June 6, 2018

"Republican John Cox Secures Spot in California Governor’s Race/Businessman comes in second in primary, is set to face Democrat Gavin Newsom in November election."

The Wall Street Journal reports.
Mr. Cox’s second-place finish was a boost for President Donald Trump, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy and other party leaders who had endorsed him and worked to consolidate GOP support behind him in a sprawling field that had 27 candidates including five Republicans....

“Mr. Newsom made it clear that he wanted to run against me instead of another Democrat,” Mr. Cox told supporters Tuesday night. “Be careful, be careful Mr. Newsom what you wish for.”...

In his speech Tuesday night, Mr. Cox assailed the Democrats’ record in the state as one that has “made a colossal mess of the Golden State” leading to high housing costs, high taxes and high rates of homelessness, among other ills.

Mr. Newsom, meanwhile, campaigned as a progressive, promising to position the state as a major foil to Mr. Trump. On Tuesday night, he framed the race against Mr. Cox as the kind of matchup that would define California’s role in the Trump era.
Newsom defines himself as a contrast to Trump and Cox defines himself as someone who can solve the states terrible problems? The Cox pitch sounds obviously better, at least to someone who roughly understands the job of a governor, but all sorts of people vote, and many feel as though it's about expressing their values and not anything practical.

ADDED: I just looked at Drudge, saw this...

... asked myself what does John Cox look like, did an image search, and came back to say forget about it, Republicans. As indicated above, I'm practical about voting, and being practical, I'd probably vote for Cox, but as an observer, my practicality has me predicting that California voters — tasked with deciding between idealism and practicality — will spring for the better looking man.


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Danno said...

I would love to see Cox win and cause the TDS folks to go crazy.

mockturtle said...

"...but all sorts of people vote, and many feel as though it's about expressing their values and not anything practical.

So true. And the strongest value held by the Left is the Anti-Trump value. They have nothing else to offer. Sad.

Rob said...

Gavin Newsom attributes his difficulty in reading, writing, spelling and working with numbers to dyslexia. An alternative explanation would be stupidity, which would also explain his difficulty in thinking and speaking. Occam’s Razor.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

"but all sorts of people vote"

Indeed they do, particularly the hordes of illegal aliens that have turned California into a third world shithole.

rehajm said...

I'll let them sort it all out.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Newsome is a good looking Hillarywoodland type. CA hates Trump and that is all CA needs to further push CA down the road to a Socialist paradise where only rich white progressives can afford to live.

Jared Polis(D-pot head) (ugh if elected) will turn Colorado into that same rich white progressive-only enclave.

Michael K said...

Cox is right and there is a lot of angst about the current state of the state.

I have read that half of Bay Area residents are thinking of moving.

The illegals are reliable D voters and nobody knows how many there are or how many times they will each vote.

So there is that.

Gordon Scott said...

Now, now, President-Mom-Jeans. You're not giving credit where credit is due, i.e. the white wealthy coastal elite. They can buy their way out of the consequences of their politics, for now anyway.

This is one of Victor Davis Hanson's themes. He lives and farms in the central valley. He points out that Gavin Newsome, Hillary Clinton and Rob Reiner don't have the copper stripped from their water well pumps, don't have to pick up the garbage dumped at random, and don't find bodies in their orchards. His neighbors--second, third and fourth generation Mexicans--voted for Trump.

Sebastian said...

"many feel as though it's about expressing their values and not anything practical"

Like with O, the oh-so-so articulate and "pragmatic" backbencher from IL.

Anyway, good for the GOP to get on the gov ballot, with a credible candidate.

Gordon Scott said...

Dickin'Bimbos, 45 percent of Californians supported Trump. It doesn't take much out-migration of the elites tired of the taxes and shit-and-piss coated sidewalks before California turns red--especially if the border is sealed.

mockturtle said...

I was so hoping California would secede. Can't we force them? Read the other day that the CA millennials are moving into neighboring states--sensible states like AZ, NV, ID and TX. If CA had seceded, we could have stopped these insidious metastases by establishing border security.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Who the hell is John Cox?

Sounds generically Republican and useless and elite enough. Like one of those old soap opera cast members or the useless turds that Ross Perot would refer to as having "blow dried hair."

Haven't Republicans proven to be useless enough? They should just go into whatever the retirement equivalent is for someone whose sole purpose is to have all the personality, courage and humanity of a statue in a wax museum.

Bay Area Guy said...

I voted for Cox. The California ballot is a trip, though. 25 or so names for Governor, randomly ordered in 3 different languages. A total clusterfuck.

Cox might get 45% or so of the vote. If he runs a campaign like Trump, who knows, maybe he'll ding up that pretty boy, empty suit, Gavin Newsome.

The Democrat party is an awful institution. It should be indicted as one, big, walking RICO violation, and prosecuted out of existence, like Enron was.

Gordon Scott said...

Remember this also--it's not like one has to deport every illegal south. Convince, by whatever means, just one in five--20 percent--to leave, and the Democrat party is dead in the water.

mockturtle said...

Gordon Scott says: It doesn't take much out-migration of the elites tired of the taxes and shit-and-piss coated sidewalks before California turns red

We don't want their blue asses here in Arizona!

Bay Area Guy said...

My wife, Bay Area Gal, a former Democrat, turned Independent, also voted for John Cox. She has a good sense of humor, too- she said she voted that way because we need a lot more Cox in this world.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Democrats give lip server to the little guy but don't be fooled. The rich white progressive is on the march.

stevew said...

Virtuous superficiality defines our times.


tcrosse said...

It doesn't take much out-migration of the elites tired of the taxes and shit-and-piss coated sidewalks before California turns red

My experience here in Nevada is that it isn't the elites who are bailing out of CA. It's the remnants of the Middle Class. WA, OR, CO, and MT might see it differently.

wildswan said...

Trump could win a grand slam - all the electoral college votes - if the Republicans play it right by presenting themselves as alternatives to the disastrous Dem policies. This would mobilize all those shut out of all influence in Dem states and their legislatures by showing that their votes would count in a national election.

This would be because the Dem states have passed laws saying their electoral votes go to the winner of the national popular vote. If, then, the 40% of Californians who the Dems have decided to ignore, abuse and trample on as deplorables, if this group votes in national elections, then it, combined with flyover votes, will give Trump the national popular vote victory which would mean that all the bluest Dem states would give their electoral votes to Trump which would mean a grand slam electoral college victory for Trump. Like a tsunami, driving all the coastal votes inland onto Trump high ground in a huge red/blue wave. [Sad face]

The Dems would behave differently if they thought they needed Republican votes or support to stay in power [Climate Change is like, so cool.] It's intricate but that is what they would think they needed [Intersectionlity is so righteous] And anyhow - even without the red/blue wave, the pension catastrophe will be overwhelming in blue rule states [Clinton is the Greatest] They ignore dissent, hence they ignore reality, hence they are utterly unprepared for entirely predictable failures of pension plans [Everything Obama did was right] They will be as they were on election night 2016 - weeping and wailing and asking "How anyone could have known? I mean, who listens to the flyover-babblers like Scott Walker?"[Driverless cars - a whole new meaning to "blue screen of death."]

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Gordon Scott- I hear you but I do not share your optimism. Newsome is good looking and he spouts empty progressive platitudes, and the shallow are allowed to vote.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

but but but.... Putin!

Ken B said...

I agree with the update. Althouse, unlike many, remembers her own life. Humphrey vs RFK.

madAsHell said...

but as an observer, my practicality has me predicting that California voters — tasked with deciding between idealism and practicality — will spring for the better looking man.

Feminism = He is so wrong, but he is so good looking.

glenn said...

Television has ruined us.

Michael K said...

Blogger mockturtle said...
I was so hoping California would secede.

Maybe you should do like Small Dead Animals and pray to San Andreas.

Gordon Scott said...

