"... in which they discussed payments to an ex-Playboy model who says she had an affair with the President, according to sources familiar with the matter. The move comes as an attorney for Cohen openly questioned Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani's claim that the tape showed no wrongdoing by the President, furthering the growing divide between Trump and Cohen, who had once said he'd take a bullet for the President. Trump's lawyers asking on behalf of the President to remove the privilege designation from the recording means that the government now has access to it as part of the US attorney for the Southern District of New York's probe into Cohen. It effectively gives prosecutors the ability to use the recording if they find it relevant to their criminal investigation of Cohen. The prosecutors working on the case had not reviewed the recording because it, along with millions of other documents and files seized in FBI searches of Cohen's home, hotel room and office in April, was undergoing the special master process, in which an independent party reviews whether the items should be regarded as privileged and thus withheld from prosecutors. The special master had designated the recording as privileged...."
CNN reports.
Fascinating game play!
It makes us feel that the tape will show Trump did nothing wrong. But could it be worth it to waive the privilege just to give us that feeling for now? Trump has nothing to hide. Stop guessing about what might be in there that's bad for Trump, because he's waiving the privilege. The effect at this point is valuable enough that I'm still suspicious that the tape contains something that might at least arguably show wrongdoing. But that's a question that will unfold at some later date, and when it come time to argue about whatever's in the tape, the question whether it shows wrongdoing will be analyzed by minds that have been prepped by Trump's previous waiving of the privilege and therefore susceptible to the argument that no wrongdoing is shown.
I hope that's not the most abstruse thing I've ever written on this blog!
ADDED: CNN seems to contradict itself:
1. Rudy Giuliani (Trump's lawyer now) said the tape has Cohen and Trump "discussing potential payments to former Playboy model Karen McDougal, who alleges Trump an affair with her. Trump denies the allegation."
2. "When the existence of the apparent deal with AMI was first reported by The Wall Street Journal just days before the election, the campaign said that the President was unaware of anything relating to a McDougal payoff, and Hope Hicks—then a spokeswoman—denied that Trump even had an affair with McDougal. But the recording, made two months earlier, suggests otherwise."
Makes perfect sense to lawyers who live and breath abstruse argument. Well written and adds to the Trump torture of the Media minds that cannot figure out anything.
They'll find a way to write the headline to make it look bad for Trump.
"Trump waives privilege because he has something to hide!"
I'm not nearly as good at this as they are.
He's hiding it in plain sight!
So devious!
Suddenly 12 year old Affairs with Playboy playmates is all they have on Trump. And the desperation as the Media Army pulls out their hair when Evangelicals and Deplorables all still stick with him Is like watching dissociative personality happen while you watch.
“It makes us feel that the tape will show Trump did nothing wrong. But could it be worth it to waive the privilege just to give us that feeling for now? Trump has nothing to hide. Stop guessing about what might be in there that's bad for Trump, because he's waiving the privilege. The effect at this point is valuable enough that I'm still suspicious that the tape contains something that might at least arguably show wrongdoing.
I hope that's not the most abstruse thing I've ever written on this blog!”
Not at all, this makes sense.
WTF does any of this tangential crap have to do with an investigation into whether Trump or his campaign colluded with the Russians in the 2016 presidential election? Seriously, if this is the kind of shit that Mueller and his henchmen have come up with, he needs to pack it up and GTF home.
“He's hiding it in plain sight!
So devious!”
Yes. He’s done this many times before. He expects his followers to become desensitized to it and take nothing he says seriously, when he actually means it seriously.
There's only a small cohort who'll actually have a problem with Trump having an affair with Playboy bunnies. A much larger cohort will be thinking if they had the opportunity to, they would also. And even a whole lot of women thinking if they were a Playboy bunny and a billionaire wanted a quick roll in the hay, well, there's more to gain then to lose.
Those who denounce him for it will be quickly identified as two faced Bill Clinton supporters. No one, even those shouting from the rooftops about how disdainful Trump's behavior was actually cares.
But it's all they got.
So, this is another of those 10-year old sexual dalliances that we are now supposed to care about?
I mean, what's the point of being rich and famous, if can't consensually screw playboy models and strippers?
I presume private citizen Trump paid off the bimbos to go away. That isn't a crime and has nothing to do with the alleged Russian collusion and election tampering. When is this witch hunt going to end ?
Playboy lady is Russian agent.
Playmates, Strippers, Porn Stars. The Russians have certainly upped their game when it comes to agents. lIf the best we got is Strozk and Plame, no wonder the USA is getting left in the dust, Spy vs. Spy-wise. (Though, in a world where $100,000 worth of Facebook ad buys can swing a major country erection, one wonders why they bother.)
You get a Red Sparrow triangle, if you count Melania.
Inga: "Yes. He’s done this many times before."
Yes, Trump has waived Attorney-Client privilege over secretly recorded discussions with his attorney which both demonstrate and don't demonstrate something.
Gee, if I had a nickel for every time that has happened, I would have........5 cents.
Too funny.
The dogs bark but the caravan goes on.
If Trump owns the rights to her story, he should offer them to the network highest bidder.
The lefties of the "Fire can't melt steel" variety, like Inga as well as LLR Chuck, will have some more to chew on for a few more days until the Next Thing That Is The Worst Thing Ever.
rhhardin: "If Trump owns the rights to her story, he should offer them to the network highest bidder"
Indeed, then donate the money to Wounded Vets.
“Yes, Trump has waived Attorney-Client privilege over secretly recorded discussions with his attorney which both demonstrate and don't demonstrate something.”
A little slow on the uptake today Drago? I’m referring to Trump saying and doing things that are borderline treasonous or illegal right out in the open, right under your stupid noses, hoping you don’t notice and hoping you think it’s nothing to worry or think about because he’s saying it openly. He’s hoping you’re thinking that because he’s saying it openly and isn’t trying to hide it, that it’s perfectly legal, acceptable, reasonable, not worth hiding.
It is the height of deviousness and it’s just fine with you dupes.
