June 27, 2018

"Supreme Court today affirms what we did years ago -- gives public servants the freedom to choose whether they want to be in union or not. Pro-worker & pro-taxpayer! Great day!"

Tweets Scott Walker.


And here's the Trump reaction:


Matt Sablan said...

"Big loss for the coffers of the Democrats!"

-- It doesn't have to be, if they can convince people to support them.

Gahrie said...

Wow..The Dem national committee is already broke, and now this? Looking more and more like a red wave and not a blue one.

Michael K said...

Walker should be proud of himself.

Achilles said...

This just takes out one revenue stream for democrats.

The government still gives billionaires trillions of dollar which they feed back into the political system.

harrogate said...

So much gloating, AA. Heck, one day you might get tired of all the gloating.

Ann Althouse said...

Imagine how Democrats would be gloating if they'd had the 5th vote on all this term's 5-4 decisions.

Saying don't gloat is what I call civility bullshit -- the demand for politeness and muted discourse that you would not want if the tables were turned.

Personally, I don't like either party. I dislike both. I'd like one or the other to be good enough that I could at least partially identify with one of them, but I hold out no hope that that will ever be the case. The Democrats should own my vote. They certainly used to, prior to 9/11.

Gahrie said...

So much winning Harrogate, winning.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

Oh and dump your stock in Hanes. They're gonna be hurting with the loss of all those purple shirt purchases.

Jim at said...

Heck, one day you might get tired of all the gloating.

Gloating because union workers now get to keep their own money out of the pockets of politicians they don't support?

Fine. I'm gloating. And I'll never get tired of it on this issue.

rcocean said...

Given that Public Unions and the AFL-CIO support open borders and mass immigration - which undercuts worker's wages - I couldn't be happier.

The Unions say they need the $$$ to support "Pro-union" candidates, but most of the time they just support Leftists.

If Bill Clinton, Hillary, Obama were especially "Pro-union" i must have missed it.

rcocean said...

Its like the Sierra Club. They support massive immigration -which of course is great for the environment. What could be better for the Sierra Mnt's than 50 million Californians?

And they endorse every left-wing D because they all support the Environment, unlike the R's. LOL.

Sebastian said...

"The Democrats should own my vote."

Why? Now that SSM is settled, and abortion pretty much, what else would attract you to the Dems?

Higher taxes? Gun control? Public transit "investments"? Student loan or state debt bailouts? Green energy subsidies? Medicaid for all? Better relations with Cuba but not with Israel?

rcocean said...

This only happened because Trump was elected.

All the Never-trumpers celebrating this are frauds.

Francisco D said...

"Saying don't gloat is what I call civility bullshit -- the demand for politeness and muted discourse that you would not want if the tables were turned.

I am going to gloat quietly, but not for the sake of civility. It's for peace of mind.

Most of the modern day liberals that I know are intolerant of what they believe to be unacceptable ideas. I don't need the aggravation of arguing with them. Hence, I gloat to myself.

buwaya said...

Teachers unions are pretty horrible.
A net negative in delivering education. But they are far from the worst thing in education. That would be your universities, that set policy and curriculum, and indoctrinate your teachers.

And you would see an effect in local politics. Your city politicians, school boards, etc.

National politics has had a great deal change in political financing though, most money for the Democrats is from a few billionaires filtered through layers of other groups.

Quayle said...

Allowing the formation of human capital structures in opposition and balance to financial capital structures, I understand.

Allowing the formation of human capital structures is in opposition to the taxpayers, I never understood

YoungHegelian said...

Big loss for the coffers of the Democrats!

Trump reminds me of guys who used to "rat tail" you in the ass with a towel in the changing room when we used to go to the pool as kids.

He just never misses a chance to rub it in.

harrogate said...

I didn't say "don't gloat." I just noted that you are gloating. Neutrally, natch.

"The Democrats should own my vote."

Because you're socially liberal on some issues?

Your allegiances with military adventurism and with economic conservatism are on display across the arc of the blog, including this very post.

It remains a great mystery why you even *want* to say you don't like the GOP, given your policy druthers.

Matt Sablan said...

"Imagine how Democrats would be gloating if they'd had the 5th vote on all this term's 5-4 decisions."

