Time Magazine adds a correction to its cover story "‘All I Wanted to Do Was Pick Her Up.’ How a Photographer at the U.S.-Mexico Border Made an Image America Could Not Ignore/'This one was tough for me. As soon as it was over, they were put into a van. I had to stop and take deep breaths,' Getty photographer John Moore said."
Time doesn't seem that distraught about its separation from the truth, but I'm assuming that's because it sees its story as fake but accurate.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 330 of 330Inga: "I hit back much harder and enjoy every minute of it"
I don't suppose adding delusions of grandeur to the other delusions can cause much harm at this point.
have to abandon their homes to seek a life in the United States
It does seem to be a bit cavalier about US national sovereignty.
My impression is that most Mexicans, when pressed on this issue, attempt to turn a shameful economic necessity into patriotic virtue by lapsing into some sort of Atzlan "It's our land anyway. You took it from us" booyah.
Mostly, they just don't like to think about it.
Yuval Levin said...
Congressional Republicans are apoplectic about President Trump’s handling of the family separation question this month, and of immigration generally. They’re openly angry at him, personally, in a way I for one have not seen expressed so far in his presidency—though they have certainly had plenty of cause for it from day one.
It would be nice to be able to say that the anger has come out now because Trump’s lackadaisical cruelty in this latest episode has struck a moral nerve. But the more likely cause is that Trump has created an unusually complicated political problem for Republicans in Congress in the summer of an election year, and he keeps finding ways to make it worse.
Presumably, Trump has decided that he has a better chance of reelection with a Democratic house. He is bringing down his own party from within.
buwaya puti said...
My translation -
"And soon, very soon, upon the triumph of our movement, we shall defend the migrants of the whole American continent and all the migrants of the world that, out of necessity, have to abandon their homes to seek a life in the United States, this is a human right which we shall defend"
Good old fashioned international socialism.
When they run out of hoarders and wreckers to take stuff from in one country they send all the refugees to the next country to take their stuff.
Inga wrote: I did at no time say that it was the correct thing to do. What I did say was that just because THIS story was wrong, doesn’t mean that it could not have happened in other cases.
I never thought Inga would be stupid enough to admit to sophistry, but I was mistaken.
Yes, Inga, it is wrong to accuse you of prostituting your firstborn, but that doesn't mean you could not have sold her siblings into white slavery. See how that works?
... Probably not.
Young Hegelian
The Mexicans have a point, of course, as do Native Americans. But we took it and are trying, albeit lamely, to keep it.
Drago, it pleases me to call you a propagandist and will do so everytime you engage in it, which is multiple times a day. It doesn’t take much grandeur, only accuracy.
If you open immigration into the US, by not enforcing your borders effectively, you will in not too many years have a billion people here. This is not a stretch at all.
The means of transport already available in the modern world can move very large numbers very quickly, and there is a tremendous pent-up demand, and moreover, because of global economic growth, incredible numbers can afford to do so, as so many Africans show that they can pay their way for an overland journey across most of Africa and across the Med.
Its a big world with huge masses of relatively poor people who, now, know very well how Americans live, and want some of it. They are perfectly correct in that analysis. But their interests are incompatible with your interests. This is of course a tragic situation.
"Good old fashioned international socialism."
No, its not old. This is something very new and modern.
Something out of this decade really.
I am not sure you know the meaning of the word propagandist but you seem to be using it often and wrongly.
“buwaya: "He did NOT say that he will be sending the Mexican people north, but that he would defend immigration to the US, by anyone in the Americas, as a human right. That part was clear enough."
Thanks buwaya, I do respect your honesty. If only a Drago could emulate it.
War on the southern border would not be a new thing, it has been on and off for well over a century. However, Mexico has much to lose in such a conflict. I would be more worried that Mexico goes all Venezuela. Columbia as received over a million Venezuelan refugees.
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Yuval Levin said...
"Congressional Republicans are apoplectic about President Trump’s handling of the family separation question this month, and of immigration generally. They’re openly angry at him, personally, in a way I for one have not seen expressed so far in his presidency—though they have certainly had plenty of cause for it from day one."
I am sure there are some Congressional Republicans who don't like Trump.
They are really just globalist traitors serving the same masters as the democrats.
Yuval Levin is just the kind of globalist funded "conservative" democrats like to quote for assurance.
