June 25, 2018

"Strzok isn’t just any rank-and-file guy spouting off in one ill-advised email. His fingerprints were on every FBI investigation..."

"... that stood to impact Clinton’s presidential candidacy or to hurt Trump before and after the 2016 election. He was chief of the FBI’s Counterespionage Section and number two in the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division. He led the team of investigators in the Clinton classified email probe and led the FBI investigation into alleged Russian interference in the election. He was involved in the controversial anti-Trump 'Steele dossier' used, in part, to obtain multiple secret wiretaps. He was the one who interviewed Trump adviser Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, who pled guilty to lying to the FBI only to later learn that agents reportedly didn’t think he’d lied. And Strzok was the 'top' FBI agent appointed to work on the team of special counsel Robert Mueller to investigate alleged Trump-Russia collusion. The earth-shattering finding on Strzok by the inspector general (IG) confirms a citizenry’s worst fears: A high-ranking government intel official allegedly conspired to affect the outcome of a U.S. presidential election...."

Read "What did Peter Strzok do?" by Sharyl Attkisson.


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YoungHegelian said...

Peter Strzok is the FBI train wreck that just keeps on giving to Team Trump.

I've said it before & I'll say it again -- Trump is blessed in his enemies.

Mark said...

So the investigation is hopelessly dirty because he was involved, but Trump is not despite the involvement of Manafort (currentlu jailed for witness tampering) or any of the others with moral/legal issues?

If guilt by association is enough, Trump is in trouble.

dreams said...

What's so bad about it is he and the rest of them will get away with it. Our country is going down fast, I'm just hoping Trump can slow it down a little.

Hagar said...

Mmmm. Strzok was leading some very hot potato "investigations." It is hard to believe he was not watched within the agency. He certainly should have been.

Bay Area Guy said...

Sharyl Attkisson is truly one of the few dogged, fair-minded journalists out there. In essence, she is the Althouse of journalism.

1. Comey enabled and ran interference for McCabe
2. McCabe served as Case Officer for Stork.
3. Stork manipulated and guided the Hillary and Trump investigations to their desired outcomes.
4. They were all stunned by Trump's upset victory
5. Comey got the ball rolling with the Special Counsel by leaking his CYA memos.
6. McCabe quietly served as Acting Director, after Comey was fired, hoping to stay in power
7. Stork quietly joined Mueller team to guide that investigation towards a desired outcome.

The roaches have been exposed and neutralized. Mueller, though, is still out there running a few more roaches, but winding down.

Jersey Fled said...

I'm also really concerned that the "we will stop him" e-mail was not turned over to the IG directly by the DOJ even though the e-mails directly preceding and following were.

The IG recovered them himself using outside resources.

The cover up is deep on this one.

narciso said...

No he was directing the investigation, blocking midyear letting cross fire hurricane go on, with different standards of proof.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

The earth-shattering finding on Strzok by the inspector general (IG) confirms a citizenry’s worst fears: A high-ranking government intel official allegedly conspired to affect the outcome of a U.S. presidential election...."

I think the IG report is plenty damning, but where does it confirm that A high-ranking government intel official allegedly conspired to affect the outcome of a U.S. presidential election?

( And what good would it be to confirm that he allegedly did something? That is entirely different than confirming the allegation itself. )

daskol said...

Kubler Ross said grief goes in five stages. Right now, on Poppy Harlow's show (what a name!), they're bargaining. Seems like a good sign, if Kubler Ross wasn't merely a navel gazer but a psychological genius. They're reading George Will and discussing it, but more in wonder than in chorus. Bob Vander Plaats, Executive President of the Family Leader, is helping. Good for you, Bob and Poppy. Scott Jennings, former aide to GW Bush, is just a jackass, playing by the old rules. Gotta run.

YoungHegelian said...


So the investigation is hopelessly dirty because he was involved,

So, what you're saying is that Law Enforcement & Court Officers shouldn't be held to higher standards than the people they investigate?

Anonymous said...

Mark: So the investigation is hopelessly dirty because he was involved, but Trump is not despite the involvement of Manafort (currentlu jailed for witness tampering) or any of the others with moral/legal issues?

If guilt by association is enough, Trump is in trouble.

Putting aside your inability to construct a proper analogy (think hard Mark - in what way is A not like B, above) -- I commend you for showing up promptly in a thread on this topic, and defending the integrity of "The Investigation". Most of the lefties here are showing markedly less enthusiasm for the topic lately.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Resident leftists refuse to believe any of it.

Hillary in innocent!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Nothing gets in the way of the Clinton Crime Family.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Media dropped IG report like a hot potato.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Stoke and Clinton belong behind bars.

daskol said...

Lol, they're bargaining--begging, really--please, guys, this is making it difficult for me to discuss politics with my children. Always the children.

David Begley said...

If Point Shaver Peter appears before a House committee, I hope the other Members give their time to Gowdy and let Trey cross him. Mincemeat.

Susan said...

I bet he can go to any restaurant he wants to and have a quiet meal with his family.

Or mistress, as the case may be.

daskol said...

I guess in Strzok we've got our fall guy, they hope, they bargain. A few years in a prison camp, and then a book deal and speaking tour: the hero who almost stopped Trump!

That's gotta be what they're telling him now, right? Just keep your mouth shut. A few years in a prison camp. A book deal. It won't be that bad. I guess we'll see what kind of guy Strzok is very soon. I'm thinking he doesn't take the deal. He's avian. Bird-like. He's going to sing.

Curious George said...

Mark said...
So the investigation is hopelessly dirty because he was involved, but Trump is not despite the involvement of Manafort (currentlu jailed for witness tampering) or any of the others with moral/legal issues?

If guilt by association is enough, Trump is in trouble"

This is so stupid it actually hurts to read it.

Curious George said...

"Susan said...
I bet he can go to any restaurant he wants to and have a quiet meal with his family."

I doubt it. Standing ovations can be quite raucous.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The left will elevate him to super-hero status. He's a corrupt liar. That alone is reason for the left to honor him.

Jersey Fled said...

McCabe is pretty much done for too. But this goes all the way to the top. No chance that Obama's complicity gets the treatment that it deserves.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It’s also directly relevant to the FBI investigations of Trump-Russia collusion, which the IG did not examine in this report. There are multiple allegations of FBI misbehavior in that inquiry, including conspiracies to frame Trump, and improper spying on Trump associates. Investigating those allegations takes on an added sense of urgency with news that the FBI’s top counterespionage official expressed willingness to use his official position against a political enemy.

Yet, for all of that, Strzok is still collecting a salary, courtesy of taxpayers, at the FBI Human Resources Department. And here’s the chilling part: If it weren’t for the IG's investigation, requested by Congress, he’d likely still be helping lead special counsel Mueller’s investigation of Trump today.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Isn't it funny how corrupt leftists always get away with it? Then to top it off, they get to tax rape us into retirement.

narciso said...

Well Mueller got away with trashing Hatfield life and enabling that 're libbys


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

but wait! Stroke is innocent you see. He says so. And, well, he's a registered democrat so it must be true.

The IG says he cannot be certain that all of Strzok’s text messages were recovered; Strzok has said his texts were not nefarious and his investigations were always fair. Here’s a small sampling of texts and timeline notes (full timeline here):

Aug. 8, 2016:

FBI Attorney Lisa Page, who also worked on Special Counsel Mueller’s team: ”[Trump is] not ever going to become president, right? Right?!”
Strzok: ”No. No he won't. We'll stop it.”

Aug. 15, 2016:

Strzok: “I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office — that there’s no way [Trump] gets elected — but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk … It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40.”

Late August 2016:

Reportedly working for the FBI, Professor Stefan Halper, a reputed one-time CIA operative, meets with Trump campaign co-chairman Sam Clovis, offering his services as a foreign-policy adviser, according to the Washington Post. Halper would later offer to hire Carter Page, a foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign.

Somewhere around this time, the FBI initiates a new wiretap against ex-Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, according to CNN, which extends at least through early 2017.

