June 27, 2018

At the Best Day Ever Café...


... it could be today. In a sense, it's always today. Because what can you do with any other day?

ADDED: And then that Kennedy thing happened...


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Original Mike said...

”Yes. I’m guessing Hodgkinson will be charged with a hate crime too.”

I don’t think he’s sweating that.

Bay Area Guy said...


Side One:

Travel Ban upheld, govt' unions defunded, open SCOTUS seat for Trump to fill, 4-5% increase in GDP.

Side Two:

Press Secretary hounded out of Red Hen restaurant, 28-year old hot female socialist knocks out moderate Dem for Congressional seat.

Original Mike said...

Can we have the new Court address public accommodation? Surprisingly, it does not appear to be settled law.

Chuck said...

Sebastian said...
And what does NPR lead with to announce his retirement? You guessed it: Citizens United!

Decided by a "narrow" 5-4 majority, Nina said -- twice!

None of the other cases where he was #5, let's see, Obergefell?, were "narrow" 5-4 majorities.

Putting this at the top of my list of "Things I wish I had written today."

Etienne said...

Inga -
A name for women who are beautiful,sexy,mean,evil and that don't care about anyone (a honeybadger). In fact they love to annoy, humiliate and make sensitive people feel depressive and really sad.If you're in love with a girl named Inga, consider yourself already lost....

GV: I fell in love with that girl named Inga.
JR: Welcome to hell dude....
GV: Thanks...

Openidname said...

I'm expecting demonstrations by this weekend and riots by next weekend.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Federal hate crime prosecutions aren’t all that common. As of July 2016, based on the latest information available, federal authorities had charged a total of 256 defendants over the past seven years – an average of about 36 a year.

In May, a Justice Department official told a Senate hearing that hate crimes remain a priority for prosecutors.”

Dr Weevil said...

Craig (3:26pm):
Thanks for the link, which shows you are full of (shall we say) baloney. The 13-page document mentions baseball and umpires exactly once (page 6), where it says that judges do two things, one of which they share with umpires. Which means my analogy holds, and there's really no point in continuing this pathetic excuse for an argument.

Clark said...

@Robert Cook -- Isn't mens rea sometimes just a thought? Does that make distinctions between, say, first and second degree murder unconstitutional?

Dr Weevil said...

Openidname (3:55pm):
Kennedy is the half-lefty, half-constitutionalist, so 4 1/2 on each side.

Drago said...

Inga: "In May, a Justice Department official told a Senate hearing that hate crimes remain a priority for prosecutors.”

Yes. The more horrible the law, the more it should be enforced, uniformly, until all sides realize the crappy law ought to be dumped instead of what it has been prior to Trump: selectively used to target conservatives.

Ken B said...

Liberal comic wants Kennedy shot https://mobile.twitter.com/Curtis_Cook/status/1012070956494274560

Sebastian said...

"Putting this at the top of my list of "Things I wish I had written today."

Hey, thanks, Chuck (I think).

Yancey Ward said...

Glad to see I was wrong- Kennedy is retiring. Let the insanity........continue.

The Vault Dweller said...

@Robert Cook

I generally agree with you that Hate crimes generally amount to punishing thought. But I can think of some circumstances where a Hate Crime would have a greater harmful effect on a community so it could warrant a harsher sentence.

Imagine a case where there is a new family on a street and their neighbor strongly dislikes them and wants them to leave, so in order to drive them away the neighbor takes bleach and pours it onto their lawn spelling a message "Get Out of this town!". Now let's change the facts and the new family moving in is Black, and the neighbor tries to drive them out, because they are black, by burning a cross in their lawn. It would seem to me while both are acts of vandalism it would seem to me that the second one would do greater harm in that particular neighborhood, or even town because other black families might reasonably feel threatened.

Is punishing the second crime harsher than the first acceptable? Would you prefer if the justification for a harsher sentence was altered to something other than the motivation of the vandal?"

Original Mike said...

”Isn't mens rea sometimes just a thought? Does that make distinctions between, say, first and second degree murder unconstitutional?”

Not that I have ever put a lot of thought into the question, but I’ve always taken the difference between 1st and 2nd degree murder to be the difference between premeditation (where you have plenty of time to contemplate the heniousness of your crime) versus the spur of the moment. Do I have this wrong?

