The New York Times, reflecting it's corporate and editorial values, hires a virulent racist for its editorial board. It is good idea to let the public know what you stand for. Just wondering though, does her presence constitute a hostile work environment for white people, or anyone else triggered by explicit racism?
from Fox news Left-wing billionaire Tom Steyer took aim at members of the Democratic establishment Thursday, saying they “lack common sense” for their hesitation to back a campaign to impeach President Donald Trump.
OMMFGDG! They "Lack Common Sense" because “There hasn’t been a serious effort to introduce a motion for impeachment in the House since December, that’s eight months ago." He's Complaining that the Democrats (who do NOT have a majority in the House) haven't done more to act like that they are thinking about considering to begin the process of pretending to start to try to get rid of Trump.
HOW DID THIS MAN BECOME A BILLIONAIRE??? Apparently, i'm not smart enough to be a Billionaire, 'cause i don't see how this makes sense.
Drudge had a headline suggesting possibly 5% GDP in Q3. We did a quck and dirty today and it’s very possible. The consumer and cap ex are crazy and not of the type that are one offs.
Despite msm reports to the contrary it doesn’t sound like the stuff of which throw the bumbs out elections are made.
rehajm: "Drudge had a headline suggesting possibly 5% GDP in Q3."
Based on the underlying numbers, its almost a certainty that the Q2 4.1 GDP rate will be adjusted upward when all the numbers are finally tabulated. $.3 to 4.5 is definitely in play.
The hypocrisy of the Left rallying around her is amazing. Substitute the word "Black" for "White" in her tweets, and imagine someone surviving them. last month they fired a newly hired tech writer, 'cause she had nasty conservative blogs in her past.
does her presence constitute a hostile work environment for white people they've already used the "I was only researching the evils of child porn" excuse for this one. They 'say' that she was being sarcastic . RIGHT! that's what she was doing! Being Sarcastic
I’m a Liberal Feminist Lawyer. Here’s Why Democrats Should Support Judge Kavanaugh. By LISA BLATT August 02, 2018
"Sometimes a superstar is just a superstar. That is the case with Judge Brett Kavanaugh, who had long been considered the most qualified nominee for the Supreme Court if Republicans secured the White House. The Senate should confirm him.
I have argued 35 cases before the Supreme Court, more than any other woman. I worked in the Solicitor General’s Office for 13 years during the Clinton, Bush and Obama administrations. Because I am a liberal Democrat and feminist, I expect my friends on the left will criticize me for speaking up for Kavanaugh. But we all benefit from having smart, qualified and engaged judges on our highest court, regardless of the administration that nominates them."
"...But unless the Democrats want to stand on the principle of an eye for an eye—and I don’t think they should—folks should stop pretending that Kavanaugh or his record is the issue. He is supremely qualified. Although this fact is distressing, Republicans control both the White House and Senate. In comparable circumstances, when President Barack Obama was in office, our party appointed two justices to the Supreme Court."
'...Months later, I asked Kavanaugh to join a panel at Georgetown Law School to review a film about college debate. He responded that he knew nothing about debate but nevertheless was happy to help. When a law student asked him how debate had shaped his career, he answered: “I actually never debated, but I did play football, and the two are basically the same.” He then offered this advice: “Practice, learn to get along with all of your teammates, learn from your mistakes, and have fun.”'
they've already used the "I was only researching the evils of child porn" excuse for this one. They 'say' that she was being sarcastic . RIGHT! that's what she was doing! Being Sarcastic
Eh, the Sarah Jeong thing, right? I've read some of the racist tweets and while they are jokes, they're most definitely racist jokes. The people defending her may just be ignorant, but I think there's a failure to appreciate the deep sense of racial superiority and condescension underlying those tweets. I can't say that anything she's saying there is particularly surprising to me, because, well, I looked up her bio.
"Oh," I thought. "That makes sense."
She's expressing herself very crudely, and with spiteful humour, but it's exactly what it looks like -- not ironic at all. Frankly, the racism she's expressing is a fault I actively monitor and repress in myself. Those sentiments are . . . not unfamiliar to me. I've heard them before in very different contexts.
A reader with first-hand knowledge of the relevant Asian and Australian markets sent us this detailed report on how Steyer got rich on coal. He titled his report “Hypocrisy & Hedge Funds: Climate Change Warrior Tom Steyer’s Secret Life as Coal Investment Kingpin.” Here it is, in full:
POSTED ON APRIL 20, 2014 BY JOHN HINDERAKER IN CRONY CAPITALISM, DEMOCRATS, ENERGY POLICY THE EPIC HYPOCRISY OF TOM STEYER Billionaire hedge fund operator and “green” energy magnate Tom Steyer has pledged $100 million in the 2014 election cycle to help Democratic candidates who oppose the Keystone pipeline and who favor “green” energy over fossil fuels. Steyer claims to be a man of principle who has no financial interest in the causes he supports, but acts only for the public good. That is a ridiculous claim: Steyer is the ultimate rent-seeker who depends on government connections to produce subsidies and mandates that make his “green” energy investments profitable. He also is, or was until recently, a major investor in Kinder Morgan, which is building a competitor to the Keystone pipeline. Go here, here, here, here, here and here for more information about how Steyer uses his political donations and consequent connections to enhance his already vast fortune.
