June 4, 2018

Confronted about Monica Lewinsky in light of #MeToo, Bill Clinton displays an attitude that had me gasping aloud in disgust.

That's the "Today" show, this morning, I believe. The interviewer is Craig Melvin, whose demeanor is rock solid. I'm not seeing the whole interview, but from this clip, I would criticize Melvin for focusing only on what Clinton did to/with Monica Lewinsky. Ask him about Paula Jones (not to mention the others)!

Bill Clinton focuses on himself and acts like the debt he owed his lawyers — $16 million — is commensurate with the harm he did to the women. That's not enough for #MeToo purposes (and it was never enough for me).

And Bill says it's already been litigated and 2/3 of Americans agreed with me. But that can only mean that 2/3 of Americans thought that he shouldn't be removed from office because of the asserted offense (basically only perjury in a deposition in a civil lawsuit). The American people haven't agreed with him that it's okay to treat women like that.

And then Bill starts chuckling, in his trademark Southern manner, over the good he's done for women. The tone, the fake casualness, and the reliance on his idea that we have the idea that he's a good guy — it's just so disgusting.

By the way, I don't give a damn about whether Bill Clinton apologized, but that's what Melvin focuses on here. Clinton's answer (at the end of the clip) is contemptible.

ADDED: Here is a longer clip:

Clinton's incomplete effort at summoning up his famous old charm is gruesome.


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Curious George said...


Earnest Prole said...

In Bill Clinton's defense, he's married to Hillary.

rehajm said...

That shit worked so well for them to get where they are, why quit now?

AllenS said...

Who is sitting next to Clinton?

Curious George said...

"I had nothing but women's leaders in my office since I've left."

This I believe.

Robert Cook said...

The scumbag abides.

rehajm said...

...and now that he's addressed it there will never be a valid reason to question him on it again.

Robert Cook said...

"Who is sitting next to Clinton?"

Thriller hack-writer James Patterson, with whom Clinton has co-authored a new novel.

DrMaturin said...
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DrMaturin said...

Among the female victims of the Clintons we mustn't forget Monica Lewinsky. She was a naive, star-struck young woman who made the disastrous mistake of falling into the Clinton orbit and this decision ruined her life. She never married, and I don't think she's even had a relationship in the past 20 years. She will never have children. She has never really had a career. And her name will be the punchline of jokes even after her death.

Matt Sablan said...

"If she had lived, Mary Jo Kopechne would be 62 years old. Through his tireless work as a legislator, Edward Kennedy would have brought comfort to her in her old age."

-- How the media frames women harmed by popular Democrats.

Sebastian said...

"The tone, the fake casualness, and the reliance on his idea that we have the idea that he's a good guy — it's just so disgusting."

It's a little late for that. He's been aided and abetted by Dems, including Hill, all his life.

That man Dems defended, when #WeAllKnew. They said character didn't matter.

That man was a keynote speaker at the Dem convention. Message: #FuckYou.

That man still goes on speaking tours and is still received in Prog company. #TheyKnowWeKnowTheyDon'tCare.

BarrySanders20 said...

He's always been a good liar. Pathetic he still lies to himself about this, but that answer reveals his true character.

You don't need MeToo to know he is and was a letch. And the feminists then chose to support him because power always trumps principle for groups with primarily political aims.

Bay Area Guy said...

No questions about his raping Juanita Broaddrick?

No questions about inserting cigar into Lewinsky vajajay?

Target rich environment for any future Bill Clinton interviews - the self proclaimed victim!

Come over here, Dear Boy, have a cigar - you're gonna go far" (Pink Floyd, "Have a Cigar", 1975.)

Curious George said...

"I had nothing but women leaders in my office since I've left."

That's a lot of cigars.

John Borell said...

Althouse said:

"Clinton's answer (at the end of the clip) is contemptible."

Let me take a stab at re-writing that statement for you:

"Clinton is contemptible."

Earnest Prole said...

Admit it: If you were married to Hillary, you too would be a world-class misogynist.

Comanche Voter said...

Sometimes the stench of Billy Jeff's behavior would gag a goat.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Binders full of women leaders.

Ken B said...

I was for Gore in ‘98, part of the 1/3. Is he more appalling now than he was then?

Curious George said...

If I was Craig Melvin I would get my affairs in order.

TrespassersW said...

After watching his wife's behavior over the past couple of years, and seeing how unwell he has looked recently, I was starting to feel a little sympathy for Bill.

He just obliterated that.

And the fact that Bill and Hillary are still viewed as rock stars by wide swaths of the Democrat party doesn't speak well of the health of our nation's politics.

William said...

Bet you five bucks that you voted for him ... TWICE. Fess up.

If you ccouldn't see through that smarmy, gratuitous, cunning S.O.B., then — as they say down South — Well, bless your heart.

damikesc said...

Melvin was my main news anchor here for years. He didn't put his politics on his sleeve here ever.

Michael K said...

The Clintons were grifters out of Arkansas and, but for Ross Perot, we would never have heard of them.

Mario Cuomo was the logical D candidate in 1992 but he made the mistake of thinking Bush was unbeatable after Gulf War I.

Clinton was nominated to be punching bag.

Bush was as bad a candidate as Hillary.

mockturtle said...

Why would he apologize to Lewinsky? It was she who was the clear aggressor.

Bay Area Guy said...

Maybe if Bill would go down on Hillary a bit more often, it would mollify her pent-up hostility and spare us her quest for world domination.

I'm not a psychologist though.

CStanley said...

The idea of Bill Clinton coauthoring a novel and going on a book tour, in the era of #MeToo, seems ill conceived. Even during HC's campaigns they had to keep him under wraps (despite him being so much better at retail politics than she is). And it's not as though they need the money, so what was the point of this foray into writing?

oldirishpig said...

Yeah, Cracker Emcee, the binders were my first thought when he started his self-serving list of women he has promoted. In light of the enormous hypocrisy exercised by the Left when it came to Mitt Romney, how anybody can watch this creep in action and not marvel at the two-faced nature of this human garbage is beyond me.

Curious George said...

"Bay Area Guy said...
Maybe if Bill would go down on Hillary a bit more often, it would mollify her pent-up hostility and spare us her quest for world domination"

I'm guessing if you put a gun to his head you'd be pulling the trigger.

jwl said...

Seven Things You'll Never See A Narcissist Do:

"The narcissist, on the other hand, never apologizes. Seeing himself as above reproach, he never feels he has done wrong. His sense of superiority over others reinforces his belief that other inferior beings are always to blame for anything that goes awry, even if the narcissist is actually responsible. Sometimes narcissists express fauxpologies, which are designed to deflect blame back onto others."


tim in vermont said...
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tim in vermont said...

Bill goes for a different kind of cunning linguistics, disquisition on the meaning of "is," for example.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Journ-o-listers don't usually go after Democratic functionaries like Melvin went after Clinton there. Repeatedly bringing up the "in-person" apology question is a technique usually reserved for deplorables like Trump or Pence or anybody with R after their name. Interesting.

