June 27, 2018

"Representative Joseph Crowley of New York, once seen as a possible successor to Nancy Pelosi as Democratic leader of the House, suffered a shocking primary defeat on Tuesday..."

"... the most significant loss for a Democratic incumbent in more than a decade, and one that will reverberate across the party and the country. Mr. Crowley was defeated by a 28-year-old political newcomer, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a former organizer for Bernie Sanders’s presidential campaign, who had declared it was time for generational, racial and ideological change.... Mr. Crowley, the No. 4 Democrat in the House, had drastically outspent his lesser-known rival to no avail, as Ms. Ocasio-Cortez’s campaign was lifted by an aggressive social media presence and fueled by attention from national progressives hoping to flex their muscle in a race against a potential future speaker...."

The NYT reports.

Is the Democratic Party as we've known it getting dragged too far left? What does Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez mean? Maybe Crowley just didn't take the threat seriously.
Ten days before the primary, Mr. Crowley skipped a debate against Ms. Ocasio-Cortez, and instead sent a surrogate, a Latina former city councilwoman. Ms. Ocasio-Cortez called it “a bizarre twist” on Twitter to be seated across from someone “with slight resemblance to me” instead of her opponent.

Ms. Ocasio-Cortez used the moment to generate a fresh wave of publicity in the race’s crucial closing days.
I've long thought it's a rule of thumb that the better looking candidate wins. I don't know what flipped this primary — and she won by 15 percentage points — but Ocasia-Cortez looks absolutely fantastic.

And here's Crowley — after he lost — playing "Born to Run" for the crowd:


Amadeus 48 said...

Any word on the crease in her trousers? David Brooks could be having an infatuation-induced fainting spell.

Sebastian said...

Why shocking?

A confluence of identity politics, Dem leftism, and lookism.

Meade said...

Medicaid for all.

Chuck said...

Let me say it for the entire Althouse commentariat; Democrats, this is how you get more Trump.

Gahrie said...

Is the Democratic Party as we've known it getting dragged too far left?

Let's put it this way: Could you imagine Joe Lieberman as a Democratic leader and a national candidate today?

AllenS said...

If Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez plays her cards right, someday she'll have 3 houses and be pulling in over a million dollars a year.

Gahrie said...

How long until a basic guaranteed income is part of the Democratic plank?

rhhardin said...

She has an annoying voice.

rhhardin said...

Free health care, jobs for everybody. We need more women like her.

zipity said...

If this had been in a Republican primary, the LameStream Media© would be
wetting their pants, and screaming from the rooftops about the civil war
in a Republican party that's in disarray.


Pass the popcorn.

MayBee said...

Here we go! The Dem 2020 POTUS nominee! The press will be in a swoon!

MayBee said...
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Michael The Magnificent said...

"Could you imagine Joe Lieberman as a Democratic leader and a national candidate today?"

Or John F. Kennedy?

Gahrie said...

Or John F. Kennedy?

JFK would be a Republican today, and Nixon a Democrat.

I Callahan said...

Here we go! The Dem 2020 POTUS nominee! The press will be in a swoon!

Except she'll be too young. She's only 28, and you have to be 35.

That aside - I'm glad someone brought up the "lookism". She really is quite attractive.

And yes - the Dems are being pulled to the left. And that doesn't mean Trump and the GOP are in that much better of shape than before. Because as more of these dumb, ill-informed, young skulls full of mush come out of high school and college indoctrination centers, there will be growing numbers of socialist type candidates. Eventually, older and smarter voters will die off.

This phenomenon may be great in the short run, but in the long run, it spells European style social democracy (aka socialism), and then the great run is over.

Bay Area Guy said...

Well, she might not be a wise Latina, but she is definitely a hot Latina!

Fernandinande said...

Ms. Ocasio-Cortez called it “a bizarre twist” on Twitter to be seated across from someone “with slight resemblance to me” instead of her opponent.

She has annoying ideas and sounds a bit racistical.

Michael K said...

Chuck said...

Let me say it for the entire Althouse commentariat; Democrats, this is how you get more Trump.

Probably not in NYC or California yet.

Reality can be kept away until the high earners, who pay the bills, have left.

Fabi said...

Cookie should be along any minute to claim Ocasio-Cortez is a moderate Republican.

mockturtle said...

The clear explanation lies here: "Ms. Ocasio-Cortez is a native of the Bronx and a Latina in a Queens and Bronx district that is majority-minority, a fact she emphasized repeatedly on the trail against Mr. Crowley, who is white. "

Ignorance is Bliss said...

...as Ms. Ocasio-Cortez’s campaign was lifted by an aggressive social media presence...

I wonder from what country that aggressive social media presence originated...

Wince said...

Sets up an interesting dynamic among Establishment Democrats who believed the road to victory for them is flooding the country with newly arrived voters.

