If stars like (don’t laugh) Tom Brady locked arms, stood up to this cabal of billionaire bullies, and refused to let the NFL get away with this profit-guarding nonsense, it would end quickly. Maybe then the NFL would grudgingly come to accept that its plummeting TV ratings had far more to do with an overexposed, subpar product and cord-cutting than any (false) question of a political backlash, and more to the point, that the backlash is never going away, regardless of what they do.I suspect that they know it but don't want to use it. What do you think?
The players have all the power here. The twofold question is: Do they know it, and will they use it?
May 24, 2018
"The NFL’s New Anthem Policy Is Madness... an obvious capitulation to red America, its president, and the league’s most conservative owners."
"The players have the power to stop it, if they dare," writes Robert Silverman at The Daily Beast.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 354 of 354So all those millions of American citizens out there these days who want to gut the first and second amendments, who absolutely don't want to "mind their own business", who are drunk on identity politics, etc., etc, etc., aren't real Americans (no matter how indignant they become at the suggestion), because they don't agree with you about what the rules should be, and sure as hell aren't willing to leave you in peace.
The feeling is, they're not Americans. They need instruction, or reminding.
As to what the rules are, that's the problem with the living constitution. We become less American and more intrusive. Mind your own business and others will mind theirs.
There's the thing to unite around, not the stupid flag.
I'd forgotten that rrhardin, along with hating women, also hates the symbols of America.
Cook probably wouldn't have any problem if the San Francisco 49'ers put up the Hammer and Sickle and played the Internationale with the lyrics on the jumbotron and told everyone to sing or be kicked out of the Stadium. And who knows, they very well might do it. Certainly the area around there loves the commies.
But I say: Bake the cake, bigots. You wanted these rules, you should enjoy them.... good and hard.
A hot babe up there instead of a flag would be good. Play the anthem and stand at attention for her.
Let's see the players protest then.
Make football honest, as sexual display. The anthem would then be relevant to sport.
rhhardin: An idol is a useless sacrifice...
So I guess you're not up to answering (aside from "does not compute") the question of what we're gonna do now that, in the eyes of half the country, The Constitution has "transitioned" to an infinitely flexible, highly penumbrated idol, paraded through the streets on holy days to ward off the lurking lemures of the superseded republic of Dead White Men.
Vertical broad stripes make you look thin.
Meh---I stopped watching football last fall. Got a few days of my life back. Used to love the game, but not so much anymore. Kapernick and his buddies can refuse to kneel, or they can defecate on the field. Makes not difference to me since I'm not watching them anymore.
But I once had a secretary who was the daughter of a USMC Gunnery Sergeant (who'd also been a Drill Instructor). She was fond of repeating her Daddy's motto "Don't sh@t where you eat."
Kapernick and his buddies didn't think about that.
Hardin sees this a a creeping loyalty oath. He ignores that no one has stand, and that employers set rules for behavior all the time. Players are already banned from wearing all kinds of symbols and emblems.
Cookie ignores that behavior can insult. The Canadian flag was booed at a US hosted game some years ago and the reaction in Canada was very strong.
Both think it’s their business when it’s not and both only care about burning Trump, which didn’t happen this time.
Half the country has to be instructed. It's not hard but you have to say it.
Soap opera is like a flag too. A fake real. Stop the soap opera news.
It's not a creeping loyalty oath, it's taking something serious and making it soap opera, making it unserious and taking it as serious.
It's time to be actually serious. Dump the flag charade and start looking at the constitution.
The NFL bans symbols but buys into the flag charade. It had a use once, get the crowd to shut up and pay attention for the start of the game. That's how it got in there.
Now it's taken as patriotism. It's idiocy.
rh: Half the country has to be instructed. It's not hard but you have to say it.
Military service is patriotism. Flag etiquette is part of military training. The tear you down and build you back up as a team player.
It does not follow that flag etiquette is patriotism.
The patriotism part of military service is you're called and you go, not the training.
the left must ruin everything.
aside from "does not compute"
If you mean the Anne Carson worship an image thing, what part was not clear? I thought it very apt to the topic.
It's political only in the broadest sense that the anthem is part of the country's identity. The problem isn't that it's political, it's that it's become partisan.
The country can do without the anthem. It can't do without the constution.
So much for essential.
"Which is not to say I don't think we are becoming more authoritarian when we clearly were up until Trump was elected. And we probably will resume our slide after he is gone. All his work rolling back the coercive power of the state will be undone."
Hahahaha! Our slide into authoritarianism has been arrested with the election of Trump? Is that what you're saying? Heavens to Murgatroid! If anything, he is making overt expression of disdain for minorities, the poor, and the powerless more acceptable.
"But if you're fine with owners expecting players to stand for the anthem if they are on the field while it is being played, then what is all this arguing about? What is your complaint?"
I'm not fine with "owners expecting players to stand for the anthem." I think they should allow the players to do as they wish. But I'm aware of reality. The owners have power and may use that power to strike back at the players. The players, I'm sure, are aware of this, too. The question is, how far is either side willing to take it?
If I'm complaining at all, it's at the idea that playing the Anthem at sporting events is a norm that should be continued and compelled.
The Constitution, yes, takes precedence over the anthem. Duh.
Just as the turkey takes precedence over the cranberry sauce at Thanksgiving.
But we like the sauce too. It adds to the beauty and solemnity of the event.
rh: If you mean the Anne Carson worship an image thing, what part was not clear?
No. What part of my question wasn't clear?
