June 4, 2018

"I will say I'm proud of the show we made. The show has always been about diversity, love and inclusion and it's sad to see it end in this way."

"I am sad for the people who lost their jobs in the process. She then added: 'However. I do stand behind the decision that ABC made."

From "Sara Gilbert fights back tears as she breaks her silence about Roseanne scandal while seeming to kill possible spin-off talks as she expresses her sorrow for hundreds who lost jobs" (Daily Mail).

ADDED: Do you think that makes it seem more likely or less likely that there may be a continuing show centering on Sara Gilbert's character? I'd say more, because she's clearly supporting and honoring the ABC decision. That makes her more appealing to them.


Bay Area Guy said...

'However. I do stand behind the decision that ABC made."

Not exactly a profile in courage. If you stand behind the decision, you support the job loss created by such decision.

Just sayin'.

Kevin said...

Gilbert said the she did stand behind the decision made by ABC to cancel the program

Then why the tears? You think it's the right thing to do. Stand up for your decision to fire everyone and move on.

Kevin said...

BAG +1!

Kevin said...

She should have said to everyone losing their jobs that if it saved just one person from having to view an offensive tweet, it would be worth it. They should be proud of the price they paid to participate in the great civility crusade of 2018.

They can tell their grandchildren how they served the cause.

Nonapod said...

Put it this way, I'd be surprised if there wasn't a new show with Gilbert as the star within the next 12 months. There's just too much money to be made and too much good will towards everyone involved (other than Roseanne obviously).

robother said...

Roseanne's whiney single-mom daughter. Yes, that's going to be comedy gold. Chachi will be spinning in his grave. Sometimes you jump the shark, and sometimes the shark jumps you.

rehajm said...

I’ll take the under but will hedge that if the spinoff is a go its doesn't make it past the first order of episodes. More like three.

LilyBart said...

The people who lost their jobs in this 'situation' were the first people I thought of when I heard the news it'd been cancelled. I think Gilbert has said they knew working with the always volatile Rosanne was risky.

Kevin said...

Do you think that makes it seem more likely or less likely that there may be a continuing show centering on Sara Gilbert's character?

I'd say the whole thing is a scripted drama to move on without Roseanne. I look for the next act to be about how liberals should support this, what were the words she used?, show about diversity, love, and inclusion.

It will be pitched as middle America with a diverse, loving, and inclusive heart! Exactly the kind of families those who would never deign to live in the heartland wish everyone in the heartland would have.

A "how to live" manual for the deplorables, brought you to by Tide and ABC.

I'm sure the network executives are salivating at the prospect, and the crocodile tears are to keep the cast and crew around just long enough to lock up a deal.

Bay Area Guy said...

Why is it difficult for leftwingers and/or liberals to say, Roseanne's tweet was obnoxious and hurtful, and her apology not acceptable. However, ABC's canceling an entire show over said tweet is overkill.

It seems pretty simple to me.

I don't watch much ABC (except for ESPN, which has its own set of problems), so perhaps my viewpoint can be dismissed.

I have spent a shitload at Disneyland over the past 3 decades though, dammit!

Kevin said...

I think Gilbert has said they knew working with the always volatile Rosanne was risky.

No, a pilot with an unknown cast and no audience is risky.

These people had a good chance to win stable employment in an unstable industry.

Drago said...

A show centered on Sara Gilberts character?


A successful show centered on Sara Gilberts character?


madAsHell said...

There are some reports that Ms. Gilbert expended a great deal of effort to bring the pieces together. That may have influenced her statement as well. Let's hope that she can find another phoenix in the ashes.

Drago said...

madAsHell: "There are some reports that Ms. Gilbert expended a great deal of effort to bring the pieces together."

She DIDN'T build that!!

Michael K said...

I'd be surprised if there wasn't a new show with Gilbert as the star within the next 12 months. There's just too much money to be made

Crash and burn guaranteed.

Bay Area Guy said...

Norman Lear made a huge spin-off of "All in Family" with "The Jeffersons" which had the greatest theme song ever and was quite successful. And, of course, "Maude"

Years later, they tried another spin-off -- 704 Hauser -- with a black family living at the old Archie Bunker home. They had a liberal black father with a conservative black son named, Thurgood Marshall Cumberbatch.

Didn't last a season.

Francisco D said...

I have not seen Roseanne since its first go around more than 20 years ago. (Wow. That's a shocker. I am getting old).

Is Sarah the homely, whiny little daughter? She is going to star in a new show?


tim in vermont said...

