June 28, 2018

At the Room Service Café...


... I've been up for hours...


... and the $50 breakfast is in tatters.

It's time for me to descend to the streets and see what disgusting things are on display. Could you please keep the blog warm?


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 375 of 375
Michael K said...

Well, we know now about the shooter.

Inga most disappointed.

In an email exchange between Ramos and several staff members of the Capital Gazette from November 2016, Ramos lashed out at the paper for apparently removing a comment he made from a story they ran about his harassment case.

“You people have no explanation for the removal of my comment?” he wrote. “Even though it appears you have acted with personal spite, ill will, and a desire to see me come to harm? Even though it appears to be a conscious effort to conceal or ignore anything contrary to the words of a vengeful source of highly questionable credibility? Are you guys truly the champions of free speech, accountability, and organizational transparency, or do those things only really matter when they suit your purposes to make people look bad and generate revenue?”

Public record shows that Ramos is not a registered voter.

Once again, the left strikes out.

Gahrie said...

There's really no way to defend the U.S. destruction of Native Americans.

Sure there is..we were at war with them. They would have gladly destroyed us if they could have.

Yancey Ward said...

Oh, didn't see the second instance. That pretty much means it was deliberate at some stage of the process.

Henry said...

@tim -- Thanks for the clarification. Rewatching the video, you're right. The transcription is wrong.

I'm not sure the WaPo gets any political mileage out of that, but it's a dumb fail.

Yancey Ward said...

Ironically, it seems the paper has been proven correct about Mr. Ramos' violent nature.

langford peel said...

"There's really no way to defend the U.S. destruction of the mainstream media.

Sure there is..we were at war with them. They would have gladly destroyed us if they could have."


D 2 said...

I guess it wasnt disgusted in Des Moines

Chicago Hotel Blues.

Well I have to go out to Illinois, my north country girl she told me so
She left me cold standing on a road
Down here in Madison
Gone back to the highlands, all sad eyed & slow
I've been sitting here in the middle of the street
Its been a few hours
Near The Wilted Grape Cafe
Where the coffee aint free
And there's nothing to see
Except art show posters hangin listlessly
So maybe its time to go.

Gotta find a ride to Rockford
Thats no easy thing to ask
Its a long way from here to where I'm going
And the raven haired barista,
Well she said shes not up to that task.
I got a friend down in Rockford
Its been awhile since we talked
Or gone for a walk, Or paid for chalk
Or sold watches in hock
But i'm thinking maybe he can lend me his bike
Its a Trask.

Gonna get the biggest hotel room when I get to the city
A Room with a View but without Puccini
Gonna order the biggest meal I can
That sad eyed lady
She hightailed it to the country
But there no reason in this sunny season
To worry about my being
Just another lonely Second City man.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Look at Ramos' photo. He's definitely on Inga's side of the political decide.

Where's our apology?!?

tim in vermont said...

’m not sure the WaPo gets any political mileage out of that, but it's a dumb fail.

They were demeaning Chao who had stood up to anti Trump protesters. That was the mileage.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tim in vermont said...

Sure there is..we were at war with them. They would have gladly destroyed us if they could have.

Why were we at war with them? Because we bought their land from Napoleon without so much as a by your leave?

Henry said...

They would have gladly destroyed us if they could have.

That's not exactly just war theory.

By the time the U.S. Army was fighting the plains Indians -- the occasional battle of soldiers and warriors, the occasional slaughter of women and children, the inexorable herding of people off their land -- there was no equivalence of force.

This was only 50 years after the Indian Removal Act in which the government denied the right of Choktaw and Cherokee to own title to the land they already lived on. This was the pattern, not the exception.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga...Allie Oop said...

Sometimes all it takes for an unstable person with a grudge to commit violence is a nudge from the people like the President who says the Press is the enemy of the people or from Milo Y. who can’t wait to see vigilantes gun down journalists, or from the many many voices on the right demonizing the Press daily with Trump’s urging.

You people on the right and your relentless attacks on the Press may be what set this guy off, face it. You have expressed outrage over Maxine Waters, what Trump and the rightist voices on your side call for actual violence. Just listen to your pal Peely celebrate this act of violence and he’s calling for more. No outrage for what Peely is saying? Or maybe you agree with him.

readering said...

This appears to be one case that pissed Ramos off:

Don't know if there were others. Seems like a very bad, disturbed dude going back a decade.

langford peel said...

Of course many people agree with me Inga. Who wouldn't want to see Jim Acosta get a Colombian necktie?

Drago said...

Inga: "You people on the right and your relentless attacks on the Press may be what set this guy off, face it."

Inga simply can't face the facts.

It's what makes her a good lefty foot soldier.

Mindless of course, but that's the defining characteristic of a lefty foot soldier.

Unfortunately for Inga and Pickering and LLR Chuck, there aren't any target graphics on a website for that newspaper so their newest lie will be difficult to continue pushing effectively.

Those people in Maryland lost their lives because some 38 year old "white hispanic" (TM) was angry over his lost lawsuit.

Though those innocent people lost their lives, something more precious to lefties was lost as well: their desired narrative and talking points.

As any leftist can tell you, people are easy to replace, but effective narratives are difficult to come by.

To all the lefties and their LLR allies, my deepest condolences and my thoughts and prayers are with you all tonight.

Michael K said...

You people on the right and your relentless attacks on the Press may be what set this guy off, face it.

God ! What horseshit from a bedpan commando.

Go and try to be of some use for the oxygen you consume that better people could use.

madAsHell said...

Ya know! I think our hostess trolled us.

Who-in-the-Hell would have thought Althouse would ever go to a Trump hotel??

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Of course many people agree with me Inga. Who wouldn't want to see Jim Acosta get a Colombian necktie?”