1. Has the DNC-media complex decided to end Bill's public career?
2. Is this focus on #metoo a sign of interviews to come?
3. Did either of these "authors" write even ONE word of the alleged "novel" they are flogging?

These are the questions these men are leaving me with.

tim in vermont said...

Too bad he isn't prowling the West Wing this very morning.

Portlandmermaid said...

Stonewall Clinton. His attempt to dodge the question by piling on unrelated facts is pathetic.

campy said...

"Thriller hack-writer James Patterson, with whom Clinton has co-authored a new novel."

Thriller hack-writer James Patterson, for whom (and Bubba too) some ghostwriter authored a new novel.


Freder Frederson said...

The American people haven't agreed with him that it's okay to treat women like that.

I don't know which "American people" you are talking about. But the election of Donald Trump demonstrates that at least a significant minority of the American people think it is perfectly fine to treat women like that. That if you are a celebrity grabbing women by the pussy is perfectly okay.

DanTheMan said...

I watched the video. Now I want to go take a bath....

Remember, these people think they are morally superior to those deplorables.

JMS said...

Go find the entire clip. The women at NBC were equally appalled. Megyn Kelly replayed the segment on her show and says this may be the end of his public career.

DanTheMan said...
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donald said...

I think he’s always been a terrible liar. I mean, he never fooled me and I’m no rocket scientist.

Darkisland said...

Let's see

The scumbag lied a young intern into letting him shove his dick down her throat and a cigar up her cunt.

And now he tells us there is another side to the story? Without telling us what it is?

Must be one Helluva side. I'd like to hear it.

John Henry

Humperdink said...

From my perspective, I want the old horn dog to keep surfacing on these national shows. It is not a positive for the commie-pinko dems. The current D leadership, whomever that may be, must cringe every time he appears.

tim in vermont said...

It was a binary choice Freder, difficult as that is for a snark peddler like yourself to understand.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

No, Freder, it means we agree that “when you’re a cebrity they let you grab ‘em by the pussy.” You see, the people who voted for Trump are smart enough to examine the whole phrase he used and evaluate it, without the ugly participatory spin you coughed up. I agree 100% with Trump’s statement because it’s true: “they” do let stars grab ‘em and producers and directors and anyone else who can help them succeed. This issue is the one thing, if you were smart, you would perceived way back when it came out. Instead here you are peddling the Clinton spin on Trump’s statement instead what he plainly said. The fact it had NO IMPACT on his polling tells me most of America saw through the DNC-media smear attempt.

But you did not. Or you are very dishonest. One or the other.

tim in vermont said...

I believed his lies and when he was proven a liar, I turned on him. I was shocked that I could be fooled like that.

MadisonMan said...

Can you imagine if Hillary were President, what damage Clinton (WJC) would be doing?

This is why I voted for Trump.

rhhardin said...

It was a transaction. Both sides got what they wanted.

#MeToo has to be the most idiotic movement in history.

tim in vermont said...

That grab 'em thing could have gotten Bernie elected, but the choice was a Clinton trying to run as the Church Lady. Wasn't that special?

Left Bank of the Charles said...

He’s pardoning himself.

Curious George said...

"Freder Frederson said...
I don't know which "American people" you are talking about. But the election of Donald Trump demonstrates that at least a significant minority of the American people think it is perfectly fine to treat women like that. That if you are a celebrity grabbing women by the pussy is perfectly okay."

This is so weak that it's sad.

rhhardin said...

The sun doth shine
The world is mine
My bones are full of marrow
Oh for a wench
That has a trench
Where I may push my barrow.


Teach that instead of Robert Frost.

Freder Frederson said...

But you did not. Or you are very dishonest. One or the other.

If the statement were an isolated incident, it may be possible (although dishonest) to spin it that way. But considering the other claims of sexual harassment and adultery, it is ridiculous in the extreme to contend that Trump was merely expressing a disgusting fact.

And now you are trying to spin it that Trump regretted it was true that he could grab women by the pussy and get away with it.

And you call me dishonest?!

rhhardin said...

Lewinsky surely knew that nobody could replace Hillary sexually.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

MEDIA: Thou shall not ask questions that make the holy Clinton Democrats uncomfortable. You must worship them blindly.

tim in vermont said...

LBOTC, check a few posts down to see your "pardoning himself" talking point shredded by Althouse.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Monica - sex IN THE OVAL OFFICE DURING. Grab em by the pussy comment is much worse that Bill's long list of actual assault.

Freder Frederson said...

Grab em by the pussy comment is much worse that Bill's long list of actual assault.

Again, you are pretending that the comment was an isolated incident and that there are no other claims of sexual assault and misbehavior.

You are being willfully ignorant.

tim in vermont said...

"If the statement were an isolated incident, it may be possible (although dishonest) to spin it that way."

Really? Did close Clinton friend and mega donor Harvey Weinstein, AKA Fat Bastard, have to forcibly rape, a la Juanita Broaddrick, all of those starlets?

MikeR said...

"But the election of Donald Trump demonstrates that at least a significant minority of the American people think it is perfectly fine to treat women like that." Wow. Did you read what Althouse said, in this _same post_?
"But that can only mean that 2/3 of Americans thought that he shouldn't be removed from office because of the asserted offense (basically only perjury in a deposition in a civil lawsuit). The American people haven't agreed with him that it's okay to treat women like that."
This is pretty obvious, but so many partisans pretend to ignore it. Someone does action A. Someone else thinks action A requires response B. I don't think it requires response B. So someone else claims that I'm in favor of action A.
Where are people's brains when it comes to politics?

madAsHell said...

Exactly why is Clinton working a TV interview?? Why is Clinton reviving a the Lewinsky story from 20 years ago??

You would think that he would want to focus on has accomplishments from 20 years ago.....you know....like his North Korea nuclear deal.

Oh, wait....maybe it's best he talk about Lewinsky.

DanTheMan said...

>>I think he’s always been a terrible liar.

I always thought he was a great liar. One of the best. His talent was telling you lies that you *wanted* to believe. I thought most people knew he was lying, but found him such a likeable rascal...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Freder - the list against Clinton is far worse and actually credible.

Darkisland said...


I too call you dishonest.

Or I would if I thought that there was any point to it.

You lie for the same reason a dog licks his balls. And are probably paying about as much attention.

John Henry

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump walked thru a dressing room V. Clinton raped Juanita Broderick.

Collective left: Juanita is lying! No media curiosity. Total black out.

tim in vermont said...

Once more into the breech, the Clinton trolls are ordered! Is that your Sidney Blumenthal?

Bay Area Guy said...

Where did Billy Jeff even get the idea of vaginal-stogie penetration? Is that something Hillary reluctantly permitted albeit awkwardly or something she absolutely refused, hence Billy Jeff's seeking out of a more willing female receptacle?

Power corrupts - and absolute power corrupts a good stogie.

DanTheMan said...

>>You would think that he would want to focus on has accomplishments from 20 years ago.....you know....like his North Korea nuclear deal.

