August 10, 2018

Casual — and maybe charming — sarcasm from President Trump.


madAsHell said...

His tweets removes some of the narrative control exercised by the press. I love it.

Birkel said...

He shouldn’t pick on the demented.
Also, she may have a brain disease.

rcocean said...

Its amazing how dishonest the "moderate" Democrats always are. They *always* claim to be independent of the Democrat leadership and declare they'll be conservative on social issues or economic issues. They won't be a a left-wing crazy.

Trust them!

And then they go to DC and vote with Schumer or Pelosi 95% of the time. The asshole Senator-D from WV is a perfect example.

madAsHell said...

Has Pelosi attracted a nick name? You Crooked Hillary, Low Energy Jeb, and Low Max IQ!!

Achilles said...

I am going to look forward to seeing the leftists blame the results of November on Russian hacking and collusion.

readering said...

Maybe not.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

+ Russia.

JCCamp said...

Actually, I thought Pelosi's difficulties with her party is that she is not sufficiently left, in this age of impeachment and nazi's. Which, also, I think, demonstrates the degree to which the lunatic left is driving the narrative for the Democrat Party's political posture-du-jour.

fivewheels said...

I don't know if it's charming, but it is funny. And well-deserved. You have these creeps screaming about treason every day, and she's just flat-out encouraging people to give leverage over our government to foreign nationals here illegally. How can those people live with contradictions like that slamming around their tiny heads?

tcrosse said...

Pelosi is well connected to the big San Francisco money, which covers a multitude of sins. As always, follow the money.

buwaya said...

" As always, follow the money."

Always, in everything.
There isn't much that it doesn't explain.

Limited blogger said...

Trump has no personal animosity towards his political enemies. Makes him more dangerous to them.

Rory said...

If he's tweeting at 6 on Friday night, he'll be going gangbusters by tomorrow morning.

Gk1 said...

What is striking to me is to see how far off the reservation the democrats have gone since Rahm Emanuel left the DNC after creating a raft of dem candidates to shuck and jive about how conservative they were to the rubes in flyover country. Remember that" 2005-2007 they conned enough people to take over the majority. And now in the the very areas they need to claw back to be relevant all they are running are spit flecking lefties from the left coast. Its like they forgot how to play the game. Did trump really knock them senseless in 2016?

tcrosse said...

Buwaya is a cynical as I am about the influence of the Big Money guys.

My question is, what's in it for the Tech Moguls, Land Barons and Media Big Shots?

stevew said...

I read these tweets with the knowledge that he does not drink alcohol and that makes them especially awesome.


Guildofcannonballs said...

"Always, in everything.
There isn't much that it doesn't explain."

Except for, natch, everything.

Humans existed before money, for reasons.

After money, too.

Those most money-focused will be taught, after indeed having thus far been, what you parrot. That self-fulfilling prophecy is unAmerican.

I agree America is money to some Americans and all but a very few non-Americans, but not to all Americans. The ones Chip Ahoy and even I myself meet every single Denver day.

I take no pity on your inability to conceive of what strength I refer to, as I've told you before.

Drago said...

This latest tweet is going to drive LLR Chuck into paroxysms of Dem Defense spittle-flecked invective.

And it will be hilarious.

Almost as hilarious as LLR Chuck's "unexpected" passionate defense of Jim Acosta....which no one saw coming.........


victoria said...

See, unknown, i read these tweets with the exact same thought and that makes them especially scary.

vicki from pasadena

Inga...Allie Oop said...

He should keep tweeting until the bitter end.

Comanche Voter said...

Ah San Fran Nan. My late San Francisco sister passed away a couple of years ago. But in 2015 I asked her why San Francisco voters kept re-electing this Napa Valley resident as their Congress Critter (like she doesn't actually live in the District she represents). I couldn't figure out how even a San Francisco Loon (a common mental condition there) would vote for this dingbat. My sister replied that San Francisco voters liked her because "she had the courage to ask tough questions". Well I didn't say your average San Francisco voter was the sharpest pencil in the box--even though my sister was pretty smart--high school valedictorian, Master English Teacher and all that.