But Steyer’s hypocrisy goes still deeper. Today, he is a bitter opponent of fossil fuels, especially coal. That fits with his current economic interests: banning coal-fired power plants will boost the value of his solar projects. But it was not always thus. In fact, Steyer owes his fortune in large part to the fact that he has been one of the world’s largest financers of coal projects. Tom Steyer was for coal before he was against it.
While a few bits of information on Farallon’s investments in carbon energy have seeped into the North American press via these disclosures, this information doesn’t begin to scratch the surface. The North American press’s lack of awareness of Mr Steyer’s activities in the coal sector is due to the fact that all of Farallon’s investments in coal have been made outside of North America, and wherever possible through opaque structures which mask their direct involvement.
In order to gain an appreciation of the extent of Farallon’s epic involvement in the coal sector under Mr. Steyer’s tenure one needs to spend time in Jakarta and Sydney, and in the regional financing centers in Hong Kong and Singapore, and speak to professionals (bankers, lawyers, mining consultants and principals) who were directly involved in these Farallon-sponsored coal transactions.
Does anyone today go to college seeking a classical liberal education? Is the concept of college as a preparation for life obsolete? Is reading the works of dead white guys a racist sign of privilege? Have Mark Twain, Ernest Hemingway, Immanuel Kant, George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel and Franz Kafka nothing left to say to us? Are Isaac Newton, Nikolai Lobachevsky and Albert Einstein irrelevant because math is hard?
"The hypocrisy of the Left rallying around her is amazing. Substitute the word "Black" for "White" in her tweets, and imagine someone surviving them."
Sorry, the Left doesn't do hypocrisy. Blacks are oppressed victims, therefore entitled to racist resentment. Whites, having been the oppressors, therefore are properly targeted for abuse. In this case, especially, progs are being totally honest: they don't give a damn about anti-white racism, they think it's cool to have an Asian woman denigrate whites, and they think it will play well among their Upper West Side audience.
In this case, I detect just a tad of Asian supremacy in the "satire." Which is the unspoken factor in American race relations, eagerly suppressed, of course. But Harvard knows what's up and therefore downgrades Asians on "personality" just so the white and black and Hispanic admissions numbers come out right.
Anyway, good to see the NYT living up to its reputation as enemy of the people.
Some of your readers have to be climbing the walls every time the Rush Limbaugh autoplay starts.
8/2/18, 8:35 PM
I'm looking forward to it rolling off the front page. It's not at a "climbing the walls" level, just annoying because I keep forgetting about it.
Go to that video on the Althouse page and hit the stop button (far left square)/ Next go to the speaker icon, and click it--leaving an "X." Now hit the gear icon and toggle the autolay selector to the left.
Blogger Tommy Duncan said... Does anyone today go to college seeking a classical liberal education?
No, Next question. The colleges are using freshman orientation to force leftist nonsense. My daughter at U of Arizona was taught things that are not true in her freshman "American History since 1877 class." Once she got to her major, it was OK.
In this case, I detect just a tad of Asian supremacy in the "satire." Which is the unspoken factor in American race relations, eagerly suppressed, of course.
I sometimes get the impression that some criticisms of "Whites", particularly when they're about technology culture or Silicon Valley, are actually meant as criticisms of Asians, only the writers (who are mostly Whites) can't frame the criticisms in those terms. Or maybe crimestop kicks in, and they literally can't conceive of the criticism in that form.
I already hated the New York Times. Howard Cosell's career ended in 1983 for saying "that little monkey gets loose, doesn't he" about a black football player. That's 35 years ago. Here in 2018, it is fine for the New York Times, AND defend, a virulent and active racist. Because reasons.
And after tweeted he feels sorry for whom ever faces Trump in 2030.
Watched him ad-libbing on tv for about an hour.First time I have seen him other than a few brief teleprompter things. Pretty funny sometimes Called out fake news pretty good. Nice description of Crazy Bernie..
Just read Kevin Williamson's "The New York Times can hire who they Like" column on the NYT's hiring Left-wing racist Sarah Jeung is A-OK.
Its a must read! And shows why National Review is skyrocketing among Conservatives.
Just remember: If you've haven't time to read any left-wing magazines or the New York Times or WaPo - there's National Review.
It'll be the same thing - but from a Conservative Perspective. Check it out.
A birdie tells me, Kevin's next column is in the hopper: "Why we need Pelosi as House Speaker" - it's like super-conservative! And recommended by Bill Weld.
