June 27, 2018

Supreme Court holds "that union fees violate 'the free speech rights of nonmembers by compelling them to subsidize private speech on matters of substantial public concern.'"

SCOTUSblog reports on the 5-4 decision in Janus.

Here's the PDF of the opinion.

SCOTUSblog writes:
In reasonably plain English: This is a case about whether government employees who are represented by a union to which they do not belong can be required to pay a fee to cover the costs of collective bargaining. The plaintiff in this case, an Illinois state employee, argued that having to pay the fees violates the First Amendment. Today the Court agreed, ruling for the employee and against the union.
The important idea here is that unions for government employees are different from other unions and that everything they do, including bargaining for wages, is political, because they are making a deal with the government. I want to look at the opinion to see how this idea is discussed.

From the opinion (written by Justice Alito):
In addition to affecting how public money is spent, union speech in collective bargaining addresses many other important matters.... [U]nions express views on a wide range of subjects—education, child welfare, healthcare, and minority rights, to name a few... What unions have to say on these matters in the context of collective bargaining is of great public importance.... Even union speech in the handling of grievances may be of substantial public importance and may be directed at the “public square.” ....

[W]e conclude that public-sector agency-shop arrangements violate the First Amendment, and Abood erred in concluding otherwise. There remains the question whether stare decisis nonethe­less counsels against overruling Abood. It does not.... An important factor in determining whether a precedent should be overruled is the quality of its reasoning....

Abood... did not sufficiently take into account the difference between the effects of agency fees in public- and private-sector collective bargaining. The challengers in Abood argued that collective bargaining with a govern­ment employer, unlike collective bargaining in the private sector, involves “inherently ‘political’ ” speech. The Court did not dispute that characterization, and in fact conceded that “decisionmaking by a public employer is above all a political process” driven more by policy concerns than economic ones....

We recognize that the loss of payments from nonmem­ bers may cause unions to experience unpleasant transition costs in the short term, and may require unions to make adjustments in order to attract and retain members. But we must weigh these disadvantages against the consider­ able windfall that unions have received under Abood for the past 41 years. It is hard to estimate how many bil­ lions of dollars have been taken from nonmembers and transferred to public-sector unions in violation of the First Amendment. Those unconstitutional exactions cannot be allowed to continue indefinitely.
From Justice Kagan:
Unlike the majority, I see nothing “questionable” about Abood’s analysis.... The decision’s account of why some government entities have a strong interest in agency fees (now often called fair-share fees) is fundamentally sound. And the balance Abood struck between public employers’ interests and public employees’ expression is right at home in First Amendment doctrine.


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Drago said...
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Drago said...

exiledonmainstreet: "I was always suspicious of Will. He's a Cubs fan."

Like the GOPe, he became accustomed to losing and, in fact, reconciled himself to that happy state. Trump was overwhelming to such a delicate constitution.

As Maui from Moana might have said:

"Ok, ok, I see what's happening here
You're face to face with greatness, and it's strange
You don't even know how you feel
It's adorable!
Well, it's nice to see that GOPe humans never change

Open your eyes, let's begin
Yes, it's really me, it's Trumpy: breathe it in!

I know it's a lot: the hair, the bod!
When you're staring at a demi-god!

Sebastian said...

"But in TrumpWorld as represented by the Althouse commentariat, it's all about personal loyalty to Trump"

See, this is why so many of us consider you a g** a**. And this is also why we don't take the NeverTrumper pose of insisting on truth and good manners seriously.

You know what you said is false. Few of us have any "personal loyalty" to Trump. BAG and DBQ and Angle and YH and I and all the rest aren't "TrumpWorld." But we don't take s** from Dick Durbin Republicans.

Hagar said...

Free speech is one thing.
Another thing is the unseemliness of the union "negotiating" with the government management for which the union has campaigned about the extent of union benefits to be obtained from taxpayers' money.

Jim at said...

Act 10 paved the way.

Credit to Scott Walker - and Wisconsin Republicans - for holding strong in the face of true thuggery.

This is a glorious decision that will be felt for decades to come.

Achilles said...

