July 16, 2018

"In the entire history of our country, Americans have never seen a president of the United States support an American adversary the way President Trump has supported President Putin."

"A single, ominous question now hangs over the White House: What could possibly cause President Trump to put the interests of Russia over those of the United States? Millions of Americans will continue to wonder if the only possible explanation for this dangerous behavior is the possibility that President Putin holds damaging information over President Trump."

Said Chuck Schumer.

"This is a disgraceful moment... The president’s party knows better. I know they do. I served with many of them. America needs them to speak out with clarity and conviction not just in this news cycle, but until there’s common sense governing America’s foreign policy."

Said John Kerry.

"It is tempting to describe the news conference as a pathetic rout — as an illustration of the perils of under-preparation and inexperience. But these were not the errant tweets of a novice politician. These were the deliberate choices of a president who seems determined to realize his delusions of a warm relationship with Putin’s regime without any regard for the true nature of his rule, his violent disregard for the sovereignty of his neighbors, his complicity in the slaughter of the Syrian people, his violation of international treaties, and his assault on democratic institutions throughout the world."

Said John McCain.

All quoted in The New York Times, here. Full video and transcript, here, in case you want to search there for the reason for these strong condemnations.


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Michael K said...

Ritmo is on a roll. A roll of bullshit, of course, but it is a roll.

For one thing, he has actually addressed the topic of the thread.

Not intelligently, of course.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Russia has wanted access to an open sea port since Peter the Great. That has nothing to do with global warming.

Except for that whole big part about how heat melts ice.

Where did you guys come up with the idea that Russians value Bible over science the way the American right does? They don't. Poll them on the political value of denying AGW, or if Putin, the polonium-lover, pretends to disbelieve it the way American right-wingers do. I'm pretty sure you'll come up empty on that.

Charles David said...

Frankly, I trust the Russians a hell of a lot more than the lefties in this country. No Russians are trying to remove my constitutional rights or have gleefully stated that they want me dead.

buwaya said...

I am reliably informed by those who would know that in gaming circles (of young men playing videogames) the old Soviet Anthem is a popular meme.

And of course the very popular Jordan Peterson is a notable collector of Soviet memorabilia, such as original propaganda posters.

Soviet propaganda posters in reproduction are also very hot sellers.

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

Blogger President Pee-Pee Tape said...

Russian leaders value science. American Republicans don't.

Awww, Squeamish, bless your heart. You are so cute sometimes.

Do you mean like the "science" that says that Bruce Jenner is a woman?

Not that he pretends to be a woman and has every right to do so but that he actually is a woman.

John Henry

chickelit said...

Will we see any reports mention this? No? Will anyone ask Crooked Hilary about it? No? Didn't think so.

I'd at least like to see the WaPo's pinocchio tally on that fact.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

when the 80's called, were they put on hold?

Michael said...


We are dying to know what you know about what Mueller knows. Can you give us an update, a little peek, a taste? We know it is going to be bad, maybe even double bad, but if you let us in on just a little it would be helpful. Because we know that you know what the world doubts and that Mueller has our president by the balls. It is going to be all caps big, right? Right?

Drago said...

Buwaya: "At one time (1989) Nato could mobilize 40 first line mechanized divisions on the West German borders, ..."

Very true. Competent forces capable if working well with US forces.

Buwaya: "This is mostly gone."


Its entirely gone.

What little is left cannot even be effectively coordinated for interoperability purposes.

At all.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Not intelligently, of course.

A guy with a medical degree who believes that opioids are great for chronic pain (the premise of which has now made opioid-overdose deaths one of the top three killers of every ten-year age group in America from 15 to 64) declares himself the judge on intelligent commentary.

Let that one sink in. A primary exponent for a huge reason behind the Great White Die-Off speaks!

John Pickering said...

drago, the Russian naval presence at Tartus, Syria, was established in 1971 during the Cold War (pres. Nixon) to service the Soviet fleet in the Mediterranean. Soviets also had overseas bases in Egypt and N. Vietnam. Syria is its only remaining overseas naval base. You can read more on the internet machine.

The people who say that Trump has brought down gasoline prices must be delusional. The fact that crude prices have doubled or so under Trump is a huge cash dividend for Putin and his oil dependent economy.

Anonymous said...

Paco: Would have been nice if Gingrich (among others) clarified what they thought Trump ought to have done. It's usually not considered good form to challenge another head of state at a press conference.

Yeah. I thought that's why we needed all those sophisticated, nuance-and-complexity-understanding, Trump-despising types running things. You know, who could be trusted not to ever do anything as "inappropriate", "unhelpful", and dangerously provocatively "cowboy" as challenging another head of state at a press conference.

Michael K said...

Russians value Bible over science the way the American right does?

Trofim Lysenko could not be reached to comment on your bullshit.

This is pretty funny. I avoid Ritmo as a troll usually but he is really on a roll tonight.

Henry said...


My favorite -- Red Army Chorus, co-opted by the Finns

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Go live there then, Charles David. Renounce your citizenship.

Over there you don't have to deal with "democracy" anyway; sounds like it would suit you perfectly.

Go worship that power and tyranny. It's totally you. The look you've been waiting to try on all these years.

Not even subtle about your treachery any more, you guys. Out and out traitors. Proud and loud.

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

Blogger buwaya said...

At one time (1989) Nato could mobilize 40 first line mechanized divisions on the West German borders, German American, British, French, Dutch, Belgian, besides reserves;

What percentage of those 40 divisions were US? Somewhere north of 90%, wasn't it?

Ditto all the ships at sea.

John Henry

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Yes, K. Russians don't value Bible over science. Do they?

Either way, I might as well be speaking to The Leader of The Great White Die-Off.

Did you hook any patients in pain on chronic opioids this month?

buwaya said...

Natural gas displaces coal, in terms of carbon dioxide, so well that by far the most effective and rapid, (bang for the buck and effectiveness over time) energy transition (if ones goal is CO2 reduction), is to switch coal to natural gas.

And natural gas is what Russia is selling.

Nuclear is enormously better, but insane people have to be dealt with.

Shouting Thomas said...

Where did you guys come up with the idea that Russians value Bible over science the way the American right does?

The fact the Putin has reinstated the Tsarist alliance with the Orthodox Church might be your clue.

Drago said...

John Pickering: "drago, the Russian naval presence at Tartus, Syria, was established in 1971 during the Cold War (pres. Nixon) to service the Soviet fleet in the Mediterranean. Soviets also had overseas
bases in Egypt and N. Vietnam. Syria is its only remaining overseas naval base."

I am not surprised that you missed the port expansion program put in place by Putin as a first step in providing obama-approved support to Assad....whom hillary and obama said had to go...before they drew a red line...which they then ignored!

Thanks for playing Pickering! Its always fun when a lefty attempts to unseat Field Marshall Freder and Inga as Most Clueless Yet Convinced Of Their Invincible Knowledge Althouse lefty!

The condescension and undeserved smug superiority was also a nuce touch but you have a ways to go to unseat PPPT and LLR Chuck in that department.

Still, a good effort...


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The fact the Putin has reinstated the Tsarist alliance with the Orthodox Church might be your clue.

And what science do they oppose? The Eastern Orthodox have always been less hostile to science than the RCC.

The only value in that was appealing to "traditionalists" who want to persecute gays. Agree with that or disagree, it's still just a social policy - not much in the way of conflict with any science issues.

n.n said...

I forgot about Georgia, where Russia intervened to protect the northern population. The Crimean intervention for assets and people. I got the order wrong. Ukraine had long been a buffer, first as a territory, and later in the Russian orbit, with Western designs. The Russian response in both Georgia and Ukraine was measured and goal-oriented.

Russia, Russia, Russia

I'm surprised it's not Israel, Israel, Israel, that had a legitimate basis to influence our election. Or perhaps Egypt, Egypt, Egypt; but, I guess they are not ones to hold a grudge. Iraq, Iraq, Iraq, was a ceasefire that had to be concluded. So, their bitterness, if persistent, is probably ambiguous.

Shouting Thomas said...

Ritmo, you're just babbling now.