Presumably, Trump has decided that he has a better chance of reelection with a Democratic house. He is bringing down his own party from within.
This is just plain stupid.
Don't worry about the actual truth of the matter.
It will be fun watching democrats have to deal with ads about the Angel Moms
Please keep running on open borders.
“inga, I would place you squarely among the extremists of the left, yes. And I do not regard Achilles as extreme on the right. You are so far left of center that anyone right of center appears extreme to you.”
The fool is an example of those on the left that might not be crazy enough or brave enough to assault some of the class enemies but she is cheering them on from behind them where it is safe.
The idiot who was part of the crowd that attacked Ms Nielsen in the Mexican restaurant, is a DOJ paralegal and a member of Democratic Socialists like the one protesting in Charlottesville.
That one was in a mob hit by a car. The fool, of course, defended her as if she were not in the middle of a street protesting.
The idiots that try to stop traffic in major cities are the same sort of leftist fools.
chuck said...
War on the southern border would not be a new thing, it has been on and off for well over a century. However, Mexico has much to lose in such a conflict. I would be more worried that Mexico goes all Venezuela. Columbia as received over a million Venezuelan refugees.
Actually the way the new president is talking I would count on Mexico going the way of Venezuela.
Time to put a short on the Mexican Peso.
"lapsing into some sort of Atzlan "It's our land anyway. You took it from us" booyah."
Its a rather lame argument of course. The Mexicans that were present in that land at the time it was annexed are still here, and then of course there is the right of conquest, which can only be argued with through another conquest. It is classic irredentism, which is usually lame anyway.
But that does not get at the novelty of the increasingly popular opinion that EVERYONE is free to move wherever they want, with no justification but desire. That is "Camp of the Saints" territory.
Lefty mediaswine are shameless!
“Presumably, Trump has decided that he has a better chance of reelection with a Democratic house. He is bringing down his own party from within.”
The parasite that kills it’s host.
“The fool is an example of those on the left...”
There’s no fool like a Trump Cultist.
Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador Should revert to the old system of having the government support two cartels with defined areas of operation and use the army to smash all others or compel them to merge. The plethora of competing cartels is at the heart of the carnage in Mexico. It will be far easier for the government to put its beak into two troughs than into the disparate factions that now support only local or regional governments and whose soldiers have loyalties to emerging groups that require maximum violence to maintain their hold on limited shipping lanes. He and his will line their pockets in either event but a more collegial approach might be for the best in keeping the Mexican tourist industry alive.
Someone put it very nicely. If the illegal immigrants voted overwhelmingly for Republicans, not only would the wall be built, but it would be twice as tall as Trump asked for, and equipped with guard towers, search lights, machine guns, and poorly fed Dalmatians.
Without emigration reform, the emigres' nations will remain shitholes, shitshows, whatever - the men, women, and children left behind. If they need help, they can ask. Shifting their native burden, and colluding with anti-American agents, does not help them or us, and progresses a persistent problem (PPp).
I would be more worried that Mexico goes all Venezuela. Columbia as received over a million Venezuelan refugees.
The northern 1/3 of Mexico is a failed state. The Wall is much more important that it would have been a few years ago.
Mexico has much more to lose but the Mexican rich already have homes in the US that will serve as bolt holes should the worst arrive.
Yuval Levin is another GOPe spokesman and his impression of the GOP Congress is a bit exaggerated but they are already worried about their lobbying jobs.
I wonder how many watched the Duluth rally ?
Those that did might be redoing their sums, as the saying goes.
Inga said...
"Young Hegelian, do you ever consider how horrendous things must be in their home countries for them to put themselves and their children in such peril?"
Have you ever stopped and considered that you're being played?
Oh, and Inga would be scolding the mother of Yanela Sanchez for risking her daughter's life and health, and abandoning her husband and other children.
"Actually the way the new president is talking I would count on Mexico going the way of Venezuela."
Anything can happen, and its certainly not out of the question.
However one reason Venezuela was particularly vulnerable is that previous Venezuelan governments permitted the place to degenerate into a semi-socialist petro-state of the classic sort, where a very large part of the economy was bound up in a single government-operated enterprise. Chavez took control of that with the government, and everything followed.
Mexico in comparison has a very mixed, almost entirely capitalist economy, in which most Mexicans have to make a living.
Have you ever stopped and considered that you're being played?
Says the fool who has no idea about what the Democrat Party is doing and why.
