২৩ আগস্ট, ২০১৮

Am I not all excited about the "constitutional crisis" — me, a former constitutional law professor?

Asked the lawyer friend I'd run into on the way back from my walk over to check the after-the-deluge water level of Lake Mendota.


What "constitutional crisis"? It seems to me the Constitution is in place, working as usual. There are some legal issues in play, but what's constitutional other than that some of the various actors in the drama have positions defined in the Constitution and obtained by normal constitutional procedures? It was assumed that I would excitedly spring into action because of this assumed "constitutional crisis," but my response was that I felt distanced from all the ugly divisions, though I thought some good might ultimately come from the crumbling of the 2 political parties. They were "getting what they deserve," I said darkly, adding, "We all are." That brought the conversation in for a landing, and as I walked on, I thought, What constitutional crisis? It isn't a constitutional crisis. It's emotional politics, a national nervous breakdown.

২৪১টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   241 এর 201 – থেকে 241
Original Mike বলেছেন...

”So it turns out the FBI only made a cursory glanced at around 3000 of the almost 700,000 emails on the Weiner laptop over a short 12 hour period.

In fact, a technical glitch prevented FBI technicians from accurately comparing the new emails with the old emails. Only 3,077 of the 694,000 emails were directly reviewed for classified or incriminating information. Three FBI officials completed that work in a single 12-hour spurt the day before Comey again cleared Clinton of criminal charges.”

So, here’s something Jeff Sessions should have investigated, no?

But Chuck says he’s doing a good job.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Obama will have more flexibility with dem' Russians after he's elected.

Looksie! GAzprom for HIllary.

Jaq বলেছেন...

Oh yeah, and if the Clintons are ancient history, what is their number one television defender through thick and thin, from Juanita Broaddrick and Paula Jones through the email scandals, Lanny Davis, doing making pronouncements as Cohen's lawyer?

Original Mike বলেছেন...

”What it "this"?”

I think “this” is all the hyperventilating Inga watches on CNN 24/7.

Jaq বলেছেন...

Obama will have more flexibility with dem' Russians after he's elected.

That's collusion right there caught on tape. "If you guys don't cause me any headaches during the election, there will be something in it for you after I win the elections, be sure to tell Vlad!"

I can't imagine a more textbook case of collusion with a foreign power to gain an electoral advantage.

Michael K বলেছেন...

fight it out with the US Army, unfortunately under the control of the deep state.

Delusions are not good for you.

Who do you think the military will side with ?

The people kneeling for the national anthem ? The D Senator who calls them Nazis ?

You can't be that stupid. The left called half the people bad names like "Deplorable" and guess what ?

They voted for the other guy.

narciso বলেছেন...

Just so happens that ukraine was invaded on Obama's watch, just like Afghanistan on Carter's, the green men like atrelkov were just the latest generation of spetznaz he had been a vet in Afghanistan and then the caucasus.

Jaq বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Drago বলেছেন...

OM: ,So, here’s something Jeff Sessions should have investigated, no?

But Chuck says he’s doing a good job"

LLR Chucks perspective IS the dem/left perspective..and they are very very pleased with Deputy Dawg.

narciso বলেছেন...

Now Ukraine happened to be the main supply line to Syria, and except for the expensive Kabuki of 500 million!! that seems to have disappeared before it ended up in the free Syrian army's hands. Now that was Iran's province where Hezbollah and the revolutionary guard held sway.

narciso বলেছেন...

In addition, Ukraine's yuralmash seems to have supplied the boosters behind the north Korean hwasung launchers, they were in the news last year, if memory serves.

chickelit বলেছেন...

Meade said...
@chicklit: http://www.cityofmadison.com/news

We wish your mother well and hope she is on high dry land.

Thanks for the link. I'm following the news.

Thanks for the well wishes too regarding my mother, Meade. She lives on the far east side now, out the way of flooding. Her house did have some basement leakage, which I guess is happening to a lot of folks there.

P.S.: I left you a longish continuation in the cafe thread. This thread has become entirely political.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

A special prosecutor with endless funds and endless time can find something on anyone.
Even you, Inga.

Achilles বলেছেন...

John Pickering said...

