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ABC reports:
The Justice Department's internal watchdog has concluded that James Comey defied authority at times during his tenure as FBI director, according to sources familiar with a draft report on the matter.
One source told ABC News that the draft report explicitly used the word "insubordinate" to describe Comey's behavior. Another source agreed with that characterization but could not confirm the use of the term.
In the draft report, Inspector General Michael Horowitz also rebuked former Attorney General Loretta Lynch for her handling of the federal investigation into Hillary Clinton's personal email server, the sources said.
Here's Rush Limbaugh today:
The one thing I pointed out yesterday — I find this fascinating — the day after I point out that there hasn’t been a single leak from this thing circulating in front of all kinds of eyeballs at the Department of Justice and who knows wherever else, not one leak. And then the very next day, today, we have a leak to ABC News that ends up one of the lead items on the Drudge Report....
But the fact that there haven’t been any leaks, the thing I mentioned yesterday, the fact there haven’t been any leaks when everything else in this town is leaking and every other leak in this town is an anti-Trump leak or an anti-Trump attack, the fact that there have been no leaks from this thing told me — and I mentioned it yesterday — that it must be pretty bad for the people who are named in this thing. They wouldn’t want it out there, and so it isn’t. Except now it is....
Standard Washington procedure is to self-leak damaging news in advance to get ahead of it and control the narrative; when the bad news is officially released, you say “that’s old news.”
It is a preposterous lie, to suggest that all leaks are anti-Trump leaks.
The one that jumps out at me right away because the subject is so interesting to me, is the leak -- again in part to the New York Times -- that there was another woman, not Stormy Daniels and not Karen McDougall, who got the "David Dennison/Peggy Peterson" treatment in an NDA crafted by Michael Cohen.
It may well have been a leak -- and quite possibly a false leak -- intended to divert attention away from Donald Trump as the guy who funded a $1.6 million dollar hush-money payment to Shera Bechard instead of the wholly-unlikely Elliott Broidy.
There are all kinds of pro-Trump leaks. They may not look like it at first glance, but in many cases they are leaks designed and intended to get the jump on bad news or to steer news in a different direction depending on the timing of the news cycle.
So the OIG report doesn’t buy the notion that Loretta Lynch and William Jefferson Clinton met entirely by accident ay Phoenix Sky Harnor Airport and chatted about their grandkids? Me either.
I thought the Inspector General's Report was circulating for comment among the Perps in the Report for the past two weeks. He is Water Boarding the Perps.
And meanwhile the Trump Train Twitterer-in-Chief has been plugging the report like a new exciting adult Film COMING SOON. Releasing a leak or two at a time is the Trailer.
James Comey defied authority at times during his tenure as FBI director
You mean certain people higher up the food chain may have thought it wasn't such a Good Idea™ for Comey to get out if front of a bunch cameras to exonerate Hillary in a paradoxically incriminating way? Like, she did indeed do all these cirimanl things but I ain't gonna recommend she be prosecuted cuz she didn't super-duper mean it?
I think Rush was and is right. It didn't leak because there wasn't anything to leak that would hurt Trump. Now that the report has gone through its internal comment period (where all those who are mentioned in the report have a chance to comment on what is said before the report is finalized), people are starting to leak some of the damaging parts now so they can try to control the narrative.
The same thing happened in advance of the report that the IG issued that slammed Andrew McCabe. While McCabe's team thought they could influence the content of the report, they were mum. Once the IG said he was done taking their input, they started leaking to get their side of the story out first. Lot's of people are going to be hit, and hit hard, by this next report. Expect lots of leaks.
Good to see Chuck talking about leaks. Yesterday he was asserting that Mueller had evidence against Trumo that hadn’t been released (or did he weasel-word it that Mueller may have evidence?). My wife has a couple colanders that leak less than Mueller’s investigation, so if he did have something the Post and Times and CNN would be on it like flies on a turd.
Whenever information is leaked in this situation, I reflexively assume that the leaker is Robert "The FBI Whitewasher" Mueller.
I no longer assume reflexively that the culprit is "Crazy Comey the Leaker", because he is out of office.
The same goes for Andrew "The Lying Leaker" McCabe.
The same goes for John Brennan and James Clapper.
”because the subject is so interesting to me, is the leak -- again in part to the New York Times -- that there was another woman, not Stormy Daniels and not Karen McDougall, who got the "David Dennison/Peggy Peterson" treatment in an NDA crafted by Michael Cohen.
It may well have been a leak -- and quite possibly a false leak -- intended to divert attention away from Donald Trump as the guy who funded a $1.6 million dollar hush-money payment to Shera Bechard instead of the wholly-unlikely Elliott Broidy.”
I’ve heard of Stormy Daniels and I’ve heard of Michael Cohen. As for the others? Sure glad Chuck’s on top of the important stuff...
The same goes for Sally "The Logan Act Enforcer" Yates.
This IG report has been built up to be this Sword of Damocles. I keep hearing about it and how its release is imminent and how its goona be super bad for Trumps Deep State enemies. I sure hope it lives up to all the hype.
It's not clear that Ann or her pal Rush understand that the IG report shows that the insubordination Comey displayed in re-opening the Clinton e-mail probe was towards Obama officials, not Trump or his crew. Comey performed his insubordinate act with the result of hurting the Clinton campaign, thereby helping Trump win the election. Ann and Rush and their tribe have been looking forward so much to this report that it's no wonder they're keen to write about it; too bad they don't seem to grasp what the leaks say it says. Ann and Rush, portraits in confusion.
I predict the OIG report will be a disappointment to nearly everyone.
The IG report will be released .... someday.
Pro-Trump commentators will claim that it shows all sorts of terrible things.
Anti-Trump commentators will claim that it's "nothing new" and "no big deal".
Look at leftists spin, spin, spin! Chuck's here to focus on total inanities rather than whether Obama and Hillary decided to turn the US into a 3rd world kangaroo court state. Pickering is floating the idea that Comey was really, truly a Trump supporter out to hurt Hillary. I expect Inga to be here soon claiming that McCabe is secretly Trump's son in law or something equally ridiculous--that is, if Chuck doesn't claim it first.
I've been insubordinate all my life. Only cucks are subordinate.
Ranking the hierarchy of importance:
1. The actions of Hillary Clinton in handling classified documents on a private server.
2. The integrity of the FBI investigation Comey/McCabe/Strzok) into 1.
3. The Opinions and Findings of IG Horowitz about 2
4. The leaking of 3
5. Rush Limbaugh's commentary about 4 or the absence of 4.
Conservative Treehouse (hat tip to Dr. Michael K) is the place to go for all of this.
John Pickering,
"It's not clear that Ann or her pal Rush understand that the IG report shows that the insubordination Comey displayed in re-opening the Clinton e-mail probe was towards Obama officials, not Trump or his crew."
