July 24, 2018

"You know what I love to do?... I love to go to Target with Amelia and just spend the day there."

"We just wander around in there, look at the patio furniture, the pajama section. It’s like six hours of tuning out." Six hours?!! "Well, not just at Target. We go to BJ’s; we each have things we like to eat there. Then I get the socks I like at Macy’s.... It’s just a few hours, six hours that I don’t have to think about Mitch McConnell. That’s all I need."

Says Elizabeth Warren, "scissoring the bottom off a cheap sweater at her kitchen island," according to "Leader of the Persistence Elizabeth Warren’s full-body fight to defeat Trump" by Rebecca Traister in New York Magazine. Amelia is Warren's daughter, born when Warren, who is 69, was 22. The sweater is one of "a bunch of gauzy open-front cardigans to put over her uniform of black pants and a black tank top," that, we're told, "cost about $13 each" and are too long, which she is dealing with by cutting them and allowing the unhemmed bottom to roll up.

Open Secrets put Elizabeth Warren's net worth at $7,820,514 in 2015, but we're told she likes to spend her spare time poking around for 6 hours at Target and she wears $13 sweaters that she has to hack into the shape she wants.

Well, buying cheap clothing is priceless political theater. I challenge Elizabeth Warren to step away from the Rebecca Traister puff pieces — too much luxury! — and go full Scott Walker:

But Scott Walker actually is poor. (Last I looked.)


tcrosse said...

That explains why she has to wear her Mom's eyeglasses.

Ann Althouse said...

Please resist the urge to say the same thing you always say about Elizabeth Warren. This post it to point out a different line of inquiry, so do not use it to bring up the topic that I have not mentioned but that always comes up here whenever she is talking about. Too boring! Change it up, people. I'm pre-scissoring the Native American ancestry subject out of this discussion.

rhhardin said...

Well, buying cheap clothing is priceless political theater.

A lot of people get rich by not spending much. The multimillionaire living middle class next door.

Mostly small business owners.

Sal said...

There might be a positive correlation between being a lefty politician and getting wealthy while in office.

rhhardin said...

A good case of this kind, I think, would be given by the Victorian matron saying "You can't take Amelia for long walks, Mr. Jones. She's delicate." The word has two senses (to be sure, the N.E.D. gives a dozen, of which only five are obsolete, but there are two groups of senses which make the contrast here) and I suppose the lady to assert a connection between them. "Refined girls are sickly" is the assertion, and this gnomic way of putting it is a way of implying "as you ought to know." I choose this case partly to point out that a stock equation may be quite temporary; this combination of meanings in the word seems to be a Victorian one only. You might think the expectation that young ladies will be unfit to walk was enough to produce it, and that the expectation merely followed from tight-lacing; but the eighteenth century young ladies also had waists, and would agree that long walks were rather vulgar, and yet this use of the word would be "out of period" if you were writing a pastiche...

Wm. Empson, The Structure of Complex Words, p.44

The Vault Dweller said...

Speaking of using cheap clothing for theater, I am reminded of a legal case in Florida from 2009, where apparently Defense counsel had a gimmick where he would wear cheap, worn down, shoes with holes in the soles, that he would call attention to during his closing argument. He would use some line like, "I'm just a simple lawyer," and then he would talk about the amount plaintiffs are asking for is ridiculous. Well apparently this theater was so effective that the Plaintiff in that case actually filed a motion in court to compel defense counsel to wear proper shoes.


Humperdink said...

“You know what I love to do?” she offers. “I love to go to Target with Amelia and just spend the day there.”

Sorry, not credible. Maybe once, but not more than once. Trying to create the everyman persona.

tcrosse said...

Target must not smell so much of Trump-voters as WalMart does.

Patrick Henry was right! said...

She shops with her 47 YEAR OLD daughter?

For SIX hours???????

Maybe it's an Indian cultural thing.

I call bs.

Video evidence needed.

Unknown said...

I call bullshit. The gauzy open-front aqua cardigan she's wearing in the accompanying photograph is UNCUT.


Ken B said...

