July 2, 2018

"#TrumpDerangementSyndrome can be career ending."

From the linked Hill article:
A newspaper reporter in Massachusetts resigned on Friday after falsely claiming in a tweet that the gunman who opened fire on a newsroom in Maryland a day earlier was wearing a hat bearing President Trump's campaign slogan, "Make America Great Again."...

"Folks, My 21-year career as a 'journalist,' a fancy term that makes my skin crawl, frankly, came to a screeching halt yesterday with one stupid, regrettable tweet," [wrote Conor Berry, a reporter at The Republican in Springfield, Mass.] "Can't take it back; wish I could. My sincere apologies to all good, hardworking reporters and to POTUS supporters."
Does he say where he got the false information? Did he make it up? Did he have a source who lied?


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Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

Hit back twice as hard.

traditionalguy said...

A targeted mental illness is a cruel thing.They desperately need to find a Qure.

MadisonMan said...

Fake news has consequences.

Matt Sablan said...

This is why you burn bad sources. If you don't it looks like you're gullible or just make things up. Why this guy who has had issues with this paper for years was wearing a MAGA hat should've raised any journalist's red flags.

mccullough said...

The Resistance needs a long vacation

mccullough said...

Also, it’s a cap not a hat. Sloppy

Kylos said...

I read somewhere that he claimed it was an attempt at satire.

DanTheMan said...

The first question to ask when reading the news:
"What does the author want to be true?"

Big Mike said...

Why this guy who has had issues with this paper for years was wearing a MAGA hat should've raised any honest journalist's red flags.

FIFY, Matt.

Original Mike said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
James K said...

At least that seemed to be a real and good-natured apology, not the usual “sorry if you were offended” non-apology.

Robert Cook said...

So now reporters are being fired because they're making minor factual mistakes?

rehajm said...

CNN is on line one, Mr. Elder...

Kylos said...

He attempts to explain more here

Browndog said...

Matthew Sablan said...

This is why you burn bad sources.

Unless your source is a meme on facebook.

stevew said...

He didn't lose his job, he resigned, or did the article say he was fired? Big difference.


Skipper said...

Absent an explanation/excuse, it's fair to assume he just made it up.

Henry said...

Does he say where he got the false information?

Probably from Hanley Ramirez's fetanyl dealer.

Maybe that's too Massachusetts a joke.

DanTheMan said...

>>So now reporters are being fired because they're making minor factual mistakes?

C'mon Cookie. You can troll more subtly that that!

Original Mike said...

There was another one of these by NPR yesterday:


Robert, all these “mistakes” are always in one direction. They are not mistakes.

paminwi said...

Saw on Twitter he made it up! I believe he made it up otherwise the newspaper/he could have just apologized for using a bad source and all would be forgiven. We all inherently know "the apology" always works for liberal media. But, let's not worry about him some other newspaper will pick him up in a heartbeat. Maybe the NYT can ask him if he'd be willing to sleep with all kinds of people to get scoops! Nancy & Diane might be willing to engage in a bit of pillow talk!

Chuck said...

What did President Trump say, about the appropriate punishment for someone who puts out false information on Twitter?

Henry said...

Kylos, thanks for the link. Horribly stupid blunder, the man made, but I give him credit for owning up to it.

MayBee said...

I hate it that he is going to not have a job after this. I hope its what he wanted. I'd much prefer he applied what he'd learned from this incident to his reporting.

Kylos said...

It seems he was being cynical speculative.

MadisonMan said...

So now reporters are being fired because they're making minor factual mistakes?

People are fired all the time when they make their boss look bad. Should reporters be different? No.

In point of fact, though, he resigned.

etbass said...

Robert Cook said...
"So now reporters are being fired because they're making minor factual mistakes"

If the reporter had said he was wearing a blue cap in error, it would have been a minor factual mistake. But lying that it was a Maga cap, essentially says a Trump supporter committed the heinous crime. Do you regard that as a minor factual mistake?

Hagar said...

Civility bullshit.
In today's front page article in the Journal expressing our political leaders' concern about the current political discourse, our Democratic candidate for governor states that she would not have requested Sarah Huckabee Sanders to leave the premises, but would rather have served the party herself "so that her staff would not have to."

Fabi said...

Welcome back, Chuck!

Fabi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"So now reporters are being fired because they're making minor factual mistakes?"

He deliberately lied to further a political agenda.

However, that is so commonplace that he must wonder why he was singled out. So the press can continue to do what they do, while pointing at him and saying "See? We got rid of the biased guy. That proves we're not biased!"

Sebastian said...

"Does he say where he got the false information? Did he make it up? Did he have a source who lied?"

What difference, at this point, does it make?

As the Queen of the Lying Liars once said, very apropos and all.

Shoulda blamed a Russian hacker, and he'd be in the clear.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

#TrumpDerangementSyndrome can be career ending.

I call fake news! While the tweet may have cost him his current job, I suspect it gives him the street cred needed to land an even better gig at a wide variety ( in terms of location and media format, but certainly not ideology ) of news outlets. His career will be fine.

Curious George said...

"Sarcasm is one thing, but my tweet was dishonest. It was intended to express cynicism and was interpreted as fact. It was not fact. It was fiction."

It was not a "minor factual mistake."

tim in vermont said...

I think that the reason that he was forced out was that, whatever his motivations, he created a perfect satire of the current press, and that, they cannot abide.

gilbar said...

So, Robert; if, from now on, i refer to YOU as a Trump supporter; would you consider That to be " minor factual mistakes"

Because I have NEVER seen you when you weren't wearing a MAGA hat. Not Once! At no time have i witnessed you without your Trump attire on.

Larry J said...

Robert Cook said...

So now reporters are being fired because they're making minor factual mistakes?

Deliberately lying to further his political agenda isn't what I consider a minor factual mistake. I understand that you may believe that's a job prerequisite for journalists, though.

DanTheMan said...

>>I'd much prefer he applied what he'd learned from this incident to his reporting.

Had he not been fired/forced to resign, I strongly suspect the lesson learned would have been "Be a bit more subtle next time. Say something like "there are reports of the shooter expressing pro-Trump sentiments... something like that..."

walter said...

