Of course, Salon wants to stoke its readers' loathing of Trump, but this one should backfire. It seems like the best combination for a political leader, because: 1. This person was able to acquire great wealth, and 2. He has systems in place to prevent waste, even in small things.
When it's not about Trump, the frugality of wealthy individuals is celebrated. Here's "The surprisingly frugal habits of 8 extremely wealthy people":
Warren Buffett, chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, still lives in the same home he bought for $31,500 in 1958....Then there's "10 of the Richest Cheapskates of All Time" at Money Magazine begins:
Mark Zuckerberg, founder and CEO of Facebook, drives a manual-transmission Volkswagen hatchback....
Ingvar Kamprad, founder of IKEA, still flies economy and often rides the bus....
Judy Faulkner, founder of Epic Systems... has had only two cars in the past 15 years and has lived with her husband in the same Madison, Wisconsin, suburb for nearly three decades.
Warren Buffett, the billionaire investor, is known for his frugality, living in the same unostentatious Omaha home he bought in the 1950s.... The Buffett diet includes five Cokes a day, as well as Cheetos and potato chips.The article goes on to highlight actual stinginess, such as JFK — recipient of "a trust fund worth $170 million in today’s dollars" — allowing "his friends, flunkies, Secret Service agents, and even dates to pick up the tab wherever he went."
Sam Walton, the late billionaire co-founder of Wal-Mart, also lived comfortably, but without all the showy toys he could easily have afforded. “Why do I drive a pickup truck?” he asked in his autobiography. “What am I supposed to haul my dogs around in, a Rolls-Royce?”
"Spy...sent Donald Trump a check for 13 cents"
When Mueller sees this he'll go after it as an unreported campaign donation.
The Left hates Trump and his supporters and will do everything they can against them. BTW Rich, frugal and generous would be good.
Thank you for including the JFK comment. Who knew?
Trump did not cash the check from the NFL after the antitrust suit won nominal damages.
He framed it.
Spy was a funny magazine.
Trump took the 13 cents, invested it, turned it into $130,000 and spent it on a romp with Stormy Daniels.
Russians took $170,000,000 from JFK to give to Billy Jeff and kept 30 million for their cut.
13 Cents? Trump was just being kind. He knows that uncashed checks will screw up people's bank accounts so he spends his $10 in labor costs to run it through the bank, post it to an account and pay taxes on it.
These guys got nuthin on the Witch of Wall Street, Hetty Green.
Spy always referred to Donald Trump as the Short-fingered Vulgarian.
The sudden eruption of bad PR on JFK is interesting. I guess running assassinations of three Kennedys was not enough for the CIA, so they now want to make his slaughter in Dallas look like the best thing happened.
Trump took the 13 cents, invested it, turned it into $130,000
Imagine how much Hillary could have made by investing it in cattle futures.
Some people are too cheap to understand capitalism, let alone charity. You too can be, perhaps not a billionaire, but a millionaire, and choose how to redistribute it, or not.
Years ago Butfett was at the airport with his secretary. He had to make a phone call. He asked her for change of a quarter. She didn't have it, and he looked around for a newstand. She told him that, for God's sake, he was one of the richest men in the world and that he should splurge and blow the whole quarter on a phone call.
Salon is the refuge of handmaid's tales of porn that could not be identified in polite company.
When you’re that rich, is a check for 13 cents and different than one for $100?
It's a courtesy to cash checks. It balances the sender's books.
Spy Magazine had its moments, but Dave Egger's Might Magzaine was the shit.
Diary of a Media Hoax: The Death of Adam Rich
"...But despite the show's wild success and Rich's universal popularity, problems developed between America's latest pre-pubescent darling and the rest of the cast of "Eight."
Even at the age of ten, Rich was prone to bouts of self-imposed solitude and moments of unpredictable, gale-force rage. One time on the set, he threw a bowl of catering-truck macaroni salad at co-star Willie Aames, who played brother Tommy.
Another time, in a discussion with an unsuspecting gaffer, he pulled a knife. "Back then, people had this impression of Adam being this adorable little pip-squeak, and he wasÉ most of the time," says Susan Richardson, who played Susan. "But he had a dark side you just couldn't imagine unless you were quite imaginative."
"He scared me. Scared me bad," confides Karate Kid Ralph Macchio, who had a small part on Eight as Nicholas's friend Jeremy. "I'm glad he's dead..."
