When Douglas met with Moonves at his office, she began to raise concerns about the “Queens” script, but Moonves, she recalled, cut her off. “He interrupts me to ask me am I single,” she said. Douglas, whose nearly decade-long relationship with Scorsese was coming to an end, was caught off guard. “I didn’t know what to say at that point,” she told me. “I was, like, ‘I’m single, yes, no, maybe.’ ” She began talking about the script, but Moonves interjected, asking to kiss her. According to Douglas, he said that they didn’t have to tell her manager: “It’ll just be between you and me. Come on, you’re not some nubile virgin.”
As Douglas attempted to turn the focus back to work, Moonves, she said, grabbed her. “In a millisecond, he’s got one arm over me, pinning me,” she said. Moonves was “violently kissing” her, holding her down on the couch with her arms above her head. “What it feels like to have someone hold you down—you can’t breathe, you can’t move,” she said. “The physicality of it was horrendous.” She recalled lying limp and unresponsive beneath him. “You sort of black out,” she told me. “You think, How long is this going to go on? I was just looking at this nice picture of his family and his kids. I couldn’t get him off me.” She said it was only when Moonves, aroused, pulled up her skirt and began to thrust against her that her fear overcame her paralysis. She told herself that she had to do something to stop him. “At that point, you’re a trapped animal,” she told me. “Your life is flashing before your eyes.” Moonves, in what Douglas assumed was an effort to be seductive, paused and asked, “So, what do you think?” Douglas told me, “My decision was to get out of it by joking my way out, so he feels flattered.”
July 28, 2018
"Yes, for the head of a network you’re some good kisser... Well, this has been great. Thanks... I’ve got to go now."
Said the writer-actress Illeana Douglas to Les Moonves, at the end of this incident (described by Ronan Farrow in "Les Moonves and CBS Face Allegations of Sexual Misconduct/Six women accuse the C.E.O. of harassment and intimidation, and dozens more describe abuse at his company" (The New Yorker)):
Come on, you’re not some nubile virgin.
You sweet-talkin possum.
Leslie Moonves is pretty much an abject moron and one of sleaziest. most phony people I've ever met in my life. God he's, he's one of those people who you meet you know you check to see if you have your watch, your wallet.
- Imus
You got to watch out for those peacocks when they get peahens cornered. They think the peahen wants them for their plumage display. Why would she ever say no?
Continues to apply........
Red October makes evasive maneuvers with a diversion provided by Dallas, causing V. K. TKonovalov, captained by Captain Viktor Tupolev (aka #Metoo)) to be destroyed by its own fired torpedo.
The Tiffany Network struts its stuff. I'm glad she lied to him (I bet he is not a good kisser, even for the head of a network). They have been lying to us for years.
Did she slap him?
“You’re a disgrace Chairman Moonves. You always have been.”
“I know it.”
Turns out that these rich and powerful men in NY and LA can't get laid or are too lazy to do it the old fashioned way. Their clumsy approach must work, though, because evidently they are relentless in their ham handed technique.
Turns out that these rich and powerful men in NY and LA can't get laid or are too lazy to do it the old fashioned way.
Emily Yoffe makes a good case that, like raincoat flashers, they are working from a compulsive deviant script from their adolescence.
It’s strangely rewarding to confirm that so many in the entertainment industry are scumbags, after years of suspecting it based on the messages, both subtle and not so subtle, buried in their shitty product. Couldn’t happen to a more deserving bunch of amoral, anti-everything-I-stand-for of hypocrites.
But the truth under all these stories, that nobody ever wants to talk about, is that these tactics work on enough women to make it a viable tactic for these power broker types. There are enough lower status women will “trade up” with higher status men to get places, they will do anything to do it, and that sets the going price for these transactions. The sex is the currency being traded for power and status. We just hear about the failed attempts, and the regrets. Who really thinks that is ever going to change?
Just jumping on them when they come to the office is a time management technique for the busy executive.
"Turns out that these rich and powerful men in NY and LA can't get laid or are too lazy to do it the old fashioned way. "
That is the old fashioned way.
I am curious as what the yield rate is for these powerful men. Someone needs to do a study.
