July 2, 2018

"I never would have wittingly called any black person… a monkey. I just wouldn’t do that. I didn’t do that. And people think that I did that, and it just kills me."

"I’ve made myself a hate magnet," said Roseanne Barr, quoted (from a podcast) at The Observer. And:
“Inside every bad thing is a good thing waiting to happen, and I feel very excited because I’ve already been offered so many things and I almost already accepted one really good offer to go back on TV and I might do it. But we’ll see."
Good. She was overpunished. I feel the same way about Kathy Griffin, whose new standup performance I saw in Chicago. I was disappointed that Griffin — as she worked hard to fight her own way back from exile — chose not to champion Roseanne. And Roseanne is someone she apparently knows and has cared about in the past.


Limited blogger said...

The left knew what they did to RoseAnne was overkill. Think they cared?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“The left knew what they did to RoseAnne was overkill. Think they cared?”

Probably as much as the right cared about Griffin.

Do Griffin and Roseann care about each other’s circumstances? Probably not.

rhhardin said...

Overpunished. It's literally idiotic to punish her at all.

Say whatever you want, ought to be the presumptive rule. If it's interesting now and then, you have a place in society.

wild chicken said...

It's who-whom not what-why.

eric said...

This is how the game has been played for as long as I can remember.

If a Republican cheats, it's on the front page news. If a Democrat cheats you get someone like Drudge who becomes famous because he's the only one who reports it. If a Republican cheats, it's on the nightly news for a week. If a Democrat cheats you need a new up and comer like Andrew Breitbart to expose it.

In the same way, if a Democrat says something that is rude or obnoxious it's forgiven. If a Republican says something that's rude or obnoxious, THAT'S RACIST!!!!

This is why we have Trump. It seriously baffles the left and Never Trump. They can't figure out why evangelicals would be SUCH HYPOCRITES!!!!

Reap what you've sown.

Reap it.

rhhardin said...

I would never have wittingly called any black person a monkey.

That means she's now saying black people are like monkeys, which she wasn't saying before, and it's therefore rude to bring it up. Adopted PC does that to people.

Black people have noticed they're like monkeys too, which is why it's a sensitive thing.

Instead of noticing that everybody is like monkeys, which ought to be the route-out taken.

Nonapod said...

Imagine if everything you ever thought was made public. I often wonder what would happen if everyone could read everyone elses thoughts at all times. Doubtless there would initially be some chaos, but what kind of world would emerge after the dust settled?

Leland said...

I'm not sure either were over-punished. Perhaps Griffin did have to explain to the Secret Service that she really wasn't trying to incite violence against the President. Otherwise, they both have free speech, but they were punished for the speech they sell, and a large part of their audience decided not to buy it anymore.

readering said...

I think the problem with Roseanne was not what she said but the likelihood that she would keep saying such things.

Mary Beth said...

Probably as much as the right cared about Griffin.

Yes, it was a shame when right-wing organizations like CNN turned on her.

Trumpit said...

The problem with her racist comment was that it was meant to injure someone. She was no longer funny. That said, I agree that is was political correctness overkill to fire her. Trump is forever saying things that inflame feelings and he regularly verbally attacks people he doesn't like. Is it okay to call Rosey O'Donnell a "fat pig." Are obese people still far game for jokes and taunts? Let's make him president anyway. Roseanne does have a funny bone, and she makes people laugh. Rest assured, she will recover from this upheaval, and learn from it.

FIDO said...
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exhelodrvr1 said...

And the rodeo clown who wore the Obama mask?

FIDO said...

Kathy Griffin apologized...and when she didn't get pure forgiveness ten minutes later, she revoked it.

So what does that say about her understanding she did something wrong? That she is a changed person who now 'sees' the light?

See...that is the price for grace: Go forth and sin no more.

Rosanne has stayed repentant.

So what forgiveness is KG owed, if she is unrepentant? Acknowledging she is still a Trump hating shrew who will do or say anything to offend the mass of her fellow citizens BEYOND the pale is not 'overpunishment'.

It is 'reality of who she is as a person' and they are voting with their wallets. They get free speech too.

She should have stayed with Lesbian Jokes and squealing on other celebrities like her act normally is. She went into politics instead.

I save my forgiveness for someone who show repentance, thanks.

Achilles said...

