"It was wrong and I should not have done it. I immediately regretted it and sincerely apologize to the family for what I said and any hurt my words have caused," wrote Peter Fonda, admitting that it was "highly inappropriate and vulgar" to tweet "We should rip Barron Trump from his mother’s arms and put him in a cage with pedophiles and see if mother will stand up against the massive giant asshole she is married to."
I wonder where the pedophilia idea came from? The problem under discussion was the separation of children from adults and putting children in cages/"cages" with other children. If the idea was to give the Trump family the same treatment, parallelism would have Barron Trump in a cage apart from his parents and held captive with other children. Why introduce a new evil, pedophilia, which actually seems to be something the complained-of policy protects against?
What a strangely disordered mind was put on display! No wonder Mr. Fonda is sorry.
1 – 200 of 247 Newer› Newest»Well, he apologized, so that's all right then.
The left is headed toward advocating political assassinations.
Where did it come from? The same place calling Trump's staff and family names that would get him banned from Hollywood if used against any other woman. He simply thought, like comedians thought hate f'ing Republicans and statutory rape of their daughters was funny and acceptable. He thought he was important enough to get top cover for being an ass. He thought he was more Samantha Bee or Colbert than Kathy Griffin. Poor guy. What a way to learn his place in the pecking order.
A lot of these Hollywood male celebrities are on the prowl for new lovers so that they ditch their wives and kids.
They'll see their kids on the weekends and vacations. That's good enough.
So. Who thinks we would get this apology absent a Secret Service visit? I mean. A lot of time passed since he immediately regretted it. Maybe he was just embracing the repent in leisure part of the saying.
Pedophilia is the go-to escalation after for the children. It gets huge ratings.
It's the mob reaction, not the thing itself, that governs.
Pedophilia didn't exist as a public problem before the 1970s. The moral discovery was ratings.
He seems like a nice man speaking about important issues in a nice way.
Drop dead - HIllarywoodlander.
The Code defines his kidnappingthreat as a crime punishable by up to 6 years in Federal prison. So he is begging Trump for foregiveness big time. And pedophiles attacking 12 year old boys just slipped out. It's Hollywood, Jake.
FWIW this sounds a little more sincere than the usual non-apology apology.
Well, President Trump can't help Fonda, that might be obstruction of justice. Sorry, Easy Rider, you get what you get.
Sadly, that probably consists of a stern talking-to, which poor Peter has already suffered through.
Anybody got a handy boycott-Sony link?
Has he apologized for his tweets about his rape fantasy of the Kristjen Nielsen (I'm surprised Althouse hasn't been all over that). Or his tweets threatening the children of the ICE agents.
Has his Twitter account been closed.
Has his new movie been cancelled. All projects been cancelled.
Has his agent dropped him.
"No wonder Mr. Fonda is sorry"
No worry he's outta work. And he only got what work he did get because of who he father was.
You know who else likes to pen vicious slurs directed at Barron Trump?
That cocksucker Chuck, that's who. There's no difference in the degree of Trump hatred. It is a mental illness.
Perhaps someday there will be people who have the stones to attempt to prosecute these crimes.
My favorite thing so far was a short clip on the local Boston news of Menendez showing a picture of a crying child displaying outrage. Menendez who was accused by child sex slaves of using the services their traffickers offered. They did recant, while still under control of the traffickers, for whatever that is worth.
But our friends on the left SIMPLY DO NOT GIVE A SHIT about abuses like that from their senators because it is ENTIRELY ABOUT POWER with them.
She said “I know what it’s like to be dead”
Peter Fonda and his sister Jane both have deep Daddy Issues.
If you look at their lives as a continuing series of acting out against perceived authority there is little that seems to exist outside this context.
They have both talked about the cold and distant relationship they had with their father.
Their mother committed suicide in a mental hospital; Peter did not find out the real circumstances of her death until he was 55 years old.
Their father left his following life in Peter's teenage years.
Children being separated from their mothers obviously resonates with him on a dark level.
I am not writing this in his defense; I am merely pointing out the damage that often follows broken families and suicide.
Recently people have written about Anthony Bourdain's suicide and what that will mean in his daughter's life: it can leave the children angry and adrift.
I think 'angry and adrift' is fitting in the mindset of Fonda's Tweet. From this childhood he has grown up in the dysfunctional Hollywood Island of Broken Toys. The anger in that community is the air that he breathes. These are the people with whom he is trying to find anchor.
His is a lifetime of slowly drowning.
His community encouraged him to join them in the water, and they are now swimming away.
Again, I am not writing this in his defense; I just see a sad, sad life. A lot of smiling photos, with no true happiness underneath.
Can we not deliberately Chuck up the thread? It's one thing to get into it with someone here, but it's another to poke the bear.
"Their father left his following life in Peter's teenage years."
Should be wife, not life.
Stone walls do not a prison make, nor pedophiles a cage.
So. Who thinks we would get this apology absent a Secret Service visit?
Not I.
Has he apologized for his tweets about his rape fantasy of the Kristjen Nielsen
Not to my knowledge.
(I'm surprised Althouse hasn't been all over that)
Me too.
Or his tweets threatening the children of the ICE agents.
ICE should arrest his gardener and house cleaners. Make the bastard mow his own lawns.
These days the pest of disordered minds starts at the top and works its way down into all our discourse.
The left is headed toward advocating political assassinations.
And justified because, well, Hitler....
I didn't think so the first time I saw it, but the ending of "Easy Rider" was a happy one.
"Like many Americans, I am very impassioned and distraught "
No you're not.
Did anyone else notice that gas lawn mowers wouldn't start until Fonda started making them?
Actually, Thomas, there have already been several instances of advocating assassination from the Hollywood crowd. Anyone saying such things about Obama would be in jail now but these 'artists' are sacrosanct and Trump is...Hitler.
Matthew -- It's easy for you to hide my comments. It's impossible for you to alter my choice of comments.
exiled muses: I didn't think so the first time I saw it, but the ending of "Easy Rider" was a happy one.
FWIW this sounds a little more sincere than the usual non-apology apology.
Dictated by the USSS? That would explain the lack of apologies for other offenses.
Decades of drug abuse may also be a factor.
If their mother killed herself, who raised them?
I live in South Texas and I've seen a lot of sharing of a tweet advocating for ICE agents to be protested and hassled as they go about their daily lives, including "picking their kids up from school."
A friend of ours is married to a Border Patrol agent and her cousin -- cousin! -- organized a sad little flash mob to show up at their house and yell obscenities at their family. (Entire family is Hispanic, I might add, if that changes anything.) She was so freaked out by it that she gathered up her kids and left town and deactivated her Facebook. She wasn't even commenting on any of this current brouhaha; she, husband and kids are evidently guilty by association and deserve to be threatened and cursed in their own home by their own family.
Things I can only say anonymously at Althouse and cannot say on FB even though I want to: Maybe, just maybe, you idiots should think twice about agitating for this lynch-mob intimidation tactic peasant bullshit (which the asylees are supposedly fleeing, I might add) because there are still a lot of people in this country who wish to live in a civilized society and eventually will reach a breaking point and will no longer tolerate your nonsense.
With kids like Peter and Jane, no wonder the mom killed herself.
"Disorder" is what Fonda and his old "new Hollywood" ilk were about. They're proud if it, until it's baldly on display and they realize how they look to normal decent people.