In general, comments get worse and worse the longer they continue, and you're one of the worst offenders.

You've reached the point of no return. I suggest shutting up.

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

Blogger President Pee-Pee Tape said...

The Eastern Orthodox have always been less hostile to science than the RCC.

Oh, my.

John Henry

HT said...

Taking it up the butt for Team Putin, part 67.

Shouting Thomas said...

The Orthodox Church is far more conservative than the Roman Catholic Church.

I doubt, Ritmo, that you really know anything about either.

You're ranting now like a fool.

Drago said...

Even better is Pickering now asserting that massive American expansion of oil and gas production is reponsible for an increase in world energy prices!


He did so just upthread!

Amazing LeftyLogic.

Gee, how does increasing US supply of oil and gas increase world prices?

Pssst, it doesnt.

But lefty paradise Venezuela collapsing, Iran under sanctions and the Saudis (until last week) not turning on the spigots while demand for energy increasing WOULD!


Thanks again Pickering. You are a laugh riot tonight.

robother said...

Perhaps Trump is just giving Russians the benefit of the presumption of innocence until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. That's the standard, when you indict agents of a foreign country for intel activities. Wonder why we never indicted the KGB agents who stole our atomic secrets? Or paid those California dudes?

Wonder what our response would be to Putin requesting extradition of Victoria Nuland for her interference in Ukrainian sovereignty (she organized the Maidan overthrow of Ukraine's elected pro-Putin government).

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

My God ! Here we hav the proof of global warming effecting major changes on earth.

I assume you have documentation of this effect. I mean, it wouldn't be your usual bullshit, would it ?


But what do they know?

See, those guys only put men on the moon.

All that Special K. knows how to do is to hook patients on lethal chronic opioids, which is a top three leading cause of death in America for five ten-year age groups: 15 - 64.

So Michael K. is The Leader of The Great White Die-Off. He advocates doing what he must to kill them off.

But what a scientist he is. He doesn't even realize that you can't have a climate without an atmosphere.

Maybe sunspots and volcanoes are what regulate the temperature on the moon and in outer space. LOL!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The Orthodox Church is far more conservative than the Roman Catholic Church.

At suppressing science?

I know the RCC got a lot better in the last century. But the way it went after Galileo is sort of a Greatest Hits Record that I'm not aware the Easterners did.

And then there was that whole Limpieza de sangre thing that launched the Inquisition. Very scientific.

Michael K said...

Ritmo is particularly good at getting comments over 200. With about 50 his rantings.

Notice the non-Ritmo threads rarely go over 200?

Shouting Thomas said...

Ritmo, really, you're bouncing off the wall and ranting like a loon.

Is there anything that would make you stop making an absolute fool out of yourself?

mockturtle said...

My favorite -- Red Army Chorus, co-opted by the Finns

Henry, are you saying Sibelius didn't compose Finlandia?

Drago said...

PPPT: "Gee, those guys only put men on the moon."


The guys and gals that put men on the moon were basically all gone by the 90's.

That loss of expertise was a much discussed issue at the time and given the focus on changing NASA's mission to other areas.

Or did you believe people live forever?

n.n said...

Russians value Bible over science the way the American right does

The Bible is a testament of faith, documentation of a religion (i.e. moral or behavioral philosophy), and a historical record (i.e. myth). The only people who do not recognize or acknowledge this are prone to conflation of logical domains. The Jews and Christians by choice and advice separate the logical domains, and have, more than any other faith, exploited the utility of the limited frame in time and space, forward and backward, characterized by the scientific philosophy and method (i.e. observable, reproducible, and deductive) to advance human knowledge and skill for the improvement of life.

Michael K said...

" lethal chronic opioids,"

Does anyone else think Ritmo is an addict trying to get clean ?

tcrosse said...

Lots of comments from Ritmo's Mom's basement. About time she closed up shop down there.

mockturtle said...

Does anyone else think Ritmo is an addict trying to get clean ?

I try not to think about Ritmo at all.

Shouting Thomas said...

I'm Catholic. Catholicism is not a biblical literalist religion, much to the surprise of many people.

I never read the Bible seriously until I took introductory literature classes in college. (This was back in the day when such classes had traditional standards.)

I was surprised to discover that the Bible is the foundation text of all Western literature and philosophy. And that I was expected to understand it in that context.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Ritmo, really, you're bouncing off the wall and ranting like a loon.

Is there anything that would make you stop making an absolute fool out of yourself?

I don't know, dude. Why don't you tell us about your whoremongering days or whatever.

All I did was point out that Russians are not as anti-science as you guys are. Apparently you're here to argue that they are.

Well, ain't that special. More anti-science for everybody!

John Pickering said...

Ann has got to be rolling on the floor laughing at how cleverly the President conducted himself next to Putin today, a total comedy masterpiece! He's such a terrific showman, that's what makes him so great! So many of Ann's readers as well, laughing their heads off at the open collusion today on stage with the criminal chief of a hostile power. But hey, what's so bad about being a Russian agent anyway? LOL

DavidD said...

These people act like they think we weren't paying attention 6 years ago....

Rabel said...

Wow, this all looks pretty bad. Seems like Putin now controls the White House.

Clearly, as a matter of self-interest it's time for me to get off the Trump Train and jump on the Putin Wagon.


Or not.

Yancey Ward said...

The Russians hack entities across the western world constantly- governments, businesses, and individuals. This is one method political competitors use to collect intelligence and develop advantages- and we do the exact same thing to the Russians, the Chinese, the Iranians, etc. To use a press conference between two heads of state to lambaste one of them for doing so is not only hypocritical, it is counter-productive. There is literally no point in doing so other than to head off the idiotic criticisms leveled at Trump today- this meeting today has nothing to do with politics in the US, or shouldn't have if we are truly interested in American interests.

It is pretty obvious that these critiques were prepared beforehand. Someone above asked whether or not Rosenstein got permission from Trump to hold the press conference on Friday. I think Trump was briefed and told at the briefing the date of the press conference. Trump probably would have like to have it delayed until after, but you can be certain one thing- if he had asked for it, Rosenstein or Mueller would have leaked the indictments anyway. Today you learned why.

Shouting Thomas said...

I don't know, dude. Why don't you tell us about your whoremongering days or whatever.

How I miss them!

If there was some money in telling the story, I'd be happy to oblige.

Why do you revel in intentional cruelty, kid?

Drago said...

DavidD: "These people act like they think we weren't paying attention 6 years ago...."

Lefties are easily flummoxed when others refuse to go along with the daily rewriting of history.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

" lethal chronic opioids,"

Does anyone else think Ritmo is an addict trying to get clean ?

This is the sort of unseriousness and deflection that makes it likely Special K. got a lot of patients hooked on opioids.

Again, one of the top three leading causes of death for Americans aged 15 to 64. Leading cause of the Great White Die-Off.

But K. thinks it's funny. Is it any wonder white Americans die off at the rates they do when a typical spokesman for them such as Michael K. is so cavalier about how he feels (and promotes, given his article citations!) their mass deaths?

White people must be suicidal or something.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Where is the evidence that anyone jumped the HIllary Cliton ship because of Russian facebook bots or "fake news" or some other Russian plot?

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

Blogger buwaya said...

large fleet of escorts to keep the Atlantic convoys moving.

Just for reference, in about 1969 the US Navy had over 700 ships. In 1971, or so, Elmo Zumwalt announced that we would have a 500 ship Navy. Now we are trying to work our way UP to a 300 ship Navy.

That doesn't count harbor craft like tugs and so on.

I don't know what the proper count is. 700 today is probably way too many. 286 seems like too few.

In 1969, the typical USN ship spent 20 days out of every 30 underweigh. It is probably more like 5 days now. Maybe less. Sailors just can't get proficient sitting alongside a pier. Witness the several recent incidents of agile warships, like the Fitzgerald, allowing themselves to be T-boned by slow moving cargo ships. (Shades of PT-109!)

John Henry

buwaya said...

"What percentage of those 40 divisions were US? Somewhere north of 90%, wasn't it?"

