১৩ আগস্ট, ২০১৮

"Just fired Agent Strzok, formerly of the FBI, was in charge of the Crooked Hillary Clinton sham investigation. It was a total fraud on the American public and should be properly redone!"

Tweeted Trump.

৩১৯টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   319 এর 201 – থেকে 319
Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

Do you think every liberal at every protest is Antifa? You think all those women at the massive Womens March were Antifa? Don’t be so simplistic.

narciso বলেছেন...

I think the question was more about illegal immigration


Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

Pussy hatted Antifa, lol.

Drago বলেছেন...

Inga: "What do Antifa protestors have to do with me or the mainstream left?"


The inevitable walkback.

Earlier today Inga: It never happened! Right wing rags! Althouse won't even link to them!!

Later Inga: yeah, it happened, but what's the big deal? What's that got to do with the "mainstream" left?


You just knew that was coming, didn't you?

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“Earlier today Inga: It never happened!”

Again you lie. Why? Or are you truly hearing Inga in your head? Something is seriously off with you.

Drago বলেছেন...

Inga: "Pussy hatted Antifa, lol"

I don't think the NBC crew that were attacked by the anitfa folks that Inga suddenly, suddenly, never heard of, were laughing...


The good news, again, per Inga, is that these attacks were "mostly peaceful"....

Drago বলেছেন...

Inga: "Again you lie. Why? Or are you truly hearing Inga in your head? Something is seriously off with you."

Inga goes with denial of her earlier denials.

Sounds about right for her, though its going to make LLR Chuck's job that much more difficult.

Still, that must be why LLR Chuck gets paid the "big bucks"...


Trumpit বলেছেন...

You Know Who the Tax Cuts Helped? Rich People - New York Times editorial on 8-13-18.

Drago বলেছেন...

Inga (screwing up her own defensive "logic" LOL): "Inga...Allie Oop said...
Do you think every liberal at every protest is Antifa?"

Are you now arguing that some of the many, many, many violent lefties at these rallies are NOT antifa and simply liberals?

Well, I'll bet that sounded better in your head than it came out on paper....LOL

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

Again with his LLR Chuck thing. Drago I’m seriously worried about you, no joke. This is not normal.

Birkel বলেছেন...

Leftist Collectivists that Royal ass Inga has previously enthusiastically applauded - Pro-fa - that she dare not say negative things about now.

Meanwhile, in order to assuage her guilt, she thinks we must deny the words of a group that none of us support, that is led by a Democrat provocateur.

Apples, meet oranges.
Oranges, meet apples.

Worst deflection ever.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

The millions of pussy hatted women were all Antifa? Hahahahaha! Ok I’m done interacting with the crazy.

Drago বলেছেন...

Inga: "Again with his LLR Chuck thing. Drago I’m seriously worried about you, no joke. This is not normal."

Beating up reporters, on video, is not normal.

Denying the physical assaults, captured on video, is not normal.

tsk tsk...

Drago বলেছেন...

Inga: "Ok I’m done interacting with the crazy."

Which of your other personalities will you retreat to?

Vance বলেছেন...

What Inga is trying to say is that despite all leftist rallies being 'mostly peaceful' i.e. "somewhat violent" that it's not leftists committing the violence. See, every Republican everywhere is a Racist Nazi for Charlottesville, and we are all pedophiles because of Judge Moore, and we all hate women due to Roy Blunt....

But every violent leftist is an island to themselves, despite thousands of them descending and fighting the cops, beating up reporters, and Democrats like Maxine Waters calling for the violence.

It's your own logic, Inga: You and every other leftist are just as guilty of this violence as we "Racist Nazi Judge Moore supporting' Rethuglicans who want nothing more than a Handsmaid tale for all!" are guilty for everything. So enjoy it, violent enabler!

Michael K বলেছেন...

I’m sure you heard the “Jews will not replace us!” chant by the White Supremacists?

This is a standard leftist lie.

I listened to the audio and they were saying "You will not replace us," which makes more sense as a chant by young white man.

The left pretty much has anti_semitism locked up. Corbyn and all. Plus the fool's hero Richard Engle and his Pallywood act,.

Rabel বলেছেন...

Motel 6 leaves the light on, if anyone here needs a room.

narciso বলেছেন...

Well they aren't anti fascists they target law enforcement even African American and Latino dissidents like Candace owens.

Gk1 বলেছেন...

Was this the big story that Inga was waiting to drop? It was any day now. Is this it?

whitney বলেছেন...

$82,000 and counting. nine hours on GoFundMe

narciso বলেছেন...

I don't know what ethnicity Brandon straka is but he was a long time Democrat till recently. The pattern is clear Jan valtin described in the night left behind.

Birkel বলেছেন...

Maxine Waters called for people to act violently.
So did that Missouri professor who called for muscle.
Leftist Collectivists should admit where this process is going.
It’s just an acknowledgement of obvious, known facts.

Birkel বলেছেন...

The Left applauded press secretary Sanders hounded out of a restaurant.

At some point this begins to look like 1968.
Nixon won 44 states.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

“If the FBI violated proper procedure in firing Strzok, which I doubt, he can challenge his discharge on that basis. But firing Strzok rids the FBI of a man who was willing to put his finger on the scales of justice for partisan political purposes. It sends a clear message to other employees who might be inclined to do so, and it may help restore faith in the FBI as a straight shooting law enforcement agency."

