July 6, 2018

"Pocahontas, to you I apologize. To the fake Pocahontas, I won't apologize."

Trump responds to the demand that he apologize for calling Elizabeth Warren "Pocahontas."

I watched the rally live last night and have that in my handwritten notes as something I wanted to blog, but I'm cutting and pasting it from a Fox News article that, as you can see from the headline, highlights something else: "Trump claims Maxine Waters' IQ in 'mid-60s,' slams 'fake Pocahontas' Elizabeth Warren in rally to unseat Jon Tester."

The reason for putting those 2 things together is obvious: He's attacking a particular individual — in both cases, it's a Democratic Party woman — and he's saying something that will make his antagonists feel he's being racist. His supporters will probably say, no, he's going after the individual, and Elizabeth Warren really did seek advantages by making claims about her probably nonexistent Native American ancestry, and Maxine Waters is being judged to be unintelligent because of actual stupid things that she has said. Trump knows all that, I assume, and he means to go right there and create political energy by enlisting supporters and antagonists into that endless argument.

The linked article has another quote that my notes remind me I wanted to tell you about: "Democrats want anarchy." That was part of a discussion of illegal immigration (in which he also said Democrats would let the gang MS-13 "run wild."


Darkisland said...

I keep hoping that President Trump does a big rally in Low IQ Water's district.

Probably can't get her ousted but taking the fight to her turf and seeing all the fascist heads exploding would be marvelous entertainment

John Henry

Rick said...

It's "Fauxcohontas".

rhhardin said...

Low-IQ will definitely stick.

Loren W Laurent said...

Records of Maxine Waters' IQ are carefully stored with Obama's college transcripts.


Heartless Aztec said...

Dems want that anarchy when Repubs are in power. When they are in power their co-politicos in the Acela news media corridor will conviently steer the news away from that anarchy.

Shouting Thomas said...

I was surprised during the campaign by the number of pundits who thought that Trump could be hauled down to the HR department for a severe reprimand for violating the Diversity credo, and could be unceremoniously blacklisted out of the campaign for bigotry.

The ballot is, however, still secret, and HR rules don't apply.

Narayanan said...

I am waiting for Pelosi and Schumer to vouch for colleague truthfulness and intelligence.

rhhardin said...

Pocahontas is better as an epithet. No need to play on it.

Indian culture is already risible. It just makes Warren risible too. Smokem' peace pipe. Lobby wampum.

Gahrie said...

he also said Democrats would let the gang MS-13 "run wild."

"Would"? Try "have".

rehajm said...

Maxine Waters' IQ in the mid-60s

That is well below the Gump line.

rhhardin said...

Mid 60s is average for sub-Saharan Africa.

MayBee said...

Because Maxine Waters hates Trump so much, there is actually a push among Democrats on Facebook to get her to be head of the Banking and Finance Committee of the Senate. Imagine!!!

Molly said...

Trump constantly keeps me guessing about his intellectual competence. On the one hand he seems to sincerely mix up Wisconsin and Minnesota. On the other hand, he sets about eroding the meaning of the charge of racism, so that it has almost lost its power for many. And he does it so cleverly. But perhaps it is unintentional -- that all he really sets out to do is to annoy his opponents, without even considering the wider or deeper impacts of his words.

And Narayanan at 7 am: Yesterday a group of 200 or so female black leaders condemned Pelosi and Shumer for not supporting Maxine Waters strongly enough. So I'll be watching for Pelosi Shumer reactions too.

rhhardin said...

Gump was a film about good character, not stupidity.

rehajm said...

Democrats don't want anarchy, they need disruption. Economic, political, something. They don't have it and so far despite best efforts- so many, many best efforts- they have been unable to manufacture it, either.

Matt Sablan said...

Normally, when two people are being jerks to each other, you should just ignore it.

Let Trump and Waters waste energy poking each other and hope it doesn't get in the way of something important.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

This is brilliant, the more that James Brown impersonator looking low IQ cunt is in the news, the better for Republicans in the mid terms. The media and the idiot democrats can't help themselves, they will keep taking the bait.

Humperdink said...

I was amused by Trump's DNA offer to Lizzy Warren to prove her native American heritage.

Curious George said...

"by making claims about her probably nonexistent Native American ancestry"

Probably? Really?

"Maxine Waters' IQ in the mid-60s..."

Only if you round up.

Matt Sablan said...

Also. It is hard to argue Senate and House Democrats don't want anarchy when they're not saying: Don't harass people in public. Rank and file Democrats probably don't want anarchy. But the ones with armed guards and believing they're one crisis away from a blue wave aren't doing much to check anarchy.

bagoh20 said...

Maxine Waters has a streak of genius to her. When she said "No justice - no peace", she managed to accomplish just that in Los Angeles with dozens killed and billions lost as they burnt her own and neighboring districts down. That is powerful rhetorical genius in service of her constituents who loved it. Supporting MS-13 is not a stretch for her.

mccullough said...

Waters went after Trump’s people on a personal level. So he’s going after her. I have no problem with this. She stepped into The Arena. It’s racist not to go after her. W would never do it because he’s afraid of black people. They are aliens to him. He is comfortable with Mexicans from growing up in Texas. It’s also battle prep in case Kamala Harris runs. Trump has no problem ripping into The Black Woman. Good sign of equality. No one gets a pass. Everyone is equal in The Arena.

Warren is a convenient target because she’s a typical hypocritical progressive. She lied about her race and is a Socialist Millionaire. He’s raising her profile to get her to run.

gilbar said...

all the democrats have to do, is not be crazy
A lot to ask

Hagar said...

"Cherokee Liz" is better; it is easier to pronounce and more accurate, since the Cherokee connection is what Warren actually claimed.
(Also Pocahontas' actual name was not Pocahontas.)

And there is nothing wrong with "Kerosene Maxine's" IQ. Her style of campaigning has proved effective (and profitable) for her for 40 years and more.

stevew said...

"Let Trump and Waters waste energy poking each other and hope it doesn't get in the way of something important."

This sort of chest thumping and twitter bickering hasn't stopped the Trump admin from accomplishing a lot of good work. In fact, a pretty good argument can be made that it enabled much of those accomplishments.


Ann Althouse said...

"It's "Fauxcohontas""

Trump never says that, and it really doesn't work spoken, since it can be heard as "Folk-a-hontas" and it feels elitist to use French. Trump is making the better choice.

Ralph L said...

I like "Lie-awatha." "Minnie Ho Ho" is below the belt.

Michael K said...

The "communism is good" wing of the Democrats will get a lot of play this fall.

Sebastian said...