Yes by all means possible, let's have madasHell and tim from Vermont and Mike load up on ammo and get ready to make their move on Washington and fight it out with the US Army, unfortunately under the control of the deep state. Get your ammo, men! Hope you got lots of guns! Get your kids ready to fire the extras.
Yes you brave men and patriots, standing strong to defend the Russian puppet in the White House. How thrilling it is. To arms!

American citizens own half the guns in the world.

And the enlisted army will not be on your side.

They hate you as much as you hate them/us.

It will be fun to watch as your world crumbles and you realize how little actual power you have here over the free people of the US.

Trumpit বলেছেন...

The American people to Schlump: You're fired!

Qwinn বলেছেন...

"The Russian puppet in the White House"


Hillary spins you any bullshit tale and you just buy it and parrot it unquestioningly.

It's *not even remotely plausible^!!! And on the other hand we have hard evidence that SHE was a Russian puppet, and we all remember the entire American Left acting as Russian puppets for the last 90 years! It's so nauseatingly pathetic what useful idiot TOOLS you are. History will hold you in lower contempt than you can even imagine.

Bob Loblaw বলেছেন...

It’s you Trumpists that are having a nervous breakdown, as I predicted.

Um, okay. You just keep thinking that if it helps you sleep.

funsize বলেছেন...

There are some cultural things going on that, taken together, are approaching crisis. Maybe that is bleeding over into "politics" (and therefore "consitution" because it sounds exciting) since so many don't seem to be able to separate them. (Personally I am very concerned with the state of free expression, the extent of non-elected government agents who somehow have more power than elected ones and the inability to get rid of them, concentration of data/power in the hands of a few tech oligarchs, to name a few).

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“They hate you as much as you hate them/us.”

This is a delusion spoken by a nutcase.

Francisco D বলেছেন...

"This is a delusion spoken by a nutcase.

If Inga thinks you are a delusional nutcase ...

... you may be the man for her.

or the woman - no judgements here.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

“So it turns out the FBI only made a cursory glanced at around 3000 of the almost 700,000 emails on the Weiner laptop over a short 12 hour period.

In fact, a technical glitch prevented FBI technicians from accurately comparing the new emails with the old emails. Only 3,077 of the 694,000 emails were directly reviewed for classified or incriminating information. Three FBI officials completed that work in a single 12-hour spurt the day before Comey again cleared Clinton of criminal charges.”

From a previous comment thread by me:

It keeps filtering out and getting squelched. Three FBI people were tasked with this job, and the one in charge is no other than the infamous Peter Strzok, the same guy who sat on knowledge of the Clinton emails on the Weiner/Abedilen laptop for roughly a month, from late Sept until late Oct, 2016, on the grounds that his work onCrossfire Hurricane (Trump Russian collusion) and was higher priority than his work on Midyear Exam (Clinton email). He and his team couldn't do both, so concentrated on the one that would most likely achieve his stated goal (in his text messages with Page) of preventing Trump from being elected President. He was trying to run out the clock, but got caught by an FBI analyst in NYC and two USAs there in the SDNY who didn't want to be seen as having elected Crooked Hillary. Strzok is apparently the one who assured Comey that there was nothing new in those emails. It should also be noted that he was, apparently, the one who allowed Clinton to supply paper printouts from the 30k emails that she did supply his FBI team, eliminating most of the metadata (that were part of the official records), thus making the deduplication attempted by his team in late Oct against the Weiner/Abedelin laptop extremely difficult and time consuming. (By far, the easiest and fastest way to deduplicate email is by comparing certain hidden fields in the email headers).

Let me add that the “technical glitch” very likely was that the emails from Crooked Hillary herself had most of their metadata stripped by them allowing her to submit the selected 30k emails in printed, and not electronic form. That was Strzok on both ends, accepting the printed emails, then not being able to rapidly deduplicate the emails on the Weiner/Abedelin laptop because of the missing metadata (in the form of email headers).

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

Probably TMI for a lot of people here, but it is late, and I am not tired test, so...