Let's be fair... that was Jimmy Carter's disaster. Clinton appointed him, but giving the Norks tons of food, fuel, and nuclear power was Jimmy's special genius.

Which was only eclipsed by Obama sending billions *in cash* to the Death to America crowd. That might be the new standard for quite some time...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I proudly say that I was NEVER taken in by the Clintons and their lies and bullshit.

I NEVER voted for a fucking Clinton. *pats self on back*

MadisonMan said...

Exactly why is Clinton working a TV interview?? Why is Clinton reviving a the Lewinsky story from 20 years ago??

Book coming out. One of those books that Good Democrats will purchase, and have on their coffee table, but will not read. So hardcover sales will be >>>>> than e-reader sales. You can't really virtue-signal with an e-book.

narciso said...

and as mentioned before, my puppy could have put it together,

narciso said...

now it's curious, because Patterson had that book about Jeffrey Epstein, about a year ago,

Robert Cook said...

"Book coming out. One of those books that Good Democrats will purchase, and have on their coffee table, but will not read. So hardcover sales will be >>>>> than e-reader sales. You can't really virtue-signal with an e-book."

It's a James Patterson hack production...I'd be surprised if there even is a hard-cover edition. Certainly not a coffee-table book. No one can virtue signal via James Patterson.

Robert Cook said...

"You see, the people who voted for Trump are smart enough to examine the whole phrase he used and evaluate it, without the ugly participatory spin you coughed up."


narciso said...

a puree of the American president, Olympus is falling and another book which memory escapes me,

Lucien said...

If Harvey Weinstein were on a book tour what would the reaction be?

Why aren’t the SJWs no-platforming Clifton? Why aren’t feminists calling for a boycott?

Leland said...

Craig Melvin probably didn't ask about Paula Jones because the Clintons scratched that part of the question from the pre-approved list of questions. I say probably not because of doubt of such a list, but in doubt NBC would have pondered such a question.

walter said...
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walter said...

When he referenced his debt leaving office, would have been a great op to ask about his gyn-ormous pay to play speechifyin' and foundational money laundering.

Seeing Red said...

The formet rapist in chief always was contemptible.

You fell for the schtick. Your goals and hopes were more important.

Did you vote for Hillary's Husband? That was a button that boomer feminists were wearing during the ‘92 campaign.

I think you once wrote you voted for Obama because you hoped he could bring us together or something like that.

You’re a very smart, accomplished woman, Professor, but you couldn’t see them for what they are.

I vowed 25 years ago to crawl across broken glass to vote against Hillary. Anyone to me was better than her. I’m very happy America’s engine is firing again. And if it took a Vulgarian sniff sniff to do it, I’m fine with that. He loves America. Something I never felt Bubva or Obama did.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The left have collective blind faith when it comes to any and all Clinton Crimes. Except Cook. Good for you Robert Cook. We may not agree on much but your eyes wide open is refreshing.

Seeing Red said...

Bubba sold us out to China. They wouldn’t be this far ahead if he didn’t.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Bill Clinton, another corrupt scumbag Democrat party hero.

Luke Lea said...

He looks Alzheimerie.

gspencer said...

"Apologize? Hey, com'n, the blowjobs were pretty good, but not that good. Afterwards, we went our separate ways. Me, to even greater fame, and a lot more fortune. Her, well, she's got them handbags to sell and a whole lot of good memories about sucking me off. Seems about fair."

Anonymous said...

"Book coming out. One of those books that Good Democrats will purchase, and have on their coffee table, but will not read. So hardcover sales will be >>>>> than e-reader sales. You can't really virtue-signal with an e-book."

Tens of thousands of copies will be bought by unions, political action groups,
environmental groups, abortion rights groups, etc, etc..

The volumes salted away in warehouses to pulped a decade hence.

etbass said...

The contempt here shown by those inclined to equate Trump's behavior with that of Bill Clinton is amazing. Clinton was a serial rapist and defiled the oval office by an act that would have gotten any executive in business fired. And the big thing is that conservatives are not overlooking Trump's behavior as much as they are saying he is leagues less bad than the Clintons who were the only other choice in the last election. Why can't this point be conceded by even a die hard liberal?

exhelodrvr1 said...

"Why can't this point be conceded by even a die hard liberal?"

Because the ones who aren't stupid are assholes.

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Seeing Red said...

Open the impeachment files.

Seeing Red said...

Freder Frederson said...
I don't know which "American people" you are talking about. But the election of Donald Trump demonstrates that at least a significant minority of the American people think it is perfectly fine to treat women like that. That if you are a celebrity grabbing women by the pussy is perfectly okay."

Your side lowered the bar allowing Bubba to stay in office. We were beaten over the head with it’s only sex. We should be more sophisticated like the French. It’s a personal matter and shouldn’t affect his job. Removing him from office would be overturning the election.

Here we are. Don’t you love progress?

Seeing Red said...

And a lot here would have had tingles down their legs to put him back in the White House as First Man.

William said...

I was shocked by that interview. The first thing any responsible journalist learns in journalism school is that you don't ask a Clinton or, for that matter, any Democrat an embarrassing question. Totally unprofessional on that reporter's part and on NBC too. What's the world coming to.

Bay Area Guy said...

What Bill Clinton said in 1998:

But I want to say one thing to the American people. I want you to listen to me. I'm going to say this again: I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky. I never told anybody to lie, not a single time; never. These allegations are false. And I need to go back to work for the American people. Thank you.

What Bill Clinton should have said in 1998:

But I want to say one thing to the American people. I want you to listen to me. I'm going to say this again: I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky. I did suck on her big 'ole titties, and Yes, I did have her smoke the ole country hog a few times in the oval office, and one time, her big 'ole titties were bursting out of her blue dress, so I rubbed the hog all over them bad boys, and messed up the dress, but I offered to pay for the dry cleaning, and, well, one time, I was about to chew on a cigar (Hillary don't me smoke in the White House), so I thought I'd, you know, dip that old stogie in her female parts -- and she agreed! So, I did. But I never told anybody to lie, not a single time; never. And as George Costanza once said, it's not a lie, if you truly believe it. So, make no mistake, these allegations are false. And I need to go back to work for the American people. Thank you.

William said...

Just as a thought experiment, how is it even possible for Bill Clinton to answer a question about Monica Lewinsky in a way that reflects well on himself?

Bay Area Guy said...

Just as a thought experiment, how is it even possible for Bill Clinton to answer a question about Monica Lewinsky in a way that reflects well on himself?

How about this? "She supplied the cigars! It was her idea!"

No, that probably wouldn't work. How 'bout this?

"If you'd been married to a hideous, ball-busting banshee for 25 years, you'da done it too!"

donald said...

Um, no Dan. He was a horrible liar. Whether people were stupid or gullible to believe him, or knew that he was a sociopathic liar and let it pass because of politics, he was still the most transparent liar I have ever seen at that level. It took me about 30 seconds if watching that rapist in action to figure it out. Anybody that didn’t...heh.

Oh, he was president when he got STEAMROLLED by Jimmy Carter fer crissakes in his handling of the Korean Negotiations. But he was the president. It is literally all in him. Something about where the buck stops and such.

