June 20, 2018

"Calling the shots as his West Wing clears out, President Donald Trump sees his hard-line immigration stance as a winning issue heading into a midterm election he views as a referendum on his protectionist policies."

AP reports.
“You have to stand for something,” Trump declared Tuesday... While the White House signaled Trump may be open to a narrow fix to deal with the problem [of separating parents and children], the president spent the day stressing immigration policies that he has championed throughout his surprise political career...

“I think this is one of his best moments. I think this is a profile in courage. This is why America elected him,” [said former Trump senior adviser Steve Bannon]. “This is not doubling down, it is tripling down.”...

Worried that the lack of progress on his signature border wall will make him look “soft,” according to one adviser, Trump has unleashed a series of tweets playing up the dangers posed by members of the MS-13 gang — which make up a minuscule percentage of those who cross the border. He used the loaded term “infest” to reference the influx of immigrants entering the country illegally....


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Achilles said...

Inga said...
Children were not seperated from parents who had committed only a misdemeanor at the border, under Obama. This separating children from parents with only being charged with a misdemeanor is NEW. Zero Tolerance Policy, ever heard of it? Try harder to break out of your cultist mindset. Maybe some of you can do it, others are too far gone.

Hypocrisy epitomized.

Achilles said...

Elian Gonzalez was not available for comment.

Jupiter said...

Inga said...
"Children were not seperated from parents who had committed only a misdemeanor at the border, under Obama."

You see, back when Igna was studying balseros for her Doctorate in Latin American Studies, she was also attending law school at night, majoring in immigration law. For years, she has had her finger on the ever-fluctuating pulse of American immigration policy, and she is intimately familiar with the precise details of its history.

Or, wait. Did you maybe just come by that little facticle a few moments ago? In an e-mail, from your handler?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“You do make at least some effort to understand what you're talking about, don't you?”

Sean, I’m very aware of the Flores decision and the child trafficking laws. Explain to me why Trump can now reverse what he’s done with the Zero Tolerance Policy, today with an EO, when he couldn’t do it on Friday, DESPITE the Flores law.

Try harder.

bagoh20 said...

"This separating children from parents with only being charged with a misdemeanor is NEW."

So it's not the separating of children. It's who is President, with a convenient technicality as cover.

In defense of Obama's separating families, these are other times that happens:

1) Anytime the parents are arrested, no matter how White or American they are.
2) When military members go to combat zones.
3) When there is abuse or endangerment of children, including that which is far less than what illegal immigrants are exposing their kids to trying to sneak into the country.
4) When you get pulled over after going out for drinks and picking up your kids from the sitter on the way home.

Tracey's Daddy said...

Paul Rino just spilled the beans ... "We've put a fix for this into the new immigration bill" They're trying to corner Trump.

Matt Sablan said...

"Explain to me why Trump can now reverse what he’s done with the Zero Tolerance Policy, today with an EO, when he couldn’t do it on Friday, DESPITE the Flores law."

-- All he's doing is making a temporary measure; it isn't a fix. It's like an emergency order during a storm or other natural disaster. Congress still has to write the law that approves spending funds/etc. If Congress doesn't act, the EO eventually doesn't solve the problem.

bagoh20 said...

"Explain to me why Trump can now reverse what he’s done with the Zero Tolerance Policy, today with an EO, when he couldn’t do it on Friday, DESPITE the Flores law. "

Because he now has extracted a new law from Republicans to fix the problem created by others before him that would require releasing them into the country.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Eh, there’s no reasoning with Cultists. At any rate, your president CAVED to public pressure and the children hopefully will be reunited with their families.

Jupiter said...

Inga said...

"Sean, I’m very aware of the Flores decision and the child trafficking laws."

In fact, Igna's Senior Thesis as part of her JD concerned the Flores decision, and she is widely recognized as one of the world's leading scholars on that case and related matters of immigration law.

Or, wait. Did she maybe just come by that little facticle a few moments ago? In an e-mail, from her handler?

Matt Sablan said...

Eh, if Trump caved to public pressure... that's a good point to him, compared to the last two presidents who were often too stubborn for their own good.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Because he now has extracted a new law from Republicans to fix the problem created by others before him that would require releasing them into the country.”

So you’re admitting the children WERE bargaining chips (in more ways than just this one).Thanks for being honest at least.

Matt Sablan said...

"So you’re admitting the children WERE bargaining chips (in more ways than just this one).Thanks for being honest at least."

-- You realize Republicans came to the table with a deal, and Schumer and Democrats chose to hold the children hostage so they could create bad optics for Trump -- right? You know that's the actual factual situation in front of us, right? Trump enforced a law, and told Congress to fix the bad law; Republicans in Congress offered a solution, and Democrats said: "No. Children suffering is preferable to giving Republicans a policy win."

John henry said...

Did anyone check Snopes? She seems prone to cutting and pasting from there.

John Henry

Jupiter said...

Inga said...
"Eh, there’s no reasoning with Cultists."

I would like to believe this to be a first, small, hesitant step on Igna's long, long road to self-knowledge. Certainly, this is a subject in which her experience is extensive and undeniable, however limited her insight.

Matt Sablan said...

As a follow-up, Trump actually *asked Congress to fix this law before it was enforced* back during the first DACA debate. Congress kicked the can, so Trump executed the law, despite *having wanted to change it.*

bagoh20 said...

It's very important to remember that recent tripling of the defrauding of the asylum system through a concerted effort from leftist organizations is what has caused this to be a crisis requiring a new approach. They used those children as political pawns. The President is fixing it. Sorry lefties. Your debauchery has been outed, and it's your side who exposed it so publicly.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Matthew said.

You realize Republicans came to the table with a deal, and Schumer and Democrats chose to hold the children hostage so they could create bad optics for Trump -- right? You know that's the actual factual situation in front of us, right? Trump enforced a law, and told Congress to fix the bad law; Republicans in Congress offered a solution, and Democrats said: "No. Children suffering is preferable to giving Republicans a policy win."

Right Inga? You do realize this, right? Inga?

Amadeus 48 said...

Lock ‘em up!

Achilles said...

Blogger Inga said...
“Because he now has extracted a new law from Republicans to fix the problem created by others before him that would require releasing them into the country.”

“So you’re admitting the children WERE bargaining chips (in more ways than just this one).Thanks for being honest at least.“

It is awesome that you are being so transparently hypocritical and cynical.

Please run with this all of the way through the elections.

I predict Inga will conveniently forget her disgusting display over the last couple days.

She thinks everyone who disagrees with her wants parents and kids separated.

Let that sink in.

She is a disgusting human being.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

The Flores law was brought about BECAUSE the Obama Administration kept the children with the mothers in most cases, while they were being processed and it was taking longer than 20 days. Maybe you folks should do your homework, really it’s not that difficult.

Matt Sablan said...

Honestly, Trump probably could have made his point without following law (remember when the left thought "It's the law" was a perfect counter to bad policy?) But, if Congress actually fixes this mistake, you can't argue with results too much.

John henry said...

This is for Inga and all the I.N.G.A.s here


Pretty disturbing.

Just for good luck, here's a picture of a child in handcuffs.

John Henry

dreams said...

"Here's the problem with Trump's executive order"

The problem with the executive order is that will embolden the corrupt liberal media and their crooked pardners the Dems.

Achilles said...

