Fuck you, Melanie. You know damn well your husband can end this immediately...you feckless complicit piece of shit. https://t.co/5NsoFgMuLr
— Kathy Griffin (@kathygriffin) June 17, 2018
Interesting that she wrote out "fuck" and "shit" but merely gestured at "cunt" by writing "feckless."
ADDED, without comment:
Who wore it better: Children detained in McAllen, Texas or Ivanka Trump pic.twitter.com/atifVrteeY
— Orli Matlow (@HireMeImFunny) June 18, 2018
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 397 of 397TDS is a real mental illness. These people are a danger to themselves and, more importantly, others.
".I don’t care about the spin. Let’s try to get away from it and look at it as people who are against seperating children from their parents. Housing families intact would be far less of a black eye to any administration than what is happening now..."
How about as nation we don't keep playing this farce as illegal aliens invade the country
and when caught claim asylum. The illegals have nothing but contempt for the country and
the spirit behind the idea of asylum. If you act like a chump, America, you will get played
like a chump. They use kids to give an emotional wedgie to all the limp-wristed.
Great summary, Henry.
And option b leads to the (surprise!) outcome that adults will not be charged with illegal entry. Or will be charged and released, to go about what they came here to do in the first place- be illegal immigrants.
No. I’m saying hold the families together in something similar to what the Cuban balseros were held in before they were given asylum. In the case of Central American asylum seekers or even illegal border crossers, house them in a more humanitarian fashion. If they aren’t found to be eligsble gor asylum, send them back to their home countries families intact.
I totally agree with this.
But as of this moment, those facilities don't exist. They will need to created.
“So what you are actually saying is....don't punish adults who come here illegally if they have children. Let them go. Is that right?”
No. I’m saying hold the families together in something similar to what the Cuban balseros were held in before they were given asylum. In the case of Central American asylum seekers or even illegal border crossers, house them in a more humanitarian fashion. If they aren’t found to be eligible for asylum, send them back to their home countries, families intact.
Howard: “The Anti-Christ is kept alive and well by Heartland Christians.”
Is this guy a new moron or have I just missed him before? The “Anti-Christ?” Really?
Howard is an act.
Mexico is a failed state. Let's annex it, for the children's sake.
“But as of this moment, those facilities don't exist. They will need to created.”
There are probably old military bases with housing already in place. When my family were refugees from Yugoslavia in Austria, the DP camps were mostly old military bases, my family lived in an old Army barrack.
No. I’m saying hold the families together in something similar to what the Cuban balseros were held in
I could be wrong here, but wasn't that declared illegal?
Hombre asks: Is this guy a new moron or have I just missed him before?
The latter.
Also, the vast majority of children being held came here without their parents.
In a debate shaming your opponents can be a persuasive tactic if done correctly. But if you truly believe that the people with whom you disagree are monsters who enjoy watching suffering, it becomes impossible to find any sort of common ground and impossible to find and agree upon a reasonable solution. Assuming you want to find a solution that is.
It seems that there are some people who may only be interested in "winning" a debate by shouting down their opponents and driving them away for the sheer feeling of moral superiority. While this may feel good in the short term, it ultimately does not solve problems and in fact creates new ones.
I like how these memes are almost always paired with pictures which predate the Trump administration.
We have a system now in which the criminal alien can keep appealing until they win. Illegal entry into the country should result in instant, automatic deportation. People not in an active war zone who want some kind of refugee status should apply at the local embassy. People in active war zones are supposed to stop in the nearest country not at war, i.e. we should not be getting any refugees from Somalia or Syria.
I see Inga is revving up from her hangover, trying to post some shit every other comment, but she needs to make up for not getting here earlier so she drops two turds in a row. Ew.
For "Option B" to be viable, and to avoid normalizing distress, it will be necessary to establish that the children are the posterity of the adults.
For detained men and women with children, drop the charges, don't investigate asylum pleas, reunite families -- and load them on buses for a trip back across the border. And build the wall.
Am I crazy or is this why were aren't holding parents with their children (from Henry's post)
"Under a 1997 consent decree known as the Flores settlement, unaccompanied children could be held in immigration detention for only a short period of time; in 2016, a federal judge ruled that the settlement applied to families as well, effectively requiring that they be released within 20 days. Many were released — some with GPS ankle bracelets to track their movements — and asked to return for a court date sometime in the future"
Housing families - even if you create more housing- simply isn't an option right now.
Inga said...
There are probably old military bases with housing already in place.
I would think so, but this very problem bedeviled the Obama administration. I would think that if there an easy solution, it would be known.
Likely there's not enough budget. Here we get to Congress. Even if there are existing structures in some base somewhere that doesn't mean they can be used without tons of infrastructure being put in place.
angford peel said...
Why are we worrying about these baby shit hole monkeys. Send them all back the next day. No asylum. End that right now. End of problem. Send them back home. Don't teach them how to wash themselves or how to brush their teeth and use a toilet. Send them back.
The LAW does not allow your solution. Unexpectedly, the Trump administration wishes to follow and enforce the law.
Your language does not help our side.
Langford Peel is a moby.
@Maybee -- You can house families together if you house them without putting them in jail (kids can't be kept in jail) and you don't detain them indefinitely.
The Obama administration was trying to do the housing without jail approach, but they got into PR trouble because the centers they used for housing looked bad (like camps of people with no resources being detained indefinitely) and because there were too many people to process.
“You can house families together if you house them without putting them in jail (kids can't be kept in jail) and you don't detain them indefinitely.”
