It sounds worse as a generality than if you read the itemization:
- President Trump’s tax returns
- Trump family businesses — and whether they comply with the Constitution's emoluments clause, including the Chinese trademark grant to the Trump Organization
- Trump's dealings with Russia, including the president's preparation for his meeting with Vladimir Putin
- The payment to Stephanie Clifford — a.k.a. Stormy Daniels
- James Comey's firing
- Trump's firing of U.S. attorneys
- Trump's proposed transgender ban for the military
- Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin's business dealings
- White House staff's personal email use
- Cabinet secretary travel, office expenses, and other misused perks
- Discussion of classified information at Mar-a-Lago
- Jared Kushner's ethics law compliance
- Dismissal of members of the EPA board of scientific counselors
- The travel ban
- Family separation policy
- Hurricane response in Puerto Rico
- Election security and hacking attempts
- White House security clearances
Jesus saves, Moses investigates.
I mean, that's just being prepared. I'd be surprised if they WEREN'T doing this.
Has Axios looked to see if the Democrats are circulating a list of investigations they want to look into?
Call the spreadsheet discovery scandal Investigate.
Yes, let’s get all over “personal email use.”
This one is particularly rich: “and whether they comply with the Constitution’s emoluments clause"
How much money did their most recent candidate for president, the one they are still so butt hurt that she lost, that one, how much money did she take from people with business before her as Secretary of State? Why wasn’t that a problem?
Will my kids grandchildren ask my kids 40 years from now "What did you do during the Congressional Wars Grandpa?"
I'll do my best to ignore most of the hubbub.
While I'm a Trump supporter, I've got better things to do than to obsess every day over this BS.
Generic Ballot is even. Oh, I know, Rasmussen is a Republican shill and never right. Proof of which is that his polls always seem to lean Republican, and yet Republicans hold the House, the Senate, and the presidency.
As I recall, house flipping contributed to the 2007 financial crash. Wouldn’t want to see that again.
I imagine that the Democrats have binders full of spreadsheets.
I’ll do my best to ignore most of the hubbub
Yeah, this one’s a nothing burger.
The CIA owned and operated Media has already written its long scripts for the coming deluge of stories about Trump's True Crimes. No wonder the Dems all presume they will easily win back the Presidency in 2020. They discount Trump fighting back. Stay tuned.
That's the list? Remarkable scandal free.
All of the US Attorneys serve at the pleasure of the President. They all resign when a different administration takes over. They weren't fired. Too bad all of the liberals in the DOJ and FBI also weren't fired. They continue under the cover of being "career officials" and, hence, nonpartisan. Ha!
Not a single thing on the list warrants a second look. It's an old Lefty trick. You say something--anything--then by your tone and expression you make it seem like the biggest crime ever.
Just say "fuck you" to your Democrat colleagues and if that isn't enough, hit them in the head with a three-pound engineer's hammer.
Does anybody imagine anything different whether the House flips this November or in November 2032?
The complete weaponization of government is not the goal.
The goal is power.
It is still all about reversing an election they did not like by non-democratic means.
They're doing this to keep from being investigated themselves.
Would they be doing this if another Republican were President?
If the answer is no, then ask yourself, why not?
The spreadsheet wrote itself?
Why aren't the Republicans doing a better job of publicly investigating Democratic sins, starting with the Clinton Foundation?
I love the way "spreadsheet" brings a gloss of authority. Imagine if the word "twitter feed" was used instead.
The reckoning.
The reckoning
It's coming for you, Inga, don't you worry.
I'm reckoning, Inga, that you have nothing to do but gas endlessly here from 8 a.m. until 2 a.m. the next morning.
This appears to be your job.
What in the hell is wrong with you?
Blogger Ralph L said...
Why aren't the Republicans doing a better job of publicly investigating Democratic sins, starting with the Clinton Foundation?
For the same reason the spreadsheet story is bogus. Congressional investigations are time-consuming exercises in tangents, triva, and anticlimax.
If all that evidence was sitting around announcing itself, it would already be applied.
So if the Democrats retain power, absolutely nothing positive for the American people will be getting done. All their energy will be wasted on this bullshit.
Business will go backwards, the economy will start to crash and continue crashing, all of the diplomatic progress will be erased, illegal alien invasion will ramp up, taxes will go up, regulations be reinstated. The Anti-fa and SJW morons will be energized.
Sell your portfolios people. Take defensive positions. Hunker down in your bunkers. It is going to be a bumpy ride.
"Why aren't the Republicans doing a better job of publicly investigating Democratic sins, starting with the Clinton Foundation?"
-- Honestly, they can't. The FBI botched the initial investigations so badly, so much evidence is tainted or lost or no longer usable that realistically, nothing is happening to Clinton. You could, maybe, get some of her underlings on perjury, but you'd have to withdraw their immunities, which they seem unwilling to do.
I think the USA needs an investigation of the pay-to-play scheme that Hillary Clinton operated while she was Secretary of State.
Remember: The FBI knew about the Clinton campaign and staff taking hammers to government devices to destroy them so that the data on it couldn't be recovered -- and *did nothing* despite the fact those devices were subpoenaed. A serious investigation of Clinton was never in the cards.
Elections have consequences.
There is no Red Wave. There never was the possibility of a Red Wave. The Democrats have conducted themselves so deplorably that everyone realized they were crazy and had nothing to offer. They tries to tell people that any tax cut would be disastrous. They tried to push the open borders nonsense, even though 72% of the country hates it. They kept on pushing the rest of the Soros agenda because they have to--he owns them, body and soul. The JournoListers think if they say it, it will happen. Yeah. Like they made Hillary happen.
Funny that the laundry list is the sell, not the reporting.
I clicked through to garner this:
The spreadsheet — which I'm told originated in a senior House Republican office — catalogs more than 100 formal requests from House Democrats this Congress, spanning nearly every committee.