Dickin'Bimbos, it may not happen this year. But change is coming. I hear the commentariat saying "Oh, Jerry Brown is leaving the state in such good shape...." Yeah, good shape, right? Like the guy standing at the confluence of three valleys, each with a dam: Pension system, confiscatory taxes, and unproductive leeches. It doesn't matter much to him which dam collapses first.

Wendybar said...

Newsom is Nancy Pelosi's nephew through marriage. That is enough for me not to vote for him!!

Ken B said...

It's hard to beat beauty. Look at Justin Trudeau.

People talk like 45% is a lot. It isn’t, it isn’t even enough to be competitive because it’s not really 45%, just 45% of those who voted and Republicans turn out more.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Well, if anyone knows how to give lip service it's you, April Apple. And Trump. You're regular machinists and assembly-line bullshitters. Manufacturing lies and delusions with the efficiency of a Japanese auto manufacturing plant.

Don't you nutcases ever get sick/tired of lying? Doesn't it ever get boring? Is reality that hard for you?

I predict that, as a weekday, most of the lefties won't show up on this thread til later. Trump is setting as many record vacation days as W. did. You people don't do anything.

wild chicken said...

So ol' Baldy Moonbeam is done, now? I thought he was governor for life.

Charlie Currie said...

It's a beauty pageant, don't cha know.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Newsom looks like a porn star. Perhaps he can get it on with Stormy?

DanTheMan said...

If, by some miracle, Cox wins, EVERY problem in California will instantly be blamed on Republicans, who will be roasted every day for not fixing them immediately.

bleh said...

Newsom is a good looking man, sure, but he gives off a skeeve vibe. I wonder if Don Jr's girlfriend will opine on Newsom's candidacy.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Yeah, pee pee, Homelessness and stratosphere housing prices are just a coincidence in left-wing progressive enclaves.

pee pee - Don't YOU get sick of the big lie? Democrat socialist corruption is just a turd to you, and you show up daily to polish it.

It's still a turd, dude.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

A Republican governor for California. That's a laugh. I'm sure this guy's as far to the right and up the authoritarian scale away from Schwarzenegger as any other lazy right-wing Republican. After the tatters Arnold left the state in don't tout your chances. Driving the world's economy through tech takes brains and a love of information, which are things that Republicans lack and detest.

If Democrats are having trouble messaging they should just use the word "lazy" in front of every description of a Republican. Finally hit them in their natural Achilles heel. Make that adjective, true as it is, inseparable from the party tag.

buwaya said...

Newsom is a very wealthy man in his own right, being well tied in with San Francisco "old money", from which Dianne Feinstein also derives. They are both proteges of that segment of the San Francisco power structure, the real estate and financial interests of this city.

Newsom was extremely well connected with the Gettys (the oil Gettys), from birth. He had his path well greased by them and the other SF "downtown interests", the Sutros and Shorensteins and etc. He is their man heart and soul.

He is very well known in the City. As a mayor, he was a policy pragmatist, even a pro-development, pro-business conservative, and a "culture war" opportunist.

He is going to be exceedingly well-funded by the California and Wall Street big money.

Nonapod said...

tasked with deciding between idealism and practicality — will spring for the better looking man.

Agreed. Liberals, especially California liberals, greatly value superficial aesthetics over practicality. They prefer a shiny veneer, even if what's underneath it is disgusting. Like Hollywood.

Donald Trump is sort of the exact opposite of that. On the surface he's a gross, borish, vulgarian in both personality and appearance. But underneath he's actually fairly practical.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Oh no! High real estate valuation! I heard Trump is really big on lowering real estate values - didn't he spend his career doing that? Or was it just after he allowed that penthouse of his to burn down by rejecting NYC's request for the douchebag to have safe fire sprinklers?

Yeah, it's called supply and demand, you Republican socialist. Did you want another W. housing and world market crash? Apparently people are still going to move to and live in California and flock to its high-end jobs and there's not a thing you flyover twats can do about it other than bask in your low-demand, low-rent markets. Wow! What a claim! No one - and no one rich and economically productive - wants to live where you people do! What an accomplishment!

High demand for housing is a sign of success, but Republicans wouldn't know success if it walloped them up the backside. Just idiotic assholes in every way. Every day they show new ways of being stupid and useless.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Schwarzenagger quietly acquiesced to the Sacramento proggy-town bullshit leftist artists. Blame Schwarzenegger!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

No sale, pee pee.

I live in a town run by 100% progressives and no one can afford to live here anymore.

Anonymous said...

mockturtle: I was so hoping California would secede. Can't we force them? Read the other day that the CA millennials are moving into neighboring states--sensible states like AZ, NV, ID and TX. If CA had seceded, we could have stopped these insidious metastases by establishing border security.

I know there are decent, fleeing Californians deserving of refugee status. (See our own Dr. K.) The problem, as you know, is that most of 'em are fleeing decaying conditions while refusing to understand *why* things are getting so unpleasant for all but the very well-heeled. "If only Prop 13 had never been passed, all would be well!" That sort of denial.

We've all experienced that shudder when we hear "I just moved here from California". We thought we'd found a place they'd never find, or would want to come to, but no, one was spotted here recently. Had the same feeling I had when I found that emerald ash-borer on the trail in one of our parks. In your heart, you knew it was inevitable, but damn!.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


Agreed. Liberals, especially California liberals, greatly value superficial aesthetics over practicality. They prefer a shiny veneer, even if what's underneath it is disgusting. Like Hollywood.

Agreed. Superficial will carry the day.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Schwarzenagger quietly acquiesced to the Sacramento proggy-town bullshit leftist artists. Blame Schwarzenegger!

You're so articulate. Can you state this in English and not agitprop garble?

I live in a town run by 100% progressives and no one can afford to live here anymore.

Well I agree with you if you want to reduce the value of things the best way is to put conservatives in charge of them - especially things that comprise the bulk of an average person's net assets.

So other than Republicans as expert value reducers, what else did you want to admit to me today?

Sebastian said...

"California women voters — tasked with deciding between idealism and practicality — will spring for the better looking man"


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I say we jack-hammer the fault line and sail CA over to NoKo.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Liberals, especially California liberals, greatly value superficial aesthetics over practicality. They prefer a shiny veneer, even if what's underneath it is disgusting. Like Hollywood.

Like Trump.

A guy who got thugs to raid his long-haired doctor's office to remove the evidence of President Propecia's State Hair Loss Secrets.

What a fucking JOKE!

You lame-asses don't even realize how full of it you are.

Ray - SoCal said...

A gas tax lockbox ballot initiative increased the gop vote.

I was surprised Villarosa came in 3rd.

Newsom has major money and powerful organizations behind him, so it will take a miracle for him to lose.

In the tv ads I saw, all Dems at my gym, nobody mentioned the economy.

Crime, economy, traffic, pensions, and insane regulations are all huge opportunities for Cox.

buwaya said...

Newsom certainly isn't a leftist of any sort. He is very much a representative of the local ruling class (see above). His personal positions on business and regulation are well known, if you have followed his career, though his campaign has suppressed them.

There isn't much difference between him and say Mitt Romney (or Schwartzenegger) as far as economic and governance policies go. Newsom was even nice to small business as mayor, which says something about a local Democrat. He was thoroughly despised by the local leftists.

His biggest fault is that he is not exactly strong willed. He is in that way rather Obama-like, a puppet of his backers. And they, those interests behind him, aren't the sorts to try the radical reforms the state needs. They are fine in their bubble. They will perform all the cultural rituals to keep the left appeased, and this corresponds to their concept of virtue anyway.

Bob Boyd said...

"California voters...will spring for the better looking man."

It's up to Putin.

victoria said...

Never underestimate the California Voter... They will go for Newsom in a big way. Cox is the ultimate in what we Californians consider the "old guard" white, middle aged and will turn on a dime when he considers who will support him. From a no Trump to a Pro Trump? Hmmm.

