July 16, 2018

"In the entire history of our country, Americans have never seen a president of the United States support an American adversary the way President Trump has supported President Putin."

"A single, ominous question now hangs over the White House: What could possibly cause President Trump to put the interests of Russia over those of the United States? Millions of Americans will continue to wonder if the only possible explanation for this dangerous behavior is the possibility that President Putin holds damaging information over President Trump."

Said Chuck Schumer.

"This is a disgraceful moment... The president’s party knows better. I know they do. I served with many of them. America needs them to speak out with clarity and conviction not just in this news cycle, but until there’s common sense governing America’s foreign policy."

Said John Kerry.

"It is tempting to describe the news conference as a pathetic rout — as an illustration of the perils of under-preparation and inexperience. But these were not the errant tweets of a novice politician. These were the deliberate choices of a president who seems determined to realize his delusions of a warm relationship with Putin’s regime without any regard for the true nature of his rule, his violent disregard for the sovereignty of his neighbors, his complicity in the slaughter of the Syrian people, his violation of international treaties, and his assault on democratic institutions throughout the world."

Said John McCain.

All quoted in The New York Times, here. Full video and transcript, here, in case you want to search there for the reason for these strong condemnations.


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Tank said...

All the right enemies.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

My God what did Trump do now. Did he promise Putin more flexibility after the election.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Did he not try to shame Putin in public.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

How many pallets of cash did he send to Russia.

Slayer said...

I missed where POTUS gave the Russkies uranium. Or took 1/2 a million in cool cash for a 20 minute . . . tee hee hee . . . "speech."

How soon they forget the Lion of the Senate offering to SELL America if the Russians helped destroy Reagan.

Oh, wait, did he bow? Did he leave them 1/2 a billion on the tarmac? Did he let them continue to sell drugs to now lose the invisible Iranian arms deal? Did he send them billions in "their" money as a reward for . . . ummmm . . . what was that for again?

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Did Trump sell the rest of our uranium deposits to Russia.

Martin said...

Except, of course, everything Obama, Kerry and all the other Dems did for 8 years and counting regarding Iran, which has been at war with the US for almost 40 years.

rcocean said...

Ah, can someone remember what Hillary and Kerry did with Putin? Didn't they try to get along with him?

And wasn't Obama in charge in 2016, when all this so-called "Russian Interference" happened? Why didn't Obama do something?

Asking for a friend.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Did Trump support the Russian government over the protesters.

rcocean said...

We can talk to Putin and try to find areas of agreement.

Or we can go to War with him.

Talking tough, and bad mouthing him in public, gets you nowhere.

Talk softly and carry a big stick, seems a lot better than rant and rave and reduce defense spending.

h said...

I do believe that the Russians tried to interfere with our election. And I think that is a matter of great concern. But it was the Obama administration that allowed this to happen. I wish Trump had said, "we will do a better of job of protecting the US electoral system than did the Obama administration, and I have made that clear to President Putin."

buwaya said...


Somehow I think these gentlemen are being a bit, er. limited in their perspective.
Blinkered even. Absurdly blinkered.

Nixon was much, much nicer to Mao Tse Tung and his regime in 1972. And Mao was about the closest thing to the devil incarnated in human form as human beings can manage. And that's just to start. And etc., and etc.

As for Putin, he was treated extremely well by all sorts of US and Euro leaders.
They even let him put on the 2014 Winter Olympics AFTER he took the Crimea. Putin-hate wasn't notable until it was useful against Trump.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

How many billions did the Russians give to the personal Trump charity.

Critter said...

Were the Democrat comments written before the press conference just as they wrote their reactions to the Supreme Court nominee before he was selected?

This begins a silly period of posturing on Russia, missing Trump's strategic steps to set up a Russia under Putin with which he can work to address key issues like North Korea, Iran, and Syria. Of course, Democrats want to make Russia toxic so Trump cannot work with them, thereby hamstringing him on foreign policy in order to prevent any achievements. All politics all the time from the Democrats these days. No interest in advancing American interests if Trump is the president.


rhhardin said...

These guys don't understand anything about Trump at all.

Trump is taking over Putin.

buwaya said...

These really are absurd people.

MacMacConnell said...

Three guys with serious advanced cases of dementia. What a fucking circle jerk.

mockturtle said...

My, my! Some pussies have their panties in a twist.

Gahrie said...

My God what did Trump do now. Did he promise Putin more flexibility after the election.

I heard he gave the Russians a reset button, sold them a bunch of uranium and invited them into Syria.

rcocean said...

Basically, Trump said "My intelligence guys are pretty good but Mr. Putin had some strong denials".

Which is a good answer, since it avoids making public accusations that go nowhere.

But to the MSM and Schumer its TREASON111

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Trump ban fracking.

Ok. I'll stop now. I'm probably being annoying.

gspencer said...

"A single, ominous question now hangs over the White House: what could possibly cause President Roosevelt to put the interests of Russia over those of the United States?"

"The decision to recognize the Soviet Union in 1933 reflected an attempt to balance to the irreconcilable between the United States and Russia: conflicting national interests and ideologies—a response"

I guess the Democrat Party wasn't around in 1933.

see, http://chnm.gmu.edu/courses/schrag/wiki/index.php?title=Recognition_of_the_Soviet_Union_in_1933_by_FDR

Shouting Thomas said...

I'm waiting for what you have to say, prof.

Meanwhile, here's what Scott Adams had to say.

traditionalguy said...

Wow! We get to see panic personified. The DC pols cannot stop Trump from being our President and our Commander-in-Chief for 6.5 more years; unless the CIA repeats what they did to stop JFK in Dallas after he tried to be nice to Khruschev and announced his plan to eliminate the CIA Shadow Government. Ergo: Bush family members will be banned from anywhere near the White House.

Jim at said...

Chuck Schumer, John Kerry and John McCain.

"Three people I wouldn't piss on if they were on fire." - Carnac the Magnificent

rcocean said...

Just remember McCain was the guy who sent his aide to London to get the Dossier from a English Spy in order to sabotage the duly elected President of the United States.

And McCain is constantly apologizing to foreigners because Trump wants them to spend more on their own defense and give us better trade deals.

n.n said...

Russia was a friend until their intervention in Obama's Syrian war. Flexibility.

Ukraine became an issue following Russia's intervention in Obama's Syrian war. Retributive change.

That said, the synthesis of Democrat and Republican establishment driven by overlapping and converging interests.

h said...

And increasingly I come to regard the anti-Trump commenters as the little boys who cried wolf. THey have found so many instances of impeachable offenses ("He lied about the size of the inauguration crowds!!!" "He had sex with a stripper!!!") that I just roll my eyes. I doubt if there is anything that Trump could have said or done today that would not seen as "traitorous" and "high crimes" but the crowd quoted here. I would challenge those who agree with the extreme anti-Trump statements to say exactly what Trump could have said that would not have caused you to have the same extreme reaction.

I wonder if these people realize the extent to which they have lost audience with their antics.

The Godfather said...

Does anyone know whether Trump approved the DOJ's release of the indictment against the Russians in the eve of this summit? I assume he must have, that DOJ would not have done so without the President's OK.