I remember when the Leftist Collectivists were excited that Obama was busy destroying his own party from within. That one actually happened. It's in the books.
Predictions about the future are so much harder. My money would be on Republicans keeping the House and adding 5-6 in the Senate.
That is "Camp of the Saints" territory.
The novel has been classified as diversitist by the SPLC, implying their support for population replacement (including Planned Parenthood), and an extreme anti-native bent.
Is there someway to filter this blog so that all Inga posts and Inga responses are skipped automatically?
Why are so many comments about Inga and Chuck instead of the post itself? Makes me not want to read.
I'm sorry, Rusty. I lost track of who was posting what.
She has no idea about the reality of the nonsense she spews.
It's like a reflex, which is why the knee jerk is so often used as a metaphor
> The northern 1/3 of Mexico is a failed state.
I haven't kept up, but IIRC, there are/were also ethnic conflicts in Mexico, it isn't a homogeneous population. So I suppose there could also be a recurrence of those uprisings if things go in the toilet.
Is there someway to filter this blog so that all Inga posts and Inga responses are skipped automatically?
I tried with Ritmo but found I could not make it work with Chrome.
Ignoring them is better but no one seems to.
Blogger Loren W Laurent said..
Trump's Wall is a Humanitarian Act.
How else can we prevent these poorly-educated, misguided souls from trying to illegally enter Nazi America?
Years ago I remember corresponding with a Mexican academic guest on an NPR show about how his analogy to the Berlin wall was a bit of a misunderstanding.
Blogger Crazy Jane said...
The traditional press is still angry at the country for voting for Trump. It seems not to understand that it provided much of the kindling that lit the fire.
Turns out fire is kinda unpredictable.
But the thought they played a part is likely a factor in their manic behavior.
Rusty said...
“Have you ever stopped and considered that you're being played?”
TC said...
“Says the fool who has no idea about what the Democrat Party is doing and why.”
He called you a fool Rusty, lol.
“Why are so many comments about Inga and Chuck instead of the post itself? Makes me not want to read.”
Yes, they should stop and concentrate on the subject matter of the blog. It really gets sickening.
buwaya puti said...
Mexico in comparison has a very mixed, almost entirely capitalist economy, in which most Mexicans have to make a living.
The Mexico economy has Oil, Capitalism, trade with the US, and remittances from illegals working in the US.
If a socialist is elected it loses capitalism and probably nationalizes the Oil.
The trade with the US is based off of taking Chinese products and slipping them into the US abusing NAFTA and cheap labor made possible by NAFTA.
It is looking pretty grim for NAFTA.
Then we get to remittances. Going to be a tax on those soon. E-verify is going to happen.
Time to short the Mexican Peso.
It could be done in Javascript, but it's not going to write itself.
I'm afraid we'll have to suffer.
Yes the barrel price collapse, took out the funding for the safety net, cap ran on restoring it, then instituted the imf plan, that triggered the caracazo, out of that chaos, chavez rise, Mexico is in much worse shape than Venezuela was in 1989.
The Time magazine cover, to me, signify's a President on the far right, in a complete Communist takeover, with a sea of red to bury him with the bottom fish.
I said, time, time mag, mag
You got me on the rag, rag
Take your insults about the queen
And shove them up your royal Timese machine
I think communism is bad.
What Lopez Obrador actually said is, if anything, much worse than what Drago assumed, which amounts to garden variety irredentism.
He made a direct threat vs US sovereignty, and as a universal principle at that.
He himself may well be just a bloviating politician, but the idea is now out and will be adopted by the Mexican left. They have not gone there in the past, but they will now. And what they say will be taken up in the US.
The contradictions are sharpened some more.
Mexico in comparison has a very mixed, almost entirely capitalist economy,
Exporting 20% of your population from among your poorest and receiving $28 Billion dollars a year in remittances to prop up your economy doesn't hurt.
Mexico will never reform as along as they can prey on our economy.
The US is far too dangerous for illegal immigrants. The new immigration law should provide funding for fleets of buses that will take anyone who shows up at our southern border seeking asylum expeditiously to the Canadian border.
One,of the things that has exacerbates the situation is all the subsidies for fuel were pulled all at once.
The new take on this is at Snopes:
"Did Media Falsely Report That Border Agents Separated a Girl From Her Mother?"
