June 12, 2018

Biden confronted about groping women.

At a book tour event in Wilmington, Delaware, someone in the audience asks, "What about the girls you molested on C-SPAN at the Senate swearing-in?" Biden's answer: "This is not Trump world" (whatever that means).


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Craig said...

"Grope"? Seriously? Are you just taking your content from Infowars now, Professor?

rhhardin said...

Estrogen-cloud fueled mob.

Tim said...

The left is really not going to like the new rules.

paminwi said...

If you have ever seen the videos of Biden touching the young girls/wives at swearing in ceremonies you may not define it as groping but it sure is inappropriate and creepy. Imagine it bring YOUR daughter bring touched that way by a stranger!

prairie wind said...

Ugh. This whole #MeToo thing has gotten way too ugly. If Biden did molest someone, then someone had better report it so the allegations can be investigated. Until then, all we have is irresponsible gossip with outsize consequences. Careers ruined, families broken--and too many times based on nothing more than an allegation.

sean said...

I have been persuaded (by Wendy, a commenter at apt11d, who posted pictures) that Biden is just kind of a creepy, touch, overly affectionate guy, who acts that way with both sexes. So maybe it doesn't count as sexual harassment.

(Although treating both sexes the same way is not generally a defense in the metoo era: a guy who talks about sex equally to men and women would not be excused on that ground. That is a characteristic of current wave feminism, that belief that ladies are special flowers who can't tolerate crudity.)

Craig said...


I have seen some videos, and I think Biden seems to me, having not really studied the thing, to be pretty handsy. (It might be worth noting that there are plenty of videos of him hugging men, too. It isn't just girls and women! Do a google search for "Biden hugs".) I'm totally open to someone saying objecting to the handsiness or thinking it's creepy.

But I haven't seen _anything_ credible suggesting that he's got a sexual intent or that his hands are searching around. I suspect Infowars (and maybe also Professor Althouse) used "grope" because they wanted to up the ante and impute sexualization.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

We ONLY discuss Trump's indiscretions. Democrats are above all, no tough questions or expectations. Hypocrisy? what hypocrisy? Because Trump!

Quaestor said...

Craig wrote: Are you just taking your content from Infowars now, Professor?

Hawking talking points for Biden, are we? Certainly looks that way, or perhaps it's just what to expect from someone who doesn't read below the titles. The question posed in the video was about molestation, which could extend to some things more gravely offensive than a mere grope. In her title, Althouse downgraded the implied accusation to a lesser level. If you're inclined to look kindly on Slow Joe you should be grateful.

Matt Sablan said...

Eh, I think Biden just doesn't know boundaries. It's the sort of touching a lesser person would catch hell for, but since it is Biden, it is just Biden being Biden, like when he makes racist comments or plagiarizes speeches.

rehajm said...

Joe's vintage 2012 derisive sneering won't play well in the 2020 campaign.

Bay Area Guy said...

Has Biden crossed the threshhold from creepy old Uncle to actual groper? I saw a picture of him where he appeared to be groping a woman's breast, but Snopes says fairly persuasively that's its photoshopped.

Al Franken was a master groper.

Larry J said...

The 13 year old girl in this photo doesn't look very comfortable to me.

Earnest Prole said...

“Being an ally to women is about more than just positions or legislation. The kind of sexism that Biden exhibits is perhaps the most pernicious kind, because it’s so easily waved away. It’s the classic definition of sexual harassment, the kind that most women tolerate on a daily basis from coworkers or friends. . . . it’s wrong for a man to decide what makes women uncomfortable. But besides that, being a public figure who supports women means more than just supporting political causes. It also means treating them with respect, especially in public. If progressives are really committed to combating sexism, they have to be indiscriminate about calling it out—even if it means indicting one of their own.”

Talking Points Memo, January 2015: “Why Does Creepy Uncle Joe Biden Get A Pass From Liberals?”

Mike Sylwester said...

If you're the Vice President, they let you.

Rob said...

It was groping, but it wasn't groping groping.

JAORE said...

Run Joe, run.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Trump was touching Kim a lot yesterday too. Steering him into the right doorway, doing the grab and shake thing, patting his back. Was that a power move or a Biden move?

Curious George said...

"Craig said...
"Grope"? Seriously?"


feel or fondle (someone) for sexual pleasure, especially against their will.

I've seen the video, so yeah, grope. Maybe Craig's a pedo himself....dunno.

Nonapod said...

Joe has aways been a touchy feely sort who probably never fully grasped the concept of personal space. I suspect he's never really been harshly corrected about those behavoirs since 1) he's always been a above average looking, charming, and avuncular and 2) he's almost always been a powerful media darling and star of the DNC. Because of those reasons lots of libs who would normally be offended by such behavoir instead just rolled their eyes and said "Well, that's just Joe!"

But he's less charming with age and less powerful these days, and the new normal will be unkind to him. Just like Bill Clinton, these aging rockstars of the old DNC are no longer seen as assets whose behavior needed to be exused/ignored/overlooked but are now inceasingly viewed as dead wood that need to be desposed of.

Curious George said...

"Earnest Prole said...
Talking Points Memo, January 2015: “Why Does Creepy Uncle Joe Biden Get A Pass From Liberals?”

It's not just Biden, it's every lefty pol or celebrity. Because they don't give a rat's ass about women, they are just a made-up wedge issue for them. Have you ever head #IngaKnew or ARM bring up any lefties issues?

Infinite Monkeys said...

Groping is molestation, but molestation doesn't necessarily always involve groping. If they are annoyed or disturbed by his touch, it's molestation.

Do a google search for "Biden hugs".
Google John Lasseter hugs.

Yancey Ward said...

The problem for Biden is that there are dozens of these videos with the wives and daughters of people who had a reason for a public stage appearance with Biden. Much of what Biden does is inappropriate behavior. It is likely that Biden simply is unaware of how inappropriate it is. Someone yesterday in the thread about De Niro pointed out that older men lose the mental governors of their behavior- I do believe that is true since I have literally seen it with my own eyes in the men I personally know.

