June 24, 2018

Scraping the bottom of the outrage barrel.

"Under President Trump, once stately medallions have gotten glitzier, and at least one featured a Trump property. Ethics watchdogs are worried," the NYT wants us to know.
Since Bill Clinton occupied the White House, the commemorative medallions known as challenge coins have been stately symbols of the presidency coveted by the military, law enforcement personnel and a small circle of collectors.

Then came Donald J. Trump.

His presidency has yielded more — and more elaborate — coins that are shinier, flashier and even bigger, setting off a boom for coin manufacturers, counterfeiters and collectors, with one official Trump challenge coin recently fetching $1,000 on eBay.
Well, hell. I blame Bill Clinton. Why does this junk exist at all?! If it exists, what difference does it make what the design is? Aren't coins generally shiny? Who would make a deliberately dull coin? The NYT consulted John Wertman, "a former Clinton White House aide who is a leading expert on challenge coins":
His collection includes the official presidential challenge coins of Mr. Clinton and Mr. Obama, muted bronze affairs that have the presidential seal on one side and the White House and the president’s signature on the other.
Muted bronze affairs!

Wertman seems okay with Trump's choice — "If you look at what he did with the design of the White House drapes and his general inclination toward gold, that’s his personal preference" — and that sounds right to me. It's a Trump coin. It should be shiny gold-colored even if Clinton and Obama chose to show off with muffled dignity. These guys are all manufacturing coins celebrating themselves. I'm not going to accept any special antagonism toward Trump because his coins are shinier.

Stupidest Trump outrage yet.


rhhardin said...

Serious collectors go for White House chinaware. The Clintons started it.

ALP said...

"Ethics watchdogs are worried."

Wait. Whut? You can worry for a LIVING? Like, as in get paid? Where do I sign up, I am am natural worrier

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Althouse: Stupidest Trump outrage yet.

New York Times: Hold my beer...

Henry said...

This will be a boon to future archeologists.

The Godfather said...

What does George Will think of shiny coins?

Andrew said...

How Trump can withstand all the bs and constantly rise above it is beyond me. Nonstop media attacks on every trivial thing, and he simply responds by tweeting good economic news. What an entertaining presidency.

Gahrie said...

One of his coins has his resort on it, so the Left is trying to claim it is advertising a private business with government money. Another has MAGA on it, so people have been told not to display them in government buildings. Stupid.

The left doesn't really understand challenge coins because they come from the military culture.

Gahrie said...

I've heard Trump leaves the caps off of toothpaste tubes.

Impeach now.

Earnest Prole said...

Ethics watchdogs are worried.

Possibly the most boring four-word sentence in human history.

readering said...

I was given what I now recognize was a challenge coin from a defense contractor client. Seemed odd at the time but I guess it's the culture.

Meade said...

Should the shiny be shunned?

Rockeye said...
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Rockeye said...

Sigh. Do you want more Trump? This is how you get more Trump.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Hahaha, who is outraged over these coins? I’ve seen more outrage over people being outraged, which is outrageous.

stevew said...

I've said it before, so many times in fact that it may now be trite: these people are insane.


Chris of Rights said...

I don't know if it's the stupidest. That's setting the bar extremely high.

Henry said...

Should the shiny be shunned?

No, said the magpie.

rhhardin said...

This is a perfect place to remember where "outrage" comes from.

It's from French outre, beyond what is proper. A fashion mistake, perhaps.

Made into a noun, add -age.

English though sees "rage" in that, and produces the doctrine hidden in the word, what is beyond what is proper deserves rage.

Who today can even notice that outrage means two different things, the event and the reaction. They merge as one. If it's an outrage, you should be outraged. Two things.

This merging is so politically useful that the word was reimported back into French.

Big Mike said...

Hahaha, who is outraged over these coins?

@inga, they call themselves “the Resistance.”

Bill Peschel said...

Figures that the draft-dodging Bill Clinton would steal a military tradition for his own aggrandizement.

The commander-in-chief is not a member of the military. He is the civilian in charge of the military.

He cheapened everything he touched, didn't he?

Gospace said...

Challenge coins are an Army tradition that very unfortunately crossed intra-service boundaries to infect the Navy and have now jumped to infect the general population. There should be some kind of vaccination developed for them.

rhhardin said...

Early example of the two meanings of outrage.

