June 6, 2018

"Republican John Cox Secures Spot in California Governor’s Race/Businessman comes in second in primary, is set to face Democrat Gavin Newsom in November election."

The Wall Street Journal reports.
Mr. Cox’s second-place finish was a boost for President Donald Trump, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy and other party leaders who had endorsed him and worked to consolidate GOP support behind him in a sprawling field that had 27 candidates including five Republicans....

“Mr. Newsom made it clear that he wanted to run against me instead of another Democrat,” Mr. Cox told supporters Tuesday night. “Be careful, be careful Mr. Newsom what you wish for.”...

In his speech Tuesday night, Mr. Cox assailed the Democrats’ record in the state as one that has “made a colossal mess of the Golden State” leading to high housing costs, high taxes and high rates of homelessness, among other ills.

Mr. Newsom, meanwhile, campaigned as a progressive, promising to position the state as a major foil to Mr. Trump. On Tuesday night, he framed the race against Mr. Cox as the kind of matchup that would define California’s role in the Trump era.
Newsom defines himself as a contrast to Trump and Cox defines himself as someone who can solve the states terrible problems? The Cox pitch sounds obviously better, at least to someone who roughly understands the job of a governor, but all sorts of people vote, and many feel as though it's about expressing their values and not anything practical.

ADDED: I just looked at Drudge, saw this...

... asked myself what does John Cox look like, did an image search, and came back to say forget about it, Republicans. As indicated above, I'm practical about voting, and being practical, I'd probably vote for Cox, but as an observer, my practicality has me predicting that California voters — tasked with deciding between idealism and practicality — will spring for the better looking man.


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I Callahan said...

After Trump, California is the future, does it make you shudder?

Yes, it does. As it should anyone with the ability to actually think.

Seeing Red said...

am curious about Sacramento and it's neighbourhoods. Do people live in Davis for the schools and commute to Sacramento?"

Yes. Lotta nice family neighborhoods in Sacramento. Real fine university in Davis. It's damn hot there, but housing prices are reasonable, compared to the Bay Area.

I was there last weekend for a volleyball tourney for one of my kids.

At $5/gal?

Drago said...

"Ca is the future. It is... a dying middle class"

The destruction of the middle class is the inevitable and unavoidable result of leftist policy implementation.

But only everywhere it is tried and every single time.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Well, my counterpoint to that would be that I don't care to read what you write yet I have diligently cataloged..

Nope. You haphazardly regurgitated everything you could in as incomprehensible and incoherent a manner as possible so as to better reflect your Republican state of confusion and incompetence and project that as if to blame your lack of understanding on others.

How do you intend to blame on Democrats the Republican governor of Michigan's inability/unwillingness to stop providing lead water to the residents of the city that he took over several years ago? Does he get to do it indefinitely?

Republicans =/= Goals

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It's instructive to see how Drago spends his typical workweek, though. It's a great example of the lazy Republican work "ethic."

Drago said...

Okay, we are now up to 12 reasons (put forth by PPPT) for why San Fancisco homeless defecate in massive numbers openly on the streets:

1) Kansas
2) Flint Water
3) Republican mayors of midwest towns
4) Muslim Demographics
5) Large homes in red states
6) Businessmen
7) The Chamber of Commerce
8) Republican hypocrisy
9) Job Title inflation
10) Placing Nameplates on buildings
11) Conservatives posting on blogs
12) republican work ethic
13) ???

Let's see what comes next...

I Callahan said...

How do you intend to blame on Democrats the Republican governor of Michigan's inability/unwillingness to stop providing lead water to the residents of the city that he took over several years ago? Does he get to do it indefinitely?

So much stupid on one sentence.

The Republican governor is NOT "providing lead water to the residents" of Flint. A city that had been run by Democrats since time eternal had basically screwed up the entire city's financial system (as usual), and the governor HAD to go in and try to correct it. A few bureaucrats made a decision without knowing all of the facts, and for that, the city's water system was tainted. But THAT wouldn't have happened if the city of Flint had either managed its resources, or not let the city's water pipe system become so corroded that it needed replacing in the first place.

I live in Michigan. I know what's going on here. You pulled that either out of your ass, or off of the Guardian or some other lefty rag. You have no idea WTF you're talking about.

I Callahan said...

13) ???

Drago - you forgot "Republican Governors of Midwest States".

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

How many Republicans does it take to screw in a light bulb?