”Judy Faulkner, founder of Epic Systems... has had only two cars in the past 15 years ”
Actually, I consider that profligate.
Warren Buffett, chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, still lives in the same home he bought for $31,500 in 1958....”
Very misleading. Fake news.
Warren’s house is very nice and was in Omaha’s second best neighborhood when he bought it. Houses in that neighbors are $500k or more. He added a racquetball court and, I think, another addition. He tried to buy the house of neighbor Dr. Donal McGee and got rejected. Buffett also owned a multimillion dollar beach house in California which he recently sold.
Is Trump cheap or another stupid self-important SPY?
Do they think the assistant who cashed the check would bother the boss about a 13 cent check?
Rose Kennedy, JFK's mom "paid" taxi drivers with a picture of her son instead of with the papers issued by the US Treasury.
Buffett may have been rich but he had very little income for most of his life. Less than $500,000 year.
His wealth is in Berkshire Hathaway which pays no dividends
Ditto Bezos. Worth $120bn or so, pays taxes on $3-4mm in annual income.
You get rich via appreciation and tax avoidance, not income.
And saving pennies.
John Henry
It's a courtesy to cash checks. It balances the sender's books.
Yes. This is why I cash one cent checks.
Ingvar Kamprad stopped flying economy and riding the bus when he got his angel wings. Sadly for him, he hasn’t been able to assemble them because he misplaced the Allen wrench.
It seems like the best combination for a political leader, because: 1. This person was able to acquire great wealth, and 2. He has systems in place to prevent waste, even in small things.
First off - he acquired nothing "great" that he didn't acquire from his dad, but I understand that conservatives are dumb enough to consider lucky birth circumstances to be an accomplishment.
Second, it shows that his priorities are skewed and his insecurity immense. How astounding that this supposedly rich penny pincher is hemorrhaging debt like never before in a supposedly good economy.
He's a quadruple bankrupt who's selling us up the river to our Chinese creditors. How stupid are Republicans? How easily impressed are they with money and bad expensive taste that they will listen to anything this inveterate liar and swindler says?
How about Hetty Green?
How stupid are Republicans? How easily impressed are they with money and bad expensive taste that they will listen to anything this inveterate liar and swindler says?
Are you a Democrat? Are you bothered by bad expensive taste? One of the things I found quite distasteful about the Obamas was their nouveau-riche habit of hanging out with people like Beyoncé, she of the $88 million house. And then there's Chelsea Clinton's $5 million wedding.
I'm not rich, but if I were I could easily imagine doing all those things these rich people allegedly do (live in the same house, drive the same car, etc.) except for flying coach. If I had a choice, I would NEVER fly coach. It's awful. A rich person who flies coach must be a masochist or a fool.
Trump doesn't take a salary.
Warren Buffet doesn't pay his fair share in taxes. He supported corrupt HIllary.
”... except for flying coach. If I had a choice, I would NEVER fly coach. It's awful. A rich person who flies coach must be a masochist or a fool.”
I’m NOT rich and I won’t fly couch.
President Pee Pee isn't cheap. Like most "liberals" (and by that I mean of course "tax-happy, coercion-addicted, power-tripping government sniffers and State humpers"), he is generous and spends lavishly . . . as long as it's other people's money, of course.
Are you a Democrat?
Nope. So I guess there goes the rest of your ridiculous comment. But I agree with you that there ain't no Democrat who approaches anywhere near the sense of bad taste and self-glorification of Trump. And none who can't tell the difference between entertainer and politician - a common affliction on the right.
Trump entertains with his fake hair alone. What a shame he doesn't realize the joke's on him.
President Pee Pee isn't cheap. Like most "liberals" (and by that I mean of course "tax-happy, coercion-addicted, power-tripping government sniffers and State humpers"), he is generous and spends lavishly . . . as long as it's other people's money, of course.
Trump's indebting us with "a lot of other people's money" to our Chinese creditors. Sounds like you're good with that.
Your Trump Statist has just ballooned the deficit back up above $1 trillion and here you go bitching about what it's spent on, as if that changes how broke it all makes us. Idiotic.
Military contractors thank you for breaking the nation.
Rose Kennedy, JFK's mom "paid" taxi drivers with a picture of her son instead of with the papers issued by the US Treasury.