"I sometimes get the impression that some criticisms of "Whites", particularly when they're about technology culture or Silicon Valley, are actually meant as criticisms of Asians, only the writers (who are mostly Whites) can't frame the criticisms in those terms. Or maybe crimestop kicks in, and they literally can't conceive of the criticism in that form."
Probably a great deal of truth in that. In values, lifestyle, speech, attitudes towards child-rearing and education, and the conservatism of their lives, the upper-middle class Asian professionals I know are White in all but appearance. I doubt that they have any illusions about solidarity with less self-disciplined POCs.
I was reading this article where two women killed themselves when they put a couple of coolers in the back seat with dry ice in them.
Off they go. They found them dead down the road.
My wife asked why the ice would kill them?? I said carbon dioxide. Remember Apollo 13? Dry ice is frozen carbon dioxide and it melts back to a gas. High school chemistry.
Apollo 13! What are you talking about??
Apollo 13, they crawled into the LEM to survive, but they were using up all the oxygen and filling it with farts and their exhaled carbon dioxide. So the big deal about Apollo 13 was making the carbon dioxide filters work.
If those poor ladies had watched Apollo 13 back in the 60's, or the movie, they would be alive today.
There was an interesting series of posts on Q (Qanon on 8-chan) re Tom Steyer, and his brother. Q is a "deniable" administration channel, I am quite sure. Part for fan-service, part for this sort of thing - shots across bows and the like.
Post #1776 has an image of the Presidents pen over his signature, quoting Tom Paine with an appropriately revolutionary sentiment. Thing is that Tom Steyers brother Jim founded and runs an outfit called "Common Sense Media" which is a childrens educational media producer, a rather fuzzy creature in terms of actual product, but which is very well funded by all the usual bien-pensant foundations.
The obvious implication is they have the goods, of some sort, on Toms brother Jim.
Ephasized by two deleted Qanon posts repeating emails between Jim Steyer and Tony Podesta cc'ed to Tom (from Tony Podestas hacked emails) of the bizarre culinary-coded sort, this one about pasta with walnut sauce.
This was part of the Podesta stuff characterized as a pedophilia-related.
This is a tribal war already, and cannot be stopped. It runs on its own logic, and is not really under the control of anyone. That what wars are like.
It can only escalate until one side or another feels such pain, collectively, that it is unable to continue. This war is in its early stages and the true pain has not started.
I guess people didn't have insulated coolers back in the 70s. they didn't have very good insulated coolers back in the 70s I'm watching my cooler test* as a type
Also, dry ice used to be a LOT easier to buy; kinda a chicken/egg sort of deal. No one uses dry ice because no one sells it because no one uses it because no one sells it
my cooler test* Last tues i bought a faux-Yeti cooler,which i filled with sodas and 20# of ice. So far about 3 pounds left
Perhaps there are political/cultural elements that don't conform to said absolutist outlook. Sometimes outside looking in is a helpful perspective..sometimes not.
I was in a hotel in Biloxi n 78 or so, and my roommate went down and bought a cooler full of shrimp and a couple bags of ice for the trip home. Wrapped it in duct tape.
So he puts it in the fridge to stay cool, but it doesn't fit standing up, so he turns it sideways. Yep, the ice didn't come out. All looked kosher.
That night it must have started leaking, and as he left to go catch his plane in the morning I noticed a big stain on the floor, and it smelled to high heaven! We could have died from the stench.
The Maid came in and then the manager, and they moved me to another room. I walked by an hour later and they were pulling up the carpet.
The manager said they were going to sue him for damages.
I probably should have told him not to do it, but it seemed to be working at the time. He should have used dry ice I guess.
The Atlantic fired Williamson because its owner, Steve Jobs widow, probably told them to. Its her hobby magazine and she has decided views on things, and Williamson does not suit.
Its an instance, one case, of whats happened to news and public affairs media. It used to be that these were businesses intended to make money for their owners, and were run as businesses in their own right. Many people became very wealthy as publishers. But these days this sort of media property is seen as more of a political asset than a business, or of a normal sort of business. Or even as a hobby. The editorial decisions follow.
The Atlantic fired Williamson because its owner, Steve Jobs widow, probably told them to.
I wonder what rich people are calling the tune at National Review, because I don't know a single *long standing* conservative who cares about it, anymore.
Its gone off the rails. And people like Kevin Williamson and David French are the symptom and not the reason.
They don't like Trump and they don't like the Democrats. They don't support immigration restriction or negotiating better trade deals or fighting the Left on culture issues. But they aren't liberals. I don't know who their audience is.
Well, that means that the media has no feedback mechanism.
As long as Bezos and Carlos Slim is happy and paying the checks, the reporters and editors only have to please their paymaster and not an increasingly disgusted public.
They are now like The Nation and Mother Jones that way.
The Times has openly lost any credibility or moral authority on being against racism.