Rebellion is so passe.
Remember how distraught Democrats were at Hillary’s “We came! We saw! He died! (chortle, guffaw)” war in Libya?
Here is a picture of a dead child washed up on the beach who died fleeing Hillary's War, if you want, maybe you can still find one and poke it with a stick!
I bet if we go back to Peter Fonda’s twitter feed, we can find a tweet where he wanted to drown Chelsea, or sell her as a slave ‘wife’ in the new Libyan slave markets that have appeared since Hillary’s War.
Things I can only say anonymously at Althouse and cannot say on FB even though I want to:
Maybe, just maybe, you idiots should think twice about agitating for this lynch-mob intimidation tactic
Why? It works. You have done their job for them. They have gotten you to censor yourself.
Per Misplaced Pants: Maybe, just maybe, you idiots should think twice about agitating for this lynch-mob intimidation tactic peasant bullshit (which the asylees are supposedly fleeing, I might add) because there are still a lot of people in this country who wish to live in a civilized society and eventually will reach a breaking point and will no longer tolerate your nonsense.
Thank you! That's truly comforting to know.
These days the pest of disordered minds starts at the top and works its way down into all our discourse.
That’s one possible explanation. Another is that a bunch of people who value control of government power over their neighbors above all else have been having a two year tantrum, egged on by a media that has engaged in dishonest reporting all of this time, leaving out key details, or any kind of higher order logic, and cynically appealing right to the amygdala of Democrats to keep them energized for the next election.
Do you own a Fonda Accord?
From the Internets:
"...Throughout Jane’s and Peter’s childhood, their mother, a socialite named Frances, had been in and out of the hospital for depression. After Peter was born, she developed symptoms of bipolar disorder. Weeks were spent in a manic state before she would recede into the darkness of her bedroom, shutting everyone out except her son, who was her favorite...
She was also obsessed with her weight, even telling young Jane, “If I gain any extra weight I’m going to cut it off with a knife!” Jane ended up fighting bulimia for many years. When Peter was 10 and Jane was 12, Frances entered a psychiatric hospital after Henry asked for a divorce. Unlike previous hospital visits, she did not return. Frances committed suicide by slicing her own throat...
Henry had everyone in Jane’s and Peter’s life tell them that Frances had actually died of a heart attack. Jane found out the truth in a movie magazine article. Not surprisingly, Jane and Peter had a lot of pain to get through as they grew up. While Henry was on his honeymoon with his third wife, less than a year after the death of Frances, Peter shot himself in the abdomen with a .22-caliber pistol...."
Loren W Laurent said...
Peter Fonda and his sister Jane both have deep Daddy Issues.
This was a thoughtful post. Personally I don't have a lot of time for Hollywood and its people, in part because a lot of really damaged people seem to be attracted to show business and in part because of all the appalling crap they produce.
I do wish that they would collectively shut the fuck up about politics. They are a bunch of know-nothings, as self-righteous in their way as the religious right is in theirs.
From Peter Fonda's autobiography:
"...Peter didn't understand the significance of his mother's frequent visits to the hospital, and when he found the house crowded with friends and relatives one afternoon, had no reason to suspect anything was amiss.
When I walked toward them they told me to go through the closed doors and into the living room. I opened the doors and saw Jane, Grandma and Dad sitting on the couches. Jane was on Dad's lap. I went to Grandma, and she told me Mother had died of a heart attack, in a hospital. After that, no one ever talked about Mom. No one seemed to miss her. It was almost as if she had never lived. Jane and I never went to a funeral or service for her; I didn't know where she was buried.
Why? It works. You have done their job for them. They have gotten you to censor yourself.
Sorry for being a coward about speaking my mind in public (or what passes for public in the age of social media) but you know as well as I do that there are consequences for that these days. Our kids have to eat.
The left are Facist in the truest sense of the word. They shut down dissent, try to jail their opponents, incite angry mobs to destroy symbols they don’t agree with, use the power if government to destroy those who would speak out, etc.
This has played out everywhere they come to power, and nothing is different here in America. Obama’s reign proves that truism.
That is why it is critical that they not take the reigns of government again. The only lesson they learned fromObama is that they were not aggressive enough in crushing dissent. They likely won’t make that mistake again given another chance.
LWL, I am moved to near tears by your account of the tragic lives of the dysfunctional Fonda family. [sarc] But most overcome such handicaps and grow up. [Examples of horrible childhoods: Winston Churchill, Eleanor Roosevelt]. And I'm sure the cost of therapy was not beyond their means.
ARM sums it up: I do wish that they would collectively shut the fuck up about politics. They are a bunch of know-nothings, as self-righteous in their way as the religious right is in theirs.
Well said but I disagree that the 'religious right' is self-righteous.
I do wish that they would collectively shut the fuck up about politics. They are a bunch of know-nothings, as self-righteous in their way as the religious right is in theirs.
Amen, brother, but I'd say they are more so. When's the last time you heard a self-righteous religious right person getting the time of day from anyone?
I do wish that they would collectively shut the fuck up about politics. They are a bunch of know-nothings, as self-righteous in their way as the religious right is in theirs.
That’s the Democrats. That’s where Obama went almost monthly during his presidency to rake up the filthy lucre. That’s where his daughter interned, with Harvey Fucking Weinstein. That’s where Democrats get the glittering ornaments for their cocktail parties that they use to mesmerize the press and many many women voters.
"...because there are still a lot of people in this country who wish to live in a civilized society and eventually will reach a breaking point and will no longer tolerate your nonsense."
Here's the underlying problem, Pants -- the mob left and their vulgar internet chorus have rarely, if ever, suffered any tangible consequences for their disgusting behavior. I wonder if they have the capacity to embrace decency, because they won't like the breaking point that they so desperately encourage.
What is beyond the pale culturally now for commenting?
Only thing seems to be racism, sexism, and what Kathy Griffin did.
What will be interesting about this, is these actions are poking a social media lion, Trump, and he hits back. He shatters Overton windows...
When's the last time you heard a self-righteous religious right person getting the time of day from anyone?
The Democrats are a party that finds if very important to signal their virtue by loudly announcing their hatred of certain deplorable segments of their fellow Americans. He didn’t need that little slip into hatred to make his point, but he couldn’t help it.
Jane was on Dad's lap
"Papa popped a boner!"
Eleanor Roosevelt grew up?
He shatters Overton windows...
Trump is transgressive against the left, which is unforgivable, of course. The transgressiveness of art must only break one way!
Look at what has happened to the enrollments and therefore funding of Mizou and Evergreen College. Both have been fundamentally changed for the worse. Having to drop academic standards to get students, and still having to make huge cuts in classes and staff to compensate. The Gods of the Copybook Headings will be appeased, at some point.
He said
I know what it's like to be dead
I know what it is to be sad
And he's making me feel like I've never been born
I said
Who put all those things in your hair
Things that make me feel like I'm sad
And you're making me feel like I've never been born
He said you don't understand what I said
I said no no no you're wrong
When I was a boy, everything was right
Everything was right
I said
Even though you know what you know
I know that I'm ready to leave
'Cause you're making me feel like I've never been born
He said you don't understand what I said
I said no no no you're wrong
When I was a boy, everything was right
Everything was right
I said
Even though you know what you know
I know that I'm ready to leave
'Cause you're making me feel like I've never been born
He said
I know what it's like to be dead
I know what it's like to be dead
I know what it is to be sad
I know what it is to be sad
This is bullshit. Look at his twitter feed, many,many people just like him making same sort of comments.
