June 12, 2018

Biden confronted about groping women.

At a book tour event in Wilmington, Delaware, someone in the audience asks, "What about the girls you molested on C-SPAN at the Senate swearing-in?" Biden's answer: "This is not Trump world" (whatever that means).


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Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Snopes yesterday had declared the "rumor" of Justin Treadeau's eyebrow merkin/wig "false" because--get this--it didn't fall completely off. Don't know if they changed their determination yet or put their post down a memoryhole. Or if they lost all credibility because of it.

Justin Trudeau’s eyebrows aren’t fake at all, lol.

Snopes never said Trudeau’s eyebrows were fake and they didn’t say it fell off, even partially. They posted other pics of his eyebrows and they showed that it was the lighting that made it appear as if it was falling off. However it couldn’t fall off, it was rooted by hair follicles, his own.

Craig said...


I couldn't. But Drago does. (And, obviously, you were not reading this blog in 2002.)

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Nah, Drago isn’t Birkel. Birkel is a one of a kind weirdo, Drago is just the local Propagandist.

Known Unknown said...

"since circa 2002?"

Picard facepalm

Birkel said...

No, Craig. Drago in no way mimics my style. The differences are obvious. Our backgrounds are completely different.

I started reading blogs in 2002. I started reading Althouse from the first Instapundit link. Most likely I am her longest continuously commenting reader.

MathMom said...


Start here, watch his hands on the little girl in the white dress. He starts with his hands on her shoulders, then starts messing with her hair, and soon has his hands lower on her chest. At about 8:48 Then his right hand goes lower and gets very personal. He is playing with her nipple.

Here, the little girl actually elbows him and pulls away when he gets over her breast.

There are more videos with this sort of behavior. He pets especially little girls, plays with their hair, smells their hair, and gets his hands on their chests. One, which I don't have time to locate, shows him grinding on a little girl's back as he presses her into his crotch.

MathMom said...

Craig, the second vid should have started here, about 2:04.

MathMom said...

My YooToobfu really stinks today. First vid, above (8:38 pm), start about 8:22 when he zeros in on the little girl in white.

Fabi said...

I'm ""Fabi"" not "Fabi" or 'Fabi'.

cubanbob said...

I have no doubt that cubanbob and I disagree on a lot. But this -- "it is a near certainty Biden is too dumb to understand his handsy behavior is inappropriate, rather he thinks he is being folksy, not creepy" -- seems pretty close to me. I would definitely buy that Biden is doing what he thinks is folksy, unaware that touching people you barely know is gonna go over poorly. I would also buy that lots of Democrats think he is going to be their GWH for 2020, and (here I'm on a limb, since I'm no prognosticator) I think that will go poorly for Democrats if that's how things turn out."

Agreed on that we probably disagree on a lot of issues and agreed that things will go poorly for the Democrats if Biden were to be the Democrat nominee. If Inga is any indicator of the Democrat base they don't want him either. Sanders is older than Trump and is a half out of the closet Communist and actually has a legitimate claim that the DNC did conspire with the Clinton campaign to block his campaign from winning the nomination and judging by some of the more Left commenters here Sanders isn't the one for 2020.
There really isn't anyone in the fore right now that is acceptable to their base and the general electorate. I truly hope they don't choose Hillary Clinton. Not that she has a prayer of beating Trump ( absent some major disaster or some series of disasters) but as a human being I don't think even she deserves that much humiliation.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

In all fairness to Pluggs Biden--
norms of what you can do to someone against their will have changed, as verified by a colleague and seasoned expert in the field.

Birkel said...


How dare you deny me Hillary's continued humiliation?

tim in vermont said...

Amazing how quickly Snopes runs to the defense of liberals like Sparkle Pony up north, but could never bring themselves to look into the Broaddrick thing. There's lots of evidence to examine.

Big Mike said...

And never forget: after the G7 meeting and the meeting with Kim Jong-Un, this truly IS Trump's world. Bless you, Hillary Clinton, you and Creepy Joe Biden are the only Democrats he could have beaten.

Ken B said...

Snopes shows pictures taken at different times. Do you see why that is meaningless? Sirhan Sirhan couldn’t have shot Kennedy in 1968 because in 1998 he was in prison.
The side by side frame capture doesn’t show that it's a lighting effect because you can se the fake brow in both.
LOL is right, except of course you and Snopes are spreading fake news.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

But he has a puppy in his van! and you can touch it.

tim in vermont said...

Snopes "took a walk" on the Clinton sexual harassment and forcible rape issues, making them just one more enabler of Billy Blythe.

Other Clinton scandals, Snopes uncritically relays Clinton talking points and spin.

tim in vermont said...

As a former substitute drama teacher before he became prime minister, you would think that Trudeau would not have makeup malfunctions like that!

Michael K said...

Ken B, it does not good to explain to fools. You just ignore them.

This will follow Biden around, Snopes or no Snopes, it will kill any chance he might make a run.

The left eats their own.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Sparkle Pony up north - lol

Remember the silky pony, John Edwards? Corporate media made him disappear.

Lyle said...

Some women are so stupid. Oh well.

Curious George said...

Blogger and Resident Dullard #IngaKnew said...

Well, let’s see if women come forward saying they’ve been groped by Biden. In the meantime it sounds like a cheap shot.

6/12/18, 3:41 PM

And 2-1/2 hours later she says this:

Blogger and Resident Dullard #IngaKnew said...
Full Moon,

I watched the videos at your link. Thanks for providing it and yes, it’s inappropriate and it’s creepy. I wouldn’t want his hands on my daughters or granddaughters. I don’t know if he crossed the line to actual sexual assault though. Either way, yes it’s creepy.
6/12/18, 6:10 PM

First, to try to save face, she moves the goal posts from "grope," which is what the discussion was about, and clearly she knows it, to "actual sexual assault." And it doesn't change the fact that her standard was, and remains, women coming forward. Which is bullshit. For our dullard it's women coming forward unless it's against a lefty.

Second, never does she or any lefty ever wonder why they have no prior knowledge of dozens of video of Biden groping women and kids. This idiot scours the internet and wears out the "C" and "V" cutting idiocy and puking it out on this forum, and never does she stumble on it. Of course most of the rest of us know why. The liberal echo chamber allows no deviation from the hive mind.

Like I said, a dullard.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Dance faster little Monkey, the organ grinder is is playing the the music faster! If you can’t keep up you’ll get no peanuts. Stop thinking about all the little monkeys that you’re lusting after.

What a dumb monkey trying so hard to be relevant here.

gerry said...

...then someone had better report it so the allegations can be investigated. Until then, all we have is irresponsible gossip with outsize consequences. Careers ruined, families broken--and too many times based on nothing more than an allegation.

Good heavens, you've described leftist political tactics to a T! The personal is the political, remember?

Indeed, the left will not like the new rules.

gilbar said...

Looks like Craig needs to talk to the NY Post

Apparently, they hadn't heard about his unique definition of groping; and instead, are using the old standard def.

Go Get 'em Craig!

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