July 13, 2018

I'm monitoring MSNBC in the run-up to the press conference with Trump and Theresa May...

... and they cannot stop talking about the balloon. Every 10th word is "balloon." Meade keeps saying the balloon looks like Mika Mika Brzezinsk (as the balloon and Mika appear on split screen).

In case you don't know what I'm talking about:

ADDED: The idea is that Trump is a big baby, but they're all: "BALLOON!!!"

IN THE COMMENTS: Balfegor said:
It is a rather cute balloon . . . it is probably going to be repurposed by Trump supporters into pro-Trump material, like that Trump chicken balloon.
That's what I thought too. For anyone who likes Trump, the balloon — if you stare at it long enough — feels pro-Trump. It's the magic of Trump. All the negative energy gets flipped into positive.

AND: I listened to the whole press conference. Great questions. Great support from Trump to Theresa May. Loved the byplay about the reporter's hat. Loved all the "fake news" shtick.


rhhardin said...

The goat-footed balloonMan whistles far and wee.

Known Unknown said...

If Theresa May came to DC, would anyone even give a damn?

Bill R said...

No, No. Not the MODEL ballon, not the toy balloon. We want to see the REAL balloon!

tcrosse said...

I'd be interested to know where they got the helium from.

Lyssa said...

It’s going to swamp his twitter feed. Yeah, that’ll sure show him. This is going to change everything!

tcrosse said...

The UK took a severe hit to its gene pool in the first half of the 20th century.

chickelit said...

So, Londoners are a bunch of Roger Waters wankers? Sad

Hunter said...

The people who made this balloon really think Trump talks back at his antagonists the way he does because he's upset -- the same way they get upset and can't control themselves when they hear a wrongthink opinion.

Pure projection.

I don't buy for a second that Trump sees stuff like this and has any reaction besides amusement at how uncontrollably obsessed his opponents are with him, and the various pathetic ways in which they are expressing it.

Hunter said...

Guys I bet when Drumpf sees this he will be LITTERALLY SHAKEING

Gahrie said...

It's just more of the Left's symbolism over substance.

Quaestor said...

Okay. Trump's a baby. A politically successful baby the likes of which we've never seen. Imagine what he'll be able to do when he grows up.

Balfegor said...

It is a rather cute balloon . . . it is probably going to be repurposed by Trump supporters into pro-Trump material, like that Trump chicken balloon.

Jaq said...

Floating in the summer sky
D Em
Panic bells, it's red alert
There's something here from somewhere else
D Em
War machines spring to life
Opens up one eager eye
D Em
Focusing it on the sky
G A D (hold)
Where a giant Trump balloon go by...

Fernandinande said...

"It is balloon!" -- Televisional Native American.

Johnathan Birks said...

Oh Joseph, all you think about is balloons... all you talk about is balloons. Your beautiful house is fun of bits and pieces of balloons... your books are all about balloons... every time you sing a song, it is in some way obliquely connected with balloons... everything you eat has to have 'balloon' incorporated in the title... your dogs are all called 'balloonno'... you tie balloons to your ankles in the evenings.

MadisonMan said...

Fernandistein -- I thought of the same thing.

Etienne said...

Helium is a hate gas.

Jaq said...

I don't know about you guys, but this makes me ashamed of my vote for Trump. He is not loved by the European left the way Hillary would have been...

Excuse me while I plan a dramatic seppuku.

Eleanor said...

I have a unicorn pool floatie that big. Five kids can fit on it. Cost on Amazon less than $50. You can count on the proggies to get taken financially.

Expat(ish) said...

@Quaestor - Ok, once I wiped the iced tea off my keyboard....

Honestly, I think Trump is going to mock them for that tiny thing. Honestly, I was imagining the Goodyear blimp. Or at least the Macy's parade size.

And in what kind of society do you have to have a permit to fly what, in TX, would be considered a "good sized" party balloon?


Jaq said...

Blogger Fernandistein said...
"It is balloon!" -- Televisional Native American.

Most excellent reference.

tcrosse said...

Somebody should show the Brits how to make those giant puppets. They're so much more effective at expressing impotent rage.

TrespassersW said...

