That is the top-rated comment (by far) on a WaPo column by Joe Scarborough, "Trump is hurtling toward a Nixonian ending."
The commenter's name is "prairie fire," which can refer to several things, one of which is has to do with the Weather Underground:
The leading members of the Weather Underground (Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, Jeff Jones, and Celia Sojourn) collaborated on ideas and published a manifesto: Prairie Fire: The Politics of Revolutionary Anti-Imperialism. The name came from a quote by Mao Zedong, "a single spark can set a prairie fire."....That reminds me: Mitt Romney is predicting that Donald Trump will be "solidly" reelected in 2020:
The manifesto's influence initiated the formation of the Prairie Fire Organizing Committee in several American cities. Hundreds of above-ground activists helped further the new political vision of the Weather Underground. Essentially, after the 1969 failure of the Days of Rage to involve thousands of youth in massive street fighting, Weather renounced most of the Left and decided to operate as an isolated underground group. Prairie Fire urged people to never "dissociate mass struggle from revolutionary violence"....
According to Bill Ayers in the late 1970s, the Weatherman group further split into two factions — the May 19th Communist Organization and the Prairie Fire Collective — with Bernardine Dohrn and Bill Ayers in the latter. The Prairie Fire Collective favored coming out of hiding and establishing an above-ground revolutionary mass movement....
"I think that not just because of the strong economy and the fact that people are going to see increasingly rising wages," Romney said, "but I think it's also true because I think our Democrat friends are likely to nominate someone who is really out of the mainstream of American thought and will make it easier for a president who's presiding over a growing economy."Some people love Trump and some people hate Trump. Both help Trump. I wonder how many people are hoping the economy goes bad, that it would be worth it to get Trump. Meanwhile the lukewarm among us are hoping the Democrats keep calm, stick to the middle, and give us a blandly normal candidate.
And I should say it again: I think if Nixon were having his troubles within the present-day framework of new media, he wouldn't have to resign and the impeachment route would also fail.
1 – 200 of 240 Newer› Newest»So far, the evidence seems to suggest Trump is more like McGovern in this crime, and only like Nixon in successfully defeating a weak Democratic candidate.
Trump will win all the states in 2020 that he won in 2016.
In 2016 he almost won Minnesota and New Hampshire, so I think he will win those two states in 2020.
In 2016 Trump had a secret political weapon, and in 2020 he will have the same secret weapon again.
Trump's secret weapon is the collusion of Putin.
Again in 2020 Putin will spend tens of thousands of dollars to buy ads on Facebook and Twitter.
Again in 2020, Putin will order RT television to broadcast shows that criticize fracking.
Again in 2020, Putin will put Trump over the top.
And don't get me started on how Putin might use MySpace again in 2020.
Part of why Trump succeeds is that his enemies, opponents, detractors keep putting things in useless boxes. Nixon died in 1994 and resigned in 1974. Well over half the country has no memory of Nixon as president. I was 2 when the guy quit. I barely remember Carter and he is actually still alive at least.
Godwin’s law should extend to Nixon comparisons. How fucking long is the national media going to tack the suffix “gate” on to every “scandal”?
“Russiagate” is the dumbest fucking neologism of the bunch (“Deflategate” is a close second).
"And I should say it again: I think if Nixon were having his troubles within the present-day framework of new media, he wouldn't have to resign and the impeachment route would also fail."
Seymour Hersh wrote Nixon beat Pat. If that's true, Nixon would have problems with media today.
Impeach Trump for... what exactly?
I suspect the real answer is "impeach him for winning the election".
And I want Hillary to be prosecuted to the same extent I would be if I so egregiously mishandled classified information like she did.
What a hysterical take from Morning Joe:
Jon Meacham reminds readers of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s belief that for all of this country’s failings, the trend of American civilization is forever upward. That is an invaluable reminder during a time when the president proclaims his power unrestrained by Madisonian checks and balances, including ignoring federal subpoenas, killing Justice Department investigations, obstructing justice to protect his personal interests and even pardoning himself.
Trump hasn't done ANY of those things!
Joe Scarborough is hurtling towards irrelevancy.
I’m trying to think of a normal Democrat. I’d have to say Phil Bredesen is the best one that comes to my mind. He should have been the Dem nomineee in 2008 but the Dems are thumb sucking children. Now their party is Millionaire New England Socialists like Sanders and Warren.
Maybe Jerry Brown can get the nomination. He’s better than Sanders, Warren, and Harris. Better than Hillary and Obama.
Any update on the dead intern, Joe?
To win back the under-employed blue-collar voters in the Rust Belt states, the Democratic Party is developing a political strategy that includes the following elements:
* Advocate the establishment of sanctuary cities for illegal aliens
* Support the professional athletes who disrespect our National Anthem
* Make racism accusations against everyone who questions Democrat policies
* Prove that Trump colludes with Putin to steal US Presidential elections
* Advocate bigger and better pensions for government workers
* Compel Christian businesses and churches to participate in homosexual marriages
* Denounce criticism of the DOJ and FBI as unpatriotic
* Favor women and ethnic minorities in all hiring and promotion decisons
Joe is, apparently, confusing Giuliani throwing a bunch of shit at the wall to see if it sticks (a pretty standard lawyer tactic) with Trump having done, or even attempting to do any of the things Giuliani suggests.
FDR was an authoritarian. Trump is fucking Coolidge compared to FDR.
Wild speculation by the insane Morning Joe.
When I see Joe and Mika on TV I know they deserve each. Bitter and insane Trump haters and liberals.
Nixon was too hungry for approval. He was always the outsider, as Trump is, and he was hated by the media of the day, as Trump is, but he was not rich and depended on wealthy supporters. Trump is rich and does not care about the haters, while Nixon did care.
I was impressed by the media at the time and believed he had done all the things alleged. It was only later, when I realized it was a coup and especially after Mark Felt revealed himself to be Deep Throat, that I saw what had happened. The FBI had run an operation against Nixon. Just like they are doing against Trump.
Nixon, for all his reputation, was not ruthless enough. Trump is.
Can't wait to hear these librul screwballs' anguish when Trump is inaugurated to his 2nd term.
My dad and I picked up a hitchhiking American Prairie Fire activist in Ireland in 1975. My dad drove the entire time and I don't know how he did it. There is the famous story about the American who picked up a rental car at the Limerick airport and promptly got killed driving on the wrong side of the road.
I want Trump prosecuted to whatever extent the law allows
I predict that is exactly what will happen. In the future, everything will be anticlimactic for 15 minutes. Sorry Mr. fire.
unrestrained by Madisonian checks and balances
Dolly Madison had quite the secret gymnasium.
Bah. Looks to me like you have the Nixon comparison back asswards. The Trump campaign was the victim here. What crime exactly did the the Trump campaign commit to warrant the SC?
It is true there was no Fox News back then, but there was a real break in and a crime. Today the only likely crimes I see were against Trump? You sound like Hillary Clinton its FOX news fault. Impeachment for what exactly?
What if the full extent of what the law allows is absolutely no prosecution at all?
Yeah, right, Trump's hurtling towards a Nixonian ending. Only in lefties' dreams.
If you go out in the woods today
You're sure of a big surprise.
If you go out in the woods today
You'd better go in disguise.
For every bear that ever there was
Will gather there for certain, because
Today's the day the teddy bears have their picnic.