Maybe something like: #ItsTheLaw

buwaya said...

Its important to note that good or even world-class education is not incompatible with being on the left, elsewhere. The American situation, in which the left seems to have educational disaster as its goal, is (almost) uniquely American.

It is a characteristic of a very American ideological vision, which I think stems from the festering remains of identity politics. The imperative of this has driven cultural politics into an absurd place.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

We're used to thinking of California as the wave of the future. And if that is still true, we have a dismal future in front of us.

However, in this case, modest little Wisconsin was the harbinger of things to come.

Sebastian said...

Meanwhile, at Insty:

"God damn this fucking piece of shit country. And the piece of shit racists controlling ALL THREE branches of government"

Since you asked, this was by one Elie Mystal.

"Elie Mystal joined ATL in 2008 by winning the ATL Idol Contest. Prior to joining ATL, Elie wrote about politics and popular culture at City Hall News and the New York Press. Elie received a degree in Government from Harvard University and a J.D. from Harvard Law School. He was formerly a litigator at Debevoise & Plimpton but quit the legal profession to pursue a career as an online provocateur. He's written editorials for the New York Daily News and the New York Times, and he has appeared on both MSNBC and Fox News without having to lie about his politics to either news organization."

Piece of shit country. Racists. Noted.

Harvard Law. Debevoise & Plimpton. Ha. When Noonan said we were being patronized by our inferiors, she was too kind.

Althouse, are you paying attention, just in case you get the urge to vote for one of those Dems again?

Jim at said...

"Imagine how Democrats would be gloating if they'd had the 5th vote on all this term's 5-4 decisions."

Maybe they would light up the White House in all sorts of rainbowey colors.

cubanbob said...

harrogate said...
I didn't say "don't gloat." I just noted that you are gloating. Neutrally, natch.

"The Democrats should own my vote."

Because you're socially liberal on some issues?

Your allegiances with military adventurism and with economic conservatism are on display across the arc of the blog, including this very post.

It remains a great mystery why you even *want* to say you don't like the GOP, given your policy druthers."

What mystery? The Democrats have morphed into the New Communist Party. She didn't leave the Democrat Party, the party left her.

Etienne said...

Trump is saying that non-union workers won't vote Democrat.

It seems silly to pigeonhole Americans like that.

What is he up to? Is this a conspiracy of the ruling class against the unsuspecting peasants?

Michael said...

9/11 was a seminal moment in many ways, not least was when the left nearly immediately began the assemblage of apologetics aided, of course by GWB in his "religion of peace" statement and the follow on assumption that Americans would immediately begin stringing up Muslims. The narrative that America was filled with Yahoos advanced at that moment and the assumption against all evidence to the contrary was thus foundational in the left's thinking that the country was filled with racists.

dreams said...

Scott Walker is a real man, a man with a backbone.

harrogate said...

shorter cubanbob: the Dems should have the same exact policies as the GOP, except be a little more socially liberal. THEN they wouldn't have "left" her.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“The Democrats should own my vote."

Because you're socially liberal on some issues?

Your allegiances with military adventurism and with economic conservatism are on display across the arc of the blog, including this very post.

It remains a great mystery why you even *want* to say you don't like the GOP, given your policy druthers.”
I think the only two issues I’ve seen a liberal stance from Althouse on is abortion and same sex marriage. Pretty much everything else seems to be aligned with the majority of her conservative commenters. Well to be fair, she’s actually chastised her commenters a few times for demonizing Muslims and she has defended a her own style of feminism.

Achilles said...

Ann Althouse said...

Imagine how Democrats would be gloating if they'd had the 5th vote on all this term's 5-4 decisions.

5-4 decisions in favor of Democrats are DECISIVE decisions that set STRONG PRECEDENT and give guidance to lower courts.

5-4 decisions in favor of the first amendment are NARROW, CONTROVERSIAL decisions that will face further RESISTANCE from the ACLU and leftist AG's across the nation.

Leland said...

It's a good ruling for freedom.

buwaya said...

A foreign example of the effect of politics and ideology on educational policy - the UK.