Four to complain about how much the light bulb costs.

Two to talk about how much better it was in the days before light bulbs.

Nine to deny the existence of light bulbs. Or the existence of dark.

Three to give money to a random rich guy who stopped and stared at the light bulb.

Six to block the entrance to the door of a couple Democrats arriving to do what the Republicans refuse to and actually screw it in. Light bulb-replacement interference.

One to get on Twitter to rant about how mean and unfair light bulbs are to him.

Seven to praise the one ranting on Twitter about the mean and unfair light bulbs.

Drago said...

I Callahan: "Drago - you forgot "Republican Governors of Midwest States"."

Oh no. Those are specific inputs from PPPT for why the completely leftist dominated state and local govt responsible for San Francisco have armies of homeless defecating on the street.

It has been enlightening.

To his credit, PPPT has not (yet) blamed the amount of Helium 3 on the moon for the dems sanitation failure there....(again, yet...)

Lets see what comes next

Seeing Red said...


Sane people don’t want unstable countries on their borders. Mexico Venezuela and Nicaragua are that way and Brazil isn’t looking to good either.

It’s a math and resources thing.

Drago said...

Okay, we are now up to 13 reasons (put forth by PPPT) for why San Fancisco homeless defecate in massive numbers openly on the streets:

1) Kansas
2) Flint Water
3) Republican mayors of midwest towns
4) Muslim Demographics
5) Large homes in red states
6) Businessmen
7) The Chamber of Commerce
8) Republican hypocrisy
9) Job Title inflation
10) Placing Nameplates on buildings
11) Conservatives posting on blogs
12) republican work ethic
13) lightbulbs (admittedly, i should have seen that one coming)
14) ???

Let's see what comes next...

Seeing Red said...

You make no sense whatsoever Pee-Pee.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So much stupid on one sentence.

The Republican governor is NOT "providing lead water to the residents" of Flint. A city that had been run by Democrats since time eternal had basically screwed up the entire city's financial system (as usual), and the governor HAD to go in and try to correct it.

Lol. Talk about stupid. "Correcting" = "Using a cheaper, untested water source that wasn't treated to prevent lead from leaching out of the pipes and into the water."

But THAT wouldn't have happened if the city of Flint had either managed its resources, or not let the city's water pipe system become so corroded that it needed replacing in the first place.

Translation: "Because the governor's a cheap-ass Republican (who gets the taxpayers to foot the cost of his legal bills) it's not his fault for approving a city manager incompetent enough to select a leaded water source.

I live in Michigan. I know what's going on here.

You don't know shit. You're not the only one who lives/lived there. You are the asshole who voted for a guy who didn't mind poisoning an entire city of residents because they happened to be poor and black and have the good sense/decency to not vote for a cheap grifter who was incompetent/immoral enough to poison them as a "cost-saving measure."

But go ahead and blame others. THat's all you lazy corrupt grifters ever do. Just keep digging those fingernails into Trump's coattails.

Francisco D said...

"After Trump, California is the future, does it make you shudder?

Not if I don't have to pay the welfare freight for you and your friends. Let the SJWs in the Hollywood and Silicon Valley crowd pay for the losers.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Why don't you shut up, Drag. We already know that you will spend your entire Wednesday running free partisan interference to shut others down. I think we now know why Republicans are so lazy, incompetent and inefficient. I bet this is how Drago spends every weekday.

Bay Area Guy said...

"The destruction of the middle class..."

That is a bona fide concern in Northern California, particularly for young adults:

Say, you're about to graduate high school. Many good-paying, blue collar, private sector union jobs have fizzled out. In decades past, kids would graduate from St. Ignatius High, and get jobs either at the shipyards (Bethlehem Steel or Hunters's Point) or perhaps with the Longshoremen, and do fine. But a lotta that is gone.

So, you go to college, instead. Study for 5 years, get $150K in debt with an unimpressive humanity degree. Jobs at Genentech? Google? Only if you're lucky.

It's a rough phase up here. Much harder for High school grads and college grads than when I was in their shoes. Even in my mid-20's, you could get a decent apartment for $500 and a job as a waiter, somewhere. That's all changed.

Drago said...

PPPT: "You are the asshole who voted for a guy who didn't mind poisoning an entire city of residents because they happened to be poor and black..."

Ooooh! I was wondering when we would see the next variation on "Bush purposely blew up the levees" in The Chocolate City....and there it is.