Yeah, maybe they do agree with you Peely, but they’re too cowardly to openly admit it? I’m sure you can get them to grow a pair, just like you, huh?

Drago said...

Quick note: Inga has yet to apologize to us for her role in the Hodgkinson mass political murder scheme that almost succeeded.

We are waiting Inga.

Clyde said...

Inga, perhaps you missed the part that said "Public record shows that Ramos is not a registered voter." He had bees in his bonnet, but personal ones, not political ones. So your entire argument is garbage.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Why don’t you go and have your Depends changed Michael? You’re stinking.

Gahrie said...

By the time the U.S. Army was fighting the plains Indians -- the occasional battle of soldiers and warriors, the occasional slaughter of women and children, the inexorable herding of people off their land -- there was no equivalence of force.

So there is a moral responsibility to not be better and stronger than your opponent? We treated the Indians far better than the historical norm. Hell technically the Indian nations still exist today...I would have wiped them out myself. The Indians were no more noble than us...look at how they treated each other. We have no national guilt over our conquest. The one true sin we did commit against the Indians was the Trail of Tears...but that was a Democrat so it apparently doesn't count.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“perhaps you missed the part that said "Public record shows that Ramos is not a registered voter."

So what??

Drago said...

Clyde: "Inga, perhaps you missed the part that said "Public record shows that Ramos is not a registered voter."

She didn't miss it.

Our voice-actuated automaton has her talking points and she is sticking to them.

She is desperate for some sort of a "win" out of this week and this is literally her only hope....and now its gone....but she can't let go....for obvious reasons.

Therefore, she will simply continue pretending this is something its not hoping against hope that no one notices she is insane.

Michael K said...

"Seems like a very bad, disturbed dude going back a decade."

Yes and thanks for not going insane like so much of the left.

The Jared Loughner case was even worse as even Obama tried to blame Sarah Palin.

Loughner's mother worked for the Democrat Sheriff of Pima County and hid all the complaints about her son's psychosis.

That Sheriff actually began the lies about "bullseyes" on the map. He was defeated in the next election.

Gahrie said...

Why were we at war with them? Because we bought their land from Napoleon without so much as a by your leave?

We were at war with each other because we both wanted the land. It is a very common tale historically. It's only been about the last 100 years that the idea of taking land by conquest has become immoral...before that it was the expected norm.

Fabi said...

"...voices on the right demonizing the Press daily with Trump’s urging."

Even if you chose to wrongly characterize open criticism of the press as demonizing, it remains a protected right to do so. Get over it. Move on. I don't care, do u?

Michael K said...

Blogger Inga said...
Why don’t you go and have your Depends changed Michael? You’re stinking.

The creepy old bed pan emptier has no shame for this ugly stuff she posts.

You need to do more to justify the oxygen you waste,

rhhardin said...

.. I've been up for hours...

There's an Italian ham, I1MMR, who's every night looking for somebody to talk to around 7026 kHz, around 3 in the morning his time. He's been there every night for years. Morando Mauro. He sent me a card in 2016, a convention that's been dead for 50 years. In Genova.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

I think we ought to all chip in to provide grief counseling for our resident lefties in order to assist them in this trying "Lost narrative" time.

We all know how much the left, when they aren't carving up babies for the sale of the parts, craves a "crisis" that is "too good to waste", and this, for one brief shining moment, appeared to be just what the Doctor (Gosnell-like) ordered.

Alas, once again, the fevered dreams of our psycho lefties (often obscured by their tasteful p****-hats) have been dashed upon the rocks at Political Talking Point Shores.

One can only pity them from afar, knowing as we do that there is no known cure. Only the peace of the grave which socialist and leftist governments around the world are always too happy to provide for their masses.

But we don't live in a socialist workers/peoples paradise. We live here, and so the lefties will simply have to rise from bed tomorrow, grudgingly and trudgingly, and toil diligently to create a new and different lie-filled narrative that can rescue them from their current political suicide.

I for one...do not wish them well in that.....

MayBee said...

I'm soooo with Tim in Vermont about the Elaine Chao thing. Anybody else (on either side of the equation) would be destroyed.

MayBee said...

The last time a media company was hit it was the same thing-- YouTube, and a personal grudge from someone related to them.

If people weren't so quick to want to blame politics, they would see that most of the world isn't motivated by politics, and most awful people aren't motivated to hurt others because of politics.

Fabi said...

Trump imploded the Clinton dynasty.
Trump imploded the Bush dynasty.
Trump imploded the MSM.
Trump imploded the "conservative" media.
Trump imploded the GOPe.
Trump has now imploded the democrat party.

I'd call him a stable genius.

mockturtle said...

I strongly suspect Mr. Peel's purpose here is to cast shade on the blog. To what end is still a question.

Drago said...

I can't help but notice that once again Inga is behind the rest of her lefty and LLR allies who are already abandoning this moronic set of Trump Is Responsible talking points.

Drago said...


Fabi said...

Drago -- if you think she's off her game today wait until the dems fail to prevent Trump's SC second pick before the midterms. They will lose seats overall and anyone remaining in their leadership who's to the right of Comrade Bernie will be unpersoned.

Gahrie said...

I strongly suspect Mr. Peel's purpose here is to cast shade on the blog. To what end is still a question.

I ignore Peel and Trumpit….they think they're performance art. I suspect that one or both of them are sockpuppets.

Big Mike said...

Trump imploded the GOPe.
Trump has now imploded the democrat party.

@Fabi, not yet. He's made a good start, but there's a lot of manure in those piles (and no, there's no pony).

gpm said...

Thread has veered off to the usual boring back and forth crap, but I'll still weigh in to say, fifty dollar breakfast or no, Althouse missed an opportunity if she went to Chicago and didn't have some real Italian beef (though maybe the anosmia thing or whatever would have spoiled the effect).