Bay Area Guy said...

When famed Democrat D.C. Mayor Marion Barry was caught snorting coke on videotape, his response was, "The Bitch set me up!"

I don't think that woulda worked for Slick Willie, either, though.

Paul said...

Clinton perjured himself in court dispositions.

He used his Presidential office as a whore house.

He then got in front of NATIONAL TV and LIED. Tears in his eyes he LIED to the American public. Bald faced LIED.

He sexually harassed women all his life. May very well have raped a few to boot.

And somehow he thinks he was the 'victim'.

And yes, as someone posted here, in his defense... he did marry Hillary.

Curious George said...

Vince Foster
James McDougal
Ron Brown
Seth Rich
Craig Melvin

FullMoon said...

Regarding the cigar. Anybody got a link to testimony about that? I always thought Monica did a swipe with the cigar, which seems more likely than penetration.

And Fredor, your comment was attacked because you lied.You know that. You said the same lie before, and will say it again.

FullMoon said...

When famed Democrat D.C. Mayor Marion Barry was caught snorting coke on videotape, his response was, "The Bitch set me up!"

I saw the tape. Probably on youtube now.
The guy wanted to fuck the woman. She kept insisting he smoke first.. He said no several times. Feds were in the other room watching. She did set him up.

Jim at said...

Freder attempts to deflect the disgusting behavior of Bill Clinton - while he was President - by twisting a phrase and alleged actions by Trump long before he entered the political arena.

Yes, it's dishonest. Assholish, too.
But entirely predictable.

traditionalguy said...

How did Sweet Old Bill ever get his total privileged attituethat he always gets away with it? I suspect it was because he was totally groomed and protected by CIA and FBI's Shadow Government corruption that had put Bill into office. If you don't believe that, read/listen to TWA 800 by Jack Cashill that documents the massive criminal cover up done for Bill by those shadow Government jerks.

etbass said...

Put it another way. Donald Trump is well below my standards for how any man, much less one in power, should act. Given another man of equal talent and demonstrated capability, but also with moral standards re: sexual behavior, I would have voted for him in a heartbeat, over Trump. But that wasn't our choice.

We could choose between a man with odious personal sex standards but who could win the election and would probably execute policies close to the American norm or we could choose a woman who was clearly committing criminal acts, and who also apparently demonstrated no standards for sexual behavior, and who would definitely add on to the policies of the most leftist President in history.

That simply was the choice made by me and the millions of other deplorables who voted against Hillary Clinton.

Henry said...

I'd like a Newlywed Game format where Hillary is asked to guess Bill's answers in a split-screen broadcast.

William said...

I can't recall any reporter ever asking Ted Kennedy if, in retrospect, he had any regrets about the Kopechne drowning. The subject was studiously avoided. That used to be the model for the Lewinsky affair. I wonder if this is a one off or the beginning of a sea change.

Bay Area Guy said...

"I wonder if this is a one off or the beginning of a sea change."

It was intended as a "one off", but became a sea change. The Left felt they could use #Metoo as a tool against Trump. But so far, it's been one giant Leftwing faceplant. They pointed the gun at the target backwards, and ended up mostly shooting themselves (Franken, Schneiderman, possibly Menendez).

Of course, the Dems have put Billy Jeff Clinton front and center as premier speaker at every DNC Convention since 2000, so that might end. Maybe, he'll get shunted away to sit at the kiddie table with Jimmy Carter.

Gahrie said...

That if you are a celebrity grabbing women by the pussy is perfectly okay."

That's not what Trump said. He said that if you are a celebrity that women would let you do it. Do I think Trump was happy about that? Sure...but only because it wasn't OK to grab the pussies of women who wouldn't let you do it.

Gahrie said...

but only because it wasn't OK to grab the pussies of women who wouldn't let you do it.

Which, to get back to the subject, is the difference between Trump and Bill Clinton.

walter said...

He wanted to get back to talking about JFK and LBJ...because those Dems were so well behaved in office.

wsw said...

“They were careless people, Tom and Daisy – they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness, or whether it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made.” WSW

tim in vermont said...

Gahrie, you are talking to someone who has a deep vested political interest in not understanding your point. You can tell because he would find it impossible to summarize your point honestly, even if only to refute it. Jonathan Haidt did a study on liberals and it turns out to be an affliction they nearly all suffer. Conservatives find summarizing liberal arguments dirt simple, even if only to refute them. Here is Freder’s argument

“Trump said that it is OK to grab women by the pussy!” and I then just ignore all of the other facts. See? Simple.

Just like I refuse to find any space in my mind for the overwhelming evidence that Bill Clinton forcibly raped Juanita Broaddrick, even though it is laid out in liberal magazine Slate, for anybody to read.


BTW, nobody would accept the defenses that Clinton gave for the charges even for a second today from an accused rapist, and nobody today would call the accuser a liar when she had FIVE fucking contemporaneous witnesses who were telling their story to Federal investigators and could have gone to jail for lying. All five were basically under oath, and Juanita never admitted to the rape until she was put in the position of going to jail if she lied, since she was ashamed that she let him into her hotel room and blamed herself.

But Freder just skipped that last paragraph and never clicked on the link

Reject first! Ask rhetorical questions later!

FullMoon said...

That simply was the choice made by me and the millions of other deplorables who voted against Hillary Clinton.

Yep. I watched Trump on The Apprentice. He would keep his favorite and fire someone who did better in the competition. Didn't think much of him but disliked Hillary more and more as campaign went on. Trump supporters beat, etc.

Funny though, now I am beginning to like the guy. I suspect he has not lost a single vote and has continued to pick up votes. Had a lot of friends and family over yesterday. The young women who generally don't care about politics were all pissed about the Ivanka situation.

Hope he is in shape and runs again in 2020.

tim in vermont said...

When you look at how the Clinton’s bestie Harvey Weinstein acted, Trump was practically a fucking saint. Hillary wins and the Farrow story never would have seen the light of day, and Harvey Weinstein would be paling around with Bill Clinton today.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

I watched segments of the interview and come away with disgust. It would’ve been a decent thing to do and say he was deeply sorry and show a bit of humility. His defensiveness and his anger at being confronted reveals he isn’t sorry and resembles Trump. Accountability is a rare thing among some people, one would hope that our national leaders would have it, but instead we see powerful men act insulted that they are being confronted with what they did. Overall a sickening interview and makes me very happy I didn’t vote for Hillary. How could she have stayed with such a man?

And to correct the record, no I do care and so do many many many liberals and Democrats, maybe one reason Hillary lost.

Ralph L said...

Remember how the Washington press turned on the Clintons over Marc Rich and stolen furniture--minor crimes as they were leaving the White House. Even David Gergen was appalled.

Their umbrage didn't last long.

Curious George said...

