August 2, 2018

"An almond doesn’t lactate, I will confess."

Said FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, quoted in "Senators Ask ‘What Is Milk?’/Dairy industry wants to limit the word to what comes out of cows" (Business Insider).
The Senate voted, 14-84, to defeat an amendment, offered by Republican Sen. Mike Lee of Utah, that would kill spending on a Food and Drug Administration study on what can be marketed as milk.

“Consumers are not deceived by these labels,” said Lee. “No one buys almond milk under the false illusion that it came from a cow. They buy it because it didn’t come from a cow.”...

Wisconsin Democrat Tammy Baldwin called the amendment “an attack on dairy farmers”...

“These labeling requirements play right into the hands of the large, cronyist food industries that want to place new, innovative products at a disadvantage,” said Lee in a statement last week.
That actually is an attack on dairy farmers — cronyist.

I wrote about the what-is-milk issue long ago. In 2005, in a post called "Sitting in a café":
Extremely mild irritation of the morning (heightened by my caffeination): a man orders a coffee drink made with soy milk. Unless you're allergic to milk or moralistically vegan, don't order soy milk! What are you doing? Soy is a bean -- or, really, a legume. Do you drink peanut milk? Lentil milk? There is no milk, not even juice in a soy bean. So what is this soy "milk"? It's some kind of water containing tiny bean particles. That's not aesthetically correct.
I had to update to say:
An emailer writes: "Hel-lo! Coffee! Cocoa! ... Water with bean particles makes my whole life better, dammit." Wait! Cocoa goes in milk. But still, I get the point. And what is milk anyway? Water with -- what? Why do I favor it solely because the water has been transformed inside an animal rather than suitably boiled and then mixed with a pure powder of human manufacture? Why do I want my liquids to be something that appear in their final form in the natural state? Every other liquid that emerges from the body of an animal is something we -- most of us -- hate to drink a glassful of. The wonder, then, is that we find cow's milk aesthetically pleasing.


tcrosse said...

The Milk of Human kindness doesn't come from a cow. Come to think of it, neither does goats milk.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

We find milk pleasing because it contains animal fat and it tastes fantastic.

A tall glass of ice-cold whole milk with a fresh, warm chocolate chip cookie is as close to heaven as we can get on earth.

Skim milk is water that is lying about being milk.

Matt said...

What about filled milk? Why hasn't anybody done anything about that stuff? There ought to be a law.... While I'm on the subject, I have some thoughts about discrete and insular minorities. Maybe I'll drop a footnote.

Yes, that's a (bad) lawyer joke.

gilbar said...

if you want milk that is Delicious; get yourself some WHOLE milk
not skim
not 1%
not 2%

Taste it; you'll be surprised how deliciously delicious it is. It's skimmed milk that is killing the dairy industry. Skimmed milk tastes like water: Because it IS
WHOLE MILK tastes Delicious

gilbar said...

I see Annie types faster than me; but, in fairness: I had to stop to finish my milk!

gspencer said...

"to what comes out of cows?"

Forget talking with Congress. Focus on the unions which've been milking jobs for years.

Fernandinande said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fernandinande said...

"Dairy industry wants to limit the word to what comes out of cows"

Dairy Industry might want to expand the word to include humans:

"An opaque white fluid rich in fat and protein, secreted by female mammals for the nourishment of their young", but not for you, Mr. Dairy Industry Guy, unless you're selling Extract of My Own Mom and she's a cow and you're also a cow.

My name goes here. said...

"An opaque white fluid rich in fat and protein, secreted by female mammals for the nourishment of their young"

I have it on good authority that males can secrete milk. As I understand this, what normally happens is when the baby in the male's uterus is pushed out the milk production amps up in his breasts. Also I have read that the same thing happens in females.

rhhardin said...

Milk out of nuts isn't restricted to mammals.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

I'm on a low potassium diet and (cow) milk has lots of potassium. That's OK. I don't really like milk, but in some dishes it's unavoidable. Soy and almond milks are also high in potassium so I use rice milk, which bears some similarities to real milk, but for the most part you're just kidding yourself.