Fabi said...

The left will abandon this shooter quicker than they did those kids in cages at the border.

Gahrie said...

Prediction: Pretty much a red wave in the Fall. Republican gains in the Senate, retain the House (possibly gain a few seats) and dominate at the state level outside of California. this causes a meltdown in the Democratic Party and a civil war between the Pelosi Dems and the Bernie Dems.

tim in vermont said...

Langford Peel is disgusting, but he is empowered by the fact that all of the shame has gone out of being called a ‘racist’ because now everything is racist. Think of it as kind of a “slut walk.” We have been called racists for disagreeing with Obama’s tired old liberal policies that we rejected when Carter was President. We rejected them when Dukakis ran, we rejected them when Kerry ran, but supposedly, once Obama was in charge, we were supposed to accept them because to not do so was raaacist.

Oh yeah, and the reason we wouldn’t vote for Hillary? You are not going to believe this, it’s misogyny. I was shocked to find out I hated women too, but it’s true.

tim in vermont said...

Trump has now imploded the democrat party.

No, but he’s bifurcated it.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Another devastating gut shot to the leftists haters. They were so hoping to be able to don the dead bodies of journalists. They were finally getting a break. Five dead people they could bash the conservatives with! Their prayers were answered.

Sad trombone.

The shooter is a long haired, Hispanic with a federal job. And he used a shotgun. Can't even rail against assault weapons.

The leftists haven't been this disappointed since the Bernie Bro assassin failed to kill anyone.

Michael K said...

Inga is behind the rest of her lefty and LLR allies who are already abandoning this moronic set of Trump Is Responsible talking points.

This has been a despicable exhibit of leftist hysteria, Inga is way beyond the limits of tolerance.

The only excuse I see is ignorance and stupidity.

For what it's worth, I'm glad the shooter was from neither side. Just an angry nut,

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

He has the look of an antifa. But we can only speculate in one direction - the direction that Milo and Trump are to blame.

eddie willers said...

Many years ago, I got a phone call out of the blue from a high school acquaintance who I remembered vaguely from back then. We had a few common friends and he rode in my decked out '57 Chevy once or twice, but that's it. I don't remember what he called about (might have been loaning him money or something) but he kept calling and and I just couldn't understand why.

It got so bad that I located his mother in the the phone book and gave her a call. She was NOT surprised to hear from me as I was one of a long line of "old high school friends". Apparently (according to her) he had taken LSD and other drugs and though they had tried everything, he was a hopeless case. (Learning now that most bipolar cases come out in early manhood, I suspect that was a contributing factor)

From what I have found out about this Ramos, the original harassment case was similar. He saw her on Facebook and sent her a friend request. She didn't remember him at all so he sent her his picture and then she realized she had a class or two with him in high school. I imagine she tried to be nice etc., but I am sure things got weird fast. So much so we get the blocking, unfriending etc. But it came to the point where she notified the police and things went from there.

So if anyone is to blame (and there really isn't anyone) it would be Facebook as the nexus point.

wholelottasplainin said...

Ramos finally snapped when he realized that his attempt at a beard would not transform him from a chinless dork into a double of his idol, Ron Perlman.

Michael K said...

A pretty good summary from the LA Times.

Even they know there is no politics here, Just evil.

tim in vermont said...

Trump had better shut up, stop tweeting, and just resign. But Rachael Maddow can keep calling Republicans mass murderers, and her fans can keep shooting up Republican softball games because liberalism is more than just a political creed, it’s the One True Faith.

eddie willers said...

He has the look of an antifa.

Other than the Amish and Abraham Lincoln, don't trust people with beards but no mustache.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

FullMoon said...
Ramos was pissed off because of fake news about him.

He sued the paper claiming defamation, but it was thrown out.

The article in question is reproduced above. He sounds like a Grade-A nut job.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

This idea that we are not allowed to question or despise the one-party hack press is absurd. And if we do, we are promoting violence? All while the left and the leftwing press and actual democrat party officials harass and shoot conservatives?

Roughcoat said...

Sure there is..we were at war with them. They would have gladly destroyed us if they could have.

Paul Johnson makes this point quite cogently in "Birth of the Modern". Thomas Sowell addresses it in "Conquests and Cultures", a brilliant book that explores dispassionately what happens when advanced and civilized cultures/societies encounter each other. This was a worldwide phenomenon in the 17th through the 19th centuries especially, and it played out the same wherever it occurred. Also see "Intertribal Warfare on the Great Plains, which discusses the constant phenomenon of warring Native American nations. The author points out that after by the 1880s through the turn of the century the U.S. Cavalry's main occupation was patrolling the Great Plains in hopes of preventing tribal war parties from raiding their enemies.

wholelottasplainin said...

The score thus far, and over all of human history:

Stone Age Peoples: Zero
More Technologically and Socially Advanced peoples: Infinity

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Rachel Maddow promoted the lie of "hands up don't shoot" which led to mass police shootings.

*memory holed by the left.

rcocean said...

"There's really no way to defend the U.S. destruction of Native Americans."

The US did NOT "destroy the native Americans" - if we had there wouldn't have been 120,000 of them in 1900.

Y'know who makes statements like that? Dumbshit Euros and Brits who project their own genocidal imperialism unto the USA. We aren't Krauts - we didn't kill 6 million Jews, or invent Gulags, or whatever.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

From your link Michael K - "Shooter has been identified as a man who had obsessively harassed and threatened the publication’s journalists for years.

REd flags were missed. Again.

narciso said...

Fellow pointedly made references to Charlie Henson, suggesting that would be the fate.

langford peel said...