September 2016:

Former British spy Christopher Steele, hired by private research firm Fusion GPS to investigate the Trump campaign, becomes an FBI source and uses Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr as a point of contact. Steele tells Ohr that he’s "desperate” that Trump not get elected.

President Obama warns Russia not to interfere in the U.S. election.

Sept. 2, 2016:

FBI attorney Lisa Page texts Strzok that “[President Obama] wants to know everything we’re doing.”

Nov. 3, 2016:

Page texts Strzok: “The [New York Times] probability numbers are dropping every day. I’m scared for our organization.”

March 14, 2017:

Page texts Strzok: “Finally two pages away from finishing ["All the President’s Men"]. Did you know the president resigns in the end?!”

Strzok:“What?!?! God, that we should be so lucky.”

May 22, 2017:

Strzok texts about "unfinished business" that he "unleashed" with the Clinton classified email probe and states: "Now I need to fix it and finish it.” He also refers to the special counsel probe, which hadn't yet begun in earnest, as an "investigation leading to impeachment" but also states he had a "gut sense and concern there's no big 'there' there.”

Humperdink said...

Mark: So the investigation is hopelessly dirty because he was involved ....

This was truly an amusing comment. Just laughable. As through Stroker was the only one. Would you like a listing? Alphabetical by height?

Keep those comments coming Mark, they brighten my day.

tim in vermont said...

I want to know if he was involved in Uranium One, and sending those ten Russian spies back to Russia without interrogating them fully, or imprisoning them, since they had no immunity, until they talked. Oh, that’s right, Hillary made sure they were returned to Russia toot sweet!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Is it any wonder the democrat hack press dropped ALL IG REPORTING.

The IG's report found that:

- Strzok showed bias in his decision to prioritize the Trump-Russia investigation over the Clinton probe.

- His texts “potentially indicated or created the appearance that investigative decisions they made [re: Clinton and Trump-Russia probes] were impacted by bias or improper considerations,” “appeared to mix political opinions with discussions about” the Clinton classified email probe, and included “statements of hostility toward then candidate Trump and statements of support for candidate Clinton.

- “Most of the text messages raising such questions pertained to the [Trump]-Russia investigation, which was not a part of this review.”

- Strzok had a “biased state of mind but, even more seriously … a willingness to take official action to impact the presidential candidate’s electoral prospects” and demonstrated behavior “antithetical to the core values of the FBI and the Department of Justice.”

- He brought “discredit" to himself, “sowed doubt about the FBI’s handling” of the Clinton classified email probe and “impacted the reputation of the FBI.”

- The damage “extends far beyond the scope” of the Clinton probe and “goes to the heart of the FBI’s reputation for neutral fact-finding and political independence.”

- He showed “extremely poor judgment” and “a gross lack of professionalism.”

Michael K said...

"If guilt by association is enough, Trump is in trouble."

What country do you call home? One where you don't have to actually do anything? If you know the wrong people you are guilty ?

God you are an idiot

Sebastian said...

With Strzok, as with the other swamp creatures, think of it the way I've suggested on other occasions:

Imagine the lefty howls of outrage if a righty had published a conspiracy-theory fantasy novel in, oh, 2009, with a Strzok-like official as the main character, defending Hill and attacking the GOP candidate. No FBI official would send such biased and irresponsible emails! Having a single biased FBI official involved in all dirty deeds is totally implausible! How dare you impugn the integrity of the FBI! Right-wing insanity!

Yet here we are, and of course, insofar as they don't want to change the subject to the chillen, progs justify what he and his fellow deep-staters did after the fact.

tim in vermont said...

Mark, Keep hope alive! Don’t worry that the ultimate insider, Strzok, opined that there was nothing there!

tim in vermont said...

Funny how nobody can remember at all under questioning what happened in “Andy’s office” that day. You know who else couldn’t remember anything hardly at all under questioning? HRC.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Was it Stroke who changed "Grossly Negligent" to "Extremely Careless"?

..In the Hillary Clinton gets to use a Private Server while head of the State Dept in order to hide all of her Clinton Foundation Money Stuffing Schemes?

Sebastian said...

"the "we will stop him" e-mail was not turned over to the IG directly by the DOJ even though the e-mails directly preceding and following were."

Yes, some of the bad actors have not yet been exposed. The rot goes deep.

Of course, all the national-security rationales etc. used to withhold the evidence by DoJ and the FBI turned out to be nothing but institutional CYA. Apart from the IG, it appears, no one favored honesty and transparency.

Trump could change the game. But at this point, I think he calculates that it's better to let it play out through the IG (and possibly the courts), with his own Twitter accompaniment as needed.

tim in vermont said...

Of course, Obama never filled the IG role for the Department of State the entire time that Hillary was Secretary. What was that about? Somebody should ask him... JK LOL!

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Dickin'Bimbos@Home quoted...

- He... “sowed doubt about the FBI’s handling” of the Clinton classified email probe...

He didn't sow doubt, he removed doubt.

Curious George said...

For all of you asking Mark questions, he is almost always a "drive-by" moron. Comes in, drops a steaming pile, and that's it. Almost the exact opposite of our resident dullard, he just copy and pastes until her fingers bleed.

Mike Sylwester said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"I don't recall" ... the HRC defense for liars.

Funny how the Chuck Todd media proclaims daily the "CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS!" because Hillary lost and Trump fired lunatic Comey. But the FBI proves itself an arm to the democrat party registers ZERO coverage and no interest, and no screams of "CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS!"

Everyone can see that The Chuck Todd Press is democrat hack.

Mike Sylwester said...

The FBI is still hiding a lot of its misdeeds. That's why the FBI has not simply informed the public how the FBI began and developed its investigation of Russian collusion with Trump.

Rather than just getting it over with by telling the straight story to the public, the FBI is dragging its feet and hoping that the Democrats win the House and terminate the Congressional investigation.

One FBI misdeed was allowing private contractors to search the NSA databases for information about Republican politicians and their associates. Such a search found that a Michael Cohen -- but the wrong Michael Cohen -- visited Prague in mid-2016, and then that information was included in Christopher Steele's dossier.

I think another misdeed was that the FBI assigned FBI informant Henry Greenberg (birth name: Gennadiy Vasilievich Vostretsov) to contact Michael Caputo and Roger Stone in May 2016. FBI informant Greenberg (Vostretsov) offered to sell Caputo and Stone damaging information about Hillary Clinton for $2 million -- and the money was supposed to come from Trump and his campaign.

I think another misdeed was the FISA application that was rejected in about June 2016. All information about that rejected application has been kept from Congress and the public. I suspect that the rejected application was based on information from FBI informant Greenberg (Vostretsov) and that the rejected FISA warrant would have targeted Trump himself.

These misdeeds cannot be blamed entirely on Strzok as one biased official. Many FBI officials participated in them.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Tim said ...Of course, Obama never filled the IG role for the Department of State the entire time that Hillary was Secretary. What was that about? Somebody should ask him... JK LOL!

We are sure the Democrat Hack Press will get to the bottom of it!

Bruce Hayden said...

It will be interesting what Strzok's present status is, and how he got there. Several weeks, maybe a month ago, his texting partner, Lisa Page, as well as one or two other of the central players, were allowed to quit. This seemingly meant that the IG's MYE investigation was complete, and their testimony was no longer needed. Two though remained, despite having been reassigned: Peter Strzok and Bruce Ohr. And, of course, Strzok's former boss, Bill Priestap, who was still head of counterintelligence at the FBI. My guess is that Priestap quickly flipped after Trump's inaugeration, and didn't have to be pressured. One of the few white hats. The other two (Ohr and Strzok) were up to their eyeballs in the Russia/Trump witch hunt. Ohr, personally knowing Glen Simpson, coowner of Fusion GPS with his wife, was the DoJ liaison for the Steele Dossier. His wife, Nellie, was Fusion's Russian expert, hired at the same time, and worked closely with Steele. Facts that were mysteriously omitted in his mandatory ethics filings. Strzok was, of course, after Crooked Hillary's exoneration by Comey, running the Crossfire Hurricane (CFH), though he was still the lead investigator in her Midyear Exam (MYE) email investigation, in July or August, up through the election, and until he got himself moved to the Mueller team. So, we can expect that Ohr knew the most about the IG's next phase of his investigation on the DoJ side, while Strzok knew the most on the FBI side. Both very likely given deals that they couldn't refuse in trade for their cooperation, and both put in places where they couldn't do any more harm.