Drago said...

George Will couldn't stand up to a mob if he was given crutches and a concrete backbrace.

When George Will tells everyone to vote for democrats he has a backbone. Just like Kristol and the rest of the DC republicans and pundits.

They have a backbone in these cases because they believe globalist elites should be in power. Partly because that is who is paying them.

They have a backbone when they talk of supporting democrats, because unlike when they are writing in support of "muh principles," are finally espousing something they believe in.

MayBee said...

You know what you said is false. Few of us have any "personal loyalty" to Trump. BAG and DBQ and Angle and YH and I and all the rest aren't "TrumpWorld." But we don't take s** from Dick Durbin Republicans.

Amen. I cannot even believe Donald Trump is our president. I have no "loyalty" to him, and see little loyalty to him here. I just believed our nation was in an existential crisis with Hillary and the Dems on their current trajectory.

I am still sad that Mitt Romney will probably never be president, and I fear its because our nation didn't deserve him. But we needed Trump, as awful as that may be.

Drago said...

Jim at: "Credit to Scott Walker - and Wisconsin Republicans - for holding strong in the face of true thuggery."

Thank you for reminding us.

It's easy for overlook the key role Scott Walker played in all this, though credit will never be fully awarded.

Achilles said...

Chuck said...

No Achilles; the problem presented by Will is that while he continues to adhere to conservative orthodoxy, he also continues to write about the personal toxicity of Donald Trump.

And so the claim against Will cannot be that he is no longer a conservative; the claim is that any personal disloyalty to Trump is what matters.

I never claimed he is no longer a conservative.

I am claiming Will was never a conservative.

He has been a paid shill from the start just like the Bushes. A globalist misrepresenting himself pretending to be what he is not.

Assuredly, George Will would never suggest a housecleaning of a Republican congressional majority unless he felt that it had been poisoned by Trump.

Trump delivers results that republican voters want.

This is what really makes Will mad.

Because Will hates republican voters and doesn't want anything they want.

Achilles said...

Drago said...

Jim at: "Credit to Scott Walker - and Wisconsin Republicans - for holding strong in the face of true thuggery."

Thank you for reminding us.

It's easy for overlook the key role Scott Walker played in all this, though credit will never be fully awarded.

If Scott Walker wasn't a squish on borders and had told the CoC donors No he would be president today.

But he didn't.

Drago said...

MayBee: "I am still sad that Mitt Romney will probably never be president, and I fear its because our nation didn't deserve him."

Mitt couldn't even stand up to Candy Crowley.

Paul Ryan sat there and let moron Joe Biden say, in the middle of the debate, that republicans always bet against the American people.

That's why those two guys lost.

They didn't fight back, because they couldn't. Because when push comes to shove, they actually don't believe in the things they told us they believe in.

For if they did, they would have been Reaganesque happy warriors and engaging.

Trump engages. Hell, Trump INITIATES the fight when necessary. And it's on our behalf. And he does it gleefully and uses the lefts tactics against them.

And it is indeed as glorious as it was unexpected.

Drago said...

Achilles: "If Scott Walker wasn't a squish on borders and had told the CoC donors No he would be president today.

But he didn't"

He was not going to be President. He fits Wisconsin. The national battle was far, far beyond his capabilities.

I say that with no anger.

Browndog said...

exiledonmainstreet said...

When watching that video, I was surprised to find out Carlson used to chew tobacco, likes to hunt, and has 4 children.

Avid fly fisherman and hunting dog lover.

Drago said...

Achilles, it should be noted that Walker thought he needed beltway support for his campaign to "beef" up his national issues side of the house.

And those guys gave him the standard Steve Schmidt/Nicole Wallace/LLR Chuck drivel and frameworks and....Walker accepted it.

I can still remember when the Walker campaign began to lose its edge: immediately. He went total milktoast per consultant advice.

Trump had been watching Washington for 30 years and dealing with the NY set and he viewed those "experts' with disdain and simply doubled and tripled-down on what he was about.

The results speak for themselves.

rcocean said...