Rosalyn C. said...

Another topic, untouched in the Governor debates, was K-12 education. Many schools report high rates of graduation, 88% etc. All the big studies touting improved educational achievement, the result of Democrats' increased spending, are based on graduation rates btw. Yet less than half of the graduating students can pass the minimum standards in reading, and scores are even lower in mathematics. Heck, in lots of the schools the kids can't even speak English, but no one will talk about that. Absolutely forbidden.

Drago said...

Note to self: PPPT experiences extreme discomfort having his previous inanities presented in list form.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Drag is paranoid that the truth will get out. He's got to prevent others from speaking out on Republican laziness/greed/incompetence for dear life, or at least the cost of a typical "working man's" Wednesday. Those are your Republican pro-working class creds for you. I bet he does this every weekday.

Keep digging those fingernails into Trump's coattails. You're shredding the thing.

Seeing Red said...

If the schools in general were doing such stellar jobs, Jr colleges wouldn’t need to provide remedial classes.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Note to self: PPPT experiences extreme discomfort having his previous inanities presented in list form.

Your whole fucking life is an inanity. It's obvious you have no hobbies. Why do this stuff for free if you're so good at shutting down the discussion you can't stand for your flock to hear? Oh, that's right. Republican spendthriftness. There's your waste, fraud and abuse. All that effort and no pay. Drago applies Republican party principles to his single-person blog commentary political inaction committee.

Drago said...

PPPT: "Drag is paranoid that the truth will get out."

By continually listing your talking points in list form?


Why do you suppose PPPT gets upset when his very own cause and effect "analysis" is posted and updated for all to see?

You would think his reaction would be the opposite of that, wouldnt you?

Big Mike said...

Nice to see a woman admitting that her sex basically votes for the handsomer man, regardless of which candidate is best for their interests.

Drago said...

Okay, we are now up to 14 reasons (put forth by PPPT) for why San Fancisco homeless defecate in massive numbers openly on the streets:

1) Kansas
2) Flint Water
3) Republican mayors of midwest towns
4) Muslim Demographics
5) Large homes in red states
6) Businessmen
7) The Chamber of Commerce
8) Republican hypocrisy
9) Job Title inflation
10) Placing Nameplates on buildings
11) Conservatives posting on blogs
12) republican work ethic
13) lightbulbs (admittedly, i should have seen that one coming)
14) republican spendthriftness
15) ???

Let's see what comes next..

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The only thing Drag learned from Trump is to lie over and over again. His single creative contribution is to call that:

"continually listing your talking points in list form."

You've always lived alone, haven't you? Amazing how many people aren't anywhere as enamored of having you put words in their mouth as you do. Why is that?

Jim at said...

Never underestimate (the stupidity) of the California Voter. - vicki from Pasadena

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You always know that Drag is losing when he refuses to stop doubling down and repeating the same Republican mantra.

Drago said...

Note to self: Lists = living alone in PPPT World.

Add'l Note: Research impact of wife's "To-Do lists" for husband on this theory.

I Callahan said...

You don't know shit. You're not the only one who lives/lived there. You are the asshole who voted for a guy who didn't mind poisoning an entire city of residents because they happened to be poor and black and have the good sense/decency to not vote for a cheap grifter who was incompetent/immoral enough to poison them as a "cost-saving measure."

As I already explained to you, the governor didn't purposefully "poison an entire city of residents". But as usual, you don't know WTF you're talking about. Another point I already explained to you.

But go ahead and blame others. THat's all you lazy corrupt grifters ever do. Just keep digging those fingernails into Trump's coattails.

I'm putting the blame squarely where it belongs - corrupt, inner city Dem administrations who ruin everything they ever touch, then expect the GOP to dig them out of their holes so they can be re-elected and blame the GOP for ever letting it get that far. But like I said - you don't know WTF you're talking about. Again. As usual.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Drag figures that instead of competence, honesty, effort and just being decent Republicans can win through his own tried and true tactic: Browbeating.

I Callahan said...

Ooooh! I was wondering when we would see the next variation on "Bush purposely blew up the levees" in The Chocolate City....and there it is.

Well played...

Drago said...

PPPT: "You always know that Drag is losing when he refuses to stop doubling down and repeating the same Republican mantra."

Note to self: repeating lefty talking points in list form = repeating republican mantra in PPPT World.

Drago said...

