June 30, 2018

At the Real-Person-as-Sculpture Café...


... you don't have to stand in the corner.


JML said...

Those are some gams. Are they topped off with a MAGA hat?

tcrosse said...

The canvas on the right offers a glimpse into Hillary Clinton's soul.

Hagar said...

Althouse is attracted by the strangest "art" exhibits.

mockturtle said...

This is the sort of thing that gives art a bad name.

Hagar said...

Is that person really real, and what is he, she, or it supposed to be doing over there in the corner?

Clyde said...

I was at the Metropolitan Museum of Art last Saturday while visiting my brother in New York. While walking through a gallery of ancient sculptures, I saw an elderly woman seated on a bench with her eyes closed and a serene expression on her face. She sat there for a couple of minutes, motionless, and the thought came to me that she was the most lifelike work on display. And then she opened her eyes.

Unknown said...

I think Althouse knew we’d check for a thigh gap

Humperdink said...

Someone is in timeout.

Etienne said...

Muriel Kallis Steinberg Newman, otherwise known as Mrs. Newman.

Phil 314 said...

Muriel Kellis Steinberg

Fernandinande said...

Gross miscarriage of justice:

James Oler, 53, was found guilty of having five wives and sentenced to three months of house arrest, 75 hours of community service and a year of probation, according to the report.

18 days/wife
15 hours/wife

Winston Blackmore, 61, was found guilty last year of having twenty-four wives and sentenced to six months of house arrest, 150 hours of community service and a year of probation, according to the report.

7.5 days/wife
6.3 hours/wife

Blackmore has 149 children.

Lash LaRue said...

Somebody put Althouse in a corner?

Fritz said...

Fernandistein said...
Gross miscarriage of justice:

James Oler, 53, was found guilty of having five wives and sentenced to three months of house arrest, 75 hours of community service and a year of probation, according to the report.

18 days/wife
15 hours/wife

Winston Blackmore, 61, was found guilty last year of having twenty-four wives and sentenced to six months of house arrest, 150 hours of community service and a year of probation, according to the report.

7.5 days/wife
6.3 hours/wife

Blackmore has 149 children.

You'd think the crime would be the punishment.

Fernandinande said...

I guess the wimmin-folk aren't charged with anything when they marry a man they know is already married...?

clint said...

Looks like a real person, reading the plaque to try and figure out whether the black canvas to her right is actually supposed to be a museum-worthy work of art, or whether it's just the backdrop for an installation that hasn't been finished yet.

But for some reason, I'm reminded of the hyperrealistic sculpture movement that was popular a few years ago.

traditionalguy said...

Black Paintings Matter!

rhhardin said...

She jogged over to read the emergency exit instructions.

Andrew said...

My favorite museum story is of the janitor who threw out some artist's work because she thought it was actual garbage.

Drago said...

Sign: "If you are reading this you are TOO close!"

madAsHell said...

When I travel with family, I always keep tight control of my camera. My brother-in-laws are more than happy to steal my camera, film a nice looking young woman at random, and then return the camera as if nothing happened.

This picture looks like their handiwork.

n.n said...

It's a black hole. The absence of substance is profound. Black holes are a fantasy. There are gray holes.

mockturtle said...

Andrew recounts: My favorite museum story is of the janitor who threw out some artist's work because she thought it was actual garbage.

And she was probably right.

Shane said...

Look at the muscles in those legs!
Why no "men in shorts" tag?
Perception discrimination is an ugly thing.

Jaq said...

You’d think the crime would be the punishment.

Any word on how much he was collecting in welfare? Or was he supporting all 149 children himself?

Big Mike said...

I had to blow the picture up to see that the person is a very physically fit woman reading notes on the wall and not a guy who couldn’t find the rest room.

Next time I’m in an art gallery I can bring a sign that says “Puddle of Urine” by P. Pooscher 2018. Twenty bucks says it fools the staff and maintenance crew for at least five or six days.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Reposted pic, or looks like some other"art" we've been shown?

Jaq said...

Maybe, with some solvent, they could find some art under that black canvas.

Jaq said...

I am not going to pick on the girl though. She didn’t choose to be in this picture. She didn’t put herself out there for us to judge. She is probably just as mystified as we are as to how somebody could have bullshat that canvas onto a museum wall.

todd galle said...

This is what keeps me up at night. I am in the museum field, and this junk makes us look as fools. That is not art, I'm sorry, that's a 6' x 6' color wheel in black. Tim in VT is correct. What might be hiding under that covering which could be considered art? And talk about a waste of wall space. Jeeze, I could put another 4 or 5 pieces on that wall, and I'm not talking about a green one, and a red one, and a blue one, etc........