WisRich said...

gilbar said...
if you want milk that is Delicious; get yourself some WHOLE milk
not skim
not 1%
not 2%

Taste it; you'll be surprised how deliciously delicious it is. It's skimmed milk that is killing the dairy industry. Skimmed milk tastes like water: Because it IS
WHOLE MILK tastes Delicious

8/2/18, 11:50 AM

Our family has been drinking skim milk, well, forever. I remember having whole milk once and it tasted like cream. Maybe I should drink it more often.

tim maguire said...

So long as "milk" without any qualifiers always means cow's milk, Mike Lee is right. Nobody's fooled. Just another example of government waste.

Mich McCormick said...

I love me a glass of cold milk but as I’ve aged i.e. left my teens and early twenties I’ve noticed an increase in intolerance toward cow milk. Alas, after one too many close calls I’ve had to jump on the coconut, cashew, soy and almond alternative train. But let’s be real, they’re not milk. It’s basically nut water.

But that’s a tough label to put on grocery shelves so almond milk it is!

Fernandinande said...

Milk is ...wait for it....racist!
But you knew that already because it's white.

Lactose Intolerance by Ethnicity and Region
East Asian 90-100%
African American 75%
African African 70-90%
British 5-15%

Unknown said...

Drink skim milk for a month and you'll never be able to tolerate the taste of whole milk again.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Lactose intolerant? Get yourself some lactase and enjoy. Or try lactose free dairy products which seem sweeter somehow than regular milk.

Howard said...

We've milk this topic for all it's worth

Bad Lieutenant said...

Coconut milk and coconut water are apparently two quite different things.

Real American said...

government never studies any "problem" without the full intention going in of regulating the hell out of it. We all know how this "study" will turn out.

ken in tx said...

Powdered coffee creamer, in Canada, is labeled, Coffee Whitener. I suspect there is a dairy lobby involved.

cubanbob said...

Doesn't the FDA have something more important to do? Anyone who thinks almond ( or any plant based) milk is the same as cow's ( or other animal based) milk has serious problems. Problems better dealt with by the NIH. Such as research into curing stupidity.

gilbar said...

WisRich said: Our family has been drinking skim milk, well, forever. I remember having whole milk once and it tasted like cream.

Like Annie said*, an Ice Cold glass and a chocolate chip cookie, and you're good to go back outside and play until suppertime. It's filling; because it's Delicious!

Like Annie said* Okay, maybe i'm putting some extra words into her mouth

gilbar said...

Powdered coffee creamer is a Sin against Humanity
That is the sort of thing Commies would use!!!

ps. if you use Delicious WHOLE MILK, you can use it in your coffee instead of cream

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Drink what you want. Call it want you want.


Kate said...

Not a lot of dairy farms in Utah. Almond groves, though...

Lee's a pompous git.

Michael K said...

The evolution of lactose tolerance is interesting and may explain the Indo_European invasion.

According to The 10,000 Year Explosion, “For example, we see changes in genes affecting transport of vitamins into cells. Similarly, vitamin D shortages in the new diet may have driven the evolution of light skin in Europe and northern Asia. Vitamin D is produced by ultraviolet radiation from the sun acting on our skin – an odd, plantlike way of going about things. Less is therefore produced in areas far from the equator, where UV flux is low. Since there is plenty of vitamin D in fresh meat, hunter-gatherers in Europe may not have suffered from vitamin D shortages and thus may have been able to get by with fairly dark skin. In fact, this must have been the case, since several of the major mutations causing light skin color appear to have originated after the birth of agriculture. Vitamin D was not abundant in the new cereal-based diet, and any resulting shortages would have been serious, since they could lead to bone malformations (rickets), decreased resistance to infectious diseases, and even cancer. This may be why natural selection favored mutations causing light skin, which allowed for adequate vitamin D synthesis in regions with little ultraviolet radiation.”

Alcoholic drinks, which became important with the rise of agriculture, have plenty of bad side effects, yet essentially all agricultural peoples enjoyed some form of alcoholic brew.

So, along with many things, beer explains lactose tolerance.