But Nancy is the gift that keeps on giving to the Republicans; and her San Francisco voters are picking up their brains in the street. IYKWIMAITYD.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“This latest tweet is going to drive LLR Chuck into paroxysms of Dem Defense spittle-flecked invective.”

Why are you so obsessed with Chuck? Don’t you think it’s gotten weird? Seriously you got Chuckitis bad.

Drago said...

Inga; "Why are you so obsessed with Chuck? Don’t you think it’s gotten weird? Seriously you got Chuckitis bad."

Your continued passionate defense of your comrade in arms Chuck is duly noted.

Guildofcannonballs said...

How much money is Bu getting paid to post, as he has done so often, comments here (well received and rightly so if somewhat embarrassingly sychophantic) if there ain't no money involved directly, or does maybe money have less to do with nearly everything than was claimed?

Guildofcannonballs said...

Drago it's obvious your life would be very empty without the usuals here to troll you.

You are right day after day after day: you are no better than a retard-slapper.

Over and over and over you slap slap slap the retards.

How on Earth is this fulfilling?

Haven't you lived long enough to know there are beautiful things out there, that you, yes you, could spend your time obsessing over? Not nasty ugly brutish things like Chuch, Ritno, Ingo, Garage, Andy-DeSitting Sadist de Sade, etc.

gspencer said...


Paul said...

Pelosi!!! Pelosi!!! Pelosi!!! Pelosi!!! Pelosi!!!

Yes support Pelosi!!! And Mad Maxine with Berine!!


buwaya said...

I am that "not much" that money does not explain.
I am one of those that Cervantes described, or that to a degree.
Whimsy drives me, or perhaps it is that "se le secó el celebro, de manera que vino
a perder el juicio".

Guildofcannonballs said...

Is a certain ultra-high IQ commentator here defined by his income or wealth?

Why not? Money is all that matters.

Gloria Alred has more money than Althouse, why aren't we all worshiping at her altar?

Guildofcannonballs said...

"I am that "not much" that money does not explain."

As every Catholic understands me too.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Opposite of the No True Scotsman Fallacy let's see you do it.

I can.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Look, with all respect, I am not here to engage, but to teach.

I show/demonstrate certain things that people might, if they are lucky, pick up on.

I am ultimate mystery.

Guildofcannonballs said...

If Nancy Pelosi and Ted Kennedy were Catholic then nothing means anything, giving credence to lots of ideologies I despise.

That 2nd Vatican...

Guildofcannonballs said...

Crack's the Fat Pengquin from The Blues Brothers, as I've previously proved.

But he has so many great arguments I could make for him, it takes serious discipline not to do it.

To make Crack's arguments, better, way, way better, than he can make himself, would be the simplest merest of notional gestures, it almost feels worthy of actual attempting such.

There is some element of fun, but it turns ugly quick, is why it never moves past the initial aspirational hopes/dreams/Quixotes.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

At least he didn't call her hoary

Guildofcannonballs said...


But, a certain, and this is ON VIDEO, Jake Blues, a criminal, has made it clear via the testimony that follows:

"So we offered to help you....

...You refused the help we offered, so I said "I guess you're up shit crick....

Crack is the Fat Penquin, as I've said numerous times now, and proven.

Bob Loblaw said...

This is a pretty transparent but also highly effective way to force the Democrats to keep Pelosi at the helm if they retake the House. You can be sure we're going to hear a lot more about her Chinese spy driver, her mental lapses, and inarticulately worded sloganeering if that happens.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author. said...

I'm waiting for him to start tweeting about Senator Diane Feinstein and the Chinese spy she had as her office manager for 20 years or so.

She has been chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee and had access to the nation's tippy-toppiest secrets. How many people died because of her?

Oh, the dead are Chinese. And she's a Democrat. Who gives a shit?

Her husband made a lot of money dealing with the Chinese over the years and probably gave a lot to the party.

And that's what really counts, isn't it?

And Pelosi continues to raise big money. That's what got her into a leadership position. That's what counts. Republican, Democrat, doesn't matter. You want a committee assignment? You have to raise money for the party. You want a good committee assignment? You have to raise a lot of money.