But then Peter Strzok's security clearance was revoked, and he was escorted out of the building (apparently necessitated by his loss of his security clearance). Was he fired? Allowed to resign? Or on some sort of administrative leave. And, he seems willng NY to talk now, even before Congress. Should be interesting to see what he says.

Nonapod said...

So how do you pronounce this idiot's last name?

It's kinda funny how people accidentally mispronounce it, and I've seen it spelled at least two different ways on this thread alone, which I love.

buwaya said...

As pointed out above, and it should be generally understood, on matters of this scale it is not a question of one man, but of networks, and networks of networks. Given the way the FBI/DOJ have been blocking the investigation its clear that these networks are still largely in place.

A corrupted organization becomes that way because generations of leadership are chosen by their implicated predecessors, and the new fellows end up inheriting the sins of their predecessors, and commit yet more sins, to cover them up or because their example gives them leave, within that subculture. Even a man of goodwill can get caught up in the conflict between institutional preservation and the purpose of the institution.

In a case like this the right thing is to disband the whole thing, remove the top three-four layers entirely, break up the functional departments and reassign them to different institutions.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Never-leave resident leftists noticeably absent.

Mike Sylwester said...

how do you pronounce this idiot's last name?

It's a Polish name, and Poles pronounce it something like hiss choke -- without the initial hi.

Gk1 said...

At this point of continued DOJ & FBI foot dragging to release documents, I wonder why the mercurial Trump hasn't gone right ahead and declassify all pertinent documents and get it over with? Wray and Sessions had threatened to quit if that happened I thought? It seems like the deep state has more to fear than trump does. It is clear from Horowitz's report the FBI will never reform itself. Jebus they can't even admit there was any bias at play?!?!?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Buwaya said
As pointed out above, and it should be generally understood, on matters of this scale it is not a question of one man, but of networks, and networks of networks. Given the way the FBI/DOJ have been blocking the investigation its clear that these networks are still largely in place.

Why Trump or the inept moron Sessions refuse to uncover the networks and drain the swamp is beyond me. I suppose it's because the dutiful pro-Democrat Hack Chuck Todd press will yell "CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS!" right on Q.

Mike Sylwester said...

The Russian embassy in Washington DC is wiretapped by the FBI (not by NSA).

The telephone conversations between Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak and Michael Flynn were wiretapped by the FBI. The wiretap was either

* a routine FBI wiretap of Russian Embassy phone conversations


* a special FBI wiretap under a FISA warrant targeting Flynn.

If the FBI had a FISA warrant against Flynn, then it might have been based on an accusation that Flynn was a secret agent of Turkey and/or Russia. In the case of Russia, Flynn was accused of having an affair with a Russian woman.

I wonder if Flynn really was having such an affair and that's why he pleaded guilty.

Michael K said...

"And, he seems willing NY to talk now, even before Congress. Should be interesting to see what he says."

He offered to talk voluntarily and then spouted some self aggrandizing nonsense about his honor.

Then the subpoena, which he had said was not necessary, was issued, The next visit will be involuntary,

The first was PR.

Big Mike said...

We aren’t going to fix the FBI by getting rid of a handful of bad apples like Comey, McCabe, Strzok, and Page. The agency needs a top to bottom shakeup.

Michael K said...

Flynn was accused of having an affair with a Russian woman.

I wonder if Flynn really was having such an affair and that's why he pleaded guilty.

The Russian woman who was accused has vigorously denied this and is pretty well known in Britain, where she lives and works.

Here is the conspiracy theory side of the story.

THis is probably why Flynn pled out the accusation.

Mueller has a history of going after innocents.

An interesting bio on Flynn.

Not mentioned is the fact that Flynn wrote a letter supporting a sexual harassment accusation against McCabe by a woman FBI agent. It earned him the enmity of McCabe.

Larry J said...

The French have a phrase for what's the left is attempting:

coup d'état
[(kooh day-tah)]

A quick and decisive seizure of governmental power by a strong military or political group. In contrast to a revolution, a coup d'état, or coup, does not involve a mass uprising. Rather, in the typical coup, a small group of politicians or generals arrests the incumbent leaders, seizes the national radio and television services, and proclaims itself in power. Coup d'état is French for “stroke of the state” or “blow to the government.”

Bay Area Guy said...

"So how do you pronounce this idiot's last name?

It's kinda funny how people accidentally mispronounce it, and I've seen it spelled at least two different ways on this thread alone, which I love."

I got bogged down with spelling his name, which started to look like an eye chart at the DMV.

Then, I watched a southern congressman call him "Stork!" several times. If it's good enough for Peter Tork of the Monkees, it's good enough for Peter Stork.

Michael K said...

A quick and decisive seizure of governmental power by a strong military or political group.

When was the last time the Democrats did anything"quick and decisive?"

I think Harry Truman was president.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I pronounce it STROKE - be cool if he had one.

Mike Sylwester said...

Michael K, thanks for the links to the interesting articles.

The NBC article reminded me that the elder Michael Flynn was paid by the RT television company to give a speech in Moscow.

The US Intelligence Community's reports about Russian meddling in the 2016 US election have made a big deal about RT television meddling in our election. I wonder if there was some case was being developed that Flynn was being paid through RT television by the Russian Intelligence Service.

Bruce Hayden said...

"One FBI misdeed was allowing private contractors to search the NSA databases for information about Republican politicians and their associates. Such a search found that a Michael Cohen -- but the wrong Michael Cohen -- visited Prague in mid-2016, and then that information was included in Christopher Steele's dossier."

This is one of the reasons that many believe that Steele was just hired to launder illegally obtained FISA 702 information on searches of the names of the Trump team. The FBI couldn't go to the FISC and ask for a FISA Title 1 warrant on one of Trump's campaign staff based on FISA 702 searchEs illegally conducted by an FBI contractor, and likely unmasked by the White House. The immediate response would have been WTF!!! They weren't the least bit pleased at the FBI when Adm Rogers shut down 702 searching, based on FBI abuses. This would have been far worse.

Think about it for a minute. Fusion GPS was hired by the Clinton campaign and the DNC to do opposition research on Republcan candidates. What would be the best and easiest way to do that? I would suggest that would be through searching the NSA's FISA Title VII databases. Those databases contain many of the emails we send and receive every day, most text messages, much of the regular web, and even a lot of the dark web. They also presumably contain our tax returns, and immigration records. Pretty much anything that the govt has on us, or can get their hands on. All by sitting at their desk at a computer. The problem, of course, is that that is supposed to be illegal. These databases were developed in response to the 9/11/01 attacks on this country, and are supposed to be limited to counterterrorism and counterintelligence use, and that doesn't include the opposition party in an election year. But the FISA rules were tweaked here and there, notably by DAG Yates, in order to greatly broaden the population who could search, and could see the unmasked results of searches. And then, they went to town in the first third of 2016, where one high ranking Obama White House staffer was unmasking the identities of roughly two or so US Persons a day. Using the identity of someone with absolutely no intelligence gathering responsibilities, and, thus, who shouldn't have been able to unmask the identities of USPERS at all.

This gross violation of FISA extended from the top of the DoJ and FBI into the center of the Obama White House, which is one reason that another special counsel appointed.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I wonder if Chuck Todd media agree with Maxine Water's call for mob justice?

Ralph L said...

We've heard that the FBI agents who interviewed Flynn saw no signs of lying. Was one of them Strzok?

Bruce Hayden said...