Post-WWII, it was a Labor party plank to support the "11-plus" academic examinations to track talented kids into public grammar svhools, that is, a nationwide system of academic middle and high schools, a very continental tracking system. The idea, among other things, was to break the dominance of the middle and upper class, by mining talent from the lower class. And so it did.

Little known fact, Maggie Thatcher did all she could to shut down the grammar schools, seen to be institutions of the left.

The eventual result however was that the middle class tended to dominate the 11-plus anyway, and later when the minority vote became important the expected results, resulted.

So Labour became intensely opposed to selective measures and tracking.

Achilles said...

Inga said...

I think the only two issues I’ve seen a liberal stance from Althouse on is abortion and same sex marriage. Pretty much everything else seems to be aligned with the majority of her conservative commenters. Well to be fair, she’s actually chastised her commenters a few times for demonizing Muslims and she has defended a her own style of feminism.

You misspelled leftist stance.

Nothing you people do is liberal anymore. Ann is still liberal. Liberals believe in freedom. That is why she disagrees with you.

You people are leftists who believe in imposing your will on other people using the government monopoly on force.

You are losing elections because true liberals are leaving the democrat party.

readering said...

Gloating never a good look.

donald said...

Well damned near every non union middle class employed person I know is voting for Donald Trump and Donald Trump’s policies.

I meet a whole lot of working class people all over the country.

buwaya said...

California still is the wave of the future.
Demographically, socially, economically.
It will be intensely racially-ethnically stratified and, nonetheless, mixed.
Think Brazil, except that the blacks will be in a worse place.
The joker in CA are Asians. Its still up in the air whether you will have a white-Asian merger in the bourgeoisie and upper classes, or something else. Still in process.

mccullough said...

Trump needs no surrogates. He's spiking the football himself in these tweets. He's the first black president. The guy loves to play the dozens.

walter said...

readering said...Gloating never a good look.
Translation: Don't talk about this!

rcocean said...

5-4 decisions in favor of Democrats are DECISIVE decisions that set STRONG PRECEDENT and give guidance to lower courts.

When I read the WaPo (because it was free) i noticed they'd always do the following:

When it was liberal SCOTUS Decision the headline was: "Supreme Court decides X", then in the article: "the court said this and court said that" and then down at the bottom "scalia, thomas, and whoever, dissented"

When it was conservative: Headline was "In Narrow 5-4 decision, Conservative Justices rule X". then in article: "In a narrow 5-4 decision, conservative justices Scalia, thomas, whoever, decided X. Justice Breyer,Ginsberg, Whoever, dissented stating blah,blah".

eric said...

I wonder where Democrats are going to get their money and protesters from now.

Seems like unions won't have the money for their political activism anymore.

walter said...

Are the solidarity singers in the Capitol singing extra loud today?
I remember WEAC cutting a ton of staff immediately after Act 10 passed.
No waiting to gauge "member" response.

buwaya said...

Anyway, teachers unions are, these days, intensely committed to the leftist cultural agenda. They were infected, inevitably, by the "long march".

The break from plain old labor representation to near-religious ideoligical commitment was when the generations changed at the AFT in the 1990s, with the passing of Al Shanker, who was keeping the AFT competitive and the NEA somewhat honest.

tcrosse said...

If you like your Union, you can keep your Union.

hawkeyedjb said...

"The Democrats should own my vote." Mine too. I was a Franklin Roosevelt-Harry Truman-John Kennedy-Hubert Humphrey-Henry Jackson-Walter Reuther-George Meany kind of Democrat. That Democratic party is as dead as those men. And no, there aren't any modern Republicans to take their place. If they were alive, they wouldn't be Republicans or Democrats, they'd be appalled.

Moondawggie said...

Old military maxim:
Amateurs study tactics.
Dilettantes study strategy.
Professionals study logistics.

While the progs were busy surrounding McConnell and his wife on a public street and chasing Sanders out of a public restaurant (great tactics, dudes!), and Maxine Waters instructs her troops to hound her opponents in their everyday lives (cunning strategy, Congresswoman!), the conservatives just blew apart the progressive's main logistic base.

Nicely done!

Original Mike said...

”The Democrats should own my vote.”

I’m thinking Althouse is more enamored with the self-congratulary claims of compassion than she is with the reality that is the Democrat party.