Lactose intolerance is found among just 5% of Scandinavians in the far north of Europe, but among more than 70% of the population in Sicily in the far south. While it is common to show some symptoms of lactose intolerance, many Africans and Asians are not able to digest lactose at all. “Which came first, the cattle or the mutation, you can’t tell,” Harpending says. “If the mutation had not occurred, there wouldn’t be so much dairying. But if people who could digest lactose didn’t have cattle, the mutation would have had no advantage.” He speculates whether this mutation may have contributed to the first Indo-European expansion.

When cattle were kept at least as much for their milk as for their meat this was beneficial, since dairying is more efficient than raising cattle for slaughter; it produces about five times as many calories per square kilometer. Those who could utilize milk as adults could raise more warriors on the same amount of land. Dairying could have been more productive than grain farming in northern regions during the late Neolithic and Copper Age/Early Bronze Age. As the Proto-Indo-Europeans became dairymen they relied more on cattle and less on grain farming, which gave them a major advantage in mobility over more settled populations of pre-state farmers. Perhaps the first Indo-Europeans were a successful society of pastoral nomads who raised livestock and moved about to find good pastures for their animals.

ALP said...

This is on my list of Top Pet Peeves: vegetarians/vegans co-opting meaty/dairy words for their food. My family is vegetarian, my dad a vegan. Got nothing against it until you feed me something called "Tofurky", tell me its going to taste like turkey - and it tastes like cardboard, not turkey. Please do not tell me that your reengineered-for-vegetarians food TASTES like the thing its NOT supposed to be. Find a fancy French/Thai/Chinese/Latin/FillInBlank word for liquid extracts of nuts.

Foods like this need their own name. Give it a name that describes what it IS. If I am told a dish is "Vegetarian Meatloaf" - my tastebuds are expecting...meatloaf, not soy with a ton a flavor added in an attempt to mimic beef. Had you told me it was "Soy Loaf" (ugh, not very appetizing) at least my expectations are not high, and stand a better chance of enjoying it without preconcieved ideas.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

Indeed gilbar. Extra words are fine. As long a milk and cookies are included.

Fernandinande said...

Coffee Whitener

My cow-orkers and I called that stuff "white chemicals".

Margarine used to come with the butter-coloring separate, thanks to our friends at the Diary Industry who don't want us to be confused just because we can't read.

wild chicken said...

Mongols drank mare's milk. I assume that came out of horses.

Just putting that out there.

Howard said...

This isn't the first time Sen Feinstein failed to save milk.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

My mom loved margarine. Not so much as a culinary item but as a miracle of modern science. During WWII real butter was hard to come by, and mom's family were very happy to be able to get margarine. Thanks to the efforts of the dairy lobby, margarine producers were not allowed to color the margarine. It was white as marketed, but it came with a little pouch of food coloring so you could approximate the appearance of butter if you cared to.

Mom thought butter was bad for you, so we grew up on margarine. Dad always had a cholesterol problem and died at 62 from an aortic dissection. I think it was the margarine. I can't stand the stuff, and from the day I moved out I've only used butter. My cholesterol is 160, and so far I've lived two years longer than Dad.

I've never heard of soy butter, but nut butter is fantastic. Mmmm, peanut butter. Mmmm, almond butter.

wild chicken said...

And what about Milk if Magnesia?

It's all politics.

traditionalguy said...

Cheese and yogurt and other yeast milk stouts are the natural food of herders. They can be transported to eat later without cooking. Think Genghiss Khan's horde of riders. in Viking country, along with fish,they are the staff of life where agriculture is limited by land and climate limitations. Salute to Bailey's Irish Cream.

Big Mike said...

Lee is right, as usual. No one brighter than Tammy Baldwin (i.e., essentially 100% of the human race) believes almond milk comes from the mammary glands of some mammal.

solar emp said...

Blogger Inga said...
"Lactose intolerant? Get yourself some lactase and enjoy. Or try lactose free dairy products which seem sweeter somehow than regular milk".

Or, try non homogenized milk. My wife is lactose intolerant but she can drink non-homogenized milk. We get it from the dairy about 4 miles from our house. When milk is homogenized, it is forced through nozzles with holes that are microscopically small. That changes the molecular structure of milk and is why most people who are lactose intolerant cant drink it.