The thing was posted with all caps, too, 'cause he was real angry.
He a hero to his peer group, the left, no repercussions expected.
Man, f this guy. I'm a pretty angry guy myself, most of the time, but I don't think its ever popped into my head to desire the caged-in gang-rape of a child, much less utter it publicly.
So f this guy and f his apology. If we were any sort of decent society he and Samantha Bee and Kathy Griffin and all the others would be shunned.
Nice to see the Left advocating for the assassination of abortion docs. Because that’s exactly what they’re doing but they’re far too stupid to understand how and why.
"LWL, I am moved to near tears by your account of the tragic lives of the dysfunctional Fonda family. [sarc] But most overcome such handicaps and grow up. [Examples of horrible childhoods: Winston Churchill, Eleanor Roosevelt]. And I'm sure the cost of therapy was not beyond their means."
There are horrible childhoods, and there is the childhood of a parent leaving you by death at their own hand.
I am by no means defending his Tweet.
I am saying that children of suicide have had an event that casts a long echo through their lives.
The death of a parent when one is a child is sad.
But an accident can be understood as an accident.
A heart attack or cancer can be understood as the vagaries of our existence.
Murder can be understood as a tragedy brought from the outside.
Hell, the horrible death of a parent in Auschwitz can at least be blamed on the fucking Nazis.
These are not the parent's choice.
But the suicide of a parent is the parent's choice to leave you, forever.
I'm not sure any therapy can patch that hole.
Has he checked into rehab yet?
Let's see - 78-year old Hollywood-type, born into wealth, fame and privilege, made one good, iconic movie , Easy Rider, about 50 years ago, and has been coasting off this one movie ever since.
Yeah, I'd say he's a bit disordered.
Things got a little out of hand. It’s just this war and that lying son of a bitch Johnson and…I would never hurt you. You know that.
LWL's comments at 745am are insightful. The Fonda kids had a screwed up childhood and grew up to be brittle, neurotic adults. Their personalities are misshapen lumps of resentment and privilege......I suppose on some level they're unhappy, but good looks, wealth, robust health, gated communities, fame and coteries of syncophants allow them to ride over the abyss like it's a pothole .......Any reasonable person would say that his remarks are far more pernicious and hateful than those of Roseanne, but no one in his community will tell him that or shun him for his remarks.
Things like this are only going to get worse. I suggest Althouse start a tag for “...and that lying son of a bitch Johnson”.
Probably one for “threats against Baron Trump” too.
Alcohol is a terrible thing to waste.
You will get a lot of disordered people in any such conflict.
It’s like the fringe of bums that gathers around any protest in San Francisco.
It’s also from these disordered types that your Gavrilo Princips.
Ann is baffled by Peter Fonda's reference to pedophilia, because she's sure that the child kidnapping scheme is designed to prevent such things from happening,
Please see:
Shelter Worker Charged With Attempting to Coerce and Entice An Unaccompanied Alien Minor
Benjamin G. Greenberg, Acting United States Attorney for the Southern District of Florida; Special Agent in Charge Shimon R. Richmond of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General’s (HHS-OIG) Miami Regional Office; and Mark Selby, Special Agent in Charge, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Homeland Security Investigations (ICE-HSI), Miami Field Office, announced the Indictment of Merice Perez Colon.
The Indictment charges Perez Colon, 35, of Homestead, Florida with attempted coercion and enticement of a minor to engage in illicit sexual activity and attempted production of child pornography, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Sections 2422(b) and 2251(a) (Case No. 17-CR-20375). A criminal complaint was also filed against the defendant. At the time the charged offenses were allegedly committed, Perez Colon was employed as a youth care worker at an emergency influx shelter in Homestead that provides services to unaccompanied alien children present in the United States.
Jersey Fled said...
FWIW this sounds a little more sincere than the usual non-apology apology.
6/21/18, 7:24 AM
Really? twitter.com/iamfonda
A reminder. These celebs loved Trump and Ivanka three years ago.
nfinite Monkeys said...
Jersey Fled said...
FWIW this sounds a little more sincere than the usual non-apology apology.
6/21/18, 7:24 AM
Really? twitter.com/iamfonda
6/21/18, 9:22 AM
Yep, follow that link. Look at Nancy Sinatra who is linked there. These people are out of their minds.
Is Pickering suggesting that Fonda was referencing that case and therefore justified? Lulz
Peter Fonda, Kathy Griffith, the mobs on the Internet and in school board meetings: I do not hate them. I despise what they do. Sinner not the sin, etc. As Jesus might have said, the poor and the stupid will always be amongst us.
I will not waste the time of anyone reading this comment by a long connection of dots: I will simply fast-forward to the idea that most of these people came from dysfunctional backgrounds.
As mockturtle commented earlier: "...most overcome such handicaps and grow up. [Examples of horrible childhoods: Winston Churchill, Eleanor Roosevelt]."
The difference is that the societal expectation to overcome such backgrounds has disappeared, along with the prevalence of the cohesive family structure: our elites now reward the fight against such expectations.
The dysfunctional is no longer seen as aberrant; rather, it is an alternate lifestyle that is supported and coddled and taught and government-funded. Dysfunction = Diversity.
The pendulum swung in the Sixties, and it never swung back: it is frozen in defiance of the gravity of what was once considered the benchmarks of civilized society.
American society is The Lord Of The Flies writ large. I do not reasonably expect better behavior from those who grew up in this culture: they have no societal reference point to anything different. Their anger is encouraged and stoked so as to always look outward for the source of their discontent; self-awareness is limited to the recognition of the perceived victim, and reinforced.
Those who have had the power to create this situation -- the government, the media, the educators -- those I despise. They have created the weak so as to prey on them: people as cattle, fed on a psychological diet to fatten them into complicity, to be consumed when convenient.
The metaphorical parents of our society have committed suicide: the kids are not alright.
I thought Henry Fonda was dead.
We are headed to a dark place. Twitter is awash with Antifa and Democrats advocating murder (I assume many of these are Russian bots, but still).
I know the Right likes to think that we will win the civil war that is upon us already, waiting to turn hot, but I am not so sure. The Eurozone, China, and Russia will all provide materiel and personnel to Antifa. Even if we have 80% of the US military, there are enough saboteurs in place (eg Michael Hayden) that they'll be able to disrupt operations. Plus the Left controls all the powerful institutions - the Nurses Union will refuse to treat patients in territory we hold, Truckers Union may refuse to ship food to our territory. The nations around the world will ban trade with our territory.
I am not optimistic that we will win this civil war.
"Their anger is encouraged and stoked so as to always look outward for the source of their discontent; self-awareness is limited to the recognition of the perceived victim, and reinforced."
It's a form of arrested development.
If you have an open war, I think the “deplorable” side will win, even win easily.
The military manpower is far superior in quality. This counts more than anything.
It’s why Franco won the Spanish Civil War, in spite of being vastly behind in every other conventional asset.
