One could have walked past the pickup truck in the mall parking garage and not known what the two men had been through and what they were working on. Don't you just wonder what you walk past every day? Life is full of so many interesting things.To live, you must walk on past infinite interesting things, but it is worth stopping to think that there is a world inside every human being. Some other 2 men in a truck in the mall parking garage might be slacking off, wasting their time, throwing their life away. You don't know what you are looking at as you go on your way.
I lived in MD for a decade, in Bawlmer. It is a cesspool. I have been out almost 20 years and still thank God I got out when I did. The place is corrupt and the people are vile.
That said, these two journalists deserve praise for their behavior in the face of this horrible atrocity. If there were even 100 more like them in the state the place would be much better.
Obviously, a very sad incident. There's still something quaint and appealing bout a small town newspaper, as opposed to, say, the big boys at WaPost or the NYT.
Pulitzer worthy. It they'll give the Pulitzer to some big city reporter who transcribed a report produced by the resistance.
There's still something quaint and appealing bout a small town newspaper, as opposed to, say, the big boys at WaPost or the NYT.
6/29/18, 7:57 AM
Which is why a small town paper would be an unlikely target for a killer motivated by political animus.
One could have walked past the pickup truck in the mall parking garage and not known what the two men had been through and what they were working on. Don't you just wonder what you walk past every day? Life is full of so many interesting things.
250 employees down to ~20. I suppose the Sun does their printing and distribution now. Surprising that it's still a daily.
The left is pretending to oppose increasing rancor and demonization as irresponsible and dangerous even they give those who engage in it standing ovations.
Is anyone surprised?
The people killed were not part of anything to do with Trump or Milo, as the leftwing hivemind suggest. That won't stop them from spreading hate and lies.
It's entertainment. The only question is which entertaining line to take on it.
When there is some major event in our personal life--a birth, a death, a marriage--that, even though we know it intellectually, it's always a bit surprising if we stop and reflect in the moment that, for most people, it's just another day. Nothing special about it at all.
From the article:
“Jarrod Ramos has a long history of being angry and taking action against The Capital newspaper,” said Tom Marquardt, a former executive editor and publisher at The Capital. “I said at one time to my attorneys that this was a guy that was going to come and shoot us. I was concerned on my behalf and on behalf of my staff that he was going to take more than legal action.”
Unfortunately, this is a risk you take when you deal with the public. I think lawyers and doctors are especially cognizant of this risk. I knew a disability lawyer that was shot by a disgruntled client when things didn’t go his way. It probably happens more often than we know b cause it doesn’t make the national news. There have been prominent cases of doctors shot by disgruntled patients, too. Personally, I keep a file of names of people I think might harm me in the future and have told my family where to find it if anything should happen to me.
That won't stop them from spreading hate and lies.
Yes, I noticed that Inga ran yesterday's cafe post out to at least 300 comments.
The people killed were not part of anything to do with Trump or Milo, as the leftwing hivemind suggest.
Think it has more to do with what an ex Federal employee with anger issues is capable of doing.
While we are trying to grieve and express our sadness for those lost at the small newspaper, we cannot because we are too busy batting away leftwing lies.
Some other person might be slacking off, wasting their time, throwing their life away, supporting Kathy Griffin.
A movie for Inga
"Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...
The people killed were not part of anything to do with Trump or Milo, as the leftwing hivemind suggest. That won't stop them from spreading hate and lies."
No kidding. Our resident dullard Inga made the connection before any details were known, and when it became obvious that the motive had zero to do with politics went all in:
"Inga said...
Sometimes all it takes for an unstable person with a grudge to commit violence is a nudge from the people like the President who says the Press is the enemy of the people or from Milo Y. who can’t wait to see vigilantes gun down journalists, or from the many many voices on the right demonizing the Press daily with Trump’s urging.
You people on the right and your relentless attacks on the Press may be what set this guy off, face it."
Nearby to the murder scene is the site of a jewelry store with a name similar to that of the alleged perp. And so they probably chose him to do to Bobby what Winston did to John in '64. Wabash Avenue, Chicago, may be (in a way) killed Robert, though a few other north-south streets through the loop may have been involved.
“This was a targeted attack on the Capital Gazette,” said William Krampf, acting chief of the Anne Arundel County Police Department.
Targeted? It seems none of those shot were involved in production of stories about Mr. Ramos, or named in his law suit.
The Associated Press makes the obligatory Trump reference, noting months of activity before and after the shooting.