IIRC, in 1989, in peacetime 2-3 US "heavy" divisions were complete in Germany, with pre-positioned equipment for another three - the personnel would have been flown in from the US. Germany had ten "heavy" divisions on active duty. Britain had two divisions in BAOR, France had a division-equivalent, Canada had a brigade.

Mobilization would have, IIRC, brought the US to nine divisions within 60 days, the Euros (and Canadians) would have filled out the rest of the 40-odd divisions on the German frontiers.

Shouting Thomas said...

Oddly, I managed to maintain my Catholic faith and work 45 years as a programmer.

The last 10 years, I worked for big pharma in clinical trials.

Despite being anti-science.

buwaya said...

"on stage with the criminal chief of a hostile power."

Russia is a hostile power? More so than China?

Charles David said...

Dear PPPT, I am an American and have no intention of going anywhere. I just understand where the actual threats to my person and my country are coming from. Its you and your fellow asshole leftist that are tearing shit up and threatening everyone you disagree with. You couldn't suck CCCP cock fast enough when there was an actual threat, but ever since Ma Kettle lost the election, you have needed a boogeyman. Fuck you and everyone who thinks like you. PS- come take my guns

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Why would reading Hillary's e-mails cause people to not trust her?

I mean really. She's awesome.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Are Iran's supreme leader Mullahs "hostile"? Obama worked well with those guys.

Drago said...

Buwaya: "Russia is a hostile power? More so than China?"

The Clintons allowed the transfer of missile technology to the ChiComs for
campaign cash in the 90's and uranium to the russkis under obama for $145million.

Some things never change.

John Pickering said...

Since I'm at it, I noticed Shouting Thomas:

I was surprised to discover that the Bible is the foundation text of all Western literature and philosophy.

Thomas may one of these days be surprised to discover such folks as these when it comes to foundations of western thought: Homer, Plato, Sophocles, Aristotle etc etc. They didn't know anything about the Bible. That's why Dante puts them in Limbo.

Big Mike said...

@John Henry, building the ships (or taking them out of mothballs and renovating them) is only part of the battle. Per the Fitzgerald and the McCain, we don’t have junior officers capable of standing watch on the ships we do have.

Michael K said...

Michael K. is so cavalier about how he feels (and promotes, given his article citations!) their mass deaths?

I'm starting to think Ritmo is as crazy as trumpit.

This sounds like an addict trying to stay clean. Opioids are drugs used to treat pain, not addicts.

Anybody who is this obsessed with the problem of addiction, just like people obsessed with pedophiles, is at significant risk of being

I thought Ritmo was just an angry loser, maybe a guy who could not get into medical school.

Now, I wonder if he is one of those people who got hooked.

No zealot like a convert, they say.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Dear PPPT, I am an American and have no intention of going anywhere. I just understand where the actual threats to my person and my country are coming from.

No you don't. You are just as clueless as any other stupid right-wing moron who will say whatever you're told.

Your threats came from Reagan and Clinton's outsourcing of your jobs abroad, so that their sucking up to the banks and CEOs could proceed as planned.

And then it came from the CEOs in Big Pharma getting your fellow whities hooked on prescription painkillers, now the among the top three leading causes of death in America for most age categories.

You are proud, stupid and suicidal. And I salute you! Never stop being that way, or thinking that being hateful to so many other Americans will save you from your pride, stupidity and self-destructive debasement!

Seeing Red said...

Via Insty:

2009: * ‘reset’ button fiasco*
2012: "after the election I’ll have more flexibility"
2012: “the 80s called & want their foreign policy back”

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

John Pickering: "Thomas may one of these days be surprised to discover such folks as these when it comes to foundations of western thought: Homer, Plato, Sophocles, Aristotle etc etc. They didn't know
anything about the Bible. That's why Dante puts them in Limbo."

"Hey hey ho ho, Western Civ has got to go" said every lefty everywhere.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

A re-cap of the 2016 election and why democrats should run Hillary all over again.

Shouting Thomas said...

Well, I gotta go.

Ritmo is deep into hits of Dopamine now.

I'm not going to keep feeding his high.

Seeing Red said...

The fact that crude prices have doubled or so under Trump is a huge cash dividend for Putin and his oil dependent economy.

How does Venezuela collapsing factor in?

buwaya said...

Funny that Trump met Xi without (quite) this much screaming.

Trump and Xi

Oh, and this is not such a good tune -

The East is Red

pacwest said...

Thanks for the link Shouting Thomas. Given our bad acts in the past (Ukraine) I doubt if President Trump was able to make much headway. Russia has no reason to trust us. That's not going change with a couple of handshakes.

Shouting Thomas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Earnest Prole said...

Wait, it's a bad thing to side with your enemies over your own nation while in a foreign land? After Obama in Cairo I thought it was perfectly okay.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Hey K. Did you know that continuing medical education is required to retain your worthless license? It's actually possible for you to stop being a foolish twat and learn about how many prescription opioids dispensed in America (triple since twenty years ago; as if national "pain levels" just suddenly tripled), tracked the rise in opioid overdose death rates. (Quadruple in some cities).

You could learn to stop being a cunt if you tried. Nowadays physicians actually try to avoid looking like stupid, arrogant, dangerous and foolish assholes.

I suggest you write the CDC and ask them why they don't recommend your favorite opioid drug-class for chronic pain - or better yet, tell them they're WRONG, like you did on this blog.

Here is what you can take against them to make your case. It's in simpleton brochure/pamphlet format that a degenerate, dementia-afflicted geezer monkey like you finds most readable.

buwaya said...

" Homer, Plato, Sophocles, Aristotle etc etc. "

All gone, gone, gone in modern US education, into all relevant parts of university education also. Let me tell you a story about the UCLA classics department....

Or better yet, let Victor David Hanson, professor of classics.

Shouting Thomas said...

Please, Ritmo, do yourself (and everybody else) a favor and go away and do something else.

narciso said...

A little perspective:


Michael K said...

It's in simpleton brochure/pamphlet format that a degenerate, dementia-afflicted geezer monkey like you finds most readable.

Anybody else notice this obsession ?

Ritmo, do you keep your Nalaxone spring handy?

Too bad you couldn't get into medical school. But they do have standards.

MayBee said...

Come on.

Tha pallets of billions did much more to support an adversary. Is it because Obama hid that, that it doesn't count?
Imagine saying these things about Obama after he did that. You'd be called the most racist terms that exist.

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

Blogger Big Mike said...

we don’t have junior officers capable of standing watch on the ships we do have.

And we never will if our ships stay mainly alongside the pier.

But if we step up the operational tempo, recruitment and retention will go to Hell.

Back in the 60's and 70's the typical USN sailor in the seagoing ratings (engineering, deck, weapons and the like) could expect to spend 10-12 years on sea duty (usually on a ship, but some foreign, unaccompanied assignments counted too) before one got a 2-3 year shore assignment. On that ship, when in homeport, one could expect to spend 1 day out of 4, frequently 1 out of 3, on duty, and unable to leave the ship.

Then, one could expect 5-10 operations at sea per month, longer ones every few mopnths and a 6 month cruise to the Med, Westpac or somewhere every 18-24 months. In 68 my ship spent 8 months in WestPac/VN (mainly in the whorehouses of Olangapo according to my shipmates). Came back to NJ in November, left for the Med in April, came back in November 69, a yard period, 2 30 day cruises to Gitmo, then in May 71 another 6 months in the Med.

Not many people today would put up with that kind of life.

John Henry

Shouting Thomas said...

I'm looking forward to reading Prof. Althouse's view tomorrow.

Whatever else I might have to say about her, she's a master of analyzing political maneuvering. She must be hell to pay in office politics.

I'll let it go until then.

Drago said...

Seeing Red to John Pickering: "How does Venezuela collapsing factor in?"


Pickering thinks only the US produces oil and gas and that Trump has caused a reduction in supply.

Pickering is not very good at this writin' stuff down that happens to be true stuff.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Anybody else notice this obsession ?