Well, she is flat out calling Roseanne a liar, so she is good and scared of the mob.

tim in vermont said...

I am sure morality play peddler Netflix will have her in a show soon enough, with scripts being run past the Obamas, of course. Just like in the old days of kings and queens.

Nonapod said...

To be fair, I didn't watch the show and have no idea if Gilbert's character is appealing enough to carry a new show. My opinion was based of the glowing reception her character seems to have engendered.

Big Mike said...

Do you think that makes it seem more likely or less likely that there may be a continuing show centering on Sara Gilbert's character?

Yes and no. A show about the Roseanne family without Roseanne seems pretty impossible but a show centered on Sara Gilbert, in that Darlene Conner character or something else, is probably more likely than less likely.

Browndog said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Browndog said...

Gilbert was in a relationship with television producer Allison Adler. They have two children—a son, Levi Hank, and a daughter, Sawyer Jane. The relationship ended in 2011 after 10 years. Pictured above is Gilbert's "wife," songwriter, music producer and former 4 Non Blondes frontwoman Linda Perry who she "married" in 2014. Also pictured above is Gilber's son, Rhodes Emilio Gilbert Perry, who she gave birth on February 28, 2015.

After the break up in 2011, she dated Sybil Shepard's daughter for a year.

Gilbert is well connected in Hollywood.

Eleanor said...

Where's the audience for the new show without Roseanne? Not the people who were the audience with her. That's for sure. Are the people who didn't watch it with her there going to tune in when she's gone? Or are they going to collect her scalp and go back to watching Will and Grace?

Gahrie said...

Sara's problem is that she isn't appealing to the viewers. I predict that any sitcom built around her fails.

Curious George said...

"The show has always been about diversity, love and inclusion...."

No, it may have had those elements, but that's not what is been about. Any spin will be about it for sure, which means it will suck, which means it is doomed.

Gahrie said...

Gilbert is well connected in Hollywood.

She is the half sister of Melissa Gilbert, from Little House on the Prairie and who was president of the screen actor's guild.

However...it is not their father they share. Melissa Gilbert's father was their mother's first husband. Sara's father's last name is Abeles. For some reason, Sara decided to take the name of her half-sister's father instead of using her father's last name when she went into acting.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Grovel, grovel.

bagoh20 said...

All those people lost their jobs not because Roseanne tweeted something offensive, but becuase ABC wanted to signal its virtue and only to that part of the country that also wants to signal theirs by demanding and agreeing with it. I hope all that feeling good about one's self is worth those people losing all they lost. Remember entertainers and especially comedians say offensive things all the time, and their shows are not cancelled, punishing dozens of innocent people.

The decision was a selfish, dispicable act showing no compassion or courage.

This kind of thing is in the process of ruining our culture, discourse and trust of one another, and over what? Who exactly was hurt by that comment, and why would their momentary discomfort be worth all that damage? I say that nobody was hurt by it. It's just too common and nothing but a stupid joke on twitter, the likes of which are said everyday by the thousands, but where are the crowds of the suffering offended to justify this decision?

Bay Area Guy said...

Melissa Gilbert was hot! It is impossible to believe that she is 54. That simply does not compute.

The Left would seek to cancel and/demonize Little House on the Prairie if they could.

Manifest destiny, white supremacy, lack of diversity, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Browndog said...

There are some reports that Ms. Gilbert expended a great deal of effort to bring the pieces together. That may have influenced her statement as well. Let's hope that she can find another phoenix in the ashes.

Yes, the media posed that as fact. Given who Roseanne is, and who Gilbert is, I'm going to invoke the Gell-Mann effect.

madAsHell said...

She DIDN'T build that!!

I understand your humor, but you also raise a good point. They won't be able to use the Roseanne banner to market the show. I suppose that ABC owns the rest of the story-line, and characters, but how do you re-boot a show without the primary antagonist.

It's like when Darren was replaced on "Bewitched". The show was never the same without Dick York.

bagoh20 said...

Although I found Gilbert to be the most interesting character on the show, the show never would have been successful without Roseanne. Gilbert has about as much chance of having a winning show as hundreds of other minor celebrities. This show was hugely popular because it was not another left wing snorefest.

Didn't the same executives cancel the successful "Last Man Standing"? Just a coincidence, I'm sure.

chuck said...

"The show has always been about diversity, love and inclusion ..."

Barf. I'm so sick of that phoney advertising crap. It has been a spreading blight for the last twenty years.

Curious George said...

SHe and ABC will find out that 22 minutes a week of diversity, love and inclusion is not what people are yearning for. Just like The Talk, whatever the fuck that is.