The other side lacks industrial capacity also, which is almost entirely in deplorable territory. It’s wealth is based entirely on bloated asset values, equity, debt, real estate, which can disappear in an instant.
There is no power on earth with the capacity to intervene in a ground war in the US.
You certainly could lose a pre-revolutionary conflict though. This could be extremely costly but if it is a matter of security forces against terrorists and stops there, then eventually it’s likely to stop there. It will leave a vastly changed country, but likely not a “deplorable” victory. If you have such a war the sooner it is open the better for “deplorables”.
Ann, basking in a milk-bath of love for her president, and some of her readers must be doubled over with laughter today at the hilarious scenes of brown diapered lonely children, imprisoned and tortured at the command of the comic genius in the Oval Office. One reader commented last night that he hopes to have an opportunity to visit the incarcerated children and poke sticks at them through the bars of their cages. As Ann avers, those kids are getting nothing less than what they deserve -- didn't Trump win the election, after all? Ann's all on board with whatever decision her brilliant president takes. Will the abducted children be put up for adoption after their parents are deported? Nothing to see there, Ann says: those kids are dangerous criminals, and Ann's afraid of them, so they deserve whatever they get.
But even if the “deplorables” easily win, the peace will be very difficult.
It will be, win or lose, an economic and social catastrophe.
Blogger roesch/voltaire said...
These days the pest of disordered minds starts at the top and works its way down into all our discourse.
It does on your side. Why do you think Tim Kaine's son has become a sociopath ?
That young man who attacked the Trump rally in Dayton was the son of a Democrat office holder and politician.
ATLANTA – Mayor Kasim Reed announced today that Faye DiMassimo will serve as the new General Manager for the $250 million Renew Atlanta infrastructure bond program. In this new role, DiMassimo will oversee the design, construction and completion of more than two hundred transportation and municipal facility projects, including construction of the new Martin Luther King, Jr. Natatorium in the Historic Old Fourth Ward neighborhood. The Renew Atlanta infrastructure bond program was approved by more than eight in ten voters in a special election held on March 17, 2015.
DiMassimo has served as the Director of the Cobb County Department of Transportation for nearly six years, where she has overseen a $36 million operating budget with more than 160 staff.
He comes by his radical politics the old fashioned way. Did you ? Are you a "red diaper baby?"
The other side lacks industrial capacity also, which is almost entirely in deplorable territory. It’s wealth is based entirely on bloated asset values, equity, debt, real estate, which can disappear in an instant.
This is why the left hates and fears Trump and his supporters.
It is also why we need to bring back the ability to make things,.
Peter Fonda needs to be disappeared in the same way that Roseanne was for her tweet.
He needs to be banned from twitter.
All of his movies must be removed from the library and not shown on TV or in the theater.
He must not make another dollar in the entertainment business.
That is what happened to Roseanne. It is the new standard. It needs to apply to everyone. Not just to Trump supporters.
"What a strangely disordered mind was put on display!"
What's strange about it? Many progs in the public arena act out violent fantasies.
Madonna fantasizes about blowing up the White House
Kathy Griffin holds up Trump decapitated head.
James Hodgkinson, or "Terminate the Republican Party," tries to terminate Republican party reps.
DIMassimo rushes Trump's stage.
Kaine participates in an anti-Trump riot.
And so on, and so forth.
Now Fonda goes after Barron.
"No wonder Mr. Fonda is sorry."
Only because it backfired.
I can't help but think some of these celebs are spouting off simply to..garner..attention.
Suddenly people are thinking about Peter Fonda.
Mission accomplished.
I Have Misplaced My Pants said...cousin! -- organized a sad little flash mob to show up at their house and yell obscenities at their family. (Entire family is Hispanic, I might add, if that changes anything.)
Must be White Hispanics..."Coconuts".
Know anything more about the cousin?
Just remember, no matter what the crazed Left does..justified by Heather Hyer's murder.
But I suspect most of the Lefty extremists would become far less so upon suffering any real consequences.
Michael K suggests: It is also why we need to bring back the ability to make things,.
We need to, in the midst of our Faustian bargain with technology, remember that there is a real world out there and that we can't--yet!--eat data.
Ann could possibly link to the WaPo story with this hilarious item:
During cross-examination of one agent, I asked if she was aware that my client was arrested with his 4-year-old daughter. She said no. I was shocked, but this is the game. I asked whether she was the lead investigator, and if she had talked to field agents in this case. She said yes. I asked if it had become known to her that my client had his 4-year-old child with him. Yes, she said, but added that she didn’t know the child was a 4-year-old female. [...]
At another hearing before a different judge, as one of my colleagues asked the agent on the stand about the whereabouts of my client’s child, the prosecutor objected to the relevance of the questions. The judge turned on the prosecutor, demanding to know why this wasn’t relevant. At one point, he slammed his hand on the desk, sending a pen flying. This type of emotional display is unheard of in federal court. I can’t understand this, the judge said. If someone at the jail takes your wallet, they give you a receipt. They take your kids, and you get nothing? Not even a slip of paper?
Ann thinks this is all so funny.
buwaya said...
If you have an open war, I think the “deplorable” side will win, even win easily.
This is nonsense, of course. There is never going to be a war, despite what a few hotheads here seem to think.
One way to see that this as nonsense is to look at the relationship between Hollywood and the deplorables. Hollywood reliably caters to the tastes of the deplorables. That is how they make their money. Big city leftists like Robert Cook generally don't go to see Hollywood movies. They watch Argentinian movies, or pretty much anything other than Hollywood movies.
Hollywood and the deplorables are two sides of one coin. The jocks versus the glee club. The resentments towards the right in Hollywood can be traced to high school. They are childish. The deplorables resentment traces to their twenties when they realized that the geeks were going to end up running the world.
What channel are you watching, because that's one hell of a cartoon you have there.
His "gash" tweets proves he hates women. I feel sorry for all his wives.
Oh, well, the Sun is now moving back south and winter is coming.
Twitter is wired right into the amygdala. Tweet in haste, repent at leisure.
I don't want Mexican kids to be put in Prison with their Parents. It is amazing to me that Democrats want children in prison.
But they are faithless, immoral curs. The only other alternative is to ignore the law entirely and even they are not ridiculous enough to advocate for that (sarc)
Rusty stands with Ann in laughing at the essential humor of the President's child kidnapping scheme. It's like watching cartoons! So funny! Poke sticks at the brown diapered babies! Laugh your head off!
One way to see that this as nonsense is to look at the relationship between Hollywood and the deplorables. Hollywood reliably caters to the tastes of the deplorables.
I would certainly argue with your use of “reliably.” But your whole new American untouchable class thing is pretty funny. You sound just like Strzok who could smell the Trump support at a southern Virginia WalMart. But you guys know you can’t revoke their right to vote, so your plan is to import a tranche of Democratic votes in the form of Mexican peasants, because God knows that arguing with the old blue wall Democratic base that Trump is wrong to try to protect American heavy industry is going to inevitably fall on deaf ears.
"...At another hearing before a different judge, as one of my colleagues asked the agent on the stand about the whereabouts of my client’s child, the prosecutor objected to the relevance of the questions. The judge turned on the prosecutor, demanding to know why this wasn’t relevant. At one point, he slammed his hand on the desk, sending a pen flying. This type of emotional display is unheard of in federal court. I can’t understand this, the judge said. If someone at the jail takes your wallet, they give you a receipt. They take your kids, and you get nothing? Not even a slip of paper?..."