Trump says they let you grab them by the pussy.

Clearly outre, saying what is beyond what is proper. True, but not proper.

The reaction from Althouse was outrage. Merged the two.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
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Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Hahaha, who is outraged over these coins?”
@inga, they call themselves “the Resistance.”
I can assure you the Resistance doesn’t give a flying fuck about these stupid coins.

Limited blogger said...

We're no where near the outrage barrel bottom

Achilles said...

Challenge coins...




Rabel said...

Stupidest? Maybe.

I nominate this for top twenty.

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...


Blogger Andrew said...

How Trump can withstand all the bs and constantly rise above it is beyond me.


Blogger Rockeye said...

Sigh. Do you want more Trump? This is how you get more Trump.

I think he does this just for this reason. I think he wakes up each morning thinking of a shiny new twitter thing for the fascists and MSM to chase while he is getting stuff done.

I wonder if he paid the Red Hen for their stupid stunt? Sure would have been worth a considerable number of dollars for the results it is getting.

John Henry

cacimbo said...

Many are vying for stupidest label. For two days NPR's front page top was a story claiming Trump won because his voters are opioid addicts.From the report:
"Dr. Nancy E. Morden, associate professor at the Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice, agrees. "People who reach for an opioid might also reach for ... near-term fixes," she says. "I think that Donald Trump's campaign was a promise for near-term relief.""

rehajm said...

Those ethics watchdogs ever heard of The Clinton Global Initiative? I’d wager not...

Anonymous said...

"Ethics watchdogs are worried."

*Quickly looks for fainting couch.*

Michael K said...

Blogger Andrew said...
How Trump can withstand all the bs and constantly rise above it is beyond me

Me, too. Imagine what he could get accomplished without the hysteria on the left.

I can see Kim saying , "What if these people manage to overthrow him ? What would happen to our agreement ?"

Then he remembers Libya and Hillary. "What if she were to come back ?"

The fools would burn down the country to get Trump.

Henry said...

The mirrors in the Trump White House are extra reflective. You heard it here first.

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

I don't know if the services had challenge coins during WWII but they had challenge dollars. They called them "Short Snorters"


Since it is illegal to deface a dollar bill, short snorter signers were all illegals.

Or, perhaps, since it originated with Alaskan bush pilots and passengers and given the typical bumpy ride: Ill eagles

John Henry

YoungHegelian said...


I think he does this just for this reason. I think he wakes up each morning thinking of a shiny new twitter thing for the fascists and MSM to chase while he is getting stuff done.

You may actually be on to something. Louis XIV adopted a fashion of expensive & showy clothing, among other expensive hobbies, as a way of keeping the court nobility in debt as they had to follow his lead in every new style he introduced. In other words, he burdened them with trivial undertakings so that they were too busy to do something important, like plot against him.

By now, you'd think the anti-Trumper would realize that they're the dog chasing the frisbee, & it's Trump that keeps on throwing it. Guys, stop chasing the frisbee.

Michael K said...

“Hahaha, who is outraged over these coins?”
@inga, they call themselves “the Resistance.”
I can assure you the Resistance doesn’t give a flying fuck about these stupid coins.

The Resistance spokesfool has spoken !

Bob Boyd said...

Anger is the Devil's cocaine. - Andrew Klaven

Big Mike said...

You beat me to it, Dr. K., though I don't call her a spokesfool. To me she's just an ordinary fool.

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

Blogger Michael K said...

Me, too. Imagine what he could get accomplished without the hysteria on the left.

I sometimes wonder that too. But many times I also think he has gotten so much accomplished, probably more than any other president in his first 18 months, because of rather than in spite of The Resistance(tm)

I am very happy with what he is doing and has gotten done.

John Henry

Big Mike said...

@Althouse, I seriously question whether the Dumbocrats have hit the bottom of the barrel yet.

Ralph L said...

Proof coins have a frosted figure against a shiny background, sort of like a cameo.
For example
They're expensive and uncirculated.

Michael K said...

You beat me to it, Dr. K., though I don't call her a spokesfool. To me she's just an ordinary fool.

She thinks she is the spokesfool and I try to be polite.

Bob Boyd said...

Obama's challenge coins had a perfect crease.

Mary Beth said...

Stupidest Trump outrage yet.

I didn't think they were going to get stupider than when they complained that he got two scoops of ice cream.