Hint: nobody didn't love Chares II and nobody doesn't love Trump I over tales of his bedding lusty whores. The man can flat communicate what we need to hear and is a perfect President.
Rave on CNN and MSNBC rave on.
A few of the higher thinking capability lefties were on TV yesterday warning the lefties not to be so quick to jump on this story and what would come out of it.
Naturally, as always, Inga is about 2 weeks behind.
The good news is that she is not 2 months behind.
So, you know, little victories. Little victories...
The ever-changing Inga; "I’m referring to Trump saying and doing things that are borderline treasonous or illegal right out in the open..."
"borderline treasonous or illegal"
Uh oh. Looks like someone is harshing her previous narratives!
I did not see that one coming.......except, of course, I did. As did everyone else.
Consistency. We thank you for yours Inga.
Inga; "It is the height of deviousness and it’s just fine with you dupes"
If you like your false narratives, you can keep your false narratives.
No one is going to take them away from you. Period.
And, as Nancy Pelosi said about Trump never going to be President: "You can take that to the bank"....
Occam's Razor is very useful here. You are hearing about this recording because it is the only document/recording they have from the Cohen raid that comes close to putting Trump in a bad light, and that is why it existence was leaked out. Trump called their bluff this afternoon- he obviously remembers the conversation is telling loud and clear that it won't harm him, and I believe it.
Pumpkin Spice wanted a shiny object to distract from the Putin surrender. Now he's gotta think up something to distract from this. Wash, rinse, repeat, as America's reputation goes down the drain.
Yancey Ward: "Trump called their bluff this afternoon- he obviously remembers the conversation is telling loud and clear that it won't harm him, and I believe it."
Trump's actions have ensured that the recording will see the light of day, verbatim, just as soon as Mueller's democrat allied henchmen at the state level decide to leak it to the NYT.
Yep, that Trump. Hiding evidence, which will be made public, in plain sight...for the public...which is supposedly "devious".
It just keeps getting better and better and better...
Someone on Twitter (maybe @ThomasWictor) argued convincingly that the payoffs do not prove that he actually slept with any of these women. You or I would certainly never pay $200,000 (or whatever) to someone who threatened to publicly accuse us of something we didn't even do, but Trump earns more than that in an hour and a half (I think that was the number), so it would make sense for him to pay even a lying fraud to go away, just to not have to worry about her accusation while he's doing important things like getting elected President. Rich and famous people attract those kinds of accusations from hopeful sleazebags.
I'm not saying he hasn't slept with any bunnies or models, just that paying them off does not proved he did, as it would for someone with a lot less money to spend and fewer important things to take up all his time. Maybe he did, maybe he didn't.
EsoxLucius: "Pumpkin Spice wanted a shiny object to distract from the Putin surrender."
Uh, so he got his lawyer to secretly record a conversation without his knowledge, he got Mueller appointed as Special Counsel, he got Mueller's team to go on a witchhunt and then kick over info to State Prosecutors who violated 4th amendment restrictions via lefty judge shopping and then had those prosecutors leak info about the tape to liberal news organizations.
And Trump laid all the groundwork months and years in advance of his winning the Presidency and speaking with Putin.
It appears we will need to put EsoxLucius into the "Trump is a Genius and Soothsayer" category.
Surprising, but there you have it.
Next up for EsoxLucius, Trump is only engaging in hardnosed Trade negotiations to distract from Putin.
Followed by Trump only accelerated the economy to distract from Putin.
Also, Trump only sent Kushner to Mexico City to distract from Putin.
Trump only went to New Jersey this weekend to distract from Putin.
Trump only ordered softserve Ice Cream to distract from Putin.
You get the drift...
Propagandists must earn their money, I don’t blame Drago for taking his job so seriously.
I realize the batshit nuts Left has put a lot of faith in the Cohen flipping angle, so here is the thing that literally has to make you question their intelligence- why in the world would Lanny Davis be allowed anywhere near this? I mean, if I were Michael Cohen, I would only hire Lanny Davis if I was trying to sabotage my own credibility in this particular case.
9 comments already from The Propagandist. He’s on the job!
Inga: "Propagandists must earn their money, I don’t blame Drago for taking his job so seriously."
Not surprisingly, you've clearly run out of other people's words to cut and paste.
It's got to be a bit disorienting for you. My condolences.
Inga: "9 comments already from The Propagandist. He’s on the job!"
And now a posting counter.
The Parrot is fresh out of cut and paste's.
He leads you 9 to 5 Inga- you need to up your propaganda game- he is crushing you!
These accusations against Trump are getting boring. And Mueller by chasing these claims, shows he is a key cog of the Deep State thru and thru.
Uh oh, Inga- Drago scored a safety! You shouldn't have done the TD dance in your own end zone! It is now 11 to 5.
The fact that there is no credible evidence of wrongdoing is all you need to know to prove how devious and evil he really is.
Fresh out of cut and pastes? I'm glad she's stopped cutting, but sorry she ate all the paste.
Yancey Ward: "Uh oh, Inga- Drago scored a safety! You shouldn't have done the TD dance in your own end zone! It is now 11 to 5."
I prefer to think of it as scoring a Try and a couple of Penalty Kicks.
The Clintons' Mcdougals both did time.
And 5 comments from Mrs. Magoo. As Drago said, there will be more as soon as she finds more articles to cut and paste. She has a harder time when she has to have "thoughts" and put them into her own words. It's a terrible strain, so she resorts to counting other people's comments. It gets trickier once she runs out of fingers and toes.
How is it we are learning anything about the Cohen investigation at all? Remember that crack "taint teams" and how that was to insure no leaking would happen? Its almost like that was the whole purpose of Mueller's swat team in the first place. How liberals can be fine and dandy with this is disgusting but par for the course. I hope it was worth burning down the 4th amendment to try to nail trump. You may actually need those protections yourself one fine day.
Dare we think Trump loved this one? And he lost her. Coud this be The Great Gatsby redux ?