Don't underestimate Gavin Newsom's popularity. I didn't vote for him in the primary, but i will in the general election. No comments about the lefty, liberal troll. So what.

Go Newsom!!!!

Vicki from Pasadena

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump, isn't very attractive. He needs to lose some weight.

Bob Boyd said...

"Trump, isn't very attractive."

But compared to Hillary...

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Shiny veneer. Lol.

Yep. Trump. A real man of substance.

He could succeed in the NYC media market because there people at least know their bullshit from their bullhorns, and can tell the difference. But the flyover retards do not.

I can see why Team Flyover hates California aesthetics, beauty and clean living standards (and health outcomes) so this idea that they're more authentic (just because they like cruelty, greed, evil, violence, meth and the bible) is hilarious.

Oh we've seen your own McMansions and your own slicked up Stepford wives and robber barons. Real salts of the earth. LOL!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I think the Flyover People seem to suffer from what psychologists call "the poverty of stimulus." They think that just because they have less and think less that they are more authentic and less prone to surface judgements. They absolutely are not. They just have less with which and about which to judge. Simpler, but by necessity, not choice.

Drago said...

PPPT: "I can see why Team Flyover hates California aesthetics, beauty and clean living standards (and health outcomes) ...."

Here's link to track the human poop on sidewalks in San Francisco:

Here's a link to a story about the Hepatitis outbreak directly related to the massive homelessness crisis in California:

You're welcome.

Hunter said...

Gordon Scott said...
It doesn't take much out-migration of the elites tired of the taxes and shit-and-piss coated sidewalks before California turns red

I must agree with tcrosse here. The progressive Californians I know are mostly happy to bend over and take what CA government gives them, because they're convinced of their own superiority. It's level-headed people -- small business owners, etc -- who are leaving. Add in the (unproven, but likely and perhaps soon to become official) illegal alien vote and one must conclude that if anything, California is turning bluer by the day.

At least I don't live there, so I don't have to suffer the consequences. At the moment, I can't even afford to visit.

stevew said...

True DB, but attractive is a subjective and relative assessment. He was quite better looking, and more fit, than his opponent.


buwaya said...

The high cost of living here is the result of development restrictions as a result of the occasionally-expressed desire to maintain a sort of Lorien or Rivendell, the extreme regulatory regime, and the decades of cheap money going into inflating asset prices.

Note that has made a great number of property-owning Democrats much wealthier. Note who backs Newsom.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Buwaya @ 9:28

Leftwing bureaucrats have never run businesses or met payrolls and they are the puppet masters. Our current and exiting governor John Hickenlooper is a former businessman and he brings that common sense to the table, but it's mostly shot dead because he is forced to acquiesce to the puppet masters in the hierarchy of the powerful leftwing bureaucracy.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

San Francisco is Nancy Pelvis' toilet. She's don't care, she has a private jet.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Cox is currently riding a wave of public dissatisfaction with overreach by Jerry Brown and the one-party rule we have in Sacramento. Specifically, the sanctuary state issue, and the many cities joining the Trump admin lawsuit against California for declaring the whole state a "sanctuary" for illegal aliens. That issue joins the newly enacted ridiculous gas tax increase (after revelations that the "road taxes" we were already paying are diverted from fixing roads to paying other projects the Democrats in SAC want), the train to nowhere fiasco, the criminal neglect of our water retention systems, the stealing of 80% of water allocated to farmers to "revive" the Delta smelt, and the increasingly costly yet upside down "Cap and trade" system that is awash in credits but does not limit pollution.

There is a lot of dissatisfaction in the level of government we "enjoy" in California. Trump could help Cox by campaigning here.

Drago said...

California: "It is the nation’s most poverty-stricken state."

It's a shame what the left has done to my home state.

It is encouraging that there are localities in California that are rising up in #Resistance to the Chavez-ites trying to turn California into Mexico City.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Oh wow, Drago the Partisan Hack. Maybe if you Flyover People stopped sending all the homeless you create to California and Hawaii where they're more humanely treated then you could exercise some personal political responsibility and stop that massive contribution of yours to the base core of the problem.

But yeah, go quote a sensationalized story in the meantime. Much better than stats and science. I guess the homeless aren't going to Drago Flyover Land because, hey, already enough barely housed/employed population to compete with and the antagonism is always greatest between the two classes closest to each other.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Newsom's win is a foregone conclusion.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I was so hoping California would secede

A measure that we will vote on in NOV proposes splitting the state into three smaller states. Keep hope alive, Turtle.

buwaya said...

California is a highly stratified society.

You have the wealthiest of the wealthy, in their Rivendells, alongside their workforce of code-monkeys who share exorbitant rents and can't afford to buy property, and a lower class of mainly Latino people who on the whole have a depressingly low standard of living. Dozens of people in a tract house and garage-living is real.

I am a wealthy man, a beneficiary of asset appreciation and well-paid to boot, at Northern CA rates for middle management, one of the winners here, but I find this system rigged, unjust. I can't hire a young promising fellow for work in San Francisco and be assured that he will be able to live a decent life. He would not be able to afford a wife, or a home fitted for children, and he would have a terrible commute.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"mochimachine" Hilarious.

Yep, we know how much sanitation improves once you depopulate a state - like all those economically undesirable red states that Drago looks up to so highly.

Has Kansas finally figured out how much of a budget deficit its millionaires need, yet? How about all those teacher walk-outs? It's hard to keep a state as ill educated as a red-stater needs his population to be, isn't it?

Drago said...

PPPT: "Maybe if you Flyover People stopped sending all the homeless you create to California and Hawaii...."


Let that one sink in for a minute.

And again, I'm from California.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Hey Drago - how's Flint's water holding up? Republican governor - exercising direct municipal control. EPA (Egregious Pollution Agency) run by graft-mongering, corrupt creationist Scott Pruitt... You guys fixing that problem yet? It's not like Michigan's all flashy like California. And very depopulated. Should be easy to clean up after so few people, don't ya think? How long does that Republican governor (defending himself legally with the people's tax monies) need to keep the lead he put in the water from still contaminating the water?

So hard to be a Republican when there's so little competence or decency expected of you. I know. It's so hard. So many people to poison and so few millionaires to shunt your tax breaks to. How rough it must be!

Drago said...

Apparently, it's the fault of Kansas that San Francisco is an open sewer of human feces.


You know, I think Maduro is still blaming the US for it's people fleeing to other nations. Seems like a consistent theme amongst the left.

Quite frankly, I'm surprised PPPT hasn't blamed Global Warming for the human feces covering the streets of San Francisco (apologies to Karl Malden). But the day is still young.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Newsom's win is a foregone conclusion

Not. This. Time.

Drago said...

Apparently, the democrat meme to blame republicans for Flint's water problem is also causing San Francisco homeless people to crap openly on public thoroughfares.

So, thus far we have identified 2 reasons for San Francisco becoming an open sewer:
1) Kansas
2) Flint Water
3) ???

Let's see what comes next

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Does it "sink in" like Flint's lead on your brain? No need to digest, absorb, react and get all twitter-y. Just look at the facts. Homeless have migrated to CA and HI for quite some time. There are mayors who actually buy homeless people airline tickets to fly out to Hawaii. Again, it's just your Republicanism preventing you from understanding a problem - because your power depends on perpetuating it.

Michael K said...

In your heart, you knew it was inevitable, but damn!.

The Californians who turned Colorado purple went there for the "Rocky Mountain High."

Those that are fleeing to Texas and Arizona now are the middle class, many of whom are cashing out houses that have tripled in price and are looking for less regulation and insanity.

We are camped in Idaho near property our daughter bought to build a cabin and maybe spend summers here.

People are edging out of California. Even if they are not leaving completely.