‏Verified account @CBerry413
Jun 29

Folks, My 21-year career as a "journalist," a fancy term that makes my skin crawl, frankly, came to a screeching halt yesterday with one stupid, regrettable tweet. Can't take it back; wish I could. My sincere apologies to all good, hardworking reporters and to POTUS supporters.
3,009 replies 692 retweets 1,797 likes
‏ @phbehnken
Jun 29

I'm so, so sorry, Conor. Yesterday was awful for everyone in the news business, because that shooting could have happened anywhere, to anyone sitting in a newsroom. Emotions ran high; fear was everywhere. Surely, people can understand that.
99 replies 5 retweets 51 likes

‏Verified account @CBerry413
Replying to @phbehnken

Sarcasm is one thing, but my tweet was dishonest. It was intended to express cynicism and was interpreted as fact. It was not fact. It was fiction.
9:25 AM - 29 Jun 2018 from Chicopee, MA

Connie 🌊
Joseph Matarise
Caleb Johnson
MM | Floor🎩🎭☠ # LucinaKept
JR Thatcher
Miserable Liberal☻♠♣☯♠
kim ellis

209 replies 49 retweets 333 likes

New conversation

‏Verified account @stevemcgrew
Jun 29
Replying to @CBerry413 @phbehnken

“It was fiction”. That’s spin doctor for “I lied”
19 replies 63 retweets 898 likes
Barbara Warde
‏ @Barb4Ward
Jun 29

And he's apologized. Not just a throw away apology. He quit his job to show he is truly sorry. I give him a hell of a lot of credit for that.
93 replies 24 retweets 445 likes
‏Verified account @CBerry413
Jun 29

Thank you, Barbara. I did resign. I was embarrassed that I had harmed the reputation of all reporters and the reputation of the media outlet that I've worked for since 2011. I left because it was the right thing to do. The news ... it's no fun anymore. Not sure if it ever was.

Whatever you say said...

Original Mike said
There was another one of these by NPR yesterday:

Come on, the attacker's name is Timmy. How would ANYONE believe a black guy with dreads could be named Timmy? That right there is an honest mistake by NPR. Every other person named Timmy in Boise, feckin Idaho is a MAGA hat wearing, potato growing redneck.

tim in vermont said...

What did President Trump say, about the appropriate punishment for someone who puts out false information on Twitter?

Chuck has proven to us all, that despite the fact that the New York Times was publishing stories based on the contents of Trump's communications, he has proven it to us with "geometric precision" as the Bogart character put it, that nobody attached alligator clips to Trump's twisted pair, analog phone line.

TreeJoe said...

I've seen this time and again: in the immediate aftermath of a major violent event, political blame begins to get ascribed in the absence of evidence. Rumors fly.

To rise to the level of a moderate journalist is shameful, without significant verification.

Henry said...

We know these facts, I think:
1. He tweeted a fiction.
2. He acknowledged that what he tweeted was dishonest.
3. He resigned.

On the other hand, he also retweeted this utterly vile comment:

I strongly condemn the evil act by the POTUS and his administration of consistently & senselessly attacking the press and declaring them as enemies of the state, thus setting the atmosphere for the murder of innocent journalists doing their jobs in Annapolis MD. -- Bishop Talbert Swan

Notice the deniability.

tim in vermont said...

So now reporters are being fired because they're making minor factual mistakes?

I hope that was satire, Robert. It's beneath you, otherwise.

Chuck said...

Meanwhile, Larry Elder is living proof that Trump Derangement Syndrome Derangement Syndrome can be a career-maker.

Michael K said...

I read somewhere that he claimed it was an attempt at satire.

I saw that too and it could be true.

Leftists have an odd sense of humor. Sort of like Cookie and his " minor factual mistakes?"

tim in vermont said...

It was fake news, but accurate. This has been the standard on the left since they failed to steal the election in 2000.

DanTheMan said...

>>It was fake news, but accurate.

I have been assured that facts are a tool of the patriarchy...

Fabi said...

Maybe Larry can find some work at the "Department of Black People" if his media gigs fall through.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

But he was pushing THE NARRATIVE. Lying for the greater good should be rewarded. +plus hack D-press #standtogether.

walter said...

""journalist," a fancy term that makes my skin crawl"
Do tell..

Chuck..Larry Elder is 66..career well established before Trump.
But go ahead..focus on HIM...and Truuuuuuump!

Caligula said...

He deliberately lied to further a political agenda. However, that is so commonplace that he must wonder why he was singled out."

Incompetence? Because competent propagandists lie by carefully selecting what information to present, just as a dishonest news photographer carefully crops a photo, even (especially) when doing so flips the meaning of what's reported into its opposite?

Because editors continue to assign activist reporters to cover events dear to their activism (but outright whole-cloth invention must still be discouraged)?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

A Bernie Bro actually goes on a shooting rampage where congress people are playing baseball, and the left are 100% silent.

Francisco D said...

""Sarcasm is one thing, but my tweet was dishonest. It was intended to express cynicism and was interpreted as fact. It was not fact. It was fiction."

His error was removing the virtual curtain by which the MSM pretend they are not part of the anti-conservative/libertarian resistance. That is why he was pushed to resign. They need to feel that the curtain is in place.

How many "Wizard of Oz" moments can the MSM survive?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Correction "It was WISH fact" and he wanted it to be true.

Like Russian collusion.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Has Rachel Maddow started a GoFundMe for him yet?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

When will Chuck Todd(D) resign?
or Brian Ross(D)?

When will all of the hacks and liars resign?

***Hillary's loss is a CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS!

whitney said...

I read a longer article about that where he said it was a sarcastic comment. Still stupid

Chuck said...

Blogger Fabi said...
Maybe Larry can find some work at the "Department of Black People" if his media gigs fall through.

Well we know he won’t get a job with the Trump Organization. Because Donald Trump doesn’t want black guys counting his money. He wants little guys wearing yarmulkes counting his money.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

I see that Lifelong Sperg and Incel Chuck has crawled out from under his cardboard box of a home to once again attempt to change the subject of a post about the dishonest media back to his obession with The President.

You really ought to just consider euthanising yourself Chuck, I don't think your fragile mental health will be able to handle the rest of Trump's two terms.

walter said...

Blogger Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...Has Rachel Maddow started a GoFundMe for him yet?
Give her a minute..wiping tears.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

"Well we know he won’t get a job with the Trump Organization. Because Donald Trump doesn’t want black guys counting his money. He wants little guys wearing yarmulkes counting his money."

Chuck starting off the morning doubling down on racism and anti-semitism. What's up,Chuck? Drinking early while rooting on your new favorite leftist government's representatives in the World Cup?

Fabi said...

My tax attorney is Jewish -- you got a problem with that, Chuck? He's also a Penn alumnus and an actual conservative -- just like President Trump.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

"He's also a Penn alumnus and an actual conservative -- just like President Trump."

Probably actually has a juris doctor and is barred, unlike Chucky boy.

Robert Cook said...

"So, Robert; if, from now on, i refer to YOU as a Trump supporter; would you consider That to be 'minor factual mistakes.'"