It's enough to touch Inga's heart. Just walk away, Inga and you wil be welcomed by Deplorable's and we will guard you from the bad Democrats.
Rory: "The Clintons' Mcdougals both did time."
That was before the Clinton's were through building the kind of executive agency staffing they needed to ensure it never happened again.
Gk1 said...
I hope it was worth burning down the 4th amendment to try to nail trump. You may actually need those protections yourself one fine day.
7/21/18, 4:42 PM
Harry Reid got rid of that pesky filibuster and - oopsy! Well, now that didn't turn out the way they thought it would.
I used to be puzzled by the Dems' shortsighted destructiveness, but then I realized never thought their own tools would be used against them because they thought they'd have power forever.
“Dare we think Trump loved this one? And he lost her. Coud this be The Great Gatsby redux ?
It's enough to touch Inga's heart. Just walk away, Inga and you wil be welcomed by Deplorable's and we will guard you from the bad Democrats.”
Trad guy, I don’t care about Trump’s love life with women. What I care more about is his love life with Putin. I’m more concerned about the wolf guarding the hen house.
#Walkaway is unserious and so many of you are being duped about this.
Not at all, this makes sense.
If it makes sense to Inga, we know what that means.
Blackmailers seem to be showing up now on a regular basis. Is there any evidence that any of these women got paid, aside the the porn actress?
This must be all the CNN and Mueller lunatics have. Where is Gloria Allred when whores are demanding money for keeping quiet. At the top of their lungs, of course,
The stupid lefties think Trump was elected Pope.
Even the evangelicals know better than that.
You can trust CNN.
I’m more concerned about the wolf guarding the hen house.
Fox. Wolf is false alarms.
2018 Inga: "#Walkaway is unserious and so many of you are being duped about this."
2016 Inga: Trump has no path to 270
2017 Inga: Trump will not make it to the Inauguration
2017 Inga: Trump will be forced from office
So, you know, for what it's worth.
Personally, I'm enjoying McConnell playing hardball with LLR Chuck's beloved dems on Kavanaugh.
But Inga can take heart, McConnell wasn't able to eat at a kentucky restaurant, so we both have our "wins".
I think I like mine better....
Trump is a guy with women throwing themselves at him. Most men don't have that level of temptation. If they want to cheat, it takes some effort.
rhhardin: "Trump is a guy with women throwing themselves at him. Most men don't have that level of temptation. If they want to cheat, it takes some effort"
See if you can look up Colin Cowherd's discussion where he tackles the extraordinary efforts women go to when NBA players are in town and what it is like hanging out with those guys.
Basically, Cowherd said that when these NBA stars show up, the women let them do it. They women go out of their way to let the players know they can have whatever they want.
Hmmmmmmm, that sounds very familiar.....
Whenever I hear a bell ring, another conservative justice is being appointed to a federal court.....
I mean, if I were Michael Cohen, I would only hire Lanny Davis if I was trying to sabotage my own credibility in this particular case.
I dunno. Lanny has a lot of experience defending grifters and extortioners.
Where is Betsy Wright when you need her ?
I guess she has retired.
As deputy chair of the 1992 Clinton presidential campaign, Wright established the rapid response system that was responsible for defending Clinton's record in Arkansas and promptly answering all personal attacks on the candidate.[4] During the 1992 campaign, Wright coined the term "bimbo eruptions" to describe rumors alleging extramarital affairs by Clinton.[2] In the 1990s,
Cohen has been a miserable failure. Where is Betsy when you need her ?
Define "affair."
Trump seems to be paying rather high prices for common prostitutes.
Jim McDougal died in prison under somewhat unclear circumstances. Anyone hear what happened to that manuscript he supposedly had written about "Whitewater"?
To my mind, Ms. McDougal does seem like an upgrade over Miss Stormy.
Michael K: "Cohen has been a miserable failure. Where is Betsy when you need her ?"
If only Cohen had been Hillary's lawyer. He could shove cigars up interns and he would have an army of Inga's and LLR Chuck's defending him.
They women go out of their way to let the players know they can have whatever they want.
I remember the story of one NBA player who said this woman told him she would put out for a pair of his gym shoes.
When he went into her bedroom, the closet was full of gym shoes.
The problem for socialist blog posters like Inga is that, eventually, they run out of other people's words.....
#walkaway is real.
Bernie the millionaire socialist - he's real too.
Having sex with someone not your wife = Treasonous. LOL
Speaking to Putin and doing so without approved leftist talking points = Treason.
Got that people.
The Minsk Pinsk Caper
"Where are you going?"
"To Minsk,".
"You're telling me you're going to Minsk because you want me to think that you're really going to Pinsk. But you really are going to Minsk. Why are you lying to me?"
This is brilliant. The Chucks, RV's and Ingas of the world go on and on at tedious length about how Trump hides and denies everything. He waived privilege.
Now they have to tap dance like Richard Gere in Chicago to discuss how this is suddenly a horrible despotic thing...which is what they always say. If Trump rescued a small boy from drowning in a lake, they would accuse Trump of lustfully jumping into a lake just to grope him.
And frankly, there is no price to pay. The Ingas and Chucks of the world will NEVER give him the benefit of the doubt if he cures cancer and eradicates human trafficking.
The sane people of the world will compare his possibly paying off some strippers as, compared to sexually harassing idiot interns, biting the lip of Juanita Brodderick and telling Paula Jones to 'kiss it' as very small beer indeed.
Letting an foreign IT guy give 30,000 Hillary emails to China is a bit more worrisome than whom Trump may have nailed.
If Ocasio-Cortez keeps talking they'll be paying her to shut up till after the election. Ask for $200,00, girl. That's what bimbo-silence is paid on the Red side and the Commies support equal pay for equal work.
#Walkaway is unserious and so many of you are being duped about this."