Man Joe is really out there now, crazy as a loon. In my opinion, Scarborough wrote, "I want Trump prosecuted" and some editor added, "to the extent the law allows." He went from promoting Trump every day in 2015 and 2016 to lamenting Trump gets so much coverage immediately after the election. Clueless, feckless and stupid to boot. Who watches his show?
They're going to have to find a crime he committed before getting the Nixonian ending they desire. Though I think it fair to say they will take the latter without the former if at all possible.
You are correct Ann, their unhinged hatred has turned me from agnostic on Potus Trump into a big fan. All the winning has helped too.
I want Trump prosecuted to whatever extent the law allows
Right. For what? Please be specific in enumerating his alleged crimes.
" . . . FDR's belief . . . that the trend of American civilization is upward. . . . " I suppose so, if you're stupid enough to believe that the road to serfdom runs upward.
Then again I'm not sure FDR actually believed in anything, other than power is good. Recalling the story that when Social Security was proposed he called it "the stupidest idea I've ever heard"--but backed it anyway knowing it would be an easy sell with the sheeple--FDR may have been too smart to be a true-believing "liberal" himself, but found it politically useful to run as one. "Liberals" were his useful idiots.
Bebe Rebozo. Bebe Rebozo. Bebe Rebozo.
Meanwhile the lukewarm among us are hoping the Democrats keep calm, stick to the middle, and give us a blandly normal candidate.
Not going to happen. The moderates no longer control the party. The energy is all on the radical side of the party. Moderates like Pelosi and Reid and Hillary are all corrupt hacks, which the radicals fully realize. Besides, Trump is realigning politics in the US. Moderate democrats are being drawn to the Republican party due to economic concerns and because they aren't buying into the crazy the elites are trying to sell. Scarborough is either wish casting or grinding out what he thinks his fans want to hear.
Trump is anything but self serving. And he expends his considerable energy every day to better the lives of Americans as well as to revive our respect in the world. That this sour grapes gibberish continues to drive the WaPo is a comment on its pathetic readership.
In every contested Congressional election this year, the Republican candidate should demand that the Democrat candidate state whether he/she, if elected, will vote to impeach Trump. Most Americans don’t want impeachment, even most of those who don’t like Trump. But a lot of hard left Democrats are salivating over the prospect of impeachment. This should put a lot of Democrat candidates in pickle.
The Weather Underground were home-grown, Leftwing, anti-American terrorists who single-handedly discredited the entire hippie movement of the 60s and 70s.
And, as for Joe Scarborough - what a tool. He and his concubine Mika have a nice platform to prattle on, but much less influence than he would like to think.
Basic problem for the dems is (i) they cannot or will not nominate a centrist candidate, and (ii) most of the public does not agree with the main themes being pushed by progressive wing. If economy is still purring along, then why take the risk of electing a quasi-socialist. Of course, if economy collapses again as it did in 2007 then all bets are off.
"I don't want a Nixonian ending for Trump. He was pardoned by Ford and allowed to go to retirement. I want Trump prosecuted to whatever extent the law allows..."
Prosecuted for what?
"Meanwhile the lukewarm among us are hoping the Democrats keep calm, stick to the middle, and give us a blandly normal candidate."
Keep hope alive.
Of course, the idea that a Dem running as "blandly normal" would just "stick to the middle" is itself a bit, umm, far-fetched.
Blogger MayBee said...
"What if the full extent of what the law allows is absolutely no prosecution at all?"
Ask Mike Flynn about that.
Joe stuck his dick in Cray-Cray and got lunacy as an STD.
Siphilis maybe?
Also, for anyone suggesting that Kamala Harris could be a female Obama: (i) she is nasty and condescending where BO is utterly charming; (ii) she has a horrible record in California that true liberals should detest (BO did not have a scandalous past when elected), (iii) she's not above average intelligence (BO is smart, whatever his other shortcomings), and (iv) her career was built on sleeping with a 30-year older Willie brown. Part of me hopes that the dems nominate her and part of me fears she could be elected and be potentially the most corrupt person ever elected to the White House.
Bozo Rebebo. Bozo Rebebo. Bozo Rebebo.
There is nothing left for the Left except these kind of sputtering, farcical denunciations of Trump. They spent a year screaming and weeping over what would happen to the economy, to minorities, to women, etc. if Trump was elected. Trump wins and promptly ends the Korean War, minorities are thriving more than ever before, and Hollywood has been exposed as the nest of predators that the Democrats insisted existed only on the Right. With nothing real to rail against, they indulge their adolescent angst and vent continuously, hoping someone, somewhere will take their pouting as analysis.
My own not-very-original thought is that people who care about politics vastly overestimate how much people who don’t care about politics care about politics. If the latter group can find a job and keep more of their gross income, then they’re pretty happy, and the former group’s anti-Trump contortions are seen only as a threat.
Rabid wolverines have nothing on these people. They want a stake driven through Trump's heart.
I think if Nixon were having his troubles within the present-day framework of new media, he wouldn't have to resign and the impeachment route would also fail.
I don’t believe the “new” media would have been kind to Nixon. And it wouldn’t have saved Nixon.
The MSM was against Nixon – so he was gone, forced to resign before he was kicked out of office by impeachment.
If the MSM is behind you it is possible to get away with anything. Proof is the MSM’s love affair with Obama which continues even today. A poor economy, poor foreign affairs due to a stupid, stupid “lead from behind” policy and poor domestic political leadership, losing the Congressional majority and a majority of the governorships and state legislators are examples of my point: None of these failures lessens the MSM’s love of Obama.
But if the MSM is AGAINST you … you are screwed. Facebook, Twitter, etc., none of the “new” media will save you if you offend the MSM. Your job will vanish, your career will go “poof” and will be no more. It’s a common occurrence of which Roseanne Barr is the latest and most prominent example.
The only exception (so far) is Trump. The MSM is solidly against him and are determined to take him down by any means available. Trump is able to use Twitter to fight back against the MSM’s negativity and lies. But the exception proves the rule. I don’t believe any other entity in our American culture would be able to duplicate Trump’s results with Twitter.
"Virgil Hilts said...
Also, for anyone suggesting that Kamala Harris could be a female Obama: (i) she is nasty and condescending where BO is utterly charming; (ii) she has a horrible record in California that true liberals should detest (BO did not have a scandalous past when elected)"
BO may be charming, but he is nasty and vindictive. And he had more than one scandal....for one example google "Tony Rezko"
How about we convict every successful presidential nominee on inauguration day. That will send a message.
I am genuinely perplexed by the argument that Trump-Russia collusion is ahorrible crime (on the part of Trump and associates). It is almost impossible to get explanations in on-line forums that indulge only in name calling (WaPo comments for example).
1. Russia (or other foreign countries) might prefer one US candidate over another because they believe one candidate would adopt policies that were relatively favorable to others. No crime here, right? And impossible to police.
2. Russia might take actions intended to help their preferred candidate (or harm the opponent). Possibly not a crime, but...
3. A foreign country (or individual?) is not permitted to make donations to a candidate, and the candidate has some responsibility to police the donations to make sure that does not happen.