"it can be heard as "Folk-a-hontas" and it feels elitist to use French. Trump is making the better choice."

Do we know it's a choice?

But black IQ is the third rail of American culture.

John henry said...

I like listening to the speeches in the car. I download from YouTube and convert to MP3 but it is a bit of a nuisance to do.

Does anyone know of a site that hosts audio only files of the speeches? I've found a couple but they do not seem complete or up to date.

What I would really like to see is an RSS feed that I can put in my podcast player and get them all automatically like a podcast. Seems like something that should be at WhiteHouse.gov but isn't.

John Henry

rehajm said...

Liawatha cuts right to the part where she's a big fat fibber.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Really easy way for Warren to humiliate Trump.

Take a DNA test Lizzie. Put up or shut up.

Bruce Hayden said...

I think that part of Trump's appeal is that he speaks truth to power, telling us that the emperor isn't wearing any clothes. Warren did, of course, cheat her way to Harvard, by pretending to be Cherokee. Waters really does come across as being dumb as a rock. We aren't allowed to say that, because she is Black, and statistically, on average, Blacks aren't as smart as other ethnicities. Don't know quite why Warren's affirmative action cheating is so off limits - maybe because she is a woman, or maybe the Dems see her as a viable Presidential candidate. What Trump allows us to do is to break out of the political correctness straight jacket that the Dems, the left, have tried to force on us unwillingly. Somehow it is just fine when the left attacks Republicans and others on the right, whether they be accurate, or (often) inaccurate. But everything on the left is above criticism. Or was. Now we can all say the obvious - Hillary Clinton really stands out as being especially crooked in a profession filled with crooked people. She took it to a new level by monetizing American foreign policy for personal profit. Etc. now that Trump has called it, we can too.

FIDO said...

Honestly, Republicans are spoiled for choice in their ads these days.


Kathy Gifford

Anti Free speech statements by the press and riots by Life Long Democrats

Wishing harm on the economy

Screaming at the moon

Demanding destroying the Electoral College


Peter Fonda

MI 13


Open borders

'Why isn't it okay to hate men?'

'Communism is good'

Democrats attacking Republicans

Fish...barrel and if Trump is a genius at anything, it is messaging.

Bob Boyd said...

Spouting Bull is another good one I've heard.

FIDO said...

MS 13 too

But I have always been suspicious of those Brit malcontents

tcrosse said...

Trump can mock Pocahontas without Reservation.

Henry said...

I wish my party wanted anarchy. Then they might actually stand for something.

Quaestor said...

Because Maxine Waters hates Trump so much, there is actually a push among Democrats on Facebook to get her to be head of the Banking and Finance Committee of the Senate. Imagine!!!

Those Democrats on Facebook must be sub-60 types. Waters can't be the head of the Banking and Finance Committee of the Senate without first being a senator.

Carol said...

Ehh, I drove for hours and got there too late. There were thousands standing in line and it wasn't moving. And it was hot. I'm sure the ones I saw didn't get in. So I turned around and drove home. Stupid me!

On the way back I caught the speech on a Great Falls station. I've never really listened to Trump's shtick before. He was funny, outrageous, full of shit.

He seems like a fascist because he talks tough. But more like Mussolini than Hitler. He seems like a demagogue because he goes on so, shouting and repeatinghimself.

But demagogues appeal to people's irrational fears, but I don't think fears about immigration and trade are irrational.

So where does that leave us.

Ray - SoCal said...

I read about the dna kit offer, supposedly the video is better!

cf said...

My husband was watching this speech on the computer last night, and I ended up watching it all myself. What a remarkable man we have here.

His manner was like what we call on the border "sobre mesa", "over the table", the relaxed easy authentic talk among family/friends after the dinner has been enjoyed and the table cleared, aND that goes on however long it goes until it's done. So comfortable, so honestly intimate and at home with this packed room of folks.

And Physically, what a powerhouse: did he ever take a sip of water in that hour of exhortation?

Surely it is proof: There must be a god, and He loves America.

Quaestor said...

Molly wrote: Trump constantly keeps me guessing about his intellectual competence.

Never read Sun Tzu, did you, Molly?


Clyde said...

I think Trump is lowballing her. I don't doubt that she's on the left-hand side of the Bell curve, though.

Fernandinande said...

No DNA test for Fauxcahontas because she's afraid they'll find out that she's related to Waters.

Gahrie said...

Maxine has got one thing going for her...as long as Hank Johnson and DWS are around she won't be the dumbest person in Congress.

Bruce Hayden said...

Watched the beginning and end of the rally. Wished I could have been there, but just wasn't going to happen. Supposedly no hotel rooms within an hour or so (3rd least densely populated state) and people were lining up at 1:30 am to get in. Need an RV to have a chance, esp for those of us on the western slope. And probably better than a four hour drive either way. I was underwhelmed by the Republican candidate, and wish that he had pinned a nickname on Tester.

Humperdink said...

"Maxine has got one thing going for her...as long as Hank Johnson and DWS are around she won't be the dumbest person in Congress."

I dunno, Patty Murray (D-Stonehead), could give all three a run for their money.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

It seems crude but it’s necessary. You attack the edifice of political correctness with a sledge and jackhammer. The broom comes later. Until now, Establishment Republicans have been using a feather duster.

Etienne said...

One of the main reasons I support "With Honor" is Pledge Number two.

You can't single out which part of the pledge you will violate. They all work together, or they don't work at all.

I think Trump thinks he is doing the country a favor by attacking the honor of the Democrats. To me, he is being un-American. He is no better than a barking dog.

My dog doesn't bark unless he is afraid, or I command him to bark.

Either Trump is afraid, or he is being commanded. The Russians know how to make dogs bark.

1. Integrity
I will always speak the truth and prioritize the public interest above my self-interest.
I will return or give to charity contributions from sources that I find out taint my integrity.
I will use the power of my office only for the service of my constituents and my country.

2. Civility
I will respect my colleagues, focus on solving problems and work to bring civility to politics.
I will publicly reject, and seek to remove, any advertisements in support of my campaign that lie about or baselessly attack the character of my opponent.
I will attend and participate in a cross-partisan veterans caucus.

3. Courage
I will defend the rights of all Americans and have the courage to collaborate across the aisle and find common ground.
I will meet with someone from an opposing party one-on-one at least once a month.
I will join with colleagues on both sides of the aisle on at least one piece of major legislation each year, and co-sponsor additional pieces.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Great that he doubled down on the MS-13 thing, too. How stupid is Nancy Pelosi to make the Republicans this gift? When you absolutely know the optics are never, ever going to work for you, you keep your mouth shut.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...