Re: MayBee (re: Henry):
in 2016, a federal judge ruled that the settlement applied to families as well, effectively requiring that they be released within 20 days.
Yes, this is the problem. I think it was 2015, but no matter -- this is what created this mess.
Those kids definitely need to be waterboarded to extract information about their criminal past, and criminal plans for the future. You just know by looking at their brown faces that they are up to no good. Whether it is gassing baby geese or waterboarding Mexican babies it is all to the good. I hate geese, babies, and Mexicans. I make no bones about it; voting for Trump entitles me to express my hatred for the inferior races. No one likes bird shit falling from the sky or smelly diapers filled with caca. They have to be fed American food not tacos, burritos or tamales. That is why their poop stinks. This is AMERICA goddam it. Taco Bell is faux Mexican food for your information. I would NOT send them back to Mexico; I'd make an example out of them by sending them to hell on earth. We can and should provide that to them; it is our moral duty according to the Bhagavad Gita, and Jeff Sessions.
Re: Henry/Inga:
“You can house families together if you house them without putting them in jail (kids can't be kept in jail) and you don't detain them indefinitely.”
The best solution is to ensure we can dispose of these cases ASAP, and deport families that have entered illegally within the 20 day window. I would not be averse to prioritizing these cases so they get disposed up more quickly than either unaccompanied minors or individual adults entering the country illegally. But even so, our immigration courts move so slowly, and there are just so many people trying to jump queue to get into the US illegally (and so many people encouraging this lawlessness!), that it probably wouldn't do much.
Stormy Daniels must be feeling more lonely and abandoned than those poor children.
But even so, our immigration courts move so slowly, and there are just so many people trying to jump queue to get into the US illegally (and so many people encouraging this lawlessness!), that it probably wouldn't do much.
I'm fine with processing them first, BUT there are people crossing at the proper POE and claiming asylum. So if we process the separated families first, we are really encouraging more people to cross illegally, with kids, rather than go through the proper procedure.
You are raise an important point about people encouraging the lawlessness. They encourage people to do the lawless option SO THAT they will overwhelm the system and force changes that they want. Such as, no detention for people who are caught coming here illegally.
you don't detain them indefinitely.
in this case, more than 20 days.
There are 270,000 people in the Bidi Bidi refugee camp in Uganda. It brings to mind three questions:
1. Are the conditions from which the Mexican/Central American illegals are fleeing comparable to those in South Sudan?
2. Are the conditions in which the illegals, including the children, find themselves in the US comparable to those in Bidi Bidi?
3. Are the children in question here separated from parents who legally seek asylum in the US?
The South Sudanese refugees justifiably feared they would be massacred and their children stolen by marauding killers. The conditions in Bidi Bidi are far worse than those faced by Latino illegals here, excepting a very few, are not refugees at all.
The bottom line here is, lefties, particularly Democrats, are not interested in humanitarianism. They are interested in building a political constituency. There are humanitarian issues in Bidi Bidi, not here. The issues here are political, created by one party encouraging illegal immigration for its own gain. The unfortunate side effect is that the few legitimate refugees are swallowed up by the hordes of future Democrats.
The obvious solution is to deport the entire family. Together.
Make it known before they come they will be deported within 20 days upon illegally crossing the border.
There are applications to emigrate here.
My wife did it.
They can do it.
The people who have selectively decided Trump is bad because of an Obama policy are shitheads who don't give two shits about any of these kids.
But by all means keep waving those bloody shirts around democrats/cucks. We mustn't forget about the Bush/Rubio/McCain wing of the globalist party. Keep telling all Americans who you really care about.
Doesn't it feel good to have the Nazi supporting Bush family on your side democrats?
So transparent.
The only sustainable solution is emigration reform. Think Libya less the sodomy, abortion fields, assault weapon running, redistributive change, and catastrophic anthropogenic immigration reform (e.g. trail of tears). A mass exodus, mass emigration, progressive (i.e. monotonic) emigration, is not normal.
That said, immigration reform should not be used to compensate for Planned Parenthood and similar dysfunction.
Someone on facebook is trying to convince me that being here illegally is no more a crime than jay walking.
I pointed out that while one is a misdemeanor the other was a felony.I left it up to them which was which.
To the Obama administration's credit, this isn't a policy they came up with ex nihilo.
A rare example of an ex iniustitiam policy of the ex Opra[h] ex-President.
Howard’s herpetic lesions must be flaring today.
Maybe I'd be willing to listen to these lectures and high minded proclamations from various wealthy personalities if they'd be willing to house dozens of these poor children and their families in their homes indefinitely.
This is a version of the riposte often heard from the pro-abortion crowd - "Fine, no abortions? Then YOU adopt all the unwanted babies!"
I am not willing to listen to lectures from people who want to encourage lawbreakers. The end.
Jon Ericson is a cucked out incel.
Worry about yourself because you have no idea who I am you feckless cunt.
Jon Ericson said...
Langford Peel is a moby.
No. He's a true believer. He's been pretty consistent on a range of issues.
Tank our side has to be as extreme with language as the other side is or we lose before we begin.
If you stop using terms because it violates the cucked out incel sensititives of pussies like Jon Ericson and Inga you get a situation where Roseanne loses her job over a joke.
The God Emperor is showing us the way by the way he insults and denigrates his enemies and the enemies of the American People. He just can't take it far enough and talk the way we talk when we are not in the company of the other side. You need to be honest.
Call a spade a spade.
I will admit that I am an extremist so I use extreme language.
I am doing the work that conservatives and Republicans refuse to do.