4. (3) is relatively easy (is it?) when we are talking monetary donations, but inkind donations of things of value are also illegal. I'm not sure if this is really the law, and if it is how it could possibly be enforced. Suppose Germany or Berlin invites Obama to give a speech at the Brandenburg Gate during an election cycle: Is that illegal? Does Obama have the affirmative obligation to refuse the invitation and to report it to the FBI (FEC?) Suppose China or a Chinese national hires someone to write "Trump stinks" on the Wapo comments section. Is that illegal? Does the Clinton campaign have an affirmative obligation to monitor all online comments and report those that are pro-Clinton?
5. But this last example (Chinese posting pro-Hillary comments on the internet) doesn't have (as I have postulated it) any aspect of "collusion".
6. So the Trump campaign (asserted for purposes of argument) received some "dirt" on Hillary from a Russian individual or official. Does it make a difference if it was a government official or nongovernmental individual? Does it make a difference whether or not the Trump campaign "used" that dirt, or caused it to be published? Why would it be a horrible crime for Trump campaign to do what it did, but not a problem that the Hillary campaign received dirt on Trump from a foreign national (Steele dossier)? Or in the future, what is a presidential candidate supposed to do when he/she receives "dirt" on an opponent, or perhaps an academic paper that says the candidate's policy is an excellent policy?
We can't allow Trump to be pardoned after his conviction and impeachment. This is so important to discuss right now. This should fire up every American.
I mean, except that he hasn't been charged with any crimes, convicted of anything, or impeached. But, that's not important.
Trump hating progressives get more delusional every day. They need to step away from the MSNBC/CNN stations for a few days. It will all end up where many of us said at the beginning. People will get charged with crimes that have nothing to do with Russian collusion. Trump will be charged with nothing. Mueller will claim the high ground for going after anything secondary or tertiary crime until getting a conviction. We will move on to the next rationale for impeaching Trump. Maybe a return to Stormy Daniels to give her another 15 minutes.
Disagree on Nixon escaping impeachment:
- Nixon did not know how to troll and cause his opponents to over react.
- Trump is a genius at controlling the narrative, and Nixon was not.
- Trump fires people still loyal, ie Michael Flynn, and Nixon did not.
- Nixon withdrew and became defensive, and Trump fights the msm.
- Trump knows the msm hates him and is in war with them, and Nixon was in denial.
Nixon would still have been impeached in today’s environment.
See, the thing is that Nixon actually conspired to wiretap his political enemies and he authorized everything from "rat fucking" his opponents (google Don Segretti) to paying hush money to B&E failures.
Trump? Not so much.
Hillary? Oh, hell yeah, she paid for Russian lies about Trump, her cronies used illegitimate, illegal methods to do FBI & CIA & NSA surveillance on his campaign - and lots more.
So just who exactly is supposed to be going down like Nixon here?
The extreme lunacy exhibited by Joe and Mika is easily being surpassed each day on these very threads by LLR Chuck and the other usual suspects.
Guilty as sin, free as a bird Ayers and Dohrn should have hung for treason.
Friends of Obama.
Instead, they teach college and he writes high school social studies books. Think about that.
Roger L. Simon once wrote about her. He said there was a movie done in 1988 which was done about her on the sly.
That bastard Ayers triggered me I loathe the jumpstart the Revolution, children should kill their parents.
He comes from money. A lot of these revolutionaries do. His dad was head of ComEd I think and protected him.
Vile Vile humans. What’s the matter with Chicago?
by way of warning to others who would run for election, not to serve the country but to serve themselves
That's very telling. How dare Trump do what he did! How dare an outsider, a complete disrupter, a rude upstart ruin this beautiful swamp that was carefully created over decades and decades by wonderous architects like Obama. We were on the road to a glorious future of completely open boarders, complete forgiveness of student debt, universal single payer healthcare that's paid for with magic unicorn dust, punishing all sinners against Gaia who don't pay for carbon indulgences, confiscating all those awful guns, and punishing all the wrongthink of those idiot deplorables who refuse to bend the knee to their cultural betters. EVerything was going well, until he came along. He must not only be punished, he must be destroyed so it can never happen again!
I want Obama and Hillary prosecuted as much as any Democrat wants Trump destroyed.
"I am genuinely perplexed by the argument that Trump-Russia collusion is a horrible crime"
I am too, considering that the only collusion we know about for a fact is between the Clinton campaign and both a British spy and Russian informants.
I've said this before, there's a word for the Republicans the "did the right thing" and ousted Nixon. That word is "Rubes". This at a time when the activities of Roosevelt, Truman, Kennedy and Johnson were well known. Hopefully, they won't get fooled again.
"I don't want a Nixonian ending for Trump. He was pardoned by Ford and allowed to go to retirement. I want Trump prosecuted to whatever extent the law allows..."
Prosecuted for what?
Beating Hillary.
Trump fights back harder than Nixon. The way he and his allies have blunted Mueller and discredited Comey and McCabe has been quite effective.
But, if the Dems retake the House, Yes, those whining losers will impeach. Hopefully, though, the Senate gains a few more pro-Trump seats and would swiftly acquit a la Clinton.
"Meanwhile the lukewarm among us are hoping the Democrats keep calm, stick to the middle, and give us a blandly normal candidate."
And for Unicorns to be real. You forgot that.
I sat with Joe and Mika in a suite at a Red Sox game once. My wife didn't know who they were. You usually chat everyone up at these things so we spent 5 minutes with them and came away highly unimpressed. Dimwits with a bit of I'm kind of a big deal thrown in for good measure seems to fit.
A Bill of Impeachment requires only a simple majority in the House, so there's nothing to stop every Congress from impeaching every President from here on out, which is what will happen if Trump is impeached for, let's face it, nothing more than beating Hillary where it counts.
...both as punishment and by way of warning to others who would run for election, not to serve the country but to serve themselves.
There goes about 95% of all politicians. Fun fantasy, though.
And I should say it again: I think if Nixon were having his troubles within the present-day framework of new media, he wouldn't have to resign and the impeachment route would also fail.
I am not going to disagree with you, Althouse. (I'm not able to agree with you, either; you are on your own with this pronouncement.) But in light of what we found out about Nixon's interactions with Haldeman, Ehrlichman and Dean after the fact, the idea that Nixon could have obstructed justice and gotten away with it and held office is to me, deeply disturbing. Nixon talked privately, but on tape, about giving them all pardons in connection with their resigning and taking the heat from him.
I do agree with Mitt Romney. Trump has his base of 37-whatever-percent; the people who would re-elect him even if he shot somebody in the middle of Fifth Avenue. What gave Trump his narrow victory was a combination of people who cared only about their personal microeconomic world, and Republicans who loathed Trump personally and who hoped he would never get the nomination and who won't give Trump any form of approval unless and until the choice comes down to Trump-or-Clinton. Or, Trump-or-Sanders. Or, Trump-or-Kamala. Or, Trump-or-Booker. And if that is the choice -- Trump or a far left progressive -- Trump could win again with this economy.
I still think that what takes Trump down is not "collusion," but some nitty-gritty federal crime involving the filthy dirty shit that Trump has been doing for years, with the likes of Michael Cohen.
If we had elected that "blandly normal" Republican candidate the Democrats would still be freaking out.
I watch Morning Joe during the CNBC commercials. It's entertaining. They revel in their hatred of Trump and compete to say the most malicious thing possible. They're so excessive that it veers into self parody. It's like an SNL skit.
What gave Trump his narrow victory was a combination of people who cared only about their personal microeconomic world,
How dare those peons care about their personal well being! Its an outrage! An outrage I tell you!
grackle said...