I think that Strzok’s fate was sealed when he was shown repeatedly smirking before Congress. Straight shooting, sober, law enforcement officers don’t smirk when testifying before Congress. So, we now have a straight shooting FBI lifer as the DD, and firing Strzok is a necessary step I resurrecting the FBI’s tarnished reputation. He grossly embarrassed the agency, and for that alone had to go.

Also there is an old adage that if you strike at the king you had better kill him. Strzok struck at Trump, and failed. He should just be glad that he can walk away with his life and his family here.

narciso বলেছেন...

This is of whom I speak:


He related how the communist controlled trade unions didn't initially target the Nazis but the more bourgeois parties

Bay Area Guy বলেছেন...

Release the FISA application - unredacted!

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

No thread on Althouse that goes over 200 comments is worth reading.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

No thread on Althouse that goes over 200 comments is worth reading.

Unknown বলেছেন...

Lost on Inga is the fact that "Unite the Right" is actually another leftist faction, no matter what they call themselves, or how the media describes them. Kessler has publically stated that natural rights are granted by the government. That doesn't sound like anything that any con, neo-con, or libertarian believes.

Unknown বলেছেন...


Well, not when everyone posts the same thing twice!

Birkel বলেছেন...

I agree but the timing is the thing.
Trump is playing for the midterms and I think Rudy understands the play.
Trump has the initiative after sacrificing the spring.

GDP numbers and an October Surprise (factual, this time) will show the SSCI (Warner, especially) and Schiff for what they are.

I am patient.

Rick বলেছেন...

Inga...Allie Oop said...
What do Antifa protestors have to do with me or the mainstream left?

They're allies. The people who run your party trained them to do exactly what they are doing. By Any Means Necessary has been mainstream left for 40 years. That's why the universities and local governments have protected them, and why media present them as anti-fascist instead of fascist. Similarly Blackshirts were protected for doing the extra-legal intimidation work the government couldn't be seen doing.

What do White Supremacists and neo Nazis have to do with you and the mainstream right?
If you don’t align yourself with White Supremacists, why do you think leftists liberals align themselves to Antifa?

Apparently Inga believes if something is true in one time and place it must be true for all. Bizarre.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

“Release the FISA application - unredacted”

Esp since it appears very likely that copies of the unredacted warrant applications were given to a number of media outlets maybe a year ago by James Wolfe, former head of security for the Senate intelligence committee, led off by the NYT reporter that he was sleeping with. Interestingly, when he was so busy giving away classified documents to his lovers, he apparently totally missed that a top staffer for the Dem Chair/Ranking Senator (Feinstein) on the committee was a long term ChiCom spy. Wonder how many of the secrets that Wolfe was responsible for ended up at the Chinese consulate in San Francisco.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“They're allies. The people who run your party trained them to do exactly what they are doing.”

Is there a full moon tonight? 🌕

Francisco D বলেছেন...

RE: George Will

He gave it up 30+ years ago on The McLaughlin Group when he said that Reagan's tax cuts were unwise because it was false to assume that the American people were taxed too much.

I saw him say that with my own eyes and ears.

Reagan cut taxes and we had an unprecedented economic boom. George was wrong. Oops!

He is a pseudo-intellectual from the U. of Illinois where his father was a professor. He has patented the professorial intellectual look but is by no means an intellectual. However, he slept at a Holiday Inn one night.

Birkel বলেছেন...

What do White Supremacists and neo Nazis have to do with President Trump?
If you don’t align yourself with White Supremacists, why do you think Maxine Waters aligns herself with Antifa?


I think I found Royal ass Inga’s problem.

gadfly বলেছেন...

Once upon a time there was a counter-intelligence agent who had been investigating Russian spies operating inside the United States for over 20 years of his long and successful career. No other agent had his backgound or experience, so Pete Strzok became the lead counter-intelligence agent for the entire FBI organization. And he had more than a decade of experience in that and awards and indictments and dramatic international spy swaps to show for it.

In his lead capacity, he ended up involved in the investigation of Hillary Clinton using a personal e-mail address when she was secretary of state. And at the behest of Robert Mueller, Strzok was also assigned at the very earliest stages to the FBI investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and Russian interest in the Donald Trump presidential campaign.

In the spring and early summer of 2016, foreign intelligence agencies and governments started coming across information and intelligence intercepts about unexplained Russian involvement in and support for Trump’s presidential campaign. Those foreign intelligence agencies and governments notified the CIA, the CIA, of course, doesn’t do work to counter foreign intelligence operations inside the United States. So Strzok gets the assignment.

Now realize that Pete Strzok is outspoken and and he hates the Russians because he know all about them. Among his many texts is this one:

F the cheating mother F-ing Russians. Bastards. I hate them. I think they're the worse. F-ing, conniving, cheating savages as the state craft, athletics you name it. I'm glad I'm on team USA.

And he disliked politicians from all sides of the fence. Peter Strzok's personal texts make him rightfully an object of outrage and apoplectic distraction among Trump defenders. Some of his personal texts, which have been public are in fact very critical of Donald Trump. His texts are also critical and profane and snarky toward Hillary and Bernie and Loretta Lynch and Eric Holder and lots of other people. But he liked John Kasich.

