July 18, 2018

I was surprised to see overt support for Trump on the UW campus today.

Parked very conspicuously, by the lake trail:


But I hear some very quiet expressions of support here and there. It is so socially unacceptable in Madison that it means a lot to hear or see any at all.


Darrell said...


rhhardin said...

Safe space or free speech zone.

rhhardin said...

"Police were tight-lipped and would not say whether they encountered the body of a man or a woman when they entered the house." - Local news

gender identification sensitivity.

Meade said...

Did you overhear anyone on the lake path saying something like "...but the thing I DO like about Trump..."

Besides me I mean.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I cannot place any pro-Trump stickers on my car. Tolerant lefties would key my car, or worse.

Martin said...

Looks like somebody defaced the gun and flag stickers on that truck.

Big Mike said...

Looks as though someone tried to rip the trucker owner’s “Gum Owners for Trump” and American flag stickers off the vehicle. That’s no doubt the famous UWMad tolerance for opposing viewpoints in action.

Curious George said...

When I lived in Madison I had a Walker bumper stick on my car. I would get flipped of constantly.

Big Mike said...

Gun, not Gum. Typo.

Curious George said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jersey Fled said...

I've said it here a dozen times. Trump will win in a landslide in 2020.

Kevin said...

Once the good people find out there are Trump supporters among them, they can enlist others to point them out so as to affix a star or some other symbol on their clothing.

Drago said...

I didnt think LLR Chuck got around as far as Wisconsin.

But then again, those pro-Trump stickers in other states arent going to just tear themselves off, are they?

Sebastian said...

"It is so socially unacceptable in Madison"

Are you implying progs are intolerant? Say it ain't so!

bagoh20 said...

I would love to openly express my support for Trump (who I reluctantly voted for), but Lefties are uncommonly violent and unable to control their hatred. That may not be courageous of me, but my truck didn't vote for him and should not be punished for my gratitude.

traditionalguy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
traditionalguy said...

As time goes by and normal good Americans watch Trump work 20 hours a day for free to make America Great Again, and all he gets for it is 16 tons of Fake News shoveled onto his head by the CIA controlled Media, there comes the point where Trump's courage inspires courage in others. This is the classic response to strong Jacksonian Leadership.

And was what elected HST in 1948. Nobody admitted they liked Captain Harry. And the man had done nothing, except for finishing off the Japanese war, fighting Marshall to favor creation Israel, smashed southern Jim Crow traditions ending the KKK's power, and airlifted to Berlin to fight Joseph Stalin's apparatus to a standoff.

But he won the Presidency using the same Jacksonian leadership style that draws men and women of courage.

Hagar said...

I wonder if the media realizes how much trouble they may cause General Hayden by showing him in uniform along with his statements denouncing President Trump.
Or thy just don't care?

Darkisland said...


John Henry

gspencer said...

Because of lefties, it's very important that we have secret ballots. But other than violence here & there to enforce their ideas of what should be spoken of or written about, lefties are very nice people (even if they do leave used needles and piles of their turds on the sidewalks).

MayBee said...

Since 2003, I've lived overseas or in the US in extremely liberal areas. The kinds of places where the idea that you hate Republicans is just taken for granted. When I moved here - a more mixed area, politically- it stopped my breath the first time I saw someone actually post a Trump sign in their yard.
The idea that someone would support a republican in public has been so beaten out of me. Of course, that's the goal.

Bay Area Guy said...

The Left is politically unhinged. They view Trump as the enemy -- they are starting to view Trump voters as the enemy.

roesch/voltaire said...

You can fool some of the people all the time including some who park or walk along the lake path in Madison.

FIDO said...

Your Madison Committee of Public Safety and the University of 'Correct Think' has put the fear of The Left into anyone who disagrees with them.

Quite the comment about the 'tolerance' and 'free thinking' nature of your old digs, isn't it Professor Althouse?

Rockeye said...

I listened to three black men, in Madison, expressing admiration for the way Trump goes about his business. This was BEFORE the news of record-low unemployment among blacks was announced. They didn't give a damn who heard them, either. That just isn't done openly in Madison as the good professor may attest. We surely do live in interesting times.

Leland said...

How was the paint job on the side of the vehicle? All tires fully inflated?

mockturtle said...

As usual, it's the MSM who are the last to get 'woke'.

robother said...

After living in NYC for a couple years taking subways everywhere, I could support gum control. Bubblegum is the assault weapon of gum.

Jim at said...

But I hear some very quiet expressions of support here and there.

People speaking in hushed tones about their politics. This particular post about how unusual it is to see public support for certain politics.

But, yeah. We're the fucking Nazis in this story.

walter said...

As the pic demonstrates...Madison is a nice place..to visit.

Q. said...

He just came to visit, from over the county line.

Yancey Ward said...