Michael K said...

“Federal hate crime prosecutions aren’t all that common"

Especially of dead people like Hodgkinson.

Michael K said...

Liberal comic wants Kennedy shot https://mobile.twitter.com/Curtis_Cook/status/1012070956494274560

Oh yes. He will have to leave town with an escort. Lots of hate stuff about him retiring.

I still wonder if RBG's clerks will prop her body up until someone realizes she is dead.

n.n said...

Kennedy aided and abetted the progress of political congruence, color judgments, selective-child/Planned Parenthood, and the liberal green blight. Vaya con Gaia.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Ah yes, he’s dead. I forgot.

Jim at said...

It surprised me today that Sessions is in favor of hate crimes

He's not in favor of hate crimes. He's in favor of upholding the law.
No surprise a leftist can't tell the difference.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Too bad Fields is still alive, I guess Heather Heyer didn’t rate being protected by Capitol Police.

n.n said...

First vs second degree murders.

Planned vs spontaneous abortions. Crimes against the individual, society, and humanity.

Ken B said...

Trump should send flowers to Harry Reid.

Oso Negro said...

How much longer can RBG last? Trump might have 3rd in short order.

Darrell said...

Progs want to go back to the bombings of the 1970s, according to the head of Splinter--an "inclusive" publication associated with Gizmodo.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Average citizens weren’t adequately protected by police that day. I hear there’s to be a “white civil rights” rally in DC on the anniversary of Charlottesville.

The findings of former U.S. Attorney Tim Heaphy’s monthslong investigation were unveiled Friday. City officials asked him to conduct the review after facing scathing criticism over the Aug. 12 rally.

“I talked to no police officers from the chief on down who feels good about what happened or wanted there to be violence in the streets,” Heaphy said in a news conference unveiling the 220-page report. “There were a lot of well-intentioned people, ethical people, who feel bad about this. Nonetheless, they didn’t protect public safety.”

MayBee said...

Inga said...
Too bad Fields is still alive, I guess Heather Heyer didn’t rate being protected by Capitol Police.

What? Wasn't she killed in South Carolina?

MayBee said...

Inga- people on this board that day were saying citizens weren't adequately protected by the police in Charlottesville that day. They stood down for some reason. We were all very upset about that then.

Drago said...

Inga: "Average citizens weren’t adequately protected by police that day."

Almost 300 Chicagoans have been murdered thus far in 2018.

The Police can't adequately protect anyone, which is why Hollywood celebs and democrat politicians and lefty billionaires all have gated communities, private security and armed guards...

...all the while demanding other people disarm in the face of criminals.

Drago said...

MayBee: "What? Wasn't she killed in South Carolina?"


Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

MayBee said...

I can't help but believe Kennedy retired now because he saw what the liberal judges were trying to do to the Constitution.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Too bad Fields is still alive, I guess Heather Heyer didn’t rate being protected by Capitol Police.”
“What? Wasn't she killed in South Carolina?”
Heather Heyer was killed in Charlottesville VA. James Fields was the White Supremacist who drove his car at a high rate of speed into a crowd of protestors, killing her and injuring many others and is alive in jail.

Ann Althouse said...

"Althouse, or Meade, you've got a typo in yesterday's post about Elaine Chao which you may want to correct for the record. Or not. Your quote has her speaking in pidgin English - “Why you don’t leave my husband alone? Why you don’t leave my husband alone?” - when she actually said - “Why don’t you leave my husband alone? Why don’t you leave my husband alone?.” I left a gentle prompt which I thought would get your attention but it didn't."

Thanks. And sorry I missed the prompt yesterday. I appreciate this kind of help.

However, you are pointing to the transcription provided by The Washington Post. My post title is "You leave my husband alone," which is correct (and not pidgin).

I guess I could do an update taking WaPo to task for that. It could be called racist. I could demand that WaPo close up shop forever because of that one wrong move. What do you think?

Anyway, it's not my typo or mistranscription, so for now, I'm doing nothing.

Clark said...

"I’ve always taken the difference between 1st and 2nd degree murder to be the difference between premeditation (where you have plenty of time to contemplate the heniousness of your crime) versus the spur of the moment. Do I have this wrong?"