The human scroll bar seems oblivious to the history of California, which has for years elected Republican governors to keep the place functioning while the nuts could posture and act out fantasies and be certain the lights worked and the sewers didn't overflow.

Jerry Brown showed that teenagers, even 70 year old teenagers, don't know how to keep the house clean.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Apparently, it's the fault of Kansas that San Francisco is an open sewer of human feces.

It wouldn't be if Kansas took all the homeless populations they create back. But they don't have the means or budget or economy to do so.

You're basically admitting that red states create all these homeless folks that they've been sending west for years. Good job!

I accept your concession, even if you lacked (as usual) the decency to state it honestly.

Drago said...

Summary of reasons for San Francisco homeless turning the city into an open sewer (thus far):
1) Kansas
2) Flint Water
3) Republican mayors of midwest towns
4) ???

Lets see what comes next...

Nonapod said...

California also has one the highest wealth gaps of all the states. There's lots of ultra-rich (tech people and movies stars) and lots of ultra-poor (homeless, illegal immigrants) but fewer and fewer people in the middle. Even though it's probably the most technologically advanced place on Earth, it's slowly moving backwards in time in terms of the economic hierarchy. I suspect many wealthy California elites secretly enjoy having an underclass that's entirely dependent on their noblesse oblige.

buwaya said...

California aesthetics -

Primarily these were the gift of God, no Democrat created this land.

The architecture, such as that which is so admired in San Francisco, the Victorians, the Edwardians, the Craftsman homes, the Beaux Arts and Art Deco of the civic and commercial architecture, was all created by a now-vanished people, entirely different from the current inhabitants, and, indeed, they were such people that the moderns would despise.

It is one of the most striking ironies of this city, that the inhabitants worship these creations of men they would hate on sight. They rarely consider this of course, it is an implicit assumption that these things are a sort of natural feature and not the work of actual people, with their own cultures and religions.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Drago's ashamed that his home state of California is not doing a good enough job taking care of the out-of-state homeless ranks that it's been swelled with by his red state policies.

What else do blue states owe these red state takers, Drago? Basically everything, right?

Republican parasites in every way.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Drago finds it hard to hate immigrants and bash immigration when his red states send so many homeless immigrants to California.

What a conundrum for our resident RINO.

Drago said...

PPPT: "You're basically admitting that red states create all these homeless folks that they've been sending west for years."


New York City pays long-time New York homeless families to fly elsewhere

PPPT's narratives hardest hit.

wwww said...

I know of 5 couples who moved to California for work in the last two years. Three of the families have young children. They moved for a promotion or were switching to a better job.

Myself, I'd be concerned about housing in LA or Silicon Valley. But the jobs are great.

Went to Sacramento on a work trip. Was surprisingly nice. Beautiful airport.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So how many homeless people can red states send to CA and HI? As many as their policies create?

Shouldn't there at least be a quota?

Maybe if they were Muslim you'd be less happy to dump them on the place, right?

mockturtle said...

Newsom is California's version of Justin Trudeau.

Drago said...

Summary of reasons for San Francisco homeless turning the city into an open sewer (thus far):
1) Kansas
2) Flint Water
3) Republican mayors of midwest towns
4) Muslim Demographics
5) ???

Lets see what comes next...

Gordon Scott said...

PPPT: "Maybe if you Flyover People stopped sending all the homeless you create to California and Hawaii...."

Dang. Does that work? Some of the homeless here in the Twin Cities cost over $200,000 per year in medical costs. If we just picked up everyone with a sign or those standing around nagging passers-by, and shoved them in the next flight to California....

Shoot, even if we had to do it twice a year, it would be a bargain. Well, for everyone except the flight attendants. But we do have the AF Reserve C-130 wing, and you could fit quite a few aboard a Hercules, so more training time for the AFR, and all those wonderful human assets for the folks in CA! Win-Win_Win!

buwaya said...

To illustrate - we hired a fellow from New Mexico.
We are paying him $200,000 in his compensation package, twice what he was making there, but he can't afford to move his family here.

He keeps an apartment an hour commute away, and flies to NM every other weekend.

Thats the absurdity of this place.

mockturtle said...

One might want to work in the Bay Area or in Seattle but you may not be able to afford to live there.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

New York City pays long-time New York homeless families to fly elsewhere

PPPT's narratives hardest hit.


First sentence:

They are flown to Paris ($6,332), Orlando ($858.40), Johannesburg ($2,550.70), or most frequently, San Juan ($484.20).

So abroad, not CA or HI.

Is it a lazy Republican speciality to not even read the first sentence of the "narrative" you link to?

Pretty lazy, there.

No wonder your states create so much homelessness and economic stagnation.

Again, how's Kansas doing?

How's Michigan's leaded water? How many more decades at the current rate of Republican ineptitude, do you think it will take to remove?

You know, lead's probably at least as dangerous as feces, Drago. Do you shit lead?


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

oh cool. pee pee cracked the sekrit code. We evil fly-over hicks shove the homeless on Nazi trains and ship them to Pelosi paradise. It be truu.

Drago said...

PPPT: "So abroad, not CA or HI."

So much for the "principle" of not sending your homeless elsewhere...


Absolutely pitch perfect PPPT. Pitch perfect....

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Similar to his friend FullMoon, Drago likes to re-post the same comment over and over while avoiding the question and refusing to address the real problem.

That's how being a Republican works. Especially for a RINO like him.

mockturtle said...

PeePee may not know that California sends its 'low level offenders' up to WA.

Drago said...

PPPT: "Similar to his friend FullMoon, Drago likes to re-post the same comment over and over while avoiding the question and refusing to address the real problem."


Lefty Root Cause "Analysis":
PPPT has given us 4 reasons thus far for the homeless defecating in huge numbers on San Franciso streets:

1) Kansas
2) Flint Water
3) Republican mayors of midwest towns
4) Muslim Demographics
5) ???

Now, if we had to order these root causes for human waste on San Francisco streets, what would that order look like?

rehajm said...

It doesn't take much out-migration of the elites tired of the taxes and shit-and-piss coated sidewalks before California turns red

Ah yes the Risk™ gambit gone bad- You try to take over the continent but spread your armies too thin and lose your backstop territory.

Though I never played red, I liked yellow...

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So much for the "principle" of not sending your homeless elsewhere...

As long as that's your justification for why red states do it.

It's ok to admit you're a liar. But being lazy like you are has its costs. Look at how long (and how much back-and-forth) it took just to get you to admit that's what you're doing.

I can see now why Republican administrations balloon debt, create wars, fuck up the country, take advantage of Democratic successes (and credit themselves with them) and basically just don't do anything useful. Look at how much Drago avoided the point right there.

But in the meantime, people die. Lead in the water for years due to Republican policies and Drago does the standard, "Not my problem."

It's the lazy Republican mantra. They're in it for themselves and have no courage - just want to save their skins and will take any liar to lead them with enough distractions to hide and duck and cover behind.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I'm still waiting for every HillarywoodLand leftist rich person to open up their gated walled mansions to the poor.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Is there still a use for lead in that form? Flint should market its tap under the name, "Republican Water."

Drago said...


You know who else gives the homeless one-way tickets out of their state?


Cal-ee-for-nia (Thanks Arnold)

Pretty cool graphics from The Guardian as well:


Gordon Scott said...

Ah, PPPT--tell us, when was the last time Flint had a Republican mayor?

Drago said...

You know who else gives the homeless one-way tickets out of their state?

New York and New Jersey!

Double ouch!

Remember, 15 minutes ago ONLY red states did that.

But dude, that was, like, 15 minutes ago! History has changed since then....


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'm still waiting for every HillarywoodLand leftist rich person to open up their gated walled mansions to the poor.

Can't your red state McMansion robber barons open up their estates? They have much more land, don't they?

After all, not as many people want to live there.