You can find all kinds of Hillary! stickers on cars throughout my area of East Tennessee- a state Trump won by 26%, and East Tennessee was won by Trump by an even more lopsided ratio including here in Oak Ridge and Anderson County. I kept a running count during the Fall of 2016, and Hillary stickers outnumbered Trump stickers by almost 3 to 1. Yard signs were even more lopsided in Hillary's favor.

Also, I can't remember seeing a single defaced Hillary! sticker on a car, but I do remember some Trump stickers that were defaced. It is just more problematic for a Republican/Conservative to make their political stances public- the harassment and vandalism really is one-sided in the US.

Meade said...

The second person who persuaded me to vote for Trump was a neighbor/friend who is very left wing -- Our Revolution, Democratic Socialist, tenured sociology prof. He's very pro-working class -- like I am. And like Trump is.

After the election I told him I took his advice and voted Trump. He explained that he had only been joking and I shouldn't have taken him seriously. I said, well the joke's on you, buddy boy. He muttered something I can't recall and then we changed the subject to one of our other favorite topics -- sex, rock & roll, drugs, cars, mountain biking. (Just joking about the mountain biking topic. He's strictly a commuter biker.)

Anyway, I won't be surprised if he secretly votes for Trump in 2020.

By the way, the first person who persuaded me to vote Trump wasn't a person. It was the Democrat(ic) Party when it super delegated its nominee, what's her name, Hillary Rodham Putin.

Fernandinande said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
roesch/voltaire said...

Just to give another take on Madison, two of my near neighbors are Walker,Trump supporters;they put out their support signs come election time and I put out mine. No problems.We talk yards and sometimes politics, We attend the same neighborhood events. We live in very intragated neighborhood that includes doctors on one block and migrant workers a block away. The Republican pc view that Althouse and Mead present doesn’t fit my neighborhood or others that I know of.

Ralph L said...

Empty gun rack or full?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

It surprises and pleases me when I hear a few righties in my deep red county bashing Trump and regretting their vote. Maybe there’s hope that rightists are waking up.

Fernandinande said...

Police were tight-lipped

Johnny Tightlips is a reference to Frank "Tight Lips" Gusenberg -- who was shot down in the real-life St. Valentine's Day Massacre in Chicago and replied, "nobody shot me," while dying.

David Begley said...

In Nebraska and Iowa, the license plate displays the county where the vehicle is registered. Nebraska has number system, e.g., Thurston county is 55. Nebraska has 93 counties. The numbers were assigned based upon population years ago.

Nonapod said...

By the way, the first person who persuaded me to vote Trump wasn't a person. It was the Democrat(ic) Party when it super delegated its nominee, what's her name, Hillary Rodham Putin.

James Comey just tweeted what amounts to effectively another fantastic endorsement for Trump and the Republicans: "All who believe in this country’s values must vote for Democrats this fall. Policy differences don’t matter right now. History has its eyes on us."

I don't know if he's capable of any sort of self awareness or reflection or if he really believes the nonsense he tweets.

Ajnal said...

"...watch Trump work 20 hours a day for free to make America Great Again"

This is a joke, right?

rehajm said...

This is a joke, right?

No. It is not.

Jim Gust said...

Why is Madison such a cesspool of intolerance?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

The Republican pc view that Althouse and Mead present doesn’t fit my neighborhood or others that I know of.”

True! Dane County and Madison are great places to live. There is the mixing of blue and white collar residents in the various neighborhoods. My county a bit different, mostly right leaning but not unfriendly to us lefties, at least in my neighborhood.

FullMoon said...

It surprises and pleases me when I hear a few righties in my deep red county bashing Trump and regretting their vote.

Sure thing. Was it the tax cut that pissed them off?

Probably all that employment for the colored folks, right?
Or, opening up his golf course to the Kikes and queers?
No, I got it, that picture of Trump accepting an award with rabble rousers Muhammad Ali and Rosa parks.
Maybe Jessee Jackson praising Trump for a lifetime of helpin' darkies?
Workin with the slopes in NK?
Or, disavowing the KKK.

Your deep red 'hood full of those hard core rednecks, right? Oh, wait, a few weeks back you said it was your relatives who were upset with Trump. Guess the Russians are sowing that discord all over your simple minded friends.

Professional lady said...

I saw many more Hillary signs than Trump signs in my suburb. However, there were people on my block who had posted signs supporting Obama who did not put up Hillary signs. I think Trump supporters were afraid to come out for him publicly. I knew I wasn't voting for Hillary, but I only decided to vote for Trump at the last minute in the hope that he would keep his promises regarding the Supreme Court. Events since then have made me think that my decision was a good one.

stevew said...

I don't express my support for POTUS Trump here in far left MA because doing so invites unhinged rants hurled in my direction. They never want to hear why I support him. Earlier I would preface my expressions of support by establishing the bona fides of having not voted for him and disliking his over-the-top tweets & language. Didn't help, still got the unhinged rants. They've proven, and said, there is nothing that he could do to change their mind so I'm not about to engage their nonsensical rantings. I would tweak them with a bumper sticker, that would be fun, but the exterior of my car wouldn't come out of it intact.