You've seen the IG report?
If only Comey had done things “by the book”.
Big Mike said...
Good to see Chuck talking about leaks. Yesterday he was asserting that Mueller had evidence against Trumo that hadn’t been released (or did he weasel-word it that Mueller may have evidence?). My wife has a couple colanders that leak less than Mueller’s investigation, so if he did have something the Post and Times and CNN would be on it like flies on a turd.
Quote me. I expect that whatever I wrote, I will stand by it.
And I'm not so sure that I am aware of anything that we know was leaked by the Mueller team. Every reporter in Washington knows what a leaky operation the Trump operation is; how Jay Sekulow and John Dowd and Michael Cohen are all long-time leakers and are the most likely sources for much of what has been leaked about the Mueller investigation.
But I am willing to listen; which leak(s) are most attributable to the Mueller team and why do you think so?
Vance said...
Look at leftists spin, spin, spin! Chuck's here to focus on total inanities rather than whether Obama and Hillary decided to turn the US into a 3rd world kangaroo court state. Pickering is floating the idea that Comey was really, truly a Trump supporter out to hurt Hillary. I expect Inga to be here soon claiming that McCabe is secretly Trump's son in law or something equally ridiculous--that is, if Chuck doesn't claim it first.
I was going to claim that Kimberly Guilfoyle is secretly Trump's daughter-in-law. Another DILF, for the Donald.
I’ve heard of Stormy Daniels and I’ve heard of Michael Cohen. As for the others? Sure glad Chuck’s on top of the important stuff...
The DNC probably sends him talking points.
I was going to claim that Kimberly Guilfoyle is secretly Trump's daughter-in-law. Another DILF, for the Donald.
Well you're certainly slimy enough to be a Democrat.
Chuck again tries to change the focus to minutia: "why isn't everyone talking about how this happened? Instead they want to focus on what it means, when we all know that the only question of importance is how to dethrone Trump, no matter what and everything is legal and approved if made in that effort!"
Seriously, if undeniable proof came out that Obama and Hillary jointly issued an order to murder Seth Rich to protect the Deep State and ensure Hillary's victory.... Chuck would whine that we would talk about that unimportant topic rather than whether Donald Trump cheated on a spelling bee in 3rd grade and thus is now impeachable.
Well, you'd have to be pretty deluded to think that Comey was ever actually on Trump's side.
Comey was and still is a great confused fool. Everything he did was in service of his own ambitions. He (like most everyone else) assumed that Hillary was for sure gonna be the next president. He stupidly assumed that if he layed out all Hillary's misdeeds and then didn't recommend prosecution, that would be the end of it. He would have "done his duty" in his own mind while doing the bidding of both his current and future bosses at the same time. He believed that most people would buy the demonstable nonsense about the lack of intention not being grounds for prosecution. And he knew that the media would help sell that streaming load of horse excrement. He thought the average voter was very gullible.
Oh and Chuck? Your personal moral failings are absolutely staggering compared to Trumps. Anyone not on the left can completely tell that between you and Trump, he's by far the more moral person.
And Trump is very definitely a morally flawed individual, don't get me wrong.
You mean certain people higher up the food chain may have thought it wasn't such a Good Idea™ for Comey to get out if front of a bunch cameras to exonerate Hillary in a paradoxically incriminating way?
This is the Rosetta Stone in plain sight. Exonerating a target, but then trashing her at a press conference is NEVER DONE. Either you have the goods on the target or you don't. If you do, you quietly recommend prosecution to the DOJ and they decide. If you don't, you shut up. I have two trusted high-ranking FBI colleagues/friends, who have been telling me this for almost 2 years now.
Comey departed from a tried and true, hard and fast standard. Why?
Because he knew the whitewash was in, watched it, enabled it, felt guilty about it, so he tried to get distance from it, thinking that Hillary would win anyway - despite the public trashing of her as "Extremely Careless."
Crazy Comey bet wrong. His "Higher Loyalty" was to his own flawed pretzel logic, which has come back to bite him hard.
Shera Bechard’s sole acting credit was 2009's ‘Sweet Karma’ where she played a mute Russian girl.
Chuck tries to get Mueller on the phone.
Where's Michael K when you need him. Seymour Hersh was interviewed recently. Worth hunting down for his comments on the political FBI. (You don’t have to trust any of his “sources”).
But when will we actually see this report?
You know what the new talking point DILF means? It means winning. It's more desperate than “literally Hitler”.
But when will we actually see this report?
Next week. As has been noted for weeks.
Bay Area Guy said...Crazy Comey bet wrong. His "Higher Loyalty" was to his own flawed pretzel logic, which has come back to bite him hard.
Comey is certainly a special kind of idiot. Unfortunately that idiot weilded a great deal of power for a very long time.
7.5.16: Comey press conference, exonerates but trashes Hillary.
10.28.16: Comey re-opens Hillary case (Weiner E-mails)
11.6.16: Comey clears Hillary -- again
11.8.16: Trump wins!
5.3.17: NYT - James Comey mildly nauseous over idea he swayed election
I almost feel bad for the guy. A better-educated version of Forest Gump.
Vance said...
Chuck again tries to change the focus to minutia: "why isn't everyone talking about how this happened? Instead they want to focus on what it means, when we all know that the only question of importance is how to dethrone Trump, no matter what and everything is legal and approved if made in that effort!"
Seriously, if undeniable proof came out that Obama and Hillary jointly issued an order to murder Seth Rich to protect the Deep State and ensure Hillary's victory.... Chuck would whine that we would talk about that unimportant topic rather than whether Donald Trump cheated on a spelling bee in 3rd grade and thus is now impeachable.
There you go again with that stupid thing you've done so frequently; you make up a quote where you try to paraphrase me somehow, and you put it in quotes, as if you were quoting me.
I told you before that I don't appreciate your lazy stupidity in that regard. Stop it.
You're such a rotten, shitty writer; I don't want to be associated with you in any way.
Although the IG report is important, so much of the Mid-Year Exam (destruction of evidence, illegitimate granting of immunity, lying to the FBI) has been in plain sight for months. What was done is apparent. The only thing the IG report may shed some light on is who is responsible (although, even there, the who is pretty clear too).
Now the IG report on the Russia “investigation”, that will be interesting.
His "Higher Loyalty" was to his own flawed pretzel logic, which has come back to bite him hard.
At some point, why no one said "Hey, this might be a bad idea!" astounds me.
why no one said "Hey, this might be a bad idea!" astounds me.
For all we know plenty of people around Comey may have done just that. But, you know, he probably thought he was so much smarter than all of them.