Never forget Inga cheered the Scalise shooting and refused to condemn Hodgkinson.

She hates everyone who disagrees with her.

SeanF said...

Inga: Sean, I’m very aware of the Flores decision and the child trafficking laws. Explain to me why Trump can now reverse what he’s done with the Zero Tolerance Policy, today with an EO, when he couldn’t do it on Friday, DESPITE the Flores law.

I don't know how he can do what he's doing. I don't think, legally, he can do it. That's why I said it'll be interesting to see how it works.

bagoh20 said...

"So you’re admitting the children WERE bargaining chips (in more ways than just this one)"

That's pretty obvious, but Trump didn't bring the kids to the bargaining table and push them out sayin "we're all in". Their wonderful parents egged on by leftist did that to their kids.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Leftists use children as pawns. In all directions. American leftists and corrupt gangs and criminals trying to cross our border illegally.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

The Flores decision isn’t a law either, as Trump claimed over and over, when he said the law must be changed in order to keep children with their families!

SeanF said...

Inga: The Flores law was brought about BECAUSE the Obama Administration kept the children with the mothers in most cases, while they were being processed and it was taking longer than 20 days. Maybe you folks should do your homework, really it’s not that difficult.

The Flores Settlement was in 1997. I'm pretty sure the Obama Administration had nothing to do with it.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Trump lost this one BIGLY.

bagoh20 said...

Those kids where packed up, pulled out of their homes, dragged thousands of miles, and hiked through the desert in 100 degree heat to culminate in sneaking illegally into a foreign country (the bargaining table). Trump had nothing to do with that. He did everything he could to stop it, but the Dems keep telling them to come, and promising them goodies paid for by you and me without our consent.

Matt Sablan said...

"The Flores decision isn’t a law either, as Trump claimed over and over, when he said the law must be changed in order to keep children with their families!"

-- Then why did you call it the "Flores law" earlier?

Matt Sablan said...

Also: Trump's EO is based on the fact Ryan's #DetainAndMaintain bill will pass and get signed. It is not so much overruling his previous decisions as saying: "This is what our law will be, and here are the steps to implement it when it gets signed," at least, that's what I gather from what we're seeing. So, again, this is based on what will happen in the future, and not "new law."

bagoh20 said...

"Trump lost this one BIGLY."

I think that is exactly wrong, but I'm sure many Dems feel it was worth tearing those kids from their mother's breasts?

Francisco D said...

More and more these threads are about people playing with the fanatic Inga, like a cat plays with a mouse.

She is boring and the game is boring.

There are plenty of intelligent people here with opinions to offer. Why get caught up with a troll who acts like a 7th grader and has no ability to comprehend the issues?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Donald J. Trump
Donald J. Trump
Separating families at the Border is the fault of bad legislation passed by the Democrats. Border Security laws should be changed but the Dems can’t get their act together! Started the Wall.
6:58 AM · Jun 5, 2018

Damn! I shouldn’t have believed this dummy! The Flores Settlement happened in 1997.

Matt Sablan said...

"Damn! I shouldn’t have believed this dummy! The Flores Settlement happened in 1997."

-- Uh... do... do you know who was President in 1997?

Jupiter said...

Inga said...
"The Flores law was brought about BECAUSE the Obama Administration kept the children with the mothers in most cases, while they were being processed and it was taking longer than 20 days. Maybe you folks should do your homework, really it’s not that difficult."

Easy for you to say! The rest of us don't have an army of immigration lawyers and Commie historians paid by George Soros, feeding us detailed talking points as fast as we can transcribe them. We actually think up the things we write here, Igna. Hard to believe, isn't it.

Achilles said...

Blogger Inga said...

“Damn! I shouldn’t have believed this dummy! The Flores Settlement happened in 1997.”

God you are stupid.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“... do you know who was President in 1997?”

It wasn’t “legislation”, passed by Democrats, lol. You, being a cultist ignored that part.

At any rate Trump gave himself the biggest black eye thus far, I’m sure there will be more, if he lasts. He CAVED to public pressure, I’m sure that Ann Coulter will be pleased.

langford peel said...

I would have preferred if the God Emperor had not changed the policy toward these beaner babies. I would hope they trace them and publicize the ones that end up in MS13 and as victims of sex traffickers.

I also hope that an advocacy group shops for a judge who will issue an order to demand that these children be removed from the parents who have endangered them. It is an ongoing process.

I understand why he did it. He cut his losses. Nobody cares about these kids. Certainly not their parents. So they can go on suffering because of the foolish actions of their irresponsible parents.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The greater goal is to make sure illegals can flow across out border, unencumbered, including Nancy Pelosi's beloved M13 child murderers/rapists/decapitators, and the drug cartels.

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...


Headline at Drudge just now. Picture of a bunch of kids wrapped in aluminum foil, shot through a chain link fence.


Do I just have a bizarre turn of mind or does anyone else see that as implying that the kids were wrapped in foil and nicely laid out just ready to be popped into an oven for 15-20 minutes until tender?

drudge would never do anything like that on purpose, would he?

This is always an evergreen. Unless you have an agenda, perhaps.


John Henry

langford peel said...

In the meantime we can see what people like Inga and the libtards are really all about.

Look at Peter Fonda. He tweeted out that he wanted to kidnap Barron Trump and rape him and put him in a cage.

He should call up Chuck and Inga. I bet they would be happy to help.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Inga, the loyal leftwing cultist, speaks. It's all over for Walker, too!

n.n said...

This is an issue because of Obama's global refugee crises, because Mexico decided to share responsibility rather than confront immigration reform at its border, and because there is a real need for population replacement and labor arbitrage to compensate for Planned Parenthood and related progressive dysfunction.

Fabi said...

Can anyone find a single comment from Inga denouncing Obama for keeping children wrapped in foil inside cages?

langford peel said...

If every liberal and cuck Republican like Chuck does not immediately and vociferously denounce Peter Fonda then they own him and his attitude. They support what he wants to do and are fully behind it in all of its deviancy.

We can settle for nothing less then a full, nonstop and continual denunciation much the same way as they demand from us whenever someone on our side says something stupid.

The ball is in your court you scum.

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

poor I.N.G.A.s.

They keep thinking that this time they have REALLY got him.

Then Lucy pulls the football away.

A normal person would learn after the 172nd time this happens. Sadly, I.N.G.A.s never do.

Anyone seen Squeamish lately? Inga is getting boring. She needs her wingman. errr... wingperson.

John Henry

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Cultist leftists weep for the poor MS13 murderous gang members. That horrid Nazi Trump said something mean about them.

Fabi said...

"The black eye that Trump has given himself and his Party won’t be forgotten anytime soon. November is coming."

Where Igna admits that she doesn't give a hoot about the children at all -- they're only political pawns to the left. Sad!

Yancey Ward said...

This brouhaha was initiated for two purposes- (1) to drown out the IG report and the Singapore meeting- moderately successful, but the main purpose (2) was get the immigration reform bill onto Trump's desk- this bill is a surrender of all of Trump's positions he ran on- that is why you have seen Republicans attack him over a policy that is no different than that run under Obama.

I don't know what Trump will do- the right thing to do is what I hear rumors about this morning- detain the families as a whole with their children until their refugee status is determined (most entering illegally will be denied and deported together. Then Trump should hold firm on the immigration bill if it reaches his desk in the form looks like it has- he should veto it and dare the Democrats to run on it.