Sebastian said...

""This is not Trump world" (whatever that means)."

It means "I'm a viable Dem, so f** off. I am still powerful, so they really let you do it."

Rabel said...

I tend to think the Biden/pedophile claims are horse hockey, however, this is pretty fucking creepy.

Watch it all the way through and ignore the captions and even if you accept that it is non-sexual it's still creepy. Way, way creepy.

Earnest Prole said...

It's not just Biden, it's every lefty pol or celebrity.

Um . . . you can dial up a dozen Biden gropenvideos on the interwebs. If that's true for another lefty pol today, do tell . . . and show.

donald said...

Ya don’t lose “mental governors”. Ya just give a crap anymore.

Owen said...

Regarding the ambiguity of Biden's laying-on of hands, is it relevant that (so I have read) he likes to swim nude, in pools where female members of his SS detail have felt uncomfortable enough about the situation to report/complain about it?

Kevin said...

No woman is safe: Why hasn't THIS political perv been blacklisted? [pics, video]
Click on the link to watch CSPAN videos of former Vice President Joe Biden (Democrat) fondle young girls and women on camera. Obama awarded him the Presidential Medal Of Freedom, presumably as a reward.

Kevin said...

Also good reading:

Time Magazine: America Shouldn't Tolerate 'Biden Being Biden'

The only reason Joe Biden gets away with getting handsy with women is because he has a (D) after his name…

What can be said of people, today, looking the other way as the vice president of the United States paws woman after woman in public, with cameras flashing and their husband or parent three feet away?

mockturtle said...

Althouse is obsessed with sexual harassment. What would Freud say?

Drago said...

Earnest Prole: "Um . . . you can dial up a dozen Biden gropenvideos on the interwebs. If that's true for another lefty pol today, do tell . . . and show."

Biden was obviously "grandfathered in".

Bilwick said...

What Biden meant was, "SQUIRREL!!!"

Wince said...

Jack, it's my fucking weakness. They're so small and they're so cute, and they're so adorable. I just can't help it when they're so cute and adorable. Jack, listen. I don't touch them, Jack. Not in any way. Honestly. Jack, please!

Now you think I'm an asshole.

Jim at said...

The left is really not going to like the new rules. - Tim

Oh, they're the same rules. But only one side's been bludgeoned with them.

Until now.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

This IS Trump World, which is a Democrat party term progs created and have used since the election, since the #metoo witch hunts began as a lever to force Donald Trump from the White House. Very similar to the fact that the term "Fake News" was a Democrat party Molotov cocktail that blew up in their hands.

Birches said...

Haha. That was priceless.

Ken B said...

I have seen the edited clips and I have seen the longer context clips. I think this groping charge is BS. It will persuade many, because of the edited clips which don’t show Biden was repositioning people for the camera, but it’s bullshit. Remember what that Duke prof did to quotes from Tyler Cowan? Same thing here, but with film.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

As much as I like seeing liberals get a taste of their own medicine, no, Biden was not sexually groping anyone that I've seen.

His style is not longer viable in the #MeToo age, and all public people will have to adopt a hands-off approach, at least until this bows over.

Ken B said...

Mockturtle asks what would Freud say. Here is the answer:
“Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. What? He did WHAT? I hadn’t even thought of that.”

Rabel said...

"I have seen the edited clips and I have seen the longer context clips."

The YouTube link I posted at 1:21 is not "edited."

Earnest Prole said...

His style is not longer viable in the #MeToo age, and all public people will have to adopt a hands-off approach, at least until this bows over.

It’s clear from their responses that these women and girls found Biden’s touching profoundly discomforting. Do you expect that to “blow over”?

Eleanor said...

If Joe Biden groped me or my daughter or her daughter, he'd get a knee to his crotch. Then there would be no question it was considered groping.

n.n said...

groped me or my daughter or her daughter, he'd get a knee to his crotch

First-responder in time and space engenders credibility.

Jon Ericson said...

So, Chuck's using his sock puppet again.

Now I Know! said...

That cheapens the #MeToo movement. Ann knows that. But Ann has treated the #MeToo movement from the very beginning as a political cudgel.

Fabi said...

"But Ann has treated the #MeToo movement from the very beginning as a political cudgel."

She's a quick study.

William said...

Don't care how "grabby" Biden is. What he does with women in inappropriate in any context. No way should he get a pass. Even if he is not a lecher, his behavior is lecherous and would NEVER be allowed in the private sector.

Just because Biden is a high official in the guvmnt, it does not give him license to touch women.

His behavior is inappropriate. End of story.

tim maguire said...

Judging by the audience reaction, the left still has a use for Biden.

Fabi said...

"Pervy Joe" would be the ideal name for Trump to hook on Biden.

tim maguire said...

I like creepy Uncle Joe. Dems are making a big mistake if they think they can dodge this issue.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Biden may not be a groper, but he needs to be called out for being "handsy", IMO. I mean if I recall correctly Garrison Keillor was bounced from Minnesota Public Radio for a lot less than Biden's guilty of.

PM said...

Biden's a genius.

"Sir, do you know how fast you were going?"
"This is not Trump's world."

Donald said...

I'm not going to dive into this groping/not groping morass.

But I'm pretty sure that "This isn't Trump World" is not an answer to the question, but a response to the crowd's angry reaction to the question. I think it was shorthand for, "This isn't a Trump rally, where protestors/dissenters were shouted down and sometimes escorted out, occasionally with violence." He's trying to quiet the crowd, not answer the question.

Admittedly, that's a guess. I wasn't there. But that's how it appears from the video.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Biden is still feeling his way around the new rules about how much you are allowed to touch someone against their will.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Lots of new prog sockpuppets on the blog today. Must be payday at the Russian troll farm

Rae said...

For years I've had to sit through corporate sexual harassment training videos that specifically call out the exact things Handsy Joe Biden does. And they specifically say that although *you* may not consider that harassment, and it may not be intended as such, it's not *you* who determines that it is or is not.