Bay Area Guy said...

And, as and for the Nineteenth Article of Impeachment, the Respondent has further abused the metallic consistency of the commemorative Presidential Medallions by adulerating the gold-tin ratio in a manner that deviates from generally accepted metallurgic standards, and has distastefully allowed said adulterated medallions to be sold for profit by Internet oligarchs on EBay.

And, as and for the Twentieth Article of Impeachment, the Respondent motorboarded the breasts of one Ms. Stephanie Clifford, aka Ms. Stormy Daniels without wearing a condom and without obtaining informed written consent for such salacious physical contact.

And, as and for the Twenty-First Article of Impeachment, the Respondent referred to the Honorable Member Alexander Green (D-Tex), from 9th Congressional District of the great state of Texas, as that "jive-ass dude who sings, Let's Stay Together at various matrimonial ceremonies in the greater SE section of the District.

And, as and for the .......,..

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

WTF is a challenge coin? Is is what you get for doing something that requires the utmost bravery like screwing Nancy Pelosi or taking booze away from a Kennedy?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“I can assure you the Resistance doesn’t give a flying fuck about these stupid coins.”

“The Resistance spokesfool has spoken !”

The old Trump Cultist fool has spoken! Sit up and listen!

Michael K said...

You beat me to it, Dr. K., though I don't call her a spokesfool. To me she's just an ordinary fool.

She thinks she is the spokesfool and I try to be polite.

Awwwww, the fool's feelings are hurt.

Narayanan said...

@rhhardin ... So we need to vocalize ootrazh?

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JML said...

Challenge coins are an Army tradition that very unfortunately crossed intra-service boundaries to infect the Navy and have now jumped to infect the general population. There should be some kind of vaccination developed for them.

When I was in, Air force, (I separated in '89), we had unit coins. We did not give them out, and the point of them was if you were at the O club and someone challenged you, if you didn't slap your coin down, you bought. Now they are given out like trinkets. I knew some guys who had dozens. It seemed they would go out of their way to get a coin.

alan markus said...

"Ethics watchdogs are worried."

Wait. Whut? You can worry for a LIVING? Like, as in get paid? Where do I sign up, I am am natural worrier

Must be putting in overtime today.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders May Have Committed An Ethics Violation With Her Red Hen Tweet

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Awwwww, the fool's feelings are hurt.”

You give yourself far too much credit. Dementia can be treated you know.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

What’s actually very funny is that this blogpost is just another attempt at ginning up outrage over the left’s outrage, as IF the Trumpists weren’t already whipped up into a frenzy over the concern by people who care about what has been done to these children because of Trump’s Folly aka Zero Tolerance Policy.

Why are you people so outraged over our outrage?

n.n said...

I think he wakes up each morning thinking of a shiny new twitter thing for the fascists and MSM to chase while he is getting stuff done.


you'd think the anti-Trumper would realize that they're the dog chasing the frisbee

The dogs bark and the asses bray.

n.n said...

Ethics is situational, circumstantial, selective.

Bay Area Guy said...

"Why are you people so outraged over our outrage?"

I wouldn't phrase it that way, and won't speak for anyone else. But I would answer:

"I am not outraged at your outrage over Trump. I am mocking your unwarranted and excessive outrage over Trump"

Inga...Allie Oop said...

From Alan Markus’ link. Outrageous ( pun intended) abuse of federal ethics rules. These stupid coins, meh, who cares?

“According to rules set in place by the nonpartisan OGE, Sanders may have violated rule 5 CFR 2635.702 (c), which bars federal employees from using their government position to endorse any private “product, service, or enterprise.” Conversely, this same rule bans federal employees from using their official titles to denounce such private entities.

Bassin explains this rule’s applications succinctly. Trump administration employees cannot “use their [White House] titles or resources (like Twitter acct) for personal uses like making restaurant reservations or promoting businesses,” he wrote on Twitter. “So yes, this tweet violates federal ethics rules.

Sanders could have posted her Red Hen statement to her personal Twitter account and would have been in compliance. When Sanders tweets from the @PressSec account, she is presumed to be speaking in her professional capacity as the press secretary, and her communications from this accounts are subject to government ethics rules.”