Hagar said...

The "painting" on the left is just leaning up against the wall. Maybe it is to be hung over the black square?

Will Cate said...

Women In Shorts

madAsHell said...

Look at the muscles in those legs!

You better bring your A-game......cuz you ain't going home until she's done!!

JaimeRoberto said...

I'm vacationing in Nice. The Communist Party of France was having a festival on the Castle Hill today. I thought of cracking someone's skull with a bike lock, but then I remembered that I'm a decent person. Civil even. I can't understand why they aren't shunned like Nazis are.

Michael K said...

Blogger Todd Galle said...
This is what keeps me up at night. I am in the museum field, and this junk makes us look as fools.

I went to the London Tate Museum of Modern Art, with my daughter, the one who is into art. I was amused by the piece that is a board about 18 inches long with nails driven into it in the shape of a fish. String is then wound around the nails. It looks like an art school project from my art school days in 5th grade.

I asked her what the curators do when the string frays.

I didn't even ask her about the artist's shit exhibit, which is also in the Tate.

Anonymous said...

This is how squats can increase your art appreciation.

Shane said...

"That girl is surging in that place!"
"Please, sir, can I have that one to surge me, sir. Please, sir?"

Big Mike said...

I didn't even ask her about the artist's shit exhibit, which is also in the Tate.

So my idea for “P. Pooscher” is derivative, huh?

Achilles said...

The Mullahs in Iran are going to fall.

Barrack Obama hardest hit.

todd galle said...

Michael K,
All major art venues are gone if you are looking for actual 'art'. The Tate's demise is not unexpected. The old Atwater Kent museum in Philly just decided it would be best to close rather than conjoin with Temple Univ. Imagine a world where a very solid 3 dimensional collection of mid 19th C. objects says, "yes, but no" to Temple. Alternatively, imagine when a regional University says to a wonderful collection, "yes, but no".

mockturtle said...

The Mullahs in Iran are going to fall.

I've been saying that for weeks. Maybe months.

Jim at said...

John Mcnamara, Gerald Fischman, Robert Hiaasen, Rebecca Smith and Wendi Waters.
These are the five victims at the Capital Gazette shooting.

These are the victims who certain people couldn't wait to shit her vile politics all over their corpses.

Remember them. Shun her.

Two-eyed Jack said...

I personally observed a museum visitor ask this Duane Hanson sculpture for the time:


langford peel said...

Somebody put baby in a corner.

Jaq said...

I did always like strong thighs though. My shrink traces it back to Tinkerbell from Wonderful World of Disney.

Seeing Red said...

On Thursday, former president Barack Obama offered his usual narcissistic perspective, this time as to why the Democrats got pounded in the 2016 election: “People were so focused on me.”

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga...Allie Oop said...

More than 350 organizations and individuals sign on to joint statement condemning mass murder at the Capital Gazette and negative environment for journalists.

“Here is the full statement:

We condemn, in the strongest terms, the deadly targeting of journalists Thursday at the Capital Gazette newspaper in Annapolis, Maryland. Our hearts go out to the victims and their families, and to all those affected by Thursday's events.

In fact, we are all affected by these events. The recent anti-media rhetoric creates an enabling environment for violence against journalists and that, in turn, creates a new challenge to the key tenets of objectivity, independence and fairness which underpin the profession.

As this country debates the place of civility, truth and accountability in our public life, journalists are on the front line, working every day to tell the stories of our communities and to shore up our democracy by helping to create an informed and discerning citizenry. And yet, as they do their work with fewer and fewer resources, they are increasingly villainized (whether student journalists or veteran professionals.) This act may have been perpetrated by a lone gunman, but the social environment which has demonized journalists gave license to his actions.

On Thursday night, hours after their colleagues were killed and injured, reporters from the Capital Gazette were at a news conference discussing the events. They were not there as speakers - they were back at work, covering the story of which their fallen colleagues and their paper were the subject.

This is what journalists do. Journalists are not the enemy of the people. They should be raised up and protected. Their important role in defending and affirming the First Amendment, informing an engaged public, and protecting democracy should be honored instead of ridiculed. And at no point, should they be the subject of calls to violence or targeting.

We commit to living up to the legacy of the committed journalists who were gunned down, because a free, independent and safe media is essential to maintaining democracy.

Drago said...

"They should be raised up and protected. Their important role in defending and affirming the First Amendment, informing an engaged public, and protecting democracy should be honored instead of ridiculed"

Our lefty media deserves every bit of criticism it receives...and much much more.

The lefties are once again attempting to carve out large spaces where they are beyond criticism.