Rob said...

. . . and the horse they rode in on.

rcocean said...

The AP is an embarrassment.

Imagine getting up in a World-wide press conference and asking Putin if he has any "compromising material" on the US President?

What did he expect Putin to say? Yes? Putin laughed in his face.

Fucking embarrassing dumbshit AP reporter.

rcocean said...

No matter how well the economy is going, no matter how many good SCOTUS picks, or Tax cuts, or other conservative goals Trump is reaching, the RINO's in Congress want to destroy him.

Incredible. The MSM is even quoting John Kasich. You know, the Ohio Governor and Foreign policy expert.

And just wait till Mittens shows up in US Senate in 2019. Oy vey!

StephenFearby said...

From the center-right:

OPINION [Editorial]
by Washington Examiner
Trump caves to Putin
July 16, 2018, 03:08 PM


When the jet-lagged, ADHD (Combined Type) president appreciates that his stupid gambit has turned into a political disaster, I predict he will walk it back.

The normal half-life of a Trump (non-ghost-authored) utterance falling into the category of idiotic seems to average about eight days.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

the pile on!

No word on the past administrations actions. Memory hole.

pacwest said...

Well, if this doesn't prove Trump is a Russian plant I don't know what will.

He really should have called Putin an Evil Satan. Since Putin only has a 70% approval rating from his countrymen I'm sure it would have played very well. Screw Dale Carnegie.

Russia has a hand in the NK deal. We both have an armed presence in Syria. One or more of our NATO allies is dependent on Russia's energy. They have more nukes pointed at us than anyone else. Possibile points of military conflict abound. Etc. I know, let's antagonize/denigrate them in public. Good idea.

I doubt Trump is going to be able to charm the Russian bear, but let's not be stupid about it.

That being said I do have grave misgivings about the President trying to take on too many things at once. I think this is where his ego is betraying him.

Crimso said...

Reason #1,387 why I am supposed to hate Trump and demand his ouster. These people were talking to the hand after about #4.

Comanche Voter said...

Glad to see that John "Maverick" McCain could rise up out of his sickbed to embarass his grandfather's memory again. (I am a life long admirer of Slew McCain and what he did as a carrier admiral in the Pacific.)

And old Horseface never fails to disappoint; I don't expect much from Chuck Schumer and he always delivers even less than I expected. And of course the CNN hosts (Anderson Cooper--how easy it is to forget his name) and that poisonous little toad John Brennan have their tighty whities in a twist.

I see this as serve and volley--with a vicious backhand by The Donald. The timing of Mueller and Rosenstein's announcement of the indictment of 12 Russki agents (who will never see the inside of a US courtoom) was just a matter of "coincidence" My Aunt Fanny!

So at the press conference after he meets Putin, Trump volleys back (in response a question from an AP stooge---er "reporter") who basically asks do you believe the US intelligence community or do you believe Putin? [Believing an intelligence community personified by Messrs. Clapper, Brennan, Comey, McCabe and Strozk is an act of faith--that in my case is simply beyond my reach.]

Trump's volley---we need to see the DNC server, we need to see the Congressional Democrat server, and we need to see Hillary's 33,000 e-mails that were wiped with a cloth.

The Dems never want to know the answers to those questions---or more probably they know the answers and want to smother them with a blanket so they will never see the light of day.

Begonia said...

I agree with Ben Shapiro's interpretation: https://www.nationalreview.com/2018/07/donald-trump-vladimir-putin-press-conference-disgrace/

YoungHegelian said...

Basically, Trump said "My intelligence guys are pretty good but Mr. Putin had some strong denials".

Did the Russians mess around with us during our elections? Sure.

Did we mess around with the Ukrainian elections which Russia saw as vital to its interests? Sure. The CIA even bragged about it.

What is Trump gonna do? Tell Putin "Stop your cyber-warfare against us" & then stand there sputtering as Putin drops a foot thick dossier on US cyber-warfare against Russian targets on the desk in front of him?

News Flash: This is what the cyber-security/cyber warfare staffs of the intelligence services of every power in the world that has them do for a living. The American government is not a virgin in the whorehouse here.

Fernandinande said...

Chuck Schumer.

Who is he again?

John Kerry.

The Man of Ketchup.

John McCain.

Worst Arizonian Evar.

Jim at said...

Ben Shapiro is a sniveling NeverTrumper.
Try harder.

Robert Cook said...

I think Trump is a dick, but this inflammatory rhetoric by these opportunistic panderers is outrageous bullshit.

Koot Katmandu said...

Chattering classes going to chatter.

Gahrie said...

Didn't the Democrats and the MSM attack Reagan the same way after his meetings with the Russians? Didn't they savage him for his "Tear down this wall" speech?

How'd that turn out?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The 1980's called!

Oh wait - the cold war is over and it's time for the new war.

Hillary lost, McCain's preferred ->candidate, and it's all tears.

Robert Cook said...

"These guys don't understand anything about Trump at all.

"Trump is taking over Putin."

Ah, no.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

@ Cook
I think Trump is a dick, but this inflammatory rhetoric by these opportunistic panderers is outrageous bullshit.

Thank you. Well said.

Shouting Thomas said...

Putin is your guy, Cook.

You have the same philosophy.

He's just successful at implementing it. You're a failure.

buwaya said...

The funny thing is that the entire MSM attitude will flip 180 upon a change of administration.
We have seen several such in the last few years.

It really is Orwellian, the workings of MiniTrue, the editing of history and the memory hole.
Orwell wrote for the ages. We can see his process working out in real time.

JAORE said...

Chuck Schumer, John Kerry and John McCain.

What? They bashed Trump? All three of them? OMG this changes EVERYTHING!

Shouting Thomas said...

Fascinating to watch the left banging the drums for war with Russia.

I'll bet that if Trump had stood there and lectured Putin, Putin would have cried like a baby, right?

Scott Adams responds to that. If Trump had lectured Putin over the U.S. election, Putin would have pulled out his own intelligence reports on U.S. interference in The Ukraine's election.

And how would Trump have responded?

Remember when the left loved the Soviet Union and advocated peace at any price? What changed?

buwaya said...

"John Kerry.

The Man of Ketchup."

He isn't even that. He married the gold-digger of ketchup.

Yancey Ward said...

The really hilarious thing is this- Trump is the most overtly pro-American president of the last 50 years. I think there is literally nothing could have said today that would have changed the statements of Kerry, Schumer, and McCain- literally nothing. These people are insanely dishonest.

mockturtle said...

That Trump is an obvious threat to the status quo seems obvious from the hysteria he provokes. One has to wonder: WHAT IS IN THOSE EMAILS???

tim in vermont said...

Did he drive Syria into Putin's waiting arms? No that was Hillary.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

shorter pile on: "How can you even agree to TALK to Poot... he stole the election from Hillary."

Big Mike said...

America needs [Republican politicians] to speak out with clarity and conviction not just in this news cycle, but until there’s common sense governing America’s foreign policy.

Common sense is governing America's foreign policy.

h said...