That's it? All the build up about the Baby Trump balloon, and that's it?

That's the Left in a nutshell, innit?

David Begley said...

Trump has done one super great thing. He has completely and totally exposed the MSM for the wild partisans that they are. Mika just spits out her hate daily. She's consumed by it. And the other day Alyson Camerata (sp?) said "stay tuned for more news from CNN." News? I laughed. It is all opinion and commentary. If CNN was in the news business they would have sent a full news crew to Thailand.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Is this what lefties mean when they say "when they go low we go high'?

cacimbo said...

I laughed at the balloon. Using humor is a huge improvement over the left's usual tactics.

MikeR said...

This was England's finest hour.

narciso said...

What no link to the python 'golden age of balloons' sketch.

Kevin said...

You know who loves balloons?


MikeR said...

@Tim "I don't know about you guys, but this makes me ashamed of my vote for Trump. He is not loved by the European left the way Hillary would have been..." :)

Darrell said...

The Balloon is a throwback to when the Left was worried about running out of gravity--before the Global Warming scam. They were advising everyone to carry balloons to tax gravity less.


narciso said...

Here is the first patt


Caligula said...

I suppose the "journalists" couldn't be bothered with finding out who paid for it, or asking why they think what's essentially a schoolyard taunt ("Yer just a big baby!") is valid, meaningful criticism?

"Look, look, lookit that now!" is expected behavior of big-name, on-air journalists?

buwaya said...

Good point about the repurposed symbolism.
This one is ripe for that, as its rather cute and the vibe is ironic.
You may see lots at the R convention in 2020, if they can be cheaply manufactured in mylar.

MayBee said...

I bet Trump loves that balloon. It's really cute!

tcrosse said...

Londoners liked that coloured chap much better.

buwaya said...

It could easily be a pool floatie.

I can see Trump floaties selling out.
Someone has missed the boat (floatie) three summers running.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

I too was expecting something larger. So the Left has:
A small balloon.
Stormy Daniels
Justin Trudeau’s eyebrows are real!

We are definitely seeing the Left fall apart.

Darrell said...

Here they are delivering the set of balls for the Trump baby with a crane. And a spare set, as always.


Infinite Monkeys said...

Someone needs to combine the Trump baby balloon with the clip of Hillary's reaction to the DNC balloon drop.

Unknown said...

Spinal Tap could not be reached for comment.

gilbar said...

Wait a minute.... Is THAT their Balloon?
Seriously, Is That All There Is?
They couldn't afford a Macy's Parade sized Balloon?
Let alone an actual Balloon sized Balloon? Is THIS what the opposition has come to?
George Soros Couldn't Afford a Full-sized Hot Air Balloon?
Good Mother-Fucking Goddamn GOD! George Fucking Soros couldn't afford a Fucking Full Sized Balloon??!!?? We've been hearing about The Balloon for a week now, and That's IT? Holy mother-fucking Goddamn mother-fucking GOD!!! Profanity fails to express how stupid this is.

Belle17 said...

The balloon is hilarious. And I don't think Trump gives on flying you-know-what about it. A friend of mine works for the administration and she's laughing about it, too.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Where is the Strozk Balloon?

gilbar said...

sorry, Rt1 Rebel explained it to me; it was supposed to 60 Feet in diameter, not 60 inches. Well, mistakes happen, i guess
Spinal Tap could not be reached for comment

Known Unknown said...

Was I the only one to notice that The Professor's pipe smoker post was made at 4:20?

And I'm not even into weed.

Balfegor said...

re: buwaya:

Good point about the repurposed symbolism.
This one is ripe for that, as its rather cute and the vibe is ironic.
You may see lots at the R convention in 2020, if they can be cheaply manufactured in mylar.

Yeah, if you sincerely oppose Trump, you might want to stop making cute Trump mascot characters!

cacimbo said...

They should have made the cell phone in his balloon hand bigger and wrote a funny twitter quote.

Michael said...

I thought it was going to be a blimp! This is a birthday party balloon. Funny. Brits are little thinkers.

JAORE said...

The balloon is as cogent an argument against President Trump as anything else offered by the left.

iowan2 said...

