“We’ll stop him...” The #Democrats can huff and puff as much as they want, but those three words from the mouth of a trusted American servant regarding a presidential candidate are as close to treason as you can get.
Took my sons to the barbershop for their haircuts. Long wait. The man ahead of us paid for all of their haircuts before leaving because he said he liked their behavior while waiting. Nearly $50! Nice guy.
I keep thinking the Democrats can't possibly beclown themselves any more than they already have. Not that I don't think they're capable of it, just that I don't believe there's any way to go lower than they already have.
I continue to be repeatedly wrong on that particular point.
Of course he was smug. He contradicts his own testimony and perjures himself and nothing happens to him. There's no reason to expect anything useful to come out of this farce.
Louie Gohmert went there: "I can’t help but wonder when I see you looking there with a little smirk how many times did you look so innocently into your wife’s eye and lied to her about Lisa Page.”
Demcorats love/excuse/adore/blow lying liars who lie.
Inga said... Bimbo you are such a fool, Trump is the most corrupt president in the history of this country.
False, as usual. Obama was pretty damn corrupt, and his erstwhile successor, Hillary Clinton, would have held the crown with her political slush fund foundation, and probably for the next century at least. Trump is small potatoes next to pretty much any Democrat.
And the sneaky Democrats keep saying "Squirrel! Squirrel!" Don't be fooled. They're only doing so because they know that they and their smirky coup-attempting FBI conspirator are caught in the headlights of history. It looks really, really bad to anyone who isn't a hardcored Demorat partisan.
Can someone please find out what Strzok makes per year? He and Paige sent 50,000 texts just on their work phones. If each text took a minute to write or a minute to read, that is 833 hours of time for each of them, or half a year's work. Add to that the time they spent carrying on the affair, and you start to wonder how they found time to cover up Hillary's crimes and plot trump's demise.
"My extremely hot take is that the FBI's #2 in Counterintelligence cheating on his wife with *at least one woman* is a huge blackmailing opportunity for our adversaries (including Russia!) and has not been explored enough."
"My extremely hot take is that the FBI's #2 in Counterintelligence cheating on his wife with *at least one woman* is a huge blackmailing opportunity for our adversaries (including Russia!) and has not been explored enough."
In another thread I also questioned why having an adulterous affair with a colleague was not grounds for termination, as it would be in the military.
One line that applies to Trump comes from FDR about Al Smith. "I love him for his enemies."
To watch a fool like Inga defend Strzok in the same terms as the DNC robots on the committee , suggests very strongly that the trolls here are getting instructions from the DNC, if not a Soros organization like Media Matters.
It is an education to watch this stuff that has replaced politics in this country.
It is interesting to watch the left get rolled like this. I doubt they have any idea of where those instructions come from.
The London financial people are as hostile to Trump, and BREXIT, as the New York and San Francisco financial people.
In another thread I also questioned why having an adulterous affair with a colleague was not grounds for termination, as it would be in the military.
Because civilian employees (even civilian employees of the military) are not subject to the UCMJ. Sheesh, I don't know why I respond to these stupid musings.
This site allows you to snoop on any of your friends/acquaintances, or Peter Strzok, who work for the federal government:
Public employee salaries are a matter of public record. As it should be. I remember when Althouse got pissed off because her salary was easily available (Wisconsin has a law similar to the federal law).
Someone screwed up. Red carpet dresses with deep slits not suitable for Prime Ministers to wear anyway, and definitely is not for climbing stairs with at photo ops.
Andrew Wilkow played a clip of a recording of Strzok's wife going off in a confrontation with Lisa Page at the apartment complex they live in. It was brutal shall we say. A woman scorned indeed.
In another thread I also questioned why having an adulterous affair with a colleague was not grounds for termination, as it would be in the military.
Because civilian employees (even civilian employees of the military) are not subject to the UCMJ. Sheesh, I don't know why I respond to these stupid musings.
Smug and condescending is no way to go through life.
I think a marital affair for someone with a high level security clearance would certainly be grounds to lose your clearance.
Sheesh I don't know why I have to straighten out these assholes.
“Andrew Wilkow played a clip of a recording of Strzok's wife going off in a confrontation with Lisa Page at the apartment complex they live in. It was brutal shall we say. A woman scorned indeed.”
I bet Ivana Trump, Marla Maples and Melania were plenty pissed when they found out Trump cheated on them.
Why do we believe that Stzork didn't try to leak when we know from his texts and others there was a strategy to leak to the media and that the only reason it didn't take off is CNN demanded a news hook before reporting on the dossier?
Catholics are deep into the rituals of worship but sometimes there ritualistic tendencies go to unexpected time-wasting, such as writing about pipe-smoking.
There is a rhythm to pipe smoking, a ritual even, one that allows you, if you let it, to enter into a state of contemplation. You must pack the pipe first, and pack it well, else you will have an uneven smoke, causing the pipe either to burn out too quickly or not to stay lit. Then, once properly packed, you must light it. And this too is a ritual. The first light chars the tobacco on top, the second causes the ember to reside deep within the bowl. Once the ritual of packing and lighting is completed comes the smoking. This too must follow some kind of rhythm. Smoke too quickly and you may end up burning a hole through your pipe. Too slowly and you’ll constantly be relighting. But if you can find that sweet spot, that right rhythm, then you can puff away thoughtfully.
Back in the old days when everyone smoked in the workplace, pipe-smokers were persona non grata - mainly because pipe smoking interfered with productivity. No one complained about the rich smell of cigar tobacco burning but it didn't take bosses long to figure out that all of the care and feeding required to keep the pipe lit made these smokers forget about working.
Having an affair is actually one of many indicators people are trained to look for in coworkers with clearances. It is up there with unexplained wealth. Alone it may not be, but combined with misuse of government property and unauthorized media contacts, it probably was. And it was, because he did lose his clearance.
Congress should have refused to question him publicly because Page ignored her subpoena and might change her testimony with the benefit of hearing his. Funny how readily Democrats and their allies ignore subpoenas by the way.
@MattewSablan ... Strzok may have lost his clearance, but his work product is still very much in place and use. Mueller should be dismissed with prejudice, but I don't think Republicans have the courage or integrity or ingenuity or inventiveness.
So I finished Trump Revealed, which was ends right after the election, and there's no mention of the dossier or collusion theory. A 400+ page book by two WaPo reporters, and they didn't bring it up.
Strzok acts like he’s going to hang around the FBI until a partisan of his flavor takes over and reinstates him with a promotion and back pay. I bet he texts that to gum lips.
The smug is too strong in him — too strong for civil service. I hope he gets canned.
Blogger J. Farmer said...”Try as I might, I just cannot seem to care about any of this stupid bullshit.”
At the very least, his open contempt for Congress should givevyou pause. You should consider whether he truly does believe he’ll be exonerated and given a ticker tape parade. It sounds like Inga believes that.
I don't know if this is a Peter Stork thread only, but my impression after watching him smirk and testify is that he is a skilled, psychopathic liar. Very savvy weasel, that fellow.