That she is party leader and was speaker shows how good she is at raising money.

And that's all that matters. So everyone just shut up.

John Henry

Guildofcannonballs said...

Freman can you back me up?

freman freman freman freman freman remanfr fremn fermen ferment




This is a link few can fully contemplate.

DanTheMan said...

>>To make Crack's arguments, better, way, way better, than he can make himself,

If you could make them shorter, and less frequent, that would be a good start.

But getting shorter than "Slavery!!!" will be a challenge. I think you are up (perhaps down?) to it.

wild chicken said...

we're going to hear a lot more about her Chinese spy driver,

That was Di Fi's driver, no?

Diff San Fran loon.

That was Di Fi's driver, no?

narciso said...

Well after the 20 million hacked records one looses count.

FullMoon said...

Sherlock Inga has the tapes and gonna produce them when the time is right :-)

Also I’ve known for months already that Langford Peel is Trooper York. Peel commented about some cheesy reality shows recently that he likes, which were very similar to the ones Trooper York always talked about.Oh yes, and President Mom Jeans is Sixty Grit, lol. I know this for a fact. . There were other giveaways, which I won’t mention until the time is right.

Guildofcannonballs said...

as I've told you before.

Uh oh.

Uh oh.

If I told, OF COURSE it was before.

Weird shit aside, I was redundant. I told ... OF COURSE IT WAS BEFORE.

DAM it.

Stop it.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Hey has James Taranto's Best of The WEb goten to ee?

Oh ait that was last deacade.

And the Corner...


Drago said...

There were other giveaways, which I won’t mention until the time is right.

Ah, but the strawberries, that's, that's where I had them,.....

narciso said...

We didn't find it interesting the first time, what is 're that data mining exercise I linked earlier, is how sparse Bruce ohrs c.v as compared to his wife, who had classified data for nearly 20 years.

Bay Area Guy said...

Pelosi is one hot 76-year old woman. Yowza!

narciso said...

Nothing to see here:

Bob Loblaw said...

we're going to hear a lot more about her Chinese spy driver,

That was Di Fi's driver, no?

Diff San Fran loon.

I stand corrected. The mental lapses are still there, though. She didn't realize Trump wasn't GWB until June following the 2016 election.

Paul Mac said...

Off-topic of this but I hope Althouse is noting, though I can't say I get the whole thing, Elon Musk's sudden foray into short shorts on Twitter. I guess some were sent to a detractor and will now be up on the Tesla store site soon?

gadfly said...

The Fresno Bee is after Devin Nunez.

And yet protecting President Donald Trump seems to be the strict role Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Tulare, has made for himself. That came into new relief this week with the leak of audio captured at a fundraiser in Washington state at which Nunes was a speaker. It was made crystal clear that Nunes is choosing the role of party leader over his constitutional role of legislative oversight. That’s not right.

Nunes discusses how important it is for the Republican Party to maintain majorities in both the House and Senate in the November election.

But he goes beyond making it simply a political statement. Nunes links majority control to protecting President Donald Trump from the investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential campaign.

“If Sessions (Attorney General Jeff Sessions) won’t unrecuse and Mueller won’t clear the president, we’re the only ones,” Nunes said. The context: “We” means congressional Republicans.

When it comes to the oversight role regarding Russian meddling, the scorecard does not look favorable to Nunes.

It is not Nunes’ job to protect Trump from anything. However, it is expressly Nunes’ duty to act as a check on the executive branch. That was the role the Senate played during the Watergate scandal that forced President Richard Nixon from office. That is how the founders of our country designed our government to work.

Bob Loblaw said...

When it comes to the oversight role regarding Russian meddling, the scorecard does not look favorable to Nunes.

That would be true if there was something there beyond the smoke Democrats are trying to blow up everyone's collective skirt.

narciso said...

After the surveillance and unmasking and attempted purging that they tried to do to Nunez, well let's say Nunez isn't a trusting sort in the goid will of the democrats.

Michael McNeil said...


Ray - SoCal said...