So that's actual news, for what it's worth.
Shit like this happens because of ChuckRepublicans.
Fuck ChuckRepublicans.
Dust Bunny Queen said...
So if the Democrats retain power, absolutely nothing positive for the American people will be getting done. All their energy will be wasted on this bullshit.
For Congress, nothing done is a high standard.
"The spreadsheet — which I'm told originated in a senior House Republican office — catalogs more than 100 formal requests from House Democrats this Congress, spanning nearly every committee."
-- Oh, so this isn't stuff the Republicans irrationally fear might be investigated; these are things Democrats have told them they'll investigate given the option.
What's the story, exactly?
The problem for the Democrats is that even though the DOJ/FBI refused to investigate Hillary Clinton, the electorate remembers that the DOJ/FBI refused to investigate her.
So this was prepared by Republicans, and circulated among Republicans?
Wouldn't it be safe to also presume that it was leaked by one or more Republicans? Althouse regularly -- and often rightly -- warns us to take care to notice who it is that is the source of leaked news. I am doing that right now.
I really don't think that Democrats want to undertake all of those investigations. They want the Department of Justice to undertake them, and finish the Muller investigation, which they hope (and which I mostly expect) will turn up some serious federal crimes on the part of Donald Trump, the Trump Foundation and the Trump Organization. But more than anything, just let Mueller's office finish its work.
The House and Senate under Republican leadership have already held investigations or hearings on a number of these. I'm pretty sure Comey testified; I'm pretty sure I've heard testimony from DHS officials on border separations; Hurricane response; election security. Duelling party memos on Russia/Trump.
So what republic shaking issues remain: Mnuchin's finances? What about Mnuchin's wife's finances?
"I really don't think that Democrats want to undertake all of those investigations."
-- They do. Or at least, they're willing to file requests to do so while out of power to make headlines. Apparently, the list, cited above, came from formal requests, not just random musings.
"I'm pretty sure Comey testified."
-- And perjured himself while admitting to leaking confidential information. *And nothing happened to him.* Which is why it is hard to take most of these investigations seriously.
If the electorate agrees that the USA should have sanctuary cities for illegal aliens, then the Democrats will win the future elections.
Ah, a list of all the things that democrats are going to do to actually manage the country and make it a better place to live. You know, like the whole point they are voted into office.
Oh. It’s none of that? Looks like a witch hunt to take someone down.
A serious investigation of Clinton was never in the cards.
The Administrative State is still in power.
Chuck will cheer it on.
If the Dims take the House watch the stock market.
Before the Democrats get too optimistic, they should keep in mind that Vladimir Putin surely will buy more Facebook ads during our election races this year.
That might again be a decisive advantage for the Republicans, as it was in 2016.
The Democrats are so mismanaged I hardly consider this a threat.
If they can't indict Trump, they'll get one of his children, or they' get some of the people he did business with. Trump was a real estate developer and casino owner. Look hard enough and you'll find something.......Democrats should be aware of the precedent they're setting. All their outrage about Trump's sexism has led to the fall and disgrace of a great many Democrats without ever really harming Trump.
“All their outrage about Trump's sexism has led to the fall and disgrace of a great many Democrats without ever really harming Trump.”
It has nothing to do with Trump’s sexism. If you’re truly as concerned with corruption as you claim, you wouldn’t be so willing to turn a blind eye to Trump’s. Your Clinton Derangement Syndrome has deranged your thinking and reason.
What can Dems promise besides investigations and impeachment?
Scorching the earth is their MO.
For the record, I'm all for it. The more investigations the better.
Looks suspiciously similar to the list JournOlist is using daily.
No mention is made of Session’s guy in the Utah District Court accumulating 46000 sealed indictments ready to arrest corrupt pols and friends from both parties that have sold out for Saudi cash when that was Congresses only primary function for over 30 years. Somebody had to repatrate the petro dollars.
You say something--anything--then by your tone and expression you make it seem like the biggest crime ever
Darrell is correct- this is designed 'leak' in order to help flip the House, not to discuss what will happen when/if it happens.
I can't imagine the meltdown when/if the House doesn't flip. Maybe a few lefties will actually move to Canada.
Watch for a Presidential counterattack against Twitter this week.
I've been saying for a while that President Trump could put a serious hurting on Twitter by using instead. This may be the week.
I've had a account for a year or two now but have never done much with it. (I do very little with Twitter, either) Yesterday I got an email from that President Trump was now following me.
It is a new account, created in August but it doesn't say what day. No posts yet. As far as I can tell it is a verified account and is really himself. Not that many followers yet but seems to be following everyone on Gab. That would seem like a logical way to notify people he is there and that they should follow him.
What will be really cool would be if he starts posting while Twitter's Jack Dorsey is testifying this week. Then perhaps one of the Congresspeople can ask him "Hey, Jack, what is this thing President Trump is posting on?"
A second prediction: There has already been battlespace preparation about Gab being a white nationalist service. Some of this is because people have come there after being forced off Twitter. There also seems to be a Soros group effort to post false-flag white nationalist and racist notes. is explicitly free speech so doesn't take them, or any other legal thing down.
Is Facebook next?
John Henry
That's a good list which if followed by a Democrat majority in Congress will keep them occupied enough that they won't be able to do anything else. This deplorable considers that a huge win.
And perjured himself while admitting to leaking confidential information.
As we have already covered, leaking confidential (as opposed to classified) information is not illegal. It could get you fired, but it is not a crime.
Blogger Inga...Allie Oop said...
The reckoning.
Longer Inga: "This time we've really got him!"
Meep, meep!
Watch out for that anvil, Inga dear.
John Henry
Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi are married to wealthy bankers. I'm sure that the money their spouses has made comes from hard work and shrewd business acumen. Pelosi and Waters would have no objections to anyone investigating the business dealings of their family.......I read the Caro book. LBJ's wife owned a string of rural radio stations in Texas. People who had need of favorable treatment in the Senate found it advisable to advertise on those radio stations. My guess is that LBJ isn't the only Democrat to figure out a scam.