I mentioned earlier about the missing metadata or email headers that prevented quick and accurate deduplication of the Clinton/Abedelin emails. Metadata is essentially additional data that describes the primary data. It is often somewhat or completely hidden. For a Word document, the metadata will contain such information as the author, date created, data modified, etc. In the case of email, the metadata is an email header that is ASCII text consisting of a series of email fields currently specified in RFC 5322. Each field is on a separate line, terminated by CRLF (continuations are allowed). The Header is then terminated by a blank line - essentially the sequence CRLFCRLF (CR=carriage return, LF=line feed). The actual email message then follows the header. Each field consists of a field name starting in column 1 (blank in Col 1 indicates a continuation) followed by a colon, followed by the field value(s). The best known email header fields are: to; from; CC; BCC; and subject, all of which are typically visible to senders and receivers of email. But there are a number of other fields that are not typically visible to users, and they provide such things as routing, message identification, etc. Important to deduplication are the message-id; in-reply-to; and references fields. Each new email has a unique msg-id specified in the message-id field. And threading is identified and reconstructed using the msg-id of the parent email in the in-reply-to field. Msg-id's are guaranteed to be unique globally and through time. This is done by breaking it into two parts, separated by "@". The right side typically identifies a domain, and the domain email server guarantees uniqueness for the left side of of the msg-I'd. Quick and dirty deduplication then consists of searching for matching msg-id 's in these three fields. I expect that I could program pure deduplication (just matching msg-ids in message-id fields) in an hour or two and provide threading in a couple more. Notably, this was made impossible by Crooked Hillary providing her emails to the FBI (Strzok) in printed form, that inevitably cut off or didn't provide these three hidden email header fields. This was very likely the technical glitch that they were talking about.

tim maguire বলেছেন...

This friend of yours is a lawyer?

I blame the education system for the complete failure to teach critical thinking skills.

stlcdr বলেছেন...

For the left, it seems like they believe that Trump Tweets Trump Law.

Trump could Tweet that you don’t need to register your vehicles(!). Democrats would believe it - that trump is making this the Law - the media would spread this as ‘news’: trump is making new laws! This is part of the fake news that democrats seem to believe in (psst! No laws have been changed! You still need to register your car! Getting fined for no registration is not Trumps fault, but yours!)

Temujin বলেছেন...

Its the days of wine and roses when a Democrat gets elected. Remember? The time the planet will heal? Heh. It's a constitutional crisis when a Republican gets elected. It's the end of times when a loud, brash, real estate developer and sometime TV host gets elected. There is no turning back. These people are using everything in their arsenal, from the obvious to the more subtle, from censoring views on one side, to engulfing the media so fully that only one side can be heard and that story is pounded across the eyes and ears of all for days/weeks/months.

If and when this comes to a climax, this country will not be the same. The mostly polite, hard-working, non-activist population that just gets up every day, does their job, pays their taxes, and walks around feeling as though they are being ignored or worse- manipulated, will reach an end to it.

A reaction unexpected by the media/academia complex is at hand. You don't know what you're fucking with.

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

Everything is hyperbole now.

Even the previous statement.

Eddie বলেছেন...

I don't know that we are having a Constitutional crisis, but we are having a constitutional crisis in the sense of the constitution of our national character. Believing that our political parties (and the rest of us) deserve what is happening is evidence of that.

Lovernios বলেছেন...

@John Pickering

If things do end up in violence (and I don't think it will), it will not be groups of Republicans fighting the Army in open battle. It will be far more frightening: targeted assassinations, bombings of leftist organizations, disappearances of "activists", lynching of local Democrats, arson. It will be up close and personal. In short, we'll be coming for you. Let's hope it doesn't come to that. For your sake.

Michael K বলেছেন...

NeoNeocon, whose blog I read every day, Has an interesting post today, on comparing the Cohen plea to the Ted Stevens trial where the prosecutors, Holder's DOJ, used a perjuring star witness to convict Stevens of corruption, and therefore cause his defeat in the election.

Lanny Davis was Bill Clinton's Michael Cohen. Why would Cohen choose him for his defense lawyer ?

Cohen was in trouble that had nothing to do with Trump, except he was targeted by the left which wants to destroy Trump.

He was offered a deal. Do some "composing" as Dersh said.