Uh huh. I'm totes sure a gay NY hairdresser who is originally from Nebraska must be a Russian bot. All those very easily found You Tube testimonials from gay, black, Hispanic and female ex-Dems who talk about being repelled by the violence, lies, and corruption of the left can't be real. Inga will never listen to one of the testimonial of this lesbian who walked away from the Dems or any of the other videos because Mrs. Magoo would rather read what other leftists have to say about WalkAway and stupidly smear them as "bots" than admit that decent Dems find her and people like her disgusting.
Inga's response:
wildswan said...
If Ocasio-Cortez keeps talking they'll be paying her to shut up till after the election."
I want her to continue to yammer away as much as possible. Every time she opens her ignorant yap, there's material for another RNC commercial.
Hillary losing and Brennan being cut off from influence = Treason!
I would be surprised if recorded conversation had any information in it that indicated illegal activity. Improper activity, like paying off a woman to keep quiet about an affair, sure I can see that. But it makes me wonder what this recording could have to do with the wrongdoing of Cohen? He hasn't been charged with anything yet. New York State law is a one party consent state when it comes to recording conversations so he didn't break any law regarding that. So what justifies the exigent action of executing a warrant on a Lawyer's office and seizing all his files, including privileged ones. Does the fact that the warrant allowed for taking all files indicate that it is likely just a wrongdoing of Cohen by himself? Has he been blackmailing current and former clients?
I could see Trump waiving privilege on the recording knowing it might disclose details of an affair, so he can use it in a litany of things he rattles off about how he has overwhelmingly cooperated with the investigation and the Cohen investigation which has spun off, but draws the line at sitting down to an interview with Mueller.
I assume what Inga means by Trump's "borderline treasonous" public statements, are his comments that we need to enforce our borders. Even talking about preventing mass invasion of the USA is now treason. I guess "treason" is just another Constitutional term whose meaning is evolving in the minds of the Progressive Left.
Althouse what is the contradiction that you feel that CNN is guilty of?
Trump had a conversation with Cohen, which appears to have been recorded by Cohen, in which they discuss the payment to McDougal ostensibly by and on behalf of AMI. To bury her story about having had an affair with Trump. Two months later, the story breaks in the news and Hope Hicks is asked about it; she says they have no knowledge of it.
Unless I am misunderstanding the CNN story and the underlying facts, it does not seem like a contradiction to me.
The point of CNN's latest story is that the White House put out information on this subject that Trump knew to be false. Respectfully; what am I not getting in this regard?
LLR and #StrongCNNDefender Chuck: "Althouse what is the contradiction that you feel that CNN is guilty of?"
Uh oh.
Someone has dared to speak ill of CNN in the presence of our proud and loud #StrongDemDefender Chuck.
If Althouse thought LLR Chuck was going to let her get away with such a transgression in his presence he will certainly let her know how misplaced that thought was!
Or perhaps Chuck just realized that his lefty operational allies were not faring too well on this topic and perhaps it was time to change the subject?
Of course, both could be true.
Universal Income will solve all out problems. I hope, though, that none of you ever need to call a plumber or an electrician or any competent person with skills. Pot-holes? embrace them. Everyone can work for the bureaucracy. Capitalism as a system of commerce and freedom, an un-coerced free exchange or goods and services, is a thing of the past, y'all. Embrace the punitive state.
Respectfully; what am I not getting in this regard?
That no one cares except you and other ideological Democrats, Chuck.
It seems like only yesterday LLR Chuck went into full-blown apoplexy that some wag would create a gif of Trump body slamming CNN.
My God, how LLR Chuck went on and on and on and on and on with his outrage that anyone would dare do such a thing to his beloved CNN.
I'll bet Chuckie has sent several terse and accusatory "private messages" to Althouse expressing his extraordinary displeasure at her noting another failure on CNN's part.
Michael K said...
"I mean, if I were Michael Cohen, I would only hire Lanny Davis if I was trying to sabotage my own credibility in this particular case."
I dunno. Lanny has a lot of experience defending grifters and extortioners.
I suppose that Cohen wanted an experienced inside-the-beltway player, and a Democrat Brahmin was available for the job.
Jared Kushner did much the same, hiring Jamie Gorelick and then Abbe Lowell.
Teddy Kennedy walked away from a drowning woman. That's not a figure of speech. He literally walked away and left a woman to die. That's the subtext of all these discussions of Trump's indiscretions......I would wish Democrats to show the same worldly tolerance for Trump that they have in the past shown towards Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton.......I would prefer my Presidents to not mess around with Playmates and pornstars, but such indiscretions are arguably more moral and less disruptive than fooling around with interns and girls in the secretarial pool......I'm undecided as to whether it's worse to sleep around with journalists or Russian spies. I guess it depends on what got revealed in the pillow talk and how hot the Russian agent was vs the journalist. As a general rule, the KGB recruits better looking women than the print media......I think all people of good will can agree that it's wrong to leave a girl to drown in a submerged car. Can we establish that as a baseline for our elected officials and their dalliances?
William: "I would prefer my Presidents to not mess around with Playmates and pornstars, but such indiscretions are arguably more moral and less disruptive than fooling around with interns and girls in the secretarial pool..."
"President Trump" has done no such thing.
President Clinton did. Repeatedly.
President Kennedy ordered a junior staffer/intern to provide oral services for other staff members.
But its all good.
Just be sure not to say anything bad about CNN. (LLR Chuck is lurking about....)
For Inga's sake, lets assume the worst.
The tape, which might have actual urine on it, has Trump admitting to all sorts of sex acts with ________ Woman A B C. He also admits to taking campaign funds and paying all these women. He's self-financed, but so what? Trump will probably admit his man-love for the Putin and how grateful Trump is that Poot and CO made ridiculous "Hillary is a Satan" Facebook ads that had a huge influence on the deplorables.
Brace yourselves for massive treason, folks.
Drago said...
It seems like only yesterday LLR Chuck went into full-blown apoplexy that some wag would create a gif of Trump body slamming CNN.
No, I never did that. And you can't quote me or link to my having done that. You lying, psychotic troll. Your pathologic need to attack me is just creating more "clutter" on these pages.