It is OK.

Progressives have double standards. They need to have double standards because of their diseased view of the world. They cannot be held to the same standards as decent people because they are amoral and disgusting.

Their entire world view is taking stuff from people and giving it to other people and telling people what to do.

There is no way you can be a decent person and live like that.

People are recognizing them for what they are.

They will be defeated.

Qwinn said...

If holding up a mockup of a President's decapitated, blood spattered head isn't deserving of being fired and ostracized, what possibly could be?

Serious question.

Something tells me every answer will overlap 100% with "things targeting leftists".

Darrell said...

The Left tried to make Griffin the victim with Trump as a bully. When the vast majority of the American people supported Trump, the Left cut Griffin free to avoid the blowback.

Fernandinande said...

Apparently the full quote is "I never would have wittingly called any black person, they are a monkey", so she would never call any black person; because they are a monkey.

Achilles said...

Inga said...

“The left knew what they did to RoseAnne was overkill. Think they cared?”

Probably as much as the right cared about Griffin.

They don't even bother to defend their obvious double standards.

Comes with being amoral.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

I'm willing to believe that she wasn't equating a black person with apes for the racist connotation, if she would provide a plausible explanation for why she brought Planet of the Apes into the comment in the first place. What made her think of that particular movie in relation to that individual? ( She may have already answered that question, I have not been following her closely enough to know one way or the other. )

Jupiter said...

Leland said...
"...they both have free speech, but they were punished for the speech they sell, and a large part of their audience decided not to buy it anymore."

Bullshit. As Althouse informed us just the other day, Griffin's Leftist audience loves-loves-loves her, today more than ever. Waving a bloody simulacrum of the President's head is something she is proud of, and incorporates in her act, to multiple standing ovations. And it wasn't Roseanne's audience that "decided not to buy it", it was the black woman running the studio who ginned up this absurd allegation, because Barr refused to publicly express hatred for the President.

Dr Weevil said...

The problem with her "racist comment" is that it's not clear that it was racist. If you wanted to trash a black woman by comparing her to an ape, why would you pick a specific movie ape who is (a) played by a white woman with little or no blackface makeup, and (b) the smartest primate in the movie, far smarter than any of the humans except maybe Charlton Heston? Probably because Valerie Jarrett's odd hairstyle does look rather like Zira's - nothing to do with race.

Mike Sylwester said...
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Mike Sylwester said...

It's too bad that Valerie Jarrett refuses to accept Roseanne Barr's apology.

buwaya said...

Barr would have picked up record viewership if she had just carried on.

Unlike Griffin, her case was one of top-down oppression through the hegemonic power of the owners of her mass media outlet and of the advertisers.

The advertisers especially are interesting. These days they are much less concerned with selling detergent and laxatives, than in the political value of their messaging organs. Its less important to dominate in market share than to obtain regulatory advantages.

I'm Full of Soup said...

You do know that librul Dems stick together like Crazy Glue and never ever stray from their partisan stance.

Trumpit said...

@Dr Weevil,

Why don't you just make it "Dr Evil," and be done with it?

buwaya said...

Griffin suits the hegemonic powers. She helps keep the corporatist system in place.

Hence she is "forgiven".

Maybe Barr will be too, if she gets with the program.

Jon Burack said...

I am sorry, Ann Althouse, but I fail to see ANY equivalence at all between the gestures these two women made, or between their reactions to the reactions to those gestures. Roseanne Barr's remark never seemed all that racist to me, but I can see that it was close to that line. I know of nothing in the past about Roseanne's shows that gives any credence to the idea she really is racist in any significant sense. Her apology for her remarks has been heartfelt, and I see no reason to doubt her intent was what she now says it was. Kathy Griffin, on the other hand did not in the least inadvertently slip up and make an insulting gesture. She proudly, thoughtfully, and deliberately, held up the president's severed and bloody head. Her gesture was not simply catty or rude or cruel. It was terrifyingly dangerous. Her apology was pro forma and self-serving, as is her insistence now that she is entitled to be rehabilitated. Personally, I don't think she does need to be rehabilitated. I am fine leaving her to stew in her self-righteous fury, about which I have seen no sign at all that she has reflected in the least. Nothing in your report on her show indicated any sign of that either, nor, I have to say, did it make me feel any desire to subject myself to her presence. I think it was idiotic to throw Roseanne out of her own show, which I am certainly will bomb totally without her. I hope she finds a way back. Her original shows were sometimes lame but always sincere and often insightful.