Watching you sperg-splain patriotism is like watching Inga soapoperawomansplain the Mueller investigation.
An astonishing and heretofore undreamt of connection between spergacity and catladyosity is revealing itself here.
It's a dumb boring game. played by over-paid boombas.
Try playing that game in Venezuela and making that sort of money. oh yeah - nope.
How hard is it to respect a flag and a national anthem? - toss a little respect to those who died so that you can play your stupid over-paid dumb game?
How many people watch NFL games because of the protests? How many people don't watch NFL games because of the protests?
Heavens to Murgatroid!
+1 for that.
My suggestion for blacks was that they should start voting like Americans instead of like blacks.
That's a call to patriotism.
I can see by the number of comments here how important our unhinged right-wing friends think this non-issue is. GO CULTURE WARRIORS! WHOOT WHOOT! LET'S HEAR IT FOR ADHERENCE TO PROPER BODY POSITIONS DURING MUSIC!!!
The entire leftwing machine pushed "hands up don't shoot" and the NFL, filled with dumb-morons who are led by Rachel Maddow's flute, swallowed it whole. The big lie that ultimately got a bunch of innocent cops murdered.
The NFL can rot.
How hard is it to respect a flag and a national anthem? - toss a little respect to those who died so that you can play your stupid over-paid dumb game?
It's going when called that gets respect, not dying. Everybody who goes gets it.
And they get it for going, not for being trained in flag etiquette.
Colin Kapernick should get a job playing for the ISIS head slicers. I hear they are on fire.
"What happened was that three Black nitwits claimed that they saw the killing. They gave lots of interviews on television..."
My memory is that the "hands up, don't shoot" was thought up by Brown's accomplice, who potentially faced felony murder charges for the death of Brown, and, at a minimum, charges for being an accessory to the attempted murder of Wilson, by Brown, after he took the cigarillos from Brown to free up his second hand to use on Wilson. He was apparently a much more experienced criminal than Brown, and may have come up with this to protect himself from being arrested. And it worked, since, despite his admitting to taking the cigarillos from Brown, he was never arrested.
But, yes, believing "hands up, don't shoot" is very likely indicia of lower than usual intelligence.
tim in v. to Cook:
"Heavens to Murgatroid!"
+1 for that.
Another +0.5 from me. (Half a point off for the subversive commie spelling. Murgatroyd, damn it.)
I hate fotbol anyway, so this is fun for me.
Football could be saved with hot babes honored before the game where the anthem is.
Then huge guys fight, maybe more hot babes at halftime, and more guy fighting until one side wins.
It's self-contained and makes sense.
The tear you down and build you back up as a team player.
Does part of this "restructuring" into a belligerent socialist unit involve spare parts? Can you be reformulated as a Frankenstein?
Fragile egos, indeed. Needing to be torn down and built back. Sheesh.
I hope they all stay in the locker-room - sniffing each others jock straps.
But we like the sauce too. It adds to the beauty and solemnity of the event.
You don't spice up the constitution. It shows not taking it seriously.
Does part of this "restructuring" into a belligerent socialist unit involve spare parts? Can you be reformulated as a Frankenstein?
They turn you into bullets. It turns out to be effective for the purpose. It's not great outside the military.
One thing for sure. Cravath-trained lawyer Adam Silver does a lot more to earn his NBA commish paycheck than NFL lifer Roger Goodell.
Snagglepuss. We need a new team. A super-hymen team of amazon women called "Grab em by the puusy." They stand and respect the flag and don't give two shits about Colin Kapernick's grievances.
Conformity is important to right-wingers and fascists. Hence, their anxiety over the most creative and open human enterprise there is: Culture.
Right-wingers actually think that culture should have a list of rules that are codified and enforced. Kind of like Newtonian physics.
The people are but cogs in their matrix.
The list of rules is the constitution, and it makes them American.
It's adding to the list that's the problem.
I'm just a deplorable, but this is first lesson I was taught in earning a paycheck, "The customer is always right". Years of experience would show minor exceptions to "The Rule", but most businesses profit when they realize the true power lays with the customer. Neither the players nor the owners are the customers in the NFL. But I guess when your real goal is to show solidarity with socialists; you can always hope the government will nationalize your business and become your customer.
Perhaps this is why MLB players from Cuba and Venezuela stand for the national anthem.
I'm sure that Ritmo fully supported Google firing James Damore for having the audacity to say that women and men were different. That was a heresy to the left (still is) and thus, Google fired Damore at the hysterical demands of the left.
I'm sure Cook was fine with it as well.
Now, in a completely hypocritical display, both are upset that the NFL is requiring their employees to not piss off the fans who pay the money that both the owners and the players want to earn.
And then they can't help themselves but denounce the American flag as "political" and the Pledge and national anthem as political and whine that it's bad to be "forced" to recite or sing it...at an event that people are not forced to attend.
If the thought of hearing the Pledge or seeing the American flag nauseates you so much; don't watch or go to the event.
Might as well sue the Catholic Church because they talk about Christ at Mass instead of, you know, social justice like you wanted them to talk about.
Sad thing is, I'm sure that's coming. Some leftist like Ritmo will sue the Catholics or Mormons or Baptists because their service didn't talk about how Gay Sex is the most moral thing ever and instead talked about silly things like how to increase your faith in Christ and His atonement or something. What leftist has time for that, when what the churches should be talking about is how to praise Marx and Stalin. Right Ritmo?