My God, how LLR Chuck went on and on and on and on and on with his outrage that anyone would dare do such a thing to his beloved CNN.
No, I said mostly the opposite. Specifically stating that I carried no brief for CNN, and had no particular support for their editorial actions.
I'll bet Chuckie has sent several terse and accusatory "private messages" to Althouse expressing his extraordinary displeasure at her noting another failure on CNN's part.
You really are an unhinged freak.
Inga: I’m more concerned about the wolf guarding the hen house.
It's the boy who cried fox that's got me worried.
One of the (many) reasons that I didn't support Trump for the GOP nomination was that I thought his campaign would be derailed by his personal misbehavior. It turns out that reality was just the opposite. I didn't anticipate that there would be a "Me Too" movement that would make accusations equivalent to proof. Trump is immune to charges that he has behaved immorally, because he doesn't claim otherwise. Imagine how quickly a good man like Mitt Romney could have been destroyed by unsupported allegations of sexual misconduct -- he was damaged by claims that he'd misbehaved in prep school and had mistreated his dog. Trump is immune because we know the kind of man he is, and still he was elected. How many "approval points" is he going to lose if they prove he f*cked another porn star?
And if this is really where the Mueller investigation has ended up, it really ought to be closed.
Teddy Kennedy walked away from a drowning woman.
D, baby. It's all free when you're a D.
Whatever would Althouse do without the Propagandist explaining everything to everybody here?
Everyone would be so confused!
LLR and #StrongDemDefender Chuck: "No, I never did that."
That's precisely what you did.
Along with calling for the doxxing of the gif creator.
Repeatedly. Happily. Nay, joyfully.
But then, you are always joyful when you are engaged in your dem and MSM defense antics.
But only always.
"The problem for socialist blog posters like Inga is that, eventually, they run out of other people's words."
That's clever. I like it.
Inga goes to the "propagandist" well a second time!
Nothing new to cut and paste......yet. (give her a bit more time to find something, anything, someone else is writing that she can piggyback onto)
Inga and LLR Chuck make a swell team in support of their shared operational goals.
Why would anybody take time to explain things to a fopdoodle, extraordinaire?
You liar, Drago. You complete, total, fucking liar.
Reading through the article again this seems more like a play by Trump to try and drive media attention to to the tape. It is like he is jingling keys and simultaneously telling the press there is no need to examine the keys because I've already told you the keys are 100% totally, completely, legit. Which of course makes the media, absolutely want to go look into the tape, and write stories about the tape, and speculate about the tape. And then if the contents of the tape come out, and they are a big nothing burger, it makes the media look bad.
On an unrelated note, a sentence in the last paragraph of the article struck me as odd.
"But lately Cohen has gone out of his way to distance himself from the President, tweeting shade about the president's Helsinki performance."
Tweeting Shade seems way too colloquial for professional news outlet to include in their piece. Would the good professor have marked down a student who submitted a paper with "tweeting shade" in it while she was still teaching?
"The point of CNN's latest story is that the White House put out information on this subject that Trump knew to be false."
Hope Hicks had no knowledge according to Chuckles. What does that have to do with Trump knowing it to be false?
Oh. It's because Trump is all powerful and his treason has wrecked the US economy to benefit Putin. Good logic for someone who pretends to be a lawyer.
"Bowe Bergdahl republican" Chuck: "You liar, Drago. You complete, total, fucking liar."
Hey big guy, don't get your Maddow blow-up doll in a wad. I can't wait to hear what you have to say about your hero Brian Stelter asserting the "Handmaiden's Tale" is something relevant to think about in terms of today's news.
Of course, it really doesn't matter how insane your lefty MSM pals become, you are always up to the challenge of defending them.
Good luck with that one though. It won't be easy. I can't wait to see what you come up with.
Look, in LLR Chuck's defense, it is becoming increasingly difficult for him to gin up passable passive/aggressive defense/offensive posts to advance the lefty narratives and talking points that he has so loyally pushed over the past few years.
I don't blame Chuck for his lefty MSM pals performance. They have proven to be poor teammates for him.
Whether or not Trump had an affair is utterly irrelevant to the legal peril he faces in this case. It’s not illegal to have an affair, and it’s not illegal to lie to the public about it. The supposed crime is that Trump’s payoff constitutes an illegal campaign expenditure, but the real play is to force Cohen to serve up Trump for some other crime.
Drago at 5:03... You've got me rollin in the aisle, as I just envisioned the pathway to my financial success. I'll call it The Pussy Hat Humidor model. Wear it to the next Trump rally and amaze your friends!
So THIS is the explanation?!?
Francisco D said...
"The point of CNN's latest story is that the White House put out information on this subject that Trump knew to be false."
Hope Hicks had no knowledge according to Chuckles. What does that have to do with Trump knowing it to be false?
Oh. It's because Trump is all powerful and his treason has wrecked the US economy to benefit Putin. Good logic for someone who pretends to be a lawyer.
The explanation is that Hope Hicks didn't know about Trump's conversation(s) with Cohen, and perhaps David Pecker too, and therefore when she said that the White House had no knowledge of the McDougall deal with the Enquirer, that was alright? Because Trump didn't say anything to Hope Hicks?
So Trumps'got "women problems" with all these glamorous women???? Bathouse Barry can't touch that!
when she said that the White House had no knowledge of the McDougall deal with the Enquirer, that was alright?
chuck, that panty sniffing is not good for you.
Too much envy.
I'm going to go with what I hear Trump say...as opposed to what somebody says Trump said CNN says.
In all things...every time.
You know the dem/lefty narratives have gone completely off the rails when LLR Chuck is flailing this badly in defending his dem allies.
I think we can all feel their pain, no?
After all, at first blush this story looks so enticing from a LLR Chuck/pro-dem "Acme Rocket Sled" perspective, but then doggone it! That darn Trump crosses them up again!
Poor Chuck. At this rate he and his fellow LLR's will never succeed in returning power to the dems.