Yes I watched some of MSNBC, until it got unbearable. Maybe before or after they explained what the protesters were protesting? Like what action, or policy they find offensive?

These "protests" have devolved into nothing but social gathers of person that like to live in an echo chamber of group think. In the end, no one but fringe persons pay any attention, and if minds are changed, it is people that are open find, shouting to be evidence of zero reasoning, and protest only for the sake of protest. In short, counter productive.

Limited blogger said...

This is a big win for the left.

JAORE said...

Word is Mika's boy toy Joe has a thing for helium and latex. Could explain the coverage.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Balloons aside, MSNBC makes the critical Leftist mistake of not understanding that, at heart, the average American doesn’t give a flying fuck about European whining. Especially emotional crap like this. Dry articles in the old Economist probably had more influence on American foreign policy than every Leftist street march held in postwar Western Europe.

Darrell said...

I hope they used hydrogen instead of helium and they have another Hindenburg right over Mayor Khan.

Nonapod said...

That balloon is great. It seems to be having the opposite effect of what (I assume) it was intended for.

It's an amazing time to be alive. It feels like we're living through a transformational period.

Darrell said...

Oh, the humidity!
(For Global Warming)

gilbar said...

Known Unknown said...
Was I the only one to notice that The Professor's pipe smoker post was made at 4:20?

I'm embarrassed to admit i didn't notice that; I Did just copy your notice into the pipe smoker post so that when eternity looks back; they'll see that Someone got the joke (and, Yes KUK; i gave you credit)

Jaq said...

99 Decision street
99 ministers meet
To worry, worry; super scurry
Call the troops out in a hurry
This is what we've waited for
This is it, boys, this is war
The president is on the line
As a giant Trump balloon go by...

Jaq said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kevin said...

The real story is they needed government approval to walk around with a balloon of that size.

jerseygirlangie said...


iowan2 said...

Watching MSNBC now. The just refered to this balloon as a blimp. But for some reason they could not find any footage to run with the story about the blimp. Blimps are fun. very visual, catches the eye readily...strange that a media that is so visual, misses the opportunity to use its capabilities to tell a story.

Oh, yes. Kevin is so right, this blimp required a special permit.

rehajm said...

It is a rather cute balloon

This is the same backfire as the union rat balloon, too. The kiddos really like those...

stevew said...

They can't touch him, no matter how hard they try. Amusing to me to see these sorts of things, which are intended to attack, turn into positives for him.

Year's ago I attended a rally for Reagan held at City Hall Plaza in Boston. There was a person in the crowd wearing a full penis costume that covered his entire body, the tip (circumcised btw) had a replica of Reagan's face on it. The guy in the costume was ranting about the evils of Ronald Reagan (lots of Ray-Gun references, natch). The crowd was at first bemused but this turned into laughing and mocking. Crazy bastard kept going but after awhile no one noticed anymore.


Qwinn said...

I thought I read somewhere that some pro-Trump Brits wanted to do their own balloon... and they were denied permission by the local government. Do I recall correctly?

If so, if the anti Trump crowd got permission and the pro Trump crowd was silenced by the government, that becomes the only salient point that this anti-Trump demonstration makes. It certainly doesn't tell us a thing about how the people feel, only that the local government is anti-Trump. Big deal.

Quaestor said...

Word is Mika's boy toy Joe has a thing for helium and latex...

Joe inhales helium to give himself a more masculine voice.

Tommy Duncan said...

Shouldn't the "blimp" literally look like Hitler?

Andrew said...

Someone smart and entrepreneurial in this country should copy and sell that balloon. Make thousands of them. Most would be bought by Trump supporters.

I had the same reaction as others here. That's it? I was honestly thinking of the Macy's parade. Instead it's smaller than balloons I've seen at a local bar.

Qwinn said...

Sorry... actually, it tells us that the local government is anti-Trump AND fascist, for silencing their opposition. Funny how those two things keep correlating.

Seeing Red said...

Our Thanksgiving and New Years Day parades have bigger balloons.

Andrew said...

Glad to see I wasn't the only one who made a mental connection to a Stonehenge monument in danger of being knocked over by a dwarf.

Seeing Red said...