The Talk. Hahahahahahaha

tcrosse said...

"The show has always been about diversity, love and inclusion ..."

I gave at the office.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

"Sara Gilbert fights back tears as she breaks her silence about Roseanne scandal while seeming to kill possible spin-off talks as she expresses her sorrow for hundreds who lost jobs" (Daily Mail).

Yada yada ...as... yada yada ...while... yada yada ...as... yada yada.

C'mon, Chris! You'n do better'n that. Let's see you do the whole story with just one period. At the end. 'Sides "as" and "while" you got "even as," "and," "but," "although," "even while," "in spite of the fact that," "because," "since" and so many other joins to work with. Use your imagination! Sky's the limit!

Go for a record. 1,000 word article all in one sentence.

Browndog said...

To piggy back off what Bagoh said, NOBODY is glad they lost their jobs over what someone else said, or even did.

This "yea, we kinda deserved it because Roseanne is a racist" is really something to behold.

langford peel said...

The black president running ABC was more interested in kowtowing to Michelle Obama than the jobs of all the people on the show. As if that matters! They cancel shows all the time.

The fact is you don't have a cash cow if you fire the cow.

Sara Gilbert is a horrible actress and best know for Roseanne and being a celebrity lesbian. If they make a show with her they will make out her as a lesbian and set up another politically correct homo drama like Will and Grace which is dying in the ratings.

The new Roseanne reboot was only a big hit because it didn't treat Trump and his voters as deplorable pieces of shit. Which is what ABC/Disney/Hollywood thinks of them. They were already feverishly watering it down with the noble next door immigrant Muslim family. I am sure that the lesbian commie twats like Wanda Sykes would have given us more of these politically correct plots that would drive down the ratings until it was the same dreck as every other sitcom.

So this cancellation is the best thing that could have happened for the deplorables. It just shows them that they should boycott Disney as the evil progressive empire it has become.

Rigelsen said...

The sheer hate that the Preacher Gilbert displays here is breathtaking. There is not one ounce of charity to her or ABC for that matter. A show without Roseanne would be a blue collar show without any actual blue collar representation. Who would be the audience for such a show? The coastal urbanites who want to believe that only their sensibilities matter? That it’s only the lack of enlightenment that prevents the rest of the country from going along with their moralizing?

“Hey, we’re all about diversity and inclusion. But we have to drum out everyone who disagrees or even just errs in any way out of society and livelihood.”

Just ugh.

langford peel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
etbass said...

"The show has always been about diversity, love and inclusion ..."

Diversity is barf. Show me one country where diversity is a real asset and really works. It only works when the diverse agree to the majority culture.

exhelodrvr1 said...

No chance the tears are forced, right?

Thorley Winston said...

Yes and no. A show about the Roseanne family without Roseanne seems pretty impossible but a show centered on Sara Gilbert, in that Darlene Conner character or something else, is probably more likely than less likely.

I think a show about the Connors (sans Roseanne) actually could work so long as ABC has the rights to make it and the actors agree. During the original run, there was an episode were Roseanne was absent (I think she and Dan talked on the phone) and Jackie was at the house helping with the kids. I was struck by how much chemistry Laura Metcalf and John Goodman (easily the two best actors in the series) had and kind of wished that they could have written Roseanne out of the show at that point. I don't think a show built around Sara Gilbert would be successful as it would pretty much just be her being snarky for 22 minutes and wear thin pretty quickly.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

etbass said...
Diversity is barf. Show me one country where diversity is a real asset and really works.

The US has been considered the premier example, deservedly in my opinion. An extremely diverse set of cultures and races, by the standards of most other countries, built this country.

langford peel said...

Diversity is destruction. It is the altar that the Marxist left worships at and the core value of the Democratic party.

The Democratic party is based on identity politics. Identifying protected classes and giving them benefits to the expense of the majority. Of course they are running into two fundamental problems.

One is how to choose when two identity protect classes have priorities that clash. Hispanic illegals taking the jobs that would go to the black working class. Undeserving underachieving fraudulent blacks getting college slots that should go to Asians with the grades and test scores far better than those given affirmative action free rides marked on the curve. Gays and transgenders demanding preferential treatment that trashes the rights of black churchgoing familes. These groups are crabs in the Democratic bucket and they will fight it out for the soul of their demonic party.