Chuck said...

Meade said...
Medicaid for all.

You're a smart guy, Lawrence; I suspect that you know that the talking point is "Medicare for all," not "Medicaid for all."

"Medicaid for all" is actually pretty funny. Kudos if that was the intended joke.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

If I remember correctly, Eric Cantor was the first sign of the Republicans were turning populist and against their party elites.

I wonder if this election isn't the same thing.

gspencer said...

Joe Crowley has a 21% constitutional voting record (115th Congress, 2017-to-date),


typical of downstate NY Members of Congress.

He was never a friend of the Constitution to begin with, so his loss is no big deal. Her win does show even more intensified leftist voters, and that’s not a good sign. Leftist thinking runs, If big-government-is-good-&-then-a-bigger-government-is-even-better.

Wendybar said...

Socialism will be the death of the Democrats.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Candidates like O A-C appeal to LIV’s but suffer from a terminal lightweightedness that keeps them rising to the higher levels. Just like that fellow, Barack Ob...oh, shit.

Politics aside though, I’m not surprised she won. Squared-away Latinas are ferociously goal oriented and rapidly beating out their White sisters by professionalism and hard work.

Darkisland said...

I've got $5 sez he runs anyway as an independent or write in.

Or perhaps ms O'Casey changes her mind about running after all.

Or the demmies support some poor schlub of a repo and then come back with Crowley in 2 years.

I do know one thing, the demmies, city, state, national will not allow ocasio to be be a successful congresswoman.

These Puerto Ricans have some nerve pulling a stunt like this!

John Henry

khematite said...

Ocasia-Cortez did a great job of keeping her virulently anti-Israel views under wraps. An interview with Glenn Greenwald was about the only place I saw any reference to that, though the Forward referred to it last night after the results were in. I'm guessing Crowley never raised the subject because he was so sure of victory that he felt he didn't really need to stir the pot on that in a 50% Latino district, which has so many domestic problems.

It may be relevant that no Latino politician ever challenged Crowley in a primary because, as Queens party chairman, he seemed so entrenched. But now that Ocasio-Cortez has taken him out, there might be some stirrings in two years among the several Latino state senators, assemblymen, and city council members who've coveted that congressional seat for some time. Her tenure might turn out not to last more than one term if the right person takes her on in 2020.

Chuck said...

zipity said...
If this had been in a Republican primary, the LameStream Media© would be
wetting their pants, and screaming from the rooftops about the civil war
in a Republican party that's in disarray.

It did happen. Mark Sanford's loss in SC-1, earlier this month. Right?

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

No Party for Old White Men.

But why didn't he check his privilege and withdraw from the race when she announced her run. He should have allowed a leg-up for the disadvantaged candidate. He's a real white supremacists and literally a Nazi.

robother said...

Straight, white and male is no way to go through life in the Democrat Party.

Fernandinande said...

The Drudge "Fake News" Report has this picture of US 163 labeled "Famed Route 66" - so famous you can't recognize it.

Darkisland said...

Btw: she is Puerto Rican, not that bullshit made-up label "latina" or "hispanic"

John Henry

MayBee said...

Except she'll be too young. She's only 28, and you have to be 35.

You really going to tell her she can't run, racist? Birther.

Paddy O said...

AllenS for the win. Exactly. That's exactly it.

Ken B said...

Looks are subjective. She looks better than he does, but I don’t find her particularly good looking. Anyway, all race-card, all the time.

In Ontario we once elected the semi socialist NDP. They (the NDP) didn’t survive the experience, with a record of incompetence, dishonesty, and folly that blighted their electoral prospects for almost 20 years. Only recently have their fortunes begun to recover.

AustinRoth said...

There is a lot to consider here.

Establishment vs new blood (if only Pelosi could get primaried!), white vs ethnic, woman vs man, socialist vs run-of-the-mill Democrat, youth vote, etc.

Not sure if this is anything more than deep-blue urban politics, though.

AllenS said...

Thanks, Paddy. I think we both see a pattern.

Darrell said...

Socialism will be the death of the Democrats.

Could you put that in writing?
And on their tombstone. too?

Curious George said...

"Wendybar said...
Socialism will be the death of the Democrats."

Or the death of us all.

I Callahan said...

You really going to tell her she can't run, racist? Birther.


I'm Full of Soup said...

I am not shocked at this. The Dem party is increasingly represented primarily by non-religious minority race and/or gay candidates and white, Jewish candidates. Crowley is a victim of a purge by the surging minorities in the Dem party. Those minority candidates will start to purge the Dem's white Jewish candidates too. Get out the popcorn when a Dem leader like Shumer gets pushed aside from his leadership position.

Bay Area Guy said...

Viva La Revolucion!

mockturtle said...