You know like what they claim your spic lawnmower would do in a different context.
chickelit: exactly. it's like going through the looking glass and having that Ah Hah! moment when it becomes crystal clear on why you Trumpelina's vomited up the InCel bowel movement. It's a cuckservative combo of weak, fearful male gender identifiers forced to couple with a pathologically prudish cruel malevolent mother archetype.
Inga said...
There are probably old military bases with housing already in place.
I think there are some empty cots at Guantanamo...
Those of us on the Alt right reject out of hand the limits that the Social Justice Warriors put on us.
I recommend you read the blogs of people like Kurt Schlicter, Vox Day and other voices of the opposition. You will see the truth plainly stated without reference to the tender sensibilities of the pajama boys.
Democrats and McCain style RINOs are cynical seditionists prepared to surrender to an invasion through our southern borders to buy votes for the former and cheap labor for the latter. Democrats are contributing billions toward the invaders via sanctuary cities and states and opposition to effective border control. All this to the vigorous applause of the Mexican government and her drug cartels.
The pretext that the southern invasion, or for that matter the invasion from the Middle East, are humanitarian problems is the worst cynicism of all. Abetting the invasion creates any humanitarian problems that arise.
Corporate America is closed to the true feelings of the white working class. It is a class issue above all else. That is why you see the contempt they have for people who shop at Walmart or who voted for President Trump.
They hate you. They want you to die. They want to replace you with illegal immigrants or even legal ones on Visa's that will take away your job so they can pay them less. They don't want tariffs to save American Jobs. To even the playing field. They want the jobs to go offshore so they can make bigger profits. They don't want Americans to have good jobs at good wages in the energy field drilling or fracking or digging for coal.
These corporate blood suckers are the bitter enemy of the normal working man. The Democrats and the Republican Establishment both work at protecting their interest at the expense of the working class. Especially the white working class.
Wake up. The God Emperor can only do so much alone.
Door-gunner Peel,
There's "the tender sensibilities of the pajama boys" and there's common decency. You're well over on the wrong side of the latter.
"Then YOU adopt all the unwanted babies!"
The demand for infants to adopt is consistently smaller than the supply.
So there won't be many "unwanted".
As has been observed, if families don’t attempt to enter illegally with their children, there will be no separation. Also, who is telling illegals that claiming asylum will magnify deportation delays? Duh.
Inga wrote: No. I’m saying hold the families together in something similar to what the Cuban balseros were held in before they were given asylum.
The instant Trump suggests this expediency Inga and her tribe will rage about Trump/Hitler's concentration camps.
InCel Brother Peel thinks laying on a couch, eating fritos, drinking caffeine free diet Mountain Dew spiked with Southern Comfort, popping Oxy and watching reruns of Sally Jesse Raphael on YouTube is a "Normal Working Man". That's why he relies on the Pajamaboy Media of draft-dodging lawyers and silicone trannies.
You can think so. Common decency is in the eye of the beholder. It changes over time. It "evolves' don't you know.
Tail gunner Joe was right about the Communists infiltrating the government. There were communists like Hiss and the Rosenbergs who did give the secrets of nuclear weapons to the Communists. The same people that destroyed Joe McCarthy for telling the truth are out to do the same thing to President Trump and anyone else who stands against their globalist agenda.
Luckily it seem that the tide might be turning. All over the world. The Italians have woken up. It looks like the Germans are about to dump Hillary Merkel. Populist parties are in the ascendancy all over the globe.
There is nothing decent about destroying your country and trying to wipe out you native born citizens. Which is what the Democrats and the establishment Republicans want. They see you as subjects not citizens.
You want to know what your town will be like if you let them win. Just look at San Francisco. Or Seattle. Or Chicago. Or Baltimore.
How much common decency is there on the Streets of San Francisco where the homeless horde shits and shoots up with impunity?
You could make every one of those points without the needless ethnic slurs. But you don't.
Comment by Howard blocked.
6/18/18, 2:40 PM
Comment by langford peel blocked. [unhush][show comment]
6/18/18, 2:41 PM
Lather up!
"InCel Brother Peel thinks laying on a couch, eating fritos, drinking caffeine free diet Mountain Dew spiked with Southern Comfort, popping Oxy and watching reruns of Sally Jesse Raphael on YouTube is a "Normal Working Man". That's why he relies on the Pajamaboy Media of draft-dodging lawyers and silicone trannies."
Quick -- send that to the Hillary 2020 campaign office!
Tack on child endangerment on top of illegal entry.
solid ground for separation of adults and children.
You could make every one of those points without the needless ethnic slurs. But you don't.
Because the ethnic slurs of "langford peel" are the point. Moby.
Troll on moby action. You go girls!
Coupla Mensa chapter presidents.
I have no idea if LP is a moby,but pointing out he is consistent is not a counter argument, right?
Of course the incel pajama boys want us to be nice. To be "decent."
Be nice. Be polite. Be decent. Be like Bush.
See where that gets you.
Say hi to Emma for me.
You can see where the policy of being "decent" gets you today.
Laura Bush doing the work of the ultra liberal open borders left.
When in real life she would run over an immigrant kid in the street just like she did her old boyfriend for the greater good of the Bush family and their globalist masters.
These people are not "decent." Not in the least.
I don't support being nice, or polite or like Bush. But if your true interests are what you say they are you'll stop crossing the line with the slurs because they work against those interests.
Give it a try.
Someone on facebook is trying to convince me that being here illegally is no more a crime than jay walking.