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“I am not outraged at your outrage over Trump. I am mocking your unwarranted and excessive outrage over Trump"

I’m mocking the mocking of the (non existent) outrage over these stupid coins.

mezzrow said...


buwaya said...

Re outrage, and danger -

Scott Adams latest video today - should Trump fail,

"they are coming for you next, they are coming for Trump supporters next"

Coming from the laid-back Adams, this is telling. I don't think he has gone there, till now.

BTW, he implies physical danger, and though I don't doubt he himself is in danger, and he is wise to avoid public appearances, the way they will "come for you" is exactly the way they already do, in California, by attacking your livelihood, your employment.

Bay Area Guy said...

Well, then I'm going to besmirch your mocking of my mocking of the non-existent outrage over the stupid Trump coins.

buwaya said...

Thats in Adams latest Periscope.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Well, then I'm going to besmirch your mocking of my mocking of the non-existent outrage over the stupid Trump coins.”

That’s dirty.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"I am not outraged at your outrage over Trump. I am mocking your unwarranted and excessive outrage over Trump"

Exactly, but when someone takes themselves really, really seriously, the mockery is unlikely to register. Especially if they’re not terribly bright to begin with.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Exactly, but when someone takes themselves really, really seriously, the mockery is unlikely to register. Especially if they’re not terribly bright to begin with.”

Don’t sell yourself short!

Ken B said...

Key word “yet”. What's the over/under? I give it 12 days.

Paul Zrimsek said...

Protip for collectors: if you get hold of one of Clinton's Lewinsky coins, don't clean the stuff off it even to shine it up. You'll knock 83% off the resale value.

Ken B said...

There is no bottom but they are scraping it.

Michael K said...

“Awwwww, the fool's feelings are hurt.”

You give yourself far too much credit. Dementia can be treated you know.

This is what no argument looks like.

Inga knows better. The bedpan commando tries to insult her betters. She knows she is out of her league so insults are all that is left.

I agree with buwaya that real violence is coming. They are working themselves up to it.

They are trying to justify it as an immoral response to mass immigration.

Why they have settled on mass immigration is an interesting question. The Hodgkinson commando that Durbin encouraged with still secret e-mails is only the first.

The fellow who killed the Dallas policemen was another. The NY Times tries to justify it as "payback," but it was domestic terrorism paid for by the Soros foundations.

The local fools will not participate but the leaders know who the shock troops will be and it will be more flash mobs like the one that confronted DHS Secretary Neilsen. One of these times they will try to kill.

I hope the administration staffers have good security. AS the election approaches and the Mueller probe collapses, watch for violence from the angry left, especially the DSA that rioted in Charlottesville and that attacked Secretary Nielsen.

They are the shock troops.

buwaya said...

Adams latest Periscope, 6/24, starting at about 10:17

He's not joking anymore.

Mike Sylwester said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mike Sylwester said...

Ann, keep it up.

You're doing good work.

What you're doing is worthwhile.

Mike Sylwester said...

We are with you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Comanche Voter said...

I'm so deplorable that I don't know, nor care, what a "challenge coin" is. If I take it that it was an Army tradition, then it sounds like something the ring knockers from West Point dreamed up to determine who was in the club--and who was "out".

i stand with Groucho Marx. I wouldn't care to join any club that would have me---nor for that matter any club that wouldn't have me.

Ken B said...

Remember the two scoops of ice cream outrage?

Michael K said...

Even with the trolls, this is the best blog. Ricochet is still infested with NeverTrumpers.

I'm OK with arguments. I see very few from the left. There used to be some. Kevi n Drum had some reasonable arguments but the moderators refused to allow arguments.

Now, we have insanity. "I have stopped appearing in public."

"The only way to protect yourself is to win the election."

I'm not sure that is it. 400 million guns help.

"They are coming for you next."

I'm stocking ammunition. Also, my CCW class is next weekend,

Achilles said...

Maxine Waters thinks God wants her and the Democrats to reconstitute Jim Crow.

“We’re gonna win this battle,” Waters said, “because while you try and quote the Bible, Jeff Sessions and others, you really don’t know the Bible. God is on our side. On the side of the children. On the side of what’s right. On the side of what’s honorable. On the side of understanding that if we can’t protect the children, we can’t protect anybody.”

Maxine Waters is absolutely right democrats. Don't let Trump supporters eat anywhere. Get in their faces.


Please keep it up.

Sebastian said...