I don’t believe the “new” media would have been kind to Nixon. And it wouldn’t have saved Nixon.
I believe the Professor's point is that if the media in Nixon's time had wildly overreacted the way it is doing now, it would cause a backlash that would provide Nixon enough support to ride out his term.
I don't think this is true, because I don't think Nixon had the temperament/skill to trigger such an overreaction.
Nixon was a born loser. Peeps would talk about what a great politician Nixon was, but they only got it half right. He was a great *Republican party* politician - he got himself nominated to the Senate at 37, then maneuvered and got the VP slot at 40, got the POTUS nomination in 1960, and then got it again in 1968. He knew how to appeal to the Rockefeller and Goldwater Republicans.
In General elections he wasn't as good. He lost in '60 and should have won. Lost in '62, and almost lost in '68. He won in 1946 because it was an R district in a Republican year, and won the Senate in '50 because the D's nominated the "Pink Lady". And of course, he won in '52 and '56 because of Ike. He probably cost Ike votes.
Chuck said...
"I am afraid you are mistaking me for someone who has an interest in fair treatment of Donald Trump. I'm not your guy. I am interested in smearing him, hurting him and prejudicing people against him."
3/4/16, 4:46 PM
If Nixon was alive today, he would be an establishment stooge, probably a Mitt Romney pompous flip-flopper type - babbling about "reaching across the aisle" and "importance of staying involved in the world."
Peeps forget Nixon was never a conservative, and thought Reagan was "Right-wing extremist". Its his pragmatism that killed him, he surrounded himself with liberal Republicans like Garment, Dean, and Eichelmann (sp). In one of the tapes, he chortles about how he's sticking it to the establishment by nominating a "crazy reactionary" like Rehnquist.
Trump has done absolutely nothing wrong. The Mueller investigation was insane from Day 1. Imagine a Deputy AG giving a blank check to special prosecuter to investigate HIS OWN PRESIDENT!
And what was reason? I still don't know. There was no crime to investigate!
Peeps forget Nixon was never a conservative
Yeah, we're talking wage and price controls. And the creation of the EPA and OSHA. I think the lefts real anger was caused by him ending the Vietnam war with South Vietnam still intact.
When I think of Joe Scarborough I think about the dead congressional aide, Lori Klausutis, Joe was having an affair with. Sort of like Monica and Bill, but worse, since Joe's aide is dead and her body was found in Joe's congressional office.
Joe is a bad character guy, and he has zero credibility with me. Why waste your time watching him or reading his drivel?
AS a warning. Yep.
Thou shall not beat the Clinton Crime Machine.
Of course they want the economy to crash. The Deplorables would be the hardest hit, and they would love nothing more than to gloat over the impoverished and suffering trump voters.
I wonder how many people are hoping the economy goes bad, that it would be worth it to get Trump.
My fear is it won't take many to make it seem like it is going bad. I still believe it was no coincident that the market tanked the day of the SOTU. Also interesting that oil ran up to $80/bbl (Brent, which isn't the benchmark used in the US, but it was used to give bad press to Trump), but after a few bad news story, speculation ended and WTI is at $66/bbl. I think a couple of powerful investors are doing everything they can to mess up the US economy, more so than say a trading partner like China or Russia.
Certainly, Trump's tariff bit helps play into a narrative for a future failing economy, so he's not helping himself.
The corrupt totalitarian left hate Trump.
Fabi said...
Chuck said...
"I am afraid you are mistaking me for someone who has an interest in fair treatment of Donald Trump. I'm not your guy. I am interested in smearing him, hurting him and prejudicing people against him."
3/4/16, 4:46 PM
You got a problem with that? What are you going to do about it?
In General elections he wasn't as good. He lost in '60 and should have won. Lost in '62, and almost lost in '68.
The 1960 election was stolen but Nixon declined to contest it. Rogers told him he had enough proof of fraud in Texas and Illinois to overturn the result. Nixon declined because he thought it would be too dangerous with the Cold War going on.
In 1962, he lost in California because Brown was a good governor and Nixon was seen as a carpet bagger.
I actually supported Joe Shell that year, who was a Goldwater Republican.
In 1968, the Democrats were in the middle of the Vietnam War revolt. Poor Humphrey was a traditional Democrat but the crazies were taking over the party.
Joe and Mika are now ranting on imaginary scandals and impeachable offenses to panels of guests that just look on stunned. They cannot find anyway to agree with mental breakdowns happening in front of them,but the have to affirm the child that hired them.
The fear is palpable. Trump has destroyed them.
rcocean at 9:42 AM
He [Nixon] lost in '60 and should have won.
In the 1958 midterm elections, the Republicans lost 48 seats in the US House of Representatives and lost 13 seats in the US Senate.
In that political environment, any Republican candidate would have had difficulty winning the 1960 Presidential election.
Does everybody remember how the Democrats in 2006 ran on getting the power of the subpoena, to titillate their voters into thinking they would perhaps impeach Bush?
And if not Bush....Cheney?
People hated Bush. Hate Hate Hated Bush. This is an extension of that....the Democrats hating the GOP when they win the Presidency.
You got a problem with that? What are you going to do about it?
Help Trump make America great again and then help Trump get re-elected in a landslide like in 1984.
Chuck said...
You got a problem with that? What are you going to do about it?
Discount everything you write.
Mitt has the air of doosh about himself but he knows how the world turns and has been very right about a very lot of things in his life.
Well, he almost won in 1960. In "six crises" he lists all the mistakes he made, which cost him the election. And Nixon always believed he actually won in 1960, but had it stolen by Daley in Chicago and LBJ's machine in Texas.
If he'd picked a good VP from Illinois, or gotten Ike out on the campaign trail, or not debated JFK, he probably would've won. Why in the Hell did he pick Lodge as VP? He had zero chance of picking up Mass.
You can smell the fear on LLR Chuck, Pelosi and Schumer.
And its glorious.
LLR Chuck's beloved Durbin doesnt even stick his little munchkin head and intellect above the poitical waterline anymore.
Bernardine, why can't you be true?
Oh Bernardine, why can't you be true?
You've started back doing the things you used to do.
The fear is palpable. Trump has destroyed them.
Don't forget, Trump was Hillary's preferred opponent. He was supposed to be the weakest candidate, easily disposed of with an October surprise. Its laid out in the hacked DNC emails if IRC. Go easy on the far right candidates and Trump during the primary. I think I will go watch that "why aren't I fifty points ahead" video again.
As it stands today who is the leader of the Democratic party again?
How long before we can narrow that down to a baker’s dozen?
Dewey made the same mistake in '48. He nominated a bad VP - Earl Warren, who didn't even consider himself a Republican and did almost no campaigning. Had he picked the Senator from Illinois - Dewey might have won.
"As it stands today who is the leader of the Democratic party again?"
-- The Obama-Clintonite struggle still continues, though they've moved on to the proxy war phase of political knife fighting.
I wonder how many people are hoping the economy goes bad, that it would be worth it to get Trump
The Democrats tried to lose a war to defeat W, so what's a little depression among enemies?
Looks like LLR Chuck is trying to resurrect his #StrongDemDefender tough guy routine again.
Mor rumor mongering attacks on children and racist comments from him are clearly in the offing...
"I wonder how many people are hoping the economy goes bad, that it would be worth it to get Trump"
Keep a close watch on the Fed and monetary policy in 2019.
I put nothing past these guys...