I pointed out that while one is a misdemeanor the other was a felony.I left it up to them which was which.
No welfare for jaywalkers,though. Otherwise just the same, sure.
Mobys get paid more.
That's you're line not mine.
You let the left determine the language you let them win.
Lenny Bruce said it best.
You don't get to tell us how to talk. It is still America. For a little while.
Ruined blog post.
Mission Accomplished!
You didn't ruin it Jonny boy. Most people tune out your complaints.
Trolls and mobys are a necessary bad.
Ken B said...
I have no idea if LP is a moby,but pointing out he is consistent is not a counter argument, right?
He is definitely not a moby. He has posted here a lot so being consistent is a reasonably argument against him being a moby. I think it would be hard to maintain his level of consistency while playing a role without a script.
I have thought of starting a sock puppet to provide weak arguments for me to demolish, but a) it seemed like a lot of work, to create a consistent character, and b) it didn't prove necessary.
The appropriate response is: Go Plan yourself
I wonder if the urban dictionary is up to date.
But people with their heads up their butts are just boring.
Regarding my comment at 11:53 AM
KA-CHING!! Justified in every detail is my scathing and (dare I say?) elegant refutation of usual suspect roesch/voltaire by U.S. Civil Rights Commissioner Peter Kirsanow himself. Read him and weep, peasants.
You know a monkey or a squirrel will pick up some bright shiney object and treasure it. And a lefty woman will learn a new word, and the rest of the lefty women can't stop using it. Feckless is the new word of the day.
My apologies to the great commenters here at Althouse for ruining furthur this thread by kicking these turds, but I just had to vent. I'll try to ignore in future. But people keep quoting these shit-piles.
This seems to be the post that has raised questions about Langford's bona fides.
langford peel said...
Why are we worrying about these baby shit hole monkeys. Send them all back the next day. No asylum. End that right now. End of problem. Send them back home. Don't teach them how to wash themselves or how to brush their teeth and use a toilet. Send them back.
The new Italian government has the right solution.
I assume the offending phrase is 'shit hole monkeys' since all the rest is pretty standard issue stuff. But, Trump has used 'shit hole' to describe their countries of origin so two thirds of even that phrase are in current usage. That only leaves 'monkeys'. Hasn't Althouse had several posts recently with the goal of reclaiming the usage of that word? So Langford is not really out of bounds there either.
While one can never be certain, either way, I doubt Langford is a moby based on his output to date.
I just saw this on the IMAO blog, and it seems relevant. It's from Dixon Diaz, about whom I know nothing, and apparently comes from 2017.
"If a liberal from 1960 showed up in 2017, he would be considered a conservative.
"If a liberal from 2017 showed up in 1960, he would be considered a raving lunatic."
And how.
Tim: Someone on facebook is trying to convince me that being here illegally is no more a crime than jay walking.
Did they throw in the one about how millions of Americans drive over the speed limit sometimes, so they're hypocrites to object to having millions of illegal immigrants in the country?
That's one of my all-time favorites.
Seen Leah Vukmir's ad? for Senator from Wisconsin? She isn't an illegal immigrant with children from Guatemala but she's faced death threats for her legitimate political beliefs. And her children with her. Threats from lefty's in Wisconsin. So strange who matters and who doesn't to a lefty.
Kathy Griffin's attempt to claw her way to relevancy by copycatting another's feckless crudity is pathetic, and derivative. Trolling of this sort should be met with silent contempt.
The simple answer is send them back where they came from families intact. The problem is that aside from families with children we are being inundated with unaccompanied children. I have the feeling that HHS is doing its best. Congress needs to change the law. Will the Dems actually go along with something constructive? Doubtful.
Though there is short term beneficial gain from the propaganda "separating children" the longer the debate goes on and the facts become apparent then the emotional camp is going to lose its appeal and the people will be reminded that the issue is illegal immigrants entering the country illegally and being detained according to the laws on the books.
You know, whenever I have a problem with a politician, the first thing I do is dash off a crude, poorly thought out tweet criticizing that politician's spouse. Because, you know, that's how you change hearts and minds.
>>If a liberal from 1960 showed up in 2017, he would be considered a conservative.
I tell my friends I'm a 1970 liberal:
1) Power to the people
2) Do your own thing
3) Pigs off campus
Today, that makes me a right wing Nazi.
>>Kathy Griffin's attempt to claw her way to relevancy
She's going to need longer claws.
What am I missing? Is there some reason we should pay attention to her, rather than some other comedian?
Quaestor: Regarding my comment at 11:53 AM
KA-CHING!! Justified in every detail is my scathing and (dare I say?) elegant refutation of usual suspect roesch/voltaire by U.S. Civil Rights Commissioner Peter Kirsanow himself. Read him and weep, peasants.
"The bottom line is that the Commission majority is opposed to enforcing almost any immigration laws pertaining to illegal entry."
Another point: of course the catlady cadres are always a suggestible and excitable bunch, but this week's outrage theater seems to have been kicked up to a whole new level of hysterical. There's a psychotic relentlessness to it, a sense that some important control mechanism has finally given way. What's up?
Or maybe the heat's just getting to everybody, me included.
I have thought of starting a sock puppet to provide weak arguments for me to demolish ... - ARM
Why be redundant?
Jim at said...
Why be redundant?
Exactly my thinking! It's not like there was any shortage.
Beloved turd demolishes? Yeah, right.
What we need is an amendment to constipation of the law.
If "x" numberfrom country *Y* can successfully claim asylum, that triggers declaration of war against *Y* to a national debate.