I love it ... Dems applauding #METOOs. Feels great to be a "former" dem. Strzok's smirk is a campaign poster for 2020. A devious Eddie Haskell indeed!. Hillary"s twin seperated at birth? To think of it everybody involved in this coup A) got caught and B) lost the election. Buncha dim fucks by any measure, right Inga?
"Andrew Wilkow played a clip of a recording of Strzok's wife going off in a confrontation with Lisa Page at the apartment complex they live in. It was brutal shall we say. A woman scorned indeed."
Wow, really? First I've heard of it. I'll have to look that up, if it's for real.
Was it like the Goodfellas scene where the wife is hitting all the intercoms in the apartment lobby and calling the mistress a whore?
"Bimbo you are such a fool, Trump is the most corrupt president in the history of this country."
I don't know about that...there's pretty stiff competition for that top spot. However, Trump is surely among the most ignorant of presidents in our history.
Thanks to the twisted liars just revealed the slander dismissal of someone as a Conspiracy Theorist just lost its power. Strzok just proved the FBI under Obama was the epitomeof a Conspiracy to Destroy the USA. And that is all it has been since the days of the JFK assassination Coverup.
The day Trump came down the escalator refusing all bribes and all corrupt bargains, the entire DC Conspiracy Swap was doomed.
Now we are watching Trump give it a decent burial.
Strzok still has top security clearance as was stated today in the hearing.
A clearance is not the same as access. Hopefully, he's been "read out" of every important classified program. I'll bet the FBI once had rules about sleeping with people in the same office, married or not.
I found a stash of my great-grandparents' framed artwork last weekend. They had ugly hanging wires that extended well above the frames. I wonder what they used to mount Seurat--cable, eh? (stupid opera pun).
Oddly, there were two very small copies of the same Raphael Madonna. If they liked it so much, why didn't they get a larger one?
"Try as I might, I just cannot seem to care about any of this stupid bullshit."
Very suprising Farmer. Perhaps the greatest threat to the integrity of the Republic we have ever faced (whichever side is right). All of the foreign policies and economic strategies flow downhill from this.
Maybe you have to grow up in miami to see that the intelligence services are nowhere as competent, lumumba Trujillo and prats and Schneider were dispatched but Nasser Fidel and sukarno were not.
Inga seems cool with major NATO members not paying their agreed share. So we essentially pay for their social services and give them room to whine about our possibly pulling back. Trump is giving them a heads up that they may run out of other people's money. Ours.
The difference between tolerable self-absorption (roosevelt, t): "always wanted to be the corpse at every funeral, the bride at every wedding and the baby at every christening."
and malignant narcissism:
"I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters," Trump said
"However, Trump is surely among the most ignorant of presidents in our history."
And your net worth is?
Interesting story I've been meaning to relate. My first employer out of college never got past the third grade, was a street orphan, and had to sign his name with a squiggly X because he could neither read nor write until his late teens (self taught). He was in his thirties when I first met him, and was running a thriving business on nothing more than common sense. He had learned basic math by then, but the bookeeper handled all of the numbers. He had gathered good people around him to handle all of basic stuff. His genius was knowing intuitively what worked financially and processes. He retired a multimillionaire, and remained a friend and mentor throughout my career. The last time I saw him he was in his 70's and could still barely sign his name. By outward signs you would be hard pressed to meet a more "ignorant" man. He was without a doubt the most natively smart man I have ever met.
I'm not trying to say anything specific about our present President with this, other than that when I read a lot of your comments - you don't have a clue, just a bias.
” Even more astonishing is the fact that not a single product authored or influenced by Montes has been pulled back by the intelligence community.
Recalling products produced by tainted sources is a common practice within the intelligence community after it conducts a damage assessment. It happened after Russian spies Aldrich Ames and Robert Hansen were caught, and it happened on a more limited basis after an Iraqi source known as CURVEBALL, who was controlled by German intelligence, was later found to be psychologically unstable.
But the U.S. intelligence community continues to base essential judgments on Cuba on products written by convicted Cuban spy Ana Belen Montes, despite a sweeping damage assessment carried out in the months following her arrest and sentencing.”
Actually latells contact fiorentino aspillaga revealed the whole network in cuba was doubled, dgi pineiros outfit had a thirty year mole at foggy bottom in their lead language program. Cubela the fellow who waa handed the Poison pen in Paris, was likely a,double agent.
Picked up the bureau the company the sea, ran his own criminal enterprise likely responsible for Cubans aviation bombing in 76, when he,was assigned to Venezuelan intelligence.
Speaking objectively, Strzok does not look good. Ollie North, whatever his level of corruption, looked like a hero. Someone mentioned Eddie Haskell. While he was a bit before my time, that reference nailed it.
Supercilious assweasel was the tone that Strzok seemed intent on setting. "You can't touch me. I can sit here and lie and lie and there's nothing you can do.'
Now, this may technically be true since the FBI unions will have to guard him and Mueller has to as well. But there are thousands of FBI agents, people he has to work with, looking at him and saying 'THIS is what the face of the FBI is today?"
And I don't think arrogant assweasel looks particularly good to the public. If Democrats applauding Assweasels like this one is what the Democrats are all about...well...that voting location is hot, and traffic is bad...and I am not voting for people like THAT.
I wonder what Strzok is going to do to Democrat internal polling. It's going to be hard to get the black man, the hippies and the anti authority types to go to the polls 'defending the FBI' and jerks like this who abuse power.
Strzok, for the REPUBLICAN base, is like crack cocaine mixed with meth. He is pure gold in making 'broken glass' Republican voters.
Inga can give us her opinion on how the Dems see things. Compared to the pure outrage that the Right feels from Eddie Assweasel Haskell...Inga's insight is rather narrow and not particularly illuminating.
I'm not making this up, two Venezuelan courts reversed the convictions, yet a vinctive pol kept the two men in jail, one the late Posada carried escaped in 1985
"But he's beating you leftists like a rented mule. So how what does it say about you that a dumb ignoramus made you his bitch?"
What does winning an election prove as to merit? The crude, lewd, the stupid and ignorant, and the violent...always have all that on their side.
That said, the Democrats--not "leftists" at all, but simply the pandering pretend-liberal wing of the American Uniparty, the Repubs being the other wing of this party--didn't provide a candidate who was any more desirable than Trump. This shows up the complete failure of our system...we get choices that are no choices. We have show elections featuring two equally unappetizing candidates instead of just one...and the results--whoever wins--are always the same: the wealthy win, everyone else loses. That outcome will be no different at the end of Trump's four or eight years.
“Right wing” Republicans are much closer to what used to be called mainstream Democrats than left-wing Democrats are. It’s a trumph of branding to have made that “right wing” thing stick. That’s how Trump won, Democrats left a large slice of the Bill Clinton coalition on the curb with a “Free” sign around their necks, and Trump picked ‘em up.
That outcome will be no different at the end of Trump's four or eight years.