It's great to see so many red state Republicans admit how undesirable their dominions are.

Drago said...

The good news is that after the dems/left let MS13 gang members into the nation (and potentially hand non-related children to them for "safe keeping"), blue states will happily provide bus tickets to them so they can re-unite with their, er, uhm, "family members" and then pursue their "dreams" (which unsurprisingly often involves machetes, decapitation and dismemberment).

The "good news" for dems is that the dismemberments are very much like partial-birth abortion and simply makes more body parts available for "scientific" research.

So it's all good.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Remember, 15 minutes ago ONLY red states did that.

No, I wouldn't remember because I never used the word "only."

But it looks like lying is fashionable these days among your species.

Are you saying that Calfornia's homeless population are predominantly from NY/NJ or not?

Are you saying that red states can take care of their homeless (without their seeking a Greyhound west) or not?

Are you saying other than that you're just a partisan douchebag with no real argument or...

Oh, that's right.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It would leave me completely unsurprised to hear of a state populated by a bunch of Drago's that was completely incapable of solving any of its problems.

He's paid well to dump problems on others. That's what he's consulted to do.

Drago said...

PPPT: "Can't your red state McMansion robber barons open up their estates?"

Okay, we are now up to 6 reasons for why San Fancisco homeless defecate in massive numbers openly on the streets:

1) Kansas
2) Flint Water
3) Republican mayors of midwest towns
4) Muslim Demographics
5) Large homes in red states
6) Businessmen
7) ???

Lets see what comes next...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Chavezite HillarywoodLanders first, pee pee. Set an example. Money where mouth is and all that.


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Lets see what comes next...

You avoiding the actual issue with lots of notices of SQUIRRELS!

Talking demagoguery to yourself is your own form of political masturbation.

I think we now know the reason why Drago lives alone.

Drago said...

PPPT: "Can't your red state McMansion robber barons open up their estates?"

Here's a nice article about how Mark Zuckerberg razed 4 homes that had a view onto his already large property in Palo Alto:


Mark Zuckerberg: Midwest republican McMansion-owning Robber Baron.


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It's not a Twitter feed, Drago. And no one follows you.

So no need to lie and distract. And you're just a RINO anyway, not a Trump fascist.

It's ok for a Chamber of Commerce Republican like you to admit that your states are not fixing their own problems.

Just think, if you were a more practiced/successful distractor and liar you wouldn't have to stay strictly scatological.

Drago said...

That Guardian graphic (link provided above) sure shows alot of one-way tickets from Blue Blue Blue New York and New Jersey to Red Florida.


I think we were just told that never happens. It's only the other way.

You know, I think that going forward I'm going to have to take some of PPPT's comments with a grain of salt.

Drago said...

Okay, we are now up to 7 reasons for why San Fancisco homeless defecate in massive numbers openly on the streets:

1) Kansas
2) Flint Water
3) Republican mayors of midwest towns
4) Muslim Demographics
5) Large homes in red states
6) Businessmen
7) The Chamber of Commerce
8) ???

Lets see what comes next...

Yancey Ward said...

I know Newsome didn't want to face another Democrat in the race, but I have to believe the Democrats in Washington would have much preferred the Republicans been shut out of the top two ticket slots on the ballot- having a candidate for governor make to the general election will at least help Republicans down ballot in the House races.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Oh wow. Four houses.

There definitely aren't enough red state millionaires to compete with the massive number of, you know, four houses.

Zuckerberg has more houses than all the Republicans and red state robber baron millionaires combined.

buwaya said...

CA homeless are predominantly from CA. The bus from Folsom prison dumps the released inmates in SF's Tenderloin, among a few other choice spots. Thats been going on for decades. The homeless are nothing new either, other than there's lits more of them, one reason being they can no longer afford he old residence hotels and the like.

The homeless are a sort of illustration, a talking point. The real problem is with those people who can't afford to work where the jobs are. Where the jobs were, for instance out at the old Toyota plant in Fremont, or the masses of independent LA machine shops, no more, regulated away.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Okay, we are now up to 7...

7 larger Republican hypocrisies and failures that Drago's too embarrassed and butthurt to account for since he prefers to talk about a piece of poo poo.

Drago said...

PPPT: "Oh wow. Four houses.

There definitely aren't enough red state millionaires to compete with the massive number of, you know, four houses"

PPPT decides to drop the mask and come out in full favor of massive mansions and destruction of other homes which dare to have line of sight views of said mansion in areas with massive homelessness problems.

Well, I think it would have been better if he had posted this before complaining about midwestern McMansions, but then logic and coherence is not everyone's cup of tea.

buwaya said...

Well, there you go PB&J, the Democrats plutocrats are way, way more plutocratic than he Republican plutocrats.

So whats all that class-war thing again? Tom "Wealth Management" Steyer is not unusual, he is typical.

Drago said...

Okay, we are now up to 8 reasons for why San Fancisco homeless defecate in massive numbers openly on the streets:

1) Kansas
2) Flint Water
3) Republican mayors of midwest towns
4) Muslim Demographics
5) Large homes in red states
6) Businessmen
7) The Chamber of Commerce
8) Republican hypocrisy
9) ???

Lets see what comes next...

Ray - SoCal said...

Guesses on real reasons for Ca homelessness Boom

1. Destruction of low cost housing in Coastal Areas. Translation - inflated housing costs due to low cost money and insane regulations / zoning / fees makes it so the only thing you can afford to build is luxury level.

2. Ineffective parole system.

3. Low level offenders now ignored due to criminal reform.

4. Mental health issues ignored.

5. Benefits - Ca has a much higher proportion of us welfare users than it population percentage.

6. Dysfunctional / broken education system k-12.

7. Immigration increases supply of low wage workers.

Drago said...

Whoa whoa whoa Ray!

What are you doing?!

Can't you see PPPT is trying to discern and analyze the REAL reasons for San Francisco becoming an open sewer with hepatitis outbreaks up and down the California coast?!

Come on dude.

You just know that everytime a Chamber of Commerce member hears a bell a homeless person in San Francisco poops on the sidewalk!


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Lol! "Destruction of (4 prime real estate) 'homes'". Yep, I'm sure they would have made very affordable homeless shelters.

It's a COC RINO, folks. Blatantly admitting that he is against the law of supply and demand. And while doing free service (during the workday) for a luxury real-estate developer pretending to be president.

How much affordable housing did your leader Trump raze in his all-consuming and very important task of putting his last name on ever larger buildings ever higher in the sky?

Until they burned down, that is.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It's Drago's defecation thread, everybody. He poops all over it as he wants to. Because he's really concerned about public health issues. Just not lead in Republican Water for about 5 years now.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Public Health Czar Drago, everybody.

You literally can't make this shit up.

Leaded water = GOOD!

If only he could turn poo into lead then he'd literally have a Republican lobbying operation on his hands.

Drago said...

Uh oh.

PPPT has just forgotten he is actually FOR luxury real estate development right AFTER being AGAINST luxury real estate development and now comes out, once again, AGAINST luxury real estate development!!

This is certainly an interesting case study unfolding before us. I can scarcely wait for the next zig..or is it zag...at this point it doesn't even matter anymore!

Drago said...

Sorry PPPT. Your last several comments simply fall under previously documented Root Causes for San Francisco homeless pooping on public walkways.

You'll have to dig a little deeper....

Drago said...

PPPT: "Public Health Czar Drago, everybody."


1) Kansas
2) Flint Water
3) Republican mayors of midwest towns
4) Muslim Demographics
5) Large homes in red states
6) Businessmen
7) The Chamber of Commerce
8) Republican hypocrisy
9) Job Title inflation
10) ???

Lets see what comes next...

buwaya said...

The SF Chamber of Commerce, I.e., the "downtown interests", are all Democrats.
That's the home and prototype of Feinstein and Newsom, those are their people.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

PPPT has just forgotten he is actually FOR luxury real estate development right AFTER being AGAINST luxury real estate development and now comes out, once again, AGAINST luxury real estate development!!