Conformity is important to left-wing fascists. Hence, The group think.
Hence, the anxiety over the most creative and open human enterprise there is: Free Speech.
Left-wingers actually think that free speech should have a list of rules that are codified and enforced. Kind of like Newtonian physics.
The people are but cogs in their matrix.
The protests are idiotic, but that's a different problem, or anyway a second problem that's parasitic on the first.
The first being the flag ceremony as anything patriotic.
The flag ceremony might be unnecessary, but it's a tradition. It's about gratitude. When a nation and a people lose their gratitude, they sink fast.
We have no use for gratitude. We need attention and intelligence.
What's fake and what's real.
I'm sure that Ritmo fully supported Google firing James Damore for having the audacity to say that women and men were different. That was a heresy to the left (still is) and thus, Google fired Damore at the hysterical demands of the left.
I didn't realize how opposed to free enterprise you right-wingers really were! So if you want a company to be forbidden from hiring/firing people based on expressing thoughts that go against its mission, how do you propose a constitutional law to do that? Is there a constitutional law forcing people or owners to host speech they don't agree with? I wasn't aware there was but I learn something new from you Nazis every day.
A tradition is an imposition and a choice. Lacking one, it's not a tradition.
Choice is the thing I'm attacking. I think the choice is evil.
Sad thing is, I'm sure that's coming. Some leftist like Ritmo will sue the Catholics or Mormons or Baptists because their service didn't talk about how Gay Sex is the most moral thing ever...
Lol. Right, sure. Every day I think about how to force particular ideas onto obsolete and theologically corrupt institutions. I really have nothing better to do and care so very much about what Catholics or Mormons or Baptists teach.
How well suited are you to life underground in that basement of yours? Get out much?
Poor peepee. Her's trying so hard. It's a against google's mission to express .... thoughts!
The thing to fight is the anthem as a patriotic choice, not whether the NFL as a business can't do what it damn well wants.
They may do best pandering to their fans even though it's the evil choice.
No, Ritmo: Google Firing Damore is an example of Leftists like yourself censoring ideas you don't like. However, the fact that you support Google's "Free enterprise" to fire Damore and not the NFL's ability to do the same to it's employees that "cause trouble" is just a demonstration of hypocrisy.
By the way: are you saying that the statement "Men and women are different" is against Google's mission? Really? That's... rather astonishing. Yet you guys claim to be the "reality based" community, but you fully approve of firing people who think that there are differences between men and women.
If you are married, please go tell your wife that there is no difference between her and some construction worker with plumbers crack, please. And then report back to us.
"Maybe then the NFL would grudgingly come to accept that its plummeting TV ratings had far more to do with an overexposed, subpar product and cord-cutting and a political backlash,..."
There, I fixed it for him.
Oh, and what, precisely, does "theologically corrupt" mean? I'd be fascinated to know how the Baptists, Mormons, or Catholics are "Theologically Corrupt." Is that a special kind of corrupt? Or does that mean "They follow God, not my teachings or Marx's!"
Which is the real answer, of course.
I belong to the Church of Vance. Every alternate Jupiter Day we bow down to Vance, declare liberals to be the devil, and wail and accuse them of taking away muh religion! Now they're taking away muh workplace rebellion!
No, Ritmo: Google Firing Damore is an example of Leftists like yourself censoring ideas you don't like. However, the fact that you support Google's "Free enterprise" to fire Damore and not the NFL's ability to do the same to it's employees that "cause trouble" is just a demonstration of hypocrisy.
GOOGLE ("Alphabet" is the new name, actually) is not owned by the government. The NFL is free - as another private, if obsolete and corrupt organization. Any other American is free to love it or not care or find it ridiculous as they may.
Do you have a brain disorder? Any other straw men you're waiting to pull out of your underwear?
Thou shall worship Nancy Peloi's lies.
I knew this thread had to bring out Ritmo.
Vance, you can pray to whichever imaginary old man in the sky daddy you want to, and you can appeal to Him for whatever dumb ideas suit you best - from genital-free spiritual leadership, to racism, to magic underwear and 19th. N. American middle Easterners and married couples ruling their own planets in a celestial afterlife. If that's your guidebook for a moral, rational, productive American life then be proud of your bullshit! Tell the world how these ideas make you a good and decent man!
Of course, most of them will scoff and laugh at you behind your back but that's because you're a dumbass anyway.
Special K. said...
I knew this thread had to bring out Ritmo.
Come at me, Bro! Vance's Culture War spells are not strong enough!
We need to premium, prime, 100% grade A crap. Only you know how, Michael Special K.
If the players want to nuke the NFL, they can go right ahead.
I here point out that Ritmo is serving a very valuable service. He is demonstrating the utter folly of the NFL's futile attempt to placate the Social Justice Warriors; who no matter what will never, ever leave the NFL alone (nor will they leave alone the boy scouts, or any other group.)
So why not just tell the SJW's like Ritmo where to stick it and ignore their cries of "racist bigot homophobic" etc, because no matter what you do, they will always call you names.
By the way, Ritmo: I am sure you are totally on board with California's latest attempt to criminalize Christianity, right? Where they are trying to make it a felony to read aloud from the Bible at church? As part of a LGBT push, naturally.
Genital-free spiritual leadership seems to cause a lot of pedophilia, but Vance prefers that to any secular national/economic solidarity - which he sees as the only (and necessarily EVIL) alternative to Catholicism and Mormonism. No two shades of gray about it.
Leftists are awesome. We must worship them.
