Very sad to read those sentences in the past tense, written by a living man, but it puts the world in a position to say goodbye to a man who is leaving.
A contrast to the recent suicides, so abrupt and without stopping on the threshold and looking back to say goodbye.
There are a lot of twits on TV these days. Joe Scarborough, Donny Deutsch, to name a couple. Charles is one of those who was always interesting. Brilliant and interesting. So unlike the mouth breathing preeners on the air today. I can remember reading his columns years ago, some so interesting, I would cut them out of the paper to re-read. (yes, at one time we didn't have internet and instead read this paper thing, delivered to us from a guy who would throw rolled up papers out of his car window at our house, while driving by.)
Thank you, for all of the interesting columns and discussions over the years, Charles Krauthammer.
Indeed sad. And I wholeheartedly agree with prior comments about how great he was (is) and how utterly terrible most of the current people are. Just try to compare Krauthammer to Brian Stelter. Good Lord!
In the "just sayin'" dept.: Always welcome in a 'round table' jabber-fest when a participant fully forms their thought before speaking, and speaks slowly enough to be understood. Always welcome when the other participants refrain from verbally stepping on the speaker mid-sentence. So, it's back to the normal cacophony, It seems.
Damn. One of the few things on television I make a point of watching is Brett Baier’s panel, and Charles Krauthammer was its most insightful member. I have missed his analysis. I’m not sure he has an equal.
”(yes, at one time we didn't have internet and instead read this paper thing, delivered to us from a guy who would throw rolled up papers out of his car window at our house, while driving by.) ”
"The way I see it, dogs had this big meeting, oh, maybe 20,000 years ago. A huge meeting— an international convention with delegates from everywhere. And that's when they decided that humans were the up-and-coming species and dogs were going to throw their lot in with them. The decision was obviously not unanimous. The wolves and dingoes walked out in protest." "[...] In some respects— Ph.D. potential, for example— I don't make any great claims for Chester [the Labrador Retreiver]. When I would arrive home, I fully expected to find Hugo [Border Collie] reading the newspaper. Not Chester. Chester would try to make his way through a narrow sliding door, find himself stuck halfway and then look at me with total and quite genuine puzzlement. I don't think he ever got to understand that the rear part of him was actually attached to the front. But it was Chester, who dispensed affection as unreflectively as he breathed, who got me thinking about this long-ago pact between humans and dogs. Cat lovers and the pet averse will just roll their eyes at such dogophilia. I can't help it. Chester was always at your foot or your hand, waiting to be petted and stroked, played with and talked to. His beautiful blocky head, his wonderful overgrown puppy's body, his baritone bark filled every corner of house and heart." "Then last month, at the tender age of eight, he died quite suddenly. The long, slobbering, slothful decline we had been looking forward to was not to be. When told the news, a young friend who was a regular victim of Chester's lunging love-bombs said mournfully, "He was the sweetest creature I ever saw. He's the only dog I ever saw kiss a cat."
Krauthammer, Charles (2013-10-22). Things That Matter: Three Decades of Passions, Pastimes and Politics (Kindle Locations 862-868). Crown Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
Oliver Willis @owillis conservatism, even when dressed up in grammatically correct pseudo-highbrow columns and tv spots, is still almost always about urinating on the less fortunate and crapping on minorities
10:27 AM - Jun 8, 2018
"Samantha Bee Republican" Chuck could not have said it any better....though he has tried mightily for quite some time.
His death will be a great loss. One of the best political commentators of this benighted age. He always expressed his ideas so eloquent and masterfully I admired him even on (or especially on) the rare occassions that I disagreed with him.
He was the opinionated Grand Poo Bah on Faux Fox News. I hope his death is painless. So many people die slow painful deaths from hunger, homelessness, and illness because of heartless libertarians and far right-winger like him. For someone who needed medical care most of his adult life, it is appalling that he wanted healthcare denied to others less well off than himself. May his last words be: I'm a failed Rethuglican troll; may God have mercy on my corrupted, miserable soul. Lord, please save the country from putrid Trump; I'm only partly to blame for his erection. Don't blame others for my big mistakes; please show others the compassion that I lacked during my selfish life. It's just like me to try to tell God how to behave. Adios cruel world.
Trumpit said...”it is appalling that he wanted healthcare denied to others less well off than himself.”
Is it beyond your ability to imagine that other people can have an opinion different than yours as to how to achieve a worthy goal? I know it is beyond your ability to imagine that they might be right.