In the real world we save our code of honor for those that have it. That would preclude any Democrat politician I can think of.

Etienne said...

Most Americans will never run into the MS-13 gang. Most Americans will never run into the Cosa Nostra. These are all straw men to get prosecutors elected.

We don't need any more fucking prosecutors. What we need are fucking accountants. We need fucking Capitalists.

When you're 21 Trillion in debt, do you worry about that, or do you worry about some fucking shit head from Honduras.

Here's the deal, MS-13 people die just like Hells Angels. You point your shotgun at them and pull the fucking trigger.

Get off my lawn with the MS-13 bullshit.

Keep your eye on the ball - 21 Trillion in debt, 114 Trillion in unfunded liabilities.

Etienne said...

The Cracker Emcee Rampant said...That would preclude any Democrat politician I can think of.

I know what you are saying. There are a lot of Democrats who have to kneel before their party chiefs.

What "With Honor" is trying to do, is find Republicans and Democrats who want to lead the country. Not kneel.

Chuck said...

Gahrie said...
Maxine has got one thing going for her...as long as Hank Johnson and DWS are around she won't be the dumbest person in Congress.

Maxine Waters might be the most offensive person in Congress.

But my vote for "dumbest" goes to Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-Michigan).

Years ago, when Jim Bunning of Kentucky was still in the Senate, and beginning to show signs of the senile dementia that would force him out, Debbie Stabenow was the runner up to Bunning in the category of "Most Clueless" US Senator per a bipartisan poll in Washingtonian magazine, of more than a thousand Capitol Hill congressional staffers who would know.

Etienne said...

"No debtor country can ever be great again."

Usury is not Christian, it is not Islamic. Extrapolate from that.

roesch/voltaire said...

If she were as corrupt and lied as often as Scott Pruitt Trump would find a cabinet position for her in his swamp, I am sure.

Etienne said...

"dumbest" goes to Senator Debbie Stabenow

A majority elected her. Which is maybe why they don't make cars there any more.

Gk1 said...

Saul D. Alinsky, Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals ... “A good tactic is one your people enjoy.“ They'll keep doing it ...

mockturtle said...

Surfed observes: When they are in power their co-politicos in the Acela news media corridor will conviently steer the news away from that anarchy.

And any protest march, however civil, would be described as 'right wing extremists'.

Jupiter said...

Etienne said...
"To me, he is being un-American. He is no better than a barking dog."

Now that there is some high-grade civility bullshit. You could grow a lot of petunias with that stuff.

Etienne said...

If the current republican administration and republican legislature is doing so well, then how come the debt clock is still climbing, and not decreasing?


rcocean said...

Unlike conservatives, liberals are smart. Whenever their side says something stupid or behaves unethically (like claiming to be native american to grab a law school slot) - they never denounce their own.

They never apologize. The counter-attack with charges of "racism" "Sexism" "Homophobia" etc.

Trump's the only one, who understands the Left's tactic and how to counter it. Just keep on attacking and bringing up the Left's unethical behavior and stupidity.

William said...

Warren and Waters are never mocked by the comedians or criticized by the pundits. When Trump does it, it's like taking off a cast and, at long last, scratching an it itch.......She's married to a banker. Like Nancy Pelosi's husband, he has used his superior business acumen to make lots of money. It's absurd to say that Democrats have anything against rich bankers who engage in shady deals. Some bankers have profited from their enormous wisdom and experience. Waters is the ranking member on the House Finance and Banking Committee.

Etienne said...

Trump's the only one, who understands the Left's tactic and how to counter it.

I'm checking my shoe. Did I step in something? Boy, that's some grade-A bullshit.

Trump is just like any 2nd grader in school:

"Am not" - "Am too"

Get off my lawn.

becauseIdbefired said...

Nancy Pelosi too seems to think the vehement anti-Trumpism is a liability:

House Democrats from heavily blue districts such as Reps. Maxine Waters of California and Al Green of Texas have called to remove the president from office. But leaders such as Pelosi have shied from the issue, saying that calling for Trump's impeachment could alienate voters in swing districts the party needs to win if it has a chance of winning a House majority in November.

On Tuesday, Pelosi said members can discuss impeachment in their districts. She argued, though, that it's "not the path that [the party] should go on" as Democrats try to resonate with voters about "financial stability" and how GOP policies affect them.


It has to suck to be Nancy.

Gk1 said...

Liberals new found concern about the deficit is always touching. "The federal debt owed to the public rose 128 percent. Deficits were rising as Obama departed." https://www.factcheck.org/2017/09/obamas-final-numbers/

walter said...

I hear ya.
But given it seems like yesterday a coming "blue wave" was considered likely, you think it wise now to do a full scale attack now on entitlements?
What's your strategy to not just decrease the increase, but notably reduce the debt in a manner that can survive politically in such a polarized political environment?

Gahrie said...

If the current republican administration and republican legislature is doing so well, then how come the debt clock is still climbing, and not decreasing?

Who is claiming the Republican Congress is doing well? Not me, if they were things would be going even better. One of my biggest problems with the Republicans in Congress is their inability to budget.

Winston said...


You're right about the debt. Why have the republicans abandoned fiscal responsibility? Because the electorate has done so. Right now, there is NO constituency for austerity, nothing but a political wasteland for conservative spending hawks. My theory: The republicans have finally acknowledged that our impending entitlement disaster can't be addressed, politically, until the crisis arrives, coinciding with the ruin of the democrat party. And the democrats are doing a fine job of bringing on that ruin. My theory, an attempt to rationalize our two-party fiscal insanity. Been wrong before. Hope to G*d I'm not this time.

Goldenpause said...

Look, there's a squirrel! Trump continues to use the old magicians' trick of distraction. The left and the MSM (I know, I repeat myself) focus on his seemingly disjointed and what appear to be spontaneous off message antics while he quietly goes about carrying out his agenda with very little notice. You would think by now they would have caught on. But if you are consumed by anger, it is hard to focus.

Etienne said...

It's tough expensive work being an Imperialist.

Etienne said...

If elected, I will get the votes needed to begin a Value Added Tax on Internet purchases (including stocks and bonds) but exempting utilities and American grown food.

That VAT would be set by the debt, and would vary proportionately. For a 21 Trillion debt, the tax would be 21%. For a 1 Trillion debt it would be 10 cents.

I don't believe in a balanced budget, I think some debt is required to pay for war and disasters. Stuff you can't budget for.

100% of the VAT would be used for debt relief.

FIDO said...

Let me tell you, Trump is the worst Imperialist EVAH.