Well, Ritmo: That "imaginary sky God" and those ideas may not have made me a good person.... but they clearly make me better than you and your ilk. Only Inga would perhaps disagree (and maybe Chuck). Whatever your source of ideas is, they clearly are inferior to the ideas of one Jesus Christ. Christ makes people better. You? Your ideas? They turn people into the poster child for bigotry, hatred, and unhappiness.
Who on earth could read your posts and think, "Man, I want to be like that person?" Your anger, bitterness, and hatred and general unhappiness is plain for all to see.
Oh I know I'm such an SJW.
This is what Vance thinks on account of his being a social injustice lunatic.
Who wants to bet that Vance has never been to California? Who wants to bet that he's totally making something up about some legislation there that he understands as poorly as at-will work contracts?
Vance, do you work at a soup kitchen? You don't sound like someone who holds down a job. The anti-Marxists usually can't, funnily enough.
“Well, Ritmo: That "imaginary sky God" and those ideas may not have made me a good person.... but they clearly make me better than you and your ilk. Only Inga would perhaps disagree (and maybe Chuck). Whatever your source of ideas is, they clearly are inferior to the ideas of one Jesus Christ. Christ makes people better. You? Your ideas? They turn people into the poster child for bigotry, hatred, and unhappiness.”
And don’t forget Joseph Smith and all his wives who now reside on planet Kolob, they make Vance better than the run of the mill Christian.
Well, Ritmo: That "imaginary sky God" and those ideas may not have made me a good person.... but they clearly make me better than you and your ilk.
"Better person" = Ignorant and delusional.
You are not a Christian. Aristocratic capitalism is your religion and it has nothing to do with Christianity. You hate the poor.
Vance is a child bride broker.
This is an awesome thread.
The best.
There are some clouds in the sky right now blocking the sun. I am hoping rhhardin can make them go away as he yells at them. At least his rantings would be useful.
By the way: Trump and Americans won.
6.5 more years losers.
Inga and ritmo look like Joy Behar.
Who on earth could read your posts and think, "Man, I want to be like that person?" Your anger, bitterness, and hatred and general unhappiness is plain for all to see.
As is your stupidity.
I'm not angry bitter or hateful. I'm enjoying the day and then you come along and gave me umpteen different things to mock. Go figure. You phony Christians in Name Only are really into social martyrdom. Just like Mel Gibson.
Just admit that you're a social misfit and stop taking that out on intellectuals, artists, seculars or whomever else. Your social failings are your own business and no one else cares about them until you proclaim them to the world as things to feel superior about, which they're not. Why do you think people should care about how socially inept you and your ideas are? How did you come to figure that anyone owes you anything for that?
The legislation in California is simple, and been widely panned as an attempt to criminalize Christianity.
It criminalizes any attempts at "conversion therapy" for LGBT people where there is any economic interest. There is no religious exemption. And conversion therapy is defined as "any attempt including speech" to "convert" people away from LGBT lifestyles.
So a Catholic priest, who is paid for his services as it is his job, is guilty of "conversion therapy" when he reads from parts of the Bible out loud over the pulpit. And now he's committed a felony.
See more analysis by Legal Insurrection here. And other numerous places.
Not that you care... you'd probably think you've died from euphoria if and when some priest is arrested under this bill. For the left, and you especially, you've made it clear that nothing less than criminalizing all Christians is one of your main goals.
Oh, and Inga outs herself as a bigot. How surprising. Not.
100% bigot Inga! And you claim to be a tolerant, loving leftist, with only those deplorables as bigots. Well, join the ranks, bigot! Hate speech laws coming your way! Enjoy them!
By the way: Trump and Americans won.
Oh, he's been winning all his life, starting with that Golden Diaper Derby he won at age 18 months.
He also wins the Most Times Declared Bankruptcy President. Has any other president declared bankruptcy as many times as he has?
“Oh, and Inga outs herself as a bigot. How surprising. Not.
100% bigot Inga! And you claim to be a tolerant, loving leftist, with only those deplorables as bigots. Well, join the ranks, bigot! Hate speech laws coming your way! Enjoy them!”
Actually, I’m just giving you some of your own medicine. How does it feel?
The Clintons are vastly wealthy from graft.
Medically dangerous practices a state has a right to regulate. That's how state law operates. If you opened a Jehovah's Witness clinic that substituted blood transfusions with holy water injections, guess what? That could be banned to. Just because some wacko claims to practice medicine according to a theologically weird and scientifically unfounded, medically dangerous idea he wants to promote, doesn't mean he gets to do it.
Other than that, the 1st amendment survives intact. Confine your delusions whether religious or not to non-medical practices. Otherwise, you could argue that Jim Jones or Charles Manson or other cult leaders get to harm citizens on account of their practices being religious in nature. How foolish. If you want to die on that hill be my guest.
Inga joins with the Nazis who also bashed the Mormons and made them illegal. You and Hitler, once again sharing the same political agenda, Inga. Along with your buddies Hamas that you support.
You call me a "child bride broker?" Hate speech, a lie, and very, very definitely slander (rather, libel since it's a written statement). Well, you are a Nazi, and unlike you, I have proof: You spout Hitler's ideas and the National Socialist parties platform all the time. You join with Hamas who wants to commit genocide on the Jews. You support the FBI being turned into the Gestapo and the Stasi. You support the John Doe style investigations. You support and defend (very day!) using the American government agencies to intimidate, harass and spy on political opponents of the Democrat party. You want to strip Americans of their constitutional rights found in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, and 6th amendments. Probably the 3rd and 7-10th too. You hate the American Flag, the National Anthem, and the Pledge of Allegiance. You have contempt for our electoral college and want the results of our last election overturned in an illegitimate fashion. You support antifa, a communist street gang, and their use of violence to enforce your politics. You want Fox News shut down and only MSNBC, CNN, etc allowed to present news.