Sorry, those days are long, long over and will never return.

Many if not most of the MSM are the opposition media and an adjunct of the democrat and socialist parties. Therefore, they deserve no safe space and should be confronted at every opportunity.

The lefties are not going to like it when the "New Rules" are applied to them.

But that's too bad, isn't it?

One set of rules for everyone. One set.

Drago said...

The lefties should consider themselves lucky that Trump has not sent his minions at the DOJ/FBI to spy on journalists like obama did.

The lefties should consider themselves lucky that Trump has not sent his minions at the DOJ/FBI to threaten journalists like obama did.

The lefties should consider themselves lucky that Trump has not sent his minions at the DOJ/FBI to spy on and threaten the parents of journalists like obama did.

Having said that, our criticism of the left wing political hacks posing as objective journalists is never going to end.


Bruce Gee said...

I'd love to meet these "journalists" you're talking about. This concept, it must be very old and forgotten. I thought journalism was all about smears, jumping to conclusions, and using reduced resources as an excuse to cut corners. My bad.

Not Sure said...

That pic should be the cover art for a new release of The Painted Word

madAsHell said...

I went to the London Tate Museum of Modern Art

Did they still have the urinal under glass??

Big Mike said...

My dear Inga, I feel sorry for the journalists who lost their lives to a mad man. I am sorry that the gun laws in Maryland made it difficult for them to have a gun in their desk drawer with which to fight back.

I do not feel sorry for people who support Jim Acosta's right to make a jackass out himself daily, then point to the five corpses and say, in so many words, "See what happens when you push back."

We will continue to push back.

I'm with the 92% of Republicans and 79% of Independents who think that -- make that who know that -- journalists just make things up. In the 21st century journalists are the enemy of the people. Soul searching may make that stop, but hand wringing won't.

etbass said...

mockturtle said...
"This is the sort of thing that gives art a bad name."

To be sure. And it has had a bad name among sensible people ever since "modern" art took over.

etbass said...

Journalists want to push their personal agenda instead of fairly reporting news. They can work to recover a decent reputation by doing what journalists are supposed to do. And that is not to propagate propaganda but news.

Whether that will prevent insane people from shooting them is quite doubtful. They would be better off for awhile at least, to keep a sidearm and understand what it is and how to use it.

Jaq said...

When they do their job properly, they don't get ridiculed nearly as much, but maybe they need to put on their big boy pants and report the news, instead of making every story a transparent and one sided attempt to get Trump. Maybe they should get over their butt hurt that their girl, as documented by Wikileaks, which we aren't supposed to know about, because Russia, and do their freaking job of informing the American People about all sides of the issues.

Jaq said...

I wonder if Mrs Magoo defends the racist transcript of Elaine Chao that the WaPo "reported" as actual factual news.

Michael K said...

These are the victims who certain people couldn't wait to shit her vile politics all over their corpses.

Remember them. Shun her.

Shun who, Inga ?


Jaq said...

I don't get why they want to continue to make their "appeal more selective" by turning up the cowbell to 11.

clint said...


Aren't you worried that your comments blaming Trump and his supporters for the shootings in Annapolis could create an enabling environment for violence against Trump supporters?

rhhardin said...

Lady on an orthonormal basis.

rhhardin said...

There's a Venezuela Battle of Carabobo ham contest today. I don't hear a single Venezuela station. Maybe they're out of protein.


I hear Brazil so the band is open.

Breezy said...

They need their antics to go viral so they make more money. The more outrageous, the more clicks and re-tweets. Its their livelihood.

Andrew said...

Here's an example of what is meant when we say that some news organizations are the enemy of the people:

"Hands up! Don't shoot!"

That was a lie, and there were riots because of it. Police officers (Dallas, Baton Rouge, etc) were murdered because of the anti-police slant promoted by biased journalists. And since then crime has gone up in some cities because the police were forced to become more passive, Baltimore being the most obvious example.

Was any journalist fired over "Hands up, Don't shoot"? Were there any articles by journalists who reflected on the atmosphere of violence that they created?

Enemy of the people. Enemy of the country. I have no problem saying or believing that. And no, I would never endorse violence against a reporter. But I'm not going to stop criticizing them when they play their manipulative games, as they're doing now after the Annapolis shootings.

walter said...

Impressive bolding there Inga.
Ya think Lefties calling Trump "Hitler!" might be a far more concerning issue?
The Annapolis shooter was feared by those involved for years..before Trump.
For years, the lawyer for the woman who went nameless out of fear feared for his family as well.
That petition is just one more example of the press hack/Dem collusion organism feeding on the dead.