Darrell said...

Did Henry Fonda ever have kids that didn't suffer brain death in their teens?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Oh hi there Peel. It’s nice you aren’t calling them monkeys today.

Blogger langford peel said...
Why are we worrying about these baby shit hole monkeys. Send them all back the next day. No asylum. End that right now. End of problem. Send them back home. Don't teach them how to wash themselves or how to brush their teeth and use a toilet. Send them back.

The new Italian government has the right solution. The Good Times are over for you.

6/18/18, 12:11 PM

Blogger landlord peel said...

I think it is important to make distinctions.

So I would only use the term "Baby shit hole monkeys" to refer to Haitian illegal immigrants. Or maybe Somali's.

I seem to think that most of the refuse we are talking about here are Hispanic so a better term would be beaner babies.

I want to refine my terms.

But thanks for your input.

6/19/18, 1:35 PM

Yancey Ward said...

I have pointed this out many, many times- Obama and the Democrats could have passed amnesty any time between January 2009 and November 2010, but did not. The reason they didn't is that the issue isn't a political winner at the ballot box. I mean, this is how Trump won both the nomination and the election. Amnesty for illegal immigrants is a politically losing argument.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The left care about the children up and until they wear out their usefulness as political pawns.

*If the kids end up being used by corrupt leftist cartels, sex traffickers, drug runners, and coyotes, no biggie to the left.*


Lewis Wetzel said...

"Those who cross the border"? Is that AP's new euphemism for illegal alien?
The AP is awful. The AP uses mind-reading anonymous sources. What the Hell good is journalism school if they don't teach would-be reporters not to use anonymous sources who claim to be able read minds?

Darrell said...

They didn't cross the border, the border crossed them.

Movie quotes for $100, Alex. . .

Jupiter said...

Inga said...

"At any rate Trump gave himself the biggest black eye thus far, I’m sure there will be more, if he lasts. He CAVED to public pressure, I’m sure that Ann Coulter will be pleased."

Which means, that Igna's handler, and his handlers, have decided Trump has successfully countered this set of talking points, and it is now time to pivot to the assertion that he suffered a terrible defeat in the course of doing so.

Fabi said...

I'm pleased that President Trump will be correcting eight years of Obama administration policy of wrapping children in foil and placing them inside cages. That's real leadership! Imagine how much he'll accomplish once he gets done cleaning up Zero's failed, anti-American corruption.

Achilles said...

Occupy Wall Street shows us what democrats think should be done to ICE agents.

Until Inga denounces occupy wall street and never associates with them again she supports ripping ICE agents hearts out.

We know this is what she wants and that she hates her political enemies.

She will never truly denounce these leftists.

Just like she never truly denounced Hodgkinson.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Fabi - the public pressure works campaign!

Because leftists care. Now watch as they bat down any and all solutions. The only solution the left want is 100% open borders, 100% illegal immigration and 100% amnesty. MS13 welcome!

dreams said...

We're living in a world gone mad. Consider this, the attempted assassination of nine congressman and senators last year by a Democratic resistance gunman who had a list of names of Republican politicians was ruled a suicide by police. Peter Fonda tweets that he wants a twelve old boy, Trump's son, to be raped and all those liberals who profess to care about hate speech tacitly approve by remaining silent.

Achilles said...


This is mainstream thought in the democrat party.

They are awful people.

langford peel said...

Inga you senile feckless cunt I might call them shithouse monkeys and beaner babies but I certainly don't want them to be kidnapped and raped. I want them to live happy lives in their native shit hole countries wearing sombreros and taking a fiesta while chewing the coca leaf.

Being raped and kidnapped was the reason behind the Flores decree. Too many of these children were props used by the likes of MS13 to get into the country and then sold to sex traffickers.
I know you are in favor of that as you did not denounce Peter Fonda and his vile threats to the Presidents minor child.

Why do you want to turn this children over to sex traffickers Inga? How do we know that the people they are arrested with are their real parents? In over 50% of the cases the adults did not anything about the children they had in tow. They were just the conduit to sex traffickers.

But you are fine with that since these poor shit house monkeys are just dancing for your organ grinders.

Jupiter said...

Inga said...
"Oh hi there Peel. It’s nice you aren’t calling them monkeys today.

Blogger langford peel said..."

Look at that, precision oppo research at the push of a button. Igna's handler probably has every comment anyone has ever made on this blog, loaded into a SQL database for instant query and retrieval. Even Althouse hasn't been able to do that. It's kind of sad, though, to see resources on that level wasted on a dim bulb like Igna.

langford peel said...

Peter Fonda, Robert DeNiro and Inga are the heart and soul of the Democratic Party.

Chuck Schumer refused a common sense solution that Ted Cruz offered. The President wanted Congress to act. To do their job. They refused. Or at least the Democrats refused. So he had to issue this executive order.

I would take it once step forward. I would issue an executive order to end all asylum applications. Without exception. Problem solved.

Fabi said...

Agreed, Dickin' -- nothing says caring as much as publicly hoping the president's youngest son is ass raped by a pedophile! Does Hallmark make a card for this? Asking for a washed-up hippy actor.

Yancey Ward said...

Really, what is going to be wrong when Trump orders the families to be detained together until they are deported, Inga? Surely you will agree with this executive order, right?

Anonymous said...

Francisco D: "She is boring and the game is boring.

There are plenty of intelligent people here with opinions to offer. Why get caught up with a troll who acts like a 7th grader and has no ability to comprehend the issues?"

Yes, I know you think Inga is boring, and she usually is, but sometimes her inability to comprehend issues (or really, think about things in any greater depth than this morning's partisan talking points), results in little gems like this...

Inga: "At any rate Trump gave himself the biggest black eye thus far, I’m sure there will be more, if he lasts. He CAVED to public pressure..."

...that just put a big grin on my face. I don't know why - maybe for the same reason people enjoy Road Runner cartoons.

Yancey Ward said...

Here is what is not going to happen- catch and release of those who have children when they cross the border illegally.

Henry said...

Inga said...
"The Flores law was brought about BECAUSE the Obama Administration kept the children with the mothers in most cases, while they were being processed and it was taking longer than 20 days. Maybe you folks should do your homework, really it’s not that difficult."

Inga is absolutely correct.

The Obama administration folded on detention and processing because they couldn't keep children in prison for longer than 20 days and because the optics of putting families in decrepit buildings and dirty tent cities was equally bad.

Since then and now, neither the Obama nor the Trump administration has put any money into better detention centers. Trump is simply walking out the same plank that lead Obama to catch-and-release.

Matt Sablan said...

"Really, what is going to be wrong when Trump orders the families to be detained together until they are deported, Inga? Surely you will agree with this executive order, right?"

-- Already heard one person say that since children can't be detained long, neither can the adults. Which was the expected next move.

Henry said...

Of course Trump caved to public pressure. Or did he have a deuce up his sleeve?

Jupiter said...


Jesus. That is some sick shit. I mean, this guy has problems way, way beyond his politics.

langford peel said...

Inga thinks that calling them shit house monkeys is terrible and disqualifying but calling for the kidnapping and rape of an eleven year old is just fine and dandy.

