August 3, 2018

"I go way back with Rosie and that’s not the Rosie I know. She was the most diverse and tolerant woman I’ve ever known for a long time."

"Whatever got in her head isn’t the Roseanne I know. It’s a very icy time. I’ve been a comedian for 38 years and I’ve never seen it, like Lenny Bruce said at the Purple Onion, ‘We’ve gone backwards.’ There are things you can’t say. There are things you shouldn’t say. Who makes up these rules? And as a stand-up comic, it’s a dangerous position to be in because I like pushing buttons. It’s unfortunate.... [But ABC] had to do what they had to do and it’s their decision."

Said Tim Allen, quoted at Entertainment Weekly, which referred to Roseanne as "the other conservative sitcom star."


Drago said...

In Soviet Leftist/LLR-istan, humor-impaired Party always find you.

rhhardin said...

ABC is run by gorillas.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Egg shells for the leftwing. Walk on them.,

They can call you a Nazi, but don't you dare call them a Nazi.

langford peel said...

Factually it is run by affirmative action quota feminist monkeys.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

“I thought the bitch was white!” proved that Roseanne was already attuned to the ah currant NYT sentiment when she first apologized. I’m leaving that autocorrect in place.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Jim Accosta is offended. Get a tissue.

Francisco D said...

Isn't it wonderful that electing Obama ushered in all this racial healing?

Trumpit said...

I referred to a bad ex-lawyer as a "clown" struggling to find the right word to describe his reckless, lazy ass. The arbitrator of my claims against him said that my language reflects poorly on me and could affect his decision in the case. Okay, I take it back. Roseanne took it back, and is now persona non grata in the industry. I think one reason people are so unforgiving with regard to expressions anti-black sentiment is due to the unfortunate history of blacks in the country starting with slavery. The racist sentiments against blacks, Jews, etc. by some commenters on the blog explain why this vulgar hate must not be tolerated and the current racist president of the country must go. It's as though 8 years of Obama suppressed to some degree the overt racism, and then it exploded with the current bigot-in-chief. Roseanne is being made a scapegoat, but she did embrace Trump with both arms open. Knowing how bad Trump was/is towards women, Mexicans, Muslims, etc., she was a jerk to fall for him. What excuse do the deplorables have other than that they are deplorable?

buwaya said...

This sort of thing happens when social conflict gets too intense.
There is no room for humor. You can't make fun of anyone when everything is political and everyone expects every public word to be propaganda. Nothing is normal in a war.

Its not new, the internet is a factor but not a necessary one. The same happened before and during the Spanish Civil War.

I keep recommending the Spanish movie, "Ay Carmela", 1990, Carlos Saura, with the great Carmen Maura. Its precisely in this vein, leftist of course, but it could easily have been flipped ideologically.

langford peel said...

It's no wonder that Trumpits mother committed suicide if she had to listen to that bullshit all day.

Ralph L said...

I'm glad to know Roseanne is diverse.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trumpit - the real racists and Jew-haters are on the left.

Francisco D said...

"The racist sentiments against blacks, Jews, etc. by some commenters on the blog explain why this vulgar hate must not be tolerated and the current racist president of the country must go. It's as though 8 years of Obama suppressed to some degree the overt racism, and then it exploded with the current bigot-in-chief."


You seem to live in your own fantasy world where your thoughts, however unmoored, become your reality. There is no point in arguing with you because you exist in your own little bubble.

n.n said...

Progressive diversity is less tolerant and more colorful.

Wince said...

Said Tim Allen, quoted at Entertainment Weekly, which referred to Roseanne as "the other conservative sitcom star."

Actually weren't they saying Allen and Barr are two conservative sitcom stars cancelled by ABC, rather than the only two conservative sitcom stars, like, ever?

Tim Allen is opening up about the other conservative sitcom star whose show was canceled by ABC — Roseanne Barr.

Sebastian said...

"ABC] had to do what they had to do and it’s their decision." Had to: so he's a weasel too.

"referred to Roseanne as "the other conservative sitcom star."" As if. No, Allen is the only one.