Cookie is such a dope I am reluctant to engage with him but winning elections is what Bill Clinton did. What else did he ever do in life ?
George Bush was not much better.
GHW Bush is a little better in that he had the guts at 17 to be a Navy pilot but the rest of his life was being a pet of smarter more powerful men.
Trump pretty much did it himself. Now, I know Cookie thinks profit and getting rich is evil but, until Cookie shows he can do it, too, I'm satisfied that we know who is the smarter man.
"By outward signs you would be hard pressed to meet a more 'ignorant' man."
Your anecdote reveals someone who was not ignorant. Uneducated, yes, but intelligent. I don't say Trump is stupid; I say he is ignorant. He assumes his self-declared "smartness" precludes any need to learn anything about anything.
Was it like the Goodfellas scene where the wife is hitting all the intercoms in the apartment lobby and calling the mistress a whore?
You know, it's funny you should say that because I think that was the scene he was playing tongue in cheek. Which is why I couldn't find it anywhere on the internet to verify.
"...winning elections is what Bill Clinton did. What else did he ever do in life?"
Have serial affairs with women. Clinton is no exemplar, not someone to admire. He's as despicable as Trump, though not ignorant. He was even a Rhodes Scholar, yet he is simply another amoral power-seeker who helped the wealthy elites solidify their control.
"Trump pretty much did it himself."
Yes...if "doing it himself" means starting out with millions of dollars of help from his dad...along with dad's influence and connections in the NYC real estate and financial establishments, and with city government. Trump is definitely someone who did not build it himself!
I wonder whether Melania was pulling for the Croats or for the English "Three Lions" in the World Cup. The betting appears to be on France, but then no one expected Croatia to beat Russia, much less England.
I wonder whether Melania was pulling for the Croats or for the English "Three Lions" in the World Cup. The betting appears to be on France, but then no one expected Croatia to beat Russia, much less England,
I was impressed with the Croation team. They definitely played better than the Brits. In fact, I thought the Brits, although I was rooting for them, were sloppy in their execution. Hope the Croats beat France.
wwww: "Trump attacks Theresa May in Sun interview. Published tonight, while he's at a dinner, hosted by her. Very Loud headlines on front page."
Trump is wisely moving quickly to solidify his and the US position with May's unevitable replacement.
Very wise indeed now that May has demonstrated conclusively that she has no intention whatsoever of actually leading anything remotely resembling Brexit.
Theresa May's "soft Brexit" is a sham whereby Britain will not have control over its trade policies, internal laws including immigration, military policies etc.
It will all still be run out of Brussels and Berlin.
The 3 top ministers in her cabinet have all resigned and a vote of no confidence is in the offing.
Not that wwww recognizes any of that of course.
Once again, Trump is way ahead of the curve and amazingly is spot on with a majority of the British public.
“People living in Canada are coming to the United States and smuggling things back into Canada because the tariffs are so massive,” Trump said Tuesday. “The tariffs to get common items back into Canada are so high, that they have to smuggle them in.
“They buy shoes and then they wear them. They scuff them up. They make them sound old or look old,” the president said.
Correct. This is what Canadians are driven to do as a result of the shoe shortage in Canada.
There is a large scale smuggling operation involving shoes and maple syrup.
One need not look that far back. 'Professor' Obama was the smartest man EVAH and yet his actions gutted and delegitimized the Democrats so badly that we have an extra 1000 Republicans in office.
Almost makes me miss the man. Two more 'Obama' elections and you couldn't fill a school board with Democrats.
Blogger Qwinn said...I keep thinking the Democrats can't possibly beclown themselves any more than they already have... -- Blogger Inga said... “Peter Strozk will be the face of the 2018 election.” I sure hope so. -- They won't for lack of trying.
Heard Leon Panetta and David Ignatius on CSPAN radio yesterday or day before. Panetta was saying he has no idea what Pres Fishmouth will do next. But the thing is, his NATO bashing is not new. He's been doing it since the late 80s.
Just watched the opening of Morning Rino. Mika going it alone this morning. She labelled Strozk/Stroker a true patriot.
Think about that. The FBI attempting to sway an election is patriotism? The is the FBI, not some special interest group. This will come to bite the commie-pinko lefties.
I'm not biased! I'm not biased! I'm not biased! I'm not biased! I'm not biased! I'm not biased! I'm not biased! Well, I might be biased, but it didn't influence the investigation! Well, I might be biased, but it didn't influence the investigation! Well, I might be biased, but it didn't influence the investigation! Well, I might be biased, but it didn't influence the investigation! Well, I might be biased, but it didn't influence the investigation! Well, I might be biased, but it didn't influence the investigation!
Correct. This is what Canadians are driven to do as a result of the shoe shortage in Canada.
Snark is hollowing out the wit of the nation. You should avoid areas of overpressure, your head would collapse.
I don't have firsthand knowledge of Canada, but I do of Mexico. A friend of my mother's, who has moved back to Mexico after her husband died, visits from time to time. When she comes, she brings empty suitcases, which she fills with clothes, shoes, etc. I asked her, But those (eg) T-shirts were MADE in Mexico, how can they be cheaper here?
But, in fact, she explained, the taxes or tariffs or imposts or whatever, are so high, that it pays to do this. And yes, you have to, at the very least, remove the tags, otherwise their Customs will seize them as intended for resale.
Yes! It's an anecdote! Keep denying because I haven't cited Brookings!
You can't be reasoned out of a belief that you haven't been reasoned into.
Blogger heyboom said... Was it like the Goodfellas scene where the wife is hitting all the intercoms in the apartment lobby and calling the mistress a whore?
It was the same one, it's on his website. Your post was too good to check. I highly doubt the FBI wife would be as entertaining as a mob wife though. As tough as Peter, Peter Pumpkin Eater thinks he is, he didn't even get a good looking mistress.
It was a challenge to type "Pumpkin Eater" because I was really thinking something else, not so polite. That hearing had me all Samantha Bee-ing in my head. That mushy mouthed black woman from New Jersey sitting next to the mob guy from Rhode Island right in front were the Democrats that need to be highlighted, over and over and over.
Didn't Leon Panetta first rise to the public eye tamping down the #MeToo movement during the Clinton presidency? I believe everything that guy says has zero tinge of partisan animus.
Correct. This is what Canadians are driven to do as a result of the shoe shortage in Canada.
You should disregard the fake news that Canadians are boycotting America. No one is talking about that. It's totally untrue that all of the Canadian ketchup was Sold Out at the grocery store Canadian Day weekend because locals are avoiding identified American goods. Heinz was all that was Left! Was like the Soviet Union grocery stores.
No. Canadians travel to the States to purchase new shoes because they are unavailable in Canada. Then scuffing them up. Because at the Canadian border guards hunt for American Shoes purchased at American shoe stores.
The Canadian shoe shortage is a very serious situation. Very serious.