Inga said...
I watched segments of the interview and come away with disgust. It would’ve been a decent thing to do and say he was deeply sorry and show a bit of humility. His defensiveness and his anger at being confronted reveals he isn’t sorry and resembles Trump. Accountability is a rare thing among some people, one would hope that our national leaders would have it, but instead we see powerful men act insulted that they are being confronted with what they did. Overall a sickening interview and makes me very happy I didn’t vote for Hillary. How could she have stayed with such a man?

And to correct the record, no I do care and so do many many many liberals and Democrats, maybe one reason Hillary lost."

What a steaming pile. Please show me the post prior to the election saying you wouldn't vote for her because of Bill.

Bay Area Guy said...

Inga sez: "Overall a sickening interview and makes me very happy I didn’t vote for Hillary. How could she have stayed with such a man? "

See, this is why I like Inga. We may not agree on much, but so what? It's good to hear from different perspectives. We agree on this one!

However, there's an answer to her rhetorical question: "How could she [Hillary] have stayed with such a man?"

Because it was in Hillary's political interest to do so. She made the classic Devil's bargain with Billy Jeff. She must have known he was a serial philanderer (unless she is clueless). Women can tell when their man is cattin' around.

She tolerated and accepted it.

The general contours of the Devil's Bargain was, roughly, "Ok, go ahead and sleep around, you bastard. I won't divorce your sorry ass, but you best find a way to get me to the White House, or I'll turn on you. And, I do know where the skeletons are buried."

So, they made a deal. (Unlike Al Gore and Tipper Gore who simply parted ways).

So, that makes Hillary not a victim, but an enabler of Billy Jeff.

The guy's a weasel, but his wife is a power mad, schemer.

Limited blogger said...

They were calling him 'Slick Willie' in Arkansas long before any of us ever heard of him.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

The only way that Bill Clinton and Donald Trump are similar is that neither would have sex with Hillary Clinton.

Jim at said...

His defensiveness and his anger at being confronted reveals he isn’t sorry and resembles Trump. - Inga

You just couldn't do it, could you?

hombre said...

Ann Coulter’s column (http://www.anncoulter.com/columns/2018-05-30.html) about this unprincipled turd who, along with his wife, has defined the morality of the modern Democrat Party, says what needs to be said.

Beth B said...

Why, he PAID for that piece of ass! To the tune of $16 million. How dare you ask him about this now?

WA-mom said...

It is sad. Monica Lewinsky never married or (that I have heard of) had a serious relationship. No children. He ruined her life, and at the time, she was only 20.

Drago said...

Inga, Hillary didn't just "stay with this man", she literally led and coordinated the effort to destroy Bill's victims.

And so did all the other lefties/libs/LLR's.

Every one of them.

No wonder Billy boy thought he was safe....

hombre said...

“And to correct the record, no I do care and so do many many many liberals and Democrats, maybe one reason Hillary lost.”

Oh shit, Inga. This sexual predation is just the tip of the iceberg for the odious Clintons who have remained the face of the Democrat Party for more than a decade. Now that Hillary has gone down the self righteous come forward to pretend that reverence for the Clintons hasn’t been the foundation for egregious political and personal behavior among prominent Democrats.

Bay Area Guy said...

"Why, he PAID for that piece of ass! To the tune of $16 million. How dare you ask him about this now?"

I'm still miffed at Trump for spending $130K on that skanky porn star (albeit 10 years after he boffed her.) To me, a dinner at Waffle House, a few Budweisers, and a night of bowling should have sufficed to mend the past friction.

But $16 Million for a few office BJs from the chubby intern? Man, that's highway robbery!

On second thought, maybe Bill is, in fact, the victim here.

The interviewer, Craig Melvin, NBC, did an admirable job. He shied away, of course, from the credible rape claim of Juanita Broaderick, and stayed away from the $850K settlement Clinton paid for sexually harassing Paula Jones.

But, he really set Billy Jeff off -- made the ex-President look like a stuttering teenage buffoon. The guy just babbled on and on, wagging that finger again.

When his finger begins to wag, you know you've gotten the shag!

Curious George said...

"Bay Area Guy said...
Inga sez: "Overall a sickening interview and makes me very happy I didn’t vote for Hillary. How could she have stayed with such a man? "

See, this is why I like Inga. We may not agree on much, but so what? It's good to hear from different perspectives. We agree on this one!"

Seriously? What did that interview expose that wasn't known for twenty years about Bill. Inga's full of shit. Find one comment be her in this vein prior to the election. And it says nothing of the Hildabeast's behavior. Like Inga, she knew and didn't care. She actually went after these women. Bimbo eruptions, remember? Stay with the man? She aided and abetted his behavior. But it's Bill that's the problem.

Don't be a rube.

Drago said...

Had Hillary been elected, Billy boy would have been safely "re-ensconced" in the White House and the entire lefty/liberal/media/LLR Democrat Protection racket would be up and humming along making sure these issues stayed buried and woe to anyone who tried to expose it.

Even with Trump's election the would-be screenwriter/NBC News President was busy firing Ronan Farrow for breaking the wall of lefty silence.

In the case of a Hillary election Weinstein would still be at Miramax doing what he was able to do openly with literal hundreds of the best lefty enablers at the highest levels of our govt, law firms, media and activist groups.

Curious George said...

Our resident dullard said "as do many many many liberals and Democrats, maybe one reason Hillary lost."

This is more bullshit. ANd stupid. But then again, it's #IngaKnew

Drago said...

Even now, lefty hack "journalist" enablers, like John Harwood (whom LLR Chuck "Chadwick" labeled "professional"...naturally...) are fully and completely still in the tank for Billy boy.

No wonder LLR Chuck loves Harwood so much.


Earnest Prole said...

Regarding the cigar. Anybody got a link to testimony about that?

Merely search for the word sheepishly in The Starr Report.

prairie wind said...

For the people who point out that the sex was consensual, yes, it was. If Bill had admitted it to begin with, we wouldn't still be interested in whether he apologized to Monica. Instead, he lied, making Monica out to be the liar. He hung her out to dry very publicly and most of us recognize that consensual sex or not, that is a terrible thing to do to a 22yo. He could have used his southern oh-shucks charm to say that he had sex with a nice young woman and was sorry it ever happened. At the beginning, I think people would have let it go. Not saying that would have been good, just that his behavior and his lying is why the "did you apologize" question is relevant.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

The retarded monkey knows Trump sexually assaulted multiple women and he doesn’t care.


Drago said...

prairie wind: "For the people who point out that the sex was consensual, yes, it was."


Billy boy had already signed legislation stipulating that any corporate superior/subordinate relationship was automatically considered forced by the superior party.

Naturally, and this surprises absolutely no one, the lefties understood this law (like all others) to apply to non-lefties ONLY and never actually believed it would be used against them.

When lefties lie about Trump crimes and claim "no one is above the law" they are explicitly lying. They intend for every lefty to be above every law.

Drago said...

Inga: "The retarded monkey knows Trump sexually assaulted multiple women and he doesn’t care."

I don't believe your mind-reading and fortune-telling "abilities" are admissible in a court of law.

And that is for a very good reason...


Ken B said...

Gruesome. Turn Libya into a catastrophe and you're a beautiful man, so beautiful you are pre-missed.