@Mike Silwester

Very likely the wiretap was a standing wiretap on the ambassador's phone. The phone of the Russian (/Soviet) ambassador has almost assuredly be constantly been wire tapped by the US since at least the 1970s when FISA was initially enacted. This is what FISA was enacted to allow, after the abuses uncovered by the Church Commission. Everything else was forbidden. The FBI was allowed to wiretap the phones of Foreign Powers, and their agents (such as their ambassadors) and nothing and no one else (without a standard wiretap court order). Then, after 9/11/01, and the PATRIOT Act, FISA was extended to terrorist organizations and counterterrorism. It was also modernized to better cover cell phones, which were becoming ubiquitous, and couldn't be physically tapped by putting "taps" or electrical contacts on the Tip and Ring of land lines, but rather had to be done by the phone companies themselves.

Bruce Hayden said...

@Ralph -.most probably, though Strzok might not have been the one to make the statement.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Trumpists still outraged over notes passed between two lovers.


Mike Sylwester said...

I never have believed that Michael Flynn pleaded guilty because he did not have enough money to dispute the charges in court. Flynn receives a big pension, owns a consulting business, gives speeches and writes books, so he has plenty of money.

I think he agreed to a plea bargain, because he had been caught in some wrongdoing that he wanted to keep secret. It makes sense to me that Flynn perhaps did get caught in an affair with the Russian woman in some way that would have been revealed in court.

I am skeptical that Flynn pleaded guilty in order to protect his son from some prosecution.

It's interesting that his son has been employed in the golf-course business. He earned a degree in golf-course management and then worked in a golf company.


Bruce Hayden said...

"The FBI is still hiding a lot of its misdeeds. That's why the FBI has not simply informed the public how the FBI began and developed its investigation of Russian collusion with Trump.

Rather than just getting it over with by telling the straight story to the public, the FBI is dragging its feet and hoping that the Democrats win the House and terminate the Congressional investigation."

This is the other part of why I think that we need another special prosecutor appointed. Right now, it is looking like the predicate for opening the CFH investigation was the operation that seems to have been run by CIA assets Misfyp, Downer, and Halper. Which means that we very likely had the CIA generating/fabricating the "intelligence" used by the FBI to open their full CFH investigation, that ultimately led to the Carter Page FISA warrants and the Mueller investigation. The DoJ IG can't get at that information - rather they just have to accept the intelligence that the FBI mysteriously received. Compounding this, supposedly, maybe, the conduit is supposed to have been through the State Dept, from maybe Downer. Except the State Dept is playing dumb.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Inga- You could not care less about actual corruption which makes you an asshole.

Drago said...

Inga: "Trumpists still outraged over notes passed between two lovers."


Inga assigns Jake Tapper to "Trumpist" status!

I'll bet he never saw that coming!

LLR Chuck hardest hit, as always.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Leftwing Watergate-style corruption makes Inga yawn.

Bruce Hayden said...

"Except the State Dept is playing dumb."

I forgot to add, that that was easy for them, since, at the time, "Lurch" Kerry was Secretary of State.

Drago said...

Inga: "Trumpists still outraged over notes passed between two lovers."

Strzok escorted out of the FBI building. Page forced out at DOJ.

Interesting. Rough treatment for 2 folks guilty only of sharing too much love.....


Professional lady said...

If the FBI/CIA/DOJ etc was pulling this stuff on Trump, who else was under surveillance? Who in the legislative, judicial, or executive branch (whether Republicans or Democrats) are afraid to speak up because they know damaging information may be released?

Drago said...

Inga is in a bad mood given the collapse of the Dems/Media/LLR illegal immigrant ploy.

If my count is correct, this makes the 17th Trump/Katrina moment that was sure to bring Trump down that has failed.

I'm hoping we reach an even 20 before the midterms, assuming all goes to plan. Perhaps Mueller, who has completely abandoned the ONE thing we was supposed to investigate, can still save the day with lots of selective leaks of private info of Trump and associates in October or so.

Remember, don't make the Dan Rather mistake and allow enough time for the truth to catch up with the dem/LLR lies and manufactured outrage.

As noted above, LLR Chuck hardest hit.

Seeing Red said...

It seems Mark believes in Napoleonic law, guilty until proven innocent.

Mike Sylwester said...

Brucy Hayden at 10:21 AM
Very likely the wiretap was a standing wiretap on the ambassador's phone.

SonofNewo on YouTube made a convincing (to me) argument that Michael Flynn was being wiretapped by the FBI using a FISA warrant.


Earnest Prole said...

Although it's your duty as an Informed American Citizen to watch FBI Lovebirds: The Text Messages of Lisa Page & Peter Strzok, I guarantee you'll die laughing.

Seeing Red said...

#INGACARES so much she’s sponsoring a family. She won’t have time to post.

You should set up your own blog/journal so we can follow you caring.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Inga- You could not care less...”

I don’t care, do u?

Seeing Red said...

There’s also this thatkeeps buried via Insty:

Rep. Yvette Clarke’s deputy chief of staff came into the office on a Saturday in December 2015 and caught the New York Democrat’s part-time IT aide, Abid Awan, rummaging through the congresswoman’s work area with new iPods and other equipment strewn around the room, according to a House document and interviews with Hill staff.

Wendy Anderson told Abid to get out of the office, the document said. She told Capitol Hill investigators that she soon suspected Clarke’s chief of staff, Shelley Davis, was working with Abid on a theft scheme, multiple House staffers with knowledge of the situation told The Daily Caller News Foundation. They also said that Anderson pushed for Abid’s firing....

Drago said...

Professional lady: "If the FBI/CIA/DOJ etc was pulling this stuff on Trump, who else was under surveillance?"

Brennan himself has already, years back, had to apologize for literally spying on congressional personnel and their staffs.

Inquiry by C.I.A. Affirms It Spied on Senate Panel
By Mark Mazzetti and Carl Hulse
July 31, 2014

"WASHINGTON — An internal investigation by the C.I.A. has found that its officers penetrated a computer network used by the Senate Intelligence Committee in preparing its damning report on the C.I.A.’s detention and interrogation program."


Clapper was no better:

"James Clapper, then the Director of National Intelligence, flat out lied to Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) at Senate hearing on March 12, 2013 when he was asked whether the National Security Agency collects "any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans." Clapper replied, "No sir. Not wittingly."

The fact that Clapper had wittingly lied to Congress was made clear just three months later by whistleblower and patriot Edward Snowden's revelations of the vast extent of the NSA's warrantless electronic spying on Americans."


There is no doubt obambi and his LLR approved minions were engaged in political spying against opponents of the Iran deal as well.

"Obama Political Spying Scandal: Trump Associates Were Not the First Targets"


Seeing Red said...

Not tired of winning!

Drago said...

Seeing Red: "Not tired of winning!"

I have become as fond of "winning" as hillary is of Vodka and Chardonnay!!

Seeing Red said...



Drago said...

BTW, did you hear the Germans have already signalled surrender on their unfair trade practices regarding auto imports?!

Standing up for American workers (and don't think those autoworkers don't know this!).

Inga and LLR Chuck hardest hit again!

But then again, perhaps Stormy Daniels does not agree with the Germans decisions AND Trump gave an interview 35 years ago that LLR Chuck can latch on to some inconsistency!

Let's hope they both chime in soon.....


Drago said...

Seeing Red: "#NOSHAMEINGA."

Inga had no problem voting twice for a clear sexual assaulter and likely rapist.

Once you've crossed that line everything else is easy.

Michael K said...

Flynn receives a big pension, owns a consulting business, gives speeches and writes books, so he has plenty of money.

So, why did he sell his house?

I'm Full of Soup said...

Drago- I heard that somewhere last week re the Germans yet the MSM seems to be playing up the bad news. I am shocked.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Inga and LLR Chuck hardest hit again!”

Um...no. I don’t care, do u?

Seeing Red said...


Inga...Allie Oop said...

Harley Davidson moving some production overseas in response to Trump’s trade wars.

I don’t care, do u?

Drago said...