Paddy O said...

Imagine what Arnold Schwarzenegger could have been if he had the courage of Scott Walker to hold to what he said he'd do.

The difference between a narcissists and a man with principles is a lasting reputation.

Paddy O said...

self-congratulary claims of compassion is the reality that is the Democrat party.

Achilles said...

readering said...

Gloating never a good look.

But yelling at people at restaurants is.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...
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Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

"Supreme Court today affirms what we did years ago -- gives public servants the freedom to choose whether they want to be in union or not."

And amen to that. The frightening thing, as with the "travel ban," is that SCOTUS decisions are 5-4 when the underlying law is so clear. Too many ignorant, political, and scofflaw judges.

Miriam Jonathan said...
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Original Mike said...

Blogger Paddy O said...”self-congratulary claims of compassion is the reality that is the Democrat party.”

So are higher taxes, open borders, Medicaid for all, confronting the elderly and families in the streets, and magic choo-choo trains.

Infinite Monkeys said...

Does this make the anti-Citizens United people happy?

Michael K said...

Nothing you people do is liberal anymore. Ann is still liberal. Liberals believe in freedom. That is why she disagrees with you.

Hear, hear.

I have considered myself libertarian for years. The fool even chastised me when I posted that I had done abortions back when it was legal in California before Roe v Wade.

The Democrats began to go nuts with the Clinton impeachment, which was not really a good idea, although I remember Sam Donaldson speculating about when Bill would resign after the blue dress thing.

They really went nuts with the 2000 election.

Now, they are back where they were in 1968.

I see no end to this as I expect they will be hurt in the November election.

Vance said...

With Kennedy gone, the left is going to go absolutely insane.

mockturtle said...

Of course, union people will argue that those refusing to join/contribute will nonetheless reap the benefits of the union. Personally, I think it's wrong for public employees to unionize and certainly for public employee unions to support political parties and candidates.

Jim at said...

The Democrats began to go nuts with the Clinton impeachment

Actually, they started down this path after the 1994 election. Decades of controlling the House was gone. Poof. Just like that. Plus, the Senate turned as well. First time in my life, Congress was controlled by Republicans.

... which, of course let to Clinton's impeachment.

And then, yeah. I know people who still haven't gotten over the 2000 election. They never will.

CA Michael said...

My brother is a long-time teacher here in California. He is very happy about this decision. As he has said for years, he cannot opt out of paying dues. What really aggravates him is that during election campaigns where the CTA wants to support an initiative strongly favored by Democrats/Progressives/Unions, he is told that, for several months, the CTA will be taking an additional amount on top of the regular dues. As my brother points out, those initiatives are always ones he opposes strongly and votes against, but is forced to support with his earnings. And of course, progressive teachers who support everything the CTA supports can continue to pay dues if they choose.

brylun said...

Kennedy just announced his retirement.

n.n said...

Lifting a veil that obscured Democrat funding, including immigration reform, color judgments/racism, female chauvinism, labor arbitrage, social justice/elective wars, political congruence, and, hopefully, the crown jewel: Planned Parenthood selective-child etc.

mockturtle said...

Kennedy just announced his retirement.

Yep. July 31. Another chance for Trump to win bigly.

Michael K said...

Decades of controlling the House was gone. Poof. Just like that. Plus, the Senate turned as well. First time in my life, Congress was controlled by Republicans.

Don't forget, that was courtesy of Hillary "Two for the Price Of One." Her commission alienated everyone.

The Senate hearings will dominate the fall and turnout for bth parties may spike.

The election may be more uncertain but the Dems are still going crazy and not likely to come up with a better platform than "TRUMP !"

I see no confirmation until after the election and maybe before January as Flake and McCain will still be allied with the Democrats.

It will take the new Senate majority.

n.n said...

progressive teachers who support everything the CTA supports can continue to pay dues if they choose

Capitalism is a democratic philosophy. It's your capital, your retained earnings. Ideally, tempered by moral axioms of individual dignity and intrinsic value. And reconciled with Nature's choice: finitely available and recoverable natural resources.

Achilles said...

Kennedy must have a nice safe place with a lot of security set up.

He did the right thing on the way out.

