"I’m a big believer that if America, if this country hasn’t broken your heart, then you don’t love her enough. Because there’s things that are savagely wrong in this country. There’s a normalcy of injustice that we’ve accepted. And I tell you, Newark has gifted me a wisdom that can only come from moons, a sense of purpose that can only come from shared pain. It’s a city that at times where my heart has been broken but I’ve learned that the heart is this interesting organ that, it’s the only one that really works even if it’s gotten broken."
Also at Netroots, he posed holding a sign — "From Palestine to Mexico, all the walls have got to go" — bearing the slogan of the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights.

His spokesperson told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency that Booker didn't read the sign before posing holding it:
“Just before delivering a speech in New Orleans, Senator Booker was approached by dozens of people for photos... In one instance, amid the rush, he was posing for a photo and was passed a sign to hold – he didn’t have time to read the sign, and from his cursory glance he thought it was talking about Mexico and didn’t realize it had anything to do with Israel...."Did Booker go to Netroots to disqualify himself from a run for the presidency??
I'd look with skepticism on wisdom that comes from the moon. There's a reason for the word "lunatic." Here's the definition from the (unlinkable) OED:
Originally, affected with the kind of insanity that was supposed to have recurring periods dependent on the changes of the moon. In modern use, synonymous with insane adj.; current in popular and legal language, but not now employed technically by physicians....
Those clever Russians.
"Newark has gifted me a wisdom that can only come from moons"
Someone misspelled "morons."
Okay, which of you jerks has been mooning Corey Booker?
And, as an aside, it would be prudent for you males not to present your nether regions to Corey Booker and his rumored predilections.
He was wrong when he was a local politician in Jersey (where I used to live), and he is wrong again now. So what's new? Booker has not read the book, perhaps because he can't.
And, btw, I don't care one bit if my discussion of lefty dem hack Booker causes LLR Chuck extreme discomfort.
Did he mean to say ‘wounds’?
That would at least make some kind of sense.
But what I really hate is that usage of ‘gifted’, where any normal American would say ‘given’.
Did he talk about driving to Hawaii? Because I need to find that map.
We laugh at this kind of shit from Booker. I know I do: I think, how could anybody be of such low information, and so emotionally overwrought, that they would ever accept such a candidate?
But then Donald Trump won the Republican nomination.
Damn, both my thoughts were already expressed.
I hate gifted as a verb.
I heard it as "wounds."
And this is the Dem's A team.
I'd have given him a pass for poor grammar without a teleprompter if it weren't obviously a rehearsed speech.
Or should I use "wasn't?"
"he didn’t have time to read the sign, and from his cursory glance he thought it was talking about Mexico and didn’t realize it had anything to do with Israel"
Shoulda checked with T-Bone.
This guy graduated from Stanford and Yale Law. In the best Althouse tradition, I invite you to think deeply about this.
And Cecil Rhodes is turning over in his grave.
Moons, plural? So it’s true that Cory Booker lives on a different planet from the rest of us?
He didn't notice "Palestine" on the woman's chest or the sign? Maybe Drago is correct.
“Wounds” would make sense and is maybe what he meant to say, but I’ve watched it 4 times and can only see and hear “moons.”
“Because there’s things that are savagely wrong in this country.“
And we need to work together to fix that because we need to be like………… like............nowhere that exist anywhere right now, and no place we’ve ever seen before but that’s what we should be like. But it sure wrong in America.
And by the way, my fellow citizens, I also advocate a philosophy of relationships and living structures where you should be able to do absolutely anything you want. And that kind of undefined, make it up as you go norm of human behavior is exactly what’s going to lead us to this utopia we’ve never seen.
(Makes perfect sense to me.)
If you take away half of Obama's charm and all of his brains, you have Cory Booker.
"Newark has gifted me a wisdom that can only come from moods"
Is what he said.
There have been some movies made about political wannabees like Corey Booker.
Ya know, it is hard to believe so many politicians can be so stupid. But people who had them at local level recognized it. We have a couple local supervisors who are really stupid. Everyone knows it, but nobody really cares because they have minimal influence. Now, they are trying to move up from a city seat to a county representative. Union and Democrat backing, so money for advertising. If they win, I suppose State is next.
This is how you end up with Corey Bookers and Kamala Harris's.
Gotta say, I was more happy when I was ignorant about this stuff. Back when Grandma and Grandpa were sure Republicans were gonna cancel social security. No internet. The newspaper couldn't print it if it wasn't true, etc. Middle school some of the best years !
As a Minnesotan I can say this: Ha! New Jerseyers (New Jerseyites?, Jersey Boys?, Jursists?,Jerks?) are dumber than Minnesotans for sending this POS to the Senate.