When his dislike for Trump became public Mueller removed him from the investigation but the GOP needed a scapegoat and that was Pete Strzok. In the end they badgered him with 20 hours of questioning by the House Intelligence committee and never laid a glove on him - but Trump wanted him gone and so, in clear violaion of Pete's 1st amendment rights he is gone with nary a thank you for a remarkable job well done.

Birkel বলেছেন...

Your counterfactual made me snicker.
My imagination is not so expansive as yours.

Darrell বলেছেন...

If you go over everything Pete Strzok was involved with, you will find he fucked up everything he touched. You won't see it covered because the MSM work for the Left-- only.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

"a proud husband and father".

And ALL the cultists agree - jeez.

narciso বলেছেন...

Really who did the catch the Chapman ring, no that was a,walk in who was their handler, the two Steve Martinesque that page helped convict, how about the murderers of Mikhail Lesin, try again.

Michael K বলেছেন...

gadfly is auditioning for a job at the FBI PR department.

gadfly, I think they are all full up, especially of Gender Studies degrees.

Lewis Wetzel বলেছেন...

Gadfly, you forgot the part where Strzok decided that he, and not the American people, get to choose the president of the United States.
The problem with Clinton wasn't that she used an email alias. It was that she kept classified messages on an insecure server. Very, very bad. Russian get their hands on them. Much worse than anything Trump is known to have done.
Peter Strzok -- the Russians' best friend!

Triangle Man বলেছেন...

Michael K defending Nazis. Priceless.

"They're really great guys and totally not against Jews. They were chanting youz will not replace us."

Original Mike বলেছেন...

”Esp since it appears very likely that copies of the unredacted warrant applications were given to a number of media outlets maybe a year ago by James Wolfe,...”

That’s unpossible. If they had it, ... how did Inga put it. Oh yes, “it would be smeared from wall to wall on mainstream media,”

Rick বলেছেন...

Is there a full moon tonight?

Your commitment to never think of anything which might hurt the party doesn't prevent other people from understanding reality.

Antifa is nothing new, they're just nuts the left whipped into a frenzy with idiotic accusations they're being mistreated in the hope that their enthusiasm will benefit you. Cultists have been doing this forever. Then they show up with baseball bats and attack people and you're "who me?".

Then the idiots invited them into the university system which gave them access to everything. That's why when we elected a supposed moderate in Obama that somehow included a Title IX "interpretation" that any woman unhappy with a sexual interaction will be deemed to have been raped. It doesn't much matter who the figurehead is. Those who go into the DOE (or FBI) to push a political agenda are who matter since they'll be making the decisions.

Maybe you are too stupid to understand how it works. Or maybe you just deny-deny-deny so it takes the kids a little longer to grow disgusted and leave the party.

Darrell বলেছেন...

Pete Strzok was willing to give his bosses what they wanted. He never let a little thing like the Law get in his way. It's all a game to him and it's all a joke. I guarantee you that he has contempt for every American that doesn't work in the system. And I guarantee that his love for America is the same as the love for his wife--situational and fungible.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“Maybe you are too stupid to understand how it works.”

Maybe you’re too weird to take seriously.

narciso বলেছেন...

So these fairy tales seem unsustainable on closer inspection, so Mueller leaks the entireanafirt file to haberman and Vogel, but they leave out the names of podesta Weber and Devine, manafort was just the middleman, they did the lobbying.

Birkel বলেছেন...

Original Mike:

Are you saying it would be plastered like the Obama-Khalidi tapes the LATimes sat on?
Plastered? Like with a cloth?

narciso বলেছেন...

Like I said before Richard Spencer spent too much time at duke, and that made incapable of thinking clearly. They were trying to prevent the erasure of history, which the left is ambivalent about. Without McAuliffe standing down the police, nothing much happens.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

Yes, Birkel. Just like that.

Birkel বলেছেন...

Strzok could smell Trump voters.

gadfly thinks Strzok was non-partisan.

gadfly is a terrible LLR.

Birkel বলেছেন...

I prefer plastered with a bourbon.
But not as much as Hillary.

James K বলেছেন...

$82,000 and counting. nine hours on GoFundMe

Well, that's $82,000 that won't be available for the DNC and congressional races.

Never-Biden Never-Putin বলেছেন...

Yes please leftists - send your money to Peter Strozk!

narciso বলেছেন...

Oh never mind:


Clyde বলেছেন...

Any time someone begins with "Once upon a time..." you know they're about to give you a fairy tale. Judge accordingly.

Lewis Wetzel বলেছেন...

Rick said:
"Antifa is nothing new . . ."
Organized anti-fascists are traditionally Stalinists.
By that I don't mean that they Soviet sympathizers, I mean that they were controlled by Stalin's ComIntern. They were literally in Stalin's chain of command. The Italian alternative to Mussolini & the German alternative to Hitler weren't brave, plucky social democrats, they were hard core murdering commies. Any "moderate" Italian or German government would have gone the way of Karensky's socialist-liberal government. Sad but true.
The current antifa are Stalin's grandchildren, also sad but true.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Blogger Triangle Man said...
Michael K defending Nazis. Priceless.

"They're really great guys and totally not against Jews. They were chanting youz will not replace us."