The Dems have built their own gallows.

Rick.T. said...

After this, how many exceptions to the "People of color can represent white people but white people can't represent people of color." rule are left.

Anybody know? Bueller? Bueller?

Bob Boyd said...

Ann Althouse: "it's a rule of thumb that the better looking candidate wins."

Robert Mueller: "Wait...what?"

MayBee said...

Who is better looking:

Bill DeBlasio, Kristen Gillibrand, Elizabeth Warren, Michael Bloomberg, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Kamala Harris, or Eric Holder?

MadisonMan said...

So another lobbyist got hired last night.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

She's a total communist - but she's CUTE! So, there we go.

Caligula said...

All the medical services you want, and at zero out-pocket cost. But, the queue to obtain services is longer than a human lifetime.

Luxury housing for all (the queue forms here).

High quality food available in all neighborhoods at low prices. But, the store shelves are bare.

Free college for all (but all that's actually available, now, are useless low-quality edujunk).

Unless you're Nomenklatura. Then (and only then) one can jump the queue, and the seemingly unavailable becomes available.

Democratic Socialism: Aka, The United States of Venezuela. Are you sure not enough will vote for it to achieve political victory?

Coda: Democracy is like a train, when you reach your station you get off.

walter said...

"Medicare for All will reduce the existing costs of healthcare (and make Medicare cheaper, too!) by allowing all people in the US to buy into a universal healthcare system.
What’s even better is that Improved and Expanded Medicare for All includes full vision, dental, and mental healthcare - because we know that true healthcare is about the whole self, not just your yearly physical."
Yep. Like so many millenials, she's got that figured out.
Nice arms too.

lgv said...

1. Female, latina
2. Anti-establishment
3. Wants to give free stuff to all her constituents.
4. Easy on the eyes

All winning messages. If you polled those who voted for her, half would probably say they are against socialism. The fact is a true socialist appeals to a large segment of the voters, because they don't understand the true cost of socialism. People like Chavez and Ortega are freely elected the first time.

I used to not worry about socialists getting elected, because they would never effectively implement true socialist policies. Now, I have done almost a 180. European style socialism will be here within the next 10 years, whether one piece at a time (healthcare), or in one fell swoop (a Congressional majority and President). Ironic, since Europe is slowly starting to move away from it as the average value of social services decreases while taxes increase.

I'll be retired by then. I'll be able to move to post-socialist Venezuela as it starts its rebound.

zipity said...

She wants to turn America into Venezuela. Period.

There is no free lunch lady.

Anonymous said...
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HoodlumDoodlum said...

Ann Althouse said...I don't know what flipped this primary — and she won by 15 percentage points — but Ocasia-Cortez looks absolutely fantastic.

Yeah, that's true, that's true; Che Guevara looks absolutely fantastic in those pictures your Leftist pals like to venerate, too, so a fantastic looking Communist or Socialist isn't something new. I wonder if Che looked fantastic while he was executing women, children, and homosexuals?

I saw a Commie murdering innocent kids
And his hair was perfect!

Anonymous said...

The actual policy difference were negligible.
She's better looking and is from a certified victims group.

MayBee said...

Yep. Like so many millenials, she's got that figured out.

It will because I say it will!

(I'm not actually against the concept. I'm just trying to figure out how- if our premiums are high and our deductibles are high- not paying any premiums or deductibles is going to make it cheaper? Or paying lower premiums and lower deductibles is going to make it cheaper? Can someone help on this?)

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Anyway good for her. The Dem voters of her district want an Israel-bashing socialist to represent them and they damn well deserve to have it.

Side note: remember the Media coverage of Tea Party candidates? Remember how the narrative wasn't "fresh new challengers tapping into grassroot disdain for entrenched political forces" but was instead something like "dangerous extremists threaten to take power; women, children, and minorities everywhere should fear for their safety"?

Anyway I'm sure that's how they'll cover this extremist from the Left winning a stunning victory. I'm suuuuuuuure.

dreams said...

I'm so enjoying reading about the inept and extremely crooked Dems engaging in even more self-destructive behavior, it's akin to an immunity system that has finally turned to unknowingly attacking its host.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a former organizer for Bernie Sanders’s presidential campaign, who had declared it was time for generational, racial and ideological change

Can we get a ruling here, Professor? Are explicit racial appeals ugly or not?
Or maybe it's just more nuanced than my smooth brain can handle, huh? Maybe they're always ugly except when they're made by a member of certain groups.
Golly that'd be convenient!

Chuck said...

I heard this lady in an interview on NPR's Morning Edition today. She sounds remarkably awkward and clueless.

I did not realize how deep-blue the NY 14th is. It went 78% for Clinton in 2016. And the district is 18% white. Almost 50% Hispanic.

