August 31, 2018

At the Friday Night Cafe...

... talk yourself to Saturday.


Christy said...

I'm trying not to imagine what Weinstein has on the NBC boss.

RBE said...

Are the funerals over yet?

Darrell said...

I'm trying not to imagine what Weinstein has on the NBC boss.

He was a scriptwriter on the side and Weinstein bought scripts. $$$$.

Darrell said...
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Darrell said...

Those stories from abused women are full of details about journalists (newspaper and TV) quashing stories because they got expense-paid vacations to Weinstein parties on private islands. Just giving Weinstein a heads-up got you on the nice list for future goodies.

narciso said...

Of course they are finding a way to cover this up:

Sebastian said...

Another day, another Muslim outrage:

"Police investigators in Amsterdam included an extremist attack as a possible motive for the stabbings of two people at a busy railway station Friday as authorities in the Dutch capital reported that a suspect shot by police is an Afghan citizen.

The suspect has a German residence permit"

Mike Sylwester said...
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Mike Sylwester said...

Song lyrics by Haven Gillespie (1888- 1975)

That Lucky Old Sun

Up in the morning,
Out on the job --
Work like the devil
For my pay.

But that lucky old sun
Got nothing to do
But roll around Heaven
All day.

Fuss with my woman,
Toil for my kids,
Sweat 'til I'm wrinkled
And gray.

Good Lord up above,
Can't you know
That I'm pining,
Tears in my eyes?

Send down that cloud
With a silver lining.
Lift me to Paradise.

Show me that river;
Take me across;
Wash all my troubles
Away .

Like that lucky old sun --
Give me nothing to do
But roll around Heaven
All day.

Sung by Aretha Franklin

Mike Sylwester said...

BookTV recently showed a lecture by Thor Hanson about his new book, titled Buzz: The Nature and Necessity of Bees. Hanson is a biologist who specializes in bees.

The lecture was surprisingly interesting and amusing.

The part that interested me the most was his argument that bees were an important factor in the evolution of human beings. Bee honey, rich in glucose, fed the growth of humans' brain size.

The part that amused me the most was his argument that bees are the only insect that human beings find to be cute, even adorable. He illustrated that part with various cartoons of friendly bee characters.

traditionalguy said...

NB:Cute honey Bees are a different insect from Yellow Jacket Wasps that attack first to keep their territory.

Humperdink said...

Now that John McCain is lying in state, he joins my Senator Bob Casey (D-Coma) who has been lying in state since his election to the senate in 2007.

narciso said...

That is a,curious thing because none of Oppenheim s projects, the mawkish Jackie, the divergent and the maze runner don't have any apparent Weinstein connection

Darrell said...

Weinstein may have gotten the scripts to the right people. And there are always future projects. And future starlets on future private island getaways.

traditionalguy said...

Wisconsin is running all over poor Western Kentucky. I want to see the ABC night game two weeks from tomorrow when a small school from Ft. Worth comes to Ohio State. I bet that is one Big Ten team that meet will their match.

Ralph L said...
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Sebastian said...

A twofer: "extremist Muslim" illegal alien arrested:

"The FBI on Friday announced that it has arrested all five “extremist Muslim” New Mexico compound suspects . . . The suspects were charged with violating federal firearms and conspiracy laws . . . The defendants, Jany Leveille, 35, a Haitian national illegally present in the United States . . ."

Ralph L said...

What female divorcee doesn't like the Praying Mantis?

Churchy LaFemme: said...

The part that amused me the most was his argument that bees are the only insect that human beings find to be cute, even adorable. He illustrated that part with various cartoons of friendly bee characters.

That's not true, at least for the "only" part. Ladybugs have a constituency as do fireflies, junebugs & inchworms.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

D'oh! Butterflies too!

Phil 314 said...

Reading some of Cracks comments it occurred to me:

After reading Althouse commenters does he tell his black friends

“this is what white folks think...”

narciso said...

Does he do the phony Chris rock routine with them, is he really Aaron mcgruder?

Humperdink said...

Rev. Jasper Williams Jr.'s eulogy at Aretha's funeral really touched a nerve. What right does the good pastor have to tell the black community to get their act together?

Michael K said...

The cafe posts seem to have the most interesting comments,.

eddie willers said...

Are the funerals over yet?

Holy Jesus! I have never seen it take so long to bury two people.

narciso said...

The beatings will continue till morale improves.

StephenFearby said...