Weak tea.
Discussion of classified information at Mar-a-Lago
How would they know this? Is it some argument that Trump talked about classified information at Mar-a-Lago, because as President, he can do that. Are Democrats tapping his phones at Mar-a-Lago?
Good Americans saved us in November '16, they should be up to the task again this November.
A private spreadsheet. Who did they obtain? oh well. as long as it wasn't the Russians.
Blogger Inga...Allie Oop said...
Trump says, does, or hides, even if it is treasonous
That is a pretty bold charge, even for you, honey.
Can you give us any examples of President Trump's "treasonous" behavior?
No? Bless your heart.
John Henry
Michael K said...
A serious investigation of Clinton was never in the cards.
The Administrative State is still in power.
Chuck will cheer it on.
If the Dims take the House watch the stock market.
If we got a good robust investigation of Hillary Clinton going, do you suppose it could have some real consequence? Like, perhaps her impeachment? No, wait, that's not right is it?
"As we have already covered, leaking confidential (as opposed to classified) information is not illegal. It could get you fired, but it is not a crime."
-- Whoever told you that is wrong: (a) Whoever knowingly and willfully communicates, furnishes, transmits, or otherwise makes available to an unauthorized person, or publishes, or uses in any manner prejudicial to the safety or interest of the United States or for the benefit of any foreign government to the detriment of the United States any classified information
The definition of classified information being: "The term “classified information” means information which, at the time of a violation of this section, is, for reasons of national security, specifically designated by a United States Government Agency for limited or restricted dissemination or distribution;"
So. Yes. Confidential information related to national security (which we're told the things Comey leaked were since they dealt with Russia) is a crime. Sorry if someone who didn't bother to read everything lied to you.
Remember: The FBI knew about the Clinton campaign and staff taking hammers to government devices to destroy them so that the data on it couldn't be recovered -- and *did nothing* despite the fact those devices were subpoenaed. A serious investigation of Clinton was never in the cards.
There is no greater corruption than Hillary Clinton. She is a cancer. So - we better get Trump on a technicality.
Do these Dumb-ocrats realize that they are motivating people to vote GOP even if they hadn't intended to? Most people--yes, most!--want Trump to stay in office. Even a lot of people who didn't vote for him, or didn't vote at all, are now firmly in his camp. Threatening to derail his presidency is an urgent call to the polls for Republicans and Independents alike.
What about Claire McCatkill's money, or Diane Finstein's rich husband and his government contracts?, or Nancy Pelosi or Maxine Waters,
Or Bernie Sanders mega millions. When democrats harvest millions with protected hidden insider government-for-life seats, they get the Menendez treatment.
If the part of the electorate that never shows up to vote can be convinced Democrats are interested in them, the Republican victory will be overwhelmingly huge.
People who rarely pay attention to politics except to bitch don't want politicians to help, hinder, or be interested in them at all; they want to be left alone and ignored. T.C. Mits is starting to get really tired of having to carefully watch his words or be hauled before a reeducation committee at work. And he can see where it's coming from. Exclusively the left side of the aisle. And it's becoming clear they won't leave anyone alone.
“Do these Dumb-ocrats realize that they are motivating people to vote GOP even if they hadn't intended to?”
Do you dummies have no idea of the massive amount of energy there is on the left to come out to vote? People who aren’t already Trumpists are not going to vote Republican because people are asking legitimate questions about Trump.
@mockturtle: I suspect this is the point of the "leak" of the list.
Hillary lost, so there will be a reckoning.
No Corrupt Clinton Foundation investigation. Nope.
In the recent Primary for Governor, in Wisconsin, 81,000 more Democrats came out to vote than Republicans. In Minnesota 250,000 more Democrats came out to vote than Republicans. That should give you a hint.
Threatening to derail his presidency is an urgent call to the polls for Republicans and Independents alike.
Hope you're right. Do you know of any studies that would indicate that this is the case?
Everybody who was anybody in the Clinton “investigation” was given immunity for exactly nothing by Peter Strzok. It probably seemed like a good idea when Hillary was going to be POTUS to bleach some of the shit stains on her laundry.
Please, no more congressional investigations. Just start swinging the axe in the DOJ, FBI, and CIA. Giving Strozk the heave-ho was long overdue. Let's see more firings, and some prosecutions.
Do you know of any studies that would indicate that this is the case?
Studies, schmudies. Name one study that showed Trump would win.
I asked in another thread if the Republican race in either Wisconsin or Minnesota was uncontested, which would make Inga's latest talking point completely absurd. Can't find it now to see if anyone confirmed that.
Inga buys all the douchebag commentary from Cuomo, Lanny Davis and the 14 year old boy named Rachel.
Lanny Davis was so sure he had the smoking gun on the Trump-Russia STOLE the election!
Now - Not so much.
“Please, no more congressional investigations.”
The Republican House investigations were bogus. Under Democrats there will be a legitimate investigation.
When Democrats have control of the House, they will have subpoena power and believe me they will subpoena people who the Republicans refused to.
Studies, schmudies. Name one study that showed Trump would win.
Please avoid facts, news, or logic.
On the plus side, we'll know soon enough. Just 10 more weeks.
“I asked in another thread if the Republican race in either Wisconsin or Minnesota was uncontested, which would make Inga's latest talking point completely absurd. Can't find it now to see if anyone confirmed that.”
Nope. The numbers are far far higher than a normal uncontested Primary. Do some research.
Can Inga share one legitimate reason as to why Republicans shouldn't respond to any Democrat subpoenas exactly the same way that Hillary did, i.e. with hammers to hard drives? Cause I'd like to see them do that even if there's nothing incriminating on them, just to make the point.