I just heard this question on the radio: "If Mueller is such a brave prosecutor, why doesn't he indict Putin?"

n.n said...

Correction: Democrat establishment and Republican mavericks.

Remember when the left loved the Soviet Union and advocated peace at any price? What changed?

#HateLovesAbortion is a progressive condition. Two choices too late.

Yancey Ward said...

Oh, now I get it- at no point did Trump tell Putin to "cut it out."

Ken B said...

If there was collusion where is any evidence? I have seen none. I have only seen false news reports, later corrected, of evidence.

Paco Wové said...

I guess this is this week's Kids in Kages!!! outrage.

buwaya said...



Some of that stuff is more emails from other members of the administration using their own private accounts. That's bad enough, evading of public records while conducting official business, and exposing the highest levels of government business to foreign intelligence services given the nominal security.

Worse, most certainly, is the reason why they all did this, instead of using official channels.

traditionalguy said...

The most shocking of the media panic came from Neil Cavuto on Fox. He always snipes at Trump's style every chance he gets, but does it in a sort of kidding way. Today he just totally condemned Trump, as if his twisted opinion matters to anyone. But he managed to lose my ever viewing his show again. He needs to go to move on to CNN where he can be touted as a former GOP supporter who repents and hates the Trump.

h said...

@Yancy Ward: " think there is literally nothing [Trump] could have said today that would have changed the statements of Kerry, Schumer, and McCain- literally nothing. " COmpletely agree. see my comment at 4:52.

Bill Peschel said...

Trump pointed out that the U.S. has been involved in Russian politics since the days when we supported Boris Yeltsin. If Spengler's right over at PJMedia, the U.S. has been involved in two uprisings in the Ukraine, one as recent as 2014 and the previous one in 2004 under Bush.

If this is true, did anyone ask why it's in our interest to do this? And if we're interfering with their elections (like Obama did to Netanyahu's election), why are we getting upset when they're doing the same thing to ours?

Sounds like Trump said something in public that many people have said in private, and the revelation that the Bush and Obama administrations had blithering idiots in charge is bunching up a whole wad o'panties.

Clyde said...

Not to mention Brennan and Flake. Trump's enemies are a rogue's gallery of grifters and mountebanks. Fuck 'em all!

n.n said...

exposing the highest levels of government business to foreign intelligence services

I have heard that theory: water Closet was a dark channel clearing house. Given the Obama's administration's antagonism to Israel, Gaddafi's trial by sodomy and abortion, Egypt's "democratic" election of the Muslim Brotherhood, the war in Syria, the coup in Kiev, etc., it seems that they hoped to change American alliances and friends.

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Yancey Ward said...

The problem is that Trump was criticizing the elite who have ruled D.C.'s foreign policy for decades. That they can't stand that he distinguishes them from the mass of Americans isn't Trump's fault. The US's foreign policy since the end of the Cold War is pretty much a disaster. How many innocent people have ben killed because the US government decided to topple of the governments of Iraq, Syria, and Libya? How many refugees has this created? If you want a more peaceful world, you have to deal with the people who rule countries like Russia and China- they are superpowers despite all the wishful thinking in the world.

Anonymous said...

@Cookie 5:09 Well said!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

the political class want to hear the same old smooth-talking useless bullshit.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

@ Clyde

Trump's enemies are a rogue's gallery of grifters and mountebanks.

Indeed. Brennen is a Clinton Crime Machine tool of the highest order.

Anonymous said...

Said Chuck Schumer...

Said John Kerry...

Said John McCain...

Good grief, what a pack of absurd old biddies.

We all have experience of relatives or acquaintances who declaim like that. The difference being that those old souls are honest in their absurd old biddiness. Can't help themselves. Though these days I do wonder if our political class "old biddies on purpose" really are more dishonest than daffy.

Either way, the proper response is the same. Just nod and smile and pay them no attention.

BamaBadgOR said...

Is this the same intelligence community that said China would not enter the Korean War, Russia would not send missiles to Cuba in 1962, Vietnam was a winnable war, the Ayatollah had no chance to take over Iran, and that there were WMDs in Iraq? 5,800 dead Americans wish Bush 43 had been as critical of American intelligence as Trump.

Hagar said...

I think Trump is a dick, but this inflammatory rhetoric by these opportunistic panderers is outrageous bullshit.

Coming from Robert Cook, that about says it all.

Is there anyone outside The Beltway hothouse who buys into this outbreak of hysteria?

tcrosse said...

PJ O'Rourke said that the three co-equal branches of the Federal Government are Money, Television, and Bullshit.

stevew said...

How can I take seriously the assessments and advice of those that have utterly failed to do anything constructive with Putin and Russia? Even if I were to grant that Trump accomplished nothing positive for America by meeting with Putin, he has done no worse than our leaders of the past 25 years. McCain, Kerry, Clinton, Schumer, Pelosi, Ryan, Obama, Bush, Brennan, et al, I'm talking about you.


Chuck said...

The first comment on this page was vintage Althousian:

Tank said...
All the right enemies.

And predictably, there was a widespread immediate reaction against Schumer, Kerry and McCain. Could there have been three better names with which to troll the Althouse readership? Would "Clinton, Warren and Obama" have worked any better?

And of course there is much more than that. We'll now see the lineup of Republicans drawing a line between themselves and these latest Trump remarks. Mitch McConnell; Paul Ryan; Trey Gowdy; Richard Burr; Marco Rubio; Bob Corker; Lindsey Graham; Tim Scott; Cory Gardner; Will Hurd; Jeff Flake; Adam Kinzinger; Justin Amash; Peter King; Elise Stefanik; etc., etc., etc.

rcocean said...

"I assume he must have, that DOJ would not have done so without the President's OK."

False. Trump has to be hands off anything that relates to Mueller, otherwise Rosenstein and his White House Counsel, not to mention sleepy jeff sessions will resign, thereby leading Schumer and Pelosi to screech for impeachment.

Rosenstein and Mueller were giving Trump the middle finger by releasing it, just before the summit.

chuck said...

Half the country is stark raving mad, what's new?

rcocean said...

"We'll now see the lineup of Republicans drawing a line between themselves and these latest Trump remarks."

What, no Mittens? I'm sure he'll weigh in later.

MikeR said...

I really have no idea what they're talking about. It kind of reminds me of the nonsense I heard about North Korea, though.
They didn't like what he said at a PRESS CONFERENCE. Oh no! - who cares?
It just seems completely clueless. Or more accurately, they are so used to things being done in a certain way that they just cannot get their heads around a different way.

Bay Area Guy said...

The failure to distinguish the purpose of NATO before 1989 (Fall of the Soviet Union) and the purpose after 1989 is the disgrace.

Russia has no designs on Western Europe or the former soviet block either.

Russia, Yes, has designs on her border states -- Georgia - and Crimea.

But, so what? This isn't in the US interests, and is certainly no basis to trigger a global, generalized war. This is a border dispute, nothing more.

Indeed, I think we should be scaling back NATO, not inching eastward towards Russia.

And, George Kennan, the great Cold War diplomat totally understood this.