As far as my terminology that bothers various cucks and pajama boys the feckless cuntrag Anne Applebaum has figured it out:

"What Applebaum calls “vice-signaling” is usually framed in terms of political correctness. The logic is this: It’s the rare politician, even on the right, who has the strength of will to resist liberal cultural pressure to conform to political correctness. The only people you can trust to have that strength are the complete douches who are inclined to behave boorishly in basically every situation."

You can't be afraid to be an asshole if that is what it takes to do the right thing. Alexander Hamilton was an asshole. Grant was an asshole. Patton was an asshole. MacArthur was an asshole. Truman was an asshole. Trump is an asshole. He is our asshole. That was why he got elected in the first place.

You have to be an asshole to fight through the political correctness. That lets the rest of you cucks look reasonable. Get it?

Yancey Ward said...

I know that, Matthew- Trump isn't going to back down on this. If it goes beyond 20 days, the children will still be separated at that point.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Yancey Ward said...

Flores isn't a law, by the way- it is decree.

langford peel said...

How is it that Roseanne lost her show but Peter Fonda has a movie coming out next week?

Are they going to cancel the movie or will with be in the theater so all of his supporters like Inga and Chuck can go to the movies to support Peter Fonda in his desire to kidnap and rape the Presidents minor child?

Yancey Ward said...

I will hold you to that, Inga, so don't bother coming here and arguing otherwise in the future that the families must be released together before asylum is determined.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Really, what is going to be wrong when Trump orders the families to be detained together until they are deported, Inga? Surely you will agree with this executive order, right?”

I suggested it myself day before yesterday, as well as yesterday. I said they could be housed on old military bases with families intact while the legal wranglings are being done. I spoke of Cuban balseros on GTMO being detained together as family units, even those from the same towns were allowed to stay together. I’ve said several times to keep them together while processing their applications for asylum or other legal proceedings such as crossing the border illegally and if they aren’t granted asylum deport the families back to their home countries, families intact

Jupiter said...

Francisco D said...

"Why get caught up with a troll who acts like a 7th grader and has no ability to comprehend the issues?"

Remember that Igna was put here, and is maintained here, for a reason, a propaganda reason. Igna's handler uses Igna as a conduit, to place material on this blog, where he believes it will be seen by large numbers of people who would not otherwise be exposed to it. Igna is an idiot, but she is also a tool.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Flores isn't a law, by the way- it is decree.”

Tell Trump.

Henry said...

Legally you can't imprison children with adults. So you can separate them. But that creates the problem that you're separating children from their parents.

You can't deport illegal aliens without a hearing, which takes a few weeks. It takes longer when you have more people caught. As Trump himself pointed out, we don't have enough attorneys and judges. Appointing judges takes a long time.

You can't deport asylum seekers without a hearing, which takes longer.

You can detain families together, but only if you have enough clean, sanitary, well-supplied, well-staffed detention centers to house them.

But you don't have enough clean, sanitary, well-supplied, well-staffed detention centers. You barely have any.

What to do?

Jupiter said...

Igna is like Chuck in that regard. Except that Chuck is considerably more intelligent.

Yancey Ward said...

And, to make it absolutely clear- Inga is denying that she supports catch and release.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Inga’s handler”...I call him Daddy Soros.

buwaya said...

Off-topic to a degree, but relevant -


"Michael R. Bloomberg, the billionaire former mayor of New York City, has decided to throw his political clout and personal fortune behind the Democratic campaign to take control of the House of Representatives this year, directing aides to spend tens of millions of dollars in an effort to expel Republicans from power.

Mr. Bloomberg — a political independent who has championed left-of-center policies on gun control, immigration and the environment — has approved a plan to pour at least $80 million into the 2018 election, with the bulk of that money going with the bulk of that money going to support Democratic congressional candidates, advisers to Mr. Bloomberg said. "

Comment -

As I have often said, the funding for the DNC is irrelevant, as the real political money this year (and ongoing) is going to come from such as Bloomberg. And Bloomberg is a minor player, there are much richer men than he is, and many will be going all out on this. It reflects their interests in public policy. This piece is just a nugget of information that is publicly available. Democratic candidates will be richly funded.

Why he is doing this (why all of them are doing this) is a bit of a puzzle. I have my inductive conclusions, but lacking insider information these are still speculative.

Its interesting that immigration is such a radioactive issue for billionaires. It seems that there is a consensus of interest in increasing immigration as much as possible. The reasoning (internal analyses, business cases) of this matter would be fascinating. I am sure there are internal studies laying out the case vis-à-vis their personal and institutional interests, though it is not a matter of public knowledge, other than in speculative modes.

A very great deal of the "why" in these things is not available to the contemporary public, and often is obscured for all time.

Yancey Ward said...

You should tell yourself, Inga- you are the one that called it a law above. However, I give a pass on such misstatements because convention is rather loose in common usage. This also reared its head in the executive orders that were stayed by the 9th Circuit- those stays were also not law though it was described that way by many on your side.

Kevin said...

At any rate, your president CAVED to public pressure and the children hopefully will be reunited with their families.

Oh Inga you are funny. No one here wanted children separated from their parents. They just wanted zero tolerance and the immigration laws enforced.

And no one on the Dem side who issues your talking points cared about children being separated from their parents, they wanted catch and release reinstated to add to the DREAMer and chain migration opportunities.

Zero tolerance is still in effect. The people who actually brought you this crisis will soon be suing the Trump Administration over the Executive Order to force Trump back to separating the kids or releasing the illegals. Schumer won't do anything on the legislative fix and the ACLU and others are gearing up lawsuits as soon as they can read the text of the EO.

Because zero tolerance is still in effect.

If you thought any of this was about children being separated from their parents, the joke's on you.

Jupiter said...

Henry said...
"What to do?"

If you so arrange things, that the only way people can apply for asylum in the US, is at a US Embassy in some other country, then the various impediments to rapid action that you cite are features, not bugs.

Build the fucking wall, already.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“As Trump himself pointed out, we don't have enough attorneys and judges. Appointing judges takes a long time.”

Yet yesterday he said he doesn’t “want more judges...”.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Build the fucking wall, already.”

Tunnels, lol.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Poor Inga pays attention to whatever trump "says" or tweets.

Yancey Ward said...


Bloomberg plans to run in 2020, but will do so as a Democrat, not an independent.

mockturtle said...

members of the MS-13 gang — which make up a minuscule percentage of those who cross the border.

Hardly the case. There are MS13 gangs all over the US involving tens of thousands of members. And that is only one gang syndicate. There are plenty of others. They originate in Central America and that's where many of the current illegal immigrants are from. Is there anyone with balls in a position to enforce the law? Anyone? Our country is at the mercy of hysterical hand-wringers.

Matt Sablan said...

Calling it a "law" is colloquially fine.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“No one here wanted children separated from their parents. They just wanted zero tolerance and the immigration laws enforced.”

Do you have amnesia? There were a great many comments basically saying the separation was a good deterrent.

Yancey Ward said...

These are administrative judges- not judiciary branch judges, no? To appoint them only requires the funding from Congress.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Poor Inga pays attention to whatever trump "says" or tweets.”

If he can’t be trusted not to lie or be accurate, why do you support him? I blame Cultism.

Yancey Ward said...

Inga wrote:

"There were a great many comments basically saying the separation was a good deterrent."

Who? Citations.

dreams said...

"Build the fucking wall, already.”

"Tunnels, lol."