Night Owl said...

Darkisland said:

Indeed. I walked away during the Bush administration. I was very apolitical until then; I'd voted for a third party candidate in 2000 because I didn't really care who won.

The antics of the left under Bush turned me sour on the Democrat party. I vowed to never vote for them again unless they changed their act. And the party has only gotten crazier. They actually scare people.

As Jim said:

People speaking in hushed tones about their politics. This particular post about how unusual it is to see public support for certain politics.

But, yeah. We're the fucking Nazis in this story.

#Democrats #PartyOfHate

stevew said...

"I don't know if he's capable of any sort of self awareness or reflection or if he really believes the nonsense he tweets."

I suspect a double-cross Nonapod along the lines of: whatever you do br'er Fox, don't throw me in that briarpatch!


Gretchen said...

Quiet Trump support. Leftist brown shirts defaced his other stickers.

It would be fun to place cars with Republican or Democrat stickers in areas dominated by opposing parties with a hidden camera. I think we all know exactly what would happen. Democrats cannot stand opposition.

tcrosse said...

It surprises and pleases me when I hear a few righties in my deep red county bashing Trump and regretting their vote. Maybe there’s hope that rightists are waking up.

Or maybe they figure it's easier to humor you.

Loren W Laurent said...

Pauline Kael reference goes here.

Dude1394 said...

A brave soul. He is certainly risking getting his car keyed from the religion of peace democrats.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Or maybe they figure it's easier to humor you.”

Or maybe I humor them by not bringing up Trump at all. It’s usually they that bring him up in disgust.

Trumpit said...

"The Left is politically unhinged. They view Trump as the enemy -- they are starting to view Trump voters as the enemy."

We view Trump as Public Enemy #1 with the GOP #2. Trumptards' hatred of Hillary is old hate, and no excuse to double down on Trump in 2020. Sorry, it's the Right that is unhinged, and victim of a con job. In fact, Public Enemy #1 tee-shirts will soon become prevalent in Madison, Milwaukee, and Oshkosh. No need for a picture of Trump, everyone (in the FBI) will know who it is.


Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Or maybe they figure it's easier to humor you.”

“Or maybe I humor them by not bringing up Trump at all. It’s usually they that bring him up in disgust.”

Or maybe they think they have a willing listener in me. Maybe they can’t express themselves honestly with other rightists.

Mr. Forward said...

“This is a joke, right?”
Atlanta Fed current best guess at 2nd quarter GDP 4.5%.
Jokes on you.

Tregonsee said...

Next thing you know, there will be pink flamingos on Bascom Hill.

FullMoon said...

"On this day in 1940, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who first took office in 1933 as America's 32nd president, is nominated for an unprecedentedthird term. Roosevelt, a Democrat, would eventually be elected to a record four terms in office, the only U.S. president to serve more than two terms."

Ya know, Trump has good genes.....

Rick.T. said...

Living among the 1%-ers on Chicago's near North Side was like being a Christian in the early days of Imperial Rome. Couldn't have a Reagan/Bush/Bush/McCain/Romney sticker on your car or a sign in your window without worrying about vandalism.

One time my wife told Al Gore's SS detail to "Fuck off" when he was visiting a major donor and they asked her to go back inside the house for the duration. They appealed to the cop sitting in the squad parked in front of our house and he just shrugged and told them she was standing in her own yard. Of course, he was having a piece of homemade pound cake my wife is well-known for.

walter said...

Have you been to "Wiley" St. Coop with your Trump releasing dove shirt lately?

Ralph L said...

The only person I heard discuss politics in 2016 was a late-middle-aged black man supporting Trump--in Chapel Hill!, NC's leftest island for the last century. He was a shuttle driver for UNC Hospital.

FullMoon said...

Or maybe I humor them by not bringing up Trump at all. It’s usually they that bring him up in disgust.

If they usually bring him up, you occasionally bring him up. So, you lied.

I suppose you Repub friends and relatives will vote DEm next time, right?

dreams said...

"Atlanta Fed current best guess at 2nd quarter GDP 4.5%.
Jokes on you"

And Larry Kudlow said on CNBC that we might have a couple of quarters of over 4% growth and then who knows.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

traditionalguy said...

...normal good Americans watch Trump work 20 hours a day for free to make America Great Again

Ajnal said...

This is a joke, right?

Of course it is a joke. Normal good Americans are too busy working to make America Great Again to sit around watching Trump do the same. But they are aware he is doing so.

rehajm said...

CNBCs Andrew Ross Sorkin said he would literally eat crow if Trump had annual GDP growth over 3%. Of course he will reneg.

Oso Negro said...