Curious George said...

"Inga said...
The retarded monkey knows Trump sexually assaulted multiple women and he doesn’t care."

I know nothing of the kind, but still waiting for any comments of you denouncing either Clinton before the election.

Well, not really waiting. I know you are full of shit, and I know you can't.

Drago said...

From Instapundit:

THE MERKEL LEGACY: A Israeli teen and two of his friends were attacked at a Berlin railway station by a group of Arab men who became enraged when they heard a Hebrew song playing on the Israeli’s cellphone.

“Hebrew music? For 70 years you are murdering children. Berlin is our city now and here we don’t listen to fucking Jewish music.”

“Our city now.” Let that sink in.

Remember, this is what the lefties want to create here in the US as well....

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“I don't believe your mind-reading and fortune-telling "abilities" are admissible in a court of law.”

Bill Clinton denied sexually assaulting those women, as Trump denies sexually assaulting the women who accuse him. Does that mean that both men are telling the truth? How could you possibly know that in Clinton’s case he was lying, but in Trump’s case he is telling the truth? Mind reading? My instincts tell me both men are lying, we certainly know both men are horn dogs who cheated on their wives.

You Trump voters don’t have a leg to stand in in this regard.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

What Bill Clinton said was offensive enough. What really is offensive is the smirk that he has on his face when he says it. Smirking. Knowing you can't touch him. Why not? The Clintons get way with all sorts of crimes. Always have. Always will.

Smirking knowing that the ass kissing media have his back. Smirking and sneering because like all Narcissists he knows [or so he thinks} he is superior to you.

He has lost his con man's touch in his old age. The facade has fallen away and all that is left is like the Cheshire Cat.....the sneering smirk.

Drago said...

Inga: "You Trump voters don’t have a leg to stand in in this regard."

It's the left that has no leg to stand on in this regard.

Especially in Venezuela, where they are probably cutting off legs just to get some protein in their diets.


BTW, I seem to recall someone telling us the Clintons were no longer relevant and were only in the news because "the right" can't let them go........

...looks like there's ANOTHER topic area where the Harvey Weinstein lefties have no leg to stand on.

Drago said...

DBQ: "What really is offensive is the smirk that he has on his face when he says it."

That smirk comes from 50 years of knowing the left will cover for him, as they still do...

Drago said...

Bill Clinton, still headlining democrat events, still the toast of the town.



Vance said...

It's amazing: all these leftists try to blame Trump for the "grab them by the pussy" remark.

What was wrong with his statement? Trump said it when he was a Democrat! What has the "MeToo!" movement revealed? That Democrat men routinely make a habit of grabbing women and assaulting them. Trump was a Democrat!

Now, of course, he's not. And the implosion of Democrat men as sexual abusers is incredible. Trump is being blamed for telling the absolute truth, as much as Inga and Freder hate it. Democrat men could and probably still do get away with anything, including Big Bubba's rape issues.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“...looks like there's ANOTHER topic area where the Harvey Weinstein lefties have no leg to stand on.”

Governor Eric Greitens resigned in shame just a few days ago.

“Greitens, a former navy seal once seen as one of the Republican Party’s rising stars, had announced on Tuesday that he would resign by the end of the week, after becoming embroiled in a sex scandal that spawned investigations. He was elected governor in November of 2016.

In January, local St. Louis station KMOV-TV reported that Greitens had an affair with a woman — who has not been publicly identified — in 2015, and allegedly threatened to release nude photographs of her if she ever spoke publicly about their extramarital relationship. KMOV learned of the report from the woman’s husband, who claimed to have audio of her describing the allegations. One day later, a St. Louis circuit attorney launched a formal investigation into the allegations. Greitens has acknowledged the affair but denied any claims he coerced or blackmailed the woman.”

Drago said...

Inga will be pasting Duke lacrosse stuff any minute...


Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Inga will be pasting Duke lacrosse stuff any minute...”

Nope. I made my point. You Trump voters don’t have a leg to stand on when it comes to supporting a man who has been accused by multiple women of sexual assault and marital infidelity.

Drago said...

Woman Beater Eric Schneiderman Democrat Inga: "You Trump voters don’t have a leg to stand on when it comes to supporting a man who has been accused by multiple women of sexual assault and marital infidelity"


Drago said...

I wonder if Democrat in Good Standing Eric Schneiderman relived Samantha Bee calling him a hero and god over and over while he literally beat the s*** out of women?

Drago said...

Maybe the way muslim men treat women is one reason lefties like Inga are so hot to trot to get more of them into the US and establish Sharia courts, just like they have in Britain.

Curious George said...

"Our Reisdent Dullard #IngaKnew said...
Bill Clinton denied sexually assaulting those women, as Trump denies sexually assaulting the women who accuse him. Does that mean that both men are telling the truth? How could you possibly know that in Clinton’s case he was lying, but in Trump’s case he is telling the truth? Mind reading? My instincts tell me both men are lying, we certainly know both men are horn dogs who cheated on their wives.

You Trump voters don’t have a leg to stand in in this regard."

There is a big difference between Clinton's accusers, that he has had throughout his life, from a young man, through his time in the WH. Plus there is zero doubt that Clinton sexually harassed Paula Jones. None. Trump's accusers came out of the woodwork when he became the nominee, or had dubious accusations against a higgh profile multi-millionare/billionaire.

So again, where are all your comments about this before the election? We know, they don't exists.

Curious George said...

"Inga said...

Nope. I made my point. You Trump voters don’t have a leg to stand on when it comes to supporting a man who has been accused by multiple women of sexual assault and marital infidelity."


exhelodrvr1 said...

"Oh shit, Inga. This sexual predation is just the tip of the iceberg for the odious Clintons"

Just the tip!

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Speaking of Eric Schneiderman...

David R Sorenson, White House speech Writer, wife beater.

Clint Reed, CoS for US Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) was fired for allegations of “improper conduct” with an unnamed subordinate.

Pat Meehan (R-PA) US Representative used tax payer funds to settle a sexual harassment claim by a female staffer. He was removed from the House Ethics Committee, but remains in office(2018).

Joe Barton (R-TX) US Representative, acknowledged he took and emailed nude photos of himself in 2015, following their leak in November 2017.

Roy Moore U.S. Senate candidate in Alabama (R) was been accused by nine women[165] of sexual misconduct with them when they were in their teens. The first of his accusers said that at the time, she was 14 years old, while he was 32.[166]. Moore lost a special election for Alabama Senate following these accusations.

Tim Murphy, Representative (R-PA), had an extramarital affair with Shannon Edwards, a 32-year-old forensic psychologist. The pro-life Murphy asked Edwards to have an abortion after she became pregnant. The information was revealed as part of Murphy's divorce proceedings and published by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette after it fought in Pennsylvania state court to have the documents unsealed. Murphy resigned his seat in Congress.