The last thing England should have done is put him on TV. They have now e perienced him first hand.

Melania looked beautiful in her happy yellow dress.

Seeing Red said...

This is how the Magna Carta dies.

Bill Crawford said...

Please write the book, Professor.

Trumpit said...

The idea is that Trump is a big *cry* baby, which is a fairly good analogy, but misses Trump's malevolence. I'm old enough to remember Baby Huey - a Donald-Trump-like fat duck w/ a diaper. Later, a Cousin Dimwit character was created. Baby Huey was much less vicious that the real tawdry Trump. Baby Huey had to contend with a Fox, while the Real Donald Trump has FOX on his side as a propaganda organ of the GOP befitting Goebbels, and the Third Reich. Cry Baby Trump should become a standard anti-Trump theme on T-shirts, mugs, balloons, etc. Duck Trump will be drowned in ever expanding anti-trump marketing efforts. Trump deserves every proverbial slap in the face to put him in his place squarely as the dumbest, most juvenile, & most dangerous person to lead a country since Idi Amin. I myself consider myself the most powerful figure in the world. - Idi Amin / Trump.


Known Unknown said...

Laslo should return and give Trumpit pointers on how to do satire right.

Darrell said...

Is Trumpit Inga playing a character?
They are both sickening, for example.

traditionalguy said...

The article pic shows the orange Baby baloon with yellow hair next to the 20 foot bronze statue of another American-British guy the elites hated. That figures since the Brits have long been ruled over by a nasty German family that wants to see Germany come first.

That is the big issue in the interview. Will England stay rulled over by Germany or go free and join the USA trade Bloc.

Curious George said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Seeing Red said...

To paraphrase Jack Palance:

Our balloons crap bigger than that.

Curious George said...

Everyone is doing blimps now. Here is the Mueller Investigation version.

Bob Boyd said...

The balloon is cute, but there's new smell on the wind in England. It smells like Walmart.

Humperdink said...

I just love this. This is what the commie-pinkos lefties have devolved to:

> balloons
> Kavanaugh's first name
> Purple Hearts for crooked FIB agents
> Trump's hair

Traump has ascended to:

> Solving the Nork problem
> Reducing Black unemployment
> Reducing Hispanic unemployment
> GDP growth not seen in forever
> Cutting taxes
> Eliminating onerous EPA regs
> Squeezing NATO for more bucks

Lovin' me some Trump

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

I laughed when I saw the balloon and laughed more when I read it somehow cost $20,000. Once again, the left shows their financial acumen.

A well placed dart could bring this thing down, but I'm not sure darts are allowed in British pubs any more.

Anonymous said...

Advertising for Trump. He doesn't care that it's supposed to be denigrating all he cares is that it's an image of him and it's on international TV which then has to switch to Trump in conventional dress, but it's Trump again. So for an hour or so CNN, or whoever, is just blaring TRUMP! TRUMP! TRUMP!

Advertising on TV is about "impressions": how many Trump (Bud, Gillette. Old Spice) impressions can you cram into one show? Apparently CNN et al are trying for 100% saturation. These people are idiots if they think it's going to impact Trump or American voters negatively. A bg fat F in Marketing 101.

In the meanwhile the Brits, like the Germans, are running governments held together with scotch tape and baling wire. There is very good chance that May and Merkel will be gone in a month.

roesch/voltaire said...

He came across as an articulate but inflated ego-centric person willing to lie straight out: the Sun press has a taped recording, as Trump also claims to have,in his own words criticizing Theresa May which he first denied and than later apologized for.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Well, in WWII the blimps protected London from the Germans, so the Trump balloon seems very appropriate for today.

Darrell said...

A well placed dart could bring this thing down, but I'm not sure darts are allowed in British pubs any more.

Lots of boats and flare gun are still legal there. That would be a good way of checking whether the balloon is filled with hydrogen or helium.

Humperdink said...

Borrowed from another blog:

The new and improved leftie talking point: "We love the FBI, we hate ICE".

My, how the worm has turned.

Jack Klompus said...

"Stonehenge! Where the demons dwell
Where the banshees live and they do live well"

Protests are just political versions of Dead Shows without the 89 minute long pointless guitar noodling.

dreams said...