The IG Report will blow the whistle on Jarrett and Obama's corruption of every Federal Agency. That's for starters. The true nature of Obama's attempt to to destroy the USA comes next. It will all come out over the next five months. The Saudis flipped. The Iranian Deal's multi-billions were paid out as loot to Obama and his friends who stashed it away. But the Executive Order of 12-21-2017 has reclaimed it.
To name it is to summon it.
Chuck said ... I told you before that I don't appreciate your lazy stupidity in that regard. Stop it. You're such a rotten, shitty writer; I don't want to be associated with you in any way. said ... "
Sounds like another example of projection from the Left.
I get the sense that you have not been laid in a reeeeallly long time, Chuck. Sober up, take a few etiquette classes and a blue pill. Maybe you will get lucky.
However, I doubt it. You are a truly ugly person and I have no idea what you look like.
There you go again with that stupid thing you've done so frequently; you make up a quote where you try to paraphrase me somehow, and you put it in quotes, as if you were quoting me.
Nope, he plainly summarizes your thinking after reading hundreds of your comments. Everyone the same except for the wording.
Actually the feckless Chuckles hit on something in his original comment here. Our host asserts that all the leaks in Washington (it it were a boat, it would now rest on the bottom of the Marianas Trench) were anti Trump.
And Chuckles rises up in great dudgeon to assert that many of the leaks were Pro Trump. He has a point--leaks go both ways in that swamp of iniquity on the Potomac.
But he misses the fact that many of the "anti Trump" leaks have a way of turning around and biting the leakers and their buddies in their backsides over time. Trump has a certain Roadrunner quality where his Wile Coyote critics are concerned. A lot of those "leaks" have blown up in their faces.
John Pickering said...
It's not clear that Ann or her pal Rush understand that the IG report shows that the insubordination Comey displayed in re-opening the Clinton e-mail probe was towards Obama officials, not Trump or his crew.
I have (obviously) not seen the OIG report, nor have I read any media accounts of its contents. You seem to be implying that Comey, in his judgement as director of the FBI, thought that the investigation should be re-opened. Some superior (Lynch? Obama?) told him not to. He re-opened it anyway. Is this a correct assessment?
If so, when will his superior be brought up on charges of obstruction of justice? Is this not a far more clear-cut case than what Trump is alleged to have done?
Nothing truly damning will be in this report. The "key takeaways" are going to be things we already know. Sure, someone like Andrew McCarthy will be able to dissect it and connect a dot on page 5 with dot on page 86 to show how bad it is, but it won't be covered by the press. 3 day news cycle max.
Besides, I expect Mueller to reclaim the narrative by announcing a new indictment follow the release of the report. Probably of an actual ham sandwich.
It's ok, Chuck, that you don't want to be associated with me.
Conservatives and Republicans don't want to be associated with you, so the feelings mutual. You can hang out with Inga, Ritmo, ARM and the like--they defend you just fine and always appreciate your efforts to destroy Republicans and defend Obama and Hillary and Pelosi. Of course, they are silent when you attack the LGBT issues, which as far as I can tell is the only thing you and conservatives are remotely on the same side as.
The report will confirm what we know and what Tokyo Chuck and Inga deny. Since it will not recommend charges (it cannot), Tokyo and Inga will imply it doesn’t really prove anything, and continue their denial.
Legally speaking, Comey could only be insubordinate to his superiors: Lynch and Obama or Sessions and Trump.
To this story: I don't know what to think of the IG report. Cynicism says "expect nothing." It's the Washington Deep State, man, a group that would make Orwell hang it up in shame.
On the other hand... it really is remarkable we've gotten very little out of this. They went and got the AG from Utah to work with the IG, and there's been radio silence worthy of PACFLEET in WWII ever since. Huber is not a lazy man, and he's never been a Washington DC drone.
So really, anything at all could happen. If it's the equivalent of a nuke on the Deep State.... wouldn't the screaming from the leftists here be wonderful? Especially if Mueller is indicted as being guilty up to his eyeballs. Highly unlikely, but I honestly think Inga would check into a loony bin.
I think Rush is right that there were no leaks coming from the IG report was significant. However I think he is wrong in his conclusion as to why it is significant. While not all recent leaks have been Anti-Trump, the Lion's share have been. There has also been considerably more leaks than in previous recent administrations. So this isn't just a case of whichever administration is in charge will face leaks. The significance of these leaks is that is substantiates the idea of there being a "Deep State". This doesn't mean it is vast networked conspiracy with a few people in charge giving orders down the network. But it does suggest that there are many, many people at different positions and at various levels of power in DC who have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo when it comes to how things are done in DC. This is probably for most maintaining personal power, wealth, and chance for advancement. This also stretches beyond the borders of government. If you are a reporter, your ability to get new stories depends on people who are friendly to you being in various positions of power to feed you stories and leaks. And lots and lots of these people seem determined to undermine President Trump because he is a dangerous unknown and might, figuratively blow up, what they may have spent decades trying to build up for themselves.
Mr. Ignorance:
Yes, I think your assessment is correct, but when or if Comey's superior will be charged with obstruction I can't say. That's up to Attorney General Sessions, I believe.
But let's remind ourselves what this whole story is about, which is espionage:
In 2016, Vladimir Putin’s regime mounted information warfare against the United States, in part to help Trump become president. While this attack was underway, the Trump crew tried to collude covertly with Moscow, sought to set up a secret communications channel with Putin’s office, and repeatedly denied in public that this assault was happening, providing cover to the Russian operation. Trump and his lieutenants aligned themselves with and assisted a foreign adversary, as it was attacking the United States. The evidence is rock-solid: They committed a profound act of betrayal. That is the scandal.
Ann and many of her readers have no problem with the possibility that the sitting U.S. President is something ranging from the dupe, to the stooge, to the witting agent of the Russian espionage services. Ann, in fact, thinks the whole thing is incredibly funny, and she loves how clever and smart the President is. You hear that sharp remark he made regarding why we have to slap tariffs on Canada because it's a national security threat? He said it's because they burned down the White House. In 1812. Ann's gotta love that one.
There is a problem with having a DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSA, ATF, IRS, EPA, DOI, and on and on and on, staffed by people who support a political party and its efforts to stay in power rather than the rule of law. Here's hoping that decreases over the next few years.
Blogger John Pickering said...”It's not clear that Ann or her pal Rush understand that the IG report shows that the insubordination Comey displayed in re-opening the Clinton e-mail probe was towards Obama officials, not Trump or his crew. Comey performed his insubordinate act with the result of hurting the Clinton campaign, thereby helping Trump win the election.”
Like Rose Dawson clinging to her raft, the only portion of the investigation into Hillary’s clandestine email server democrats want to talk about is Comey’s actions one week before the election. But we now know that Weiner’s laptop was discovered weeks before this. We don’t know the reason for the delay. Hopefully, the IG report will tell us who did what when.
I don't want to be associated with you in any way.
Sounds like it's time for an Althouse poll.