In Texas, the progressives are trying to convince themselves that a guy named “Beto” will replace Ted Cruz. Beto.

Oso Negro said...

@Inga. - ha ha ha ha ha. “Why aren’t I leading 100,000,000 to zero”

DanTheMan said...

>The first person who persuaded me to vote Trump wasn't a person. It was the Democrat(ic) Party when it super delegated its nominee

Like in the primary when Bernie got more actual votes, but Hillary got more delegates?

I was eagerly awaiting my next "Republicans disenfranchise voters" lecture from my lefty friends. :)

Gore made switch to being an R. Kerry convinced me I did the right thing.

DanTheMan said...

>>“Why aren’t I leading 100,000,000 to zero”

Would you settle for 20,000 to zero in Philadelphia?

Freeman Hunt said...

"Once the good people find out there are Trump supporters among them, they can enlist others to point them out so as to affix a star or some other symbol on their clothing."

The current cultural climate reminds me of the 70's version of Invasion of the Body Snatchers. People always trying to sniff out who might have the tiniest, most fleeting positive thought about Trump; then the pointing and huff-squealing.

Big Mike said...

This is a joke, right?

Not hardly.

Critter said...

I'm so old I remember when the left fought for freedom of expression and speech, and condemned attempts to repress views at odds with social norms as un-American.

Vance said...

Inga would, of course, fully, fully support mandatory marking of those icky Trump voters... a six sided star, a bar code tattoo, whatever. Something to easily round them up in the future.

People like Chuck would still be forced to wear one... with oak leaves or something. Maybe a "Kapo" bracelet, to spare them.

PackerBronco said...

Blogger rhhardin said...
"Police were tight-lipped and would not say whether they encountered the body of a man or a woman when they entered the house." - Local news

Interesting. If gender is merely a social construct, what is the gender of a corpse?

PackerBronco said...

Blogger Kevin said...
Once the good people find out there are Trump supporters among them, they can enlist others to point them out so as to affix a star or some other symbol on their clothing

People are Madison will act like Donald Sutherland at the end of "Invasion of the Body Snatchers".

Original Mike said...

Maybe it’s bait.

Drago said...

Inga: "Or maybe they think they have a willing listener in me."

Have you given them absolution for their previous Trump-voting naziism and racism and treason crimes?

(since you labeled all Trump voters nazi's and racists and treasonous traitors).

wild chicken said...

Missoula's the same, so I belong to a local Republican club that functions as a support group. Though some of them hate Trump too, esp the old ones.

So he is He Who Shall Not Be Named.

traditionalguy said...

The times they are a changing. Some fellow from Duluth Minnesota said that. And did not know the half of it.

exhelodrvr1 said...

The gender of a corpse is in the mind of the viewer.

le Douanier said...

"He's very pro-working class"

Nice euphemism.

le Douanier said...

Very fine euphemism.

chuck said...

> I vowed to never vote for them again unless they changed their act. And the party has only gotten crazier.

Same here. They were always a bit crazy, but 9/11 and the aftermath pushed them over the edge into amoral power seeking.

MadisonMan said...

I figure my neighbors might think I support Trump because I don't roundly condemn him.

Mostly we talk about dogs, anyway.

MadisonMan said...

Oh, and how bad the bugs are. Skeeters. Those little ants, too. Everywhere.

Shouting Thomas said...

The zombies are, inadvertently, bringing out the contrarian in Althouse.

MountainMan said...

Sullivan County, TN, where my primary home is located, is Trump country. It went 75% Trump, 20% Hillary. Part of TN House District 1, the most Republican district in America. Since the Civil War, we've only had a Democrat in the House of Representatives for 4 years, and his term ended in 1871. I can't recall seeing but a couple of Hillary bumper stickers in town prior to the election. But no Hillary supporter would have anything to fear. This idea of keying cars or assaulting people or kicking them out of restaurants just because they voted for the wrong person would never go over here. About the worst thing a Hillary voter could expect is a "Bless his little heart." Another good reason I would never live in a blue state or city.

One of my favorite bloggers, Tim Blair from Australia, paid a visit recently to the US to see how things compared to what he sees on the news there. But he skipped the coasts, flew into Dallas, and spent his time driving around Arkansas, Tennessee, Missouri, Iowa and a few other places. About all he saw were happy, friendly people going about their lives and not wrapped up too much in politics every breathing minute.

mockturtle said...

Oso Negro reports: In Texas, the progressives are trying to convince themselves that a guy named “Beto” will replace Ted Cruz. Beto.

At least it would be easy to make a campaign slogan: You can Bet on Beto

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

The two Wisconsin leftists on this thread deny that Madison leftists are intolerant, nasty assholes.

Now there's a surprise.

There is an easy way to test that theory. Put on a MAGA hat and take a stroll across campus.

Then wear your pussy hat and take a stroll in downtown Waukesha.