Matt Sablan said...

"The Left tried to make Griffin the victim with Trump as a bully."

-- Griffin made the mistake of thinking she was important enough, like Stewart or Colbert, and could punch up without class and have the support of the Important People. The Important People let her no she was not one of them. That's the tragedy in it; Roseanne knew no one would have her back. She just said something bad/stupid and paid the expected consequences. Griffin? Her world view was broken and she learned: She's not that important.

Matt Sablan said...

See: Samantha Bee is an important person. She can be classless, and the Important People will insist: "Calling people the c-word is just like saying good morning!" Griffin is less important than Samantha Bee. That's got... to sting.

langford peel said...

Maybe Roseanna can bring back "Mutual of Omaha's Wid Kingdom" and go into the wild and film blacks acting like monkeys.

langford peel said...

Wild Kingdom that is.

She can just set up in front of Popeyes and have content for 24 episodes.

Maxine Waters should be could for a mini series.

Mike Sylwester said...

Griffin had one very big job, hosting the New Year's Eve program of a television network.

A half-dozen networks broadcast a New Year's Eve program.

Since Griffin had grossly insulted President Trump's voters, they would reflexively switch away from the New Year's Eve program that Griffin was hosting. They would reflexively switch to any of the other networks.

So, Griffin put her own network into a position of having to fire her from that job. The network programmer of the New Year's Eve program was not going to let his own career be ruined by the catastrophic drop of ratings that would happen because of Griffin's stunt.

tcrosse said...

Griffin is less important than Samantha Bee. That's got... to sting.

Part of Griffin's shtick is that she's on the D List, so she already knows.

John Pickering said...

Ann, who seems to love Roseanne almost as much as she loves her President, decides to go full apologist by headlining the disgraced comedian's revisionist history:
"I never would have wittingly called any black person… a monkey. I just wouldn’t do that. I didn’t do that. And people think that I did that, and it just kills me."

Again, Ann does her credulous readers no service when she denies them the benefits of her own reading. Ann knows perfectly well that Roseanne tweeted this:

“Muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby=vj,”

Now, some people say that "vj" might not have referred to a black woman, Valerie Jarrett, a prominent figure in the Obama administration. And of course an ape is different from a money, other people say. But the trouble is that Roseanne did tweet it, acknowledge that her tweet did refer to Valerie Jarrett, and apologized for it:

I apologize to Valerie Jarrett and to all Americans. I am truly sorry for making a bad joke about her politics and her looks.

So here's Roseanne just flat-out lying now about what she said, and here's Ann endorsing that lie and putting it into a headline. Shame on Ann -- she knows many of her readers know nothing more than what they read on her blog or places like Powerline, and is quite willing to deceive them, because ... who knows why?

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

I was disappointed that Griffin — as she worked hard to fight her own way back from exile — chose not to champion Roseanne

Honest question; what exactly was Griffin exiled from? Her New Years Eve gig with Andy Cooper?
I assume her schtick is just an attempt by a 3rd rage comedic talent to gain attention and to monetize folks with TDS. It seems to be working. Good for her.

On the other hand, Roseanne lost a top-rated TV Show.

Mike Sylwester said...

Ann, who seems to love Roseanne almost as much as she loves her President

OUR President.

DanTheMan said...

If Griffin pulled her stunt with the last President, or with a President Hillary, she wouldn't be able to get a gig in anywhere in the USA.

But it's Trump. So it's OK.

If Roseanne had said what she said about Ben Carson, she would have apologized and it would have been instantly forgotten.

But it wasn't a Trump official. So it's not OK.

traditionalguy said...

Not all comedy attack jokes are created equal. Roseanne's joke attacked an evil foreign Agent's looks. Griffin's joke was a horrifying snuff flick of our beloved President.

And the winner of MS-13's lifetime humanitarian award is Kathy Griffin.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Kathy Griffin Had NO career till she pulled her stunt. Calling her "show" comedy is just like Stormy Daniels' tits... fake and overblown. As the Bushman put it "monetized TDS". Her comedy is to humor what Divine's acting was to theatre.

narayanan said...