Jaq said...

I suspect there is a dairy lobby involved.

Naah! Just because Canadians have something like a 200% tariff on imported dairy products doesn’t mean that dairy there has a powerful lobby!

Henry said...

How about milquetoast?

buwaya said...

I live on instant coffee.
My wife rolls her eyes, but buys me the big jars from Costco.
Its fast, not fussy, required no equipment and is very cheap.

I'm in it for the drugs.

Jaq said...

Fair Life milk has the lactose filtered out of it and tastes therefore like it is higher in fat content than it really is. It was such a pleasure to find that stuff and eat cereal again. Almond milk is fine to. “Vegan” is just another word for “passive aggressive.”

traditionalguy said...

Before going to bed, drink some Cornbread crumbled up in cold buttermilk That is a 1880s southern tradition. Warning: It is a sour cultured buttermilk .

Jaq said...

Michael, look at the latest New York Times’ hire regarding light skin

White people are only fit to live underground like goblins, apparently.

Anthony said...

Friend of mine's crusty old dad: "Almond milk? Since when do almonds have tits?"

Francisco D said...

"No one buys almond milk under the false illusion that it came from a cow. They buy it because it didn’t come from a cow.”

Which is why I have been drinking almond milk for the last five years. It feels healthier to me. YMMV.

That said, I am definitely not a vegan. I do most of the cooking because I am retired and my fiancé works. She feeds my ego by telling me what a wonderful, health conscious cook I am.

This weeks menu includes beef, chicken and fish with a plan to learn how the AZ natives make (pork) chili verde.

Howard said...

Fair Life lactation excrement is higher in protein and lower in sugar.

bagoh20 said...

Milk should be defined as any liquid produced by an organism through glands to feed its offspring. (The glands eliminate simple regurgitation.) Then you have cow's milk, goat's, whale's, platypus, and even some insects.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

You can milk anything with nipples.

Darkisland said...

I too think has to come from mammals, not grains an nuts. No problem with the product, though I don't care for it.

Call it a "milk-like fluid" there are too many people who honestly think soy or almond milk is milk.

Back in the 80s some company ran an ad showing an Italian family picking the "spaghetti harvest" from trees. They got fined for misleading advertising.

And don't get me started on calling those pyrotechnic high explosives 18" ftom my face "air" bags.

John Henry

Nonapod said...

bagoh20 said...Milk should be defined as any liquid produced by an organism through glands to feed its offspring. (The glands eliminate simple regurgitation.) Then you have cow's milk, goat's, whale's, platypus, and even some insects.

Honey is produced within bee's proventriculus (honey stomach) from nectar and enzymes produced by a bee's hypopharyngeal gland. So I guess Honey is bee milk?

GRW3 said...

The local joke in San Antonio, and probably other similar well integrated areas, is that Soy Milk is just regular milk introducing itself, "Soy" is Spanish for "I am", it's saying "I am milk".

In fact, the native (born in area, regardless of race) dialect in coastal to central Texas has a bunch of Spanish and Germanic words.

gilbar said...

Dr Mike's link was interesting. Basically:
Agriculture allows armies (because more (not better) food)
Dairy production allows mobile armies (because cows can graze as you go)
Lactose tolerance allows Dairy Consumption

Thus, White Man's Milk explains White domination of the World
*AND* It's Delicious!

walter said...

Blogger Char Char Binks said...You can milk anything with nipples.
You can try..but the guy might clobber you.

Then there's Chihuahua Cheese

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

So then what do you call Almond milk?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The almond milk formerly known as almond milk?

Rabel said...

"Anyone who thinks almond (or any plant based) milk is the same as cow's (or other animal based) milk has serious problems."

Based on the name, I used to think it was almond flavored cow's milk. It's intentionally misleading, isn't it?

I don't deny the serious problems part, but I don't think they're connected to almond milk.

wildswan said...