Jon Ericson said...

Plus 1 old sockpuppet.

Drago said...

Michael Fitzgerald: "Lots of new prog sockpuppets on the blog today. Must be payday at the Russian troll farm"


Drago said...

Perhaps "Donald"

Jon Ericson said...

Nuthin' gets past 'ol Drago!

Jon Ericson said...

Total Word Count: 106
Total Unique Words: 83
Number of Sentences: 7
Average Sentence Length: 15.1
Number of Paragraphs: 3
Hard Words: (14.15%) (what's this?)
Lexical Density: 78.30 (what's this?)
Fog Index: 11.72 (what's this?)


Drago said...
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Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

Jon Ericson: "Nuthin' gets past 'ol Drago!"

Well, I can't take full credit.

Our "team" here comprised of 37 Macedonian hackers funded by Putin cronies have developed many different algorithms (and a new borscht recipe) to identify LLR Chuck's many little online persona "hidey-holes".

In addition to that, we personally swung the election by placing $9.71 worth of facebook ads and spreading some Dairy Queen Buster Bars around key precincts in Michigan and Wisconsin.

We also electronically sabotaged Hillary's google maps to hide Wisconsin all the while having an astonishing volume of Chardonnay delivered to her election headquarters.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Well, let’s see if women come forward saying they’ve been groped by Biden. In the meantime it sounds like a cheap shot.

Jon Ericson said...

You're correct. It is rather obvious.

Leland said...

"This is not Trump world"

Probably means Trump wouldn't be able to get away with it, but Biden can. Next question?

FullMoon said...

Rabel said... [hush]​[hide comment]

"I have seen the edited clips and I have seen the longer context clips."

The YouTube link I posted at 1:21 is not "edited."

Pretty sick when he pulls the little girl into his crotch area.

pious agnostic said...

Rae said @ 6/12/18, 3:32 PM

For years I've had to sit through corporate sexual harassment training videos that specifically call out the exact things Handsy Joe Biden does. And they specifically say that although *you* may not consider that harassment, and it may not be intended as such, it's not *you* who determines that it is or is not.

This is 100% correct. I payed attention to the sexual harassment seminars we all were sent to in the 80's as a preventative against corporate lawsuits. ("You can't sue us! We sent them to seminars! Sue them!")

All that went out the window after 92. I wonder what happened?

Curious George said...

"Inga said...

Well, let’s see if women come forward saying they’ve been groped by Biden. In the meantime it sounds like a cheap shot."

#IngaKnew didn't and still doesn't care about Juanita Broaddrick and Kathleen Wiley coming foward after being raped and assaulted by Bill Clinton, so don't expect her to care about some skeevy groping by Biden on pols wife and children of all ages. That is what she would call "eggs" in the "omellette."

Curious George said...

"FullMoon said...

Pretty sick when he pulls the little girl into his crotch area."

It's not sick until a women comes forward and says it's sick. Just ask our resident rape apologist and dullard #IngaKnew.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga...Allie Oop said...

Monkey man George thinks Roy Moore was just being affectionate to all those teen girls and he doesn’t care about Dennis Hastert’s penchant for young boys, he can relate.

RMc said...

The left is really not going to like the new rules.

Sorry, but "the new rules" don't apply to the left.

tim maguire said...

Inga, there's plenty of photographic and testimonial evidence (including from his own security detail) that Joe likes to touch and even kiss women and (on at least one occasion) children . He's been called out by the left as well as the right, but this crowd seems happy to cover for him.

Curious George said...

"Kevin said...
Also good reading:

Time Magazine: America Shouldn't Tolerate 'Biden Being Biden'"

According to our resident dullard and rape apologist #IngaKnew until a women comes forward saying America shouldn't tolerate 'Biden Being Biden', America should tolerate 'Biden Being Biden.'

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Tim M, that may be so, let’s see if people come forward. Please link to photos of groping if you have them. I don’t want to give him a pass if he’s truly guilty of sexually inappropriate behavior.

Curious George said...

"Larry J said...
The 13 year old girl in this photo doesn't look very comfortable to me."

According to our resident dullard and rape apologist #IngaKnew until a women comes forward saying the 13 year old girl in that photo isn't very comfortable, the 13 year old girl in that photo doesn't is very comfortable

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Monkey Man George wishes he could’ve chased teenage male pages around the White House or his own house, tickling them, like Mark Foley did. Monkey Man did send some sweet love notes to the teen boys in the local Scout Troop in 1998, I’ve heard.

Curious George said...

"Inga said...
Tim M, that may be so, let’s see if people come forward. Please link to photos of groping if you have them. I don’t want to give him a pass if he’s truly guilty of sexually inappropriate behavior."

The dullard that inundates this blog with a tsunami of retarded leftie drivel can't manage to google "Biden Grope"

The Godfather said...

Yeah, this is all fun, but I'd worry about Biden being the Dems' candidate in 2020. Unlike Hillary!, Biden is an appealing guy (most of the time). Although he's not a moderate, he can play one on television. Even though the Trump Administration has been doing pretty well so far, folks may be pretty tired of the sturm and drang associated with Trump himself by 2020. A "moderate" Dem like Biden could look pretty good. The "groping" stuff makes good reading on right-wing websites (which is where I see the pictures), but nothing sexual counts unless Democratic "#WOMEN" complain about it. They didn't stop offering blow jobs to Bill Clinton until he lost his promise of power (when his wife's defeat meant he wasn't going back in the White House except as a tourist). If Biden's the nominee in 2020, you won't hear any #WOMEN complain about his "groping", and nobody will even listen to anyone else on that subject.

Curious George said...

You know all those unreported rapes and sexual assaults? Unless they come forward they are all just "cheap shots" according to our rape apologist and resident dullard #IngaKnew.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Monkey Man George likes to accuse others of all manner of things. Poor monkey doesn’t like getting some of his own medicine. Monkey Man is not the smartest monkey in the troop and whenever he acuses others of things that are more fitting to him, he gives himself away as merely projecting. Who knew retarded monkeys were capeable of that?