I wonder if Goldberg and Last even talk to Carlson now. We know Kristol doesn't. Preppy bowtie guy has proven to be made of far steelier stuff than anybody else on that panel, including (sadly) O'Rourke.

I'm sure they do. Any way, the great thing about Trump is he exposed the Paycheck-Conservative Frauds like Goldberg, Erickson, Will, Kristol, and Lowry.

They loved Obama. And were looking forward to Hillary. All they had to do was write weekly columns tut-tutting over "Socialism" or "PC run amok" and cash their paychecks. Then Trump came along, and they dropped the mask.

It seems the most important conservative value isn't opposition of socialism, patriotism, or social conservatism. It was being a "Gentlemen", supporting bad trade deals, and open borders. Oh, and not saying anything the New York Times or WaPo regarded as "racist" or "vulgar".

McCain who wanted a bi-partisan Administration and Al Gore's Running mate as his VP was A-0K with the paycheck conservatives.

But Trump - he was beyond the pale. Better Hillary - and a liberal ruled SCOTUS for the next 15 years.

Jersey Fled said...

I propose that all who are concerned about free riding immediately dial up PayPal and make a contribution to Ann.

rcocean said...

BTW, I've noticed some of the Never trumpers are now calling themselves "Classical Liberals".

Nice to have some truth in advertising - after 20 years of lying.

Drago said...

rcocean: "BTW, I've noticed some of the Never trumpers are now calling themselves "Classical Liberals"

Nothing wrong with that, as it is true.

Classical Liberals are those who are opposed to large government and individual liberty and rights.

Classical Liberals are supposed to be the opposite in philosophy to modern liberals.

rcocean said...

I don't use Pay Pal - they've refused accounts to people who were "too conservative".

They're a left-wing, SJW, organization.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Drago wrote of Walker:

"He was not going to be President. He fits Wisconsin. The national battle was far, far beyond his capabilities."

Absolutely. And I say that as someone who has voted for him 3 times for governor and I look forward to doing so again in November.

rcocean said...

Classical Liberals are against "nationalism" aka patriotism, and favor "free trade" and "open borders".

That's why the Never-trumpers are moving to that label. Why they just don't call themselves "Neo-Liberal" is beyond me.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Hahhahaa! Hilarious. When a lefty isn’t here for Drago to argue with he picks a fellow conservative!

Drago said...

Jersey Fled: "I propose that all who are concerned about free riding immediately dial up PayPal and make a contribution to Ann."


I propose Ann institute an automated analytical tool-based analysis that allows readers and blog posters to evaluate and rate individual commenters to identify those commenters whose postings actually drive traffic to this site.

Then, establish a priority posting heirarchy which automatically favors those posters who are considered more value-added and relegate those commenters who detract value from the site.

Then an appropriate contributor payment system could be established in a "gain sharing" way with those valuable contributors.

Perhaps a "minor league" Althouse site could be established for those posters who are relegated (similar to the English Premier League soccer clubs) to allow for the relegated posters to prove themselves anew and elevate to the "major league" Althouse site.


Jim at said...

but people on the right who are not enthused by Trump, or his style, do not bother me either.

There's a difference between being not enthused - or not liking his style - and actively working against Trump.

That's where I have a huge problem with the NeverTrumpers.

We were faced with a binary decision in November of 2016. They chose the other.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

...so they can criticize them.

Ouch! Now that's how you end a post!

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“You don’t have to fall in love, you just have to fall in line.”

And Drago is here to do exactly that. Fall in line...march!

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Wasn’t it Bimbo that used the term “hive mind” several times in her past comments? Well Bimbo, Drago doesn’t like you buzzing off in your own direction.

Anonymous said...

But in TrumpWorld as represented by the Althouse commentariat, it's all about personal loyalty to Trump

Nonesense. I didn't vote for him in our primary, and I voted against Hillary Clinton (Unindicted Felon - NY) in the general. Given a competent, non-SJW, non-Socialist alternative to Trump, I'll vote for them. So my loyalty lasts until someone better and less crazy comes along.