@heyboom, I just saw your comment. LOL, that would be funny if true. But the answer is no. Andrew is my middle name which I often use online. (I hope the Thought Police aren't monitoring Ann's blog this morning.)
Forget the "rigged witch hunt", these people allowed Clinton to flout the laws regarding government communications, especially wrt to classified material, and hide her communications as a top govt cabinet member. Then they allowed her the lattitude to produce the requested records on her own just as this pos FBI hack was allowed to do.
Were it you or I, we'd be looking at jail time. I'm tired of the two tiered system of justice this represents.
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"We will Stop him."
-FBI agent Peter STrozk to his lover regarding the election of Donald Trump.
Who needs Russian meddling when we have our own corrupt deep state/Democrat FBI mole?
The Dems actually applauded for Strzok, and then they claim there's no bias?
And Strzok is a villain out of central casting. What a smug, sanctimonious jerk.
God, I hope there's a backlash against the Democrats in the midterms.
Make Strozk the face of the democrat party.
James Woods has the stillz.
While Trump made a fool of himself at the NATO summit, Peter Strzok made a fool of Republicans in the hearing today.
“We’ll stop him...” The #Democrats can huff and puff as much as they want, but those three words from the mouth of a trusted American servant regarding a presidential candidate are as close to treason as you can get.
Inga- you are such a fool. A corrupt excusing idiot.
Took my sons to the barbershop for their haircuts. Long wait. The man ahead of us paid for all of their haircuts before leaving because he said he liked their behavior while waiting. Nearly $50! Nice guy.
I keep thinking the Democrats can't possibly beclown themselves any more than they already have. Not that I don't think they're capable of it, just that I don't believe there's any way to go lower than they already have.
I continue to be repeatedly wrong on that particular point.
Actually, Inga - the idiots in your party want to give a known liar and a cheat a purple heart. That's pretty embarrassing.
Not that I don't think they're capable of it, just that I don't believe there's any way to go lower than they already have.
The left is nothing more than a fifth column.
They should be treated as such.
Bimbo you are such a fool, Trump is the most corrupt president in the history of this country.
"Watching the ##Democrats squirm and weasel around is a true joy. Campaign video fodder for #2018"
Peter Strozk will be the face of the 2018 election.
Sorry Inga- Trump is not corrupt. Peter Strozk and Hillary Clinton ARE.
If you do not see it or believe it, that only means you are the moron parrot everyone here knows you to be.
BTW- any leads on the death of Seth Rich?
“Peter Strozk will be the face of the 2018 election.”
I sure hope so.
A Purple Heart is for actual heroes. The fact that a dumb-shit ignorant democrat thinks Strozk deserves one - is the definition of embarrassment.
Inga offers proof that hate makes you stupid, unless you're stupid to begin with.
“BTW- any leads on the death of Seth Rich?”
Only the most foolish of the Trump fools are still ranting about a conspiracy theory. Pathetic, lol.
Inga hopes a liar and a cheat are the face of the democrat party.
Then again, Inga is a liar too. She voted for Hillary.
I'm just asking, Inga- who killed him? Do you even care? Nah.
Strozk's face, Hillary's face, both of their words, lies, blaming, lying.
Lets do this.
Of course he was smug. He contradicts his own testimony and perjures himself and nothing happens to him. There's no reason to expect anything useful to come out of this farce.
Louie Gohmert went there: "I can’t help but wonder when I see you looking there with a little smirk how many times did you look so innocently into your wife’s eye and lied to her about Lisa Page.”
Demcorats love/excuse/adore/blow lying liars who lie.
Maybe now Trump will fire Sessions?
We need the head of the DOJ to clean house at the FBI. Strozk needs to be fired and prosecuted. Agreed, Matthew - it's a farce.
I prefer "smoke on your pipe and put that in". Things you gotta do to make a song rhyme.
The Smug
Inga said...
Bimbo you are such a fool, Trump is the most corrupt president in the history of this country.
False, as usual. Obama was pretty damn corrupt, and his erstwhile successor, Hillary Clinton, would have held the crown with her political slush fund foundation, and probably for the next century at least. Trump is small potatoes next to pretty much any Democrat.
Funny that Strzok said he didn't remember the text but a minute later said it was done 'late at night'...
And the sneaky Democrats keep saying "Squirrel! Squirrel!" Don't be fooled. They're only doing so because they know that they and their smirky coup-attempting FBI conspirator are caught in the headlights of history. It looks really, really bad to anyone who isn't a hardcored Demorat partisan.
Inga said:
...Trump is the most corrupt president in the history of this country.
No words.
Can someone please find out what Strzok makes per year? He and Paige sent 50,000 texts just on their work phones. If each text took a minute to write or a minute to read, that is 833 hours of time for each of them, or half a year's work. Add to that the time they spent carrying on the affair, and you start to wonder how they found time to cover up Hillary's crimes and plot trump's demise.
Interesting twist/take from Mollie Hemmingway
"My extremely hot take is that the FBI's #2 in Counterintelligence cheating on his wife with *at least one woman* is a huge blackmailing opportunity for our adversaries (including Russia!) and has not been explored enough."
Inga said... Peter Strzok made a fool of Republicans in the hearing today.
Oh? Well, he had lots of practice making a fool out of his wife.
I'll be interested to see if our local news affiliates bury this story tomorrow like they did the IG report findings.
Taking one up the butt for Team Putin.
Blogger Inga said...”“Peter Strozk will be the face of the 2018 election.”
I sure hope so.”
You can’t be serious.
It's a reverse colonoscopy
Blogger Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...”Maybe now Trump will fire Sessions?”
If Sessions is fired, won’t Rosenstein be in command?
Interesting twist/take from Mollie Hemmingway
"My extremely hot take is that the FBI's #2 in Counterintelligence cheating on his wife with *at least one woman* is a huge blackmailing opportunity for our adversaries (including Russia!) and has not been explored enough."
In another thread I also questioned why having an adulterous affair with a colleague was not grounds for termination, as it would be in the military.
Blogger Gretchen said...
Can someone please find out what Strzok makes per year?
This site allows you to snoop on any of your friends/acquaintances, or Peter Strzok, who work for the federal government:
One line that applies to Trump comes from FDR about Al Smith. "I love him for his enemies."
To watch a fool like Inga defend Strzok in the same terms as the DNC robots on the committee , suggests very strongly that the trolls here are getting instructions from the DNC, if not a Soros organization like Media Matters.
It is an education to watch this stuff that has replaced politics in this country.
It is interesting to watch the left get rolled like this. I doubt they have any idea of where those instructions come from.
The London financial people are as hostile to Trump, and BREXIT, as the New York and San Francisco financial people.
It could not happen to a worse bunch.
And the fools think they are making sense.
“Oh? Well, he had lots of practice making a fool out of his wife.”
So did Trump.
"Summer afternoon—summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language."
--Henry James
In another thread I also questioned why having an adulterous affair with a colleague was not grounds for termination, as it would be in the military.
Because civilian employees (even civilian employees of the military) are not subject to the UCMJ. Sheesh, I don't know why I respond to these stupid musings.