Women have been trading sex for security since Adam and Eve. What is missing today, and started with the The Pill, free love, ende with the Government demolishing the family, supporting families without fathers, is a lack of fathers to raise girls, and boys into men and women. Reynolds, points out accurately that there used to be social contracts that governed behavior, the contract required both parties to act accordingly. Social programs supplanted that contract. Here we are today. From "free love", to, "me too".
Funny, we get exactly what we vote for.
Where are all the stories about powerful women who are sexual predators? I can think of three reasons we aren't hearing them:
1) There aren't a lot of powerful women.
2) Powerful women engage in sexual predation much less than powerful men.
3) It doesn't fit the preferred narrative and is thus not reported.
Rich and powerful woman in NY and LA are, generally, pretty fucking obnoxious, too.
Have you ever thought of turning your attention to something else besides this bullshit of assholes being assholes, prof?
I worked with your sisters in corporate law firms in NYC.
What complete fucking assholes they were. Degrading the hired help was second nature for them.
The ambitious and powerful are fucking assholes. This is news? They paid well, and a certain percentage of the pay was intended to pay the help off for putting up with the asshole behavior.
I wonder what the subject of this particular recounting, had for family growing up? What her Grand Parents contributed to her rearing? My grandmother was seldom wrong about anything we talked about, and she was always to first to see, and call out my bullshit. She never pretended to be my friend, but she never lied to me.
The govt is a rotten family.
Ronan Farrow is the most powerful media figure today. Did he short CBS stock before the story was published?
Down 6%. Someone could have made a killing. I hope the women Farrow interviewed shorted the hell out of CBS. Payback!
The sooner society assumes that everybody involved in the entertainment industry is involved in this sort of behavior, the sooner it will become a socially unacceptable career choice and the sooner it will change.
@ jj121957
They'll just make a reality show called 'Casting Couch' or something.
"That is the old fashioned way". I don't believe that. Guys like Zanuck and LB Mayer, the Warner brothers and Adolph Zukor had a sense of propriety and right from wrong that contemporary entertainment moguls have never shown, which is why the product is degenerated, and also why the modern leftist scum who have reigned in Hollywood since the 60's have carried on a 50 year smear campaign against the old moguls who created the world that the current moral midgets occupy. Harry Cohn would have beat the piss out of guys like Moonves and Weinstein.
These reports are the 2018 version of that old Penthouse thing where college kids sent in their fantasies.
I thought the part where he was involved in me-too, i.e. the Commission on Eliminating Sexual Harassment and Advancing Equality in the Workplace, using Anita Hill to project authenticity was particularly funny. What a PC perv!
I'm as pleased as anyone about the Trump-directed torpedo boomeranging onto the MSM, but this story seems incomplete.
"When Douglas met with Moonves at his office, she began to raise concerns about the “Queens” script, but Moonves, she recalled, cut her off. “He interrupts me to ask me am I single,” she said. Douglas, whose nearly decade-long relationship with Scorsese was coming to an end, was caught off guard. “I didn’t know what to say at that point,” she told me. “I was, like, ‘I’m single, yes, no, maybe.’”
At that point, his intent was obvious. She was a professional. Why didn't she know what to say? For example, "Sorry, I'm not interested"?
"She began talking about the script," Hmm, without anything further?
"but Moonves interjected, asking to kiss her." Again, no mention of what she said. Did she say no? Did she stand up and make a move to leave?
"According to Douglas, he said that they didn’t have to tell her manager: “It’ll just be between you and me. Come on, you’re not some nubile virgin.” So he treated her like an adult. What did she say?
"As Douglas attempted to turn the focus back to work" How did she do this?
"Moonves, she said, grabbed her. “In a millisecond, he’s got one arm over me, pinning me,” I am willing to believe he forced himself on her, but the "millisecond" seems a convenient dramatization. How far apart were they before he did this? How long did it take exactly?
What did she do to hold him accountable afterward? Did she even tell Scorsese?
If she was Martin Scorcese's ex-woman, she wasn't exactly powerless. Have women forgotten how to scowl and stiff arm someone?
As others have said; How many times did this 'technique' have to have succeeded for these men to do it so often?