I mean, where are the midnight arrests? Where are the enemy lists? Where are the public executions and the exiles? Where are the Stalinist Show Trials?

So anyone who accuses Trump of such things really has never actually been exposed to that sort of system...or is a lying troll of a human being.

FIDO said...

Stupid plan.

Plan One:

Just a freeze. A three year freeze on spending with a requirement of a 2/3 majority of ALL congress to spend money on emergencies with a SET amount...but it expires in three years.

See what that lifting of the debt increase psychologically does to the economy.

Then they can run on whether to find a way to continue that or not.

Plan Two: The Marine Plan.

Every year the Marines get a budget. Every year, the Marines give a 'small' portion of savings back to the government. They thrive on their thriftiness.

So Trump takes his Big Twitter Account and calls on the specific heads (not the political appointees but the MANAGERS) to try to do the exact same thing. How much can your department save? How well do you account for your monies?

Make it a national contest like a reality TV show. The ones who save the most get lauded as good and faithful servants. Those who don't get razzed.

People have to choose between cable tv and their food budget at times. This will resonate.

Etienne said...

Trump is dragging NATO to the Russian border.

Now he wants NATO countries to pay more.

Hell Junior, they have to pay for everything to house and feed these Imperialist conscripts. Subtract that from the bill, you lousy fuck.

How about they charge us a million a day for use of Ramstein, and Sigonella?

Begonia said...

" Elizabeth Warren really did seek advantages by making claims about her probably nonexistent Native American ancestry,"

Really? Where and when did she seek advantage? I remember looking into this and thinking it this whole Native American thing was just made up during her run for Senate. My recollection of all this is that one of her former EMPLOYERS (Penn) was the one that listed her first as a minority, and she herself had listed herself as "white" on applications and such.

According to Charles Fried, the former Reagan appointee who served on the hiring committee at Harvard, said the subject of her Native American ancestry was never mentioned.

See this: http://www.wbur.org/news/2012/05/07/elizabeth-warren

J. Farmer said...

So Trump takes his Big Twitter Account and calls on the specific heads (not the political appointees but the MANAGERS) to try to do the exact same thing. How much can your department save? How well do you account for your monies?

That would be fiscal theater of the highest order. You could completely eliminate the entire federal discretionary budget, and it would do next to nothing to address long-term debt issues.

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bruce Hayden said...

“Really? Where and when did she seek advantage? I remember looking into this and thinking it this whole Native American thing was just made up during her run for Senate. My recollection of all this is that one of her former EMPLOYERS (Penn) was the one that listed her first as a minority, and she herself had listed herself as "white" on applications and such.”

How do you know that? Have you seen her applications? Somehow, magicly, she started appearing in listings as being Native American. And claimed it publicly based on family history and high cheekbones (which can come from other sources - my partner gets hers from her French ancestry).

The reality is that third tier legal scholars who graduated from third tier law schools just don’t get hired by top tier law schools, unless they have a serious edge somewhere. Something like being the only American Indian on the faculty. Very, very few Harvard Law profs didn’t graduate from top tier law schools. There is an adage throughout much of academia that grads can expect to be hired at parallel or lower ranked schools, but very rarely, at higher ranked ones.

It really doesn’t matter that her claimed ethnicity wasn’t discussed by the hiring committee - she wouldn’t have gotten close to being considered for the job at Harvard without it. It was very likely so well known that it didnt need to be discussed.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

WHO owns the most of the US Debt?


The U.S. Treasury manages the U.S. debt through its Bureau of the Public Debt. The debt falls into two broad categories: intragovernmental holdings and debt held by the public. .......

The U.S. debt is $21 trillion. Most headlines focus on how much the United States owes China, one of the largest foreign owners. What many people don’t know is that the Social Security Trust Fund, aka your retirement money, owns most of the national debt. How does that work and what does it mean?

FIDO said...

That would be fiscal theater of the highest order. You could completely eliminate the entire federal discretionary budget, and it would do next to nothing to address long-term debt issues.

What makes you think that Health and Human Services wouldn't ALSO be in the spotlight?

When an open border person like yourself whines about the cost of the $20 billion dollar Wall Trump proposes, I laugh till I almost rupture myself.

Medicare can't account for ONE HUNDRED FIFTY BILLION DOLLARS and that is one agency.

So why aren't they taken to account for that? The cost of the Wall is a rounding error in their budget...and if the Managers of Medicare can get even 100,000 well heeled elders off their rolls, or remove ten percent of the rampant fraud, it would be praise worthy.

Very praise worthy. We should celebrate thrift PARTICULARLY when it comes down to giving John Kerry his Medicare money.

Ditto Medicaid and Welfare.

So I have no ideas why you would think entitlements would be exempt from that, particularly since the recipients are already the political enemy who have zero desire to vote away their free money.

So there is little political price to pay.

Matt Sablan said...

"And any protest march, however civil, would be described as 'right wing extremists'."

-- Could you imagine a pro-life march that ended in property damage, injuries and arrests being described as "mostly peaceful?"

Etienne said...

If the debt were free, I wouldn't give a shit.

But the banks charge interest. That's $280 billion a year or about 8% of the budget.

8% is higher than all other programs below defense, social security, and medicare.

Higher than Veterans affairs, higher than education, higher than all the Trump hotels.

J. Farmer said...


When an open border person like yourself whines about the cost of the $20 billion dollar Wall Trump proposes, I laugh till I almost rupture myself.

Open border person like myself? What the hell are you talking about? If you can quote anything I have ever said in support of open borders, I'll write you a check for a thousand bucks.

I have been calling for a wall on the southern border for almost 20 years. I also support E-VERIFY, an entry/exit tracking system for visa overstays, and a minimum 10-year moratorium on all legal immigration. So here's a tip. Before you cast aspersions on someone's political point-of-view, know what the fuck you're talking about.

So I have no ideas why you would think entitlements would be exempt from that, particularly since the recipients are already the political enemy who have zero desire to vote away their free money.

See the difference between discretionary and mandatory spending. Entitlement spending is enacted by law and does not depend on periodic appropriation bills. Reductions in entitlement spending would require legal action by Congress, not decisions by departmental managers.

walter said...

Proposing a 21% VAT on internet purchases might spell trouble for that pesky "if elected" part.
But yes, that spend it or lose it issue happens at most levels of the public sector.
I remember as a student at a UW Madtown listening to manager of the media department asking staffers what they wanted on the "wish list" if there was leftover $$.
Of course, much more recently UW was found to have a pretty hefty rainy day fund held while they cried poor and raised tuition.