"If you're not liberal when you're young, you have no heart. If you're not conservative when you're older, you have no brain."
Joe Scarborough seems to have done it exactly backwards, rock-ribbed conservative when young and a limousine liberal now that he's older. But for all of that there is NO evidence that Joe Scarborough had anything whatsoever to do with the unfortunate death of Lori Klausutis. Joe did not retire after her death, which was ruled by the coroner to be due to heart problems, he announced his retirement months before she died. She died in his district office office in Okaloosa County -- was he even in Florida when it happened?
There are plenty of good reasons to hate on Joe Scarborough, but Lori Klausutis isn't one of them.
As it stands today who is the leader of the Democratic party again?
You would think it would be Obama, as he was a popular two term president, but right now there seems to be a factional fight going on between the Clintons, who see the party as their personal fiefdom, the Obama faction, who are about as moderate as it gets in the Democrat party right now, and that ain't very moderate, and the anti-american straight out crazy faction, who seem to be winning.
It's not even like Trump is the biggest asshole to inhabit the office. LBJ anyone?
Great news for Joe Scarborough!
Trump has ALREADY been prosecuted to the extent the law allows!!!
"You got a problem with that? What are you going to do about it?"
Why would I need to do anything about your flaccid cuck whining? Lulz
What they would end up destroying -- to the extent they have not already -- is not Trump, but our constitutional and democratic system. The U.S. would become just another third-world country.
My own not-very-original thought is that people who care about politics vastly overestimate how much people who don’t care about politics care about politics.
Pookie #2 is onto something. And this is where the Dumbocrats and their media enablers have truly shot themselves in the foot, reloaded, and shot the other foot. Because by now it's pretty obvious to most of the people who don't care about politics how biased the press is and how extremist the Dumbocrats have become.
I still think that what takes Trump down is not "collusion," but some crime that Trump has been doing for years, with the likes of Michael Cohen.
Or even more rephrased and shortened; now that is clear no evidence of a non-collusion crime was committed (outside of what Hillary did with the UK, Russia, and CNN), Chuck's now pinning his hope on a bunch more unnamed crimes with only hearsay evidence that Trump supposedly committed long before becoming President. You know, that definition of insanity...
Chuck said...
"You got a problem with that? What are you going to do about it?"
Ridicule you at every opportunity.
Someone up thread mentioned Joe Scarborough.
Now I can't stop thinking about Beavis and Butthead
The resemblance is uncanny (and hilarious)
As a former regular of Morning RINO and Tingle Leg Matthews, it is sad to watch these two seemingly intelligent people go off the deep end without life preservers.
And the same for LLR "whaddya goin' do 'bout it" Chuck.
I wonder how many people are hoping the economy goes bad, that it would be worth it to get Trump
That's a battle that's bigger than just getting Trump. Despite some revisionist rhetoric there's now developing a pretty clearly defined line between The New Normal sclerotic stagnation of Obama and the palpable Reaganite prosperity of the post-Obama period. Another few quarters of this and conservatives will be able to dine out on it for a century.
Chuck said ... "I still think that what takes Trump down is not "collusion," but some nitty-gritty federal crime involving the filthy dirty shit that Trump has been doing for years, with the likes of Michael Cohen.
Forget high crimes and misdemeanors, Chuckles the fake lawyer has found new reason for impeachment called "filthy dirty shit" done before he ran for office. It's a new legal standard by our self-presumed legal expert
Where exactly did you get a law degree?
By the way, I found the page from which Fabi pulled my 2016 quote. It's HERE.
It was at that time a fight about a fair appraisal of Trump University, and whether Trump University had a good rating from the Better Business Bureau. Trump and his debate handlers tried to pull some bogus shit in that debate, trying to dig out from Trump University's miserable record.
Eight months later, Trump settled the Trump University civil fraud suit for $25 Million.
LLR and #StrongStolenValorDemDefender Chuck is off and running!
You know, at this point any democrat could shoot someone on 5th Ave and LLR Chuck would still support him/her.
I hope you found it, Cuckles -- I even included the fucking time stamp in my comment. Lulz
Francisco D said...
Chuck said ... "I still think that what takes Trump down is not "collusion," but some nitty-gritty federal crime involving the filthy dirty shit that Trump has been doing for years, with the likes of Michael Cohen.
Forget high crimes and misdemeanors, Chuckles the fake lawyer has found new reason for impeachment called "filthy dirty shit" done before he ran for office. It's a new legal standard by our self-presumed legal expert
Where exactly did you get a law degree?
You hateful, ignorant jackass. It's not merely "filthy dirty shit." Although that is part of it. Like, I am now guessing, Trump's having paid more than a million dollars to get a NDA with a Playboy model whom he impregnated and who got an abortion. And then got Elliott Broidy to take the fall. For an as-yet undisclosed political favor/bribe.
No, Francisco; I am not talking ordinary outer-borough dirty shit. I wrote "federal crimes," and by federal crimes I mean felonies. Felonies including public corruption.
The democrat party is the party of illegal immigration and free stuff that we cannot afford. Pay up, deplorables.
Nixon, for all his reputation, was not ruthless enough. Trump is.
Agreed, but Nixon didn't have Admiral Rogers.
I've also been reading that McCabe had a huge conflict of interest concerning Gen. Flynn. Flynn was a witness against McCabe in a sexual discrimination complaint. Two years later, Flynn is in McCabe's cross hairs for collusion (whatever that is?).
Why leftists are stupid, Part #242511:
1. Impeaching Trump (House majority) is one thing; Removing Trump (Senate super-majority) requires 67 Senate Votes. Ain't gonna happen.
2. Even if 18 or traitorous GOP Senators join with the Dems to remove Trump, all that means is, Hello President Mike Pence.
3. The House Dems have already tried to impeach Trump -- losing 364-58.
4. Picking a target, then marshaling the evidence for some crime against him is not how we do things in America.
5. Mueller knows he can't indict a sitting President. At best, he sends a Report to Congress of all the supposed Russian election trolling. This will be after the Inspector Generals Reports have already slammed the Comey/McCabe/Strzok corrupt FBI axis.
6. All of this is trivial, compared to winning the Presidential election of 2020. The Dems would drop 1-5 in a heartbeat, if they thought they could win 2020 without them. They are just means to that End.
7. Right now, do we know if Oprah Winfrey is still the Dem front-runner for 2020? The Dem bench is pretty thin. Probably, it will be Kamala Harris or a real old Joe Biden. With a steadily improving economy, either of these fools loses to Trump.
"I wrote "federal crimes," and by federal crimes I mean felonies. Felonies including public corruption."
You'll always have Stormy!
Federal crimes: lying to a grand jury about taking steroids to enhance performance in baseball. Meanwhile the guy sending anthrax letters is free as Sideshow Bob and the G Men harass an innocent guy, costing the taxpayers $5 million.
The FBI was always filled with mostly clueless dorks led by corrupt, incompetent jagoffs like Hoover, Mark Felt, Webster, Mueller, Comey, and McCabe.
Chuck’s people. The Good Guys. “Nitty Gritty Federal Crimes.” What an imbecile.
According to the Weather Underground manifesto, "Prairie Fire," quote: 'young people are channeled, coerced, misled, miseducated, [and] misused in the school setting. It is in schools that the youth of the nation become alienated from the authentic processes of learning about the world.': close quote.