Fill us in on Trump's treason. And what he has done to break the law.
When Democrats have control of the House, they will have subpoena power and believe me they will subpoena people who the Republicans refused to.
Oh, we know that. Everyone who has ever voted Republican will be under subpoena and subject to arrest and prosecution.
Venezuela, here we come !
Inga's response about numbers being "far far higher than a normal uncontested primary" makes absolutely no sense to me. Can't see any way to interpret that that actually bolsters her supposed point. Anyone able to puzzle out what she's trying to claim here?
I work in sales and growing small businesses. Been doing it for 15 years.
So often, you "win" because your competitor lost. It's not because you are great.
Democrats have a modest possibility of taking the House after a 1+ year special prosecutor and wall to wall negative coverage of the incumbent republican administration. Their platform is almost entirely about pursuing the administration.
This is a situation in which the democrats polling averages should be seen as damning. If I was a democrat, I would look at this and go "oh my God, my party is in a disasterous state".
I think they may win the house. I don't think they should celebrate and I HOPE we see some new democratic leadership involved.
I think they may win the house. I don't think they should celebrate and I HOPE we see some new democratic leadership involved.
In my perfect world, every incumbent would lose and the new house leadership would be made of red state democrats.
Inga...Allie Oop: In the recent Primary for Governor, in Wisconsin, 81,000 more Democrats came out to vote than Republicans.
In the 2014 Wisconsin gubernatorial primary, 72000 more Democrats came out to vote than Republicans. In the general, Walker won by a margin of over 135000.
Vote count was up about 72% in the Democratic primary from 2014, but up about 90% in the Republican primary.
There appears to be a significant increase in enthusiasm from four years ago, but that enthusiasm increase does not favor the Democrats.
The “reckoning” is what Democrats are facing right now for trying to ram Hillary down America’s collective throat. Even Inga couldn’t vote for her. Hillary worked to position Trump for the nomination, it’s all in Wikileaks. She has been shown to be far more responsible for Trump being president than anything from Putin. Putin was greasing the palms of both Manafort and Podesta. Betting both sides.
Thanks for adding the necessary context to Inga's bullshit, SeanF.
Looking at it another way: In 2014, Democrats had a 30% advantage over Republicans in primary voters (but still lost the general). In the 2018 primary, The D advantage is only 18%.
Not concerned with the things Trump does?
Not at all.
I am very concerned about the Dow - over 26,000 for the first time ever.
Paul Krugman hardest hit.
Just by way of no harm:
Stocks jumped on Monday as the United States and Mexico drew closer to a deal on NAFTA. Investors also digested reassuring comments from Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell on the central bank's policy-tightening path.
The Nasdaq Composite climbed 0.6 percent to an all-time high, breaking above 8,000 for the first time, as Facebook, Amazon, Netflix and Alphabet. The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 214 points as Caterpillar outperformed. The S&P 500 gained 0.6 percent to hit a record high with materials and financials as the best-performing sectors. The Nasdaq Composite climbed 0.6 percent to an all-time high, breaking above 8,000 for the first time, as Facebook, Amazon, Netflix and Alphabet. The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 214
All credit should go to the House and Senate Democrats for this. Right, Inga?
John Henry
"- Oh, so this isn't stuff the Republicans irrationally fear might be investigated; these are things Democrats have told them they'll investigate given the option.
What's the story, exactly?"
Drive GOP turnout and get Trump re-elected. What could do Democrats greater harm with the electorate than raving about Stormy Daniels for a couple of years?
Really, at this point I don't think it's about Trump at all. They're just desperately trying to distract from their own corruption and malfeasance.
I see Inga and Chuck are hoping to kill the stock market rally by electing a Dim House. There is no chance they could win the Senate.
There is no NAFTA in spite of the newspapers. Trump is negotiating bilateral trade agreements with Mexico and later Canada.
If The Dims got the House, the country would go into a 2 year period of frenzy by the Democrats and the economy would fall.
I hope voters are smart enough not to elect crazies, as mist Democrats are these days,
Inga is an example. She still thinks the Russians elected Trump. There is no thought there, Just emotion at fever pitch.
mockturtle said...
Do these Dumb-ocrats realize that they are motivating people to vote GOP even if they hadn't intended to? Most people--yes, most!--want Trump to stay in office. Even a lot of people who didn't vote for him, or didn't vote at all, are now firmly in his camp. Threatening to derail his presidency is an urgent call to the polls for Republicans and Independents alike.
Again; it appears this was a list crafted by Republicans, for Republicans, and was likely leaked to the press by Republicans. For Republicans' benefit. And it may have been for the exact reason that you postulate.
The entire Democratic platform: Unseat Trump. Where's the beef? But, then, Democratic voters of the last few decades haven't been known to display logic or common sense.
Again; it appears this was a list crafted by Republicans,
Chuck, did you notice that the list was made up of Democrats' plans and requests?
It was not made up out of thin air.
Michael K said...
I see Inga and Chuck are hoping to kill the stock market rally by electing a Dim House. There is no chance they could win the Senate.
And the place where I wrote that I hope that Democrats take the House was... Where, exactly?
Where do you step off, telling people what my opinions are when you haven't even asked me?
You're a physician? A surgeon? A sometime-courtroom expert, and a sometime-state medical consultant? You need to learn some better manners along with some better professionalism.
Inga is an example. She still thinks the Russians elected Trump.
She still pretends the Russians elected Trump.
Even Lefties aren't that stupid. They made up a lie to get Trump through lawfare.
Michael K said...
Again; it appears this was a list crafted by Republicans,
Chuck, did you notice that the list was made up of Democrats' plans and requests?
It was not made up out of thin air.
Of course it was not made up out of thin air. It was drafted on the basis of the House Democrats' many and varied and often-times refused requests for records on all of those topics. Who ever doubted that?