It's eminently noteworthy that you promote your bad medical training when it comes to the top three leading causes of death in this country. You can "blame" the addicts, but it was the prescriptions that got them hooked. You're easily duped by pharma. Why did the volume of opioids prescribed triple since the 1990s when long-acting oral opioids were released? (Rhetorical question; you're not smart enough to answer a simple question of common sense).

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

S/B a 5-10 day operation at sea once a month

Dude1394 said...

Eff off.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

President Trump offended the entire political spectrum with a tweet this morning blaming the U.S. for poor relations with Russia. “Our relationship with Russia has NEVER been worse thanks to many years of U.S. foolishness and stupidity,” the president said, and he is entirely correct. By this I do not mean to say that Russia is a beneficent actor in world affairs or that President Putin is an admirable world leader. Nonetheless, the president displayed both perspicacity and political courage when he pointed the finger at the United States for mismanaging the relationship with Russia.

Full disclosure: I was a card-carrying member of the neoconservative cabal that planned to bring Western-style democracy and free markets to Russia after the fall of Communism. As chief economist for the supply-side consulting firm Polyconomics, I got an appointment as an adviser to Boris Yeltsin’s finance ministry and made several trips to Moscow. Of course, the finance ministry really was a family office for Yeltsin’s oligarch friends, who were too busy stealing Russia’s economy to listen to advice. The experience cured me of the neoconservative delusion that democracy and free markets are the natural order of things.
Unfortunately, the delusion that the United States would remake Russia in its own image persisted through the Bush and Obama administrations. I have no reason to doubt the allegations that a dozen Russian intelligence officers meddled in the U.S. elections of 2016, but this was equivalent of a fraternity prank compared to America’s longstanding efforts to intervene in Russian politics.

Kind of interesting

MeatPopscicle1234 said...

Hagar said...
I think Trump is a dick, but this inflammatory rhetoric by these opportunistic panderers is outrageous bullshit.

Coming from Robert Cook, that about says it all.

Is there anyone outside The Beltway hothouse who buys into this outbreak of hysteria?

7/16/18, 5:41 PM


I honestly think they're trying to work themselves up to justify in their own mind taking the next logic step... You know they want to do it... but they don't yet have the courage of their convictions... But they keep going like this, and they just might cross that point of no return...

Shouting Thomas said...

Ritmo, can't you stop?

During the time when I was working on clinical trials for pharma, I worked at home. I built an internal multimedia system for biochemists and chemical engineers, among others, so that they could share findings across the world with their colleagues.

I got tired of shaking my head up and down when I interviewed these people, and not really understanding what they said, so I took an LPN course to learn basic A&P and pharmacology. (After I built the system, the pharma company kept me on payroll for a couple of years to oversee it. I really had nothing else to do because I did an excellent job. Thus, I had time to go to school.)

Do you have any idea how difficult it is to diagnose patients? My LPN training alongside RNs left me stunned and intimidated by the depth of practical knowledge an experienced RN possesses.

And a doctor?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


American efforts to promote a democratic opposition to Putin have failed miserably, and as John Lloyd wrote recently at Reuters, the Russian president remains genuinely popular. This remains a source of perpetual frustration for the neoconservatives, who cannot fathom why dictatorships still exist. Russia is a brutal country that always has been governed by brutal men. No-one talks about Ivan the Reasonable. Compared to Peter the Great or Alexander II, let alone Stalin or Ivan the Terrible, Putin is one of Russia’s gentler heads of state. I attempted to explain why in this 2016 essay for Asia Times.

Thanks to President Trump, Russia (as well as China) now understands that America’s intervention in Iraq was not a deliberate effort to destabilize the region, and that its support for Sunni jihadists in Syria was not a deliberate effort to create an Islamist monster with which to destabilize Russia. Under the headline “They’ll never believe we’re that stupid,” I wrote in May 2015: “Beijing and Moscow made up their minds some time ago that the United States had deliberately unleashed chaos on the Levant as part of a malevolent plan of some kind. The Chinese and Russians (and most of the rest of the world) simply cannot process the notion that the United States is run by clueless amateurs who stumble from one half-baked initiative to another, with no overall plan (except, of course, to persuade the Persians to become America’s friends rather than enemies). …Incompetence has consequences. One of the consequences will be that our competitors and adversaries will take us for knaves instead of fools, or even worse, will recognize that we are fools after all.”

American efforts to promote a democratic opposition to Putin have failed miserably, and as John Lloyd wrote recently at Reuters, the Russian president remains genuinely popular. This remains a source of perpetual frustration for the neoconservatives, who cannot fathom why dictatorships still exist. Russia is a brutal country that always has been governed by brutal men. No-one talks about Ivan the Reasonable. Compared to Peter the Great or Alexander II, let alone Stalin or Ivan the Terrible, Putin is one of Russia’s gentler heads of state. I attempted to explain why in this 2016 essay for Asia Times.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


"Thanks to President Trump, Russia (as well as China) now understands that America’s intervention in Iraq was not a deliberate effort to destabilize the region, and that its support for Sunni jihadists in Syria was not a deliberate effort to create an Islamist monster with which to destabilize Russia. Under the headline “They’ll never believe we’re that stupid,” I wrote in May 2015: “Beijing and Moscow made up their minds some time ago that the United States had deliberately unleashed chaos on the Levant as part of a malevolent plan of some kind. The Chinese and Russians (and most of the rest of the world) simply cannot process the notion that the United States is run by clueless amateurs who stumble from one half-baked initiative to another, with no overall plan (except, of course, to persuade the Persians to become America’s friends rather than enemies). …Incompetence has consequences. One of the consequences will be that our competitors and adversaries will take us for knaves instead of fools, or even worse, will recognize that we are fools after all.”

Russia is in crisis, but Russia always is in crisis. Russia has a brutal government, but Russia always has had a brutal government, and by every indication, the people of Russia nonetheless seem to like their government. If they want a different sort of government, let them establish one; what sort of government they prefer is not the business of the United States. America’s attempt to shape Russia’s destiny, starting with the Clinton administration’s sponsorship of the feckless, drunk and corrupt Boris Yeltsin, had baleful results. So did the State Department’s attempt to manipulate events in Ukraine in 2004 and 2014.

I'm no Russophile. I'm an old Cold Warrior. I don't like Putin. I don't even like Dostoevsky (he invents improbable characters to suit his theological agenda) or Tolstoy (Pierre Bezukhov and Anna Karenina bore me). I don't especially like Tchaikovsky or Mussorgsky. I don't like drinking Russian-style (get as drunk as you can as fast as you can). I like a lot of individual Russians -- they have guts, and tell you what they think. I'm so leery of Putin's machinations in Europe that I prefer Angela Merkel to the Putin-friendly German right wing.

Nonetheless, it was America that made a mess of relations with Russia, and President Trump’s tweet this morning was right on the mark. You can usually gauge the
merits of this president's public statements by the decibel level of the protests. "


David R. Graham said...

I think the presser part that most set off the baying hounds is President Putin’s twice offering that Mueller/DOJ use the 1999 treaty for mutual extraditions, adding the extraordinary accommodation of the Mueller/DOJ’s presence at the Russian interrogation of the Russians Mueller/DOJ want, and then stipulating that, in return, Russia would want reciprocity for her desires in re American agents Russia wants extradited.

In other words, President Putin called the baying hounds’ bluff. This infuriated the hounds beyond even their previous intensities. It drove the AP guy’s unusually knife-like Qs to both Presidents. And Brennan’s bathos.

Add to that POTUS Trump’s mention of the missing DNC and Awan servers and Hillary emails, which contain guns smoking from the Deep State/IC’s treasonous machinations. This also set the hounds off. But President Putin’s call of the Mueller/DOJ bluff was the sorest blow of all. Masterfully played.

Michael K said...

"Ritmo, can't you stop?"

No, of course he can't stop.

I don't know if he is a failed premed student (He does sound at times like he knows some biology) or maybe a medical student who flunked out.

Maybe even an intern or resident who got caught self medicating with the patient's Demerol. A friend's son got caught that was as an Anesthesia resident and killed himself.

Ritmo has serious problems, not as serious as trumpet , but enough to make him annoying.

He knows just enough jargon to pretend to know more than he does.