It worked with Stevens. He was defeated in the election. The lawyers who suborned perjury got wrist slaps.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

Just finished the RealClearInvestigations article on the Abedin/Clinton enail, and the reason that the laptop email couldn't be deduplicated (according to Strzok: "deduced") was indeed the lack of metadata. They seemed to think that there was a problem with the metadata on the Winer/Abedin laptop. I wanted to scream at them when I was reading that, that no, the problem wasn't the laptop, but that Strzok and company had allowed Crooked Hillary to provide copies of her emails the previous spring printed out on paper, which would not include the hidden email headers that contain the fields, like Message-id, that make deduping trivial. Let me repeat that: the "technical glitch" that prevented rapid dedupping, was that the emails from the Clinton server were accepted by the FBI team led by Strzok the previous spring without any of the email header fields containing a msg-id, such as the message-id field, because they accepted the emails from the Clinton lawyers in printed, and not electronic form, as they normally would have required, and these are normally hidden fields, that are not typically displayed or printed out.

Still, the article made it appear that the FBI and DoJ were screwing up by the numbers, throughout October, 2016, which looks more and more intentional. And, again, Peter Strzok looks like the one with his fingers in all the screw ups, from prioritizing CrossfireHuricane over MidYear Exam, through his exceedingly narrow search warrant (only covered Clinton, and not Abedin, only covered the days she was Sec of State, etc), lying to McCabe and Comey (and, thus, the American public), superficially looking at emails due to time pressure, not referring them to appropriate agencies, etc.

Jim at বলেছেন...

The Cohen/Manafort business will be replaced in the headlines over the next few days as the media blames Trump for hurricane damage and suffering in Hawaii.

They may not blame him for it, but just watch for comparisons between Hawaii and Puerto Rico during the recovering process. As if those two places are exactly the same.

Segesta বলেছেন...

"National nervous breakdown"? Only if you pay attention to the worthless twits in the media/academia. We normals are enjoying low unemployment, a good stock market, etc.

Jim at বলেছেন...

Yes by all means possible, let's have madasHell and tim from Vermont and Mike load up on ammo and get ready to make their move on Washington and fight it out with the US Army, - Pickering

You really are dumb. If there is armed conflict, it won't be on or in Washington DC. It'll be hotspots around the country. And it won't be against the US Army, National Guard or any of the military.

It'll be larger scale ANTIFA shit we're seeing now.

Towering Barbarian বলেছেন...

@ John Pickering,
" the Russian puppet in the White House."

Oh, why limit yourself to the White House? The Russian puppet is in your closet and plotting to get you. The Russian puppet is hiding under your bed at night and preparing to eat you up! The Russian puppet is in your mind and living rent-free as it dominates your every waking moment! ^O^

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Having Mike Pence for President is going to be fun.

CWJ বলেছেন...

readering @ 3:25PM,

Close to constitutional crisis? Nonsense! Your comment cites nothing outside of the Executive's opinion of the goings-on inside a single department of his executive branch. This is administrative politics, not constitutional.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe বলেছেন...

A random thought while cleaning out the kitchen sink trap this morning - parallel of present to 16th-17th century Europe.

The Treaty of Augsburg (1555) established cuius regio, eius religio. It legitimized Lutheranism. The ruler of a territory could chose to adhere to Luther or the Roman Catholic church. All inhabitants must follow suit or get out.

But it was already too late. Calvin had generated a third party following, but he had not been invited to the party. The cat was out of the bag. The idea of liberty of thought was afield.

What followed was the 30 years' war. Began as a religious conflict, ended as power struggle between Bourbons (with Swedish proxies) and Hapsburgs. Laid waste to Germany.

Today we have the Republicrats and Demicrans. Not much to choose from. Trump has shown a third way. He has re-awakened the People to freedom of thought, freedom of belief, and freedom from the oppression of Government.

PJ বলেছেন...

I’m awfully late, but thank you for that superb photograph.

Ken বলেছেন...

"What "constitutional crisis"? It seems to me the Constitution is in place, working as usual."

Typical dipshit, being her typical dipshit self. Per the tenth amendment (which has not been modified by any later amendment): "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

More than 80% of the federal government is NOT specifically authorized by the constitution. Just three programs, social security, medicare, and medicaid, make up nearly half the federal government budget and NO WHERE in the constitution are federal politicians authorized to use citizens' wealth in such a (wasteful and corrupt) manner.

Unknown বলেছেন...

"Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard." - H.L. Mencken

I think this is a case of all of us getting it "good and hard."

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন ‹পুরাতন   241 এর 201 – থেকে 241   আরও নতুন» সবচেয়ে নতুন»