When Robert was shot, he was admitted to The Good Samaritan Hospital in LA. He died there.
After it was over, the hospital sent a bill to the family and was told they should be grateful for the opportunity to be involved in his life.
There was also a famous (at the time) case of an Alaska hunting guide was helped with a trip for King Hussein of Jordan. He was never paid and, when he complained and asked for payment, he was prosecuted for letting the King shoot from an airplane, which is illegal.
Yes, the Kennedys were parsimonious. Especially with other people's money. And lives.
I recall this non-story appearing on NPR before the election. They were, of course, quite gleeful about it. Throughout, I recall thinking: 1. Of course he cashed the check. Why wouldn't he? What was he supposed to do, just throw it away? and 2. So this is what NPR has been reduced to. Soon afterwards, I gave up on NPR altogether.
Ok dickin,
How about explain why you think buffet doesn't pay his fair share in taxes. I assume you mean income taxes.
Bezos probably paid about $1-2 million in income tax last year, plus maxing out on ss taxes.
Do you think he's undertaxed?
What rate do you think they should pay?
John Henry
Speaking of ss taxes, President Trump, and Buffett are both eligible for ss benefits of a couple $m per month. Bill gates too, I expect.
Does anyone know if they collect it?
John Henry
Don Knuth — the name won’t mean much to you if you didn’t study computer science, but if you did then you know that he’s what God would be like if only God could write good code — had a standing offer of one dollar for anyone finding an error in volume I of The Art of Computer Programming, “Fundamental Algorithms.” Forty plus years ago I was a graduate student and I found a small mistake. The Internet and Email were still years away, but I sent him a letter on paper and got back a paper check. If I were him I would assume that most people would frame the check and put it on their walls, but to a graduate student a buck is a buck so I cashed it. After making a photocopy that I could frame ...
I’ll bet he was surprised to actually pay out.
@Michael K., were you being sarcastic in your last sentence? Or did you mean to type “Except”?
Even Buffet himself thinks he's "undertaxed". Anyone who follows this knows that.
Most people think allowing people who rely mostly on investment income to pay a much lower percentage in tax than their secretary is ridiculous and obscene.
FFS even people with 401k's will have to pay income tax and not just tax on the gains.
Trump paid off a guy's mortgage for stopping to help change a tire on Trump's car when it was raining. Since it was Valentine's Day and the guy told him he was going to a gas station to get flowers for his wife, Trump also sent flowers and gifts to his home.
Sounds like a really cheap bastard.
Trump is generous when it comes to favors, just not when it comes to the people whom he actually owes money. Because favors are, you know, "good publicity."
Congrats Big Mike! What was the error? I dreamed of finding errors in AoCP. My computers have all been named after famous mathematicians or computer scientists. The one I'm typing this on is named KNUTH.
Michael k
You should be more clear which Kennedys you mean.
Jfk and his brothers never had a non govt job.
Otoh, papa Joe created a great fortune. He got his first wealth starting a bus line while still in his teens.
Grandpa PJ, born in penury to a single mother did very well owning a tavern and later a liquor distribution company.
Politics helped both a lot but politics alone would not have been enough.
Joe Kennedy may have been the richest man in the us in yhe 30s. If not the richest, certainly in the top 5.
John Henry
@Darrell, that’s the sort of story that I’d like to see a link to, if you can find it? The beauty of Trump is that he’s not much impressed by people with fancy academic credentials; he gravitates towards people who can do things — change a flat tire, jump start a stranded woman’s car (Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke), run a ‘dozer, rivit girders, and the like.
Fuck off, Big Mike. The story came from the tire changer and it should be found by searching it. Like with Google.
Nothing says frugal like gold encrusted furniture.
Bill Clinton donating his used undwerwear for a tax deduction can be found by Goggling, too. Sad for you, I think they were washed if you were thinking of getting some.
Yes, the Kennedys were parsimonious. Especially with other people's money. And lives.
Is this the sentence you mean?
You should be more clear which Kennedys you mean.
Jfk and his brothers never had a non govt job. M
@Michael K., were you being sarcastic in your last sentence? Or did you mean to type “Except”?
I was being sarcastic. Teddy wanted Joe Gargan to lie to the cops about Mary Jo.
Bobby once left a non-sailing friend alone in a sailboat offshore when the lunch bell rang at Hyannisport.
He dove over and swam ashore.