PPPT: "Drag figures that instead of competence, honesty, effort and just being decent Republicans can win through his own tried and true tactic: Browbeating."

Note to self: presenting lefty talking points in list form = "browbeating" in PPPT World.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

As I already explained to you, the governor didn't purposefully "poison an entire city of residents".

Oh, good point. He didn't do it "purposefully." He did it "incompetently" and "recklessly." Point taken. Not all Republicans are evil - about half are. The remainder are just incompetent, reckless and stupid.

I'm putting the blame squarely where it belongs - corrupt, inner city Dem administrations who ruin everything they ever touch,


then expect the GOP to dig them out of their holes so they can be re-elected and blame the GOP for ever letting it get that far. But like I said - you don't know WTF you're talking about. Again. As usual.

Don't worry. You got your chance with your economic depressions in 1929 and 2008 that we had to bail you out of. Maybe you'll do another one again, soon?

Republicans are just butt-hurt because they are generally too anti-social, anti-people and just hateful to run cities. Cities are too big, with too much infrastructure and people for Republicans to win office there. Better to keep them managing ranches, Monsanto factory farms, small towns and wilderness. Republicans don't solve people-problems because their only solutions are figuring out whom to hate, jail, or kill. They're just born haters that can't understand the dynamics of how large groups of people interact to their own common benefit and accomplishment. Republicans just want to know whose ass to kiss and whom to kick in the ass. That's really all they're good at. Demanding that they find out whom to worship and whom to hate.

All else is just commentary.

Drago said...

Okay, we are now up to 15 reasons (put forth by PPPT) for why San Fancisco homeless defecate in massive numbers openly on the streets:

1) Kansas
2) Flint Water
3) Republican mayors of midwest towns
4) Muslim Demographics
5) Large homes in red states
6) Businessmen
7) The Chamber of Commerce
8) Republican hypocrisy
9) Job Title inflation
10) Placing Nameplates on buildings
11) Conservatives posting on blogs
12) republican work ethic
13) lightbulbs (admittedly, i should have seen that one coming)
14) republican spendthriftness
15) Monsanto farms and ranches
16) ???

Let's see what comes next..

Titus said...

The hot one wins by 15 points in the general election. His wife is bitchin too. The pube is ugly and old natch.

Bruce Hayden said...

Drago in fine form today. Keep it up.

Vance said...

Anyone else get the impression that Ritmo would love to be the leader of the largest genocide in the history of mankind? And he'd smile for the camera as he pulled the poison gas lever, saying it is a good thing that he's the greatest mass murderer in history?

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

There goes Vance. Big on the insults, innuendoes and partisan garbage and completely inept on any facts.

But Vance, if it would make you happy for me to pull a "lever" on you, let me know. I wouldn't want to deprive you of your victimology/martyrdom beliefs. Are you a "shaheed" for crony corporatist capitalism? Will you put on a suicide bomb vest to blow yourself up at a government office?

Earnest Prole said...

In the weeks before the election Newsome sent out flyers to conservative households comparing himself to Cox. The portrayal of Cox was reasonably fair, and had the effect of consolidating Republican votes around Cox. This was in Newsome's interests because he's certain he can prevail against a Republican in November, and uncertain of his chances against a more progressive Democrat who also happens to be a Latino.

Seeing Red said...

Anyone else get the impression that Ritmo would love to be the leader of the largest genocide in the history of mankind? And he'd smile for the camera as he pulled the poison gas lever, saying it is a good thing that he's the greatest mass murderer in history?

Thanos smiled too. It’s for the greater good.

Wince said...

Are we allowed to snicker if Newsom says "I know a thing or two about Cox"?

Rusty said...

Drago said...
"Okay, we are now up to 12 reasons (put forth by PPPT) for why San Fancisco homeless defecate in massive numbers openly on the streets:"

Because they're allowed to.

Just a heads up. If you ever get your car impounded on the near north side, the impound is on lower Wacker near the water filtration plant. Walk in the street or else you'll be walking in human feces. The City That Works

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Let's see what comes next..

If your point is that you can repeat yourself into an oblivion while not solving the problem of homelessness, I understand completely.

You don't care about homelessness, you hate San Francisco, and you will concern troll till the end of time about how Republicans, with no population, no infrastructure and no urban achievements are somehow the right party to end homelessness in San Francisco. Or at least you will shut down discussion on every reason for not trusting them when it comes to any of that - enough to do what you do best and blame others. You're really quite expert on that.