It's a question of scale, but since Republicriminals have difficulty with numbers and counting, it's a question of how much land Zuckerberg took for himself vs. how much your leader and thought controller President Propecia State Secrets depleted NY of. And all for the purpose of putting his name on them, which Zuckerberg never did.

But maybe you have trouble distinguishing between the number FOUR and however many units Mr. HUGE HUGE HUGE sucked out of the market.

Now is definitely not the time to cut PBS. You could stand to watch some Sesame Street, I see. Pay close attention to the purple guy with the Transylvanian accent.

Drago said...

PPPT: "It's a question of scale, but since Republicriminals have difficulty with numbers and counting, it's a question of how much land Zuckerberg took for himself vs. how much your leader and thought controller President Propecia State Secrets depleted NY of. And all for the purpose of putting his name on them, which Zuckerberg never did"

Okay, we are now up to 10 reasons for why San Fancisco homeless defecate in massive numbers openly on the streets:

1) Kansas
2) Flint Water
3) Republican mayors of midwest towns
4) Muslim Demographics
5) Large homes in red states
6) Businessmen
7) The Chamber of Commerce
8) Republican hypocrisy
9) Job Title inflation
10) Placing Nameplates on buildings
11) ???

Let's see what comes next...

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Drago, are you in favor of leaded public water and Trump's removal of affordable housing units or are you against those things?

I mean, you were starting to sound so credible on the public health and affordable housing front. But I guess it was just a ruse, right?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Drago will stop at nothing to lengthen his politicization of homelessness and public health, everybody.

He's got the standard Republican answer to it all: SOMEONE ELSE'S FAULT!!!

bagoh20 said...

It's simpler than that. If something is stupid, California voters will vote for it. It's kinda their thing. If they do vote for something sensible, it was probably by accident, and the Dem machine will find a way to overturn it.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Why don't you ask an honest question, assuming you really want an answer?

Oh that's right. It's Drago. He just pretends to care about things like public health and affordable housing. Can they get a guy (he's not even working for) votes? THat's the real issue here.

Pretty great at wasting time (and bandwidth), though. That's what his party's all about.

Drago said...

Early PPPT: "Maybe if you Flyover People stopped sending all the homeless you create to California and Hawaii......"

Ouch!!! Double ouch!!!

Zuckerburg has gobbled up 700 acres in homeless mecca Hawaii!


Remember this one from PPPT? "It's a question of scale..."

Uh oh. Another meme blows itself up due to uncontrollable logical inconsistencies....



Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bay Area Guy said...

Althouse sez:

".. and came back to say forget about it, Republicans. As indicated above, I'm practical about voting, and being practical, I'd probably vote for Cox, but as an observer, my practicality has me predicting that California voters — tasked with deciding between idealism and practicality — will spring for the better looking man."

Jeez, Althouse, don't go full superficiality on us. No Republican thinks Cox will win. We think Cox should win (because Newsome is an empty suit, and one-party Democrat rule is disastrous). The question is how much time and energy and focus are the good citizens gonna exert to fight for a Cox win.

Most of us are too lazy to fight. I do not exempt myself from the charge.

Drago said...

PPPT: "President Pee-Pee Tape said...
Drago will stop at nothing to lengthen his politicization of homelessness and public health, everybody"

Okay, we are now up to 11 reasons (put forth by PPPT) for why San Fancisco homeless defecate in massive numbers openly on the streets:

1) Kansas
2) Flint Water
3) Republican mayors of midwest towns
4) Muslim Demographics
5) Large homes in red states
6) Businessmen
7) The Chamber of Commerce
8) Republican hypocrisy
9) Job Title inflation
10) Placing Nameplates on buildings
11) Conservatives posting on blogs
12) ???

Let's see what comes next...

Comanche Voter said...

I've read the most frequent commenter on this thread and have concluded that some village is missing its idiot.

As for Gavin Newsome--what can you say? A good looking guy who has "dated" or married a number of good looking women. The Lt. in Lieutenant Governor stands for "light weight" in his case. But he's a darling of the coastal set. I will give him kudos for putting a ding in Antonio Villaraoigosa's presidential hopes. Antonio is both sleasy and delusional in considering himself "presidential timber". But that's an affliction common to Los Angeles Mayors. The current mayor--Garcetti--has similar delusions.

And as for Cox--well I agree with our host--he looks like a generic solid stolid standard issue Republican And California hasn't elected such a Republican since the 80s and 90s when George Deukmejian and Pete Wilson were elected. The Arnold doesn't count as such a Republican.

I doubt that Cox will best Newsome in November. And I doubt that he could clean up the mess left behind by Governor Moonbeam with his choo choo to nowhere, and the state's public pension problems.

bagoh20 said...

Over the years I've known many homeless people and was one myself for a short time. Many are homeless becuase they don't have a well enough mind to decide and function correctly, but the ones that do simply prefer a life without responsibilities, even of it's a cold hungry struggle. This includes some pretty intelligent people. The result is the same for both groups.

mockturtle said...

Bagoh20 observes: It's simpler than that. If something is stupid, California voters will vote for it. It's kinda their thing. If they do vote for something sensible, it was probably by accident, and the Dem machine will find a way to overturn it.

Yes. If they vote for something sensible it's only because they misunderstood the wording of the measure.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

No Answers Draconian Drago's been pooping on the thread all morning, and apparently doesn't seem to be letting up.

Talk about defecation. He's literally the diarrhea of faux-commenters.

buwaya said...

Note that EVERYTHING that happens in San Francisco, or was done ever since 1975 or so, is a thing done by Democrats, in the private or public sectors. And this of course involves a constant flow of hypocrisies and ironies. Tom Wolfe blew by this place, a side-swipe in "A Man in Full", but the local cases would have granted him the material for his whole career.

Drago said...

Comanche Voter: "And as for Cox--well I agree with our host--he looks like a generic solid stolid standard issue Republican And California hasn't elected such a Republican since the 80s and 90s when George Deukmejian and Pete Wilson were elected. The Arnold doesn't count as such a Republican."

The real value of the Cox candidacy, assuming he runs a good race despite impossible odds, is turnout at the congressional level (federal and state).

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I've read the most frequent commenter on this thread and have concluded that some village is missing its idiot.

I agree. It's time for Drago to go home.

mockturtle said...

If they can stop illegals from voting [but they won't], Cox has a chance.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Drago's not an idiot, though. He's just a delusional and immoral liar.

Drago said...

I'm beginning to think the "Job Title Inflation" Root Cause is the one most upsetting to PPPT, though, in truth, I can't be sure at this point in time.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'm beginning to think...

Doesn't seem like it.

When you post the same partisan nonsense over and over, people stop reading it. Try that one out the next time you "begin to think."

Bay Area Guy said...

Regarding the emergence of the homeless problems in San Francisco, I might tangentially note:

In October 1976 Democrat Mayor George Moscone announced that he was naming Jim Jones to the San Francisco Housing Authority, which oversees the operation of the city’s public housing.

That ended poorly.

Drago said...

PPPT: "Drago's not an idiot, though. He's just a delusional and immoral liar"

This raises an interesting philosophical question: Can a truly delusional person be considered "immoral" and/or a "liar"?

I mean, if one is delusional, doesn't that sort of destroy the whole intent thing (lying) as well as the morality thing?

PPPT I think you are going to have to go with one or the other.

You're welcome.

Drago said...

PPPT: "When you post the same partisan nonsense over and over, people stop reading it."

Now that is a very very interesting observation...coming from you.

I wonder if you can discern why...

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Can a truly delusional person be considered "immoral" and/or a "liar"?

Depends how delusional. If he's just delusional enough shut out what he doesn't want to hear (like you do), then that's basically immoral.

