July 26, 2018

78% Hillary Clinton, 12% Donald Trump... that's where I am on the "Extremely Detailed Map of the 2016 Election."

If you're willing to let the NYT see exactly where you are, you can find out the percentage in your little world. You can see if you live in "a bubble." I sure do!

ADDED: I'm showing you screen selections but if you go to the link, you can close in even more on your precinct and compare it to other precincts in your area. There are Madison neighborhoods that are even more bubbly than mine, with the Hillary percentage in one place at 91% and another at 90% and quite a few in the 80%. That's the east side of town. When I moved here in the 1980s, I heard it called (with pride) "the politically correct east side." The west side (where I bought my house) was regarded as conservative. Ooh! A west sider. Almost toxic!


rehajm said...

The nearest Trump district is a 19 minute drive, without traffic.

rehajm said...

Hillary wants elections via popular vote but why shouldn't we use Risk™ rules? Because next turn Republicans are going to get two big handfuls of armies and it will be over for Dems.

Henry said...

I live in a sea. The blue is almost as deep as the lake in my town. Zooming out, the pink districts begin to appear on the periphery of the deep blue depths of greater Boston.

chickelit said...

Looks like numerous blue spots of moldy rot on an otherwise healthy red body politic.

Darkisland said...

Sounds like your neighborhood is out of touch we the rest of Wisconsin.

John Henry

Matt Sablan said...

What an interesting West Side Story.

Jaq said...

In Vermont, the Trump districts run right along the Canadian border.

Eric said...

Hillary 89%, Trump 4.9% (he may have come in third?). Surrounding areas are even more lopsided. Upper Northwest DC, of course!

Sal said...

I'm with the people who know how to change the oil in their car.

Sebastian said...

Hey, political scientists, might there be a correlation between bubble isolation and prog rage or TDS?

Phil 314 said...

Hmmm, surprising. My precinct went 51% Clinton but its the last blue tinged one as you head north in Phx.

Congressionally I’m in a deeply red district (Schweikert) but just north of the modestly left of center district that will give us our next Dem candidate for US Senate, Kirsten Sinema.

I assume this fall it will Sinema against McSally. Oddly the Republican from Tucson, typically blue and the Dem from Phx, stereotypically red.

tim maguire said...

Most of us live in a bubble.

Bob Boyd said...

"Almost toxic!"

Certainly unclean.

MountainMan said...

No bubble for me. I live in a sea of red.

Oso Negro said...

If I was a Democrat, I would be terrified of losing the black vote.

wild chicken said...

Surprised my precinct is somewhat Trumpish. Good thing, since I am the new capo here and need to go out and talk to these people.

Missoula has the same east-west thing going on. And I wonder why urban areas are so blue. Is it a conformity thing?

Big Mike said...

There are Madison neighborhoods that are even more bubbly than mine

Nothing to brag about. Anyone who would vote for a person as corrupt as Hillary must themselves be personally corrupt.

Bob Boyd said...

"And I wonder why urban areas are so blue. Is it a conformity thing?"

Why couldn't Putin reach those people?

FIDO said...

If I was a Democrat, I would be terrified of losing the black vote.

An easy fix: just 'vote' the no shows. Easier than digging up death records and it's not like a reporter will do an expose

Rory said...

"An easy fix: just 'vote' the no shows. "

I figure that ultimately someone just choose a party, then the system will vote the straight ticket for them every election until their death gets recorded. Just a modest extension of early voting, actually.

Ray - SoCal said...

I expect the Democrats to lose more of the Black vote due to Trump.

They already lost the manufacturing vote.

Why - Culture.

AllenS said...

All of the blue areas have the biggest cemeteries.

Jaq said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Looks like numerous blue spots of moldy rot on an otherwise healthy red body politic.

No doubt.

Jaq said...

The deepest blue, and almost only blue, border precinct for many miles is the St Regis Mohawk reservation in New York State.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

Ray: "I expect the Democrats to lose more of the Black vote due to Trump.
They already lost the manufacturing vote."

Now why would ypu want to trigger LLR Chuck this early on a glorious morning in the southwest?

Curious George said...

Now HildaBeast 69% Trump 29% but I was in 49% Trump 44% Waukesha for the election.

Tommy Duncan said...