Blogger FIDO said...
Make it a national contest like a reality TV show. The ones who save the most get lauded as good and faithful servants. Those who don't get razzed.
I have long thought the rich folks (Warren Buffet and his friends) who claim to want to be taxed higher should be challenged to participate in a sort of Telethon for the Debt. Harness that competitive spirit and get them to outdo each other. Them there's some good fiscal theater.

Robert Cook said...

"Medicare can't account for ONE HUNDRED FIFTY BILLION DOLLARS and that is one agency."

Yep...here's another one, which can't account for even more hundreds of billions. What good does this department do? At least Medicare allows elders to obtain medical care without going bankrupt. We need to be very thrifty when it comes to killing people around the world.

J. Farmer said...

@Robert Cook:

Oh no, that's off the table. If the Pentagon has to face even extremely modest reductions to its budget, you can expect the usual cast of characters tripping over themselves on the way to their cable news appearances to hysterically declare that the military has been "gutted."

Etienne said...

If Trumps trade war fails, interest rates could double.

Double the interest rate on the debt, and now we are talking real money.

rehajm said...

If Trumps trade war fails, interest rates could double

I work in finance and economics but would need the mechanism for how that would happen explained to me.

Etienne said...

need the mechanism

Loss of capital, increased borrowing.

rehajm said...

Loss of capital, increased borrowing

Hmmm. How does the capital get lost?

mockturtle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Etienne said...

I have been calling for a wall on the southern border for almost 20 years.

The best thing to do would be to Annex Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, and British Honduras (Belize), and make them States in 2030.

Then move all the Mormons, Indians, Blacks, and Orientals to the new states. Leaving the areas north for white European people only.

Etienne said...

How does the capital get lost?

Capitalists won't invest money in the closed markets, and will move their investments overseas.

Yancey Ward said...

Waters IQ clearly isn't in the 60s, but I doubt she tops 100. And there is no reason to apologize to either woman as both give as well as they get. Apologizing would be bowing to civility bullshit.

Jim at said...

Easily the most entertaining Presidency of my lifetime.

And the fact he drives all the 'right' people batshit insane is just icing on the cake.

Jim at said...

Take a DNA test Lizzie. Put up or shut up.

I'm pretty sure she already has. And failed.
Otherwise, we would've heard about it. Loudly and repeatedly.

Comanche Voter said...

Maxine Waters would never score mid 60's on an IQ test. The tester would "adjust" the results. Not so much that she rated as a near genius--that would be too obvious. Just a nice gentle boost of 30 to 35 points---of the kind that the admissions committee at Harvard would give her.

J. Farmer said...


The best thing to do would be to Annex Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, and British Honduras (Belize), and make them States in 2030.

Then move all the Mormons, Indians, Blacks, and Orientals to the new states. Leaving the areas north for white European people only.

Mormons aren't white Europeans?

There is no morally tenable way to solve America's race problem. Even Trump was a hail mary pass. We are still doomed. Of course, when you have a political class and an electorate more obsessed with borders thousands of miles away than the ones on their own door steps, perhaps their civilization deserves to sink. It's really quite sad.

Bill Peschel said...

As far as the debt is concerned, neither party has done shit about it.

This last election cycle, I attended an open house by the local Dem running for Congress. He was one of four in my district, and frankly a longshot, behind a black woman, an Asian, and another white guy.

He talked a lot about economics, and bragged that he liked reading economics books at night.

Then he started spouting nonsense, like getting the economy back to what it was in the 1950s (I thought: that's easy. Depress the economy for 15 years, go total war for another four and freeze consumer spending, then allow the public to buy vehicles so they could move out of the cities).

He went on about infrastructure programs and shovel-ready projects, forgetting that we already heard about that from Obama in '08 and learned "shovel-ready projects" was a myth.

I asked him several times if there was anything the party would do to cap spending and reduce the debt. He danced around that, but it was obvious that the Dems had no interest in doing that, none whatsoever.

If there was any movement behind a balanced budget amendment or even capping spending, I'd be fully behind it. But in politics, in either party, it ain't happening.

rcocean said...

The Democrats have NEVER cared about a balanced budget - ever.

They just pretend to. When the Republicans are in office and the R's want to cut taxes or spend more on the military.

Otherwise, the D's label anyone who wants fiscal sanity as a cruel miser, a green-shade bean-counter who doesn't care about the sick or old peeps.

The D's won tons of elections with that shtick. So, the R's got smart and stopped talking about balanced budgets.

That's why we are, where we are.

Matt Sablan said...

"If there was any movement behind a balanced budget amendment or even capping spending, I'd be fully behind it."

-- You'll take your minor cut to the rate of increase, and you'll like it.

rcocean said...

Ever since FDR, whenever the American public has a choice between:

1) POTUS Candidate A - promises more goodies and lower taxes
2) POTUS Candidate B - Says we can't afford new spending and should balance the budget

They've chosen Candidate A.

FIDO said...

See the difference between discretionary and mandatory spending. Entitlement spending is enacted by law and does not depend on periodic appropriation bills. Reductions in entitlement spending would require legal action by Congress, not decisions by departmental managers.

So let's say a version of Gore Vidal's White Plague came and killed everyone under $20,000 a year and anyone over the age of...oh...72.

Or let's try something more outlandish, and assert that suddenly the...Poor... community goes into full out shaming of anyone unemployed and unmarried.

Full employment, higher tax revenues, and the dole cut in half.

You are asserting that there is NO corrective mechanism besides political suicide to adjust the numbers on Entitlements?

Somehow I doubt that very much.

But even so, a big part of this is moving the PUBLIC will to actually allowing Congress room for DOING something about those entitlements.

Not that I have a lot of faith in that plague. I am a 'let the wheels come off the bus' kind of guy. The Democrats are poised with a knife at ANY adjustment of debt and Republicans have the scars in their back to prove their animus, thank you very much.

So venez le deluge.

Anything less and the Dems won't do a thing.

And please excuse me. I chat with a lot of people and I was pretty sure that you were arguing against the Wall, but since you assert this isn't the case, my apologies.

FIDO said...

At this point, I'd do backflips of joy in a minor cut in the increase.

J. Farmer said...


Or let's try something more outlandish, and assert that suddenly the...Poor... community goes into full out shaming of anyone unemployed and unmarried.

Full employment, higher tax revenues, and the dole cut in half.

None of those things would affect Social Security or Medicare.

walter said...

Warren must piss off Native Americans with low cheekbones.

rehajm said...

Really? Where and when did she seek advantage? I remember looking into this and thinking it this whole Native American thing was just made up during her run for Senate.