Tunnels don't just magically appear, they have to be dug which is labor intensive and time consuming. The "fucking wall" would for sure slow down the illegal border crossings.

Matt Sablan said...

"There were a great many comments basically saying the separation was a good deterrent."

-- Lots of things are good deterrents, but I still don't want anyone to suffer the consequences.

Henry said...

Yet yesterday he said he doesn’t “want more judges...”.

No. Yesterday he said “Ultimately, we have to have a real border, not judges,” Trump said. “Thousands and thousands of judges they want to hire. Who are these people?” Trump continued. “When we vet a single federal judge it goes through a big process.”

As I said, Trump said that appointing judges takes time.

Jupiter said...

Inga said...
"“Inga’s handler”...I call him Daddy Soros."

Yes, I know. But others might not understand the reference, or might think it was a little paranoid. So I'll just keep calling him your handler. Did he buy you that lovely pussy hat you wore for a while, before you all finally figured out how ridiculous you looked, with a poorly-executed simulacrum of your vulva affixed to the top of your head?

Jupiter said...

BTW, you should not have put quotes around "Inga's handler". I call him "Igna's handler". You could put [sic] after it if you like.

Henry said...

Jupiter said...

If you so arrange things, that the only way people can apply for asylum in the US, is at a US Embassy in some other country, then the various impediments to rapid action that you cite are features, not bugs.

Except things are not so arranged. People can't apply for asylum except in the US.

This is like Inga's claim that Trump is against judges. There's a situation on the ground that can't be wished away with false alternatives.

Adding judges takes funding and support from Congress. Building a wall takes funding and support from Congress. Converting old army bases, or disused organic farms, or abandoned theme parks, into sanitary, safe, detention centers takes funding and time.

The current situation is happening now because now one bothered to proactively create the support systems to deal with it.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

No yesterday he said “we don’t want judges...” I heard it live I know what I heard.

“We don’t want judges; we want security on the border. We don’t want people coming in. We want them to come in through a legal process like everybody else that’s waiting to come into our country. (Applause.)”


Lewis Wetzel said...

Buwaya Puti wrote:
"The reasoning (internal analyses, business cases) of this matter would be fascinating. I am sure there are internal studies laying out the case vis-à-vis their personal and institutional interests . . ."
It's obvious, isn't it? Borders act as barriers to human capital. Barriers to intelectual and finacial capital have already mostly disappeared. Increasing human capital flow, in theory, will increase economic growth. But this thory has never been tested at its edges, and human capital flow is already as free as it has ever been in all of human history.
Increasing the flow of human capital tends to decrease the supply of social capital, but billionaires either are blind to the costs imposed by limited social capital, or they believe that the law -- which they can control -- is a substitute for social capital. That is, since social capital is basically arbitrary rules that govern behavior, another set of arbitrary rules may be substituted for it.

walter said...

I heard a BBC report last night where a reporter interviewed a Mexican ambassador about this issue. At one point he asked him whether Mexico had some responsibility in managing the situation. The Mexican rep slithered around throwing something out about Mexico having "freedom of movement"...a complete nothing-taco.
Reporter didn't follow up.
Mexico...what a shit-hole country.

n.n said...

Judicial legislation.

The wall is the first step to aid asylum speakers, and to progress (i.e. monotonic reduction) the incentive for adult predators who identify as "parents" to exploit children.

Force Mexico to confront immigration reform at its southern border is another step.

An end to financial liberalism including monopolistic practices that force decadal catastrophic anthrogenic economic misalignment, in America, and around the world.

A sustainable solution, a forward thinking solution, is emigration reform.

Tariffs to reduce the value of explicit and implicit tariffs including labor and environmental arbitrage.

Also, lifting the veil of privacy from Planned Parenthood and other left-operated abortion chambers, and related progressive dysfunction.

Baby steps.

John Pickering said...

There was a little bit of good news in the New York Times today, heralding some changes ahead for Ann and her tribe:

Deaths now outnumber births among white people in more than half the states in the country, demographers have found, signaling what could be a faster-than-expected transition to a future in which whites are no longer a majority of the American population.

Jupiter said...

mockturtle said...
"There are MS13 gangs all over the US involving tens of thousands of members. And that is only one gang syndicate. There are plenty of others."

This situation is far worse than people realize. Ann Coulter recently described a school in Virginia where there are students who are accompanied by armed guards at all times, because they have been threatened by MS-13. Wouldn't you feel safe, knowing you had armed guards to protect you from the murderous, nihilist monsters who want to rip your heart out? This doesn't seem to bother the folks who are so upset about the threat AR-15s pose to schoolchildren.

Achilles said...

Inga said...
“No one here wanted children separated from their parents. They just wanted zero tolerance and the immigration laws enforced.”

Do you have amnesia? There were a great many comments basically saying the separation was a good deterrent.

This is the excuse Inga uses to fuel her deranged hypocrisy.

We want them sent back to their own country. Together.

Inga wants to force a situation where they have to be released into the country and wave a bloody shirt.

Inga and the democrat party are the cause of these family separations. They don't care how much misery they cause in their quest for open borders and reliable democrat voters.

Everyone knows it.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“There was a little bit of good news in the New York Times today, heralding some changes ahead for Ann and her tribe:

Deaths now outnumber births among white people in more than half the states in the country, demographers have found, signaling what could be a faster-than-expected transition to a future in which whites are no longer a majority of the American population.”

Oh now John, you’re going to get the Cultists all riled up. Peel especially.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Blogger Inga said...
“Poor Inga pays attention to whatever trump "says" or tweets.”

If he can’t be trusted not to lie or be accurate, why do you support him? I blame Cultism.

Inga, I did not vote for Trump. I support some of his policies, not the man.
Obama is on record as saying about Obamacare "if you like your plan you can keep your plan. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor" over thirty times. It was a lie. It wasn't a lie made out of ignorance, either. It was a lie told to achieve a political end: to diminish the resistance to Obamacare from the 80% of Americans who liked their current health coverage in 2010.
Politicians are not truth speaking machines. None of them. Their words are not calculated to inform, they are intended to sway key elements of the body politic. Grow up, would you?

Jupiter said...

I have seen where this leads. I frequently visit southern Mexico. The situation there is now so bad that the narcos have become a second government. People go to them to sort out their property disputes. Unlike the "real" government, the gangs have not renounced the death penalty. That gives them an immense advantage. They only imprison people long enough to torture them for any useful information they might have. Then they kill them in some horrific fashion, to terrorize the general populace. It works, by the way. It will work here, too. Peter Fonda's psycho ravings are business as usual in Latin America.

Curious George said...

"John Pickering said...
Deaths now outnumber births among white people in more than half the states in the country, demographers have found, signaling what could be a faster-than-expected transition to a future in which whites are no longer a majority of the American population."

And then of course Adios, America. Immigration is the #1 issue for America. Nothing is close. And if it lost America is lost. And the left will wonder what happened. We go and all of humanity is lost. World wide tyranny. No place to escape to.

walter said...

Sure Pickering.
If you can't win with ideas, just flood the country with majority Dem voting dependents.
What could go wrong?

Anonymous said...

Hollywood doesn't want its supply of gardeners, pool boys, maids, and nannies interrupted.

Jupiter said...

John Pickering said...