As far as we know. Though Seinfeld may now be "conservative" too. Others may be in the closet. If by "conservative" we mean, as we should, anyone to the right of the left. said...

Meanwhile, President Trump's popularity rating is over 50%.

In spite of the incessant bad press

In spite of the violence, threats of violence and foaming at the mouth madness of the fascist resistance

In spite of Mueller et al

In Spite of the republicans, lifelong and otherwise

and so on.

In spite of all this, 50+%. More than Obama had at this point in his presidency. In fact, pretty much every month President Trump has had higher popularity than Obama at the same point.

Since we all know that Rosanne was fired for supporting President Trump not for any comments about the Iranian, I suspect that she will be forgiven as more and more people realize that President Trump is not the monster the Trumpits, Fopdoodles, I.N.G.A.s and Squeamish revolutionaries of the world portray him to be.

Nope. Not tired yet. Not of president trump, anyway. A bit exhausted from all the work that has been coming my way this year as companies need to ramp up capacity and can't find additional people.

But certainly not tired of winning.

John Henry

rehajm said...

Jim Accosta is offended. Get a tissue

Heh. Yes. Who the eff is Jim Accosta and why the hell am I expected to care about his feelings? This guy that just kind of showed up and started agitating people.

Did we all experience the encounter with this guy at a college party?

Anonymous said...

"She was the most diverse and tolerant woman I’ve ever known for a long time. Whatever got in her head isn’t the Roseanne I know."

[plus rest of quotes from article]

A person who starts talking like this has already had his mind and moral core irreparably damaged by Party brain-fuckery. There's no way back into the light. Even taking into account that what the interviewee said has been filtered through the brain of the likely stupider and even more cult-damaged writer.

I think there was a time when prole-feed fluff was spared the attention of the Party brain-fuckery machine, which was selectively directed at the pious goodthinkers, the aspirant intellectuals, the pseuds and the wannabes. But no more can unpretentious souls be allowed to enjoy celebrity gossip, scandals, horoscopes, and sports chat written in the plain honest prose that serves no end but harmless tabloid pleasure. They, too, must be subjected at every turn to transcriptions of the sub-linguistic chimp-grunt juju noise used to fence off thought and inculcate obedience in the name of the great universal permanent struggle session. said...

Link to the 50% poll.

Currently at the top of the Drudge page:

JULY JOBS: +157,000...
Manufacturing +37,000...
Hispanic unemployment record low...
China to retaliate with tariffs on $60B in goods...


I doubt I'll ever get tired of reading headlines like this.

Come back, Rosie. We deplorables need you.

John Henry

bagoh20 said...

I don't think Trumpit is a real person. That comment reads like computer generated text produced by a facebook algorithm running on search term: "CNN".

William said...

It was just a joke. It wasn't an incitement to a lynch mob........The sham and hypocrisy around pc is such an ornate structure that you would think it would collapse of its own weight. You can criticize Chris Christie for his weight but not Lena Dunham. You can make veiled references to Sarah Huckabee's weight, but, since she's a woman, you can't make Chris Christie jokes about her. You can say that the people of Central America can flee the criminal gangs there, but you can't say that the people of Central America are sometimes members of criminal gangs. You can make fun of old white men, although it has to be done with the right nuance and complexion.......The seven deadly words are no longer deadly. Thanks to Lenny Bruce and George Carlin we can say motherfucker with wild abandon at weddings and funerals. But who thinks there are less taboos nowadays. said...


I thought the bitch was black.

That is, Megan Merkil, who married into those grifters that run England.

That is, I've always been told she is black. But her picture popped up somewhere today and you could have fooled me.

She certainly looks white.

John Henry

bagoh20 said...

A conservative in Hollywood now is a liberal pre-2005 said...

I am trying to make sense of that statement:

"She is the most diverse person I know."

What the Hell does that mean? She has multiple personalities? She is multi-ethnic? She is hermaphrodite?

How can a single person be "diverse"?

John Henry

Otto said...