It's no more stupid that anything else Democrats have said over the last couple of years.
Next he will claim that it is an acronym. His handlers will scramble to come up with one that doesn't sound worse.
The only thing Newark ever gifted me with was a grinding headache, since I was stuck in that damned airport for nearly 7 hours once due to delays.
Did you ever notice you don't hear about Palestinian suicide bomber attacks in Israel that much these days? It's not because they've had a change of heart. That wall has been working for Israel and saving Israeli lives.
So of course the left hates it.
LLR & #StrongDemDefender Chuck: "We laugh at this kind of shit from Booker. I know I do:"
(wink wink)
Darrell: "It's no more stupid that anything else Democrats have said over the last couple of years"
I especially enjoyed this last week how LLR Chuck's favorite dems Blumenthal and Durbin have absolutely embarrassed themselves.
The fun never ends....
In Wisconsin, politicians are gifted a wisdom that can only come from moos.
It's all thanks to outcome-based discrimination tests.
Blacks not doing well they take as blacks being discriminated against. The newspaper confirms it. No justice no peace.
So you get black self-destruction, the opposite of the right direction, cultivating good character.
The moon is always female. - Marge Piercy.
I can just picture Chuckie cringing in pain everytime Trump hit Chuck's beloved dems Elizabeth Warren and "Crazy Bernie" at the Pennsylvania rally!
I can't imagine a more nightmarish scenario for LLR Chuck than Trump talking and swimming in the rapture of an overflow crowd of republicans getting fired up to take on Chuck's beloved dems this November!
Actual republicans sharing a great moment with other republicans and preparing to beat dems. LLR Chuck "hell".....
Its been many moons since Corey and Pocohantas smoked the peace pipe on the shores of Gitche Gume.
I'm surprised LLR Chuck even has the energy to post given how well the Trump economy is performing.
The fastest wage growth in 10 years....obliterating LLR Chuck's "magnificent" obama's record!
rhhardin said...
The moon is always female. - Marge Piercy.
But there's a man in the moon!
I thought that was a bad lip reading quote.
If they dug the hole for Senator McCain's casket 100 or 200 feet deep, I bet they could fit a lot of NeverTrumpers in the hole. There are vertical boring machines that do a really good job--and fast, too.
robother: "Its been many moons since Corey and Pocohantas smoked the peace pipe on the shores of Gitche Gume"
Can you imagine what Booker and Harris will do to the hoax indian Warren?
At any point they choose Booker and Harris will launch the "racism" and "appropriation" cruise missile at Warren to knock her out. I fully expect Warren will see that early and decline to join the 2020 field.
And there is nothing LLR Chuck can do to save Warren at that point. He'll have to satisfy himself with ensuring the "most capable candidate on the republican side" is nominated to oppose Stabenow....
...(wink wink)....
The moon is always female. - Marge Piercy.
But there's a man in the moon!
You guys callin' me a tranny?
Oh, nevermind
That's right, Cory used to call a woman's junk an axe wound. Makes sense now.
Can you imagine what Booker and Harris will do to the hoax indian Warren?
Still think Warren will pull out a DNA test, real or faked, to prove Indian blood.
Plenty of Oklahomans have Cherokee in 'em.
Booker is an example of why the NY Times went apeshit when Razib Khan mentioned genetics.
Razib Khan, a science blogger and a doctoral candidate in genomics and genetics at the University of California, Davis, was one of 20 writers who signed contracts with the Times to write for the paper's online opinion section.
The Times announced its new stable of contributors on Wednesday. Hours later, Gawker's J.K. Trotter reported that Khan had a "history with racist, far-right online publications." Khan wrote 68 posts for Taki's Magazine, a publication founded by a "flamboyantly racist Greek journalist," Trotter wrote. Khan also wrote a letter to VDARE, "a white nationalist website named after the first white child born in America, in which he discussed [an essay] concerning the threat of the United States becoming “more genetically and culturally Mexican.”
On Thursday night, Michael Eisen, a UC Berkeley professor, tweeted that Khan had been kicked off the opinion page. Khan later confirmed that news, telling one follower: "Yeah, told me today. [I] may contribute one-off op-eds in future. I'm chill about it. It wasn't a surprise that [people] went ballistic."
Anybody who writes or talks about genetics and intelligence is not welcome at the NY Times.
I don't think Booker will be reading "Blueprint."