"Deaths now outnumber births among white people in more than half the states in the country, demographers have found, signaling what could be a faster-than-expected transition to a future in which whites are no longer a majority of the American population."

If "Pickering" is really your last name, then you are probably what we call an "eat-me-last" lefty. But they may decide to eat you first, if one of us doesn't off you.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

The Cultiest Cultist of all said...
“We want them sent back to their own country. Together.”

Inga said...
“I’ve said several times to keep them together while processing their applications for asylum or other legal proceedings such as crossing the border illegally and if they aren’t granted asylum deport the families back to their home countries, families intact.

6/20/18, 1:19 PM

Henry said...

Inga, from your own link:

No, what — seriously, what country does it? They said, “Sir, we’d like to hire about five or six-thousand more judges.” Five or six-thousand? Now, can you imagine the graft that must take place? You’re all small business owners, so I know you can imagine a thing like that would happen. But here’s a guy — they say, “Could you please be a judge? Come on, get it.” They line up to be a judge. It’s horrible.

We don’t want judges; we want security on the border.

It's very clear the point that Trump is making.

As an aside if you intend to take everything Trump said literally, without context, you could quote this, from the same speech:

We want to solve family separation. I don’t want children taken away from parents.

Amazing. He's on our side.

But here's the context:

We want to solve family separation. I don’t want children taken away from parents. And when you prosecute the parents for coming in illegally, which should happen, you have to take the children away. Now, we don’t have to prosecute them. But then we’re not prosecuting them for coming in illegally.

The Trump administration has the discretion to choose or not choose to implement their zero tolerance policy. They have chosen to implement. That decision leads to the next, and the next, and the next, until you have family separation.

If Trump now has a new plan, the two paths open to him is one, find detention centers that don't currently exist or two, come up with some version of catch and release under a different name.

buwaya said...

"Increasing human capital flow, in theory, will increase economic growth. "

This does not work well as a purpose. These people do not do things of this scale just for a generic good, like higher rate of growth. They certainly didn't do anything, for instance, about the constraints on growth implemented over the last thirty years, notably the vast increase in regulation. There was poor growth then and much better growth now, but the poor growth then was, for them, preferable to faster growth now.

There are much more specific interests involved, that benefit the likes of Bloomberg, in the sense of the actual assets he holds. And so also for the rest.

Jupiter said...

Inga said...
"I’ve said several times to keep them together while processing their applications for asylum or other legal proceedings such as crossing the border illegally and if they aren’t granted asylum deport the families back to their home countries, families intact."

Have you. Well, then, we're mostly in agreement. The only difference being, I don't want to "keep them together", or separate them, either. I want to keep them out of the country, where their living arrangements are their business, not ours.

Build the fucking wall, already.

walter said...

BTW, what is the so-called UN human rights council doing to influence the shit going on in the shit-hole Central American countries pushing folks North through "freedom of movement" Mexico?

Anonymous said...

Invade the US, get caught, then complain about the accommodations.

walter said...

If the wall would be so ineffective, I'd like to know why Mexico so vehemently objects to it.

Yancey Ward said...

There is a part of this story that people have forgotten- the Session's decision last week about what qualifies people for asylum. Remember- this is immigration administrative law. I am guessing that there is already a plan to end the lengthy asylum process and make it far shorter. This could explain the sudden motivation in Congress to pass amnesty again.

What I see here is Trump calling a bluff- the support for that assertion is the stand I forced Inga to take earlier in this thread. It will become apparent really quickly that the only fallback position will be to call for a return of the catch and release process, maybe backed with a federal court order from....Hawaii? The politics of all this are ultimately on Trump's side, not the pro-amesty side.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Inga said...
"I’ve said several times to keep them together while processing their applications for asylum or other legal proceedings such as crossing the border illegally and if they aren’t granted asylum deport the families back to their home countries, families intact."

The problem, Inga, is that some of these "families" consist of a thirty year old coyote transporting his teenage "daughters" to the US to be sold into the sex trade. Gullibility and ignorant you are, Inga.

Yancey Ward said...

Meanwhile....in Spain the government can't help but step all over itself. I wonder just how many ships Spain takes in now that Italy has shut the door?

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga...Allie Oop said...

Henry, I left the link. I’m sure people here,if they cared enough, could’ve gone there and read it for themselves. I’m bashed here daily for cutting and pasting, I’m going to do the very least amount of it humanly possible henceforth. I encourage readers here not to be lazy and do their own homework. You don’t appreciate it when I do it for you.

Jupiter said...

You may rest assured, the Mexicans would not let the "asylum seekers" cross their southern border, if they knew they would not be able to cross their northern border.

Jim at said...

While acting responsibly and ethically, you failed to add. Those two things come before profits. - Trumpit


Businesses exist for one purpose and one purpose only ... to make money. Period.

It's no surprise you're too stupid to even understand that.

Jupiter said...

Inga said...
"I encourage readers here not to be lazy and do their own homework. You don’t appreciate it when I do it for you."

Boy, you've sure as Hell got that part right. But then, we aren't the ones who pay you, so why should you care what we appreciate?

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jim at said...

At any rate, your president CAVED to public pressure and the children hopefully will be reunited with their families. - Inga

Then you should be happy, right?

You bitch when children are separated.
You bitch when Trump reunites them.

Seems all you do is bitch.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“But then, we aren't the ones who pay you, so why should you care what we appreciate?”

Well if you offer me more money than Daddy Soros...

walter said...

Of interest:
Southwest Border Unaccompanied Alien Children Statistics FY 2016

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“...the support for that assertion is the stand I forced Inga to take earlier in this thread.”

You didn’t “force” me to do anything, I’ve been saying that I’m in favor of holding families together during the legal proceedings for two days now, then deport together if no asylum is granted, without any “forcing” from you.


Jim at said...

Trump lost this one BIGLY. - Inga

And that - right there - is you should never deal with people like Inga.

It was never about the kids, immigration or anything of the sort.

They get what they want and then shit all over themselves sticking it to Trump. That's all it was.

Fuck them.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

The EO is signed. What a switch from “infestations” of illegal aliens to “we have a heart”, lol. Hypocrite. He was FORCED to back down by public pressure. Good to know decent people still have some power.

buwaya said...

Public opinion in Spain is strongly against the refugees, or immigrants of any sort for that matter. The public is nearly as anti-immigrant as that of Italy.

The present government is a minority that was not elected on this issue, having been installed via a vote of no confidence. They risk their standing in the next election.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Thank you to the Press and whistlblowers for shining a light on this. Thank you American people who still recognize what human decency is. We won this round.

buwaya said...

There is no such thing as "human decency". Or "social justice".
All of these things are really just emotive words.
They are fantasies.
They have no personal relevance.

Some people can, and a smaller number try, to escape living in such a mirage.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“There is no such thing as "human decency".

You speak for yourself.

FullMoon said...

Late to the party.

I assume Inga and others are giving President Trump a great big thank you.
Am I right?

Or, is Peter Fonda and Inga's other heroes getting the credit?

Anonymous said...

John Pickering:

There was a little bit of good news in the New York Times today, heralding some changes ahead for Ann and her tribe:

Deaths now outnumber births among white people in more than half the states in the country, demographers have found, signaling what could be a faster-than-expected transition to a future in which whites are no longer a majority of the American population.