Some new neighbors moved in and they are democrats. They hate Bush and campaigned for John Kerry. They voted for Trump.
Even Lefties aren't that stupid. They made up a lie to get Trump through lawfare.
Are you sure lefties aren't that stupid ?
Read Inga's comments and get back to me.
Dickin', I've met quite a few former Dems who voted for Trump. Obviously, more than a few Obama voters voted for Trump.
“What could do Democrats greater harm with the electorate than raving about Stormy Daniels for a couple of years?”
No one cares about what Trump did with Stormy Daniels. It’s what Trump did in his attempts to cover it up shortly before the election. Are you people truly this stupid?
You need to learn some better manners along with some better professionalism.
Chuck, who is always attacking others using obscene and threatening language tells me about manners ?
Chuck, maybe you should quit while ahead.
See Darrell ? Look at that comment by the fool.
I read Michael K’s comments and have to wonder how his kids feel about seeing their father in his decline.
I see Inga and Chuck are hoping to kill the stock market rally by electing a Dim House.
The market can stay irrational longer than the country can stay solvent.
There's really zero reliable data that aligns stock market behavior to the party in power -- Congress or White House. Search and you can find a well-publicized study that supports Democrats as the stock-market lucky charm, but it is built on a foundation of self-serving assumptions and probabilistic nonsense, so much so that it's not worth the trouble.
He covered it up! oh no!
The only people who care about some stupid pay-off to a porn star are .... power mongers on the left.
The unknown factor in the elections is social media.
I was surprised in Facebook to see you may like this page, for that 28 year old my socialist lady.
Nothing I have ever posted on fb has been to the left.
Remember when the access hollywood tape was gong to be the end of Trump?
LOL good times. Corrupt Hillary and her media wanted Trump so they could bring him down. That has not changed.
I bet Trump paid Stormy off in Rubles.
The Democrats should post their POLICY wish list, if they get power:
1. Repeal the tax cuts
2. Stop border enforcement
3. More Sanctuary cities
4. Nationalized healthcare
5. Gin up hysteria towards war with Russia
6. Mandatory gay marriage for all (I exaggerate here, sorry.)
Shit like that....
Inga is playing the "it's not the crime it's the coverup" play? Seriously?! Hillary took hammers to hard drives and phones!
Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
A-freaking-men, WB. The world stands on the brink of great, marvelous changes wrought by technology and commerce. Poverty is plummeting. Human life is becoming more dignified for more people than at any time in the history of our species. We should be celebrating, soberly of course, since no human made achievement cannot be undone by humans. Instead, our country looks like it is going to tear itself apart over issues that, on the scale of history, are absurdly petty. The center cannot hold, meanwhile we ignore what is slouching toward Bethlehem to be born. Yeats was prescient. He wrote the "Second Coming" in 1919. How many more hundreds of millions of bodies stacked up in the second half of the 20th century?
We are Summer's children, what will we do when Winter actually comes?
There is no Red Wave.
Nothing you list supports a BLUE wave!
I see Inga as a duplicitous liar--a strictly partisan hack. When she gets called out on it, she lashes out. It must be tough knowing that you have to wait for the fire brigade to get you out of your home, as she must. When she mentioned her weight loss last week, I wondered how many hundreds of pounds must she lose before she is simply considered morbidly obese. Sad.
Just a small indicator in this era of overflowing bullshit is < the effect of Trump on the Florida Governor's race.
With the 2018 primaries about to end, all but two of the 37 Republicans Mr. Trump has endorsed for House, Senate and governor during their primary campaigns have won. Mr. Trump has abandoned or undercut the party’s traditional commitment to free trade, fiscal conservatism and a hawkish foreign policy.
Mr. Trump’s most vocal GOP critics in elective office—none more forceful than Sen. John McCain of Arizona, who died Saturday—have been defeated in primaries, announced their retirement or gone quiet.
Chuck and Inga most affected.
finish the Muller investigation, which they hope (and which I mostly expect) will turn up some serious federal crimes on the part of Donald Trump, the Trump Foundation and the Trump Organization. But more than anything, just let Mueller's office finish its work.
Which is exactly the charge to the Special Counsel, right?
Nope, just the witch hunt that the leftist are so adapt at. As usual, Democrats are huge failures at legislating. The only victories they ever have are handed to them by judges.
My only wish, is Republicans would do exactly what the Dems do all the time.
OT. I see the new US Attourney Geoffery Berman SDNY was ordered by Rosenstien to recuse himself From the Cohen show trials. Without a Specific conflict, I see obstruction of justice.
Blogger Darrell said...
Even Lefties aren't that stupid.
Inga sez: "Hold my beer and watch this!
John Henry
The list reads a lot like Dorothy Parker's description of Oakland: "There's no there, there."
For sure, the media will act as if it's all breathlessly important and damning... but do i really care about Stephen Mnuchin's pre-2017 businesses?
It could (emphasize, COULD) backfire if they pursue all those threads and the public sees how ridiculous much of it is, even to the point that some serious issues get buried in all the garbage.
Again, the true crime is beating Hillary. Any candidate who would have beat Hillary would be receiving the same treatment from the collective left, their media and the Southern District of New York.
"No one cares about what Trump did with Stormy Daniels. It’s what Trump did in his attempts to cover it up shortly before the election. Are you people truly this stupid?"
It was not illegal for Trump. As Dershowitz has pointed out, Daniels could have a letter from Trump saying "Here is some money to shut you up about our affair so I can get elected" and it still wouldn't be a violation. He is allowed to spend any amount of his own money on almost anything to help his election, and it's not illegal to pay someone to shut up, although it is illegal for Daniels to demand it. There are only campaign donation limits for others, but not for yourself.
Democrats: The Butt-hurt is STRONG in these ones.
Great post, policraticus! But the answer is that humans, being what they are, will always seek division and war. The only peace possible is a tyrannical one and most of us don't want that. I think Yeats probably realized that and found his peace at Innisfree.