They lost that fight decades ago, but this is far more blatant.
The American people (not me) will give a bit of a pass to racist black men due to slavery. They ran that race card through the card reader till it melted.
Perky South Korean Girls who went to Harvard aren't given that pass. They don't deserve that pass.
And two years of racism...nah! This isn't a one off
You need to get the latest PC handbook, and carefully read the latest rules. The rules are changing frequently, in our never ending and tireless quest to right the past wrongs. These have changed recently due to the Traitor in Chief, Donald Trump, and the deplorables that elected him.
While we haven't updated our "Rules of Intersectionality" guidebook, the NYT's correct interpretation can be understood by our updates to the table of intersectionality.
For racist/ageist/etc. comments, we have adapted our scoring system for the relevant sections as follows:
Anti White Male +3 Anti Trump +30 Anti Male +2 Anti Aged White Male +5 Anti Republican +10 Anti White +1
Any prejudiced statement starts out with a -3, as is usual, and only a positive sum is required for a statement to pass muster.
We rate the following comments as follows:
"Oh man it's kind of sick how much joy I get out of being cruel to old white men" Score -3 but plus 5 for aged white male, probably a deplorable, so a positive score of 2.
"I was equating Trump to Hitler before it was cruel" Score : -3 + 30 = 27, but there is active discussion of whether or not equating Trump to Hitler deserves extra points
"I open my mouth to politely greet a Republican, but nothing but an unending cascade of vomit flows from my face." Score: Well, this one needs no scoring, as it's not prejudicial. We sympathize with Sarah for having to live on the same planets as Republicans.
We score -3 +1, for an overall score of -2.
However, on balance, all other scores are positive, and so we therefore give Sarah an overall passing grade. In fact, we rate her views quite positive, with a +27 rating.
Please send us your up-to-date mailing address, and all your money, and your brain too, so we can continue this important work into righting the injustices of the past.
The Correct Team Striving for political excellence through proper, non-arbitrary rules
Don't assume that if I put up a photo of a painting, it's because I think it's good in every respect. It only means I found it interesting. In the case of this detail. I focused on it because I thought it was really bad.
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That painting, a copy, has hung over out bed for 40 years,
I've got a fever, and the only prescription is bigger eyes.
Can we call him Suburban Meyer now?
The New York Times, reflecting it's corporate and editorial values, hires a virulent racist for its editorial board. It is good idea to let the public know what you stand for. Just wondering though, does her presence constitute a hostile work environment for white people, or anyone else triggered by explicit racism?
Some of your readers have to be climbing the walls every time the Rush Limbaugh autoplay starts.
from Fox news
Left-wing billionaire Tom Steyer took aim at members of the Democratic establishment Thursday, saying they “lack common sense” for their hesitation to back a campaign to impeach President Donald Trump.
OMMFGDG! They "Lack Common Sense" because “There hasn’t been a serious effort to introduce a motion for impeachment in the House since December, that’s eight months ago."
He's Complaining that the Democrats (who do NOT have a majority in the House) haven't done more to act like that they are thinking about considering to begin the process of pretending to start to try to get rid of Trump.
HOW DID THIS MAN BECOME A BILLIONAIRE??? Apparently, i'm not smart enough to be a Billionaire, 'cause i don't see how this makes sense.
The New York Times, reflecting it's corporate and editorial values, hires a virulent racist for its editorial board.
The hypocrisy of the Left rallying around her is amazing. Substitute the word "Black" for "White" in her tweets, and imagine someone surviving them.
Drudge had a headline suggesting possibly 5% GDP in Q3. We did a quck and dirty today and it’s very possible. The consumer and cap ex are crazy and not of the type that are one offs.
Despite msm reports to the contrary it doesn’t sound like the stuff of which throw the bumbs out elections are made.
Gahrie: "Some of your readers have to be climbing the walls every time the Rush Limbaugh autoplay starts."
I'm sure its simply a clerical error and will be corrected shortly....(wink wink)
Is the back story of this painting that the younger sister attempted to emulate her older sister’s makeup regimen?
Did the older sister (not shown) amateurishly apply make-up to her pliant younger sister?
rehajm: "Drudge had a headline suggesting possibly 5% GDP in Q3."
Based on the underlying numbers, its almost a certainty that the Q2 4.1 GDP rate will be adjusted upward when all the numbers are finally tabulated. $.3 to 4.5 is definitely in play.
I guarantee that if Q3 GDP hits 5%, we will need to assign a combined "Suicide/Homicide Watch" to LLR Chuck.
The hypocrisy of the Left rallying around her is amazing. Substitute the word "Black" for "White" in her tweets, and imagine someone surviving them. last month they fired a newly hired tech writer, 'cause she had nasty conservative blogs in her past.
does her presence constitute a hostile work environment for white people they've already used the "I was only researching the evils of child porn" excuse for this one. They 'say' that she was being sarcastic . RIGHT! that's what she was doing! Being Sarcastic
No, it's actually Rural Meyer.