Drago said...

Bay Area Guy: "In October 1976 Democrat Mayor George Moscone announced that he was naming Jim Jones to the San Francisco Housing Authority, which oversees the operation of the city’s public housing.

That ended poorly."

Not from a lefty perspective!

First, Jim Jones got the homeless out of Oakland and down to Jonestown.
Second, Jim Jones performed large-scale "post-birth abortions".

What's not to love from a lefty point of view?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

A measure that we will vote on in NOV proposes splitting the state into three smaller states. Keep hope alive, Turtle.

A measure on which any republican or conservative should vote NO!!!

The proposal will divide the state into three guaranteed to be controlled by blue city states.

The capitol of the "Northern" state would be San Francisco, making it impossible for any of us in the northern counties to ever ever ever have a vote that counts.

It would guarantee 3 new democrat controlled states and give Californicated 6 senators instead of two. A disaster of Biblical proportions.

READ the proposal carefully. Please!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

A measure on which any republican or conservative should vote NO!!!


READ the proposal carefully. Please!

I applaud your ambitious and obviously misplaced and ill-fated efforts to get republican conservatives to read.

Drago said...

PPPT: "Depends how delusional. If he's just delusional enough shut out what he doesn't want to hear (like you do), then that's basically immoral"

Well, my counterpoint to that would be that I don't care to read what you write yet I have diligently cataloged all the Root Causes you have provided for why the homeless in San Francisco have turned the city into an open sewer.

Thus, having disproved your assertion in this thread with a direct example from this thread, your entire point is now rendered moot.


I suspect this is not the first time you have experienced that....nor, I suspect, will it be the last.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Listen to DBQ. This is not the State of Jefferson breaking away and freeing itself. The CA 3-state idea is born of the leftist plot to increase the number of Democrat US senate seats.

I Callahan said...

This was WAY too close. This is a harbinger of how absolutely cuckoo, insanely left-wing the state of California has become.

I Callahan said...

I applaud your ambitious and obviously misplaced and ill-fated efforts to get republican conservatives to read.

We can read. We have to put up with your patent bullshit on this forum every day. Isn't there a save the whales rally or mosh pit for you to visit somewhere?

Drago said...

Dickin'Bimbos@Home: "Listen to DBQ. This is not the State of Jefferson breaking away and freeing itself. The CA 3-state idea is born of the leftist plot to increase the number of Democrat US senate seats"

That is well understood.

As is the ploy to get rid of the electoral college, flood blue states with illegals and then give those illegals the vote.

Direct mob-ocracy that the Founders knew would lead directly to tyranny.

wwww said...

California is a huge place. It's the size of a nation. It's the 5th largest economy in the world. GDP is similar to France.

Voters often choose height and attractiveness/ relative youth, especially for executive branches. Older politicians who look old are at a disadvantage.

Drago said...

wwww: "California is a huge place. It's the size of a nation. It's the 5th largest economy in the world. GDP is similar to France."

And is the most poverty stricken state in the Union.

California is already very much on its way to "Latin-izing" itself into a bifurcated society with a very very small group of wealthy citizens and a very very large group of extremely poor and only a small middle/merchant class.

Which is to be expected of all lefties "paradises".

Ralph L said...

Despite his wife, I've long assumed Newsom likes Cox.

Howard said...

Drago: You got it all wrong. The problem with California is not the immigrants from Mexico, it's the flatlander payola liberal immigrants from the eastern seaboard who started flooding in after the Summer of Love.

wwww said...


I am addressing the subject of the post -- why Cox is at a disadvantage when running for an executive position.

Men who have a gut, or are short, or elderly have a better chance in a small state. More face-to-face contact at small functions.

California is the size of a country with the GDP and population to match. The population will see the candidates for governor on TV and vote more like they will in a Presidential race. The taller candidate tends to win.

Taller, youthful-looking, handsome = win. Older looking, shorter = loose.

Howard said...

Cali has the best weather, the most generous people and the required pathological tolerance to make it a homeless magnet for the entire country.

Yancey Ward said...

Cox has a shot- there is no Speedo competition involved!

wwww said...

California is a big place with millions of people. This thread is filled with a lot of generalizations about a huge place.

Sacramento was very pleasant. I know someone who moved there with his family for his job.

I would consider moving to the Sacramento area.

buwaya said...

Moscone and Milk and the "liberal" Democratic machine got Jim Jones to organize a flying voter operation to win the close mayoral race against the Republican Barbagelata in 1975. This was openly acknowledged by many of the participants, Democratic politicians, decades later. Jones was rewarded with official positions and public funds. With no regrets or excuses, such is their notion of ethics.

Both Moscone and Milk, both well understood to be personally corrupt beyond the usual political limits, even for San Francisco Democrats, are both locally celebrated and have plazas and statues dedicated to them.

An explanation of San Francisco politics and society at the dawn of modernity -

"Season of the Witch", David Talbot

mockturtle said...

As DBQ keenly observes, using population as a means of determining statehood, the three Californias will be a nightmare! Our founders wisely divided the Senate and the House with sovereignty of the state, regardless of population, to be regarded in the Senate. California should be divided by area, not population, with each section entitled to its two Senators. And I suspect that 2/3 of new states would be red.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

The swimsuit portion of California elections have been done away with...

...so there is a chance for Cox.

buwaya said...

"This thread is filled with a lot of generalizations about a huge place."

32 years in residence, and I have been to nearly all of it. I visit here and there periodically.

What do you want to know?

johns said...

I voted for Cox, and will vote for him again in November. But I don't want him to win. Why should a Republican be held responsible for the condition of California? At this point, the state cannot be fixed. Not with the attitudes of the voters who live here. The voters may occasionally elect a Republican out of frustration with an especially big tax increase, but they don't really mean it.

Drago said...

Wwww: "Drago,
I am addressing the subject of the post -- why Cox is at a disadvantage when running for an executive position."

I am from California. I know the uphill slog Cox is in store for. I dont see how he wins, but perhaps his running a strong race can reinvigorate a party there that needs it for national considerations.

daskol said...

Politics as politics is getting so boring. There used to be a contest between two parties, two sets of ideas. One party--GOP--has been blasted to smithereens, and is in a creative period unleashing new and interesting leaders. Guys like Cox see what Trump did, and they think: the old rules are dead. They see the old hacks heading for the exit: bye Boehner, see you later Ryan, fuck off Flake. They think, hey, I don't need to be a soulless career hack patronage politician to contend for a job like this. I just need to be a strong leader and pitch good ideas effectively to the American people, get creative about those ideas and the pitch, and I've got a shot! Democrats are still beholden to their moribund establishment, their idiot elders and the tired old game of patronage politics that the American people have resoundingly rejected. Just look across the country: nearly every state legislature, most state houses, are in GOP hands. That was the Tea Party.

daskol said...

Obama and the Democrats tried to kill it with the IRS, but you can't cut the head off a hydra. I mean, you can, but it's inadvisable. That's how you get Trump. And Trump is laying waste to the Democrat powerbasein government, which it turns out is not elected office, but the administrative state. I doubt even he thought it would be this easy, that they would be this stupid. They're still following the old playbook, trying to shame and scare him and his admin with the same old dirty tricks. They've got help from the mainstream media, which has revealed itself for all to see not as a group of people covering the news, but at as a group of people covering the news they don't want you to see with a pillow (hat tip iowahawk--that one's fucking hilarious). It was funny for a while to see the reporters on CNN freaking out and seemingly purposely misreading everything Trump said. Now it's just sad. Today it was funny again for a few minutes. Had it on in the background. There was a great segue: they went from complaining bitterly about about Trump and his spokesman's failure to take any responsibility for their misstatements, exaggerrations and outright lies. The host actually said, that's a great segue, and then went to a liberal Democrat reporter and said what did you think of Clinton's performance on Colbert last night? She said: he really didn't take responsibility for anything, did he? That was just a terrible display, and there's a good reason why throughout Hillary's campaign you didn't see too much of Bill. He's definitely a political liability. He's toast, was her message.

wwww said...

