June 5, 2018

"Elites Value Mellifluous Illegality over Crass Lawfulness."

Good headline at National Review for this, by Victor Davis Hanson. Excerpt:
We live in such strange times that the media ignored the most blatant examples of presidential campaign-cycle collusion in memory, while seeking to invent it where it never existed. Remember, Barack Obama on a hot mic not only got caught reiterating to a Russian leader the conditions of Putin-Obama election-cycle collusion, but he also spelled out the exact quid pro quo: promised Russian quietude abroad during Obama’s reelection campaign was in exchange for “flexibility” (i.e., cancellation) of U.S.-Eastern European missile-defense projects. Should Trump ever be caught making the same “deal” in 2020, he would probably be impeached.
I ran into that new piece because I was looking for something else written by Victor Davis Hanson that Meade was reading to me last night.

Ah! Here it is. It's at American Greatness:
Imagine that it is now summer 2024. A 78-year-old lame-duck President Trump is winding down his second term, basking in positive polls. His dutiful vice president in waiting, Mike Pence, is at last getting his chance to run for president. Imagine also that Pence is a shoo-in, facing long-shot, hard-leftist, and octogenarian Senator Bernie Sanders. Polls show an impending Pence landslide.

Team Trump is nevertheless horrified about the slight chance that the nation could conceivably elect an ossified, self-proclaimed socialist....
There follows a very elaborate visualization of the Trump administration doing to Sanders the equivalent of what the Obama administration did to Trump in 2016. We're used to these flips, of course, but this one was very striking to me because time after time I experience weird surprise to see (in flipped form) the things that really happened.

I'd excerpt some of the detail, but it's best experienced as a torrent of outrageous behavior.


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Birkel said...


Tell me, precisely, why you think character is important in a way that is separate from character.

If you like, make the argument that a great person arguing for terrible policies could somehow be ok to your lights.

Necessary. Sufficient. Make your point.

Gahrie said...

Policies are important. So, too, is character.

Part of character is the willingness to fight to win for what you believe in instead of a steady stream of compromises that allows you to lose slowly.

Anyway, are you going to try and argue that Hillary has a better character than Trump? Because that was our two choices...Hillary or Trump.

Birkel said...

“You get all our oconus lures approved?”
--Page & Strozk texts

“OCONUS” means Outside Contiguous U.S. “LURES” in this context is ‘spies’; or as Chris Farrell discusses, likely double agents. The messages were December 28th, 2015.


But Trump is bad because he talks dirty and his policies are conservative.

Chuck said...

Francisco D said...
"You miserable lying sack of shit.

Actually I am very happy, not miserable. As to lying, that is your province. I have been truthful.

You have been a volunteer election judge and as Sgt. Schultz you saw "Absolutely nothing. Nothing." It doesn't matter which elections you worked. I did not base my remarks on any specific election.

I guess you are trying to say that Detroit elections were only blatantly crooked when you were not working as a judge. LOL!

You are a shameless, pitiful old phony and a fool. I suspect that you are a coward who insults people with vulgarity on the internet because you would otherwise get your ass kicked.

Why do you think that I saw "nothing" as a poll watcher?

What exactly is the election fraud that you think I should have caught in various Michigan polling places where I worked prior to 2016?

The miscounts in Detroit scanners were explained by discrepancies between the readout number on the optical scanning machines as compared to the number of registered voters' names in the poll book. Snopes explained:


But again; I didn't volunteer for the party in 2016. What exactly is your gripe with me. Your gripe that is so important you had to make it on these pages? What did I lie about?

Birkel said...

Whenever a conservative hopes to win an argument, Xe always cites Snopes.

Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire, confirms his bona fides.

narciso said...

Right that kept happening from 2000 on. Snorfle. To ignore subsequent events that explain our current path is folly.

Birkel said...

CNN: McCabe seeks immunity

That is what every honest LLR does before testimony under oath.

narciso said...

Cry havoc and let lose the dogs of war:


Birkel said...

Outside CONtinental US lures seems innocuous.

That's probably why Strozk is asking for immunity.

Also, Trump is crazy to talk about spying or wiretapps.

Drago said...