If Trump said this there would be demands he prove he spent 6 hours at Target. Which would be fair actually! Anyone believe her about this?

tcrosse said...

Makes sense. Filene's Basement no longer exists.

I'm Full of Soup said...

BJ's food? BJ's wholesale club?

Henry said...

I almost never think about Mitch McConnell. I don't even think about Elizabeth Warren much, and she is my senator. I am thinking of voting for her, but I don't think of that very much. Now Senator Warren has to interact with Senator McConnell as a colleague, so there's that. But I don't have to invent busywork to not think about colleagues at work.

Why is Senator Warren thinking so much about Mitch McConnell?

Gahrie said...

Warren is the archetype limousine liberal. She perfectly represents what used to be the mainstream of the Democratic Party. But no longer. The party is being captured by the far Left, many open Marxists. Diane freaking Feinstein was rejected twice by the California Democratic Party. (She is expected to quite easily beat the Party's preferred candidate.) You don't get any more mainstream responsible Democrat more than Feinstein. Which is precisely why she has been rejected. Not only will Warren never win the Democratic nomination for president, she almost certainly will face a well funded radical in her next primary.

Curious George said...

"Anyone believe her about this?"

I don't believe her about anything.

Leland said...

What's the odds of seeing Warren wearing that sweater in the future? This is like Hillary's attempt to show she is one of the people, but who wears tablecloths in public? Who buys a cheap sweater just because it is cheap, and then take it home and start cutting it up? I get that young women buy blue jeans and cut them up, but sweaters? Who buys sweaters in a heat wave?

dreams said...

She's a big hypocrite, just another liberal scumbag.

Henry said...

If Senator Warren had said Ikea, I like to go with Amelia to the Ikea in Stoughton, I would believe her. That place is huge and you can eat meatballs whenever you get hungry. Some people never get out. I think Scott Brown is still in there somewhere, looking for blinds.

Jim at said...

Not only will Warren never win the Democratic nomination for president, she almost certainly will face a well funded radical in her next primary.

Disagree. She already is the well-funded radical in her primary.
The hard left won't touch her. They love her. She is them.

traditionalguy said...

Give me that old time Religion.Poor Sister Lizzie saves her money to donate it to poor people. It’s part of her vow of poverty. Besides everything she has belongs to God. And she wants every one to join her in a national
cult of poverty.

And then there is Trump. He wants for us to join his rich people’s cult.

Decisions, decisions,

dreams said...

Here is what she really wants to do.

"But fake Elizabeth Warren wants to take that all away.

Elizabeth Warren told CNBC Democrats will end the Trump tax cuts if they take power in November.
Warren also promoted a 50% tax hike on American earners."


The Vault Dweller said...

I will note if it is theater she made the absolute right call in identifying the main store as Target, in stead of Wal-Mart. Despite the overwhelming similarities between the the two Target is clearly the lefty big Box store, and Wal-Mart is the righty big box store. So if anything this lends itself to her being honest about her experiences. Or she just has her finger accurately on the pulse of the culture.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Gahrie: I agree with Jim. Warren is the business hating, "You didn't build that" hateful far lefty radical. Don't forget she made her name with the bogus book that claimed most bankruptcies were due to medical bills.

Jupiter said...

Ann Althouse said...

"I'm pre-scissoring the Native American ancestry subject out of this discussion."

Wow. Althouse is imposing content-based censorship. Can I say that she's as phoney as a cigar-store, uh, cigar?

CWJ said...


Both of Warren's stories are equally fake. This one, and that which shall not be named.

Nothing says woman of the prople like Harvard academic. So she has no choice. She has to keep coming up with stories to bolster her stick it to the man populist posturing, no matter how tin and false they play out.

Walker is the real deal. I can't imagine anyone listening to that clip questioning whether or not he shops at Kohls. I would have loved to vote for him if he had had staying power outside of Wisconsin. But the national stage is outside of his competence.

Michael K said...

He would use some line like, "I'm just a simple lawyer," and then he would talk about the amount plaintiffs are asking for is ridiculous.