Milk is made to feed the young. Almond nuts are a seed which is a package made up of an plant embryo and some very high quality food for that embryo when it begins to grow, all inside a seed coat. So what's wrong with almond "milk" which is made from that high-quality food for the young of the almond tree? Restricting the word "milk" to "food for the young of the class of mammals" is class prejudice as well as being the philosophical error of essentialism. Further, as pointed out above, once you don't have milk from plants you don't have butter from plants either - no peanut butter. Chocolate is made from cocoa butter - no Hersey kisses. And on we go in error's endless maze. Will the law require segregated coolers?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Silk is taken.

Will silk worms go on strike? will they demand their product off-limits to the nuts formerly know as Almond/Soy/Cashew/Milk?

Anonymous said...

Are you guys telling me that Tiger's Milk doesn't come from tigers?

c365 said...

You're a smart person who enjoys word definitions. One of the very clear definitions of milk is to "extract sap, venom, or other substances".

The word "plant milk" has entered the vernacular to the extent it has it's own wikipedia page. Horchata, rice milk, coconut milk etc. etc. As the senator said, no one is confused about where almond milk comes from. And if they feel defrauded, they don't need the full weight of the investigatory powers of the US Congress and it's research department to help you avoid spending $4 on a box of almond milk.

If you do a little digging some of these things have been called milks for over a couple hundred years.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Almond juice?

Citrus and other fruits might be offended.

Michael K said...

Blogger tim in vermont said...

Michael, look at the latest New York Times’ hire regarding light skin

I saw some of her tweets.

I told a friend of mine, a black orthopedist, that Farrakhan was right about white people. We are "Ice People" because, as humans moved north to colder climates with seasons, they evolved whiter skin. This is true in Asia, as well. Vitamin D deficiency was one force and may also have been an advantage to lactose digestion. Fur bearing mammals don't need Vitamin D.

Africans get enough Vitamin D through sunlight on skin. The melanin is to protect from UV. They are "Sun People."

He bought two copies of "The 10,000 Year Explosion" for his daughters.

The same pigment trends with latitude occur in Asia but the blue eyes mutation did not occur there. Why it has persisted is a mystery.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Almond garner.

MadisonMan said...

Most milk in WI is used to make cheese. Too bad our Senator seems ignorant of that fact. But hey! Isthmus has a puff piece on her this week, so there is that.

MadisonMan said...

I have it on good authority that males can secrete milk.

If you are a male secreting milk, get thee to a doctor. You might have breast cancer.

Dude1394 said...

We are only 20trillion dollars in debt, but let’s retulate what is called milk. I am quite sure there are some nice pockets being lined with this “study” money. We are really screwed. I would love to see trump veto this crap.

MadisonMan said...

The Soy Milk wiki:

Soy milk or soymilk is a plant-based drink produced by soaking and grinding soybeans, boiling the mixture, and filtering out remaining particulates. It is a stable emulsion of oil, water, and protein. Its original form is a natural by-product of the manufacture of tofu. It became a staple of East Asian cuisine over the last few centuries, after it was discovered that prolonged heating eliminated this effect.

The reader is left to wonder what this effect means.

We drink 1% at my house. If chocolated, I prefer it with done with whole milk. We used to have chocolate milk in bottles -- until the farm went under. Best Chocolate Milk Ever.

Richard said...

My pet peeve when it comes to misleading names for food products is use of the term organic.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

I try to avoid bovine secretions whenever possible.

PackerBronco said...

Methinks Tammy is milking this issue because she's up for re-election.

PackerBronco said...

Blogger Richard said...
My pet peeve when it comes to misleading names for food products is use of the term organic

Kick some dirt on those vegetables and double the price.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

An almond doesn't lactate, I will confess

Sound's Seussian, but the meter's a little off. Let's try this:

An almond doesn't lactate I simply will confess
Nor does a soy or coconut (it's true, but I digress).
Only sets of udders, or tits or dugs or teats
Give up that creamy liquid that goes well in your Peet's.
So keep your tree and field crops for candy bars and oil
And give me bouncy mammals for teapots on the boil.

PackerBronco said...

Blogger bagoh20 said...
Milk should be defined as any liquid produced by an organism...

Misread that last word. Silly me ...

Curious George said...

Soy milk has phytoestrogens which lowers testosterone levels in men and gives them man boobs.

I'll bet Chuck drinks soy milk. Lots of soy milk.

readering said...