The only time that is required is the time it takes to form a thought.

walter said...

It is so fortunate for Inga that that woman died in Charlottesville.

Liberal Activists Prepare To Stop Foxconn..with brass
Operation: Shake the Ground!, a coalition press release states, is expected to bring together 40 liberal organizations, including Sousaphones Against Hate, a big brass-playing ensemble of lefties marching against oppression with the motto “Resist and Protest.”

MayBee said...

Inga: Heather Heyer was killed in Charlottesville VA. James Fields was the White Supremacist who drove his car at a high rate of speed into a crowd of protestors, killing her and injuring many others and is alive in jail.

Ah, yes. I had the wrong state. But why not say Charlottesville PD, or State PD?

Drago said...

Inga knows every detail of the Charlottesville incident, but had already forgotten about Hodgkinson.

Just another Bernie Bro intent on committing mass political murder of opposing party politicians.

And he would have done it too if there hadn't just happen to be a few armed security guards there due to the presence of a senior republican who qualified for the protection.

You know, something small and easily forgotten.

Darrell said...

I could demand that WaPo close up shop forever because of that one wrong move. What do you think?

That would be a wonderful idea. Use my suggestion to turn their building into a refugee center.

rcocean said...

So why isn't every murder a "Hate Crime"?

Rabel said...

Thanks for the reply.

I thought that you had probably copy and pasted it but when I clicked on your link to the Post it had the correct language. That would mean that the Post had it wrong originally and corrected it without noting the correction.

If that's the case, yes, I would take them to task.

It's especially ugly if it was done intentionally or carelessly.

PS. The video confirms that Secretary Chao dresses down college boys with proper English.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga...Allie Oop said...

Wall Street is apparently still worried about Trump’s policies regarding Chinese investments in US tech companies.
“The Dow Jones Industrial Average on Wednesday relinquished its biggest point gain since February, as selling in shares of bank and technology-and-internet companies offset gains in the resurgent energy sector.

Wednesday’s reversal comes as trade-related worries have created anxieties among investors fearful that the current tit-for-tat spat between the U.S. and its trade partners China and the European Union morph into a trade war that damages global economies.”


rcocean said...

I have no idea why conservatives bought into this ridiculous "Hate Crime" crap.

Crime is Crime. Assault, Murder, Rape.

It doesn't get any nicer if the person who does it belongs to your race.

It also has a weird orwellian vibe, whereby some people get protected from "Hate" and others don't.


walter said...

Those sousaphones are gonna be extra loud what with the SCOTUS guv employee collusion ruling. Lotsa spit valve puddles.

Clark said...

The difference between saving someone and murdering them might be a difference in what the person committing the act was thinking. So we don't have a rule, and we don't want a rule, that says we cannot take differences in what an actor is thinking into account when defining what is and is not a crime. I'm not arguing for or against recognizing hate crimes. I'm just arguing against a certain kind of argument against recognizing hate crimes.

walter said...

I agree rcocean,
To put it another way, is it less despicable to get killed for no particular reason at all? For instance, a gang is hazing a recruit and you happen along...

walter said...

Another example is "the knockout game".

Darrell said...

Wednesday’s reversal comes as trade-related worries have created anxieties among investors fearful that the current tit-for-tat spat between the U.S. and its trade partners China and the European Union morph into a trade war that damages global economies.”

And your point? Lefty financial writers who think that a business's top goal is to increase diversity wrote enough crap against Trump to get some people scared. To those people I say you can't lose a trade war with the countries you have huge deficits with--especially since the US is the market maker for the world, the only country that can buy all your crap. Trump already offered them no tariffs and no subsidies--the very definition of free trade (as long as you eliminate phony-baloney trade barriers and ridiculous delays.)

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Robert Cook and Freeman on "hate" crimes" - Thank you.

daskol said...

Etienne, your blogger profile is private. You're being indiscreet, though.

n.n said...

The Knockout Game was good. The Wisconsin Wildings were a highly anticipated sequel. Democrat minorities targeting a female transgender/homosexual did not warrant national press. The Antifa violence at the inauguration exceeded expectations. The great national leftism was a shout out... I mean, shootout. The neighborly greeting of Senator Paul was only slightly divergent. Targeting Secretary Chao because of Asian privilege marked a progressive leap. Oh, and the orange ape... well, evolution, accurate, colorful, sometimes.