Notice that Dreck-o has no policy proposals about what he complained about in his dozens-repeated comment. He just played a rhetorical partisan parlor trick. That's his admission that Republicans would have done just as bad or worse and that all he can do is run interference for his side on this issue. He has no answers. No Republican ever does. Just whom to hate. In this case: San Francisco, Mark Zuckerberg, California, Californians, homeless people, and whatever else comes to his puny, economically unproductive mind.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Okay, we are now up to 15 reasons (put forth by PPPT) for why San Fancisco homeless defecate in massive numbers openly on the streets:

1. Dreck-O's hatred of a real solution to any problem that he feels he can blame on San Francisco, Democrats, California, Californians, the homeless and of course, poop.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Don't be mistaken. As with abortion, homelessness is not an issue that Republican RINOs like Dreck-O really want to end. It gives them something to run on, after all.

San Francisco! A haven of homelessness!

It's like their hatred of Nancy Pelosi. They just need things to hate. Not problems to solve. They're Republicans, after all. Politicians and nothing else. What else would they run on? Their own records! Please.

Alex said...

Does Blogger have a 'ignore user' feature? I'm sick of seeing Ritmo's shitstains all over every thread.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Don't worry, Alex. All you had to do was ignore Dreck-O's stains (he's quite fond of human feces) and you wouldn't have seen more than a couple comments of mine. His entire reason for being in this thread was to incessantly lie about anything I said - over and over again.

Michael said...

Cox isn't bad looking. People may have had it with glamour boys/girls.

Vance said...

Ritmo, your unhinged ranting against "Flyover country" and your smearing of all Republicans as evil are very good hints indeed that you personally would approve and participate in a "Final Solution" style program of all conservatives, Republicans, and anyone to the right of Mao.

James K said...

Does Blogger have a 'ignore user' feature?

You can use 'killfile' on Firefox/Chrome. But you have to read comments after clicking on the title of the post.

Drago said...

PPPT: "Dreck-O's hatred of a real solution to any problem that he feels he can blame on San Francisco, Democrats, California, Californians, the homeless and of course, poop."

Note to self: San Francisco, Democrats, California, Californians bear zero responsibility for homeless and sanitation issues in Democrat controlled San Francisco, CA in PPPT World.

Hmmm. PPPT blaming Kansas, lightbulbs, Monsanto farms etc for San Francisco conditions is making more sense now.


buwaya said...

"San Francisco! A haven of homelessness!"

The California problem isn't the homeless in San Francisco. Its the whole state.

It used to be mainly an SF problem, for the most part begun by the stupid mayor in 1989, Art Agnos, when he invited them to camp out in front of City Hall. They never left. But since then ...

You will, these days, see the same in Sacramento (was just there last week, there were characters riding the Gold line trains way out to Rancho Cordova), but also everywhere down the SF Penninsula. You will find them around the Caltrain stations at San Bruno, Redwood City, Palo Alto, San Jose.
You didn't get them in Oakland, but now they are all over Oakland.
Even Richmond, Fresno and Bakersfield.

And in San Francisco, they used to hang out along Market Street, to beg from the tourists or commuters, but now you will find them by the thousands camped South of Market, not begging at all. Just living there. And in and around every BART station in the system.

And then there is the LA-Anaheim-Orange County problem which is way bigger than San Francisco.

Drago said...

PPPT: "Notice that Dreck-o has no policy proposals ..."

Okay, we are now up to 16 reasons (put forth by PPPT) for why San Fancisco homeless defecate in massive numbers openly on the streets:

1) Kansas
2) Flint Water
3) Republican mayors of midwest towns
4) Muslim Demographics
5) Large homes in red states
6) Businessmen
7) The Chamber of Commerce
8) Republican hypocrisy
9) Job Title inflation
10) Placing Nameplates on buildings
11) Conservatives posting on blogs
12) republican work ethic
13) lightbulbs (admittedly, i should have seen that one coming)
14) republican spendthriftness
15) Monsanto farms and ranches
16) lack of solutions from random anonymous blog posters
17) ???

Let's see what comes next..

Jim at said...

that you personally would approve and participate in a "Final Solution" style program of all conservatives,

Most certainly.
Ritmo is simply James Hodgkinson without the ability to attend a baseball practice.

Ryan said...

"The working women commuting on Bart though are a bit haggard these days......"