''What bothers me is how superficial and ill informed the whole Senate debate was,'' added Mr. Kennan, who was present at the creation of NATO and whose anonymous 1947 article in the journal Foreign Affairs, signed ''X,'' defined America's cold-war containment policy for 40 years. ''I was particularly bothered by the references to Russia as a country dying to attack Western Europe. Don't people understand? Our differences in the cold war were with the Soviet Communist regime. And now we are turning our backs on the very people who mounted the greatest bloodless revolution in history to remove that Soviet regime.

Matt Sablan said...

Except the last President. Who also shrugged and turned a blind eye to Putin's meddling. But other than that. Never in our life time.

rcocean said...

The Democrats and Never trumpers are accusing the President of "Treason" because they don't like his press conference with Putin.

Evidently, Trump was supposed to slap him, or "tell him off".

Fortunately, Trump isn't an Emo little girl like John Kerry or Wolf Blitzer - he actually wants to do something that benefits the world.

Henry said...

Not enough air conditioning.

rcocean said...

Crimea is not a "Border State" - Its been ruled by Moscow since the late 18th Century.

Ukraine doesn't have anymore right to it then Russia.

As for Georgia, if Moscow wanted Georgia back, they would've took it. No one can stop them.

Not even Johnny McCain.

Henry said...

Chuck said...

We'll now see the lineup of Republicans drawing a line between themselves and these latest Trump remarks.

Yes. A great many people will say stuff in response to the President saying stuff. Fingers will be waved. Points will be made.

MikeR said...

All right, I read the transcript. It is pretty funny. They are furious because he isn't treating Putin as an enemy. WHEN HE IS!!!

Shouting Thomas said...

An excellent article by one of the economist technocrats who tried to remake Russia in the image of the U.S. after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

He doesn't like Trump much, but he says: "Yeah, Trump's right. The U.S. fucked up as badly as possible with Russia."

Gahrie said...

And of course there is much more than that. We'll now see the lineup of Republicans drawing a line between themselves and these latest Trump remarks. Mitch McConnell; Paul Ryan; Trey Gowdy; Richard Burr; Marco Rubio; Bob Corker; Lindsey Graham; Tim Scott; Cory Gardner; Will Hurd; Jeff Flake; Adam Kinzinger; Justin Amash; Peter King; Elise Stefanik; etc., etc., etc.

How many of them plan on encouraging people to vote for Democrats instead of Republicans? Because I judge party loyalty first by who you tell people to vote for.

Bay Area Guy said...

Mr. Cook says (quoted by others before me):

I think Trump is a dick, but this inflammatory rhetoric by these opportunistic panderers is outrageous bullshit.

This is exactly right. Well, maybe I wouldn't call our President a "dick," but creative license abounds on this blog.

The Left is beating the war drums to provoke Trump into a confrontation with Russia. How fucking dangerous and stupid is that? These are two nuclear powers.

And, Trump, to his eternal credit, is standing down, trying to de-escalate.

You know how many people died in Russia's 2014 forcible annexation of Crimea? I defy anyone to guess without googling. A whopping 6 people. So, Obama issued some sanctions, and we moved on. Nobody gives a shit about Crimea, nor should we. Ukraine and Russia can work it out.

Avoiding and reducing international friction with Russia should be the order of the day -- even though Trump may take some political hits for this sensible strategy.

Amadeus 48 said...

Unlike everyone else, Althouse is holding her fire. I think she is trying to figure out what is happening. Everyone quoted above fitted Trumpspeak into their pre-existing narrative of how awful he is.

It seems to me that Trump wants to sock that goddam Mueller right in the jaw. Although I share the sentiment, that was a strange place to deliver that message.

Gahrie said...

What could/should Trump be doing to oppose Russia that he isn't already doing?

dreams said...

Yeah, well what about this?

"But that tone conveniently ignores Trump’s most explicit attempt yet to focus attention on what may well be the weak spot in the armor of anti-Trump fanatics going all-out to destroy his presidency. If U.S. intelligence and law enforcement officials were convinced it was Russians who hacked into the servers of the Democratic National Committee and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, why didn’t they demand those servers be turned over to them to determine what the Russians were after?

Trump didn’t say so, but why else would he have used a moment when the eyes of the world were on him and Putin to raise the question yet again of what was on the DNC’s server and why the FBI didn’t demand it be turned over — unless he has an idea of the answer?"


Francisco D said...

The sense of keening desperation and pathetic nonsense coming from Trump's enemies is pitiful and sad.

As much of a jerk that Trump is personally, he has revealed his accusers as hypocritical demagogues ... at best.

bagoh20 said...

What exactly did the Russians suddenly do that they have not always done, and that our CIA also does regularly? We know that Obama tried to alter the Israeli election to stop Netanyahu from winning. So, is Obama just like Putin? Should Trump smack Obama upside the head and denounce him publicly for his election meddling. Obama meddled in an ally's election, permitted the Russian to meddle in ours, and allowed the FBI and Justice Department to also meddle in ours. Treason is as treason does.

Sam L. said...

I don't trust any of those three.

MadisonMan said...

Just the latest in a series of outrages. More than one per week! I wonder what Friday's outrage will be!!

roesch/voltaire said...

Got it EU bad, CIA bad,FBI bad, news papers bad, Putin good and strong we do nothing to stop his continual expansion in Syria, Crimeans speak Russian so let him have it, and there couldn’t possibly be any Russian interference in democratic elections so what I did is good deal.

Chuck said...

Gahrie said...
"And of course there is much more than that. We'll now see the lineup of Republicans drawing a line between themselves and these latest Trump remarks. Mitch McConnell; Paul Ryan; Trey Gowdy; Richard Burr; Marco Rubio; Bob Corker; Lindsey Graham; Tim Scott; Cory Gardner; Will Hurd; Jeff Flake; Adam Kinzinger; Justin Amash; Peter King; Elise Stefanik; etc., etc., etc."

How many of them plan on encouraging people to vote for Democrats instead of Republicans? Because I judge party loyalty first by who you tell people to vote for.

I don't think anybody could convince me to vote for a Democrat. Staying home, or voting for anti-Trump Republicans; that's a different matter.

Trumpist Republicans; if you want my vote, you'll need to do a better job of earning it. Maybe you don't want my vote. That's okay. If I am part of "making all the right enemies," that's okay too.

MPH said...

Prof. Althouse,

Any thoughts on Russian-based trolls in your comments section? It isn’t just Twitter and Facebook they’ve targeted. Blogspot has no identity verification.

AlbertAnonymous said...

I had expected a statement release from John McCain, and I had anticipated someone from the press (Acosta?) asking Trump about it.

Then I imagined the response:

“I have no comment other than to wish John well in his battle with brain cancer. I hope he’s not in too much pain.”

Seriously, the guy’s on his frickin death bed and he still hasn’t let go of his Trump hatred. sad. Truly sad. I don’t mean to disrespect him, I just feel sorry that he and his family can’t seem to let this go and focus on happiness in his final days.

AlbertAnonymous said...

As for Schumer and Kerry... they’re just arrogant leftist pricks.

Mike said...