Writer Brian Witte: "The shooting - which came amid months of verbal and online attacks on the "fake news media" from politicians and others from President Donald Trump on down - prompted the New York City police to immediately tighten security at news organizations in the nations's media capital."
The sentence-paragraph conforms to AP style. It is 46 words long and includes a quintet of phrases offset by dashes.
Critical information has not yet been reported. Did Ramos support Hillary, Bernie, Donald, or NOTA? An Althouse opinion poll is needed.
Fake news. Maryland has very strict gun control laws.
This couldnt possibly have happened.
The first thing NPR did after the shooter was identified was identify him on air, not by name, but as a "white male". One look at him and his father suggests that, in PolitiFact parlance, it is "Mostly False".
He is quite obviously Caucasian, just not Aryan. The deploraqble sigh of relief is he wasn't a skin head
Your reactions, which to me seem highly selective and I’ll just leave it at that, are endlessly fascinating and instructive. I have to go to a zen place just to bear them sometimes. Anticipating the scorn - at least I'm trying.
Matt said...
Fake news. Maryland has very strict gun control laws.
This couldnt possibly have happened.
Seriously. Because Virginia, West Virginia, and so on are SO FAR AWAY.
“Jarrod Ramos has a long history of being angry and taking action against The Capital newspaper,” said Tom Marquardt, a former executive editor and publisher at The Capital. “I said at one time to my attorneys that this was a guy that was going to come and shoot us. I was concerned on my behalf and on behalf of my staff that he was going to take more than legal action.”
This cannot be. Because some vile, left-wing ghoul named Inga was blaming Republican's rhetoric for the shooting. It had to be politically motivated.
I do hope people who stick up for her realize just what a piece of shit she really is.
You people on the right and your relentless attacks on the Press may be what set this guy off, face it." - Inga
I hope you're reading this thread, Inga. Because I'm not going to wade through all your crap on the other one.
Let me make this plain and simple.
Fuck. You.
"He is quite obviously Caucasian, just not Aryan."
He is father is quite obviously as black as Obama.
Thanks for reposting my comments for me, so I don’t have to.
I’d suggest rethinking demonizing the Press on a daily basis. It seems Trump might be doing just this.
“This attack shocked the conscience of our nation and filled our hearts with grief. Journalists like all Americans should be free of the fear of being violently attacked while doing their jobs.”
Donald Trump
"Inga said...
Thanks for reposting my comments for me, so I don’t have to.
I’d suggest rethinking demonizing the Press on a daily basis. It seems Trump might be doing just this."
Only to dullards.
Inga said...
I’d suggest rethinking demonizing the Press on a daily basis. It seems Trump might be doing just this.
I see she's still arguing demonization of left allies is dangerous while engaging in demonizing those she opposes. She'll never learn.
LOL, it’s always the monkeys...
"Rick said...
Inga said...
I’d suggest rethinking demonizing the Press on a daily basis. It seems Trump might be doing just this.
I see she's still arguing demonization of left allies is dangerous while engaging in demonizing those she opposes. She'll never learn."
It's worse. She claimed a link between the shooting and Trump/Trump supporters, when it was obvious to the rest of the sane world that was no link at all, our resident dullard was persistent. And here she is still trying to make a connection.
And here she is still trying to make a connection.
Her allies showed her facts don't matter when you control the narrative. It's hardly surprising she adopted the tactic given any other would require a commend of the facts beyond her ability.
"Rick said...
Her allies showed her facts don't matter when you control the narrative. It's hardly surprising she adopted the tactic given any other would require a commend of the facts beyond her ability."
And that's her problem, the left lives in echo chamber, and every and all assertions go unquestioned. She's a "try hard" but also a dullard. Sad.
I’d suggest rethinking demonizing the Press on a daily basis.
I’m thinking we’re not going to hear Trump demonizing the media in the way he’s done in the past. He may try to be much more subtle or he’ll stop doing so altogether.
“This attack shocked the conscience of our nation and filled our hearts with grief. Journalists like all Americans should be free of the fear of being violently attacked while doing their jobs.”
Donald Trump
The real tragedy here is that WAPO was only 30 miles down the road.
Seriously, though, I'm just as upset at these 5 journalists getting shot as the left was about those 5 police officers in Dallas.
Which actually was, you know, politixally motivated.
Thanks to, you know, journalists.
“This attack shocked the conscience of our nation and filled our hearts with grief. Journalists like all Americans should be free of the fear of being violently attacked while doing their jobs.”
Donald Trump
That some think this represents a change demonstrates how extreme and unfounded their previous beliefs were.