Urban Meyer #WhoMe?
Who loves you baby? Jesus does!
- Telly Savalas, Prayer’s Club Card
Drago said: I guarantee that if Q3 GDP hits 5%, we will need to assign a combined "Suicide/Homicide Watch" to LLR Chuck.
To what purpose? Let's just call 911 upon signs of rigor mortis.
Art Institute of Chicago an amazing museum.
In other news...
I’m a Liberal Feminist Lawyer. Here’s Why Democrats Should Support Judge Kavanaugh.
By LISA BLATT August 02, 2018
"Sometimes a superstar is just a superstar. That is the case with Judge Brett Kavanaugh, who had long been considered the most qualified nominee for the Supreme Court if Republicans secured the White House. The Senate should confirm him.
I have argued 35 cases before the Supreme Court, more than any other woman. I worked in the Solicitor General’s Office for 13 years during the Clinton, Bush and Obama administrations. Because I am a liberal Democrat and feminist, I expect my friends on the left will criticize me for speaking up for Kavanaugh. But we all benefit from having smart, qualified and engaged judges on our highest court, regardless of the administration that nominates them."
"...But unless the Democrats want to stand on the principle of an eye for an eye—and I don’t think they should—folks should stop pretending that Kavanaugh or his record is the issue. He is supremely qualified. Although this fact is distressing, Republicans control both the White House and Senate. In comparable circumstances, when President Barack Obama was in office, our party appointed two justices to the Supreme Court."
'...Months later, I asked Kavanaugh to join a panel at Georgetown Law School to review a film about college debate. He responded that he knew nothing about debate but nevertheless was happy to help. When a law student asked him how debate had shaped his career, he answered: “I actually never debated, but I did play football, and the two are basically the same.” He then offered this advice: “Practice, learn to get along with all of your teammates, learn from your mistakes, and have fun.”'
Re: gilbar:
they've already used the "I was only researching the evils of child porn" excuse for this one. They 'say' that she was being sarcastic . RIGHT! that's what she was doing! Being Sarcastic
Eh, the Sarah Jeong thing, right? I've read some of the racist tweets and while they are jokes, they're most definitely racist jokes. The people defending her may just be ignorant, but I think there's a failure to appreciate the deep sense of racial superiority and condescension underlying those tweets. I can't say that anything she's saying there is particularly surprising to me, because, well, I looked up her bio.
"Oh," I thought. "That makes sense."
She's expressing herself very crudely, and with spiteful humour, but it's exactly what it looks like -- not ironic at all. Frankly, the racism she's expressing is a fault I actively monitor and repress in myself. Those sentiments are . . . not unfamiliar to me. I've heard them before in very different contexts.
Gahrie said...
Some of your readers have to be climbing the walls every time the Rush Limbaugh autoplay starts.
8/2/18, 8:35 PM
I'm looking forward to it rolling off the front page. It's not at a "climbing the walls" level, just annoying because I keep forgetting about it.
He is a liar.
A reader with first-hand knowledge of the relevant Asian and Australian markets sent us this detailed report on how Steyer got rich on coal. He titled his report “Hypocrisy & Hedge Funds: Climate Change Warrior Tom Steyer’s Secret Life as Coal Investment Kingpin.” Here it is, in full:
Billionaire hedge fund operator and “green” energy magnate Tom Steyer has pledged $100 million in the 2014 election cycle to help Democratic candidates who oppose the Keystone pipeline and who favor “green” energy over fossil fuels. Steyer claims to be a man of principle who has no financial interest in the causes he supports, but acts only for the public good. That is a ridiculous claim: Steyer is the ultimate rent-seeker who depends on government connections to produce subsidies and mandates that make his “green” energy investments profitable. He also is, or was until recently, a major investor in Kinder Morgan, which is building a competitor to the Keystone pipeline. Go here, here, here, here, here and here for more information about how Steyer uses his political donations and consequent connections to enhance his already vast fortune.
But Steyer’s hypocrisy goes still deeper. Today, he is a bitter opponent of fossil fuels, especially coal. That fits with his current economic interests: banning coal-fired power plants will boost the value of his solar projects. But it was not always thus. In fact, Steyer owes his fortune in large part to the fact that he has been one of the world’s largest financers of coal projects. Tom Steyer was for coal before he was against it.
While a few bits of information on Farallon’s investments in carbon energy have seeped into the North American press via these disclosures, this information doesn’t begin to scratch the surface. The North American press’s lack of awareness of Mr Steyer’s activities in the coal sector is due to the fact that all of Farallon’s investments in coal have been made outside of North America, and wherever possible through opaque structures which mask their direct involvement.