LLR Chucks fevered dreams of Golden Showers didnt pan out so his crew of lefty lunatics have moved on to new scurrilous claims.

Poor Chuck.

So many fake lefty narratives to choose from and only so many hours in a day.

At this rate LLR Chuck is never going to gain that coveted Dick Durbin pat on the head...

Drago said...

LLR Chuck "Chadwick": "What exactly is your gripe with me. Your gripe that is so important you had to make it on these pages? What did I lie about?"

Dont sweat it Chuckie. Lots of lefties lie continuously as you do.

You could say its a distinguishing feature of the modern left.

...oh, right....hmmmmmmmm

Gahrie said...

I heard Trump put an empty milk carton back in the Whitehouse fridge....impeach now!

Birkel said...

I cannot follow the argument of the Right about why character matters.
Four options:
1) great character, terrible policy
2) great character, great policy
3) terrible character, terrible policy
4) terrible character, great policy

Order them so we can have a serious conversation. I will spot you #2 in first place and #3 in last place.

Convince me of the order between #1 and #4. Nobody ever attempts the task.

Birkel said...


An argument that only #2 is acceptable is an argument about your acceptance of losing. But only always.

Birkel said...

The presidency is a job. The presidency was established to be less than a king. The presidency does not represent the moral center of the country.

Do you Rightists think the presidency is more than a job? If so, then what is it?

Chuck said...

Birkel said...
Whenever a conservative hopes to win an argument, Xe always cites Snopes.

Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire, confirms his bona fides.

Okay so here is the conservative-leaning Detroit News:


It was the News that first reported on the overcount story. Again; the problem occurred in many precincts throughout the state, and by all accounts it was not reflective of any sort of "fraud" of any significance. Trump won Michigan, and the most notable feature of the 2016 election was the lowered turnout in Wayne County which includes all of Detroit. No overcount or undercount would have changed the outcome, in which Trump won Michigan by about 11,000 votes.

Okay? Is there some other better, more reliable source you want me to look at?

Birkel said...

"fraud" of any significance

So Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire, is just find with fraud that qualifies as less than significant? Great, give me your checking account number, routing number, birthday, mailing address and anything else you think is insignificant toward fraud.

Because that is the amount of fraud I intend to commit with you watching.

Do you even weasel-word, Chuck?

Drago said...

LLR Chuck's flailing is fun to watch.

Chuck said...

You rat bastard, Birkel. I said no fraud of any significance, because that is what is shown by the data. The data can never rule out any/all fraud as a purely technical matter. There was never any complaint involving any fraud in numbers that would have remotely changed the election. The number discrepancies in Detroit were, by all accounts both Republican and Democratic, not indicative of any fraud or conspiracy. They were most likely the result of understandable pol worker error, with no intent to commit fraud.

You're just being deliberately dumb now, you cocksucker.

Drago said...

Its clear that the declining democrat chances in November have irrevocably destroyed LLR Chuck's ability to think even moderately clearly.

He is now wallowing in the fear along with his lefty allies that their efforts will prove to be unsuccessful.

And if I can borrow a phrase from LLR Chuck in his loving description of obama, it is "magnificent".


Chuck said...

Drago said...

And if I can borrow a phrase from LLR Chuck in his loving description of obama, it is "magnificent".

Where are you borrowing that from? What was the context? Link, to where I used that word in connection with Obama.

tim in vermont said...

Hey, under the new gender regime, you are not allowed to call a cocksucker “dumb”!

Francisco D said...

Chuck said ... "The miscounts in Detroit scanners were explained by discrepancies between the readout number on the optical scanning machines as compared to the number of registered voters' names in the poll book. Snopes explained:"

First tell is using the reliably leftwing Snopes.

Second tell is ignoring all the dead people who vote in Detroit precincts.

Third tell is ignoring other obvious fraudulent voting committed by Democratic Party officials. It's been going on for decades and you are willfully ignorant. No one is that stupid. Not even your friend Inga.

I grew up in Chicago and learned how precinct captains got their city jobs. Stop playing people for fools. You very well know that Detroit is no different. You are part of that lying fraudulent machine.

The true threat to democracy is frauds like you.

Chuck said...