None of these things is American. All of these things are things Goebbels or Beria endorse.
Lol. Gotta love the 15 years out-of-date bullshit about gayness being a "lifestyle." Is being straight a "lifestyle?" I've been "practicing" it since I was like 5 or something. I should blame that other girl my age across the street for "inducting" me into her "lifestyle." LOL. You are fucking delusional and have never gotten laid. Kids playing doctor should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law clearly they were indoctrinated.
Simply put, you live on a different planet from most normal people.
On a more substantive football level:
1. Colin Kaepernick was a very talented QB who took the Niners to the Super Bowl in 2013, only to lose to Baltimore 34-31. Colin was awesome.
2. Problem: There was a fad to have QB's run a lot. Colin was a good runner. But, the best running QB was Robert Griffin III, who got beat up and seriously injured running the ball. Taking too many hits from linebackers and strong safeties.
3. The fad subsided. Worried that Colin, after signing $100 Million contract would get injured, the Niners tried to transform him into a traditional "pocket passing" QB a la Brady.
4. It didn't work. Colin sucked. He got benched. The Niners sucked.
5. And, then, surprise, surprise, while on the bench, Colin had a sudden epiphany about social justice (Colin , a black kid, was adopted by a white couple), shacked up with a black activist girlfriend, wore socks that called cops "pigs," grew a crazy, big Afro, started kneeling, and then convinced others to kneel with him.
6. And, then he was cut. And he hasn't played since.
7. And, then the ratings started to tank. And fans started staying home. And the Left was happy, because, they don't much like football.
8. And, now, the Owners, after losing some serious shekels, have said, y'all must stand.
9. And, order has been restored (heh -- until the next brouhaha).
Seems like the kind of rule an employer should be allowed to have. unpatriotic is bad for nfl Owners shouldn't be forced to let their employees undermine their business. Let them do their protests on their time.
Actually Vance, the Mormon Church came out against conversion therapy. Maybe you didn’t get the memo.
Bay Area Guy said...
Yep. That's it in a nutshell.
Perhaps now is the time we could drop football, and institute Jack Vance's Hussade as our national sport:
As noted above, the object of the game is to strip the opposing team’s sheirl: a virgin girl of striking beauty regarded as mascot, trophy and inspirer by her side. When a player reaches the sheirl, play stops while his team demands a ransom from the sheirl's team; either the ransom is paid and the game resumes, or the sheirl is stripped (and, deprived of symbolic virginity, disqualified from acting as sheirl in future games) and the game ends.
According to Vance:
The hussade field is a gridiron of 'runs' (also called 'ways') and ‘laterals' above a tank of water four feet deep. The runs are nine feet apart, the laterals twelve feet. Trapezes permit the players to swing sideways from run to run, but not from lateral to lateral. The central moat is eight feet wide and can be passed at either end, at the center, or jumped if the player is sufficiently agile. The 'home' tanks at either end of the field flank the platform on which stands the sheirl.
Players buff or body-block opposing players into the tanks, but may not use their hands to push, pull, hold, or tackle. The captain of each team carries the 'hange' - a bulb on a three-foot pedestal. When the light glows the captain may not be attacked, nor may he attack. When he moves six feet from the hange, or when he lifts the hange to shift his position, the light goes dead; he may then attack and be attacked. An extremely strong captain may almost ignore his hange; a captain less able stations himself on a key junction, which he is then able to protect by virtue of his impregnability within the area of the live hange.
The sheirl stands on her platform at the end of the field between the home tanks. She wears a white gown with a gold ring at the front. The enemy players seek to lay hold of this gold ring; a single pull denudes the sheirl. The dignity of the sheirl may be ransomed by her captain for five hundred ozols, a thousand, two thousand, or higher, in accordance with a prearranged schedule
PPPT: "Oh, he's been winning all his life, starting with that Golden Diaper Derby he won at age 18 months."
Sounds reusable.
More winning!
Inga doesn't like little brown nurses from the Philippines or mormons.
She generally dislikes the vast majority of Trump military voters whom she has termed nazi/deplorable/traitors.
She also generally dislikes all conservatives with a clear exception made for LLR Chuck, especially after Chuck talked about the "Department of Black People".
Interesting. To each his/her/xis/xer own I suppose.
Vance: "So a Catholic priest, who is paid for his services as it is his job, is guilty of "conversion therapy" when he reads from parts of the Bible out loud over the pulpit. And now he's committed a felony."
The lefties know that. When they deny it they are lying.
They know exactly what they are doing.
I personally cannot wait for Morgan Freeman to cut more commercial voice-overs for the next Democrat #MeToo candidate, like he did for Hillary....
Yes, Drago. Conservative Catholics really need the left to discredit and bring disrepute to them. Sure. It had nothing to do with their wacky, sexually schizophrenic priorities.
How's Benedict enjoying his villa, and his big gay shoes and Natuzzi upholstered luxury goods? Does it make him feel superior to his better, Francis?
Cons hate lefties like Bergoglio because they know he's actually Christ-like. Cons are not and they know it.