What a useless comment.

gilbar said...

An almond doesn't lactate
I'm stealing this! But I will make sure to give you credit

Curious George said...

"An almond doesn’t lactate..."

Neither does Tammy Baldwin. Ever.

Lance said...

I would love to see trump veto this crap.

No chance. For all the work his administration has done on eliminating regulations, Trump has no problem with subsidies.

gilbar said...

The same pigment trends with latitude occur in Asia but the blue eyes mutation did not occur there. Why it has persisted is a mystery.
The interesting thing, is how prevalent blue (and green) eyes have become in Korea and Japan in such a short time. There seems to be a correlation with the increases in Blonde and Red (and Blue! (and Green!!)) hair there. It's amazing how quickly evolution takes place.

Drago said...

MM: "If you are a male secreting milk, get thee to a doctor. You might have breast cancer."

Why dont we just agree that a man identifying as a woman has the right to lactate, even if they cant?

Next we'll tackle where the fetus would gestate assuming a man wanted to have a baby...

D 2 said...

O give me a home
Where J Aniston does roam
And the almonds can't lactate
Where there's weed in the beer
And ostrich leather stores near
And we're fatigued with all the hate.

MikeR said...

"-- most of us--"
"It also served as an animal that Mongols could drink blood from, by cutting into a vein in the neck and drinking it, especially on harsh, long rides from place to place. For additional sustenance, horse mare's milk was made into an alcoholic beverage, known as airag."
Get with it!

tcrosse said...

On a truly Socialist dairy farm, the Workers seize the Means of Production.

bagoh20 said...

" So I guess Honey is bee milk?"

Although it is used to feed offspring, it is not produced specifically for that purpose, so not milk by my definition.

Royal jelly on the other hand is produce primarily to feed the larvae and is also called "bee milk" and I think it is a milk. It's even white and milky in appearance.

LA_Bob said...

Looks like the amendment was cosponsored by Mike Lee and Cory Booker (!). Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio were two of a handful of Republicans voting for the amendment. I'd like to know why so many of these stupid Republicans were not on board in support of Lee's common-sense position.

Like someone else said, it's all politics.

Fernandinande said...

We're suing one of those nasty, sleazy little Jesus freaks, but "They" require a mediation before the trial and today the mediator didn't show up and some judgette, who didn't waste her own valuable time apologizing for her system and her associates wasting everyone else's time, droned on about the options of a trial now when you should be having the mediation or mediation at the trial date when you should be having a trial, and I got bored and starting spacing out and then asked her to repeat the first part and she says "Can you hear me OK, sir?" and I almost said, "Yes, but I have PTSD", which is nutty because only wimps get PTSD, but Real Men have ADD, all the time and from birth.

Fernandinande said...

tcrosse said...On a truly Socialist dairy farm, the Workers seize the Means of Production.

In the Era of Trump's America, means of production seizes you.

Or the farm workers seize you, whatever.

"You have two cows.

You sell three of them to your publicly listed company, using letters of credit opened by your brother-in-law at the bank, then execute a debt/equity swap with an associated general offer so that you get all four cows back, with a tax exemption for five cows.

The milk rights of the six cows are transferred via an intermediary to a Cayman Island Company secretly owned by the majority shareholder who sells the rights to all seven cows back to your listed company.

The annual report says the company owns eight cows, with an option on one more. You sell one cow to buy a new President of the United States, leaving you with nine cows. No balance sheet provided with the release.

The public then buys your bull."

Christopher said...

Am I the only one getting the Rush Limbaugh video auto-playing every time I come here today? That was a number of posts ago.

Howard said...

you have to manually flip the autoplay switch on the player, Christopher

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

tcrosse: "On a truly Socialist dairy farm, the Workers seize the Means of Production."

On Soviet dairy farm, the Party always
fire Bernie Sanders for laziness..

Howard said...

Blogger bagoh20 said...
Royal jelly on the other hand is produce primarily to feed the larvae and is also called "bee milk" and I think it is a milk. It's even white and milky in appearance.

I thought Royal Jelly was that waxy substance underneath bellybutton lint.

Fernandinande said...

I knew a guy who ate too much royal jelly and he developed into a queen.