I was testifying as an expert witness in a med-mal case in Alabama. I was the plaintiff's expert and the defense lawyer was just like that sounded. The plaintiff's attorney, who was terrific, warned me about him. He played the "country lawyer" bit but collected Picassos.

Anyway, I was warned and when I finished my testimony, he said. "Well I understand you're going to crawl on an airplane and testify against another good doctor in New York. Actually it was against the city hospital system which botched a case and cost a guy his leg.

Anyway, I responded that I planned to walk on to the plane.

traditionalguy said...

Six hours? Rename her poky haunt us.

Michael K said...

I would have loved to vote for him if he had had staying power outside of Wisconsin. But the national stage is outside of his competence.

Me too but I don't think he had the funds behind him. JEB had Hoovered them all up.

The Bergall said...

My 88 year old mom says she looks frumpy. "Who dresses her"? "Librarians"?

walter said...

AKA Flipper:

Henry said...

BTW, $7M net worth is a lot, but it's not crazy rich for a retiree-aged professional married to another retiree-aged professional law-professor TIAA-CREF retirement accounts. She owns a house in Cambridge worth $2M that in Kansas would be worth $200K. That's a big chunk of her net worth.

Gahrie said...

Walker is the real deal...I would have loved to vote for him if he had had staying power outside of Wisconsin. But the national stage is outside of his competence.

I haven't given up on him yet. He's young enough he could give it another try in 2024. I think this time he wasn't ready for prime time, but he could/should grow. He might be just what the country is looking for after eight years of Trump...quiet, professional, effective and conservative.

tcrosse said...

She owns a house in Cambridge worth $2M that in Kansas would be worth $200K. That's a big chunk of her net worth.

Not bad for a women who as born in a log cabin she built with her own hands.

Henry said...

Not bad for a women who as born in a log cabin she built with her own hands.

In Cambridge no less!

Darrell said...

"Who dresses her"? "Librarians"?

Blind librarians.

PB said...

Utter BS

Darrell said...

Scissoring is a dog whistle.
Rubs me raw.

Darrell said...

Can we talk about Warren running a law practice out of her office in violation of Harvard rules?

MacMacConnell said...

I call BS. The only people that spend six hours in a Target are those that work there or the homeless escaping bad weather.

Tom T. said...

If she'd gone to Macy's, she could've bought a Trump necktie and given it a good scissoring.

CWJ said...

Michael K,

What you say has some truth to it, and is the common wisdom for why Walker dropped out early, but in that case it was a gift in disguise. He's great as governor handling state scale issues and politics. I just don't see Walker competently mastering the national stage.

BarrySanders20 said...

Elizabeth Warren and scissoring should not be allowed in the same sentence

Begonia said...

The thing that jumped out at me in the profile was the "constant motion", like the incident in which the reporter thought Elizabeth Warren was going to fall over her stool from kicking out.

She seems incapable of sitting down for an interview quietly, hence her multitasking and cutting up a cardigan during the interview.

Also, it does seem that she really wears these cut up cardigans. Not only on the day of the interview (where Warren later attends an outdoor rally in Natick Massachussetts, and yeah, the cut of the cardigan in that photo looks shorter than the long ones that are now fashionable), but also on the evening rally in Nevada ("a navy blue thread is hangning from the back of her cardigan").

Does this make me like her more or less? I don't know, but actually I really like the idea. I have some of those cheap long buttonless cardigans that are now in fashion and I hate the length. They feel like I'm wearing a cape when I walk around outside. The only reason to have those long cardigans is if you wear skinny pants or colorful leggings and you want to cover up your butt/not look indecent at the office. Since I don't wear skinny pants or colorful leggings, the long cardigans look ridiculous on me. Maybe I'll try the scissor trick so that I'll actually wear them some more.

Gordon Scott said...

Does she carry hot sauce in her purse?

Dagwood said...

Maybe she chose Target because she's not sure which restroom she should use.

Darrell said...

That picture in New York Magazine, with the skeletal hand clentched into a fist and the skeletal forearm could be used for this year's Halloween decorations. Thanks, Liz!

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Wow. Althouse is imposing content-based censorship.