FullMoon said...

Shouting Thomas said... [hush]​[hide comment]

Please, Ritmo, do yourself (and everybody else) a favor and go away and do something else.

Don't discourage him. He is close to all CAPS

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Ritmo, can't you stop?

During the time when I was working on clinical trials for pharma, I worked at home. I built an internal multimedia system for biochemists and chemical engineers, among others, so that they could share findings across the world with their colleagues.

I got tired of shaking my head up and down when I interviewed these people, and not really understanding what they said, so I took an LPN course to learn basic A&P and pharmacology. (After I built the system, the pharma company kept me on payroll for a couple of years to oversee it. I really had nothing else to do because I did an excellent job. Thus, I had time to go to school.)

Do you have any idea how difficult it is to diagnose patients? My LPN training alongside RNs left me stunned and intimidated by the depth of practical knowledge an experienced RN possesses.

And a doctor?

None of which has anything to do with one of the top three leading causes of death in America, the prescription opioid overdose epidemic. An epidemic which Michael K. seems to want to continue by blaming addicts and promoting stupid ideas like using them for chronic pain.

So the question is why you're trying to change the subject. Are you in favor of high prescription opioid overdose death rates, or something? You talk a lot about your raging white male identity politics, a demographic that's been increasingly killed off by this problem. Strange that you would want to promote one of the surest problems that's led to their reduced population.

You're a strange guy sometimes.

stephen cooper said...

Mr D.B at H - I like Russians, but I have several medals from at least 3 countries for fighting small wars against Soviet-sponsored enemies (well, one small war, but it was a pretty big war to everyone who was getting shot at).. Everything in perspective!

Dostoyevsky may have been a little clumsy - but Alyosha in the Brothers Karamazov was a good try, by a talented although deeply flawed author, at a St Therese de Lisieux-type character before anyone had heard of her - Bernanos did a much better job with Chantal Clergerie in "La Joie" but Bernanos had the benefit of, when you think about it, the extremely useful benefit of, actually having written his novel after St Therese de Lisieux had lived and become a well-known saint.

No, Russians do not generally drink to get drunk, if you don't like Tchaikovsky you probably have just haven't listened patiently enough, and Putin is not as smart (dread word) as you think (or I am not as 'smart' as I think .... feel free to do the Bayesian analysis) ....

Sebastian said...

From the outset, I said the Russians have learned that Dems will do their bidding in creating maximum "division" to suit their domestic pursuit of power.

The current summit flap will confirm Putin's judgment: who needs to "interfere" wth US politics when the Dems and MSM and the "intelligence community" prefer to try and take down the elected president?

Of course, that didn't keep him from shoveling BS at Trump.

Two factual questions remain: who actually hacked the DNC server? and why was it never made available for independent analysis?

Even assuming the Russians did it and were instrumental in distributing the contents, the Dem theory has to be that Russia interfered by disseminating the truth about Hill and her minions, and that when voters learned that truth, they were less likely to vote for her.

Shouting Thomas said...

I'm not changing the subject.

I'm telling you that you're a fool to be ragging a doctor like this. His knowledge and practical experience leave you in the dust.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I don't know if he is a failed premed student (He does sound at times like he knows some biology) or maybe a medical student who flunked out.

Maybe even an intern or resident who got caught self medicating with the patient's Demerol. A friend's son got caught that was as an Anesthesia resident and killed himself.

Right. So you're saying that knowledge of biology should be limited to medical or pre-medical students? Are you against teaching evolution, also? It's kind of hard for medical students to be taught by professors who aren't biochemists, or pharmacologists, or anatomists, or physiologists, but just physicians. Unless they went to a third-tier or worse school.

Health workers have an average addiction rate - 17%? but obviously better access. But that's not the problem. The overdoses affect everyone but especially whites for some reason. When Thomas ignores that it makes me think that whites are socially suicidal.

Point is, you promoted opioids for chronic pain, just to make a point and promote your own stupid arrogance. When confronted with massive evidence of all the people this stupid habit has killed, you doubled and tripled and quadrupled down.

Patients are less likely to sue physicians who aren't too arrogant to admit their errors. But you seem incapable of admitting yours, and make them again and again. Is this the sort of lapse in professional judgement that you were taught at whatever Caribbean medical school actually had the bad judgement of admitting you?

Dude1394 said...

Blogger Charles David said...
Frankly, I trust the Russians a hell of a lot more than the lefties in this country. No Russians are trying to remove my constitutional rights or have gleefully stated that they want me dead”


wholelottasplainin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga...Allie Oop said...

Republican patriots, where are you?

Not here.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'm telling you that you're a fool to be ragging a doctor like this. His knowledge and practical experience leave you in the dust.

Oh for god's sake. What an idiotic bootlicker you are.

"Doctors" come to me for advice every day. They listen to what I tell them. Because, you know, facts, superior knowledge and better advice. Also, this is not 1950. You obviously never heard of evidence-based medicine. It's not Old Time Country Doc Whatever The Old Fool Says is Right shit any more. Do you go to shamans, also?

If you'd ever gone to school you'd learn about the importance of properly evaluating scientific research literature. I'm so glad that people like you and K. are dying off and taking your destructive and stupid bad ideas and outdated feelings on displaced hierarchies from the turn of the last century with you.

Michael K. does whatever the CEO/MBA that owns his group (or the pharma group pushing pills on him) tells him to do, and don't you forget it, nitwit.

wholelottasplainin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Inga, did you check out Thomas' "doctor knows best" bullshit? Hilarious.

As a nurse, how many doctor errors did you prevent? Are medical errors still the 3rd leading cause of death? Johns Hopkins surgeon says they kill 250,000 Americans each year. So I'll listen to him - undoubtedly a way more superior awesomer doctor than Michael K. and his suicidal patient Shouting Thomas.

See? That's how authority works. Little puny unimportant doctor Michael K. has to listen to what big important John Hopkins surgeon says. Because, clout. Where does Michael K. work at anyway, a Minute Clinic in Arizona? LOL. Yeah right, sure. That's where everyone goes for the best, most superior medical care. Hahahaha.

Shouting Thomas said...

Is there any point at which you become ashamed of shitting your pants in public, Ritmo?

wholelottasplainin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Paco Wové said...

Thanks for the Powerline link, Narciso. It provides at least a partial answer to my question (unlike certain commenters hereabouts):

"If Putin and Trump had waved goodbye to the assembled reporters after delivering their assessments of the day’s meetings, there would have been no news stories."

Which is mostly true. I'm sure there would have been criticism of Trump no matter what he did, though.

Powerline again:

"Here, unfortunately, it was the Democrats who got under Trump’s skin and caused him to turn a diplomatic event, which by its nature should be boring, into a personal vendetta. The fact that the Democrats then responded far more crazily won’t change the reality that this was, as far as I can recall, the president’s first diplomatic failure."

I don't see why it's a diplomatic failure. This is all about domestic politics – essentially it's a cold civil war, and this skirmish happened to be in Helsinki.

Shouting Thomas said...

The stupidity and deliberate cruelty accelerate as you take another hit of Dopamine, Ritmo.

Bob Loblaw said...

These are the same people who pasted Romney for calling Russia an adversary. At this point Chuck Schumer is so used to lying I doubt he can open his mouth and say something truthful.

Paco Wové said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shouting Thomas said...

You've become much worse, Ritmo.

I don't know what it is that destroying you, but it has become much worse.

I stayed away from this site for 2 years, because I got a job as an accompanist to a pro choral group and I just didn't have the time.

You've degenerated seriously.

wholelottasplainin said...

rcocean said...
"Crimea is not a "Border State" - Its been ruled by Moscow since the late 18th Century.

Ukraine doesn't have anymore (sic) right to it then (sic) Russia."


>>>>then why this:

"The transfer of the Crimean Oblast in 1954 was an administrative action of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union which transferred the government of the Crimean Peninsula from the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic to the Ukrainian SSR."


>>>>The Ukraine is a sovereign state. The USSR is dead. How could an act the latter took be rescinded by the rump state called the Russian Federation?

rcocean: As for Georgia, if Moscow wanted Georgia back, they would've took (sic) it. No one can stop them.