WHAT'S TRUE: A photograph of a toddler girl crying at the border, taken by photographer John Moore on 12 June 2018, became virally popular and later was used for a 'TIME' magazine cover.
WHAT'S FALSE: Contrary to claims, media outlets have consistently reported that the girl was never separated from her mother; that information was reiterated when U.S. Customs and Border Patrol stated that the pair had not been separated...
Photographer's Quote:
“It’s not unusual for toddlers in any circumstance to have separation anxiety. But I think this particular situation with the separation of families leads and gives a new meaning to that phrase..."
Media outlets appeared to largely provide accurate information about the image, but social media users were sometimes unaware of those details:"
So: Time does a cover story on the crisis of immigrant children being taken from their mothers, but they never explicitly claimed that the cover photo accurately represented the story.
It's just those fools on Social Media who didn't get this nuance of a child not being taken away from her mother as representing a child being taken away from her mother.
And strangely, there is nothing in the Snopes article that is from from the actual TIME article explaining this artful distinction; the TIME article does not mention "that information was reiterated when U.S. Customs and Border Patrol stated that the pair had not been separated."
In other words: to see the TIME cover accurately you had to read from media other than TIME.
It seems they might be confused about the distinction between an alibi and a confession.
"The Mexico economy has Oil, Capitalism, trade with the US, and remittances from illegals working in the US.'
Look at it another way -
They have manufacturing, agriculture, both traded with the US, and remittances from the US. None of the above can be stopped by the Mexican government unless it goes entirely insane. Way too many rice-bowls to break. Maybe.
They nationalized the oil way back in the 1938. See "Robbery Under Law", Evelyn Waugh
(I just saw FullMoon's 8:44 PM comment after publishing mine.)
Blogger Michael K said...
That one was in a mob hit by a car. The fool, of course, defended her as if she were not in the middle of a street protesting.
If you are talking about Heather Heyer in Charlottesville, there seems to be considerable doubt that she was struck by a car or anything else.
It is probable that the chest bruising was due to CPR after she collapsed from a heart attack.
I predict that the driver of the car, now in jail for most of a year and not scheduled for trial till November, will get off with some sort of traffic offense like reckless endangerment and sentenced to time served.
John Henry
John Henry
Inga is right about the conditions in many of these countries. But it’s also true over the last years, those governments put out information that the US wouldn’t enforce our border policies. They encouraged those people to leave. So the poorest and most desperate are making a dangerous journey, sometimes in complete ignorance. We have to enforce our borders, else we stop being a country. No other nation on earth would allow it, and survive.
Ironically, morrow had made Oregon promise not to nationalize the oil, as part of the deal to quell the cristeros rebellion, heh.
Its odd that lawsuit was filed back in october and candidate northam dodnt make mention of it?
“If you are talking about Heather Heyer in Charlottesville, there seems to be considerable doubt that she was struck by a car or anything else.
It is probable that the chest bruising was due to CPR after she collapsed from a heart attack.”
Alt right, white supremacist propaganda.
You can bet he will nationalize oil. And drug trafficking.
I think it was McAuliffe stand down order to the state police that provoked this fracas
If we really want to crush the Mexican economy, we should decriminalize pot, coke, meth, heroin and devote the saved resources to border enforcement.
This lame correction is the vanishing tribute bias pays to objectivity. In another couple of years it will be unnecessary: Propaganda doesn’t do retractions.
A modest proposal, Birkel. I like it.
Fake but accurate is the stock in trade of modern progressivism. There is a religious belief there is a higher "truth" justifying falsification of fact. As an example, after the Duke lacrosse hoax, progressive simply cut off due process to make sure young men could not defend themselves. There was a higher truth, you know. Same here. Falsify a story behind the photo and whether it is true is irrelevant. Only the vulgar and gauche, those who pair red wine with fish, concern themselves with such trivialities. There is a higher truth/metanarrative at stake.
Jon Ericson:
I wouldn't increase my consumption of any of the products. I'd want to make the drugs safe, legal, and rare.
But priced to beat the outlaws.
“There is a religious belief there is a higher "truth" justifying falsification of fact.”
What baloney.
Liars and the people who defend them are an interesting breed.
And drug trafficking.
That Lopez Obrador can't do, unless he wishes a full blown civil war on his hands.
The cartels have connections in all branches of the government, including the military. There are many government officials who live the life to which they have grown accustomed only by the money the cartels give them to get things done. These officials often face a bleak choice -- live a comfortable but dishonest life with the cartel or have a very short honest one as their enemy.