Andrew said...

I'm genuinely surprised at how many people think that the "freedom of the press" in the First Amendment refers to journalists. I saw one person write recently that "the press" is the only entity mentioned by name in the Bill of Rights, that is, the Fourth Estate.

"Freedom of the press" is for every American citizen. It is the written version of freedom of speech. It's the printing "press," not professional news organizations. It means that the average Joe Schmoe can print and publish freely (with obvious exceptions, like defamation).

And it's beyond obnoxious when journalists treat everything they do as implicating the First Amendment. If the President has no press conferences, or excludes a news organization from a meeting, that is not a First Amendment issue. You can still write whatever the hell you want.

Michael K said...

For years, the lawyer for the woman who went nameless out of fear feared for his family as well.

NBC had an excellent show on the case last night. Whatever that program is. It is usually on the "Murder Channel" which I watch at bedtime sometimes. My sister also watches it.

The woman doctor whose ex-husband stalked her for ten years, hired a retired Phoenix detective as a body guard and then married him in 2013.

He read the stories and ID'd the killer from the victims.

Jupiter said...

You know, I zoomed in to see what was going on in the corner ...

And I pondered whether the text on the wall was intended to draw visitors into the corner, to become a Work of Art called "Visitor In The Corner" ...

And I found that I was thinking about that woman, and not as any visitor in any corner. Some times I get tired of how utterly predictable this thing in my head is. What fraction of all possible sets of pixels do you suppose it would interpret as a sexual stimulus?

Sydney said...

I knew it!

Obama is doing far more to shape the political landscape than is visible. In fact, for an ex-prez, he’s taking an unusually active role in politics, including helping radical protest groups fight Trump and his policies and devising a scheme to flip the GOP majority in the House and permanently turn red seats blue.

Michael K said...

If there is anybody who knows radical groups, it's Obama.

walter said...

Since Annapolis shooter is "white Hispanic", worth recalling NBC's manipulative editing of Zimmerman's 911 call.

eddie willers said...

"freedom of the press" in the First Amendment refers to journalists.

The press is not a "free press" when they have picked a side.

Darrell said...

Inga keeps choking the chicken.
Your lies didn't make any sense before the facts came out and they make even less sense now.

Achilles said...

Inga said...

More than 350 organizations and individuals sign on to joint statement condemning mass murder at the Capital Gazette and negative environment for journalists.

This is called blood libel.

Definition of.

Leftist policies left these people unable to defend themselves from a crazy homeless person who had been making threats and assaults for years.

But Inga wants to smear her political opponents.

You are a disgusting person who is completely amoral and have proved this dozens of times over.

If we were what you call us every day we would have killed you all years ago.

Thank you for taking off the mask. Democrats will never be more than a regional party elected in corrupt cities by illegal voters/votes.

Confused said...

You give men crap about wearing shorts. Time to zero in on the women who are out and about in things they should not be out and about in.

Etienne said...

...women who are out and about in things they should not be out and about in.

You're on drugs... she "owns" those shorts !

Those aren't Betty Grable legs though, those are Rocky legs. I bet she drinks five eggs for breakfast...

walter said...

"those are Rocky legs"
Perhaps Dude looks like layyy-dee.
(Which would make shorts deplorable)

mockturtle said...

"Freedom of the press" is for every American citizen. It is the written version of freedom of speech. It's the printing "press," not professional news organizations. It means that the average Joe Schmoe can print and publish freely (with obvious exceptions, like defamation).

Thank you, Andrew! That needed saying.

Darrell said...

Try Susanna Hoffs' crushers, from a couple of years ago. She's aged like fine wine, btw.


Unknown said...

Really nice outfit... sublime blue at the ankle invites the observer to focus on who did it and ran to the corner all sexy and stuff...nj

Fabi said...

Here's why Igna didn't include a link to those marvelous 350 organizations and individuals she copy-and-pasted above. Lulz


Fabi said...

"As this country debates the place of civility, truth and accountability in our public life, journalists are on the front line, working every day to tell the stories of our communities and to shore up our democracy by helping to create an informed and discerning citizenry."

Is that why these magnificent journalists gave the debate questions to Hillary? Lulz

pacwest said...

Those bike rides Althouse is taking are certainly paying off !!

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rusty said...

mockturtle said...
"The Mullahs in Iran are going to fall.

I've been saying that for weeks. Maybe months. "

Apparently some citizens captured som AK103s from the religious police,(A Handmaids Tale indeed) and are using them against said police and security forces. The local militia forces said they will not intervene if called upon by the mullahs.
If they wind up participating then it is over. The regime has lost any credibility.

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