This site allows you to snoop on any of your friends/acquaintances, or Peter Strzok, who work for the federal government:
Public employee salaries are a matter of public record. As it should be. I remember when Althouse got pissed off because her salary was easily available (Wisconsin has a law similar to the federal law).
Someone screwed up.
Red carpet dresses with deep slits not suitable for Prime Ministers to wear anyway, and definitely is not for climbing stairs with at photo ops.
suggests very strongly that the trolls here are getting instructions from the DNC, if not a Soros organization like Media Matters.
Do you know how I can get on the Media Matters/Soros/DNC gravy train. It sure would be nice to get paid to respond to your posts.
”Sheesh, I don't know why I respond to these stupid musings.”
You respond in order to show off your superior knowledge and intelligence.
Andrew Wilkow played a clip of a recording of Strzok's wife going off in a confrontation with Lisa Page at the apartment complex they live in. It was brutal shall we say. A woman scorned indeed.
Gretchen thanks for those numbers. I always kinda wondered how they had so much free to jack around at work.
Obviously those two positions could easily be eliminated.
I would think a 5% per year decrease for a few years would be easy was to trim the excess of these bloated discretionary budgets.
In another thread I also questioned why having an adulterous affair with a colleague was not grounds for termination, as it would be in the military.
Because civilian employees (even civilian employees of the military) are not subject to the UCMJ. Sheesh, I don't know why I respond to these stupid musings.
Smug and condescending is no way to go through life.
I think a marital affair for someone with a high level security clearance would certainly be grounds to lose your clearance.
Sheesh I don't know why I have to straighten out these assholes.
“Andrew Wilkow played a clip of a recording of Strzok's wife going off in a confrontation with Lisa Page at the apartment complex they live in. It was brutal shall we say. A woman scorned indeed.”
I bet Ivana Trump, Marla Maples and Melania were plenty pissed when they found out Trump cheated on them.
Why do we believe that Stzork didn't try to leak when we know from his texts and others there was a strategy to leak to the media and that the only reason it didn't take off is CNN demanded a news hook before reporting on the dossier?
Catholics are deep into the rituals of worship but sometimes there ritualistic tendencies go to unexpected time-wasting, such as writing about pipe-smoking.
"Is Pipe Smoking Good for the Soul?"
There is a rhythm to pipe smoking, a ritual even, one that allows you, if you let it, to enter into a state of contemplation. You must pack the pipe first, and pack it well, else you will have an uneven smoke, causing the pipe either to burn out too quickly or not to stay lit. Then, once properly packed, you must light it. And this too is a ritual. The first light chars the tobacco on top, the second causes the ember to reside deep within the bowl. Once the ritual of packing and lighting is completed comes the smoking. This too must follow some kind of rhythm. Smoke too quickly and you may end up burning a hole through your pipe. Too slowly and you’ll constantly be relighting. But if you can find that sweet spot, that right rhythm, then you can puff away thoughtfully.
Back in the old days when everyone smoked in the workplace, pipe-smokers were persona non grata - mainly because pipe smoking interfered with productivity. No one complained about the rich smell of cigar tobacco burning but it didn't take bosses long to figure out that all of the care and feeding required to keep the pipe lit made these smokers forget about working.
Having an affair is actually one of many indicators people are trained to look for in coworkers with clearances. It is up there with unexplained wealth. Alone it may not be, but combined with misuse of government property and unauthorized media contacts, it probably was. And it was, because he did lose his clearance.
Keep in mind that what is be-clowning to you could be be-crowning to another.
Different movie screens.
Different lexicons.
Congress should have refused to question him publicly because Page ignored her subpoena and might change her testimony with the benefit of hearing his. Funny how readily Democrats and their allies ignore subpoenas by the way.
@MattewSablan ...
Strzok may have lost his clearance, but his work product is still very much in place and use. Mueller should be dismissed with prejudice, but I don't think Republicans have the courage or integrity or ingenuity or inventiveness.
I just watched a little of the Strzok debacle; all I could stand.
This guy is not helping either himself or the FBI.
Try as I might, I just cannot seem to care about any of this stupid bullshit.
So I finished Trump Revealed, which was ends right after the election, and there's no mention of the dossier or collusion theory. A 400+ page book by two WaPo reporters, and they didn't bring it up.
Did the story ever have legs?
I bet Ivana Trump, Marla Maples and Melania were plenty pissed when they found out Trump cheated on them.
Recordings, or it didn't happen. LOL
Inga’s avatar looks like an angry reptile at first glance. Amirite? Green is also the color of envy.
Not a good look for you, Inga. You’ve done much better.
Strzok acts like he’s going to hang around the FBI until a partisan of his flavor takes over and reinstates him with a promotion and back pay. I bet he texts that to gum lips.
The smug is too strong in him — too strong for civil service. I hope he gets canned.
Blogger J. Farmer said...”Try as I might, I just cannot seem to care about any of this stupid bullshit.”
At the very least, his open contempt for Congress should givevyou pause. You should consider whether he truly does believe he’ll be exonerated and given a ticker tape parade. It sounds like Inga believes that.
Strzok really his the face of the Deep State: unelected chutzpah.
“Strzok may have lost his clearance, but his work product is still very much in place and use.”
Strzok still has top security clearance as was stated today in the hearing.
When civil servants like Strzok behave like tenured professors, it’s time to make examples of them.
Do you know how I can get on the Media Matters/Soros/DNC gravy train.
I don't think they are taking really stupids right now. They filled that quota with Inga.
Jared Kushner still doesn’t have clearance to see top secret documents.
I love the smell of Trump support at Walmarts in the morning. Smells like America is great again.
I don't know if this is a Peter Stork thread only, but my impression after watching him smirk and testify is that he is a skilled, psychopathic liar. Very savvy weasel, that fellow.
Neither did ben Rhodes, but he didn't have a clue either,
So Hillary's email were transferred to a separate offsite server, no not wieners.
I bet Ivana Trump, Marla Maples and Melania were plenty pissed when they found out Trump cheated on them.
Why would Marla or Melania even be surprised?
Glad to see the commenters are all on this POS testifying today. Because Althouse isn't. WTF?
"Try as I might, I just cannot seem to care about any of this stupid bullshit."
It seems like an opportunity for politicians to blather and pander to their base. That is definite bullshit and boring.
I am waiting for actions rather than words.
I love it ... Dems applauding #METOOs. Feels great to be a "former" dem. Strzok's smirk is a campaign poster for 2020. A devious Eddie Haskell indeed!. Hillary"s twin seperated at birth? To think of it everybody involved in this coup A) got caught and B) lost the election.
Buncha dim fucks by any measure, right Inga?
"Andrew Wilkow played a clip of a recording of Strzok's wife going off in a confrontation with Lisa Page at the apartment complex they live in. It was brutal shall we say. A woman scorned indeed."
Wow, really? First I've heard of it. I'll have to look that up, if it's for real.