FIDO said:

"An easy fix: just 'vote' the no shows. Easier than digging up death records and it's not like a reporter will do an expose."

There is a reason that heavily Democrat urban voting precincts report their vote totals late into the evening.

gilbar said...

I figure that ultimately someone just choose a party, then the system will vote the straight ticket for them every election until their death gets recorded. Just a modest extension of early voting, actually.

I'm honestly surprised that the Get Out the Vote crowd hasn't started pushing Proxy voting.
When you buy a share of stock, you get a vote in the control of that stock; but you don't Have to go through the hassle of going to the share holders meeting. You can appoint a Proxy to do the voting for you!

I visualize booths on a College Campus, with attractive volunteers eager to sign you up for the Democratic Party! (Or, the Democratic Socialist Party!). Once you sign up, your Proxy casts your vote in each election. Ta da!
Voting levels increase! It's Quick! It's Easy! It's Permanent!

Will said...

No bubbles here... Hillary won mine 51-40 but we are surrounded by Trump 51-40. I live 100 yards from that border.

Interestingly, we went Hillary this time in 2016 but I recall we went Romney 70-30 over Obama in 2012.

I am a true independent in a swing district outside Chicago. We ejected our out-of-touch GOP congressman a few years ago then broomed his Dem replacement the next election back to GOP... then we got gerrymandered for being too uppity.

I am already voting against our new out-of-touch incumbent... He's going down soon until we get someone with a clue

chuck said...

I like the way voter fraud is highlighted with blue.

Earnest Prole said...

You know you're in a bubble when the Jill Stein vote exceeds the Donald Trump vote.

chuck said...

In my area a Hillary got around 40% in the "Hillary" precincts, Evan McMullin made up the difference. So I was definitely in a bubble, I had no idea that Evan McMullin got more votes than the usual third party candidate.

Michael K said...

There is a local blog in Tucson that showed the vote by precinct. My home is in a Trump district. Across the big street south, it is Hillary.

Bob Boyd said...

Sal said...
"I'm with the people who know how to change the oil in their car."

If I zoom in enough on the map, I can see my feet sticking out from under my truck.

Rick said...

The nearest Trump district is a 19 minute drive, without traffic.

Mine's 24, it's a big bubble.

Rusty said...

I think little 'c' chuck should win something.

Rick.T. said...

Old Chicago neighborhood - 77% Hillary
New country Tennessee neighborhood - 66% Trump

There are parts of Nashville that are 97% Hillary. Yikes.

chickelit said...

This sort of data must be exactly what encourages Hillary to run again. She is quite rational to predict that an avowed socialist could never garner that level of support in cities and towns. Without accurate data of Trump support since the election, she is quite justified in running again.

Henry said...

A cartogram that represented population rather than geographical space as the visual unit would make the bubbles look quite a bit different.

Examples here.

And more discussion here

Dust Bunny Queen said...

No need to look at the NYT link. But I did anyway and burned one of my free clicks.

The area around where I live is DARK red for hundreds and hundreds of square miles. 70% to 92% Trump in the general area.

Nearest Clinton district is a 2 1/2 hour drive (without traffic lol)

Lewis Wetzel said...

Trump won the island of Niihau? Good lord.

Henry said...

New England is kind of interesting at the macro level. Instead of bubbles you have stripes. A coastal strip of blue Runs from Maine to Providence. Then a wide stripe of pink runs from Northern Maine, through New Hampshire and down the middle of Massachusetts and Connecticut. This is followed by a stripe of blue consisting of Vermont and the Berkshires that eventually empties out into the blue blob of New York City.

Original Mike said...

”If you're willing to let the NYT see exactly where you are, you can find out the percentage in your little world.”

I don’t have to; you did it for me.

James Pawlak said...

DANE COUNTY: 1,238 Square Miles surrounded by reality.

n.n said...

Who has the more sophisticated echo chamber?

Original Mike said...

It is amazing to look at that map and realize that Wisconsin was essentially a tie.

Harold Boxty said...

San Diego County went blue except for the three major military bases surrounding it which were solidly red. I guess the blue state voters may want to rethink this civil war against the red states they keep pushing..

Dust Bunny Queen said...

The map is a great illustration of why we must have and keep the Electoral College.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


This is why the left will march to end the electoral college. It gives smaller towns, cities, & states a voice. without it, NY city, Los Angeles an Chicago would select our president.