Drago, is Vance your sockpuppet? You two sound so much alike oftentimes, the generalizations, the stories, the lies, only the Drago character doesnt spray spittle everytime he speaks, only when he gets manic.
Who needs spectators? The owners. The players may find that driving away spectators negatively affects their salaries.
Actually, Kaepernick opted out of his contract. He fired himself.
Also, the owner of the business makes the rules. Period.
Our life is a camera obscura, said Isaiah...
Ver Socratic, rhhardin. But what's the point?
Everybody makes priorities for their life. To some the courage to face death in fights with our enemies is a priority. To others the courage to whine about the risk of living as a rich, black super star is of first importance. But in the end, we all chose our own path. That Freedom to chose our own path deserves honoring in public because it is so rare among men and nations.
The NFL owners did the right thing.
no one watches football for the politics. Players should stop hijacking the national anthem, a rare moment of unity in modern society, for their pet causes, no matter how noble they think they are. They claim their protests are against police brutality, etc, but they are refusing to stand for the national anthem and the flag, which have nothing to do with their cause.
They hijacked that moment for maximum impact and it worked because such offensive conduct really gets a lot of attention. That they cannot now understand that demonstrates they don't really care and they're the ones spewing fake patriotism when they claim it isn't about the anthem or flag - not the fans who stand and not even the NFL which creates the spectacle.
As I said, no one watches football for the politics. Players are free to express their stupid political opinions on their own time and their own dime. The NFL is right to tell their employees to keep their politics out of the game and stop alienating their customers.
I knew I would regret looking at Ritmo's comments.
If you opened a Jehovah's Witness clinic that substituted blood transfusions with holy water injections, guess what? That could be banned to.
You fucking idiot. There are lots of JW clinics. Not "holy water" but Denton Cooley, who you never heard of, did a shitload of JW heart surgeries using a bubble oxygenator, which doesn't need blood for priming.
I've operated on Witnesses with hemoglobins of 6.
Stick to bullshit politics, punk.
I say let the NFL rot, but only one franchise at a time. The league needs some right-sizing and players repelling fans is a good way to cull the horde.
Colon Kaepernick should run for something political. Since he starteD the whole kneeling thing to impress his anti-American girlfriend, it seems to me he could garner a significant share of female votes — probably best in some liberal enclave rife with female voters who fantasized about Barack Obama.
Silverman is showing all the usual tropes of left-wing hackery. Start by insisting that the people who have an actual fiduciary responsibility in an organization don't understand their business (Silverman is a freelance writer of essays). Nevertheless, claim that these people are motivated by greed, and attack their patriotism. Finally, use lots of links to dubious or biased sources (or yourself) as supporting arguments.
The players would then have to get "real" jobs. The owners are already billionaires.
The only solution to this difficulty would leave all parties unsatisfied. Cease the ritualistic practice of playing the Star Spangled Banner and saluting the flag at NFL football games. World War II when patriotism was king brought on the playing of the song at any and all public gatherings. Any actions short of the NFL eliminating the flag ritual will result in some new way to attack those opposing your view.
A players strike this fall — if timed correctly and if visibly led by angry black millionaires — could boost Republican votes in November.
Why not allow some players to sieg heil the Black Panther flag during the anthem? Everyone show their true colors and let the fans decide their loyalties.
Cease the ritualistic practice of playing the Star Spangled Banner and saluting the flag at NFL football games.
This week's progressive outrage is aimed at protecting freedom of expression, so why not switch from playing the national anthem to playing Dixie?
IIRC, there was no liberal outrage when Rush Limbaugh was kicked out of his job doing NFL commentary. In fact, the Left instigated it as part of their long game of driving any iredeemable deplorables out of the public square. So any "compromise" with the left should begin with a "truth and reconciliation" process, with Lefties like Silverman in the dock.
Michael K: You fucking idiot. There are lots of JW clinics. Not "holy water" but Denton Cooley, who you never heard of, did a shitload of JW heart surgeries using a bubble oxygenator, which doesn't need blood for priming.
I've operated on Witnesses with hemoglobins of 6.
That's very interesting. Never knew about that. (So your reading a Ritmo comment brought a benefit to me, at least. Thanks! Very selfless of you!)
"The only solution to this difficulty would leave all parties unsatisfied."
The most important party is the customer, and the customer cannot be compelled to do anything.
“And the Left was happy, because, they don't much like football.”
The Venn diagram of those who dislike pro-football and those who dislike guns looks like two centric circles.
Robert Cook said: Would that many people really stop attending or watching games because of a few players's actions?
Let's find out.
PPPT: "How's Benedict enjoying his villa, and his big gay shoes and Natuzzi upholstered luxury goods?"
Its the former Popes fault the dems have another harrassing hero on their hands?
I sure hope we can hold the percent of Hollywood lefties guilty of harassment to under 78% otherwise PPPT will be screeching for Benedicts immediate arrest.
And that just wouldnt be kosher.
Cookie thinks that love and respect for one's country, symbolized by playing the national anthem is political
Hatred and disrespect for one's country is cool, unless it is a socialist country that hates America.
O.K., I get it.
These NFL athletes should turn their backs on the League, take their athletic abilities to the NBA, where players are free to ... um, never mind.
I will have to add "kneeling for the anthem" to the democrat midterm election strategy.
We can put it right up there with Open borders, MS-13, Hamas, repealing the first, second and fourth amendments, and spying on political opponents.
This is going to be excellent.
Doug said...