While I didn't always agree with Krauthammer, I always admired is ability to express his points of view and to persuade.
His bravery and determination to continue his life after his horrific diving accident can only inspire. How many of us would have given up at that point? Instead he went on to great accomplishments and has left a lasting mark on the community surrounding him.
I wish him a peaceful and pain free conclusion to an outstanding life.
"So many people die slow painful deaths from hunger, homelessness, and illness because of heartless libertarians and far right-winger like him."
Yep. TFG in his wide-ass wheelchair routinely used to block the aisles at the Watergate Safeway, just to deny starving old people access to food. It got so bad they closed the damn store.
Althouse, this is a poignant story, with Krauthammer; and as so often happens, I saw it first here at your blog. Your blogging on this and on too many other subjects to count is timely and incisive.
I quite adored Charles Krauthammer and previously in these pages I have cited this 2004 column as one of the best columns in that or any other year. It is to me the model of perfect column-writing.
But I read the comments and I see at least 3 or 4 comments by "Drago" in which my name is used as some sort of anti-Krauthammer reference point. I've never said an unkind word about Krauthammer. I've never called Charles Krauthammer a guy "who can't buy a pair of pants." Ya know?
I don't understand how that sort of commentary is allowed by you, Althouse. For me, as someone who rather loved Charles Krauthammer, to see my name get dragged around by Drago in this fashion is a new low, and an all-too familiar low for your comments-pages moderation.
Not once did Sauerkraut mention his wife or his son, Daniel, in his letter that was read on Fox announcing his imminent death. A weepy, maudlin display by the talking heads on Fox. There is something wrong with a man who doesn't even mention his only child in his final act of self pity.
Drago is a propagandist, he must propagandize. He is nothing without his daily spew of propaganda. He needs to keep y’all in line just in case you slip up and see those of us on the left as people you may occasionally agree with. Drago won’t have it! Stop thinking independently! Drago tells you what to think!
Sad. Over the last few years it was apparent that he was having trouble gaining his breath, a condition I attributed to his paralysis. His body was so very wrecked. I was always torn between pity and awe, mostly the latter. He said he did not believe inGod but feared Him greatly. I believe you will be greatly and happily surprised, Charles. May these last days be spent in peace.
Trumpit, I believe in your superior compassion - aptly demonstrated on this sad occasion - as I believe that the present conditions in Venezuela are the product of right-wing ideas. Go home, read your post again, and blush.
He is a tougher person than me- given his circumstances, I would probably have checked out decades ago. You really do have to admire that kind of grit.
Drago: The lefties, the lefties , ooooo the lefties, the lefties, ug, oooooo, garble garble, the lefties, the lefties, dontcha forget that the lefties, the lefties, slurp, wipey wipey, ug, ooooo, the lefties!
“Charles Krauthammer and Laura Ingraham exchanged opposing views over President Trump's Q&A about the violence in Charlottesville, Va.
Ingraham said Trump would have been better served Tuesday to continue talking about infrastructure and not allow the press to "trap" him into talking about the unrest.
"To critique what he did today on the grounds that it distracts from the agenda... is a cop out," Krauthammer said of Ingraham's position.
"What Trump did today was a moral disgrace," Krauthammer said. "He reverted back to Saturday."”
Drago said... Krauthammer lived an exceptional life and was a fantastic representative of superior American values.
Trump said... "Well, Charles Krauthammer is a totally overrated person who really dislikes me personally," Trump replied. "I never met him. But, I mean, he's a totally overrated guy, doesn't know what he's doing. He was totally in favor of the war in Iraq. He wanted to go into Iraq. And he wanted to, you know, stay there forever. So, you know, these are overrated people. I mean, you can mention name after name. By the way, you gonna mention the ones that do like Trump? You don't do that, do you?" "I'm a failed man," Trump scoffed. "I went to the best school, got the best - great marks, everything else. I went out. I made a fortune, a big fortune, a tremendous fortune. I'll be announcing that in about a week. Because I have to file my papers. Bigger than people even understand ... And then, I get called by a guy that can't buy a pair of pants, I get called names? Gimme a break."
“Fox News's Charles Krauthammer said Monday that while the Trump administration hit bottom last week with the resignation of White House chief of staff Reince Preibus and a profanity-laced interview given by communications director Anthony Scaramucci, "it seems to have bounced off the bottom" with new chief of staff John Kelly seizing control.
"It looks like the Trump administration hit bottom last week and it seems to have bounced off the bottom," Krauthammer said on Fox's "Special Report" hours after news that Scaramucci had been ousted from the White House.”