Seeing Red said...

Via Insty:

American workers are seeing rising wages in western and central Wisconsin, just one of the rust belt states that President Trump won in the 2016 presidential election on his platform of economic nationalism.
In the latest survey of 150 employers in the western and central region of Wisconsin, the Eau Claire Area Chamber of Commerce found that wages in 35 “benchmark jobs” have increased a total of 3.7 percent for workers. Compare this wage increase to last year’s, which stood at 2.99 percent for the region.

CWJ said...


Thank you for the links. As an old former statistical geographer, I love all things chartographic.

MacMacConnell said...

Remember the evil Russians tries to hack this kind of data because they were just too cheap to pay election boards for it. Voter registrations with addresses, party affiliations and the last election you voted in are available to the public for a price to government, it's public info. How do think campaigns know which doors to knock on?

buwaya said...

98% Clinton for me.

CWJ said...

I'd like to see the same map only showing voter turnout by precinct. I'm curious as to where the 100%+ precincts are, and how well they map onto the Hillary ones.

alan markus said...

I am in a 70% Trump/25% Clinton district.

I take comfort in knowing that the nearest Clinton district is a 29 minute drive, without traffic. That is plenty of distance for me.

Francisco D said...

"The map is a great illustration of why we must have and keep the Electoral College."


Francisco D said...

I'm new to northern Pima county (Oro Valley, AZ). It's 53% Clinton, but on the edge of blue districts.

No wonder I find the people here a lot nicer than those in Chicago (110% Obama).

If I recall correctly, Chuckles was a reported Republican election judge in Detroit where it went up to 120% Obama. He never saw any vote fraud. LOL!

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“In Michigan, which Trump won by nearly 11,000 votes, 36 percent of registered voters approve of the president’s job, while 54 percent disapprove.

In Wisconsin, which he won by about 23,000 votes, another 36 percent give Trump a thumbs up, with 52 percent giving him a thumbs down.

And in Minnesota, which Trump narrowly lost by 1.5 percentage points, his rating stands at 38 percent approve, 51 percent disapprove.”

Trump approval ratings sag in trio of Midwest states.

wildswan said...

I'm in a mid-blue Milwaukee area and it's eleven minutes to Trump territory. I'd be interested in map showing where manufacturing is located these days. I have a feeling that it is outside city limits everywhere but I wonder how far outside and how that interleaves with population and voting. For instance, Foxconn is in Trump territory (51%) but very close (12 minutes) to Clinton territory. And Kimberley Clark, Neenah papermaking place, is also in Trump territory (54%) and also extremely close to Clinton precincts (right next door).

Republicans in Wisconsin in general support efforts to get Foxconn and keep Kimberly Clark and Democrats oppose. Maybe we now see why. In my opinion the left will fail continuously and (to them) mysteriously, until they connect the concept of "the worker" with the concept "has a job", which leads to the conclusion "workers need a business friendly environment"; and yet Democrats are hostile to business and thus to workers.

Leland said...

I'm not in a bubble. The precinct went 52 to 43 for Trump, but a neighboring district went 79 to 18 for Hillary. Then again, another neighboring district went 83 to 15 for Trump.

Now here's the interesting thing. My precinct cast 2326 votes. The Hillary precinct cast only 556 votes. The Trump precinct cast 2089 votes. There are a lot of blue precincts with less than 1000 votes.

Jersey Fled said...

Philadelphia has some of the most dedicated and industrious voters in the country. It is not unusual to see precinct after precinct with 100 voter turnout election after election.

Some voters are so industrious that they actually crawl out of the grave to vote.

Jersey Fled said...

That was supposed to be "100 percent" voter turnout.

I hate it when I blow a good joke.

Yancey Ward said...

Jersey Fled, you could have deleted the comment and fixed it for repost.

Yancey Ward said...

Inga, I bet those are all the same polling organizations that predicted Trump couldn't win WI, MI or PA.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Approval ratings are like polls...

The polls around Hillary and her big win, were a little off.

I thought you were outa here, Inga?

RichardJohnson said...

I am reminded of a conversation I had with a friend back in my New England hometown. He mentioned that a classmate of ours living in the mountain states had gone Tea Party. I said that is a fair description of my political stance. "That's because you live in Texas." Trump ran about 15 points better in my New England hometown than in my Texas precinct. Hillary ran over 10 points behind Obama in my New England hometown.