Possible Blogging Material for the Professor:

Rolling Stone:

Iconic NYC Weekly ‘Village Voice’ Shutters After 63 Years

"Village Voice, the iconic New York City alt-weekly that began publication in 1955, announced that it would cease production Friday, nearly a year after the Voice ended its print edition and moved to digital-only."

"...the [online edition of the] Village Voice employed 18 staffers, 10 of whom were laid off following Friday’s announcement. The remaining staffers will help digitize the Voice‘s archives and make it “accessible” for “coming generations” before it shutters completely.

The NYT article puts the Voice into better perspective:

In its heyday, the Voice published some great cartoons, most notably by Jules Feiffer. But I really liked Stan Mack's Real Life Funnies (All Dialogue Guaranteed Overheard).

Excerpts from a 2013 interview with Mack:

Q: In your wanderings to overhear, did you go out in search of interesting conversations or did they just happen wherever you were? Reading through your Real Life Funnies, I kept wondering what you were doing in all those singles groups and psychics meetings.

A: There were a number of ways I got my words and stories. Wonderful lines did drop into my lap when going for milk. Still, my weekly deadline was always rushing towards me, so I regularly left home to troll for lines in bars, parks and museums, at gatherings of psychics, UFO abductees, and pigeon fanciers, by following political protests, by hanging out with a dominatrix...intrepid boy reporter/voyeur.

In order to hear people speaking naturally, I sometimes needed to be accepted as just another participant--a sincere searcher for my soul mate at the Universalist Church on the Upper West Side, or whomever. And that required a little method acting, including being a very boring searcher for my soul mate. I was there to listen to, and secretly write down, the words of other searchers, not have them be interested in mine.

Google's sample of Mack's work:

...which unfortunately doesn't contain my all time favorite, "I'll never forget Sharon"

Partial captions:

"She was my student at the New School. I was 43 and getting a divorce. She was 23. She flirted with me."

"We started dating secretly."

"I helped her get her divorce."

"I encouraged her to go to law school...and got her a job in [NYC] government."

"Sharon [S] was becoming a dynamo!" S (in bed, while making love): "You're so wonderful, adult, wise, I love you." New School Prof: "We'll go to Paris for your graduation."

'I was thinking marriage when [she told me] "I'm having an affair with a lawyer. But I know you'll understand. I need you, too."

"Now I'm dating Roxanne. She owns a yacht. She's in therapy two times a week. She has teenagers and she's 45."

It doesn't seem to be available online. Perhaps it will appear in the archive.

eddie willers said...

It doesn't seem to be available online.

I'm not surprised. I hate to break it to you, but the examples you gave were awful.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

When I look at the headlines and teasers at "The Telegraph", I sometimes get the feeling the Brits run the country on some sort of amateur basis:

A European Commission plan to abolish daylight savings time in the EU may create a “time border” in Northern Ireland after Brexit.

Jean-Claude Juncker, the president of the European Commission, announced on Friday that his officials would put forward a bill abolishing the clock change "Millions,” he said, “believe that summertime should be all the time."

If Ireland agrees to the change, observers believe Northern Ireland could be forced to follow suit, which could mean Belfast and London operating on an hours difference for seven months of the year. Alternately, Northern Ireland and Ireland could be on different times, which could conceivably wreak havoc and confusion over the...

"Wreak havoc and confusion?"

For crying out loud, freaking Florida has two different time zones , with the capital one hour off the bulk of the state. New York & LA are three hours apart. Arizona effectively (though not in reality) switches timezones twice a year.

Somehow I think the Brits and the Irish would be able to deal with the havoc and confusion..

narciso said...

Yes but they are looking at It, through the prisms of the troubles, crazy I know.

The Crack Emcee said...

China Is Treating Islam Like a Mental Illness

We should try this here - but on angry white guys.

Then Muslims.

The Crack Emcee said...

Ten years ago, the same people that were worshiping him over the weekend were savaging McCain as a Nazi. Many on the right are gobbling it up, retweeting, reposting, and generally ignoring the hypocrisy.

Because that's how white guys win elections. Attacking their own side for not sucking their dick - brilliant. Now they're opportunistically jumping on Trump's bandwagon, pretending he likes racists, making whites look bad.

It's not hard.

The Crack Emcee said...

"Why is John Kerry going down to Antarctica just a week after the election to discuss climate change and then you have energy beams coming out of Antarctica splitting hurricanes?"

-- Owen Shroyer, Infowars

Answer: white guys.

The Crack Emcee said...

It’s not just Alex Jones.

Or Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck or Michael Savage and all the others who sell conspiracy theory as fact.

It’s not just Jerry Falwell and Ken Hamm and Joel Osteen and all the other holy joes who push their religious fraud as truth.