My purpose here is simple. To defend the white working class with prose as blunt and shocking as possible. To take it even further than the God Emperor can because he is restrained by political necessity.

Simply stated...to state the truth and my beliefs that are what everyone believed in 1960. We have really declined into the abyss since then.

We need to get back to where we were then.

Roughcoat said...

By the mid 1880s, and with some notable exceptions (e.g., Wounded Knee) U.S. Cavalry outposts in what were still the remote regions of the North American interior rarely engaged Indians in combat; instead they played mostly a peacekeeping role, endeavoring to intercept Indian war parties on their way to slaughter a rival village and turn them back or to adjudicate disputes between hostile war parties that were at daggers drawn. These efforts were very ad hoc in nature, and there were countless incidents that are lost to history of Indians fighting Indians in this period, small but ferocious battles fought in the middle of nowhere under the "big sky," and the efforts of the U.S. Cavalry to prevent such outbreaks of violence and low-scale warfare were not always successful, with young Indian men eager and determined to prove their courage and warrior prowess finding ways of avoiding cavalry patrols in order to mount an assault on a hostile village.

Roughcoat said...

It bears mentioning in this regard that the "Age of Empire" in modern times was a global phenomenon, which is to say ALL highly advanced societies -- including China, Japan, and Southeast Asia societies -- where engaged in aggressive imperial/territorial expansion that often resulted in decimation and/or destruction, and sometimes the near or complete annihilation, of the primitive cultures they encountered.

MadisonMan said...

My Facebook feed is littered with reflexive blame for the Annapolis shooting on Trump.

I just shake my head in wonder that people on the left are so delusionally focused on Trump. Wow is he in their heads.

In other news, Hillary is still not President, and she's not picking Supreme Court Justices.

narciso said...

Hebdo, he was certainly in their radar, almost as much as in parkland

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“My purpose here is simple. To defend the white working class with prose as blunt and shocking as possible. To take it even further than the God Emperor can because he is restrained by political necessity.”

And I’m sure Trump appreciates all your hard work. Maybe you’ll get to be a reich chancellor one day.

tim in vermont said...

Sorry Langford, I don’t believe Trump is a racist and if I did, I wouldn’t support him.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Look how the press treats Trump.
Trump already made a statement and they are screaming at him and harassing him. Fuck you NBC.

Just fuck you.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Inger - I doubt Trump appreciates it at all.

wildswan said...

1. Wallow in Luxury
2. Enjoy big city perks, like restaurants, paying no attention to social justice issues
3. Go to the art museum and enjoy contemporary art. Not at all writhing about in simulated horror like a slug with salt on it.

n.n said...

the shame has gone out of being called a ‘racist’ because now everything is racist

Now everything is "diverse" or color judgments/discrimination, including racism.

we wouldn’t vote for Hillary? You are not going to believe this, it’s misogyny

Sarah Palin, Michele Bachman et al are men, don't you know. That said, I have a dream, that one day my children will be judged by the "color" of their skin or diversity class (e.g. race, sex, gender orientation), rather than the content of their character (e.g. principles).

Roughcoat said...

E.g. ask the Hmong and Montagnards and other primitive peoples of SE Asia how they fared at the hands of the expansionist and more highly advanced Bách Việt (Kinh) peoples. It was the same everywhere, and much much worse in Asia: persecution (with occasional slaughter) of primitive/indigenous peoples has continued into the 21st century, continues to this day. See the Burma/Myanamar, where the predominatly ethnic Burman goverment wages unceasing low-grade war against indigenous peoples such as the Karen, Shan, Kachin, etc.

Fabi said...

"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." -- Nap.

Uninterrupted mockery is not expressly forbidden.

narciso said...

Or even the Bengali transplants in rakkhine province,

Jon Ericson said...

Tiresome mobys, tiresome sockpuppets, and tiresome trolls.
A constant.
There is nothing to be done.
Suck it up.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Madison Man

My Facebook feed is littered with reflexive blame for the Annapolis shooting on Trump.

I just shake my head in wonder that people on the left are so delusionally focused on Trump. Wow is he in their heads.

*If the truth doens't fit the narrative, you still go with the narrative. The truth lands in the trash.

n.n said...


You're quite the historian, Android. Or should I call you Google?

Just kidding. Thanks for sharing.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

My purpose here is simple. To defend the white working class with prose as blunt and shocking as possible.

I really hate these asswipes who pretend to defend the white working class. My guess is they are hipster losers trying to paint normal people as racists.

If you knew anything about the working people you'd know blacks, whites, legal hispanics (you have to prove eligible to work before you join a union), gay, lesbian and a few Asians are all in this together. We work together. We live together. We make babies together.

We don't live in a monoculture like the progressives. We all feel under attack. We feel like we are being forced to poverty. Our jobs keep go overseas. Illegals force our wages down. And machines take our jobs.

Soon we'll have to decide to work at the convenience store, the fast food store or just hustle to get by.

It's all bullshit.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The news media as an arm to one political party IS an enemy to a free people.

"Proposed that anyone who reposts or quotes “Occupy Democrats” be blocked and reported to Facebook for spreading “fake news” and/or “hate speech.”

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Bill, R of Texas @ 10:03 - perfect. Thank you.

buwaya said...

It seems the fellow worked in IT for the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), which is actually one of my favorite web sites. I have benefited from his work, probably.

Big Mike said...

@Althouse, are you and Meade back yet? We want details!

Big Mike said...

@Bill, Republic of Texas, you nailed it.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“We don't live in a monoculture like the progressives.”

Newsflash, progressives love diversity and multiculturalism, did you get confused?

Roughcoat said...


Heh heh. Touché!

And thanks for your good humor.

walter said...

Gotta wonder if he was on something..legal or otherwise.

buwaya said...