Birkel said...

Did Rod Rosenstein really threaten congressional staffers with FBI investigations?

Sorry to go Off Topic.

But that would be wildly abusive.

EsoxLucius said...

This is worse than Alex Jones. Please consult Snopes before spreading scurrilous rumor.

mockturtle said...

Biden is still feeling his way around the new rules

Heh! Good one, Fitz!

Curious George said...

"EsoxLucius said...
This is worse than Alex Jones. Please consult Snopes before believing your own eyes."


Inga...Allie Oop said...

Every blog needs a Monkey Man George who can do human like tricks. He’s more entertaining than the organ grinder monkey.

Birkel said...

There are hundreds of Joe Biden groping videos. Any search engine will show hundreds of them.

Anybody denying the video evidence is lying. That includes the lying liars at Snopes.

Curious George said...

"Yancey Ward said...
The problem for Biden is that there are dozens of these videos with the wives and daughters of people who had a reason for a public stage appearance with Biden. Much of what Biden does is inappropriate behavior. It is likely that Biden simply is unaware of how inappropriate it is."

Forget the video Yancey. Until a woman comes forward saying what he was doing is inappropriate behavior, it's appropriate behavior and the claim is a cheap shot. According to rape apologist and resident dullard #IngaKnew

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“There are hundreds of Joe Biden groping videos. Any search engine will show hundreds of them.”

I’ve seen several that have been photoshopped. Look at both the photoshopped ones and the real ones. Try using your google finger for something useful for a change.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jon Ericson said...

A new dumpster fire to die on...

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

Sorry, but "the new rules" don't apply to the left.

They are PC or Pro-Choice. Also, PC or politically congruent ("="), and PP: Planned Parenthood... I meant to say: politically profitable. Colorful clumps of cells can be deemed worthy and unworthy, selectively, opportunistically, as PP, politically profitable, not Planned Parenthood, or both, go.

bagoh20 said...

All your excuse are belong to us.

Rick said...

Unlike Hillary!, Biden is an appealing guy (most of the time).

I see a thousand commercials with Bidens claim Mitt Romney and conservatives want to return blacks to slavery. And I see Trump laughing - saying something like "you didn't think all this numbnuttery was about me did you?".

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Sorry, but "the new rules" don't apply to the left.”

“They are PC or Pro-Choice. Also, PC or politically congruent ("="), and PP: Planned Parenthood... I meant to say: politically profitable. Colorful clumps of cells can be deemed worthy and unworthy, selectively, opportunistically, as PP, politically profitable, not Planned Parenthood, or both, go.”
Rep. Tim Murphy, not a member of the left.

"And you have zero issue posting your pro-life stance all over the place when you had no issue asking me to abort our unborn child just last week when we thought that was one of the options," Shannon Edwards, a forensic psychologist in Pittsburgh with whom the congressman admitted last month to having a relationship, wrote to Mr. Murphy on Jan. 25, in the midst of an unfounded pregnancy scare.“
Rep. Scott DesJarlais, not a member of the left.

“In October 2012 the Huffington Post obtained a transcript of a recorded September 2000 phone conversation in which DesJarlais pressured a mistress to get an abortion.

Two weeks after DesJarlais won the 2012 election, the Chattanooga Times Free Press obtained a full transcript of DesJarlais's 2001 divorce proceedings.The transcript revealed that DesJarlais had admitted under oath to at least six sexual relationships with people he came in contact with while he was chief of staff at Grandview Medical Center in Jasper, Tennessee. Among them were three co-workers, two patients and a drug representative. The transcript also revealed that he and his former wife had had two abortions.The transcript also revealed that DesJarlais had admitted under oath that he and his former wife had recorded the phone conversation with the mistress."
Ugh, I’m sick of the hypocrisy.

Birkel said...

Royal ass Inga confirms she is a liar.

Note the construction:
There are photoshops of real events. Those photoshops could have been produced by pro-Biden Democrats. But the mere existence of the photoshops prove that the original videos are fake.

Let that sink in.

Royal ass Inga is again lying.

Known Unknown said...

"In the meantime it sounds like a cheap shot."

You're a cheap shot.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Matt Sablan said...

I think Biden is probably not being sexual so much as just unaware. But, given he wouldn't give a Republican the benefit of the doubt I'm giving him, I can't care too much.

FullMoon said...

Inga, here are numerous 30 second clips all in one place. You have daughters. Take a look, see what you think. You not gonna let a man play with your girls like this, I guarantee it.


Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Note the construction:
There are photoshops of real events. Those photoshops could have been produced by pro-Biden Democrats. But the mere existence of the photoshops prove that the original videos are fake.”

HUH?? And what is that garbled sentence supposed to mean?


What nuttery.

Jim at said...

Ugh, I’m sick of the hypocrisy.

None of your cut-n-paste bullshit has the first thing to do with the fact your Vice President of eight years is a creepy, groping old man.

Admit it and shut up.

BUMBLE BEE said...

HOLD ON HERE! Did some Luddites actually suggest consulting SNOPES? Get the Thorazine STAT.

Fabi said...

Inga wants to avail Biden of the Hundred Free Gropes rule! Unexpectedly.

FullMoon said...

From the link above:

A lot of the family members involved in these awkward moments don't know how to respond to Joe Biden preying on their young female relatives. Jeff Sessions, however, knows exactly what to do. Watch as he swats Biden's hand from touching his granddaughter. Wonder why he'd do that?

In this clip, Biden grabs onto a little girl he just met, continuing to grab her with one hand as he uses his other to shake hands with those he's being introduced to. Very awkward. He then starts stroking her face repeatedly.

In this clip, Biden swears-in (R) Senator Jim Risch. During photographs, Biden touches Risch's daughter, specifically asking to take a photo alone with her. You can hear Risch say "Dad's going to stand pretty close." (I wonder why?) Biden even jokes and says, "If I was young.(As people depart, Biden holds the girl back)

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“None of your cut-n-paste bullshit has the first thing to do with the fact your Vice President of eight years is a creepy, groping old man.”