Trump is a genius, yeah a very stable genius. We're so lucky. And liberals are just so dumb, as someone said "Intellectual Yet Idiot."

Anonymous said...

@Curious George Perfect!

MikeR said...

Whoa - "dozens of people" gathered to watch the launch. That is big news. Dozens of people and hundreds of reporters.

Darrell said...

Somebody on Twitter suggested that someone should broadcast a running commentary supposedly coming from the Trump balloon in Trump's voice. "There's another rape over there and another stabbing. Scissors, I think. Look! An acid attack! There's Mayor Khan doing nothing about it."

Meade said...

Darkness at the break of noon
Shadows even the silver spoon
The handmade blade, the child's balloon
Eclipses both the sun and moon
To understand you know too soon
There is no sense in trying

So don't fear if you hear
A foreign sound to your ear
It's alright, Ma, I'm only making America great again

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Darrell said...

Is Trumpit Inga playing a character?"

Why do you think that? There are a lot of leftist idiots out there. A handful of them post comments here. Inga and Trumpit don't sound alike at all.

Lazlo has the talent to pull off multiple voices (and even so, people who have read Althouse for a while learn to spot a new Lazlo persona. I kinda miss Ponytail Girl). Inga doesn't have the wit for it. You're flattering the dullard.

Karen of Texas said...

Of course the balloon was that size.

Have you seen the size of the Brits' cars and refrigerators? They've been conditioned to think small.

MikeR said...

"Somebody on Twitter suggested that someone should broadcast a running commentary supposedly coming from the Trump balloon in Trump's voice." How about photo-shopping a running caption across the balloon?

Darrell Harris said...

This balloon reminds me of the Stonehenge segment on This Is Spinal Tap. I think the designers wanted the balloon to be 19 meters long, but a transcription error made the balloon only 19 feet long. I can see the dwarves dancing around the model in the picture, just like in the movie.

narayanan said...

How big is the balloon?

Campaigners have raised more than £16,000 to pay for the six-metre inflatable,

Gahrie said...

Is Trumpit Inga playing a character?"

Trumpit is someone's sad attempt at performance art. It may or may not be a sockpuppet.

narayanan said...

also from SUN.UK

BARMY BRITAIN Families ordered to remove kids’ paddling pool from garden by killjoy housing officials in case a burglar DROWNS

pacwest said...

I think it's purpose was to piss off Trump supporters, but I think it is kinda cute.

Did anyone else see the cartoon on New Years Day where the outgoing 2017 year represented by an old but muscular guy is fistbumping the confident 2018 baby new year taking the stage? Reminds me of that.

Seeing Red said...

He came across as an articulate but inflated ego-centric person willing to lie straight out: the Sun press has a taped recording, as Trump also claims to have,in his own words criticizing Theresa May which he first denied and than later apologized for.


Her government aided in trying to take down a candidate for president. Did she know?

Darrell said...

Her government aided in trying to take down a candidate for president. Did she know?

And she said crap against Trump after he gave her a tremendous welcome at the White House and immediately started to talk about special trade agreements to help settle the British markets after Brexit.

Howard said...

The balloon triggered the thought that Trump is best represented by Cartman. Others have made this obvious conclusion.

Seeing Red said...

Macaroon shit on US too.

I don’t think she got the welcome Macaroon did. But since I can’t resist Macaca!

Curious George said...

Paul Joseph Watson nails it.


exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

I was in London once when Reagan paid Maggie a visit. There were marches (larger than this one) and giant puppets and signs that said "Go home, Ronnie Ray-Gun!" and "Maggie Thatcher, milk snatcher."

Boy, that sure showed them.

Darrell said...

Maggie Thatcher, milk snatcher

An obvious lie--or should have been--to all the people that never got a free daily pint of milk from the government pre-Thatcher. Did that slip their minds? Lefties claim that's why their teeth are bad. They should start suckling their soy boys.

Gahrie said...

I was lucky enough to be living in England on an American Air Force base from 1979-1983. Seeing Thatcher, Reagan and John Paul II all working together against the same European elites who hate Trump was awesome.

rcocean said...