On politics, we seem to be getting an echo chamber on the left.
My daughter commented to me during a carpool the driver was listening to the Young Turks. She was shocked at the anger level.
The Democrats have turned up Trump hatred to an 11, and it’s a self perpetuating machine that just gets stronger.
And Trump is happy to add gas to the fire / outrage machine, since it causes his opponents to look hyper partisan, and over step themselves.
I wonder if the Democrats and LLR outrage levels will ever go down during the Trump administration.
I hope the backlash to the over reach by Mueller will change the current system of “show me the man, I’ll show you the crime”
Not many mentions of Russian Collusion, or obstruction anymore. That fig leaf has dried up. Just the raw unapologetic witch hunt. President Trump proven right again. No I am not tired of winning.
Blogger Ray said...
The unknown factor in the elections is social media.
Yup, potentially huge. Hiding things that might be helpful to the right (as in correct) side. Highlighting things that may be helpful to the fascist side. As happened to you.
That is why President Trump going to is HUGE.
Will he start a MySpace account next?
John Henry
Michael K. said...
"Mr. Trump’s most vocal GOP critics in elective office—none more forceful than Sen. John McCain of Arizona, who died Saturday—have been defeated in primaries, announced their retirement or gone quiet."
Chuck and Inga most affected.
I would say John McCain most affected.
For a lot of people, social media is an alternative to voting, and those people should probably stick with social media.
Media, social or otherwise, do not predict political outcomes.
Tim in Vermont said...
Hillary worked to position Trump for the nomination, it’s all in Wikileaks.
Shouldnt that put Hillary’s campaign within the ambit of Mueller’s investigative mandate, especially considering her eventual collusion with Russian sources?
As we speak the Nation States named Mexico and the United States, both under new management, are replacing the sneaky North American Trade Union that was put into place early on to erect a New World Order provence. That makes Canada really mad. They always expected to reabsorb the States into an Empire in which the Brits and friends held the upper hand.
Too bad, so sad. The 1775 Patriots are still ruling things around here.
After reading the comments on this thread, I am once again comforted by the fact that Inga the Idiot and Chuckles the Clown represent The Resistance.
Keep up the good work kids and remember, there's got to be a pony in there, eh?
t was not illegal for Trump. As Dershowitz has pointed out,
You are dealing with motivated reasoning. If they are going to get rid of Trump, it must be illegal. It’s a textbook “motivated reasoning” type syllogism.
I read Michael K’s comments and have to wonder how his kids feel about seeing their father in his decline.
This is what passes for reasoned argument from Democrats. Think what we say or we won’t like you.
"No one cares about what Trump did with Stormy Daniels"
Exactly. Which is what's going to make the Democrat's endless raving about it so delightful.
If they are going to get rid of Trump, it must be illegal.
It is all very much "Show me the man. I will find the crime."
Welcome to the USSR.
. Gold plated toilets
. Orange hair
. Playboy bunny, porn star, supermodel trifecta
. Worldwide Wrestling
.Tannng bed
. The Apprentice
. Hat
. No dog
. Queens
Michael K said...
"You need to learn some better manners along with some better professionalism."
Chuck, who is always attacking others using obscene and threatening language tells me about manners ?
Chuck, maybe you should quit while ahead.
Michael, when ignorant fuckwads who frequent these comments pages write that I am lying, when I say that I am a lifelong Republican who voted for Trump, I am going to call them ignorant fuckwads.
When certain commenters here write that I am lying about being a lawyer, I am going to call them ignorant fuckwads as well. And when some crazed commenters write that I am a drunk, or mentally diseased, I'll call those ignorant fuckwads out for what they are.
I was never the source of foul-language personal attacks on these pages. I was the target of those attacks in the first instance. It's garbage, and since Althouse won't police it, I'll respond in kind. Which is not intended or calculated to help with the readability of the blog's comments. But as long as Althouse deems it not her job to moderate her comments, it won't be my job to help with the readability of her comments pages.
And again Michael -- you ignorant fuckwad -- you called me out in this page as rooting for the Democrats to take the House. When I have never written or said anything like that.
Deal with that, You nasty old lying sack of shit.
More bad news for Chuck and Inga.
Mexico's AMLO wants NAFTA done before he takes office, says expert Mexico's AMLO wants NAFTA done before he takes office, says expert
3 Hours Ago | 04:06
The U.S. and Mexico struck a trade deal on Monday that paved the way to replace NAFTA, the current agreement between the two nations and Canada.
President Donald Trump said the deal would be called The United States-Mexico Trade agreement, getting rid of the NAFTA name. "The name NAFTA has a bad connotation because the United States was hurt very badly by NAFTA," he said. Trump added that the deal with Mexico is also very special for farmers and manufacturers. "We've made it better" for both countries.
Officials were in Washington trying to work out the issues as the Trump administration pushes to remake the 1994 agreement with the U.S., Mexico and Canada. There was some hope that a new NAFTA could be solidified before Mexico's government turnover on Dec. 1.
Damn, another win for that goddamned Trump !
Ray said...
The unknown factor in the elections is social media.
I was surprised in Facebook to see you may like this page, for that 28 year old my socialist lady.
Nothing I have ever posted on fb has been to the left.
That's referred to as a known unknown. Most all of us paying attention credits social media with Trump's victory, much to the distress of the CEO's and upper management of social media companies. But how much influence does it actually have? I can tell you that most of the people who knew any actual details of Hillary and her unlawful server and unlawful sending of classified emails over a non-secure network knew about it because of social media and the internet. Newspaper coverage of the email in my area always began with "Republicans accuse....