I had the impression that the comment was political and not physiognomical.

Hagar said...

"It is less important to dominate in market share than to obtain regulatory advantages."

Yes indeed.
And you want to think about that every time you see an oil company ad, for example.

Tina Trent said...

Griffin "worked hard to fight her way back from exile"?

How? By repeating the throat-slashing gesture before rapturous crowds who pay money to see her do it?

Sure. Nothing bad could come of that. Sarah Sanders can't go out for a night with her kids and see a show or go shopping or get a lousy cup of coffee without fearing violent attack by the same mob pumped up by this pathological hate-fest, and you are admiring one of the mob's cheerleaders -- and paying to partake in the ritual as a form of light-hearted entertainment on a night out with your husband or son.

You watched a sniggering reenactment of a symbolic assassination and came away with admiration for the pluckiness of the would-be assailant. How extraordinary.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

narayanan said...

I had the impression that the comment was political and not physiognomical.

The Al Qaeda reference was certainly political. But in what way was the Planet of the Apes reference political?

narayanan said...

Dr. Zira was a chimpanzee psychologist and veterinarian, who specialised in the study of HUMANS.

as in the movie humans were a subject for study - like the deplorable - bitter - clingers were a subject of study for the Obama coterie research project to reshape USA.

narayanan said...

Nudge: Improving Decisions about Health, Wealth, and Happiness
Book by Cass Sunstein and Richard Thaler

Sunstein is husband of Susan Rice - int
Deplorables resisted NUDGING into Obamacare.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

narayanan said...

Dr. Zira was a chimpanzee psychologist and veterinarian, who specialised in the study of HUMANS.

What in Barr's tweet makes you think she was referring to Dr. Zira? And if she was, what was she saying about Jarrett's politics? In the movie, Dr. Zira was the most pro-human ape. Was V.J. the most pro-deplorable member of the Obama administration? ( Admittedly a very low bar. )

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Roseanne is a truly compassionate person. If you’ve ever seen her mentor s young comic on “Last Comic Standing” you can see both her commitment to her art but also her ability to coach and teach. Her analysis really impressed me. And she obviously cared about helping these comics develop their own particular viewpoints within their acts. I also learned that percussive caw of hers is not an act because it would erupt whenever one if the contestants got off a good joke. I did not like her sitcom and was bored by her “reality show” on the nut farm. But I was truly impressed on many levels by Roseanne on LCD.

Sebastian said...

"I was disappointed that Griffin"

Now that's comedy.

Kevin said...

I was disappointed that Griffin — as she worked hard to fight her own way back from exile — chose not to champion Roseanne.

That's how you know it was all about her, not the principle of free speech.

Kevin said...

I suspect Griffin, like many on the left, don't believe speech deemed racist should be covered by the first amendment.

narayanan said...

you could be right


Jupiter said...

John Pickering said...
"Now, some people say that "vj" might not have referred to a black woman, Valerie Jarrett, a prominent figure in the Obama administration."

I can't speak to what "some people" might say, but what Roseanne Barr has said is that she had no idea Valerie Jarret was black.

Now that I have explained that to you, I am sure you will retract your claim that Althouse repeated a transparent lie. Because you are a Commie, and the only thing Commies care about is the truth.

langford peel said...

Here is a video that Roseanne can start with as she documents the monkeys in the wild. There is the added feature that these little fellas are most likely illegal immigrants.

Jim at said...

The problem with her racist comment was that it was meant to injure someone. - Trumpit

Stupidest thing I'll read all day. Thanks.

langford peel said...

I wish that John Pickering would weigh in on the testicle post.

It would be useful to hear from someone who did not have his testicles descend from his scrotum.

Kevin said...

The problem with her racist comment was that it was meant to injure someone. - Trumpit

You mean like chop their head off and hold it out in ecstasy for all to see?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“It would be useful to hear from someone who did not have his testicles descend from his scrotum.”

Don’t you mean descend into the scrotum? Where would the testicles go if they descended from the scrotum?

mikee said...

Let's ask Steve Scalise how he feels and thinks about Griffin's "joke" versus Rosanne's "joke" and then ask the guy who shot Steve Scalise what he thinks and feels about them.

See, it is all fun and games until some lefty starts shooting Congressmen.
Then Griffin doesn't seem so funny any more.