Get back to us.

~ Gordon Pasha said...

“Because half a dozen grasshoppers under a fern make the field ring with their importunate chink, whilst thousands of great cattle, reposed beneath the shadow of the British oak, chew the cud and are silent, pray do not imagine that those who make the noise are the only inhabitants of the field.”

― Edmund Burke

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"The first person who persuaded me to vote Trump wasn't a person. It was the Democrat(ic) Party when it super delegated its nominee"


#Walkaway leader Brandon Straka is now trying organize a WalkAway march in DC in September. The libs, of course, call him a Russian bot. Yep, it couldn't possibly be that their own craziness and hatefulness is driving people away from the Dems. A gay hairdresser in Manhattan who voted Hillary must be a bot.

DanTheMan said...

>>And Larry Kudlow said on CNBC that we might have a couple of quarters of over 4% growth and then who knows.

Not while Obama was president he didn't... for obvious reasons.

Jim at said...

They were always a bit crazy, but 9/11 and the aftermath pushed them over the edge into amoral power seeking.

Disagree. They started off in 1994 when - gasp! - the people DARED to toss them from four decades of power in the House. Capturing the Senate was gravy.

They got more insane during the Clinton impeachment process, and then went completely off the rails during and after the 2000 election. I know people who still bitch about that.

9/11 simply exposed them as the enemy within.

Bad Lieutenant said...

At least it would be easy to make a campaign slogan: You can Bet on Beto

Chuck, here's your chance to lead for once. It's okay, we'll still pretend to believe you're a Republican. I mean how could you pass up an opportunity like:

Betas for Beto!

Big Mike said...

Put on a MAGA hat and take a stroll across campus.

Not unless open carry is legal in Madison.

traditionalguy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
traditionalguy said...

The Climate Change Scam is also in danger of an educated public laughing it out of town, try as it may to resurrect itself, it just cannot fool a free people anymore.

The Global Warming Emergency believer's shaming powers are also withering away. The Con men will have to morph into saviors from an Asteroid coming to take over and govern us.

FleetUSA said...

I think many people love his results but are shocked at his brusque NYC style. He's a dynamo for sure and it is easy to see how he has accomplished so much.

There's a YouTube Scott Adams 50min video yesterday which explains Trump's style, e.g. vigorously shaking the box.

buwaya said...

Not quite off-topic -

San Francisco Alien Voter registration

I can, as an alien, as per local laws, register to vote for the SF School Board.
So, I put it to the commenters -

Should I or shouldn't I?

- No, stay away even from those tainted polls, you foreign devil!
- Yes, please vote and express your spirit of pure conservative reaction!

walter said...

"The libs, of course, call him a Russian bot."
How you get more Strakas..

Trumpit said...

"The Climate Change Scam is also in danger of an educated public laughing it out of town, try as it may to resurrect itself, it just cannot fool a free people anymore."

That's because fools can't be reasoned with.

Fernandinande said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bagoh20 said...

To the lefties here: It would be instructive to put a Trump sticker on your car, maybe just for a day or two and see how that goes for you. If you don't want any friends or neighbors to get confused about you, then just put it on when you are away from home. Try the mall, or downtown. If that sounds dangerous, then you know what we are saying. If it doesn't, then do it. That doesn't sound dangerous does it? I would have no fear with a Hillary sticker anywhere, even the reddest area.

Fernandinande said...

importunate chink

Shouldn't that be "importunate Anglo-Irish Chink-American"?

That parable of the conflict between the lazy grasshoppers and the industrious cows seemed to be a long way of saying "the squeaky greaser gets the wheel".

Rick said...

The two Wisconsin leftists on this thread deny that Madison leftists are intolerant, nasty assholes. Now there's a surprise.

This is normal. Extremists of all types learn to hide themselves. Inga brags about how she gets along with conservatives in person. Do you think she tells them she thinks religious conservatives want to institute the HandMaid's Tale in America and that all conservatives believe as Todd Akin did they're just smart enough to hide it? Do you think Freder and RV tell their neighbors they think deviations from leftist orthodoxy can only be caused by greed or racism?

Of course not. Their extremist ideas slip out here because debates reach deeper than in-person conversations allow specifically because of the need to maintain friendly relations. Here we see what they really think.

Ajnal said...

If you think trump works 20 hours a day or for free, well that explains a lot.

bagoh20 said...

If you know a leftie who really pisses you off, just put a Trump sticker on their car. Oh the irony. False flag operation.

Jim at said...

If you think trump works 20 hours a day or for free, well that explains a lot.

He may not work 20 hours a day, but he is donating his Presidential salary to worthy causes.

Maybe you could explain that?

Big Mike said...

@Ajnal, I don’t know whether Trump works twenty hours a day, every day, though surely there are some days where he works at least that hard. But you are aware that he donates his POTUS salary to charity, are you not? If not, why not?

rehajm said...