He was wrong, he wrong he couldn’t imagine that it could fall lower yet.
Donald J. Trump Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump .@krauthammer pretends to be a smart guy, but if you look at his record, he isn't. A dummy who is on too many Fox shows. An overrated clown! 11:19 PM · Jun 4, 2015
Not only does he have to put up with lefties rewriting history (again), but he has to listen to those LLR Chucks, whom he despises, try and use his name in a way that serves the lefts' purpose.
The silver lining is that CK knows that those lefties and LLR allies have very little influence now that their lies and true nature has been fully exposed.
On a positive note, it is heartwarming to see such natural far left allies and propaganda pals as Inga, LLR Chuck and ARM find each other and support each other so passionately.
Not as passionately as "Samantha Bee republican" Chuck supports the dem party, but still. Very encouraging that in this big wild crazy mixed-up world lefties like those can find each other.
All the best to you guys in your endeavors to create a "Managua on the Potomac".
Leave it to Inga to make political hay out of this decent man's awful situation by cherry picking some criticisms of Trump. Krauthammer has been a great role model, an exemplar of courage and integrity. That doesn't mean he was always on the mark, but there was no questioning his intelligence and sincerity.
Poor Krauthammer, Drago would’ve treated him like he treats Chuck if given half a chance. Now he posts comment after comment about how terrible the lefties treated Krauthaumer and hopes people here forget how people like Drago himself treated Krauthammer because Krauthammer had the guts to be honest about Trump.
One of my favorite LLR Chuck/lefty screwups today, (that Krauthammer would have cleaned up on easily!) is LLR Chuck's ally Nancy Pelosi screwing up the Consumer Confidence numbers.
Like Inga, Nancy doesn't even know that Consumer Confidence is at an 18 year high!
I am very surprised that Drago choose to piss all over this thread about Krauthammer. But, like Trump, Drago really doesn't seem to like people who were once called conservative.
Drago tries to distract away from the fact that Trumpusts such as himself ravaged Krauthammer.
Drago, don’t you have a job? You’re here on almost every thread for hours and hours everyday, posting one comment after another. You’ve said you have school aged children, so I know you're not old enough to be retired. Is spreading propaganda here your “job”?
Drago tries to distract away from the fact that Trumpusts such as himself ravaged Krauthammer.
So what? When Krauthammer was wrong, as he was on Charlottesville, he deserved to be criticized. That doesn't change the overall picture of who he was, nor does it mean that people who criticized him in those instances can't express overall admiration for him. Get a grip.
“So what? When Krauthammer was wrong, as he was on Charlottesville, he deserved to be criticized. That doesn't change the overall picture of who he was, nor does it mean that people who criticized him in those instances can't express overall admiration for him. Get a grip.” ——————————————— James K, And lefties like me who said that they were sorry to hear about Krauthammer and that he was one of the rational ones on Fox News also can express overall admiration for him without propagandists like Drago pissing all over it.
Get it? Get a grip yourself. —————————————— Blogger Inga said... Sorry to hear this, he was one of the rational ones on Fox News.
6/8/18, 12:24PM ————————————————————- Blogger Drago said... Inga: "Sorry to hear this, he was one of the rational ones on Fox News"
Bourdain had one of the more enviable lives available to humanity. He got to travel the world, meet interesting people and eat huge amounts of great food. The travel and food were paid for, and he never seemed to gain weight. It really takes imagination to be able to find life unbearable under such conditions........Krauthammer was afflicted with quadriplegia. The overwhelming weight of such a disability crushes every waking movement. It's an extraordinary achievement that Krauthammer was not only able to function at such a high level but to do so with such demonstrable good humor. He was quite a guy. The anti-Bourdain indeed.......Nothing is but thinking makes it so. I don't think I'd ever much complain about anything if I had Bourdain's life, and I don't think I'd think much about anything but how unfair life is if I were dealt Krauthammer's hand. Horseman pass by.
Within the past 3 or 4 years I saw Krauthammer among the patrons at a deli I frequent. Needless to say, he wasn't wearing TV make-up. Both times, he looked terrible, so I can't say this comes as a shock.
I haven't watched Fox News in a while, so I didn't know he was on hiatus. I always enjoyed him when he was on Bill O'Reilly. Even though CK was in DC & BOR was in NYC, CK could always be counted on to project one of those "Bill, you ignorant slut" stares through the camera towards BOR. BOR, to his credit, always took it in good humor, & seemed to genuinely like & respect CK.