Toleration is a false and fictitious construct: tolerate slavery, tolerate evil, tolerate rapists, tolerate intolerance,etc.
Used to obtain power.

bagoh20 said...

It's easy for me to see a number of ways that Roseanne's comment was not racially motivated, but that is not possible at all for the comments by the new racist hire at the NYT. And even if Roseanne's comment was racially based, it was levels of magnitude less racist, not to mention a single instance rather than many over time. Hypocrisy.

Tommy Duncan said...

If I were the head of the GOP(no "e") I would be lining up Tim Allen and Mike Rowe to do election commercials with a "results matter" theme. They both connect well with rational people.

Etienne said...

They're all whores if they are in Hollywood.

Come to Oklahoma, we have a wonderful film industry.

etbass said...

"Isn't it wonderful that electing Obama ushered in all this racial healing?"

It really is a shame that Obama did not do maybe the one and only thing he could have accomplished. And that is what Bill Cosby sought, a revival among black people toward improvement in their lot. Instead, he fired up the racism in this country in a way that is worse than it's ever been in history.

FIDO said...

This is the Roseanne who baked little Jewish Cookies dressed as Hitler ala Kathy Griffin levels of offensiveness.

This is the Roseanne who butchered BUTCHERED the National Anthem on purpose as she was going into her downward plunge with Tom Arnold and then flipped off the fans.

I never saw her as a patriot or a Conservative and I only watched a few episodes of her program. She didn't interest me. Proto-Feminist humor. But I get why some people liked her.

That she did this Valerie Jarret thing isn't surprising to me. What surprises me is that anyone else was surprised.

She pissed off Kimmel and the Left by pointing out the Emperor has no clothes: that they are hated and with reason. That they WILLFULLY walked too far left.

Hence she must be destroyed and it took Tim Allen MONTHS to summon up the courage to speak on her behalf? Well, he has to be VERY careful as the Last Conservative Comic standing.

RNB said...

The staff of 'Entertainment Weekly' could never consider there being more than two 'conservative sitcom stars' in the universe without their heads exploding.

Jupiter said... said...
'How can a single person be "diverse"?'

Perhaps Althouse can enlighten us, using her (non-linkable) OED. I have seen the term used, without apparent irony, by affirmative action beneficiaries, as in, "Here is how non-diverse people like yourselves can make the workplace more welcoming for diverse people like myself" (and yes, my first thought was, "Why would I want to welcome an incompetent HellSow like yourself into the place I spend most of my waking hours? I'm going to sabotage your loser ass any way I can!").

In this usage, it is apparently just a hand-waving obeisance to the power of Identism. He is not trying to point out the fact that Roseanne has a vagina. As American women have mostly learned by now, in the absence of pigmentation, vaginas only trump dicks. He seems to be saying that she was just as scared of offending blacks as everyone else is, and he can't imagine how she could have expressed contempt for a black person publicly. Apparently he is not going to go full "I thought the bitch was white". Once the victim's head has been severed and placed on the pike in the public square, any suggestion that the punishment was unwarranted is a further transgression and likely to receive the same punishment.

Rick said...

There are things you can’t say. There are things you shouldn’t say. Who makes up these rules?

It's a three step process:

1. The Inquisitors interpret all comments from their political enemies as extremely as is necessary to stoke the outrage.

2. The Faithful pile on by citing only the extreme interpretations as if the actual statements don't exist.

3. Defenders of the Faith veto any allegations targeted at a Member of the Anointed.

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Etienne said...

Groucho Marx refused to do disparaging humour.

He said he would tell the best Jewish jokes in private, and people would laugh their ass off, but as soon as he got on stage before the public, he never did them.

He also refused to do Minstrel shows, and perform in the nude.

Alas, he lived too long...

AustinRoth said...

Why are any words “forbidden “? They are just words.

We have turned into a world of wimps, getting fainting vapors at every perceived slight.

AustinRoth said...

Oh, and Obama was the most racist President we have had since Wilson, another supposedly “Enlightened Progressive “.

AustinRoth said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chuck said...

> he has to be VERY careful as the Last Conservative Comic standing

That makes him the last of the standup comics. They had a good run...