It’s not just the politicians who lie to you every day for their own profit and power.

It’s a population that utterly lacks the ability to process information in any reliable fashion, lacks intellectual rigor, lacks intellectual curiosity, and worse, lacks any desire to acquire such.

And white guys like it this way - insist on it - so they can confuse the stupid(er) to exploit them.

That's America!

Michael Fitzgerald said...

John McCain's corpse now leading the parade of horribles that the democrat party has feted as heroic solely on their deranged animus toward the president. Let's see, Crazy Comey the Leaker, Sally Yates, porn whore Stormy and sleazy lawyer Avenatti... Remember how the progs who absolutely despised Megyn Kelly rushed to canonize her and give her her own show for getting bloody with DJT?

langford peel said...

It's a damn shame that Crack has to monkey up these threads.

Don't you have to go knock up some baby mama or sum tin bitch.

gadfly said...

Fake News from Judicial Watch!

Judicial Watch recently filed a request with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court seeking the transcripts of all hearings related to the surveillance of Carter Page.

“It is disturbing that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance courts rubber-stamped the Carter Page spy warrants and held not one hearing on these extraordinary requests to spy on the Trump team,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “Perhaps the court can now hold hearings on how justice was corrupted by material omissions that Hillary Clinton’s campaign, the DNC, a conflicted Bruce Ohr, a compromised Christopher Steele, and anti-Trumper Peter Strzok were all behind the ‘intelligence’ used to persuade the courts to approve the FISA warrants that targeted the Trump team.”

It has been established through the House and Senate Intelligence Hearings and even the Justice IG that no law was broken by FBI lawyer Bruce Ohr (called conflicted) or FBI Foreign Intellgence Agent Pete Strzok (called anti-Trumper). Evidence gathered on Carter Page as a result of the George Papadopolous investigation (which predated the Steele Dosier) was the basis for the FISA Warrants (per Devon Nunes' Republican summary report).

The Crack Emcee said...

I saw a black guy speak at McCain's funeral, so I'm not the only "racist" who liked him - or who opposes real racists to defend him.

You poor boobs: nobody's going to speak for your racist asses - because you're racists. Just like you opportunistically attached yourselves to Trump, hoping he'll carry your racist banner, and you'll do ANYTHING to keep racism alive - you still won't. So you'll die alone with no one to speak for you.

I think God likes us better with a black introduction. The Devil, of course, needs no introduction.

The Crack Emcee said...

langford peel said...

"Don't you have to go knock up some baby mama or sum tin bitch."

Don't you wish white guys had a cool way of talking, or wearing their clothes, or singing and dancing - or SOMETHING to make girls like them more than black guys - before whites die out, without a trace, except for this excellent country they left for minorities to enjoy without them?

Don't you?

The Crack Emcee said...

Honest Injun: as soon as y'all stop being racist, I will join you, but not until.

Think about it.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Blogger Darrell said...

Weinstein may have gotten the scripts to the right people. And there are always future projects. And future starlets on future private island getaways.

I wonder about the women who are eager to trade sexual favors for acting gigs. I assume that there are a lot of them. #MeToo puts them at a competitive disadvantage. I suppose that as far as Weinstein was concerned, all of his "victims" were women in this category.

The Crack Emcee said...

langford peel said...

"It's a damn shame that Crack has to monkey up these threads."

Paradise is when whites can be racist with no push-back. Disaster is when they're seen for who they are.

This, my friends, is a disaster.

The Crack Emcee said...

Pass the tanning butter!

Tyrone Slothrop said...

Honest to God, Althouse. What good did you ever see in The Crack Emcee?

Etienne said...

Geoffrey Owens gets shamed on Fox for working hard

"It was a shock to see him working there and looking the way he did. It made me feel really bad. I was like, 'Wow, all those years of doing the show and you ended up as a cashier," Lawrence said of seeing Owens at the Trader Joe's store. "Other fans would be surprised for sure as well."

A cashier - oh the horror...

"Karma Lawrence, 50, was grocery shopping with her wife, security manager Yanelle, 40, when she saw Owens..."

Great - two old lesbians giving it to the poor bastard hetero. I wonder if they picked-up some phallic vegetables.

Etienne said...

What good did you ever see in The Cracker Emcee?

He's a professional spammer. Don't tell anyone, but he's a redneck from Conway, Arkansas and works at Trader Joe's in Clifton, New Jersey as a cashier.

Mr. Groovington said...

Dear racists

What is your realistic best case outcome, here in the US, or anywhere different races co-exist?