Freeman Hunt said...

"It's bullshit and its unconstitutional. It's thought crime."

Cook and I agree.

Quaestor said...

Kennedy wrote all the gay marriage decisions (will he come out of the closet now?)

No. But he will be moving to a simply darling cottage in Providence.

Ken B said...

I rather like the idea of taking the WaPo to task, but I think it merits a separate post. Beethoven wrote a wee piece, Rage over a Lost Penny. I think that kind of mockery would be apt, amusing, and Althousian.

Robert Cook said...

"I generally agree with you that Hate crimes generally amount to punishing thought. But I can think of some circumstances where a Hate Crime would have a greater harmful effect on a community so it could warrant a harsher sentence.

"Imagine a case where there is a new family on a street and their neighbor strongly dislikes them and wants them to leave, so in order to drive them away the neighbor takes bleach and pours it onto their lawn spelling a message "Get Out of this town!". Now let's change the facts and the new family moving in is Black, and the neighbor tries to drive them out, because they are black, by burning a cross in their lawn. It would seem to me while both are acts of vandalism it would seem to me that the second one would do greater harm in that particular neighborhood, or even town because other black families might reasonably feel threatened.

"Is punishing the second crime harsher than the first acceptable? Would you prefer if the justification for a harsher sentence was altered to something other than the motivation of the vandal?"

In either case you could charge the offenders with "terrorizing" or "harassment," possibly even arson, not to mention vandalism. It seems unfounded to me to charge someone with one charge for inflicting physical damage on someone's house in order to compel them to leave, and to charge that same person who commits the same crime with an "enhanced" (more severe) charge just because the victims are black or the vandalism and terrorizing are in the form of a burning cross rather than words bleached into the lawn. EITHER seems pretty extreme, violent, and criminal to me.

I think motivation, along with the offender's history, should be considered by the judge in levying punishment--to a point--but I don't think it should be baked into the law. Or, to the degree various levels of punishment are baked into the law, it should be based on the degree of physical harm or damage was inflicted.

Big Mike said...

I agree with Darrell, and I’ll go farther — I argue that we are and have been in an undeclared trade war for decades. And judging by the trade deficits, we have been losing badly.

daskol said...

Several people have suggested an attitude of "let's make them follow their own rules." That seems a fair standard. Don Lemon is a very, very angry man. There is rage in him, and he's on CNN making angry people really angry all day long. Watch him.

chickelit said...

Inga said...Too bad Fields is still alive, I guess Heather Heyer didn’t rate being protected by Capitol Police.

An “adverse” decision regarding Fields could set the left back 50 years. Suppose he’s acquitted and tried on a lesser charge.

Darrell said...

I argue that we are and have been in an undeclared trade war for decades.

I argue that we've been running an intentional trade deficit for decades--foreign aid without an annual vote required. Our representatives in Washington sold us out.

chickelit said...

“Several people have suggested an attitude of "let's make them follow their own rules." That seems a fair standard. Don Lemon is a very, very angry man. There is rage in him, and he's on CNN making angry people really angry all day long. Watch him.”

I would like to see a very dramatic career suicide on air. Not a suicide suicide, but just a lefty who goes so far that he/she has no option but to quit. I think a lot of others would like to see this too. It would have the practical value of setting limits. Right now there are no boundaries.

daskol said...

Ooh, in the background, just now on CNN, a guest gave Don Lemon cog dis for about 30 seconds. And then the rage returned. He's a very angry man. Not a bad idea to think about his platform and how it might look without him.

daskol said...

Don Lemaon is a guy to watch. And disarm.

Seeing Red said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Seeing Red said...

Via Rantburg today:

2018-06-27 China-Japan-Koreas
China's Trade War Pain

[WSJ] SHANGHAI‐China’s main stock benchmark has entered a bear market, the latest gloomy sign for the country alongside escalating trade tensions with the U.S., a tumbling currency and recent data that suggest its growth is softening.