If you think trump works 20 hours a day or for free, well that explains a lot.

Both are demonstrably true, so what does it explain?

Yancey Ward said...

That would be a good way to vandalize cars- go to any town that voted for Hillary 4 to 1 and put MAGA stickers on every car you find. The people there will vandalize each other's cars.

tcrosse said...

I never understood bumper stickers. Driving is already dangerous enough without having to piss off half of the other drivers on the road.

Jupiter said...

Yancey Ward said...
"It is just more problematic for a Republican/Conservative to make their political stances public- the harassment and vandalism really is one-sided in the US."

It may be the case that not all Democrats are scum, but pretty much all scum are Democrats.

Josephbleau said...

Blogger Ralph L said...
Empty gun rack or full?

What use is a gun rack if it ain't full. What use is a gun if it ain't loaded... Texas hill country principles.

Known Unknown said...

"I'm so old I remember when the left fought for freedom of expression and speech, and condemned attempts to repress views at odds with social norms as un-American."

They also were once suspicious of the American intelligence apparatus.

Paul said...

One could put a camera hidden near by and film any vandalism. Might get a few professors fired that way.

Sounds like a plan!

Original Mike said...

”I never understood bumper stickers. Driving is already dangerous enough without having to piss off half of the other drivers on the road.”

The only bumper sticker I’ve ever wanted to put on my car read:

Visualize Using Your Turn Signal

donald said...

If you wanna read some wild crazy mental breakdown stuff, you can’t go wrong reading Rick Roberts (Firefall...spit) on Facebook.

He is literally losing his mind, one deranged post at a time.

Big Mike said...

What use is a gun if it ain't loaded... Texas hill country principles.

Ain't nuthin' more useless than a gun without a round chambered.

JackWayne said...

Buwaya, YES. It’s Cali. You can’t cure something that is already dead.

Bay Area Guy said...


I can, as an alien, as per local laws, register to vote for the SF School Board.
So, I put it to the commenters -

Should I or shouldn't I?

- No, stay away even from those tainted polls, you foreign devil!
- Yes, please vote and express your spirit of pure conservative reaction!

I say, shouldn't.

Who are the candidates from the local SF school board - the Left v. the crazy far Left?

It's funny that the Left's true colors are finally coming out on immigration. They affirmatively want illegal immigration. And they affirmatively want said illegal immigrants to vote. They really don't see the big deal about rigid borders or rigid citizenship.

And, yet the median home price in SF is $1.6 Million

Which means none of them sweet little school kids will be able to buy a home in SF, unless their parents deed it to them.

Francisco D said...

"The idea that someone would support a republican in public has been so beaten out of me. Of course, that's the goal.

Yes. That is even more so in college.

My stepson is a conservative/libertarian student at a small liberal arts college. He is also Asian. He has to watch what he says for fear of being ostracized for committing micro-aggressions. He also has to deal with constant questions about whether racism is affecting his life.

Sometimes I wonder what life would be if I were younger. Other times I shudder at the thought.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Sorry Trumpit - Hillary ard Strozk ARE the face of the democrat party. Gert yer bumper stickers early.

Big Mike said...

It may be the case that not all Democrats are scum, but pretty much all scum are Democrats.

Let me know if you find Democrats that don't at least tolerate and mostly even approve of scum, as long as the scum are on their side.

And that makes them pretty scummy themselves, in my book.

Drago said...

LLR Chuck democrat allies in congress take time out from criticizing Trump for not, in their opinion, supporting the FBI and CIA and DOJ to vote against giving support to ICE.

But only by about 90% against supporting ICE vs only 10% or so voting to support ICE.

Yes indeed, we really need to be quiet as our self-appointed betters in the LLR/left lecture us.

Original Mike said...

Blogger MadisonMan said...”I figure my neighbors might think I support Trump because I don't roundly condemn him.”

I got confronted recently when I didn’t join in on a group bashing of conservatives. Just kept my mouth shut. Wasn’t enough.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ccscientist said...

A few months before the election I drove north across eastern Wisconsin. Out in the small towns, trump signs were 4 to 1 vs hilary signs.
At a recent party, a new acquaintance looked around and said he was a Republican and wanted to talk. He evidently had scoped out that I wouldn't bite his head off--but notice he made sure no one was close enough to hear us talk.

buwaya said...

"Sometimes I wonder what life would be if I were younger."

I imagine (probably falsely) that it would be endless fun.

Even the politics.

So many targets available for exploitation, behind the armor of immaturity.

But kids don't have that self-confidence.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I'm going to a green meeting tonight with an "Embrace" t-shirt on.

While the anti-free speech hate-filled left "resist" - I'm embracing.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

ooooh! "Trump releasing doves T-shirt"!?
i want to see a 'dove releasing Trumps' T-shirt


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Resist Trump Hate

Embrace Free Speech

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Love Trumps Hat

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump Trumps Hate

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

the (') and (e) intentionally omitted

FullMoon said...