FullMoon said...

Roseanne is not racist. She offended Obama with her lame joke.

Watched a couple episodes of her new show. It sucked. If it was supposed to represent Trump voters, then they really are deplorable. The 'house' was a mess the adult kids were whiney, lazy and stupid.

Did laugh at a couple of jokes though.

ABC did republicans a favor by cancelling. Feel bad for Rosanne who is goofy but not a racist.
I remember her buying into the 'recovered memory' fad years ago..sad.

Jim at said...

@ Trumpit

Stupidity should be brief. You said so yourself.

Freder Frederson said...

Meanwhile, President Trump's popularity rating is over 50%.

Talk about cherry picking. One poll does not an overall popularity rating make.

n.n said... said...

How can a single person be "diverse"?

A diversity of physical attributes and mental traits. The claim is that character (e.g. perspective) is uniquely "color" (e.g. race, sex) variant, and that justifies "color" judgments and discrimination. This intellectual mode also rationalizes selective-child, interchangeable, and, in fact, disposable lives.

rehajm said...

Talk about cherry picking. One poll does not an overall popularity rating make

This doesn't sound like the reaction when Obama was over 50 percent approval. Talk about cherry picking.

JaimeRoberto said...

She supported the Occupy movement. She ran for President for the Peace and Freedom Party with Cindy Sheehan as her running mate. In what way is she conservative? Simply because she doesn't toe the Democrat Party line?

MadisonMan said...

How can a single person be diverse? Multiple Personality Disorder?

bagoh20 said...

Diverse? I'm your huckleberry. I identify as 102 genders so far, and we get along...mostly.

Kevin said...

Roseanne is being made a scapegoat, but she did embrace Trump with both arms open.

Shorter Trumpit: The bitch was asking for it.

Jaq said...

It would be nice if the "permission structure" could be diagrammed like a sentence. But the power comes from the unpredictability, like that asshole boss you once had that time desperately holding on to her job.

Jaq said...

We need scapegoats because the world won't trust us with power anymore.

Kevin said...

There are things you can’t say.

Not if you're the right skin tone or political persuasion.

“Are white people genetically disposed to burn faster in the sun, thus logically being only fit to live underground like groveling goblins.”

You think Richard Prior or Lenny Bruce could have said that in their primes and gotten a job at a major media outlet?

For the chosen people, this is the golden age for saying shit.

Kevin said...

How can a single person be diverse? Multiple Personality Disorder?

OK, that cracked me up.

Jaq said...

"Why it's a good thing that we live in The Crucible."

Rigelsen said...

This is the Roseanne who baked little Jewish Cookies dressed as Hitler...

Since this gets repeated a lot without context: She is a Jew herself and did this for a story in a Jewish satirical magazine. Sha has always been a provocateur and holds little sacred. So, not a conservative. But she clearly isn’t a progressive either, at least in its modern authoritarian form.

She made a bad joke, a joke you can apparently make about everyone who isn’t black, or at least black and leftist. Harry Reid can get away with saying the most racist things about Clarence Thomas, but that doesn’t count because Thomas isn’t a leftist.

How can a single person be diverse?

Give the guy a break, he was speaking in Hollywood-ish, media-ish shorthand. It just means someone who works with/embraces people of all non-white races, non-Christian religions, non-male genders, or non-hetero sexuality.

Anyway, I get the sense that he was trying to thread a needle here, trying to get his point about humor across to interviewers who would not otherwise be sympathetic to the message. As a conservative in Hollywood, he has to be very careful, even if he’s now on Fox.

Howard said...

More conservative snowflake virtue signalling opportunities in Professor Althouse's Safe Space for Trumpsucker Proxies

Darkisland said...


Quite right just as a hot day should not justify global warming.

But it's not jusy one poll. President Trump has consistently been more popular than Obama at the same points in their presidencies.

Consistently in the sense of various pollsters and month after month after month.

In spite of all the nonsense I mentioned above

One might even call it a pattern or a trend.

John Henry

tcrosse said...