LLR Chuck is reduced to arguing about what Hope Hicks knows about it, cuz thats what is most important!!!
Those grapes were probably sour anyway....
Earnest Prole: "The supposed crime is that Trump’s payoff constitutes an illegal campaign expenditure,"
What payment?
Have we reached the point yet where failure to make a legal payment which could be twisted into a crime is now itself a crime?
It would appear so...
Trump is immune because we know the kind of man he is, and still he was elected. How many "approval points" is he going to lose if they prove he f*cked another porn star?
Yes. I was surprised that he won and was a reluctant supporter early because my choice, Walker, dropped out early and I considered Cruz unelectable.
I was amazed that the "grab em by the pussy" did not destroy his campaign.
I think it is because this really was a "Flight 93 Election" and I think the conditions are unchanged.
I think the desperation of the left is more than anger at losing, I think there really is some nasty stuff hiding and ready to be dragged out if only the GOP does not lose its nerve.
The losers like Bill Kristol and George Will and our own chuck seem to ignore the possibility that this is really a cold civil war,
I see a few NeverTrumpers at Ricochet, which I quit once because of the intolerant tone of some Young Earth Creationists and the like.
The arguments always seem to be about class, like the Harvard Executive Director of the "Humanitarian Initiative."
It's delicious to watch the left eat its own tail.
Oh, you were committed to engaging in dialogue about how to make your community more pleasant to live in – for yourself. You just weren’t interested in anyone’s opinion that didn’t mesh with yours, and weren’t happy that someone you consider your inferior didn’t immediately recognize your superiority and conform with your expectations.
chuck could not have said it better.
Professor, could we perhaps ask our resident leftists to make a numerical list of all of the President's impeachable acts.
Chronological order preferred.
It is also illegal to yell shark in a crowded Jacuzzi.
I was amazed that the "grab em by the pussy" did not destroy his campaign.
First, it is important to discern between what is expressed and what is inferred and published. Second, if social progress is inevitable, then it would behoove us to be critical about what we normalize, tolerate, and reject, and how we react to progressive conditions, especially when they have an ambiguous character. That said, respecting privacy should not be limited to contractors and clients of selective and recycled-child.
"The explanation is that Hope Hicks didn't know about Trump's conversation(s) with Cohen, and perhaps David Pecker too, and therefore when she said that the White House had no knowledge of the McDougall deal with the Enquirer, that was alright? Because Trump didn't say anything to Hope Hicks? "
You are losing it. Even for a pretend lawyer trying to torture logic and the English language, that makes no relevant sense.
You have neither facts nr logic on your side, but that won't stop your Trump Derangement,
I think I will call you LLR Maxine from now on. Yep. That's the ticket.
"Yes. I was surprised that he won and was a reluctant supporter early because my choice, Walker, dropped out early and I considered Cruz unelectable."
Walker disappointed on the national stage because he was Wisconsin Nice.
Cruz was too intense and scared "moderates."
That said, they were my first two choices as well. I think the MSM/DNC complex would have completely neutered them by now, if they were lucky enough to win.
Walker disappointed on the national stage because he was Wisconsin Nice.
Cruz was too intense and scared "moderates."
I actually think he talked to the Koch Brothers who he would depend on for financing and was told it was JEB's turn.
The big donors really took a bath in 2016 and I think that is some of the anger at Trump. He made them look like chumps.
"I actually think he talked to the Koch Brothers who he would depend on for financing and was told it was JEB's turn."
That might make sense. When Walker dropped out his argument for dropping out even though he was solidly middle of the pack and not at all the weakest candidate, was that the field was too crowded and votes would be split that would otherwise coalesce behind anyone but Trump. The Koch's seemed pretty much on the anyone but Trump bandwagon. I wonder what Governor Walker thinks now about Trump in the White House?
It’s so pathetic that we elected a president with this sort of baggage. The national discourse in July 2018 is about hush money for hookers?
DOJ released the FISA applications to spy on Carter Page today.Yes they were based on the unverified Steele Dossier paid for by Hillary.
MPH is concerned. Everybody look, head slightly tilted, while MPH explains how concerned he is. Imagine my surprise.
So Trump is a criminal because he didn't report a payoff that he never actually made as a campaign expense?
I'm incapable of counting the ways this fails. The various absurdities reinforce and multiply with each other so thoroughly that I think scientists should explore it as a basis for a perpetual motion machine of failure.
Or as Horstio Nelson said, “Publish and be damned.”
MPH: It’s so pathetic that we elected a president with this sort of baggage. The national discourse in July 2018 is about hush money for hookers?
The people who elected a president with this sort of baggage are not the people who are constantly pre-empting any possibility of intelligent national discourse with hopeful (oh so desperately hopeful) tabloid drivel about hush money for hookers (or whatever their current Two Minutes Hysteria happens to be).
Those of you among this latter group are free to get a grip and elevate the national discourse at any time.
It’s so pathetic that we elected a president with this sort of baggage. The national discourse in July 2018 is about hush money for hookers?
At least you seem to be a real person. "Hush money for hookers" is the theme of the week for the DNC. Bill Clinton had "Bimbo Eruptions" and raped Juanita Brodderick. When you find a situation equal to that, let me know.
And yes, we did elect him.
The Iron Duke of Wellington, Mike.
@Angle-Dyne, +1
@MPH, if it troubles you enough, leave.
Ii'm wondering what an honest State bar disciplinary board would do with a lawyer who
(A) secretly records a conversation with a client (I think recording a conversation without all party's consent is still a felony here in California)
(B) violates the attorney client confidentiality obligation by spilling the beans on a conversation with his client; now Cohen may say, "Well the Feds surprised me when they swept up everything in my office, so did not "intentionally" violate the privilege.
Okay--If I were on the New York bar disciplinary board Cohen's law license would be in real jeopardy.
It’s so pathetic that we elected a president with this sort of baggage. The national discourse in July 2018 is about hush money for hookers?
Read up on Jack Kennedy's behavior in the White House and on the road much?