Who wrote the laws? What does the Constitution prescribe for changing these laws?
It seems that people are angry at Trump for not ignoring the law. I'm not sure that is a standard they will want to live with.
The children are put into our government bureaucratic system; in this case, I am confident that Big Government Bureaucracy knows best.
Flat bug eyed crazy runs in both Peter and Jane Fonda. They never met an America that they liked.
You could say something similar about many wars, especially civil wars.
There are always economic niches occupied by the population factions in conflict.
And the US conflict is not between “geeks” and “jocks”, it is, in the case of white people, mainly between peoples born into their castes.
And then there is the ethnic (race) aspect, which is likely to be very ugly.
Rusty stands with Ann in laughing at the essential humor of the President’s child kidnapping scheme.
Yes, enforcing the laws of our land, duly passed by Congress, and honoring a consent decree from a federal judge is now a “scheme.” The parents could claim asylum at a border crossing, or simply not make the claim, if they wanted to remain with their children so badly.
I haven’t seen Democrats dump on a consent decree this heavily since Bush v Bore, when Florida was excoriated for honoring a consent decree that ordered that military ballots not be subjected to strict time limits. I remember Democrats cheering when a military ballot was disqualified.
Flat bug eyed crazy runs in both Peter and Jane Fonda. They never met an America that they liked.
It seems that people are angry at Trump for not ignoring the law. I’m not sure that is a standard they will want to live with.
There is a higher law, the One True Faith of the Democrats. The constitution is basically toilet paper in comparison with the feelings of liberals. And we all know that illegal border crossers would never try to game the system by bringing along children!
Hollywood reliably caters to the tastes of the deplorables. That is how they make their money.
Have you noticed things like NFL attendance and TV watching ?
Of course you haven't because it doesn't fit the narrative,
Hollywood makes its money from foreign sales which is why the hatred of Hollywood for American is so destructive.
Why do you think Europe is so hostile to Trump? A few are learning but the old EU regime fears and hates him.
They learned it from Hollywood. Do you have any idea how many Europeans watched "Dallas" and got their idea of America from that TV show ?
I suspect you know better but are trying to hold up the left, which is your side.
Off topic:
Seems our resident crack-pot may be on to something:
Unneeded Drugs Killed Hundreds at U.K. Hospital, Inquiry Finds
One does wonder if, for example, a member of MS-13 wanted to cross the border, if he would simply kidnap or buy a child to make the whole process to smoother if he were caught, and bonus, he could then sell the child into the sex trade once he got to the US!
If you cross the border from Canada with a female child not your own you get a lot of questions, even if you are not brown. Or into Canada for that matter. They take sex trafficking seriously there too.
They learned it from Hollywood. Do you have any idea how many Europeans watched "Dallas" and got their idea of America from that TV show ?
We were once entertaining a client from the UK in Dallas. He was expecting to be shot at as he got off the plane. When we went ot a steakhouse there were old westerns on the TVs featuring shootouts. I told him it was the security cameras from the parking lot.
In this case interestingly the children in question are being sheltered in facilities run by a non-profit led by a member of the National Council of La Raza. And the rest of the board of that non-profit are members of La Raza as well. And that board chairman once boasted that the large staff of the shelter system was 93% “diverse” (read hispanic). They got their government contract in 2014 and have had it since.
These Dickensian conditions (or so they have been described) are maintained by members in good standing of the Democratic Party coalition.
And then there is the ethnic (race) aspect, which is likely to be very ugly.
The race war will be by a small fraction of blacks who hate and are convinced they are failing because of whites.
The problem is that they can't do anything but kill each other. And at close range with pistols.
However, they have no logistics. They do have some white allies but those are just as incompetent and will not be able to accomplish much. Bill Ayres was a rich kid who played at terrorism but was never as competent as his vicious wife, Bernadine.
Cutting off welfare for illegals will send many back or to Mexico. The ones who work will be fine and will not be interested in war,
So, we double standard AGAIN.
Barr misspeaks & gets fired and her show cancelled.
Fonda apologizes for advocating violence against the POTUS 12 y/o Son. At that's it. We're good to go.
Like Kathy Griffith, he'll be saying the same crap six months from now OR saying he didn't really mean his apology.
IMO, Peter, Jane, and their Mother were/are mentally ill. Seriously.
In the old days, the Hollywood types died off in their 60s - the booze and smoking took their toll.
Now, with modern medicine these old farts last till 95, and never shut up.
Yesterday, someone was quoting Dan Rather on the current border situation. Dan Fucking Rather, who hasn't been a TV anchor for over 10 years and is over 80.
Being a liberal means never being held to account.
I don’t think there is going to be another civil war, but I know that the only organized people who have used violence to try to start one (cough cough, Prairie Fire) have been from the left. This descent into unthinking tribalism that people like our own Pickering here demonstrates is a little worrisome, though.
ARM, maybe you should use my avatar. It’s from the “The peasants are revolting” scene of that Mel Brooks movie. I think you could use it un-ironically.
via Lucian Truscott:
When Trump adopted Miller’s policy, instead of processing undocumented immigrants as asylum seekers, Attorney General Jeff Sessions ordered them arrested for the “crime” of crossing into the United States illegally. This “crime” is actually a misdemeanor, equivalent to violating laws against jaywalking. In fact, this is the only policy in existence in the United States of ordering wholesale arrest, incarceration before trial, and prosecution of misdemeanor offenders. If you commit the misdemeanor offense of possessing a joint in hundreds of jurisdictions around this country, you will not be incarcerated before trial, you will not be herded into cages in a retired Walmart somewhere, you will not be issued a sleeping pad and a goddamned mylar “blanket,” you will not be denied a pillow for your head, and you will not be fed prison food, and you will not be allowed outside into sunshine and fresh air only once a day for two hours.
Instead, you will be issued a summons and sent on your way.
But not if you are a brown person crossing our southern border without documentation. Down there in McAllen, Texas, and elsewhere, you will be treated the way the Nazis treated Jews and homosexuals and “undesirables” and political opponents. You will be transported to an American concentration camp. If you are a husband and wife, you will be separated. If you are a child, you will be separated from your mother and father. If you are a brother, you will be separated from your sister.
Pretty funny, isn't it? Loren, Tim: good stuff, no?
The Left seems to have gone insane. I would not mind but the culture and society they are intent on destroying happens to be the one I live in.
And that board chairman once boasted that the large staff of the shelter system was 93% “diverse” (read hispanic).
High time we pointed that out, buwaya. 'Diverse' means 'not white'. How about the stark lack of diversity in the NBA, for instance? These franchises should be required to hire a percentage of white players in proportion to their population. Uh-huh.
I'm sure many of you watched Hannity last night. I missed it, but saw part of a transcript today. What about that insufferable libtard, Geraldo Rivera?
“2,300 children have been torn from their parents forcibly. These are little babies, 18 months old. These are 10-year-olds with disabilities. Taken from their parents. This is impossible,” Rivera said. “We can’t condone this. The Republicans are the party of faith and family. When did we become the party of child abuse?”
Doesn't he have any sense of humor?
These days the pest of disordered minds starts at the top and works its way down into all our discourse.