Fernandinande said...

And not a good queen, just a bug queen.

Fernandinande said...

Don't hate me because I'm beautiful and a little bit drunk.

D 2 said...

Years ago, a woman once said to me when we were visiting people on a farm: "I don't trust cows. I am ok with dogs."
To this very day, I don't know what she was trying to say to me by bringing the dogs into it.

walter said...

Drunk on vagina beer?

Henry said...

Ferdinand said...
And not a good queen, just a bug queen.

Royal Jelly by Roald Dahl.

Story gave me the creeps.

Big Mike said...

Wife and I were out on the road and this subject came up. She wondered out loud whether almond milk is already labeled as a non-dairy product. After all, no one thinks that there is any cream in a non-daily creamer. Good point.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Howard said...
you have to manually flip the autoplay switch on the player, Christopher

8/2/18, 4:16 PM

Well, Howard, you can act like a decent human being! Good to see you repenting your sins.

Titus said...

Tammy's a dyke.

walter said...

She's an idiot.

walter said...

Michael K said...

The interesting thing, is how prevalent blue (and green) eyes have become in Korea and Japan in such a short time.

Contract lenses ?

Darrell said...

The interesting thing, is how prevalent blue (and green) eyes have become in Korea and Japan in such a short time.

Contract lenses ?

The more you kmow.

Mark said...

What is that stuff that Luke Skywalker drank in that abomination of a movie?

gilbar said...

Contract lenses
But then, how do you explain the blond and red (and blue! (and green!)) hair?

tcrosse said...

The interesting thing, is how prevalent blue (and green) eyes have become in Korea and Japan in such a short time.

American GIs ?

Darrell said...

The interesting thing, is how prevalent blue (and green) eyes have become in Korea and Japan in such a short time.

American GIs ?


Be said...

"Define 'Is'."

Unknown said...

Just wait until the best selling milk is roach milk. After the elites eliminate meat farming. It scales better than dairy cows and their complexity and illness. And are more difficult to project human characteristics on them, and be one's best friend. The 4-H clubs will be transformed. Imagine the new shows, picking best of breed.

Titus said...

I was visiting family in Wisconsin last week. My parents grew up on farms and we drove by some cows and my mom said they are dumb. I asked why they were all hanging together and she said because they are stupid and all die together during storms. I did have yummy sweet corn but was ready to get back to the left coast. I need a big city. Safety in numbers.

Birches said...

Creamed almonds.

walter said...

Blogger gilbar said...
Contract lenses
But then, how do you explain the blond and red (and blue! (and green!)) hair?
They signed shitty contracts

walter said...

"they are stupid and all die together during storms."
Better to die alone? Was she drinking a brandy old fashioned when she said that?

Yancey Ward said...

This is your government milking you to fund the crooks who do these studies. You are the cow.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Mark said...
What is that stuff that Luke Skywalker drank in that abomination of a movie?

8/2/18, 7:21 PM

Why, the blood of horseshoe crabs, of course. Somewhat problematic of access on a desert planet like Tattooine, but that explains all those moisture evaporators:


When milk is homogenized, it is forced through nozzles with holes that are microscopically small.

Fascinating! I've been buying raw milk at a teeny little farm/dairy way out on Long Island precisely because it is not homogenized. Wonder where else you can get non-homogenized milk here. Haven't seen it at Fairway or Stew Leonard's.

MadisonMan said...

Was she drinking a brandy old fashioned when she said that?

Brandy Old Fashioned Sweet. Or, if you're a waiter, BOFS.

Re: Raw Milk. A story crossed my Facebook feed about a kid with e. coli -- a nutritionist told the Dad to feed his kid raw milk. And you know what's in raw milk? Harmful bacteria.

GMC70 said...

“Consumers are not deceived by these labels,” said Lee. “No one buys almond milk under the false illusion that it came from a cow. They buy it because it didn’t come from a cow.”...

Don't be so sure, Senator. The levels of stupid out there are amazing. Why, just the other day a Senator - a Senatoir! - was proclaiming that an AR15 could be taken past metal detectors, because it's receivers could be 3D printed.

Stupid abounds. Case closed.

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