Francisco D said...
Chuck said ... "The miscounts in Detroit scanners were explained by discrepancies between the readout number on the optical scanning machines as compared to the number of registered voters' names in the poll book. Snopes explained:"

First tell is using the reliably leftwing Snopes.

The usually-conservative Detroit News reported it first. With the same declaimers as to any supposed "fraud." What exactly is it about the Snopes story for which I posted the .url, that is incorrect?

Second tell is ignoring all the dead people who vote in Detroit precincts.

What's that all about? Dead people? Which precincts? How many of them? How do you know about this?

Third tell is ignoring other obvious fraudulent voting committed by Democratic Party officials. It's been going on for decades and you are willfully ignorant. No one is that stupid. Not even your friend Inga.

My concern has been with Detroit and some of the all-Democrat inner-ring suburbs. What is the evidence for "fraudulent voting" in my area? I am exquisitely aware of certain problems, for which I have supplied affidavits at the request of Michigan Republican Party counsel. "Fraudulent voting" is not something that we have evidenced in anything but handfuls of numbers.

I grew up in Chicago and learned how precinct captains got their city jobs. Stop playing people for fools. You very well know that Detroit is no different. You are part of that lying fraudulent machine.

Then fix Chicago. Don't tell me about Detroit when I live and work here, know the Republican Party and the Republican National Lawyers Association, and when I have personally visited more than 70 individual Detroit voting precincts on election days. And you don't have any of that experience.

The true threat to democracy is frauds like you.

Tell it to somebody who cares about you.

Jon Ericson said...

"If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counterside"
Keep fucking that chicken, Chuck.

"A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag."
Hey Chuck, listen to the guy who made the rules!

"Ridicule is man's most potent weapon."
Chuck doesn't have a clue.

Granny said...

Enough with the octogenarians!

Birkel said...

Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire, racist, and hateful homophobe said some things that he thinks might be mean. Hide the older women and children. He's very likely to twist titties or show an unhealthy interest in the medical condition of tweens.

With all the name calling, Chuck reveals the depths of his own depravity.

Birkel said...

And notice the risible defense of voter fraud, above. In a 90-10 city, if fraud is just a "discrepancy" then it advantages Democrats in statewide elections by an order of NINE TO ONE. So, building into a system the sort of "discrepancies" that Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire, acknowledges is another way to say Democrats cheated in statewide elections.

Math is hard. It's harder when you're a Democrat pretending to be a Republican. It's hardest when you're a hateful racist and homophobe. What an ugly soul!

Rusty said...

Birkel said...
The presidency is a job. The presidency was established to be less than a king. The presidency does not represent the moral center of the country.

Do you Rightists think the presidency is more than a job? If so, then what is it?

First define what you think comprises character. Then we'll talk.

Birkel said...

Excellent point, Rusty.

The political definition of character is "any tool to hand that allows us to disparage our opponent" but I'm not sure what the apolitical definition could be.

Using "Rightists" was a poor choice. I meant it as a synonym for eGOP or NeverTrump.

adude said...

Chuck said...
"No collusion!"

Um, okay. So Victor Davis Hanson is speculating about a hypothetical impeachment, based on a non-impeachment, using evidence that is largely unknown to Victor Davis Hanson.
Would you mind telling me where you got that "quote"? Here's an actual quote:
Yet so far, after over a year of intense investigation, Special Counsel Mueller has found no evidence that Donald Trump — or even his low-level subordinates — had ever colluded with Russian government interests to hijack the 2016 election and defeat Hillary Clinton.
"Mueller has found no evidence that Donald Trump ... had ever colluded..."

That, is a factual statement. You people on the other side are really good at mangling and misunderstanding actual quotations. What it doesn't mention is that for a year the US intelligence agencies have had 100% access to Carter Page's communications--and that for over two years, they have had him under surveillance. And yet the most Russia of the supposed "suspicious" characters has been indicted of snot, so far.

Rusty said...

No, Birkel, What do YOU think comprises character. The character of a person.

Birkel said...

Are you operating under the misconception that I think character matters once a person is in office? I'm not sure I think that. I'm sure I've never written that I think that.

I worry about results. So far the results under Trump have been impressive.

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