I wouldn't care. People here say all sorts of things about me that are untrue, and I can't be bothered to dispute them.

I see now the reporter says he purposely fabricated the detail for cynical or sarcastic effect, and that he resigned. Well, good on him for taking responsibility for his ill-considered "joke." This is just one more proof to me that people--especially people in the public--should get the fuck off Twitter and never be tempted to Tweet again!

Browndog said...

whitney said...

I read a longer article about that where he said it was a sarcastic comment. Still stupid

It's beyond stupid. It's dangerous. It's an open invitation for some unstable left-wing nutjob to take revenge against these MAGA people going around shooting everybody.

Robert Cook said...

"He's also...an actual conservative -- just like President Trump."

Trump is no conservative. He has no political or ideological convictions at all, but is merely an amoral opportunist seeking ego-gratification and self-aggrandizement at all times. I really can't believe anyone can be fooled into seeing Trump has having any sincere non-self-serving motives for anything he does. I think many of his supporters know this, but like him anyway because he's fucking shit up, as the skate-punks once had has a credo.

To call Trump "an actual conservative" is to slander conservatism.

MayBee said...

I see now the reporter says he purposely fabricated the detail for cynical or sarcastic effect, and that he resigned. Well, good on him for taking responsibility for his ill-considered "joke." This is just one more proof to me that people--especially people in the public--should get the fuck off Twitter and never be tempted to Tweet again!

Sometimes I love Robert Cook so much.

Leland said...

This guy resigned not because of what he put out, but because he didn't do his job. He was not paid to write stories. He was paid to find stories, verify some level of facts, and then report them. As DBQ noted, this guy simply wrote a work of fiction and put it out there assuming everyone would except it as such from a writer known to only do non-fiction.

Now he is free to do what everyone else does for free with Twitter; pass around gossip.

Michael K said...

"To call Trump "an actual conservative" is to slander conservatism."

The Socialist tells us so it must be true. Who knows conservatism better than a Socialist ?

Goldenpause said...

Another so-called "professional" who couldn't control his anger at all things Trump. Most of these "professionals" get away with their outbursts, but he was unlucky enough to actually have to pay for his misbehavior. I don't expect that many others will suffer any serious consequences for their misbehavior and that many of them will be applauded for their misconduct. And that is how you get more Trump.

Fabi said...

Tax cuts, conservative judges, out of the Paris climate bullshit, regulations slashed -- to name a few. He's an actual conservative, Cookie.

walter said...

"people in the public--should get the fuck off Twitter and never be tempted to Tweet again!"
By all means, leave the conveyance to MSM "journalists"..a term that makes some "journalists" crawl.

Michael K said...

chuck, does you have some sort of Tourette's Syndrome ?

Why the racist outbursts ? This is not the first. That last time it was a slur against Carson.

What is this about ?

Fabi said...

Penn undergrad in economics and Havard Law, President-Mom-Jeans. He could also buy Chuck and his entire family with cash.

walter said...

"He's an actual conservative, Cookie."
Either that, or just doing the work Conservatives refuse(d) to do..

Birkel said...

Donald Trump has enacted conservative policies regardless of his personal conviction toward an ideological perspective. Because Leftists care about intentions, they can observe the conservative results and still not see Trump as conservative. It's because they are Leftists that they must not recognize results.

I do not think Donald Trump is ideologically conservative. I think he's a pragmatist. And the fact is that conservative policy yields better results, over time, than any other set of policies available. So Trump wants results and enacts conservative policies because they work, consistently better, although never perfectly.

By the way, judging intentions allows for perfection. Soviet Man is possible if we only judge intent*.

*But never Hillary's intent.

Gk1 said...

Ah, it was so much easier when there was a journolist and these birds could pass along their unhinged wishcasting without penalty. I have to wonder at this late date why the media doesnt bar its "reporters" from having tweet accounts as its pretty clear by now they don't have the professionalism or discipline not to let air their bias for all to see.

chuck said...

He claimed it was a joke. It is, of course, life threatening to attempt a joke on twitter. Especially an in joke appropriate for the exclusive circle of the Trump deranged.

Rusty said...

Robert Cook said...
"So now reporters are being fired because they're making minor factual mistakes?"

That "mistake" completely altered the slant of the story. Instead of making up the story, hows about just reporting the facts that are known and let us, the reading public, make our own conclusions.

Fabi said...

I call him an actual conservative because of his actions. I remember a few "conservatives" who raised taxes, started stupid wars, expanded Medicare -- to name a few. They were not conservatives in spite of their claims and their party affiliation.

gilbar said...

Trump Supporter Robert Cook said (about the love of his life): "He has no political or ideological convictions at all"; And that's why i LOVE him!!

chuck said...

> Trump has having any sincere non-self-serving motives for anything he does.

And yet, his children seem sane and successful. That is a pretty strong argument that there is more to Trump than his public persona.

rcocean said...

Who cares if he had a "source that lied" ? - The old newspaper rule is you get 2 sources for everything.

Look for him to hired somewhere else.

The Left looks after its own. The Right bayonets its wounded.

Gahrie said...

What did President Trump say, about the appropriate punishment for someone who puts out false information on Twitter?

"Fuck you Chuckles...I won. Deal with it."

Chuck said...

President-Mom-Jeans said...
"Well we know he won’t get a job with the Trump Organization. Because Donald Trump doesn’t want black guys counting his money. He wants little guys wearing yarmulkes counting his money."

Chuck starting off the morning doubling down on racism and anti-semitism. What's up,Chuck? Drinking early while rooting on your new favorite leftist government's representatives in the World Cup?


You dumb jackass; that's not me spouting off some racist insanity. That's me quoting Donald J. Trump.

If you're going to be Trump fans, you ought to at least familiarize yourselves with the stuff he's said.

Fabi said...

"And yet, his children seem sane and successful. That is a pretty strong argument that there is more to Trump than his public persona."

Wonderful children are not by accident. That Trump has five in that category speaks volumes.

rcocean said...

Using an "Anon Source" is just one-step away from making shit up.

The news audience only accepts it, because SUPPOSEDLY the News reporters can be trusted and have verified the info in some way.

As been shown with Trump, since Aug. 2015 - we can't do that anymore.

ANY negative story that's based on Anon Sources is false until proven otherwise.

Gahrie said...

Meanwhile, Larry Elder is living proof that Trump Derangement Syndrome Derangement Syndrome can be a career-maker.

A career that started thirty years ago.

rcocean said...

Ah, it was "Satire" or a "Joke"

Good God, that's Troll 101.

"Hey, I was just joking. Can't you take a Joke?"

Gahrie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fabi said...