Kagan and Sotomayor look like raging fascist clowns.

Peak rage on August 28th.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

light up the White House in all sorts of rainbowey colors

A stratified White. No Black. No Brown. A celebration of exclusion.

Achilles said...

The Senate hearings will dominate the fall and turnout for bth parties may spike.

Turnout will be great.

Democrats will win 210ish seats with 80% of the vote. Republicans 240ish seats with 60% of the vote.

Then the fun with 60 republican senators.

Matt Sablan said...

Well. With Kennedy tried to get a lot fewer 5-4 split cases, but he just couldn't get the liberal bloc to budge a bunch. Looks like they're trading 5-4 narrow decisions for 5-4 ... broader? Firmer? Whatever. Whoever replaces Kennedy won't be as accommodating.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

the left are concerned about abortion and gay rights.

Both of which are probably safe even with a conservative court. At best, perhaps some states will restrict state funding of abortion and place restrictions on late term abortions - but I doubt it will be out-lawed. The left like to fume over phantom grievances.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Given that Public Unions and the AFL-CIO support open borders and mass immigration - which undercuts worker's wages - I couldn't be happier.”

Keep this in mind there. Govt employees don’t compete for wages. The governments that they work for can’t hire illegals to fill their positions. Instead, more illegals, means more govt services, which means more govt jobs.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The gay-mafia is quick to dump Kennedy over-board. Sad.

Matt Sablan said...

The most restrictions I see happening on abortion is increased oversight to prevent Gosnells and restrictions on late-term abortions.

CaroWalker said...
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Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Matthew - Some Liberals are moderate on late term abortion restrictions but I know leftists go ape if you even think about restricting their ability to kill a viable 9 month old baby.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

or viable 7, 8 or 9 month old baby.

Seeing Red said...

Gloating never a good look.

But yelling at people at restaurants is.

And following them to the next restaurant and berating them there also looks good.

Then you lose your volunteer committee job because you look like an idiot.

Phil 314 said...

"Kennedy just announced his retirement."

A long, hot summer. This will be THE fall campaign issue.

I assume some prominent Dems in the name of Merrick Garland will try to prevent a vote for the next 2 years (or at least till next February)

The Vault Dweller said...

I assume some prominent Dems in the name of Merrick Garland will try to prevent a vote for the next 2 years (or at least till next February) How are they going to do that? There is no filibuster on Supreme Court nominees anymore, because the Dems refused to even consider Gorsich when he was nominated so the Senate ended the filibuster for supreme court nominees. Which was made easier because the republicans could rely on the precedent set by former democrat senate leader Harry Reid when he ended the filibuster because he felt the republicans were being obstructionist.

Whoever is nominated is going to get confirmed in a reasonably short time thereafter.

n.n said...

Elective abortion after around one month where there is a coherent nervous system is torture. However, a fetus, offspring, baby without a voice, without representation, and literally disarmed, is a viable, low opportunity cost, high political leverage target.

n.n said...

gay-mafia is quick to dump Kennedy over-board

A transgender schism caused by a homosexual elite. Perhaps also others who were not considered politically congruent ("="), selectively excluded by progressive and liberal sects.

Seeing Red said...

Nah I think Ronnie’s wave was the start. What could they do? They lost the Senate in the ‘86 election after decades.

Seeing Red said...

What is happening is the entitled and rent seekers are finding out they’re not as special as they think they are. We are in the adjustment phase.

Paco Wové said...

"Your allegiances with military adventurism"

Althouse has allegiances with military adventurism? And in this very post? Some commenters have active fantasy lives.

Rick said...

This election was always going to be awful but Kennedy retiring turns it up to 11.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Womp Womp!

Trumpit said...

Althouse should charge a $1 fee per comment. That would stop a lot of the trolling that is rampant by the usual deplorable suspects. I normally learn nothing from the comments because most of it is pure partisan hogwash by idiots and blowhards. I believe that the average I.Q. of the commenters is about 75. Some like Michael K, and mockturtle are at about 50.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Ah, Trumpit, I've been laughing at the left all day today. And you just gave me my last chuckle before going to bed. Well done, you crazy little dipshit!

Rusty said...

I like it when Trumpit displays its tolerance.

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