Chris N said...

Good ol’ Social Democracy: A politics of utopia/dystopia. Groups of oppressed identity groups fighting to gain control of someone else’s money (starts with the rich money, ends up as neighbors’ and working poor money until the money runs out). Most people unite under the moral sentiments of being oppressed victims in need of political patronage and strong leaders of ‘The People’ until the overall society’s poorer, less free and less dynamic. Somewhat-functioning health and welfare offices and a few often corrupt corporate bureaucracies dot the landscape. The political machines harden into unequal hierarchies, of course.

Social Democrats can suck moderates in with appeals to shared political ideals, crafty political,messaging and typical demonizing of opponents (or maybe just broad fear and shaming tactics). Behind the scenes, as usual, it’s mostly the same old back room dealing and especially in big cities...exquisite corruption at the trough.

Let’s be just like most of Europe!

chuck said...

The last big push for socialism in this country was about 115 years ago, and died because of violence and was succeeded by the Wilson, Hoover, FDR version of fascism. It is the latter that is coming apart these days and leaving an opening for the return of the socialists. I expect we will see the Democrats moving further left in the coming years, and mostly in the states with poor fiscal outlooks. Times will be most interesting when they run out of money.

glenn said...

Uneasy lies the snout within the trough.

Paul said...

If the Dems keep moving to the left they will fall off into the ocean in California....

Won't that be a gas!

Humperdink said...

"Except she'll be too young. She's only 28, and you have to be 35."

Where did you find that? In the Constitution? Ha. It would take a lefty federal judge mere seconds to rule her eligible. The ninth district would affirm and the SCOTUS would overturn it 2 or 3 terms later.

dreams said...

I guess she's going to get elected this fall, New York.

dreams said...

Ted Kennedy was first elected when he was 28 years old.

Bob Boyd said...

Crowly had tons of money. He disdained to show up for 2 debates, treating Ocasio-Cortez like she didn't exist. He hadn't faced a primary challenger since 2004.
Sounds like Crowly took his victory for granted. Who does that remind you of?
Maybe he'll write a book, 'What Happened Again'

Fernandinande said...

She's not actually elected to anything yet, correct? So all this "news" coverage - "Giant slayer" "rocks Dem party" ("¡white man defeated!") - is really just advertising.

dreams said...


"Ted Kennedy was 30 years old when he first entered the Senate following a November 1962 special election in Massachusetts to fill the vacant seat previously held by his brother, John, who had taken office as the president. He was elected to a full six-year term in 1964 and was later re-elected seven more times."

dreams said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Wince said...

Wendybar said...
Socialism will be the death of the Democrats.

"Why would you murder someone who's committing suicide?""

dreams said...

"She's not actually elected to anything yet, correct? So all this "news" coverage - "Giant slayer" "rocks Dem party" ("¡white man defeated!") - is really just advertising."

Is she expected to have serious competition from a Republican in NY?

Sally327 said...

This seems like the lefty version of Trump winning. People on both sides are fed up with the status quo, of doing what's expected and never having it pan out the way it should, someone else always benefits, yadeeya etc etc.

If anything I would think the Bernie Sanders crowd are even more p.o.ed than Trump voters because Bernie was hosed in the 2016 election by the DNC powers that be and because 8 years of Obama didn't completely destroy the existing white male power structure and geesh it really should have, the Dems had all the power after the 2008 election and they screwed it up.

Wince said...

Chuck said...
Meade said...
Medicaid for all.

"Medicaid for all" is actually pretty funny. Kudos if that was the intended joke.

I'm in favor of Meadicare for All-thouse.

Nonapod said...

Young, female, latina, attractive, charismatic Socialist upsets the moribund Dem establishment. I wonder if the Dems are desperate enough to ask her to run for president in 2020 so they can take advantage of a superstar wave like Obama back in 2004.

Bob Boyd said...

"She's not actually elected to anything yet, correct?"

If Althouse's rule of thumb on looks is correct, the Republican opponent is in trouble.

Anthony Pappas:

walter said...

"Alex believes that if we are to uphold civic justice, we must abolish ICE and see to it that our undocumented neighbors are treated with the dignity and respect owed to all people, regardless of citizenship status.

Alexandria Endorses: DREAM Act of 2017"

Bob Boyd said...

Meadicare = The government will buy you all the garlic cherry-juice shots you can handle.

rcocean said...

Cowley was just a big of leftist as the challenger.

This was just an old white male getting replaced by a young person of color.

Cowley will now become a lobbyist on K street.

This is not a big change.

walter said...

"He disdained to show up for 2 debates"
Maybe that's what "Born to run" refers to..

Sebastian said...