Robert Cook said: Would that many people really stop attending or watching games because of a few players's actions?
Let's find out.
The owners already did.
Hence the new policy.
The game itself is tiresome. 14 minutes of actual play crammed into two hours. Give the halftime over to the SJW players to make awesome speeches about the various injustices they wish to eradicate. Forget taking a knee! Take a microphone! Explain your positions, your political positions that is. Would be awesome entertainment. Can't say motherfucker, though, so it will take some discipline.
I know leftists who like fotbol.
Michael - If you gave them a microphone we'd be treated to more "You're all racists!" lameness.
"If you opened a Jehovah's Witness clinic that substituted blood transfusions with holy water injections, guess what? That could be banned to."
You fucking idiot. There are lots of JW clinics. Not "holy water" but Denton Cooley...
Hence the word, "if."
Did your medical school require you to demonstrate any capacity for reading comprehension?
I wonder what the reaction would be tomorrow where I work if when expected to give a presentation about some boring thing related to my employer's business, I instead proceeded to outline my political viewpoints about various controversial topics to an audience that neither asked to hear them or expected me to give them.
Good point.
I wonder what would happen if I set up a private Server at my place of employment?
Cease the ritualistic practice of playing the Star Spangled Banner and saluting the flag at NFL football games.
Why? What if the majority of fans support and enjoy the ritual, and the business owners are fine with continuing the ritual? Why would it need to be stopped? There's no logic in insisting that the "solution" is *always* to deny people rituals that they value because other people are either indifferent or hostile to them.
"The naysayers must always get their way" isn't compromise. Are a majority, or even a significant minority, of NFL customers offended by or indifferent to the ritual? I doubt it. So why does it have to be removed? There is no legal or constitutional issue here. People who insist that removing it is a "solution" to a problem that doesn't actually exist are being disingenuous about their motives.
But there has always been something ludicrous about the left always making noise about "our values" and "who we are", and then turning around and screaming that the very symbols of "our values" and "who we are" are really symbols, not of national ideals that we're falling short of, but of something that needs to be burned to the ground on the way to fixing whatever it is they're protesting about. If "dissent is the highest form of patriotism", then it makes more sense to wrap yourself in the flag while doing it. By doing the opposite, exactly what are you appealing to, anyway?
Did your medical school require you to demonstrate any capacity for reading comprehension?
Yes, you fucking idiot and you know nothing about medicine, surgery or Jehovah's Witnesses.
Go away and play with something you know about, like Big Macs.
Ritmo is awake and the mania is starting to build.
Good night all. Have fun.
Who are the league's less conservative owners?
The power to do what exactly? Force us to watch and attend games?
Rita should check himself on his vaunted "reading comprehension" he accuses others of not having. For instance, the california bill I mention upthread is not restricted to "medical procedures" but rather any attempt of any kind at "conversion therapy" which is defined as an attempt to influence others away from LGBT activity. Not "medical procedures", but anything that would persuade away. Like, say, a book--now a felony in California if the law passes.
Ritmo, if he had any reading comprehension skills, would recognize the fact that said bill is not restricted to "medical attempts" only. And given the demonstrated fact that the LGBT brigades are liars through and through (remember "Gay marriage cannot possibly harm anyone" Now we get "Bake the cake, bigot, or we'll seize everything you own!" Not exactly the sunshine and unicorns the left swore was the outcome of legalizing gay marriage. It's the gay gestapo that we got)-- given that the left lied through their teeth about not pursuing or punishing anyone, you can guarantee that some LGBT activist will try to get a priest thrown in jail. These are the people that surrounded a little old lady with a cross and assaulted her, after all, and the kind of people that invaded churches across the country and interrupted services and desecrated the chapels. Ritmo's kind of people, to be sure. Inga too.
I really try to avoid Ritmo's comments because they are devoid of intelligence.
Still, I noticed the topic and was impelled to respond. I try to resist.
Vance: "Ritmo, if he had any reading comprehension skills, would recognize the fact that said bill is not restricted to "medical attempts" only."
The lefties know that and they are simply playing dumb.
Not to worry, this totalitarian overreach by the left (again!) will be tested in the courts and once it clears the moronic 9th circuit will be massively struck down.
Like everything else out of the 9th.
"its president' - LOL
Rob Cook is like the lone Atheist in a town, which, for 200 years, had a beautiful crèche in the town square, and because people are not catering to him hand and foot, and singularly unable to be an empathic and compassionate human being, sues or defaces said crèche 'because'.
The 'because' is 'because I am a dick'.
Silverman: "Which exact gestures will now be deemed disrespectful? As befitting a league with a byzantine, borderline-Talmudic rulebook, so far the NFL is declining to provide a clear definition. This is by design, because it gives Commissioner Roger Goodell the authority to dole his brand of discipline and define the meaning of “respect” however he sees fit."
And the real reason for the unclear definition is revealed within hours of Silverberg's ill thought-out screed:
"Players Considering New Forms of Protests for Revised National Anthem Policy
. . .
Some NFL players are reportedly considering new ways to protest after NFL owners voted on a new national anthem policy Wednesday, reports Sports Illustrated's Robert Klemko.
According to Klemko, some are discussing ways to skirt new rules 'just to spite the NFL.'"
Another of our intellectual "betters", Robert Silverberg, is exposed as being as dumb as a box of rocks.
gadfly said...