There's good summaries of her history of claiming NA heritage in the Boston Globe and elsewhere. Warren was listed as a minority law teacher with the Association of American Law Schools. At the time law schools were under pressure for lack of minority hiring Harvard claimed her as Native American. Given the pressure Harvard was under it's not difficult to infer Warren's published status could have had something to do with her hire, despite protests to the contrary.

...and that's what's fishy- when Harvard claims that on the one hand her minority status had nothing to do with her being hired and on the other hand Harvard claims they were actively seeking to hire more minority staff as a result of pressure, why did they not know or care about Warren's minority status? Harvard's lying about one thing or the other....

steve uhr said...

Warren relied on her relatives to tell her about her ancestry. Isn't that true for everyone (prior to dna testing)?

rehajm said...

Should her stock begin to rise Warren's lack of curiosity about it now will do her in.

J. Farmer said...

@steve uhr:

Warren relied on her relatives to tell her about her ancestry. Isn't that true for everyone (prior to dna testing)?

That is certainly true. My family has deep roots in the state of Florida, and I have certainly heard old family folk tales about some distant Seminole ancestry. Yet, I would never have the temerity to ever identify myself as a "Native American." For one, I have a pair of eyes and a mirror.

Bob Loblaw said...

Warren relied on her relatives to tell her about her ancestry. Isn't that true for everyone (prior to dna testing)?

But they also relied on physical characteristics. You know who also tends to have high cheekbones? People from Scandinavia. It's pretty clear her ancestry is mostly from the Nordic countries - physically she's a prototypical Swede.

Bilwick said...

Democrats what anarchy? If only. It literally means "no rule." I doubt if they're been reading Murray Rothbard and Robert LeFevre and decided, "Hey, this statism and coercion we've been in love with isn't so hot after all." Democrats what no-rule like I want Maxine Waters to be the head of my Mensa chapter.

By the way, it's "Fauxcahontas." FIFY, Donald.

langford peel said...

You can't rely on your family to tell you about your ancestors.

After all the guy that fucked Obama's mother never mentioned either the communists or the monkeys in the family tree.

A DNA test of Obama would be very interesting.

Was his father Kenyan, the communist Frank Davis or Bubbles. It's a toss up.

langford peel said...

"There is no morally tenable way to solve America's race problem"

Yes there is. Voluntary separation and segregation. Many of the latest up to date black thinkers agree. Let's take yes for an answer.

That is totally morally tenable. Let people associate with their own kind. Enforced by law. Just as they can't come to your neighborhood you can't go to Harlem or Bed Stuy and steal their neighborhood to make it another white hipster enclave. Stick with your own kind. That kind of boy will kill your brother.

Rusty said...

steve uhr said...
"Warren relied on her relatives to tell her about her ancestry. Isn't that true for everyone (prior to dna testing)?"

Trust but verify. Tales are told but the public record is proof. My mothers family goes back to before the revolution. My fathers to 1870 in this country and to the early 1800s in the Germany where we found Hebrews in the sauerbraten. On my grandfathers side.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

So let's say a version of Gore Vidal's White Plague came and killed everyone under $20,000 a year and anyone over the age of...oh...72.

Wait! Is that gross or adjusted income?

Self employed people need to know :-)

Jaq said...

Warren relied on her relatives to tell her about her ancestry. Isn't that true for everyone (prior to dna testing)?

Did they also inform her that she was oppressed and therefore needed a leg up and deserved a spot that had been held for an Indian, if such should actually turn up wanting it? She would have zero problem passing for Danish in Copenhagen as long as. she didn’t open her mouth. Why you guys have so much sympathy for an affirmative action cheat, is beyond me. One would think that you would be angry at her for perverting this sacred program of yours.

Drago said...

steve uhr: "Warren relied on her relatives to tell her about her ancestry."


Nice try tiger.

Woman of Color: Elizabeth Warren.

Please keep trying to run with that one.....

Begonia said...

Tim in vermont, if she had actually "cheated" on affirmative action, I would be pissed. But if you read the article that rehajm links to, it doesn't look like she did.

She stopped listing herself as Native American in a directory of minority law professors in 1995, long before Scott Brown dredged up the fact in 2012.


Drago said...

In the end its not going to matter at all.

The lefties in Massachusetts will never second guess their earlier duping and in any national election Kamala Harris, Booker etc will lower the racial boom on her early and often and drive Warren from the primary quickly.

Plus, the more you actually hear Warren speak, the more she loses.

rehajm said...

For what it's worth the blond, blue eyed sister in law that you'd swear just flew in from Oslo is full share eligible for tribe benes and casino money. She chooses to decline, however.

Drago said...

Begonia: "She stopped listing herself as Native American in a directory of minority law professors in 1995, long before Scott Brown dredged up the fact in 2012."

Warren would never have been a law professor there had she not lied about her heritage to get the gig.

That's the point.

Years later, once she had the gig, she quietly stopped using her little stepping stone.

Gee, what a profile in courage.

She should have immediately resigned to allow a real woman of color to take the job....but as with all things lefty, the lefties never actually intend for themselves or their families to have to live by the rules they create for others.

Fen's Law, so to speak.

Drago said...

Tim in Vermont: "One would think that you would be angry at her for perverting this sacred program of yours."

When you understand that the lefties don't really believe a single thing they lecture us about, it all begins to make much more sense.

johns said...

Begonia: "if she had actually "cheated" on affirmative action, I would be pissed. But if you read the article that rehajm links to, it doesn't look like she did."
The article you reference included most of the known facts, but apparently it soft-petaled them enough to get you to go along with their implied conclusion.
Did you ever list yourself as a minority even though you weren't? Like when applying to college, you say I should check the box for minority?
Or how about when you are on the faculty of the University of Texas? Why not check that box? Because, as she said, maybe you will be invited to interesting luncheons with other "minorities."
Oh, and one year after you check the box, you get hired by Penn. And then Harvard. Too bad the luncheons never materialized.

johns said...

and come to think of it, if Warren checked the minority box because she wanted to be invited to luncheons, then she expected that her school would be aware of her minority status. I was on some faculty hiring committees in the eighties, and you can be very sure that we were aware of minority status of candidates.

rehajm said...

To this day Warren claims she is proud of her Native American heritage. IOW, she never stopped claiming minority heritage and all the rights and privileges pertaining thereto...

J. Farmer said...

@langford peel:

Yes there is. Voluntary separation and segregation. Many of the latest up to date black thinkers agree. Let's take yes for an answer.