Working at my friends house, so I have the TV on. Settled on Fox, since they don't have an annoying scroll at the bottom. Damn that's annoying. Does everyone in USA have ADD?

rcocean said...

The Queen looks good for 90 whatever. I bet she gets a kick out of Trump.

Ambrose said...

Remember in the early days of MTV the anti-Reagan German song "99 Luftballoons"

Jaq said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Daddio said...

The news keeps calling it a "giant" balloon. Very underwhelming! If that's giant, what superlative can be used for the balloons of the Macy's Thanksgiving day parade?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Daddio said...

The news keeps calling it a "giant" balloon."

They are trying to make Texans laugh themselves to death.

Jaq said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jaq said...

Oh the inanity.

Darrell said...

99 Luftballoons couldn't hold the air in Inga's head.

Meade said...

Good one, Tim.

wildswan said...

It's just like the baby-hating Brit-left to think that a balloon of a baby will make people hate Trump.

gilbar said...

that Is good Tim!

Jim at said...

It's nice to know leftists in Great Britain are just as thoughtful and mature as those here at home.

cubanbob said...

That balloon is insulting. First, it isn't big enough. It ought to be at least sixty feet. Second, it doesn't have the Hitler mustache. Got to have the Hitler mustache. The wankers can't do anything right.

whitney said...

You know, I have a feeling that's why Obama is keeping such a low profile. He doesn't want Trump turning his master troll skills on him

rcocean said...

Tim, if SNL was a dumbo Leftwing outfit, that would be a line in this weeks SNL sketch.

Jaq said...

Thanks guys. I admit I cracked myself up on that one.

Wince said...

The demonstration crowds seem small in the NYT video.

tcrosse said...

They are big. It's the video that got small.

Nancy Reyes said...

The comments about the "Trump as chicken" cartoon shows the western MSM's lack of cultural understanding.
The original Trump/rooster baloon was placed in front of a Chinese mall, to commemorate the year of the Fire Rooster.
Roosters here in Asia are used for cockfighting, and even our dogs respect the neighbor's roosters (kept outside under a small shelter in their yard).
Roosters also are responsible (wake you up in the morning), love lady chickens, and strut around crowing about their wonderfulness.
Hmm... sounds like Trump...
Similarly, Trump as baby meme could be interpreted as welcoming the new way of doing things, and if you don't, you will hear so much screaming you will give in. Heh.

Howard said...

The protest crowd was definitely larger than the inauguration crowd... according to the Royal Park Service.

Blue@9 said...

The Left is really fucking terrible at messaging and imagery. This balloon doesn't look scary or grotesque. They've made Trump... a BABY. Yeah, because everyone hates babies! And he's... wait for it... a FLYING BABY. Ya, know, like a freakin CHERUB. The skin tone is even glowing.

They've gone from 'Trump is Hitler' to 'Trump is an angel.' Try squaring their words with the Trump Baby balloon.

Oh yeah, and what was the actual intended message? 'He's immature, he has no gravitas.' Really, ya silly hippies, you needed to tell us he lacks gravitas? That's kinda why he got elected, ya maroons.

Unknown said...

Pink Floyd was available for comment, but their comment was not understood over the laughter.

Known Unknown said...

"The protest crowd was definitely larger than the inauguration crowd... according to the Royal Park Service."

Good thing Trump didn't run for PM.

Keep grinding, though.

Michael K said...

Blogger Howard said...
The protest crowd was definitely larger than the inauguration crowd... according to the Royal Park Service.

Did you ejaculate when you read that ?

Asking for a friend.

Howard said...

I just made that up, Mike K. Is there a Royal Park Service? Cool your Jets, Doc. You've been on a hair trigger since I defended you from your racist comments which were easily attributed to your seniority rather than malace.

Bad Lieutenant said...

See, Howie, nobody likes you. Though I commend your recent lack of obfuscation (thanks tim for le mot juste).


Did anyone else see the cartoon on New Years Day where the outgoing 2017 year represented by an old but muscular guy is fistbumping the confident 2018 baby new year taking the stage? Reminds me of that.

No, and superficial googling did not reveal. Linky please?

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