Though I must say I never read about JFK paying above the going rate.
Given how close they were, I thing the most likely explanation is that Trump was aware the conversation was being recorded and it was carefully scripted to appear exculpatory. Whatever, if they wave priv why not release it to the public?
There still is no actual evidence, anything took place.
What payment?
I'm hoping Rudy Giuliani via Sean Hannity via Fox News is a reliable enough source for you.
"In a wide-ranging interview on Fox News' 'Hannity' on Wednesday night, Rudy Giuliani told host Sean Hannity that President Donald Trump reimbursed his personal attorney, Michael Cohen, $130,000 that Cohen paid to adult film actress Stormy Daniels days before the 2016 election in exchange for her silence about a sexual encounter with Trump in 2006."
Earnest Prole: Are you aware that the taped conversation that this post is about has nothing at all to do with Stormy Daniels?
Earnest Prole,
You should learn to distinguish between the blackmailers.
Damn you, Qwinn.
The supposed crime is that Trump’s payoff constitutes an illegal campaign expenditure, but the real play is to force Cohen to serve up Trump for some other crime.
Notwithstanding the scope of the Mueller investigation is Russian collusion.
It’s so pathetic that we elected a president with this sort of baggage. The national discourse in July 2018 is about hush money for hookers?
We elected a president who was an accused rapist. Every candidate has baggage, it only becomes a matter of concern when it is a Republican.
You should learn to distinguish between the blackmailers.
Sorry, wrong whore. My original point remains: It's not illegal to have an affair, and it's not illegal to pay off the receptacle to stay silent. The whole thing thing is a pretext to trap Trump's attorney in a process crime and turn him against Trump.
Notwithstanding the scope of the Mueller investigation is Russian collusion.
Precisely. As I noted in a similar context, Bill Clinton was investigated by the feds for a 1979 Arkansas land deal, but impeached for lying about some sperm he deposited on a woman's dress eighteen years later -- a woman who was six years old in 1979.
Earnest Prole,
Bill Clinton was impeached because he lied in his testimony to a federal court. He was disbarred and fined for his moral turpitude. He lost the federal court case.
Try again.
What charmed life our President has led - I had no idea. He's banging playboy models and porn stars. Playing golf every day and driving half get country into apoplexy.
Bill Clinton was impeached because he lied in his testimony to a federal court.
Missing the point, as usual: I'm attacking special prosecutors, not presidents. If an Arkansas land deal can morph into lying about sperm on a dress, surely bogus Russian collusion can morph into tax evasion or God-knows-what-else. If a special prosecutor can't find something (anything) on a president (any president) he belongs in a less corrupt line of work.
The left is right about Trump's trickery. He bombed Pearl Harbor, and committed another holocaust right in plain sight and although the press did mention it, Trump somehow managed to hide all the bodies and gas chambers so that the press could not report on the specifics of his evil doing. BTW, with all this holocausting isn't trump in danger of running out of Jews.
I find it interesting that this conversation was deemed protected as part of attorney client privilege. Otherwise the President would not have to waive his rights.
So the original seizure of his lawyers files was in face a seizure of privileged communication. A violation of his constitutional rights that the prosecutor acknowledges by asking him to waive his privilege. Prima face proof that this was an illegal search that should be prosecuted by the Justice Department.
Where does the special prosecutor get off seize a lawyers privileged files? Why is this allowed without the sanctioning by the court for this egregious violation of the Presidents rights. This is proof that this investigation is nothing less than a witch hunt being perpertrated by an out of control corrupt prosecutor.
Look at Mueller's history. Whitey Bulger. The Anthrax debacle. The whitewashing of Hillary's crimes. Time after time he has been at best inept at worst corrupt. A loyal servant of the establishment and the Deep State.
The President needs to demand that he wrap this inquiry up. The Republicans in Congress need to demand that this be wrapped up.
The President needs to keep up the pressure to end this witch hunt.
I think the play is to have Putin come to Washington and blurt out some of the secret deals that the Russian mafia had made with the Clintons. He can throw a few oligarchs to the wolves and reveal the money she got in the Uranium deal to name one corrupt bargain. I am sure there is more there than what was reported. A lot of money changed hands and the Clinton's have sticky fingers. If Putin spills the beans it will really put the cat among the chickens.
You got an inkling of this with the 400 million he mentioned in the press conference which the media is conveniently ignoring. That is just the tip of the iceberg.
No, Earnest Prole, I'm not missing your typical juvenile silliness. You're repetitive and dull. But when you type things that are wrong, I'm going to correct you.
You are a ball of string.
Don't be mad at Earnest.
He made some good movies back in the day.
"with all this holocausting isn't trump in danger of running out of Jews."
No, he keeps making grandchildren.
Althouse: There's a contradiction. Trump denies he had an affair, but a recording of Trump suggests otherwise.
Chuck: That's not a contradiction.
Drago and his gang of babies: Look at me! Look at me! I don't understand the discussion, but please look at me!!! I'm so lonely.
I love how reliable this place is. Althouse makes a substantive point, virtually all of the commentators ignore it to troll each other, and when one person takes up the substance, the losers who feel left out shit themselves. It's so great!
langford peel said...
I find it interesting that this conversation was deemed protected as part of attorney client privilege. Otherwise the President would not have to waive his rights.
So the original seizure of his lawyers files was in face a seizure of privileged communication. A violation of his constitutional rights that the prosecutor acknowledges by asking him to waive his privilege. Prima face proof that this was an illegal search that should be prosecuted by the Justice Department.
Ahahahahahaha this is so cute and earnest! That second paragraph is just perfect in its misunderstandings!
I was just about to comment about how pleasant the blog was today without Ritmo.
Oh well.
Sure, Craig. The fact that leaks occurred after the Mueller document seizure is not an example of a citizen's rights violated by a overly powerful central government. It must be something else.
What do you think best describes the situation when privileged information is leaked by the federal government against private citizens? Name the thing.