That’s because every day is Day 1 for you.
For me, it started when the former rapist in chief ran against #41 and they started calling him Mr. Bush.
For once John Pickering and I agree.
Illegal immigration should be a felony and not a misdemeanor. We need to change the law immediately.
Thus when we treat these illegals the same as American Citizens they will not have a beef. If they are arrested their children are taken away. Just like you if you commit a crime.
Illegal immigration is a misdemeanor by design. If it were a felony, the taxpayers would have to supply free legal representation to said illegals, and it would cost hundreds of $ millions. We could start issuing Wanted Dead or Alive posters and offer citizens a chance to make a little money. I bet millions would jump at the chance.
The simple answer is to deny all request for asylum. Without exception. There is no reason to grant it since the communist menace is over. Immigration is no about economics.
The only people who have a legitimate cause are the Christians and Jews being persecuted by the Muslims in the Middle East. However since the Pope doesn't care about them and is more concerned with sucking Muslim dick then it is not our problem either.
If we end the asylum scam we end the problem. Instead of catch and release we will institute catch and return. If they are arrested attempting to enter the United States Illegally they need to be deported the next day. Period. No trail is necessary.
More hilarious stuff about those extremely dangerous brown babies:
Trump’s zero tolerance policy is creating a zombie army of children forcibly injected with medications that make them dizzy, listless, obese and even incapacitated, according to legal filings that show immigrant children in U.S. custody subdued with powerful psychiatric drugs.
Children held at Shiloh Treatment Center, a government contractor south of Houston that houses immigrant minors, described being held down and injected, according to the federal court filings. The lawsuit alleges that children were told they would not be released or see their parents unless they took medication and that they only were receiving vitamins.
Parents and the children themselves told attorneys the drugs rendered them unable to walk, afraid of people and wanting to sleep constantly, according to affidavits filed April 23 in U.S. District Court in California.
One mother said her child fell repeatedly, hitting her head, and ended up in a wheelchair. A child described trying to open a window and being hurled against a door by a Shiloh supervisor, who then choked her until she fainted.
“The supervisor told me I was going to get a medication injection to calm me down,” the girl said. “Two staff grabbed me, and the doctor gave me the injection despite my objection and left me there on the bed.”
Another child recounted being made to take pills in the morning, at noon and night. The child said “the staff told me that some of the pills are vitamins because they think I need to gain weight. The vitamins changed about two times, and each time I feel different.”
Shiloh is among 71 companies that receive funds from the federal government to house and supervise immigrant children deemed unaccompanied
Can you guys think of anything funnier that drugging the brown babies until they fall down, and telling that they're vitamins? How about the cool story where the border police approach the mothers and say they're taking the kids for a bath, and then they never bring the kids back? Man, that's so clever!
How much more could Ann possibly love the comic genius in the Oval Office?
Darrell makes a valid point. We need specific legislation that precludes the government from spending our hard earned tax dollars for the legal representation of non citizens. If the Congress refuses the President should just issue an executive order. If the court intervenes he should just ignore it. Just he way Obama did when he was President.
We need to play by their rules. Just as we need to demand that Peter Fonda be disappeared like Roseanne. You need to operate under the same rules as the liberals. Period.
I denounce Peter Fonda.
"The simple answer is to deny all request for asylum. Without exception."
-- Except there *are* a lot of valid asylum requests. Jews and Christians from the Middle East; people fleeing drug cartels. I believe America ought to respect asylum seekers, but our current set up is a system to be gamed. We need a better system overall.
"Can you guys think of anything funnier that drugging the brown babies until they fall down, and telling that they're vitamins?"
Absolutely. How about illegal alien "Babies" who disappear into the system under "catch and release" and are put in school in Long Island by sanctuary city fanatics so they can join MS-13 and other gangs to rape and murder American Children. While their papi gets drunk after stealing an Americans job at Home Depot and drives without a license so he can kill an American teenager on his way to his Section Eight apartment.
That's a laugh riot.
People fleeing drug gangs are not a valid asylum request. Sure it is a bad situation. If America has to grant asylum to people fleeing a horrible situation then the entire population of Venezuela is eligible for asylum.
Is that what you want?
“Children held at Shiloh Treatment Center, a government contractor south of Houston that houses immigrant minors, described being held down and injected, according to the federal court filings. The lawsuit alleges that children were told they would not be released or see their parents unless they took medication and that they only were receiving vitamins.”
I guess it’s not bad enough that these children are being held away from their parents by the government, but handing them over to contractors just makes it so much worse. We’re going to be hearing all sorts of stories as the days and weeks go by.
It must have worked because Trump caved in to the democrats on this one.
Melania Trump is at the border meeting with the migrants. I’m so happy to hear this! I hope she has some sway over her husband, which is doubtful.
Or will she actually speak to any migrants? I sure hope so.
There are very few Jews and Christians left in those Middle Eastern countries. The Muslims have killed them all.
Something the liberals have no problem with since they want the Christians in America to be eradicated.
Still and all if you want to help them then you can sponsor the Jews to move to Israel and the Christians to move to the Vatican.
Wait a cotton picking minute! The Italians are refusing to overwhelmed by illegal immigrants and are turning them away at the barrel of a gun. Israel has a fence and doesn't allow an invasion form other neighboring countries.
What about that insufferable libtard, Geraldo Rivera?
Yes, when it comes to “la raza,” Geraldo is all in. Doesn’t think that there should be any impediment whatsoever into any person who speaks Spanish from up and moving here and starting working and voting.
"The lawsuit alleges."
There you go. Now you know it is bullshit. Made up atrocities by the left like they always do with fake hate crimes. It is all nonsense and fake news.
Anything to get open borders and unlimited illegal immigration.
Held down and injected with what? Getting their immunizations?
Kids don’t like shots! I had to hold down my kid.
You’re a nurse!!
Can you image what 10s of thousands of non-immunized children would do? Polio’s back in this hemisphere in Venezuela because of end-stage socialism, isn’t it?
We are so close to irradicating it too.
Maybe we should pay John Pickering to write PSAs, translate them into Spanish, and broadcast them all over Central America. That would help the problem, as would, BTW, A FUCKING WALL. Very few will drag their children along on a little law-breaking adventure in the face of getting them over a wall.
Note the approved term now is "migrant".
I for one do not want illegal immigrant children to be injected with drugs.
The only drugs in their system should be in the condoms that the coyotes shove up their ass to smuggle drugs into the United States for the liberals to stuff up their noses.
That is enough drugs in their systems those poor little tykes.
Oh, except for Cubans, who are now sent right back to Cuba based on a last minute Obama executive order. That’s not a problem, Cuba is a paradise, and only the mentally deranged would want to leave it, and who needs them?
Remember the good old days when hates only lasted two minutes?
Good point Seeing Red.
We should not immunize these poor tykes. Or teach them how to flush a toilet or brush their teeth. That is cultural imperialism. White privilege. How can they possibly fit in back in the jungle when they are sent back to their shit hole country.
We need to respect their culture and send them back the way they came in.
Any liberal will tell you that.
Ah, it’s a children’s holding center. I hope she gets to hug some of them and reassure them that they’ll be reunited with their parents. Family Reunification will be heard over and over again in the days, weeks and months to come.
Yes Inga,
Because Dems have a self-described "hack" media at their disposal.