Gotta love the comments blaming Obama for not "doing something" about the Russia interference. That's quite a turn after two years of saying a) there was not interference; b) Obama's attempt to do something about it was the biggest scandal since Watergate.

Pick a lane, fellas.

Rosalyn C. said...

Trump: Russia has the second largest nuclear stockpile. Let's be competitors, economically, and work together on reducing the nuclear threat and the threat of Islamic terrorism. Also, our intelligence agencies never even looked at the DNC server, never found the 30K Clinton emails, have ignored the security breaches by the Democrat's Pakistani IT guys, have to answer for Peter Strzok. So no, they are not 100% reliable.

OMG! Treason!

wishfulthinking said...

PDT brought up the missing emails, the Awan brothers and the dnc server hacking.

He committed the worst cardinal sin from the point of view of the media propaganda machine: He bypassed them to reach the people. So the media now has to sling poo left and right to muddy the truth.

dreams said...

"As for Schumer and Kerry... they’re just arrogant leftist pricks."

Wetting their panties. I guess they're really pissed-off, yeah.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Prof. Althouse,

Any thoughts on Russian-based trolls in your comments section? It isn’t just Twitter and Facebook they’ve targeted. Blogspot has no identity verification.”

Drago, lol.

Howard said...

Blogger Robert Cook said...

I think Trump is a dick, but this inflammatory rhetoric by these opportunistic panderers is outrageous bullshit.

Exactly, it's rhhardin's soap opera tactic. It's not helpful for the dems prospects in November. Besides, if he really was a traitor Manchurian Candidate, everyone would be silent until the takedown.

Michael K said...

The normal half-life of a Trump (non-ghost-authored) utterance falling into the category of idiotic seems to average about eight days.

The blank profiles are very upset with Trump.

I wonder if they are related to the 12 Russian troll masters ?

Reading about the First World War, especially the advisors of the Emperor of Austria Hungary, is an eerie echo of the bullshit I read from Democrats. Apparently, the Democrats are determined on war with Russia.

It really does sound familiar as I am reading about "the July Crisis."

William said...

Interesting to note that of all of Russia's crimes in the past century the one that has occasioned the most ire from Democrats was Russia's hacking of Hillary's emails. Also, the press couldn't wait to jump in bed with Asange when he had secrets to tell about US national security, but now, post leaking Hillary's secrets, he's a Russian stooge........I'm just sick at heart when I think about how Trump has betrayed the valiant sacrifice of the Light Brigade. I would have thought that the Crimean War would have settled for all time the issue of Crimea. Those brave men of the Light Brigade didn't die for nothing..

Tommy Duncan said...

"Any thoughts on Russian-based trolls in your comments section?"

Why do you ask this silly question, дурачить?

Gahrie said...

Am I the only one who wishes that Romney had been even half as aggressive against Obama as he is with Trump?

Because if he had, he probably would have won that election..and we never would have had Trump, for good or bad.

chickelit said...

“Any thoughts on Russian-based trolls in your comments section? It isn’t just Twitter and Facebook they’ve targeted. Blogspot has no identity verification.”

I frequently omit definite and indefinite articles when I write comments here. I always worried that this was a tell.

Amadeus 48 said...

McCain will be pumping out anti-Trump outrage for two years after he's dead--that's what he does. If those bastards at the Hanoi Hilton couldn't break him, he isn't going to let Trump walk away with the crown jewels. John McCain will not be defeated by a candy-ass like DJT!

Lydia said...

Newt Gingrich: Trump's Putin press conference 'most serious mistake of his presidency'

Churchy LaFemme: said...

Am I the only one who wishes that Romney had been even half as aggressive against Obama as he is with Trump?

Because if he had, he probably would have won that election..and we never would have had Trump, for good or bad.

At the time, yes.

In retrospect, no. President Romney would have the decks clean and the ship on an even keel while the water rose in the engine compartment.

Gahrie said...

Trumpist Republicans; if you want my vote, you'll need to do a better job of earning it.

Hey Chuckles.....perhaps know you understand the way we've felt about your GOP establishment buddies for the last twenty years or so.

Maybe you don't want my vote. That's okay.

Sure we want your vote. We're just not willing to bow down and kiss the ass of the Democrats to get it.

If I am part of "making all the right enemies," that's okay too.

Don't worry...you're not. That's the basic problem. The GOP Establishment spent all of their time not making enemies instead of doing what their base wanted. That's why people are so happy that Trump is making all the right enemies..it means he's getting shit done.

rcocean said...

Its amazing how Liberals and the Never-Trumpers hate xenophobia and Russians.

zefal said...

They have conveniently forgotten how many times roosevelt jumped out of his wheelchair and bent over for (I’m going to go new york times here) his loverboy josef stalin.

rcocean said...

Why doesn't anyone ask if McCain is colluding with the Georgians and Ukrainians to subvert US Foreign Policy?

Drago said...

roesch/voltaire: "Got it EU bad, CIA bad,FBI bad, news papers bad, Putin good and strong we do nothing to stop his continual expansion in Syria, Crimeans speak Russian so let him have it, and
there couldn’t possibly be any Russian interference in democratic elections so what I did is good deal."

And here we see a real effort by the left and their LLR Chuck-allies to literally shift responsibility for what obama kiterally did to Trump.

It wont work of course because not everyone is as dumb as the usual suspects like R/V and Inga.

But as with that fabulous obamacare, the lefties cant wait to offload those very things they origunally claimed were fantastic onto republicans!

Why its almost as if the lefties and LLR's know they are full of BS when they espouse liberal/lefty/dem/LLR policies!

rcocean said...

Never Trumper Jeff Flake, who hates Putin, loved Fidel Castro.

True story.

Lydia said...

Gingrich is not a Never-Trumper. He's been largely supportive of the president.

Matt said...

What does it mean to 'influence' an election? Has anyone ever defined it?

And is your 'influencing' successful if you're preferred candidate loses by 5 million votes? Frankly, I give props for being able to manipulate the system so well that you convince 5 million more people to vote for the candidate you DON'T want to win, just not in certain places. Also, did they put a Facebook ad in Hillary's personal page that said 'Skip Wisconsin?

Finally, when did the left stop liking Russian dictators?

Amadeus 48 said...

Gahrie--good point about Romney. I think we are into class distinctions: Barry Obama, multi-cultural, Columbia/Harvard trained, urbane, cool to the tips of his toes, his elegant figure adorned with perfectly-creased trousers--was not a figure to diminished by Mitt Romney.

Trump--that rent-collector from Queens with the three wives, the wrestling-promo affect, and the solid-gold plumbing? He is not one of us.

And so it goes. Trump is a fighter--even a brawler. That's why so many people like him. Think Andrew Jackson. Think Harry Truman.

Strange, isn't it?

Drago said...

Amadeus 48: "McCain will be pumping out anti-Trump outrage for two years after he's dead--that's what he does."

Before passing on, McCain will formally register as a democrat so that after death he can continue voting democrat in at least 3 jurisdictions for decades to come.

narciso said...

oh you betcha, that's why I dubbed him fideloflake, he isn't merely anti embargo, as in south Africa, but against the radio free equivalent,

Henry said...