>>>>Oh yeah? What a fucking ahistorical idiot you are:


>>>>In 2008 the Russians tried to reconquer Georgia AND FAILED. THAT'S ONLY TEN YEARS AGO, AND YOU DON'T KNOW!

>>>>Jeebus, the piss-poor quality of the leftist fools on this site never ceases to amaze.

FullMoon said...

"Doctors" come to me for advice every day. They listen to what I tell them. Because, you know, facts, superior knowledge and better advice.


Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Inga, did you check out Thomas' "doctor knows best" bullshit? Hilarious.

As a nurse, how many doctor errors did you prevent?”

Plenty and most of them were damn grateful that the nurse caught it. Thomas apparently doesn’t realize that there are those who have post doctoral degrees in the medical field besides an MD.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...


Right. I'll make sure to ask my contractor to explain medical concepts to me. LOL!!!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Thomas apparently doesn’t realize that there are those who have post doctoral degrees in the medical field besides an MD.

Thomas is living in 1950.

Undoubtedly my saying that is something that he'll find "cruel" and incredibly mean and degrading.

These Trump people really do have the thinnest of skins, don't they? Ironic, given how nasty their leader is.

I guess they all share in his thin-skinned narcissism. Weird. It really is like a mass phenomenon. Weak egos for weak ego leadership.

FullMoon said...


Right. I'll make sure to ask my contractor to explain medical concepts to me. LOL!!!

You lied about Doctors asking for your advice. Not me.
You a liar and trying to change the subject, as usual.

Shouting Thomas said...

Inga, really, no matter what you think of politics, don't encourage this young man to continue raving like a lunatic. His problem is emotional, not political. He's a mess.

If you read above, you'll note that I expressed great respect for the knowledge and experience of an RN.

Ritmo, however, is obviously lying about his professional experience.

He probably works as a clerk-typist.

Put aside your politics, Inga. Ritmo has serious emotional problems. And, as I said, his condition has degenerated seriously since I last encountered him.

MayBee said...

So now not being horrified in an unprecedented manner by the current president makes one unpatriotic?

Remember when the left used to flip out when their patriotism was impugned? Democrats, pull it together.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"As a nurse, how many doctor errors did you prevent?”

Plenty and most of them were damn grateful that the nurse caught it.

The funny thing is, it's July - and you know what that means.

I really hope that Thomas gets admitted somewhere in July and demands that he receive care on a floor in a time-warp hospital where nurses are somehow prevented from telling the interns, residents and everyone else caring for His Entitlement about all the errors they're about to be requested not to make.

July! Of all months! Wonder of wonders!

How little people know to thump their (or Michael K's) chest about something. Just incredible.

Michael K said...

Right. So you're saying that knowledge of biology should be limited to medical or pre-medical students?

Aha ! I remember how angry those C biology students were when the premeds got all the As.

And you have a loyal ally in bedpan Inga, who probably hated doctors, especially surgeons, as much as you failed biology students.

I feel for you. I really do.

I thought I recognized you. How many times did you apply to medical school?

They have nice ones that are about your level in Mexico and at St Georges in Grenada.

You could try again but I suppose you are too old.

Too bad.

mockturtle said...

The outrage campaign is not spontaneous, of course. It is aimed at the American people, hoping to convince everyone except the most deplorable that Trump is a danger to our country and must not be left in office. Knowing what I do of the CIA I'm surprised nothing has 'happened' to our President. I pray it never will but, if it ever did and they think they know outrage, they haven't seen anything yet!

Shouting Thomas said...

Ritmo, you are only convincing me of two things.

1. You're lying outrageously about what you do for a living.
2. You have serious mental health problems.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“The funny thing is, it's July - and you know what that means.”

Ah yes, the July Effect.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You lied...

Oh really?

Apparently honesty/ethics isn't something building contractors are known for, either: Only about 17 - 25% rank "high or very high" in that score, depending on year!

About where attorneys are. But slightly better than car salespeople!

Yep, the internet should really trust what an anonymous asshole, weak ego contractor claims to know about someone else that he doesn't know at all.

Shouting Thomas said...

Inga, really, if you really are a responsible health worker, don't encourage this raving and lunacy.

This young man is a bald faced liar and he's an emotional and mental basket case.

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

Blogger Joshua Barker said...

You know they want to do it... but they don't yet have the courage of their convictions...

The Americans have a word for that.

Now, what is it...

It's right on the tip of my tongue...

It'll come to me ...

Almost there...

Squeamish! Yes, that's the word.

John Henry

Inga...Allie Oop said...

I’ll say this, I’d trust Ritmo’s knowledge if I were a doc. The smart ones would. Shouting Thomas, Ritmo isn’t lying, drop that line of attack.

wbfjrr2 said...

I watched (rather than reading the transcript) the entire presser. The only people dumber than the 3 people quoted by Althouse were the Reuters and especially the AP reporter with truly stupid questions. Seeing the expressions on the faces of Trump and particularly Putin when these questions were asked was enlightening beyond what a transcript can do. Putin virtually snorted at the stupidity of the AP guys question about does Putin have dirt on Trump.

Both presidents highlighted differences and at the same time spoke of looking for ways to reduce tensions. I wouldn't trust Putin as far as I can throw him, but so what? Was Trump supposed to at some point reach over and smack him over something that Obama let happen?

To me, the questions nobody is asking, except for Trump and Andrew McCarthey, are where is the evidence for any of the Russian indictments (both the original and most current batches), how do we know the Russians hacked the DNC when the DNC refused and still refuses to let the FBI inspect their server set up, what happened to all those "yoga class and wedding planning" emails Hilary wiped--somebody must have them since, as came out in the Strozk hearing, that ALL of Hilary's emails during her tenure as SecState were being diverted to a third party country that was not Russia etc.

Mueller's team has serious egg on their faces because one of the original batch of Russian companies indicted by Mueller actually hired a top tier US law firm and challenged Muller to show the evidence. Since then its all been humma humma humma from Mueller, to the point the judge is losing patience.

Democrats love to spout "there have been fifty eleven indictments from the Mueller investigation!!!!!!!!!" Trouble is, the vast majority are of Russians for whom there will be no trial and for which crimes no evidence has been shown the American people. The rest of the indictments are for process or financial misdeeds having literally nothing to do with collusion with Russia.

I wish Trump had a different personality and at times communications style without giving up his willingness to fight back at the slimeballs arrayed against him (and his voters), but I saw nothing in that press conference that was the least bit troubling to me.

I hope he declassifies he docs the DOJ and FBI are hiding, and suspect he will when the timing is right. call him what you will, but dumb he is not.

Michael K said...

“The funny thing is, it's July - and you know what that means.”

Ah yes, the July Effect.

Inga is pretending she worked in a teaching hospital instead of that nursing home that smelled of urine.

Shouting Thomas said...

Yes, he is lying.

He works in a menial job.

It's not an attack.

This kid is in serious trouble. Forget the politics for a while.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

And you have a loyal ally in bedpan Inga, who probably hated doctors, especially surgeons, as much as you failed biology students.

Surgeons are stupid and arrogant. DIdn't the Joint Commission require them to mark the limbs they would operate on to prevent high numbers of wrong limb surgeries? Hahahaha! And a dual-check with the patient, to make sure? Too funny.

Anesthesiologists are cool, though. And I.D. physicians. Pulmonologists, intensivists, internists... hell, even oncologists. At least some of them listen.

Surgeons usually don't know shit. They're highly paid manual laborers. Of course, there are a number who break the stereotype, but obviously K. conforms to the worst habits they're known for.

Shouting Thomas said...

Ritmo, you're a liar.

You have a menial job, probably at minimum age.

rcocean said...

In 2008 the Russians tried to reconquer Georgia AND FAILED. THAT'S ONLY TEN YEARS AGO, AND YOU DON'T KNOW!

You idiot. Russia has 10,000 nuclear weapons and they outnumber the Georgian Army 20-1. In 2008, they had a border dispute with Georgia. If they want to conquer Georgia, they can do it tomorrow.