Jack was probably the most human. He seemed to make a lot of friends. His brothers lived off his reputation and friends.
Father Joe was appointed the first SEC Chair by Roosevelt on the theory, "You set a thief to catch a thief."
Joe may have been mobbed up in Chicago., There are rumors.
I'd like to think that 13 cents was part of the funds paid to Stormy Daniels.
Lol. "The tire changer." That's funny.
More to the point, though, it's telling. Just like a mob boss, Trump wants to make himself seem "indispensable" with well-communicated acts of personal kindness, only so that people come to associate the fingers he has in everything with his "largesse." It's all informal, verbal, unwritten. And it serves a larger purpose: Himself.
But when there's an actual contract at stake, the guy goes nuts.
That's why he hates the law and hates anything written down that he can be held to. He does not believe in accountability - just in the idea that you'd better pledge every allegiance to him, and how could you not given what a "godfather" he is to all your children?
Republicans are so damn stupid it's amazing.
@Darrell, you fuck off. I voted against Hillary in 2016 but today I’d vote for Trump. My issue is that snopes.com says it’s false. Do you have any other reference?
Of course rich people are frugal. That's how they got rich.
And frugal doesn't mean ungenerous.
I doubt Trump "Cashed it".
Trump has accountants, they cashed it.
In fact, I'm sure its all done automatically. The checks come in, are batched together and deposited at the the Bank.
What a stunt. Its not like Trump went to his mail box, opened the letter personally, drove into town, and cashed it.
Dumb liberals.
Marlon Brando was like JFK. Even when he was pulling down $1 million a movie back in '62 - and had a Studio paying his expenses - he'd borrow money from quintessences and Friends. And often not pay them back.
I guess its a rich man's thing.
And no I don't think cheapness and being a billionaire go together.
It reminds me of Shitheads like Bezos - the Amazon Guy - he's worth $50 billion and screws his workers to the wall, trying to get squeeze every nickel out of them.
He could make like better for his workers - but that might result in his being worth $49 Billion instead of $50 Billion - and he wouldn't want that.
Of course rich people are frugal. That's how they got rich.
How dare you insult Trump's daddy with this garbage. Insinuating Fred Trump wasn't rich! How low will these conservatives sink.
@Brian, it had to do with the binary buddy system for memory allocation. Knuth made a statement in the text to the effect that there were no large blocks of data that could not be allocated. I pointed out to him that this was refuted by the accompanying diagram, where two free blocks were adjacent but could not be coalesced into a large block because they were in different subtrees.
In the automobile-retailing biz, there is a saying: "Sell to the masses, live with the classes. Sell to the classes, live with the masses."
Looking at the examples in your post, the Old Saying is dead-nuts on.
Ingvar Kamprad flew coach and skimped on other expenses because he wanted to be able to force his IKEA employees to do the same. He also made them stay in the company "hotel" when they were at corporate head quarters in Amhult, Sweden, and pressured suppliers to do the same. I wouldn't stay there because I was told it was bugged, which I believe to be true. It was also decorated like a cross between a Romanian whore house and an East German border guard barracks (not that I've been in either in a while.)
t appeared in many places during the campaign--near the beginning. Snopes is a leftist lie generator that also says the Al Gore never claimed to invent the internet, yet I saw him on a small talk show doing just that after the hostess introduced him with those words and the BS about being the real inspiration for Love Story. It's easy to do what Snopes does, link the pieces where he does not say it and ignore the ones where he does. It's an old Lefty trick.
Good grief- what is the likelihood that Trump opens his own mail and cashes his own checks? I bet the check's endorsement was a rubber stamp made by a flunkie.
The Kennedys have for years been notorious among Cape Cod restauranteurs.
Seems their standard practice is to decamp en masse from the Family Compound, show up for lunch at a fancy place and eat their their way through the menu----then split without paying.
"Chew and Screw."
It's a tradition in "America's Family".
(Rumor has it they keep a closet full of neck braces----just in case.)
Is there any thread you're not going to shit on today, Ritmo?
Tell me now. Save me some time.
Here's a video of Trump saying it was true (paying off the mortgage.) Now Mueller can check if he paid the federal gift tax and indict him, regardless of the statute of limitations.
The "Rich Guy Who Spent All His Money On Dumb Shit" article is popular, too. (See Nicholas Cage, Johnny Depp, etc.) The tone is always, "What a douchebag this guy is! I'm smarter than that! Lots of pointing and laughing.)