And Roseanne never was.

John Pickering said...

Jupiter ignores Roseanne's apology when he endorses her assertion that she had no idea Valerie Jarrett was black. Here is the apology, again:
I apologize to Valerie Jarrett and to all Americans. I am truly sorry for making a bad joke about her politics and her looks.
Jupiter please note that last bit about "her looks." That refers to her tweeting that vj is the baby of the planet of the apes. You may not wish to understand it, and it's apparent from your comments that there's much that escapes you, but that's a reference to her looking like an ape. That's why Roseanne apologized.
Again, you may be like some of Ann's readers who assert that Roseanne's tweet wasn't intended as a racist insult because apes aren't monkeys, or that the apes in the movie were scientists or something, and go ahead. But no, just because your comprehension abilities are substandard, and you believe Roseanne when she says well after the fact that she thought one of the most prominent women in Obama's administration, a senior adviser from the beginning of his presidency, isn't a black woman (Vj is half black and half european according to wikipedia) is just to acquiesce in the willful ignorance that has so sadly overcome Ann and many of her readers.
So, yes, once again: Ann repeated a transparent lie, and not even Ann will stoop to the embarrassing canard that Roseanne didn't know vj is black. It's another example of how Ann denies her readers the benefits of her own reading. My question is, why does Ann do this?

Jaq said...

Griffin is a low life who is in it strictly for the filthy lucre. I am not sure how you can be “disappointed” in anything she does, I am not, and I actually used to enjoy her show, Life on the B List, where she was much more upfront about trying to get into the big time. I took it for more ironic than it actually was.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Let's ask Heather Heyer how she feels and thinks about Roseann’s "joke" versus Griffin’s "joke" and then ask the guy who ran over and killed Heather Heyer what he thinks and feels about them.

See, it is all fun and games until some righty starts running down and killing protestors.
Then Roseann doesn't seem so funny any more.

mockturtle said...

We all know it was not about what she said. It was about her deplorable status. Non-deplorables can get away with anything, including racially offensive remarks. When you're a deplorable--especially a prog who rolled--they're just lying in wait for a chance to play 'Gotcha!'.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Me ne frego. Fai?

langford peel said...

Nice catch Inga. My best heart felt Kathy Griffin apology.

I guess I can cover it by simply saying that John Pickering is descended from scumbags. In fact he is a prime example of a scum bag and should be proud of his people. I bet he can substantiate that by getting a DNA test at Ancestry.com

His unique experience as a ball-less wonder would lend a verisimilitude to the post that it is sorely lacking.

langford peel said...

If we are going to ask questions lets ask Kathy Steinle what she thinks?

Or Ronald De Sliva.

Or Rebecca Ann Johnston.

Or Shayley Estes.

Or Dominick Durden.

Or too many others that it is impossible to list them all.

Jupiter said...

Blogger John Pickering said...
"Here is the apology, again:
I apologize to Valerie Jarrett and to all Americans. I am truly sorry for making a bad joke about her politics and her looks.
Jupiter please note that last bit about "her looks." That refers to her tweeting that vj is the baby of the planet of the apes."

Yeah, Barr probably did think that VJ looks like an ape. But she would never have commented on the fact if she had realized that VJ was a member of the-race-that-may-not-be-likened-to-apes. Which is exactly what she said, both initially, when she said that she did not know Jarret was black, and in the remark Althouse quoted, when she said she would never have wittingly called a black person a monkey.

She apparently had read that Jarret was born in Iran and did not realize that she is related to the black Chicago mafia that sent Obama's father to Hawaii.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“If we are going to ask questions lets ask Kathy Steinle what she thinks?”

Let’s ask any person who has been murdered what they think. American citizens commit murder too.

walter said...

Blogger Inga said...
Where would the testicles go if they descended from the scrotum?
Covered in Anderson Cooper's tea-bagger joke.

walter said...

"American citizens commit murder too."

Oso Negro said...

@ John Pickering - I have yet to see an image of Valerie Jarrett that would give me a visual clue that she identifies racially as an American Negro. I was never interested enough in the racial identities of Obama's people to keep score. I think a lot of other folks are in the same position and it may well be that Roseanne was also. No way to know what was going on in her head.

Jupiter said...

Oso Negro said...
"No way to know what was going on in her head."