A top behavioral geneticist makes the case that DNA inherited from our parents at the moment of conception can predict our psychological strengths and weaknesses.In Blueprint, behavioral geneticist Robert Plomin describes how the DNA revolution has made DNA personal by giving us the power to predict our psychological strengths and weaknesses from birth. A century of genetic research shows that DNA differences inherited from our parents are the consistent life-long sources of our psychological individuality―the blueprint that makes us who we are.
In Booker's case it was his imaginary friend who taught him all he knows.
Price considers himself a mentor and friend to Booker and says Booker conceded to him in 2008 that T-Bone was a “composite” of several people he’d met while living in Newark. The professor describes a “tough conversation” in which he told Booker “that I disapproved of his inventing such a person.” “If you’re going to create a composite of a man along High Street,” he says he asked Booker, “why don’t you make it W. E. B. DuBois?” From Booker, he says, “There was no pushback. He agreed that was a mistake.” Since then, references to T-Bone have been conspicuously absent from Booker’s speeches.
I suspect the imaginary friend was smarter. Who wouldn't be?
Re: rehajm:
Those clever Russians.
Seriously, that sign is so perfect for heightening the contradictions that it almost feels like it must be a false flag operation to make Booker look like a fool.
Re: FullMoon:
Booker's public persona in the past year has turned embarassingly dumb, but I don't think the same is true of Kamala Harris. I mean, she's liberal, but she hasn't had a public meltdown the way he has . . . there was another one where he lost control of himself, more recent than that, but unfortunately, I can't remember what it was. Either way, he's in a class of his own, and Harris doesn't deserve to be lumped in with him.
sorry to pile on, but:
a Prominent Democrat says something that can Only be described as Lunacy;
and a LLR says: Yeah, But TRUMP!
On with the show; i noticed that Sen Booker talks about his 'Civic Faith', which HE describes as a 'religion'. It's kinda nice to have a Democrat be upfront about how he WORSHIPS BIG GOVERNMENT
Also; it's time to play, WHAT IF
What If; You were a Presidential Candidate, and someone came up to you and said:
"Here's a Sign, Please Hold It; we want to get a picture of you with the sign."
What If; You heard about a Presidential Candidate, that was SO MORONIC (MOONIC?) that he'd let people give him a sign, and take his picture HOLDING the sign....
Without even Reading it? Would this AUTOMATICALLY Disqualify him in your mind?
In California, we have Governor MoonBeam (Jerry Brown). Here, the Moonbattery is strong in Booker. If he keeps talking this gibberish, I might just faint.
Before the days of Involuntary Hospitalization of persons dangerous to themselves or others, the Judges would issue a Lunacy Warrant for the Sherifff to arrest them. Everybody knew what Lunacy was.
Booker, "And I tell you, Newark has gifted me a wisdom that can only come from moons, a sense of purpose that can only come from shared pain."
Process this. Booker is a Rhodes Scholar. Booker is a grad of Yale Law. Let that sink in. Having an AA card will carry you far and wide.
The man needs psychiatric help.
Why do Lefties want to ban straws just when they come out with straws that detect rape drugs in drinks? Huh?
It's tough to be coherent trying to keep up with translating T-Bone.
Ann Althouse said...
“Wounds” would make sense and is maybe what he meant to say, but I’ve watched it 4 times and can only see and hear “moons.”
And yet the Times is comfortable with its venomous yellow twat rocket.
Michael K, I'd forgotten about Booker's imaginary friend T-Bone. What a ticket he and Pocohantas could be!
Crazy ain't in it. Even Trump's talent for pithy monikers would be hard pressed
Let's get to the root of Palestine ...
Supposed to include Jerusalem, but if the Wailing Wall comes down, so does Al Aqsa??!!
Cory should thank his lucky moons that no one handed him an "I am an idiot" sign.
Booker is da man to inherit and carry on Obama Legacy in splendid multitudinous diversity.
I still like the story he told about driving his car cross country and all the way to Hawaii, the best. But this was a nice try.
"Let me get this straight, Ork-- you mean to tell me out of all the Earthlings on that stinking planet, you picked Cory Fucking BOOKER?!?!?"
Ork slunk away to a distant corner of the universe, never to be seen again.
That pic with the sign is an oppo research freebie..not that he hasn't already proven generous.
"he told about driving his car cross country and all the way to Hawaii"
The 57th state!
Republicans have Sasha Baron Cohen to make them look foolish. The Dems have their base.
"Good fences make good neighbors." And bad neighbors make good walls.
Damn it! The very first comment in the thread made the joke I wanted to make here!
I guess it's no more anti-American than "Born in the USA".
Booker has some hard-won, moon-garnered wisdom that makes him despise the America he loves so dearly.