I've seen a lot of postings and memes on my facebook page of the NY gubernatorial race. The memes have all been anti-Cuomo. And the other postings have all been of where Larry Sharpe for Governor appearances are happening. Larry Sharpe, Libertarian Party candidate. Nothing pro or con on the Republican candidate, whoever he is. Since I know the Republican candidate is going to, lose, I may just vote for Larry Sharpe. Because based on the number of people I've seen post on him, and who the people are- there's a lot of support for him. NY rules- if he gets >5% of the LP gets a permanent ballot line until the next gubernatorial election. And line position is determined by vote percentage. If he gets more than the Republican, they get 2nd line. Here's his facebook page link:
And again Michael -- you ignorant fuckwad -- you called me out in this page as rooting for the Democrats to take the House. When I have never written or said anything like that.
Deal with that, You nasty old lying sack of shit.
What would I do without Chuck and Inga to prove my points ?
I would say John McCain most affected.
I expect that John left us at least a month ago. Maybe more.
We must get to the bottom of this!
President Trump is known to get two scoops of ice cream.
--The Democrats
Chuckles said ... " I was never the source of foul-language personal attacks on these pages."
Sober up Chuckles. It will improve your memory.
I'm off in a few moments to se what I can do to help Lea Marquez-Peterson hold on to District 2 Congressional seat. It was Martha McSally's until she ran for the Senate.
I'm volunteering. I already voted for her.
No one cares about what Trump did with Stormy Daniels. It’s what Trump did in his attempts to cover it up shortly before the election.
Ha ha ha ha ha. Bill Clinton had a whole team to silence Bimbo Eruptions. Gee I guess maybe there's a law passed since then to prohibit bimbos? Is that right Inga? It's now illegal to have blackmailers sign an NDA? Right. And primaries ALWAYS are more important than turnout for elections too!
you ignorant fuckwad -- you called me out in this page as rooting for the Democrats to take the House.
Ignorant fuckwads of the world unite! You have nothing to lose, but your brains!
The Clintons did more than silence -they had people murdered.
The same assholes in bed with that crap are investigating Trump.
No one cares about what Trump did with Stormy Daniels. It’s what Trump did in his attempts to cover it up shortly before the election.
Honestly? Only the media, rabid Democrats, and never-Trumpers care about anything to do with that. The rest of us remember the media and Democrats mantra from a previous era- it's just about sex. Everyone lies about it.
The Clintons and a bunch of richer-than-they-need-to-be oligarch wanna-bes own the Democrats, right down to the paper in the copiers.
My advice to GOP Congress Critters. Put people in place to limit the ability of Democrats to get away with cheating. Work with the RNC and RNCC to get out your vote. If your opponent goes negative hit back hard. And campaign like your career depends on it.
" But as long as Althouse deems it not her job to moderate her comments, it won't be my job to help with the readability of her comments pages."
Lifeling Incel Chuck imagines that he should have a job of policing Althouse's blog. To go with his other imaginary job of being a lawyer.
Little Cucky Boy is the hardest imaginary worker in the world.
I guess she's stuck with the nordstream, with ex stasi agent,
If Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire, were not in fact a LifeLong Republican...
What exactly would be different about the comments he leaves?
Sure, he might say the obligatory nice things about a dead Republican.
But that wouldn't be any different than the NYT.
Screw Trump. I'm so done with him that done doesn't even describe it. I've gotten tired of winning.
Here is what happened:
I have a US client that I have done a lot of work for who has a similar plant in Malaysia. I was supposed to go there for 2 weeks toward the end of th eyear. Now, thanks to that bastard Trump, they are closing the plant and moving it to New Jersey. Not even the nice parts of NJ (I have heard there are some) but that north jersey sinkhole.
I may still get the work but it'll be 2 weeks in Jersey instead of Malaysia. (I figured on a 2-3 day layover in Korea, too)
So Screw you, President Trump. There can be such a thing as too much winning. How the Hell can he make it attractive to move an operation, supplying Asia, very manual, from low labor cost Malaysia to a high labor cost New Jersey?
Just kidding above. I am tickled pink that the operation is moving (not moving back, but moving) to the US. I am disappointed at not going to Malaysia but I'll take the bitter with the sweet.
Not the lest bit tired of winning yet.
John Henry
Democrats are encouraged because the DOJ/FBI are in the hands of eunuchs Sessions and Wray and Obot Rosenstein.
In more courageous hands reopening the email investigation and including Obama, a Panetta overseas dealing investigation, looking into security violations by Rice and Obama, following up whistleblows in the FBI, particularly on Mueller would likely provide interesting counterpunches.
Inga said...
"In the recent Primary for Governor, in Wisconsin, 81,000 more Democrats came out to vote than Republicans."
You know that sounds like a lot, like a whole lot. So I pulled stats on the Wisconsin primary results FROM 2014. I just looked at the Governor primary and this is what I found:
312106 votes
A difference of 72000.
Now don't get me wrong, increasing turnout by 12.5% is not shabby, but it makes that 81000 number far far less impressive.
That's referred to as a known unknown.
Someone rang?
meanwhile blowing in from Hawaii:
Look at the comments above. Don't worry about what the people wrote, but instead consider the tone.
I have to say the Democrats and Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire, seem rather negative. It's hard to tell with Royal ass Inga because she has so little to say. But she writes like somebody who is angry.
Then look at John Henry. Get his tone. The difference is striking.
Glen Greenwald interview in May of 2018:
Well, as you know, I’ve been a skeptic of this entire Russia Mueller investigation from the start. And, you know, we’ve seen this so many times before in Washington, where allegations of impropriety lead to an independent counsel or special counsel, and then, years later, the special counsel is so far afield from the original allegations that nobody even remembers what prompted the investigation to begin with. And I think, in large part, that’s what’s happened here. Remember that in 2016 the controversy began because people in the Clinton campaign, and then the intelligence community, claimed that Vladimir Putin himself ordered Russian intelligence officials to hack the DNC and John Podesta email inbox and that the Trump campaign colluded with them to do that, cooperated and conspired with them on the hacking. Here we are, 18 months later. There have been a lot of indictments, but none of those indictments have anything to do with those original claims, nor has any evidence been presented that those original claims are actually true.