Huh. THIS brings out Inga, ARM, and trumpit. But the immediately previous Trump post with 200+ comments yields nothing. Huh. It's almost as if none of them have anything substantive, specific to say detailing Trump's "crimes." It's a mystery.
Please use the comments forum to respond to the post. Don't fight with each other. Be substantive... or interesting... or funny. Comments should go up immediately... unless you're commenting on a post older than 2 days. Then you have to wait for us to moderate you through. It's also possible to get shunted into spam by the machine. We try to keep an eye on that and release the miscaught good stuff. We do delete some comments, but not for viewpoint... for bad faith.
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Sad news. We are going to lose a great mind.
He will be missed.
I still miss Tony Snow.
Very sad.
Very sad to read those sentences in the past tense, written by a living man, but it puts the world in a position to say goodbye to a man who is leaving.
A contrast to the recent suicides, so abrupt and without stopping on the threshold and looking back to say goodbye.
There are a lot of twits on TV these days. Joe Scarborough, Donny Deutsch, to name a couple. Charles is one of those who was always interesting. Brilliant and interesting. So unlike the mouth breathing preeners on the air today. I can remember reading his columns years ago, some so interesting, I would cut them out of the paper to re-read. (yes, at one time we didn't have internet and instead read this paper thing, delivered to us from a guy who would throw rolled up papers out of his car window at our house, while driving by.)
Thank you, for all of the interesting columns and discussions over the years, Charles Krauthammer.
This really makes me sad. Such a class act.
Charles has a first class mind and he is a class act and a decent human being. He will be missed for his insightful commentary.
So sad to lose such a brilliant commentator.
Indeed sad. And I wholeheartedly agree with prior comments about how great he was (is) and how utterly terrible most of the current people are. Just try to compare Krauthammer to Brian Stelter. Good Lord!
Dr. K was the best.
R.I.P. Dr. K.
You were a class act.
I am sad to read his note, but I am grateful to him for writing it, and glad he can muster gratitude even in such a terrible situation.
It was Krauthammer who coined the term 'Bush Derangement Syndrome', little realizing it would be superseded and enhanced.
Gal Gadot should be more careful in her Twitter condolences this time around.
Thank you, Charles Krauthammer. Time well spent.
In the "just sayin'" dept.: Always welcome in a 'round table' jabber-fest when a participant fully forms their thought before speaking, and speaks slowly enough to be understood. Always welcome when the other participants refrain from verbally stepping on the speaker mid-sentence. So, it's back to the normal cacophony, It seems.
A great intellect.
Damn. One of the few things on television I make a point of watching is Brett Baier’s panel, and Charles Krauthammer was its most insightful member. I have missed his analysis. I’m not sure he has an equal.
”(yes, at one time we didn't have internet and instead read this paper thing, delivered to us from a guy who would throw rolled up papers out of his car window at our house, while driving by.) ”
Some of us still do.
Krauthammer has the knack to cut straight through the bullshit and provide a logical analysis of any situation.
How many of us will be able to say, "I leave this life with no regrets."?
Damn. The world will be a sorrier place without Dr. K.
He will be missed.
Sorry to hear this, he was one of the rational ones on Fox News.
I thought he was having complications of his quadraplegia. He was tough to live as long as he did.
Inga: "Sorry to hear this, he was one of the rational ones on Fox News"
Leftists hate him and called him a nazi.
Surprise surprise.
"Samantha Bee Republican" Chuck's newest hero, Oliver Willis at Media Matters, is already attacking Krauthammer.
Because of course he is...
Good, honorable, man. I remember him from the New Republic days. Amazing that he produced so much after the tragic accident. We will miss him.
"The way I see it, dogs had this big meeting, oh, maybe 20,000 years ago. A huge meeting— an international convention with delegates from everywhere. And that's when they decided that humans were the up-and-coming species and dogs were going to throw their lot in with them. The decision was obviously not unanimous. The wolves and dingoes walked out in protest."
"[...] In some respects— Ph.D. potential, for example— I don't make any great claims for Chester [the Labrador Retreiver]. When I would arrive home, I fully expected to find Hugo [Border Collie] reading the newspaper. Not Chester. Chester would try to make his way through a narrow sliding door, find himself stuck halfway and then look at me with total and quite genuine puzzlement. I don't think he ever got to understand that the rear part of him was actually attached to the front. But it was Chester, who dispensed affection as unreflectively as he breathed, who got me thinking about this long-ago pact between humans and dogs. Cat lovers and the pet averse will just roll their eyes at such dogophilia. I can't help it. Chester was always at your foot or your hand, waiting to be petted and stroked, played with and talked to. His beautiful blocky head, his wonderful overgrown puppy's body, his baritone bark filled every corner of house and heart."