Its an interesting argument about the US wars against the Indians. Its just a part of the puzzle as to why their populations continued to fall so disastrously till the early 20th century.

I don't see that the behavior of the white population had all that much to do with their demographic decline. A lot of this was rather a cultural problem among the Indians, who developed an extremely high mortality (even after the Eurasian diseases had run their course), and also a low fertility rate.

You have cases of indigenous populations after the European "explosion", under colonial control, that had much different demographic fates.

The US Indians actually seem to have suffered from similar factors as the Hawaiians, whose population also collapsed, and in the same way (high mortality, low fertility), but in their case without suffering any significant violence from the interlopers. It also cannot be said that the Hawaiians lost their natural habitat, their countryside emptied out before anyone thought to plant pineapples or sugar on their fallow fields.

Compare to the developed parts of South America, Bolivia say, where the natives were often treated atrociously (as at Potosi), but continued to reproduce and are therefore very numerous today.

This is an interesting question, not well examined.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Well, Inga had a rough day yesterday, but she sure perked up at the news of the shooting. What a wonderful opportunity to blame Trump and Milo for inciting violence! She couldn't wait to come her and rub our noses in it. And so Mrs. Magoo fell on her face and made a total ass of herself once again. (Don't worry, she's impervious to the embarrassment a brighter and more ethical person would feel.)

As it turns out, so sadly for Inga, Ramos is a government employee whose only political interest seems to be environmentalism. Yeah, featherhead, I'm sure he's a big Milo fan. Fundamentally, though he's not a political person at all. This was all about a story the paper printed about him being the stalker of a young woman. which he felt defamed him. His suit was dismissed and he sought revenge.

It's difficult for dullards like Inga, who have been driven utterly insane by politics, to grasp that for many, in fact for millions, politics barely makes a dent in their consciousness. They live, work, love, hate and seek vengeance without political thoughts -either for or against the President - once crossing their minds. Because Trump is living rent-free in Inga's head 24/7 (hell, he's not just living there, he's moved in and built another high-rise), she imagines that everyone else in the country spends their days reacting to everything he says and does. Of course, she wants to believe so because she is itching for a massacre she can blame on right-wingers, but she genuinely doesn't get that for some people - especially deranged killers - the personal is not political.

She's also too dumb to recognize that Trump's criticisms of the press are NOT a call to violence.

buwaya said...

"Progressives", in my experience, cannot live except in a monoculture of world-views.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

As I said... unstable people with a grudge only need a nudge to set them off.

Jon Ericson said...

Occupy Democrats.

Ficta said...

Hey @gpm, so where should I get Italian beef next time I'm in Chicago. Despite living there for five years and going back to visit from time to time, I've never had it. (I know, weird)

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

She's also too dumb to recognize that Trump's criticisms of the press are NOT a call to violence.

She's just parroting Joy Behar and the View and anyone in the hack press who hacks it up for their D-party and then pees their pants when the push back comes.

langford peel said...

Hey Bill you don't know jack shit about me. I lost my business to illegals. We are not all in this together. That's kumbaya bullshit. Just like Ingas nonsense. It's everyone for themselves. It's all tribal. Same as it ever was. Your tribe is determined by your uniform. That's how the liberals play the game. So that's how we need yo play it.

The President isn't racist. He just has the opinions of a white Guy's from 1960. That's not racist. That's just reality. Peddle your kumbaya bullshit to the liberals.

I ain't buying. Neither are millions of other guys just like me.

buwaya said...

This is not a good case as a precipitator for a civil war, as it is not obviously an act of political or cultural "propaganda of the deed".

Its true that an unstable or twisted personality is highly likely to be the initiator of political violence, it is almost always an edge case, but one with an impersonal rather than a personal grudge.

You will all have to wait a bit more.

walter said...

Wow..some of that document reads similar to Ed Hominem.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“I ain't buying. Neither are millions of other guys just like me.”

All Trump voters too.

MayBee said...

Inga said...
As I said... unstable people with a grudge only need a nudge to set them off.

That may be true. How do you think Trump and Republicans are portrayed in major media these days? Do you think it could set off a crazy to hurt them?
I saw Judd Apatow tweeting that Trump is kidnapping brown babies. There was a poster demonstrating how to rip out an ICE officer's heart that went around Twitter from Occupy. Republicans are being called Nazis and it's implied that fascism is on the way. Do you think that affects an unstable person?

1) We can't not criticize that which is wrong because it might set off a crazy person
2) This guy had nothing to do with the current political climate
3) Republicans are lucky this guy has a hispanic last name so the GOP doesn't get blamed for setting him off w/immigration policies
4) Everyone needs to look at themselves and the words they say and do better.

John Pickering said...

peel, by far and away you represent Ann's tribe is its purest iteration. Readers, have you heard about the Amazon portal.

Curious George said...

"Ficta said...
Hey @gpm, so where should I get Italian beef next time I'm in Chicago. Despite living there for five years and going back to visit from time to time, I've never had it. (I know, weird)"

Well, Chicago is a big place. Al's #1 Italian Beef on Taylor Street is often rated the best, but any of the Al's franchises or Portillos are good too. Italian beef sammiches are great, you really can't go wrong.

I would suggest ordering it "wet" and get planty of napkins.

Jon Ericson said...

An insidious and specialized type of left-wing troll who visits blogs and impersonates a conservative for the purpose of either spreading false rumors intended to sow dissension among conservative voters, or who purposely posts inflammatory and offensive comments for the purpose of discrediting the blog in question.

The term is derived from the name of the liberal musician Moby, who famously suggested in February of 2004 that left-wing activists engage in this type of subterfuge:

“For example, you can go on all the pro-life blogs and say you’re an outraged right-wing voter and that you know that Donald Trump drove an ex-girlfriend to an abortion clinic and paid for her to get an abortion.