People who want to be associated with Chuck.
Everybody else.
”In 2016, Vladimir Putin’s regime mounted information warfare against the United States, in part to help Trump become president. blah, blah, blah”
Ah, wrong IG report.
Um no:
Even if the IG report demonstrates heretofore unrevealed malfeasance by various anti-Trump forces, I suspect no shortage of downplaying and denial and rage. The human animal has an amazing capacity for denial and cognitive dissonance. When presented with irrefutable evidence that contradicts one's view of reality, it is often far easier to simply either ignore or interpret incorrectly such evidence than to actually adjust one's perception of reality.
And when contravening arguments using such evidence are presented to people experiencing cognitive dissonance, you tend to engender rage in certain personality types.
'defied authority' = did not follow orders, no orders were given.
i.e. Comey will not be able to claim 'just following orders'
CYA and deniablity for higher ups - or - telling Comey >> you better cough up - nobody to CYourA
In 2016, Vladimir Putin’s regime mounted information warfare against the United States, in part to help Trump become president. While this attack was underway, the Trump crew tried to collude covertly with Moscow, sought to set up a secret communications channel with Putin’s office, and repeatedly denied in public that this assault was happening, providing cover to the Russian operation. Trump and his lieutenants aligned themselves with and assisted a foreign adversary, as it was attacking the United States. The evidence is rock-solid: They committed a profound act of betrayal. That is the scandal. - John Pickering
I dare anybody read that again and come to any conclusion other than the left is bat-shit crazy.
If you truly believe this is what happened? You're fucked in the head.
Also mccain knew akhmetshin from their work again nuzurbayev in afghanistan.
In addition fmr defense secretary carter was meeting with mufsud just last july.
What a TRIP!! Who needs Magic Mushrooms with all this hallucination. Whoa! The mind reels in possibilities. Paisley possibilities.
Ann and many of her readers have no problem with the possibility that the sitting U.S. President is something ranging from the dupe, to the stooge, to the witting agent of the Russian espionage services.
We survived it before with FDR, Jimmy Carter and Obama (remember "I'll be more flexible after the election" and 'The 80's called and they want their foreign policy back"?)....and Hillary has more and closer ties to Russia than Trump does.
Original Mike,
I disagree with you in that Inga, Chuck, Pickering, ARM, Voltaire and Bobbie Cookie all put ANY malfeasance attributed to Chairman (sic) Hillary is mouth breathing ONLY by Right Wing Media sites without any substance or legitimacy.
Except that now it is the GOVERNMENT saying it...the same one they trust to investigate Trump. Oops!
But of course they will try to spin it that there is a Deep Republican Conspiracy doing a witch hunt to get Comey, McCabe, Brennan accuse...and they treat disdainful... Oops!
While to a man (sic) none of them will give a single bit of credence to anything critical of the Democrats and exonerating of Trump, now THEY are on the hook to explain why Mueller is legitimate and other government officials aren't...why a REPUBLICAN conspiracy can exist, but not a Democratic one, and why people who break far more serious laws than fucking a porn star ten years ago deserves more leniency than...fucking a porn star ten years ago.
They can certainly argue all these points...but not with any credibility.
This never stopped them before, however.
John Pickering said...
Mr. Ignorance:
Yes, I think your assessment is correct, but when or if Comey's superior will be charged with obstruction I can't say. That's up to Attorney General Sessions, I believe.
Actually, now I'm not sure. I just read the link it the post, and it claims the insubordination was about sending the letter to congress revealing the investigation. If that was all, then trying to prevent the sending of the letter is likely not obstruction of justice.
But let's remind ourselves what this whole story is about...
This whole story is about leaks from an OIG report. Why are you trying to change the subject to an entirely different story?
Sorry kazakhstan. Thats whats on his cue card.
Show me evidence or shut the EF up.
Mueller says...yeah...Mueller says Mueller says, Mueller says.
If Mueller has evidence, he will bring it out...but since EVERYTHING in his office leaks, that is a distant possibility.
If Mueller DOESN'T have evidence
a) He can't GET the evidence and Trump can and should get off scot free. That is how our system WORKS, you idiot.
b) there is no evidence despite him tipping over every rock in sight and leaning HEAVILY and ILLEGITIMATELY on people to try to solicit tesi-lying. And if there is no evidence, Trump gets off scot free.
This after Mueller patently abusing the rule of law, his powers, and creating a society destroying media circus which has all but ruined the reputation of the FBI as a non-partisan entity.
So if Mueller has Dems have a lot of explaining to do.
Or not. Because now, just like that Nuclear Option, just like that Pen and Phone, just like overreaching Executive Orders...We Republicans will GLADLY use the Special Prosecutor law against YOU in the exact same way.
Because you are stupid, short sighted and entitled pricks.
Chuck said to Vance : "You're such a rotten, shitty writer; I don't want to be associated with you in any way."
Chuck, I am OK associating with you and everybody else on this blog, and I try not to take anything personally that anyone says to me, esp if it is honest discussion/debate of the topic. But I would not want to be associated with a vicious, ad hominem attack and/or generic insult as in your quote above.
FIDO is one of those people who think that insults like "stupid" and "idiot" carry any sting, without realizing that such remarks are invariably more descriptive of the speaker than the target.
But he's also another of Ann's readers who have been badly served by Ann's relentless attention on the tawdry and the trivial. She could easily show FIDO and his fellow travellers where to assess the evidence of the president's betrayal in any of the many mainstream media she reads, but she declines to. Alas, it's not to be found at Gateway Pundit or Breitbart. But you know what? You can even read it in The Daily Mail!
Go ahead and see how that Google machine works!
Pickering: "While this attack was underway, the Trump crew tried to collude covertly with Moscow, sought to set up a secret communications channel with Putin’s office,..."
Literally 12 months behind the ever changing talking points, lefty fallback positions and timeline.
Too funny.
If you want to see a poster go into Full Lioness Protecting Her Cub Mode, just take a gander at LLR Chuck when any questions, any questions at all, are raised about obama.
My goodness, it's some of the most passionate posting you will ever see.
"While this attack was underway, the Trump crew tried to collude covertly with Moscow, sought to set up a secret communications channel with Putin’s office,..."
Even though they had a [not] spy inserted into the campaign to catch those rascally Russians, Trump slipped past all of them and did.....something.
That FBI sure is competent.
John Pickering said...
But let's remind ourselves what this whole story is about, which is espionage:
In 2016, Vladimir Putin’s regime mounted information warfare against the United States,...
As they have every year before and every year since, at least since the start of the cold war part to help Trump become president.
Assumes facts not in evidence. Based on the evidence, it is clear they wanting to sow unrest. ( Which makes you something ranging from the dupe, to the stooge, to the witting agent of the Russian espionage services.)