We now have statements by all living First Ladies against the Trump policy. Getting uglier every day.
Feckless is the new word of the day.
My Weekly Reader is finally getting its cultural impact.
Send them all to Starbucks .,..
If Michelle Obama opposes this, why didn't she say anything to her husband?
Late to the party, but ...
When as a wee lad I made the rare mistake uttering in a family setting obscenities or profanities of the sort spoken by Ms. Griffin, Mr. Di Niro, and Mr. Legend et. al, Mother Roughcoat would literally, I mean LITERALLY, wash my mouth out with a bar of soap, jamming it into my foul little pie-hole and working it around with the vigor and strength fueled by her Lace Curtain Irish sense of propriety augmented by a ferocious Celtic temper. I don't know what she would have thought of Mr. Trump, but I am absolutely certain that she would have been disgusted by the antics of the aforementioned celebrities.
P.S., I deserved the soap treatment and am glad I got it. A valuable life lesson, I should say.
Just because O was a dictator, using presidential orders, doesn't mean T has to be, abrogating the responsibilities of Congress. He's forcing those responsible for the problem to choose, the easy way out is to build the wall. A hard truth. Hard, Cruel, but necessary for someone who is determined to do the right thing as he sees it and is a fatalist. What will be will be. I've heard a Canadian? minister refer to these folks as tourists. No visa or return ticket, no entry or go home. If they are stranded in an airport or train depot, give them a ticket. With all the DNA data we have or can get the we can find their parents and even far relatives, DNA blood lines are everywhere, every hospital ER Floor corner everywhere they may have come from (N steps into the same lineage to get the gumshoe started). churches will be anxious to reunite them and there was much rejoicing. Then we withdraw from these treaties until something better appears. I favor the Swiss model. Sanction those that are complicit in these cruelties, those that deny their people freedom to succeed. Wherever we see their people are running in mass, pounding on other countries' doors begging for asylum where if the leaders don't improve the lives of their people we'll contract with the French Foreign Legion, to capture them, this is the modern age after all, with a minimum of collateral damage, so such things are possible and turn them over to their people, so they can face their own Ceausescu moment. I grant this is a fantasy. But DNA distance in blood lines really does work.
All of the living first ladies are left wing globalists. So what's the big deal?
If you told me all the feckless cunts on the View felt the same why would I be surprised?
Why would anyone care?
We now have statements by all living First Ladies against the Trump policy.
Speaking out against a policy that's been in place - yet unenforced - since 1997?
Shame they waited until now to speak up, huh.
Give that moby a raise.
Poor used and abandoned Stormy Daniels. The left hasn't treated a woman this poorly since Clinton shoved a Cohiba up Lewinsky's pussy. Too bad for Monica he didn't put her in a cage.
The result of this controversy going on and on is that people will become emotionally invested, this point will become an issue larger than any broader policy. That whole "dreamer" thing for instance, was promoted as a temporary edge issue to rally ethnic support for Democratic politicians, and to force Republicans to grant concessions out of fear. But it now persists as a goal in itself.
Both sides become trapped by emotionalized talking points, the tail wags the dog.
And more to the point, the emotionalism creates yet more irreconcilable hatred between American factions. To once side, the other become yet more monstrous monsters, and the other side takes note, and responds likewise.
Send the children back to their home country and let their government figure out where and how to house them. The U.S.government sent Elian Gonzalez back to Cuba and they can send the ones smuggled in since the last amnesty back as well. The sooner the better and hopefully with the adults who smuggled them into the U.S.A.
Here's an idea. If 65 percent of Mexicans in Mexico really do want to immigrate to the U.S., I say let them in and, while they're coming to El Norte, we can organize a movement of 20 million Americans to move down to a now-depopulated Mexico. The weather is so nice! Oh, and let's not ask the Mexican government for permission to enter the country. The Mexicans shouldn't have a problem with that, I would think.
The Trumps totally are pieces of shit. When he's not talking out of both sides of his mouth he apparently now gets those useless waifs he either married or fathered to talk out of the other side of their mouths for him. Like I always said, the Republican Bill Clinton. It will catch up to him and to his useless party but the right-wing assholes don't care because they're just in it for the emotional release that he provides their hateful, uptight asses and couldn't care less about keeping the country together and functioning cohesively. Trump, for them, is just their very long awaited object of political masturbation. Finally, sweet release. Yes, it doesn't matter that he is not real when the intensity of your build-up is so strong. Like so many teenage boys realizing their momentary dreams in between the covers of a Playboy magazine, the Republican faithful are letting it all go to a reality tv show host. He's just the kind of phony that will do for them right now.
readering: We now have statements by all living First Ladies against the Trump policy. Getting uglier every day.
Oh yes, he's done it now. Why, *everybody* says so. Even Republican First Ladies!
I guess some people never tire of falling for ginned-up outrages. No reason not to, I guess, if you enjoy that sort of thing.
Option C: Any parent or person (e.g. adult, teenager, baby, too) claiming that identity, will be offered amnesty for violations of law and order, and reunited with their, the younger and older (#NoJudgment) children.
Option D: Open a dialogue with second and third-world nations to enact emigration reform. North Korea shows promise, and can lead the way.
The interesting thing is how crazy people are acting, and I do mean acting, over this. It would really be better if the Left would just surrender. Otherwise more damage is going to be done, mostly to the Left.
The Eric Garner Loosie Left: they don't want to stop criming, but they don't want to be arrested anymore.
Re: Angle-Dyne:
Oh yes, he's done it now. Why, *everybody* says so. Even Republican First Ladies!
