regions and islands.
The Emperor was the Emperor long before Japan had foreign colonies.
The Emperor of Japan is no more and no less an emperor today than was his ancestor 150 years ago.

Drago said...

Inga; "Trump, just another huckster who believes that only his view of the World counts. For your information, a lot of dictators, like Mao, Stalin, Castro, etc. also had such an opinion of themselves."

And for 90 years the left has extolled and supported Mao, Stalin, Castro etc.

Even up to today.


Inga is so clueless she thinks mentioning these lefty heroes is going to hurt Trump!!

We had open Maoists in the obama admin!! The media fawned over Fidel to his dying day and even LLR Chuck's favorite CNN talking head (though the competition is fierce for that "honor") Jim Acosta basically groveled at the feet of Raoul Castro!!

Keep it up Inga. You are doing great!

I'm Full of Soup said...

I never watched even one short soundbite from an episode of The Apprentice.

Achilles said...

bagoh20 said...

I've hired people like that out of compassion and a stupid belief that such an act might change them, and they always suggest it will, but it does not. Every single time it's backfired. I've been robbed, backstabbed, let down, lied to and lied about by such people, but you keep hoping it will work out the next time. That idea of redemption is a powerful one for some of us, but I've never seen it work.

This x1000.

Jim at said...

You need to go lie down and take a nice long nap.

Preferably six feet under.

readering said...

Um, I vacationed in the Soviet Union in the Seventies.

(Admittedly I was 14. Interesting celebrating Easter Sunday Mass in a hotel room while outside folks aren't being allowed to celebrate Palm Sunday.)

Darkisland said...

Blogger Ralph L said...

I'm open to the possibility that this is contrived. Trump gets another smoke screen and she becomes a hero to the other side.

Thomas Wictor had similar thoughts over the weekend. He speculated that it is a setup:

1) There is no way that Omarosa would have been allowed a phone in the secure area
2) If she did record, she would be in serious violation of several federal laws. She would have to know this.
3) I've not heard the tape but Wictor says it is way too clear to be captured on a cellphone in a purse
4) Things in Iran and Turkey seem to be coming to a head and squirrel for the newsmedia to chase might be useful
5) Some other reasons that I forget now

Wictor also caveated this as pure speculation and that he might be all wet and that it is just as presented.

John Henry

Drago said...

Darkisland: "Are you saying that the fascists (progressives, antifas) who beat the reporters were inspired by President Trump's comments on the fakeness of much of the news media? That they are doing his bidding by physically attacking the press?"

Yes. Inga literally made that argument yesterday.

According to Inga, her hero lefty brown-shirt thugs were following Trump's direction!


After she had spent hours trying to ignore the obvious, there was simply too much actual video of her pals doing it, so she and Chuck had to come up with a fall-back position...

...and guess what that was?

Of course! Trump!!

wholelottasplainin said...

rcocean said...
I'm appalled at Nepal.

I want to go wee in Paris.

And yeah, its not Chill-ee. You pronounce every letter in spanish (with a few exceptions).


Yeah, but what if you pronounce it in English?

After all, Germans refer to their country as Deutschland, yet we don't. Neither do the french, who call it Allemagne.

There's no reason the English-speaking world has to be held to a standard the rest of the world does not follow.

Drago said...

readering: "Um, I vacationed in the Soviet Union in the Seventies.

(Admittedly I was 14."

Congrats. You were the same "intellectual age" as Bernie when he honeymooned there.

Achilles said...

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“You don't know? You're the self-professed caring liberal. What do you think?”

I was a Bernie supporter. I didn’t vote for Hillary, and I allowed a cretin like Trump to win.

So you voted for a man that wants to take everyone's stuff, distribute their stuff "fairly" to all his supporters, and murder millions of Americans.

You are a liar.

63 million people voted for Hillary and I can't find a single one of them.

Michael K said...

By global standards the US press is remarkably myopic and parochial.

I read British newspaper sites to learn US news.

Etienne said...

"I never watched even one short soundbite from an episode of The Apprentice."

I think it must have come on after my bedtime. I saw a few clips during promos in-between commercials, but never actually watched it.

Drago said...

Inga: "I was a Bernie supporter. I didn’t vote for Hillary,..."

Which is strange, because the entirety of the left and all the LLR's like Chuck were telling us that Hillary was the most qualified candidate ever to run for the Presidency.

Which now proves something else: Inga and her pals were lying about that too!

Achilles said...

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Trump, just another huckster who believes that only his view of the World counts. For your information, a lot of dictators, like Mao, Stalin, Castro, etc. also had such an opinion of themselves.

Inga thinks it is OK to spy on political opponents with obviously forged/fake information paid for by the opposing campaign.

And she posts this shit without irony.

Drago said...

Achilles: "nga thinks it is OK to spy on political opponents with obviously forged/fake information paid for by the opposing campaign."

Oh, don't forget all the coordination between the dems and their Russian/Putin allies in composing the hoax dossier.

Actual, paid for, collusion with the Russians to create Enemy-Of-The-People Fake News to inject into our intelligence and law enforcement agencies to provide the hoax premise for a coup.