In other news, look for a rise in the use of "short-fingered vulgarian" as a Trump descriptor.
Farm that had been in his family for over 100 years. Taking his life was a hard enough blow to the family, but when the insurance didn't pay, they were at a loss. With the property in foreclosure, Donald Trump stepped in and saved the farm.
How does one borrow money from a (the?) quintessence, I wonder?
Conklin makes a number of specific claims about Trump’s good deeds, and they mostly check out. But the idea that Trump didn’t get any attention or press coverage or credit for them is false since we found endless media reports about almost all of them.
But Trump got credit!!!11!!!!!
Is there any thread you're not going to shit on today, Ritmo?
Tell me now. Save me some time.
As long as the conservatards keep their conservaturds off it.
We're competitive that way.
Is there any thread you're not going to shit on today, Ritmo?
For God's sake don't tell him where it is !
President Pee-Pee Tape said...
Is there any thread you're not going to shit on today, Ritmo?
Tell me now. Save me some time.
As long as the conservatards keep their conservaturds off it.
We're competitive that way.
5/5/18, 1:16 PM
In other words, you want to destroy the blog?
In other words, you want to destroy the blog?
The blog will do what the blog does.
As for the right-wing commenters who destroy it, I can't speak for them.
But I don't mind cleaning up their garbage! ;-)
Ritmo is an angry young man who enjoys screwing up other people's interests.
AS he assured me he had a degree in molecular biology, I assume he failed to get into any mdeical school, even the Caribbean ones, and that is why he is so obnoxious.
Of course, the whole degree thing could be a lie from a McDonald's floor scrubber
Ingvar Kamprad, founder of IKEA, still flies economy and often rides the bus
I hope not. He's dead.
Weekend at Ingvar's.
Maybe read The Millionaire Next Door, and no, no matter how many years you exceed the SS earnings ceiling, one earner will never exceed benefits of about 32k per year. You can extend to about 42k if you wait until 70.
But I'm sure the "Rich" take it. And then probably donate it.
Jesus, Michael K. Did your mom turn you down for sex again?
Listen to that narcissist who just discovered what DNA is go on as if Watson and Crick were failures for not finding a life of looking up people's butts to be interesting.
Ingvar Kamprad, founder of IKEA, still flies economy and often rides the bus
I hope not. He's dead.
Response of the day, Madison Man. ;-)
— JFK — recipient of "a trust fund worth $170 million in today’s dollars" — allowing "his friends, flunkies, Secret Service agents, and even dates to pick up the tab wherever he went."—
The definition of a Democrat. Cheap with his own money, extravagant with spending others’.
It seems like the best combination for a political leader, because: 1. This person was able to acquire great wealth, and 2. He has systems in place to prevent waste, even in small things.
There are a couple of problems with this piece of "logic." First of all, La Cosa Nostra has acquired incredible wealth around the world but not a nickle's worth through honest dealings.
"Nearly 1000 years on from its establishment and we the Cosa Nostra still exist, even when faced with near destruction. Many believed us gone, many have forgotten, but nothing will stop us. We are not pirates, we will not hide, we are proud. Our main objective is as always….to become filthy rich!"
And Donald works well with mafia types, Italian and Russian and he made a great deal of money through money laundering, wire fraud and shady deals with politicians and fraudulent financing. Six bankruptcies helped also. Presently he is ripping off the government.
As for a system in place to prevent waste - he doesn't know how to begin. You can start your imagination by looking at the multi-floored palace he lives in at Trump Tower, complete with real gold decorations. Trump claims the penthouse is 33,000 square feet but it is much closer to 11,000. I would offer an opinion that his $9 billion wealth is way overstated as well. He doesn't count liability offsets well.
I'm currently reading Noble House by James Cavell. Fiction, to be sure, but Hong Kong is a good example of how powerful men [and sometimes women] create wealth and a place where wealth can thrive. Yes, it can lead to corruption and evil dealings but it leads to prosperity overall. I'm still pissed that the Brits gave it back to China. And that Carter gave away the Panama Canal but that's another story...
Communist ideologies can't stand to see capitalism succeed. It's not because they feel any true compassion for the poor. It's because they want to usurp their power and adopt it for themselves, without having created or accomplished anything other than revolution.