I wouldn't get too excited about that, John, but at any rate, why do you believe white-majority nations are a bad thing? Whites are a small minority of the human race, and the majority of nation-states don't even have significant minorities of white people. And yet to people like you even this minority status of a particular race, at both the nation-state and population level, is unsatisfactory to you. Looks like a seriously pathological level of racism to me.

Why is preferring any kind of non-white majority country less "racist" than preferring a white majority country?

I've never gotten any prog to explain to me exactly what wonderful things will come to pass when a white-majority nation becomes a white-minority one. Why is a country where a majority of the people are non-white Hispanics, or Asians, or blacks, inherently better than a country where the majority of the population is of European descent? How exactly is the U.S. in particular going to be improved by whites being a minority? What wonders are going to rain down upon the nation when that happens?

Is it going to be richer? Less violent? Have a larger middle-class and more equitable distributions of wealth? Less tribal (racial, ethnic, religious) conflict? More respect for human rights and freedoms? Less sexism and greater equality of opportunity for women? Greater levels of scientific and technological achievement? More tolerance of gays and other sexual minorities?

It's not that we don't have plenty of examples to show us what such countries are like, and it's a wonder why people like John are content to live in white shitholes, when there are any number of countries to migrate to where they'd rarely ever have to see another white face, let alone have to deal with a majority, or even a large minority, of icky white people.

Now John, you seem dumb enough to actually believe all the bullshit progs tell themselves about how all bad things in non-white countries are the result of colonialism, or white people stealing all their stuff, and that all those places would be fabulous if it weren't for whites. So because I think you're honest about your distaste for living among whites, I'll make a friendly recommendation: you should emigrate, because life is short, and waiting around for the desired demographic transformation may not pan out, as demographic trends are not always linear and predictable. I'd hate for you to miss out on a happier life when what you want is freely available to you all over the globe.

(Most progs, of course, are bullshitting themselves - nobody else is fooled - with their anti-white religion, as is obvious from their personal life choices.)

Matt Sablan said...

Why when Trump compromises is it "Trump is a big loser!" but when Obama... wait -- did he ever compromise on a policy? Either or. Trump finding middle ground: BIG LOSER!

Democrats finding middle ground: "Dealmakers."

buwaya said...

I do speak for myself, but my words are wise.
The first rule in solving problems is to take your emotions outside and shoot them.
You cannot love that which you intend to fix.

Emotions are the guardians of our personal prisons.

Big Mike said...

“Infest” is correct.

buwaya said...

It would be interesting (well, amusing) to have a partisan try to unpack such as concept as "human decency". Or define it. It is inevitably going to be nothing more than word-salad of better or worse quality, an exercise in creative writing.

Michael said...

The left sees no problem in these women dragging their children a thousand dangerous miles to a foreign border. They prefer that cinematic drama to the woman and her child traipsing to the U S embassy in Guatemala City or Tegucigalpa and apply there for the asylum they so desperately have to have. The thousand dangerous miles, and the many hundreds of children who have died along this route over the years, make a better movie in the heads of the idiotic Inga left. A more satisfying movie.

Michael said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FullMoon said...

Inga said...

“There is no such thing as "human decency".

You speak for yourself.

6/20/18, 2:38 PM

Right. Put a Trump bumper sticker on your car. Teat your decency theory in your own neighborhood.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Right. Put a Trump bumper sticker on your car. Teat your decency theory in your own neighborhood.”

In my neighborhood, it would fit right in. LOL.

FullMoon said...

Blogger Inga said...

“Right. Put a Trump bumper sticker on your car. Teat your decency theory in your own neighborhood.”

In my neighborhood, it would fit right in. LOL.

So, you will do it. Let us know how that works out for ya !

buwaya said...

I would not dream of putting a Trump sticker on my car.
There are far too many irrational believers in "human decency" around here.

People discount reason and empiricism as being inhuman. That's a very odd idea, if you consider it seriously, because that sort of thing is what truly does separate mankind from the animals. My cat is as emotional as I am, but incapable of sophisticated dispassionate analysis.

Emotionalistic argument is the treatment of human beings like animal herds. It is realistic to do so, because humans can be moved that way, but this is not something to celebrate.

Anonymous said...

Lewis Wetzel: But this thory has never been tested at its edges, and human capital flow is already as free as it has ever been in all of human history.
Increasing the flow of human capital tends to decrease the supply of social capital, but billionaires either are blind to the costs imposed by limited social capital, or they believe that the law -- which they can control -- is a substitute for social capital. That is, since social capital is basically arbitrary rules that govern behavior, another set of arbitrary rules may be substituted for it.

"Bugmen", I believe, is the current term-of-art for holders of such beliefs. Though I think that word may comprise all the lower-downs and lackeys who buy into the religion of Clown World, for whatever reason, as well as the billionaires.

Never underestimate good old hubris as at least part of the explanation for refusing to acknowledge the social capital costs. There is also, as has become excruciatingly clear in the last few years, a huge animus toward the middle- and lower-classes of Western nations. Studying that hostility could keep historians and sociologists occupied for a while. Mix up that animus with regular old human greed, and...well, here we are.

Jupiter said...

"Fonda said “Kristjen Nielsen is a lying gash that should be put in a cage and poked at by passersby.” He continued, “The gash should be pilloried in Lafayette Square naked and whipped by passersby while being filmed for posterity.”

Sounds to me like Fonda has noticed that Ms. Nielsen is a good-looking woman, and he'd like to see more of her. I don't think he'd cross the street to see Nancy Pelosi whipped naked in a cage. Maybe I'm wrong. What say, Igna?

FullMoon said...

If the Media Keeps This Up, They’re Going to Get Somebody Killed
— Rush Limbaugh

“Okay. Folks, I’m just gonna say it here. If the media keeps this up — if they keep up generating this hysteria — somebody’s gonna get killed. I think we’re pretty close to somebody getting killed already, and I’m not being hyperbolic, and I’m not trying to call attention to myself. I’m genuinely worried about the out-of-control aspect of this. The news media’s fanning the flames. The news media is leading the way on this. It’s again an oxymoron. News media? There is no media, and none of this is news.

It’s a manufactured crisis — that is one of many — after Donald Trump committed an unpardonable sin, and that was winning the presidential election. This today is not about kids and the way they’re being treated anywhere. This is about Donald Trump winning and these people not being able to do anything about it. Look at everything they’ve thrown at Trump. They’ve had full-blown intelligence community FBI, CIA, DOJ, special counsel investigations all happening simultaneously designed to drive Donald Trump from office in six months.


Every one of them has failed.

Donald Trump’s popularity is increasing. His approval numbers are increasing. Overall satisfaction in the country is rising. In fact, if you dig deep into this latest Gallup survey, you find that all across the board in this country people are looking up, and they’re optimistic. It’s rooted to economics. The only group of people fit to be tied are Democrats, and it is just… It’s eating them alive.


The Democrats now more than ever are rabid, unhinged…

They’re becoming zombie-like. If you don’t believe me, jump on Twitter for a few minutes. It has become the refugee of human debris. People who know they’re powerless, people who know they’re ineffective… They live each and every day with hatred, self-loathing, what have you. They don’t like themselves to begin with. They’ve got no outlet for this. Hillary Clinton’s loss to Donald Trump has created a mob of political monsters who gather on Twitter to spew insane hatred — and this is bleeding over to people even in the establishment.”


Kevin said...