"What do you want to know?"

Was commenting about the generalizations people were making.

I am curious about Sacramento and it's neighbourhoods. Do people live in Davis for the schools and commute to Sacramento?

Bay Area Guy said...

Rejected campaign slogan this Fall at GOP #Metoo rally in Bakersfield.

"The women of California have had enough! They deserve a lot more Cox."

daskol said...

What she did not do, however, was take the next, seemingly logical step and consider for a moment: wait a second, I voted for him. My friends all voted for him. Everyone in the fucking company voted for him, and just a couple of years ago, we were trying to get everyone to vote for his wife. We were telling people that if you didn't vote for his wife, you're as bad as Hitler. They didn't do that at all. They had instead a clumsier segue into some story about something terrible that God did to Guatemala, because he hates brown people apparently. They didn't do that because they're single loop learning people, or they're smart soulless people in the employ of organizations that operate as single loop learning organizations, in the service of a Democratic Party that is the mother of all single loop learning organizations: the strategy is NOT TRUMP. It's taken for granted. It will take, apparently and seemingly, years for them to figure out this strategy sucks. In the meantime, they're getting kicked out of every office they hold, and making every single election race a fucking joke because even people who tribally align with the party are now saying: wait a second here, are you guys totally fucking stupid? How many times do you need to step on the same damned rake before you take a different path to the woodshed? Some of them are getting tired of all the losing. An increasing number.

mockturtle said...

I was listening to Cox on FOX Business News this morning and was thinking along the lines of what johns said at 11:39. It's too late. California is beyond saving. I'd like to think I'm wrong.

mockturtle said...

"The women of California have had enough! They deserve a lot more Cox."

What they need is more balls.

Bay Area Guy said...

"I am curious about Sacramento and it's neighbourhoods. Do people live in Davis for the schools and commute to Sacramento?"

Yes. Lotta nice family neighborhoods in Sacramento. Real fine university in Davis. It's damn hot there, but housing prices are reasonable, compared to the Bay Area.

I was there last weekend for a volleyball tourney for one of my kids.

daskol said...

The losing is going on so long, and is blatantly obvious--thanks digital age--that the lumbering, single loop organizations that comprise the considerable power base of the establishment are starting to damage themselves. They were on the backfoot anyway--again, thanks digital age--but now they're just shooting themselves in the foot. And when they run out of toes on one foot, they move on to the other foot. Disney is a nice example, killing hit shows and hit franchises because they haven't yet figured out that the strategy needs an upgrade. Maybe season one of Roseanne-less Roseanne will be their tipping point. Maybe. Job security in that industry is never strong, even for a diversity hire like Channing Dungey.

Clyde said...

Via Wikipedia, we learn:

In January 2007, it was revealed that Newsom had a romantic relationship in mid-2005 with Ruby Rippey-Tourk, the wife of his then campaign manager and former deputy chief of staff, Alex Tourk. Tourk filed for divorce shortly after the revelation and left Newsom's campaign and administration. Newsom's affair with Rippey-Tourk impacted his popularity with male voters, who viewed his indiscretions as a betrayal of a close friend and ally.

I don't want to hear anything else from Democrats about Trump's infidelities, unless we're going to give equal time to Newsom and his ilk.

daskol said...

Meanwhile so many erudite bloggers and blog commenters, convinced by the complete takeover of all our institutions that we've actually reached the end of Gramsci's long march: hegemony. But if this is what Hegemony looks like, the hegemonists do NOT look like they're having any fun. You'd think running a hegemony would be fun, right? It's a fucking hegemony, you can do anything you want. How is that not fun? But the hegemonists look miserable to me. They look scared on the TV, and they sound on the verge of panic. If this be hegemony, then let me tell you, I don't think you want to be a hegemonist. Gramsci was brilliant, and Alinsky a tactician of psychological perspicacity and diabolical effectiveness. But Gramsci died before Schumpeter was even born, and Alinsky is no Machievelli. Gramsci was so brilliant, that had he read Schumpeter, he probably would have described what later came to be called Gramscian MarchES that lead to different hegemonies. Wash, rinse repeat.

narciso said...

and have you seen Kimberly guilfoyle, first sign of serious lack of judgement,

Clyde said...

Michael K said...

The illegals are reliable D voters and nobody knows how many there are or how many times they will each vote.

I was talking with a co-worker the other day about baseball's All-Star Game balloting, and I told her that people can vote up to five times a day. As I told her, "I think that people should only get one vote, but then, I'm not a Democrat."

daskol said...

Yes, I am finally getting tired of all the winning, Mr. Trump. Winning again and again and again is boring, and moreover it leaves me feeling, strangely, sad and sympathetic for the losers. Apparently even before they've actually lost, but that sadness comes sooner for me, once I see their end. They're just slow. Very, very slow. And it's not nice to hurt slow people, right? And being slow in the Digital Age, where the hive mind has an accelerated cognitive cycle, teaches a Darwinian lesson pretty quickly. But not quickly enough for me. Let's just get this fucking over with, and get back to a multiparty system again quickly. Which will happen, because of that accelerated cycle. I don't know if it will be Oprah--probably not. I'm with Adams and think it will be Kanye. Come on, Kanye or someone, anyone. Please, make elections contests, put interesting things back on TV again, and let's get these increasingly hysterical, panicky single-looper hegemonists off of CNN, because all this winning is just making me sad! for them. Let's make it a contest again.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Maybe all the Trumpists who hate the state they live in could move to Kansas, Oklahoma or Texas? I know several people who live in California and absolutely love living there and will be voting Democratic, as they always do. After Trump, California is the future, does it make you shudder? LOL.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Ca is the future. It is... a dying middle class.

Seeing Red said...

Californians electing a Democrat. Shocking.

Drago said...

Inga: "After Trump, California is the future, does it make you shudder? LOL."

Yes, and conversely it gives our enemies great confidence.

But we have seen that the arc of history can be altered by emerging trends and events that are not yet foreseen.

For instance, Mexico is poised to elect a guy that is every inch a Chavez/Maduro clone. If he enacts the policies that he has advocated for and turns Mexico into Venezuela with millions wanting to escape to neighboring countries, what will be the impact here?

Seeing Red said...

There goes Inga and her European roots again. Old world feudalism and poverty for the masses.

daskol said...

The beauty of self-inflicted wounds--and there is beauty to be found in self-mutilation (ask a good Catholic to explain)--is that once you stop stabbing yourself, the wounds eventually, mostly heal. California, compared to the rest of the world, is going to be just fine. It's definitely not going to be what it was, but look how that turned out?

Bay Area Guy said...

"I was listening to Cox on FOX Business News "

That would be a good name for a TV show if he loses this Fall. "Cox on Fox"

"California is beyond saving. I'd like to think I'm wrong."

I'm a bit more optimistic on saving California. The GOP is very weak, but there's a couple million of independent or non-voters for Trump to tap into, and Cox, too, if he can.

San Francisco is essentially a vassal state. The poor folks and working class folks know they are being shafted, but they haven't been able to grasp that the rulers shafting them are rich, white, liberal, female Democrats like Pelosi, Boxer, and Feinstein.

Newsom is a young cabana boy for these powerful, but aging leftwing women. Kamala Harris is his rival, both are soaring (they hope) to the top.

In Oakland, the poor folks and working class folks are also being shafted, and they too cannot grasp that it's by white, liberal Democrats and radical black poverty pimps/racial hucksters.

Blaming Trump for the problems is a great distraction. Folks are easily distracted here.

The weather is nice, though, and the geography still stunning. The working women commuting on Bart though are a bit haggard these days......

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