Yes, next we'll hear that Jeb Bush is against enforcing immigration laws at all. That proves borders are monstrous!! After all, he's a Republican!
The Personne qui urine &c are flooding the zone to distract from the FBI dam burst.
President Pee-Pee Tape said......
Boring Stuff
Rather long parody of Trumpit. Good try, though
FullMoon said...
Just kidding! No one ever reads what FullMoron says!
Wrap me in Reynolds.
Did ya have a happy fathers' day yesterday, FullSpoon?
Call up yer dad, thank him for running off and turning you into a teenage prostitute?
Good times with the FullMoon family!
More Saltpeter, pissant.
Personally, I stand shoulder to shoulder with Thomas Friedman:
...that now-famous picture of a U.S. marshal in Miami pointing an automatic weapon toward Donato Dalrymple and ordering him in the name of the U.S. government to turn over Elian Gonzalez warmed my heart. They should put that picture up in every visa line in every U.S. consulate around the world, with a caption that reads: "America is a country where the rule of law rules. This picture illustrates what happens to those who defy the rule of law and how far our government and people will go to preserve it. Come all ye who understand that."
Bad L: The interesting thing is how crazy people are acting, and I do mean acting, over this.
Yes and no. The outrage is feigned, but the crazy is real. Something's up.
Blogger Khesanh 0802 said...
The simple answer is send them back where they came from families intact. The problem is that aside from families with children we are being inundated with unaccompanied children
There are enough 747s in the Pinal County air park to send the illegal families back about 500 at a time. The planes are just sitting there.
A few flights will get the attention of the illegals and the coyotes who send them up here. Problem solved.
It's just your rive talkin'
You're telling me lies, yeah
Rive talkin'
You wear a disguise
Rive talkin'
So misunderstood, yeah
Rive talkin'
You really no good
..that now-famous picture of a U.S. marshal in Miami pointing an automatic weapon toward Donato Dalrymple and ordering him in the name of the U.S. government to turn over Elian Gonzalez warmed my heart. They should put that picture up in every visa line in every U.S. consulate around the world, with a caption that reads: "America is a country where the rule of law rules. This picture illustrates what happens to those who defy the rule of law and how far our government and people will go to preserve it. Come all ye who understand that."
Yep, and an informational propaganda campaign in South America.Many of these people are being mislead to believe all they have to do is get here and every thing will be ok.
Here's what's up their butts: Comey refuses to testify to Congress, McCabe pleads Fifth Amendment
The crazy is real indeed.
This was a manufactured controversy but the response is hot.
The end result is no one can live adjacent to any other with a different opinion.
Political hatred like this builds on cases of "bloody shirts", one after another, and the effect of each episode are not limited to the specific political purpose of each.
Each leaves far more psychological collateral damage than can be justified by the specific goal of those who ginned up the controversy. Its analogous to the case of the thief that breaks into a car, causing thousands of dollars of damage, just to steal enough to buy $25 of meth. The ultimate result is an atmosphere of overwhelming mutual rage, when anything can happen, because the other side, so demonstrably monstrous, deserves anything. America is turning into Tutsi-Hutu before our eyes.
buwaya puti said...
The crazy is real indeed.
America is turning into Tutsi-Hutu before our eyes.
Kids in cages was all good when captain wonderful was leading us to paradise with that average 2500 savings.
This is a totally manufactured controversy to hide the OIG report. It is so obvious and just as disappointing to see people like Laura Bush and General Hayden lose what credibility they have left to push this DNC theme.
I don't care if idiotic Hollywood types or fools and trolls on this blog try to raise a fuss. I expect nothing of them but there are some people who had some credibility and who are quickly becoming part of the leftist noise machine.
This has NOTHING to do wth immigration. It is just the scandal of the week for the DNC.
President Pee-Pee Tape said...
Did ya have a happy fathers' day yesterday, FullSpoon?
Call up yer dad, thank him for running off and turning you into a teenage prostitute?
Good times with the FullMoon family!
6/18/18, 6:27 PM
C+ for brevity
D for content.
"Goofy has potential to do better if he would pay attention and apply himself"
Musta got a new insult book.
It is obvious. The corrupt hack Deep State Democrat Party Press is obvious.
Michael K said...
there are some people who had some credibility and who are quickly becoming part of the leftist noise machine.
Here's a clue sunshine, they still have credibility, unlike the Canada-haters.
“America is turning into Tutsi-Hutu before our eyes.”
I see plenty of hatred online, but the actual machetes aren’t out yet.
Ritmo: "Finally, sweet release."
So you've finally decided to do the human race a favor and throw yourself in front of a speeding train or are you just waiting for the inevitable merciless beating that you richly deserve?
I’m just catching up with what Laura Bush wrote. I dont agree with her. Plus she’s a loyal Bush and has to feign outrage at Trump. But it’s a pity that she has to alienate voters like me who voted for her husband.
ARM wrote “Here's a clue sunshine, they still have credibility, unlike the Canada-haters.”
It’s OK to love Canadians but to raise an eyebrow at their feckless leader. They do the same to us.
And yet:
Satisfaction with country higher than at any point during Obama presidency, Gallup poll finds
There are quite a few jokes about Canada invading the US the last week or so. Most responses to this I’ve seen are “Yes please!” Then I read today that in a poll a majority of conservatives like Kim Jong Un better than Nancy Pelosi. It’s crazy time in America.