Howard is back to fling playground taunts from the monkey bars, from too much sucking on Hillary's colostomy tube.

Jaq said...

"I contain multitudes." - Walt Whitman

He identified as diverse.

Jaq said...

What do guys like Howard get out of writing weak attempts at taunts like that?

Drago said...

Howard: "More conservative snowflake virtue signalling opportunities in Professor Althouse's Safe Space for Trumpsucker Proxies"

Hmmm, needs more hyphens...

Drago said...

tim in vermont: "What do guys like Howard get out of writing weak attempts at taunts like that?"

Finger calisthenics to ward off age-induced arthritis.

Jim at said...

Since this gets repeated a lot without context: She is a Jew herself and did this for a story in a Jewish satirical magazine.

Yes. But it was also stupid and offensive. She's always been stupid and offensive, which is why I don't give two shits about Rosanne no matter what type of Trump 'fan' she may or may not be.

With that said, I do hope the new show - The Conners - goes down in a flaming pile of crap. Because they all deserve it for how this was handled.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Sorry Howard, all the snowflakes sit on the SJW left, sucking the fun and the free speech out of everything.

Except Citizens Untied - where IT IS Illegal to say anything critical of Hillary.

FullMoon said...

You think Richard Prior or Lenny Bruce could have said that in their primes and gotten a job at a major media outlet?

Richard Pryor? That nigger's crazy!

Available through Althouse (racist) Amazon Portal.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

LOL - Jim Acosta(D-CNN) cannot handle someone saying "CNN Sucks" without pooping his pants and wondering if his life is in danger.

The Godfather said...

I'm not a fan of Roseanne Barr. I didn't like the old Roseanne show or the new one, but I understand that both were popular with many viewers. I won't miss her or her show. But it seems to me that her firing was precipitous. She made a rude joke about a former Obama Administration official that could be understood as racist, except for the fact that Jarrett is at least as White as she is Black (genetically according to Wikipedia, and by appearance based on her photographs and television appearances). Even if Jarrett identifies as Black (I don't know), it was at worst a tasteless joke. I've heard tasteless jokes quite often from performers. Yet ABC didn't wait a moment before firing her. It seems to me likely that the popularity of the show embarrassed some people in high positions at ABC. So they took this tasteless joke as an excuse to fire her.

Darrell said...

Now THIS is intimidation. CNN couldn't handle it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Perhaps we should start a go-fund me page for CNN so they can afford poopy wipes.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Show CNN what real intimidation is like.

Francisco D said...

"More conservative snowflake virtue signalling opportunities in Professor Althouse's Safe Space for Trumpsucker Proxies."

C'mon Howard,

You can do better than that. You sound like an annoying teenager.

Worthy insults have a ring of truth and some humor. They also resemble reality. You fail on all counts.

HT said...

If Allen were a known lib, AA would have picked up on that "she's the most diverse" thing.

FullMoon said...

Yet ABC didn't wait a moment before firing her. It seems to me likely that the popularity of the show embarrassed some people in high positions at ABC. So they took this tasteless joke as an excuse to fire her.

The show sucked. Family was stereotypical diverse but trashy losers.
The ABC executive who pulled the plug is black woman, good friend of the Obama's, who have Jarrett living with them and think of her as family.. It was personal, not political.

Narayanan said...

@Dicking ...

well done.
Calling it * Citizens Untied* is quite a Trumpian feint. It has a revolutionary spirit to it.
... it Is more appropriate than actuality it is Citizens United.

Openidname said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rcommal said...


Who in hell makes the rules that one ***shouldn't*** push back?

rcommal said...

There's a lot to be pushed back at, these-a-days.

Bob Loblaw said...

Roseanne Barr isn't anything like a conservative. She ran against Jill Stein for the Green Party presidential nomination in 2012 and 2016. She likes big government and a big welfare state. She likes Trump, too, because she thinks he upended the chess board.

HT said...

Bob, you are right. I've posted links on this blog to her various interviews given over the years, in which she lays out her views clearly. I think she is also unstable. I've loved her shows and even bought one of her books. I miss the new show.

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