The cartels are also armed. Not armed as in "with pistols", but "armed" as in fully automatic military weapons, RPGs, grenades, even to the point of the low-end mortar. They could no doubt get nastier stuff if pressed.
The only way the cartels can be ousted is if the US & the rest of the world forswears drugs or if Mexico undergoes a bloody civil war. Remember, it wasn't that long ago that Mexico had a lower murder rate than the US. Now, it's routinely more dangerous than Afghanistan or Iraq at war.
If you want a good laugh, read the 7 Ethical Canons of journalism, established in 1923 by the American Society of Newspaper Editors:
freedom of the press;
sincerity, truthfulness, accuracy;
fair play; and
One would be hard pressed identifying a mainstream media outlet that does not mock (let alone comply) one or more canon every day.
her mother picked her up and the two were taken away together
To be reunited with her father and siblings... but not by United Airlines or American Airlines that have refused reunification of children with their parents.
You have forgotten the option of forswearing drug wars. Legalization ends the cartels source of ill-gotten gains. American farmers could be growing the crops for those drugs and put the cartels out of business by early next spring.
Ignoring them is better but no one seems to.
6/22/18, 8:43 PM
Which feeds the hate flames they have a deep need to continually pour gas on for some other's esoteric benefit.
I've proofed it but humanity is nothing but Ingas without the divine influence of God.
But punching retards who fight back allows for a faux victory, one must assume, so lacking in reality it is Don Quixote time: acknowledging bitching about Inga is the best these fools are aware, sadly, they are or could perhaps someday be capable of.
Day and year after another; over and over again.
It wins. Life is time and she forced those who respond to do so sometimes even with fury, because of their hubris and lack of awareness of a broader world (like that one that Althouse has blogged daily about for 13 plus years).
Inga must be the thing, because of the purpose behind the trolling, not any individual trol!, Althouse could never have voted Trump in 2016.
United and American can turn away paying customers because of politics.
But you'd better bake that cake, prole.
He made a direct threat vs US sovereignty, and as a universal principle at that.
He himself may well be just a bloviating politician, but the idea is now out and will be adopted by the Mexican left. They have not gone there in the past, but they will now. And what they say will be taken up in the US.
The contradictions are sharpened some more.
Which is why the US Military has plans for every country.
I Read years ago if you wanted a wall built, just publish/translate what Mexican papers say in English.
"Next time I see you I'm gonna..."
BOOM Raylen busts Dewey Crowe's mouth up against the steering column.
All we see here is " next time those dirty libs ... I'm gonna ...
Inga has turned the (I had presumed) fine men here into a bunch of impotent, whining Nazi Crowes.
She is the one who deserves Althouse's $40,000, not me.
Doc. I figured as much. No harm. No foul.
Legalization ends the cartels source of ill-gotten gains.
They would still have the advantage of labor and environmental arbitrage, which are essentially shifted-tariffs for American-made products.
“She is the one who deserves Althouse's $40,000, not me.”
Damn! She gave you $40,000?!
This reveals the form of the War against the USA as it shifts to outside forces. They are furious that the drug trade and the slave trade no longer has a terminal inside the White House protecting it foe huge cuts of the loot. That damn Trump won't take a bribe. He has gone to the mat with the Cartels including the Clinton Crime Family and the Busy Crime Family. Trump has cut the CIA continuous war makers off too.
The Declaration of Independence has ever been so perfect a proclamation since 1850. Trump is making the USA great again and that is making the enemy leaders desperate.
Hmmm maybe it’s time to rip up the Treaty of Hildago and tell the Comanche it’s time and it’s yours.
I think it was the Comanche.
Somewhere a Dem midterm campaign is working up a commercial akin to the Paul Ryan pushing elder over a cliff spot.
Maybe a Trump impersonator with prosthetic miniature hands stiff-arming a crying toddler.
The Declaration of Independence has ever been so perfect a proclamation since 1850
A seminal national charter.
What baloney
You mean besides your own comment posted in this thread at 5:16?
At market rates I think you find the cartels' respective abilities to arm, keep the populace down, fight or bribe the government, avoid the U.S. tax collection officials through illegal transportation, and get to market ---
presents more obstacles than the few advantages you note (and with which I agree).
Also, American farmers are by farm the most productive in the world. It's not close.