In order to gain an appreciation of the extent of Farallon’s epic involvement in the coal sector under Mr. Steyer’s tenure one needs to spend time in Jakarta and Sydney, and in the regional financing centers in Hong Kong and Singapore, and speak to professionals (bankers, lawyers, mining consultants and principals) who were directly involved in these Farallon-sponsored coal transactions.
Blogger readering said...
Art Institute of Chicago an amazing museum.
Agreed. For many years I was a non-resident member.
Does anyone today go to college seeking a classical liberal education? Is the concept of college as a preparation for life obsolete? Is reading the works of dead white guys a racist sign of privilege? Have Mark Twain, Ernest Hemingway, Immanuel Kant, George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel and Franz Kafka nothing left to say to us? Are Isaac Newton, Nikolai Lobachevsky and Albert Einstein irrelevant because math is hard?
Just drinking a beer and thinking out loud...
"The hypocrisy of the Left rallying around her is amazing. Substitute the word "Black" for "White" in her tweets, and imagine someone surviving them."
Sorry, the Left doesn't do hypocrisy. Blacks are oppressed victims, therefore entitled to racist resentment. Whites, having been the oppressors, therefore are properly targeted for abuse. In this case, especially, progs are being totally honest: they don't give a damn about anti-white racism, they think it's cool to have an Asian woman denigrate whites, and they think it will play well among their Upper West Side audience.
In this case, I detect just a tad of Asian supremacy in the "satire." Which is the unspoken factor in American race relations, eagerly suppressed, of course. But Harvard knows what's up and therefore downgrades Asians on "personality" just so the white and black and Hispanic admissions numbers come out right.
Anyway, good to see the NYT living up to its reputation as enemy of the people.
Someone should ask Jeong if the returning bones of the long-dead white soldiers who rescued her country from the Communist North deserve any respect.
There's an old-fashioned word for such an ungrateful wretch: she's a shitheel.
Elizabeth Taylor eyes. God sure makes beautiful people.
Mary Beth said...
Gahrie said...
Some of your readers have to be climbing the walls every time the Rush Limbaugh autoplay starts.
8/2/18, 8:35 PM
I'm looking forward to it rolling off the front page. It's not at a "climbing the walls" level, just annoying because I keep forgetting about it.
Go to that video on the Althouse page and hit the stop button (far left square)/ Next go to the speaker icon, and click it--leaving an "X." Now hit the gear icon and toggle the autolay selector to the left.
Blogger Tommy Duncan said...
Does anyone today go to college seeking a classical liberal education?
No, Next question. The colleges are using freshman orientation to force leftist nonsense. My daughter at U of Arizona was taught things that are not true in her freshman "American History since 1877 class." Once she got to her major, it was OK.
They lie.
I thought Renoir famously sucked.
Re: Sebastian:
In this case, I detect just a tad of Asian supremacy in the "satire." Which is the unspoken factor in American race relations, eagerly suppressed, of course.
I sometimes get the impression that some criticisms of "Whites", particularly when they're about technology culture or Silicon Valley, are actually meant as criticisms of Asians, only the writers (who are mostly Whites) can't frame the criticisms in those terms. Or maybe crimestop kicks in, and they literally can't conceive of the criticism in that form.
Now hit the gear icon and toggle the autolay selector to the left.
Damnit! *That's* why I can't get laid: Settings issue.
"According to The Daily Caller, the DNC will not play the RNC in this year’s annual Congressional softball game.
The long-standing tradition has always been an opportunity for parties to put politics aside for a little fun and comradery.
Sources at the RNC told TDC that Democrats are focused on the midterm elections and as a result, won’t have time to make play this year:"
In other words, afraid of bad marksmanship among their supporters
Scott Adams saw Trump!
And after tweeted he feels sorry for whom ever faces Trump in 2030.
When the ostrich coat was mentioned, Manafort should have jumped and bellowed "Whoooo do you looove?!
I already hated the New York Times. Howard Cosell's career ended in 1983 for saying "that little monkey gets loose, doesn't he" about a black football player. That's 35 years ago. Here in 2018, it is fine for the New York Times, AND defend, a virulent and active racist. Because reasons.
Scott Adams saw Trump!
And after tweeted he feels sorry for whom ever faces Trump in 2030.
Watched him ad-libbing on tv for about an hour.First time I have seen him other than a few brief teleprompter things. Pretty funny sometimes Called out fake news pretty good. Nice description of Crazy Bernie..
Ack. My keyboard is failing INSERT "hire" before "AND defend."
My son is going to the Trump rally in Ohio on Saturday night. I will share his impressions of the event if anything interesting come out of it.
@Althouse, I thought you didn’t like Renoir?
Just read Kevin Williamson's "The New York Times can hire who they Like" column on the NYT's hiring Left-wing racist Sarah Jeung is A-OK.
Its a must read! And shows why National Review is skyrocketing among Conservatives.
Just remember: If you've haven't time to read any left-wing magazines or the New York Times or WaPo - there's National Review.