"He has systems in place to prevent waste, even in small things."
All you know about Dump, and you still think that??
gadfly and HT,
All the laughs you two offer. Thanks for the jokes.
Don't get me started with Warren Buffett, but I will say one thing: the very hot second he steps off the Democrat party reservation, you will never again hear about that stupid house in Omaha. Instead, he will besieged with descriptions of his place in Laguna Beach in terms that will make the media's descriptions of Romney's place in LaJolla seem as though they were describing a quaint, ramshackle fishing shack. (And, just in case, they have plenty of stuff like https://www.publicintegrity.org/2015/04/03/17024/warren-buffetts-mobile-home-empire-preys-poor that will at once and everywhere be picked up by the national media)
Blogger mockturtle said...
I'm currently reading Noble House by James Cavell.
I highly recommend "Tai Pan" and "Gaijin," both referenced in "Noble House."
The same characters or descendants of them in all the books.
Then, you have to read "Shogun."
Yes, Michael K. I read the others first. All very enjoyable, as was King Rat, whose character, Peter Marlowe, appears in Noble House, as well. While my favorite is Shogun [have read it twice and seen the TV series twice] that's because it's Japan and I'm very partial to things Japanese. But I think Noble House is possibly his best in the series.
At what point does frugality become parsimony? Asking for a friend.
I've known well-off people who spent very little on themselves but were very generous to others. Ostentatious spending is, after all, nouveau riche. And my mother always believed it's preferable to be considered poor than to be considered nouveau riche.
My parents are very well off. I'll never forget the day my dad called me with enthusiasm to tell me that if I'm using 89 octane gasoline that I should buy 1/2 a tank of 87, and 1/2 a tank of 92 because I will save money and get more octane. It's not the one or three little things that make people wealthy and successful, it's the sum of the thinking.
It's not the one or three little things that make people wealthy and successful, it's the sum of the thinking.
Warren Buffet set his own salary, and he can set it up to pay whatever tax rate he thinks proper but he doesn't. And he is always free to donate to the Treasury if he wants. But he doesn't. And he could leave his estate to his family and see that the taxes get paid, but he doesn't, he's giving it all to Bill Gates instead.
This is not a contradiction. Warren Buffet does not believe the government should be entitled to HIS money, he thinks it should be entitled to OURS. That's why he wants taxes higher in general--so that the government gets more of your money. As for himself, because he is wealthy he need never have income which can be taxed.
He does not argue for a wealth tax, note: he argues for higher income taxes.
But I think Noble House is possibly his best in the series.
I think Shogun is the best but Noble House, even though it is a bit dated, is second. A former associate was married to a Japanese American girl whose mother spoke Japanese fluently. She loved the TV series because they dialogue was in Japanese when appropriate.
I got interested in Hong Kong after reading it and almost took my daughter to Hong Kong before the turnover. We never got around to it.
She has been to China several times and I have not. I wish I had done it. She had some good friends in China.
I see a lot of young Chinese joining the US military (The Army which has a citizenship program) and wonder why they do it.
Probably, like my Chinese medical student, to get their parents out when they are old.
You don't suppose they wish to infiltrate the military, for purposes that must be fairly obvious?
You don't suppose they wish to infiltrate the military
As privates ?
He’s Rodney Dangerfield from Caddyshack, and you know what? As big a boor as Rodney was, with his gigantic golf bag and tiny caddy, etc, etc, everybody loved that character.
Warren Buffett, chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, still lives in the same home he bought for $31,500 in 1958....
Several years before that, $8,000 got you average houses in New England and in Los Angeles. At least that is what my father and uncle paid. My guess is that $31,500 in 1958 got you a relatively posh house in Omaha.
How stupid are Republicans? How easily impressed are they with money and bad expensive taste that they will listen to anything this inveterate liar and swindler says?
Perhaps because Republicans view all politicians as inveterate liars. Obama: 'If you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan.' I have noticed very few Democrats objecting to Obama's serial lying about health care plans.
Michael K said...
You don't suppose they wish to infiltrate the military
As privates ?
5/5/18, 11:07 PM
In twenty years they could be generals. But what rank was Bradley Manning?
According to the CPI Inflation Calculator, $31,500 in 1958 is worth $272,949 today.
According to the CPI Inflation Calculator, $31,500 in 1958 is equivalent to $272,949 today.
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