Fresno Bee Hates Nunes guts, and it shows in their coverage.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Gadfly@11:41 How's Obama's scorecard on the "Russian meddling" field of play? You remember him, the guy who was actually in charge during the whole "Russian meddling in the election" thing. The guy who told the cocksucker media that he got all tough and macho with Putin, and told him to "knock it off"- right before he pleaded with Putin's emissary to go easy on him because he had an election to fake his way through... What's that piece of shit's scorecard look like?

Michael Fitzgerald said...

How about Nunes's direct counterpart, Democrat party member Adam Schiff? How's his Russian meddling score? Wasn't he the asshole who was grandstanding about the IG report and how Republicans were lying and the report was going to exonerate and vindicate fuckers like Comey, Yates, McCabe, Strzok and Page? The IG report proved Nunes was telling the truth, and all those Democrat party scumbags like Adam Schiff and the other liars who were screaming "treason" were the actual traitors and criminals. What's their scorecard look like?

Drago said...

"The Poor Man's LLR Chuck" gadfly: "It is not Nunes’ job to protect Trump from anything. However, it is expressly Nunes’ duty to act as a check on the executive branch."


Nunes is explicitly doing conducting constitutionally appropriate oversight over the executive agencies that abused our law enforcement and intelligence service agencies to cover up for one presidential candidate while conducting operations to frame the other Presidential candidate.

It's really sad how far li'l gadfly has fallen. He's not any help to LLR Chuck in his self-described mission to smear Trump.

tsk tsk

Good help really is hard to come by...

Lewis Wetzel said...

Gadfly wrote:
Nunes discusses how important it is for the Republican Party to maintain majorities in both the House and Senate in the November election.
Jesus Christ, you are kidding me? Nunes, a Republican, wants to keep the Republican majority in the house & senate?
This is Watergate level stuff that you got here, Mr. Gadfly. I only hope the New York Times -- the voice of America -- picks up on this.

Jon Ericson said...

"Complicated business."

Clyde said...

Please don't throw me in the briar patch, Br'er Fox!

Big Mike said...

Interesting Q&A with Bret Easton Ellis:

“Q:As a gay man, what if your right to marry is suddenly taken away? Doesn’t that anger you on a primal level?

A: That is suggesting that I believe in identity politics, and that I vote with my penis. It’s suggesting that immigration, the economy and other policies matter so much less than whether I can marry a man. It’s not something that I worry about, or is on my mind. That’s the problem with identity politics, and it’s what got Hillary into trouble. If you have a vagina, you had to vote for Hillary. This has seeped into a bedrock credo among a lot of people, and you’ve gotta step back. People are not one-issue voters. I am not going to vote as a gay man, and I don’t think the idea of us not being allowed to marry is going to happen. Pence has his issues, but Trump is not an anti-gay president in any way, shape or form.”

Whoa! Do you suppose whatever he has is contagious?

Jaq said...

See, unknown, i read these tweets with the exact same thought and that makes them especially scary.

Really? It’s “scary” to point out that Pelosi is a huge liability to the Democrats, just like Hillary and the rest of the ancients that run your party? Scary?

Jaq said...

Has Pelosi attracted a nick name? You Crooked Hillary, Low Energy Jeb, and Low Max IQ!!

No need for a nickname, that’s the beauty of it.

The Crack Emcee said...

Nice. The man IS funny. I much prefer his way of taking down the party than almost anything else I've seen.

We just needed a guy who hadn't learned to be afraid to be a guy.

I don't know what happened to the previous generation of men, but Trump never caught it, and "Thank God" for that.

The Crack Emcee said...

JCCamp said...

"I thought Pelosi's difficulties with her party is that she is not sufficiently left, in this age of impeachment and nazi's. Which, also, I think, demonstrates the degree to which the lunatic left is driving the narrative for the Democrat Party's political posture-du-jour."

This appears to be true. While her mental decline is obvious to us, most in the party are looking the other way because all California's got left in star power are (in order of importance to the party) Gavin Newsom, who famously slept with his best friend's wife (he was also working as Newsom's campaign manager at the time) Anthony Villarigossa, an adulterer (still carrying half of his ex-wife's name so we never forget his betrayal of her) and London Breed, the first black female mayor of San Francisco.