Was it like the Goodfellas scene where the wife is hitting all the intercoms in the apartment lobby and calling the mistress a whore?
More like that scene between any Adams and Jennifer Lawrence in American hustle.
"Bimbo you are such a fool, Trump is the most corrupt president in the history of this country."
I don't know about that...there's pretty stiff competition for that top spot. However, Trump is surely among the most ignorant of presidents in our history.
Thanks to the twisted liars just revealed the slander dismissal of someone as a Conspiracy Theorist just lost its power. Strzok just proved the FBI under Obama was the epitomeof a Conspiracy to Destroy the USA. And that is all it has been since the days of the JFK assassination Coverup.
The day Trump came down the escalator refusing all bribes and all corrupt bargains, the entire DC Conspiracy Swap was doomed.
Now we are watching Trump give it a decent burial.
Strzok still has top security clearance as was stated today in the hearing.
A clearance is not the same as access. Hopefully, he's been "read out" of every important classified program. I'll bet the FBI once had rules about sleeping with people in the same office, married or not.
I found a stash of my great-grandparents' framed artwork last weekend. They had ugly hanging wires that extended well above the frames. I wonder what they used to mount Seurat--cable, eh?
(stupid opera pun).
Oddly, there were two very small copies of the same Raphael Madonna. If they liked it so much, why didn't they get a larger one?
"Try as I might, I just cannot seem to care about any of this stupid bullshit."
Very suprising Farmer. Perhaps the greatest threat to the integrity of the Republic we have ever faced (whichever side is right). All of the foreign policies and economic strategies flow downhill from this.
Trump is surely among the most ignorant of presidents in our history.
But he's beating you leftists like a rented mule. So how what does it say about you that a dumb ignoramus made you his bitch?
Inga said...
“Oh? Well, he had lots of practice making a fool out of his wife.”
So did Trump.
7/12/18, 5:43 PM
Then you have two heroes to look up to. How nice for you!
Isn't he the optician who invented the color-blindness dot-test? I see a "six".
Maybe you have to grow up in miami to see that the intelligence services are nowhere as competent, lumumba Trujillo and prats and Schneider were dispatched but Nasser Fidel and sukarno were not.
Ralph L
They probably hung their pictures from the molding which often had a groove for such purpose. Likely their walls were plaster.
Try as I might, I just cannot seem to care about any of this stupid bullshit.
(opposite of)
Inga seems cool with major NATO members not paying their agreed share. So we essentially pay for their social services and give them room to whine about our possibly pulling back. Trump is giving them a heads up that they may run out of other people's money. Ours.
The difference between tolerable self-absorption (roosevelt, t): "always wanted to be the corpse at every funeral, the bride at every wedding and the baby at every christening."
and malignant narcissism:
"I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters," Trump said
Before the Left was pushing the Global Warming scam, they were flogging the gravity shortage. Do watch the whole nine minutes.
Or just click HERE.
Trump showing Brits how to Declare Independence ...
"However, Trump is surely among the most ignorant of presidents in our history."
And your net worth is?
Interesting story I've been meaning to relate. My first employer out of college never got past the third grade, was a street orphan, and had to sign his name with a squiggly X because he could neither read nor write until his late teens (self taught). He was in his thirties when I first met him, and was running a thriving business on nothing more than common sense. He had learned basic math by then, but the bookeeper handled all of the numbers. He had gathered good people around him to handle all of basic stuff. His genius was knowing intuitively what worked financially and processes. He retired a multimillionaire, and remained a friend and mentor throughout my career. The last time I saw him he was in his 70's and could still barely sign his name. By outward signs you would be hard pressed to meet a more "ignorant" man. He was without a doubt the most natively smart man I have ever met.
I'm not trying to say anything specific about our present President with this, other than that when I read a lot of your comments - you don't have a clue, just a bias.
Maybe you have to grow up in miami to see that the intelligence services are nowhere as competent
Castro was running our Cuba intel for 20 years with Ana Montez.
” Even more astonishing is the fact that not a single product authored or influenced by Montes has been pulled back by the intelligence community.
Recalling products produced by tainted sources is a common practice within the intelligence community after it conducts a damage assessment. It happened after Russian spies Aldrich Ames and Robert Hansen were caught, and it happened on a more limited basis after an Iraqi source known as CURVEBALL, who was controlled by German intelligence, was later found to be psychologically unstable.
But the U.S. intelligence community continues to base essential judgments on Cuba on products written by convicted Cuban spy Ana Belen Montes, despite a sweeping damage assessment carried out in the months following her arrest and sentencing.”
The links seem to have expired.
And Melania doesn't give a shit about anything (politics, affairs), only that the ATM she married keeps spewing cash.
By outward signs you would be hard pressed to meet a more "ignorant" man. He was without a doubt the most natively smart man I have ever met.
I knew a building contractor in Laguna Beach who was the same and also a millionaire.
It's especially sweet seeing Cookie, who probably lives in a cold water walkup, writing that,
Perhaps the fault lies in Americans still believe Intelligence Agencies have their interest and security as priority!!!
After 8 years of Obama and barely escaping Hillary.
Actually latells contact fiorentino aspillaga revealed the whole network in cuba was doubled, dgi pineiros outfit had a thirty year mole at foggy bottom in their lead language program. Cubela the fellow who waa handed the Poison pen in Paris, was likely a,double agent.
He compromised the escambray front and nearly three year after nov 22, was imprisoned for 20 years then moved to
Revolutionary regimes are extremely hard to topple, it took a,full revolt by suhartos men for instance in indonesia.
That was in 1965, it took similar efforts in Chile and Argentina, but they hadn't fully militarized the progs.
're double and triple agents one was Richard 'the monkey' Morales, he was ex g2
Surfaced in the Congo, fotvhimself
Picked up the bureau the company the sea, ran his own criminal enterprise likely responsible for Cubans aviation bombing in 76, when he,was assigned to Venezuelan intelligence.
The Question for Thales remains Evergreen: If you are so smart, why aren't you rich?
Thales pulled it off.
Cookie...not so much.
Speaking objectively, Strzok does not look good. Ollie North, whatever his level of corruption, looked like a hero. Someone mentioned Eddie Haskell. While he was a bit before my time, that reference nailed it.
Supercilious assweasel was the tone that Strzok seemed intent on setting. "You can't touch me. I can sit here and lie and lie and there's nothing you can do.'
Now, this may technically be true since the FBI unions will have to guard him and Mueller has to as well. But there are thousands of FBI agents, people he has to work with, looking at him and saying 'THIS is what the face of the FBI is today?"
And I don't think arrogant assweasel looks particularly good to the public. If Democrats applauding Assweasels like this one is what the Democrats are all about...well...that voting location is hot, and traffic is bad...and I am not voting for people like THAT.
I wonder what Strzok is going to do to Democrat internal polling. It's going to be hard to get the black man, the hippies and the anti authority types to go to the polls 'defending the FBI' and jerks like this who abuse power.