"...,Attorney General Jeff Sessions ordered them arrested for the “crime” of crossing into the United States illegally. ..."
Nice quote marks. Is it a crime or isn't it?
And the idea that there are different standards for US citizens and illegal immigrants is not unexpected.
Again: don't like the law? Have Congress change it. It is their job.
"...you will be treated the way the Nazis treated Jews and homosexuals and “undesirables” and political opponents. You will be transported to an American concentration camp..."
I'll leave the trivialization of the Holocaust to the likes of you and Farrakhan. If you see these as the same, then prevent these people from willfully trying to enter Nazi Germany.
As I wrote before:
"The children are put into our government bureaucratic system; in this case, I am confident that Big Government Bureaucracy knows best."
This is Big Government. Funny how it doesn't work the way you want it to. It's almost like the Government can do what they want, whether you like it or not.
“Held down and injected with what? Getting their immunizations?”
It’s been reported that they are being given anti psychotics. As for immunizations, I’m all for those. As for holding any child down, it’s necessary at times, but pretty traumatic considering they’ve already been traumatized by being separated from their parents. Who comforts and holds them afterwards?
Time to tax remittances.
These days the pest of disordered minds starts at the top and works its way down into all our discourse. - R/V
Blaming Trump because you leftists are assholes. Nope. Never saw that coming.
You because you care. Why are you still at home? Or Peter Fonda. It’s just a stick and talking point for you.
After the trauma of what their mothers put them thru, those kids might need anti-psychotics.
The consensus here is that what Fonda said is worse than what we are really, actually doing, and have been doing, to children of asylum seekers.
Fonda's mind is "disordered" for even thinking such a disgusting thing, let alone putting it out there in the world. I agree with that. I do. And I am glad he apologized, though the apology certainly does not wipe away the ugliness of his rhetoric.
I also do wonder why the actual happenings at the center of these discourses are so blithely accepted by the bloggess and her commentariat.
Elian Gonzales probebly needed anti psychotics too after Reno sent in the goon squad. It’s a good thing Cuba’s medical system is top notch.
I also do wonder why the actual happenings at the center of these discourses are so blithely accepted by the bloggess and her commentariat.
Because it didn’t matter under Obama?
"When's the last time you heard a self-righteous religious right person getting the time of day from anyone?"
Has not Franklin Graham, to cite one example, been invited to the White House since Trump's inauguration?
Reported by who, Inga?
Must be some crazy plot by La Raza Nationale/Unidos organizers.
You know..that hatred against "wetbacks"..like Caesar Chavez had..
I love how this hack headline isn't called opinion, but "analysis":
Donald Trump's Twitter feed is getting more and more bizarre
Analysis by Chris Cillizza, CNN Editor-at-large
"Because it didn’t matter under Obama?"
Even if ceded this disingenuous talking point, what are you left with? Are you left condemning this treatment of children and families, asylum seekers among them, on the border? Or are you at long last, left saying "I'm for it"?
Nice quote marks. Is it a crime or isn't it?
Yes, LWL, it's not only a crime in the legal sense but, because it's en masse a fucking invasion in the military sense.
I see Pickering has Tedious dialed up to 11 today.
I’m not the one condemning them. All they had to do was follow the law.
Of course any reasonable person would be in favor of enforcing our immigration laws. If you want them to change then you should go to Congress and change them. Then you could have open borders and let in anyone the way you want.
In fact the President is enforcing the law. The consent decree made by the Courts. When this phony crises was touched off he went to Congress and asked that they pass a law. You know. Do their fucking job. But Chuck and Nancy said it was too hard. That he could change with a stroke of a pen. Like a dictator. President Trump wanted to follow the Constitution and have Congress exercise the will of the people and the Democrats wanted a dictatorial decree from the President to ignore the ruling of the court.
The President made a tactical retreat. What is going to happen is that the court is going to rule that he has to follow their decree. So he will. He will deport these law breakers. He is not going to allow unlimited immigration.
The Bush family hurt the most.
Besides after 40 years of its for the children bull, it’s not for the children and you know it.
Your heart bleeds do something. Go thru the process, become a sponsor and become financially responsible for them.
Just like those of you who care and want to pay more taxes. No one ever stopped you.
In same interview, objective NYT reporter Maggie Haberman sequentially praised Obama for using EO while condemning Trump for using EO. It must be because Trump is Hitler.
Talk about "disingenuous".
Federal Court filings in a case in which the mother is suing the center in which her child was housed.
“Children held at the Shiloh Treatment Center, a government contractor south of Houston that houses immigrant minors, described being held down and injected, according to the federal court filings. The lawsuit alleges that children were told they would not be released or see their parents unless they took medication and that they only were receiving vitamins.
Parents and the children themselves told attorneys the drugs rendered them unable to walk, afraid of people and wanting to sleep constantly, according to affidavits filed April 23 in U.S. District Court in California.”
I went thru the hoops, can you say the same, Harrow?
They obviously need more hands, Inga. You should go volunteer.
I think we should combine the two major stories on CNN today and have a solution that helps both parties. North Korea and illegal immigration.
North Korea is searching for ways to revive their economy and come into the community of nations. America has a severe border problem with our border patrol agents being attacked in their homes and restaurants by out of control liberal activists.
I would propose a cultural exchange program where we import some North Korean border guards to come to America to protect our border. They have the relevant experience and I am sure they would love to come to America to eat three square meals a day and get Netflicks and Burger King. These are tough guys and will not take any bullshit from man bun wearing hipsters and unwashed lesbians with hair under their arms. Plus they can send money home to their families and revive the economy of North Korea leading toward peace in Asia.
Peace in Korea and a secure border in America.
It's a win/win.
The worst thing to happen to the world in modern times was Sigmund Freud.
This was going on during the Lightbringer’s reign. What stopped you?
Progressive = Fascist
Progressivism = Fascism
I have said this dozens of times here with no reasoned disagreement. Not even Inga or Squeamish try to explain a difference.
We need to recognize progressives for the fascists that they are and act accordingly.
That does not violence, of course. It does mean using the law to fight progressivism/fascism.
Arresting and charging Fonda with as much legal force as possible should be done today.
Yesterday would have been better.
John Henry
This is like the convo I had at my local drug store waiting for a prescription to be filled. All we did was compliment each other’s shoes and I get a treatise on the evils of big pharma, her sister couldn’t afford Lipitor, she’s writing a paper on evil big pharma advertising and to shut her up I finally asked, why didn’t you tell your sister about asking her doctor for generics while thinking if it bothered you that much, why didn’t you offer to pay for her medicine. Because she’s your sister and you care.
Deer headlight eyes.
The deplorables resentment traces to their twenties when they realized that the geeks were going to end up running the world.
Oddly enough, the tech geeks I know are deplorables and the anti-Trump people I know still can't figure out the difference between a private server and a private email account through Google or another provider.
Thanks for that link, Inga.
It's a bit difficult to make sense out of the info due to extensive redaction.
I was able to read of one record noting a child who traveled from Honduras alone (mother was apparently in US?) expressing suicidal ideation leading to admission to psych ward. I suppose he chose to continue "freedom of movement" beyond Mexico after being robbed there.
In another section..likely another case, Javier Ruiz Navarro MD certainly seemed to be prescribing an extensive anti-psychotic cocktail.