Lucid evaluation. Can't be disputed.
Can Congress investigate someone's tax returns without any evidence of a crime?
narciso said...
meanwhile blowing in from Hawaii:
Interesting article, especially this quote: "A U.S. judge on Monday extended a ban on the online distribution of 3-D printed gun blueprints, a win for a group of mainly Democratic-led states that said such a publication would violate their right to regulate firearms and endanger their citizens."
A state's right to regulate firearms? Don't see that anywhere in the Constitution. Not even in the 10th amendment. I do see the 2nd amendment, A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. Since we, the people, are the militia, I will continue to state that every law abiding citizen should have an unfettered right to freely obtain the standard firearm issued to the infantry. Without interference from the government. And without the government keeping track.
"I read Michael K’s comments and have to wonder how his kids feel about seeing their father in his decline."
Dems/journos seem to have dropped the dementia card they were flinging at Trump for a while.'ll be back when they think it helpful. It would be cool if Pelosi ran with that one.
But if we're going to talk commenter's kids, wonder how Inga's conservative kid(s) view her rantings here...if they exist and are aware.
in the good ole days, Madonna assembled a curious set list:
The Material Girl’s message was decidedly feminist and anti-Donald J. Trump, the Republican nominee. “Women are marginalized, let’s face it,” Madonna said between songs. “As far as I’m concerned, we still live in an extremely chauvinist, sexist, misogynist country. And that’s why Hillary Clinton needs to be president.”
The show was just five songs long: Madonna’s own “Express Yourself,” “Like a Prayer” and “Don’t Tell Me” as well as “Imagine” and a mash-up of “If I Had a Hammer” and her “Rebel Heart.” It was mainly a singalong, in the folk music tradition of the Village. People held signs, shouted “I’m with her” and appeared to know all of the words.
she hated palin, as well she still thinks she's a fake duchess:
Birkel said...
If Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire, were not in fact a LifeLong Republican...
What exactly would be different about the comments he leaves?
They have been republicans forever.
They wanted the same thing as democrats. They just called themselves republicans.
They are now unmasked is all.
Birkel said...
If Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire, were not in fact a LifeLong Republican...
What exactly would be different about the comments he leaves?
Hey, I know Chuck! I know what he'd say! You shoulda asked him!
Chuck loves the nominations of Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh, and most of the rest of the Trump federal judicial nominations.
Chuck likes Besty DeVos, a lot.
Chuck vehemently opposed the Lawrence/Windsor/Obergefell line of cases which federalized the law of homosexual rights.
Chuck thinks that Citizens United was great, and McCain-Feingold was rotten.
Chuck likes some of the most contentious figures in American politics in recent years; Judge Jay Bybee and John Yoo of the Bush DoJ OLC; Dick Cheney and Scooter Libby; Mitch McConnell; Justices Scalia and Thomas; Kris Kobach of Kansas; Brad Smith of Capital University; Hans von Spakovsky of Heritage and AEI; etc., etc.
Chuck has voted a straight Republican ballot in every general election in this young century. Chuck has been an election day volunteer for the Republican National Lawyers Association.
The only writing from Chuck that is at all disloyal to the current Republican Party, such as it is, is Chuck's criticism of Donald Trump personally. But you knew that. Actually, you SHOULD HAVE known that, but you seem to have pretended to not understand that. Chuck is not anti-Republican. Chuck is anti-Trump, but pro-Republican.
"Shouldnt that put Hillary’s campaign within the ambit of Mueller’s investigative mandate, especially considering her eventual collusion with Russian sources?"
-- Sort of like when you don't call the foul because the team that was fouled still scored, we decided to let Clinton off on this mistake since, you know, she lost.
Yeah, I've heard that idea before, that Hillary's punishment for her crimes is that she didn't get to be President.
She gets to keep the 140 million from Uranium One though. And all the rest of the cash she acquired via her continuous treason.
Ya know what? I didn't get to be President in 2016 either. Why am I being punished?
Lock. Her. Up. Oh, and take every last penny her family has ever acquired and put it right into the US Treasury.
it was probably spent during the campaign, recall they spent 1.5 billion dollars, bruce ohr is slated to testify tomorrow,
Chuckles the stock market and foreign trade expert thinks that the renegotiated USA-Mexico trade deal is just a Trump bullshit show.
"The S&P 500 and Nasdaq established intraday records on Monday after the U.S. and Mexico reached a tentative trade deal."
Of course, you know best
leaking confidential (as opposed to classified) information - Freder
If the information is labeled Confidential - as opposed to Secret or Top Secret - it is classified.
I swear. The stupidity is unbelievable.
Cupid Stunt still thinks a crowded primary in August is an indicator of voter intensity come November.
Now, it may turn out that way.
But anybody - and I mean, anybody - attempting to use August primary numbers as a measurement of turnout in a general election is November is an idiot.
Trump is the President, a Republican, and the head of the GOP.
Hard to separate Trump hate and hoped-for impeachment from the Republicans.
Tell us, Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire, is the chicken tired yet?
I swear. The stupidity is unbelievable.
Now just a minute. The Field Marshal knows things we don't, I'm sure.
His experience with classified things is probably as extensive as his military record.
LLR Chuck wants you to forget his continuous and passionate defense of every lefty and lefty narrative to come down the pike.
LLR Chuck wants you to forget his lefty talking point parroting.
LLR Chuck wants you to forget his shameless cuckholstering for far too many dems and lefty media types to list but in particular, Li'l Dickie "US troops are gestapo!" Durbin and Stolen Valor piece of crap Blumenthal.
Of all my favorite "Chuck Lefty Favorites", those are the most favorite-est!!
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