“Here's what's up their butts: Comey refuses to testify to Congress, McCabe pleads Fifth Amendment”
Comey won’t have DIFi protecting him forever. BTW, has anyone checked his book sales lately? I’ll bet it’s as hot as fishlip’s tellall.
Ah, she's back.
Every other comment.
A shit sandwich has better ratings than Pelosi. So what?
What is the Canadian policy towards accepting intact migrant families?
Who are you calling “she” Pedra?
Sorry, I thought Inger was female. My bad
...are you just waiting for the inevitable merciless beating that you richly deserve?
Jim Daniels there are so many other hobbies you can pursue when beating your meat stops providing you satisfaction, you know. Your fantasies really do reveal a lot about you.
As usual FullSpoon confuses entertainment value with a simple statement of the obvious reality that he lives.
C'mon Inga, this thread isn't going to hit 600 without your help.
Although, Pedro can probably do it himself.
I picture Pedro with smoke wafting from his ears.
Dirka, Dirka.
Jon Ericson is a moby.
Michael K said...
there are some people who had some credibility and who are quickly becoming part of the leftist noise machine.
Here's a clue sunshine, they still have credibility, unlike the Canada-haters.
Says the poster of DC talking points.
I like Canada. I even have some relatives still there. I just don't like the games they have been playing with this Fidel kid and his ditsy Chrystia who have been helping Chia evade US tariffs.
ARM, you have no credibility here. You are quiet until you get your DNC list of taking points.
Ben Sasse said ...
Family separation is wicked. It is harmful to kids and absolutely should NOT be the default U.S. policy.
The administration’s decision to separate families is a new, discretionary choice. Anyone saying that their hands are tied or that the only conceivable way to fix the problem of catch-and-release is to rip families apart is flat wrong. There are other options available to them.
But some in the administration have decided that this cruel policy increases their legislative leverage. This is wrong. Americans do not take children hostage, period.
News headline:
Ted Cruz to Introduce First GOP Bill To Keep Migrant Families Together: 'All Americans Are Rightly Horrified'
Apparently he assumes Althouse commenters are a bunch of Russian bots.
I saw an internet meme today which gave me a chuckle. It’s about a new drink, Cult 45 Fool Aid, favorite drink of Trump Cultists across the nation, easy to swallow lies.
Insult boy and copy and paste girl are my favourites. Who're yours?
Sorry, plasterhead.
readering said...
Ted Cruz to Introduce First GOP Bill To Keep Migrant Families Together: 'All Americans Are Rightly Horrified'
Trump is a good politician, too undisciplined to be a great one, but unquestionably an excellent retail politician. The people he's surrounded himself with make clown shows look like a convention of Greek philosophers.
ARM wrote: ...they still have credibility, unlike the Canada-haters.
Oh, the ignorance of Canadian politics displayed by some commenters. Trudeau's party got an historic drubbing on June 7 in Ontario. The Liberals hold the still majority in Ottawa, but in Toronto, they're very scarce on the ground now. The Liberals are losing their grip everywhere except Quebec, and they hold sway there only because the PQ gets everything they demand from the supine Boy Wonder without condition. When Trump calls him childish and dishonest he's only agreeing with most Canadians.
Come the bi-elections, the Liberals will lose their majority and Trudeau the premiership. Assuming he keeps his seat (no telling how the mad dog Quebecois will vote) he won't become another backbencher, the Libs are too mind-rotted for that reasonable result, he'll get a shadow post as "Minister Without Portfolio in Charge of the Sitting by the Door."
We saw a Bernie bro try to kill a bunch of GOP congressmen playing ball. We don’t know much about the Vegas shooter but his targets were country music fans, a GOP demographic. Rand Paul was assaulted. Those are just the anti-GOP attacks. There have been attacks on Dems too. Guns don’t count, only machetes will do?
Greek philosophers would do very poorly in today's academic environment.
Would never make tenure, or would be discouraged from attempting an advanced degree.
Note that a not-very-rigorous philosopher, Mr. Peterson, had to sneak into his academic credentials via a form of subterfuge. There was an interesting article a couple of weeks ago, from his old faculty mentor, complaining, pretty much, that he had raised a cuckoo.
Nope, the life of the mind is gone, fled, dissolved. Choose your barbarian chiefs.
Interestingly there was no hue and cry in the US press regarding Canada's economic interests when the previous administration held up their pipelines, which mattered more to them than milk and steel tarriffs.
Perhaps because this mattered politically to the wrong Canadians, or perhaps because it was not useful to certain US political interests.
Admit it, you are all scoundrels.
Then I read today that in a poll a majority of conservatives like Kim Jong Un better than Nancy Pelosi. It’s crazy time in America.
Yes, it's crazy time, but not the way you're implying. Who did this poll? Do you have a link? I'd bet my last dollar you're either making it up from whole cloth or the poll was designed to produce that answer for people who can't spot bogus polls.
Poll: Kim Jong Un has higher approval among Republicans than Pelosi
Can anyone tell me what a two percentage point difference means in a poll with a 6.1 percent margin of error? Anyone?
It just means Pelosi is not very well thought of... by Republicans.
Democrats think somewhat better of her.
Well of course Republicans don't think much of Pelosi. She thought George Bush was president for the first six months last year.
In point of fact, it's well within the margin of error.
You got it.
I think The Hill was pushing a "Republicans are crazy or worse" meme.
The criminal proceedings are exceptionally short, assuming there is no aggravating factor such as a prior illegal entity or another crime. The migrants generally plead guilty, and they are then sentenced to time served, typically all in the same day, although practices vary along the border. After this, they are returned to the custody of ICE.