To the lefties here: It would be instructive to put a Trump sticker on your car, maybe just for a day or two and see how that goes for you. If you don't want any friends or neighbors to get confused about you, then just put it on when you are away from home. Try the mall, or downtown.

I been saying that here for a couple of years now. No takers so far.

Darkisland said...

Me? I "love Trump's hate"

As Joe Kennedy said of son Bobby "He hates like me. Hhe hates the right people, is intense about it and doesn't let it go"

I feel ashamed sometimes that Donald Trump was not my original first choice.

John Henry

Trumpit said...

Trump and his deplorables are the pits.

the pits
The worst possible situation, as in Spending your birthday working alone is the pits, or That job is the pits. The allusion in this term is unclear. Some think it refers to coal pits, others to armpits, and still others to the area beside an auto racecourse, also called the pits, where cars are serviced during a race. [Second half of 1900s]

Trumpit said...

John Henry,

You think it is clever to keep changing "handles."
You should feel ashamed. It's annoying.

Marc in Eugene said...

Buwaya, You ought to write yourself in-- or, better, stand for election.

wildswan said...

No, don't do it. It's against the community even if the community is crazy at the moment. And probably both candidates are bad. Perhaps you could go to the poll and pass out fliers with some poems by Lorca.

wildswan said...

No, don't do it. It's against the community even if the community is crazy at the moment. And probably both candidates are bad. Perhaps you could go to the poll and pass out fliers with some poems by Lorca.

Moneyrunner said...

I don't have time to read all the comments, forgive me if I repeat someone else, but A FUCKING BUMPER STICKER?

Jon Ericson said...

Excellent comment. That about sums it up. Rage. Haste. Thanks for stopping by.

Darkisland said...


Are you confused about who is writing the notes?

I woul have thought that signing my name at the bottom of all my notes would help.

Pay no attention to the handle.

Give me a call if you are still confused. 787 550 9650

John Henry

buwaya said...

Garcia Lorca was gay and a fashionable commie.
And not a terribly political fellow anyhow.
The most un-PC stuff he had was anti-Muslim, and would not really register as such today as nobody here has the cultural antecedents to recognize it.
His artistic theory is not explicable in political terms, though it is in its own way extremely reactionary. It is no accident that his work was, very ironically, quite popular during the Franco regime. Every Spanish singer of note recorded some version of his "canciones antiguas".

Both candidates in SF are always bad, that is true.

Ralph L said...

What use is a gun rack if it ain't full?

What's in your hands if your gun rack is full?

bearman said...

I just pack and let people know it. They tend to leave me alone. My car on the other hand remains bumper sticker free except my NRA and Ruger sticker.

Michael said...

Roger Scruton has set to Music three Lorca poems sung by a young soprano. On YouTube.

tcrosse said...

Now when you see those bumpers stickers on a Prius or a Subaru, then that's news.

Ann Althouse said...

I have never once put a bumper sticker of any kind on any car.

I'm old enough to remember when they were really hard to take off, but that's not what's kept me from ever using one. I don't want to draw attention to my car, don't want to give anyone a reason to be antagonistic to me when I'm out in my car, or to my car when my car is sitting somewhere on its own.

buwaya said...

Such stickers on a car are in the way of being territorial markers, indicators of the lack of constraint of the vehicles owner.
It’s your turf if you can apply them without fear, and not, if not.

Michael K said...

My car on the other hand remains bumper sticker free except my NRA and Ruger sticker.

I don't like bumper stickers but my NRA Patron and my Arizona Citizens' Defense League stickers are on the back window.

The cars in Tucson with lots of bumper stickers are always lefty nuts, probably Gender Studies faculty.

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

Blogger Jim Gust said...

Why is Madison such a cesspool of intolerance?

Number 1 in the country! WooHoo!

At least #1 as far as anti-black racism is concerned.

I've been to Madison and it seems like a nice enough city. But I'm not black. I'd stay the Hell away if I were.

John Henry

Sebastian said...

"don't want to give anyone a reason to be antagonistic to me"

Fair enough. But why "anyone"? Do you have any reason to think any right-winger would behave antagonistically based on car decoration? Do you have any examples of any conservatives keying a car, deflating tires, putting stuff in the tank, etc.?

To take the most racial righties, hard-core prolifers, have they ever damaged a car or driver for a pro-abortion sticker?

No cases come to mind.

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...


I'd vote if I were you. Vote against the incumbent. You can almost never go wrong doing that.

I almost voted for Trump for President last year as I was in Chicago on Election day. (And Trump Tower election night!) In Chicago you can pretty well walk in off the street, register and vote with no questions asked. I had checked and could have used my passport, which has no address for ID and my hotel for residence.

As it was, I had a busy day and didn't want to lose the time.