"Then last month, at the tender age of eight, he died quite suddenly. The long, slobbering, slothful decline we had been looking forward to was not to be. When told the news, a young friend who was a regular victim of Chester's lunging love-bombs said mournfully, "He was the sweetest creature I ever saw. He's the only dog I ever saw kiss a cat."
Krauthammer, Charles (2013-10-22). Things That Matter: Three Decades of Passions, Pastimes and Politics (Kindle Locations 862-868). Crown Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
LLR Chuck's Hero Oliver Willis in action:
Oliver Willis @owillis
conservatism, even when dressed up in grammatically correct pseudo-highbrow columns and tv spots, is still almost always about urinating on the less fortunate and crapping on minorities
10:27 AM - Jun 8, 2018
"Samantha Bee Republican" Chuck could not have said it any better....though he has tried mightily for quite some time.
His death will be a great loss. One of the best political commentators of this benighted age. He always expressed his ideas so eloquent and masterfully I admired him even on (or especially on) the rare occassions that I disagreed with him.
We still have Victor Davis Hanson at least.
Nonapod: "We still have Victor Davis Hanson at least."
Chuck and his lefty pals will have Victor Davis Hanson labeled a nazi before the day is out....
Ooops, too late...
LLR Chuck must be so pleased...
Sad news, indeed. I always enjoyed his commentary. He will be missed.
He was the opinionated Grand Poo Bah on Faux Fox News. I hope his death is painless. So many people die slow painful deaths from hunger, homelessness, and illness because of heartless libertarians and far right-winger like him. For someone who needed medical care most of his adult life, it is appalling that he wanted healthcare denied to others less well off than himself. May his last words be: I'm a failed Rethuglican troll; may God have mercy on my corrupted, miserable soul. Lord, please save the country from putrid Trump; I'm only partly to blame for his erection. Don't blame others for my big mistakes; please show others the compassion that I lacked during my selfish life. It's just like me to try to tell God how to behave. Adios cruel world.
Inga: "Sorry to hear this, he was one of the rational ones on Fox News"
Drago: Leftists hate him and called him a nazi.
Ergo, Inga is not a leftist.
A class act. Love the bit about his Labrador.
His courage in living his life in wheelchair after being paralyzed in a diving accident was admirable.
ARM: "Ergo, Inga is not a leftist"
Are you intimately familiar with all communications Inga has had across any and all mediums with any and all audiences?
Once again, lefty ARM giving Inga a pass before the evidence is even collected. Very Comey-ish.
I did not see that one coming....
One downside of modern medical technology is that many of us get advance notice of our demise.
Personally, I hope to suddenly drop dead of a heart attack or get struck by lightening.
Trumpit said...”it is appalling that he wanted healthcare denied to others less well off than himself.”
Is it beyond your ability to imagine that other people can have an opinion different than yours as to how to achieve a worthy goal? I know it is beyond your ability to imagine that they might be right.
"Personally, I hope to suddenly drop dead of a heart attack or get struck by lightening."
From your mouth to God's ears. The correct spelling for a thunderbolt is "lightning."
In the chaos that is reality and our life (process), his fate is likely but not a given.
hate bombs from the Left in three, two......
God have mercy on you, Trumpit. You need it.
I still miss Tony Snow.
Me too.
Trumpit is how you get more Trump
Gahrie said...
hate bombs from the Left in three, two......
Like the ones on the other thread speculating that Spade and Bourdain are part of vast network of leftwing pedophiles? Or something different?
Meade: what a lovely contribution. I will miss him: a complete human being.
Seeing Red said...
He will be missed.
I still miss Tony Snow.
Yes. Two great men.
Sad loss of a great mind.
While I didn't always agree with Krauthammer, I always admired is ability to express his points of view and to persuade.
His bravery and determination to continue his life after his horrific diving accident can only inspire. How many of us would have given up at that point? Instead he went on to great accomplishments and has left a lasting mark on the community surrounding him.
I wish him a peaceful and pain free conclusion to an outstanding life.
Trumpit: "From your mouth to God's ears. The correct spelling for a thunderbolt is "lightning."