While this attack was underway, the Trump crew tried to collude covertly with Moscow,...
They did not try to collude, they tried to obtain information from Moscow that would make Clinton look bad. The exact same fucking thing that the Clinton campaign was doing through Fusion GPS.
...sought to set up a secret communications channel with Putin’s office,...
only after Trump won the election.
...and repeatedly denied in public that this assault was happening, providing cover to the Russian operation.
Not sure how that provided cover. It certainly did not make any difference, one way or the other, in Russia's ability to buy facebook ads.
Trump and his lieutenants aligned themselves with and assisted a foreign adversary, as it was attacking the United States.
What assistance did they give? Obviously none.
The evidence is rock-solid: They committed a profound act of betrayal. That is the scandal.
There is some solid evidence. It does not add up to what you think it adds up to. If evidence ever turns up that Trump helped hack Hillary's email, they you will have something. If all the Trump campaign did was attempt to obtain opposition research from the people who had that information, then they did nothing more than what the Clinton campaign did. ( In fact, they did far less, since the Clinton campaign then went on to attempt to use the apparatus of the US government to do their oppo-research for them. )
Shorter Pickering: "Believe the MSM!" Lulz
Insubordination is a HUGE win for Comey. It creates a new narrative that he was a brave man standing up against the corrupt and powerful, and therefore must always be believed. Few read blogs or care about the details. Whether it was insubordination to Obama or Trump is irrelevant - it's the narrative that matters.
Isn't it illegal to profit from a crime such as being a corrupt FBI director and then writing a book about it?
Remember, McCabe already has 2 criminal referrals. No indictments. What's one more?
Attorney General Rosenstein isn't interested, and there is nothing his subordinates like Sessions can do about it.
TwoAndAHalfCents said...
Insubordination is a HUGE win for Comey. It creates a new narrative that he was a brave man standing up against the corrupt and powerful
And if Hillary were now president this is how it would be portrayed here and in the right wing media.
Could it be that Comey had to exonerate Hillary for the simple reason that she knew about some of the skeletons in Comey’s closet that Comey had accumulated during the Obama regime? Hillary might know stuff about Comey that Comey doesn’t want known.
But why would Comey recite damning evidence against her at the same highly unusual press conference? Simple again: Because Comey had reason to believe that the same evidence would be leaked by someone inside the FBI. Better to put it on the table and then pronounce it inconclusive, thus eliminating all possibility of an indictment.
The same thing that forced Comey to protect Hillary may also protect Comey from her: Their insider knowledge of each other’s dirty laundry. Keep in mind that neither Hillary nor Comey expected Trump to win.
While (practically) no one expected Trump to win Trump was still someone who had to be punished. Comey and Mueller both have a history of railroading individuals they do not like. Hillary is no slouch when it comes to revenge, either.
After Hillary was elected the vile Trump would be punished with all that the Deep State and President Hillary could muster. It was to be jail-time for the irritating interloper who dared challenge the establishment so openly and so vulgarly. Thus the illegal surveillance of the Trump campaign.
But alas! Trump WON. And what’s more the search during the campaign for something to indict Trump on came up empty. Desperate moves ensue. To keep out of jail for stuff they did during the campaign and probably stuff that was done during the Obama years before the campaign they must remove Trump. The Russia story was concocted. Spies are sent into the Whitehouse to gather dirt and solicit illegalities. The MSM institutes a campaign to destroy Trump. The elite GOP in Congress, a bunch of nitwits, nincompoops and posers, joined in of course. They hate Trump as much as any of the other entities mentioned above.
grackle said...
I agree with your assessment.
I submit that Trump wasn't the only one they spied on to get dirt to crush them should the need arise, and not just this last election cycle.
grackle: "Could it be that Comey had to exonerate Hillary for the simple reason that she knew about some of the skeletons in Comey’s closet that Comey had accumulated during the Obama regime?"
Comey had to exonerate Hillary because obama himself (and I don't care how much these facts will upset LLR Chuck), emailed Hillary via her unsecured server, knowingly.
And since his communications with his Sec of State is classified, obama himself violated the law.
Once the FBI'ers found that out they had to protect obama.
And how do we know the FBI'ers knew that? Because one of them literally changed "POTUS" to a "Senior White House Official" in their report.
No One Is Above The Law!!! (except all the dems)
Oh, now you've done it Chuck and John will be very cross!
It’s worth noting that Chuck interrupted his daily (hourly?) masturbation session to breathlessly tell us about an alleged dalliance-related non-disclosure agreement that proves that there are pro-Trump leaks.
It’s true that the dishonesty exhibited by the mainstream media and losers like Chuck often blows up in their faces, and one can only hope that Trump takes some well-earned pleasure in that recurrinv outcome. But calling unfounded accusations of immorality “pro-Trump” is so stupid, it takes someone as dopey as Chuck to believe it.
I think I know what is bugging LLR Chuck.
Republican turnout in key districts and states across the country was higher than expected, and that has got to be just killing LLR Chuck.
There is no way his beloved Durbin can get back into a position of real power if that republican base vote turns out.
Now, there will be some of you wondering if its really Durbin that is LLR Chuck's favorite dem Senator or not. Well, we know there are probably a few other dems that could make it a toss up. I'm thinking dem hack Stolen Valor liar Blumenthal is a definite contender for LLR Chuck admiration and support.
Now, there will be some of you wondering if its really Durbin that is LLR Chuck's favorite dem Senator or not.
I assumed it’s Tammy Duckworth - Chuck seems to like it when women are injured. Also, she’s a vet, just like Chuck almost nearly was.
Chuck said...
"I told you before that I don't appreciate your lazy stupidity in that regard. Stop it."
Wow, does that work? Just "Stop it"? Let me try that; Chuckles, I've told you we can't understand a word you say with that big, fat, floppy dick in your mouth. Stop it.
Pickering, I don't care if you think my label has any credibility or not.
A group who puts into place a MAJOR law which the public hates and the opposition party refuses to sign off on is stupid.
Passing a treaty in opposition to the Constitution is stupid.
Getting rid of legal protections like the Nuclear Option, the Senate sign offs, and actual budgets seems pretty stupid.
Reigning by a Pen and a Phone TO THE CONTRARY of half the nation is pretty stupid.
And trying to cause splits in the Union by exacerbating gender, race and class lines when the majority group isn't one of your electoral allies is VERY stupid.
I said show evidence. You assert that Rachael Maddow (She of the Tax Return Nothing Burger) has 'evidence' is hilarious.
You got opinions and innuendos. If you can't pass reasonable doubt for High Crimes and Misdemeanors, and not 'He is a big meanie who is doing popular stuff we hate', I am not interested in your evidence. Bring it to a court. Bring it to a jury.
Until then, you got nothing.