The Shanghai bourse is dominated by China's largest state-owned companies, such as banks, energy companies and airlines. Among its biggest losers this year are steelmakers such as Maanshan Iron & Steel, down 10.7%, and brokerages such as Huatai Securities, down 16.1%...

Chinese stocks have been hit harder by escalating trade tensions than U.S. markets during the past week, as investors have become more nervous that mutual threats of tariffs on hundreds of billions of dollars worth of goods are more than just a negotiating tactic from both governments.

Analysts say the yuan's recent slide against the U.S. dollar has dampened overseas investors' interest in China's markets in recent weeks. The Chinese currency is down 0.6% against the greenback in 2018....

Michael K said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael K said...

Blogger lost the quote. God it is crap !

Chinese stocks have been hit harder by escalating trade tensions than U.S. markets during the past week

This is why David Goldman may be wrong about the trade thing. China is more fragile than it seems.

The US has a much bigger internal market.

Jesus Blogger is carp !

Seeing Red said...

I also read I think at Rantburg in the past few days— my words—China is trying to stay relevant/involved with the Korea rappaproachment. They feel things are moving without their input.

Original Mike said...

chickelit said...”I would like to see a very dramatic career suicide on air. Not a suicide suicide, but just a lefty who goes so far that he/she has no option but to quit. I think a lot of others would like to see this too. It would have the practical value of setting limits. Right now there are no boundaries.”

We all thought that Kathy Griffin’s career was over over. So did she. Turns out not.

Francisco D said...

"We all thought that Kathy Griffin’s career was over over. So did she. Turns out not.

Don't be confused by the death throes.

tim in vermont said...

n either case you could charge the offenders with “terrorizing" or "harassment," possibly even arson,

If they had burned anything besides a cross, for example, a pile of sticks, and it had to do with a dispute over a parking space, would they still be charged with arson? It seems like escalating the charges based on intent just leaves the “hate” aspect up to prosecutorial discretion.

I think that the problem with hate crimes is the way they are applied so broadly, not that the concept is wrong in principle. It just isn’t practical to apply these laws justly. Plus the idea of “protected classes” sticks in my democratic craw.

tim in vermont said...

I could demand that WaPo close up shop forever because of that one wrong move. What do you think?

Didn’t whoever substituted those fake names like “Sum Ting Wong” in the plane crash story get fired? I don’t see how that demeaning pidgen translation was any better. Whoever wrote the transcript was obviously on the side of the harassers and displayed racism.

And Micheal K. I hit control A and Control C before every post. And just re-paste my gem of a comment when it frequently fails. It could be the number of comments in the archive that are causing a delay. I don’t think blogger was designed for a blog of this size.

tim in vermont said...

Why is this analysis wrong?

Civil Rights Act of 1964 “Guarantees and protections designed to prevent discrimination on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, natl. origin, age and gender from both private AND public, govt. institutions”

Creed: Noun

A set of beliefs or aims which guide someone's actions.

‘liberalism was more than a political creed’

If liberalism is a creed, then conservatism is a creed and Red Hen did, in fact, violate the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Michael K said...

"And Micheal K. I hit control A and Control C before every post. "

When Blogger does its usual hiccup, I just hit the back button and the comment is still there. Once in a great while that fails but it is usually enough.

Then it sometimes does the error thing but the comment is posted and a double comment results.

You may be right about BLogger's limits.

Other blogs are losing the ID of the commenters. Blog melt down.

Trump has been the greatest for blogs in history. Powerline used to have about 12 comments per post. Now it has 100.

tim in vermont said...

Hitting ‘Publish” is a crap shoot, sometimes you get your comment back, sometimes you don’t.

Democrats lately have been complaining that Trump is a wolf, that’s just projection, because Democrats are like a flock of sheep, with their shunning, cries for unity of thought, etc, and we all know that what sheep fear most is a wolf. Trump is no wolf, he’s a man in full.

MayBee said...

could demand that WaPo close up shop forever because of that one wrong move. What do you think?

Didn’t whoever substituted those fake names like “Sum Ting Wong” in the plane crash story get fired? I don’t see how that demeaning pidgen translation was any better. Whoever wrote the transcript was obviously on the side of the harassers and displayed racism.

I completely agree with tim in vermont.
The pidgin translation was incredibly racist.

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