Then you go to an anti-immigration Web site chat room and ask, ‘What’s all this about Donald Trump proposing amnesty for illegal aliens?’”

The strategy has been frequently attempted on conservative blogs, but has not been nearly as effective as Moby envisioned, since false rumors are easily debunked by fact-checking minions, and cartoonishly extreme commenters often get immediately identified as mobys and banned.

Jon Ericson said...

Thanks for calling it to our attention, Chuck.

buwaya said...

What you have here, in the actual population, is a "madness of crowds" situation.
There are a few people choosing to manufacture and escalate it for their political benefit, but this also is true of most such cases.

The Hutu were deliberately incited against the Tutsi, for instance, through an organized propaganda campaign.

In the case of the US, as with the Hutu of Rwanda, only one side has the propaganda system to create widespread hysteria.

walter said...

The way the paper article was written seems a bit unusual.
If the victim feared for her safety enough to ask them to withhold her name, maybe not a good idea to publish it with his spelled out.

Etienne said...

The psychiatrist Thomas Szasz wrote "The Myth of Mental Illness: Foundations of a Theory of Personal Conduct" in 1961.

Since that time, mental illness has been viewed much the same as a broken leg.

Free-Ranging insane is what the country wants, and by golly, we won't stand for anything less.

So a few innocent people die. They could have been aborted and never existed anyway, so they got some time on the planet. Maybe enough time to put a camera in their shoe.

The difference today, from 1961, is that weapons of mass destruction can be obtained freely and unlimited in quantity.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Inga said...

As I said... unstable people with a grudge only need a nudge to set them off. "

Steven Scalise knows that already.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“That may be true. How do you think Trump and Republicans are portrayed in major media these days? Do you think it could set off a crazy to hurt them?”

How they’re being “portrayed”? Really, I’m not going to blame the media for reporting accurately. When there have been mistakes the media has actually done a decent job of correcting their reporting. Crazy people don’t need much to set them off, but the press’ job is to report, not hide what the President says. We read it ourselves in tweets, or hear it ourselves in his rallies.

“This guy had nothing to do with the current political climate.”

Very likely true, but he had a huge grudge on the Capital Gazette who are the Press, btw. If he hears Trumps saying the Press is the enemy of the people, he could’ve been nudged just enough to push him over the edge.

“Everyone needs to look at themselves and the words they say and do better.”


buwaya said...

In the US you have an entire cultural industry dedicated to the proposition that white men and boys are dangerous or deficient and must be exterminated. It really does amount to that. There are tremendous resources dedicated to that propaganda line.

It varies in details and intensity in SOME venues, such as schools, but it is in any case ubiquitous. It is quite impossible to miss, unless one has powerful incentives to miss it.

That, escalating over four decades or so, has had many effects.

MayBee said...

they’re being “portrayed”? Really, I’m not going to blame the media for reporting accurately.

Ok I pretty much don’t see a reason to try to discuss things with you again You don’t deserve the names you get called here, but I don’t believe you have any good sincere intentions

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"I’m not going to blame the media for reporting accurately."

Accurately? Like the BS about Milo somehow being responsible for this shooting? Hell, just the other day you were defending an anti-Trump story as "fake but accurate."

"Hands up don't shoot!" - A lie. You believed it.

The media spoon feeds you shit and you open your mouth like a little baby bird and swallow it.

walter said...

Glad to know all that was going on while we were paying his salary.

chickelit said...

So the perp was apolitical. What was the political flavor of “The Capital Gazette”?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

In other news, it looks like Hillary is back in DC again:

‏Verified account @nbcwashington

A woman who is "well-known" to the Secret Service and has been arrested at least five times for jumping the White House fence has been arrested again.

walter said...

He was a federal employee.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

" What was the political flavor of “The Capital Gazette”?"

From what I've read, it's your basic small-town paper. Probably leaning liberal, but more concerned with local stories than national politics.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Ok I pretty much don’t see a reason to try to discuss things with you again You don’t deserve the names you get called here, but I don’t believe you have any good sincere intentions.”

Sorry I’m not going to just buy your “portrayal” of the Press portraying Trump inaccurately. I see and hear for myself what he says. Don’t you? My intentions are as sincere as yours. You engage me in these attempts to get me to see things your way. Reality check, that’s not going to happen. We see things very differently and if that bothers you so be it.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Don't tell Mrs. Magoo she's blind! She insists she sees just fine!

wholelottasplainin said...

Inga, you should stock up on thorazine.

In November you're going to be taking it by the handful.

Jon Ericson said...

The faker troll:

A clever troll, the main aim of the game is to, ironically, act really REALLY stupid. This troll's aim is to argue with normal persons incoherently.

This is a ploy. The troll only needs to spend 10 seconds shitposting while the normal person wastes 10 minutes writing a much more wordy reply.

The troll will reply with a stupid rejoinder making the normal person post as many long replies as possible.

Using the normal person's aversion to bullshit against them and wasting their time...

If they are good, their act will be believable and they probably won't get banned unless the blog hostess figures out what they are doing.

Unless it's the Althouse blog.

Ficta said...

@gpm Awesome. Thanks.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Here's the video that proves what a liar and hypocrite Inga is:


They need to keep this ad running until November.

Achilles said...

langford peel said...

My purpose here is simple. To defend the white working class with prose as blunt and shocking as possible. To take it even further than the God Emperor can because he is restrained by political necessity.

Simply stated...to state the truth and my beliefs that are what everyone believed in 1960. We have really declined into the abyss since then.

We need to get back to where we were then.

It doesn't help.

I think you know that.

Achilles said...

Inga said...