Dennis Hastert, former Speaker of the United States House of Representatives (R-IL), pled guilty to structuring bank withdrawals in order to conceal deliberately-unspecified misconduct by Hastert against an unnamed individual years earlier.[155] At a sentencing hearing in October 2015, Hastert admitted that he had sexually abused boys while he worked as a high school wrestling coach decades earlier.

Blake Farenthold, US Representative (R-TX) was reported to have paid $84,000 of taxpayer money, via the House of Representatives Office of Compliance, to settle a sexual harassment complaint from a former staffer. Farenthold's former communications director Lauren Greene sued the congressman in December 2014,[153] and a settlement was reached in 2015. The identity of Farenthold with respect to taxpayer involvement was made public in 2017. This was the first documented case of taxpayer funds being used to settle sexual harassment complaints against a member of Congress.

Matthew P. Pennell (R) staff for US Rep. Tim Huelskamp (R-KS) of the Tea Party, was arrested on 17 counts of alleged child sex crimes. He was sentenced to 12 months in prison.

he father of five, was caught on surveillance camera deeply kissing a married staffer. Several prominent Republicans asked McAllister to resign. In response, he stated he would not seek re-election in 2016.[146][147] McCallister said: "There's no doubt I've fallen short and I'm asking for forgiveness. I’m asking for forgiveness from God, my wife, my kids, my staff, and my constituents who elected me to serve.”

Herman Cain (R) 2012 Republican presidential candidate, was accused of sexual harassment by several women. These accusations eventually caused him to suspend his run for the presidential nomination (2012)[139][140] including Sharon Bialek, Karen Kraushaar, and having a 13-year affair with Ginger White.[141][142] Donna Donella also reported possible inappropriate behavior.

Vance said...

Why is Inga in here trying to defend Bill Clinton and the left when upthread she is loud and proud about how bad and horrible Bill is?

Now she's here trying to attack Trump for something far less, and from when he was a Democrat. Isn't that an automatic pass from leftists, who are so, so eager to grant themselves unlimited licenses for any perversion they want? And after Bill and Ted's excellent adventures in raping, all to the thunderous cheers and standing ovations from people like Inga... isn't it the height of hypocrisy to say that Trump's alleged grabbing of women as a Democrat is bad?

Thats the entire point, isn't it, of Democrat politics? To use and abuse women with no consequences? Thus the core beliefs about abortion.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Why is Inga in here trying to defend Bill Clinton and the left when upthread she is loud and proud about how bad and horrible Bill is?”

I’m not at all defending Bill Clinton. I’m proving that when it comes to supporting political officials who have commited/ been accused of sexual misconduct and assault, Democrats and Republicans are two peas in a pod. To say otherwise is revealing your hypocrisy.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

And Drago can list as many Democrats as he wants, I can list Republicans, as I did. It’s a game of who gets to blame who.

Curious George said...

Our resident dullard #IngaKnew doesn't give one shit about Monica Lewinsky, or any of Bill Clinton's victims. Even less of a problem is Hillary's attacking his victims to minimize the damage. They are just pawns to virtue signal today, and to open up attacks on GOP's. Otherwise just cannonfodder for the cause. Which is why she can't find one post proior to the election critical of Bill or the Hildabeast. Instad she's off cutting and pasting.


Drago said...

Inga is cuttin' and pastin' like crazy to try and hide the fact the Bill Clinton is still revered among the left.

And always will be.....


Inga...Allie Oop said...

Vance, I’m sure you have heard that Jesus said “He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone...”.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Inga is cuttin' and pastin' like crazy to try and hide the fact the Bill Clinton is still revered among the left.

And always will be.....”

Trump is revered among the right, always will be, even if he shoots someone on Fifth Avenue.

Paul said...

Limited blogger said...
"They were calling him 'Slick Willie' in Arkansas long before any of us ever heard of him."

It's now 'Sick Willie'. A Pervert.

tim in vermont said...

Sat what you will about anti de sitter space, he has stuck by Hillary though thick and thin, Uranium One to Libya/Syria and the destabilization the EU, deletion of tens of thousands. of emails from a time she was taking millions of dollars from foreigners worldwide. ads has stuck beside her. You have to kind of admire it.

Drago said...

Inga: "Trump is revered among the right, always will be, even if he shoots someone on Fifth Avenue."

Not a chance. He would just hire a Bernie Bro democrat to shoot someone.

That one comes pre-approved AND pre-Forgotten by the dems....

Drago said...

Inga: "Vance, I’m sure you have heard that Jesus said “He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone...”."

I'm surprised you put your stones down long enough to read that.....

Vance said...

The difference, Inga, is that we on the right rarely support sexual predators. Your list includes people who, yes, the right defended... mostly because we thought they were innocent. Herman Cain? Roy Moore? Mere unfounded accusations--and note that Judge Moore lost his election.

How many times did you and yours vote for Ted Kennedy, Inga? Maybe not you since you don't live in Massachusetts, but raping and murdering a young woman is enough for the left to say "Where can we vote for this man and how many times?"

They buried Ted Kennedy as a "hero of the left."

Plenty of sick people on both sides of the aisle, but Democrats celebrate and elevate their sexual predators. Republicans, by and large, throw theirs out. I mean, Republicans tossed out the Speaker of the House! Democrats? They ran their sexual predators for president.

tim in vermont said...

Trump is revered among the right, always will be, even if he shoots someone on Fifth Avenue

I think this proves Althouse’s point that nobody is allowed to say anything anymore in any terms that the stupidest person in the room can’t understand.

tim in vermont said...

Senator Menendez - Democrat of New Jersey and customer of traffickers in underage girls. Republicans would have thrown this guy out on his ear even if it cost them a seat.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Inga: "Vance, I’m sure you have heard that Jesus said “He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone...”."

Drago said...
“I'm surprised you put your stones down long enough to read that.....”

Inga said...
“...when it comes to supporting political officials who have commited/ been accused of sexual misconduct and assault, Democrats and Republicans are two peas in a pod. To say otherwise is revealing your hypocrisy.“

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“I think this proves Althouse’s point that nobody is allowed to say anything anymore in any terms that the stupidest person in the room can’t understand.”

Sorry but it has to be said, because there is a Retarded Monkey named George who comments here.

Curious George said...

DUllard Inga goes from this:

"I do care and so do many many many liberals and Democrats, maybe one reason Hillary lost."

to this:

"when it comes to supporting political officials who have commited/ been accused of sexual misconduct and assault, Democrats and Republicans are two peas in a pod."

all because she cannot provide any proof of her original statement...for herself or other lefty idiots.

What a fucking dullard.

Drago said...

Inga shows up with some timely Clinton criticism...a mere 25 years too late....and not really...


History began anew this morning for Inga. It can begin anew for you each morning too as long as you vote Team Dem.

Drago said...

Next up the left:

Perhaps a hundred million murdered under communism in under 100 years was a bit much....to be discussed....


Inga...Allie Oop said...

Drago, none of you Trumpists knew me 25 years ago. So now your powers include seeing the past of strangers on the internet, lol.
I don’t dance to the grunting of retarded monkeys, George.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Next up the left:

Perhaps a hundred million murdered under communism in under 100 years was a bit much....to be discussed....”