“He has gotten away with it for decades,” the writer Janet Jones
douglas said In March, 1997 was only when Moonves, aroused, pulled up her skirt and began to thrust against her that her fear overcame her paralysis. She told herself that she had to do something to stop him. “At that point, you’re a trapped animal,” she told me. “Your life is flashing before your eyes.” Moonves, in what Douglas assumed was an effort to be seductive, paused and asked, “So, what do you think?” Douglas told me, “My decision was to get out of it by joking my way out, so he feels flattered.” Thinking that reminding Moonves that he was her boss might discourage him, she told him, “Yes, for the head of a network you’re some good kisser.”
So, he pins her to the couch, and pulls her dress up, and starts dry docking her...
then, TWENTY YEARS (TWENTY FREAKING *YEARS!*) later, she decides it's RAPE!
Everyone knows that the entertainment business is staffed with scum- from top to bottom. Everyone knows that politics is also staffed with scum- from top to bottom.
Any questions?
The sooner society assumes that everybody involved in the entertainment industry is involved in this sort of behavior, the sooner it will become a socially unacceptable career choice and the sooner it will change.
The history of entertainment from 1000 years ago, show that the entertainers of the day were prostitutes, homosexuals, and sexual deviates. A sort of self selected group of participates. What's that saying about not knowing history and forced to repeat it?
"All in the Family" taught that sexual assaults have to be reported so that future assaults can be prevented on March 17, 1973. All of these recent stories undermine the notion that "relevant" TV is an effective teaching device.
Didn't Moonves have a hand in getting huge book advances to HRC through Simon and Schuster, which CBS owns?
"Turns out that these rich and powerful men in NY and LA can't get laid or are too lazy to do it the old fashioned way. "
That is the old fashioned way.
By "Old Fashioned" do you mean the day after the city siege is ended in 900 BC ?
The assumption by a lot "feminists" that men have always had rape fantasies 9s mostly mythology picked up in some feminist bull session. Women have rape fantasies. Normal men don't.
The growth of pornography to an almost mainstream status in the early 70s was a warning of the collapse of the culture.
Now, it is an alternative for lots of young men who have been turned off by women.
We are in Oregon today for the wedding of my wife's youngest grandson. There are still normal young people around but you tend not to find them in college these days,
Ileana Douglas?
You would think, at that level of power, that Moonves would have the luxury of being a little selective.
Ileana Douglas is a goblin.
It's understandable since that shit always works in the movies.
Remember that the Democrats have courted these Hollywood sex criminals for moral, political, financial and cultural support for decades.
They all knew this was going on.
"'That is the old fashioned way.'
"I don't believe that. Guys like Zanuck and LB Mayer, the Warner brothers and Adolph Zukor had a sense of propriety and right from wrong that contemporary entertainment moguls have never shown, which is why the product is degenerated, and also why the modern leftist scum who have reigned in Hollywood since the 60's have carried on a 50 year smear campaign against the old moguls who created the world that the current moral midgets occupy. Harry Cohn would have beat the piss out of guys like Moonves and Weinstein."
She's not talking about the "old-fashioned" way in Hollywood, (though I would not be surprised if the old studio heads used similar tactics...they were certainly no paragons of moral virtue). She means "the old-fashioned way" as in: all of human history.
Ygritte: I heard they get all swollen and bruised if you don't use them.
Of course, maybe that's just what the lads say when they want me
feeling sorry for them. As if I'd feel sorry for them.
At least, that's how I interpreted it.
When was the last time a caveman with a club dragged a woman by the hair in the comic B.C.?
The strip should be #Metooed, regardless.
"Les Moonves" -- cant wait to see the musical!
The Moonves action is significant, because this is a strike against an important node in the MSM chain of command. This is a political act, just as was the Weinstein episode.
There is a lot more to this than gossip magazine material. There is a battle for ownership of CBS/Viacom vs the heirs of Sumner Redstone, who would probably have faced a Weinsteinian attack if he himself weren't disabled by senile dementia. The ownership of this whole package of media properties is uncertain.
CBS/Viacom is one of the five major legs in the US MSM.
The others are NBC/Comcast, Disney (ABC, now Fox), AT&T/Warner(CNN), Newscorp (Murdoch)
Each is a complex of TV, cable systems, production companies and publishers.
Add Amazon and Alphabet (Google) for the rest of influential media that doesn't directly generate (much) content.