"European style socialism will be here"

It would be better than American socialism. In Europe, they make the poor pay--VAT, income tax, premiums. Solidarity is not a one-way street. Of course, institutionalizing socialism didn't help the socialists, since a number of socialist parties are now dying--running out of working class to represent.

In the U.S. it's just about getting access to other people's money. Graft, pork, and racketeering. The biggest problem they face is that many blue states and the federal government are already deep in debt. We are not Venezuela yet.

Humperdink said...

"This was just an old white male getting replaced by a young person of color."

Yeah, red.

Michael K said...

the Bernie Sanders crowd are even more p.o.ed than Trump voters because Bernie was hosed in the 2016 election by the DNC powers that be

Bernie was a willing co-conspirator and probably got well paid.

Michael K said...

Blogger glenn said...
Uneasy lies the snout within the trough.

Great comment !

rightguy said...

Crowley will get a nice lucrative and permanent gig in The Swamp as a lobbyist/consultant or some such. A made man if I ever saw one. He seems to be taking his loss a little too well.

walter said...

"Alexandria endorses a Federal Jobs Guarantee, because anyone who is willing and able to work shouldn’t struggle to find employment.
A Federal Jobs Guarantee would create a baseline quality for employments that guarantees a minimum $15 wage (pegged to inflation), full healthcare, and paid child and sick leave for all. This proposal would dramatically upgrade the quality of employment in the United States, by providing training and experience to workers while bringing much-needed public services to our communities in areas such as parks service, childcare and environmental conservation.
Furthermore, a federal jobs guarantee program would establish a floor for wages and benefits for the nation’s workforce. This program would provide a baseline minimum wage of $15 an hour and guarantee for public workers a basic benefits package, including healthcare and childcare. By investing in our own workforce, we can lift thousands of American families out of poverty."

Meade said...

" Kudos if that was the intended joke."

It was. Thanks.

Daniel Jackson said...

Two points. It is clear the Democratic establishment is no better at reading their local constituents than they are reading the mood of the national voter.

Second, she looks and sounds a great deal like Mrs Weeeeener. Her pitch is pure Shillery so it appeals to the emotional base.

She will get fried in the NYC press over her anti-Israel stance, despite what her Shillery appeal might be.

Seeing Red said...

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a former organizer for Bernie Sanders’s presidential campaign, who had declared it was time for generational, racial and ideological change

Por La Raza todo.

Seeing Red said...

She will get fried in the NYC press over her anti-Israel stance, despite what her Shillery appeal might be.

Israel will be a non issue.

The Palis will be on their own soon enough. Either they’ll take the deal or they won’t.

buwaya said...

Predictable. The districts demographics have changed out from under the incumbent.
This has happened often in CA. And its been going on since the 19th century, thats how you got so many Irish and Jewish and Italian politicians.

The majority votes for someone that seems familiar. This is not necessarily an ideological vote.

Cantor's case was very different, being an actual clash of policy preferences. The voters didn't like where Cantor stood.

Meade said...

"Meadicare = The government will buy you all the garlic cherry-juice shots you can handle."


Seeing Red said...

A Federal Jobs Guarantee would create a baseline quality for employments that guarantees a minimum $15 wage (pegged to inflation), full healthcare, and paid child and sick leave for all. This proposal would dramatically upgrade the quality of employment in the United States, by providing training and experience to workers while bringing much-needed public services to our communities in areas such as parks service, childcare and environmental conservation.
Furthermore, a federal jobs guarantee program would establish a floor for wages and benefits for the nation’s workforce. This program would provide a baseline minimum wage of $15 an hour and guarantee for public workers a basic benefits package, including healthcare and childcare. By investing in our own workforce, we can lift thousands of American families out of poverty."

Yup totally unclear on the concept. Bring on Venezuela.

Seeing Red said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Birkel said...

I haven't seen the numbers yet, which means I think I know which way the numbers cut.

Has anybody seen a summary for the number of votes cast by Democrats this primary election season? Or the same for Republicans?

Anybody seen a comparison of the number of votes by either party compared to the number of 2014 primary votes?

That analysis I have not found and I think it will tell us a lot about the purported enthusiasm of the respective parties.

And since I haven't seen those numbers, I think I know which way they cut.

buwaya said...

Re La Raza -
So far, that organization is not Puerto Rican friendly.
Its a Mexican thing. You need to be Mexican to truly belong.

Seeing Red said...

Alexandria endorses a Federal Jobs Guarantee, because anyone who is willing and able to work shouldn’t struggle to find employment.

That’s soooo 2016 Obama. Like Can’t she live in the now?

YoungHegelian said...

What an arrogant putz Crowley was to send someone else to the debate! He lives in a majority Hispanic district & he blows off a debate with an Hispanic candidate? How did he think that was going to be seen by those constituents? "Sorry, chica, us white real men & don't have time for folks like you".