Probably true, but we can at least know what she says was going on in her head;
“I honestly thought she was Jewish and Persian,” she said. “Ignorant of me for sure, but… I did.”

Since VJ is straight-haired and was born in Persia, this seems entirely plausible, and might even go some ways toward explaining how the Muslim Brotherhood got involved, which is otherwise rather inexplicable. But the Leftist Inquisition is not interested in an explanation, they want a confession, accompanied by an apology, so they can refuse to accept it and claim the victim's worldly goods for their Church.

ndspinelli said...

Seinfeld has Roseanne's back. He had Michael Richards back. He is a true friend and an anti-PC hero.

Trumpit said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trumpit said...

"Comes with being amoral." Shooting animals for fun is immoral. Call a spade a spade.

chickelit said...

Roseanne was naive not to assume that ValJar was black. Obama’s inner circle was black on the outside and pink on the inside.

Anonymous said...

"I never would have wittingly called any black person… a monkey.

That is now exclusively reserved for whites and asians.

chickelit said...

Roseanne’s comparison of Valerie Jarrett wasn’t based on skin color. Jarrett in fact bears a striking resemblance to a Planet of the Apes character. The resemblance is based on facial features, not skin color.

chickelit said...

Inga wrote “Let’s ask any person who has been murdered what they think. American citizens commit murder too.”

American citizens probably think libs are too soft on all crime and criminals. Hell, they still advocate going soft on Hillary. I do understand that most men would go soft on her — we just want her to go away but she won’t.

chickelit said...

Inga’s (autocorrects to “I gas”) new avi looks like the head and neck of an angry reptile.

John Pickering said...

Jupiter and Ann, evidently, credit Roseanne because her seemingly racist insult was merely founded on ignorance about vj's background and bigotry towards her presumed religion, not because it ever occurred to Roseanne to liken black people to monkeys. They perceive Roseanne as honest. Her rabbi was on TV, it's clear Roseanne is sorry this happened, but she's acting insufficiently contrite, as insufferable as many readers will find that. To make herself good again, she has to walk the walk. Obviously Kathy Griffith has the same issues and is in the meantime cashing in on 15 minutes as a buffoon and clown.
This a translation of what I understand to be a central teaching of an ancient religion of Persia, Zoroastrianism: Good thoughts, good words, good deeds.
Good advice, for us Nietzsche readers and others.

William said...

There seems to be an unofficial contest among comedians to see who can deliver the most hideously vile insult to the President or his family. The insult doesn't have to be funny. Just vile. Bonus points if it's directed at his children. The insult directed at Valerie Jarrett was vaguely racist, but it didn't have the industrial strength vitriol of some of those directed at Trump and his family.......Can we say for certain that Griffin suffered inordinately for her offense. She wasn't some kind of major star whose career hit the skids. Roseanne lost a major gig because of her offense.

Ken B said...

Griffin almost certainly thinks Barr was UNDERpunished.

John Pickering said...

The president is a world historical character who has genuinely incited the anger, fear and hatred of many millions of people who aren't in his tribe, not that many read of them this blog. vj is a presently powerless object of a tv comedian's bigotry; the two are not comparable objects of animus, perhaps Ann would admit. My point was by repeating Roseanne's transparent lie Ann denies her readers the benefits of her own reading: Roseanne is obsessed with the Iran deal for religious reasons.

Jupiter said...

Blogger John Pickering said...
"Jupiter and Ann, evidently, credit Roseanne because her seemingly racist insult was merely founded on ignorance about vj's background and bigotry towards her presumed religion, not because it ever occurred to Roseanne to liken black people to monkeys."

What I find striking in the incident is the fact that the Left didn't even bother to address the fairly plausible explanation Barr offered. Having made the accusation, they were going to have their execution, even if the evidence might indicate that the crime charged had not been committed. They wake up in the morning, point a finger, and scream "Racist!". Then they open their eyes, to see what's for breakfast.

fivewheels said...

I seem to recall seeing a full thread of the tweet in which someone calls out Roseanne for the racist nature of the tweet, and her reply was something like: "Muslim isn't a race, dipshit." Which, dumb or not, does seems to support her story that she was just mistaken about Jarrett's background.

chickelit said...