AJ Lynch: "Drago- I heard that somewhere last week re the Germans yet the MSM seems to be playing up the bad news. I am shocked"

Well, you don't hear much about GDP, unemployment numbers, manufacturing and consumer confidence, right track/wrong track numbers, polls regarding the public's assessment of Trump re: the economy, North Korea altering dramatically its internal messaging to its people regarding the US AND deciding just this week not to attend an annual Bash The US event (Inga would love that one!) AND returning the remains of 200 US service personnel to their families in the US.

So much else as well in regards to Trade, particularly the collapse of the stupid Canadian's NAFTA abuse (which resulted in a net 31,000 job loss last month!) which puts all the pressure on them and all the leverage on the side of the US!

LLR Chuck is NOT going to like that.

etbass said...

Nonapod said...
"So how do you pronounce this idiot's last name?"

I think Dickin' got it right because Gowdy pronounced it "Stroke" in his TV examination of Horowitz. Guess the Z is silent or something.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

Inga: "Um...no. I don’t care, do u?"

Yes. I, like President Trump and his administration, care about American workers and their wages and benefits.

Which is why wages, for the first time in decades, is rising for American workers, along with bonuses, large employment increases and better jobs for Americans.

Or, as Nancy Pelosi, LLR Chuck and Inga would say: crumbs....


Drago said...

Inga, have you contacted the FBI and DOJ to tell them their treatment of Strzok and Page, the Romeo and Juliet of the obama administration, have been improperly treated and need to be reinstated right away?

I suggest you start a public campaign to get those wonderful kids rehired and back together.

I mean, you'll need to get rid of Strzok's wife and Page's husband, naturally, prior to selling the rights to the movie.

I'm envisioning another Plame affair whitewash of the lefties actions...but this time hopefully more believable despite the facts...


Michael said...

Not at all. The 18% of HD sales in Europe will be maintained by moving some production to Asia; In the meantime the US steel industry, magnitudes larger than HD, will benefit. China is the issue here and is in a squeeze.

Michael K said...

The fool keeps posting inane comments that suggest real ignorance.

Harley Davidson has been in deep finacial trouble for a while.

Stock down sharply.

Not even Snopes agrees with the fool.

Fact Check Business
Did Harley-Davidson Close a Wisconsin Factory to Move Production to Thailand Due to New Steel Tariffs?
The iconic motorcycle manufacturing company announced they were opening a factory in Thailand nearly a year before President Donald Trump imposed tariffs on steel imports.

Harley-Davidson announced in March 2018 that they were closing a Wisconsin plant and moving all manufacturing to Thailand in response to President Donald Trump's just-announced steel tariffs.

Harley-Davidson has announced the closure of at least one of their U.S. factories and also announced that they would be opening a manufacturing plant in Thailand.

These decisions were both made before President Trump imposed tariffs on imported steel, and Harley-Davidson did not shut down their Wisconsin plant nor stop building motorcycles in the United States.

Drago said...

Inga: "I don’t care, do u?"

I care about the macro picture and the overall outcome for the US, which is massively in the US favor.

For every negative example you are pointing out there are 10 examples of improvements for America and its workers, not to mention long term strategic improvement of the US market and leverage vis a vis our trading partners.

The Germans have already announced their intention to reduce auto tariffs from 10% to 2.5% to match Europe to America tariff rates: A massive win for US auto manufacturing.


I'm sorry that upsets you so!

And sorry about those collapsing dem poll numbers. I hope you can get the necessary therapy to deal with that.

Perhaps you, LLR Chuck, Strzok and Page can get a group rate. I understand under Trump EO's it will be easier to do that as well very very soon!


Drago said...

Inga begins her mental meltdown early as attempting to balance multiple economic variables simultaneously in her noggin overwhelms her and she begins to make the inevitable shallow and easily disproved mistakes.


Not even an heroic support effort by LLR Chuck can help her now on this subject.

Sometimes, a voice actuated lefty nurse from nowhere's ville (according to the dems/left) is exposed as a numbskull when it comes to international business practices and associated governmental trade polices.


Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

It's not against the law when Hillary or her surrogates do it.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Yes. I, like President Trump and hIs Administration...

I don’t care.

Drago said...

Inga: 'I don’t care."


We know.

As do the midwestern voters who matter so much.

They really, really know.....which is how you got Trump...and is how you will get more Trump.


And I'm sorry your "fantastic" Harley-Davidson lie was exposed so rapidly. You didn't even have 15 minutes to enjoy it!!

Mike Sylwester said...

So, why did he sell his house?

There are lots of possible reasons that have nothing to do with his decision to plead guilty.

Flynn was a three-star general, and so his annual pension was at least $169,000.

He had plenty of money to hire lawyers.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

When your talking points hit a brick wall you get Inga.

Drago said...

I would also like to congratulate Inga and her lefty pals for finally getting rid of that pesky racist Laura Ingalls Wilder.

Well played Inga. Well played. That should play exceptionally well in a particular state Trump is targeting: Minnesota!

"Laura Ingalls Wilder's name removed from book award over racism concerns"



Yes, Inga's pals are going after The Little House on the Prairie!!

Not a moment too soon I'd say. God forbid there is a statue of LIW somewhere!! If so, it's gotta come down now!

Michael said...

Melania Trump trolled so beautifully that even Inga has adopted the "fashion" as have others on the left. Melania got the progs to put on stupid looking coats to preen in. LOL. Classic stuff. Plus they have taken to using the I don't care meme.

Drago said...

I would strongly recommend Inga get out there and find some republicans trying to eat at a local restaurant to continue working out her demons.

She should also cordially invite LLR Chuck to go along with her. They seem to get along swimmingly....

Drago said...

Inga and her pals think they can run with "I don't care" because Trump turned their stupid "Fake News" meme against them, as he has turned them all against LLR Chuck's dem pals.

In the words of the great rancher and landman Chuckie Schumer, Trump is "All cattle and no hat"....


Michael said...

Mike Sylvester
$169,000 is not a lot of money to hire lawyers. Not quite even a little amount. If they wish the Feds can freeze his accounts. They can do whatever they fucking well please. See Conrad Black.

Michael K said...

"He had plenty of money to hire lawyers."

Have you seen what Caputo had to pay ?

Some good commentary on the present circus.

Various hearings, lawsuits, and IG reports likely will confirm the Obama Administration “knew” Hillary was going to win the 2016 presidential election and therefore did not worry much about breaking the law to ensure she did. In other words, the Obama Administration systematically used the agencies of the federal government to interfere with a U.S. election campaign in order to help the candidate of its own party win. That fact marks one of the most sordid political scandals in U.S. history and explains both why these anti-Trump hysterias will continue to be contrived to deflect attention from Obama’s own culpability in such government-wide abuse, and yet why eventually the sheer magnitude of such wrongdoing will overshadow all of these melodramas.

Glossing over the attempting to destroy a free and open election will force the Left into a position of supporting the idea of government surveilling U.S. citizens, planting spies into the campaigns of political opponents, peddling opposition research dirt to federal courts to deceive them into granting warrants to spy on U.S. citizens, and weaponizing federal bureaucracies to pursue political enemies. Even fake news cannot make John Brennan, James Clapper, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, and Peter Strzok into sympathetic Time magazine cover victims of Trump.

It all depends on the November election. If the Democrats manage to take the House, watch gun sales spike.

Michael K said...

Blogger is crazy again. Double commenting.

Drago said...

Poor Inga. She's furiously googling to find something, anything, that would indicate HD's decision was driven by Trump's policies!!

Too funny.

There's nothing there, so I suspect we will see some rapid accusation changes and morality ploys out of her shortly.

But not the immigration lies again. That one may be almost played out by now.

I'm thinking something related to unnamed sources and Trump business practices that are currently hidden but somehow Mueller knows and will spell Trump's doom.

That one comes around very periodically.

Michael K said...

Caputo's legal bills were north of $125,000.

And he was an incidental target.

a legal fund for the Trump folks being pursued by Javert Mueller.

Yancey Ward said...

It was never just Strzok. As I have pointed out many times now- these people were openly sharing their political opinions with one another. This is prima facie evidence that the two investigative teams were deliberately selected because their political positions were known to the people assembling the teams.