Sometimes it just amazes me the stupid shit that politicians do to themselves. I guess the type of narcissist who's drawn to run for office isn't too big on self-reflection.

Seeing Red said...

Say it isn’t so, Buwaya! There’s actually a Hispanic pecking order??? I’m shocked!

We’ve been informed for years YEARS that can’t be.


Sal said...

Free stuff from a hot babe!

YoungHegelian said...


Its a Mexican thing. You need to be Mexican to truly belong.

Oh, yeah. There's no love lost between Mexicans & Puerto Ricans. That's fo' shure!

buwaya said...

Crowley's attitude is not all that different from the California Republican party.
They did the same sorts of things re changing demographics, that is, keeping the party exclusive to the usual people. They were terrible at Chicano outreach and communication, and worse at developing a Chicano bench, thereby conceding the whole population to La Raza, who took the place by default.

Jeez, they couldn't even be bothered to communicate in Spanish. It was as if that whole population didn't exist.

Bay Area Guy said...

We don't have many Puerto Ricans in California. In her first official act in Congress, ACO should order all citizens of The Bronx to move to Manhattan, and all Manhattanites to move to The Bronx.

Seeing Red said...

That’s family squabbling. They’ll unite against their oppressor. It’s the way of the world.

glenn said...

You know what’s funny. All those Boomer Dems who played the identity politics game to their benefit without thinking that cute Latina would want their job and their perks instead of just being happy to vote for them. Pass the popcorn.

BJM said...



The Dems have built their own guillotine.

BTW- What is it with all these geezers thinking it's cool to play old rock anthems? Could they look any more out of touch?

Crowley wearing a suit: "Hold my beer."

And don't get me started on the likes of Joe Scarborough and Harrison Ford with their "hip" hair styling. No dude, put down the hair products, and get an adult haircut.

dreams said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
dreams said...

The baby boomer liberals started us on this road to our country's ultimate disintegration by their ignorance of history and lack of respect for tradition. They disdained the melting pot labeling it a failed policy in favor of multiculturism causing many of us to be identity groups rather than Americans. They allowed, even encouraging illegal immigration which brought in low skill people often criminals who didn't share our culture or appreciate our history and who never bothered to learn our language or try to assimilate. The misguided baby boomer liberals became the corrupt Democratic party and they are the ones who Balkanized the USA

Big Mike said...

That clown was part of the Democrat leadership team?

Oso Negro said...

@Dreams - The Baby Boomers aren't responsible for the New Deal or the Great Society. Those were major contributors to the state we are in now.

Michael K said...

They were terrible at Chicano outreach and communication, and worse at developing a Chicano bench, thereby conceding the whole population to La Raza, who took the place by default.

I think they gave up after Prop 187, which got a lot of Hispanic votes.

It was much like Prop 8 that passed with 60% of the vote, was ruled unconstitutional by a gay judge who then married his male lover.

The Atty General declined to appeal. Ditto with 187. They gave up.

I think Brown was atty general for Prop 187.

Yancey Ward said...

As I wrote in the overnight thread- the NY-14 district is 46% Hispanic. It was only a matter of time before the district can't be won by a white male of any political bent. The older cohorts of the district- those 50 and older- is significantly more white than the district as a whole (part of the district is Queens, the other half is The Bronx). It was these older voters that scared off Hispanic primary opponents....until last night.

Michael K said...

The Baby Boomers aren't responsible for the New Deal or the Great Society. Those were major contributors to the state we are in now.

Definitely not The New Deal. That was panic about Capitalism when Democrats still cared about Capitalism.

The Great Society was the reaction to the Kennedy assassination. Without that, it would not have happened.

Robert Cook said...

"And yes - the Dems are being pulled to the left."

It's about time!

Actually, left of center Dem does not a left Dem party make. We'll see if this is a fluke or a portent.

BudBrown said...

Vote total approx.
Her - 15,897
Him - 11,761

BJM said...

@AJ Lynch

True, but the Left's major donors, party hierarchy and the media are predominately white. So the Dems minority candidates are not as autonomous as they think they are.

Ocasio-Cortez will dance to whatever tune the Democrat Congressional leadership plays. Today it has a Latin beat, post mid-terms? Maybe not.

Yancey Ward said...

glenn wrote....

"Uneasy lies the snout within the trough"

I am shamelessly stealing this for my own use!

walter said...

"From an early age, Alexandria grew up with a deep understanding of income inequality. The state of Bronx public schools in the late 80s and early 90s sent her parents on a search for a solution. She ended up attending public school 40 minutes north in Yorktown, and much of her life was defined by the 40 minute commute between school and her family in the Bronx. It was clear to her, even then, that the zip code a child was born in determined much of their destiny. The 40 minute drive represented a vastly different quality of available schooling, economic opportunity, and health outcomes.