"Lightning and Lightfoot"?!!!
That will never work!
Get me Rewrite, STAT!!!
"So many people die slow painful deaths from hunger, homelessness, and illness because of heartless libertarians and far right-winger like him."
Yep. TFG in his wide-ass wheelchair routinely used to block the aisles at the Watergate Safeway, just to deny starving old people access to food. It got so bad they closed the damn store.
ARM: "Like the ones on the other thread speculating that Spade and Bourdain are part of vast network of leftwing pedophiles?"
The lefties on this blog called ALL republicans pedophiles!
In your defense, that was more than 15 minutes ago and history has begun anew so you dont remember that.
How sad. He was definitely one of the good people in the media. He will be missed.
Inga: ...
ARM: Like the ones on the other thread speculating that Spade and Bourdain are part of vast network of leftwing pedophiles?"
Drago: The lefties on this blog called ALL republicans pedophiles!
Ergo, Inga is not a lefty.
Man, this thread turned to shit fast.
Too bad.
Charles K. deserved better.
Trumpit: "From your mouth to God's ears. The correct spelling for a thunderbolt is "lightning."
Actually it's t-h-u-n-d-e-r-b-o-l-t
Old enough to remember when he and I were both Mondale liberals.
Althouse, this is a poignant story, with Krauthammer; and as so often happens, I saw it first here at your blog. Your blogging on this and on too many other subjects to count is timely and incisive.
I quite adored Charles Krauthammer and previously in these pages I have cited this 2004 column as one of the best columns in that or any other year. It is to me the model of perfect column-writing.
But I read the comments and I see at least 3 or 4 comments by "Drago" in which my name is used as some sort of anti-Krauthammer reference point. I've never said an unkind word about Krauthammer. I've never called Charles Krauthammer a guy "who can't buy a pair of pants." Ya know?
I don't understand how that sort of commentary is allowed by you, Althouse. For me, as someone who rather loved Charles Krauthammer, to see my name get dragged around by Drago in this fashion is a new low, and an all-too familiar low for your comments-pages moderation.
The anti-Bourdain.
Not once did Sauerkraut mention his wife or his son, Daniel, in his letter that was read on Fox announcing his imminent death. A weepy, maudlin display by the talking heads on Fox. There is something wrong with a man who doesn't even mention his only child in his final act of self pity.
"There is something wrong with a man who doesn't even mention his only child in his final act of self pity." [rcocean @ 2:22 pm]
And perhaps, just perhaps, his final act regarding his wife and son is not meant for public eyes or ears. Dimwit.
Drago is a propagandist, he must propagandize. He is nothing without his daily spew of propaganda. He needs to keep y’all in line just in case you slip up and see those of us on the left as people you may occasionally agree with. Drago won’t have it! Stop thinking independently! Drago tells you what to think!
Sad. Over the last few years it was apparent that he was having trouble gaining his breath, a condition I attributed to his paralysis. His body was so very wrecked. I was always torn between pity and awe, mostly the latter. He said he did not believe inGod but feared Him greatly.
I believe you will be greatly and happily surprised, Charles. May these last days be spent in peace.
I've read his works since I was in college back in 1976. Like W.F.B, he will be missed.
If you don't know who W.F.B. was, google him! (hint... William F. Buckley Jr.)
Trumpit, I believe in your superior compassion - aptly demonstrated on this sad occasion - as I believe that the present conditions in Venezuela are the product of right-wing ideas.
Go home, read your post again, and blush.
Inga doth protest very much.
ARM: "Ergo, Inga is not a lefty."
Demonstrably false, as the Alabama senate race threads show.
In ARMs defense, that was more than 15 minutes ago so down the memoryhole it goes.
He is a tougher person than me- given his circumstances, I would probably have checked out decades ago. You really do have to admire that kind of grit.
ARM: "Ergo, Inga is not a lefty."
Drago sez...
“Demonstrably false, as the Alabama senate race threads show.”
Drago obviously didn’t understand ARM’s subtle humor.
Inga: "Drago obviously didn’t understand ARM’s subtle humor."
"Subtle humor, obvious misrepresentation.
Its apparently a fine line...not.
Krauthammer lived an exceptional life and was a fantastic representative of superior American values.
Which is why the lefties calling him a fascist is just another example, as if we needed any more, of the unhinged insanity on the left.
Drago said...
Krauthammer lived an exceptional life and was a fantastic representative of superior American values.
So it makes perfect sense, that Trump would call him "a guy who can't buy a pair of pants."