A new troll. Welcome to the crazy side of things.

Did you by any slight chance listen to the video ?

These kids were "white supremacists" and are worried that white males are being replaced by females and trannies and every other variety of leftist idiot.

I know you lefties are trying to divert attention form leftist anti-Semitism but this was lame.

Now, please go fuck yourself. I'm sure you have experience,

narciso বলেছেন...

Yes, you get a notion from Alan first night soldiers which sees the formation of these cadres from Bulgaria to spain to france.

narciso বলেছেন...

Death panels she said:


walter বলেছেন...

Blogger Michael K said...
gadfly is auditioning for a job at the FBI PR department.
That would be a bad decision. He has difficulty with decisions.
But I hear there's an opening in HR...

narciso বলেছেন...

I know they covered this with a pillow


Triangle Man বলেছেন...

Why on Earth are you defending the white supremacists Mike K? You think they are not actually against jews? That they wouldn’t dare chant it? Doesn’t matter if it doesn’t affect you, I suppose.

narciso বলেছেন...

Like the Democratic convention delegates in 2012, that booed Israel and god, in favor of their golden calf obama?

Drago বলেছেন...

Birkel: "Strzok could smell Trump voters.
gadfly thinks Strzok was non-partisan.
gadfly is a terrible LLR"

Gadfly is the Poor Man's LLR Chuck....and that doesn't mean more "value" for your dollar...


Drago বলেছেন...

Triangle Man: "Why on Earth are you defending the white supremacists Mike K?"

Note to self: Making note of what is actually said is now support of white supremacy.

Not surprising now that the lefties assert mathematics and logic and objective truth are literally "white supremacy" and "violence".

narciso বলেছেন...

Look what we have here:


Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

Jews will not replace us

Michael K seems to feel the need to whitewash the white supremacists. Go figure.

narciso বলেছেন...

Because when you think of uva you get the kangaroo court against that fraternity and that partner in fraud Stacey Sullivan (a long with Elizabeth warren) of course there are also rocket surgeons like Sheila Jackson Lee and Katie couric

Triangle Man বলেছেন...

"Making note of what is actually said is now support of white supremacy."

I'm wondering why the accomplished surgeon, Michael K, would bother to post a "clarification" that is effectively a defense of white supremacists. They're clearly chanting about jews. Maybe it's just a yanni / laurel thing, but to suggest that it's a leftist conspiracy that unfairly maligns the upstanding citizens who were exercising their first amendment rights to protest being replaced by non-specific youze is bizarre.

Triangle Man বলেছেন...

Drago, what do you hear? Jews or youze?

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

Here’s a clip that shows them saying both, “You will not replace us and then they lapse into “Jews will not replace us”.

narciso বলেছেন...

This is the most pro Israel in a long time, probably since the mid 80s, whereas Obama gave Iran 150 billion, to arm Hezbollah to build their a bomb and missile complement

James K বলেছেন...

The only significance of this group of a few hundred "white supremacists" is all the attention that CNN and Inga lavish on them. Their numbers are likely dwarfed by Antifa and other such leftist anti-American groups, but yeah, go ahead give them importance that they would never have otherwise.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Here’s a clip that shows them saying both, “You will not replace us and then they lapse into “Jews will not replace us”.

And who gives a shit what 20 or so people say? Only you, Mrs. Magoo. Because it's THE HANDMAIDS' TALE, I tell ya!

You are a feckless c*nt. And an extremely stupid one too.

Lewis Wetzel বলেছেন...

Re: "Jews will not replace us"
These people, whomever they are, have got their anti-Semitism wrong. The usual trope is that Jews are a parasite people, not a conquering people. They don't want to replace anybody, they want to control their wealth. Replacing people who work for a living? That's a goyim thing.
Maybe they are all mobies?

narciso বলেছেন...

Possibly why would you go to uva anyways sho

richard mcenroe বলেছেন...

"So that's why Strzok was making those odd faces during his Congressional testimony! He was auditioning"

Yep, for the role of Evil Sheldon in the Big Bang Theory alternate universe episode.

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

Don’t know much ‘bout history....don’t know much geography....

Comanche Voter বলেছেন...

Go back 80 plus years and the same sorts of people who are chanting "Let's Face It, All Cops Are Racist: and "No Borders, No Walls, No USA at all" would be marching in Munich and Berlin shouting "Juden Raus". No I am not saying that they are Nazis--but they are the same sorts of mindless dweebs who get their jollies feeling superior to something. Come to think of it, you could put these people in Indiana in the 1920s (the state with the largest single population of members of the Ku Klux Klan at the time) and they'be be wearing white sheets instead of black masks.

chickelit বলেছেন...

"Come to think of it, you could put these people in Indiana in the 1920s (the state with the largest single population of members of the Ku Klux Klan at the time) and they'be be wearing white sheets instead of black masks."

Why are masked ones hiding their identities always D?

chickelit বলেছেন...

"Why are masked ones hiding their identities always D?"

This includes superheroes.

wwww বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Achilles বলেছেন...

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“So Inga, I’m sure you noted all those mainstream media reports of the “No borders! No wall! No USA at all!” chants at yesterday’s ANTIFA DC march.”

No actually I didn’t. I’m sure you heard the “Jews will not replace us!” chant by the White Supremacists?