Even the Washington Post see this as a "major mistake" by Time:
Opponents of Trump's policy will decry all of this fact-checking of the photo as hand-wringing. They'll point to Trump's and Sarah Huckabee Sanders's tweets and say all of this is a meaningless distraction from an awful policy. The tragic scenes still exist -- probably some of which look a lot like one in that viral photo -- and we still have very little idea how or when these thousands of children are going to be reunited with their parents after Trump's executive order reversing the policy.
But forcing action on this policy requires care and credibility. It requires convincing skeptics that you're not overselling the problem by using misleading information and images.
The use of this photo damaged that entire effort — no matter how pristine the motives were.
Legalization ends the cartels source of ill-gotten gains.
No, that is libertarian fantasy. The legalization of pot has drastically cut down on its import, as has domestic cultivation. But pot is a drug that's relatively bulky to ship.
The other drugs like cocaine, meth, & heroin are much more lucrative per pound & much less bulky. If the US tries to legalize them, they will no doubt do what governments always do: they will burden them with large "sin" taxes. The cartels, who already have their distribution networks in place, will simply undercut the American high-tax price & out-compete them. So the cartels only make a 2200% mark up & not a 3000% mark-up. They'll adapt.
This is already happening with state governments & legalized marijuana. The states are adding so many taxes to the product that the licensed growers who sell to the states are getting priced out of the market. It's cheaper in many states to get your pot illegally.
The problem with legalization is that it replaces greedy, agile, & amoral free marketeers (the cartels) against greedy, dim-witted, & hide-bound governmental entities. And the governments are going to lose.
I predict that the driver of the car, now in jail for most of a year and not scheduled for trial till November, will get off with some sort of traffic offense like reckless endangerment and sentenced to time served.
I don't know the truth of that but the trial might be interesting. Charlottesville is run by the usual leftist pols so an onerous plea brgain is not out of the question.
The fool, of course, is not to be trusted with any story except one about bedpans.
Ignoring them is better but no one seems to.
Which feeds the hate flames they have a deep need to continually pour gas on for some other's esoteric benefit.
I think that is what drove Ritmo who seems to be on vacation.
The fool is just spewing the usual drivel of the uneducated left.
Back to the Time cover and its defenders. I've read the arguments -- it's art, it's symbolic, it could be true, so we got the wrong kid, so what if her mother was already deported once, it coulda happened that way.
The only outfit that could get behind this kind of rationalization is a propaganda ministry.
Time wants not to seem to be a propaganda outlet, and, in fact the assembly of a false cover may have been a lazy error.
The only reputable response, however, is a complete apology without wiggle words or qualifiers.
Here is the nugget of Time's statement:
“Our cover and our reporting capture the stakes of this moment.”
Not good enough.
Asylum is a fallback people are using when they fail to enter the country undetected. They’ve now learned that having a child with you gives you a free pass.
This was Obama's policy and it is the reason we are seeing this flood.
I am for uniting families and putting them on C17s back to where they came from.
I would not fly American or United because I care about dogs. I haven't in years.
“The fool, of course, is not to be trusted...”
There’s no fool like a Trump Cultist. Don’t trust them!
Our cover and our reporting capture the stakes of this moment.
Which translates into English as "We're sorry we got caught lying like motherfuckers".
Usually when I step over the obvious solution as indelicately as you did, I feel some embarrassment.
I expect problems will be solved when there is no other choice. Right now there are choices.
Blogger Lydia said...Even the Washington Post see this as a "major mistake" by Time:
and we still have very little idea how or when these thousands of children are going to be reunited with their parents after Trump's executive order reversing the policy.
aka enforcing the laws
America is such a racist oppressor that millions of brown people are clamoring to get themselves some of that abuse.
"...after Trump's executive order [commanding the Department of Justice to ask the judge for the discretion to pursue the policy the Democrats have pretended they want, which might reverse] the policy."
Other than that, you nailed it.
Inga, I thought you claimed to be a nurse. And you don't know the basics of CPR? You really don't know that it commonly causes internal and external bruising? You really don't know that cracked ribs are a common problem?
Oh, my.
As for the car striking her, has any video or physical evidence of this turned up yet?
Alt-right propaganda indeed.