Ha. I had a deposition recently in Walnut Creek, flew into OAK and then took the BART to Walnut Creek just for kicks. People looked pretty sad and depressed... And it doesn't help that folks in the Bay Area usually dress in drab grey and black colors.

Drago said...

In partial defense of PPPT's "logic", who amongst us hasn't walked past a building and seen the name of the building on a metal nameplate and immediately thought to ourselves "wow, I've really got to go but I know I shouldn't".....but gosh darn it that dang nameplate forces our hand...so to speak....

Ryan said...

"And then there is the LA-Anaheim-Orange County problem which is way bigger than San Francisco."

I have a case before Judge David O. Carter. Ex-Military judge / workaholic who took that problem by the horns and got the Santa Ana riverbed cleared out. He forced mayors of beach towns to come in on Saturday and work on it. Now they are clearing out the parking lot across from the courthouse that was being used as a homeless encampment for several years.


Drago said...

Ryan: "He forced mayors of beach towns to come in on Saturday and work on it. Now they are clearing out the parking lot across from the courthouse that was being used as a homeless encampment for several

How is that even possible? Doesnt the Judge know about the Monsanto farms and lightbulb barriers so eloquently enumerated by PPPT?!

Howard said...

Dear Deplorables: Thanks for caring. We know that you desperately depend on us for welfare, foodstamps, technology, medical breakthroughs, art, culture, social progress, etc. Don't worry, we will be just fine and our services to you will not be interrupted. Love, California

Gahrie said...

but as an observer, my practicality has me predicting that California voters — tasked with deciding between idealism and practicality — will spring for the better looking man.

As a Californian, my experience has me predicting that the majority of California voters will simply vote for whoever the Democratic Party tells them to vote for.

FullMoon said...

As a Californian, my experience has me predicting that the majority of California voters will simply vote for whoever the Democratic Party tells them to vote for.

Yep, Newsome a lock. Only interest is in seeing how many votes Cox will get for second place.
Unfortunately Cox cannot play the all-important "Newsome cheated on his wife with his best friends wife" card.

Titus said...

California electing a republican state wide is like Mississippi electing a Democrat governor or senator-not going to happen.


Paddy O said...

California discontent could swing it toward Cox. The state that knocked Gray Davis out of the governor's office for bad electricity contracts, could have another go. Newsom is very white, very old money, in a season where the taxes and costs especially affect the poor. He won't get people excited about him and there's a lot to call out in his past and present politics.

If Cox has funding behind him and runs a Trump like campaign of being strong and not backing down, he could win. Not likely but it could happen. Even if he won, he couldn't do much with the legislature, but it'd sure be a strong message.

tcrosse said...

@Howard - Yeah, California is a regular Florence under the Medicis. Which is dandy if you're a Medici. If not, not.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Drago is nothing if not a professional propagandist. I believe this is his job, how else could he exist?

walter said...

I hear great things about that train to nowhere in Cali.
That unfunded pension liability is impressive too.
But the locals in SF demonstrate the power of data with that very helpful map of sidewalk shit.
But it's a "Fab" place overall.

PM said...

Drudge misspelled Dope.

Drago said...

Inga: "Drago is nothing if not a professional propagandist."

Listing lefty talking points is "propaganda".


Etienne said...

...will spring for the better looking man.

Hitler got elected, even with a hair-lip.

Rae said...

Newsom will be the first governor of Northern Mexico. Libertad!

Drago said...

Rae: "Newsom will be the first governor of Northern Mexico. Libertad!"


Jim at said...


Learn to swim.
See you down in Arizona Bay.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Drago is nothing if not a professional propagandist. I believe this is his job, how else could he exist?

True. It's not like he appears to have any actual talents in life, let alone goals or hobbies.

He's the perfect partisan hack to represent Republicanism.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Ritmo, your unhinged ranting against "Flyover country" and your smearing of all Republicans as evil are very good hints indeed that you personally would approve and participate in a "Final Solution" style program of all conservatives, Republicans, and anyone to the right of Mao.

Lol. I realize that this is what you fantasize about but I actually do have more interesting things to think about. I also realize that you feel holocausted by the way my comments expose your hackery for what it is, but that just speaks to how happy you are to minimize genocide. Your president loves Hitler and took more than a few pages from his book.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It used to be mainly an SF problem, for the most part begun by the stupid mayor in 1989, Art Agnos, when he invited them to camp out in front of City Hall. They never left. But since then ...