Other than that, business as usual for these lefties and their LLR Chuck-like allies.

Darkisland said...

Blogger Bay Area Guy said...

If I were forced to choose between sleeping with Omarosa or sleeping with Stormy Daniels, I'd be in a real pickle.

So are you saying that Omarosa's and Stormy's cunts are briny?

John Henry

readering said...

POTUS up to 5 Omarosa tweets today! (and one Koepka!)

Parochial and myopic?

Achilles said...

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“When the press distorts, omits, or picks sides, they are in fact the enemy of the people. Just like Pravda.”

I guess you’d rather the Press truly comported themselves as Pravda and only wrote “truth” that was complimentary to the Leader. It is the responsibility of the Press to report all the news, not just the news that makes Trump look good.

There was obvious collusion with Russia.

Between Obama and Hillary and Putin.

All the little people are getting fired right now and will son be going to jail.

At least one of them will want to stay with their family and rat on Obama.

I think Lisa Page already has.

It is going to be fun to watch those indictments start rolling out here shortly.

roesch/voltaire said...

Yes Trump said he would surround himself with the best people which is why so many have left the White House.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Rolling Stone Rape Story – Manufactured Fake News
NBC rigs a truck to explode – Manufactured Fake News
Fake News Media Lying About The George Zimmerman Tape
Rathergate George Bush Story - Manufactured Fake News
“Elizabeth Warren endorsed Bernie Sanders - Manufactured Fake News
Sheriff David A. Clarke (an African American) is a KKK member - Manufactured Fake News
WaPo Janet Cooke’s imaginary 8-year-old heroin addict - Manufactured Fake News
NYT Jayson Blair made scapegoat for hundreds of Manufactured Fake News Stories
MSNBC Phony Tea Party gun scare - Manufactured Fake News
George Zimmerman’s media edited 911 call - Manufactured Fake News
Brian Williams, NBC Denied Knowledge of all his lies - Manufactured Fake News
CNN gave Hillary advance copy of debate questions – Manufactured Cheat, Corruption News”

Pulitzer Prize winners by year

Chuck said...

Rolling Stone Rape Story – Manufactured Fake News
NBC rigs a truck to explode – Manufactured Fake News
Fake News Media Lying About The George Zimmerman Tape
Rathergate George Bush Story - Manufactured Fake News
Elizabeth Warren endorsed Bernie Sanders - Manufactured Fake News
Sheriff David A. Clarke (an African American) is a KKK member - Manufactured Fake News
WaPo Janet Cooke’s imaginary 8-year-old heroin addict - Manufactured Fake News
NYT Jayson Blair made scapegoat for hundreds of Manufactured Fake News Stories
MSNBC Phony Tea Party gun scare - Manufactured Fake News
George Zimmerman’s media edited 911 call - Manufactured Fake News
Brian Williams, NBC Denied Knowledge of all his lies - Manufactured Fake News
CNN gave Hillary advance copy of debate questions – Manufactured Cheat, Corruption News

John Henry

Obama was not born in Hawaii, and Trump had private investigators in Hawaii looking at the issue and finding out things that they could not believe - Fake, laughable bullshit.

Trump saw "thousands" of people in New Jersey cheering the fall of the World Trade Center - Fake, insulting bullhshit.

Childhood vaccines cause autism (it is supposedly dose-related) and doctors have "lied" about it - Demostrably fake bullshit.

Darkisland said...

Blogger Drago said...

He's never had a real job and the only thing he ever tried to do was the biggest joke ever: fired from a commie commune for being too lazy!!

And he vacationed in the Soviet Union. In the '70's. Out of respect!

You forgot: He ran under a false flag, as a democrat. He has always been disdainful of political parties and has never been a democrat. Until January 2016. Then left the party in July 2016.

An honest man would have run as what he had always claimed to be, an independent.

Not our Bernie.

John Henry

Drago said...

readering: "Parochial and myopic?"

Yes. Very myopic.

Whatever you do, whatever you do, make sure you pay absolutely no attention to the trade deals, economic moves, and military maneuvers happening across the globe.

"Meanwhile, the Chinese think Trump is a genius"

"Has anyone ever called the Chinese 'stupid'? Not those guys.

So now they're reading President Trump, and unlike the childish Eurotrash of western Europe, they see a shrewd, wily, chess-playing, Sun Tzu-grade genius, who could easily checkmate them, and they've got a lot of reasons for thinking so.

That's the report from a European policy-domo, who actually went to Beijing and asked the local leaders what they were seeing. The report that European Council of Foreign Relations President Mark Leonard gives, in the Financial Times, is well worth the subscription or trial subscription to read it."

"Few Chinese think that Mr Trump’s primary concern is to rebalance the bilateral trade deficit. If it were, they say, he would have aligned with the EU, Japan and Canada against China rather than scooping up America’s allies in his tariff dragnet. They think the US president’s goal is nothing less than remaking the global order."

langford peel said...

Black women are like dobermans. They have two things in common.

They will turn on you no matter how much you love them.

They like to lick rh Hardin.

We have all seen the photos.

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