It's understandable that PMJ may have assumed Chuckles made that statement given his penchant for racism and slurring of adolescent children.

Gahrie said...

but like him anyway because he's fucking shit up,

If America first foreign policy, originalist judges, slashing regulation, tax reform and tax cuts, 4%+ economic growth, record low minority unemployment and low unemployment overall, falling SSI disability claims and energy independence is fucking shit up....count me in!

Howard said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tim in vermont said...

Shorter Gahrie

“If loving Trump is wrong, I don’t wanna be right.”

The only shit Trump is fucking up is political projects that the Democrats have been pushing. America seems to be doing fine, other than the never ending tantrum of the Democrats.

Darrell said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Darrell said...

Chuck said...
She was always a good, solid, credible nominee.

Completely unlike many other Trump nominations. Like Trump's nomination of Dr. Ricky Bobby for the Veteran's Administration. Or Ben Carson for Department of Black People. Or Scaramucci for anything.

I think that there is general relief that Trump didn't nominate Agent Maxwell Smart for head of the CIA.

5/9/18, 4:29 PM

Show me the Trump quote in this.

Big Mike said...

So now reporters are being fired because they're making minor factual mistakes?

It wasn't minor and it wasn't factual.

Michael K said...

You dumb jackass; that's not me spouting off some racist insanity. That's me quoting Donald J. Trump.

Sure chuck. You heard it in person, Right ?

Casino President John R. O’Donnell, in the 1991 book “Trumped,” claimed that Trump once said that “laziness is a trait in blacks.”

chuck sure has reliable sources. An alleged quote reported in TDS WaPoo.

Congratulations, chuck.

Michael K said...

If you're going to be Trump fans, you ought to at least familiarize yourselves with the stuff the WaPoo says someone said he's said.


Gahrie said...

The real irony/tragedy of the Trump presidency is that he would be completely willing to cross the aisle and work with the Democrats if they acted like adults. The Democrats could have had a deal on DACA, but they walked away...just like many of their supporters are now doing.

Gahrie said...

Casino President John R. O’Donnell, in the 1991 book “Trumped,” claimed that Trump once said that “laziness is a trait in blacks.”

I've heard that White men can't jump and Asian women can't drive...….

Fabi said...

Cookie has dropped the F-Bomb twice in this thread; which is very unusual if not unprecedented. Trump must be directly over the target.

FIDO said...


becauseIdbefired said...

Under Trump, the press has routinely written false and/or misleading comments to make the president look bad.

I'm with Cookie. What's so different about misleading people to make Trump supporters look bad?

I suppose this might offend the sensibilities of many to use the deaths of Americans to bash Trump supporters. It's not that lying/misleading/etc. is off limits, it's that you have to do it in a way that helps the narrative more than it hurts.

PackerBronco said...

It's good that he resigned. He violated Rule #1 of the liberal press: He got caught.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Regarding the false tweet and "journalism" as a profession.

My parents were in the newspaper business all of their lives. My Grandmother owned and operated a small town newspaper. Even back in the 1960's the inside joke in our family was. "Well, you know.....They can't print it in the paper if it isn't true" Then we would all laugh uproariously..ha ha ha ha!

From day one, I knew that what was in the paper was not necessarily true, was mostly lies, was always tinged by the biases of the reporters that we knew and by the newspaper owner/s.

It has only gotten worse because now they don't even try to hide the lies and biases.

Yancey Ward said...

Isn't it obvious, Ms. Althouse? He reads Inga.

tim in vermont said...

I don’t know about the name, but I think that a “Department of Black People” is not the worst idea that anybody ever had.

grackle said...

Trump is no conservative. He has no political or ideological convictions at all …

Political is different than ideological. Trump has loads of political convictions and has managed to fulfill some of them in the few months he has been in office, all done despite resistance from the eGOP, the Dems, the universities and the MSM – the tax cuts being the most significant. Cutting regulation is another. And he’s nominating constitutionalists for the SCOTUS.

But it is true that Trump is no ideologue and this Trump supporter thinks that is just fine. With an ideologue if I know their stance on even one issue I can predict their viewpoint on every other issue. That’s not good. Ideologues and ideology are a part of what screws politics up. Ideologues weaken their own chosen factions with their rigid inflexibility.

I like the old Reagan attitude better. Anyone who believed in a free market, limited government and a strong defense was welcome in his party. They could have a variety of other political beliefs but if they concurred on those three issues and wanted to join they were considered valid Reaganites.

You dumb jackass; that's not me spouting off some racist insanity. That's me quoting Donald J. Trump.

The commentor posted a link so I clicked and read this:

We gave him[Trump] Four Pinocchios for these statements, as there is no data that supports that notion that crime is correlated with immigration, especially illegal immigration.

No crime by illegal immigrants? What world do these columnists live in? I gave them the maximum of ten Pinocchios and didn’t bother with the rest of the bullshit.

PackerBronco said...

Blogger Michael K said...
If you're going to be Trump fans, you ought to at least familiarize yourselves with the stuff the WaPoo says someone said he's said.


Chuck said that the WaPo said that someone said that he said.


Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

@TraditionalGuy- do u think they r ready?

Yancey Ward said...
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Yancey Ward said...

From Chuckles:

"You dumb jackass; that's not me spouting off some racist insanity. That's me quoting Donald J. Trump."

You see, Chuck, this is why we have literally no respect for you. You weren't quoting Trump- you were quoting someone who claimed to be quoting Trump. If you would just take the fucking time to read the shit you link to, you wouldn't be making yourself out as such a fucking fool.

Fabi said...

Four Pinocchios! Chuck has really out-cucked himself today. Attaboy! Lulz

President-Mom-Jeans said...

"You dumb jackass; that's not me spouting off some racist insanity. That's me quoting Donald J. Trump."

So you are putting quotes saying that Donald Trump talks about himself in the third person?

Fuck you and the filthy gutter whore that birthed you. Your racism is well documented on this page, as is your faking being an attorney and a Republican.

Now go get your fucking shine box.

Fabi said...

"That's me quoting Donald J. Trump."

Wrong. That's you being a liar, Chuck.

walter said...

grackle said...he commentor posted a link so I clicked and read this:
We gave him[Trump] Four Pinocchios for these statements, as there is no data that supports that notion that crime is correlated with immigration, especially illegal immigration.
No crime by illegal immigrants? What world do these columnists live in? I gave them the maximum of ten Pinocchios and didn’t bother with the rest of the bullshit.
Well..there is within federal crime data. But most crimes are under the purview of states..where that data typically isn't gathered.

Anonymous said...

walter: ...just doing the work Conservatives refuse(d) to do..