Strzok, for the REPUBLICAN base, is like crack cocaine mixed with meth. He is pure gold in making 'broken glass' Republican voters.
Inga can give us her opinion on how the Dems see things. Compared to the pure outrage that the Right feels from Eddie Assweasel Haskell...Inga's insight is rather narrow and not particularly illuminating.
I'm not making this up, two Venezuelan courts reversed the convictions, yet a vinctive pol kept the two men in jail, one the late Posada carried escaped in 1985
"But he's beating you leftists like a rented mule. So how what does it say about you that a dumb ignoramus made you his bitch?"
What does winning an election prove as to merit? The crude, lewd, the stupid and ignorant, and the violent...always have all that on their side.
That said, the Democrats--not "leftists" at all, but simply the pandering pretend-liberal wing of the American Uniparty, the Repubs being the other wing of this party--didn't provide a candidate who was any more desirable than Trump. This shows up the complete failure of our system...we get choices that are no choices. We have show elections featuring two equally unappetizing candidates instead of just one...and the results--whoever wins--are always the same: the wealthy win, everyone else loses. That outcome will be no different at the end of Trump's four or eight years.
"And your net worth is?"
Not a fraction of Trump's. And...?
“Right wing” Republicans are much closer to what used to be called mainstream Democrats than left-wing Democrats are. It’s a trumph of branding to have made that “right wing” thing stick. That’s how Trump won, Democrats left a large slice of the Bill Clinton coalition on the curb with a “Free” sign around their necks, and Trump picked ‘em up.
That outcome will be no different at the end of Trump's four or eight years.
Cookie is such a dope I am reluctant to engage with him but winning elections is what Bill Clinton did. What else did he ever do in life ?
George Bush was not much better.
GHW Bush is a little better in that he had the guts at 17 to be a Navy pilot but the rest of his life was being a pet of smarter more powerful men.
Trump pretty much did it himself. Now, I know Cookie thinks profit and getting rich is evil but, until Cookie shows he can do it, too, I'm satisfied that we know who is the smarter man.
Well bush sr. Did have some prominent angel investors including Eugene meyers of the post, Katherine grahams father, as did 30 years later,
"By outward signs you would be hard pressed to meet a more 'ignorant' man."
Your anecdote reveals someone who was not ignorant. Uneducated, yes, but intelligent. I don't say Trump is stupid; I say he is ignorant. He assumes his self-declared "smartness" precludes any need to learn anything about anything.
Was it like the Goodfellas scene where the wife is hitting all the intercoms in the apartment lobby and calling the mistress a whore?
You know, it's funny you should say that because I think that was the scene he was playing tongue in cheek. Which is why I couldn't find it anywhere on the internet to verify.
"...winning elections is what Bill Clinton did. What else did he ever do in life?"
Have serial affairs with women. Clinton is no exemplar, not someone to admire. He's as despicable as Trump, though not ignorant. He was even a Rhodes Scholar, yet he is simply another amoral power-seeker who helped the wealthy elites solidify their control.
"Trump pretty much did it himself."
Yes...if "doing it himself" means starting out with millions of dollars of help from his dad...along with dad's influence and connections in the NYC real estate and financial establishments, and with city government. Trump is definitely someone who did not build it himself!
Strozk is eddie haskel, but with creepier vampire teeth.
"Trump is definitely someone who did not build it himself!"
Speaking of ignorant. You would do well to read a biography before making statements that look like those of a fool.
I would recommend Conrad Black's new biography but you won't read it.
Not every kid born into wealth does something with it. Trump did.
Trump attacks Theresa May in Sun interview. Published tonight, while he's at a dinner, hosted by her.
Very Loud headlines on front page.
"Try as I might, I just cannot seem to care about any of this stupid bullshit."
Too few Jews involved.
I wonder whether Melania was pulling for the Croats or for the English "Three Lions" in the World Cup. The betting appears to be on France, but then no one expected Croatia to beat Russia, much less England.
Cookie says: I don't say Trump is stupid; I say he is ignorant.
Shall we say unencumbered by superfluous information?
I see that the black woman who nearly beat a 92 year old Hispanic to death has been charged with attempted murder. Good!
I wonder whether Melania was pulling for the Croats or for the English "Three Lions" in the World Cup. The betting appears to be on France, but then no one expected Croatia to beat Russia, much less England,
I was impressed with the Croation team. They definitely played better than the Brits. In fact, I thought the Brits, although I was rooting for them, were sloppy in their execution. Hope the Croats beat France.
And, Cookie, let us remember that Woodrow Wilson was one of the most educated of our Presidents and also one of the worst.
He was even a Rhodes Scholar, yet he is simply another amoral power-seeker who helped the wealthy elites solidify their control.
Power-seeking seems almost a requirement to get a Rhodes, from the ones we hear about. I knew 2 a bit in college.
wwww: "Trump attacks Theresa May in Sun interview. Published tonight, while he's at a dinner, hosted by her.
Very Loud headlines on front page."
Trump is wisely moving quickly to solidify his and the US position with May's unevitable replacement.
Very wise indeed now that May has demonstrated conclusively that she has no intention whatsoever of actually leading anything remotely resembling Brexit.
Theresa May's "soft Brexit" is a sham whereby Britain will not have control over its trade policies, internal laws including immigration, military policies etc.
It will all still be run out of Brussels and Berlin.
The 3 top ministers in her cabinet have all resigned and a vote of no confidence is in the offing.
Not that wwww recognizes any of that of course.
Once again, Trump is way ahead of the curve and amazingly is spot on with a majority of the British public.
Yes, Drago. If the UK wants a trade deal with the US they have to proceed with Brexit. Trump has made that clear. It's an incentive.
Trump ready to own the libs by [checks notes] getting Corbyn elected
-twitter Allahapundit
Theresa May has seen Love Actually, right? There's one way to deal with an American president who pulls this crap on your soil.
-twitter Josh Barro
“People living in Canada are coming to the United States and smuggling things back into Canada because the tariffs are so massive,” Trump said Tuesday. “The tariffs to get common items back into Canada are so high, that they have to smuggle them in.
“They buy shoes and then they wear them. They scuff them up. They make them sound old or look old,” the president said.
Correct. This is what Canadians are driven to do as a result of the shoe shortage in Canada.
There is a large scale smuggling operation involving shoes and maple syrup.
Oh Noes!!!!
Wwww counters with the dreaded Allahpundit quote!!
So much power in that!
Run away! Run away!
Talk about a most pathetic appeal to non-authority!
No wwww, Corbyn only gets a leg up if May continues with Soft/fake Brexit and pulls every GOPe/Allapundit-like manuever to retain control.
And even better, wwww moves directly to a movie scenario for potential Trump rebuttals!
Whattsamatter wwww, couldn't you come up with a killer "West Wing" or "American President" BS response?
I am so disappointed in you...
Very British coup from 1989,
One need not look that far back. 'Professor' Obama was the smartest man EVAH and yet his actions gutted and delegitimized the Democrats so badly that we have an extra 1000 Republicans in office.