Are you saying Althouse is an Indian giver?

Stephen said...

Connect the dots. She doesn't start rich. She and her historian husband never earned super large sums: two academic salaries, albeit at universities that pay well and have good pension plans, plus, in her case, some permitted consulting related to her bankruptcy specialty. She helps her non well to do family a lot, according to other accounts. She certainly doesn't get rich as a Senator. If she ends up with a substantial net worth, isn't her frugality likely a substantial contributor...And isn't the behavior described in the article completely consistent with that? So why isn't that a legit story, particularly when she's trying to take down Mr. inherited wealth, gold plated fixtures, stay at at my properties whenever possible....

MadTownGuy said...

I'm wondering how you can cut a knit garment without making it unravel...like Toronto.

CWJ said...


In that case, the template would be Evan Bayh. But Evan was rejected nationally, and said a pox on both your houses and retired. I can't put my finger on why, but using that template, I just don't see Walker growing beyond an Evan Bayh.

Maybe Meade has some insight with his Indiana roots and Wisconsin address.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Target is clearly the lefty big Box store, and Wal-Mart is the righty big box store

Remember Michelle Obama's Target trip thing?

FullMoon said...

Darrell said... [hush]​[hide comment]

Scissoring is a dog whistle.
Rubs me raw.

K-Y at t
Target, $2.79

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eleanor said...

You'd have to be really vapid to find things to do for 6 hours in a Target. Oh, wait, it's Lizzie we're talking about. She'd probably get lost in a mall with more than one wing and multiple stories. Target is all on one floor, and they're all laid out the same. It's probably all she can handle.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Browsing at a well-managed Target is pretty fun, while Walmart is always a horror show. They're really not that similar.

Husband and I frequently say that while we find most leftists unbearably smug, bossy, and shrill, we still like hanging out in their cities because they have nice stuff. Clean parks, good restaurants, biking trails, art museums. That sort of thing.

Expat(ish) said...

FWIW, Scott Walker is not poor, he is just well below average for your average politician at his level.

Just like Bernie may be the second poorest senator, but he made $1M+ last year (no idea what the wife stole, er, made) and has three houses.

Ann, you gotta get out more.


tcrosse said...

You know what I love to do ? Amelia and I like to collect pop bottles and take them back to the store for the deposit. After a while it all adds up.

Darrell said...

Looking at that photo of Warren running five feet in sandals, pretending that she is finishing some big race, brings to mind the things you always associate with Warren--fake, phoney, poser.
The proud black woman urging her on--helping her to finish that last grueling three feet is just icing on the cake.

Rick said...

You know what I love to do?” she offers.

Create propaganda studies to justify creating unaccountable bureaucratic fiefdoms?

Stephen Taylor said...

Does Target still have those wonderful chocolate chip cookies in a red sack? Mrs Field's?

Henry said...

Stephen, you make a good case.

Bill Peschel said...

So far, I haven't heard anything I like about her. Her judgment has been questioned, her medical bankruptcy claim has been exploded, and all she wants to do is tax us more and nothing about capping spending.

She may talk the game, but she's shown no leadership skills or abilities.

Senators usually make terrible presidents because they're one of 100. successful governors know how to get things done and work across the aisle.

She sounds like Obama II.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'm so glad to hear that being a whorish corporate suck-up like creepy eyes Walker not only doesn't pay, but can't even help pay off silly consumer and college debts.

I hope the guy dies a bankrupt. I hope he dies saddling his family with as much debt and putting them as far back as he's put his state.

dustbunny said...

She reminds me of my high school gym teacher and I hated gym. I know this isn’t important but there you go. She’s off putting in a number of ways but that is number one. She is a rah-rah girl.

Darrell said...

I even enjoy the Bush Senior grocery check-out story, even though I think he may have been treated unfairly.

Ya think?
Bush was at a grocers' trade show when they were showing a next-gen scanning unit that processed a whole shopping cart full of groceries in seconds--even pushing out the items that weren't identified off to the side for individual handling. That's why he said "I never saw anything like it!" He hadn't and you haven't either. The problem with that system was that it had lasers firing 360 degrees around the groceries. It would never be approved where customers were present without eye protection, despite the hood.