Ha. I like that. Make a good campaign slogan.

DavidD said...

tim in vermont said...
I think that the reason that he was forced out was that, whatever his motivations, he created a perfect satire of the current press, and that, they cannot abide.


I got the impression that his purpose was to satirize the press but it got taken as fact.

Robert Cook said...

"He's an actual conservative, Cookie."

Yes, and prosperity preachers are true men (and women) of God.

Or, are they (and Trump)...anti-Christs?

Fabi said...

Godwin's Law for Hitler references.

Cook's Law for anti-Christ references.

Robert Cook said...

"If America first foreign policy, originalist judges, slashing regulation, tax reform and tax cuts, 4%+ economic growth, record low minority unemployment and low unemployment overall, falling SSI disability claims and energy independence is fucking shit up....count me in!"

You can believe those claims if you like.

Many Americans wouldn't recognize such claims as reality.

Gahrie said...

"If America first foreign policy, originalist judges, slashing regulation, tax reform and tax cuts, 4%+ economic growth, record low minority unemployment and low unemployment overall, falling SSI disability claims and energy independence is fucking shit up....count me in!"

You can believe those claims if you like.

Many Americans wouldn't recognize such claims as reality.

Your first link is an article complaining that poor people can't afford a cell phone. The second is about teachers and academics complaining about their pay and the high cost of childcare.

Try again.

Michael K said...

Cookie is good enough to provide links so e can see his data.

California, New Mexico and Hawaii have the largest share of struggling families, at 49% each. North Dakota has the lowest at 32%.

Notice anything ? Like party in charge of the state?

After spending his days teaching AP American history and economics at the public Live Oak High School in San Jose, Calif., Matt Barry drives for Uber.

Barry’s wife, Nicole, teaches as well — they each earn $69,000, a combined salary that not long ago was enough to afford a comfortable family life. But due to the astronomical costs in his area, including real estate — a 1,500-square-foot “starter home” costs $680,000 — driving for Uber was a necessity.

Socialism is so good at making life miserable.

Drago said...

LLR and #StrongDemDefender Chuck: "You dumb jackass; that's not me spouting off some racist insanity. That's me quoting Donald J. Trump.

If you're going to be Trump fans, you ought to at least familiarize yourselves with the stuff he's said."

LLR Chuck, just like his lefty allies, is openly lying about his penning the "Department of Black People" smear against Ben Carson.

I'm not surprised LLR Chuck is doubling and tripling down on attacking black republicans. The dems are reading the polls and seeing Trump's numbers rise to very dangerous levels amongst black voters.

The dems can't have that, and, as always, when the dems are in trouble, LLR Chuck always, but only always, comes rolling in with the heavy handed racism to support his beloved lefty allies.

No one is buying the dem/lefty/MSM/LLR lies about Trump being a racist: hence LLR Chuck's frenetic posting and flailing to try and reinvigorate an already failed lefty/dem/MSNBC meme.

Drago said...

Yancey: "You see, Chuck, this is why we have literally no respect for you. You weren't quoting Trump- you were quoting someone who claimed to be quoting Trump. If you would just take the fucking time to read the shit you link to, you wouldn't be making yourself out as such a fucking fool"

I find it amusing that Yancey would, even for a moment, assume that LLR Chuck made a mistake.

LLR Chuck is completely and fully operationally aligned with the whackiest left-wingers and their ideas and theories.

Remember, LLR Chuck himself said he was here to smear Trump. Nothing more. Just like all the lefties...

Matt Sablan said...

"A Bernie Bro actually goes on a shooting rampage where congress people are playing baseball, and the left are 100% silent."

-- When the FBI decides a shooting by a guy who claims to want to kill his political opponents, verifies his political opponents are there, and spends months hunting and tracking them down, including scanning local papers to find when they might be unguarded -- but they decide the crime was not politically motivated -- well, you can't blame people for being silent. It is unfathomable, and certainly not one of the high points of the FBI's investigative history of late.

Qwinn said...

My 22 year old nephew just bought a bigger "starter home" than that for $80,000 in New Hampshire.

If you live in an area dominated by blue local governance with astronomical cost of living, and areas without that local governance are affordable, the problem ain't the federal government.

Cook is just following the leftie playbook, though it's usually deployed in the realm of foreign policy: If a Republican does something bad, it's Republicans fault. If a Democrat does something bad, its America's fault.

Achilles said...

Robert Cook said...

"He's an actual conservative, Cookie."

Yes, and prosperity preachers are true men (and women) of God.

Or, are they (and Trump)...anti-Christs?

Capitalism has raised a Billion or so people out of poverty.

Socialism hasn't raised a single person out of poverty. Ever.

Socialism came after Capitalism. Socialism can only live parasitically off of capitalism until it kills the host country and millions of people along the way.

There are exactly 0 cases of socialism working on it's own. Socialism working is a bunch of thieves attaching themselves to capitalism and stealing from them until they run out of other peoples money.

This is preceded by mass murder and followed by mass starvation.

Socialism is at this point only promulgated by evil people. Everyone knows what the results are.

Michael K said...

It is so amusing that Cookie doesn't even think about the location of the miserable before he posts these links. California and New York and New Jersey are the home of Socialists in power. Of course, the residents are miserable unless they are rich.

Some people are just a mystery.

Chuck said...

Fabi said...
"That's me quoting Donald J. Trump."

Wrong. That's you being a liar, Chuck.

You're welcome, if you wish, to call John O'Donnell a liar for having quoted Trump, writing this:

“What do you think of him?” Donald asked.
I said I was familiar with his abilities, and he had shortcomings. “To be honest, I don’t think he’s the best we can have,” I said. “I’d like to see him either come up to speed, where he can help me a lot more, or maybe there’s something else he can do.”
Instantly, Donald was enthused. “Yeah, I never liked the guy. I don’t think he knows what the fuck he’s doing. My accountants up in New York are always complaining about him. He’s not responsive. And isn’t it funny, I’ve got black accountants at Trump Castle and at Trump Plaza. Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day. Those are the kind of people I want counting my money. Nobody else.”
I couldn’t believe I was hearing this But Donald went on, “Besides that, I’ve got to tell you something else. I think that the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It’s not anything they can control…. Don’t you agree?” He looked at me square in the eye and waited for my reply.
“Donald, you really shouldn’t say things like that to me or anybody else,” I said. “That is not the kind of image you want to project. We shouldn’t even be having this conversation, even if it’s the way you feel.”
“Yeah, you’re right,” he said. “If anybody ever heard me say that … holy shit … I’d be in a lot of trouble. But I have to tell you, that’s the way I feel.”