That is totally morally tenable. Let people associate with their own kind. Enforced by law. Just as they can't come to your neighborhood you can't go to Harlem or Bed Stuy and steal their neighborhood to make it another white hipster enclave. Stick with your own kind. That kind of boy will kill your brother.

I agree voluntary separation is a solution, and it is one I agree with. But I don't see any hopes of the court's allowing that to happen. If I want to create an all-white space, there is a well funded army ready and willing to sue me out of existence.

J. Farmer said...

Was his father Kenyan, the communist Frank Davis or Bubbles. It's a toss up.

How very unhelpful. And extraordinarily childish of you.

rehajm said...

The article you reference included most of the known facts, but apparently it soft-petaled them enough to get you to go along with their implied conclusion.

Well, Warren being listed as minority in the Law Review for years is the closest thing to the smoking gun as I recall. No attempt by her to correct the record as her career was advancing. As usual Harvard does a great job circling the wagons to protect all of it's people- faculty, students, etc. Her case being no exception, including Harvard going so far as pulling information they proudly displayed as evidence of their aggressiveness in minority hiring off the internet when a pesky reporter started asking questions.

tcrosse said...

It must be that the One Drop Rule applies when determining who is Native American.

Hagar said...

"Cherokee Liz" got away with it because the colleges in turn used her to fill their quotas of minorities. Asking questions was to no one's benefit.

Robert Cook said...

steve uhr said...
'Warren relied on her relatives to tell her about her ancestry. Isn't that true for everyone (prior to dna testing)?'

"Trust but verify. Tales are told but the public record is proof."

Maybe. Depends on how much the individual cares. My father was deeply interested in his heritage and researched it for decades, to the extent that back in the 1950s, he found a relative of his in England, someone who had a common great-great-great grandfather with my father. (I'm unsure how many "greats" should actually be there.) They commenced a decades long correspondence, and in the late 1970s, the children of this woman each came to the states on separate trips and visited with us. A couple of years before he died, my dad finally got to travel to England, and he met, for the first time, the woman (and her husband) he had been corresponding with for about a half-century at that point.

Me? I couldn't care less about my ancestry. If my dad told me my great-great-etc. grandparents had been Polish, Russian, German, French,whatever, I would have found it interesting, perhaps, but I never would have cared enough to confirm it with my own research. I would have taken it as a given that my dad had told me the truth as far as it could be known.(As far as I know, our ancestry is mostly English. But, this all depends how far back you go. Where did our English ancestors' ancestors come from? I'll never know.)

Robert Cook said...

"Tim in vermont, if she had actually 'cheated' on affirmative action, I would be pissed. But if you read the article that rehajm links to, it doesn't look like she did.

"She stopped listing herself as Native American in a directory of minority law professors in 1995, long before Scott Brown dredged up the fact in 2012.


Begonia, the Althouse Hillbillies don't care about any of that. She's Fauxcahontas! She lied to get an advantage! (Or so they will continue to assert.)

However, I appreciate your desire to at least put some information on the record that mitigates the prevailing slanders.

tcrosse said...

She swears she didn't lie to get an advantage, and she promises she'll never do it again.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Super-cuck Etienne working hard to get Democrat party members elected. The current president is setting the charges to blow apart the diseased system in place which has led to the debt that you are pretending to be concerned about. One symptom of that diseased system is the bi-partisan back rubs that fucks like the Gang of 14 produce. We're not interested in your bi-partisan cuckery. Where were you when your Democrat party pals and their Republican side-pieces were targeting the TEA Party with illegal and clandestine government abuses? Any politician that declares himself a democrat party member ought to be tarred and feathered, not voted into office.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Hmm, didn't read far enough into the comments. By 11:56AM Etienne is flailing like a sockpuppet in a hurricane. Democrat party troll...

Rusty said...

I feel the same way. It was all a big deal to my mom and aunt because it cemented their DAR status. I was only interested to see that there wasn't any congenital idocy and , at the time, were any of em,"injun fighter"
It's America. Nobody gives a shit.

Drago said...

Robert Cook: "Begonia, the Althouse Hillbillies don't care about any of that. She's Fauxcahontas! She lied to get an advantage! (Or so they will continue to assert.)"


Warren got her job by claiming to be a minority.

She was the only non-Ivy admitted as a professor at the time and Warren's previous work was notoriously "average". Without the minority status, Warren doesn't get in.

She faked it.

And then later lied about it.


But good old comrade cookie doesn't see anything wrong with that!

Why, just noticing that lily-white Liz is not a native american is probably a war-crime of some sort to our intrepid Ignorer Of All Things Venezuela these days.

Rick said...

Robert Cook said...
"Tim in vermont, if she had actually 'cheated' on affirmative action, I would be pissed. But if you read the article that rehajm links to, it doesn't look like she did.

"She stopped listing herself as Native American in a directory of minority law professors in 1995, long before Scott Brown dredged up the fact in 2012.


Begonia, the Althouse Hillbillies don't care about any of that.

Why am I not surprised our left wingers believe it's relevant whether she was claiming minority status when Scott Brown brought it up instead of when she was hired?

Such keen analysis. If Althouse right wingers are Hillbillies her left wing commenters are just fucking idiots.

rcocean said...

Warren claimed for years, she is Native American.

And still does. Despite not looking like a Native American. And refusing to take a DNA test.

Its not some 'grey area' or "subject to debate".

She could defuse all this tomorrow, by simply admitting the truth. But she never will. She'll double down.

And we will mock her for it.

Robert Cook said...

See Begonia?

It's futile to even try, but the "try" is worthy.

rcocean said...

Another thing:

We don't want cry babies as President. If can't take it, as well as dish it out, then Politics isn't the career for you.

Quit whining about Trump saying "mean things" - poor little Liberal babies.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

He just finds a way to be a bigger and bigger asshole every time he opens his fat fucking mouth, doesn't he?

rcocean said...

Elizabeth Warren can only whine about Trump.

She's a weak sister.

Rick said...

Robert Cook said...
It's futile to even try,

Correct, idiotic talking points which don't address the issue are futile. Sell your distractions elsewhere.

It's revealing Cookie is so quick to dispute others' assertions but here the single fact of Warren's self-interested assertion is enough to prove everyone else not just wrong but incapable of reason.

It's almost like Cook accepts any comment which advantages his team and disputes anything else completely without regard to reality.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“He just finds a way to be a bigger and bigger asshole every time he opens his fat fucking mouth, doesn't he?”

There is no limit to Trump assholery.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Where did you go, Etienne? Last post at 11:59 AM after a flurry of brief bullshit. Huh. Must have been working the 8 to 12 shift. See you tomorrow, troll!