Democrats aren’t Communists and Republicans aren’t Fascists. Drago, you always lapse back into blaming the opposing side for the sins of those they had nothing to do with, it’s boring, tedious, and repetitive, it’s old and worn out and just doesn’t make the point you think it does.

Get new material.

Drago said...

Inga: "Drago, none of you Trumpists knew me 25 years ago."

Inga will now pretend she didn't vote for Clinton....twice.

Just like LLR Chuck "Chadwick" is a LLR....

Earnest Prole said...

Bill Clinton is 1. A rapist, and 2. The most conservative American President (save Reagan) of the past sixty years, from Kennedy through Obama.

Drago said...

Inga: "Democrats aren’t Communists and Republicans aren’t Fascists. Drago, you always lapse back into blaming the opposing side for the sins of those they had nothing to do with,...."

The all Trump voters are nazi's crew chimes in!


History began 15 minutes ago...

Drago said...

EP: "Bill Clinton is 1. A rapist, and 2. The most conservative American President (save Reagan) of the past sixty years, from Kennedy through Obama"


Billy boy went full speed at nationalized health care and lost the House and Senate, so he attempted to triangulate.

EP begins cautiously to move Clinton into the "conservative"/republican camp.....(see: Democrat "Southern Strategy" narrative)

History began anew 15 minutes ago...

tim in vermont said...

Gee I wonder how many other things conservatives have been right about all along?

tim in vermont said...

”Democrats aren’t Communists and Republicans aren’t Fascists.

No, they are both pretty much fascists if you use the economics dictionary definition of the term. Though basically the Republicans have some shame about it and the Democrats simply completely deny it.

tim in vermont said...

I will give you that George Bush fils was a bit liberal, but he was far more conservative than Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton could just accept when American sent him a new Congress after giving him a spanking. Obama never could accept reality, and so went off on his tear with his pen and phone, all of which could be quickly undone with a pen and phone, of course.

tim in vermont said...

Sorry but it has to be said, because there is a Retarded Monkey named George who comments here.

And she doubles down. Dostoevsky went on for pages and pages how life was made for the simple minded. I think he was right.

Curious George said...

"Inga: "Drago, none of you Trumpists knew me 25 years ago."

We knew your dumb ass teo years ago...three years ago. Where is all this contempt for Bill and the Hildabeast from you, or other libs, before the election?

That was a rhetorical question, we know it doesn't exist, and you're full of shit.

Bay Area Guy said...

Not that it matters, but I would characterize Clinton as a moderate Democrat --which is rare, because the hardcore Left has pretty much hijacked the Dem party.

I read somewhere the Joe Biden is gearing up for a run at 2020, regretting his decision to opt out of 2016.

Old straight white male, age 78, lifer in Washington politics.

Yeah, that will work.

Drago said...

Bay Area Guy: "I read somewhere the Joe Biden is gearing up for a run at 2020, regretting his decision to opt out of 2016.

Old straight white male, age 78, lifer in Washington politics."

When it comes to photo ops with small female children, Uncle Joe is really a "hands on" kind of a guy....

Earnest Prole said...

History began anew 15 minutes ago...

Presidents are judged by results and not their intentions. Clinton's wife may have had a hard-on for socialized health care, but Bill Clinton's actual record on health care is far more conservative than GW Bush and his new Medicare entitlement. Clinton and the Republican Congress balanced the federal budget; Bush and the Republican Congress spent like a Democratic wet dream. On issue after issue, Clinton delivered conservative results -- welfare reform, crime reform, Sister Soulja and race relations, the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, etc. Apparently you've already forgotten how the liberal Republican Establishment gave us Trump.

Curious George said...

"Drago said...
When it comes to photo ops with small female children, Uncle Joe is really a "hands on" kind of a guy...."

Actually, all females. The guy is a creep.

Drago said...

EP: "Presidents are judged by results and not their intentions"


2009 to Jan 2017 never happened.

Martha said...

The Clintons are not only contemptible but also deplorable.
I never thought Bill deserved cackling shrew Hillary! until today.

Earnest Prole said...

2009 to Jan 2017 never happened.

Unless you're arguing that Obama is some kind of secret right-wing imposter, I haven't the slightest idea what point you're trying to make. Again, my contention is that the results produced in Clinton's two terms were objectively more conservative than the results produced by all Democratic and Republican presidents in the past sixty years save Reagan.

Drago said...

EP: " I haven't the slightest idea what point you're trying to make."


Drago said...

EP: " Again, my contention is that the results produced in Clinton's two terms were objectively more conservative than the results produced by all Democratic and Republican presidents in the past sixty years save Reagan."

My point was obvious.

Clinton was not "conservative".

He was fully Left when he had a democrat congress. Fully.

When the nation decided to shellack the dems Clinton bowed to the reality that the only thing he could do to remain in office was go along with some of the republican bills passed through both houses.

Clinton still weaponized the federal govt against domestic political enemies, just like obama, (hello Craig Livingstone). A decidely Stasi-like effort.

But do keep on rewriting history. You're doing swell....

Drago said...

And dont get me started with that fake Make Govt More Efficient BS that Clinton handed to Gore (just like the obama "stimulus" fakery given to "Sheriff Joe Biden").

99.5% of all cuts came out of the DOD while growing all the other parts of govt.

Clinton hollowed out the military to the point where deploying units had to share the one set of weapons and equipment (cross-decked at deployment) and dramatically cut training dollars.

Just like obama.

tim in vermont said...

Again, my contention is that the results produced in Clinton’s two terms were objectively more conservative than the results produced by all Democratic and Republican presidents in the past sixty years save Reagan.

Sure, after ’94 when, as Time Magazine put it “The Gingrich Stole Christmas.” Dems had controlled the house for all but 4 years since the ‘30s. It was a hell of a repudiation.

Earnest Prole said...

Clinton was not "conservative".

Of course Clinton wasn't conservative -- merely more conservative than Obama, both of the Bushes, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson, and Kennedy. We're in violent agreement.

FIDO said...


Your side 'An affair does not discredit you from being president'. Because Billy Boy would have been disqualified before he even started. You set the standard. I am holding you to it.

Your side said 'playing hide the cigar or having sex IN OFFICE is perfectly acceptable and should not be grounds for removal.' YOU set the standard. I am holding you to it.

Monica let Bill 'grab her by the pussy'.

Other women...did not. But I don't recall ANYONE on the Left or in the Press expressing ANY curiosity about the potential of actual RAPE. And they still don't.

So when I, using YOUR standards, don't give a shit about what Trump may or may not have done 10 years ago, when I feel whatever sex he has in office (while consensual...which makes the moral superiors of you), all I have to do is look at YOUR standards...and use them

You, of course, hate this because your side is full of hypocritical worms and you don't like not being able to hide behind double standards.

Sorry...double standards stopped with GWB. So if you guys continue to fete Rapist Bill, I still don't give a shit about Trump storming the Daniels.

You set the rules...and now they are biting you on the ass. Couldn't happen to better people.

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