"Scraping the bottom of the outrage barrel."

Like their contempt for us deplorables, prog outrage is bottomless.

clint said...

I'm beginning to see the genius of Melania Trump.

I really don't care if President Trump's commemorative trinkets are shinier than President Obama's. Does the NYT author actually believe this is important? Is he insane, or just trolling us?

"I really don't care, do you?" is the right reaction to this crap. We're going to need to find a shorter version, though. Just "Do U?" -- though that has the risk of being misunderstood as a proposition. "IRDCDU" is clunky. "dc/du" -- in the vein of tl/dr?

Gahrie said...

When Sanders tweets from the @PressSec account, she is presumed to be speaking in her professional capacity as the press secretary, and her communications from this accounts are subject to government ethics rules.”

She was acting in her professional capacity. She was the Whitehouse press secretary addressing a growing incident involving a member of the Whitehouse staff. If she had used her private account, everyone would now be accusing her of trying to cover it up, or for doing official Whitehouse business on her personal account.

langford peel said...

Good thing McCain was never elected President.

His official coin would have been thirty pieces of silver.

Shouldn't he be dead already?

alan markus said...

@ Inga

5 CFR 2635.702 (c), which bars federal employees from using their government position to endorse any private “product, service, or enterprise.”

Guess what, she did not endorse any private "product, service, or enterprise".

Read the tweet: Last night I was told by the owner of Red Hen in Lexington, VA to leave because I work for @POTUS and I politely left. Her actions say far more about her than about me. I always do my best to treat people, including those I disagree with, respectfully and will continue to do so.

Not an endorsement, and "conversely", not a "denouncement" of the business. More a statement of her side of the story, in response to what was put out by Red Hen owner.

Funny, most of the initial headlines are qualified with "may have" - the "expert" is leaving some wiggle room because he is not that sure. Of course, as the story gains momentum farther down the news chain, the headlines become "Sanders committed ethics violation."

Achilles said...

buwaya said...

Obama and McCain made this clear when they sent the IRS after us.

Democrats have been caught spying on political opponents.

I predicted a long hot summer full of democrat violence and intimidation. Here we are.

Before it was always the right and the left and a bunch of people who didn't really care.

Those squishes in the middle, like Scott Adams, are looking at the left acting like a bunch of rabid animals.

The elections are going to turn out just fine for decent normal people.

The democrats will rue the day they turned to rage and hate.

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

Inga explains the latest outrage about Sander's Tweet.

Sorry, babes, no sale.

1) Sanders used her official account because she was thrown out in her official capacity. Not because she was some random Trump supporter but because she is the official spox.

2) She did not render any judgement in the Tweet, either positive or negative.

No doubt the fascists will try to make a big deal about this. In so doing they will make even bigger fools of themselves. Inga demonstrates how it is done.

Have at it.

While the fascists are spooling up for the news cycle, President Trump will be under the radar getting stuff done.

Someone mentioned barking dogs upstream and that reminded me of the Portugese proverb "The dogs bark but the caravan moves on"

All the barking Ristance(tm) dogs have not slowed the MAGA caravan one wit. (Or in Inga's case, one half-wit)

John Henry

traditionalguy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
traditionalguy said...

NYT may run next with a scandal from inside sources that Trump refuses to re-cycle at the White House.That socieopathic narcissist mixes the paper and plastics with garbage. It's like he Just Doesn't Care.

Corker and Flake on learning this, said that was the final High Crime they could imagine . Impeachment begins tomorrow.

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

Not only making America great again, making Korea (North and South) great:

Found at the Marginal Revolution economics blog:

According to a survey of 167 [South Korean] businesses earlier this month, almost 75 per cent would be prepared to invest in the North if sanctions were lifted. Companies that stand to benefit, such as steel and cement groups, have seen their stock prices soar in recent weeks. Shares in Hyundai Cement rose more than 500 per cent between March and June as detente unfolded on the Korean peninsula.

Blog link: https://marginalrevolution.com/marginalrevolution/2018/06/south-korea-north-korea-fact-day.html

main link: https://www.ft.com/content/3a7d413e-7424-11e8-aa31-31da4279a601

John Henry

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

Blogger traditionalguy said...

NYT may run next with a scandal from inside sources that Trump refuses to re-cycle at the White House.

then, when they find he does recycle, the complaint will be that, like most "recycled" waste it just goes into the landfill with everything else.