Mark Jones said...

I'm in Portland, OR, immortalized by the comedy show PORTLANDIA. Unsurprisingly, I am engulfed in the solid blue Portland Metro Area. Surprisingly, there was one precinct southwest of me that went for Trump by 74 to 26 percent.

Outside of Portland (and Eugene), the state is red, but these large urban population centers swing the state election totals to the blue side, alas.

n.n said...

large urban population centers swing the state election totals to the blue side

Democracy favors the sardines, or, in other circumstances, the crabs.

Clyde said...

My precinct went for Trump 77-20. It seems like it was mainly city dwellers who bought into Clinton.

Henry said...

Democracy favors the sardines

Democracy literally favors the voters.

cubanbob said...

My precinct is so blue that if phone booths still existed you could fit all of the precinct's Republicans in it.

SeanF said...

I'm right next to a bubble, but not in it. My district went Trump, 57%-35%, but the district right next door went Clinton.

By the way, you can just scroll around the map, and zoom in and out. You don't need to "let the NYT see exactly where you are", any more so than just going to the NYT website lets them see your location.

Rick said...

In my opinion the left will fail continuously and (to them) mysteriously, until they connect the concept of "the worker" with the concept "has a job", which leads to the conclusion "workers need a business friendly environment"; and yet Democrats are hostile to business and thus to workers.

A fair number of workers adopt this attitude as well, seeming to believe their employer is their enemy. I've seen this a fair number of times and find it quirky until one complains about not getting a promotion.

At that point it becomes bewildering that people can be so stupid.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

'bubbles' sounds too bubbly.
i suggest 'Plantation'

tcrosse said...

Living in a bubble reminds me of the Moops.

Joan said...

Henry, thank you for the awesome link. That article is a worthy successor to Tufte’s Visual Display of Quantitative Information, one of my favorite non-fiction books.

readering said...

Fascinating map. The suburban precinct in NJ where I lived just before being eligible to vote (but didn't vote until went away to college)? Trump won by one vote. The precinct in Manhattan where I first lived after getting out of law school? Stein outpolled Trump. The Asian-dominated precinct where I live now east of LA? Comfortable Clinton country.

Goody said...

The People’s Republic of Oak Park is more lefty than Madison! 94% Clinton. The nearest Trump precinct is 15 minutes away.

walter said...

Kinda difficult to weigh a poll when the alternative pol isn't known. Even then...

PM said...

A few months ago, a little red spot in Bel Air shocked the pearl-clutchers of Beverly Hills. Thanks, map.

Jim at said...

Snort. The precinct next to mine gave a higher percentage to Jill Stein than Trump.

I am surrounded by idiots.

Clark said...

Old Chicago neighborhood - 93% Hillary
New NW Indiana neighborhood - 62% Trump

knk6146 said...

I didn't need an app to tell me I live in a political bubble, but it was interesting to see that Prospect Park is completely neutral, but Green-Wood Cemetery votes solidly with the Dems:


Jim at said...

Living in a bubble reminds me of the Moops.


Francisco D said...

"Old Chicago neighborhood - 93% Hillary
New NW Indiana neighborhood - 62% Trump."

Correction: Old Chicago living voters - 53% Hillary

Paddy O said...

74% Hillary, 21% Trump. Which makes us a pretty conservative neighborhood in this city, but about 10 minutes north in the farmland and military base, it gets red very fast.

jim said...

I live in a sea of red in Pennsyltucky, with a little blue bubble right across the river: the nicer, west side of town.

walter said...

Jersey Fled said...Some voters are so industrious that they actually crawl out of the grave to vote.
Truly deadicated..

Storkdoc said...

Where I live now 74% Trump, where I grew up 67% Hillary

Jaq said...

" the nicer, west side of town."

America is already great!

Just ask anyone affluent.

n.n said...

"Democracy favors the sardines"

Democracy literally favors the voters.

Yes, yes, the people. And, in partitioned spaces, in high density population centers, the sardines, or crabs, with respect to the degree of life and harmony. That is why, incidentally, urban dwellers favor left-wing ideology that redistributes, if even marginally, the proceeds of productivity with disparate proportions, and why they offer, rational, yet unprincipled, opposition to self-defense through personal arms. It is also why Planned Parenthood is a critical piece of infrastructure to reduce and recycle unworthy sardines or crabs that contribute to overpopulation and social progress.

eddie willers said...