White supremacists organized by Jason Kessler. Member of Occupy Wall Street.

These white supremacists are funded and organized by the left.

They have zero actual support from Trump voters.

But disgusting amoral traitors like Inga have an obvious use for them.

Gospace বলেছেন...

Birkel said...
Original Mike:

Are you saying it would be plastered like the Obama-Khalidi tapes the LATimes sat on?
Plastered? Like with a cloth?

Shouldn't that be present tense? As in Obama Khaladi tapes the LATimes is sitting on?

The Vault Dweller বলেছেন...

Speaking of his Gofundme account, is there still time to donate to Jill Stein so she can properly get a recount of the 2016 presidential election?

Rick বলেছেন...

Maybe you’re too weird to take seriously.

If so reality is too weird for you. When Jim Acosta claims chants are making him afraid you act as if chants are threats and this is a real danger. But when antifa attacked reporters you criticized those who criticized antifa. You did it because defending them helps Team Blue.

Who you choose to defend reveals more than you understand.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

One of the leftists above tried to use the well debunked excuse that Drooked Hillary. Merely used a private mail address. The problem wasn't that she was using a private email address, per se, but rather that she was using a private, unsecured, server to conduct her professional business while she was Secretary of State. And the problem there was two fold. First, the Official Records Act requires that federal employees use federal email servers for work, because their email doesn't belong to them, but to the government, and, thus, the Anerican people. Work related emails of federal employees are government records, and by the terms of their employment agreements, all federal employees except for POTUS and VPOTUS agree to this as conditions of employment. And, most federal records are ultimately made available to the public through FOIA. This is, of course, most likely why Crooked Hillary decided to use her private email server when she took office as Secretary of State. She had been tripped up before by official records falling into the wrong hands, such as those of Republcans and her Vast Rightwing Conspiracy. She knew that they hated and distrusted her, and would be using FOUA to look over her shoulder while she was in office. She wanted control of her email record, and got it with using her private email server instead of government servers, as required by law. Chalk it up to her paranoia. At this point, we can only speculate whether she and her husband had, at the time she was having her email server set up, already planned the pay-to-play Get Rich scheme that she embarked upon, selling US foreign policy for dollars both personally, and for their family foundations, which ended up making them filthy rich - collecting hundreds of millions of dollars personally and billions in their private slush funds/foundation/charities. She should be matching Strzok's GoFundMe collections, out of gratitude, since he, as the head of the FBI investigation into her illegal email server, allowed her people to destroy all known copies of any incriminating emails, without bothering to look at them. I think that much of the country, including, obviously, President Trump, believe that many of the roughly 30k emails deleted as not work related and then made unrecoverable, would have implicated her actions in what was very likely the biggest case of public graft in our nation's history.

Peter Strzok was, of course, in charge of the investigation into her use of her illegal email server. In his favor, his ultimate boss, President Obama seems to have given Crooked Hillary a pass, by announcing that he didn't think what she had done was criminal. Nevertheless, at every turn, he and his investigators went out of their way to make sure that their Midyear Examination (MYE) investigation went nowhere. He allowed her people to determine which emails were work related, and which weren't, by themselves. That wasn't their legal prerogative. That was the responsibility of the State Dept. Then they allowed her people to deliver the remaining "work related" emails as print outs, which means that they were delivered without much of the metadata, that is part of the official record - and makes deduplication difficult, which became an issue with the discovery of the Weiner laptop (that Strzok tried to bury until after the election). Strzok allowed her closest aides and coconspirators to sit in on his interview of Clinton, as her "attorneys", after having given them immunity. The FBI never had any of the devices containing her emails (except for the Weiner laptop in Oct 2016) and his team allowed them to be destroyed and made unrecoverable.

Rusty বলেছেন...

There's a difference between antifa and white supremists?
Could it be that antifa is much more racist and violent?
I think I'm onto something.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

Strzok essentially claimed that part of his reason for going so easy on Clinton, to essentially whitewash her illegal server usage, was fear of her vendictive nature. He didn't want President Hillary remembering that he was the one making life difficult for her in late spring and early summer of 2016. Nevertheless, his actions did affect the election, and he very much should have been sensitive to that, to the appearance of impropriety (or actual impropriety). The FBI computer expert in NYC who found Clinton's emails on Weiner's laptop in late Sept spent October trying to make sure that FBI HQ knew of them (Strzok, of course knew, but was hiding them from his bosses, hoping to run out the clock), and that he, and the FBI, not be blamed for the election result. This, of course, resulted in Comey reopening MYE maybe 10 days before the election, then closing it again, after Strzok implausibly assured him nothing had been found in a frantic weekend at Quantico.

Paco Wové বলেছেন...

"Replacing people who work for a living? That's a goyim thing. Maybe they are all mobies?"