Another shiny object to chase! It's all good.

John Henry

themightypuck said...

I have a question. As someone who was a center left person who voted for both Clinton and Obama but got "WOKE" as I got older and now is a bit more right wing, has the madness of the left moved you right? Or something else? Or are you still cruel and apolitical?

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

if it wasnt for that worried Ethics Watchdog,
...I would have eaten that 2nd scoop of ice cream.

Bay Area Guy said...

Maxine Waters is clinically insane. She used to be an outlier in the Democrat party, but, regrettably, I think her type of psychosis has infected more than a majority of Democrat elected officials and media commentators.

They don't understand that their 24/7 hysterical public expressions of political madness moves farmers in Wisc and hunters in Pennsylvania, and steelworkers in Youngstown, Ohio a bit more into the Trump camp - accomplishing the opposite of what they seek to achieve.

The crazy can't tell they are crazy.

The stupid are so dumb, they don't recognize their own stupidity.

4 months to the election. Get ready for Mueller's October surprise, too, no matter how feeble it is.

Bob Loblaw said...

How Trump can withstand all the bs and constantly rise above it is beyond me.

Are you kidding? He loves this kind of stuff. The day Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) stop wailing over every insignificant detail of the Trump administration is the day Trump will be unable to cope.

Not that we're ever going to see a day like that.

Bob Loblaw said...

They don't understand that their 24/7 hysterical public expressions of political madness moves farmers in Wisc and hunters in Pennsylvania, and steelworkers in Youngstown, Ohio a bit more into the Trump camp - accomplishing the opposite of what they seek to achieve.

I no longer believe they're trying to achieve a political goal with the hysteria. Like that addled woman screaming at the sky on the anniversary of the election, the goal is some kind of cathartic release. Otherwise they would be doing things differently.

bgates said...

Muted bronze affairs!

If there was ever a president who knew how to mute affairs, it was Bill Clinton.

Achilles said...

Bob Loblaw said...

I no longer believe they're trying to achieve a political goal with the hysteria. Like that addled woman screaming at the sky on the anniversary of the election, the goal is some kind of cathartic release. Otherwise they would be doing things differently.

I believe this is accurate.

But you all need to understand the why.

The democrat party and the media and the republican establishment are tools. They do what they are told. They are owned wholly and completely by a relatively small number of very wealthy and almost uniformly white people. These people believe themselves to be above nations.

The globalists know the game is over politically speaking. They tried to import a new electorate into the US to wash the deplorables out with poor people from Central/South America. They had a good plan controlling both parties and the media.

Boy did they underestimate not only Trump, but the American people.

Now they are revving their tools up and trying to start a Civil War just to damage the US and hopes for peace around the world. They had wars going all over the place and now Trump is ending them. He is also kicking over the biggest rice bowl of them all: "Free Trade."

All of the globalist cronies have been profiting off the rape of the US economy.

They are trying to destabilize the US government before Trump can bring their bullshit to an end.

MathMom said...

Yeah, Trump has a fascination with gold, but so does Michelle Obama. She wore shiny gold dresses, silver dresses, rose gold dresses, sparkly crap dresses, and shiny sneakers, too. Did I mention gold dresses? And we were told it was the height of fashion, and everyone drooled about it.

Too much shiny in the WH didn't start with Trump!

Yancey Ward said...

I heard that the White House is now using four-ply toilet paper. FOUR PLY!

Yancey Ward said...

The ever ignorant Inga wrote:

"Why are you people so outraged over our outrage?"

So, you don't understand mockery, either?

Yancey Ward said...

Well, Inga, the outrage isn't "non-existent"- it is right there in the flagship paper of the Left- The New York Times- it is that paper telling the outrage exists- otherwise, why tell us ethics experts are worried? Worried about what, and why?

exhelodrvr1 said...

"Stupidest Trump outrage yet."

As the left collectively says, "Hold my beer!"

Craig said...

Retirement has not done well for Professor Althouse's ability to read critically. What a shame. No engagement with the substance anymore. Just TDSDS.

Amadeus 48 said...

Can’t Sarah Sanders and Sec Neilson just eat their waffles?

Kevin said...

Stupidest Trump outrage yet.