Second is the often ballyhooed canard that whites will soon be a minority in this country. I don't know if that will happen since I think many Hispanics would rather be considered white than Hispanic if they didn't get affirmative action benefits for being taco benders.
But if you accept this as a given you should not be surprised when whites as a minority demand the rights and spoils that other minorities get. They will vote their interests. Whites would be foolish to ever vote for a Democrat as they have other preferred identity groups that they have to service. To coin a phrase of Nancy Pelosi there are only "crumbs" for the white working class. Trump is just the harbinger of this phenomena. A very benign one at that. If the soft coup of the Deep State and the Media works there will soon be a different result.

Canceling Roseanne gets you more Trump. Canceling Trump will get you something that you liberal shits are really not going to like very much.

Pass the popcorn.

Darkisland said...

One problem would be rights. Barr owns them either partially or fully.

I assume that would preclude any spinoff without buying the rights from her. ABC had said that they will only do a new season and/or spinoff if Barr gets absolutely nothing for it.

Unless she feela generous and gifts the rights, it won't happen

John Henry

Drago said...

ARM: "An extremely diverse set of cultures and races, by the standards of most other countries, built this country."

And integrated into a common culture whereby the "best" or most desirable aspects of what the settlers and immigrants brought was incorporated.

Note: The modern left hates both of those concepts and actively seeks to make "balkanization" the "rule", thus making it easy to divide the populace for political power purposes. "Cultural appropriation" is what must be avoided no at all costs.

Or as Algore accidently, in "Kinsley-an" fashion once said: "That we can be e pluribus Unum - out of one, many"


tim in vermont said...

The US has been considered the premier example, deservedly in my opinion. An extremely diverse set of cultures and races, by the standards of most other countries, built this country.

Beloved’s big problem is that he would like to replace some classes of these people and bring in a more amenable bunch, but is having a hard time conceptualizing how we are going to get rid of these deplorables. The main thing is that the benighted fools would rather work at jobs then go on the dole and the owning class gets richest if those jobs they are fit for are sent overseas.

It’s a conundrum!

Gahrie said...

Second is the often ballyhooed canard that whites will soon be a minority in this country.

88% of Black people voted for Hillary.

65% of Asians voted for Hillary.

65% of Hispanics voted for Hillary.

58% of White people voted for Trump.

How the Hell did Trump win? 70% of the population is White.

Rick said...

If there is a spinoff it will be a flop.

A "how to live" manual for the deplorables, brought you to by Tide and ABC.

Roseanne's schtick was seeming to sympathize rather than preach. The replacement will fail because the producers will pick preachers to distance themselves from Roseanne / Trump / their racist fans. They'll alienate the show's core audience immediately.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Drago said...
And integrated into a common culture whereby the "best" or most desirable aspects of what the settlers and immigrants brought was incorporated.

This is a fantasy, of course. First of all there is no agreement on 'best' and never can be because all real world cultures impose trade-offs.

From outside the US black musical culture has always been perceived as distinct from white musical culture, which was viewed as largely derivative of European culture, unsurprisingly. Similarly, jewish American culture has always been perceived as notably distinct from the predominant WASP culture.

langford peel said...

Old white men built this country. You can change the history books and pull down all the statues you want but you can't change the facts.

Diversity is just the pus that a suppurating wound expels as the body politic dies.

We are in decline. As our friend from the Philippines would say.....read some Gibbon if you want to know how this ends.

(That refers to the author not the type of monkey that you might classify Valarie Jarret)

Sebastian said...

Yes, diversity, love and inclusion have been quite the prog theme these last few years.

Problem is, the deplorables realized pretty quickly they were not diverse, hated by the left, and included out.

Hence Trump.

chickelit said...

bagoh20 said...All those people lost their jobs not because Roseanne tweeted something offensive, but becuase ABC wanted to signal its virtue and only to that part of the country that also wants to signal theirs by demanding and agreeing with it.

"Virtue signaling" and vindiction* are two different things. Starbucks virtue signals because they're not trying to get back at anyone. If the rumors coming out are true that the Roseanne firing was in fact driven by a sense of getting even (driven by whomever) -- along with the notion expressed above that ABC doesn't want to see Roseanne benefit financially, then it looks like spiteful malice against Roseanne rather than virtue signaling. If it is spite, and the costars are on board, then they deserve to fail and they probably know it But I hope ABC does waste a lot of money trying. It helps the Trump economy.
*See urban dictionary. Not the same as vindication.

Narayanan said...

Keep the cast in weak negotiating position.
Art of the Deal, baby.

langford peel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
langford peel said...

How diverse were our founding fathers who wrote our Constitution?

Old white men.

AllenS said...