If the adult then wants to go home, in keeping with the expedited order of removal that is issued as a matter of course, it’s relatively simple. The adult should be reunited quickly with his or her child, and the family returned home as a unit. In this scenario, there’s only a very brief separation.
Where it becomes much more of an issue is if the adult files an asylum claim. In that scenario, the adults are almost certainly going to be detained longer than the government is allowed to hold their children.
That’s because of something called the Flores Consent Decree from 1997. It says that unaccompanied children can be held only 20 days. A ruling by the Ninth Circuit extended this 20-day limit to children who come as part of family units. So even if we want to hold a family unit together, we are forbidden from doing so.
The people he's surrounded himself with make clown shows look like a convention of Greek philosophers.
Yes but Ben Rhodes has not yet weighed in with his wisdom.
You are a sandwich or two short of a picnic, ARM.
The Huffington Post reported that 80% of women and girls from Central America who enter the U.S. illegally suffer rape.
"Well, who's doing all the raping?"
Aspiring rappers?
ARM quotes somebody named Ben Sasse:
The administration’s decision to separate families is a new, discretionary choice. Anyone saying that their hands are tied or that the only conceivable way to fix the problem of catch-and-release is to rip families apart is flat wrong. There are other options available to them.
That's historically false, rhetorically dishonest, and utterly destructive.
Separating families is an old choice that has bedeviled U.S. immigration policy since before the U.S. was independent. You can go to Ellis Island and listen to the oral histories. There's one, I remember, of an old woman remembering her girlhood. Her entire family was trying to pass through Ellis Island. All were admitted, except her grandmother, who had pinkeye, and was sent back to Russia, alone, out of them all.
More recently, the Obama administration very much decided to separate families because a U.S. court told them they had to do so.
In a short time frame there are two ways to avoid separating illegal immigrant families in custody, while obeying the overlapping decisions of multiple U.S. courts. One is catch and release. The other is don't catch.
In a long time frame there is another option -- which is to spend a lot of money to build large-scale detention centers. This will require multiple centers capable of humanely providing for tens of thousands of people while they await their court dates.
The Obama administration was unwilling to do that. Neither is the Trump administration. And preening scolds like Ben Sasse tell the people and the politicians that they don't have to -- because there is some magical other option that doesn't involve hard choices. Everyone is lying.
Certainly not Mexicans.
I'm shocked! Shocked to find that raping is going on out there.
And preening scolds like Ben Sasse tell the people and the politicians that they don't have to -- because there is some magical other option that doesn't involve hard choices. Everyone is lying.
Sasse is a NeverTrump asshole. I hope somebody primaries him.
Blogger is really a piece of shit tonight,.
Yeah, seems a little flakey to me too.
The Coyotes are Mexicans.
What did you think they were....Canadians?
It is true that most Canadians are rapists.
They learn that by raping baby seals.
Flakey moby.
The people he's surrounded himself with make clown shows look like a convention of Greek philosophers.
ARM thinks a convention of Greek philosophers is a roomful of chatty sodomites.
No Jeff Flake is a liberal Quisling. Much like you Jon.
You always attack when someone is being effective against your liberal friends. Just like Chuck or Sassy Ben Sasse.
You country club incels are so predictable.
Flakey moby is unhappy.
Actually I am very happy.
If Quislings like you and rc are attacking me instead of our President then that is a good thing.
Maybe you and Sassy Ben Sasse and Laura can all get together and form a human centipede.
Com'on you know you want too!
Sad little moby.
Sounds like you're the one who's wound up to it, Full Spittoon. You save it and whip it out literally every few days or so. It really gets your motor running.
Not used to that kind of excitement or attention I see. I guess if I went as ignored as you do I'd have to rely on reviewing the same old clippings over and over again to feel important. You poor little thing.
So how old were you when daddy ran off and mom got you buggered by the landlord in exchange for waiving a rent check?
Sad little Pedro.
Logical. Pelosi has done far more damage to the country and people around me than Kim Jong Un has, and Trump is getting Kim to change his ways. Pelosi is incapable of improvement. Imagine if Pelosi had her own nuclear weapons. Mar A Largo would be turned to glass.
Pelosi would never use them on Guam. The Democrats have a plan to destroy Guam by delivering a large quantity of government cheese to one side of the island and wait for it to tip over when the people all rush to get it. Diabolical.
Is TDS a virus or is it transmitted via single incel bacteria?
And preening scolds like Ben Sasse tell the people and the politicians that they don't have to -- because there is some magical other option that doesn't involve hard choices. Everyone is lying.
The immigration hysteria reminds me of capital punishment here in CA. In theory you can be executed here. In reality, you really have to be both suicidal and smart to be executed. We have almost 750 people on death row who are all likely to die of old age because the system has been deliberately gummed up by people opposed to capital punishment on principle.
People on the pro-immigration side are arguing in bad faith. They don't want the law to be followed because it's mean, but refuse to admit what they're really proposing is the practical elimination of our southern border.
Comedy gold, Inga! Now, what Kool Aid equivalent do people in the Cult of the State drink?
"Bob Loblaw said...
You know, whenever I have a problem with a politician, the first thing I do is dash off a crude, poorly thought out tweet criticizing that politician's spouse. Because, you know, that's how you change hearts and minds."
That's not why they do it. They do it so they can read it to their friends and show them how wity and brave they are.
It’s about a new drink, Cult 45 Fool Aid, favorite drink of Trump Cultists across the nation, easy to swallow lies.
Does it come with a halo and some fake, Greek columns?
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