First off, note that today's leak was from a pro-Hillary source--which is not the same as an anti-Comey (or pro-Comey) source. IOW, this is turning into a circular firing squad of Dem operatives and Deep Staters.
Second, this should be engraved on Pickering's headstone.
In 2016, Vladimir Putin’s regime mounted information warfare against the United States, in part to help Trump become president. While this attack was underway, the Trump crew tried to collude covertly with Moscow, sought to set up a secret communications channel with Putin’s office, and repeatedly denied in public that this assault was happening, providing cover to the Russian operation. Trump and his lieutenants aligned themselves with and assisted a foreign adversary, as it was attacking the United States. The evidence is rock-solid
....but not as rock-solid as the headstone, my friend.
Pookie Number 2 said...
It’s worth noting that Chuck interrupted his daily (hourly?) masturbation session to breathlessly tell us about an alleged dalliance-related non-disclosure agreement that proves that there are pro-Trump leaks.
It’s true that the dishonesty exhibited by the mainstream media and losers like Chuck often blows up in their faces, and one can only hope that Trump takes some well-earned pleasure in that recurrinv outcome. But calling unfounded accusations of immorality “pro-Trump” is so stupid, it takes someone as dopey as Chuck to believe it.
You're so dumb, you need this one explained to you, don't you?
Here's the simple version; because you're obviously a simple sort of person. News of the Non-disclosure agreements was coming out, and Cohen/Trump faced the nasty problem that while it was one thing to get exposed on the Stormy Daniels problem, where the Wall Street Journal had the details on the bank transfers that proved it, it was whole new level of ugly, for Trump to get caught paying off a Playmate who got pregnant and who got an abortion.
And so, the thinking is, get Elliott Broidy to be the guy who paid off Shera Bechard. It's an amazingly cogent story that only gets better.
The reason that this one gets so much better, than Stormy Daniels, is because there is so much more to it. The competition for Shera Bechard, between the two disgusting old bastards, Hugh Hefner and Donald Trump. The pregnancy, and the abortion. And the crook Elliott Broidy's stepping in, in a laughably bad setup, to take the fall for Trump as he did for some corrupt NY state pols. It's ugly, and there may be even more lawbreaking with the Shera Bechard story. Oh, and did I mention the abortion?
Chuck, I really appreciate your taking time from your busy fapping schedule to once again demonstrate that you lack the minimal integrity and intelligence needed to instantly dismiss your laughably convoluted conspiracy theory.
And now, fap away!
”The reason that this one gets so much better, than Stormy Daniels, is because there is so much more to it.”
“This is it! We have the smoking gun that will crack the Trump presidency, and it is completely different from the 1,326 purported smoking guns that we thought we had before!”
Sorry, I was climbing the mountain in Hope ID.
Because he knew the whitewash was in, watched it, enabled it, felt guilty about it, so he tried to get distance from it, thinking that Hillary would win anyway
I still think Comey was facing a possible agent backlash when he held that press conference.
There are agents who want to testify and have asked to be subpoenaed.
Pickering is out own DNC daily report. LLR chuck may be one of the Kristol types that that refuse to accept success.
The OIG is coming and boy is he pissed !
Chuck said...
"I am afraid you are mistaking me for someone who has an interest in fair treatment of Donald Trump. I'm not your guy. I am interested in smearing him, hurting him and prejudicing people against him."
3/4/16,4:46 PM
How's that working out for you, Chuckles? Lulz
The fuckers at the NY Mag that came up with the Shera Bechard/Trump theory admit they pulled it out of their asses because Broidy used Trump's lawyer to set up the legal NDA (because he had dealt before with Bechard's lawyer).
Keep on saying this as fact, Chuck, and you won't have a $Billion to bet Trump on a golf game--like you did here before. Or did you bet a sum of money you don't have? Deadbeat.
How's that working out for you, Chuckles? Lulz
Hey, his desire to be seen as a dishonest weasel has worked out better than any dishonest weasel could have ever hoped.
Chuck: I am interested in smearing him, hurting him and prejudicing people against him.
Sounds like a violation of the Althouse commenting policy. That would look good on your tombstone, Chuck, right under "Another Life's Useless Energy Spent."
"Oh, and did I mention the abortion?"
At least 100 times.
And Trump is ending the Korean War after 75 years to cover up the Stormy Daniels caper.
Great work chuck. Keep it up. It will keep you out of trouble.
Where did Lifelong Feckless Cunt Chuck come up with this latest retarded theory that will bring down Trump?
I assume his beloved "brilliant" Rachel Maddow?
Like anybody would spring for a stone to mark the paupers grave Chuck will end up in. Perhaps science could dissect his tiny little brain though, to help with research for Asbergers.
LLR Chucks and the lefts much desired Golden Showers lies fizzled immediately, Stormy just isnt working out so now LLR Chuck needs a new far left narrative to advance and right on cue out of the farthest left fever swamps cones a brand new lie!
And this one has just gotta work!
Of course, we are not supposed to notice that this new lie is being advanced right at the moment of the IG report coming out...
Poor Chuck. All those years of patiently building an online persona designed to fool everyone and then....Trump broke him and exposed him.
Its so very enjoyable on so many levels!
A very interesting outcome is likely for the Russia collusion nonsense.
It's already fallen apart. The NY Times admitted in its news columns a couple of weeks ago that Mueller has found no evidence of such collusion, and that info was clearly leaked by the Mueller team.
As the other shoe falls, that is evidence of wrongdoing at the FBI, DOJ and White House, the Dems are busy finding excuses and rationalizations.
So, the revelation that the entire two year affair was a fabrication won't undo the Dems' narrative, nor will it convince a single Dem that Trump isn't a water boy for Putin.
“ABC News reports today that the Justice Department’s inspector general plans to slam James Comey for publicly reopening the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email just a few days before the 2016 election.”
Not exactly what Trumpists were looking for it seems. Trump and his Trumpists will have to pretend to be outraged over the fact Comey helped Trump win the election. LOL.
@Inga But I thought it was the Russians! Now it's James Comey. What the hell is Mueller investigating then ?
I could care less why Comey gets his ass kicked as long as it gets kicked. If Trump's election is solely due to Comey's "insubordination" I am happy for it. What I don't understand is how those voters in PA, WI and MI were so aware of Comey's efforts.
Trump and his Trumpists will have to pretend to be outraged over the fact Comey helped Trump win the election.
Not outraged at all. Just grateful that his arrogance malevolence had an accidentally-positive outcome.
“What the hell is Mueller investigating then ?“
News flash... this is the IG report, not the Mueller Investigation report. IG Horowitz slammed Comey for making the investigation public so close to the election. This isn’t what you folks were hoping for, lol. This is exactly what Hillary said, when she blamed Comey for helping Trump win, looks like the IG is agreeing with her.
Comey wouldn't let Hillary campaign in Wisconsin!