As it turns out, many Founding Fathers were younger than 40 years old in 1776, with several qualifying as Founding Teenagers or Twentysomethings. And though the average age of the signers of the Declaration of Independence was 44, more than a dozen of them were 35 or younger. -- Slate

elkh1 said...

All those people lost their jobs not because Roseanne tweeted something offensive, because they don't have the talent to create a popular show without Roseanne.

Btw, I think the rating on the 2nd season of Roseanne would be like the rating on the 2nd season of Empire.

Comanche Voter said...

Corporate toadies are loved by the suits.

Narayanan said...

ABC cancelled a show not watched by the people it aims to please.

JaimeRoberto said...

Diversity in and of itself is not a problem. The desire for equality of outcomes and the push to have different standards for different groups is the problem and leads to further Balkanization.

Narayanan said...

It looks like even the reboot was experiment to field test idea of deplorables as fading fad for midterm.

Ken B said...

Don’t throw back in the briar patch brer Fox.

traditionalguy said...

The founding Fathers ,other than a political genius named Frankiln, were mostly 18-20 year old mechants and farmers when they volunteered to fight a non-funded, bloody fight to the death against the British Empire's Army, along with their merciless hired German professional killers from Hess, and the mighty British Navy, and on top of that against a local established Tory wealthy society ( a/k/a the Anglicans). They were never paid. And the wounded survivors had mostly turned 38-40 by the time a Constitutional Convention was called.

The Bill of Rights added in at the end was all they got out of it. Those Rights were targeted at the hated European Tyrants already sneaking in and co-opting the Government. Which is why Obama hated the Bill of Rights. It was what blocked him.

langford peel said...

Not a black, Muslim or woman among them. White guys.

So we should abandon the Constitution as not being inclusive.

That is the way they roll these days.

Just ask Michelle and Valarie.

You can't go full Planet of the Apes is you follow a dead piece of paper written by old white men.

Shouting Thomas said...

I watch a TV show for drama or comedy and entertainment.

Not for fucking numbskull HR blabber.

I can’t imagine what the prof is thinking here, but she recently endorsed her enthusiasm for the perfect Diversity novel, too.

Darrell said...

The Talk looks to be a real hoot. What's their tagline, a miserable place for miserable people?

langford peel said...

"Black musical culture" is cited as something that is vital.

Add up your music, tap dancing, basketball and pancake making and it doesn't add up to much.

Or as much as Broadway Show tunes and fancy haircuts that the homos gave us.

Fine as far as it goes but it has really zero to do with building this country.

This country was built by Scotch Irish frontiersman who stole it from the Indians.

Ken B said...

This post needs the civility bullshit tag.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

langford peel said...
"Whoop de damn do!"

While it is true that the English and Scots stole US lands, the Spanish stole a lot more, if it's a competition.

Even for things the US is good at, like making cars, we have rarely been the best and are currently being bested by both Japan and Europe. If it wasn't for tariffs on light trucks we probably wouldn't be competitive with those either.

But the US dominates popular culture like no other country, and it is a vast and very remunerative industry.

Shouting Thomas said...

Where is today's 20 year old Dylan to blast this stupid fucking "diversity and inclusion" HR bullshit to hell with ridicule, contempt and satire?

Narayanan said...

How do the viewership for TBBT and Roseanne map?
Sarah Gilbert is in both. CBS v ABC.
Nerd v Deplorable!!!

buwaya said...

"the Spanish stole a lot more, if it's a competition."

Yes it WAS a competition!

And we, the Spanish, won it.

World champions at the conquistador game.

For a couple of centuries.
But of course sic transit gloria

Shouting Thomas said...

That's a fucking actress... an actress... blurting out the approved HR goon party line.

What in the hell is wrong with Althouse that that doesn't strike her as ridiculous?

Darrell said...

The Talk--OK, let's end the show on a high note. Sheryl Underwood give us seven minutes of your best "White People Are So Stupid" jokes.

Robert Cook said...

"Why is it difficult for leftwingers and/or liberals to say, Roseanne's tweet was obnoxious and hurtful, and her apology not acceptable. However, ABC's canceling an entire show over said tweet is overkill."

I'll say it: Rosanne's tweet was obnoxious and hurtful--and fucking stupid--but her apology seemed heartfelt. Whatever other decision ABC could have made regarding Roseanne herself--and I don't think firing her from the show had to be the only sanction against her--but ABC's canceling the entire show over said stupid tweet is overkill.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Robert Cook said...
ABC's canceling the entire show over said stupid tweet is overkill.