John Henry
Ann, I hope that you'll see this and run with it. I cannot get anyone even to acknowledge it. What I want to know is how does the forcible separation of kids in ordinary criminal cases differ from forcible separation of kids from their parents at the border, from the kids’ point of view, not the parents' or others’ point of view. The "poor kids,” after all, is what the press and politicians are lamenting. Then where is the sympathy for the 1,700,000 kids of ordinary criminals, and why is it missing? Is there a difference?
I tried to answer my own question, since literally no one who I have asked the question of has an answer, and actually none even have an interest in it. Yet the question seems to me to be of vital importance to this issue. I was able to imagine a difference in that perhaps the cases of ordinary criminal justice forcibly separating the kids resulting in some sort of better outcome for the kids, such as (1) care by other members of the family, or (2) foster care. But the first seems to me to be equally available or unavailable as the case may be to both domestic and foreign kids, and the second is just as problematic for both, as evidenced by the attached article, which is the only one of dozens I have read on the subject that even comes near to asking the obvious question: What about the 1,700,000 kids who have been ripped from their parents away from the Mexican border?
I know the real reason for press and public neglect of the issue, of course. The domestic situation does not impugn the integrity of the President Trump. People's inability to perceive the hypocrisy of the situation has really justified to me H.L. Mencken’s judgement as to the essential boobocracy of the American public. Perhaps I should take on the role of Diogenes, holding a candle to the faces of citizens while searching for an honest man.
Lydia quotes a statement by the WaPo: The use of this photo damaged that entire effort — no matter how pristine the motives were.
And we know just how 'pristine' the motives were.
"MISSTATED" THROUGH THEIR TEETH IS WHAT IT WAS. Although the Time-Life "Brahmins" in NYC were historically notorious for telling people on the ground what they were REALLY seeing, from the comfort of their Manhattan offices.
Two young female CNN panelists talking about the Time cover condemned Time for making all of the Media look like liars. The two Democrat politicians on the panel held their tongues, fidgeted and maintained shit eating grins.
The number I have seen is 20,000 children are sent to foster care every year after their parents are incarcerated. Most of the children of American criminals have other family that can take care of them.
But 20,000 is no small number, either.
And the best thing about those foster care children is that we can actually identify who the parents and relatives are. No system for checking the truthfulness of parental claims yet exists for criminal aliens illegally invading the country.
traditionalguy watches CNN so we don't have to.
Short straw, buddy?
BTW, folks, Snopes is [as most of you probably know] far from being a reliable source of information. Years ago there was an instance of which I had personal knowledge [I am not at liberty to discuss it due to privacy concerns] that Snopes refuted. All of us involved were amazed because no one ever interviewed anyone on the premises. So don't take Snopes too seriously.
More than 2/3 of Americans want tougher enforcement of Immigration laws.
If you believe in our system of government, they should get their way.
If you do not, than your opinion should be discredited because you refuse to share power or subject yourself to the checks of the population.
This is the way the game works...as Democrats are finding to their horror. Go woke, go broke. The only place they still hold power is the increasingly hated media, the increasingly ignored Academy, and their personal corrupt, crime ridden city states.
Of those willing to offer an opinion to Economist/YouGov...
...76% are in favor of enforcing the law.
The rest are elected Democrats and NoVa Deep State operatives.
Aren't the Democrats in favor of returning kids to their parents ala Elian Gonzalez? So these kids need to be shipped back to their shit hole communist countries of origin so they can join, if not their incarcerated parents, their cousins, uncles, aunts and grandparents in their Pais de La Mierda
Even the Washington Post see this as a "major mistake" by Time
50 Media Mistakes in the Trump Era: The Definitive List
They take turns.
You want the truth? This mother abandoned her husband and three other kids to come here. Her husband had a decent job in Guatemala. She told him she wanted to come and claim 'asylum' so she could have better job opportunities. She paid a lot of money to smugglers to take her and her little baby through a dangerous journey get her here.
Her littlest child was crying for a few minutes. I'll bet her older kids are crying a lot because mommy left them for 'a better life'.
Birkel, all that you have to do to see how far off your numbers are is poke that first link in my post, to a US government report on children of incarcerated parents. You have no basis for the rest of your comments either. Typical of the hysterical polemic surrounding this case, which will, like all of its predecessors, settle down and be forgotten.
Obama ended wet foot/dry foot but initiated catch and release.
IOW, Obama stopped the flow of anti-communist Cubans and encouraged the flow of socialists.
Welcome to Althouse.
Fuck off.