So almost 50 years ago, a radical Bill Ayres-led bunch of communists were attempting to rile some students to violence. How could anyone relate that to an honest endeavor to convince misled Trump supporters that Trump is a criminal, and not just a nutcase? Thirty-two Trump campaign staff meetings with Russian authorities, 19 indicted parties (soon to be 20 with Michael Cohen) and Trump actions and lies occurring daily to interfere with the investigation of Russian interference in our election.
"Don't know why there's no sun up in the sky - Stormy weather."
"I wonder how many people are hoping the economy goes bad, that it would be worth it to get Trump."
Remember in 2012, when "rooting against the economy" for political reasons was the height of unpatriotic thought crime?
Based on your last non-response, I am presuming you do not have a law degree. Did you go to college? Trade school? High school?
Although that is part of it. Like, I am now guessing, Trump's having paid more than a million dollars to get a NDA with a Playboy model whom he impregnated and who got an abortion.
I wrote "federal crimes," and by federal crimes I mean felonies.
Anyone know which one of these our resident "lawyer" thinks is a felony?
The fact that dumb ol’ Chuck can’t see why his explicit willingness to misrepresent Trump delegitimizes his every single comment proves the saying that “There are none so blind as losers like Chuck that cannot stop hate-masturbating.”
Spluttering rage of profanity in 3...2...
Wait, so Chuck is saying that having sex with a Playboy model is now a federal level felony? Really?
Man, Hugh Hefner is lucky he's dead or Chuck would fry him!
Bay Area Guy: Right now, do we know if Oprah Winfrey is still the Dem front-runner for 2020? The Dem bench is pretty thin.
I see what you did there!
Bay Area Guy said...
Why leftists are stupid, Part #242511:
1. Impeaching Trump (House majority) is one thing; Removing Trump (Senate super-majority) requires 67 Senate Votes. Ain't gonna happen.
2. Even if 18 or traitorous GOP Senators join with the Dems to remove Trump, all that means is, Hello President Mike Pence.
3. The House Dems have already tried to impeach Trump -- losing 364-58.
4. Picking a target, then marshaling the evidence for some crime against him is not how we do things in America.
5. Mueller knows he can't indict a sitting President. At best, he sends a Report to Congress of all the supposed Russian election trolling. This will be after the Inspector Generals Reports have already slammed the Comey/McCabe/Strzok corrupt FBI axis.
6. All of this is trivial, compared to winning the Presidential election of 2020. The Dems would drop 1-5 in a heartbeat, if they thought they could win 2020 without them. They are just means to that End.
7. Right now, do we know if Oprah Winfrey is still the Dem front-runner for 2020? The Dem bench is pretty thin. Probably, it will be Kamala Harris or a real old Joe Biden. With a steadily improving economy, either of these fools loses to Trump.
But what if Cohen, Manafort, Broidy, Davidson, Flynn, and the rest are all indicted, all are convicted or plead guilty, and Mueller also publicizes a report in which he says that Trump would be indicted as well, except that the President can't be indicted? And that such a Mueller report also includes evidence including tape recordings involving Trump and/or his counsel that prove Trump's guilt in terms of federal felonies... What then?
I expect that there could easily be enough Trump-hating Republicans in Congress to vote for an impeachment and then a conviction. And sure, that means a President Pence. I think that Mitch McConnell might prefer a President Pence, to a President Trump. Do you think that I would have any great objection to a President Pence? Don't you think that Democrats might also prefer to derail the Trump personality cult once and for all, regardless of whether it meant "President Pence"?
I don't wish to make this a matter of trashtalk; I expect that you'll have a substantive answer that will have merit. I have already agreed with you (and Mitt Romney) that the Democrats will not find a path to national victory with a Kamala Harris (although her race could turn out black voters in Michigan and reverse Trump's 2016 win in the Wolverine state).
Well, Chuck, you are right: if your Mom had a penis, you'd probably be about the same, actually.
That's more likely than your scenario, idiot. Mueller leaks more than a colander with a hole in the bottom of it. He's so competent he indicted a Russian company.... that doesn't exist.
What, exactly, makes you think that Mueller could find his ass with two hands? I will grant you that you and him are experts in digging in piles of horse manure.
people who care about politics vastly overestimate how much people who don’t care about politics care about politics
Yep. Those people are all-politics all the time on Twitter, where normal people are,"Look at this cat video" or "Read this funny story."
In the 18th century people used to go to the madhouse to be entertained by the lunatics. Today, all you have to do is turn on CNN or MSNBC.
This is progress.
19 indicted parties, of which 13 are Russian nobodies who will never be brought to a US court, plus three that are companies (one of which didn't exist at the time of the alleged illegal conduct) and one of which is fighting for a speedy trial under the 6th Amendment, plus General Flynn who looks, day-by-day, more likely to be released from his guilty plea?
So you're down to fewer than five legit indictments. And Manafort seems inclined to beat the partisan rap.
That is not even weak beer. That is weak near-beer.
If Nixon had been as devious as Obama/Clinton - he would have recruited 'Plumbers' from the ranks of FBI and CIA and supervised by intel-honchos - after all Vietnam was still going on - unless these had already been corrupted by then.
"But what if Cohen, Manafort, Broidy, Davidson, Flynn, and the rest are all indicted, all are convicted or plead guilty, and Mueller also publicizes a report in which he says that Trump would be indicted as well, except that the President can't be indicted? And that such a Mueller report also includes evidence including tape recordings involving Trump and/or his counsel that prove Trump's guilt in terms of federal felonies... What then?"
I think you'll have a better bet that gold coins are going to come shooting out my ass.
There was no cllaboration. Everyone admits it. Mueller is working outside his mandate and still can't find anything on Trump. In fact it is becoming more and more likely that Mueller has broken law.
Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire, if is doing an enormous amount of lifting in everything you write.
If your grandma had wheels, she'd be a bicycle.
See how much strain you can put on if before it breaks.
I still think that what takes Trump down is not "collusion," but some nitty-gritty federal crime involving the filthy dirty shit that Trump has been doing for years, with the likes of Michael Cohen.
Still hunting for that peanut in a poop pile, huh?
OT: Children used in hilarious propaganda
I know The Professor just loves when kids are used for some good ol' politicking!
"Trump personality cult". Lulz
You stupid fluffer -- it's called consistently delivering victories for his libertarian and conservative voters. It's called beating the fuck out of the left, and GOPe pussies such as yourself, on a daily basis. You aren't familiar with these concepts because you're too busy splooging on your Mitt Romney sex robot.
The LLR mask is now fully off.
So many years of careful online persona cultivation....all thrown away.
Trump broke him. He broke him.
To paraphrase LLR Chuck's hero Ben Rhodes: Like...He...He can't....He can't even....
Although that is part of it. Like, I am now guessing, Trump's having paid more than a million dollars to get a NDA with a Playboy model whom he impregnated and who got an abortion.
Bad news , Chuck. Abortion will appeal to the pro-choice crowd. After appealing to blacks due to pardons, Trump continues to pick up voters for 2020.
Chuck admits: Like, I am now guessing
then goes on a fabulous string of What IFs
Then Concludes:
If Pigs had Wings, they could fly south for the winter.
and speaking of winter...
If ifs and buts were candies and nuts, we'd all have a Merry Christmas
You've convinced me Chuck,
if things had happened differently, we'd be living in a different world
The rapist stayed in office.