It was just business if it was felt that the advertisers would flee, which I would guess they would have.

William said...

I never watched her show, but I do know that Charley Sheen's show was able to thrive and prosper without Charley Sheen. The old Bonanza series lost traction and folded after Hoss died. I don't think anyone ever thought Hoss was the linchpin of that show. No one knows nothing.....If they reboot it, it will attract viewers for a few episodes. A lot of people would want to hate-watch it and others would tune in out of curiosity. That's a bigger head start than whatever show they choose to replace Roseanne with will have.....I think the show would eventually fail, but who knows.......Questions not asked: Does Gilbert think all the previous episodes of Roseanne should be kept out of syndication? What about Cosby? What about Seinfeld? If one racist joke can end a comedian's career, what's the word on bad sexual encounters? Should Louis CK and Aziz Ansari be banned from the airwaves? How about past episodes of their shows? Perhaps these shows can be aired with pixelated faces so as not to disturb sensitive viewers.

Shouting Thomas said...

It was just business if it was felt that the advertisers would flee, which I would guess they would have.

Some advertisers would flee. Many others would come forward to pay more.

Back when somebody had a set of balls, like Hefner or Norman Lear, controversy of this kind produced enormous fortunes and lifelong celebrity.

Welcome to the era of absolute fucking cowardice. Don't be the Last Man Clapping.

Shouting Thomas said...

So who among us is not so fucking gelded and cowardly that he can effectively ridicule the dictum that we must kiss black ass?

langford peel said...

You have to kiss black ass to be on ABC. The black ass of the President of ABC to be exact.

She takes her marching orders from Michelle Obama and not the ratings or the shareholders.

But that is par for the course for Disney. That is why they are destroying Marvel, Star Wars, ESPN and anything else they get their affirmative action paws on.

Walt Disney didn't build that company. It was a black man.

If you consider Mickey Mouse black.

langford peel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
langford peel said...

The American edge in entertainment is eroding with every politically correct feminist piece of shit that Hollywood is pushing out.

The rest of the world really doesn't want to see gay, feminist and political correct Metoo heroes and heroines.

They want tits and ass and white guys kicking ass and taking names.

Except for the Black Panther movie. That doesn't count because that is really outlandish science fiction. Seriously. An black African nation that isn't a shit hole?

Man that is more unbelievable than Dune or Blade Runner. No wonder it is so popular. People had to see it to believe that they could come up with something so outlandish.

Derve Swanson said...

Gilbert doesn't have the acting chops or the creativity to carry the show on her own. These characters were Roseanne Barr's intellectual property; she was the fuel behind the show.

Gilbert is a mixed-up liberal who couldn't represent the Heartland values if she wanted. She is coastal establishment Hollywood through and through. Roseanne Barr is not.

Ken B said...

Kevin at 3:21 got it.

Shouting Thomas said...

Except for the Black Panther movie. That doesn't count because that is really outlandish science fiction. Seriously. An black African nation that isn't a shit hole?

Two comments.

Black Panther was a terrible movie. All FX and chases and no coherent plot. It failed even as a standard blaxploitation flick, because it had absolutely no sense of humor.

When you elect blacks to political office, most of them bring to office the same corrupt, tribal and economically destructive political outlooks that made those black African nations shitholes.

Kevin said...

The US has been considered the premier example, deservedly in my opinion. An extremely diverse set of cultures and races, by the standards of most other countries, built this country.

That was the old line. Now we know we were never a diverse country, just another colonial power built on the slave trade which still is one of the most racist and white-privileged places on Earth. Also, we really, really hate women.

So now that the "premier example" has been exposed as a fraud in every sense of the word, please retract your example and come up with something else to support your thesis.

langford peel said...

"Shouting Thomas said...
So who among us is not so fucking gelded and cowardly that he can effectively ridicule the dictum that we must kiss black ass?"

Why the would be President Donald J Trump.

He just announced that he has rescinded the invitation of the Philadelphia Eagles to come to the White House. Since most if not all of the black players refused to come because they support the cop killers of Black Lives Matter...our President told them to go screw.

Instead of celebrating overpaid steroid freaks tomorrow he is going to celebrate our vets and our national anthem.

Another nail in the coffin of the National Felons League.

Shouting Thomas said...


You are correct.

The left’s ferocious hatred of Trump arises from his ability to thumb his nose at the blacklisters. They thought they had effectively blacklisted him during the election with the bigot label.

It never occurred to them that the voters cast their ballots in secret and can’t be reported to the HR goons.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"I stand behind the decision that ABC made".