From the time they took it from the Turks, until the 1990s, the Crimea was ruled from Moscow not Kiev. In any case, as an American, I don't care who controls Sevastopol. The Ukraine and Russia will have to work it out themselves.

Michael K said...

the questions nobody is asking, except for Trump and Andrew McCarthey, are where is the evidence for any of the Russian indictments

I would not be terribly surprised to see Putin provide some of those Russian FSB agents to come over and demand discovery,

Mueller and Rosenstein would run for cover so fast it would be hilarious.

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

OT but since we are talking about Russians, let me plug Tolstoy's War and Peace.

I am currently rewatching the 1973 BBC miniseries of War and Peace with David Swift, Anthony Hopkins and a bunch of other BBC greats. 20 eps. Download from YouTube.


John Henry

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Inga is pretending she worked in a teaching hospital instead of that nursing home that smelled of urine.”

Senile Michael K keeps busy telling poor young military recruits to bend over and cough, that’s all he can be trusted with.

Shouting Thomas said...

You've been lying for years on this site about what you do.

Stop lying and maybe the vicious ranting will cool out.

FullMoon said...

Apparently honesty/ethics isn't something building contractors are known for, either: Only about 17 - 25% rank "high or very high" in that score, depending on year!


In the top 1%, no doubt. Referral only.
Of course, you will never need a contractor as you will never own any property.
Nothing wrong with that. surprised it bothers you so much. Must be an ego thing.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael K said...

Ritmo is going to lecture us on surgeons.

The one who removed his pee pee organ is not one he wants to talk about.

How is that LGBTQ thing going kid ?

rcocean said...

Its amazing how slanted and absurd the coverage of the Putin Trump meeting is. Not just in USA, but around the world. Even the BBC, seems to think "Russia Collusion" is more important then Nuclear Proliferation, the Syrian Civil War, or Russia-USA cooperation over Iran.

Its amazing how childish the world press is, and how they can make all of us dance to their tune.

fivewheels said...

Just saying: There are a lot of people on social media yelping about "treason" who all seemed to love Hanoi Jane back in the day. WTF.

Michael K said...

Blogger President Pee-Pee Tape said...
I mediated a dispute

So the failed premed is an HR expert ?

Shouting Thomas said...

The subject of this post is, as I recall, President Trump's and Putin's press conference.

FullMoon said...

’ll say this, I’d trust Ritmo’s knowledge if I were a doc. The smart ones would. Shouting Thomas, Ritmo isn’t lying, drop that line of attack.

Really? Doctors come to Ritmo for advice everyday.?

In what capacity?

Shouting Thomas said...

The subject is not Ritmo's wild lies about what he does for a living.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

...probably at minimum age.

So says someone with minimal spelling skills and minimal typing ability.

But no doubt you are at "maximum age." Time to throw in the towel.

Clearly you are really focused on me tonight. You should learn to understand your own emotions better. You project so much. It doesn't bother me whether you're here or not, as long as you have something meaningfully intelligent (or at least interesting) to say. Obviously "I'm older than you and I respect whatever semi-retired Minute Clinic 'Doc' says and so should you!" is neither intelligent or interesting.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

H.R.? Who said H.R.?

It was about a guy trying to sterilize poop. You on-board with that?

He's a surgeon, one of your own!

Come to his rescue! You're a chronic opioid prescriber AND a poop sterilizer! LOL!!!

sane_voter said...

I read the entire transcript and don't see what the outrage is about.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“The subject of this post is, as I recall, President Trump's and Putin's press conference.”

So why did you change the subject?

Shouting Thomas said...

Ritmo, you're lying.

You've been lying on this site outrageously for years.

You're just plain lying about what you do for a living.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Michael K. is the reason that hospitals have policies, including those pertaining to standards of care. Which are things he doesn't understand and thinks are "out to get him."


Shouting Thomas said...

So why did you change the subject?

Ritmo did.

He started lying about what he does for a living.


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Geez, Thom-Thom. For a supposed "truth-teller" you really do repeat yourself. A lot.

You've been saying the same thing for... what? Like seven posts?

You know what your friend Hitler (or was it Goebbels?) said about lying, right?

You repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth.

So keep repeating yourself. Methinks the lady doth protest too much!

Shakespeare, you Philistine.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

An up-the-butt Trump fanboy is calling me a liar.


Remember when you said thank god for Trump?


Shouting Thomas said...

Ritmo, it has become glaringly obvious that you're lying.

Why can't you stop?

Shouting Thomas said...

You're lying about what you do for a living.

You're lying hilariously and stupidly.

chuck said...

> I read the entire transcript and don't see what the outrage is about.

Doesn't matter what was said, that's not the point, what matters is the outrage. The outrage was always going to happen no matter what. I'll admit to being curious as to what the next trick will be if this one doesn't move the electorate.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Thomas, your big red tongue is hanging out of your mouth.

Ask the artist to add a drop of saliva to that thing. Clearly it doesn't capture your rabidity accurately.

Just a drop of saliva. Even though back at home base IRL you're probably totally foaming at the mouth over me.


Shouting Thomas said...

Stop lying about what you do for a living, kid.

I know that you think you're having fun, but you've got serious problems.

Shouting Thomas said...

And, as I said, both the lying and the crazy ranting have gotten far worse since the last time I encountered you.

wholelottasplainin said...

John Pickering said...

The people who say that Trump has brought down gasoline prices must be delusional. The fact that crude prices have doubled or so under Trump is a huge cash dividend for Putin and his oil dependent economy.


Oh for fuck's sakes. Were you in an induced coma when gas prices hit $4 a gallon under Obama?

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

Blogger Inga said...

Plenty and most of them were damn grateful that the nurse caught it.

Yes, and kudos to the nurses.

But as a nurse how many deaths did you cause, Inga?

About 15 years ago I was involved with H-P in a project to use their handheld computer/PDA (sort of like a smart phone) to reduce misdispensing of medications in hospitals. At that time there were about 40,000 annual deaths in US hospitals due to nurses (mainly) giving patients the wrong medication. Eg; Nurse would give Jones Smith's medication.

Were you ever one of them?

John Henry

FullMoon said...

Ritmo is The Angry Pharmacist.

or assistant

Inga...Allie Oop said...

LOL, Trump. Spouting conspiracy theory inbetween kissing Putin’s ass. What an embarrassment to the USA.

“The president can spout conspiracy theories all he wants. But the DNC turned over all its key data to the FBI after it got hacked. And that info wasn’t stored on a single server.

The “server” Trump is obsessed with is actually 140 servers, most of them cloud-based, which the DNC was forced to decommission in June of 2016 while trying to rid its network of the Russian GRU officers working to help Trump win the election, according to the figures in the DNC’s civil lawsuit against Russia and the Trump campaign. Another 180 desktop and laptop computers were also swapped out as the DNC raced to get the organization back on its feet and free of Putin’s surveillance.

But despite Trump’s repeated feverish claims to the contrary, no machines are actually missing.“


sane_voter said...

The only crimes I know about that impacted the 2016 race are Hillary's illegal personal email server, the destruction of said server, her destruction of at least 33,000 emails along with metadata on the entirety of her emails.

FullMoon said...

Stop lying about what you do for a living, kid.

He is mid fifties

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

More people should ask perpetually angry, bigoted "oppressed" old white guys living in Woodstock for confirmation of their careers. He's an anonymous internet guidance counselor, everybody!

Myrna would be so ashamed of you right now.

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

Blogger sane_voter said...

I read the entire transcript and don't see what the outrage is about.

The outrage is a smokescreen to hide Putin's statement about Browder giving Crocked Hilary $400m in (allegedly) stolen Russian money.

That is ALL the outrage is.

John Henry

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I am 57 and work in H.R. When not for minimum wage and at the tender age of "so much younger than Shouting Thomas."


No better illustration of the African proverb of the blind men and the elephant exist than a contractor, a prematurely underemployed right-wing Woodstock misanthrope and a Minute Clinic semi-retired surgeon. The silly BS that they could convince each other of would be like Mad Libs for a Hollywood script.