"The horrible thing about the Two Minutes Hate was not that one was obliged to act a part, but that it was impossible to avoid joining in. Within thirty seconds any pretence was always unnecessary. A hideous ecstasy of fear and vindictiveness, a desire to kill, to torture, to smash faces in with a sledge hammer, seemed to flow through the whole group of people like an electric current, turning one even against one's will into a grimacing, screaming lunatic. And yet the rage that one felt was an abstract, undirected emotion which could be switched from one object to another like the flame of a blowlamp."

Bruce Hayden said...

"They are coming for you next."

"I'm stocking ammunition. Also, my CCW class is next weekend,"

Good for you, but you may not need it in AZ. I took the class in CO, for a license there, and then used that for an AZ license, and my AZ license for MT. The legal problem was that technically, my CO license expired when I changed residency, but MT wouldn't issue one until I had been a residence for a bit. AZ issues out of state licenses, and worked as a bridge between CO and MT. I wasn't sure if it was necessary, but the woman who handles CCW licenses in town here in MT used my AZ, and not my CO license, when I applied, in order to avoid taking the class again, and bypass the six month residency requirement.

If you actually intend to ever carry outside your house, concealed or openly (legal in most places in AZ), you should buy and read "The Law of Self Defense" by Andrew Branca, an attorney who has concentrated in this area for decades. Likely, whomever is teaching your CCW class will get it mostly right, but not quite. Guy who taught mine was a rural small town cop, and his explanations were really more pragmatic than legal, and, looking back, maybe not completely accurate if I had had to defend myself in anti-gun Denver, instead of pro-gun rural CO. Branca builds a nice legal framework that you can use, then provid the state by state exceptions. My first copy ended up with a friend. My second is on Kindle, which means that I have it available on my iPads and laptop when traveling.

Finally, if you get seriously paranoid, think Ghost Gunner and reloading.

Bruce Hayden said...

"They are coming for you next."

This is not legal advice, is not an incitement to commit violence of any sort, but is for reading Branca's book. Most people think that you need to see a gun pointed at you in order to use lethal force in self defense. That is very typically not the case. Rather, it is being in (reasonable) fear of imminent danger of loss of life or great bodily injury, for yourself or another. Great Bodily Injury is most typically defined to include the threat of broken bones. So, there is a decent chance that if you shoot a mask wearing fascist antifa type coming at you with a baseball bat, you can claim self defense, even though he probably isn't threatening your life - because baseball bats are well known to be able to break bones, and, thus, influence ct Great Bodily Injury. Again, though, if you have any questions, read the book.

RMc said...

This is not just how you get more Trump, but more Trump that anyone could possibly want, including Trump himself. At this rate, he'll win all fifty states in 2020.

glenn said...

Those “ethics watchdogs” would be better off keeping an eye on Ali Watkins. And others of her ilk.

harrogate said...

That IS a stupid subject, this business with the Presidential Coins. But to be fair, so's Trump's face.

Yancey Ward said...

Craig wrote:

"Retirement has not done well for Professor Althouse's ability to read critically. What a shame. No engagement with the substance anymore. Just TDSDS."

Lol! There is no substance with which to engage- the article makes that clear unintentionally.

Gahrie said...

At this rate, he'll win all fifty states in 2020.

I'm a little more conservative. I've been predicting 49 like Reagan did.

Jim at said...

Maxine Waters is clinically insane.

And she speaks for everybody on the left.
Without exception.

Those are the rules the left applies to conservatives? So be it.

Maxine Waters speaks for every, single leftist. Own it.

Unknown said...

Government gifts are capped at $50. A coin is about all they can afford to use to recognize presence, merit, effort and success as well as display in their office. It's not unusual to shake hands and find one in your palm. Like all rare things they are appreciated far more than their value. Most execs keep a pile in their desk. Which brings up caps on pay. A congress critter’s ok, given how little they do and how much bad they do. But Bad incentives, judicial staff thinks I’ll pretend to work if you pretend to pay me, looking with envy at their classmates across the street making a shocking amount more with the best of everything, vice junk, and insolent help. To raise their pay, I’d make them a deal, up base pay by department for every head released, another head added, take it out of base pay, shared equally. To correct today’s terrible incentives. You pretend to pay me, I’ll pretend to work. Ok, I dream. Everything else, including arbitration, we can contract out, where the contractor will pay employees market rates.