Darrell said...

I hope the guy dies a bankrupt. I hope he dies saddling his family with as much debt and putting them as far back as he's put his state..

I hope you meet a chipper-shredder with your name on it.

JackWayne said...

I think her message wasn’t intended to connect her to independents and/or deplorables. I think it was intended to let millennials know that she’s one of them. My daughter shops at Target. Millennials are more interested in “quality” over price, in “fitting in”. I shop Walmart for everything except shoes.

readering said...

Unions keep Walmart away so it's Target for me.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I hope you meet a chipper-shredder with your name on it.

Annoying a worthless misanthrope like Darrell is nowhere near the crimes Scott Walker has committed raping the residents of Wisconsin and selling them out to the all those Kochs he sucked.

Darrell is perpetually annoyed anyway. The last time he smiled was when he backed his butthole into an American flag after being shoved aside by a cousin significantly larger than his skinny 4.5-foot tall frame at a July 4th family cook-out. But other than that he has no social life.

Sal said...

Warren needs to do the fake folksy thing, like Hillary did. It really works!

Darrell said...

RotMo Pee Pee said--

I teach at a well-respected medical school.
With you there, it won't be for long.

Jim at said...

So why isn't that a legit story

Because the next time Warren tells the truth about herself will be her first.

WK said...

I don’t recall Hillary bringing up scissoring when she was campaigning.

bgates said...

she wears $13 sweaters that she has to hack into the shape she wants.

Doesn't it say what she does with the rest of the material? Her people are renowned for using every part of the cardigan.

William said...

Heh-heh, she said scissoring. No worry. Colbert and Kimmel will not pick up on this, but I would warn Sarah Palin and Jodi Ernst about using such a word in their conversation.....I had the great good fortune to meet Bella Abzug in person. She wore very expensive clothes. She looked well dressed, but the luxury of her clothes only drew attention to how oversized she was. She overflowed and over compensated..... Perhaps Sen.Warren is correct to go for a plain and simple look. She always looks vaguely oppressed. It's hard to speak for the downtrodden in cashmere.

Paddy O said...

Then they play touch football on the lawn.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Just say NO to wealthy socialists.

Jupiter said...

I hate to say it, but I think Scott Walker is a little confused about how Kohl's remains profitable. It isn't by paying people to buy their goods.

dustbunny said...

Paddy O, yes she would have not been on the porch with Jackie and old Joe.

MacMacConnell said...

Warren spent four hours campaigning, annoyingly wasting other shoppers' time and maybe two hours shopping herself. Either that or she's retarded.

I could buy a whole wardrobe in four hours at Brooks Brothers, from underwear, shoes, shirts, accessories,etc., etc., and that includes fitting for the tailored clothing.

Tommy Duncan said...

At least there were no Bosnian snipers shooting at her while she shopped.

Michael K said...

" It's hard to speak for the downtrodden in cashmere."

That of course, is the point of this hagiographic article. When she is vacationing on Nantucket, where no proles can see her, she wears silk and her jewels.

Joan said...

Clearly this statement was curated for a national audience. There are fewer than 20 Target stores in Massachusetts, so saying she likes to shop at Target with her daughter is not going to resonate with many of her constituents. Most people in MA don't shop Target because they have to drive too far to get to one. Target is a late entry into the retail markets of New England.

I know this because whenever I go back east to visit, there's never a Target around, and if I ever do go to an east coast Target, the shopping experience suffers by comparison to the ones here at home in AZ.

Also: You can cut some knits, like a t-shirt, and the raw edge will roll rather than unravel. That said, the cardigan in the photo was not that kind of knit.

todd galle said...

I've never spent 6 hours shopping even in a gun store, let alone Target. How hard is it to find socks?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I cannot relate to wanting to spend so much time shopping. It's a chore and I want out as soon as possible.

narciso said...

But he really cares:


rehajm said...

Theres a Target in Framingham thats good. Nobody spends six hours there unkess you’re working.