More likely they're just not very bright.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

The other problem, of course with Crooked Hillary's use of a private email server for official business is that it violated the Espionage Act. SecState is one of 4-5 original classifiers (POTUS, SecDef, SecState, DNI) in the federal govt (at least under Obama). Sec Clinton was responsible for a significant amount of the classified information created or received on a regular basis. She had responsibility for what happened at every American embassy and consulate in the world. Those Marine guards at our embassies? Their primary responsibility is not the safety of the Ambassador, etc, but to safeguard the classified information there. If an embassy is being overrun, their first duty is not to save lives, even the ambassador's, but to destroy the classified information. She was ultimately responsible for all that classified information, that thousands of Marines were posted to risk their lives to protect at hundreds of locations around the world. As SecState, she got a constant stream of updates about her embassies and consulates around the world, that would ultimately be classified. (She used the excuse that few of the emails turned over were MARKED classified - which is a BS excuse, because everyone, including her, knew that it ultimately would be classified, it just hadn't been formally classified yet, since it was too new). Not only though was she routinely receiving daily information from her embassys and consulates around the world, that would ultimately be formally classified, but was also routinely receiving intelligence products from our intelligence agencies, but also classified information from DoD. For example, drone targets in foreign countries (like Afghanistan, Yeman, Lybia, Syria, etc) required State Dept approval, at least under Obama. Which meant that she got advance notice of every such proposed drone strike.

Any of this information kicked up to, or even BCCd, to SecState, was being stored on her private unsecured email server. None of it should have been. The US govt has parallel classified and unclassified email systems, and none of the classified material should have ended up on her unsecured email server, or, indeed, her no secured, personally supplied Blackberrys and laptops. There is an air gap between the US classified system and the Internet. Except classified material routinely ended up on her insecure personal devices and server. When it was important that the Secretary know something, and it was classified, her people would move it from the classified system to her insecure devices and server. Hundreds, if not thousands of times. Moreover, they would discuss classified material using their unclassified email systems, whether government supplied, or personal. The result was probably one of the most significant potential intelligence breaches in recent years. Probably no surprise to anyone, but every email containing classified information on any of her devices or server constituted a violation of the Espionage Act, and was a separate federal felony.

I said "potential intelligence breach", but we are fairly sure that they were actual breaches, with evidence that her private server had been penetrated on multiple occasions. Maybe it was just some youthful hackers, but far more likely, it was foreign govts, and hence Trump's joke that we ask the Russians for the 30k emails that Peter Strzok had allowed Clinton to delete, then bleach bit, from her insecure server.

whitney বলেছেন...

He has upped his GoFundMe goal to 350000 and is over his original goal at 223000. 5000 people have donated. That's really not that many people with an average donation of $40

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

Remember all those people chanting "lock her up"? Much of the American public knew that the FBI was whitewashing Crooked Hillary's crimes. It is likely that a zealous prosecutor could have indicted her for thousands of felonies. Thousands. Somewhere >30k violations of the Official Records Act, and thousands of violations of the Espionage Act. Of course, there wasn't going to be such a zealous prosecutor, since the fix was in, and AG Lynch had, essentially, ordered no prosecutors would work on the investigation or prosecute Clinton. Still, the FBI had a criminal referral, and had to do something about it. Which they dutifully pretended to do. And, for that, we can blame, primarily, the three fired FBI employees: Comey, McCabe, and, now, Strzok. Strzok was at the heart of the whitewash. Most everyone now knows that. I would like to believe that most FBI Special Agents, if put in charge of such an investigation, would have charged ahead, done their duty, and let the chips fall as they might. And if their bosses had problems with their doung their job, have themdocument it in writing. Instead, Strzok appears to have had numerous small group meetings, that appear to have studiously didn't include his boss, Bill Priestap, at that $70k conference room table in DD McCabe's office, the same McCabe whose wife had taken roughly $3/4 million from a Clinton crony for a political race. It stinks. It looks like the fix was in in the FBI too. If Comey had stood up and told the truth, that Clinton wasn't seriously being investigated because of orders from Ovama down through AG Lynch (who had met privately with Bill Clinton in PHX), the FBI would have been fine. It was perfectly within Obama's power to tell his DoJ and FBI not to investigate someone or something. May stink a little, but that would have blown over easily. But, instead, Strzok and the FBI faked an investigation. They went through some of the motions, and pretended to investigate. Their conclusion had been revised and written up better than a month before interviewing the key witnesses.

The relevant point here is that the FBI was caught cheating. Their success as a law enforcement agency depends on their reputation, and that was tarnished by their fake investigation of Clinton's email misuse. And, at the center of it was Peter Strzok. He may have skated around lying to the FBI, the Hatch Act, etc, coming up to the edge, but not actually crossing the line. Or not blatantly crossing it. But that isn't what the FBI wants or needs on the witness stand, whenever FBI agents testify in court. They don't want half the country wondering if they had Peter Stezok testifying, and not Elliot Ness (and, yes, I know that he wasn't an FBI agent - we are talking common perceptions). The FBI needed to be seen, both externally, but also internally, as not tolerating Strzok's behavior. Technically, he may have only skated to the edge, and only got a slap on the hand, but they don't need their agents to think that they can get away with that, or the public to believe it. So, examples had to be made of both Strzok and McCade.

Michael K বলেছেন...

I watched Inga's video. The captions changed but not the chant. Lies again.

Communists are on the march again.

Birkel বলেছেন...

You guys:
Just wait until Triangle Man realizes the ACLU defended Nazis.
What a day that will be.

Leland বলেছেন...

The relevant point here is that the FBI was caught cheating.