Idiot, I was responding to a comment n.n. made. Try to be less like a retarded gnat everytime you try to direct a comment to me. And suck in your fly proboscis before addressing me again.

Ann Althouse said...

I used the word "grope" to tone it down from "molest." It's clearly true that Biden was asked this question. The point is, when you go out on book tours -- as with Bill Clinton -- this kind of question is getting asked now. It's the #MeToo world, and Biden is in it.

Yancey Ward said...

The videos I have seen are not faked- you literally can't fake the handsy stuff that Biden has been recorded doing dozens of times. And he is doing these things with women and girls he literally does not know other than at those exact public appearances. If I done any of these these exact things with women I worked with in the corporate world, I would have been reprimanded at the very least, and most likely just outright fired.

If you can read body language, and I can read it extremely well, in many of these instances you can see the women and the girls trying desperately to pull away without making a scene about it. Of course, you can go full Inga and just deny, deny, deny without ever looking at any of the videos if you want, but in a general election, the voters who matter will see them over and over again in negative campaign ads, and it won't even start in the general election- Biden's own opponents in the primaries would use them without and remorse whatsoever.

Rick said...

Here's a good article revealing the left's understanding of sexual harassment. People who support harassment law to maintain basic fairness don't mind it being applied to their side. Those who intend it as a weapon think any use against their allies is illegitimate.

Feminist scholars argue a Title IX case is unfair—when a woman is under investigation


"The sentiments in the letter go directly against the basic principles that most agree on when it comes to how to respond to sexual-assault allegations: Its writers malign the accuser, suggest the accused’s prominence should influence how they’re treated, and claim—without conducting an investigation of their own or providing evidence—that the accused cannot be found guilty. It also portrays the act of investigating as actively harmful to the accused."

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Birkel said...

So, will you withdraw and recant your lies?

Over to you, Royal ass Inga.

William said...

The videos show inappropriate, maybe borderline creepy behavio, but so far as harassment or molestation goes, no cigar. Biden is no Clinton. He's not even a Franken.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“So, will you withdraw and recant your lies?”

Birkel, you are a nutball, what “lies” prey tell? The pictures I saw were photoshopped. Whatever you were getting at in your mixed up-mashed up sentence, I have no idea, nor do I care.

Big Mike said...

I've had a busy day, but here are a few thoughts relevant to this post.

Thought #1: A person, such as prairie wind or Craig or even Inga, could go to YouTube and enter the search term "Creepy Joe Biden." YouTube comes back with 26,100 hits. A tiny fraction are not relevant (e.g., a black and white movie titled "Uncle Joe" starring Zasu Pitts), but most show him touching women and young girls during official ceremonies with cameras rolling.

Thought #2: Notwithstanding Inga's assertion at 4:56. it would not be easy to "photoshop" a video clip. At 30 frames per second a two minute video requires making changes to 3600 frames, and that's before you get into the details of i-frames, p-frames, and b-frames. Not saying it's impossible, but the software to make it feasible would be expensive.

Thought #3: I have been able to confirm that Joe Biden was fond of swimming naked in front of his female Secret Service bodyguards. Whether they would still have felt like taking a bullet for a guy who waves his shlong (presumably more of a shlort at his age) at them may be open for debate. (N.B., Secret service protection for a Vice President ends 6 months after the end of his term so he presumably no longer has female Secret Service agents to swim naked in front of.)

Thought #4: Regardless of what Inga asserts in her comment at 4:32, there certainly have been complaints. Here's one.

Thought #5: Notwithstanding Creepy Joe Biden's response to the question, right now it really is Donald Trump's world.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga...Allie Oop said...

And just what do you think I’m asserting?

“Thought #4: Regardless of what Inga asserts in her comment at 4:32, there certainly have been complaints. Here's one.”

Here’s my 4:32 comment.
“Tim M, that may be so, let’s see if people come forward. Please link to photos of groping if you have them. I don’t want to give him a pass if he’s truly guilty of sexually inappropriate behavior.”

Yancey Ward said...


I agree it isn't molestation, but you do this sort of thing in the corporate world, and on video and a single complaint will get your ass fired without delay. Remember, these are mostly women he has never met before- they are all promotional gatherings of strangers or the swearing in of government appointees, and most of those are of the husbands and fathers, not the women themselves. If one took his wife to a night club and stranger did these sorts of maneuvers, one would definitely not put up with such behavior. Indeed, most women in a night club wouldn't put up with it, but on a stage with the Vice President are forced by etiquette to bear it.

Birkel said...

Royal ass Inga,
You keep using the word "sentence" to describe three different sentences. You can tell they are separate sentences because I used an invention called the period.

1) Some photoshops exist.
2) We do not know the provenance of the photoshops.
3) Therefore, according to Royal ass Inga, the original non-photoshops cannot be trusted.

There is no other conclusion but that you were lying.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Full Moon,

I watched the videos at your link. Thanks for providing it and yes, it’s inappropriate and it’s creepy. I wouldn’t want his hands on my daughters or granddaughters. I don’t know if he crossed the line to actual sexual assault though. Either way, yes it’s creepy.

Big Mike said...

@Birkel, Inga acknowledged her error. She believed someone she trusted who was in fact lying to her with the doctored images. Her mistake and maybe she'll hopefully learn from it. Let her go.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Oh blah, blah, blah Birkel, you just keep getting weirder. Now shut up and don’t keep harassing me, or else you’ll look like Biden the groper, creepy.

Big Mike said...

@Inga, the way I parsed your comment at 4:32, if the women -- or the families, in the instances where children were touched -- did not make a public complaint then it was "no blood no foul." Is that not what you meant? But keep in mind that Biden was the Vice President of the United States with plenty of political clout, and that in all or nearly all cases the husbands and fathers of the women and girls being touched were politically well below him in the pecking order. In other words, complaints by them would have jeopardized their political careers.