The total number of children who spent time in foster care in 2014 was 650,000.
Foster care stats from an advocacy group.
Cover kid's dad said kid wasn't separated, have I got that right?
Cover kid's dad is OK, not persecuted, have I got that right?
But cover kid's mom claims "asylum," have I got that right?
If the US tries to legalize them, they will no doubt do what governments always do: they will burden them with large "sin" taxes. The cartels, who already have their ...
who is, not whose Kate, being nai ?
naive Kay, Senators and Hillary Rodham Clu ton and Bil!ha e men killed.
The con ept nzr iso spells wrong deliberately ntent Scott Adams strategical ambiguity was meant for you and me.
Sebastian said...
Cover kid's dad said kid wasn't separated, have I got that right?
Cover kid's dad is OK, not persecuted, have I got that right?
But cover kid's mom claims "asylum," have I got that right?
Cover kid's Mom ran off with the kid and probably stole $6000 from the dad.
She abandoned 2 other children as well as the dad.
She paid coyotes to sneak back into a country she was deported from in 2013.
She probably kidnapped the kid because she knew it would help her get asylum here in the US.
Kinda harshes the narrative.
I remember, when we used to say,
"Inthe government your entrenched now"
good peopke weed meet, along the way
no woma. no cry
tree birds
@Achilles, three other children.
I've sent a few corrections requests to newspapers about gun law and gun charges against suspects being in error. They don't seen to care (never respond or follow up). The issues is so evidently one sided to them that being factually correct doesn't seem to matter to them.
He fully intends to use the US as the primary mechanism for lessening Mexican poverty...
Illegal immigration is a two-headed snake. On the one hand, we have an alliance of political forces in this country that seeks to inflate the voter roles with a new class of dependent serfs who will vote as instructed in order to keep the river of tax dollars extracted from middle-class working Americans flowing unabated into their pockets. That alliance consists of power-hungry functionaries of the administrative state, the only face of government average Americans have any contact with, mostly very unpleasant, expect during campaign seasons when the person who even be bothered to answer your letters suddenly wants to be your best friend. The companion in that alliance is the Marxists, who cannot rest until the abject failures of socialism are finally avenged on the West by destroying its greatest citadel, the United States.
The other head of the immigration hydra is the ruling oligarchies in Mexico and Central America. These countries suffer massive poverty because their rulers would rather embezzle the money than give basic healthcare and food to the poorest, For the caudillos and the banana barons, immigration is the relief valve that keeps the pressure cooker from exploding.
Finally, the irony in the magazine cover is that the girl in the picture scores points for the other side of the argument.
The child was being used as a prop by a mother who knew her chances of gaining refugee status were zero. To avoid being put in a detention center and then deported, the mother took advantage of Americans' wish to keep families together.
Time's argument -- that this never happens -- is belied by the facts behind the cover IT DESIGNED to illustrate its view. Awkward.
The mother is like the (young, white, able-bodied) homeless) guy in my neighborhood who stole a wheelchair in the interest of more profitable panhandling. Both undermine public concern for those who are truly in need.
To put Quaestor's 4:18 post into terms that even TIME's editors might understand:
Encouraging uncontrolled immigration from shithole countries helps to keep those countries shitholes*.
*It's nice that we're at least all, left and right, agreed that the countries are, in fact, shitholes.
Looking forward to 2018 person of the year cover controversy. If POTUS makes cover he'll thank the magazine.
It’s almost as if the baby were crying because her parents chose to drag her through the desert at night and illegally cross the border.... Naah!
Young Hegelian
My point is the new President of Mexico will "take over", not eliminate, the cartels. As I wrote in an earlier post he would do well to compel the competing cartels to consolidate to two with defined territories and to use the army to eliminate the small, aspirational groups which are of necessity the most brutal.
The cartels have to be maintained. If drugs became legal they would turn to kidnapping or other crime. There are too many foot soldiers.
Crazy Jane said...The child was being used as a prop by a mother who knew her chances of gaining refugee status were zero. To avoid being put in a detention center and then deported, the mother took advantage of Americans' wish to keep families together.
And Time turned that kid into a prop too, yet more.
That kid will grow up forever associated with a lie.
There is no truth but socialist truth, comrades.
So don't take Snopes too seriously.
Have you seen that tshirt parody of Shepard Fairey's Obama. Instead of "HOPE" it says "SNOPES"
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