Drago: The lefties, the lefties , ooooo the lefties, the lefties, ug, oooooo, garble garble, the lefties, the lefties, dontcha forget that the lefties, the lefties, slurp, wipey wipey, ug, ooooo, the lefties!
“Charles Krauthammer and Laura Ingraham exchanged opposing views over President Trump's Q&A about the violence in Charlottesville, Va.
Ingraham said Trump would have been better served Tuesday to continue talking about infrastructure and not allow the press to "trap" him into talking about the unrest.
"To critique what he did today on the grounds that it distracts from the agenda... is a cop out," Krauthammer said of Ingraham's position.
"What Trump did today was a moral disgrace," Krauthammer said. "He reverted back to Saturday."”
Drago said...
Krauthammer lived an exceptional life and was a fantastic representative of superior American values.
Trump said...
"Well, Charles Krauthammer is a totally overrated person who really dislikes me personally," Trump replied. "I never met him. But, I mean, he's a totally overrated guy, doesn't know what he's doing. He was totally in favor of the war in Iraq. He wanted to go into Iraq. And he wanted to, you know, stay there forever. So, you know, these are overrated people. I mean, you can mention name after name. By the way, you gonna mention the ones that do like Trump? You don't do that, do you?"
"I'm a failed man," Trump scoffed. "I went to the best school, got the best - great marks, everything else. I went out. I made a fortune, a big fortune, a tremendous fortune. I'll be announcing that in about a week. Because I have to file my papers. Bigger than people even understand ... And then, I get called by a guy that can't buy a pair of pants, I get called names? Gimme a break."
“Fox News's Charles Krauthammer said Monday that while the Trump administration hit bottom last week with the resignation of White House chief of staff Reince Preibus and a profanity-laced interview given by communications director Anthony Scaramucci, "it seems to have bounced off the bottom" with new chief of staff John Kelly seizing control.
"It looks like the Trump administration hit bottom last week and it seems to have bounced off the bottom," Krauthammer said on Fox's "Special Report" hours after news that Scaramucci had been ousted from the White House.”
He was wrong, he wrong he couldn’t imagine that it could fall lower yet.
Donald J. Trump
Donald J. Trump
.@krauthammer pretends to be a smart guy, but if you look at his record, he isn't. A dummy who is on too many Fox shows. An overrated clown!
11:19 PM · Jun 4, 2015
Poor Charles Krauthammer.
Not only does he have to put up with lefties rewriting history (again), but he has to listen to those LLR Chucks, whom he despises, try and use his name in a way that serves the lefts' purpose.
The silver lining is that CK knows that those lefties and LLR allies have very little influence now that their lies and true nature has been fully exposed.
So there is that.
On a positive note, it is heartwarming to see such natural far left allies and propaganda pals as Inga, LLR Chuck and ARM find each other and support each other so passionately.
Not as passionately as "Samantha Bee republican" Chuck supports the dem party, but still. Very encouraging that in this big wild crazy mixed-up world lefties like those can find each other.
All the best to you guys in your endeavors to create a "Managua on the Potomac".
Leave it to Inga to make political hay out of this decent man's awful situation by cherry picking some criticisms of Trump. Krauthammer has been a great role model, an exemplar of courage and integrity. That doesn't mean he was always on the mark, but there was no questioning his intelligence and sincerity.
James K: "Leave it to Inga to make political hay out of this decent man's awful situation by cherry picking some criticisms of Trump"
Strangely enough, a supposed LLR is doing precisely the same thing as the loony lefties like Inga.
Hmmmmmm, one should feel free to draw obvious and inescapable conclusions.
Poor Krauthammer, Drago would’ve treated him like he treats Chuck if given half a chance. Now he posts comment after comment about how terrible the lefties treated Krauthaumer and hopes people here forget how people like Drago himself treated Krauthammer because Krauthammer had the guts to be honest about Trump.
We will miss Krauthammers voice fighting against everything that #StrongDurbinDefender Chuck stands for.
On the plus side, there are other voices in the wings taking up the slack who are carrying the fight to LLR Chuck's beloved dems.
Can't wait to see LLR Chuck's head explode when another conservative is nominated for the Supreme Court!!
Krauthammer would have loved that.
Good one Inga.
Very persuasive.
I mean, not as persuasive as Nancy Pelosi saying the Tax Cuts are "crumbs" and on one cares about the unemployment rate, but still.