Alexandria eventually went on to study at Boston University, where she earned degrees in Economics and International Relations. While there, she worked for the late Sen. Kennedy handling foreign affairs and immigration casework for constituent families."

Robert Cook said...

"If the Dems keep moving to the left they will fall off into the ocean in California...."

Keep?! Ahahaha! Well, maybe they'll eventually cross back over the center line.

buwaya said...

Back in the late 80's, early 90's the Republicans had an opportunity.
They could have seriously looked for Chicano candidates, done targeted messaging, allied with Latino Evangelicals (of which there are lots) in their storefront churches, done the US Patriotic messaging with youth groups, etc.
This can be done, and has been done.

Jeb Bush was working this approach, that was the direction of the Bushes. especially Jebs half-Mexican sons. Very likely a productive approach. But Jeb was a bad politician.

Michael K said...

"But Jeb was a bad politician."

I always thought he was better than his brother.

The problem was that Iraq was botched and the border thing was mishandled after 1986.

Michael K said...

"If the Dems keep moving to the left they will fall off into the ocean in California...."

Keep?! Ahahaha! Well, maybe they'll eventually cross back over the center line.

You mean after they make a full circle.?

Pass through Venezuela and do not stop for long ?

walter said...

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
‏Verified account @Ocasio2018 23h23 hours ago

No bans.
No walls.
No fences.
No chains.
No justice - no peace.

We will fight, we will vote, and we will run until hate is dismantled.

Vote today and help us mobilize. AFTER VOTING, NYC #MuslimBan protests start at 6pm.

Rick said...

Ahahaha! Well, maybe they'll eventually cross back over the center line.

Cook seems to believe you're not left of center unless you're killing people in camps. It's no wonder they don't advertise.

dreams said...

The New Deal isn't what is destroying our country and as to LBJ's great society, the baby boomer liberals were not against that but rather would have been enthusiastic for it if not for their main concern the Vietnam war.

Jaq said...

You have to admire a guy who draws the 'center' line just to the right of about three percent of the electorate. Shows a kind of sexy confidence.

dreams said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
dreams said...

Our main problem today is the failure to assimilate of those who have come to our country either legally or illegally and become Americans.

damikesc said...

She is an ethnic Christine O'Donnell.

BJM said...

Michael K said "The Great Society was the reaction to the Kennedy assassination. Without that, it would not have happened."

That and the civil rights movement. Dr. King's 1963 speech at the Washington monument and the horrendous images from the South on TV nightly moved Americans to make a change to eliminate poverty and racial injustice. One forgets that when Johnson put many of the programs in place the poor and elderly were mainly white.

BTW-In 1964 when Johnson launched The Great Society voting age was 21 and even the leading edge of the Boomers were only 18. So no, it wasn't the Boomers.

Robert Cook said...

"One forgets that when Johnson put many of the programs in place the poor and elderly were mainly white."

Many of them still are. That's partly why Trump won.

Francisco D said...

"Ocasio-Cortez will dance to whatever tune the Democrat Congressional leadership plays. Today it has a Latin beat, post mid-terms? Maybe not.

That sounds about right. Hispanics are not the huge ethnic voting bloc for the Dems as African-Americans.

However, Puerto Ricans may be different from the second and third generation Mexican-Americans I grew up with. The latter tend to be fairly Republican.

Earnest Prole said...

For those who think this may be a “sign” Democrats may be turning left, I seem to remember a socialist who wasn’t even a member of the party getting 45 percent of the Democratic vote in a primary completely rigged against him.

BJM said...

Buwaya said: "But Jeb was a bad politician."

Jeb just isn't adept at retail politics...he gives off a deer-in-the-headlight vibe. With the exception of young George P...none of the Bush men have a lick of charisma and nowadays that's what wins elections.

BJM said...

damikesc said: "She is an ethnic Christine O'Donnell."

Ooooo... that's a cold burn.

Am I bad person cuz I LOL'd? Possibly...but dayum that was funny.

dreams said...

Jeb was a good governor but he lost his chance when he failed to win his first try for governor and his brother did. Timing, he lost his time.

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Etienne said...

I was wondering when the Progressives (communists) would completely take over the Democratic party, and poof, there comes Ocasio-Cortez.

Who would suspect a Hispanic would be a communist (chuckle)...

Earnest Prole said...

If the Dems keep moving to the left they will fall off into the ocean in California....

Someday someone will explain how California Leftists engineered a state of the most wildly rapacious and productive capitalism.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“And yes - the Dems are being pulled to the left."
“It's about time!

Actually, left of center Dem does not a left Dem party make. We'll see if this is a fluke or a portent.”