Racists are stupid for behaving like racists.

Etienne said...
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Etienne said...
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Etienne said...
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Etienne said...
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etbass said...

Hasn’t been a good night on the cafe post.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Why is nobody talking Louis Farrrakhan at Aretha's death concert? Was the event an organizing effort for mid-terms. Aretha certainly was no life model. Media lionizes people for a purpose. I really don't miss watching TV.

Ralph L said...

Somebody left in a huff.

BEE, two media companies cropped Farrakhan out of their photos. MSNBC and another.

Jesse and Sharpton both looked pretty ill. The Clintons, too. Hillary was steadied by two people walking up 3 steps.

BUMBLE BEE said...

My bad... Crack had the "Louis Farrakhan" mention covered. Guess they both were drivin on the freeway of love at yesterday's death concert.

The Crack Emcee said...

Tyrone Slothrop said...

"Honest to God, Althouse. What good did you ever see in The Crack Emcee?"

Honest Tyrone, what good are you, when you let white assholes take over the comments and you don't say anything?

Lewis Wetzel said...

The Clintons, too. Hillary was steadied by two people walking up 3 steps.
Our PR guy gave the Clintons a tour of our facility earlier this year. He said that both were frail in appearance. Hillary was cold and curt, Bill was very friendly but didn't seem all there & had an "old man's shuffle."

Humperdink said...

Traveled from PA yesterday to the Detroit with a friend. He was purchasing a car and needed a driver to drive his car back. While relaxing in the dealer's waiting room, I watched a bit of the Queen of Soul's funeral. Minding my own business, some black chick looks at Sharpton and quips, he's lost much weight he looks like a bobble head.

Other observations:

> Wild Bill Clinton looks old and worn out, yet he and Trump are the same age. He appeared to be dozing off throughout event. He did come alive when the mini-skirted singer performed in front of him.

> Jesse Jackson, booted from the Jenny Craig program, needed help to get out of his chair.

> I do not recall Aretha ever getting political, but the Dems did not miss their chance here.

The Crack Emcee said...

Humperdink said...

"Some black chick looks at Sharpton and quips, he's lost much weight he looks like a bobble head."

The only black person who likes the skinny Sharpton is Al Sharpton.

"Wild Bill Clinton looks old and worn out"

That does seem to be the consensus.

"Jesse Jackson, booted from the Jenny Craig program, needed help to get out of his chair."

He ain't been right since he was busted screwing his secretary. Credibility GONE.

"I do not recall Aretha ever getting political, but the Dems did not miss their chance here."

It's not lost on anyone but whites that Aretha used to sing for MLK's appearances, or that the Civil Rights Movement sprang from blacks being shorted by this nation after serving in WWII, or that white's ignorance - and their (I'm being generous here) historic blindspots that produced those contradictions - doesn't make blacks wrong. We're still tallying up "Firsts" because of whites. I bet most whites don't "recall" that on a daily basis - when they're the reason why.

This is one amazing country.

Hagar said...

I don't think Donald Trump expects any "off the record" request by him will be honored.

Hagar said...

I think there is a "Black press" that we don't see much of - it is kind of an inside thing - and most of the hurrahing about Black people that we see is generated by a very "White" MSM.

Hagar said...

Just two more months to the election, and it is essential to keep 'em voting D one more time.

The Crack Emcee said...

Hagar said...

"I think there is a "Black press" that we don't see much of"

That's hilarious. Who's "we" Kemosabi? You subscribed to Jet Magazine or Ebony? The Final Call? Watch BET or whatever? Come on.

"It is kind of an inside thing"

You mean whites are too racist to read anything but white shit - which makes it "inside" - because blacks certainly get it without any effort or secret handshakes and passwords.

"Most of the hurrahing about Black people that we see is generated by a very "White" MSM."

And racist whites think that's bad - because no American should like us. They should stick to their own kind. But y'all aint racist, right?


Paco Wové said...

I find it hard to encourage young people to consider professional journalism as a career. It used to be because jobs were scarce, but now, added to that, is the clear trend of having to use one’s words to lie. To flat-out lie about what is real, and to lie in a way that journalists working for Pravda and Izvestia had to do back in the day.

Ralph L said...

Not long ago, I read an interesting take on Soviet media: having to accept its obvious lies was part of the humiliation the state used to keep people in line.

Hagar said...

Every year there is a gadzillion young people graduating from "schools of communication," which they entered because they were told they "had to" have a college degree, could not think of any field in particular they wanted to enter, and at least, in journalism, there would not be any math or other fact based exams.
Supply and demand - it is hard to make a living in "journalism."

narciso said...