Very likely true, but he had a huge grudge on the Capital Gazette who are the Press, btw. If he hears Trumps saying the Press is the enemy of the people, he could’ve been nudged just enough to push him over the edge.

Inga said Scalise deserved to get shot because he supports the NRA.

Now when some douchebag leftist tries to kill Trump she will say he deserved that too.

Because she is a disgusting human being.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Inga said Scalise deserved to get shot because he supports the NRA.”

Do you realize you’re lying? Or does that not matter to to, as you’ve convinced yourself that’s it’s true.

Achilles is the type of unstable person I speak of, who could be pushed over the edge with a mere nudge from someone he really respects...like Trump.

Jon Ericson said...

The New Red Hen Menu


Shrimp Trampi $14
Forget lemon garlic butter. This shrimp won’t be held back by bigoted Christian ideas of morality.

MS-13 Meatballs $17
Get ready for murder in your mouth. These meatballs will assault your taste buds in a way Swedish meatballs won’t.

Earth-first Bean Dip $9
Unlike other bean dips, we only use gasless beans so your flatulence won’t destroy the ozone.

Planned Parenthood platter $25
You may think you’ve made a mistake. Well feel free to send this one back anytime! Our butcher will take it out back and get rid of it.

Pasta Union $197
Honestly, pretty low quality. But for $50 more you can have better. Promise.

Open Borders Soup and Salad $12
This is all served on one plate so everything just runs together. Very inclusive.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“It doesn't help.”

Oh it helps a great deal to shine the light on the underbelly of Trumpism. Thank you Langford Peel.

Francisco D said...

"I strongly suspect Mr. Peel's purpose here is to cast shade on the blog. To what end is still a question.

I agree. I suspect he says things that allow Inga to occasionally sound rational. He's either a friend or relative.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"Oh it helps a great deal to shine the light on the underbelly of Trumpism."

And the baseball field shooter helps a great deal to shine the light on the underbelly of leftism.

If you can put everyone you disagree with in the same basket, Mrs. Magoo, I will do the same to you. All peel has done is type. You cheered for a would-be mass murderer. You were happy about today's murders when you thought you could blame them on Trump and Milo Y.

Compared to you, peel is an angel.

John Pickering said...

Jon Ericson joins snr. peel in expressing the acme of the thought of Ann's tribe. Remember to buy your stuff through Ann's portal so she can spend weekends at the Trump hotel, in a milk-bath.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Watch the RNC video I linked to above. All it is is video of Democrats being violent and threatening violence. It's a brilliant ad.

Those are Inga's people.

Jon Ericson said...

Round and round all day.
And then again, tomorrow, the same.

Jon Ericson said...

Hi Chuck, where's Craig?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

John, are you feeling sad too because you can't blame the murders committed by a government employee on Trump? I know how excited and happy you leftists get when shootings take place and you think you can use them to your political advantage. Ah, shucks, not this time, Johnny boy!

It's been a real tough week for you leftists, I know. How about this:

"President Trump's approval rating has ticked up to 47 percent in the new Harvard CAPS/Harris poll released exclusively to The Hill, a 2 point hike from last month.

Trump's approval rating was lifted in part by a 10 point climb among Hispanic voters.

Imagine that! The "concentration camp" horseshit isn't working for you, Murders you could exploit politically would have helped but alas.....you're reduced to pathetically crabbing at Althouse for staying at a Trump hotel.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

langford peel said:

"I lost my business to illegals"

Then your beef is with illegals, not with non-white American citizens. One of the biggest Trump supporters I know is a man who came here from Mexico legally and became a citizen. He did it the right way and he resents those who break the law. As that poll I mentioned shows, Trump's numbers are increasing among Hispanics, who are the ones who have to live with MS13, child-trafficking, and competing with illegals for jobs. Losing a chuck of the Hispanic and black vote would be devastating to the Democrats, which is why they are beating the race drum so hard. You think you're standing up for whites? You're helping the Democrats.

Narayanan said...

What's the connection between la femme de Ramos and the Gazette.
Why would his case be reported on?

Fabi said...

"Twenty months ago, Democrats were poised to reclaim the presidency and maybe the Senate. Donald Trump was supposedly going to damage the GOP brand for years to come. It threatened to be a bloodbath.

Today, the bloodbath is squarely on the Democratic side of the aisle. And it's getting worse..."
-- Aaron Blake, WaPo


n.n said...

The New Red Hen Menu

Hilarious! That's it. That's all I've got. Keep them coming. 17 minutes to the witching hour.

grackle said...

Meet the Italian Trump. Trump needs to get together with this guy to discuss illegal immigration.

Yancey Ward said...

Yes, Harlan Ellison was a giant in science fiction. This is a loss. His real strength was the short fiction he did- in that he had few equals in the field.

I had stopped reading much science fiction after my early 30s, but will probably look into reading anything Ellison wrote in the last 20 years.

grackle said...

Really, I’m not going to blame the media for reporting accurately.

One of the funniest yet sad lines I’ve read in a long time. The funny part is the contrast with an obvious reality. The sad part is that I have no doubt that it is sincere and heartfelt.

Big Mike said...

You're helping the Democrats.

@exiled, you broke the effing code. Mr. Peel is here so that the likes of Inga can try to play the same game that they played six years ago asserting that the deluded Todd Akin’s beliefs were what every Republican believed. And it won’t work.

tim in vermont said...

Jon Ericson joins snr. peel in expressing the acme of the thought of Ann's tribe. Remember to buy your stuff through Ann's portal so she can spend weekends at the Trump hotel, in a milk-bath.

Bitter bitter. I'm sowwy the shooter wasn't wearing a MAGA hat and looked like he more likely belonged to Antifa.

tim in vermont said...

Mrs Magoo. I am stealing that one.

Humperdink said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Humperdink said...