What is the best explanation? He didn't look at the sign. He saw the sign and, in a heedless way, didn't think there was anything improper with the sentiments. He's just so gosh darned friendly he'll pose and smile with anyone who requests it, even people wearing hinky t-shirts. I can't cut this with Occam's Razor. This is stupid beyond the usual parameters of stupidity, but I can't see an ulterior motive either..
This is the sort of thing that becomes a hashtag joke- Put a sign in Booker's hands that he hasn't read.
I listened to it, and he said "wounds", somewhat mumbled. He's claiming wisdom gifted from pain and adversity, possibly from having to live in a shithole city like Newark. He's like a certain wise Latina, only wiser because he's darker and therefore more oppressed, and more wounded.
Well, it is possible that when he wrote the speech, it said "woons", and that is how he got confused.
So can moon wisdom hold up to dragon energy?
Yes, I am wise.
But it's wisdom borne of pain.
Yes, I paid the price.
But look how much I've gained.
Your typical dumb black politician.
He is the best that the Democrats identity politics has to offer.
Booker doesn’t like walls? Doesn’t he live in a gated community?
At least Cory was in the right city. New Orleans once had a white Mayor named "Moon" Landrieu. His son Mitch being the previous Mayor prior to the current one..
Booker evokes the very name of Pink Flyod’s first commercial success. Coincidence?
"Newark has gifted me with a wisdom that can only come from 'LUDES." (As in Quaaludes.) That's what I heard, anyway.
I can see the future. Quote from Bill Kristol, founder & editor of the Weekly Standard, September 2020: "Since Trump has won the Republican nomination for president, I am proud to say that I am casting my vote for the Democrat candidate, Senator Cory Booker of New Jersey. It is the only rational choice for a conservative Jew who loves America."
There should be a sports team called the Moons.
Then their fans could be called Fanatical Lunatics.
Or Moonies.
I listened to it, and he said "wounds", somewhat mumbled.
There should not be a sports team called the Wounds.
That doesn't work well at all.
Unless maybe you were playing church-league basketball.
PLO and HAMAS don't need walls to keep the Jews out. They just murder them on sight, that does the trick.
And one might say the same thing about the Taliban, Boko Haram or associated vermin in keeping the 'infidel' out.
It's tough to be coherent trying to keep up with translating T-Bone.
The WaPo interviewed Booker about T-Bone and the word salad we get in response is kind of fascinating. At the end of it, he's either talking about Islamic extremists or pro-lifers. Could be either, really. And before you ask, what do Islamic extremists and/or pro-lifers have to do with T-Bone, I would just respond, hey, ask Eva Longoria.
He's sexy. I would def do him
Well he has Titus’s vote then, but so did Hillary.
Black anti-Jewish Racist.
Didn't we already have one of them as a President? Except the last one got elected by hiding his racism and anti-Semitism a lot better than this one.
A great deal of 'white guilt' has been exorcised by Obamacare, Sara Jeong and the NYT.
Thanks for the offer, but I'll pass.
Process this. Booker is a Rhodes Scholar. Booker is a grad of Yale Law.
Vanilla Ice
Did he talk about driving to Hawaii? Because I need to find that map.
When you find it, see if you can find the "intercontinental railroad” Obama was going on about.
Chuck wakes up every morning in the same state of existential despair that most people would feel if they woke up to Hillary as president. What wars would our boys be fighting today because her Sidney thought they were good ideas?
"Except the last one got elected by hiding his racism and anti-Semitism a lot better than this one."
He didn't have to hide it ('20 years asleep in Church', good title for a book), it was hidden for him and hidden in plain sight.
Having just watched the video this morning, what struck me was his eyes at the beginning video. Blinking as though he could not make eye contact with his audience. A fraud of the highest order.
I know, I know ..... master of the obvious.
Random thought.
Do you think the Democrats will ever nominate a white male for President again?
Or a white male for the Supreme Court?
How many white men will vote for a Democrat in the next few elections?
Republicans win the majority of white voters, college and non-college educated.
These margins shrank in Obama's first election (what I call the "Hoping for Absolution" election) but after Obama showed us the measure of his character, those numbers PLUNGED.
Trump, who was the scariest candidate I can recall, still won a majority of both, albeit a smaller share of white voters.
Now that he HASN'T started any wars, now that he HAS revived the economy, now that he is ALSO a known quantity, he isn't as scary...but the candidates the Democrats will put forth from this NitWit to Bernie (Marudo) Saunders, are ALL scary.
So...wow. It would take a nuclear war, a zombie apocalypse or Trump ON VIDEO essentially fellating Putin to get Democrats the white vote, and particularly the Men's vote for at least half a generation.