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“All Things Venezuela these days.”

Last August Trump asked his advisors about invading Venezuela.


Rick said...

Matthew Sablan said...
"And any protest march, however civil, would be described as 'right wing extremists'."

Nancy Pelosi's march through a Tea Party protest trying to provoke a response comes to mind. The TP caused no problems but Pelosi and her allies lied and claimed she did regardless.

Truth has never been important to the left.

Drago said...

Inga: "Last August Trump asked his advisors about invading Venezuela"

It never happened.

Fake news.


Sorry about your dissapointment over Warrens obvious ethnicity lies.


Better luck next time.

HT said...

It’s unseemly. Yes, it creates “political energy,” but so would pooping on the White House lawn. This way of communicating only degrades, and therein lies Dump’s power, and does he ever know it.

Which is too bad, because the immigration situation really needs a ton of work, and there are many Democrats who believe in stemming illegal immigration. I don't lay the stagnation all at Dump's feet, though. Democratic leaders have been pretty bad, and Republican ones only slightly better.

Drago said...

The good news is that lily white Lizzie "tomahawk" Warren has never felt compelled to apologize for lying about her heritage which cost another woman of color a fantastic opportunity.

A more perfect lefty example would be difficult to identify.

Not to worry gang. Kamala will nail Lizzie to the wall for that transparent and hypocritical lie in about 5 minutes flat when the time comes.


Seeing Red said...

Most Americans will never run into the MS-13 gang. Most Americans will never run into the Cosa Nostra. These are all straw men to get prosecutors elected.

You haven’t been paying attention to what’s going on in Fairfax county.

You’re also not in Chicago. Lots of people have stories about run ins or partying. It also Depends on the restaurant you go to. My dad worked retail where they lived. They would stand outside and watch bags changing hands.

Drago said...

I was thinking about adding a room on to my home, but then I remembered ritmo thinks thats the sort of thing that causes San Francisco homeless to defecate in the street.

Seeing Red said...

Inga: "Last August Trump asked his advisors about invading Venezuela

China could be establishing a beach head.

Seeing Red said...

Venezuela is falling apart because of socialism. It’s better to fix them there than migrate here.

Seeing Red said...

fortunately we aren’t imperialistic.

We also aren’t the world’s ATM.

Achilles said...

steve uhr said...

Warren relied on her relatives to tell her about her ancestry. Isn't that true for everyone (prior to dna testing)?

Speaking of low IQ...

Seeing Red said...

Now he wants NATO countries to pay more.

As well they should live up to their commitments. They’re rich now.

Achilles said...

Robert Cook said...

See Begonia?

It's futile to even try, but the "try" is worthy.

It must be depressing being a leftist these days.

J. Farmer said...

@seeing red:

Venezuela is falling apart because of socialism. It’s better to fix them there than migrate here.

Where did that binary choice come from? It's better we do not let migrate here, and we have no reason (or real ability) to "fix them there."

fortunately we aren’t imperialistic.

I guess that depends on how you define "imperialistic."

We also aren’t the world’s ATM.

Not since the early 1970s anyway. See Varoufakis The Global Minotaur.

Now he wants NATO countries to pay more.

As well they should live up to their commitments. They’re rich now.

Here's a better idea: disband NATO. It hasn't served a purpose for more than a quarter century.

Drago said...

For Lizzie "Li'L Tomahawk" Warrens next act, she will identify as a male to female transitioning black male. This in order to be competitive in the 2020 dem primary.

Robert Cook will find that claim....compelling....


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"Venezuela" = Consertard-double-speak for pretending they can convince Americans that France, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Belgium, and all the countries of Western Europe either don't exist, or are as uber-capitalist failures at providing for all their citizens as the U.S.

Seeing Red said...

25 years ago disbanding NATO might have made sense, but now that Putin and Erdogan are on the move, maybe not so much.

J. Farmer said...

@Seeing Red:

25 years ago disbanding NATO might have made sense, but now that Putin and Erdogan are on the move, maybe not so much.

Well, Erdogan is the head of a NATO member, so not sure what that is supposed to mean. And Putin is not "on the move." His foreign policy has largely been reactive, pragmatic, and limited in scope and ambition.

Drago said...


Is this the part where we pretend the 90%+ market economies with significant social welfare programs subsidized by American purposeful trade deficits and American defense expenditures are the "real socialism"?

Too funny.

Ritmo was closer to the mark when he asserted large midwestern agriculture firms were responsible for the human feces on SF sidewalks!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Is this the part where we pretend the 90%+ market economies with significant social welfare programs subsidized by American purposeful trade deficits and American defense expenditures are the "real socialism"?

So spend less on defense then, and more on social works here at home, you fucking fool. Your diversionary assertion answers itself.

The other one was just yet another one of his typical lies.

LordSomber said...

Why is the Donald treating the heathen poorly?

Michael K said...

"It must be depressing being a leftist these days. "

Well, we have to give credit to the insanity of Inga and Ritmo who seem to have sprung to life again and infested the threads.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Well, we have to give credit to the insanity of Inga and Ritmo who seem to have sprung to life again and infested the threads.

We would pop up from under the toilet seat you sit on, too, if only you weren't ingesting enough chronic opioids to constipate the hell out of you.

Why are you so obsessed with who comments, where? You really are like a puppy who scratches at the windows when he sees a visitor.

Michael K said...

I like this blog in spite of weird creatures that infest it. There are scorpions in Tucson but I love Tucson.

I just try to avoid them.

The killfile just doesn't work on Chrome,.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Awww poor baby. The kill file.

So here's a solution then, Michael K: Kill yourself instead. Everyone would be better off.

No one fuckng cares about Michael K's whines.

grackle said...

If the current republican administration and republican legislature is doing so well, then how come the debt clock is still climbing, and not decreasing?

The Trump “administration” is doing right well. The republican legislature, on the other hand, is full of nitwits, nincompoops and posers who deserve but probably will not get a “blue wave.” Any success the republican candidates have in November will be almost solely due to Trump coattails.

If elected, I will get the votes needed to begin a Value Added Tax …

The VAT is a tax and spend politician’s wet dream. It’s a sneaky way of taxing a largely unaware public. Advantages and disadvantages are listed here.

European politicians love it because dodging taxes is quite common in Europe. Dear God, let us NOT be like Europe.

Gojuplyr831@gmail.com said...

Etienne said "My dog only barks when scared or I tell him to."
Anyone that clueless about dog behavior should not have one.

Warren also claimed she claimed NA ancestry to explore her NA roots. But she never attended any NA committees, meetings, groups, etc.

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