Seriously, all the Democrats have to do is not be sleazy or act crazy. And they can't help themselves.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

That's funny, Inga, that you would use a quote from Hillary (referring to John F Kerry and his less-than-room temperature personality in 2004), “You don’t have to fall in love, you just have to fall in line.”

Maybe it goes back further, but Google lays it at the Democrats' feet. Ironic I think.

Jim at said...

In what sense is a public sector union "bargaining"? Where is the give and take? - Dan the Man

There's plenty of give and take, Dan.
They take from the workers and give to the Democrats.

Or at least they used to. Before today.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Blogger Inga said...
Hahhahaa! Hilarious. When a lefty isn’t here for Drago to argue with he picks a fellow conservative!"

You are so unbelievably stupid.

Drago said...

KH: "Nonesense. I didn't vote for him in our primary..."


I voted for Cruz in the primaries and I'll support anyone who will stand up to the lefty lunatics.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Also there is no evidence that Republicans have fallen in love or in line behind Trump. I'd prefer a little more intra-party workalong to get along. But that's just me. I'm for good governance.

Drago said...

Mike: "Also there is no evidence that Republicans have fallen in love or in line behind Trump."

Republicans tend to be quite transactional, which is why Trump's support is solidifying rapidly and why the continued Never Trumper supposed True Conservative opposition is inexplicable....

....unless the True Conservatives never really believed what they had been writing about and telling us lo these many years....

Drago said...

Results like todays SC decision is the ultimate payoff for actual conservatives.

Everyone should be ecstatic.

Yet some "True Conservatives" still want to blow it all up which, in a binary political world, inescapably means the dems/left are in charge.

Pookie Number 2 said...

But in TrumpWorld as represented by the Althouse commentariat, it's all about personal loyalty to Trump

Patiently untrue. In general, we’re more than happy to note his failings, and that generates no animus from the Althouse commentariat. . The difference between us and Chuck is that we don’t lie to ourselves about what he’s accomplishing, because (also unlike the integrity-free Chuck) we are interested in being fair.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"Everyone should be ecstatic"

I certainly am.

Even though that means Inga's pals will just have to kick a few more Trump adminstation people out of restaurants or scream at them in the street.

We get 2 SCOTUS wins.

The left gets Sarah Huckabee Sanders tossed from a restaurant. Some dipshit Hill staff yells "Fuck you" at the president and the left applauds and gloats.

I like our wins better.

Nonapod said...

Roger Simon considers Trump a Dengist, someone who is result driven rather than emotionally or ideologically driven. This is in reference to Chairman Deng Xiaoping who famously said "I don't care if a cat is black or white as long as it catches mice." as he undid many of the more destructive Maoist policies. I can't speak any of that except to say that I too care much more about results than what a person says and how they present themselves. And I think that's true for most real conservatives too.

DanTheMan said...

>>All they had to do was write weekly columns tut-tutting over "Socialism" or "PC run amok" and cash their paychecks.

Trump as Vishnu: Now I am become Death. Destroyer of rice bowls...

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Read what this left wing keyboard warrior has to say about leftist violence. He wants things to get worse:

"Read a fucking history book. Read a recent history book. The U.S. had thousands of domestic bombings per year in the early 1970s. This is what happens when citizens decide en masse that their political system is corrupt, racist, and unresponsive. The people out of power have only just begun to flex their dissatisfaction. The day will come, sooner that you all think, when Trump administration officials will look back fondly on the time when all they had to worry about was getting hollered at at a Mexican restaurant. When you aggressively fuck with people’s lives, you should not be surprised when they decide to fuck with yours."

And read the approving comments. "Fuck the farmers," etc...


And Inga pretends that only the "Trumpists" are violent.

Her side is itching for a fight and doing their best to provoke one. This will not end well for them.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

I had written of Carlson as a bowtie-wearing milquetoast until I read this Jan 2016 column.

It's like he woke up one morning, and the scales fell from his eyes.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Few of us have any "personal loyalty" to Trump. BAG and DBQ and Angle and YH and I and all the rest aren't "TrumpWorld." But we don't take s** from Dick Durbin Republicans.

Thank you Sebastian for those words and including me in such good company.