Don’t go lowering the bar now.
Our Friend Chuck asks:
But what if Cohen, Manafort, Broidy, Davidson, Flynn, and the rest are all indicted, all are convicted or plead guilty, and Mueller also publicizes a report in which he says that Trump would be indicted as well, except that the President can't be indicted?
Let's break that up a bit, shall we?
Cohen -- not indicted
Manafort -- indicted, but unrelated to Russian collusion
Broidy -- GOP money man, unrelated to Russian collusion
Davidson -- not indicted
Flynn - guilty plea on process crime, railroaded by Strzok.
The central charge is that Trump stole the 2020 Presidential election via Vladimir Putin.
That is a serious charge. We don't want our elections stolen by foreigners. But, to date, while there is some evidence of Russian trolls putting up a smattering of Facebook ads, there's no evidence the election was stolen. I repeat the words of President Obama from October 18, 2016:
But the larger point that I want to emphasize here is that there is no serious person out there who would suggest somehow that you could even rig America’s elections, in part because they’re so decentralized and the numbers of votes involved. There’s no evidence that that has happened in the past, or that there are instances in which that will happen this time.
Everything else is just political noise by those stunned and upset that Hillary lost.
" Don't you think that Democrats might also prefer to derail the Trump personality cult once and for all, regardless of whether it meant "President Pence"?"
-- I'm under no disillusionment that, after bringing Trump down, we would not soon start hearing "what did Pence know and when did he know it?"
But what if
I stopped there because Chuck did not follow this with any actual CRIME with which Trump could be charged.
And I expect Flynn et al will be found not guilty or have charges dropped since the presiding judge has already said that he see what Mueller's up to as not only asking Flynn to "sing, but to compose" by squeezing him on this unrelated 2013 tax investigation. NOT ONE thing that could be legitimately called a crime has been alleged. Every run they made at Trump came up dry. Personally, I'm happy he is squeaky clean so far. I could not imagine he would withstand this much scrutiny but obviously the Chucks are wrong. Trump may be full of shit but he adheres to the law. Apparently.
James Wolfe, the former security director for the Senate Intelligence Committee has been indicted for lying to the Feds regarding leaks. Reminds me of the movie Stalag 17 with Peter Graves in charge of security.
The longer the Mueller investigation lasts, the more swamp dwellers are will be indicted. But not by Mueller.
"But what if Cohen, Manafort, Broidy, Davidson, Flynn, and the rest are all indicted, all are convicted or plead guilty
Oh please. We're now constructing scenarios where we can string enough process crimes together to invoke impeachment?
The bar has been set at "Trump Colludes with Russia to Steal Election".
You guys set it there. You had to in order to get the Special Prosecutor. That's the bar everyone is expecting Mueller to clear. Donald Fucking Trump in a Russian fur hat drinking vodka in Moscow with Putin overseeing significant tampering in the American electoral process that changes the outcome.
That's what we've been promised 24/7 for almost two years by all the major media outlets, the former head of the CIA and the former DNI.
If Mueller isn't going to clear that - and he isn't - the American people are going to see this for the big fizzle it is.
Fabi: Don't smear Romney with any association with Chuck. Romney may not exactly be rock solid conservative, but he's pretty sharp and he's been on board the Trump train for quite some time.
He still attacks Trump on character... but as far as policies go, he's been applauding Trump on the actual policies for a while now.
Which is where I am, to be honest. Trump has serious personal failings. But those are irrelevant as I'm not God. That's between Trump, his wife, and God.
Chuck thinks is is God (what, did he arm wrestle Obama for that title?) and thus can dictate what we should all believe: that Hillary is much better than Trump and should have won.
Known Unknown: thanks for the link. That's the most awful political ad I've seen in a while. Tone deaf. The perfect recipe for getting more Trump.
What gave Trump his narrow victory was a combination of people who cared only about their personal microeconomic world,—-
Jesus H. Christ
I thought when we voted republican we were voting AGAINST our own self-interest!
That’s what the Dems have been saying for years!
Romney became the media darling of the left during the primaries and general election in an effort to derail Trump and install Hillary as president. That's unforgivable to me.
"But what if ..." it turns out that Trump paid off the refs so that the Eagles would win, because he had bet a lot of money on them? Huh? What about then?
I didn’t vote for Trump, I voted against the egomaniacal rapist-enabling grifter.
It’s a bonus I’m not tired of winning yet!
so much of this snipe hunt re carter page, papadop, was what was provided to ali Watkins, when the fisa warrants didn't pan out, manafort squeezes some low rent grifters who have been involved in the grapevine, and other such enterprises re Azerbaijan,
as the Russian snipehunt turns toward Israel and the gulf states, because this shark can't stop rampaging,
but the Dems are thumb sucking children
This was obvious in 2008 when THEIR OWN RULES regarding Michigan and Florida delegates were ignored. It's obvious now when the vast majority of THEIR OWN PEOPLE want to put an end to superdelegates, but the practice is so entrenched and those with the most to lose so powerful, that the rules probably won't change much soon, if ever. The DNC...keeping true aristocracy alive and well in the 21st century.
Also...wasn't it a DNC lawyer that argued, in court, that they have no legal responsibility to conduct fair and open primaries within their own party?
just more blank pages:
but they are as clean as the clean driven snow,
But what if ..." it turns out that Trump paid off the refs so that the Eagles would win, because he had bet a lot of money on them? Huh? What about then?>
Then Trump will never be voted into the baseball hall of fame.
Scott M: "THEIR OWN PEOPLE want to put an end to superdelegates." Are you in favor of pure democracy for primaries? I am unsure. The framers didn't want pure democracy for very well-thought-out reasons based on historical experience. It's not in the Constitution [or am I wrong?]. Pure democracy will get the Democrats Bernie or possibly worse.
Prosecuted for ... what?
Winning? Not being a Democrat? Being an uncouth prat?
Being The Other.
The only Russians in Russiagate were supplied by Clapper and Brennan and their stooges--MI6. They used a useful idiot, that Australian minister, to back it up. No crime by Trump = no charges. Clapper, Brenan, the FBI and about a dozen Obama lackies need to see years in prison.
IIRC the superdelegates were put in place to make sure there wouldn't be another McGovern. Now they will be done away with to make sure there won't be another Hillary.
Shit! I just realized that there is a way Vlad Putin could have colluded to get Trump elected! What if — go with me on this, please — what if the favor Vlad did was assure that Trump would be running against Hillary Clinton??? Recall that the DNC under Wasserman-Schultz was doing everything it could to assure Hillary was the candidate. Suppose, just suppose, that it was because after the Russians hacked the DNC Email servers they were able to blackmail poor, old Debbie? And recall that at certain times during the nomination process Hillary’s main opponent, avowed socialist Bernie Sanders (who honeymooned in the old Soviet Union}, looked las though he might win, and each time he said something to torpedo his own campaign (for instance refusing to debate or discuss Hillary’s illegal Email server). What if he was just following orders from Moscow?
Yes, the collusion is obvious once you look in the right place!
FullMoon said...
Although that is part of it. Like, I am now guessing, Trump's having paid more than a million dollars to get a NDA with a Playboy model whom he impregnated and who got an abortion.
Bad news , Chuck. Abortion will appeal to the pro-choice crowd. After appealing to blacks due to pardons, Trump continues to pick up voters for 2020.
