July 16, 2018

"In the entire history of our country, Americans have never seen a president of the United States support an American adversary the way President Trump has supported President Putin."

"A single, ominous question now hangs over the White House: What could possibly cause President Trump to put the interests of Russia over those of the United States? Millions of Americans will continue to wonder if the only possible explanation for this dangerous behavior is the possibility that President Putin holds damaging information over President Trump."

Said Chuck Schumer.

"This is a disgraceful moment... The president’s party knows better. I know they do. I served with many of them. America needs them to speak out with clarity and conviction not just in this news cycle, but until there’s common sense governing America’s foreign policy."

Said John Kerry.

"It is tempting to describe the news conference as a pathetic rout — as an illustration of the perils of under-preparation and inexperience. But these were not the errant tweets of a novice politician. These were the deliberate choices of a president who seems determined to realize his delusions of a warm relationship with Putin’s regime without any regard for the true nature of his rule, his violent disregard for the sovereignty of his neighbors, his complicity in the slaughter of the Syrian people, his violation of international treaties, and his assault on democratic institutions throughout the world."

Said John McCain.

All quoted in The New York Times, here. Full video and transcript, here, in case you want to search there for the reason for these strong condemnations.


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Gk1 said...

Brennan and Comey look ridiculous. I thought they were supposed to be the adults in the room? They really have seemed to lost their shit today. You would think a former communist like Brennan would like to have better relations with an ex-kgb officer?

Gk1 said...

Drago: "Emmergency...Emmergency Everyone to get from street!"

Drago said...

Gk1: "Brennan and Comey look ridiculous. I thought they were supposed to be the adults in the room? They really have seemed to lost their shit today."

Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Yates, Lynch, Rice, obama, Hillary, Hillary's entire staff, the entire Democrat Perkins-Coie/Fusion/Crowdstrike/et al cabal are complicit.

Again, this is a fight to the political and possibly legal and literal death given what the dems did with our institutions and capabilities against domestic political opponents.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

The question that is driving the Progs and Democrat party members insane is what does Putin have on them? After all, it was the democrat party that got hacked. The answer, of course, is everything.

FIDO said...

I only have contempt for all those people. McCain is a bitter Male Versions of Hillary

Sam said...

Dear Ann,

Curious to hear your impression. Hell, Meade’s too for that matter. Will you be blogging about this Helsinki business at all or passionate Ng over it without comment.



sdharms said...

Kerry, McCain, Schumer condemning Trump? That's a resume enhancer

exhelodrvr1 said...

"As for lack of seamanship skills on the part of JO's, that can be traced directly to senior leadership."

When captains are graded more on tactical proficiency than administrative proficiency, things will change in a hurry.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Seems as though the push is to get ahead of Judge Huber's investigation in Utah. Dems "Turning into John Birchers", great line, gotta be a 60s kid there.

Joe Taylor said...

Peter Hitchens, a very conservative writer, in First Things, a very conservative publication: "His defenders, many of them surprising, can’t really pretend that he is not ignorant, vain, ill-educated, and coarse. Exactly how much are they prepared to pay, and in what coin, for a more conservative Supreme Court?"

donald said...

The Bastids are everywhere sapping our precious...


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hillary lost and it upset the natural order of things. Brennen is a Clinton stooge. Clapper, same.

What were the damaging leaked e-mails we got to see? The one where Colin Powel said something somewhat unflattering about Hillary. What else? The e-mails that showed the DNC was in the tank for HIllary. OK. Then Seth Rich, who was on his way to deliver something, was murdered. Odd

All of this is the big Russia helped Trump story?

Michael K said...

Boy, the loony tunes were up late last night.

I think Inga and Ritmo are going tp put on a conference explaining how surgeons work.

As soon as they learn something about it.

Breezy said...

Imagine you are president and you believe your biggest economic and political enemy is China. You are also trying to denuke the Korean Peninsula. How do those priorities influence your interactions with Russia?

JAORE said...

"Really? Doctors come to Ritmo for advice everyday.?

In what capacity?"

Whether the fries are regular or curly....

Douglas B. Levene said...