"IG Horowitz slammed Comey for making the investigation public so close to the election. "
Sounds definitive. Do you have a link to the IG report? Lulz
All the breathless talk of “people going to jail” when the IG report comes out, LOL. Where’s Achilles?
Inga knows as well as I do that the Mueller team leaked to the NY Times the news that it had discovered no evidence of collusion.
And she knows that McCabe is facing indictment and has asked for immunity to testify before Congress.
As I said, nothing will stop the Dems from believing the bullshit fabrication of collusion. Trump will be re-elected in a landslide as the economy continues to boom.
The whole thing will fade away without the dramatic resolution either side expects during Trump's second term.
Sounds like a fizzle for you folks, just like the Spygate nonsense, lol.
No, the triumph is that Trump will win a second term.
The attempted coup failed.
America will gladly accept the boom economy, absence of stupid foreign wars, peace in Korea and rule by normal, sane people.
Inga wants to spike the football before the report is released. Lulz
Yeah, but victory now means avoiding the indictment of the conspirators at the FBI and DOJ, and possible criminal prosecution of Hillary.
The goal post has moved considerably.
Jesus Christ, Inga looks terrible. That bloated, terrible dye job, photo is the one you actually chose? The best one?
You look about 80 and pushing 3 bills in weight.
At least Chuck doesn't expose the commentariat to his disgusting visage when on his shift to autistically shriek the lefty talking points of the day.
President Mom Jeans wins Internet Tough Guy award!
The local ABC reporter in Phoenix getting the tip on the tarmac meeting between Lynch and Clinton, and the fact the NYPD and not the FBI had access control on Anthony Weiner's computer are the two things that led Comey to his actions in July and October, both because he valued the idea of himself as supposedly the most honest man in Washington.
The Lynch-Clinton meeting revelation forced the AG to punt much of the responsibility over to Comey, where his 'insubordination' was really done with tacit approval from the Attorney General, in going past what he was allowed to do as FBI director in saying Hillary would not be prosecuted. Not his authority to do so, but it was the action Lynch wanted, even if it angered the Clinton camp that Comey simply didn't exonerate her without comment -- which he could have, if it weren't for that 'most honest man in Washington' thing he wanted to keep up, since he would have faced a ton of questions without the qualifiers that Hillary had done some things ... just not enough to warrant going to a grand jury.
The late October revelation falls on McCabe, who was told about what was on the computer NYPD had three weeks earlier, but didn't tell Comey for most of the month, possibly in hopes the info wouldn't leak until after 11/8/16. Once the FBI director found out -- and knew the info could leak out via the (Trump-friendly) NYPD before Election Day -- it was the desire to preserve his own reputation that caused him to release the details, because had they leaked via NYPD or came out some other way after Nov. 8, the charges of a cover-up would have fallen on his shoulders (though Comey likely was already a Dead Man Walking when it came to keeping his FBI director's job -- Hillary would have fired him even faster than Trump did, and replaced him with Andrew McCabe, for in her mind disloyally hanging her out to dry with the July revelations).
"I am afraid you are mistaking me for someone who has an interest in fair treatment of Donald Trump. I'm not your guy. I am interested in smearing him, hurting him and prejudicing people against him."
Again, this sounds exactly like what a Democrat would say.....
Your mask is slipping Chuckles....
Inga said ... "ABC News reports today that ..."
O.K. Time to tune out from the speculative fake news media and their willing dupes.
I wonder what the IQ level is of the average ABC news viewer.
That comment was made in March of 2016, Gahrie. He persisted.
Democrat Hack Press.
Someone needs to ask Chuck Todd(D) this:
So Chuck Todd, your candidate, Hillary Clinton, lost. Do you think that very fact is a Constitutional crisis?
John Pickering - you got any proof to back up your "The Nation/Leftwing/Mother Jones/Maddow bullshit assertion?
Pickering assertion
sought to set up a secret communications channel with Putin’s office, and repeatedly denied in public that this assault was happening, providing cover to the Russian operation.
Really? Do tell us all about that secret communications channel. Was it the pro-Trump rallies or the anti-Trump rallies, put on by those rascal Russians? Was it the facebook ads that spoke negatively about The Church Lady? That's illegal too, you know.
Http://daiily caller/06/06/george-papadopoulos-millian-suspicious/?__twitter_impression
Any one else get the feeling that Giuliani may not be in full control of his faculties?
Https://amp.daily caller/06/06/george-papadopoulos-millian-suspicious/?__twitter_impression
“Any one else get the feeling that Giuliani may not be in full control of his faculties?”
I thought so back during the Republican Convention, he’s just gotten worse.
I wonder how Kim Jong Un likes hearing how he begged on his hands and knees?
Inga: "I wonder how Kim Jong Un likes hearing how he begged on his hands and knees?"
Poor Kim Jong Un.
Poor, poor Kim Jong Un.
Why won't Trump treat him with tender loving care like obama did with the Hate America/Israel mad Mullahs of Iran??!!
BTW, did you hear? Obama, even after kicking over $150 Billion to fund the Iran nuke and missile development programs AND fund their terrorist activities across the region STILL wanted to give the Iranians (without anyone knowing, of course) access to our financial systems to move their cash thru and collect almost $6 Billion more!
Bypassing the fake sanctions (naturally).
If I were Kim Jong Un I would be on my knees praying to have a Hate America First President like obama helping me out!
"The effort was unsuccessful because American banks — themselves afraid of running afoul of U.S. sanctions — declined to participate. The Obama administration approached two U.S. banks to facilitate the conversion, the report said, but both refused, citing the reputational risk of doing business with or for Iran."
Yep, the only reason the obama Help America-hating Mullahs plan failed was the banks themselves said Whoa there amigo!
"Any one else get the feeling that Giuliani may not be in full control of his faculties?”
Says Inga, the bedpan whisperer. She never had faculties to worry about.
All Rudy did was make NYC a livable city.
I want to highlight this one comment by Bay Area Guy:
This is the Rosetta Stone in plain sight. Exonerating a target, but then trashing her at a press conference is NEVER DONE. Either you have the goods on the target or you don't. If you do, you quietly recommend prosecution to the DOJ and they decide. If you don't, you shut up. I have two trusted high-ranking FBI colleagues/friends, who have been telling me this for almost 2 years now.
"Comey departed from a tried and true, hard and fast standard. Why?
Because he knew the whitewash was in, watched it, enabled it, felt guilty about it, so he tried to get distance from it, thinking that Hillary would win anyway - despite the public trashing of her as "Extremely Careless."
Crazy Comey bet wrong. His "Higher Loyalty" was to his own flawed pretzel logic, which has come back to bite him hard."