Good points Bruce. If I may add another. Remember Comey's argument, besides the lack of intent (which isn't a part of the law), was that they didn't prosecute others for stuff like this, only Administrative type punishments. We knew then that was a lie, because a submariner was being prosecuted at the time, and he was sent to jail.

Funny now how Strzok claims he is a patriot that defended his country, yet the sailor wasn't given the same leniency the Strzok wishes to have now and gave to Hillary then. The FBI cheated that submariner. I bet there are many more service personnel, with previously stellar records, that got more than a public admonishment for mishandling data. It seemed during the Obama Administration, many top line service personnel were purged. I wonder how much the FBI was putting the thumb on the scales of justice for those cases? Perhaps we could find a trend of strict abuse for the less affluent and generous leniency for the more affluent.

Or maybe I'm seeing the military purge wrong. Here's a quote from the linked article (the link is IBD from Oct 2013): Another senior retired general told TheBlaze on the condition of anonymity, because he still provide services to the government and fears possible retribution, that "they're using the opportunity of the shrinkage of the military to get rid of people that don't agree with them or do not toe the party line. Remember, as (former White House chief of staff) Rahm Emanuel said, never waste a crisis." Maybe the FBI just toed the line to protect their jobs, and after awhile, just stayed cowed. If so, still not a great argument for claiming great patriotism and protecting the US.

President-Mom-Jeans বলেছেন...

I'm not surprised that smirking little ponce Strozk gets Inga's dusty old granny panties in a tizzy.

You see, its been quite a while since her husband chose the sweet embrace of death rather than spending another minute with a fat retarded hag.

James K বলেছেন...

If you don’t align yourself with White Supremacists, why do you think leftists liberals align themselves to Antifa?

Logic works both ways, Inga. You brought up white supremacists, as though they have anything to do with Trump and conservatives. It would follow that liberals are linked to Antifa violence. You can't have it both ways.

Never-Biden Never-Putin বলেছেন...

Smirk worms for Hillary!

Never-Biden Never-Putin বলেছেন...

@ Bruce

Strzok essentially claimed that part of his reason for going so easy on Clinton, to essentially whitewash her illegal server usage, was fear of her vendictive nature. He didn't want President Hillary remembering that he was the one making life difficult for her in late spring and early summer of 2016.

You will be loyal, or else, can inspire a lot of loyalty. Seth Rich wasn't loyal.

Ignorance is Bliss বলেছেন...

Bruce Hayden said...

Any of this information kicked up to, or even BCCd, to SecState, was being stored on her private unsecured email server.

This is not true. Most of that information was generated on the classified network, and could only be directly emailed to Clinton's email on that same classified network. Yes, there are cases of aides copying classified information from the classified network to the unsecured network. ( Which rises above gross negligence to an intentional violation. ) And plenty of instances, as you mention, of classified information being written into emails on the unclassified system, and the only reason those emails were not marked classified was because the person writing them ( often Clinton ) failed to mark them as such.

Ignorance is Bliss বলেছেন...

Bruce Hayden said...

Somewhere >30k violations of the Official Records Act...

Not all government emails are offical records. A meeting agenda, or the meeting minutes are. Anything where an official decision is made. But an email telling people there are donuts in the break room is not. And the individual employee generally gets to delete anything that they believe is not an official record.

But yes, at least thousands of violations of the Official Records Act.

Ignorance is Bliss বলেছেন...

And certainly, as soon as the State Department's I.T. people found out about the server it should have been shut down, moved to an isolated, secure network, and examined by professionals to look for evidence of it having been compromised, and to sort through work/non-work and classified/unclassified.

James K বলেছেন...

And certainly, as soon as the State Department's I.T. people found out about the server it should have been shut down, moved to an isolated, secure network

What makes you think the IT people didn't know about it? Obama was emailing her on it, in some cases using a pseudonym. That might be the biggest reason nothing was done about it.

Qwinn বলেছেন...

Inga's modus operandi is that any attempt to call her out on her consistent double standards is itself always and only an attempt to establish a double standard in the opposite direction.

Never-Biden Never-Putin বলেছেন...

Lots of corruption at Democrat, Inc. but look - 20 racists and a swarm of masked fascists calling themselves anti-fascists, beating their brains out.

Rory বলেছেন...

James K. said: "What makes you think the IT people didn't know about it?"

They did know about it. There was one point where the Clinton's people asked the regular State tech people to cooperate with them on some maintenance issue, and the State people refused because it was a rogue network.

Clinton had her own tech person, named Pagliano, given a political-level position at State. It seemed he didn't have much to do except maintain her computer and generate reports that would eventually generate business for when he left the government. At some point, he took the Fifth with respect to what he was doing there.

Will বলেছেন...

I wonder what Reinhold Niebuhr would say about this?

FBI Senior Leadership are the new Nigerian Princes... instead of asking for your account info they just ask you to contribute straight to their GoFundMe....

... that is in addition to their other side hustles like having their wife's campaign getting greased for $700k by an influence-seeking criminal, or schtupping their colleagues while their spouses get promoted by Obama in appreciation for overlooking all the boulder-sized smidgens of crime...

May justice flow down like a river......

Rory বলেছেন...

Ignorance Is Bliss said: "But an email telling people there are donuts in the break room is not. And the individual employee generally gets to delete anything that they believe is not an official record."