“We are heartbroken by the tragic news of today's shooting at the Capital Gazette. Our thoughts are with the entire newsroom, the families, friends, colleagues, and communities of the reporters who were killed while doing their jobs.
“The escalating anger and culture of hostility toward the press has made it dangerous to be a journalist in America. We need leaders from city halls to state houses to the White House to condemn this violence and to stop adding to the rhetoric that fuels it. Speak out against the threats and hatred directed toward the press and speak up in support of the people who bring us the news."”
Statement from Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press
HT said:
"Matt said...
Fake news. Maryland has very strict gun control laws.
This couldnt possibly have happened."
Seriously. Because Virginia, West Virginia, and so on are SO FAR AWAY.
Yeah, and the countries were cocaine is produced are SO FAR AWAY. And yet, nobody who wants cocaine in the USA is going to have any real trouble finding it.
It's...almost as if those who would ignore gun control or drug laws to get guns or drugs illegally, and those who would ignore gun control and drug laws to provide the guns and drugs illegally...would also ignore borders. Shocking, I know.
“The escalating anger and culture of hostility toward the press has made it dangerous to be a journalist in America.
It's revealing neither the press nor its acolytes care about the culture of hostility to non-leftists they have cultivated for decades. Only when they are the targets are they concerned about potential outcomes.
Luckily Inga has been nice enough to point out she doesn't care. We know. We've watched this happen long enough we know if there were any decency on the left it would have stopped by now. Instead the left doubles down and gets nastier.
“The escalating anger and culture of hostility toward the press has made it dangerous to be a journalist in America. We need leaders from city halls to state houses to the White House to condemn this violence and to stop adding to the rhetoric that fuels it. Speak out against the threats and hatred directed toward the press and speak up in support of the people who bring us the news."”
Fake news. There is absolutely no evidence of this.
Ramos sued the publication in 2012 for defamation, but the judge tossed the case in 2015.
The NYT, WaPo et al laugh and laugh with impunity.
Look, maybe we could all agree on a couple of things.
First, what Trump has said about the news media had NOTHING WHATSOEVER TO DO with the murders in Annapolis. Anyone who, before the facts came out, said otherwise should withdraw his/her comments, apologize, and then shut up about it.
Critics of the news media, INCLUDING THE PRESIDENT, should make clear that their criticisms refer to misconduct (in the critics' view) by the media, not to the existence of the news media when they are "just doing their job".
The news media should rethink their membership in "The Resistance". For most of my lifetime (I'm 75) I've known that particular newspapers, magazines, and television networks were biased in one way or another, but I don't believe that I have ever seen "news coverage" as slanted against a President and his staff and supporters as I see today. I'm sure the theory is that if the media keep saying bad things about Trump eventually enough people will buy the message and vote his party and then him out of office. But it ISN'T WORKING. It's counter-productive. It's hurting the news media more than it's hurting Trump. And the self-immolation of the news media hurts the country.
Agree, Godfather.
For Inga:
2011: The Capital Gazette publishes an article citing Ramos as a stalker.
2013: The Capital Gazette receives threats from Ramos and stands down on prosecuting for fear of escalating his violence.
2013: Joe Biden declares "Buy a shotgun."
2013: Joe Biden declares "Just fire the shotgun through the door."
2015: Ramos loses defamation case against the Capital Gazette
2018: Ramos fires a pump action shotgun through a door at the Capital Gazette and goes on to murder 5 people.
Tell me Inga dear, is this how it's done?
The media is an arm to the corruptocrat party. Saying so is not a death threat.
Bless your heart, MayBee. Bless both your brain and your heart.
Regards, Lori
[also reader_iam and, obviously, also, the handle by which this comment will be posted}
"For these members of his Cabinet who remain and try to defend [Trump], they’re not going to be able to go to a restaurant, they’re not going to be able to stop at a gas station, they’re not going to be able to shop [at] a department store."
"The people are going to turn on them, they’re going to protest, they’re going to absolutely harass them,"said the Democratic Party's Congresswoman Maxine Waters.
Inga at above thread @ 6/26/18, 11:18 AM :
So much outrage over what Maxine Waters has to say. I don’t care what she says, why do u?
Inga 6/29/18, 11:53 AM
I’d suggest rethinking demonizing the Press on a daily basis. It seems Trump might be doing just this.
IOW, Inga has a problem "demonizing the press," but has no problem with Maxine Waters inciting harassment of Trump administration officials in their daily lives.
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