The normal half-life of a Trump (non-ghost-authored) utterance falling into the category of idiotic seems to average about eight days.

How is this a problem?

Unlike Chuck, I will vote for whoever runs against Trump, but I'm not going play dizzy bat race every time he says something stupid.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

My God what did Trump do now. Did he promise Putin more flexibility after the election.

No, he actually seems to have promised to do anything he wants or asks. Which is kind of much worse, if you only had the brain for realizing that.

bagoh20 said...

"Mike said...
Gotta love the comments blaming Obama for not "doing something" about the Russia interference. That's quite a turn after two years of saying a) there was not interference; b) Obama's attempt to do something about it was the biggest scandal since Watergate.

Pick a lane, fellas."

Obama did do something. He ordered the Russian meddling investigation to be buried, becuase he expected Hillary to win and wanted it to be a clean win. The ones switching lanes are the ones who change direction depending on who is in office. Trump never had the power to stop the Russians, and the only reason anyone cares about it is that he won, and now they can try and blame him for something that happened before he was elected. Pick a lane, or do you need to know first which one Trump is in?

rcocean said...

Why are people making excuses for McCain?

He's always been like this. When the Russians had a border dispute with Georgia in 2009, he declared it "the biggest foreign policy crisis since WW2".

During the 2008 debates he said he looked into Putin's eyes and saw "KGB" and "pure evil".

His last book had 50 pages on how much he hates Russia and Putin.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Any thoughts on Russian-based trolls in your comments section? It isn’t just Twitter and Facebook they’ve targeted. Blogspot has no identity verification.

Nowadays they go by the label, "Republicans." Easier to identify.

Drago said...

Trump doesnt have to be mean to Putin in a press conference.

About 200 coffins containing Russian mercenaries from Syria, whacked knowingly by Trump and Mattis, is all the real politic messaging Trump requires.

mccullough said...

The US is surpassing Russia in oil production (and will overtake Saudi Arabia). The Russians will remove Putin soon enough. He’s only as strong as their economy. Obama had a 100 year plan to put Russia out of business with solar and wind. This is Merkel thinking. It’s naive. Putin is a realist. That’s why he he smacked around W and Obama. They were fools. Putin is very concerned about US energy production. When Trump scolded Merkel for buying oil from Putin, that was fingers on the chalkboard to Vladimir.

Actions matter. Words don’t. Watch what people do, not what they say.

buwaya said...

" I would have thought that the Crimean War would have settled for all time the issue of Crimea."

The Crimean war settled, for about 20 years, the issue of Bulgaria. Nobody was out to hold the Crimea, or rather just Sebastopol, other than as a point of pressure to make the Russians quit attacking the Turks in the Balkans. But the Russians just bided their time and invaded again, in 1877, liberating Bulgaria from the Turks.

Yes, in retrospect the Russians should have been permitted to drive to Constantinople in 1854.

Or in 1878, when they missed taking Constantinople by a hair, under pressure from the same Great Powers that intervened directly in 1854.

rcocean said...

Its still up in the air, but Trump *might* succeed with North Korea.

And all the usual suspects that are screeching about the Trump-Putin press conference, were screeching before about how "trump was going to start a nuclear War" or "sell us out when he met with Kim".

I'm still finding their constant negative hysteria funny, but its really wearing thin.

Comanche Voter said...

I've always thought it would be a cold day in Hell before I could agree with Cookie.

The Devil just asked for flannel underwear. See Cook at 5:09

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

rcocean: "Why are people making excuses for McCain?"

McCain attacked GW Bush just as much.

That was right before McCain literally became Hitler himself.

Although, like the character from The Holy Grail who had been turned into a newt, with the lefties help he "got better"...

rcocean said...

"Yes, in retrospect the Russians should have been permitted to drive to Constantinople in 1854."

In 1915, the British were going to give the Russians Constantinople. But of course, the Dardanelles Campaign didn't go as planned.

Meade said...

The 50’s called. They want their Cold War policy back.

stephen cooper said...

say something nice about somebody day:

Kerry -a vet (VFW like me!)
McCain - a vet (VFW like me!)
Schumer - has a funny accent it makes me laugh

and Obama - if not for Obama Hillary Clinton would have been president
and Trump - if not for Trump I still would not know that the "Far Side" Guy and the "Dilbert" Guy are not the same guy

Putin ... has a funny accent it makes me laugh

mccullough said...

Why didn’t everyone boycott the World Cup when they discovered Putin was a thug and dictator?

A billion people watched. These same people are screeching about Putin today. Do they know how much Outin picketed from hosting the World Cup? Even more than he made on the Winter Olympics.

Actions and words.

gilbar said...

just watch Beso (True Red) on PBS firingline
better Red and Red
and i've got to say: WOW! how lazy would a democrat like Crowley have to be to lose to someone like her?
The reason that unemployment is low, is everyone has 2 jobs and is working 60-70 hrs/week
When our country started, it wasn't a capitalist country
Socialism is a NEW economic concept, and it will be WAY Better than capitalism
"The Occupation of Palestine"
"I am not the expert on Geopolitics"

If Crowley had lifted a finger against her; he would have made her look the idiot she is
the REALLY scary thing is that the PBS lady Ms Hoover, agreed (or was to left of Beso (True Red))

Paco Wové said...

Would have been nice if Gingrich (among others) clarified what they thought Trump ought to have done. It's usually not considered good form to challenge another head of state at a press conference.

Drago said...

PPPT: "Trump whacks that many of his own in a day."

Fascinating assertion. Care to provide details?

Or is this going to be another of your "people defecate on the sudewalks of San Francisco because of Midwestern US home sizes"?

Because that was a wild ride!

To your credit you waited until about Reason 15 to blame "lughtbulbs" for human feces on SF streets.

On one level that does deserve some mild praise, so kudos!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

About 200 coffins containing Russian mercenaries from Syria, whacked knowingly by Trump and Mattis, is all the real politic messaging Trump requires.

Putin whacks that many of his own in a day.

And of course you whack off to it.

(Edited from before. So easy to confuse Putin and Trump, these days).

wildswan said...

Lower but more stable gas prices, reduce tensions, cooperate with Israel - what's not to like? It makes Trump look good just as did negotiating with North Korea - that's what's not to like. And the demented reaction is just like the Supreme Court madness. Check "I oppose XX for the Supreme Court". Similarly, the journolist command for the day must have been: Have two stories ready 1. "Trump co-operated with Putin indicating treason" or 2. "Trump openly argued with Putin indicating unstable temperament." Send out the appropriate story right away, Schumer, McCain and all the gang will be standing by, hysteria at the ready.

bagoh20 said...

When US/Russian relations improve dramatically, and we are cooperating like never before, I'm sure the apologies will be widely announced like the current criticism is. Isn't that what happens every time Trump proves them wrong?

No, of course not. Just like with the successes of the tax cuts, the economy, and employment, the wins for America will be simply reidentified, like changing your gender, and they will be called "failures", "nothing burgers", "Obama's doing". We'll be told that the Russians just finally translated that reset button correctly, that's all.