It'll be the same thing - but from a Conservative Perspective. Check it out.
A birdie tells me, Kevin's next column is in the hopper: "Why we need Pelosi as House Speaker" - it's like super-conservative! And recommended by Bill Weld.
Have him keep an eye out for Kasich.
(might be in honor of his Dad, maybe in a USPS uniform)
What does "Chuck" think of Renoir. That's the important question.
Strangely, Ben Shapiro aka Mr. Conservative, also supports Ms. Jeoung. And also the pedophile in Hollywood, "what's his name".
Ben still hates Rosanne, because "conservatism"
But still love Mona Charon because she told off her "fellow Conservatives"
Next to David French, he's the man who the Right Looks up to.
Or maybe crimestop kicks in, and they literally can't conceive of the criticism in that form.
I'm So Old; I remember when people didn't realize that 1984 was an instruction manual
"I sometimes get the impression that some criticisms of "Whites", particularly when they're about technology culture or Silicon Valley, are actually meant as criticisms of Asians, only the writers (who are mostly Whites) can't frame the criticisms in those terms. Or maybe crimestop kicks in, and they literally can't conceive of the criticism in that form."
Probably a great deal of truth in that. In values, lifestyle, speech, attitudes towards child-rearing and education, and the conservatism of their lives, the upper-middle class Asian professionals I know are White in all but appearance. I doubt that they have any illusions about solidarity with less self-disciplined POCs.
I was reading this article where two women killed themselves when they put a couple of coolers in the back seat with dry ice in them.
Off they go. They found them dead down the road.
My wife asked why the ice would kill them?? I said carbon dioxide. Remember Apollo 13? Dry ice is frozen carbon dioxide and it melts back to a gas. High school chemistry.
Apollo 13! What are you talking about??
Apollo 13, they crawled into the LEM to survive, but they were using up all the oxygen and filling it with farts and their exhaled carbon dioxide. So the big deal about Apollo 13 was making the carbon dioxide filters work.
If those poor ladies had watched Apollo 13 back in the 60's, or the movie, they would be alive today.
Umm..the real question is why "they put a couple of coolers in the back seat with dry ice in them."
I guess they were helping the husband who was an ice cream salesman.
Ooooooooooooooh-ma-rosa wants to cash in on her time with Trump...
There was an interesting series of posts on Q (Qanon on 8-chan) re Tom Steyer, and his brother.
Q is a "deniable" administration channel, I am quite sure. Part for fan-service, part for this sort of thing - shots across bows and the like.
Post #1776 has an image of the Presidents pen over his signature, quoting Tom Paine with an appropriately revolutionary sentiment. Thing is that Tom Steyers brother Jim founded and runs an outfit called "Common Sense Media" which is a childrens educational media producer, a rather fuzzy creature in terms of actual product, but which is very well funded by all the usual bien-pensant foundations.
The obvious implication is they have the goods, of some sort, on Toms brother Jim.
Ephasized by two deleted Qanon posts repeating emails between Jim Steyer and Tony Podesta cc'ed to Tom (from Tony Podestas hacked emails) of the bizarre culinary-coded sort, this one about pasta with walnut sauce.
This was part of the Podesta stuff characterized as a pedophilia-related.
They are fighting dirty.
Where are you viewing that, buwaya? Post a link
Speaking of dry ice.
When i was a kid, we always had "dry ice" and cooler - in the trunk - that kept all kinds of food cool.
Then all that disappeared.
I've gone on camping trips for over 25 years and NEVER had to haul "dry ice" around.
I guess people didn't have insulated coolers back in the 70s.
Re Jeong, Williamson et al -
This is a tribal war already, and cannot be stopped.
It runs on its own logic, and is not really under the control of anyone. That what wars are like.
It can only escalate until one side or another feels such pain, collectively, that it is unable to continue. This war is in its early stages and the true pain has not started.
I guess people didn't have insulated coolers back in the 70s.
they didn't have very good insulated coolers back in the 70s
I'm watching my cooler test* as a type
Also, dry ice used to be a LOT easier to buy; kinda a chicken/egg sort of deal. No one uses dry ice because no one sells it because no one uses it because no one sells it
my cooler test* Last tues i bought a faux-Yeti cooler,which i filled with sodas and 20# of ice. So far about 3 pounds left
Look up qanon #1776
all of qanon is on
I saw the deleted posts at the time pre deletion, and no doubt someone still has screenshots.
They were after #1776, #178x, around there.
Perhaps there are political/cultural elements that don't conform to said absolutist outlook.
Sometimes outside looking in is a helpful perspective..sometimes not.
I was in a hotel in Biloxi n 78 or so, and my roommate went down and bought a cooler full of shrimp and a couple bags of ice for the trip home. Wrapped it in duct tape.
So he puts it in the fridge to stay cool, but it doesn't fit standing up, so he turns it sideways. Yep, the ice didn't come out. All looked kosher.