The stereotyping by the left is just relentless. I am for Trump in that I want his policies to succeed and in that the left/Hillary and Democrats in general are for everything (almost) that I am against.

Do I think Trump is God Emperor? Get serious. No. Do I like everything he does like some of his less than well thought out tweets? Heck no. Do I wish he would shut up sometimes. Yup. Do I like that he is getting results. Hell YEAH.

I was worried about his foreign diplomacy chops. Now, I think he is (mostly) brilliant in making the deals and getting things done. I am a pragmatist. I want to see positive progress, getting projects done that I want to see get done.

Trump is delivering.

So, when those who are sucking on sour grapes because Trump (who represents ME) is kicking their asses, and accuse everyone of being a sycophant to Trump.....well....they can go suck something other than those sour grapes :-D

Birkel said...


I have to call you out for a grievous error!
You typed Kasich, a postman's son, without acknowledging that Kasich's father worked for the post office.

This is required when discussing Kasich, a postman's son.


Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

Birkel: "This is required when discussing Kasich, a postman's son."

Some of us didn't get the memo.

Perhaps it was lost in the mail.

If only we had the son of a postman as a failed Presidential candidate, that memo might have been delivered most expeditiously and graciously and reverentially toward our lefty/establishment betters all the while wonderful testimonials to Hillary's grandiosity would be offered up.....

narayanan said...

I am seeing that Trump tower is at 725 5th Ave, New York, NY 10022.

Trump may have been discussing "shoot somebody in self-defense" on 5th Avenue.

I for one would understand that and respect him -

would the not-deplorables/elites?

Bruce Hayden said...

My view is that the problem with govt unions is that the most important party to their negotiations, their bargaining, etc, the taxpayers, are not at the bargaining table. What is seemingly ignored amidst the whining about these poor unionized govt workers is the question of how their unionization benefits the taxpayers paying their salaries. Their excess pensions? Being unable to fire incompetents when covered by union contracts? Excess wages and salaries? Union leaders being paid by their govt employers, but working on union business? How do those things benefit the taxpayers? The obvious answer is that they don’t.

Krumhorn said...

I never defend Trump...but I’d vote for him again in a heartbeat.

I do not tire of winning, and Janus is a big win as was the travel ban case. The move by the FCC to back off the net neutrality thing was also a big win.


Birkel said...

I'd bet nobody here remembers when I was begging traditionalguy to please shut the hell up with his Trump love nonsense. He was an early adopter and I found his commentary quite frustrating. It took me a while to adjust to the fact that Trump was going to win the nomination and was the only hope America had for retaining her traditions.

Hillary would have destroyed the country. She would have further weaponized the Leviathan State. And only one man actually did beat Hillary Clinton. That man, of course, is Jim Beam. Seriously, she's a drunk and I'm glad Donald Trump beat her.

I'm not sure that I would like Donald Trump. I'm not sure I'd want to work for him. But I'm damned glad he's president.

DanTheMan said...

>>That man, of course, is Jim Beam

Jose, Jack, and Johnny beg to differ...

Bruce Hayden said...

“I am still sad that Mitt Romney will probably never be president, and I fear its because our nation didn't deserve him. But we needed Trump, as awful as that may be.”

Well, he is getting a consolation prize - the carpetbagger just won the primary for the Ruplican nomination for US Senate in Utah. I would think that would have been unlikely, absent his failed bid for the Presidency. After, his prior elective office had been MA governor. Why would UT want someone from Massachusetts? Sure he saved their Olympics. But, still, his ties to Utah were fairly weak.

That said, I think that he would have done a good job as President. Much better than Obama could ever hope to have done, and significantly better than McCain. His training and experience were a very good fit for what was needed. Now, if hadn’t been Mormon nice.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Hillary would have destroyed the country. She would have further weaponized the Leviathan State. And only one man actually did beat Hillary Clinton. That man, of course, is Jim Beam. Seriously, she's a drunk and I'm glad Donald Trump beat her.”