Drago said...

PPPT: "(Edited from before. So easy to confuse Putin and Trump, these days)."

Given your many untethered rants, I believe you.

chickelit said...

Sky is falling...

Paddy O said...

Russia conspiracy is the Left's Kenya birthplace.

There has to be a conspiracy if we are to feel alive.

The more apocalyptic the better.

chickelit said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The 50’s called. They want their Cold War policy back.

The 5th century called. They want their pro-barbarian/dictator rule policy back.

Never realized the end of Soviet Russia's Cold War was a good reason to follow a tyrant that some real estate developer owes a lot of money to, but ok.

StephenFearby said...

"When the jet-lagged, ADHD (Combined Type) president appreciates that his stupid gambit has turned into a political disaster, I predict he will walk it back."

Taking the first step:

Daily Caller
8:10 PM 07/16/2018
Saagar Enjeti | White House Correspondent

President Donald Trump attempted to clarify his comments on Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election during an earlier press conference with Russian president Vladimir Putin.

Donald J. Trump

As I said today and many times before, “I have GREAT confidence in MY intelligence people.” However, I also recognize that in order to build a brighter future, we cannot exclusively focus on the past – as the world’s two largest nuclear powers, we must get along! #HELSINKI2018

3:40 PM - Jul 16, 2018
59K people are talking about this

Trump’s tweet emphasizes his confidence in the U.S. intelligence community’s assessment that Russia is responsible for interfering in the 2016 election. During the joint press conference, Trump appeared to cast doubt on the assumption by giving credence to Putin’s denial.


The problem with this analysis is that it fails also to point out that there is no credible evidence that the Russian effort (Wikileaks, Trolls) had a material effect on the election's outcome.

Naturally, it is to the left's benefit to assert that the Russian effort counted a lot in Hilary's defeat.

In NYC, this is called "passing the guilt".

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

untethered rants

They're tethered to what Trump and Putin actually do, as opposed to the fantasies of moral grandeur that you project onto them.

Drago said...

The US has overtaken Russia and Saudi Arabia in oil and gas production, increased military expenditures and shamed NATO into increasing readiness.

Just like Putin wants....


MayBee said...

All the people in my Facebook feed who used to like Trump or felt neutral toward him were writing condemnations of him today.

Just kidding. It's all the same people who have hated him all along. And, by the way, who hated Bush too.

Drago said...

PPPT: "They're tethered to what Trump and Putin actually do, as opposed to the fantasies of moral grandeur that you project onto them."


Try harder.

buwaya said...

I am not troll tovarishch!

Just fan of music -


When we were at war


And of course, the second-greatest (after the Marseillaise) national anthem of all -

Soviet Anthem

John Pickering said...

Ann presents this without comment as usual when it comes to the hilarious comedian in the White House, slyly passing along instead the lunacies of such obvious dimwits as McCain, Schumer and Kerry. Ann and her readers are having so much fun basking in their milk bath of love that it's fine with them that he's being blackmailed by the Russians. They'd rather have the President be a Russian agent than have Trump driven from office. So many of these comments affirm that.

bagoh20 said...

No President has done more damage to Russian power than Trump has in less than two years. He has killed them in the field, he has called them out, he has expelled diplomats, he has hurt their power immensely through opening up American energy production, and strengthening NATO, not to mention making them eat our dust economically. If he was a Democrat, he'd be the Saint Michael of America, and everything he did would be called "smart diplomacy", which is what they called failure under Obama.

chickelit said...

(Edited from before. So easy to confuse Putin and Trump, these days).

Trumputin, rhymes with Rasputin.

tim in vermont said...

I am not sure what is so funny about the Democrats whipping up a war fever against Russia while hiding the evidence that supposedly proves that Trump is a traitor.

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

Some things Putin said don't seem to be being reported. for example:

But isn't that natural? Isn't it natural to be sympathetic towards a person who is willing to restore the relationship with our country, who wants to work with us? We heard the accusations about the Concorde country. Well, as far as I know, this company hired American lawyers and the accusations doesn't have a fighting chance in the American courts.

So there's no evidence when it comes to the actual facts. So we have to be guided by facts, not by rumors.

Now let's get back to the issue of this 12 alleged intelligence officers of Russia. I don't know the full extent of the situation, but President Trump mentioned this issue and I will look into it.

So far, I can say the following: the things that are off the top of my head. We have an acting, an existing agreement between the United States of America and the Russian Federation, an existing treaty, that dates back to 1999, the mutual assistance on criminal cases. This treaty is in full effect. It works quite efficiently.

On average, we initiate about 100-150 criminal cases upon requests from foreign states.

For instance, the last year, there was one extradition case on the request sent by the United States. So this treaty has specific legal procedures. We can offer the appropriate commission headed by special attorney Mueller.

He can use this treaty as a solid foundation and send a formal and official request to us so that we would interrogate, we would hold the questioning of these individuals who he believes are privy to some crimes and our enforcement are perfectly able to do this questioning and send the appropriate materials to the United States.

Emphasis added

From the transcript at https://www.npr.org/2018/07/16/629462401/transcript-president-trump-and-russian-president-putins-joint-press-conference

John Henry

tcrosse said...

Miss Pickering has the vapours.

Drago said...

John Pickering: "...that it's fine with them that he's being blackmailed by the Russians."

Too funny.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chickelit said...

@John Pickring: What sort of democratically elected leader do you propose to follow Trump?

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The US has overtaken Russia and Saudi Arabia in oil and gas production, increased military expenditures and shamed NATO into increasing readiness.

Just like Putin wants....

Putin wants warmer, ice-free seaport access, which is exactly what increased fossil fuel production does.

Putin also wants a fractured EU, since NATO doesn't do and never did much - aside from killing some turbaned Pashtuns in retaliation for not giving up the 9/11 guy that a Republican who launched a war against, and let slip away in the mountains, only to show up after the competent president following him ended the guy.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Ann and her readers are having so much fun basking in their milk bath of love that it's fine with them that he's being blackmailed by the Russians. They'd rather have the President be a Russian agent than have Trump driven from office. So many of these comments affirm that.”

Milk bath of love for Putin and his little boy Trump. They are going to have an extremely rude awakening soon when the Mueller investigation is over and all the world will be privy to what Mueller knows. I hope they can keep their shit together

Drago said...

You know, if Midwest home size and values can create mountains of human waste in San Francisco according to The Laws Of PPPT's Leftwing Ironclad Logic, perhaps we could somehow alter the formulas by establishing a govt program to expand all midwest homes to bury Moscow under a mile of human excrement!!!

Or, a cheaper option, just send CA demicrats to Moscow on an govt regulation exchange mission.

Either way, its totally worth it!

Robert Cook said...

"Putin is your guy, Cook.

"You have the same philosophy."

Hahahaha! Actually, you seem very Putin-esque to me, very fiercely macho. He's not my guy at all, any more than Trump is. I don't know what Putin's philosophy is, and you certainly don't know mine.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Only a stupid pundit Republican like Dreck-O could actually believe that disintegrating the E.U. will strengthen any European-based military alliance. Ending the resort to taking their conflicts out on each other is precisely what the E.U. was designed to do and did do.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

At 7:19 Dreck-O proves that he lost the argument. Red herrings all over the place.

buwaya said...