(Guess who, Trumpit)


Ralph L said...

Luray Caverns in the Shenandoah Valley would put their bumper sticker on your car while you were underground.

Trumpit said...

"The cars in Tucson with lots of bumper stickers are always lefty nuts, probably Gender Studies faculty."

You're a nutcase who talks too much. I majored in Gender Studies at Harvard, so there. Tucson is such a backward place, I'm surprised they drive cars there. The heat is unbearable there. I can image you as an ice salesman who's never figured out that ice melts. You confuse your plentiful tears with the puddle of H2O from your foolish acts.


buwaya said...

Well, I'm still torn about registering to vote in San Francisco, as an alien.
I have two votes for, and one against.
But that one voted twice, very much in the San Francisco style, so its valid anyway.

Unknown said...

In the 80's I lived on the 500 block of Mifflin street in Madison. We hung a huge picture of Ronald Reagan in our house. Drove the lefties wild. Would have such fun today doing it all again.

Michael K said...

I majored in Gender Studies at Harvard, so there

OMG! Now we know !

Thanks for outing yourself nutcase.

Hilarious. The cluelessness is the funniest part.

Michael K said...

In Chicago you can pretty well walk in off the street, register and vote with no questions asked.

It depends. My mother was one of the few white people left in her building at 7474 South Shore Drive in 1996. She had lived in the building for 30 years.

The polling place was in the lobby of the building. She went down to vote on election day and was told she could not as she was "not registered."

I will leave to your imagination the ethnicity of the poll "judge."

Known Unknown said...

"Thanks for outing yourself nutcase."

Trumpit is someone's idea of an experiment in bad satire.

FIDO said...

I'm sorry. Based on the shallowness and thoughtlessness of zher posts, I can believe in the Gender Studies thing, but if zhe went to Harvard, it is such a repudiation of that institution that they put zhomeone like that out.

One would expect them to be better written, for one thing because when one is peddling bullshit, one really needs to be eloquent and good at casuistry.

Trumpit, despite a so called Harvard education, lacks those merits and skills.

Rusty said...

Harvard, Illinois?
I graduated from there too!
After I paid my speeding ticket.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Trumpit went to Harvard? Yeah, sure.

drunkdebunker said...

I keep threatening to wear my MAGA hat on a walk around the square, but would need a bodyguard who knows what he's doing and a videographer for the inevitable viral Youtube.

CJ said...

The other day I saw a COEXIST bumper sticker literally right next to a NO GOP bumpersticker.

Thought that was funny.

hstad said...

Sorry AA, it only means something to you because you worked there! Outside of University towns (bubble) normal people don't care what the college population has to say and quite frankly, neither do college students. Their lack of voting, versus the MSM induced hysteria, is atrocious. We need less college students and more trade people. Tell us what: an Art - History - various colleges; Star Trek - Georgetown University: Queer Musicology - UCLA; Philosophy - various colleges; Surfing Studies - Plymouth/Melbourne; The Phallus - Occidental College; Dr. of Philosophy in Ufology - Melbourne University; Parapsychology - various colleges; and the blockbuster of all time - David Beckham studies - Staffordshire University, UK. I'm sure there are thousands more which I missed, but that this is just a small list of thousands of degrees available in colleges, is a perfect example of how meaningless this exercise in degrees has become.

Trumpit said...

Would you believe Stanford?


Michael K said...

Blogger Trumpit said...
Would you believe Stanford?


TwoAndAHalfCents said...

Saw a car yesterday with a 'Resist' sticker next to a 'Co-exist' sticker. So, so confused...

Anthony said...

I just moved from Seattle to Arizona. Most of the election signs along the roads are Republican. I don't see all that much "Trump" stuff, but more than in Seattle. Very few lib/prog stuff.

I would't say I feel more comfortable being here -- I don't identify as a libertarian, but that's probably where my philosophy overlaps the most -- but I do feel more comfortable just by not being bothered by the effing government all the time. They actually -- gasp! -- leave you alone here.

Except for my friends and family and some of the physical things about it, I don't even think about the place anymore. Good riddance.

Rosa Marie Yoder said...


Read the stories on FB and you'll understand why the progs are adamant that the movement is run by Russian bots.

mikee said...

My truck is 17 years old and still doesn't have any bumper stickers on it. It would take a lot to match the "Terrorist Hunting License" stickers, the peeing Calvin stickers, the Mom/Dad/Kids/T-Rex pictograms, and the Beto stickers so prevalent in Austin, Texas.

There is one NRA logo affixed to the inside corner of the very heavily shaded window behind my truck's driver's seat, viewable only from the side of the vehicle. I've had a police officer thank me for my support of the 2nd Amendment after he saw that sticker. He still gave me a speeding ticket, but only for 9mph over, not the 20+ mph past the limit I was going. I'm pretty sure I'd have gotten the same treatment without the sticker, though.

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