Found out today that the FBI and DoJ never really investigated her for Espionage Act and Records Act violations (thanks to a close reading of the latest IG report). Instead, they investigated her server, and to the extent they could, her other electronic devices. She was instead treated more like an innocent bystander. Obama said that she was innocent, and, thus, the DoJ was ordered to stand down and not to work with the FBI, and that is exactly what they did. The result was a half assed show investigation by the FBI that was never going to indict her, and not to cooperate with the FBI, because the prosecutors were told by their bosses not to, and didn’t.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Exiled said...

But I've liked what he has done. And I think a milder, more polite personality would not be able to stand up against the barrage of hatred coming from the left.

So I've moved from very reluctant Trump voter to solid Trump supporter.

I agree! 100% agree. I've grown to like the guy especially when Trump hits back twice as hard. The Romneys and the McCains are just push-overs. You cannot let the hacks on the left control the narrative. And there isn't a larger Hillary-hater than me. Just so we are clear.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Inger - "Hivemind" is a leftwing collective specific term.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Bruce said...

Found out today that the FBI and DoJ never really investigated her for Espionage Act and Records Act violations (thanks to a close reading of the latest IG report). Instead, they investigated her server, and to the extent they could, her other electronic devices. She was instead treated more like an innocent bystander. Obama said that she was innocent, and, thus, the DoJ was ordered to stand down and not to work with the FBI, and that is exactly what they did. The result was a half assed show investigation by the FBI that was never going to indict her, and not to cooperate with the FBI, because the prosecutors were told by their bosses not to, and didn’t.

shhhhhh. No talking about the IG report. Kids in cages!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The press treat Trump with such disdain and bias, it makes me love the guy.

Eat chit, leftwing media.

n.n said...

Call it what it effectively is: a tax, a Democratic tax. And there is no choice other than Pro-Choice.

Michael K said...

That said, I think that he would have done a good job as President. Much better than Obama could ever hope to have done, and significantly better than McCain.

I donated more to his campaign than I ever had before and feared his loss was going to result on a permanent leftist state.

Trump restored my faith in the country,

mikee said...

Public service unions are an abomination of corruption and should be eliminated by legislation. The Union supports a party or an official; the party or official negotiates benefits for the union's members. This is the very definition of corrupt practices. End public service unions now!

Linda Fox said...

As for the free rider thing, I've belonged to several unions. One, the hotel Employers and Bartenders union, had a system where the women members could only get access to the banquet jobs if they were either a relative of a union official, or got on their knees.

The CTU - Cleveland Teachers Union, did absolutely NOTHING for any grievance for me, and badly handled grievances for my husband. I paid my dues for SQUAT.

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Etienne said...

"...As a result, it prevents the American people, acting through their state and local officials, from making important choices about workplace governance. And it does so by weaponizing the First Amendment..."

Dear Lord !

Etienne said...

My Dad payed Union dues, and he told our Priest that he would be damned if he was going to pay two Unions. He told the Priest to get in line behind Jimmy Hoffa if he knew what was good for him.

Needless to say I didn't get to go to Church summer camp that year.

Bad Dad! Bad...

Michael K said...

The good unions are pretty much the craft unions. Once, when I was on the boar of the local medical association, we invited the guy who ran the health plan for the confectionary workers union. We had a long weekend retreat each year and often invited somebody outside Medicine with special knowledge. One year it was Jesse Unruh and he was terrific.

The year I'm thinking of, the guy from the union attended and was terrific. This was back when medical insurance was a big issue. Everybody was experimenting trying to find a better system. That union ran their own health plan and it was great.

Southern California Edison also had their own plan and the guy who was medical director was also great.

UAW and CIO unions are pretty corrupt.

My nephew, with a BS in Bus Ad, did a union apprenticeship in the Elevator Construction and Repair union.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Linda Fox - Union dues are a racket for union leader king pins, bureaucratic government flunkies, and democrat coffers.

WE want our billions back! Union reparations NOW!

320Busdriver said...

As a pvt sector union member I'm a tad conflicted about over the issue, but I see a clear distinction between the public sector unions and the purpose that they serve as well as the conflicts that arise from their bargaining with government and not necessarily those who will pay the freight. Maybe I'm a hypocrite.

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