You don't tank the Clinton investigation the way it was done unless you are pretty damned certain that there are no Republican or conservative investigators to serve as leaks and whistleblowers during its fraudulent conduct. The same applied to the Trump investigation, but in reverse where the rules were broken to use investigative techniques that were legally barred- you don't do that unless you are certain there are no Republican or conservative investigators to serve as leaks and whistleblowers during that opposite, but equally fraudulent conduct.

Anonymous said...

Michael K: Have you seen what Caputo had to pay ?

No kidding. "Plenty of money (under ordinary life circumstances)" and "enough money so that one wouldn't fear piling up legal fees" are not in the same income/net worth category.

(Jus' sayin'. Not an opinion on Flynn's situation.)

Mike Sylwester said...

Michael at 11:22 AM
$169,000 is not a lot of money to hire lawyers.

At the end of Flynn's career, he was earning about $190,000 a year as a three-star general.

He surely had accumulated a lot of wealth in investments.

People who are a lot poorer than Flynn can afford to hire lawyers.

Matt Sablan said...

"I'm thinking he doesn't take the deal."

-- His attorney said Stzork has things he wants to get off his back. I'm on the "Not taking a deal" part of the fence too.

Michael K said...

He surely had accumulated a lot of wealth in investments.

If you say so. You sure are determined to tear him down. He seems a pretty straight guy to me.

Matt Sablan said...

"The left will elevate him to super-hero status."

-- The last attorney from New York they did that to turned out to be a bad bet too.

Mike Sylwester said...

Michael K at 11:28 AM
Caputo's legal bills were north of $125,000.

Flynn surely is much richer than Caputo.

At the end of his military career, Flynn was earning $190,000 a year. Since he retired, he has been receiving a pension of $169,000.

Flynn owns a consulting business, and he earns money giving speeches and writing books.

Caputo hired a lawyer, but Flynn could not afford to hire a lawyer?

Patrick Henry was right! said...

Would somebody please ask Comey or McCabe, why were the same agents on both cases?

Clintons case was a classic criminal investigation, not a counterintelligence investigation.

The Russia case was a counterintelligence investigation which has never met the criteria for a criminal investigation.

Plus, would not a fewsh set of eyes been helpful?

Patrick Henry was right! said...


Bruce Hayden said...

“It was never just Strzok. As I have pointed out many times now- these people were openly sharing their political opinions with one another. This is prima facie evidence that the two investigative teams were deliberately selected because their political positions were known to the people assembling the teams.”

One of the people selecting those teams was Strzok, who worked hard to get himself put on those teams. And we know what his political positions were at the time.

Matt Sablan said...

"a legal fund for the Trump folks being pursued by Javert Mueller."

-- That's unfair to Javert. The important thing is that Jean Valjean did, very technically, break the law -- but the point is that the law was an ass. In this case, we don't know yet if Trump or his people have broken any laws (though: Not looking good for Manafort.)

Matt Sablan said...

"Would somebody please ask Comey or McCabe, why were the same agents on both cases?"

-- Maybe the FBI really is like on TV, and they only ever have 6 or 7 highly attractive, omni-discipline special agents at a time?

Mike Sylwester said...

Michael at 11:39 AM
You sure are determined to tear him down. He seems a pretty straight guy to me.

I admire Michael Flynn.

Did Flynn ever say that he pleaded guilty because of the legal expense of defending himself in court?

If he did say so, then provide a link.

As far as I know, he never has explained why he pleaded guilty.

Why should I think that he pleaded guilty because of legal costs?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I'll take up the Manafort part of Mark's stupid drive-by post. He was temporarily employed by Trump to help wrangle votes at the GOP convention. Strzok is a high-ranking career employee of our top law enforcement agency. Trump's association with Manafort ended after the GOP convention and Manafort's troubles have nothing to do with Trump at all, but are rooted in a 2013 tax-avoidance case. Strzok's troubles stem from his active, announced bias and hatred against a man he was supposed to impartially investigate. Manafort has been "separated from his family" by the Special Counsel and was raided at 4 in the morning by armed agaents. Strzok, until just last week, was still employed by the FBI.

Trump's relationship to and with Manafort does not present any guilt by association that I can see. There is no evidence that Russian collusion happened with or without an assist from Manafort. Strzok absolutely affected the investigations of Clinton and Trump, and absolutely defiled his office and tainted the whole Mueller probe.

Yeah they really are exactly the same, huh? If there really were an equal interest in exploring taint by association, everyone in America would know the names Tony Rezko and William Ayers, right?

Bruce Hayden said...

“You don't tank the Clinton investigation the way it was done unless you are pretty damned certain that there are no Republican or conservative investigators to serve as leaks and whistleblowers during its fraudulent conduct. The same applied to the Trump investigation, but in reverse where the rules were broken to use investigative techniques that were legally barred- you don't do that unless you are certain there are no Republican or conservative investigators to serve as leaks and whistleblowers during that opposite, but equally fraudulent conduct.”

Agreed. But that is one reason that I think that McCabe and his coconspirators in their Insurance Policy were running around Comey, keeping him in the dark. The schenigans started well before Trump had the nomination locked up. Comey, a token Republican, just doesn’t come across, to me, as nakedly partisan, like Strzok, Page, McCabe and a number of others do.

But also, there seems to have been an assumption on their part that they could clean it all up at their leisure, once Crooked Hillary was back in the White House. Just too many loose ends were left lying around.

Anonymous said...

Mike Sylwester: People who are a lot poorer than Flynn can afford to hire lawyers.

Sure, they can afford to hire lawyers for some things without fear of being financially ruined. Piling up legal fees to defend themselves against much more powerful people out to ruin them or use them pour encourager les autres? I think that would give a lot of comfortable people, myself included, pause.

I have no opinion on Flynn or his case; you may be correct. I just don't know why anybody would be so confident in his assessment of some stranger's financial status or financial calculations re legal fees.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Trumpists still outraged over notes passed between two lovers. Yawn.

Nice attempt to minimize malfeasance. I don't know if they were lovers or not, but they are both FBI employees who have sworn to uphold the law, and sending a message from one FBI employee to another, working on the same set of cases, where you express HATRED for the target of your investigation and hope to be in on the "impeachment" to follow is called pre-judging a case.

Even the IG was adamant about that point in testimony. You can bleat all you like about "private" words but using FBI devices to send those messages was stupid and violated procedure and took them from the private realm into the public. Stop lying.

Yancey Ward said...

Bruce Hayden wrote:

"But that is one reason that I think that McCabe and his coconspirators in their Insurance Policy were running around Comey, keeping him in the dark"

At one time I also gave Come the benefit of the doubt, but the IG report ended that for me when we learned that Comey clearly knew about the Weiner laptop and its contents the same day that McCabe learned of it. Note what Comey told the IG team- that he "might" have learned about it in late September. I take this as confirmation that Comey did learn of it in late September, and it agrees completely with what Strzok said about the evening of that day (McCabe was down talking to Comey while Strzok waited at McCabe's office to discuss the matter), and it agreed with the phone records of McCabe for that day and evening.

Comey had carefully constructed by omission the idea that he learned of the laptop a few days before his letter to Congress, but the IG had enough evidence that Comey, when questioned, had to insert that "might have learned" into his answer.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Nice attempt to minimize...”

Lots of that happening lately. One can only be so outraged before one doesn’t care anymore.

I don’t care, do u?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Don’t you folks ever have outrage fatigue? You’re just little outrage bunnies, you keep hitting your little drums.

Yancey Ward said...

And I didn't even include the claim by Comey that he didn't know Weiner and Abedin were married to each other. He had to make that claim because it is the only way he can make the claim that he didn't see a connection between Weiner and "Clinton e-mails". The man is a liar- outright a liar.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Mike Sylvester how about you hire a top-notch lawyer from DC like Flynn and wrestle with the bills over an 18-month period and then come back and tell us how much it costs. You seem to think that's an affordable expense for Flynn. Based on what? I remember all the "little people" caught up in Clinton's deeds in the '90s declaring BK after incurring $7M to $12M in legal bills. Even people making $190K per year have trouble paying multi-million dollar legal fees.