One of those things is NOT like the others, but...Democrats. They NEED Nancy now because, while she IS declining mentally, her politics weren't altogether nutty. She served her constituents, such as they are, well. She's a rich lady, always willing to wade into any crowd. I've seen it. The real politician.

Without her and DiFi, they're toast.

Breezy said...

Just a man with a laser pointer and a few cats.

Rusty said...

"I am ultimate mystery."

You were until now.

(scrolls down. Reads)

OK. That's better.

tim maguire said...

I may disagree with much of their records, but I have respect for Pelosi and Feinstein. They are much less left than the Democrats' new base. It shows some sense and some integrity that they are willing to undermine their popularity by sticking to what they believe in.

FIDO said...

This is vaguely tweet related, so here it is.

I seem to be overly hard on Lefties. I read the comment page by Bret Stephens defending Sarah (Racist) Jeong.

The vast majority of commenters, self avowed Lefties, are EXCORIATING the Times over this. Many subscriptions cancelled.

Incredible anger at losing their moral authority on racism.

If even New York Democrats get it, the NYTs is a singularly stupid organization.

For one thing, how can they say Trump tweets are racist when they hired one themselves.

stevew said...

I love how he knows just how to keep them in a state of perpetual agitation.


todd galle said...

I can't remember where I saw it, but somebody offered up 'DiFiChiSpy' as a descriptor for the Senator's current difficulties.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Diane F's Chinese spy helped the Chinese government keep tabs on freedom fighters.

Chuck said...

Unknown said...
I love how he knows just how to keep them in a state of perpetual agitation.


I love, how the Trumpettes love for their God Emperor to keep them in a state of perpetual agitation.

narciso said...

So air b n b rentals are now crimes of state, So when fmr governor Corrine lost a billion dollars where was the investigation?

narciso said...

I would think it's a good question

John Murtha was a veteran in both Korea and Vietnam didn't mean he was crooked back to abscam.

Bruce Hayden said...

Maybe technically Rosenstein made a false statement when signing the FISA warrant renewal applications, but it is unlikely bad enough to get him in trouble, though it probably should. FISA requires that Title I warrant applications be signed by very high ranking DoJ and FBI officials - for the DoJ, either the AG or the DAG, or maybe one other. Similar with the FBI. I think that the theory was that they would make sure, with their having to sign under penalty of perjury, that everything in the application was legitimate. After all, a FISA warrant essentially bypasses the normal 4th Amdt and statutory protections we have against surveillance by our govt, and doesn't go to a normal District Ct, but rather to the super secret FISC. The problem is that the people having to sign such are also managing maybe 100k employees, in the case of the AG/DAG (and 35k for the FBI). The apparent solution to that is that they sign FISA applications for the FISC based on the documentation in an extensive FISA package made up for them and signed by an underling. The DAG, etc, doesn't verify that everything in the FISA application was truthful and verified. They didn't call up Christopher Steele and ask him about the material he provided for the application. Rather, they trust the paperwork, and that when their people certify that they did their due diligence, that they actually had done so. That is who I would be looking at right now - the employee who certified the FISA application packages for the DAGs, FBI Deputy Directors, etc. And I expect that we will see at least some of the answers here when the IG files his next report.

Bilwick said...

Trump's post reminds me of something I saw online, where a conservative commentator was talking about how, shortly after posting comments highly critical of the Clintons, Anthony Bourdain was found dead. The commentator was saying, obviously in a sarcastic way, "I want to go one record here that I love the Clintons, and also would never commit suicide. So if anyone sees me in the act of apparently committing suicide, please stop me!"

stevew said...

Hey Chucky, being male (cis, white, all the ugly stuff) I ain't no trumpette, not a big promoter, and I don't see him as a god, but I really should have written that I love how they allow him to keep them perpetually agitated. They are so weak willed and feeble of intellect that they can't simply ignore him. Imagine what would happen if they did.


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