In fact, I should add thought #6: When Bill Clinton made his Freudian slip about the norms changing, it didn't just apply to him and to Harvey Weinstein; it applies to Joe Biden and other powerful Democrats who have gotten away with too much for too long.

Birkel said...

Oh, look. Royal ass Inga doesn't want to admit her earlier lies. She's just going to start calling Biden a creepy groper and pretend her allegations of photoshop never happened.

Will your bosses not cut the checks if you admit being a liar?

Birkel said...

Big Mike,
If you believe Royal ass Inga is capable of learning, here's your sign.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MathMom said...

Bombard's Body Language did a lot of analysis of Joe Biden's groping behavior. It's all on camera.

Paul McKaskle said...

The former dean at UC Berkeley Law School was ousted for over-familiar touching of the complainants shoulders--touching which the complainant admits were not sexual.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Craig said...

"I used the word 'grope' to tone it down from 'molest.'"


"Grope" is not a toning-down of "molest." There's a reason why many people use molest (which lacks a sexual connotation) to describe Biden's constant touching, and Infowars uses "grope". (Though I'd welcome an OED-exploring showing of how I'm misjudging the language!)

Inga...Allie Oop said...

To Birkel...

Stop harassing me creep.

I told you the photos I saw WERE photoshopped. I saw photoshopped pictures where he had his hands on two different women’s breasts. I saw the REAL pictures next to them, his hands were NOT on their breasts. I ALSO went to look at Full Moon’s link where I saw a LOT of inappropriate/ creepy touching, but no touching of the chests of any of these young girls, are you as retarded as the Monkey or just weird?

Craig said...

Blogger Big Mike said...
I've had a busy day, but here are a few thoughts relevant to this post.

Thought #1: A person, such as prairie wind or Craig or even Inga, could go to YouTube and enter the search term "Creepy Joe Biden." YouTube comes back with 26,100 hits. A tiny fraction are not relevant (e.g., a black and white movie titled "Uncle Joe" starring Zasu Pitts), but most show him touching women and young girls during official ceremonies with cameras rolling.


Big Mike, try to keep up. Not all creepiness is groping. Not all touching people is groping. Not even all touching people of the opposite gender is groping. You could, I don't know, read the substance of the comments and think a little bit? I know you've had a busy day.

Fabi said...

Birkel must be directly over the target.

Birkel said...

Already covered, Royal ass Inga.
You saw photoshops that you believed disproved the originals.
Totes kool.

The reason I call that a lie is because no human being within shouting distance of normal intelligence could possibly believe photoshops of the originals disprove the originals.
Keep lying.

Fabi said...

"Not all creepiness is groping. Not all touching people is groping. Not even all touching people of the opposite gender is groping."

That's the ticket! Lulz

Craig said...



I am not watching some internet crank's 45-minute video on Joe Biden. Feel free to point to any segment in that video where Joe Biden's touching is for the purposes of a) fumbling around exploration or b) sexual pleasure. You tell me where in the video to watch, and I'll watch.

Until then, I'm with the rest of the people in this thread who appear to have the ability to distinguish inappropriate touching from its proper subset, groping.

Yancey Ward said...


My critique is this- you commented without looking at the videos first. It is almost impossible to Google this subject and find only photo-shopped pictures, and even if they were by some miracle the first link on the Google list, why would one depend on pictures when there several dozen different Youtube videos where photo-shopping isn't really an issue to worry about in this case?

My suspicion is that you didn't Google "Biden Groping Women", but went to a site like Scopes and did a site search, or even tried Googling politically appealing "fact checks" of the issue, and ended up at a site where they didn't even look at the videos either, or deliberately ignored the videos altogether. It really is difficult to understand how Fullmoon's video was your introduction to the subject.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Big Mike said...

@Craig, I can only assume that wherever you work (you are employed?) they do not have mandatory harassment training. Not only is the way Biden touched the grown women grounds for dismissal at my old firm, and doubtlessly most others, but it's grounds for at least a reprimand if it goes the other way (i.e., a female manager touching a male).

Birkel said...

Craig thinks he can identify when another man is experiencing sexual pleasure from touching a young teenager.

Neat skill, dude.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Birkel once again in opposite world...
“You saw photoshops that you believed disproved the originals.”

NO Fopdoodle, just the opposite. I saw the originals and the photoshopped pics next to them. In the originals his hands were NOT on any boobs. In the photoshopped pick his has were on the boobs.

“The reason I call that a lie is because no human being within shouting distance of normal intelligence could possibly believe photoshops of the originals disprove the originals.”

Are you dyslexic or autistic ?


Big Mike said...

@Inga, regardless of whether Biden touched a woman's boobs, the touching he did do is clearly unwanted and perverted.

You might have saved a little name-calling back and forth by saying that up front. From this I infer that you enjoy the name calling.

Fabi said...

This thread is Fen's Law writ large.

Birkel said...

Royal ass Inga's definition of groping only includes boob grabs.

How does Royal ass Inga feel about side boob grazes?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“How does Royal ass Inga feel about side boob grazes?”

If it was someone like you doing it I’d feel molested.

Birkel said...

So Biden gets one free side boob grazing grope because he is a Democrat?

One per victim, I mean.

Craig said...

Big Mike said...
@Craig, I can only assume that wherever you work (you are employed?) they do not have mandatory harassment training. Not only is the way Biden touched the grown women grounds for dismissal at my old firm, and doubtlessly most others, but it's grounds for at least a reprimand if it goes the other way (i.e., a female manager touching a male).


Not everything that is considered harassment is groping, and not all touching is considered groping. READ. Like an adult.

Craig said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Narayanan said...

When you are on the plantation you have ceded droit to the seignieur.

Craig said...

Birkel said...
Craig thinks he can identify when another man is experiencing sexual pleasure from touching a young teenager.

Neat skill, dude.