Almost makes me miss the man. Two more 'Obama' elections and you couldn't fill a school board with Democrats.
Blogger Qwinn said...I keep thinking the Democrats can't possibly beclown themselves any more than they already have...
Blogger Inga said...
“Peter Strozk will be the face of the 2018 election.”
I sure hope so.
They won't for lack of trying.
Peter Strzok loves the FBI, his wife, and his mistress.
He fucked them all.
"Shall we say unencumbered by superfluous information?"
Great line!
Maybe the "I'm Comey's homey" mugs be replaced with "I'm Strzozk's Cock" phone skins?
Strzozk: It's not bias bias.
Dems: He came all the way here to lie in front of everyone. Participation award!
Purple Heart!
Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.): "Mr. Strzok, if I could give you a Purple Heart, I would."
Maybe this was his plan for the interview with the Sun -
Getting Corbyn elected is owning New Labour, which is owning the libs
drago wrote: Once again, Trump is way ahead of the curve and amazingly is spot on with a majority of the British public.
How does Trump poll with Brits?
Jon Ericson said...Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.): "Mr. Strzok, if I could give you a Purple Heart, I would."
What Cohen knows about the military could be put on the head of a pin. Fucking Art Degree major during a war. Give me a break...
You're not Andrew Wilkow by chance are you? Man, I may be getting played twice on this thing!
After that performance, Peter Strzok would be the frontrunner for the 2020 Democrat presidential nomination if he wasn't a white male.
Although maybe he can Dolezal up some ethnic color from his family tree. Worked for Fauxcahontas Warren.
Heard Leon Panetta and David Ignatius on CSPAN radio yesterday or day before. Panetta was saying he has no idea what Pres Fishmouth will do next. But the thing is, his NATO bashing is not new. He's been doing it since the late 80s.
^^^^^ President Fishmouth????? You will win a host of converts with that characterization. *cough*
Just watched the opening of Morning Rino. Mika going it alone this morning. She labelled Strozk/Stroker a true patriot.
Think about that. The FBI attempting to sway an election is patriotism? The is the FBI, not some special interest group. This will come to bite the commie-pinko lefties.
That’s the guy from the cabin in Inglorious Bastards
The one-microwave-ahead policy paid off today. The old one quit, and I just swapped in the spare, and ordered another spare.
No break in hot oat bran breakfasts.
Chickelit: "How does Trump poll with Brits?"
/humor on
Pretty much like everyone else. He asks them questions and records their responses. Why do you ask?
/humor off
Stork's Testimony:
I'm not biased!
I'm not biased!
I'm not biased!
I'm not biased!
I'm not biased!
I'm not biased!
I'm not biased!
Well, I might be biased, but it didn't influence the investigation!
Well, I might be biased, but it didn't influence the investigation!
Well, I might be biased, but it didn't influence the investigation!
Well, I might be biased, but it didn't influence the investigation!
Well, I might be biased, but it didn't influence the investigation!
Well, I might be biased, but it didn't influence the investigation!
Correct. This is what Canadians are driven to do as a result of the shoe shortage in Canada.
Snark is hollowing out the wit of the nation. You should avoid areas of overpressure, your head would collapse.
I don't have firsthand knowledge of Canada, but I do of Mexico. A friend of my mother's, who has moved back to Mexico after her husband died, visits from time to time. When she comes, she brings empty suitcases, which she fills with clothes, shoes, etc. I asked her, But those (eg) T-shirts were MADE in Mexico, how can they be cheaper here?
But, in fact, she explained, the taxes or tariffs or imposts or whatever, are so high, that it pays to do this. And yes, you have to, at the very least, remove the tags, otherwise their Customs will seize them as intended for resale.
Yes! It's an anecdote! Keep denying because I haven't cited Brookings!
You can't be reasoned out of a belief that you haven't been reasoned into.
And the left sees nothing here (Strozk testimony). Why we have Trump. And why we will get more of Trump.
Blogger heyboom said...
Was it like the Goodfellas scene where the wife is hitting all the intercoms in the apartment lobby and calling the mistress a whore?
It was the same one, it's on his website. Your post was too good to check. I highly doubt the FBI wife would be as entertaining as a mob wife though. As tough as Peter, Peter Pumpkin Eater thinks he is, he didn't even get a good looking mistress.
It was a challenge to type "Pumpkin Eater" because I was really thinking something else, not so polite. That hearing had me all Samantha Bee-ing in my head. That mushy mouthed black woman from New Jersey sitting next to the mob guy from Rhode Island right in front were the Democrats that need to be highlighted, over and over and over.
Wow, I just referred to Goodfellas because the description reminded me of it. I had no idea I was right on the money. Must be the Trump effect (TM).
Didn't Leon Panetta first rise to the public eye tamping down the #MeToo movement during the Clinton presidency? I believe everything that guy says has zero tinge of partisan animus.
Who needs Russia when we have Strozk, the FBI mole for corruptocrats.
Ladies and gentlemen - your
FBI hard at work. Occupied by brats who lie and do this.
Correct. This is what Canadians are driven to do as a result of the shoe shortage in Canada.
You should disregard the fake news that Canadians are boycotting America. No one is talking about that. It's totally untrue that all of the Canadian ketchup was Sold Out at the grocery store Canadian Day weekend because locals are avoiding identified American goods. Heinz was all that was Left! Was like the Soviet Union grocery stores.
No. Canadians travel to the States to purchase new shoes because they are unavailable in Canada. Then scuffing them up. Because at the Canadian border guards hunt for American Shoes purchased at American shoe stores.
The Canadian shoe shortage is a very serious situation. Very serious.
And surprisingly, Only Known Unknown said...
Was I the only one to notice that The Professor's pipe smoker post was made at 4:20?
Question for the room: Was the smirk on Strzok's face just an obnoxious personal characteristic, or was it a "tell" that he was lying?
@heyboom, I just saw your comment. LOL, that would be funny if true. But the answer is no. Andrew is my middle name which I often use online. (I hope the Thought Police aren't monitoring Ann's blog this morning.)
"Question for the room: Was the smirk on Strzok's face just an obnoxious personal characteristic, or was it a "tell" that he was lying?"
The latter. Non-verbal communication. "I'm really sophisticated, you're not, and you can't 'prove' I'm lying, hah-hah-hah!" The guy is a psychopath.
The fact that someone like Strzok was given such a high level position confirms my already low opinion of FBI leadership.
Forget the "rigged witch hunt", these people allowed Clinton to flout the laws regarding government communications, especially wrt to classified material, and hide her communications as a top govt cabinet member. Then they allowed her the lattitude to produce the requested records on her own just as this pos FBI hack was allowed to do.
Were it you or I, we'd be looking at jail time. I'm tired of the two tiered system of justice this represents.
wwww said...
Correct. This is what Canadians are driven to do as a result of the shoe shortage in Canada.
This has been explained to you already, so now you're just lying.
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