I don't believe President Trump conspired with Putin to violate federal law. I don't buy the collusion conspiracy nonsense. Not that it's impossible, just that the investigation has been going on for two years and there's no hard or reliable evidence supporting the collusion theory at all, just speculative inference and 5th hand hearsay.

I do think that President Trump sincerely believes that Putin is a great man and that the US and Russia should be allies against the Jihadist hordes and against the mercantilist threats of Germany and the EU. That's why I didn't vote for him and why I probably won't vote for him in 2020 even though I think he's been outstanding on the judiciary, regulation and taxes.

HT said...

Sanctions, military superiority, international credibility - these are the Madison Avenue properties with which to bargain.

HT said...

"Two years" sounds so much better than "one year."

Michael K said...

"Really? Doctors come to Ritmo for advice everyday.?

No, bedpan commandoes ask for advice on how to get that urine smell out of their clothes after 8 hours.

Jim at said...

So here we are. Twenty four hours later and the left is still screaming TREASON!

Well if that's the case, make your move. Stop your sniveling, yelling and pounding of fists.

Impeach him for treason and then let's see what happens.

Put up or shut the fuck up.

wholelottasplainin said...

mE: “NO law enforcement agency has ever been allowed to actually inspect the servers, no matter how many there are.”

INGA: "Dumbass, you don’t know that, you have no idea what Mueller has seen."

Tom Perez contradicts you: https://twitter.com/RealSaavedra/status/1018914485615112194

"Tom Perez dodges twice when asked why he's refusing to let the FBI access the DNC's servers."

Inga: Also the FBI is a law enforcement agency. Are you retarded?

me: But Mueller is NOT FBI now and he's the one who issued the indictments--and then turned the matter over to a counter-intelligence group within the FBI. So...what's yer point?

Inga: “But the DNC turned over all its key data to the FBI after it got hacked. And that info wasn’t stored on a single server.”

me: and you know this, which contradicts Perez, how? Your conveniently child-like faith that the DNC can decide what data it needs to turn over is....touching.

Bless your heart.

Yep: Inga's IT-fu is reeaaallly strong.

lonetown said...

Filed under:

"if your catching flak you are over the target"

Bad Lieutenant said...

Why do you revel in intentional cruelty, kid?

7/16/18, 8:01 PM

The following was captured on film, excuse me, presumably video:

In 2002 a pair of Israeli reservists took a wrong turn into a Pal village called Ramallah. The people there mobbed them, dragged them out if their car, lynched them. When I say lynched, I am being delicate-they tore them apart with their hands. They, I am not exaggerating, wallowed in the blood. You had people in the town waving their bloodstained hands at the camera.

I asked my cousin Robert, the neurologist and neurosurgeon (yes, he did both residencies and all that-an extraordinary man), Aren't they crazy? Who plays with blood like that? He said no, they're just very, very angry.

I'm afraid, and sorry, that Ritmo is very, very angry. So angry he cannot contain himself.

There are others here, also angry, perhaps equally angry, but who hide it better. One in particular takes a lot of exposing, but it's there.

I'm not sure which I prefer. At least Ritmo isn't hiding. But I feel it's bad for him.

Bad Lieutenant said...

And I would hope that no American jury would convict anyone about crimes with the server/server cluster or cloud, where sworn agents of the FBI or their staff had not handled and analyzed the system's themselves, but had accepted in their face the professions of a private party, employed by and affiliated with the putative victim, as the evidence to take to trial, without having the physical evidence in a secure chain of custody.

Do we all understand how wrong that would be or do I have to explain it to you?

In some cases it would be impossible to make certain people understand, because their interests and even identities are inextricably linked to not understanding. But for the sincere I hope this has been clear enough.

mikee said...

Ask every Congressional critic of Trump's statement to describe three changes to legislation they can make to destroy Putin's power in Russia. Watch them mumble to themselves. Democrats especially, who have for 50+ years been essentially allies of the Soviets and then the Russians. To hell with them all.

phunktor said...

Blackmail is very close to the top of their mental toolkit. If they have no factual basis they will buy or manufacture one. Stormy Daniels..pussy grabber.. Steele dossier...

phunktor said...

Blackmail is very close to the top of their mental toolkit. If they have no factual basis they will buy or manufacture one. Stormy Daniels..pussy grabber.. Steele dossier...

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