Donald Trump, of course, had a chance to call John O'Donnell a liar, when he was asked about O'Donnell's book "Trumped!" in a 1997 Playboy interview. What Trump answered was, “The stuff O’Donnell wrote about me is probably true...”

Still later, Trump denied saying that. Later still, Trump said it was probably meant in sarcasm.

There's this fantastic interview transcript with Michael Kranish of the Washington Post, where Trump goes back over all of this stuff. (And says he likes the Washington Post which is why he was doing the interview.)

Achilles said...

Robert Cook said...

"If America first foreign policy, originalist judges, slashing regulation, tax reform and tax cuts, 4%+ economic growth, record low minority unemployment and low unemployment overall, falling SSI disability claims and energy independence is fucking shit up....count me in!"

You can believe those claims if you like.

Many Americans wouldn't recognize such claims as reality.

Now the leftists care about middle class erosion.

It is hilarious to watch Cook pretend he cares about the middle class after Obama spent 8 years doing everything he could to gut it.

We are seeing real wage growth in the middle for the first time in a decade.

Thanks to Trump and his policies.

It is obvious that lower taxes, an end to crony trade, and less illegal immigration driving down unskilled wages is going to raise employment and wages for the lower/middle class.

It is obvious that high taxes and regulations on US business, crony trade deals that let people make products elsewhere and ship them here for free, and massive unskilled labor flowing over an open border is going to destroy the working class.

Just like democrats want it to.

Drago said...

I see LLR Chuck is furiously attempting to obfuscate his authorship of "Department of Black People".


Won't work Chuckie.

Just like you can no longer effectively cover for your pal Durbin who is looking shakier by the day!

Too funny.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

A career that started thirty years ago.

The Sage from South Central has been on the air longer than Hammity and almost as long as El Rushbo.

Yancey Ward said...

Chuck, the better question is this- did you read the transcript? No where in that transcript does Trump admit that he said the thing you claimed to be quoting. The Playboy interview, which I actually read at the time it was printed 20 years ago but just reread for shits and giggles also shows that Trump likely didn't read the book as he claimed. In any case, no where does Trump say that particular "quote" provided by O'Donnell was "probably true". It is likely that much of O'Donnell's book is true, but it is also likely that parts of it aren't. Neither you nor I will ever know which is which, and yet you are the one who literally claimed you were quoting Trump when you didn't even have the absolute minimum requirement of a transcript for such a claim.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Still don't see the "original source" for Chuck's "department of Black People" slur. Strange.

Fabi said...

None of that changes the fact that you were not quoting Trump, Chuck. Stop dissembling.

Yancey Ward said...

I am sure Chuck will be along shortly with another link he hasn't read himself in support of whatever misstatement he made earlier. It is whack-a-mole with Chuckles.

AZ Bob said...

Fake but accurate is the new media standard due to Trump derangement syndrome.

Chuck said...

Yeah, right; John O'Donnell is lying and that quote about short guys wearing yarmulkes doesn't sound totally, completely like the stuff that Mr. "Shithole Countries" says on a regular basis.

What is going to last all day for me is the exquisite joy that some Trumpkins first wanted to assail me as having written something that was indefensible; but now with it being a Trump thing its a lot more complicated.

Michael K said...

Blogger Mike said...
A career that started thirty years ago.

The Sage from South Central has been on the air longer than Hammity and almost as long as El Rushbo.

The left, and especially the black left, has been trying to get him off for all that time. I think they finally succeeded.

I listened all the way back when a leftist outfit that called itself "The Walking Drum" tried to get him off.

I think he has no show except podcasts now.

I remember when he would have his parents on.

Michael K said...

Poor chuck. Always misunderstood.

Yancey Ward said...

This is what it looks like when Chuck finally admits he was wrong about something:

"Yeah, right; John O'Donnell is lying and that quote about short guys wearing yarmulkes doesn't sound totally, completely like the stuff that Mr. "Shithole Countries" says on a regular basis."

Chuck said...

Mike said...
Still don't see the "original source" for Chuck's "department of Black People" slur. Strange.

That was my own writing and was 100% intended as a slur. A true slur, of Donald J. Trump and ONLY Donald J. Trump.

Fabi said...

"Yeah, right; John O'Donnell is lying and that quote about short guys wearing yarmulkes doesn't sound totally, completely like the stuff that Mr. "Shithole Countries" says on a regular basis."

A lawyer wrote that comment. Lulz

Yancey Ward said...

Seriously, if I were to claim that Chuck likes to suck dog dick, that could be true because it does sound like something Chuck would like to do.

Jim at said...

John Mcnamara, Gerald Fischman, Robert Hiaasen, Rebecca Smith and Wendi Waters.

Those are the five victims of the shooting.

To hell with those who continue to shit their partisan politics all over their corpses.

Fabi said...

"That was my own writing and was 100% intended as a slur. A true slur, of Donald J. Trump and ONLY Donald J. Trump."

In golf we call that a whiff.

Yancey Ward said...

That is called standing on the tee and knocking yourself out with the driver.

Fabi said...

I know a guy who reported that Chuck "likes to suck dog dick."

According to Chuck that's admissible, accurate, and fair.

Fabi said...

There's no gambling at Altwood.

Fabi said...

Yancey Ward -- I'll gladly pay the $100 myself if Chuck can properly identify the brand of Scotch I sent him in 2016 to pay off a bet.

Michael K said...

"To hell with those who continue to shit their partisan politics all over their corpses."

Including you ?

President-Mom-Jeans said...

These allegations of Chuck liking to suck dog dick are quite troubling. I think we need a special counsel to investigate.

Achilles said...

Chuck said...

That was my own writing and was 100% intended as a slur. A true slur, of Donald J. Trump and ONLY Donald J. Trump.

Chuck is so much more fun now.

The cuck wing of the democrat party is now officially home. In the democrat party.

Go hang out with the open borders racists Chuck. They will say nice things about you when you smear Trump and the administration with obvious racism.

You will fit right in with Peter Fonda. He likes to attack Barron Trump too.

Achilles said...

Yancey Ward said...

Seriously, if I were to claim that Chuck likes to suck dog dick, that could be true because it does sound like something Chuck would like to do.

Did the WAPO have an unnamed source?

Must be true.

DanTheMan said...

>>doesn't sound totally, completely like the stuff

Can we apply this standard to....

Oh, never mind.

Darkisland said...

A couple people have expressed sorrow that this guy lost his job. Seems to me that this is a pretty mild punishment given what he seems to have done. He seems to have made up a story out of whole cloth for the sole purpose of embarassing President Trump and us MAGA deplorables.