Kerry really is a dimwit, the emptiest of suits, the jerkiest of jerks.

This was obvious way back in 1986 when he and the former Senator Lugar were the most senior election observers in Manila, during that most fraught election.

An old piece by PJ O'Rourke - it fits what I heard myself about the doings of John Kerry in Manila -

Manila Folder

bagoh20 said...

"Putin wants warmer, ice-free seaport access, which is exactly what increased fossil fuel production does."

Damn, he is a tricky little dude, and appearantly very very patient.

Drago said...

PPPT: "Putin wants warmer, ice-free seaport access, which is exactly what increased fossil fuel production does."


You cant make this stuff up!

Putin already has one...in Syria...which obama gave him.

Happily gave him in fact. Obama literally asked Putin into Syria!

And obambi went along with Putins promise to supervise getting rid of chemical weapons!


But that all happened more than 15 minutes ago, so you forgot it.

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

And this, same transcript, same section:

But in this case, there's another condition. This kind of effort should be a mutual one. Then we would expect that the Americans would reciprocate and that they would question officials including the officers of law enforcement and intelligence services of the United States, whom we believe have something to do with illegal actions on the territory of Russia. And we have to request the presence of our law enforcement.

For instance, we can bring up Mr. Browder in this particular case. Business associates of Mr. Browder have earned over one and a half billion dollars in Russia. They never paid any taxes, neither in Russian army in the United States and yet the money escaped the country, they were transferred to the United States.

They sent huge amount of money - 400 million - as a contribution to the campaign of Hillary Clinton.

Well, that's their personal case, it might have been legal, the contribution itself, but the way the money was earned was illegal.

So we have a solid reason to believe that some intelligence officers accompanied and guided these transactions. So we have an interest of questioning them. That can be a first step and we can also extend it. Options abound.

And they all can be found in an appropriate legal framework.

That would be Bill Browder who sent $400,000 to Crooked Hilary's campaign.

We don't hear anywhere near enough about Bill Browder. He is the grandson of Earl Browder who was head of the US Communist Party and worked directly and secretly for Stalin for 20+ Years. Bill Browder's father was born in Moscow.

Browder himself is an extremely sleazy character, sworn enemy of Putin. I would not be at all surprised if he is a secret Stalinist working with the Russian deep state to overthrow Putin and restablish Stalinism. There are lots of people in Russia who still see Stalin as something akin to a God. Yeah, I know that this particular conspiracy theory sounds a bit nutty, even to me. No direct evidence but, as I look into this character over the past couple years, a fair amount of circumstantial evidence.

John Henry

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Damn, he is a tricky little dude, and appearantly very very patient.

Well, he's smarter than you, anyway. And cares about how things turn out in the long-run. Also unlike you.

rehajm said...

Leftie internal polling must be really really bad.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

At 7:23 the typical Republican genius Dreck-O pretends that Syria is part of (or even contiguous with) Russian territory. Perhaps just like W. before he launched a war, he forgot to look at a map.

Bob Boyd said...

It occurs to me, the Democrats, some never Trump Republicans, the media and Vladimir Putin are all pouring gas on the same fire.

chickelit said...

That would be Bill Browder who sent $400,000 to Crooked Hilary's campaign.

Which is it $400k or $400MM?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Russian leaders value science. American Republicans don't.

I mean, a Republican probably doesn't even know what Polonium is.

Michael K said...

Ritmo seems to have come out of hibernation, or McDonald's shift ended.

Brilliant analysis from the dope. Wasn't Inga, the bedpan commando available ?

Drago said...

rehajm: "Leftie internal polling must be really really bad."

The good news is that, according to the lefties and their LLR allies, dumping Net Neutrality, deregulation and the tax cuts have already killed every American 17 times over, so no one is left to be effected by any new policies.

Anonymous said...


John Pickering: "...that it's fine with them that he's being blackmailed by the Russians."

Too funny.

Watching the lefties morph into Birchers has been highly entertaining.

Shouting Thomas said...


The EU is doing a fine job of fracturing itself without any help from outside. The U.K., Germany and France will all be majority Muslim within decades and the Eastern Europeans want nothing to do with that. The U.K. already wants out of the EU, but the political class refuses to succumb to the will of their electorate.

Russia has wanted access to an open sea port since Peter the Great. That has nothing to do with global warming.

Michael said...

To be clear, the biggest liar in the history of the western world is to be believed?. Does Putin not know about the great liar Trump?

Lefties are having a hard time with this guy. Their narrative is fucked. Did the liar lie to Putin? Did the liar tell the public the truth at the press conference? Or lie? And if he lied to the public is that good or bad?

But the good news is that it is Russia, Russia, Russia. Easy mantra for the clueless left.

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

Seems to me that all the wailing and gnashing of teeth about President Trump's press conference is doing a pretty good job of drowning out the statement about Russians sending Crocked Hilary $400m (Inga, that's $400,000)

Will we see any reports mention this? No? Will anyone ask Crooked Hilary about it? No? Didn't think so.

Seems like this is the real story.

A good question for the news media to ask would be whether she did receive this money, how and whether it was legal for her to receive it.

Browder is not a US citizen (Born here but renounced to become a British subject) and my understanding is that non-US citizens can't legally contribute.

Perhaps it is British meddling in our election?

John Henry

buwaya said...

"since NATO doesn't do and never did much"

At one time (1989) Nato could mobilize 40 first line mechanized divisions on the West German borders, German American, British, French, Dutch, Belgian, besides reserves; plus it could sustain them with a huge logistics infrastructure, and could deploy thousands of modern aircraft on an enormous system of airfields with great strategic depth.

This besides additional troops on other borders and theaters, and a large fleet of escorts to keep the Atlantic convoys moving.

This is mostly gone.

Quayle said...

I didn’t get a chance to see the press conference. So what happened was so terrible? Did trump actually say that he could give Russia more flexibility after the midterms?

Drago said...

PPPT: :At 7:23 the typical Republican genius Dreck-O pretends that Syria is part of (or even contiguous with) Russian territory. Perhaps just like W. before he launched a war, he forgot to look at a

Whoa gentle readers.

Do not be too harsh with PPPT on this one. He may not be himself this evening...if you know what I mean.

On the other hand, the obama ploy to invite Russia into Syria may be such an "inconvenient truth" that PPPT is simply more comfortable pretending it never happened.

Lets pay attention and see what comes next.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Michael K seems to have recycled his same complaint comment for the thousandth time. That guy is nothing if not repetitive. I bet he kills his wife in bed through sheer boredom.

If you want evidence of how stupid Republicans are, how gullible, how easy it is to get them to say anything you put in front of them, watch this.

Michael K said...

Putin wants warmer, ice-free seaport access, which is exactly what increased fossil fuel production does.

My God ! Here we hav the proof of global warming effecting major changes on earth.

I assume you have documentation of this effect. I mean, it wouldn't be your usual bullshit, would it ?

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