Aaron just gets annoying:

Hagar said...

Intentionally dense?

narciso said...

When did he ever have credibility, he was a,stooge for Fidel and Assad, as much as Farrakhan was for gadaffi.

The Crack Emcee said...

Hagar said...

Intentionally dense?"

[Hitting my own head]: Yeah, I think so.

narciso said...

Is the Dearborn vote that critical:

Hagar said...

We see a lot of "The Jeffersons" re-dos and Denzel Washington as a lonely super-cop for "justice" on MSM TV, but where are the Vernon Jordans?
Not to mention Jordan himself.

Bruce Hayden said...

"It has been established through the House and Senate Intelligence Hearings and even the Justice IG that no law was broken by FBI lawyer Bruce Ohr (called conflicted) or FBI Foreign Intellgence Agent Pete Strzok (called anti-Trumper). Evidence gathered on Carter Page as a result of the George Papadopolous investigation (which predated the Steele Dosier) was the basis for the FISA Warrants (per Devon Nunes' Republican summary report)."


Nothing has been established one way or another about Bruce Ohr. House committees, in closed session just interviewed him for the first time, and the Democrats didn't bother to show up. The transcripts of the hearing haven't been released, and most of what we have is second hand. The Senate hasn't interviewed him yet at all. And the IG report that might or might not implicate Ohr hasn't been released yet. What we do know is that Ohr was in flagrant violation of numerous DoJ rules and regulations, any of which would be grounds for termination. Yet he is still employed, though demoted (he had been the highest ranking career employee at the DoJ, #4 overall). Why? Almost assuredly because his testimony is still useful to IG Horowitz and maybe USA Heber. Still, at a minimum, if Heber decided to indict Ohr, from what we know so far, he could go with a Scooter Libby prosecution for memory loss constituting lying to federal authorities. What is going to be interesting though is that Ohr's recent Congressional testimony apparently contradicts that of Lisa Page, who had, up until then, been considered the least noncredible witness in the inner circle of the conspiracy. Which is to say that one or both of them has very likely been lying, which is, of course here, a federal crime.

And you seem to have very little understanding of what happened with Popadopolis and the Steele Dossier. To simplify, false information concerning Popodopolis was manufactured out of thin air by the use of overseas assets (Halper, Downer, and Misfyd - we don't really know who was controlling them, whether it was the CIA, FBI, or another IC agency). This false information was relayed to the FBI somehow (it was known by them unofficially long before they received it officially) and used by them to open a formal counterintelligence investigation concerning Russian collusion. That counterint investigation, run by Peter Strzok, then used the Steele Dossier as the primary basis for the four FISA warrants on Carter Page (with Steele sourced media stories used as support), which allowed them to intercept the communications of anyone he had communicated with, and then their contacts, which meant probably the entire Trump campaign and transition teams.

The intersection between these two is that ADAG Ohr admitted to Congress that his wife wrote some of the Steele Dossier (and writing style analysis suggests that she and her protege Edward Baumgardner wrote the bulk of it). This meant that he knew the providence of the source of the material for the 4 FISA warrants on Carter Page. His immediate supervisor, the current DAG (he was their #2 as ADAG) at the time, certified the four FISA applications under penalty of perjury to be completely accurate. They weren't even close, and this was known by the top assistants of those signing for both the DoJ and FBI. This was a blatant "Woods" violation, and very likely violated a number of federal criminal statutes. Ohr also met on numerous occasions with both Steele and Ohr, and worked as a back channel between the FBI (esp Strzok) and Steele after he had been terminated by the FBI for going to the press.

I would suggest that you keep trying to obscure the emerging scandal, but this becomes tiresome.

narciso said...

Oh and farrakhan, for reasons I can't fathom 2as a fan of the ayatollahs. Arab nationalism and Shia militancy what gives.

narciso said...

Of course the common element is Arafat trained the Iranian revolutionaries like his force 17 was the finishing school for Hezbollah

Ralph L said...

Not to mention Jordan himself.

Pretty sure he's been dead a few years.

Hagar said...

Nah. He may be retired, but quite alive and well.

And even if he had passed away, how could that have happened so quietly? You don't have to approve of Vernon Jordan to remark on that. After all, the guy did sort of take over Clark Clifford's mantle.

Hagar said...

What happened to the shows with James Earl Jones as a believable Admiral Greer in charge of the works?

Ralph L said...

Barbara Jordan, Vernon Jordan, they all look alike to me.

Jim at said...

Are the funerals over yet?

No shit.

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