If a newspaper wants to pretend to be objective, and it's what all the cool journos pretend, they can't do stuff like this.

If I ran the paper, I would not have let him resign, I would have fired him, published that he lied a story into the paper and, if possible, sued him.

Why should anyone believe anything at all in the Springfield Republican anymore?

If I were president Trump, I would be tweeting about the fake news of the Springfield Republican.

John Henry

Fabi said...

Chuck said...

"I am afraid you are mistaking me for someone who has an interest in fair treatment of Donald Trump. I'm not your guy. I am interested in smearing him, hurting him and prejudicing people against him."

3/4/16, 4:46 PM


Drago said...

LLR Chuck: "That was my own writing and was 100% intended as a slur. A true slur, of Donald J. Trump and ONLY Donald J. Trump."

Which is why it was Ben Carson's name included in the comment and not Trump!


There really is no good way to spin this, is there Chuck? Like your dem and "true conservative" allies are no longer able to hold back the forces of insane full-leftism on full display.

It's glorious.

I personally thought it was great Jonah Goldberg figured on Friday that then was a good time to talk about Trump's character....cuz Goldberg certainly can't attack the results...assuming he wants conservative results....which he (like you) claims he does....but seems to get angrier and angrier the more those conservative results are delivered....just like Chuck.

So very very very strange....except it isn't. At all. We now know precisely where everyone really stands on everything conservatives always said they wanted.

Chuck said...

Hey, wait a minute Yancey Ward! News just broke within the hour that Conyers III is going to try to get enough signatures to jump onto the November ballot as an independent. We'll know by August, if I have to wait until November to collect my $100 from you.

btw, sorry for the repeated link in my post just above. This latest link is enough info on Conyers III I think.

Drago said...

Be careful Yancey.

I would fully expect LLR Chuck to be up to speed and have his finger on the pulse of everything happening on the far left/democrat side of the house.

On the republican side? LOL

Not so much....

Darkisland said...

Blogger Robert Cook said...

Trump is no conservative. He has no political or ideological convictions at all, but is merely an amoral opportunist seeking ego-gratification and self-aggrandizement at all times.

I don't see the evidence of this but let's say you are right.

So what?

What president has done as much to advance the conservative and liberal (as in libertarian) agendas in 8 years as he has done in 18 months?

I consider myself a liberal, not a conservative but most liberals and most conservatives are pretty pleased with what President Trump is doing.

What difference does it make whether his motives are ideologically pure, whether he is doing it for ego or if it is a clever ploy to boost his retirement earnings post 2024?

Why should we give a shit about the "why" when the "what" is so great.

Same thing I've said about the Obama presidency here many times in the past. Was he a Trojan horse working to destroy all illusions that big government is a good thing or was he just incompetent? I've never been able to decide and I've never cared. The result was the same whatever his reason for doing it.

President Obama gave us President Trump. On purpose or by incompetence we will just count our blessings and every day say "Thank you President Obama".

Not tired of winning yet. What about you? Are you getting ready to #walkaway, Cookie?

John Henry

Darkisland said...

Here's a conundrum for the philosophers here:

Should this reporter take another job? Not necessarily a reporter job but any job. Or should he stay unemployed.

The MAGA economy means that he can walk away from his journalist job and get another, perhaps even better, almost immediately. But the reason this is possible is because of President Trump. If he wants to hate on President Trump he should not take advantage of the piping hot economy.

John Henry

Fabi said...

Chuck's favorite "real Repulican" Jennifer Rubin declared that Sarah Huckabee Sanders deserves a "life sentence" of being harassed publicly as she asserted that the White House press secretary "has no right to live a life of no fuss, no muss" because of her negative interactions with the press.


Robert Cook said...

"Not tired of winning yet. What about you?"

I'm not convinced there's any winning happening at all.

Robert Cook said...

"California and New York and New Jersey are the home of Socialists in power."

There are no Socialists in power anywhere in America.

Rusty said...

Chuck said...
"Yeah, right; John O'Donnell is lying and that quote about short guys wearing yarmulkes doesn't sound totally, completely like the stuff that Mr. "Shithole Countries" says on a regular basis."

I wouldn't want to mount a defense based on this statement." Your honor. Trump didn't write this but someone claiming Trump said it wrote this." Even for you that's some lame assed shit.

"What is going to last all day for me is the exquisite joy that some Trumpkins first wanted to assail me as having written something that was indefensible; but now with it being a Trump thing its a lot more complicated."

For you maybe.

You're a horrible liar, Chuck.

Darkisland said...

Chuck, quoting someone supposedly quoting Trump:

“Besides that, I’ve got to tell you something else. I think that the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It’s not anything they can control…. Don’t you agree?”

What did he mean by "trait", Chuck? Did he mean genetic and inborn or did he mean cultural?

Thomas Sowell, who is black, says similar things in several of his books. Not that blacks are genetically lazy but that culture, racism and politics traceable back to slavery and before, is responsible for black laziness as a trait.

Politics particularly in the past 50 years has encouraged laziness in blacks. Especially in black men and especially democratic politics.

Read Sowell on this, he discusses it in depth.

John Henry

Darrell said...

I am interested in smearing him, hurting him and prejudicing people against him.

Whether true or false. We got it. That's why we think you are an asshole.

Drago said...

Cookie: "I'm not convinced there's any winning happening at all"

I'm not convinced there are lefty created mass graves in Cambodia.

I'm not convinced there really is a food shortage in Venezuela.

I'm not convinced Fidel Castro actually imprisoned any political opponents.

I'm not convinced Mao liked little girls as he ordered the mass murder of millions.

I'm not convinced Hugo Chavez was really all that authoritarian at all.

Things Robert Cook absolutely believes:

George HW Bush, during the Presidency of Jimmy Carter, actually commandeered an SR-71 and flew in it to Paris to secretly meet with representatives of the Ayatollah to keep Americans hostage longer to win an election.

No leftist/totalitarian leader of any other nation is actually responsible for their actions as those actions are always the result of American crimes.

Fun. Discuss.

Chuck said...

Fabi said...
Chuck's favorite "real Repulican" Jennifer Rubin...

I've hardly ever mentioned anything about Jennifer Rubin. I've barely acknowledged her. When have I ever declared her my "favorite"?

You called me a liar on this page and yet here you are openly making stuff up about me.

Drago said...

LLR Chuck quadruples down on his lie that Trump said "Department of Black People".

Sorry Chuck.

That was all you.

And only you.

Not even your leftist allies here on this blog, who adore you!, will come to your defense on this one.

LLR Chuck: the Brian Ross/Talia Lavin of Althouse blog.