The old fashioned way in more civilized times was to acquire a mistress or two and keep them nearby in their own establishment.
Actresses and dancers and opera singers were usual mistress material, as also a "professional" category of demimondaines, which included for instance artists models.
"Les Moonves" -- cant wait to see the musical!
It will stink like asscrack.
I am so glad she came up with something clever to say. And I'm so glad it worked!
Musetta was a singer and Mimi sewed fake flowers before they took to a life of crime.
So he put the Moonves on her.
The thing is, she is not even voluptuous and sexually desirable. I mean, she looks like any housewife at the grocery store.
Some men are just pigs. It's like they have an 11th digit. Free-Ranging Insane.
These penthouse letters are making me hot.
Better than 50 shades of grey.
At least now we know what that CBS eye is winking at.
Where are all the stories about powerful women who are sexual predators? I can think of three reasons we aren't hearing them:
They're teachers and they're having sex with their students.
Blogger Ralph L said...If she was Martin Scorcese's ex-woman, she wasn't exactly powerless. Have women forgotten how to scowl and stiff arm someone?
Maybe she's not describing the situation well..but the going limp doesn't mesh well with not being able to get him off her.
Casting couch. Even when the big time actresses get old, they still pimp for the gods like Harvey. Merrill isn't a cute fresh 20 something so she sends fresh meat to the god Harvey and still gets the benefits without showing all of her private wrinkles.
The article mentions in passing that Fox News had to pay out sixty five million dollars to settle claims against Roger Ailes and Bill O'Reilly. CBS under Moonves had to pay out only a few hundred thousand dollars. Why the the wild discrepancy? If you have to undergo sexual harassment at work, it's far more lucrative to be abused by a right wing figure. That's where the big money is.......I think Stormy would have honored her NDA if she had signed it with a leftist........I don think there will be as much appetite in other newsrooms to follow up on these revelations about CBS News as there was the stories about Fox and, of course, Trump.
Harvey still remains the King of Pigs. He's far uglier than Les Moonves, and he assaulted women far more celebrated than B-list tv stars and far more of them.
There is a lot more to this than gossip magazine material. There is a battle for ownership of CBS/Viacom vs the heirs of Sumner Redstone, who would probably have faced a Weinsteinian attack if he himself weren't disabled by senile dementia. The ownership of this whole package of media properties is uncertain.
In FRIDAY, Robert Heinlein postulates a war for control of the Shipstone Corporations (which controlled most everything). He talks about how regular war with armies wouldn't accomplish much. His story uses assassinations on a global scale to accomplish the change of ownership.
His story would have been (even) better if he could have imagined Character Assassination being as effective as it is today. Of course, the story would have been a lot more duller without the massive amount of killing that it had
You need to check out the blog "Crazy Days, Crazy Nights" where this was published as a blind item two years ago.
You will see many other recognizable people in even worse behavior.
The posts about Heather Locklear, Steven Speiberg and Charlie Sheen are particularly reprehensible.
Think of the worst thing you can think of and know that the truth is even worse than that.
They all knew..
A new report from Cascadia Research Collective confirms the new sea creature is the result of a melon-headed whale and a rough-toothed dolphin mating.
I bet the whale was fat.
A lack of principles... socially liberal (i.e. divergent).
Mooves should've been canned - along with Dan Rather and Mary Mapes - back in September, 2004.
they will do anything to do it
You mean like, they'll let you grab it?
Samuel Goldwyn was a paragon of many virtues.
The MeToo meme set to trap conservative Pols went well for the Progs/Libs, didn't it?
The Neverending Story!There will be a long period of revenge on people for their actions, both slight and large. When money payouts reach its peak the #metoo bubble will collapse. Women will not be looked upon these events with kindness because it will get out of hand.
So far what Trump is accused of is paying off his mistresses, not forcing himself on them. He has more power to do that to his underlings than male-feminists: Moonves, Lauer, Rose, Smiley,...
Yet Trump is the pig and these male-feminists were holier-than-thou because they supported abortions (to protect themselves?)
Not to take away anything from a positively horrible episode for Douglas, but I'm curious to ask her if she said that line because she'd seen Barefoot in the Park many times.....cause that's the first thing that popped into my stupid head when I read the headline of the post.
yes--CDAN...and the revolt that brightly shines
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