The left really do love their mind-crime.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Diversity is everything to the left, until you get to mind-crime against their sacred cows.

langford peel said...

Less then ten of the Eagles were planning to go to the White House. Cuck owner Bob Lurie didn't want to "upset" his players so he let them beg off.

The President invites the team to celebrate with their fans.

The players and the owner says fuck the fans and fuck the President.

So they got bounced.

The NFL is dead. It just needs to lie down and rot.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


"So who among us is not so fucking gelded and cowardly that he can effectively ridicule the dictum that we must kiss black DEMOCRAT ass?"

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Last Man Standing is a funny show. Very clever. But it's not written by a leftwing comedian so it had to be shot dead.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

ST.. it never occurred to them that the voters cast their ballots in secret and can’t be reported to the HR goons.


wildswan said...

I always thought the show, Roseanne, was a sort of Trojan horse to bring coastie anti-values into deplorable homes. Looking at Gilbert I think I was right. Maybe Roseanne didn't really like the show and just took this way out - I mean, big stars know in their bones what they can and cannot do. At least I always think of them that way - drunk, drugged, whatever, they know the show must go on, they walk the line. When they don't, it's because they want out.

But that reminds me of Bill Clinton's talk about Monica Lewinsky. He said that he suffered too. When he left the White House he owed 16 million dollars. For what? Lawyers? Payoffs? Anyhow, that seemed to me the most tone deaf thing I ever heard him say in public: Monica finally realizes her life is ruined; Bill says, "I suffered too; I owed 16 million dollars." It's right up there with "better put some ice on that" after the rape - but that statement was not in public.
And again I say: 16 million dollars!! To who? for what? How does the President come to owe that much money?

The whole corrupt swamp is in upheaval. They're fighting on the life raft about who to eat next.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The Clintons have pocketed millions upon millions with their powerful political connections/ambitions/mob-like Brennen/Clapper. Poor Bill. I bet he got some tru believer leftist suckers to pay off his debts.

wwww said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mary Beth said...

She may have scored points with the ABC executives, but I think that a lot of TV viewers are thinking, if Roseanne is such a virulent racist, why did Gilbert chose to go back to doing a show with her? On the other hand, if the tweet was just a poor choice and isn't indicative of a nasty streak of daily, unrelenting racism, why didn't Gilbert defend Roseanne and say, this isn't characteristic of who Barr is?

ValJar is too fecking fragile if she needs this many people to rush to defend her. Maybe she just needs the diversion of something to think about besides going to prison for her part of the dirt from the last administration.

n.n said...

Diversity, love, and inclusion.... Color judgments (e.g. racism), political congruence ("="), and selective exclusion (i.e. Pro-Choice).

Kevin said...

I think there is something to the notion that Roseanne saw how the “less political” season two was going and Tweeted out the show’s destruct code. She didn’t want to come back but was lured by the promise she could make the show she wanted and Gilbert and the others would fight the network on her behalf.

If she found she was really surrounded by a bunch of people who wanted to send messages to the deplorables, this was really her only way out before the show was forever ruined beyond repair.

It would also fit that the staff and network would try to continue the plan without her once they had everything in place to make it happen. If we start hearing Roseanne was “unreasonable” and kept the reboot from happening, that would be further evidence.

Kevin said...

According to Variety: “Roseanne” finished the 2017-18 television season as the No. 1 show in the advertiser-coveted 18-49 demo, according to Nielsen live-plus-same-day numbers.”

And: “Any situation in which Barr would stand to gain financially from a new series is considered unpalatable to ABC and producers.”

So, good luck with that.

James K said...

Melissa Gilbert was hot! It is impossible to believe that she is 54.

She was still hot as of a few years ago. Unfortunately, in recent pix she appears to have had some work done. Not hot.

If ABC considers a spinoff with Sara Gilbert and no Roseanne, short the stock. Maybe short it anyway.

Kevin said...

I suppose turning off her old episodes cut off those residuals which could be used to compensate her if they turned them back on or turned the rights over to her.

But that would be a huge gamble for ABC on the new show if they did, and not much if anything for Roseanne if they didn’t give her control of the old episodes.

The trick for ABC will be compensating her for the new show while not compensating her from the new show.

Yancey Ward said...

You have to wonder about the personal relationship between Gilbert and Barr. I tried to imagine what it would take for me to publicly denounce a friend over something they said or wrote..... and came up empty. Anything I might have to say would be said privately, and given that Barr has apologized makes Gilbert's statement today look even worse. Basically, I can only assume the relationship between the two women has not been a friendly one.