That night it must have started leaking, and as he left to go catch his plane in the morning I noticed a big stain on the floor, and it smelled to high heaven! We could have died from the stench.
The Maid came in and then the manager, and they moved me to another room. I walked by an hour later and they were pulling up the carpet.
The manager said they were going to sue him for damages.
I probably should have told him not to do it, but it seemed to be working at the time. He should have used dry ice I guess.
I get nada at
I remember that painting, but didn't recognize it from Ms. Althouse's picture- had to search to find it.
If at some point in the future you're inspired to embed another Rush Limbaugh autoplay in your blog, make it more like this.
Asians like are in such a difficult position..balancing "color" with privilege.
Best O'luck
The Atlantic fired Williamson because its owner, Steve Jobs widow, probably told them to. Its her hobby magazine and she has decided views on things, and Williamson does not suit.
Its an instance, one case, of whats happened to news and public affairs media. It used to be that these were businesses intended to make money for their owners, and were run as businesses in their own right. Many people became very wealthy as publishers. But these days this sort of media property is seen as more of a political asset than a business, or of a normal sort of business. Or even as a hobby. The editorial decisions follow.
I have said this often.
Works for me. Your browser?
I am using Brave.
The Atlantic fired Williamson because its owner, Steve Jobs widow, probably told them to.
I wonder what rich people are calling the tune at National Review, because I don't know a single *long standing* conservative who cares about it, anymore.
Its gone off the rails. And people like Kevin Williamson and David French are the symptom and not the reason.
They don't like Trump and they don't like the Democrats. They don't support immigration restriction or negotiating better trade deals or fighting the Left on culture issues. But they aren't liberals. I don't know who their audience is.
Never heard of "Brave"
National Review says they are in favor of "Smaller Government"
Which is why they were OK with President Hillary.
Well, that means that the media has no feedback mechanism.
As long as Bezos and Carlos Slim is happy and paying the checks, the reporters and editors only have to please their paymaster and not an increasingly disgusted public.
They are now like The Nation and Mother Jones that way.
Brave - browser created by Brendan Eich &team post Firefox after he was driven out of Mozilla.
The Times has openly lost any credibility or moral authority on being against racism.
They lost that fight decades ago, but this is far more blatant.
The American people (not me) will give a bit of a pass to racist black men due to slavery. They ran that race card through the card reader till it melted.
Perky South Korean Girls who went to Harvard aren't given that pass. They don't deserve that pass.
And two years of racism...nah! This isn't a one off
Couldn't the Times have found a well educated technically saavy non-racist Asian girl?
You need to get the latest PC handbook, and carefully read the latest rules. The rules are changing frequently, in our never ending and tireless quest to right the past wrongs. These have changed recently due to the Traitor in Chief, Donald Trump, and the deplorables that elected him.
While we haven't updated our "Rules of Intersectionality" guidebook, the NYT's correct interpretation can be understood by our updates to the table of intersectionality.
For racist/ageist/etc. comments, we have adapted our scoring system for the relevant sections as follows:
Anti White Male +3
Anti Trump +30
Anti Male +2
Anti Aged White Male +5
Anti Republican +10
Anti White +1
Any prejudiced statement starts out with a -3, as is usual, and only a positive sum is required for a statement to pass muster.
We rate the following comments as follows:
"Oh man it's kind of sick how much joy I get out of being cruel to old white men"
Score -3 but plus 5 for aged white male, probably a deplorable, so a positive score of 2.
"I was equating Trump to Hitler before it was cruel"
Score : -3 + 30 = 27, but there is active discussion of whether or not equating Trump to Hitler deserves extra points
"I open my mouth to politely greet a Republican, but nothing but an unending cascade of vomit flows from my face."
Score: Well, this one needs no scoring, as it's not prejudicial. We sympathize with Sarah for having to live on the same planets as Republicans.
We score -3 +1, for an overall score of -2.
However, on balance, all other scores are positive, and so we therefore give Sarah an overall passing grade. In fact, we rate her views quite positive, with a +27 rating.
Please send us your up-to-date mailing address, and all your money, and your brain too, so we can continue this important work into righting the injustices of the past.
The Correct Team
Striving for political excellence through proper, non-arbitrary rules
"I get nada at"
Works for me on Opera and Chrome.
"Some of your readers have to be climbing the walls every time the Rush Limbaugh autoplay starts."
It doesn't autoplay on my browser, but thanks for the (oh-so-late) alert. I have now put it after a jump.
"I thought Renoir famously sucked."
Don't assume that if I put up a photo of a painting, it's because I think it's good in every respect. It only means I found it interesting. In the case of this detail. I focused on it because I thought it was really bad.
What has he done to her eyes!!
Laslo brought up tangled up in blue. Renoir must have run out of black, or sense.
So you think Renoir sucks?
Uew, tcrosse.
Extinction due to ethanol in gasoline.
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