But like Roseanne Barr, they'd probably be booted off the production team by week #2.

chickelit said...

The “server” Trump is obsessed with is actually 140 servers, most of them cloud-based, which the DNC was forced to decommission in June of 2016 while trying to rid its network of the Russian GRU officers working to help Trump win the election, according to the figures in the DNC’s civil lawsuit against Russia and the Trump campaign.

How do we know the Russians wanted to help Trump? Why would they want to help Trump? Maybe they wanted to hurt Hillary to help Bernie. The gist of the hacked material was about how Hillary and her minions dicked over Bernie and his supporters. Occam's razor.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Repeat after me: Standards of care just aren't good enough to compare to the sheer awesomeness of semi-retired Minute Clinic surgeon.

Contractors are very honest people.

Angry right-wing Woodstock residents are great judges of character.

Any other "new ideas" to learn tonight?


wholelottasplainin said...

Shouting Thomas said...
Well, I gotta go.

Ritmo is deep into hits of Dopamine now.

Myself, I'd say it's Angel Dust.

Drago said...

Inga is now an IT expert....by cut and paste.

Just like everything else!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The "K" in Michael K stands for Minute Klinic.

narciso said...

Btw September deliveries from Brent crude, are $71.84, so much for that.

They never examined the server, odd No, it's like taking a picture of a broken lock but nut going to the house.

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

Blogger Squeamish Revolutionary...

I am 57 and work in H.R.

One of my concentrations was in HR and I taught it for 30 years. Never actually worked in it otherwise but have had dealings with lots and lots of HR types over the years.

Why does his being HR not surprise me? Assuming it is even true. Assuming he is even really a he.

John Henry

wholelottasplainin said...

Inga, you twit:

NO law enforcement agency has ever been allowed to actually inspect the servers, no matter how many there are.

THAT's the issue.

Actually, the other scandal is that Hillary used a private server to do government business, completely against the law.

But I guess you're OK with that.

FullMoon said...

I am 57 and work in H.R.

That is really sad.
I apologize for having taken advantage of you numerous times.

Good luck in the future!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Lol... H.R.

As Ferris Bueller said, they bought it!

Goodnight, dumbasses.

Try to stay out of surgeon-run hospitals this month. It's July. H.R. is running the place.


Later, losers.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“NO law enforcement agency has ever been allowed to actually inspect the servers, no matter how many there are.”

Dumbass, you don’t know that, you have no idea what Mueller has seen. Also the FBI is a law enforcement agency. Are you retarded?

“But the DNC turned over all its key data to the FBI after it got hacked. And that info wasn’t stored on a single server.”

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Inga is now an IT expert....by cut and paste.

Just like everything else!”

Drago was trained by the GRU to know these things.

FullMoon said...

Lol... H.R.

As Ferris Bueller said, they bought it!

Oh. You lied?
Got it.

Pharmacist asst.

Gospace said...

Not many people today would put up with that kind of life.

John Henry

A lot more than you think.

As for lack of seamanship skills on the part of JO's, that can be traced directly to senior leadership. The foremost training institution for officers, USNA, has forgotten hat they are first and foremost a trade school, secondarily a college. A newly minted Ensign from The Trade School on the Potomac should be OOD qualified on anything except a carrier or sub the day he receives his commission. They both require more specialized training and orientation. Flight ops and surfacing evolutions are a little trickier than normal steaming.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Building contractors:

Very High High Average Low Very Low No opinion Very High/High

2015 Dec 2-6 2 23 55 14 3 2 25
2011 Nov 28-Dec 1 4 22 58 12 3 1 26
2008 Nov 7-9 3 19 55 17 3 2 22
2005 Nov 17-20 2 18 58 16 3 3 20
2002 Nov 22-24 3 17 58 16 3 3 20
2000 Nov 13-15 3 20 55 16 3 3 23
1999 Nov 4-7 2 16 56 20 4 2 18

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

BTW, nurses have ranked high/very high in honesty and ethics according to 80 - 85% of respondents going back the last 13 years.

Medical doctors, 64 - 70%

pacwest said...

pp, per our brief conversation on immigration policy the other night it is apparent that you can't even do basic math. Now you claim to be a genius in the medical field. Dude.

FullMoon said...

Building contractors:

Very High High Average Low Very Low No opinion Very High/High

2015 Dec 2-6 2 23 55 14 3 2 25
2011 Nov 28-Dec 1 4 22 58 12 3 1 26
2008 Nov 7-9 3 19 55 17 3 2 22
2005 Nov 17-20 2 18 58 16 3 3 20
2002 Nov 22-24 3 17 58 16 3 3 20
2000 Nov 13-15 3 20 55 16 3 3 23
1999 Nov 4-7 2 16 56 20 4 2 18

Now, repost the average earnings again and lie about how you make more than that.

Your as cute as a kitten !

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I definitely defer to your expert opinion on the utility of sterilizing poop with broad-spectrum antibiotics and using opioids for chronic pain while lethal prescription opioid overdoses account for the top three causes of death in America, pacwest.

By all means, advocate for those things... with all your, er, "humility" or whatever.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

FullMoon is definitely pressing for the "almost as honest as lawyers" ranking from Gallup for him and his fellow contractors! LOL!!!

You go, girl! Fight that fight!

Defend your professional, anonymous internet reputation, man! Do it!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Nurses have topped Gallup's Honesty and Ethics ranking every year but one since they were added to the list in 1999. The exception is 2001, when firefighters were included on the list on a one-time basis, shortly after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. (Firefighters earned a record-high 90% honesty and ethics rating in that survey.)

With an 85% honesty and ethics rating -- tying their high point -- nurses have no serious competition atop the Gallup ranking this year. Pharmacists and medical doctors constitute the next tier, with about two-thirds of Americans viewing each highly, followed by high school teachers at 60% and police officers at 56%.


Journalists, bankers and building contractors have closely split images, while lawyers, real estate agents, labor union leaders, business executives, stockbrokers, advertising practitioners and car salespeople all have low "high/very high" ratings and are more likely to be viewed negatively than positively.

FullMoon said...


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Goodnight, Stupid.

pacwest said...

Sterilized poop? Lordy, you can't even carry a coherent conversation.

There really are some left/liberal positions that have merit and should be discussed. Rage and hatred are not among them. They will always be counterproductive.

Gahrie said...

Oh for fuck's sakes. Were you in an induced coma when gas prices hit $4 a gallon under Obama?

Not only that, Obama and members of his administration bragged about the fact that they were going to make the price of electricity, gas and other forms of energy more expensive on purpose.

Drago said...

Inga: "Drago was trained by the GRU to know these things."


Everyone is a russian now.

And I didn't even send millions to Hillary!

Francisco D said...

"Senile Michael K keeps busy telling poor young military recruits to bend over and cough, that’s all he can be trusted with.

Inga sweetheart,

I would not trust you to put your fingers in the right place (at least with medical patients) nor to understand what it means or what to do if you actually did an exam correctly.

We 'aint talking bedpans, babe.

Gahrie said...

At one time (1989) Nato could mobilize 40 first line mechanized divisions on the West German borders, German American, British, French, Dutch, Belgian, besides reserves;

What percentage of those 40 divisions were US? Somewhere north of 90%, wasn't it?

Actually before unification, before Germany elected the former East German Merkel, West Germany was a responsible member of NATO and had a fairly sizable and effective military.

pacwest said...

I didn't know you were a Russian Drago! I'm going to have to reevaluate my opinion of you based on this new information that Inga has provided.

Drago said...

I'll bet Brennan doesn't like getting questioned about his open political support for the Communist Party candidate for President at the height of the cold war!

He and Sanders probably have lots of similar stories to tell.......

Drago said...

pacwest: "I didn't know you were a Russian Drago! I'm going to have to reevaluate my opinion of you based on this new information that Inga has provided."

Inga has much secret information. Milwaukee babushka wery wery informed of secret actions taken by Soviet...er...Ruskaya agenti!

Eeeeeees next, evening vear.....

Eeeeeees next, sveeeeeeem vear.....


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