I understand a courrpt cop when I see one.
I remember when the NYPD was on the pad and collected from all the stores in the Bronx where I was living there. With the help of the DA who were just as crooked. Prosecutors lie. They cut corners. Usually they get away with it when they go after Mob guys like when they tossed Cutler off the Gotti trial.it is ridiculous that they can get away with it when trying to frame the President.
It just shows how the Deep State has it all rigged. Or at least they are trying to stage a coup to change the results of the election.
President Trump is the only hope for us normals. He has to stand strong for all of us.
I do know a movie I would love to see.
"Earnest Goes To Reducation Camp."
I bet they can get that "Guardians of the Gaxaly" guy to direct. He must be looking for work.
I'll let you count the sentences I quoted. Get back to me when you've got the number, and then maybe we can then discuss the substance like adults.
Blogger Michael K said...
I was just about to comment about how pleasant the blog was today without Ritmo.
Oh well.
Awww, the little, washed-up, old man got his feelings hurt.
You are one of my top-five favorite least-novel-content/most-predictable-content commenters. In this topsy-turvy era, it's great to have someone who is reliable.
Qwinn: "Earnest Prole: Are you aware that the taped conversation that this post is about has nothing at all to do with Stormy Daniels?"
I am willing to give Earnest the benefit of the doubt that he did not understand I was focusing on this decidedly NON-Stormy situation.
That Craig sure sounds alot like a certain LLR who disappeared about the same time our Craig appeared.
Not that theres anything wrong with that..
Craig, literally no one cares.
Except LLR Chuck.
Whom you sound remarkably alike.
That Craig sure sounds alot like a certain LLR who disappeared about the same time our Craig appeared.
I wondered how long it would take you to fix your mistake. "Not that theres [sic] anything wrong with that.. [sic]"
Drago said...
Craig, literally no one cares.
Except LLR Chuck.
Whom you sound remarkably alike.
Jesus christ you all cannot write.
"Whom you sound remarkably like."
That sounds important.
And an particularly effective use of your time.
Keep up the good work.
Name what these leaks are, Craig.
Put a name on the thing.
Or take the coward's way out.
“Jesus christ you all cannot write.”
Drago has been hitting the vodka hard tonight like a good Russian troll.
Birkel said...
Name what these leaks are, Craig.
Put a name on the thing.
Or take the coward's way out.
7/21/18, 10:28 PM
Haaaa! This is a high schooler's bullshit poem, right?
Everyone who disagrees with Inga is a Russian troll.
When Inga runs out of other peoples words to cut and paste, the 3 step accusation pattern is always the same:
1) Propaganda!
2) List # of posts
3) Russian Troll!
The good news is LLR Chuck/Craig is always impressed and appreciative.
Again, its the little victories..
Or let me be direct:
Are these criminal leaks of privileged attorney-client conversations a violation of the Constitutional rights or the client under the 14th Amendment's due process provisions?
Birkel, dude. The Constitution is, like, a hundred years old or something...
Drago: You can't resist can you. You're adorable. You belong in a commenters petting zoo.
I am never quite sure why "of" sometimes auto-uncorrects to "or".
Birkel: This should be real cute. I will actually think about the question you're posing. Here's the thing I can't sort out: did you come by your knowledge of con law from reading wikipedia? Or did you drop out / get booted out of law school midway through 1L? Or is there some other possibility I'm just overlooking?
And now we see that Senor Strzok did indeed lie about playing a direct role in the Carter Page FISA warrant AND that the hoax dossier is the primary evidentiary element forming the basis of that warrant...which also did not stipulate in any way that the hoax dossier was pure oppo nonsense.
Looks like LLR Chuck/Craig and Inga better crank up the complaints of the non-payment to 11....
"When you are innocent … act like it,"
I'm quite sure there's not a single thing you could be overlooking. A person like yourself who has avoided making a single substantive point is not the sort of person who would fail to consider all options.
Do you consider the government's dereliction of duty to protect privileged communications between lawyers and their clients a failing, given their constitutional duty not to violate the civil rights of American citizens?
The 4th Amendment is simply twice as bad as the 2nd Amendment and 4 times worse than the 1st Amendment.
In the coming lefty Workers Paradise, all must go.
"Do you consider the government's dereliction of duty to protect privileged communications between lawyers and their clients a failing, given their constitutional duty not to violate the civil rights of American citizens?"
Why would I make substantive contributions? In this place? Given howlers like this one?
I wonder if Inga or Squeamish know who Dmitri Alperovitch is?
Interesting fellow with interesting connections.
Even more interesting background
John Henry
Yup... Craig is a useless troll. The question he just derided as a "howler" is utterly straightforward. If he really thought it was a "howler", he'd be kicking some serious ass giving a coherent explanation as to why it's so hilarious. That he doesn't is instructive.
On a side note, I have great news for Chuck and Inga. It's been revealed what Putin and Trunp were talking about during their totally unprecedented super seekrit private meeting which was probably all treasony and stuff. Yes, apparently the translator has revealed all! They were talking about... their grandkids. And golf!
It's cute that you can't distinguish what would make a question a howler from what would make a question straightforward. But keep up contributing to the comments section. I'm sure your gang appreciates you! You mean something!
It appears Inga had a sleepover!. Whatta crew of trolls!
I can't wait until the Republicans decide to go after Hillary's attorneys and (with the help of a Republican ideol...I mean judge) violate attorney client privilege.
It has become clear that Stormy Daniels is profiting from the claim she had an affair with Trump. While the only evidence of such an affair is her claim of it, that's sufficient for her to sell access to her naked body for lots of money. That's a problem for Democrats, who want to use Stormy Daniels for a moral crusade against Trump. So, what to do. Trade in old Stormy for Karen McDougal, who isn't currently profiting from her alleged affair.
Blogger Drago said...
Craig, literally no one cares.
Except LLR Chuck.
Whom you sound remarkably alike.
No, he is Ritmo. The angry tone and attempts at ridicule make that pretty obvious.
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