Well meaning people and devotees of truth can still hope for the failure of ABC’s PC agenda going forward. There’s solace in that. I wish it didn’t have to be so, but so be it.

John Pickering said...

Now Roseanne is saying she thought vj is a jew. Which Roseanne do you think is being honest: then, or now?

chickelit said...

@Pickering: Barr has been consistently against Jarrett because Jarrett was the Obama muse who inspired his “cash-for-anti-Semites” treaty.

walter said...

Hil pimpin a new org:

chickelit said...

@walter: Hillary will never stop trying to peddle influence. I pity the fools who give her money.

YoungHegelian said...


Now Roseanne is saying she thought vj is a jew.

Considering the fact that there are apparently 60-80,000 Iranian Jews in the US, it's not impossible. I mean, who knew that Jerry Seinfeld's mom was from a Mizrahi Jewish family from Aleppo, Syria?

Balfegor said...

My gut reaction when I heard about the Roseanne thing was that on the one hand, it was ludicrous overreaction, but on the other, this was a lady who dressed up like Hitler to bake gingerbread Jew-cookies so what did they really expect? Shock humor is part of her schtick.

The joke was on me, though, because the Hitler cookie photoshoot apparently wasn't just something she came up with as a gag, but was planned in coordination with and for some Jewish magazine. Still shock humour, but it didn't say about her what I thought it did.

All that said, the trend towards informal popular application lèse majesté against common public elected officials (e.g. the Obama rodeo clown) is kind of embarassing, in the same category as Nixon wanting royal guard uniforms for the Presidential Palace guard. I thought Griffin's beheading photo was the worse offense, but not because it was about the President -- just because it was stupid, hateful, and crass. Or maybe there was a context around it, like gingerbread Hitler, that I just never picked up on because I am not sufficiently interested in entertainers.

chickelit said...

Pickering admits: “Roseanne is obsessed with the Iran deal for religious reasons.”

I understand that Jarrett has memoirs due out next year. Hopefully she’ll defend her “moolah for mullahs” philosophy.

Quaestor said...

I was disappointed that Griffin — as she worked hard to fight her own way back from exile

What exile? Conservatives didn't like her kill Trump humor, but conservatives aren't in charge of the entertainment industry. Griffin did nothing to "fight her way back from exile". That's myth-making. If I'm wrong I invite Althouse to show me my mistake.

Roseanne offended the proglodytes who pull the levers of power, and thus she is truly exiled from television and much of social media. Conservatives are powerless to help her, and low-ranking progs like Griffin won't help her or even express sympathy. As far as "Hollywood" is concerned it's the Reign of Terror. To come to the aid of a denounced traitor is to put your own head under the guillotine.

Achilles said...

Inga said...

“If we are going to ask questions lets ask Kathy Steinle what she thinks?”

Let’s ask any person who has been murdered what they think. American citizens commit murder too.

The vast majority of murders are committed by democrat voters.

chickelit said...

@Quaestor: Althouse already gave her approval to Griffin’s comedy shtick; she’s also twice given her approval to the anything that Sara Gilbert might produce in the aftermath of Roseanne’s demise. I think we know where her bias resides. What I want to know is whether Meade attended the “Laugh Your Head Off” show.

Jason said...

Oh, for chrissakes. I didn't know VJ was black either... probably because I didn't give a rat's ass. I kept hearing about her connections with Iran and I just figured she was Iranian.

I didn't give a rat's ass about that, either.

I also thought she bore a resemblance to the Planet of the Apes character.

These chuckleheads attacking her for pointing that out are scum.

Wendybar said...

narayanan said...
Nudge: Improving Decisions about Health, Wealth, and Happiness
Book by Cass Sunstein and Richard Thaler

Sunstein is husband of Susan Rice - int
Deplorables resisted NUDGING into Obamacare.
7/2/18, 2:49 PM

Cass Sunstein is married to Samantha Powers...the unlikely unmasker who is still walking free....

FIDO said...

If Rosanne did a road show, who thinks that Ms. Althouse would buy a ticket to see that?

I would say no, not because Rosanne is a prole, but that IIRC, Ms. Althouse has never liked the show or paid it any mind until the controversy.

But boy howdy did she buy a ticket quick for Chop Chop Griffin. And I suspect she wasn't a fan of Chop Chop either.

Just saying.

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