Liz isn’t DNC material anymore and even if she was she would need the hermetically sealed campaigning tgat Hilkary used. Liz is too dumb to go off script.

Let her have her fun...

rehajm said...

The Everett Target is a bit sketchy but it’s next door to Costco.

roesch/voltaire said...

Yes a careers politician who needlessly burned through millions on a quest to become propesident because G-D told him to;I believe little of what this once a year piker oh I mean biker says,. I shop at TJ where I happen to find the Under Armour jacket I later saw Warren wearing, I suspect she found the same deal I did.

CWJ said...

Gosh R/V. That was pathetic. Even for you.

Known Unknown said...

Why do "mainstream" publications always do these fawning cult takes on lefty politicians?

CStanley said...

Bgates at 6:45 violated the rule but it was a darned funny comment so I hope Professor Althouse gives him a pass.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Durrell said...

I teach at a well-respected medical school.
With you there, it won't be for long.

Typical sociopathic unprofessionalism from a Republican. Death threats and clams to doing it under the auspices of a medical school job.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...
Just say NO to wealthy socialists.

They seem to know more than the poverty-stricken, Republican crony capitalists.

Francisco D said...

I have known very wealthy people who spent less on clothes annually than people on welfare. Of course, they bought good stuff that lasted forever. That taught me something.

After retiring and moving to Arizona, I donated quite a few Brooks Brothers' dress shirts, sport coats and suits that looked great after 25+ years. I probably spent far less on clothes per year than people who bought bargain stuff.

Senator Warren is simply slumming in order to build her credentials. You do not save money buying cheap clothes. She knows that.

Comanche Voter said...

She wears cheap sweaters she buys at TarZhay? File this under Liawatha speaks again.

Clyde said...

$7.8 million? That's a lot of wampum!

Clyde said...

My mother always said that if you can't say something nice about someone, don't say anything at all. Well, it appears that Sen. Warren loves her dogs.

That's it. I'm done.

dreams said...

If you've consumed too much liberal crap already, then get real and read a reality based article.

"Yes, it was a hardscrabble existence in Oklahoma circa 1965. Her family had to make do with only three cars. Sometimes it was so tough on the reservation that she had to drive the third vehicle — a white MG sports car — to high school.

In the magazine story, we are also reunited with those recurring staples of Globe puff pieces about the fake Indian: Bailey, her new puppy, and Otis, her dead dog, whose passing she never mentioned on the campaign trail in 2012 “for fear that saying it aloud would lead her to start crying and never stop.”

Because, you know, no one else has ever owned a dog and been heartbroken when it died.

My favorite part of the story is the pro forma tiptoeing around the fake Indian angle. Here it is brushed aside in a mention of Trump calling her Pocahontas — “in reference to her claim as a young law professor from Oklahoma that she was part Cherokee.”

And … that’s … it. After all, she was “young” when she lied, and it, like, wasn’t murder or anything, so it’s now, uh, outside the statute of limitations to bring it up, totally. As a matter of fact, to even point out that a white woman has claimed to be a Native American for the purpose of getting an affirmative slot is … “reliably racist.”

Just ask New York magazine."


BUMBLE BEE said...

I have a couple M.S.W. friends(?), They call it Tarz-shay. My friends in fi-nanse call it Tar-get. I avoid the place.

Rusty said...

Blogger Humperdink said...
“You know what I love to do?” she offers. “I love to go to Target with Amelia and just spend the day there.”

"Sorry, not credible. Maybe once, but not more than once. Trying to create the everyman persona."

I agree.
Now Meijer on the otherhand. There's an afternoon.

Mountain Maven said...

Remember, Ann that without affirmative action Warren would be an obscure professor at Rutgers.

loudogblog said...

When I moved to a new house, eight years ago, I had a streak going where Kohls would send me a promotional $10 "Kohl's cash" gift card every three months. I would go to the bargain rack and pick out about $10 worth of stuff. I made a point not to sign up for their program because I thought that they would know that they had "hooked" me as a customer and quit sending the gift cards. This lasted for five years. I got a ton of free shirts and pants out of the deal. Ann, I did not buy any shorts.

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