Exactly, it’s about time. The Democratic Party needs to keep up with their voters. It needs to speak their language and resonate with them. She’s a Bernie style liberal and she’s going places. Millennials are liberal and are getting even more liberal as time goes on and the baby boomers are dying off. She and those like her are face of the future. Trumpism won’t be able to compete.

hstad said...

Haven't heard or seen much analysis of this race! Ocasio-Cortez a complete unknown even in her district won. Could it be that Crowley overplayed his Trump bashing? Remember Puerto Rican men in the Bronx love Trump. Yet, their only outlet to vote against Crowley was Ocasio-Cortez a 28 year old bartender. Congratulations Democrats! Don't see her, with her platform, going for more than 1 term in congress - assuming she wins the real election - which is most likely. As soon as she starts pushing the SJW gender B.S., Puerto Rican men will vote her out.

William said...

She's super-hot for a Congressional candidate, but, by the standards of overpriced Manhattan restaurants. she's only medium hot. Plus, she's twenty-eight. That's about forty-eight in hot service staff years. She's ripe for a challenger in the next election. I see someone about twenty-two taking her on. Here's a winning issue: there should be a separate class of food stamps for high class restaurants. Why should only rich people be allowed to eat at such places? It's about time for the customers to look like the staff who serve them.

Etienne said...

I looked at her Republican competition: Professor Anthony Pappas. Boy is he going to need Trump help bad!

lgv said...

Blogger Seeing Red said...
Alexandria endorses a Federal Jobs Guarantee, because anyone who is willing and able to work shouldn’t struggle to find employment.

That’s soooo 2016 Obama. Like Can’t she live in the now?

Really, I'm in Texas. The last ten people the temp agency sent to us didn't show up. The willing and able are fully employed. We are are now trying to recruit the unwilling.

Daniel Jackson said...

"Vote today and help us mobilize. AFTER VOTING, NYC #MuslimBan protests start at 6pm."

Of course, the ME will be an issue in the fall.

The Three Ring Circus is already forming. It will be fun to watch.

BJM said...

Dreams said "The New Deal isn't what is destroying our country and as to LBJ's great society, the baby boomer liberals were not against that but rather would have been enthusiastic for it if not for their main concern the Vietnam war."

Your timeline is not entirely correct. Professors at University of Michigan organized the first Vietnam teach-in and Students for a Democratic Society launched the campus antiwar movement in 1965. However SDS was founded in 1960 as a student wing of LIDS at UM Ann Arbor in opposition to the Cold War and social injustice. So, you're right, The Great Society would have been in the SDS wheelhouse, but they pivoted when Kennedy miscalculated and Vietnam escalated in '63.

BTW don't believe the Boomer's PR, the majority became boring middle class parents, homeowners and taxpayers.

In full disclosure: As a callow yute I was a member of FSM and SDS at Cal. I am not a Boomer but a War Baby...so only tangentially guilty of ruining the country.

AZ Bob said...

He's got a good singing voice but could use hipper clothes.

Jim at said...

As the Democrats continue careening to the far left, they hold a gun to their own heads and demand the rest of us not come any closer.

It's perfect.

policraticus said...

Oh, baby this town rips the bones from your back
It's a death trap, it's a suicide rap
We gotta get out while we're young
Baby, we were born to run.

The highways jammed with broken heroes on a last chance power drive
Everybody's out on the run tonight but there's no place left to hide.
Baby, we were born to run.

Irony, it can be pretty ironic sometimes.

rcocean said...

The Dems don't want to have citizenship on the Census because it will confirm that many of their CD's are Rotten Boroughs full of illegals.

Many of these high immigrant CD's have very low turnout and are solid D. So, the Representatives are getting defacto elected in primaries with 10% of the vote.

That's why you had some old, white, Bald Irish guy representing a CD that's 15% white.

rcocean said...

Super hot?

No. She good looking.

For a Politician.

Ctmom4 said...

Does anyone know what the turnout was? NYC election turnouts are usually dismally low. Comrade Bill, for example, boasts that he won with 75% of the vote- neglecting to mention that only 25% of voters voted. I don't know what all the sane people were doing on election days.

Why didn't we cut PR loose 70 years or so ago?

Gahrie said...

I've heard that there was only a 5% turnout for this election.

gilbar said...

" Why should only rich people be allowed to eat at such places?"
Wasn't it Henry Ford that said that superhot waitresses should be able to afford to eat where they work?

Unknown said...

She looks like a hot piece of ass.

I'd like to get me some hot Butter Rican...

Isn't that what we vote for?

Holler if you hear me

Clyde said...

Fernandistein said...
She's not actually elected to anything yet, correct? So all this "news" coverage - "Giant slayer" "rocks Dem party" ("¡white man defeated!") - is really just advertising.

Unless she gets hit by a bus while crossing the street, she'll be elected in that district, given the political demographics. Book it.

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