Without accurate data of Trump support since the election, she is quite justified in running again.

I frequent here and a few other places and have yet to see ONE person post a "I voted for Trump, but never again!" type missive. Many say, "I held my nose and voted for Trump, but I have been pleasantly surprised!"

So far, I see no reason why Trump won't be reelected should he choose to run.

PS. I see so many here who live in a blue bubble. Surprising. Y'all must find Althouse a sanctuary.

chickelit said...

“I frequent here and a few other places and have yet to see ONE person post a "I voted for Trump, but never again!" type missive. Many say, "I held my nose and voted for Trump, but I have been pleasantly surprised!"”

But likewise, we don’t read anybody posting here who says “I voted for Hillary but would not do so again.” The data just isn’t there. So we must conclude that the vast majority of urban folks would still vote for her tomorrow. There are polls out there saying a majority of Dems would like to see some one else run, but that person is not on the scene yet. Dems are in limbo.

chickelit said...

“Dems are in limbo”.

The question is do they want a white knight or a black night?

Michael K said...

Francisco D, my little corner of Tucson is just outside city limits and therefore Trump 53%.

The rest of Tucson is deep blue.

Four tries with Blogger so far.

Five tries.


Roughcoat said...

Regarding that map:

Interesting that Chicago's southwest suburbs, where the South Side Irish fled to after their neighborhoods went to hell in the 70s-90s, all went for Trump. That's a big change. The Chicago Irish, back in the day, were Democrats by a huge majority. Also, the southwest side Irish neighborhood of Mt. Greenwood -- cops, city workers, and such -- went for Trump. On the other hand, various other Irish neighborhoods in Chicago went for Hillary.

todd galle said...

Wow. Just checked my location. 73% Trump, 22% Hildebeast. This is right outside blue Harrisburg, PA, with a lot of state employee and retiree residents. That comes as quite the surprise, I would have put it at around 55% Trump, but 73%, again - Wow.

Titus said...

95-5 here in Cambridge. Love my elite bubble.

Michael K said...

.Also, the southwest side Irish neighborhood of Mt. Greenwood -- cops, city workers, and such -- went for Trump.

My sister lives in Beverly and was telling me about a confrontation in Mt Greenwood recently where some left wing group was raising hell and got strong pushback from locals.

The areas that went for Hillary are probably diluted Irish plus younger generation, like my niece who probably is a Hillary voter.

She is about the same age as my leftist daughter and had a rainbow thing on her facebook page.

tcrosse said...

95-5 here in Cambridge. Love my elite bubble.

Cuntie Rodham McCuntface will always be the Cunt-Queen of Cunt City, Cuntsylvania.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

'dems are in Limbo' -- begs the old question:

How LOW Can you GO ?!?!

chickelit said...

It’s really too bad that the the idiot urbanites (I’m looking at you, Titus) can’t come up with an alternative to Hillary.

chickelit said...

Blogger is really hard to post on tonight. It’s hardly worth the effort.

JAORE said...

"This is why the left will march to end the electoral college."

Yes, yes they will. And in nearly complete ignorance of what it would take to actually change the electoral college.

Mark Daniels said...

Except for the five months I lived in Madison as an infant, all the places I've lived in my lifetime went for Trump. Coincidentally, I've never lived in a congressional district represented by a Democrat. It strikes me as odd that this is so in a swing state like Ohio, but my work has always taken me to Republican enclaves.

Jaq said...

And in nearly complete ignorance of what it would take to actually change the electoral college.

You mean enough "justices" on the court to declare it unconstitutional?

Jaq said...

They could have abolished congressional districts when they used their power instead to destroy their party by ramming through Obamacare.

Danno said...

The west side of Madison has been converted over the years to be inhabited by limousine libtards, like many upper middle class places. It will stay that way unless problems start infiltrating the bubble.

jim said...

" the nicer, west side of town."

America is already great!

Just ask anyone affluent.

Not richer, just nicer: hippies, bars, artsy-types, cool old buildings. I live with the plumbers, who went overwhelmingly for their idea of Cleopatra (in our gender-bent age.)

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