This argument didn't even apply in the case, since she had left State three years before and was no longer an employee. And she didn't make the decisions on what to delete by herself, a couple of her lawyers did. And they did it by searching and deleting, rather than reviewing the documents themselves. Accepting this line of argument would mean that every federal employee would be allowed to periodically remove their work email from the government system, take it to their private counsel for screening, then hand over printed copies of what the lawyers said should be produced back to the government. It's a ludicrous idea.

Clinton also claimed she was compelled by regulations to turn over documents in paper form rather than electronic. Again, that intentionally muddied the waters between document retention requirements and discovery in an adversarial proceeding.

Jim at বলেছেন...

so, in clear violaion of Pete's 1st amendment rights he is gone with nary a thank you for a remarkable job well done.

Who knew spewing lies about your boss in public - with no possibility of consequences and/or repercussions - was covered by the First Amendment?

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

“Not all government emails are offical records. A meeting agenda, or the meeting minutes are. Anything where an official decision is made. But an email telling people there are donuts in the break room is not. And the individual employee generally gets to delete anything that they believe is not an official record.”

I seem to remember a certain Gen Petreaus getting in legal trouble for showing someone his day planner, or something like that, so meeting agendas and the like were almost assuredly considered official records. Sec Clinton was the highest ranked cabinet officer, which made her fifth in line for the Presidency, first in line for unelected officials. She wasn’t a GS-5 clerk. So no, I don’t think that she legally got to go through her emails to determine what was work related and what wasn’t. Or had her attorneys do so.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

Thinking about govt employees getting to decide what was work related, and what wasn’t, in terms of correspondence - it makes no sense, except for bureaucratic efficiency. It makes little economic sense for one bureaucrat to be tasked with this determination, when the bureaucrat leaving govt service is a GS-5 clerk. They are very likely allowed to determine which emails and text messages were work related, and which weren’t and to delete the latter because it mostly doesn’t matter. There millions of govt employees and hundreds of thousands of them leave their govt jobs every year. It just doesn’t make economic sense to have govt officials make the decision for most of them because, in the scheme of things, it doesn’t really matter that much. Of course, the highest ranking Cabinet member is a different story. She was on call 24/7 and there was little separation between work related and not since she was likely using govt resources in either case.

Think about this - much of the reason that we know that Peter Strzok needed to be fired is because of the record of text messages he left. That is where he talked about preventing Trump from becoming President, the “insurance policy”, etc. They are considered property of the federal govt, so no warrant was needed to search them, as contrasted with his Gmail account, where he had an unredacted copy of the sealed search warrant for the Weiner/Abedelin laptop (which itself should have gotten him fired). Imagine Peter Strzok and Lisa Page being given a chance to determine which text messages were work related and what wasn’t. No doubt little if any, of the incriminating text messages would have come to light.

Now let’s look back at Crooked Hillary. She claimed that the deleted supposedly non-work related, emails involved yoga classes and her daughter’s wedding. All 30k of them. Is that credible? Of course not. She wants us to believe that half the emails she sent or received during her four years in office were in that category. We know how her “work related” emails were determined - by using search terms to search her emails (only those containing the search terms (which were never made public) were treated as work related)- something that any judge would laugh at during discovery, and then maybe sanction the attorney asking the claim. Missing, whether intentionally or inadvertently, were the emails setting up her pay-to-play appointments. That this was consistently going on is really only known because of records, not from her, of who she met with and when. Setting up such meetings, or really even accepting intelligence from Darth Blumenthal that affected foreign relation, are work related for anyone in her position. Indeed, the assumption, given her responsibilities and round the clock responsibilities, that everything was work related.

Gk1 বলেছেন...

Even my leftie friends veer away from trying to defend what Hillary did or try to defend her "explanations" of what she was doing with a private mail server because they were so bad and unbelievable. All they can lamely say is "Well she paid for that mistake during the election, let it go" Did she really? Even when someone say like Washpo or CNN covered it they spent 99% more time on the Access hollywood tapes. To this day there is still an undeserved patina from the press that what Hillary did was a minor infraction and hold up Comey's phony investigation as proof positive.

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

Smirky burned his mistress and she supposedly sang like a canary. A woman scorned and all that.

Skippy Tisdale বলেছেন...

"Inga...Allie Oop said...

5.A IHaveBigBalls Page"

Inga, is it true that you end each evening with a plate of Rocky Mountain Oysters?

Tom Grey বলেছেন...

Thanks Ann, for an accurate retweet of Trump's tweet.
The whole thing, in his words, rather than your analysis of what "he meant" -- which is a tactic so often used by the Fake News media.

I wish the DOJ would quickly indict HR Clinton, and see if the evidence isn't already enough to try her and convict her.

Then, perhaps thru DOJ or perhaps a Special Prosecutor, to go after each and every person involved in the coverup of Clinton crimes, including dereliction of duty, destruction of evidence, and obstruction of justice.
Dozens? Hundreds? Fire them all, jail a few (all is not too many for me).

The Pope should also similarly fire more of the Cardinals who have been protecting the gay pedophile priests, in the Philly and throughout the world.

The Dems in the US gov't are acting far too much like the priests & bishops in the Catholic Church. And covering up crimes for the same reason, to "save the " organization, the Church or the FBI or the DOJ.

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