Yeah, that's a fair point and I've given it some thought. It may be, that pro-choice Democrats will think that a Trump girlfriend getting an abortion is not a surprise, and is merely the exercise of choice under a Constitutional right.
And some Trump fans might think that it's all okay because Trump is an imperfect man or whatever. (What the hell are evangelical Christian supporters of Trump supposed to think? Probably what Democrats think, about Rahm Emanuel making millions in a hedge fund job in between his government gigs, or what they think about Al Gore's gigantic energy-sucking mansion, or John Kerry's tax-free yacht.)
It's just the filthiest, dirtiest, most disgusting level of amorality and hypocrisy. Trump is a hateful, lying pig. There's greater morality in the bottom of Mitt Romney's toilet bowl, than in one of Donald Trump's rare appearances in a church.
I have a feeling this is going to be a good page to bookmark, for use later this year.
LLR Chuck: "I have a feeling this is going to be a good page to bookmark, for use later this year"
Filed under "Things written in October of lefties"
LLR and #StrongDemDefender and Attacker of Children Chuck: "There's greater morality in the bottom of Mitt Romney's toilet bowl..."
Not possible.
All of your leftist allies told us Romney is literally Hitler.
Or have you too succumbed to the History Began This Morning disease too?
Funny, every single leftist one encounters certainly has...
Readers should feel free to draw obvious and inescapable conclusions...
did she see the opening to season 2:
one could see this snipehunt as an otsmechiye (revenge) by deripasha, against manafort that got out of hand
"It's just the filthiest, dirtiest, most disgusting level of amorality and hypocrisy."
Lulz. Trump will not receive my vote for Pope in 2020. #NeverPopeTrump
It's become clear that Trump mistakenly thought LLR Chuck was a woman when The Donald grabbed the cross-dressing Chuck in his p**** and this experience has scarred LLR Chuck for the rest of his life.
It also explains LLR Chuck's attacks on children.
"Trump is a hateful, lying pig."
He earned your vote, Chuck. Please tell us more about your morals!
Can you imagine how angry and unhinged LLR Chuck will become when Trump nominates another conservative to the Supreme Court?
LLR Chuck will end up in therapy....again!
What’s hilarious is that the Dems kept lowering the bar. Now republicans say ok your bar it’s an outrage. We must have standards!
(Only for Republicans)
Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire, appears to be claiming Trump forced a woman to have an abortion, perhaps even performing the procedure himself. That would be serious. /sarc
Meanwhile, if a woman made a decision to do something of her own free will, I'm not sure how misogynist I would have to be to blame Trump and remove agency from the woman.
Chuck is a racist, sexist, homophobic supporter of Democrats who happens to be an LLR.
"Chuck is a racist, sexist, homophobic supporter of Democrats who happens to be an LLR."
Enough of his "good" qualities.
Tell us of the bad.....
So was Bubba, but a lot of people here had no problem voting to put him back in the White House as First Husband.
That’s why a lot of this is a non-starter.
Take a vote:
If Trump offered a million dollars to abort Chuck, would Obama's Born Alive opposition justify the safe, legal, and rare action in the bankrupt state of Illinois?
Are you in favor of pure democracy for primaries? I am unsure. The framers didn't want pure democracy for very well-thought-out reasons based on historical experience.
Nope. In fact, I think we should go back to senators being picked by the state legislatures, as the framers intended. And not being a member of the Democratic party, I don't really care which form of the destructor they choose. It's a far cry from republicanism to unelected party insiders though, you have to admit.
Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire, likes to twist the appendages of old ladies and has an unhealthy interest in the medical condition of tweens.
Mike wrote above, "Again in 2020 Putin will spend tens of thousands of dollars to buy ads on Facebook and Twitter." This reminds me of the first Austin Powers movie, where Dr. Evil demands a ransom of "One Million Dollars," and his cohorts snicker because a million ain't much these days. What was the total. amount spent on the last presidential election? A few billion? And Putin is going to buy "tens of thousands" of Facebook ads? I'm shaking with fear and outrage.
Prosecuted for f****** WHAT? The democrat media party just make crap up. Trump has been possibly the most law abiding Potus in my lifetime. Obama on the other hand will hopefully get that orange jump suit.
BTW, Inga's leftist pals in Nicaragua have decided to shed all pretense and are now just openly gunning down protestors.
Always, always unexpectedly...though easily predicted 100% of the time.
I see a culture change by the GOP that allowed Trump to happen.
Ace had a great post that explains why so many GOP don’t care about Trumps foibles.
January 25, 2017
How Losing My Political Values Helped Me Gain My Freedom [Warden]
It was linked from a post on why by Kurt Schlichter:
Shoving Alinsky’s Rules for Radical Right Back in the Left’s Ugly Face
Kurt Schlichter | February 13, 2017
this is why the Nicaraguan resistance, the escambray front, which held out for four years, came to be,
I have a feeling this is going to be a good page to bookmark, for use later this year
Yeah. It could be your suicide note.
"Shoving Alinsky’s Rules for Radical Right Back in the Left’s Ugly Face"
LLR Chuck is not going to like that one. Not one little bit.
Ray observes: I see a culture change by the GOP that allowed Trump to happen.
Remember how the GOP claimed they wanted a bigger tent? Well, they got it with Trump. But most aren't happy with the results. I saw in Trump the same common sense attitude I liked in Perot. But in a stronger candidate who doesn't back off from threats.
a pattern that goes back to 2014:
I keep hearing conservatives and Republicans suggesting Dems will fail due to extreme Left candidates. Not sure this is a great idea since some of these interim races may teach them to run perceived "moderate" candidates and adhere to Pelosi's "stop talking about impeachment"...i.e. go stealth.
Then again..that ship may have already sailed or be very difficult for them to turn.
I wonder how ("binders full of women") Romney feels about his "all we get is a cheap hat" speechifyin'.
Especially as he went to interview at Trump's WH.
now Colombia and brazil maybe spared that fate, mexico probably not,
"Don't be a fuckhead and vote Democrat."
It'll be the new Che t-shirt.
One must also consider what President Trump is facing.
1. Senate Intelligence Staff Leaker 3-year relationship with NYT Reporter
2. Democrat candidate Jill McCabe and FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe
3. FBI all-round gofer boy, Peter Strzok with FBI lovebird, Lisa Page (since quit).
4. Mika and Joe on MSNBC.
5. Huma and Anthony Weiner
6. Bill and Hillary
These are drama-queen couples, basking in the "Get Trump" excitement. I hope the sex good, although the political scheming is not so hot.
Chuck taunted ... "You got a problem with that? What are you going to do about it?
We will send a 6'7" 325 lb. member of the Aryan Brotherhood to your home. He will rip off your clothes, bend you over and ...
OK. Wake up now Chuck. Your wet dream is over.
You still might want to put some ice in that.
I have a feeling this is going to be a good page to bookmark, for use later this year.
You can but it will be of no use. You can't say to people "you were wrong" when you didn't take a position yourself.
And you scrupulously avoid taking any positions. It's just a lot of "I hope" and "what if's" with you.
It's a key reason your criticisms fall flat. Unlike Inga, you lack the courage of your convictions.
Walter, they did that in 2006. I think Rahm E was the brainchild of that. That’s what they do.
Chuck said...You got a problem with that? What are you going to do about it?
3rd grade is calling, they want their taunt back.
We have a sick country, the liberal Dems are sick people. They make me sick.
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