You might think, I don't know, that I use the same theory of mind implicit in the criminal law (which our host is surely familiar with). And, of course, we all notice that your objection holds just as good against anyone thinking that Biden _was_ groping the people he was handsy with.

Or, perhaps, you might not be interested in thinking; maybe you're just interested in mindless Internet trolling.

Birkel said...

No, Craig. I see a man making a great number of women obviously uncomfortable. Anything beyond that is political posturing and I'm not interested.

Biden is a creepy groper.

Craig said...

Birkel, In my will, I leave you an ordinary dictionary.

Birkel said...

Perhaps Biden only enjoys exerting power over other people. I can't tell whether he is experiencing sexual pleasure.

Either way, Biden is a creepy groper.

Birkel said...

1) to feel about blindly or uncertainly in search
2) to look for something blindly or uncertainly
3) to feel one's way

Thanks for the dictionary, formerly alive Craig. It looks like Biden is indeed a creepy grope machine.

Rick said...

It really is difficult to understand how Fullmoon's video was your introduction to the subject.

It isn't really. It's been a public subject for over a decade but it never mattered to her. How can that be true for someone who has often brought up sexual harassment or similarly inappropriate behavior? It's impossible if the behavior itself were the issue.

Yet here she is defending Joe because Team Blue.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Or, perhaps, you might not be interested in thinking; maybe you're just interested in mindless Internet trolling.”

He’s creepy internet trolling.

Narayanan said...

Do we have videos to compare between D / R swearing in by Biden?
He could be telling them you let me touch your womenfolk - you are my bitch hereafter.

rehajm said...

Birkel, In my will, I leave you an ordinary dictionary.

Here's hoping you get it by next week, Birkel.

Birkel said...

Narayanan Subramanian,

Ask Royal ass Inga.

Craig said...

rehajm, Birkel already made that joke. (And, if I'm being honest, I smirked when I read it.)

gilbar said...

i remember this one time, this weird guy kept going ON AND ON about how all people needed to use His PERSONAL DEFINITIONS, at All Times; even though his definition was completely at odds with most dictionaries .
He just kept going ON AND ON about it.
I think he was groping for reason for it

gilbar said...

Nara said: Do we have videos to compare between D / R swearing in by Biden?
there's videos where the parents quickly put a stop to him, by moving their kids back. Other people just let him get closer and closer to the kids, to the point that he was Pawing at them (does That make you feel better Craig?).

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“I remember this one time, this weird guy kept going ON AND ON about how all people needed to use His PERSONAL DEFINITIONS, at All Times; even though his definition was completely at odds with most dictionaries .
He just kept going ON AND ON about it.”

Did his name start with a B?

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Ugh, cuck-of-the-month Matthew Sablan drops his usual "I don't approve of Trump either" apology preamble to swoop in and stand up for the Democrat party member who feels up little girls while grinning sickly and whispering into their captive ears.

Yeah, America needs more non-progs to take a break from pissing on the president who is busting his ass and risking his life for us, so they can rush to defend Democrat party pedophiles and sex offenders in the months leading up to the midterms.

I've had it with you chickenshit cucks. You're all on notice- you're on thin ice, and when I move I slice like a fucking hammer. Don't make a maniac outta me.

Craig said...

"I slice like a fucking hammer" is a pretty great line. I look forward to this performance.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“I've had it with you chickenshit cucks. You're all on notice- you're on thin ice, and when I move I slice like a fucking hammer. Don't make a maniac outta me.”

OOOOOOO Damn! You better run Matthew!

Craig said...


Yes, that is better. I've never met Biden, and there do seem to be tons of videos with his hands on people. As a bunch of people upthread said, it seems like he is pretty inappropriately handsy. You want to call him handsy, or creepy, sure, I can see that. But groping? Nah, none of the videos I've seen yet ground that attribution.

(And I have no idea what your personal definitions thing was about. There are, as I'm sure you know, dictionaries available on the Internet. It just so happens that, barring more substantive evidence from the OED, it looks like our host was on the wrong side of the dictionary this time, in a way that aligned her with Infowars.)

Big Mike said...

@Inga and @Craig, you can try to define “groping” to leave out what Joe Biden was doing. It. Won’t. Work.

Drago said...

Yep. Another LLR Chuck on the loose.

Birkel said...

Get a free dictionary, and the ass hole who gave it to you won't take the definition seriously:

1) to feel about blindly or uncertainly in search
2) to look for something blindly or uncertainly
3) to feel one's way

Handsy? As in feeling one's way? Like across the shoulders of a teenage girl?

Come on, Craig.

Jon Ericson said...

Tell us about yourself, Craig.
Like, are you an attorney in Michigan?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“@Inga and @Craig, you can try to define “groping” to leave out what Joe Biden was doing. It. Won’t. Work.”

I’m not putting a definition on what he was doing other than inappropriately touching and being creepy. I don’t know if he did anything illegal. I think of groping as grabbing buttocks or breasts, or in Trumps’s case “grabbing em by the pussy.”

cubanbob said...

Folks , you all need to calm down. Joe Biden is an idiot. He was chosen by Obama for two reasons, Obama needed a white guy to balance the ticket and a white guy not only dumb enough to make Obama shine but so dumb no one would shoot Obama dead and make Biden president. Therefore it is a near certainty Biden is too dumb to understand his handsy behavior is inappropriate, rather he thinks he is being folksy, not creepy. Whats also creepy is that a lot of Democrats think he is going to be their Great White Hope for 2020.

Craig said...


You think he was feeling his way? Like he didn't know where her arms were? Like, you think, in Biden's mind, he thought, dammit, I have no idea where her arms start, and my eyes don't work, so I will grope my way there.

There seem to be two notions of groping: 1) using touch as a method of investigation, 2) using touch to further sexual pleasure. Neither of those are fitting here. He's handsy! Maybe inappropriately so! When I meet people who behave like Biden does in real life, I don't like it, and I would protect kids/friends/etc. from it. But I wouldn't think, oh, man, that Biden, he's trying to figure out what exists where, nor would I think, oh, that Biden, probably doing this because he's turned on. Instead I would think of all of the people in my life I have met who are overly touchy, many in boundary crossing ways.