Exactly. I wrote here two years ago that I thought Comey's July 5th 2016 press conference was an ethical lapse of significant proportions. I think he held that press conference for exactly the reason BAG outlines above- he didn't have the courage to resign earlier in protest, and was trying to cleanse his conscience by giving Clinton a back-handed exoneration. Once he reached that point in July 2016, he should have just made the correct recommendation, in private, to the DoJ to prosecute Clinton and then let Lynch make the decision as was her proper place to do so, and he should have made no public statements at all.
The second time around, though, I think he made have had no choice to announce the reopening to Congress. We don't know it for a fact yet, but all of the evidence says, and it is pretty substantial, that McCabe deliberately sat on the Weiner laptop evidence and did not inform Comey about it for four weeks! I think Comey was blindsided by this betrayal and knew he was the bag holder if anything in that evidence demonstrated that intent that Comey and his team were so carefully trying to not see.
“Nothing truly damning will be in this report. The "key takeaways" are going to be things we already know. Sure, someone like Andrew McCarthy will be able to dissect it and connect a dot on page 5 with dot on page 86 to show how bad it is, but it won't be covered by the press.”
I agree, for the most part, BUT, we were surprised a bit by the last OIG report (on McCabe lying through his teeth, (I.e. his lack of candor)), where Lisa Page ended up wearing the white hat. That to me was interesting, after the OIG had released a number of her text messages with Peter Strzok several months earlier that made her look highly compromised. I do remember reading those text messages early on, and wondering whether they would ever be able to get to McCabe, with his office apparently being the center of the conspiracy. They did, and no doubt, will continue to do so.
Like a few commenters above, this particular report is mostly going to tell us what we already know- that the Clinton investigation wasn't an investigation at all- no grand jury, no sworn testimony, no subpoenas issued, and they allowed collusion between all the witnesses, including allowing them to sit in on each other's testimony. It isn't even a mystery who was involved- Lynch owned this investigation from the start, and Comey and McCabe carried out the orders from her office.
On Comey's "insubordination"- well this might well have been insubordination towards Lynch and his direct supervisor, whoever the associate AG was at the time, but here is the thing- it justifies Trump's firing of Comey right out of the gate. This idea that Comey was fired for nothing no longer stands if this is indeed in this particular IG report.
“I still think Comey was facing a possible agent backlash when he held that press conference.
There are agents who want to testify and have asked to be subpoenaed.”
I agree, and note that Dr K has an FBI daughter, so likely has some somewhat inside information there.
What I think was going on is that much of the FBI was up in arms, seething at the softball job done by Strzok, etc on the Crooked Hillary email investigation. Comey essentially had marching orders from both Lynch and esp that the WH (my guess ValJar, not Obama) to exonerate Clinton for behavior 10, 100, maybe even more, egregious than would have gotten any of them fired, if not sent to prison. What was supposed to be a serious criminal investigation about quite obvious felonies, was instead softball questions to precleared questions, not under oath, and co-conspirators allowed to sit in as her attorneys. Plus, her people, who normally would have been prosecuted for their parts in the crimes inexplicably given immunity for testimony they never were expected to ever have to give in court (and weren’t). It was a setup, a whitewash, and the FBI rank and file knew it. The weeks running up to Comey’s exoneration were filled with rumors of FBI dissidents getting ready to leak to expose the rot. So, Comey is caught between a rock and a hard place, with orders on the one hand from his bosses, and an agency under him rapidly approaching open revolt. So, he split the baby, and took the heat, heading off the expected leaking by dissatisfied FBI employees. He took the heat, and somewhat kept the agency’s reputation intact for several more months. And that is why, I think, he thinks he was so noble - he fell on his sword to protect the agency he was running, and nobody appreciated his sacrifice.
Of course there are leaks! Trump makes sure of that. If "insubordinate" is the best they can do, I'll continue to believe Comey's story because Trump, Nunez, Horowitz and the former Kings of Conservatism, Limbaugh and Hannity, somehow cannot smell the stench coming from the GOP carnival show where there is no bearded lady - only Donnie wearing his hair down.
The thing to keep in mind about the Weiner laptop is that, at a minimum, McCabe and his team, had hid its existence from Comey for a couple of weeks. And, there is evidence that it may have been kept from them for a bit too. It gets a bit messy here, but it appears that the NYPD got their hands on the laptop, when Weiner’s house was searched. We don’t know why, but they weren’t keen on sharing with the feds. But then, someone at the very top of the DoJ called up someone in the NYPD, and essentially threatened to reopen the Eric Gardner death as a civil rights violation. The NYPD backed down and provided the laptop to the FBI. I think then that the NYC FBI Office sat on them for awhile, trying to make their own cases. McCabe and Strzok find out, and pop up there to pick up the laptop, or some such. And, I think the story is that somewhere along the line, the laptop disappeared out of a locked car while officially in FBI custody. And, somewhere, towards the very end of this, Comey became aware of the Weiner laptop. Fairly obviously, McCabe (and Strzok) we’re trying to run out the clock, right up to the election. And Comey, again panicked. His top underlings were very obviously trying to make sure that Crooked Hillary was elected. They were doing it behind his back. And what happens if Clinton won after McCabe had hidden the laptop until after the election, and Trump therefore lost? The reputation of the FBI would (again) have taken major damage. So he announced finding a huge cache of emails on the laptop shared with his wife, and Clinton confidant, Huma Abdelin. So, with the election looming, he essentially had his people do a fast scan, to see if they found anything incriminating to Crooked Hillary and adverse to her claim of the 30,000 deleted emails only containing personal emails (which most everyone believes to have been the case). They only had a couple days to find such, before the election. They didn’t, but we may never know if that was because there weren’t any, or they were just too rushed to find them. The point is that it is very possible that all three actions by Comey can be understood as Comey playing defense, in order to protect his agency, and to not being the one responsible if the wrong candidate won.
J LEe. No I believe omey did nto act on his own.
Otherwise it would have been a great surprise to Attorney General LKoretta Lynch.
I also think that, while he was telling the truth in that he did not clear his remarks in July 2016 with his superiors at DOJ, he did clear them with Hillary Clinton's lawyers. (or they would have complained, if not then, then later.)(
"IG Horowitz slammed Comey for making the investigation public so close to the election. " ?
How could he not do so? And he didn't make it public. He sent a private letter to a Congressional committee. They made it public.
I wonder how Kim Jong Un likes hearing how he begged on his hands and knees?"
Well, maybe nobody will tell him.
Also, for Kim Jong Un, stopping the threats and belligerence is begging on his hands and knees.
"Comey departed from a tried and true, hard and fast standard. Why?
Because if he said nothing, a cloud would be hanging over Hillary and people, noit knowing Justice Department policy about indictments close rto an election, would be sayingg she miight be indicted any time. Hillary wanted that statement.
QAnd his criticism gave his whitewash more credibility, and also molliied agents working for him.
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