And then there is the fact Mueller threatened to jail his son too...

Drago said...

Yancey Ward: "And I didn't even include the claim by Comey that he didn't know Weiner and Abedin were married to each other."

Maybe the Russians "scrubbed" Comey's memory.

Like, with a cloth.

paminwi said...

How high are/were Flynn's legal bills?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Outrage is for your side, Inga. We are discussing facts. Our side doesn't cover their keyboards with spittle and rage at people in public. That's your side all the way. So best you do stay out since "u don't care" about facts. Facts are the enemy of Mueller and the Democrats.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“How high are/were Flynn's legal bills?”

Why should I care?

Drago said...

Apparently Mueller doesn't care any longer about Russian interference in our election!

Apparently, Mueller doesn't care if people or companies he indicts actually exist or not.

What's Russian for "unicorn"?

What does Stormy Daniels have to say about Russia? Mueller? Unicorns?


Bruce Hayden said...

“Would somebody please ask Comey or McCabe, why were the same agents on both cases?

Clintons case was a classic criminal investigation, not a counterintelligence investigation.

The Russia case was a counterintelligence investigation which has never met the criteria for a criminal investigation.”

Both were run out of the Counterintelligence Division of the National Security Branch at the FBI. Here is the branch’s org chart:
National Security Branch
Executive Assistant Director – Carl Ghattas
Counterintelligence Division – Bill Priestap
Counterterrorism Division – Michael C. McGarrity
High-Value Detainee Interrogation Group – Eli “Sam” Miranda
Terrorist Screening Center – Charles H. Kable, IV
Weapons of Mass Destruction Directorate – Robert Allan Jones

The issue at the outset was that there appeared to have been massive violations of the Espionage Act, with Crooked Hillary’s use of a orivatevemail server to conduct all of her official business as Sec of State. The National Security Branch is the organization in the FBI that deals with classified information, and, in particular, violations of the Espionage Act. Best fit there, I think, was Bill Priestap’s Counterintelligence Division, where Strzok was his lead agent, until he moved up to be Priestap’s assistant.

Similarly, this is the FBI branch that obtains FISAs (Title I FISA wiretap warrants). And is allowed to use FISA Title VII databases searches. Best fit, again, is Counterintelligence Division.

Anonymous said...

Mike to the Human Parrot: Stop lying.

Is a parrot repeating lies she heard somewhere lying?

I don't think a lying parrot is morally possible.

Mike Sylwester said...

Michael Flynn's lawyers could have defended him successfully with legal arguments.

The facts of the case are not complicated. There is a telephone conversation and an FBI interview, and there supposedly are some discrepancies between those two events.

It's a one-day trial.

Flynn could afford the legal expenses for such a trial.

Therefore, I think he accepted a plea bargain to keep some other wrongdoing secret.

Of course, I am just speculating, like everyone else. Flynn himself has not explained his plea publicly, as far as I know.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Outrage is for your side, Inga.”

You folks’ hysterical concerns over this issue belie that. We’ve been witnessing massive outrage for months now over these two lovers.

Meh, boring. Yawn. Why should I care? Why should I be empathetic to your concerns?

Mike Sylwester said...

Mike at 12:10 PM
... Even people making $190K per year have trouble paying multi-million dollar legal fees. And then there is the fact Mueller threatened to jail his son too

As far as I know, Michael Flynn never has said publicly that he pleaded guilty because of legal expenses or because of legal threats against his son.

These are mere speculations that have been suggested by people other than Flynn himself.

Anonymous said...

Mike: Outrage is for your side, Inga. We are discussing facts.

You have to make allowances for the mental age of our resident lefties, Mike. They're still at the stage where IKYABWAI is seen as the height of cleverness.

Unfortunately, unlike young children, in which this is a normal stage, they aren't going to mature into a higher stage of cognitive functioning.

Drago said...

Inga is full engaged with her Cargo Cultists in thinking that if they simply mimic Trump they will achieve the same success he has had with certain rhetorical tactics....


....never realizing that Trump's success is that he is building off recognized truths that the lefties and their LLR allies have been lying about for decades...

...thus where Trump succeeds politically with these rhetorical actions the lefties, like Inga, fall flat on their face.

And. It. Is. Funny.

Particularly the part where they keep trying it despite all previous failures.


Michael said...

Conrad Black's legal expenses ran close to $100 million most paid by D&O insurance. His personal expenses are said to have topped $1 million US.

At $1000 per hour $169,000 goes fast. As does $1 million.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mike Sylwester said...

Michael Flynn Prepping for a $1 Million Legal Tab

Thanks, paminwi, for that link.

According to the article, however, Flynn was going to pay his legal expenses largely with contributions from other people. If the legal expenses ever did amount to a million dollars, then he himself was not going to pay that entire amount.

I still am skeptical that the legal cost was his reason for pleading guilty.

The factually complicated part of his situation was his dealings with Turkey.

The part where he allegedly lied to FBI agents about a telephone conversation with the Russian ambassador is not factually complicated.

Flynn's guilty plea is mysterious.

Also, what did the Special Counsel really get from the plea bargain? If Flynn committed crimes in relation to Turkey, then why did the Special Counsel excuse those crimes in exchange for a guilty plea about the telephone conversation?

Anonymous said...

Mike S: These are mere speculations that have been suggested by people other than Flynn himself.

Sure. As are your speculations about the state of Flynn's finances and ability to bear heavy legal costs.

I think you've presented reasonable grounds for believing that Flynn's actions were motivated by things other than fear of legal fees. Your insistence that his actions couldn't have been motivated by fear of legal fees, because you know for a fact he could afford them, is not so reasonable.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Hahahaha, I laugh at your outrage. It’s mock worthy.

Drago said...

Cargo Cultist Inga: "Hahahaha, I laugh at your outrage. It’s mock worthy"

It's like an interesting Case Study playing out in front of us.

Let's see what else Inga comes up with.

Rick said...

Inga said...
I don’t care, do u?

We do because we care about America. We're unsurprised you don't.

Anonymous said...

the Human Parrot: Hahahaha, I laugh at your outrage. It’s mock worthy.

See what I mean, Mike? Parrot. You will note that the parrot is either repeating talking points picked up elsewhere, or echoing words or phrases introduced by other posters.

The lefty outrage machine was a recent topic of discussion, so our parrot starts squawking the word "outrage". Somebody in a recent thread mentioned mocking lefty outrage, and here is our parrot squawking about mocking outrage.

(I've been told that the avian parrot, unlike the human kind, is a pretty intelligent animal.)

Amadeus 48 said...

The FBI is sure acting like they are hiding something important. Maybe it is all misdirection or bureaucrats in action.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bay Area Guy said...

With Flynn, they also has his son by the balls.

Drago said...

Inga believes strongly that if she builds an "outrage Airfield" that, like manna from heaven, political benefits will rain down on her from the sky...


Mike Sylwester said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mike Sylwester said...

Bay Area Guy at 12:56 PM
they also had his son by the balls

That long Forbes article contains no facts indicating that Flynn's son committed any crimes.

The article's author is just speculating.

Yes, I too am just speculating.


Quaestor said...

Inga wrote: Why should I be empathetic to your concerns?

Indeed. Why should you or anyone be empathetic, a comparative neologism coined to describe an unlikely state of mind proposed as part of a harebrained theory of art criticism? Shakespeare never needed it. The great moral philosophers had no use for it. It never appears in the writings of FDR, Adlai Stevenson, or even Robert Kennedy, politicians who made a show of their alleged fellowship with the downtrodden. In fact, one can argue that it was Star Trek that introduced the word to American English, to the point of making the concept the basis of a major character in the TV reboot of the franchise, ST:TNG, which in turn imprinted the Trekkies with a buzzword they believed would make their inane conversation slightly less vapid. The Trekkies devolved into "progressives", which in turn add "I feel your pain" to the quiver of deceptive speech employed by the arch-mountebank William Jefferson Clinton.