That...is a sizeable voting block to lose. I would say crippling but I hear the PC term is 'special'. The Dems chances are 'special'.
it's ALL TRUE! Even the parts Cory made up!!
"JH: Didn’t you create a composite drug dealer character?
CB: Nooo. This is again how the press seems to write history. It’s just not true!
JH: What is the truth?
CB: This is a story that I used to tell all the time that was a hundred percent true....
I found myself easily going to them, saying ‘Y’all remember this, you all remember that?’ ...
So yeah I got my life threatened, and yeah I met the same guy who when he got in trouble with the law needed some help. And yeah he did break down in tears....
So what I said to that reporter, ‘I’m going to continue to tell stories.’"
These things HAPPENED! They Happened to Somebody, Some where, Some time; So it's FINE for Cory to say that they happened to him, and recites Quotes!
It's not like he was doing those quotes from a composite white girlfriend or something
Smaller share of white college educated voters. I expect that number to increase dramatically.
Booker simply misspoke. Wounds makes sense. Moons does not, especially in context. Newark could be said to be in NYC's orbit. Newark could also be called a satellite of New York City in the same sense that the old Warsaw Pact countries were called Soviet satellites. However, just as Poland was never called a moon of Moscow, Newark is also not a moon of New York, not even in a metaphorical sense unless one's poetic tastes run to the clearly stupid side. (This is why Maya Angelou's works so richly deserve the Savonarola treatment.) Ergo wounds was Booker's intention, though he said moons. It's like a spoonerism, a kind of metathesis.
Nevertheless, Cory Booker is a blithering idiot and a dangerous lunatic.
Moobs. That's what he said. Moobs.
That's my take, and it makes as much sense as anything else --which is "none".
Are you sure it isn't 'Moops'?
When I hear Cory Booker, I think of Robert Tilton. I guess that's just me.
Now that he HASN'T started any wars, now that he HAS revived the economy, now that he is ALSO a known quantity, he isn't as scary.
He hasn't started any wars yet, and when he appointed John Bolton his NSA, the chances of him starting one increased.
Yes the economy is doing well, but one good quarter does not constitute a full blown revival. And his reckless tax cuts, tariffs and trade wars threaten to strangle the gains.
He is not a known quantity. We still know nothing about his personal finances and he steadfastly refuses to release his taxes. I remember when many on this blog got all bent out of shape when Obama didn't release his college transcripts (hell, you still bring that up).
Mayors of Newark have been for the last 65 years from the Democratic Party. There have been seven Mayors since January 1953, making the average incumbency 9.3 years. James Sharp, who preceded Booker, served 20 years (1986-2006). - Source Wikipedia
If there is a "shared pain" among the majority electorate of Newark that is not characteristic of other cities, the above facts might be useful in understanding why.
Booker evokes the very name of Pink Flyod’s first commercial success.
“See Emily Play”?
Trump..."is ALSO a known quantity, he isn't as scary..".
Apparently you don't follow MSNBC or read certain Althouse commentors.
To them Trumps middle name is "OMG, we're all going to die!"
"Cory Booker Apologizes for Holding Up Anti-Israeli Sign, Explains That He Thought It Was Merely an Anti-American Sign"
said Steve Sailer. Is it really an anti-Israel sign? If it is, is it okay for Israel to have a border wall but not for America?
I suppose people trying to get into America want to make money. A not insignificant number of people trying to get into Israel want to kill people.
The Dow has gone up by 6 THOUSAND points since his win. That is BILLIONS if not TRILLIONS of added wealth to the nation.
So this minimization of 'one quarter' will be taken under advisement. I have made TENS of THOUSANDS of dollars in my middle class retirement account which are clearly the response of business to NOT having a Democrat, ANY Democrat in office who decides which industries to oppress or shake down.
This is not so much a compliment to Trump as it is an indictment to Obama and Hillary.
People don't support Trump because they like Trump. It is that the Dems have shown themselves to be scarier, intolerant and hyper controlling.
I think not.
I'm guessing that to Cory Booker, America breaks your heart when it isn't statist enough and the State isn't picking your pocket enough.
Once again - on a post that has absolutely nothing to do with Donald Trump - Chuck makes it about? Donald Trump.
You need help, dude. Seriously.
The moon is a harsh signmaker.
a "flamboyantly racist Greek journalist,"
Is that a gay slur?
Did you ever notice you don't hear about Palestinian suicide bomber attacks in Israel that much these days?
Also, Saddam Hussein isn't around to reward $25K to the families of Palestinian suicide bombers.
Creepy, high-yella mulatto. I believe he is also a closeted homo.
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