And to think Chuck's relationship with the left was at such a wonderful and loving threshold. It's a shame to have cast it all aside because he simply couldn't control his baser instincts.

Well, let that be a lesson for everyone....


Darkisland said...

Blogger Robert Cook said...

I'm not convinced there's any winning happening at all.

My manufacturing clients are. They are all hiring, expanding, trying to cope with increased order volume.

And since I get paid for helping, my bank account feels like its winning too.

If that's not winning, it will do til the real thing comes along.

John Henry

Drago said...

It is so enjoyable watching Chuck and his dem pals spiraling out of control and losing their grip on what little sense they had.

Trump has broken them all and exposed them all.


Darkisland said...

Blogger Robert Cook said...

There are no Socialists in power anywhere in America.

What about Bernie? He claims to be a socialist. At least he claims that when not running for president. Socialism has done pretty well by him. He's making a million a year. Not too shabby for a guy who has never had a regular job.

Anyway, lots of progressives/fascists in power. Running cities and states into the ground. I've never understood the difference between progressivism fascism or socialism. All my readings lead me to believe that they are the same thing with different branding.

Kind of like Tide, Ace and Whisk laundry detergent.

John Henry

Drago said...

I can't wait to see what "Michelle Wolfe republican" Chuck comes up with next.

Whatever it is it better be fast because now Chuck's dem allies are turning on Bernie (!) AND LLR Chuck's Stolen Valor hero Blumenthal is going to the mat on the Korematsu equivalence gambit!



Fabi said...

"You called me a liar on this page and yet here you are openly making stuff up about me."

You have been shown to be a liar in this very thread, Chuck. What you accuse me of here is satirical exaggeration at best, as you admit that you have in the past referenced her in a positive light.

Michael K said...

"California and New York and New Jersey are the home of Socialists in power."

There are no Socialists in power anywhere in America.

Poor Cookie. He can't even see DeBlasio right in front of his eyes.

I anticipate the argument that DeBlasio is a liar and crook but so are most Socialists, like Bernie and his wife who destroyed a college she was supposed to be running.

Most of the California legislature, those with D after their names anyway, are Socialists.

Most college faculties are and they have more power over the youth than any politician.

Chuck said...

Drago said...
LLR Chuck quadruples down on his lie that Trump said "Department of Black People".

No; I never claimed that that was a quote from Trump. I said that I wrote that. I wrote it, as an intended slur of Trump, and not any intended insult black people or any black person. I wrote it as commentary, on the complete cluelessness of Donald Trump on race relations and racial issues. At the same time I was making fun of Trump's White House Physician and a couple of other prime Trumpisms.

So now you are just lying, about my supposedly lying.

Drago said...

Quite frankly I'm surprised to see "Jen Rubin republican" Chuck posting at all.

I would have thought Chuck would still be in counseling to try and overcome his depression at Jim Acosta being "shushed" at the Press Conference.


Darrell said...

If Cookie ever wins public office, some other Lefty asshole will say that Cookie is no Leftist.

Drago said...

"Talia Lavin republican" Chuck: " I said that I wrote that."

Hey dummy, we don't need you to tell us you wrote what you obviously wrote.

About Ben Carson.


Sammy Finkelman said...

It wasn't an error. It wasn't being burned by ab source.

He said something which he said was not intended to be taken as factual, but rather a "prediction" - maybe not even that, but a sort of "the next thing we'll hear is" - but was interpreted as asserting a fact.


Sarcasm is one thing, but my tweet was dishonest. It was intended to express cynicism and was interpreted as fact. It was not fact. It was fiction.

9:25 AM - 29 Jun 2018 from Chicopee, MA

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

I shouldn't jump all over Chuck.

He has enough on his plate trying to figure out just how he will help rescue the dems from themselves and get them back into power.

Fabi said...

"I wrote it as commentary, on the complete cluelessness of Donald Trump on race relations and racial issues."

Trump received a third more of the black vote, percentage wise, than Romney. Calling him completely clueless on matters of race is false, unless you have yet another third-hand "quote" you'd like to assign him.

Drago said...

LLR Chuck, and his dem allies, see the danger in Trumps rising poll numbers amongst Blacks and Hispanics.

The dems and Chuck cannot allow that to continue, hence the increase in the false charges of racism from the crazies on the left and Chuck himself.

Once again, unexpectedly, LLR Chuck is in perfect harmonious alignment with every single lefty talking point of the day.

I. Did. Not. See. That. Coming.

Chuck said...

No, Fabi. I've never had much of anything at all to say about Jennifer Rubin and the last time that she came up in an Althouse post as I recall, I had nothing particularly favorable to say about her.


I can't fault Jennifer Rubin for thinking, as I do, that Donald Trump is an asshole. But there are people with whom I would have nothing to do, along with people whom I respect and admire, who all have in common a personal loathing of Trump.

Anyway, Fabi; your guessing about me has come up wrong again.

Henry said...

He can't even see DeBlasio right in front of his eyes.

There's a difference between someone who calls himself a socialist and someone who actually has power over a socialist state.

In New York City, DeBlasio has inherited a Bismarckian system that he has little power to change.

Darrell said...

No; I never claimed that that was a quote from Trump.

Today you threw up another quote that you thought you could defend to fool people here into thinking that you never beclowned yourself. That's why I threw up the one you didn't want people to see. Or remember.

Chuck said...

All this fucking back-and-forth clutter in Comments; Althouse must hate it.

See, Althouse? I told ya!

Henry said...

The interesting thing about Bismarck's social legislation -- state-sponsored sickness insurance, accident insurance, and old-age pensions -- is that Bismarck implemented them as incentives to German workers to avoid the socialists.

Darrell said...

All this fucking back-and-forth clutter in Comments

Leave and never return.
Problem solved.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Lifeling Incel Chuck pivots from lying about making up quotes, to calling in mommy to complain that people are pointing out his racist statement about Ben Carson.

Why don't you tell her what to write about, and how disapointed you are in her, you sniveling little cunt stain?

Fabi said...

"Anyway, Fabi; your guessing about me has come up wrong again."

Mine was a rhetorical flourish in a blog comment, Chuck. There is no comparison between my device and you're entirely unproven quote regarding Trump. Up your game.

Darrell said...

Let's have a moment of silence for Greta Van Susteren's poor twisted nipples.

Drago said...

Fabi: "There is no comparison between my device and you're entirely unproven quote regarding Trump"

There is nothing "unproven" about Chuck having written a racist comment regarding Ben Carson.

LLR Chuck clearly felt empowered do that as it was of a piece with larger lefty/dem/MSM rhetorical attack strategy against Trump admin minorities and women, which clearly continues to this day.

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