Quaestor said...

typo alert: added not add.

Mike Sylwester said...

The more I think about it, the more I think that Michael Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about the telephone conversation because there was a plea bargain that he would not be prosecuted about his business with Turkey.

Maybe a trial about his business with Turkey would cost him a lot of money.

A trial about his telephone conversation with the Russian ambassador would be a one-day trial where the facts were rather simple.

If there were such a plea bargain, then the Special Counsel must be getting something more for the agreement to not prosecute Flynn for the Turkish business.

Fabi said...

Inga cares so little that she's taken twelve comments telling us how she doesn't care! Lulz

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

the constant barrage of prog deep state corruption DOES tend to desensitize.

Yawn. What difference at this point does it make? Dude- that was, like, 2 years ago.

Brian said...

If there were such a plea bargain, then the Special Counsel must be getting something more for the agreement to not prosecute Flynn for the Turkish business.

Where is the evidence that the Special Counsel is "getting something more". If he had "gotten something more" he'd have to rely on it being physical evidence, since by pleading guilty to lying, Flynn is now nothing more than a liar liar pants on fire.

"Yes your honor, the witness is an admitted liar about conversations with the Russians, but he's NOT a liar about knowledge of that scumbag Trump!"

If the SC had gotten something more, why hasn't that "something more" been, you know, used..... All waiting with baited breath around here for Mueller to put up or shut up.

The anti-trump folks always like to think about various people "singing"....

Occam's razor says that Flynn is worried that his son will be charged with something so he's taking the bullet for him. You know, like stated in this frickin article from CNN right before Flynn pled guilty.

The obvious thing the SC get's from such a deal with Flynn is a guilty plea from a known associate of Trump, not a long trial of a nobody. That's all the SC "got". But keep hope alive! Flynn will "flip" any day now!

Flynn get's to dangle silently on the hook for sentencing, and Mueller looks like he's shaking down bad guys. Just like the 13 Russians and 3 Russian companies that Mueller really doesn't want to try.

Mueller's got a bunch of nothing....

After the IG report, can you imagine a cross examination of the FBI agents on Mueller's team?

ccscientist said...

This is nothing short of an attempted coup. Having the intelligence services/DOJ/FBI take a side in politics is simply not ok. ever. Never mind if it can be proven to have affected the outcome of investigations (as the IG says)--it motivated the START of investigations and who was investigated, as well as probably the FISA warrants.

Fabi said...

I haven't seen any proof that Strzok and Page were lovers. It seems the love bird story was a diversion to create cover for their copious texts.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga...Allie Oop said...

I see the outrage is still going strong. Don’t you folks get tired of being in a constant state of outrage? Sheesh.


Mike Sylwester said...

Brian at 1:49 PM
... Flynn is worried that his son will be charged with something so he's taking the bullet for him. You know, like stated in this frickin article from CNN right before Flynn pled guilty.

Thanks for the link to that informative CNN article.

The article speculates that "Flynn's concern [about his son's legal exposure] could factor into decisions about how to respond to Mueller's ongoing investigation."

I don't dismiss that speculation, but it is just speculation.

By the way, the article indicates that the FBI began investigating Flynn's business dealings in November 2016. I assume that the the investigation began because Trump won the Presidential election.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Inga is still here. Yawn.

Inga- there's real outrage based on real corruption. and there's manufactured outrage, the kind you parrot.

walter said...

Right on Inga,
This shit is a snoozer.
But that Langford Peel!

Mike Sylwester said...

Brian at 1:49 PM
The obvious thing the SC get's from such a deal with Flynn is a guilty plea from a known associate of Trump, not a long trial of a nobody. That's all the SC "got".

Maybe that indeed was the Special Counsel's motive for the plea bargain.

I still am puzzled, however, by Flynn's agreement to the plea bargain. I think if he had gone to a trial on charges of lying to the FBI about his telephone conversation with the Russian ambassador, then Flynn had a good chance of winning an acquittal.

Drago said...

Inga is still licking her wounds from her earlier Harley Davidson mishap.

But then again, Inga making serial business/trade/tariffs mistakes is par for the course.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

It’s really outrageous that more people on the left don’t care at all about this, lol.

We don’t care.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“But that Langford Peel!”

I no longer care what Peely says, do u?


Drago said...

This just in: General Francisco Franco is still dead and Inga still doesn't care!

And apparently she, like the other leftists, find it necessary to scream at the top of their lungs from the highest rooftops repeatedly that they do not care.

Shorter lefties: why can't we do what Trump effectively does? Oh why oh why oh why doesn't it work for us?......


Quaestor said...

Jeebus H. Crisp, how refreshing would be some genuine Inga apathy. Sadly, Althouse gets only the fake kind.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

l don’t care about your silly outrage about the two lovers that is so often yammered about here. It’s merely fuel for the comments sections outrage machine. Yawn.

Why should I or anyone on the left care?

As for Trump, I couldn’t care less. I care more about the centipede that I saw in the corner of my laundry room.

Drago said...

Inga: "l don’t care about your silly outrage about the two lovers that is so often yammered about here. It’s merely fuel for the comments sections outrage machine."


Inga, who doesn't care. Really, just ask her. Not that its necessary for you to ask for her to tell you, attempts a clumsy deflection along with her proclamation of Officially Not Caring!

It's getting more amusing by the second.

Drago said...

Inga: "As for Trump, I couldn’t care less."

Leftists take time out from calling for #Resistance and #Revolution and Nazi's and Murder and Totalitarianism to say they don't care.


Inga...Allie Oop said...

“It's getting more amusing by the second.”

I don’t care about your amusement. I don’t even care about Drago’s constant propaganda.

Michael said...

If you cared a little Inc bit about our country you would be concerned about the behavior of two people well placed in our law enforcement bureaucracy. You might think about how their actions are anthical to our way of thinking about freedom. It really isn't a matter of politics.

Quaestor said...

Leftists take time out from calling for #Resistance and #Revolution and Nazi's and Murder and Totalitarianism to say they don't care.

The Fox and the Grapes.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“If you cared a little Inc bit about our country you would be concerned about the behavior of two people well placed in our law enforcement bureaucracy. You might think about how their actions are anthical to our way of thinking about freedom. It really isn't a matter of politics. “

Why should I care what you think these two were doing? I don’t care because it’s ridiculous to get outraged over this nonsense. I have eschewed outrage.

I really don’t care one bit. Why should I care more for conspiracy theories than you people care about children being separated from their parents, that is beyond politics.

We all don’t care. That’s fine with me.

Quaestor said...

Inga wrote: I don’t care about your amusement.

Humiliated people seldom do.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

See Inga - normal people can care about kids in cages AND leftwing corruption.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Inga- I do not recall your outrage over Obama's kids in cages.

Drago said...

Inga continues to report her "Caring Status" as "Not Caring"....and she does it about every 30 seconds or so.

Just so you know.

Meanwhile, Peter Strzok has to determine if he is willing to become the fall guy for all the spyin' and lyin' that Inga and LLR Chuck don't care about.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

I’m having fun telling y’all how much I don’t care and mocking your outrage.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

It's fun watching Inga post as if she is making a difference.

Heartwarming really.

And cute. Not adorable, but cute, in a 5 year old helps mix cake batter sort of way

Quaestor said...

Inga wrote: Why should I care more for conspiracy theories than you people care about children being separated from their parents...

We do not care about illegal immigrant children being separated from whomever may accompany them under Trump's administration to the same degree you do not care about illegal immigrant children being separated from whomever may accompany them under Obama's administration.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“It's fun watching Inga post as if she is making a difference.”

Hahahaha, I don’t care if I make a difference here. I don’t care what you think or feel. It would be a huge waste of my time.

Drago said...

Inga, the supposed nurse, misunderstands the self-refuting nature of her posts.

That's sort of the Left as a whole in a nutshell really.

walter said...

Don't fall asleep now, Inga. Mad Max needs you! She ain't no wayzzze tyred.

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