I suspect polypharmacy is an issue in a lot of state managed custodies.
When all this began is a question since some of these predate Hitler's choice to enforce the law.
This should be a #MeToo moment for reporters who failed to do their jobs and report about this "abuse" during the Obama Administration.
They know who they are and it's time to come clean.
Right now they're the ones furiously filing stories and acting like Meryl Streep.
So Insty has a link to Glenn Beck highlighting this issue in 2014.
Just think, if someone’s was a little more tolerant and diverse this might have been solved awhile Ho.
Because #it’s for the children and #ICARE
Ago. Stupid autocorrect.
In same interview, objective NYT reporter Maggie Haberman sequentially praised Obama for using EO while condemning Trump for using EO. It must be because Trump is Hitler.
Liberals knew Obama had a good heart and thus is extrajudicial EO's were "just".
They also know Trump does not have a good heart, and thus Chuck Schumer must tell him which laws he should ignore.
Good heartedness is the key to understanding people who otherwise would be clearly hypocritical and self-serving.
Seeing Red,
If you had engaged her on the international cost-shifting onto US pharma customers/insurers, her head would have exploded.
And don’t forget when some of these stories are written, some of those “children” might actually be in their 20s or 30s. They pull that sleight- of-hand in Europe too.
I think I did tell her that Canada threatened to break patents.
You shoulduse alleged ther. Heather heyer seems to have simply suffered a heart attack.
She was administered CPR on the spot. COmmon side effect of CPR is external and internal bruising, cracked ribs and collapsed lung.
There is no evidence she was ever struck by a car.
The guy has been sitting in slam for a year now and trial isn't scheduled until November. Coincidentally rigjt after elections
John Henry
John Henry
Slightly off topic: Managua, Nicaragua has lost half its population. I presume many of them are now refugees and that some of them are seeking shelter in the USA. Daniel Ortega, the strong man of that country, has turned the guns on the people. Dozens have been shot. I think it's fair to say that he's a more despotic ruler than Donald Trump.......Daniel Ortega used to be a darling of the left. I don't think he's ever received the kind of criticism that Donald Trump has received. It's also worth mentioning that Ortega raped his stepdaughter, but that useful fact is usually ignored on press exports........Here's my point: why does Trump receive foaming mouth criticism for the way he greets refugees and the people who create these refugees pass unremarked.
And this deplorable was stupid stupid stupid as a teenager walking thru Space Mountain When they used to entertain you about the future and they had a television and they said you would order groceries through your television and I went NAH.
I don’t have the math capability but damn I can go linear if I have to. Where would I be now even if I got an outer rings degree. Back then there weren’t that many degrees/options.
Is there a way to block commenters? I assume no. But John Pickering is spamming, hopefully we can moderate his commentary out of sight.
We aren’t ready Venezuela Nicaragua are collapsing and Mexico’s going hard left.
The cartels are pushing this too.
Some people want to turn us into prey. This is not the time for gun control.
“Children held at the Shiloh Treatment Center, a government contractor south of Houston that houses immigrant minors, described being held down and injected, according to the federal court filings. The lawsuit alleges that children were told they would not be released or see their parents unless they took medication and that they only were receiving vitamins.
Parents and the children themselves told attorneys the drugs rendered them unable to walk, afraid of people and wanting to sleep constantly, according to affidavits filed April 23 in U.S. District Court in California.”
W@hat BS. Vaccines, if anything.
William said..
why does Trump receive foaming mouth criticism for the way he greets refugees and the people who create these refugees pass unremarked.
Pursuit of power
The linked PDF does indicate anti-spychotics.
Seeing Red said...I think I did tell her that Canada threatened to break patents.
That's asking her to connect dots.
Probably just heard "patent" and scowled.
Hey, so I heard more about those kids and even got the brief, which mentioned one kid had been there since 2015. The AP has this: "The abuse claims against the Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Center near Staunton, Virginia, are detailed in federal court filings that include a half-dozen sworn statements from Latino teens jailed there for months or years."
So, for the Shiloh center, can we get the dates for when the abuse happened?
February, March and April 2016 are the first dates I found while reading the complaint.
... So... why is Trump being blamed for this?
Given that, apparently, the people running the detainment center at Shiloh had been stopped in 2015 for similar stories... why did the government give them a second bite at the apple?
He's Hitler!
Sheila Jackson-Lee has been ringing the bell since late 2014 on this? Well, at least someone finally did something. Three and some change years later.
Womp womp
Virginia. A company state too, shame.
Ann's not linking to the NYT editorial page today, featuring the anti-Trump Bret Stephens, their house conservative:
among other things:
The immigrant share (including the undocumented) of the U.S. population is not especially large: About 13.5 percent, high by recent history but below its late 19th century peak of 14.8 percent. In Israel, the share is 22.6 percent; in Australia, 27.7 percent, according to OECD data, another indicator of the powerful correlation between high levels of immigration and sustained economic dynamism.
Finally, immigrants — legal or otherwise — make better citizens than native-born Americans. More entrepreneurial. More church-going. Less likely to have kids out of wedlock. Far less likely to commit crime. These are the kind of attributes Republicans claim to admire.
Or at least they used to, before they became the party of Trump — of his nativism, demagoguery, and penchant for capricious cruelty. It was nice to hear Republican legislators decry the family separation policy. But there’s no sugarcoating the fact that a plurality of Republicans, 46 percent, favored it, while only 32 percent were opposed, according to an Ipsos poll commissioned by the Daily Beast.
This isn’t a party that’s merely losing its policy bearings. It’s one that’s losing its moral sense. If anti-Semitism is the socialism of fools, then opposition to immigration is the conservatism of morons. It mistakes identity for virtue, entitlement for merit, geographic place for moral value. In a nation of immigrants, it’s un-American.
I’ll be accused of wanting open borders. Subtract terrorists, criminals, violent fanatics and political extremists from the mix, and I plead guilty to wanting more-open borders. Come on in. There’s more than enough room in this broad and fruitful land of the free.
Presumably Peter Fonda, having grown up in Hollywood, has spent his whole life around pedophiles.
langford peel at 11:59 AM
I would propose a cultural exchange program where we import some North Korean border guards to come to America to protect our border. They have the relevant experience and I am sure they would love to come to America to eat three square meals a day and get Netflicks and Burger King. These are tough guys and will not take any bullshit from man bun wearing hipsters and unwashed lesbians with hair under their arms. Plus they can send money home to their families and revive the economy of North Korea leading toward peace in Asia.
Bret Stephens:
I’ll be accused of wanting open borders. Subtract terrorists, criminals, violent fanatics and political extremists from the mix, and I plead guilty to wanting more-open borders. Come on in. There’s more than enough room in this broad and fruitful land of the free.
The Democrats and anti-Trump Republicans can campaign on that platform.
Let's see how the voters decide.
Come on in. There’s more than enough room in this broad and fruitful land of the free.
Once again, a leftist deliberately confuses legal immigration with illegal immigration.
How could Ann have missed this in the Daily Mail, one of her go-to news sources? This is really one of the funniest things, must have had Ann in convulsions of laughter:
Melania Trump wears $39 jacket with 'I REALLY DON'T CARE, DO U?' scrawled across the back as she boards a plane to visit immigrant children being held at the Texas border
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