And I don't care if attacking Pelosi upsets LLR Chuck. I'm not going to stop doing it, so tough luck there Chuckie.
One thing we do know is how much CK loved the military, unlike LLR Chuck and Inga's beloved lefty media who openly said "F*** the military".
So very typical of LLR Chuck, who did not server but pondered it briefly before deciding not to because "no draft".
“Very persuasive.”
Thanks sweetie, but no one can beat you at your game....which is propaganda. You are the Master.
I'm sorry you are so upset at your obvious lies and rewriting of history is rather easily exposed.
You and LLR Chuck and PPPT and ARM really aren't fooling anyone anymore, and haven't for a very long time.
And that is (to use the usual LLR Chuck description of obama): magnificent!
One of my favorite LLR Chuck/lefty screwups today, (that Krauthammer would have cleaned up on easily!) is LLR Chuck's ally Nancy Pelosi screwing up the Consumer Confidence numbers.
Like Inga, Nancy doesn't even know that Consumer Confidence is at an 18 year high!
Too funny.
I am very surprised that Drago choose to piss all over this thread about Krauthammer. But, like Trump, Drago really doesn't seem to like people who were once called conservative.
Drago tries to distract away from the fact that Trumpusts such as himself ravaged Krauthammer.
Drago, don’t you have a job? You’re here on almost every thread for hours and hours everyday, posting one comment after another. You’ve said you have school aged children, so I know you're not old enough to be retired. Is spreading propaganda here your “job”?
Drago tries to distract away from the fact that Trumpusts such as himself ravaged Krauthammer.
So what? When Krauthammer was wrong, as he was on Charlottesville, he deserved to be criticized. That doesn't change the overall picture of who he was, nor does it mean that people who criticized him in those instances can't express overall admiration for him. Get a grip.
In effect, Krauthammer gets to attend his own memorial service.
“So what? When Krauthammer was wrong, as he was on Charlottesville, he deserved to be criticized. That doesn't change the overall picture of who he was, nor does it mean that people who criticized him in those instances can't express overall admiration for him. Get a grip.”
James K,
And lefties like me who said that they were sorry to hear about Krauthammer and that he was one of the rational ones on Fox News also can express overall admiration for him without propagandists like Drago pissing all over it.
Get it? Get a grip yourself.
Blogger Inga said...
Sorry to hear this, he was one of the rational ones on Fox News.
6/8/18, 12:24PM
Blogger Drago said...
Inga: "Sorry to hear this, he was one of the rational ones on Fox News"
Leftists hate him and called him a nazi.
Surprise surprise.
6/8/18, 12:27 PM
Bourdain had one of the more enviable lives available to humanity. He got to travel the world, meet interesting people and eat huge amounts of great food. The travel and food were paid for, and he never seemed to gain weight. It really takes imagination to be able to find life unbearable under such conditions........Krauthammer was afflicted with quadriplegia. The overwhelming weight of such a disability crushes every waking movement. It's an extraordinary achievement that Krauthammer was not only able to function at such a high level but to do so with such demonstrable good humor. He was quite a guy. The anti-Bourdain indeed.......Nothing is but thinking makes it so. I don't think I'd ever much complain about anything if I had Bourdain's life, and I don't think I'd think much about anything but how unfair life is if I were dealt Krauthammer's hand. Horseman pass by.
ARM and Inga bring the weak tea.
As usual.
Now be very very quiet...we are hunting Houston Sabrecats..
Within the past 3 or 4 years I saw Krauthammer among the patrons at a deli I frequent. Needless to say, he wasn't wearing TV make-up. Both times, he looked terrible, so I can't say this comes as a shock.
I haven't watched Fox News in a while, so I didn't know he was on hiatus. I always enjoyed him when he was on Bill O'Reilly. Even though CK was in DC & BOR was in NYC, CK could always be counted on to project one of those "Bill, you ignorant slut" stares through the camera towards BOR. BOR, to his credit, always took it in good humor, & seemed to genuinely like & respect CK.
Huh. THIS brings out Inga, ARM, and trumpit. But the immediately previous Trump post with 200+ comments yields nothing. Huh. It's almost as if none of them have anything substantive, specific to say detailing Trump's "crimes." It's a mystery.
Most know him from Fox News. Few know him from when he wrote for The New Republic and altered the Democratic Party's course for twenty years.
CWJ said...
It's almost as if none of them have anything substantive, specific to say detailing Trump's "crimes."
It's almost as if we are happy to let justice take its course without a neurotic need to place our finger on the scales.
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