I’m bashed here daily for cutting and pasting, I’m going to do the very least amount of it humanly possible henceforth.

Shorter version: what I post is purposely devoid of context. You should always click through to see how ridiculous I'm currently being.

Jupiter said...

I guess the question here is, when you are going to whip a woman naked in a cage, is it alright to separate her from her children?

langford peel said...

Inga the feckless cunt said...
“There was a little bit of good news in the New York Times today, heralding some changes ahead for Ann and her tribe:

Deaths now outnumber births among white people in more than half the states in the country, demographers have found, signaling what could be a faster-than-expected transition to a future in which whites are no longer a majority of the American population.”

Oh now John, you’re going to get the Cultists all riled up. Peel especially

Why would I get all "riled up" Inga? I know that this is the goal of you, John Pickering, Chuck, ARM and all of the left. You want to destroy white people. You hate white people. You continually say that you only have to wait for all the white people to die off. You want to import millions of shit hole monkeys to turn this country into a shit hole like Mexico or Venezuela or Cuba.

That is your goal. Your explicit and often stated goal.

So I have no reason to get all riled up when you state the truth of your intentions. I just want the pajama boy excel's who want to be "civil" to realize what you are all about.

A perfect illustration is the current ravings of Peter Fonda. He is the face of the Democrats and the Vichy Republicans. Still not a word of denunciation. This is what we are facing. This is the "human decency" that Inga touts.

Don't be fooled again.

langford peel said...

No white person should ever vote for a Democrat.

You are committing suicide if you do.

langford peel said...

Just realize that when the whites become a minority in a nation it is on the road to destruction and despair.

We have seen it over and over again in Africa. In South America.

You are about to see a holocaust in South Africa.

It can happen here. Don't think we are immune.

America can turn into Baltimore. Very easily.

langford peel said...

Even prime shit hole city Baltimore realizes that it needs help and asks that the feds step in and stop the murder spree that the resident monkeys are committing.

If is not clear that the Justice Department will move in to help. After all Baltimore is another of these cities that refuses to enforce our immigration laws and allocates scarce resources to help replace the residents of their city with illegal immigrants.

I guess they will ultimate try to help. It is after all the White Man's burden.

Still what are you going to do when everywhere turns into Baltimore?

buwaya said...

"You are about to see a holocaust in South Africa."

I doubt it.
They have been leaving, and will simply leave faster.
Elon Musk's dad is one of those remaining SA whites.
He once shot three housebreakers dead.
He can take care of himself, as can most of them, and moreover can self-organize.

langford peel said...

They are going to flee buwaya. Just as they did in Rhodesia. Just as they did in Detroit and Baltimore. The black majority government is gearing up for a property seizure in the vein of Venezuela. It is coming. There is no coverage in the United States because the mainstream media agrees with it. They want to see it happen. They want to make it happen here. Just listen to people like Kevin Williamson and John Pickering.

It will indeed be a holocaust. Not a phony one like keeping children out of the hands of sex traffickers.

You won't hear about it until it is all over.

buwaya said...

"They are going to flee buwaya."

"It will indeed be a holocaust."

These two statements are not easily reconciled.

Michael K said...

Full Moon, here is the creep that threatened a representative's kids.

He is a local (trailer park) Democrat activist who had called the Reps office 478 times.

The left attacked the DHS chief in a restaurant last night and ,one of the ANTIFA is a DOJ paralegal.

One of those participants, Allison Hrabar, actually works for the Trump administration — as a paralegal in the DOJ.

“Kirstjen Nielsen, you’re a villain, locking up immigrant children,” activists can be heard saying in a video.

An employee within the Trump administration initially tipped TheDCNF off about Hrabar’s presence at the protest.

The Washington Examiner spoke with Hrabar Wednesday and she defended her behavior as off government time and a use of her First Amendment rights. (RELATED: ‘Fascist Pig!’ — Chanting Socialists Chase DHS Secretary Nielsen Out Of Mexican Restaurant)

“If you see these people in public, you should remind them that they shouldn’t have peace,” she told The Examiner. “We aren’t the only ones who can do this. Anyone who sees Kirstjen Nielsen at dinner, anyone who sees anyone who works at DHS and ICE at dinner can confront them like this, and that’s what we hope this will inspire people to do.”

Sounds like a firing offense to me.

Somebody is going to get killed.

langford peel said...

Sure they are.

Thousands of Jews fled Germany.

A literal Boat load tried to come to America. The SS St Louis was turned away by FDR. As were many thousands of other Jews who tried to flee the Nazis.

Fleeing does not preclude a holocaust. Some escape. Many do not.

I hope that it does not come to be but I am doubtful. It is interesting that Australia is opening up its doors to White South Africans. Why is that do you think?

Michael K said...

Here is one of her posts and she should be sent home.

But not to Tucson.

Michael K said...

And that - right there - is you should never deal with people like Inga.

It was never about the kids, immigration or anything of the sort.

She is a fool and this whole thing was an operation. I'm not sure if it will work as most of the fools mouthing these pieties know nothing about anything.

In a week or two there will be a new hysteria but I do worry that fools like Inga will get stirred up enough to kill someone.

The idiot that participated in the outrage in the Mexican restaurant is a DOJ paralegal.

There are a lot of unbalanced leftists around.

The shooter who tried to kill the GOP Congressmen was a Bernie bro.

buwaya said...

"this whole thing was an operation."

Yes of course. You could see it being built up three weeks ago.

"In a week or two there will be a new hysteria"

Certainly so.

buwaya said...

" It is interesting that Australia is opening up its doors to White South Africans. Why is that do you think?"

Because Australia is the obvious destination in the Commonwealth for them.
They are run by squishy conservatives at the moment, but good enough for this.
Canada too, and when the government changes from the current absurdity you will see that.

The "white" countries of the Commonwealth would be terribly embarrassed by a white disaster in South Africa.

buwaya said...

"Thousands of Jews fled Germany."

And Austria. Almost all of them, 80%+ of the German and Austrian Jews fled.
German and Austrian Jews had some of the highest survival rates.

Their bad luck was that many were caught, later, in the Netherlands, France, Belgium, which seemed safe in 1939. Still, they were much better off than most. I think the overall survival rate is cited as 65%. Compare to less than 10% for Polish Jews, who had next to no warning before they were unable to flee, with closed borders in an occupied country.

The South African government and majority population moreover aren't Germans. They are incompetent, lackadaisical and unorganized, besides being incredibly corrupt. They show no signs of military ability. No doubt they could kill a lot of people, but I doubt they can defeat even a very quickly organized white militia should there be a racial conflict.

Michael K said...

No doubt they could kill a lot of people, but I doubt they can defeat even a very quickly organized white militia should there be a racial conflict.

Robert Ruark wrote a pretty good novel about the Mau Mau uprising in the 1950s. The white settlers mostly left Kenya but they defended theselves while they were there.

The white Rhodesians also defended themselves pretty well. After they left, Zimbabwe has descended into near Venezuela conditions.

Michael K said...

The "white" countries of the Commonwealth would be terribly embarrassed by a white disaster in South Africa.

Especially since it was the English who began the problem with the Boer War.

langford peel said...

Why aren't they terribly embarrassed by the white disaster in London?

I don't think they would give two shits.

narciso said...

Well neither did the Khmer before 1975, they carried under prince sihanouks umbrella.

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