Yancey Ward said...

"The trick for ABC will be compensating her for the new show while not compensating her from the new show."

Ah, that is not a trick- they would just outright steal it and count on a court and jury to find for them when they got sued.

The Vault Dweller said...

The farther in time we get from the actual event the more and more the cancelling of the show looks like a ridiculous overreaction. Again not to say what Roseanne tweeted was acceptable, it was clearly bad, and clearly well past the line, but to end the show over that now looks nothing but rash. I don't know if the decision was in some sort of fearful fervor of political correctness backlash, political backlash against Roseanne because of her Pro-Trump views, or if it was just a sincere belief that what she said was so awful, so beyond the pale that the number one TV show currently along with probably hundreds of jobs associated with it, had to be cancelled.

The only thing this event has solidified for me is that taking moral guidance from the vocal left is a good way to end in societal ruin. Everything seems reactionary and based purely on rationalizing emotional responses and perceived emotional responses to situations. It is like there is no underlying principles.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

"To cancel the show so quickly sends a strong message, and the right message, that's for sure."
Message being: Don't piss off Democrat party members.

Amadeus 48 said...

I feel no compulsion to be exploited by Roseanne Barr. She never represented me.

Now, Al Bundy is a different story...

lonetown said...

..and when no one watches the new show, a meme is born.

Bad Lieutenant said...

The trick for ABC will be compensating her for the new show while not compensating her from the new show.

Easy peasy. Buy her out of all rights in scope, in perpetuity, for a flat sum, then whether they broadcast the show on Mars or shred the scripts for kindling, she doesn't benefit FROM THE SHOW.

ValJar is too fecking fragile if she needs this many people to rush to defend her.

VJ needs nothing except a new face. This is mere political sadism, cultural terrorism. She hurt Barr, and all her viewers, because she could, and because they were worth hurting, they were valid political targets.

You have to wonder about the personal relationship between Gilbert and Barr.

We can surmise that it wasn't Gilbert's #1 priority. She must never have read or cared for:

If I had to choose between betraying my country and betraying my friend, I hope I should have the guts to betray my country.
E.M. Forster

To give your soul for the world profits you nothing, Darlene... But for ABC?

The farther in time we get from the actual event the more and more the cancelling of the show looks like a ridiculous overreaction.

Valerie Jarret is black. Channing Dungey, what a name, chairman of ABC, is black. As one of our commenters likes to say, PURPLE ELEPHANTS, do not think of them! Or, objectively, Dungey is not a good chairman for ABC.

narayanan said...

Procrustes had a bed to which he would fit all his "customers/clients"
Hollywood looked like it was losing casting couch to punish/humiliate/subjugate its "talents"

ABC is showing off its replacement/substitute for it.

Why do people think Sarah Gilbert is free agency?

walter said...

LilyBart said... I think Gilbert has said they knew working with the always volatile Rosanne was risky.
Seven personality, Hitler imitating would be Green Party candidate Roseanne?
With that background, the idea that this was her grand exit strategy seems a stretch.

Jupiter said...

"However. I do stand behind the decision that ABC made."

Feckless cunt.

BJM said...

It's a no-win for Gilbert, should ABC decide to give her the slot, the show's original format is tainted and would need to move left of center; thus losing it's audience.

Jim at said...

Rosanne's tweet was obnoxious and hurtful-

I have yet to understand how words are hurtful.

They are words. Just words.
If simple, fucking words hurt you? That's on you. Not me.

FIDO said...

Meh. Much as it pains me, but they can find a writer who can give Sarah Gilbert a role.

Well...I say that based on the 'quality' of acting and humor in the sad program '2 Broke Girls'. How can Kat Denning have a successful series? She has very little talent outside of her sweater.

But...those two girls are young, and charming and buxom. People will watch that all day (save of course, principled people like Ms. Althouse, who prefers American Idol and Ru Paul). Clunky humor doesn't matter. It's a single set comedy with two low budget actresses.

Sarah Gilbert...is not young, not charming, and she isn't...funny. In her youth, she started to look like a crone, much less now. They give her flat and humorless one liners for a reason. She is the 'set up' girl for Rosanne's volleyball spike!

But put Gilbert on Friday at 8 and she'll pull in a paycheck so she can buy a few more golden retrievers. Looking at her, all I see is someone with an ugly soul.

Quaestor said...

Whenever someone, especially a fucking TV personality, uses the word diversity my brain goes into BSCON 4.

Unknown said...