Inga said...
"As I said... unstable people with a grudge only need a nudge to set them off."

Gee Inga, do you think Kathy Griffin holding Trump's severed head may set someone off? Or your party's Mad Maxine Waters saying "When they show up, get a crowd and push back" might do the trick?

You're in a hole lady, quit digging.

exhelodrvr1 said...

"As I said... unstable people with a grudge only need a nudge to set them off."

You mean nudges like "punch back twice as hard,""get in their face,""we bring a gun?"

Michael K said...

So the fool kept posting inane comments last night ?

No shame.

Rusty said...

tim in vermont said...
Sure there is..we were at war with them. They would have gladly destroyed us if they "could have.

Why were we at war with them? Because we bought their land from Napoleon without so much as a by your leave?"

Because almost without exception the native american tribes were warlike.

Wiley Coyote Falling said...

Are we still guessing the three disgusting things? How about: Ann went to Chicago to interview for a position with the Trump administration, and while there is getting cosmetic surgery (something simple, like Botox) and pondering a trial separation from Meade. One of those things would make me very sad, one would scare me, and to one I'm entirely indifferent - but I can see other people being disgusted.

Michael said...

Logic is not taught in nursing school.

wildswan said...

On Moby Peel. If you scratch an insect bite you spread the venom.

wildswan said...

The Red Hen restaurant has been closed since it told Sanders that it didn't serve her kind.

Humperdink said...

So I watched Jim Jordan (R-OH) engage Rod "The Worm" Rosenstein yesterday. Jordan is looking more and more like someone suited for higher office.

As an aside, Jordan is a four-time state wrestling champion and two-time NCAA division 1 champion. Bachelors degree (Econ) from University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Humperdink said...

RE: The Red Hen. I see an ownership/name change in it's future.

Rick said...

MayBee said...
You don’t deserve the names you get called here,

She's called other posters both "cunt" and "pussy", she deserves any names she's called.

tim in vermont said...

Because almost without exception the native american tribes were warlike.

A) What business was that of ours?

B) Any advanced culture that they had was likely destroyed by the pandemics that came with the Spanish and Cartier.

I am not saying that we need to live our life in guilt. Expiation isn't possible, and unlike our communist friends, we have put genocide in our past. History is what it is. It's just that we shouldn't be expressing wonderment that the plains Indians didn't like us very much, is all.

wildswan said...

Canada is practically empty but the indigenous people up there have not increased in number even in parts in the far north where there is no farming to displace the hunting culture. The tribes in the US are decreasing in absolute numbers due to contraception and abortion even though it's somewhat of a fashion to seek to become registered as a tribe member.

Ireland at home never recovered demographically from the Potato famine but the Irish abroad are about five times as numerous as they were in Ireland just before the famine.

Demographic decline is the root of Europe's migrant problem but what is at the root of Europe's demographic decline? Is it like the reasons for with the tribal decline in North America? whatever they are.

Rick said...

Inga said...
As I said... unstable people with a grudge only need a nudge to set them off.

The political left has been working feverishly for two generations to make that happen. Strangely many people like Inga who pretend to be against this actually support it by (for example) insisting Republicans want to create the Handmaid's Tale in America and that any opposition to leftism is driven by racism.

Humperdink said...

More Red Hen:

".... scammers have apparently taken over parts of the Red Hen's website in order to use its sudden popularity to drive traffic to their own websites, which sell things like discount Viagra.

The scammers likely weren’t trying to take a political stand, and instead hoped to capitalize on heightened internet traffic to the website because of the headlines ..."


tim in vermont said...

unstable people with a grudge only need a nudge to set them off.

Wasn't this the whole reasoning behind Prairie Fire? Is this an article of faith on the left?

tim in vermont said...

Michael Moore: We Have to ‘Put Our Bodies on the Line’ to Stop Trump

On Colbert's propaganda platform

I sure hope that this isn't a "nudge" to any unstable people.

Quaestor said...

Michael Moore says "We have to put our bodies on the line"

Moore will use his bod to lube it for ya.

rehajm said...

What’s this we stuff Michael Moore? Let’s watch you go first

rehajm said...

For a time I dated that girl who would goad people into doing stupid stuff- jump off the waterfall, poke the hornet nest, sled through the trees. It was kind of an abusive relationship.

narciso said...

Actually trump is the American version of Berlusconi, but salvini is of the northern league which was one of Berlusconi partners.

Francisco D said...

Wake up leftist trolls!

We don't have far to go to hit 400 comments.

Rick.T. said...

Curious George said...

I would suggest ordering it "wet" and get planty of napkins."

And assume the position:

"At Al's, you eat standing up in front of a long metal counter. To keep your shirt clean, you have to assume "the position", in which you are forced to slouch your entire upper torso forward and keep your elbows raised so that the juices and grease can drain onto the paper that the sandwich was wrapped in."

Jim at said...

Inga simply can't face the facts.

It's what makes her a good lefty foot soldier.

No. It's what makes her a piece of shit.
Nobody should ever again engage her in the comments. Shun her.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“She's called other posters both "cunt" and "pussy"...”

Indeed and you are one of the biggest. Civilty bullshit.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“No. It's what makes her a piece of shit.
Nobody should ever again engage her in the comments. Shun her.”

LOL! Birkel called for the very same thing a few weeks ago. I said “please do!” I’ll enjoy my commenting experience much more. Some of your relentless responses to anything I utter is beyond annoying. You be the first Jim, set an example!

Rick said...

Inga said...
“She's called other posters both "cunt" and "pussy"...”

Indeed and you are one of the biggest. Civilty bullshit.

6/29/18, 12:12 PM

Don't you think if the words of a foul mouthed idiot bothered me you would have seen it by now?

tim in vermont said...

Mrs Magoo

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