It's surprising that some but not all of the people in this thread can distinguish sexualized touching from non-sexualized touching.

(And Big Mike, adults are talking. Feel free to link a dictionary if you want, but no need. It's pretty cute that you're trying.)

Drago said...

I have a feeling Craig is a lifelong republican.

todd galle said...

Well, I've learned that if you have an issue with possible creepy hands on type stuff, you just heave out your 12 gauge and blast a few rounds of buckshot to keep things in hand. At least that is what I have been told. Is that not right, should I not have done that?

Non-pervert unlike Craig. said...

Maybe go have a chat with your buddy Harvey Weinstein about groping.

Craig said...

cubanbob said...
Folks , you all need to calm down. Joe Biden is an idiot. He was chosen by Obama for two reasons, Obama needed a white guy to balance the ticket and a white guy not only dumb enough to make Obama shine but so dumb no one would shoot Obama dead and make Biden president. Therefore it is a near certainty Biden is too dumb to understand his handsy behavior is inappropriate, rather he thinks he is being folksy, not creepy. Whats also creepy is that a lot of Democrats think he is going to be their Great White Hope for 2020.


I have no doubt that cubanbob and I disagree on a lot. But this -- "it is a near certainty Biden is too dumb to understand his handsy behavior is inappropriate, rather he thinks he is being folksy, not creepy" -- seems pretty close to me. I would definitely buy that Biden is doing what he thinks is folksy, unaware that touching people you barely know is gonna go over poorly. I would also buy that lots of Democrats think he is going to be their GWH for 2020, and (here I'm on a limb, since I'm no prognosticator) I think that will go poorly for Democrats if that's how things turn out.

cubanbob said...

"I think of groping as grabbing buttocks or breasts, or in Trumps’s case “grabbing em by the pussy.”

Inga, please. Trump didn't do that. He said if you are rich or powerful or famous woman will let you grab em by the pussy. And until recently Trump's observation was true. Just ask Harvey Weinstein or Bill Clinton among others.

Craig said...

Blogger Drago said...
I have a feeling Craig is a lifelong republican.


Indeed. All republicans, lifelong or otherwise, are but sockpuppets.

Drago said...

I think you'll find Inga and LLR Chuck and "Craig" (wink wink) will continue to run with that purposeful misquote.

Craig said...

Jon Ericson said...
Tell us about yourself, Craig.
Like, are you an attorney in Michigan?


I'm gonna be honest: I don't get this. I presume I'm supposed to be insulted, somehow, but...

Drago said...

It appears that "Craig" has learned the lesson of "LLR Chuck" and has decided against attempting any online subterfuge regarding the most effective persona to put forth.



Craig said...


"Applying" 'disquotation' '"marks"' """is""" '"the'" ','clue',' <> `you're' """dealing''' ,with, '<"a">' ''''serious''' "bad-ass."

Darrell said...

They should have prop doors on every stage Biden appears on--so that women and girls can shoot Biden with a shotgun when he is behind the door.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“I would also buy that lots of Democrats think he is going to be their GWH for 2020, and (here I'm on a limb, since I'm no prognosticator) I think that will go poorly for Democrats if that's how things turn out.”

Nope. I don’t buy that at all. He won’t run and Democrats don’t want him. He is wayyyy too old, too silly, and Democrats have much more powerful candidates in mind. Biden won’t run, Clinton won’t run and if on some outside chance they do, they won’t get far.

Birkel said...

Craig 5058
We need to track that.

I prefer my Craig's completely unaware that the dictionary definition I quoted fits precisely with the groping creepy Joe Biden does.

If Joe Biden were regular Joe and started acting that way toward a young female relative of mine, I would happily put my hands on him in a manner that allowed me to find out about him. But he'd have to drop the Secret Service detail, first.

Darrell said...

Snopes yesterday had declared the "rumor" of Justin Treadeau's eyebrow merkin/wig "false" because--get this--it didn't fall completely off. Don't know if they changed their determination yet or put their post down a memoryhole. Or if they lost all credibility because of it.

Drago said...

Inga: "Clinton won’t run and if on some outside chance they do, they won’t get far."

Clinton's entire army still exists, is firmly in place in govt and the primary dem think tanks and law firms, the oppo research database is in place, and who can stop her?

The dem base follows directions like lemmings and Hillary understands that fundamental fact quite well.

The DNC has already written Bernie out of contention for the dem nomination (even calling Sanders reps to the DNC meetings russian spies!!!)

Warren and has already been tomahawked and Cory Booker is having all sorts of "interesting" things being leaked out about him....

Oh yes. If Hillary wants it she will just take it.

Craig said...

Darrell said...
Snopes yesterday had declared the "rumor" of Justin Treadeau's eyebrow merkin/wig "false" because--get this--it didn't fall completely off.


Jesus. Can none of you read? What recipe follow Althouse did to encourage this culture? I have no idea whether those were eyebrow wigs, but that was not the argument Snopes used. I read it yesterday. It was a discussion of eyebrow consistency, lighting, and other pictures of Trudeau. Was it convincing? I have no idea. What it amusing? Definitely. Did Darrell read it carefully? Definitely not.

Drago said...

Gee, I wonder whatever happened to that fine fellow LLR Chuck?

Fortunately for him, others have arrived who could almost act as content doubles!!

What a fortuitous event....


Fabi said...

Unexpectedly, Drago -- unexpectedly!

Craig said...

"Grope"? Seriously? Are you just taking your content from Infowars now, Professor?


(I just thought I'd post basically the same thing I posted before, for no good reason. Mostly I just want to fit in with Drago.)

Craig said...

Also, "Fabi" is obviously "Drago" (and both are obviously Birkel). There's really just Birkel and Chuck, and no one else.

Birkel said...


Known Unknown said...

We are all Tulpa.

Birkel said...

Do you think you could replicate my style, generated since circa 2002?

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