The only solution to this difficulty would leave all parties unsatisfied. Cease the ritualistic practice of playing the Star Spangled Banner and saluting the flag at NFL football games. World War II when patriotism was king brought on the playing of the song at any and all public gatherings. Any actions short of the NFL eliminating the flag ritual will result in some new way to attack those opposing your view.
Well the owners disagree with you and think there is another solution.
They clearly believe most of their fans want people to respect the flag and they are trying to get the SJW's to go ruin someone else's business.
It is fun watching all the people who hate the United States act like they are not just a small group of pissant shitheads everyone hates.
Have fun in the midterms. The democrats running for office should kneel for the anthem at their rallies. Please!
I hope football players are kneeling during the midterms.
I would be really neato to watch democrats defend protesting the flag while people are voting.
I am sure Trump will let them off easy. ;)
"Did your medical school require you to demonstrate any capacity for reading comprehension?"
Yes, you fucking idiot and you know nothing about medicine, surgery or Jehovah's Witnesses.
Actually, it seems that the problem is that you don't know how to read the word, "if."
Anyone else here have trouble reading the word, "if?" Is it one of those idiot reading error mistakes that one needs an extra special medicine degree to make?
I really try to avoid Ritmo's comments because they are devoid of intelligence.
Not really. They just weren't devoid of words you have trouble reading and/or understanding. Words like the word, "if."
Still, I noticed the topic and was impelled to respond. I try to resist.
I'm more tempting to you than your urge to masturbate, back in the days when your winkie was working, Monkey Michael Special K.
Michael K is an extra special stupid man.
How's life as a lab tech, PPT? Or is it phlebotomist?
Love you, man. Keep at it, if you believe in yourself you will be an unstoppable force.
I fully endorse suicidal business practices so long as sufficient virtue signalling is accomplished, consequences be damned. LOLL. That basically is the crux of these sputtering arguments. I am sorry, but there is no first amendment right for an employee to insult and alienate a businesses' customers, and nor is grandstanding any form of heroism. I am not a whiny conservative who bitches about "Hollywood" and talks about boycotts. But I am also not a member of the self-vaunted "resistance" who wants to politicize everything. As a season ticket holder I just want to watch a freaking game. If players want to engage in political activism they can do it on their own time. I just find the need to bring politics into something that should have nothing to do with politics and that should reflect a sense of community to be incredibly arrogant and tedious. And clearly I am not alone.
The NFL should simply ban anyone who was convicted or even arrested for a crime, That would get rid of most of the protestors. One of the most prominent ones was arrested for attacking a handicapped woman during the Super Bowl.
Get rid of the felons. It will solve the problem.
President Pee-Pee Tape said...
Anyone else here have trouble reading the word, "if?" Is it one of those idiot reading error mistakes that one needs an extra special medicine degree to make?
I would be humiliated too "if" I was as stupid as you.
It worked!
Please keep up the good work. ^-^
The National Felons League has lost the goodwill of much of its working class base. It will not get it back unless it cleanse itself of the criminal element.
@langford: getting rid of the felons will get rid of too much talent — like Terry McAwful’s recruitment of felon voters in VA. Them people is needed.
Popularity of guns with NFL players ... What is the data show?
Bill Maher had a funny line once about continuing to make anti-war movies even though they were box-office poison: “We can’t stop making them, because if we do, the audience would have won.”
"What do you think?"
I think I made the right decision to no longer watch any NFL games.
The NBA has the same rule. It's all about keeping the field of play reserved for sport and not outside bullshit. Pretty simple concept, which is why progressives can't wrap their minds around it. The field is for play. Protest on your own time in another place.
Now apply all of Ritmo's stupid comments on the anthem to the 7th inning stretch and singing Take Me Out to the Ballgame. I say force them eat Cracker Jacks too. The real ones with peanuts.
Football is now played on TV by armored steroidal giants, with 5 second plays run every few minutes between endless commercials, with penalties filling up the rest of the time. And people wonder why it is losing popularity?
Talent should not matter. I know that it does. That is why crackheads like LT and murderers like a Ray Lewis are Hall of Famers.
If the league wants to get the fans back they need to get rid of the wife beaters, drug addicts and baby mama machines. That is to say they have to white up the league. They don't have to discriminate. Just bar criminals. That eliminates half of the brothers and the odd beaner gangster like Hernandez. Plus any low life white guys like Manzeil. It will be less talent but more human. The way it was in the 1950's & 1960's. The Golden Age of the NFL.
Until they do they will continue to bleed fans. Ratings will be even worse.
Uppity douches are going to push it and disrespect the flag and do everything they can to piss on the fans.
I hope they can keep their contractswith an audience of pajama boys but I just don't think so.
Robert Silverman has no skin in the game, unless he is an NFL owner, player or a dependent. Which he isn't.
Therefore, he should STFU. His opinion is worthless and he insults the people who actually have to live with this situation.
The policy is merely a band aid on an already slit throat.
rhhardin said...
Military service is patriotism. Flag etiquette is part of military training. The tear you down and build you back up as a team player.
It does not follow that flag etiquette is patriotism.
The patriotism part of military service is you're called and you go, not the training.
5/24/18, 5:02 PM
One, we've already covered this and you haven't answered properly about draftees. By your standards draftees deserve no credit because they were merely being coerced by enforcers like at the games. Two, so only military personnel or veterans can be patriotic? Do you think that only they should vote?
Quaestor said...
Our life is a camera obscura, said Isaiah...
Ver Socratic, rhhardin. But what's the point?
5/24/18, 7:08 PM
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