San Francisco had been known for quite some time as a place where homeless people would get more respect and decent, humane, neighborly treatment from just about anyone else in the country, and that had always been a part of what fueled the migration. All anyone has to do is to look at the typical Republican Dreck-o's contempt for them as nothing more than defecation devices to realize that this is the treatment they got anywhere else esp in red states and why they had to leave. Red states believe in letting people die in the streets and the obvious result is migration to kinder places.

Seeing Red said...

Dear Deplorables: Thanks for caring. We know that you desperately depend on us for welfare, foodstamps, technology, medical breakthroughs, art, culture, social progress, etc. Don't worry, we will be just fine and our services to you will not be interrupted. Love, California

You can’t meet your pension obligations and you have high poverty.

Drago said...

PPPT: "Red states believe in letting people die in the streets and the obvious result is migration to kinder places."

Report: Homeless New Yorkers Died In Record Numbers Last Year


Drago said...

Homeless man beaten to death in the heart of democrat city:


"“They killed this man, and when they were bashing his head into a wall so hard I can feel it in my bedroom, you’re doing some damage,” Donna Fricker said."

We have much to learn from our superior democrat-owned cities.

FullMoon said...

San Francisco razed all the long standing homeless encampments last week

FullMoon said...

"The absence of any organized political opposition, combined with its vast wealth, makes San Francisco a kind of proof-of-concept for progressive governance. If there’s anywhere progressives should be able to enact their schemes for a perfectly-ordered society, it’s here. A booming tech industry has made vast new resources available to the city: the 2017-18 municipal budget exceeds $10 billion, nearly a third larger than the budget was a decade ago. City government now spends roughly $11,500 per person each year, more than any other city in the country (including New York) and almost double per capita state spending.

That’s why the housing and homelessness problems besetting the city open it up to more than mere mockery from conservatives but substantive criticism of progressive governance writ large."

Read the whole thing:

FullMoon said...

"Or they say that San Francisco draws in homeless people from other parts of the country, despite considerable evidence that the vast majority of the city’s homeless are homegrown.

Nearly every homeless person I spoke to not only said he’d lived in San Francisco for many years but also that he wasn’t interested in staying at the city’s shelters or in single-occupancy residential hotels. "

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Looks like someone doesn't know what a red herring is. Or else he wouldn't plant them.

But it's not like pundits can be expected to stick to the point. Changing the point is all he knows, obviously.

CA Michael said...

At 9:23 Angel-Dyne said:

I know there are decent, fleeing Californians deserving of refugee status. (See our own Dr. K.) The problem, as you know, is that most of 'em are fleeing decaying conditions while refusing to understand *why* things are getting so unpleasant for all but the very well-heeled. "If only Prop 13 had never been passed, all would be well!" That sort of denial.

We've all experienced that shudder when we hear "I just moved here from California". We thought we'd found a place they'd never find, or would want to come to, but no, one was spotted here recently. Had the same feeling I had when I found that emerald ash-borer on the trail in one of our parks. In your heart, you knew it was inevitable, but damn!.

Amazing that we Californians can be compared to pests, or ex-Californians like Dr. K think its funny to pray for an earthquake. I see comments similar to those Angel-Dyne made from folks in Texas, Tennessee, Idaho, etc.

I have to laugh. I have little to no sympathy for those in other states fearful of a CA invasion from people who are supposedly too stupid to know why they left CA, i.e., who will immediately demand more services or negatively compare their new home to CA.

CA welcomed millions of people from all over this country over the last 100 years, who moved for a job, the climate, etc. One example: the number of Iowa residents who moved and settled near Long Beach. My family came from Arkansas (via Detroit) and Oklahoma. We have seen the quality of life decrease, freeways get maxed out, home prices skyrocket, etc. Yet I would not think of telling non-natives that they are not welcome or should go back to where they came from.

I am a life-long California resident except for three years spent in Georgia. My wife and I, both conservative and religious, will move out of state soon and have been doing a lot of research on where. We want to move because we do not agree with the way the State is being run, and because we want lower taxes and a lower cost of living. We know CA offers a ridiculous amount of services and giveaways to too many people including those here illegally.

Yes, CA brought much of this on itself, and there is no sign that the politicians running this state will change, only continue to drive the middle class out.

Drago said...

PPPT: "Looks like someone doesn't know what a red herring is."


Yeah, PPPT wrote that....

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